Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 21, 1921, Night Extra, Page 21, Image 21

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Champien Benny Leenard Outpeints Rugged Timethy Dreney in Eight Rounds at the Ice Palace5
Champien 8hews Spoed and
Punching Ability, but
Beut Gees Limit
Ily LOflS H. .MFFI3
WHAT n touch riijt Tim Prnnry
turned out te lir! Th? Lancastrian
ran amenir thesp Htantllnir nt the finish
of Ills nrhvtlulcil flcht-reunrt hmit with
Benny U-enartl nt the Ice Palace Inst
Bight, but the up-Htnt Irlnhman wan
ferccil te nnnlmllatn nn artistic lnclns
In enlir te be them whn Tlmrkceiwr
Joe Corvlne clanged the tens for the
nt.t time
As UMial, tbre wn n number of
duMeitx fnna, who bcllfvul thut Ien
rd (lid net try hln utnumt te stew
awny Ills enimnnt -nome even went no
far eh te Intimate that Henny "far
rlnl alent" Timethy, Hut It wasn't
0. it migm nave neen true mai me
Champien (lid net take any rh&nvcA te
Injure his hands en Dreney'a head or
An n mult, Leenard acered solidly
with most of bl iiuncliea, and the real
rtnsen Drenoy stayed the limit was
Ms ability te take punishment. And
at the fame time Timethy always wan
trying te connect with long left hooks
and wide overhand rights te the hend.
Several times Drory did find ledg.
aient with wild swings, but the cham
pten usually waa going away or moved
Sis head In such a way that the blows
glanced off hU face without harming
the New Yerker. In the clinches Tim
was se anxious te make a thawing that
he sort of roughed up Leenard, smear
ing him with both hands, Ilut, In
reality, Dreney waa unable te Thnd with
a solid sock.
Flare In Sixth
While Leenard went along outpoint eutpoint outpeint
Jng Dreney for five rounds, with the
letter coming te the champion all the
way, It was net until the sixth that
Benny showed any of his old-time
flsuh. And In that seislen he proved
hlim0f te he the Denny Leenard of
several yearn age.
Lrennrd wan up en his tees, jabbing,
rlglit-creHblnR, hooking showing scln
till,, !..,. r,Uil,inp n n.l mnblnr Tim ! '
continually. In this round Dreney I
hardly landed a punch, but he wns I
giime he kept coming lncessnntly, nnd
It wus enlv bin willingness te wall: In
that enabled the chmnpiim te show bis
cln-ny form.
Tlie seventh nnd eighth rounds virtu
ally were repetitions of the nlth. In
thec rniinds. also. Henny put mere
neewc-r ie;niiiii un (,iiin..i-r, uii'i ,,n-,-
wan no doubt that the tltlehelder wnt-
putting evervthlng behind Ills wnllnps
n nn effort te lay low the giltty Irish-
It 'was in the third round that Dreney
proved himself te be game all ever, as
thevsnv. Whlln in n half clinch. Leen-
nnl necldentnlly let fly with n terrific
rlght-hnnd punch for the body. The
Hnw landed low, nnd Dienej- enme near
crumbling. Henny evidentlr knew that
the punch landed belew the' belt nnd he
ftenped back.
Iteferei- Krunk Floyd walked between
them nnd asked Dreney If he wns hurt.
power behind lis punches, ami there
Tim shook his head in the negative.
ttepped around n bit nnd then mntlnniM
Hint the enntcht be resumed. And Tlmo Tlme
thv did net let up a bit in his lighting,
Tough. Says Tlcnny
Leenard showed te advantage In every
round but the second, which wns even,
IWnre the bout the chninnlen's weluht
ns announced nt lUTVi nnd Dreney
140, I
"He's the toughest fellow I lmvc ever'
tnet," said Tennnl after the bout. '
Tlwe who believed I did net try te
knock out Dreney were; all wrong. Of ,
fj'irve. I was net taking any chances
ef hurting my hands en his head but I
found a of of epenlnga for punches flush i
en the inw.
"I wns surprised. Severnl times I
thought Dreney wns going down, nnd
I began wondering what was keeping
Mm up. I put everything I had be.
kind n number of geed, stiff blows te
the bedv, but the best tlmy did wni te
rnnke Tim grunt, while he kept swing
ing nil the tlmn."
Ous Frnnehettl. 1.11, was knocked
flown for the count of nine in the first
round ny Teny ("apenl. KlO'd, hut the
fprmer came back gnmely and went
SrSfrf, enmP.u . nw -v .y r
through the eight rounds. Fer the first 1
Mx rounds Gus did net knew be was
Jexlng. n,en his brother. Johnny ,
Lincoln, told him It was the seventh
round coming. Gus ;nld : "Is thnt se?
1 thought it was only the second.'
fnpeni wns the winner,
Cress Steps Reut
Sergeant Hurrv Cress used geed
Jmlginent In stepping the bout between
Temmy Lnughrnn. 1fi4H, and Vincent
r1, i-'t. in me nun reunii le save
Ifflpri: wns bleeding profusely from n cut
unuer Ills lert eye,
Jack Clancy, 1TR, wen In a heavy
Wflelit slugfest from Jee Allisen, lfl7."
Fifty per cent of the nreflts of Inst
night s show was turned ever te the
Philadelphia County Committee of the
iunerienn I.eglnn te he add,! te th-
Dirltim fnJ .....i i . ..
nriftmns fund for unemployed nnd sick
veterans of thn World War.
Tl,r.. ........... . i i ,
i liree cartoons nrnwn hv 'xrtii.. f
fJMI cnrtnenlst of the Stnrs nnd Ptrlnes '
Men's Yeung Men's
(mil see our 16 windows
Peter Meran & Ce.
Merchant Tailors
S. E. Cor. 9th Arch Sfs. .
,i' ,' . V '" "; ' ','" '"""!" wive ether lir trailed englnwreil lij the lit-
frJllJ"!!. -f:!r ,IT'!!"!?,,:.tl" manager. He new e,,jes the repu-
....mini .m Him ivrnj soul rnr SltH) P-r nnu iip.-nny, a
M0 uilil $-10. n-hpertlvely. Hoohoo IlrnT lll--Trinlinl Shure, Slrfirew. Sni.illmmil, I
hniiEht the Sinn nnrinn .J 1 1 mm IIihwiiIi. Ibntt. Ix,i r nnil 'irlinm tn Vrrnmi I
nniikiit the 1(1(1 i-lirtnen. entitled "Why fur Jnlinur Mltrhrll. H'llinil wnii crnt U I
.yit lilve Ilennv Leenard the Jeb of Hun Krnnolsfe for I ec nnd Carhnn. ' 1
Herapplne tbe Nnvv." He iip,r,V,t..,i ll8i Tnuli-a I'rtklniMiuh. iiuinn. l'lrrm-1
the drnwlnc te tMnmni!T Jr.Tl,,wI U J'n' 5n "" "ei "" '" " "f' W
Mclnnis Insists He
Won't Jein Indians
MnnchrMcr, Maw,, Dec. 21. A
possible bitch In Hie deal bj which
Stuffy MeImiIh wns te be transferred
te the Cleveland club developed to
day when he. stated that he did net
Intend le Jein the Indians.
"When I signed n contract with
President Frnxce Inn year 1 had him
give me at the same time a written
agreement that I wan nut te he
traded or sold without my convent."
the plnyer declared. "I regard that
agreement as binding, and 1 w
bring It Inte the courts If neces
sary," Mclnnls said he consented te join
the Ilosten club originally becnuse
his home wac within nn Imur'j ridn
of that city. It Is still his wish,
he wild, te be. nenr his family and tu
day before his friends..
Red Sex Get Pecklnpaugh and
Threa Pitchers for Scott,
Bu9h and Jonas
The personnel of three- b'all clubs In
.5 A,?erlcan League were changed con
siderably ns the remilt of the biggest
trades of tin off-season announced last
night. Eleven players of the Hed Sex.
lankees and Clevelnnd were Involved
In the deals.
Ilosten, true te the name. was the
huh of the trades. The mere Important
of the two deuls wns the one which
sent Hegcr I'ecklnpnuch. captain and
star Miortstep of the champion Yanks,
nn. his three mates. Itlp Cellins, Jack
Qulnn nnd Hill Plercy. nil pitchers,
te the Red Sex In exchange for Short
stop Everett Srett and Pitchers Sam
.Tenes and Joe Hush.
Stuffy Mclnnls, onetime Athletic here,
wns ordered from Husten tn ri.-tn.,.i
In the ether denl. and Klnwr Smith,
outfielder; (Jeorge Hums, first baseman,
nnd Jee Itnrrls. another first saekcr.
ll.'lVC DCflll transferred te Hnntrm Hup.
f'R "J present Is under suspension for
J""Plng te Oil City Inst year. If he
nils le be relustnteil. It In nmtcrutnn.l
that the Hed Hex will obtain Dec John Jehn John
"ten. another first baseman.
Cash Thrown In
Colonel Htippert, who announced the
Yanks-Hed Sex deal, did net mention
any financial consideration, but It Ik
... , ., . , : - -
p0'1"' t":it a Imiids.une sum wns
handed evt te llnrrv rrnxee. thn Hen.
t'n president, in addition te the four
, The transfer of Pecklnpnugh Is nn
indication that Miller Heggin stands
n;l niBh "r higher with the Yankee
owners. It will be rctmcinbcrcil lust
reason the lanks made nn effort te
bave lluirgins dropped as manager and
IVck raised te that position, l'nr a
lxrt spell during the cainpnign, llnjiih
wns In chnrge mid the revived uplrlt
of the Yiiiiks wns nttrlbuted te the
Inspiring lenderslilp of the scrappy
The Hed Sex virtually are a new
tenm ns the result of trades. With
the passing of Hverett Scott, high and
the ranking shortstop and holder of
the record for consecutive phi), the
team loses the lust of the regulars
who brought world championships here
under the maiiiigeiiieiit of Illll Cnrrl-
ltal Se Stronger?
The new Hed Kev, It is figured, will
jIP stronger hitting team. The line-
., wj j,,. .
r.t,mi,, ' Pf, ; Pecklnpnugh. ss. ;
,,,. e,,, . v RmitIi. rf . ; Harris. If.;
llrMS j,,, . rstHr :lb- . Um., ,.. . nj.
,. uf ...,..., I)t,.iMir(..
lly one trade or another In the last
few je.irs the New Yerk and Cleveland
American League clubs have obtained
nearly twenty ilnyers from the Ilosten
team, of whom the following are still
members of these clubs:
New Yerk Huth. Mus, Kehttug.
McNnlly, Ileyt, Scott, Hush. Jenes and
Cleveland Speaker. Onrdner, Mc
lnnls, Weed ami Nunamnker.
Te the Red Sex of this .sjasnn tin
N'w Yerk Americans pl.im will have
..,, ,,.,. iti vib vi, ..,.,,
,M,rI '"V l,,i, ', L, ft Vi m," r u'
!,s"1,11' Pec'PnKh. Qulnn, Celli,,..,
,l,,m'' aml l'""i",l,,-
Hnrry Fraxn-, iiresldi-nt of the Red
Sex. today autherlv.eil a statement that
the clnli, which mis pceii represented te
lie en the market, was net new for sale,
Many Huggln.s Deals
The big de.il imf ever by Hugglns
reminds baseball funs of numerous
tntien of Mug the biggest wholesale
trader In baseball. Six times in recent
)cnrs b" hns put ever deals Involving
seven plnjcrs. Here lire some of hli
big trades:
lull Trmlfil Knnttfhj-. lnr-r Hed lliir.
nuin Ut rillhhiirsh for Jh Mlllrr, llullrr,
Dnlan. II limn linn itemnuin
lOI" TriMlwl riillen, Mmekfr. Niinrnnnkrr,
MniMi and iimlMn u tlie llrewn. f.r i"rt
ami Plenk.
(Ola Traded lMrr, Hnllrm. CfiMwrll anil
,,ifi ,.. s.. i,..i s,. tn i.... i. a..L
nri ienuni
t. Vlrk. Ttiemiiihlpn owl
ir ,-irnnen. iieyi, inir,
" , 1
Oh, boy! Seme hit!
Snnta Claus sure Mill remember
for putting: en that sale of 200,000
Lord Temple
i.Mi'eiiTi:n I'u.i.Kit
ZZZ $2.25 BOX
They're Kelner HKic hut rukcR en Londen llrldsr with thn
trnncrmturr nmbttfe be-low unimht, (1 Vni nt lUirr of
en nv MAir. PHKiwm
Lecal Girl Leaves for Miami To
morrow te Content in Events
During the Wlnter
ny kdwin .1. polleck
GKllTHUDi: AHTKLT Is going
Seuth, geographically speaking, net
athletically. She leaves tomorrow after
noon for Miami, Fin., where she will
engage In swimming events all winter
while her sister -athletes here will be
evading snow drifts.
Miss Artelt Is going te Flerida nt the
Invitation of Fred St. Jehn, a sport
promoter of the Seuth, who nle will
have Nerman Hess and several ether
stars of swimming and various branches
of athletics en band for the entertain
ment of tourists. Miss Artelt will be
accompanied by her brother.
Insists She's Twenty
It'a ene of the characteristics of the
fairer sex te neglect te mention nnd, If
naked, te conceal cnrefully anything
that hints en age. Net se with tier
trude. In fact Gertrude wns peeved
when she' wnR sought yesterday te tell
of her plana for the trip.
"Thern's one thing I would like te
have the papers get straight." she
pouted, "nnd that Is mv aire Fer the
last four or five years they have been
saying that I'm seventeen. And my.
I'm se much elder than that. Yeu knew
It deesn't leek geed when ene is
Se. let It be known that Gertrude
is nil of twenty years nnd this Is her
fifth winter of swimming competition. It
wns In inn that she first breezed te
the front when he copped two nntlenal
championships. In that year, she wen
the pentathlon nnd 100 yards free stvlc.
In the pentathlon, which included 'the
fifty-yard bnekstreke and hrenststreke,
the 100-ynnI free style, rescue racing
nnd diving.
Set Three Rccenli
Gertrude took first place In all the
swimming events nnd set records In
all three. She did the fifty backstroke In
11 seconds fiat, the hrenststreke in .42
Hat, and the hundred free stle In 1 :(ll).
Since then these marks have been
These were American titles, but
Gcrtnide nlse holds the Middle Atlan
tic championship In the century back
stroke, the ISO-yard backstroke nnd the
t'0-yard free style. The best tlnm she
has made In the fiO is Lit seconds (Int.
nnd 1 minute and 7 .1-5 seconds in the
Gertrude was net nt nil pleased thnt
she had te leave for the Seuth tomorrow
and thus miss the Christmas cclchmt'len
at home.
Itettirns In Februnry
"I hate te leave before Chrlstmns,"
she explained, "but Mr. St. Jehn
wrote me that he U going te have some
opening eventh en Chrlstmns and. of
cenrsn. he wants me there at thnt time. ,
I nm wry anxious te make the trip
and as I will bn Mr. St. Jehn's guest, it '
Is only proper that I should de as he
rispirstH. i
"I will he gene until the latter pntt l
of Fchruarj, It is Mr. St. Jehn's plan I
tu give the tourists entertainment In
sport. Net only will the swimming sturs
be present, but he uNu will hnve several
tennis luminaries and men and women
from ether branches of sport en hnnd. I
"I am particularly fend of cold i
weather, nnd 1 love swimming, pspe- '
dully outdoors, and naturally I am
tlcKleil wltn the opportunity of geln
Quakers In Excellent Shape for
Quintet Frem Jersey
Menrt-ntimn llluh Friend' (fntr.il
llnmt furmirrt
Vnriiin frrunril...
Hrinn ,, .rpiitrr,.,
Ilrxillr . . . kiiitiI. .
1'nlli minril .,,
. . I.liiiliuy
. . . Hf I
. Mnnteii l
Coach C. W. Miller's Moercstown
High Scheel linskethall team will tic
entertained by Friends' Central in the
opening game of the season for l lie
Quakers this nftcruoei, In the Friends'
Central g.wuiiusium, Fifteenth and Race
Friends' Central will have n strong
line-up for the visitors. It Is a tmrety
that Captain I.indHiiy and Repp will
sturt nt forwards, hut Conch Steven
J. Hots-ford has net et decided as te
Mho will pin) the center and guard
positions. Siujth, nt present, seeenis te
naye the center jeh clinched, hut there
Is n chance that Menrs will start at the
pivot position. It also is probable that
iiKiiisen and Mlanteii win start at the
di'f.eiHlt'i. (insltliiri. I.it r If ii ,.i,.l . ,..,,
............ ... -,.-..., ..,.. . ,. ,,.,,, iitunv,
no surprise Mere Ilulleuell or Dreiilt
seen In the line-up when the game
rtedu Release Charley See
C'lnrlmiAtl, Hec. 31 - Charlciy Hew, out eut
fWtctnr. Ii.il hen re tcmect te the Sun Frim.
rlce Club, ef the Pacific Const t.oncue Ar Ar
cerdln tu Auvuiit lUirmnnn, luenliK-nt cif
iht Clnclnnntl NUi.nli. r
DteTc-wt rTvc iiuiueipniik
qulpmciit en Amirlea'a
rortmeit cr.
Moter Parts Company
1425 N. Brand at
m M
II II '1 II' T i cop
Uf N m:warkn,j. j&nZ&BlmfkS tiffin ll vfiNW W'MStli fhMlMf'Lf
H Ljirneit Independent ffiWffinnllfi-l'.l 1, "W SiWfli iSftSll
p p
Schwab, Keck, Stein, Davies
and Helleran Among Stars
en Saltsburg Team
TACK In IfiM Cennie Mack broke up
-' the world's greatest ball club, nnd
Ihc nthletes of thnt marvelous com-
blnntlen formed the basis of n numliar
of clubs in the American League.
"Mere than u jenr later the world's
grealest prep school football team was
shattered hv graduation, ami the mem
bers thereof Inter became (he stars of
a number of collegiate elevens. The
cases of the Athletics of 1!1 I nnd th"
KIski Scheel team of 10I,r. are parallel.
Nine Slurs
The llll," Kiskl eleven gave nine of
tlie greatest sin'' tn I'astcin font
ball and one luminary te profes-lennl
ranks. Hevcii of thn nine who entcicd
(ellcgu been me captains of their ic
sne'tive teams, and there i n niche In
the Hall of Fume for cveiy one of them.
Tivir of the.ie seven cuptuiut were
selected hv Walter Camp en the 1!1M
All -American team, hist unueunied.
nnd another was placid en the second
eleven. Tlli one who received i ei'nnd
choice this season ns en the first team
last year.
The two tackle en KUki's wonder
ful eleven were Stan Keck and Unwell
Stein, captains of Princeton and Wash
ington and Jeffer-oil teams, iepec
tlvclj. dining ihe liiit season. Keel;,
en the fust camp eleven last ;e:ir.
gninril a position en the "eeend te.im
Ibis vcar. Sleln Is en tlie first ioiii ieiii
binatinn. Oilier Cniitulns
The ether college captains who
played en the KNkl llll," team are
Prank Schwnb, l.afa.iette leader for tlie
last thiee mius and All -Aiui-i lean guan
this season; Newsli 1'eiil;'., 1'cnii State
center and cuptain-elci t fe IDL'li; Art
Ileiringten, I. chilli captain and quar
terback in lll'JO; 'le'n D.uics 1'lti
naiinacK, All-Ainencan In IIU'O an
inplulii in lllUl. and Tem He!Iiiimu,
Pitt balfbiicU and enpt.iin-eleit for
Tun oilier college stars turned out
are Stan McCollum. Statu end and etic
of the host wing nun in tlie busines.
ami Meil Crawford, .i.-hingtnn an
iilierseu fullli.icK in Huii.
It Is u pecu'iur fact that tlie inptnln
of this great tenm. (Jcei.te llr'an tin
left end, did net go te college (Jurdui
Hetfs, tlie left guaiil. wn the ui!v etli i
member of tlie team who did niit si el.
higher education II.- Incline a pro pre pro
feslemil and joined tlie Mnssilen
Tigers, te s-liiue .it guard
It Is suiil that tin geed ti mis turned
eiKiier etuieiiueii lie liceinu- n pre- iX NJWV-'JBivcf(R!iB
-1 J- ne meal JLmas (Jift
iiOji?13tISMfiiSl'tL8jW I i"Timrfffix fist 3
t AyffiMVMjgcivjfQitiaasftaji wv,A v jp.jv , i,,, mmmmmmSSmflii
Mmmmmmmwmj!mmmmgmssS!m. i 9 -xc KMmmmmimimmx
1 W "X B "y MS 2 for 25c size JSfflEBm
1 A. Mf box 50 5.70 , ' 'lSilW&,
i i I& Wl 2,9 ) Mrwww
I T nr SailSSt)fKyM VmrY I A cigar of rare excellence I ) f1 jSSfMldtffi-S.
I 1 Your Meney VpdSvl 1 , j j uWfiraflSBw
fin 3i rawk h KfiSHSi L At all start t ..-& V.-.iffl5Kii,nRKMMRfir7
buys 24 inches of the a nESwrTOsHWLAj .mss r? m . Qv hmMwmMmtifflSMmmtf
M finest tobacco Havana yrSiAM I XiP-J gfC!1 i ftfPM'l'WSSKffl'
I filled -made iu the JVx I Zl MrJh BfcW c Bf
S? I 1 simplest form in which -3 - -JpT 1 iSrWffidiratt 'fiPvMW-
t. I "B8" scrolled -just aa TSsVl I &mif' W M ' lmM
the Cuban planter rolls l S '... -WA I iSpr CWX-J1
I his personal cigars. f!; 1 4&&k j VWiSK''TT
Ne fancy bends or stylish L.' '.'., tfjl I W'Tl II i WL4?W!IKL' fffSH WB&' -Iffi
R workmanship. Every penny l'Cl (Qm 1 Y&WV4 ' liWBSifflM ZZ&li&WW-
we save In manufacture gees lilVT&KlSM 1 "!5iiOT J?7$Sm ' 'l)fMlfPK:3
into the quality of the tobacco. irfW'JU'Sri 1 lM mAcSrS SmBMis.dK:',
M forget the prlcc-Uy Cobs-, he XhJv' ' "$ f Villi Mfti TiLXWmml ismTB WflwSfM&3'
M mere seu smoke 'em the better fe.5r5llM "Iflfiij Wf'V X,uA
you'll like 'em. ",Cr 11 P,ISgl 1 mB 'StlvBKWlffiS ''A
H tlkealluwoJthlnBiCebsnrelmlrn,.,! BftllLlI'!-i M?'ilO?lB 7Xt&$Sfek. XMfimiSm X&St..Jllllsr. ' FT
t,8?.rFrj" mwjL&mmtrtlt-lrtiM-m . m msvjgRsm. iy&v;5sz?Mmw&" 1
S Wm3SJW e"- 7&i Allen r- Chessman's Sens H mUWWL 7
JwytTTTMnfilMiMmWF Ci'"' Mamactvren Philadelphia, Pa. L J(lpS "s
Miss Gertrude Ar
telt, Philadelphia
maid nnd holder of
many swimming
records, who leavw
tomorrow for Mi
ami te coinpcte In
niiuatlc events dur
ing the winter. She
will net return
until February
Linc-Vp of Great Team
Turned Out by Kiski
The line-up of the grent 1015
KIski football team, which gnve nine
stnrs and seven captnlns te collegiate
ranks, the institutions Inter attended
by the plajers nnd their weights as
schoolboys fellow :
Name Cnlli-ue 1015 Wflsht
Gt'iruc Hrvan, I H'J
Uu-ll Si'ln. I. t.. W. ftnil J. (rnp-
t.iln. IJiJI) 1SS
Oenli-n II1-3, l. a.. Mnsillen Tinera is;
Nvwnh i-ntz. i . 1'ann Htute (e,t-
tnln ris.'i ISO
Frank Srlu.il. r.afayrttn (captain,
Mti-n K'il r. t.. I'rtnratnn (catituln,
lUL'll 20.1
Stun .Md-e'ium, r ., I'.-nn Slut" . lii'l
Art llurr'iiciuii, q ti., 1,,'hlKti (c.-
taln. 11'20) 133
ThemiiM II i,l-riin. 1. h. I).. 1'lttibur.rh
traru.iln 1H2S) 143
Themas ImvI.h. r h. I) . I'lttihursh
(cnpt.ih Mia) lfl.3
Den C'iu..frr. f. 1,.. W. nnd J.
llilil l.'il
Avir.ik''- ivtliih'. tns, lns nvrntfe
wclBht. ITS. Imim .ivnniBe wi-ls-ht, 14H.
out by Kiski, which is short for Kiski -minctiis
Springs Scheel. Saltsburg. Pa.,
is due te tin- coaching of Jimmy Murks,
who is rated as a man whn'cnii de
liver friwhini-n te college couches with
such a kneM ledge of the gain- that the
uie lifted te step into n varsitv beith.
Marks tool; charge at Kiski in llll I.
and immediately the school came te the
fore in football. Other great stars
lime been turned out at Kiski. including
Amlv Hastings, Jimmy De Dart, Mc
Crelght. And among the lutest is Id Id
Hett, the plunging fullback of Lafayette.
Murray Beats Kid Fredericks
,.,nf.'i'i,,,nif,i V?" ''"- - Fr.uik! .Murr.iv
of rhlliKlxIphtn, uiitpeliii-il Kid Frmlrrlekii
., .""""" m iiu- irnrennil Ind-un "f
llie Heci.nilm A C. shew her. Jtutu
unliter. ut PhlLntvlnhlii. sIupih-u c'hnril.
" IV"1 'V. ""' 1,l4m" '"' I" 'ur r.iun.l.
ll.il.liy llurlu . Ii -Mlna. eimlly ,1 -rat. l
i, " ,"!.''- "f A'l'e.tuun In fluht niumls
tieli.-lMi.nt. ri.lli,l.-;phl.. wen from
1 i.mklH Sp.irk. Mho ef the 'Junker Clt In
elKlil leunns Hal... Anif.-le. of thin illy' ,v.
f'.iled Jtilii.ny Dun, u. lucnl Iwy. In fuur
Jersey City May Transfer Franchise i
Ji'"", M,Vnrl-u I)cc 21 Th-ie la n tr,.nl
nieliilillliv that wh-n th.- Inismnllnniil
I..UKU.. in. , ts hrtru In I-V,riinr ih J.-rii.-j
1 l. I'lnli will I., trannfiirnl te sein.. th..r
city no clciihi rrulcU-nc.c which u.-.l tn he
n th.il eli. nit hut in ri-ccint yearn hai hi-cn
In th. Uiistc rn I.i-ncu". i
Williams Named Delaware Captain'
sc-hiuk. uc-i.. 11, m -Jehn v UM
llnnis 11 siiiilii.niiii,- mil fullii-it of th..
I l.'O .1 t nUcjiHltc, of I .lmir fecciliilt
. ! inn linu In. .11 ..U, I...I . ...... 1 .. . .....:
-.,. ,,..1 ..,.,, (i-i iru Ltipiiiiu lit Ule 1UHJ
' - i v 1 JUk Smi i r B
i y &&f&m5amEfimsKamxzais. T nBsww a b i nin mm mwmmwmmm
(f i 4T A TTfc
I mmmezm .
Buaquehanna and Hamilton New
Teams en Main Line Schedule
Ilavcrferd hns been offered n date en
the I'cnn Htute football schedule for
ll)i!2, It wns announced by Mnnngei
William II. Hamilton, of the Man.
Line tenm, today. It Is very unlikely
the liivitntlen will be accepted, for the
10VJ2 Hnverferd program is almost en
tirely urrnnged nt this date, nnd enij
Ihe opening game of the season Ik in
any great doubt.
Ilavcrferd will open its 1922 season a
week curlier thnn this year, and New
Yerk University wns being very sen-
I rveulv rnnitltlnrpd fop the tid-enetier.
However, it wns found that It would be
Impossible te nrrange n game with the
New Yorkers nt Ilavcrferd en that
The schedule, with (he exception of
the opening date, will Include the same
opponents a these which Merc met this
I year, with the exception of I'rhlnus,
I and In nddltlen two new teams lu Sus-
i quchaunii nnd Hamilton.
It wiih Impossible te nrrange n inn
, titnlly satisfactory dnte with Crslnus,
I though both institutions weic unxieiis
te meet ngnlll. The us(lieiinnna game
wus Hi'hrdtiled n week before the Swartli Swartli Swartli
more gume, and will be plujed nt
Hnverferd en the lSth of Novem
ber. Trinity will be met earlier in tnc
season nt llnrtferd, probably en the '
Mfh of October. Hamilton, the
ether newcomer en thl Scariet and
Rlaek schedule, will llfte up against
Ilavcrferd at Clinten. New Yerk. The .
Jehns Henkins cntne will be ut Hiner- I
I foul, the F. and M. game ut Lancaster
' tlie Stevens game nt Hnverferd, tl.e
Delaware game ut Newark, nnd tl e
11 ii m I (Swnrthinere game nt Hnverferd)
A. R. Underde wn's Sens
202-204 Market St., Phila.
I j&l lj 3
1 Father & Se?? j
Alike Appreciate j
I Gifts Like These! I
I that keep you warm, In ifi
brushed wool, alpaca and ! 8
camel's-halr Just right le 1
prevent that chilly fecllm; I j
I these annppy winter iU s. i
$1.50 te $5 ' j
g 75c te $2
I 1 I !
- -. FlemBe w
EB vntjItw' KniJ EH wfnL tr.l vUHfl MR UnH E3 ruSfl JE HCHH
California Declines te
Play Harvard Team
Berkeley. Calif,, Dec. 21. Uni
versity of California authorities have
sent a telegram te Hnrvnrd Univer
sity declining nn invention te meet
the Crimson eleven ut football nt
Cambridge en October 2H, 11122.
"After enreful consideration we
feel that due te the length of time
players would be nwuy from studies
It Mould injure their schelnstlc
standing te make the trip," the tele
giam said.
Will Lead St. Joecph's Prep en
Gridiron In 1922
Jehn Hutler, for two j-nrs the s-tarl
center of St. Jeseph1! Prep football
tenm, has hern elected (iiptniu "f 'i
team for the 11)22 season. Hl iieeteni
took plncc osterdny nftcrnoen.
Hutler in considered h m.in, the last
scholastic center in this ,-itj He nnd
Lee Hrcslin. the 1!21 rnp'mii wire tin
most brilliant plm'-rs en the team
Heth were picked h the IlMMVi Pi ii
i.ie LnneKP. en th- HlL'l All-Pi ladcl
phin eleven.
m and ur
Retail Stere 1224 Chestnut Street
Stetson Hats are sold by leading dealers everywhere
Will Play Crimson and Gray Club
Five Tonight
St. Jeseph's College basketball five
will usher In the home season tonight,
when the Citmsen nnd Grny Club, com
pecd of former St. Jeseph's College,
stars, will be met nt the Stiles street
gvmiinsiuni. The Crimson nnd Gray
club will hnve several well-known bas.
ketecrs in their line-up, including Dnve
Hennis nnd Joe Yntca, former St.
Jeseph's nnd University of I'cnnsylvu
ntii nthletcs: "Dec" Hayes. German
nnd Johnny Martin, all ex -St. Jeseph's
Lnvln, the St. .Tescph'q conch, will
depend upon tlie same live that started
the Crescent game last week, namely,
Johnny Onkes and Frank Duff, for
wards; Die!; Creun, center, nnd DcvitiQ
nnd Captain Dcady. guards
Q OLVE your last minute
k-' Christmas problem
by giving him a Stetson
certificate and let him
make his own selection.
. in
1 m
""i . t, TIU 0 a'ClMk
-J " itiiYif .i iWiy r LWiH:!;i 1 ir Wmm