22 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHIL ADELrni A, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 192ft I Li , Hi i t! . i .1 ii' t tih- r. 6 a K, I tf i lil ! ( (l i m 1 3 1 "70- Washington Railroad & Navigation Company First f Kefwullng J'c GeM Mmf, Due Jnnunrv 1. tlifll A strictly high-grade bend of this important read guaranteed by the Union Pacific Railroad Company. Price te yield about D.40cc t National City Company Philadelphia 1421 Chretnut St. Atlantic City Chnlfentt Bleck 1225 Boardwalk TREND OF MARKET l new yerk stock exchange transactions 1 1 MELTING PRICES I s ........ UK In $ IS REACTIONARY Prices Slip Back as Selling Pressure for Beth Ac- I counts Increased I H :ainnRn::i:r.:i:in:i:::rii Seasoned Copper Stocks apparently are being accu mulated en a rising price scale. All signs point te resump tion of operations by the big producers within the next few months and with that development in pros pect the present stock mar ket activity may have much further te go. We have prepared an exhaustive analysis of the cc-pper situation. Copy will be sent free upon request for Circular p L-3e. DinRLE54lCuiRKSON&& 66 BROADWAY NEW YORK TEL:OOWU.HO GREEM 4020-26 Bniu:::iii::::a:ii;i:i:: i;n.HK::::!:::iii:::i.i:;iin;:: New Ynrlc, I)pp. M Tednv's steek market devplnped n definite reaction ir 'endetipv inn thpic wns n slipping bark 'ii p lee prettv well throughout thp whole 1 i t TIhti' was every indi latitm of eensider.iblp iirnflt-taKlnc. net nh In Hi.- .fepk division, but in tlip liml department ns well. About the "tilv diippt bearish Intlnrnrp wits sup '1Ip(1 In thp ll ppr ppih opening rate for nil nnmev. tin liiuhe-t initinl rite sinee tigns, which suggested n possible flurr In thp course of tin (lav. Pressure, however, became n(ip irrrtt before menev "ites w prp wtM ami nuiiir of thp re- put active speculative specialties were found very viilnpriible Thp chnrnetpr of thp trading wits v!r t isilK itnchangpd fiin tin operations iMidiirti'il within thp last week or !. llelidiv infltiPiii ps wert strenglv tin - ' inter! nnd ilirpitly rcflprtcil in tin ftirtlipr eoutrnrtlen of tlip cle.illiis-. whiili became ineri nnticpnble eji tlir '" lines and which in turn indicated ' ttl" rpal selling, ethpr tlian that originating from thp fnniillar evening nii operations of thp profp"Menal con tingent Tlip rp.iPtinnl-.ts. of course v ere irempt te spIip upon tin sagging tPn- Ipiipj of tlip list and Increased activities bv the profpsslennl bear niceiiiitid for a hrgp sharp of the dpeliups t the same timp. with thp peel netlvitlPH sus vndptl for thp timp being, the market for a number of spcplnltles wit found te be pr thin. Attempt was made te minternet thp reactionary mevement bj nushlng up the equipments en reports "f the phielng of further equipment or ders bv tin largpr rallwn.v v stems The urrent, however, was running ten Tens te be checked by the Individual Icuonstrntien and the effort was een ilmndenpd nnd the market allowed te test en its own resources. Oils, equipments, steels- and motor metor moter ir.ioted 1 te 4 points during the morn ing. Weakest fe.itures were Lima Loci motive. American Cnr preferred, Cm- lhle Steel. Stnnilard OH of New .Ter--p.. Mexican. Pan-American and Cali fornia Petroleum. licnenil Asphalt nnd llmisten .mil l'.icilir Oib Sugars g.ive way en the new low price for the re lined product and coppers developed heaviness with chemicals and rubbers Hails followed their sluggish course at nominal chances. Commodity Markets Republic of Belivia External Serial Geld Lean Maturing semi-annually te December 1, 1934. An ex ternal obligation of Belivia secured by first lien en rev enues in excess of the amount required for pay ment of principal and interest in any one year. Belivia, which is the third largest country in Seuth America, has a strong credit stand ing both in the United States and in Europe. Its internal and external debt per capita is lower than that of any ether important country in the world. Bends are offered at prices accord ing te maturity. Te yield 8.250 Write for clicnlar Hemphill, Noyes C& Ce. Member New Yerk Stock Etchmnie Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New Veric EcsUen Scranlnn iyracute Bsltimers GRAIN MARKET CltleaEO, Pec. 'Jl. Wheat started '(,( lewir for December; O lower te '4C higher for Mux and unchaiiKcd te m lower for .Tulj. Seme commission house biulng devcleptd lifter the open epen lne and the market strenptheneil. but met with lupriMspil lecnl Mlling en th upturn. The .ish market w.is steady for choice and easy for low grades. De liveries en Dis'ember contracts here this nternin?. '-'N'.OOO bushele. Cern htarted unclianKed te .., lower with shorts and cattecd tommNsien house buvinc. Oats started 'e lower for December mil ste.id.v for Ma . Trade was slew and featureless. COTTON MARKET I New Yerk, Dec. '.Jl. The switching, of accounts from near te distant months was n feature of the cotton market this I morning. First prices were 1 te ( I points lower owing te selling bv spot , I nnd Southern houses. Th" offerings were partly absorbed bj Wall .Sti'et and Jupnnexe intere ts. Three netins weie issued. A steady tone prevailed I after tin start and the list was enlj I about 2 te .'1 points net lower. 1 Receipts at the ports for the day arc ejt'mated at JO. OHO bales against J.'.llVl I bales a wnk age, r-.O'le bibs a earl age and 30,)Tn b-iles two ears nge. Ycxt. ToeAy'o le p ii'im iu isinn 1 is .iu I Buffalo Albany S: I cflmb Junuur Ntarch May . July Ottebir is .',0 is .M is lit 17 71 17 2 Hl.OU 1 H J'J is fis 17 ti7 17 J'l lu 'ihQ "i7 IS u 1 17.:is E. H. Rollins & Sens Founded lH7fi Investment Bends 1421 Che.tnut St., Philadelphia I'lienp S)r,M(, -jtfyv Bosten Sru-Yerk Wlkci.!arr' Baltimore Chicago San Frnnnace PENN PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION Ten Year 6"c Celd Bends 96 and interest yielding 6.65 c Dunns the past five years areis earn ings of this company have Increased ever 21. times and net earnings ever 2 times with averag- annual in creases of ever 31 in gross and ever 35 in net Net earnings are ne.v ever twice the annual Interest requirement en the entire outstanding funded debt Free of the Present Pennsylvania Feur-MiU Tax Descnpiire Ciri-ular I 1I ev rfquf,it NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerk, Dee. 21 After tiie firmer dse of the mrkct here e-terda. both 1 Sante- and Hi" recovered, nnd tliin morning come fiO te 100 rels higher en Itle and -."0 te (."() reis higher for San- 1 tes. Hull .support this meriiing brought alviut u firm opening, with prlies 0 te 7 points litgher. Hull support continued te be the fac tor during the forenoon, prices work ing 17 te IS points net higher, with an s.eS bhl for December nt 12 o'clock. The bulk of deliverable coffee Is new (enceiitrnteil in practically one owner-1 ship, and this, coupled with the fact there is considerable Suntes coffees hedged against March and an inprea-ing short interpst in the upw crop months, , tPiids te check aggressive selling pros- 1 sure, filtlieugli tnere nre niwavs tuese weak Ungs wlie -eem willing te take small profits and the market, still be ing rather nnrrew , eine temporary set bueki might reasonable be epected Vrv 'lei ( p. n D.ti-mVr ... . Hrt?)rtl s 'i0 M.irch si.?ffili s rsC7s May s-nJ'.J 8,17-ji July .. . nWtVi s 17J8 lE m We Own and Offer Phils. Suburbin Gas & Electric Si 1960 Luzerne Ce. Gis & Electric Ss 1948 Ileth nre tux eirmut in I'rnn i. .nut free from the nermul frilrrul Inremr tux. I'rUe te yield eier C WlDINIR BLt,PHIUDtUMIA NHBibrAStvcAExtbrntm KIM rOW SUXSMTM. HJ DIVIDENDS DECLARED rhel-I"iie f'einpm iuarifn $t ps--able JanuAT 3 te mock of rtcerd IJectrn ber 3 N'Atlenil Fuel ClaM rempany npe'i ( jhre payable H"nilr 30 in Third and Fourth Liberty Lean 4i pr n nt bends bast up'jn tl elr nnrl.ct value plus aef ruu lnteret Iepembr HI, I9.t and In c.mh. 11 crlm MIIIb iujrirly a p r cent en both common and prefrr d piy,ibl Decembur 31 te stock of rer rd Deremlter - Otis Klevatnr Company quarterly 2 per cent en common and 1 H pr rrnt en pr frrrd. both pavabln January Id te uteck of rteerd IW mber 31 Wflsbich funriiani. ' ml-nnnu.il V$ per rt-nt en preferred piyhlp D rmb'T 31 te stock of record I.eccnbT L'3 Silet .n.-no inae (190 1.1410 una OOfl 211 tee tee tee 1700 tee .110 100 200 1000 tee tee ine .100 2100 210 1100 1.100 4 01 300 400 12)0 1201 2010 1100 tee flOO 101 100 linn tei (tee 100 7100 2000 1100 son 201 2000 eOO .100 400 300 100 0310 100 400 301 101 700 200 200 noe 100 tee 100 sei noe 1000 1000 400 1000 200 3000 tee 210 1AKI 100 900 100 700 2210 1200 200 100 3010 2S00 1700 310 400 100 100 2400 me .1)0 2310 200 100 2030 2310 100 2210 tee 100 409 2.100 me 103 11-00 aoeo 1300 200 700 1000 4C00 200 2300 30 100 200 1301 300 poe liflO 200 0(09 801 3)0 noe Ufioeo H 700 2400 S00 2700 1100 500 100 100 1400 eOO 200 3290 noe S00 400 200 1000 1300 300 100 300 300 1700 200 200 700 2100 200 14000 .12H . 14 . 42 Vi . !H . 33K .tOlVi . H; . "H . 44ii . nr, im . eOM . HI . 32 . n M .114H .121 . MT'a MM Sfl'4 00 H 33 Illph All nilbber W .. Alaska Held Mine .. U Alaska Juneau O M.. H 4 Allied Chcm & Dye- fiW 4 Allls. Chalmers 3'S .. Am Agrle Them . ... WW .. Am Auric Chem pf .. ASH .. Am Iloieh Magneto.. 34V4 4 Am II Shee Fdy new.. "3yi 7 Am t! Shee p pf new. 001, . . Am Can 33 Vi 7 Am Can pf i 12 Am Car & IMv 14 7 Am Cnr & IMy pf 11114 .. Am Chicle H .. Am Cotten nil 234 .. Am Cotten OH pf ... 47 . Am nrtiR Syn 7 Am llxprcss 7 Am Ice . . Am Tnternnt Cerp . 1 Am-I,a Pr.ince i:ng . . Am lyinseed n Am Toeemotlvp ... , . Am S.ifety Hazer . . .. Am Ship ft Cem .. . . Am Smelt 1 Am Steel Foundries . . Am suar Rpf 7 Am Sugar Rpf pf . . .. Am Sunntrn Teb .. 7 Am Sumatra Teb pf 0 Am Tel ft Tel 12 Am Tobacco n . . . . 0 Am Tobvee pf new Am Woolen . . Am Writing Paper nf 27 .. Am 7. nc I-ad ft Smlt "14 .. Am Zinc I-e id ft S pf 31 Anaconda Cnpppr .... 4!i 4 Ae Drv floods . . . 30 Vi fl Atch Tep ft Sant.i. !. 83U rt Atch Tep ft S V pf . 7iAtlantle Pout I.lne .. Atl Oulr ft W I S S . . Atl Oulf ft W I S S pf 2314 2.00 Atlantic Pet ?A .. Austin Nicholas ... 10 7 Austin N'lchelns Inc pf l . Aute Sabs Cerp pf . 14 7 Baldwin Iicometlvo . 97 ?i 7 naldwln Loce pf 104 .. n.iltlmere ft Ohie . . H-l'S lUIt'merp ft Ohie pf. 35S .. Harnett Leather 37V5 P,pthlehrm Pttel D.... 5H .. Beeth Fisheries t,iA 7 Hrlt Hm Steel lt pf. .11, H Hrlt Hm Steel 2d pf.. tlYt n Droeklyn Rdlsen .... W . Prklyn It T ct,fs of dep S . . nrew n Shet. 13 10 Hums nre: 120 14 7 Push Term pf r 3V4 .. Putte ft Superior Cep lt5i .. Puttp Copper ft Zinc 5H .. nuttprlck 33?4 . Cadde Central O ft n 13J'6 6 C.illfernla Packing . . 70 .. Ca'.'fernla Petroleum. 4V 2 Calumet ft Arizona... flnVa Cat Zinc ft I.d . f 4 10 Cinadlnn PnclfV . 121 t .. Carsen Hill Mining .. 11 .. Centr.il leather .. 30 .. Central leather pf . . . I.TJ .. Cerro.de-Pace 34 V, 6 Chandler Meters .... 80 .. Chi ft r. Ill (wl) lSt,4 .. Chi ft K III fwl) pf . 35 Vi .. Chicago ft fit West.. yi .. Chi Mil ft St P 1 .. Chi Mil ft St P pf ... 3H, n Ch! ft Northwestern.. nf'H 7 Chi & Northwest pf..!04!4 .. Cht It I ft Pac 82 H 6 Chi U I ft Pnc 6 pf. 72 7 Chi It I ft Pac 7 pf. B .. Ch'le Copper 1S4 .. rhino Ceppr 27 H .. ('lev dn Chi & St L... 6.155 4 Coca-Cela 419j .. Colerado Fuel ft Iren. 2.V.A 3 Colerado ft Southern.. 39 55 6 Celum C,as ft rice . . . "7 .. Celum Oraphophene. .. 't'-i . Cel Oraphophene pf. . 1354 4 Cnmput Tab Records. 5.1 .. Consolidated ris Ins.. 1 .. Consolidated Cigar .. 24 7 ConseI'dated Ois 91?4 . Consolidated Textiles. 155 . C0ntlnent.1l Cm ... 47 ( Continental Can pf...!00?4 B Cern Products Ref .. ""Hi .00 Cosden ft Ce 3ia 4 Crucible Steel " . . Cuban Am Sugar .... 13j .. Cuban Cnne Sugar... 0JS .. Cuban Cane Sugar pf. 1" 4 Davisen Chemical .... 53',i 0 Delaware ft Hudsen.. 107 fi D.d Lack ft Western. . ltfcj-i 8 Petrelt i:dlen 0!?0 .. LIU Hern Ceal 17 yt . . Hmersen-nrantlnir pf 21 .50 4 7 00 rdlcott-.Tehnson .... SO Iidicott-Jehnjon pf 10.1 Krle If'i i:rle let pf "'U V.re 2d pf !" a rnmeiiH Players L . . 19ci Famous Players L pf 07 Federal Mln & Smlt pf 3S Flsk Rubber 124s Frtf pert Texas H9j C.isten Wms ft Wig . 's General Asphalt .... M C, neral ITIectrle 140 General Meters II Gen Meters deb 6"",,.. 7.151 Goedrich II F 30 Goedrich R F pf . . 5 Gray D.tvls 13'j Great Northern pf ... 75 Vz Gulf Mobile ft Ne- .. 8 14 Gulf Mobile ft Ner pf. 17 Hablrshav V. Cable . 154 H.iskell ft Barker Cor SO HouBten OH 70, Hipp Motorcar US Illinois Central 8S! Indl.ihenui Ref Inspiration Cen Cep . 40 Interb Cen Cerp IJi Int Arlcul Cerp pf . . 33 Int Hnrvester new . . r," Int Mer Marine .... 14 84 Ir.t Mt Marine pf . . . (4 ys Internal Motertruclc. . iny. Int Motertruck 1st pf. 73 International NlcV.pl.. 1VJ4 International Paper... 51 Inter P.'ler pf tpd . 701 Invincible Oil Cerp . 13H Lew 1554 87 54 31 29 Vi fi7H 3414 534 anij 33 yi 04 112W 11 Vz 11 22)4 41 5 121 74 41 H OH 32 00V4 414 5H 4414 31l 403', 78 M 3154 60VJ 114 54 121 9 sfty, 27 13 31 47J-1 414 f)2t sr. 00 321, 23 24?4 10 04 11 e.i :a 104 3514 52H 3154 S!4 i4 rtHtf, 2254 OR 41 120 7H IBM a 54 3314 12 4iy, r.i-i 120 54 ll" 3U14 C32 34 ? 5 43 54 13 35H 14 1814 30 54 n 5s 103 32 72 80 15 14 27 55 1 4 40U 2SU 30 54 SO 1314 34 i,i 1 24 93 "Je 47 1005.4 07 37 '4 n.iu 13?4 GW ISJs 53 10014 117 09i l73 21 7S?4 10i 1014 in 10 y 78 s; een no y 12 H 14? 54 7H 139 1054 524 30 C3 13JJ 73 54 5 17 lis 7'!4 7814 11 esii 3995 Mi 33 S24 14J4 04 28 72 1254 52 5 70 i 30 P M 1814- H H 8014 31 -28 54-8714- 3414- 5314 914 - mw- 11314- 11 2314- 47 -5 121 74 41K- 0H- 33? 8DV4- 414- 6i 4' 3314- 40 y, -70 - 3154- n54-i 11454- 121 93J4 80tj . 37 -11 - 31 -47 7, 50 -f 10 32 !4-2354-25 -10 -f 04 14 -!-00- 104 1 4 37 li ft 01, -r,14 -30 V, -r-2254 88 -3 43 - 120 - 8914 4-1954-r & 334 48- 50 Yi- OKi 12014 - li- 3014- "54- 344- J4 - 13 - 3514- 14- 3014- r.6i4- ic.i - 32 -72 -80 14 -4H5-251-4 - .int,,- nn - .I", l.ijl 641-i- 1 1 24 - 01 -MJ4- i; - 100344-0734- 3734- 1.1 H ei 1.1 W -34 14 - 10054- 118 14-1 17 y- 21 4- 70 -105 - 1014 icu -ie;r, -705; i- 0l!i - 3 12K- 14?. Vt 07 n - 139 -11 73 SO -85 -1314 75 54 5 -17 IJs 7915 7815 1134 4-0814- 34- 39- 114- 33 -83-1414-04 -28 724-12J4-53 -10 - 12 'j ;- Net Chue H 14 2 54 54 154 1H 14 3 14 H Vi 14 n V4 114 1 15 1 154 54 54 14 14 H H Vi 54 'e 314 n h A Vi 154 i'4 H li 54 'A 1 ' 5i 154 114 54 7h Te 154 74 14 i !i "i U4 115 ri ,4 1J4 14 154 U I , l'i ye 'a - 1 2 14 Sales 1000 B 200 100 1700 1800 4000 7510 100 400 100 OlJO-S 400 .1590 100 000 800 100 300 1000 5000 2200 MOO ' 200 210 2400 700 3100 .100 .100 400 100 100 COO 390 100 100 109 300 100 300 400 1800 100 100 100 3000 1400 100 1400 100 200 1100 tee 1400 200 12000 3200 1000 1300 3100 2300 1600 100 590 000 100 800 tee tee 600 500 100 1100 239 500 100 1690 100 000 4200 200 100 201 200 1500 100 100 Dlv. In 5 Island Olt Jewel Tea Jenes llres T0.1 Knnsn.1 ft Oulf Kelly-Rprlngfleld Tire. Kennecett Copper . . . Keystone T & n . . . . Krcge S S Lnclede uas of St I, High 2 34 "ii 3GJ4 4354 21 in 14 178 80 Lake Krle ft West pf. 30 Lehigh Valley 57J4 Lima Locomotive Leewp Ce Mnrket St Rwy pr pf. Marlln Oil , Math Alkali Maxwell Class B.., May Dept Stores 101 Miami Copper 27 Mexican Petroleum ..lll?4 04 "14 37 23!', 22 143, 1.114 27 ft 5 '4 69 254 014 25 '4 1.20 Middle States Cerp. .. Mldvale Steel . . Minn ft St Leuis . . 7 Minn St P ft S St Me .. Me ICnnsnn ft Tcxn3. . . . Me Knn ft Tex pf . . . .. Me Knn ft Tex (v ).. . Me Knn ft T (wl)pf. .. APs.seurl Pacific 173 .. Me-Paclflc pf 40 3 Mentana Power 30J4 7 Mentana Power pf. .. .100 . . Montgomery Ward ... 14 .. National Acme 11 34 7 National Biscuit pf. . lit .. Nnt Cleak ft Suit. ... 2 Nnt Cleak ft Suit pf 0414 7 0 Nat I'nntn ft St, . . Nnt R R of Met 2d pf . . Ne v Cen Copper .... 0 New Yerk Central... .. New Yerk N II ft H.. 7 Norfolk ft Western... 3 North American ctfs.. 3 N American pf etf .. .... North Amer Rights.. 7 Northern Pacific . . . . . Neva Scot in S ft C . .. Oltln Pred ft Ref... . . Orpheum Circuit . . . 8 Otis nievater . . Otis Step . . Otis Stpel pf .. Pacific Dpvp Cerp.. B Pacific Ons ft T"ltc . il Pacific Oil (I Pan-Amer Petrel . . . 0 Pan-Amer B ,. Penn Seaboard Steel. 2 Pennsylvania R R.... .. Peeples Oai Chicago. .. Peoria ft Hastcm.... . . Pere Marquette .50 Phillips Pt . . Plerce-Arrev Moter . , . Plerce-Arrevv Met pf . . Pierce Oil 8 Pierce Oil pf 5 Pitts Ceal .. "Itts ft West V.i 1.80 Pend Civk Ceal . . 7 Pressed Steel Car pf . . . . Producers Refiners . . 4 Pub Service of X J. .' 8 Pullman .. Punta Alegre Sugar. 2 Pure Oil 8 Railway Steel Spring. .. Ray Cen Copper.... 4 Reading 2 Rending 1st pf 2 Reading 2d pf . . Remington Typewriter .. Rem Typewriter 2d pf 50 .. Ui public Iren ft Steel 6214 Repub Iren ft Steel pf 143, 38 14 395 145 . 74 . 124 . 97H . 434 . 31J4 54 . 7914 . 2314 . 2Ji . 14?s ,12014 . 11 . 45 . 3 34 . 5754 . 486 . 4314 47J, 114 334 62 11 '4 21 T3V5 134 3215 , 13 14 . 73 '4 . 631i . 23 "J . 18 '4 . 0215 . 3H0 ,0V5 .107 34 . 21 3SJ4 91 15 73H 43 4.13,4 254 Republic Meters 1109 5.20 Royal Dutch X V, 200 100 200 100 100 0100 400 400 100 0100 780 2S00 200 1.00 3100 1000 600 100 1000 6500 100 40(1 200 300 1000 17100 14 St Leuis San Fran. . . St I.euls Southwest pf Sunt, 1 CccMlu Sugar.. Sa:;en Moter Seaboard Air Line... Sc irs-Rnebuck Sei.fci Cep i'erp Sh.itiuck Arizona Cerp Shell Ti anspert Sinclair Oil he Perte R co Sugar.. Seuthi rn Pacific Seuth rn Rail Seutln rn R illvvay pf . . Stand ird Oil of Cal. . Standard Oil of N J. . Stand Oil of X J pf.. . Stewart Warner Spjet Strembirg Curb Studi baker Studebaker pf Submarine lle.it Cerp. Superior Oil Cerp. . . . Ttmter Cern ft F "A" Tenn Cep ft Chem... Ti xas Ce 3400 2.50 Tex Pac Gulf & Sul. 54 U 14 1-4 V M Ti 10 H 1W 1 1 'si 7100 4100 3100 200 3000 4.10O 700 300 200 200 200 , 400 400 600 7000 100 200 1200 390 1400 74'9 2500 toeo 2900 800 300 390 1200 . Texns ft Pacific 1 Texas ft Pac C ft O.. 0 Tobuece Products . . Tel St I. ft W ctfa pf . . . Trancen Oil .. Union Oil 10 Union Pacific 12U!i 1 Union Tank Car pf .103 7 United Cigar Sterca pfl02J4 .. United Drug 71 .00 United Drug Jst pf... 44a; 8 Unled Fruit 125 .. United Rwy Invest... 014 United Rwy Invest pf 2254 'it 617, 2U 32 '4 l?s 3 50 Je 22J4 h 54 3S3.4 '254 33 80 18?4 854 9415 mj4 111 y- 24 3014 81'2 MJa 4!i) I 4 10?8 47 30 34 2UJ-5 2!l Mis 23 li 111-4 lOve 2 Le-v 254 mt 30J4 4214 24 1414 175 60 14 30 6714 02 11 37 23 21 14 107 2014 11314 133 271 8J4 00 154 2? 9 28 V, 175 4R 3914 190 13 Ji it?4 lit 2-1 6114 31? 35 144 73M 12'4 07 8 43 4 3915 A 7814 2315 ! 14T5 120 Vt 11 H 46 655 67 14 40J4 1214 4014 10J4 31 61 ll'i 21 3355 13H 32 Vi m,4 73 i-s C3t 2.1 'j 16 94 0214 3054 63 107?4 2S 31 01 15 7294 43 4334 24 14 40 62 B4 75 61 !(, 21?4 32 14 I73 2 3,4 .1 673J 2214 8J4 38 C4 2H5 32 J4 04 11 94 1.154 9214 181 11.115 24 3.114 80 j 0JJa 4 394 10 ia 15 ?4 31 2894 6 United Retail Stoies . . U H C I P ft Fdy... ..US Feed Products.. ..US Ind Alcohol.... ..US Realty ft Imp.. ..US Rubber 5 U S Stetl 2 Utah Copper . . Vanadium Cerp .... . . Va-Car Chemical . . . . . Va-Car Chemical pf . . . Vlvadeu Inc . . Wabash Wabach pf A 100 2.60 Wclhi Farge Express. 10(1 100 100 600 800 2600 0U0 2300 500 300 200 400 Western Maryland 841, 17 103 3934 OIJa 5354 8494 02;, 3155 28 H O655 7 G-4 2914 68 54 8 5s Willi s-Uvurl.ind . . Willvs-Ovcrland pr . . Wilsen & Ce H Woelworib F W . 4 Worthlngten Pump Kx-dlvldend. 1 30 Net P, M. Chue 25- 5 "94 -4214-2514-16 -173 - West Maryland 2d pf 16 Western Pacitle 17'5 Westlngheutc 11 & M 50 ?B White Moter 38 'j .White OH Cerp 10J4 Wick Spenc Stiel Cerp lb J, 0 203,4 . 30 . i3i;i , 4515 5014 . 30 67J4- 03 - 13 - 37 25 - 21 - 149 107 2014 114 - 13 V, . 2754 514- 69 4- 114 254 15 . 254 . 17?4 . 40 - 804 100 13 14 4- 114 114 - 2.1 - P454 38 94 39 144 -7394- 1215 . 97 'J . 43?4 30J4 54 79 - 2314- 254 14J4- 12054 lt's 45 4-314-0715-4794-12'5-0 Ji ll -3.154-62 4- H14 21 -33J4 -135-32 55 4-r.314-2554-1554-0214-f 3114 0.114 4 10734 28 IS 01 15 71 -43 453,4 4-2414- 40 62 -8494-79 51 314 3254- '-?a 2? 3 59 4- 2255- 8J4 38 94 -73!s- lf.94 4514- 82 34- 12 - 11314 4- 24 - 3554- MJ4- 99J0- 4 54 -' 9 54 91 H H 14 14 e 5 1 14 IN LOCAL MARKET Trading Was of the Familiar, Listless, Prc-Helitlay Type iiiiiiiijiir.iiWiiwiiirTiiiriiiMff.iCiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiisiiriii 1 There was almost n BenTnl inelting of prices in the lecnl market. Nene of the recessions were Inrgc, but the entlrel llM t-hewed a .vicldins tendency nnd losses from iniall fruitions te n point were reilstcrcd in most of the recent ncllvc lenders. As In the larger mnr ket. trading developed n prc-lielldny nt-pert, an,i (he recent bnlt in Hie for ward movement undoubtedly induced quite n few te cash in profits. The continued free supply of I'ctin fcylvnnlti Hnllread renuiined one of the mere iietlcenble feature, of the da ' rpstrleteil d".illiigs. The source of (his feeding pi mess continues skillfully con cen fenled. The stock wns fed out con stantly through (he morning forcing 11 renctien te .Vn. nn overnight less et .. ... I... ,(,! 1....I. .1 ..I..1.. 1... l.nll. ... ill licinr. J.OP einiMllllie eeinaiH u.r uitin 1 ti It.. !.. ..., AT.. lfn..KllT. nf flinlr reported Intentions of retiring from the ' uiiiibigeuietit fulled te cither steady tl.e mnrket for the stnik or step the selling. I'retit-tnking continued in Klecterle Storage Hnttery, bringing the (imitation down te 122. or !" points under the recent high. I. (J. I. was offered nierr freply, but thpsp wpre well tnken, with enl.v n slight friictiennl recession, while , the preferreil was decidedly (inn tienr the top price nt fil. Amcrlcin Stores, selling ex-dividend nt 1 per 'cent, wns well sustained nt 804, the preferred being n point higher nt 117. Lehigh Valley and Lehigh Navigation both had a thin market with declines of 11 lr,(, n point respectively. Small ftaetlenal declines were sustained b.v rhilatlelphin Itnpid Transit nnd Tnten Traction. The Iliilndelphin Hlectrii issues reiiinined unchanged. Lake Su perior continued te find support (it 7 KANSAS CITY, MEMPHIS & BIRMINGHAM Income Mortgage S's 1934 Guaranteed as te Interest by the Kansas City, Fert Scott & Memphis It. It. Ce. A Second Lien en 290 miles of track at $30,725 per mile, including the First Closed Mortgage which underlies it. PRICE G6-2, TO NET ABOUT 6.70 BATTLES & CO. Established 1800 Independence Square (East), Philadelphia irillMilMlWM 19 54 Vi 1 14 14 9 7a 1V4 In Va ?4 54 94 Philadelphia Stocks 15 1 - 54 - i'a 54 176 - Wa i!4 54 !4 1U 14 14 H 94 234 54 3. '4 10flAm Stores V,U, ."('. de lstpf.117 KHItA Writ I'a 4 lIOtAMnn ulf .'12'', 15itllnli Loce 11(3 17,"i Hergner & Hngel pf. 10 1 Cntnwissa 1st pref.. .",4 Kin; Chan Mtrs OT MltCM & St!' 1!) LNS nice Ster.1211 lOdtHrie 10 V. lOtl'nm 1'lay 711 L'O ('en Asph U71. 10 HUlTp pf l.'l " ." In Ce N A :nt ",() Keyst Tel 7V2 40tKe.vst Tire 1."1 OHO I.akp Sup 7 KM) I.eh Nnv... OS "i I.eh Vel... U71' 10 LpIi Valley . Trnn pf. 10 1.0 V HIP'. IK! Vj 4 :mv, 10 r.4 re is V2 iev, 70 07 Vj 1.1 31 ', 7'i 14 t os ."7Va 10 1:15 Net 1 P. M. rhRP. Wl'i M, 110 j 4 .. 32.T, it ' l0 'i 10 .. :i4 14 50 1 1S- 122 IOI4 !, 711 as 74 Th 1 in . . .'!1V( Vi TV. ", R MniJUE'iiciiiiiirwiii'iiiiiiiiOiiBSiTiiaira sj; . I VJ. IWT fittelS! I Ml m - -.,.- m 1 I I I I l.'Vs-IVs OS -1 r.7ii-i5B 111 Aiding Business One of the aims of this Bank is te aid and stimu late business. We keep abreast of changing condi tions and will keep you posted. Our officers are ptlad nt nil times te confer with you en your business problems and give you the benefit of their experience. lOtM.-x l'et. lir.-C, lir.Vs ll."i, 2001 M Sta Oil l.'t-:. LMHITMIiIvnle.. 071, S."i2 I'ennn 11 H .TdiA .ll riilln Klec 24 SI de pref.. 27 100 I'hila II T 20tSludehal.r " l'n Trnc. 4.11 T O I.... 100 de pref.. ."OtVnnnilium 100 AVoedb Oil 10 W .Ter & S K SI 3J.y, 40i r.i v .11 k. i.i 27' j :i:?''s 2:1 27 "i 17 SI IM-'iJ 40Vt -1 31 W. 3'. JJI'N J,H 2714- .13 Vs V3 si. 27 . . 17 Vs. . SI 31V, V iev4 is nivz.. ;;ii;, 1 n". Natiessa! Ea.nk In the Center of Th'fys Opposite Bread Street Station Organized 1863 "TRADERS HANDBOOK" tells The Hew and Why of many things you should knew about stock market trans actions, Market Terms and their definitions, Trading Fractions, Commission Rates, Deposit Require ments, etc. Copy given en request Mention stocks en which you want latest Information Jenes & Baker Members 'NewYeTk Curb MarTut Direct Private Wires NeirYerlc Chlcire Detten PhllidclpMi rlt(ibuth Detroit Billlmere Clcrelind , "TmiDELPHiAeiincE1" Wldener Building r-,.t,. BH - - - Locust 4730 I j Telephones Keyltene . Raceg3iy I BALTIMORE OFFICE j 1 433 Equitable Building ' Telephene: St. Paul 84Si Vi 27Vi 27 ni ti!4 23 5-i l'9i lhH 1.394 10.1 "'Je 71 144 1245i 9 IHa 1; H?8 391, 0055 ? H354 c; 31 ii "I'a (it 54 t OH 30 15 yVi se 3!5 Wi 10 !4 :a 30 133T4 IS 4 - 1054 tr.jB - 3H4 B(,54 (ii 4- 23 54 . 11 - ID -1V0 -10,1 10 J, - "I 1494 131 h - 0 - 8154- 3Js 17 - i"9 . 30 94 C0J5 35 - JJ4- e-.'54 94 e - 6854- H M l.j- ae - 3n54- "54- K.54- 44 se - 30 13.1 Ji 44 - 155 194 3 r, 9a 34 !i 256 5-4 dividend tPdft? Atner fltnriq S1 .iii' 1 nun t i- prni. i4 per cnt. .Nt "'.'"bp miid b comparlken vlth last pale un v-vv Yerk Stock ExchiniT". rillUMlKU'IUA IIONDS 1000 T.ibcrt.v 2d -lVih 12 00.00 2000 I.ibeity .'Id -ltK '2S 07.10 "000 I.ihertv 4th 4'is MS OO.r.O 4000 Liberty 4th 4Vis '3H 00. 14 7000 I.ihet tv 4th 4Ms 'IS 110.40 2000 Liberty 4th 4'4s "IS 00. 3S 20(10 Libei ty 4th 4V.s MS reg. 00.0(1 13000 Victory 4'i.s '21 leth. 100. 00 .1000 Victory 4''',r '23 100.02 1000 Hell Telephone 7s 10SL'. 1000 I'hila Llectrie lt ."is 02 .1000 I'liiln Klectrlc 1st .-.s..lets !l2-.'. 0000 I'hila Lh-ctric (!-.. ..lets 10IV'i i"00 I'hiln Klectrlc 0s 100' . 34000 Tiilla Llcetrk 0s. ..lets 100'' 2000 .Spnnisli-American Oh.... 100 TBK INTERNAL BONDS OF EUROPE FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerk. Dec. 21.-The foreign e Lliang" market opening today disclose.! prices irregulnr and In the main easier. Sterling, however, was up S cent, but francs were off 1 points, llrp oil V uigiicr wiu BANK CLEARINGS B.ink clearinus tetl.iy, cumuared with cor cer cor rpiiendlnB da mat two yt.ira. I'JIM 1IU0 min Thlla . Ittl.ti'ioeoo R( 0-7 I0S 7S.74,73-t liosten . 03.UO0 OOO 3G.IK1.GKI 71.1lb3,70. point, guildPlh n peiuis marks 'j point oil. QuotntleiiH were: Sterling tables 1 21'j, dt iiiaiid frnnc rubles S.07. checks S.Oli ; .21 ; Urt l.ln. 4T.SU. circRp I ! i ; glllMltl .,.i.i,.s .no ,k chpcks 3li.SH : Swi.ss cables Today's Range In Liberty Bends 1 30 lllnh Lew P. .M H.1.32 03.20 1I3...0 00.02 0H.3S 110. Kl 00.04 05. Ml 1l.-i.S0 07. .ri0 07.40 07.40 , 00. ."2 00.20 0II.30 loe.oo ioe.oo loe.oo 100.02 100.00 100.02 Liberty 3'as . . . Liberty lM 4Vb Liberty 2d 1",h . Liberty 3d 4ib . Liberty 4th 4Ah ic .Notes .l')is VIC Notes 4 A" iVt H - Moderate Activity In Raw Surjar nv Yerk. Dec SI. The raw suunr mar- Financial Briefs 11 "ill (hecks 111 r.i I niei kiioiie iiiwiui t.t i. mmi-riiPiy nrtive nun r,irau viitn -ii- ,.!, e-iOO- Chrlhtilllia (ilbb's'nev crop KiiKrn for Dcmlwr nnd Jnnuurj 2.J.0.I, checlts ..).liw. i uiiMiiiiiu , " Ml , ,,ue,e,i at 2 cente, cost nnd (rrliiht l,"i 77 checks l.i.iJ; ' eiieniuuiii (1 f(ir (),P.,r,tM.r dhlpmnnt at th h.ui ...i.i... in r.r. l,,.,.!,u of) r() : He r all Icm-i. TIib Cuban ccnnmltlei. cnntlnui-s fi ...,. - rr :i,nL 7 74: iic-(lil cables 'lu-'t- S'j 'nt, cot i.njl fr.-l.-lit ('.r .r..rni.t mMi iM a-jHlntewI3.iai I Thp avcrriRe pri', of thf twenty artt"e industrial stnrUs .If lined e 01 ptr cent e1 tnrdiij te Nd 30 while the twenty railroads declined 0.38 per cent te 74.S7. I West ft Ce announce that Sydney W I Keith has ij-cnme nsseciuted with them in thilr took department Charles P MJ'rene, lermerly with Pain. Wet.er (t Ce lir.n Iwpime mseclatcd with l'etry, Telnnd & Weiss, Ills- ii M-tt lierK The Seuth were nuiet tmlii) C S. PATTON & CO. ID X CHI'.bTNlIT HTd. BANKERS Hncceajqrs flAILKK bTKNSOJI Sends and uteeUs netiflit nnd eU Memhera fhlla, Hleeb Kirhsnss 14 02. checks 11.00; marks .."h l'lPinlum en New Yerk fuiuls in Med tre.tl today was 11 Ii.-H) per ciiu t.t en t'.inadlnn lunu wriH united at ll'i I'd f'11 ifii.ipifiiii PTphnnces were with il Mendy tone, i-uonuiens wer. . itrnil. 12"! centHj I riiguay. 141..i0; Chile. 10"!, cpntH; Argentinp. 3.1.. di Thp Central Kurepean exclianges were quoted today nn follews: The ln.1rJ-et being rather neiiiinnl. lluinanijin .KJi, , Hulgarinn, .SO; tierbinii, l...i ; ( xecho xeche ci... ..iin.i 1 ;tr. . .TinreSuv nn. .40: Chile Copper Company for quarter endsd i . . ' ". "1 i a , lr,lish 03 'A : FlnnMi. Septimb.r 30 r.rrt after rharea. Inelud- ' ' rts'k, 4.1H; 1 r"ls1';. ,"' S,1,I. Y,, Imr deprerlatlen of tl Mil 37(1, tern-, ''.(HI Auhtrlilll. .OlVi! ! llungill illll, parid with deficit of 11 110,033 In th pre-1 ,-1 Ltllnf! quarter, nnd kurplus of JS7S.H0K, eri-1' 3- ,,,.i.rmvD ,,1 cents a sham en the stock In the cerre- YJ'STBHDAY H PIN'AI. QuCyiAne.NS ipendlnK (luartur of lfiJO. (Jterllnir l'ranca Ure flullderi Demand 481 lu's 4 M 3fl 7.' Stockholders of .Wax Ilubher Company Cables . . - 4 21 H 11 4 BR14 3d Ti are liejng asked te attend special meet'nus I .rnnv fiPKMlNCl QITOT.VTIO.VH lilnm. baiiH new and old crop ii.miiiri shluniLiit at frvnht. S3 n)0 Imiru I bruary LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS thlcage, Dec 21 C.V1TT.15 Ilecelpia, .100U in nd. Slew, mostly stiady. .ami saleu beef steer 1 and nh stock strenne-; rjualiiy plain, bulk of stalci. I.W7.23. noed mnn cattle still held off market. HOOS Itecelpts, SO.OOU head Active lSQ.'Se hlHiic-r than jsienlay ndverane, iie.itly ssc lilvhcr. rama tutehers up mere, rhlip.rs buvliic lib. rallj Tup, ,7.13 en "en. pound avcrnxn, $7 10 for IhO te 100 leund avraif.. bulk, JO hlHf 7,0, pK 018(, hluhcr, bulk ilextral.le, 17 lOfii 7 21, hHKi:i' Ilere,ta 7IMI0 head ' Kllllnir rlaii. m steady te 25c hluher. f. 1 ilers hte.iUj fat lambs tu parkerH enly, tlOfue.SO. lent . - ......, -".-;. unit), ti (,( le choir cheir eajy"si0. ""C0 L"ht-hLk '"It lambs XUKBre , tlrst ll.ilf of I llttl.rirli. I',... lien ev i,., .. nts. cot in. nm. n.1,! ;.;. ' 1. ..',,-.'"""l-r!1'- hlnmrnt at 2 ;',",. "Z '"S.. ..' ';,'.,7.",.'h . . 10'ir rents. 14 000 bans lu-v, crip lute iitr nib. r l .,.. . ....' .-. ,V. L ' " ern- Cables Stockwell, Wilsen & Linvill Certified Public Accountants Land HUe Bldg., Philadelphia January 11 for purpose, of uutherlz.nir Issuance of I3,one UOM first rnorueise nftt. n- I ., ,, v. ar K ntr cent bends nnd te rat'fv .. ihin.. Ileminu In capita, from pree.-nt autherised 400, nun shares nr 150 par mm te r.oe.noo nhur.- i, par There Is eutstand nn at pre. nt son (me shnrew An a.ldlt 1 mi! 200 11OO shares will he offered (e j'e. kheld. r. for rubrcrlpt'en at' US SO a share un a share-fnr-share basis, I TODAY'S and eurly January sniinn.'tit at unu cut and freluht, und I00O Imks San DomliiKei In pert at 1 cents c I. f I.ec.-il refiners were, the sole purchase of Cuba th. m.hi Immlnifes belnn taken by n Canadian r -finer. The local refined m irkct Is un chamtt'd en the basis of 3 10 centu, (cj 1 per cmi for cash for fine cranulated hterilnif I'rancs 4..'1 "" 4".'1,4 H.07 I. Ire Cullder. 4 37J; 10 nl 4 fpS an us RAILROAD EARNINGS MIDU'tl) VAM.EV Quantanatne Sunar reports fcr year ended Meptemwr ae, uencu alter cnarirea and preclatlen 818,4tl4. previous d. aialnst surplus 11,8(0,- Ve- ember gross V t eper revenue Kleven mes, ar. rev Net eper. revenus. Oecrease. 10S1 $.101 nes lin.eis 4.101.402 017.040 Inrrease tltiO 142 13,053 500,057 107,304 MONEY-LENDING RATES Slav VOKK Menty en cill. both clarses of cellaten.l, opened today at 0 per cint for lending nnd rtnewlntt. 1'IIII.AnKl.riflA Call, nV4il0 per cent, time. 5 titl per iem, temmerclal piper, three te six months, 544n. per tent. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official rediscount rates at the twelve F-d crai juseric tiaiiKn nrv .is ii.iiembi Trias. Mb. Cem'l Ilkru. ctfs. bends, p iper ncent. 4' 4Vi (' 4'A 4'4 IV, 4V, A'i V,, & .1 r. 5 5 ft .1 5 r. n s n n 6 a 6H 0H " n s a O'j V4 fiVi rs nnd plus. I7.HU lis rllliSI'I' AND I.AMHH -heart hlcadj. Tep thcep, 110 r.O CAI.Vi:H lUceliits, 200 head Tep, 111 50. K"Cllpts, 1000 . top lambs, Ixiwer. K..is( IlufTnle, Dec. 21. CATTI.R rte- celptB 01 Hleiv and Ntrenger Cnlves reeelms, aoe li.ad Slew 2.-.C lower, 3p IIOiJS Kiielpta 1000 head Slew. Mend .'ftp hl3hr )(eav Tft7 .'. ,i..i 1. -,5'i7. in eikeiH 17 "0fi7.7.V. Ilnht ,.ru'. J7 .5K n'K 7 758, roughs, 3.2.'i i..,i"'K'LiAN" '.''Mils Uerelpt,, 4NO0 heid Hlevv. I.arnl.s nml e,nllngk, -,(ir hlklicr, lambs, 115)112. jearllngs, tTS0: ethers unchanttMl ' ' ej-M BAR SILVER LARGEST U. S. DIRIGIBLE, ROMA, ENDS FIRST CRUISE Airship Concludes Rough Trip Frem Langley Field te Washington Washington. Dec. 21. (lly A. I'.) The. semi-rigid dirigible Itnmn, the lnrgpst American nliship, arrived ever Washington shortly before neon today en her lirst long distance flight nfter having been brought te the 1'nltcd States from Italy nn.i re.ihMjinblcd nt Langley Tield, Virginia. The dirigible appealed ever tin Capitel fiem the southeast meie thnn two hours behind her scheduled arrival It wan evident from the ground tlint she was then bucking n heavy he.id wind. While no elficial explanation of tin delay had been received by officials hcie it was understood thai engine trouble ivnt, the principal cause. Three, or pe, sibly four of the "ship's" six great meters were iinnvail.iblp, according in unofficial reports, nnd the tilp from Lnnglev Field was made en the icm.iin ing power plant. A numbpr of officials of the Win- and Navy DppnrtuiPiitK. nccempnnied In lepiPsent.itiveH of several foreign gov ernments, waited thi! arrival nt Jtellln." Field. "" Call, I telephone ar write for a free epy of ear boehjet F-516 fit DUE te the existing level of foreign ex change quotations, the Government, Munici pal and Industrial bends of European na tions are today selling nt prices that should re sult in attractive profits Ov when conditions be- l"i come normal. ' "Foreign Investment for Americans" is the title of a new booklet which di cussea themorcpepularofthe European bend issues and suRgcits hew te tike advantage of pre vailing exchange rates through the purchase of these securities. PHILADELPHIA'S HISTORIC TRUST COMPANY invites j en le become one of 1U DEPOSITORS The Pennsylvania Company Fer Inturartcts en'Lnei and Granting Annuities Trust and Safe Deposit Company BROAD STREET OFriCB Che'tnut and Juniper Streets 517 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia CHARTERED 18 12 Wm. II. McKenna &. Ce. 221 S. 15th St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. New Yerk fatcrten Chicago I'ltubumh s. Georgia Ry. & Power Ce. We have orders in 1st Preferred Stock 2d Preferred Stock and Common Stock Reed A. Morgan & Ce. Wat Lxil Trust Hldn , J'hlln Mtmhfm ut the 11(11 St.,-!, j;,,., $1,500,000 City Centre Building S. E. Cor. Bread & Cherry Sts. 6 Registered Geld Bendi Due November 13, 1020 Denomination $1 000.00 Refund of 4 Mills Slate Tix Principal and interest guar anteed by the Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing Mortgages. Circular en Request BEN. T. WELCH Gll-12 l'cnGcld Building SAD YULETIDEF0R MINERS Thousands Unemployed and Penni less Ne Santa for the Children Washington, Dee. 21. (Ry A. I'. ) Widespread unemployment among Venl miners- during the last ear, aecerdlii" te Kllis .'-curies, editor of the L'nited Mine Workers' .Jein mil, w cause thousand of miners' children te wake up en Christmas 11101 nlng te Imil that Santa L'laus bus pns.ed them by. Children in the mining fields of West Virginia, Alnbiiuu, Texas, Tennes.ie end even In Central Peniisvlvniiiii ere sufficing from lack of feed .mil elethlii" "Ceal miners hnve been out of etn plej merit jiemly all tills venr, nnd thousands of them nie penniless nml in terrible distress," snid Mi. Henries. UKRAINIANS ACCUSE POLAND Memerial te Congress Alleges Wrongs That Call for Inquiry Willi. Ini.lii !).., et II 1.. tn3Sttd!"r WB" '"" U'ner ln h""')en ,eday tlvi, (irnlinm h'lis wibmUted te the Ilm.'el wr. eitkii 3100,000 Penna. R. R. Eq. 6s Jan. 15, 1928; Jan. 15, 1934, inc. Tax 1 rip In I'enna, Price te return 5.80 ( Irrtilur nn Keijuest lewnscnd Whclcn & Ce. BOS Chestnut St. Members N. . nml pull Mei l( I'.di inirn VievbeU. iLh-aa. & e. Jlitbllr Uttlibj enmlic8 fttnrk Exch.niirjc ?3utl2)Uuj. Ph'l- Consumers Electric Light & Power 5s, 1936 United Gas & Electric . 6s. 1945 Wilmington Gas Ce. 1st 5a. 1949 PhnnfNi Ixictut O'SO-t'.'. Private l'liums m s. v, Voile GARRISON &CQ VIOENERDLDG MEMBERS-NEW YORK AND PHILADEL?HIA STOCK EXCHANGE "J BONDS FOR INVESTMENT lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Edward B.Smith & Ce 1411 Chestnut Street Mimbtrs New VurK una l'lulnJelPbl Blcclt Kichnnee Investment Securities Philadelphia New Yerk I'liiiikili inl.i iti.Mr.,1.1 l viiiliiiiient fl'it I .MHJ . v.i .:":: --".'.'". ---.-.-- ... , , tee I t iiintnin C'enlriil Ilulliriiy t'u. I elila i Vulle ll iiHlilliuten Ilnstnn (v-. Ne Verlt i'i Phlledelphli .. 4Vj t'l.'VeUml T. HichmenU .... d At mim ... ' CtllCllKO A Hi Leuis ." MlnneiKill ,..,, &Vi Kna Cltr .... A Dlt 8V4 Prices Heavy en Paris Bourse I'nrlx, Per. LM I'rlceu were heavy nn th lii.urrB today. Thru. nr ccnt rnri(rAi s,r I in r cent Iehji Her .'Oi Tlie ilnll.ir llUt.tl ll ut lf -l.ic rivi vvaH Han OTHER FINANCIAL NEW8 PAGES 24, 25 AND 26 ON a inemerinl of tl.e League of I'kinliiliiii I I.xtriietitm of l'lilhiihliihin, signed In ineailv .10(10 eersniis, nk!ng nn inves tigation of alleged wrong lignum them The meiiiiiiliil vv Kilts Ceiigipss tu n quiii' Inte Poland's itctiWtle- and aliee- Itlts in the Nest 1 Itnilii an or (iiilltiiiu reiiublic and te take iietlen "te tei mlnate the horror of alien tyranny in our home land, and relieve her Intoler able dlftrefi," r I Certified Public Accountants Drexel Building, Philndclphin :v.vffaa J " iSit SiiMiiiiiuli (i.u t'emiiiiny . 2," ISej 1 III ti'il 1 nil Hum of llt tHliurirli . . J, jjjj siininrrii Iriutlen e( I'lttsniirim ,- ijhj lIllfTi. ii A M.iu.iii.li.i.inn II It. ." 'Xii N'erlli SprliiKlleliI WaUr lUnuD.inj Atai. Kintll.lil A W Vlenlnl.1 I'mvrr ( ein, J I't mrrlrun I'lpf Construct!"" l0- um hteck SAMUEL K. PHILLIPS & CO. :reiubern I'hllnilnllilltli Htcs-lt IxchtU nin rni:sTM'T rthkkt antral National Bank AUTOMOBILE of Philadelphia .. Chestnut Street at Fifth 0U1,,, llilWMWrel.EmU'U(V INSURANCE HSrBSJfSS""WffVI!iu