fcv -Jy irwi"W iWpww "Fs '"" r,pc ' jfwSiWprw",' 7 L $ f i Mi I I it ft & t -Jotcrner's cheek was paid In this pnr UcuJar case. XMewspupcr btisinc" office people, gnzlne publisher and business men snernlly who ndveitlsc ,.re mv.rc tW ROen .,.1. . i- i . DUTO cuts neme tieure when Micnt for mhllcifv J .... e. , ,i , , I'utiiicity in any Stntp. Willi the v-nlnnm I m . ' et DUBincss ier wlilrli .s.,000 wtuijil pn.v"'inM,. about !;Kt)(ll.H() a piii. or thcre bhetild bp. It would be reasonably sr"''."0O.(KMI for the iwe-vear period supposed, correspondence. bllK anil ' i"1' wl,,irh ,l10 appropriations' an- made Other record-. ...ntlne.'., n- if .. . addition in this tic Stale would I iM.f T iiuiilab.e. Or if net at ,cceivc .,,,lt ssi.ocn.eoi) or J.VOOO. least n Mntement of the cac ..r cascb Olie from vaiL-in tax.-, uhu-li aie .-..1- ' in which tliis bervirp was rendered, lcted nulomehciillv. nu - .. ' j.uu pro'ent. Auditor Cciiriul, Samuel S. Lewis, wbe wiis oerpoinlimi dork in uic Auditor (u'licrul's ollice under Charles A. Sn.tdcr, knowing "bat lie did of the workings of that department, derided te begin bis iepeti8iblc duties with u clean sheet. He emplejcd a linn of ect tided public accountants tij.iiiiS n high profes prefes profes elemil standing, Main & Ce., of Chi cago. Pittsburgh and New Yerk, te audit the hooks of hi-. predecessor. Charles A. Snvder, as .1 measure of Justien and fair play te both. Mt. Sin der ami himself Something New for St. He This was a new departure in tin- li-, nl nffairs of the Slate. Nothing like it had ever been done before. Mere than fhis, the new Auditor rjenernl. an .t .t gantzntien man, the lender of a gieat county, declared that he proposed te take the people into hi confidence. His books were In be op-p l the public. His iards were te be laid en he table face up. It win a revelation te the organization It eaught the tricksters and double-dealers gipinrclv In the midriff. Under the st-acin of bookkeeping nnd accounts practiced during the term of effiee as Auditor ;eneral br Charles A. Snyder, present S'n'e Treu-urer. the accountants. Main S. Ci. found It necesar te group patnen Miade by him under Mirbu cliissilii'iitiens, tpcerding te the eiicber' en hie in the office. There are two ren-pietmu leading In the detailed tables of their reports. One is designated, '(.tee pamient" or "Lump pajment. and the ether Nuture of services net shown Tn the ease of the check for .'J.'lllMI pnid te Lieutenant !oerner Hii.l'e. ruau, the acieimtlng pert. for link of any further ititerpiatinu en the stib jpet than I have m if ,,i. el'i-sith , ihe payment as "'Nattire of - r x - net s-hewn." and i it impeirs tm,i m their purelj teclmicnl and utibiiisid ri' ri' pertH te Aul:ter tieneriil Lewis. Farts Are Kta.hlilicd further onlirinatieu of tin fur i remes from tin- ! nuliiii' iinpUmil hj the ll i mm, l'i in t Li i,i ;. nb ether re,iresentaiies of this paper who ezniuuied both i hec k and reposition In fairne-s te tlie Lieutenant (lover (lever nor it should he snhl that he net the enlj State nflb-ial in receipt of a large salarj who has drawn metnw en the erdeis of Auditor (ieeeial Sn.der -ami in .much greater ai.'eunt. The same ebseuritv surrounds tin in. The are recorded under the geneiMl at,d very Inih'tinite c'asitiruiieii of "i;ti,i I.nS,'ll Tees." eti . There is a .soreid sncgi sin em , n neit the-e mattiTs with thuir lark of il.mt.x or explanation ulmh arginsa low gr.-eh1 of ethics in IVnii'jhMMia etlici.il life. The .lustltx the impiliw by the t.l- payins pul'lh ar te what sort of iihir. they are that permit high etlinaN in the State (Jmernnieni rci-ne men,, from the State, nr .is dieil idfii rheiders but without that -saving title, in addi tion te their sal.ine". The curtain has iut risen There are ether acts te fellow BEWLEMAX DEMES HEGOT EXTRl PAY Ry a Staf t "rr ni - ITarrUbtirg. I)pc ! Lieute-mnr Governer V. V. TSeidlemiin liisi nigh mphatically denied that he has re, , , , any money from the tate ,,rh r than his salarv aK Lieutenant ilev, me,- nn, HB a member of the ISeard of Pa-dens "Why the quesf Inn? s it thought I am en some payroll? ' he asked - have received no mnner fiem the Si.ite ether than my salarv as Lieutenant Governer and as a member ,,f ihe IJe.u-iJ of Pardons-." State Treasnret Cliarle., Simlcr has turned prophet. Ted'it he jiredi't'd the State will hate a clean tinanrnl )ate xvhen Governer Sir,, ,' -, .irees-.,,,-cntera effiee in 10'.'.'! ' Public school sjstnns and iutitiitie.s granted State aid are wjit, nine the -K line for the CitiinieiiH..n!th' , ,, dollars- te tly te them. i;i r,. s. it der gives assuranre that there is no ,-,',u-e for worn "The State's finames are nil rltrht ' Mr. Snvder declared. "Lt.rt ,,,p,r apprepnati d bv the Legi-lauie will he sallecteil bv the nine (ioteriier Sprout leaves office in V.Wl. Th.-r- will be ,,e pandl. In Cheerful .Meed The State Treasurer wns in a infer fill mood, lie radlateii optimism j appeared the sprm n.an of affairs be moved about his efhe with its ma hegany xtalnsceting and n heatt leather chairs. A white carnation i hlH lapel re, ailed the cauip.ug,, I,,,,,,,,,, xvhich coyly proelalni his candidact f.,P Ooverner. Mr. Snyder was the Auditor ficnnal for four tears prier t sf m,u ,,,, lie moved across the corridor 'in the Capitel As Auditor General it was hw dutv te provide the Governer ,m, th LegiBluture with estimates of State re ceipts en which appropriations , u, be bated. Mr. Snjder was told of ie,tv ,,nt 'hcn be gave the estimates nst .Innu ary he failed te inform the law-making body of the receipts that- were "ear marked" for speriiil purieseh 'l'i,,. f. feet of tliix would he te give a hril. impression of the amount available (1. general nppiopnatiens That is net s,,," If.. sa j 1)( detailed estlui.ites piepared for Sinn Sinn ters and Hepri seiitatitrs which showed npprexinialel) the nineuuis that weuhj be available I had .'lull epieN made " U'he State Treasurer rentiniiHil Ihat be bes no cept of the ciimntci. in ,;s possession. Me said he has wiiltin te raembe.ru of both Mouses in an effort tn 'cet u copy, but has hn u unsuccessful and that he was unable te suppK ,,,. irem his own tiles., later he said the Ilurrlbburg ISeard of Trade had bnn given n cepv. "IJllt I lob! th.- Gmetner.' he k CUmed, "ti,at the AiiiIiii r Gem ral i ou'e fsnllcct $10t0(KMmOi.uis d. ei'ih sc line nnd con' tae- Ii G lrebably rstlmated he could siet SKI 000,000 mere, from the.-e tuxet Tlmt (.HW.UWvV inerv from tllOH taxet I lnt1?u hrnnrlif thn ntlnmlnl w-ninu n In lfr preujnc me esueiaieu rPC9iptB up tn i rr S1 10.000,000, approximately thcntnetint "Pprepruiteii In addition, there wn. about $'."00, 00l) "hlih Had net been u-ed tip 10 the !h,V'l,. 'n-Intiir.- met This ntnnui.t """ lu up renpprepr atci . I .... . .. I ,r "' SCtlcnil 1 iltlil . m etliei ' u....i i ......... ., ..... . ,..-,,i-, i -sIIU1lll'll U1C Millie WOIIIO rinanees All !slit me reix'iit tl .it tlm I ' l me reix'iit tl .it t lit; Mat Ititi.uirp.- are nil ij.-ht ji w r,.. that , bills at.' Ijing ,,,, the table, but the .inini hn been true f r the ' ist tin jcats. with the e.ucptiui of one 01 two V ar." Mr. Snjici was n sited if he, j. mli lei (ieiiif.il. Ii.nl iippinntid atteriiexs througheiit the tSate te in I for the Allillter (etienils i, Hire, -lltl ell"l, 'In- .Adernv liniei'il js ,. ,n,, ellieer for, , tin- State departments. "j's. 1 'lid. and hv I did it was' "is." h, -eplieil "When I beenme Auditor (ietnral in IPIT I fei.rnl ahe,i , SI.Otill.fMM) in iiurelleitvd taxes, going buck niir ! period of fertv ear The. '1 Hins were just Ijmg then "The Alternej (Irm-ral h.i.l no rlerks ' te ijs for olleeieii purpesis What 1 did was reappoint about ihnt lawwrsl i's , lerks in the Auditor (fiieral's de J'.Mtmelil. '('hex renlh weie , ol'ei'lets. , Tli j kne, thr hm ,,i, ti,, , new hew te , ni i, t the money. "I spent about i'i(i.iiitii .,- sm, SIIHl.OOO, inrliiding everheinl expenses, mil relleeted .? 1.000, 1100 or S.'.IKUI.OOO ' Ml lljrk tllXCs. I ..,, ,.,l "oed lilisitievs , ter the Stale. "If I was the Auditor lieneral new. I would leceiiitnenil the aptiniiitmeiit of seen or eight expeils .md pn, them SHI, (hid d p.,r ,.p, t , , f,. ,, State ew-ij dollar the State is nititled te. IiiKtead of th,. Slate reeehitiB about SIS.dlHI.dllll ., j,,ni w, ,,, 1lf NTe.ddn.iKni or XMi.enu.i urn ,,,,. "Ter example. I would Inrruise the receipts hein ,M. tn en orperatiou ste, k I umlerstaiid that will net about SIS (1(1(1. (till) t liiit xenr. If I were Auditor (i"iii.ial I would get in Sl'."i.-i-iin.iMiii from that lax llns ,..ir Hut what I mi j is no 1'i-llei linn en ,in one "As f,,r the npprepr atiens. I had nothing te de with them That was Miireh a matter for the legislature. I stand lit in x- records and an nni'-ti. gallon would slmu tln' are all right Hut I wouldn't want time (-.put ar. 'inn, mis in L-n ,,,,,. them Thet would iii-.igiee among tin niselves " INDICTMENTS DRAWN FOR 2 HELDJUILTY IN WRECK P. and R. Engineer and Conductor Taken Frem Company's Rell lst ,- iterni frank I;, n xi .ntgeii ii.t ( "en ut ,in lit th it tin it dn tun nl f ib . nii. err. Hid ( I ,11 e. idurier ,,f thr ni,',,,, i , ngrr. "f iii'i I t' '.lll.l' Ve I ls. ,l , nd Ki.idiir. Irani e I.M. mn, h e I'i'il in ilie r, 'rut rntiisti-ephr ,t I!r n lhjii. t,ll b- prejmrr.l ui.d piisemeil I I' ihe I Iri.inl .lut; ! tli l'i briiart ' term ! leurt. whuli l,'ii. t ie -e en,l iMeiuhit in I'ehruart . .e,ikh and 1 .1 tl- t err judji'il -I'lmill'ill) ismi. Ib'i' bt i Coreiirr's ii.i-v trstirdat in e'l'is,,w n Tie status of x, pnl Ic and l".:in. Hie leiuirr of whom is .till in the im-piril. with "I'rnrd te th"!r positions i '(. mi,, pant's i niph.y is at presiuit un 1 new n. Tin ir nanus .ire net new upon t iiipant pat roll The rniliead i- Imldiii"; nnile ,i!ti. e. no ut In, i'w- of I". Lai id. rt" and Wairiii G. e. the ether ttti in. nibri-s ,,i l i In ii tt ,,,' "e I." I , .,, I,,,,, , I iki n .igniiist Hutu bt tin Mate. RESTORE JWAIL TUBES, PLEA Appeal te Hays Will Be Drafted at Meeting Today I IJepresrlllatites of lli'lll'lv Inn busi ness organization- of Philadelphia will meet this atternoen in the I'luimbi r of Commerce te demand the resumption of the pneumatic mail lube service In this r,,t All appeal In tin' Postetlire I le - pnrtmeiit will be ilraftnl and forwarded. Tile meeting was e'llli'd lit Kmll p Albrei lit, president of the Seiir-e .md ii tltig i hairni.iu of the .leint Ceiiiimttei ! the Philadelphia Trade P.ediis ,,,, l'ieilualc Tube Service. Mha .lohn .lehn .lohn sen. ptc-idcnr of the Chambi r of C,,m ii.' ii ". w ill picsiile ( rgaiii.aheiis te he leprcented at the lie ling in hide the leiir-e, tin ISeard u Tiade. the Commercial I".xchange, the Mu iliaie Lxchaiige. the Gnuers' and llllliertrrs' Kxchnllge. the Irug . ch.ingc. Master Piiillders' Lxihnnge. I'liited Ilu-im--- Men'- A-sih hitien, Meinifarturei -' Club, Until Men's ,-. soriatien and the Philadelphia Clearing Meuse Aei iat ion ADMITS AUTOTHEFT GUILT Chester Man Held In $3000 Bail for Deeds at Turnervills. N. J. rge Markcl. fusti r. Pj w:.. he'd in default of i:ium 1,,,' ,v .1 ,t-t i- Leen )n (Tret of hip. .1 . 'la.t. toKewing his iim-i m ( 'hester "ii ihe i ha rge et brrikin; ,ind iii..nu t! e gainge of Ii rput IS reth, i .. Ti.i in i nil. . N. .1 . hi I t'n bin, ..f M.nr.v S lndii'M. til-, "f Tiirnert 1,1c. and .i -t'.lliilg fe.il' .'I'll, illlel lh s l.elei.inj I i S. l.elb'l.l. Maiki.l vtn- i'r-iei iii i lii -i . r ,mii he tv i nr in i ic ', in i, i ili tli fi et hi-luieiuniiil- I, v ,i- h aniiil hid i ih. i he h,i, a'',iudein i ih, c.ii' vv 1,, n he ,iiid anetlirr nun vviii -hoi at by J II. Murpiit !- ii,.'. i.ipcd Irem ins g.i r.igi . lb' ul- ti, Mid tnieiigh th" Ii ei Use il.Ui - Wl.i ii In i ...i te Wi edln i ' in!. ,, kn at ti -t s.icl t In i ,ii I k. in i sle'i ii tl e'i mi. i . ml U-i d bt leble i bit' In I iter pleaded gmltx lb di ii, 1 1 r I. He Us Hi, naiiir of the In III tt.hi i nil in I he i if TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES vi i, I a h ih i 7JT lnl -. n i f I tl t 1 1 i tt I i 11 h' i ' irtin .. t- V I ,m li.'i - ,,n I VI i li, ' -I 11 ',7 .w I , Ii " t ii, . SH , I , I'll ', ih , , l ,r I- I.' e 'l N .'J'l -ll,r, -ami a '." 'i !.- n .ii I 'Irfa - ,t kit ill Vini'i' ' N. I . i . - . I ii i ' . 1771 N , I I s i, , i , - , .,!' - ,li ,1 I, . 1 I'V, I, ,'- " -ll.tr. I. Iljliili ' ' l . .'"I I - ,i, ., n j - it ih l'i ' "K .1 .( I ' -' ,p, .- t l 1- t ,'IU i. In -' ,r,, II ili J IH I 1,1 I,, hi, II I ,. - .1 7 1 s, ,t, i i , i'., ,', '-. '.'I ." I.' nili i" I ' ii. i v i' i a. is'.) -'"'i. - ,i ' u i i v ih -if- i.'i : Ii i -I u i i, i s vij. , 17"- :. --. " 'I I K ... l III I I ,IO ' , , ii mi iii tt f 'i7) i: v . - ..iit,,. K Xt I .'IIT I 1. V r - ; ii ,i u Vt .- -. tilt ii. J i l' I eli' H I i son .N i In I' . i h ,i - I . I. n-. a IT N .Hi - it .1 V W iliii'H'i 'Hi - r"" ' W rflil i 111 ii '.Mi'.', I II i I II II i IImIiII -"ll Jll., 'I U I -I f. ,1,1 P. Hut''- '.'Mia I urn, r -' .,, , , I m , sj I , ,, , -i h I, K I ., -tT"ii t I 'IPIOI v .XI., i . I' ."ll. I ''1 - I"' Ii -' M.i ii i I -I. II .Hi I'M I' r m ' in I V in II . I en ,,:il IT'ii s V , 11 tt Ii I 1.11 - IT'I n i ,ii, .in r s,. i in n ."en ' I . v ll V I. -ih II tl."J I 'J I'lOt a' ,n I . i V. I. .'I'll I I", I I 111 , . .1 -,.,.-. I'm, . N i V ,, .1 V, 'IH I I let f-s- !.'(.' 1 'II f. ' ,u, el X.,n I.Mll W,..f -I i, . - I -;,.' . i i t ft , I, i , - II VI Vt lie Tin V J, t I , vi it ,n ,n ii n s n. i . . 1,1,1 I li- ii 1 1. Si - l..i ,, i M i . I', .ii s si'i:ci.L iietwiII wi m: ' '' .J"" " ",,. y y P8",war , ,,se vx II' IfViPUbliiihed up 1-rlday, January i isvntni; PubUe ittr Adv. ' nifi i Bliuvvlru Ntv iieiiitvare H vr EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, PARKING HOClDS1 SIDE STREET HOME Autes Jam Highways Just Out side 'Clear' Zenes and Defy Police FIRST FINE IS IMPOSED I'urking hogs haxe "iansi i red theli affections from (lie reguliitlcn-geterned limes et tlilflic t the sin its j,S nut. sid" the shopping center wluic no pres ent eidiiuinces can touch them. North r Audi street, south of I'ine. west ,, SlMieiith and east of Sixth en these striels Ihe "parkiii'j hog" new leaves his property for hours at a time. I'elire new hate tiallie ongestieii outside tin' business renter, but. as Captain Seliuli, of the Tiallie Sipiad. Veints out. this ronditieii will neter rival that which existed in the shop ping ce'iler before the new regula tions. "Te (he etc of the urditi irt ob semi." iu vn, tedat. "appaientlt theie has been no difl'cienre in the liilliiber of automobiles p.nked en the busiest streets, hut this Is all due te Christmas (.hopping. ".Lint wait until after (his holiday rush is eter ami sec the changed in in ditlens then. The streets will be se fieri r of parked automobiles thej will hardlv be lecegnlable "Whell we mushier the Mrrels get -ermd bj "the newlt enteireil erdinaure the parking hog has disappeared. lie doesn't exist nut longer. "Traffic conditions en these streets are better than I have cter knew u Ihein te he. There's mere room than in past .tears. We don't have any cemplaintH rcpi from the 'hogs' theuischcs." Ahrahaiii Ueslun. 7,'!0 Seuth Klfih strei'i. v(M, vs arrest, d testeulay at Mread and Spring (firuen sheets' for tiolntien of the new parking nrdiuaiiie. was lined ,s,i and i-i" In Magistrate Keiishaw tedat. lie is the tirst I i 1 1 I and Ihe srrend arrested .since the peller started en f icing ibi- pinking erdin.ini e. The tirst arrest was i,at of .1. Marker Chadvt irk. l',s(l!l Cr, sheiin read Tiallie l'alielniati Ixellt te-hlicil that l!ekiii parked his ,ar at ISre.nl and Spring (inrden s ,v from '' : 1 .- o'clerk te :::",e o'rleck ti-terdat. Ite-kin Miid he was unable ,, p his hue and was tawpil luiek te a cell I ul, s. Hie tun Is p. ml he will sl.u their ie d.lt.s AMERICAN LEGIONARIES WELCOME FOCH TO PARIS General Calls Trip te U. S. Most Wonderful Event of His Life Pari-. Pee. '! i I',. . p., Mar shal I'm Ii milted a npi'.il Aincrb.in "'' e when ll"' stepped ,,,,, (lie pint form of the St. Laate Itailread sta tion at I o'clock te hit. pluming from M long lour of thr I lilted Stales. With bun was 'feimer Picinirr Vlviiini, re turning from Washington. Aline-i the clinic number-hill of Hie Pari- Pest of ihe xnterirnn Legien had n "'inhleil III the station te wclreinc the allied geiieralis-lme ,- ,,. alighted I'r tin' train bunging him trout ll.ivre. th. re were thunderous cheer- of the Auierh an varlei j . Mar-hal I'ech -lopped -iiildcnl) . smiled bread t and. turning in members of hi.s part) . he -aid : "I'ari-; Pari-; Th:- surd) cannot h" Paris Ii must he an Ainei'icuii city I am an it nig at Mar-hal I'm h thanked the Legien-arii- for then' welcome, -a.ting that since vl-itlng the I nlted Stales he had Mime te like the American brand of wel come, A large group of I'rench military leader-, as well a- a personal icprc MMitatne of President Mlllerand and oilier governmental lenders, vveie at the station. Mtrnn T. Merrick (lie Amen, an Ambas-ader, ,iud hi- embassy -tuff Were present. Mar-hal Peeh -aid his trip te America had been one of the most vvnudei fuj events of hih life. DR. STETSON liVDUCTED Quaint Ceremonies for New Recter of Old Trinity. New Yerk New 'nrli, I lee ''l i '.v . i -(.iiiaim ceremonies markim.' tin iiulm tl'UI into etli f Hie Jn C Kim - fi rd Stetson, ferme-It et a-hingten, as rector of Trlnilt Chur. h. te which iio-ihen he was elected a -hurt time age. attracted the interest of N'ew Yerk te the ancient temple ,, wer-lup mi lower ISreadwaj today The church charier, i ue, in IC'.i". Illlllle piovisiell for the ever, l-e., which nie unliiie I,, Trinitv' Pnn-h. Mr. Stetson was named te -urcicil the Kight Het "W" llin m T. Manning, who i tulv tt,s rlecfed lllshep of the Vi X, r dm. of the Lplsrep.il Clmi-h and i- the eletenth te held that Hire. The ritual laid down In the charter ri iiiins the senior warden m the pre-, 'ice et the nine -iien- of t ,,. pari-h in present te a new ncier tin kpj s ,, ihe I'hurili and the nine r,aie- of I(. pan-M ,,n mi. i nema- li lln- inu-t t.lk" plm i befelc t , mi i.ii "ililicc, which 1- th. ii iiii1'" in w iiii'iipntit. vv he ui, t ! low ii the main ui-le I, i tii il-rv. wln'i(. e read- i . Win ii Hie i relueiiv is c,c uiinisti r elHi mil) t.ik. - Ins j ter of Trinity. I r of ihr kd b. the plei e ion uter -ne. hi i ' dn tieu. 'I' ted. the e a , rer- DEATH THREAT FOR PASTOR Warned te Leave Ardmore. Okla., Following Triple Murder There nlmerc. (Ilil.i.. I ic , h,. v I i I iiblicatieu 1 .1 in I fe in. ml. spilpM' of a note thi'eai, i.ii a Itet "harli - I ' Wn tli, dib'giiiiin of Ardt'iere ,f the IT I f i IWi li- tt 111. etitrri i'iI w lib Gov i rner l!,, lerd.'V. relailve te oeiulit ,, N r County, tta- the tn -r rt-en ye-. i- in i'ir- eil-laiullllg di w leplili'llt ledav ill the di-tilibeil sit unt mil prei ipitated In I he killing of three men al Wi'sen. nm, jiere, la-t Thiir-dat TI.e neie xx ii- wrihc'i en a trpevvriler ilul .iiitiiined the -ingle -eutencii ; ".Mr. Itev. Wieih. imi t ilnc veur III"' von will li live tow n ,il mi, p " Tie neie tt.i'. pesimark.il Ardmerp. Diciiiber 111. and tta- ri.eite, , Hie ireiii I i r .i'lsi before In ihunied for fli.l.iheinn I'il.v te e'lfer wilh i he Gov- i nor. lu s-iul. Tluriceii men tedat -l.ll it ere c inrged with murder in i mrn . inm v nil the I. illiiig et Jee I li loll i ii lnis heen stieeili. a lit i 1 hi ; 'I ttub the !i ling of Jehn Si i ,il, n .1 C v i in,., i i nib fin' .. i ' hi Mile f (he ae.'U-l'll ,lie III hat leg be. n grai'li'd te i'i.ih ' Suns, i ',, mil. hail Te Name 3 Women for Health Beard North Wales llernugh leumil ha-iii-tiieti'l Cbik ('hail'- I! iiil, 'i man te seek llu li 1-h'in i ,,' tin Civic Club in Idling ihe liner viii'iiin 'i . en thr beard of he.ilih. ,iiu-. d In the ie-'gna-liells of II VV. P.IH I' LilliHllnl Lisri,. hart and Geerge gb -In The Civic Club will pic-tnl th iiiiiin . et tlnei leial women te fill Hie tacnmies rTlt! SI'JTIAI. Iini(l(,uxi SumiemmL win ""'M 1"-'U Junuary In this Vivenlnii I'ulaic Ledger, ihew ne n , n nvp nivr nniiie av. SupnnwifU,. vs Hi v lsuca l''rid Junuary Aged Prelate Dead MONMIiMllt KIKKW Iteiiur of M. Palilih's. who passed avva.x a lew hours alter hastening lininn from an tluittic City hos pital, where hope wits given up far his rei'exerj' Monaigner Reran, Noted Priest, Dies t entliitieil treni rase Oar College at Keine, and en Met ember III. Is(!!), was ordained in Heme bv ( 'animal Patn.i. Me returned In Philadelphia te In, nine assistant recler of St. Ann's parish. Later he was transferied in Hie Cathedral as curate and later was made vice rector of the Cathejlral parish. In lsTe Ilishep Weed appointed him te the i hair of sacramental angina at the ilipelngii al seminary wilh the ad dit eiial ettie, ,,f master of lis ipllne. In Is-l; he was made rector of the seniti.ai v te siiccenl Ihe late Kct. Chailes P. d'Conner. I.htalcd IS) Pepe Plus It w.i- en August l.-, ISIS. Ihat lr. Iv ii I1 in it a. (intiiilliliiil In tlm in lei. , . ii i no ii- ii ji"-i nit 11 i j un in I'u - I ship "l old St. Patrick's Chinch. A few month- later his rector-hip wa maib tin movable. hi November PJ. P.HM'i. a deine-Hc prelacy, with the title oftueiisignor. was given him b.t Pep. Pin- - I inb r Moii-iguer Kierau'- guidance, the paii-ii of St. Palrlik's In en ini' one of the siteiigest and most celebrated in the in, 'lull -e. Aiiieng his niiitiv ne- Miinplislimctit- was the building nl the present edilicc, one of the nies ( ele braled spei inieiis of Graecn-Keiuani -ipie at. Intei hire in the iiiiiutrj. The cor nerstone of this i hnrch was l,i, in (l.'lnber. 1 tl 111. bj Cardinal Legue. Pri mate of Ireland. The stuny had been hrmight from ihe Mill ,,f Tarn, where vveie held the loreiiiiliniis of tile ancient Iil-h king- The cliui ch was dedicated en March V. J 1 I-t. bv the lale Arch bishop Prciidi rga-t. Mou-igner Kiel an'- en,t surviving ri'lallte is Si-ler M. ISaplista. Anether -i-tir. Mether M.iit .lehn, of the Mount St. Jeseph's Cenvelil. at I "111 t nut Mill, died some .tears age. ' Deaths of a Day i TUSTIN FUNERAL HELD City Welfare Head Buried at West Laurel Hill I'uimtuI sert ices for Lrne-t L. Tustin. Director of Punlic We'fnre, who died Sunduy in Italtlinere following an operation, were held this afternoon at '2 o'clock in the Tirst Ilaptisl Church, Setenteenth and Sansom streets. Inlerini'iit was made in We-t Laurel Mill Ceineterv. Mr. Tu-liu tta- one of Ihe most prominent I'apti.-t lat men in the coiin ceiin tr.t. his church vterk being as impor tant and far-reaching a- his work for the munlclpalitv The elergvmi'u who eflleiated at the funeral -irvice nre: The l!ev. Ir. William Hunt, president of Ilucknell I'lilversit), of which Mr. Tustin was a graduate and a. iru-tep; the Itev. Dr. Carter Helm Jenes, pn-ter of the I'lr-t Maptist Church, .md the Itev. Dr. Geerge V.. Nichols, assistant pastor. FRANK W. TUSSY Was Prominent for 35 Years in Fraternal Circles frank V. Tu.v. sixl.v-fne xe.n xe.n eld. ,17 Cooper sheet, Weiidbiir.i , N J., preiuineiit for thirty-tive .tears in fraternal lide- in Camden ami Phila delphia, d'ed teilir at h's home after an illness of t ln-i weeks. Mr. Tii-s) . who was a salesman fui a linn in this c'tt. had eiciipled iiiant position- of n -.leiisibililv ami t -n-t among fraternal mders. Me was l'n-t Grand Ma-ter of the (hid fellow- et i tt J.-rsi'v. l'a-t Dictator of Camdi'ii Ledge of Meiw , l'n-t Master of Tina Ii1.. l.eibp' of Miisnii-. past (iiliier et the Camden Ledge of Llks, a iiieielirr of the It.-d Mmi. Knight of P.tlhias. Sileain Chaptu'i'. It. A. .M.: ( '.t reti" ( eiuiiiandert . Knight-i Teiuplnr and I'., eel- or Coti-'-iei'.t , besides being a iiicmli'r of Lulu Temple, Pliiladelphhi. Me tta- pri'hlint of the Caimbii Me Me nieriitl Da.t Cmiiuiittee, mid a tru-tc" of the Camden Public Librar.t. II is survived b.v a widow and son. Themas Flndley liinuiie. Dec. lil. Themas I'ludlev. lift) -one .tears old, pre-ldent of the Via et -Hairis Cuiupan) , which makes ..gi'lculiiiral implciiicnt.-. died Mmidiiv night. He had been in peer health for ever a tear. At the age of lift ecu he left hi- fail '- farm, went te work in a geneial .-teri' and learned telegraphy. He then was einple.ved hy the Mns-cy-Ilarris Company as telegraph operator and within tifleen .tears became iiH"'t ing head of the company's 10,000 em em ple.tes. Parden Beard Has Brief Session llarrlsburg. Die L'I. - (I!) A P i Se iiiiiii) 'ipplii al Ien- fui pardon vveie submitted in pii'icr- te the Stale Iteanl of 1'aiihni- at it- De, ember meeting lu- I a x that the beard clean d its li-t with c.xi option of Philadelphia ca-e., which were -i lii'ilulcd for the afternoon, and adjourned until ibi- afternoon. Tin- i Ihe tir-t time sin h a condition ecciirnd. ami lh" re. e was taken alter brief ai guuiriit- hud been heanl in several cases Storm Headed for Atlantic Coast Washington, I ''l l lit A. P.i The Wentl.ei Kuieini (mill) i--ii i l he following stui m warning: "Adtl-nrt 1" V VI "-leiiii ttariiliigs aieili-plaved en the Atlun'ic Ce,ii from Delaware lln.iktv.iter i, i Itn-ten. .Ma. Disturb ances nun il ever Letter Si. Lawrence V'allet wi I mete rapldl) 'li-tv ,ini and be followed b) lapidl) ris.ng piessure nun strong nertiiwpwt winds tills alter neon nnd tonight " CONFEREES ARGUE SUBWAYRENTPOINT P. R. T. Sets $800,000 a Year, for New 'L' te Use Market Street Tube - 0 HIGH, CITY OFFICIALS SAY P. R. T. Has Ve Respect Even for Santa Clans It was one of these crowded evening trolleys. An extiemely fat man vvflh long, white whiskers had pushed his way almost te the deer. "Ne mere room Ihere." shouted the eonducler. "We all have In get henip tonight." TIip xeicp. of a little lm.v inside the ear shilled out. "Gee. lhere'8 net even room for Simla Clans.'' ("ffurN te reach a solution as te the I'i'Ice the citv shall pa.v th.' Philadel phia Itapid Transit Cempati) for use of the Marlicl sheet -ubvvii. by rrnnk fnrd "L"' riders from Pretit and Mar hit street te Fifteenth street. Is being made at a Transit Coiiiinissien con ference this morning in the efliec of liieliard Weglcln. presldenl of Ceuiicil. There is considerable difference et i opinion between the city and 1. It. T. I ri preseniatives of the commission en 1 this oiiestieu. If it can be settled n long step will have been taken toward teaching a wetUjng agreement te slart the Piankfeid elevaled line. It. II. Morien, traflic engineer of the P. It. 'P.. estinialed that ti rental of i soe.iifH) a jear for the use of the pur - .lien in lie sum ut nainei weun he Inecessniv. .tesenl, I'nlirm. eil, I of the Cit) Tratisil Depni'tiueiit. ion - tends thai liguie i.s tee, high. 1 Although representatives of the citx anil ceiiipaiiv -,'ini niev tveuui statin pat en ineir coiiieui'en, .vir. vxegieln. wlm I is pre-iiling. expies-ed cenlideiice that a salisfaclert compromise would h I effected. 1 When Ihe conference opened Hie -uib- ! tta.t rental ijiie-tleu was taken up int- 1 mi'dialelt . The cumin! ion was appointed at Ihe siicgcstieii of Tliemns f,. Mitten, pie-l- lib'iit of the l'..It. T. The citv'.- rep-le-eiiliilltes aie Mr. Wcglein. Will It. Iliiille.v. CH.t ('ontreller: Je-i ph Mngee, A-slstant City Sollciler: Ti.in--il Director 'I'vtmiiig and Mr. Coniey. The cmnpanv i represenled b.v Cele- 'inim ,1. Jevce. thief cmiu-el ; W. C Dunbar, vice, president in charge of limine.' ; G. A Kldmcd-iin. x ice presi dent in clung.' of operation, and Mr. Morten. Prope-als luinde b.v the P. It. T. en , glnei'i's have met ttiih Ihe disapprei.il of dlt etlieinls, who s.i) . u uuiliig Ihe J'l'alikfeid "I," te be ell) -operated, tin" prope-als would prevent Ihe oily from icnlmiig a dollar of prelit. The cit) engineer-, iiiaiiilain that the basis of the lenlal te be paid the coin pant for the use of the Market sheet -ilbvta) .heillil be Upen the Ir.lHic e' citv cars eter the -ulivvav tnuks a well as en Hie nt of operating ibo ibe tr.uks in Ihe cmnpanv -ett tied tube. The (einp.inv refuse appaicntlv te consider the eil.v's preposition lncaii-e it claim- the ad.lilieii'il i.'tilal a- ,i . oiiipeu-atieii for its os, of liusiii"-. en surface lues in Ihe nml'iciist Hirmiu'i operahen of the l'rankfeid "L." 1 Itedilieil te tivuics. Hi- means that I a citv -ett neil line c.irtviug 1(1,110(1.(1(111 t'lissengi rs belweei: I'raiJ.fei d ami I'reiil and Arch -tin'l- would have a gre-s revenue of SCiL'e.dlMi during ihe lir-t tear from fare- co-ling mx ami a ipiarter cents cadi. A jeintlj eperainl line making use of the INIarkct -treel subttav would produce i;iii revenues of $1.4-.0(MI a .vear from '.':. (lllll.llllli punieni'era lia.ving Ihe -ame rale of i fare. i CHIVALROUS BANDIT FRISKS PASSENGERS IN FAST TRAIN rHOaniMUCnO lll riOl I nHIIM Weman Oompanlen Aids His Escape in Heart of Chicago Chicago. Dec !. ( P.v A. P Police ledii) Investigated a upon thai a vveii-iin's-e,! iiaiiiiii wnli ex.iii-ne Ilia 1 1 Iters w no, silicic- 111! Hill l . ne.ill up en- .,., si rtailen-car pa eager- en lire linlil- i ZVUrlZZly en Pele Entangled in Live W,re3 la-t night had c-c.iped in an aiitoniebilc , Pittsburgh. Dec. '-'l.-fl.v A. P.I driven hv a weuian iipanimi. i A til depaili t pan) was , ailed Children skating mi a pond -av the "" last niuht t" n -cue a tweltc-t car r. bher made hi-getattii) in an aulmu.-I "hi be.v who had become entangled j bile which hml I iiarl.i d In nealh the pnri.iii i ailread v ladiicl . The bandit hoarded the ob-irt.nien car and furred the p.'l' -engei- te -land in line Pour men i entrihutcil, ihen the robber reached Mr. ami Mi-, ller 1" rt L. Stan-bury, of Tuciiincari. N. VI.. and their three small childicti "Madniiip." he -aid, "will ten ple.i-e inke the dlibll'i'll te the ether i ml of tlie car. I am net Intere-ii.l in nut t nliialile- a tTemiin unit have, ami I de m.i want te irigliten rhihliru If mim pleae " A- he . elltilllli ll devt II Hie line of piiengei- tin1 coliilucler iinpe.irid at the front i ml of the car remit te ml - het ticket-. The haiulii lit leganhd him "It's ipnic p.i-sjMc." he told hi- tic-tun-. "Ihat the loiiilucler I- arined li he isn't, he cm call men who are. Thai would mean -hooting, nml -miie of you might get hurl 1 den'i want hint te hiipp.'n, se I will leave .ten." Cevering ihe p.issengi r with In-gun, lie linked the i iiiei'.;enct hell rope, bin ked thimigli the eb-ci t 'ilimi platform deer, nml a- the train -letted down hapi'il nvei hie mil and di-appeiiicd ijeu ii the eiiilinukiiiciit . DESERTION CHARGE LIFTED Name of Linn J, Gibsen Taken Frem Slacker List by Order The name of Linn ,1 Gib-mi, I'hila delphia. who vmi- iegi-1. led bv hicnl di lift beard . :'.'. vm - Irnkni mini the list of nllige.l diatt deseiier- teda) by the War Depart mem ll. II. Ilan-eiii, iis-i-iaiit iidjiitniil, headiiuai'ter- Thud Cel p- Aim, nn nn neiinied that Gib-mi's mime appealed , en the published list el alleged diafi iieserlers 11-9 11 icsiilt of Ihe liluil icpert of the draft ellidaU -hevting him te lu ll ilesiiler, Inn as he i- n,,i prepcilv ilinigeabh wilh de-iitleii Jn- name should lie ' t I'll ken elf i MUMMERS MEET TONIGHT Will i Complete Plans for Big New, Year Parade . Itepresenlatnes of the vaiieiis ei - giiul.atietiH ami c'iiIi- ,i u will par I Uilpaie in ihe New cur'- uiiiiumeis' ' parade will uieel tonight in lEemn I'.M'i, ("Ut Hall, with the Ceiini llniauic emu luitlce en celehriil.ens nillf . ;. .Milliigh, ithe ha-. barge of ihe parade ' The idiuis ler the ceh I latien y III M. iiiinpleled al leillght's lueehug nml e will he ilea tv ii fin position m hue new i)i:i.vv.iti: nivicii iiiiidek riulecruvuie Nupiilement will U publlnhit in i.in 'veiiuiK i'ueiiGw.ieuKer en rriaftr DECEMBER 21, I Convict's Capter Int i nutlenn I. MISS .M)Si;PMIM': IKHLANI) Ilarr.v IScrwIn scrreted lilntself In a parlilug box and nude geed Ills escape from the Cliarlestnvvu prison. .Miss Ireland saw Iterwin climb out of (be box near her linnm at New town, .Mass. IScrwIn was setm Inuli lu prison WARRANT OUTHJR SKIPPER ON RUM SMUGGLING CHARGE j Owners of Nomad Beeze Uneasy; i n, ,., c.t, ., ir. u I DarC Net Se" ll 0r KcCP ,l ' A waiintit for Man) Ixerl. I'aplain of Ihe oil tanker Dart ford, detained I ,,,M(.M,IV ,s prohihltlen agents, was us,i ,,i. i 'h.i s:ii e, l. sinner Mrnlev . Gevernmenl ugant- had been watch ing the tanker fin -eme lime, believ ing ii was Ihe miaiks of hilugiiig smug gled liipier into Hie leiinlr.t. A batch of laiimli,) M'lit from ihe -hip )cstcr dat tta- eMimiued and found Id coii ceii ie.il Hipeu'. Neurit Sed i a-e of whisky smuggled inle pml en the Nomad aie wandering around the citv. with veiy lew bu.vers. Se het upon the trail are Hie Govern ment agents Hull this whisk) i annul he kept long III l.ll) mu place. dm ci iiiiiciit ag. ills also ate -en idl ing ter one of the woman smuggle!-, known te hate linn en the Nomad dur ing ii- ndtentuieii- ve.vage. She Is helieted te live in Wc-i Philadelphia. She is nanu'il u u tvarinul as Helen Cromwell, alleged wife of Charles It. Ci. unwell, one of the uliii-c- of "Dap per Den" Cellil.'-. She - believed te hate lied with Collin- lu mi automobile alter the Nomad decked al Camden, N. .1. YEAR FOR DRUNKEN DRIVERS Aute Association Officers Faver Drastic Punishment HaiTlsburg. Dec. 'JI. i H.v A P i-Sii'.'Kc-li.iiis, lh.it ill, Stale Ill.'liw a.v Dep.n lineiit .aid in si'ciiiing law- ter in"!"' -evere punishment t'r t'll.iiei". of Hi.' Stale's aiiteM, Inic ie,c vviic man. te Miglutat loiiiuiis-ienei' l.ivvi S Sudler. bt Gcei"c G M, I'.iil.iiid. el Man isbiiig. president of ihe in w 1'inn s.tltaiiia Auloinetitc As-ei i.iHiui, am' L. II. Mageililig. Ihe -ecrrlar) . Thet l spr, hill) took Up tile piiip.ei- lieii of securing inure -evere punl-hnieiit for persons imivhtnl of dritnm .into .inte .into tnehlles while iimlcr the inllm nee of liipier. or ce'ivlclcil of the theft of llielf ,' vehicle-. 'I'licv siipge-led that person, leiivicteil of driving vvhlh inlexlcatiil should be -elitenicil te ill en- a enr III jail, while pel -en- . out icted of theft, ihe) believed, should lie -cnl te the ' ",'""",' r'"' '' ''"" hfti.nl ,,.,,-,, Wt,,u a pe-llillll) of pardon 'I'be.v dei lilt i'i that Ihe liite.xicat( d i driver is b ming a real iinuu r In reim-v Ivaliui. ( iimnils-iener s.uller liiilllted out Unit the ill pal lliienl call1 leteke llien-cs for iulexli ahull eiuv up. ill a eel tilii ul Imi fiem the imiris in f,,i, ming fei mal imn aiuls ami u ln.ir- ' MX'' Wires 111 tile lop el an elect ri I or fifteen minutes the lad. who gate his name as Pram I- Miihuie), dangled thiit) feet above the street, while civilian- xainlv iitteinptrd te ics. cue him- A- a las' n-eri a I'm- alarm tt.ls mi lieu 111. I lie oe,t tta- reniev r,.-,,"cji,x k j - ;;ra poll' a- a pinnk Children Give Health Playlets Student- of Ihe Stephen Giiard Public Si I I. I.ighlei nth -heel ami Smdir iiv.iiuc. gave two pill) let- teil.i) at the Sd I. Th'' phi) let- were ai'ianged b.v H,,. lull i'-tale Dairv ( niiu-il. ul, h fiirui-hid Ihe eii-linue-, and wee givin in reiiiuiictmn tvitli the health fair) i auipiiigii. 'm.m&jB&SvMtMtaWtMWWWm?: Werth-While Christmas Gifts ' Ample Assortments for Personal Use and for the Hume Hundreds Under Fifty Dollars Many for Less Than Ten And Important Pieces of High Cost But Invariably the Fullest Value for the Amount Paid Mirchandkc Purchased Ui tn Christinas Delivered en Christ mus Dan Jly Special Mesacngirn of the lJeuac lit New Yerk, Atlantic City, Wilmington, Ualtimerc and Aiinajwlia J. EGALmVELL & Ce. Jewelry - Silver - Stationery Chestnut and Junipur Streets iGU 1921 GOLF CLUBS AWARD PRIZES 10 CADDIES Huntingdon Valley, Yerk Read and Philmont Serve Xmas Feasts PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY Old SI. Nlchelns and the veneralilc St, Andrew linked arms this morning and were whiked nwny In the famous sleigh te the Huntingdon Vnlley, Old Yerk Itiind and Philmont Country Club', where the annual Christmas eVl- i cbrntlens for the caddies were held. I It is the custom at these jjubs te prepare n reusing geed time nt this I season of the year for the youngsters 1 who get all of the work nnd none of the pleasure or golfing. There is ulwavs plenty of turkey nnd "fixins"' and every Imaginable variety of feed, in (uantlties ample te the de mands of healthy young appetites. And there i.s candy for everybody and money prizes which serve as n reward for zoed work In the past and as an Inspiration ler tlie future and gifts of the sort that bejs like- At the Philmont Country Club nn enormous Christmas dinner wns sub jected te i!75 individual attacks this afternoon by as many liungrv caddies. Prem Temmy Fletcher, ten cnrs old, te "Johnny" Warden, sijct.v-twe jenrs old, (he caddies were determined (e de stroy and obliterate all turkey in sight. Kills A. Gimhel. president of the dub, had personal charge of the affair, and gave each of the guests a .fll.riO geld piece In behalf of the club and dis tributed twenty-live special prizes ranging in x-nlup from .$." te SKI for particularly geed work. Me addressed the he.vs brjplly en the subject of "KHi cieney and Thrift" and Warden, dean of the caddie corps, contributed a feu remarks in response. Among the-e who helped serve the dinner were Mrs. Kills A. Gimbcl. Mrs. .Milleit Mereld, Mrs. Merris Kauf maitn. Mrs. i;v K. Scllg. Mrs. P. (J. fleislier. Mrs. Hen jamin "Wolf. Mrs. I. II. Silverman. Mrs. Lee Itevvers ami Miis Sephie Kspen... The committee In charge of the cel ebration included Mr. Gimhel. Leuis Wolf, Jules P. Mnstbaum, Merman Ite-enthal. II. L. Iteinhard and Mrs. Selig. Al the Old Verk Knii-l Ceuiitr.v Club. In Jcnkititetvii. KiO caddies sat down al neon te a turkey dinner of the Well -known varielv like mother used te make. Kver.tbndy get a box- of ca ml, and the committee distributed prizes when ll was nil ever. This after noon lliere ' vtere motion pictures, te which the lie.th will be taken a- gue-ts of Ihe club. The committee which made the ar rangements Included, Henry W. .Paisl, Wlllium A. Ickler. James P. Hallo Halle well and Henry P. Hall. The) were tis-i-ted bv Mrs. James f. Ilnllevtell, Mrs. Henry W. Paist. Mrs. Henry F. MaP. Mrs.. William A, Ickler. Mrs. II. P I ( Creat. Mrs J. S. fowler, Mrs. Mrs. A. II. Jenkins. Mrs A. II. Mati wnring. Mis. Geerge Parry, Mrs. Wil liam Prince and Mi's. Leuis Kuril. Al I he Huntingdon Valley Ceuiitr.v Club, at iVeble, there were festivities' for loll caddies. There, tee, there was n lug turkev dinner Hint a turkey dinner with everv thing should bate .and gieat quantities of cand.v . nuts nnd fiult. One hundred and thirl) dollars In cash was distributed b.t the commit tee te the caddies who have shown the lies) w-eik throughout Ihe last enr. nnd there were g'ft- for all. This 'afternoon there were motion nicturcs and xmulp xille te lop off the event. The lemmittee of arraiigeiiients in cluded Kdwnrd A. Weilieniiia)er, Lewis P. Gelgar, J. S. Gould, Jeseph Haines, Jr., William Welsh Harrison, Jr., James It, MeKiislaml. Jr., Kdwnrd U. Peel. Geerge I!. Pflngst, Albert II. Smith. Marinailiike. Tilden. Jr., Wil liam M. Weaver ami Geerge Zinn. any of the ladles of the club assisted In mak'. ing the occasion a succe-s. Par uw.'.t from the freedom of the eminlry clubs was the Christmas lice for tlm children of the Municipal Court in-., nun' warns wne cannot nave Chrlstni'is .tree in their own home a or mug up sieci;ings py iiielr verv ew a lite, liec.mse et the domestic illllicnli! et their parents, found a tall ever green lire-. nl in tinsel nnd toys in the. I Ileal department of fhe court at Tttenty-lii'st nnd Puce sheets. The .veiing women iinple.ves helped Santa Clans, and all of the little stockings were filled. There was Christmas fun for the sick diildren at the hospitals, tee. The Artisan Order of Mutual Protection en tertained SOU chlldieii tedat in the iiiiditerltim of Hi.. Deparhueiit of the i iiiiiircn - Hospital for Hi reyenhen j i :,. 7,:!;,.w,ftr!',T mu Spanish Reut Moroccans Madrid. Die '.'1. (My .. .. , -,.,1P Moreican forces oppe-K the Spanish In the I email region hate been coin cein jilclely broken ami deinerali.eil. accord accerd nig tn an eflielnl sta lenient -sP,i n.. (..neral Iterengiier, Spani-I, High Cem. ""Vi" ' "fter an inspection ,,f th,. tiositleiis captiiieil b.t t,(. Spanish troops, ' " L'vc REVEALS DRIV OF Wall Street Bercb Suspect De sires te Come Back te America STILL IN POLISH PRISON Hy the Asserlntt'il Press Warsaw, Dec. lit . It was censld ered nulln nnusilliln ii1,i,. ii.... n . ' " ""'"' l""L '"C net- ussiii-y procedure in tunc VVeir(, I,njf. feld, alias William Unde, )nc. America seen would be bcirim i. was arrested here last week hy n, ff Polish authorities at the i .... .. me Aiiierienn ucpiirtmtnt of .lunc,r connection with its Invest Igntien 0f a, Wall street explosion in SentcmC iUL'U. . ' Intimation Hint Llndenfeld tOUM seen be returned te the Piilted Sd ...... te.,,i j SJ.. I.V-.-ll-l VO-pntVP Q-. . of the Department of Justice, vvlieSS he believed the Polish authorities weu3 net object. ' Lindenfeld repenlcdl.v begs u U turned te Aineridi, neeerdliig te j authorities, making emphatic premli.. te tell mere of the details he .laims lt,r,,(. r,ii,,nt.-il..r- ll.n Vl..1l . t3 nster. ( osgreve says h" believes Lin (k'tifeld knevys still mere than hc L. relnted. Me Vaid the. police were eiv-, Llndenfpld time te think the sltuatie! ever, Iylndenfeld hn given the miiue of th driver in hip wugen wnieii ts.sald t have taken the bomb into the Verk liuanclnl district. This name, according te Cosgrove, rorrespeadH flj.i the one obtained by William J llunu, lll'Il'l l 11IC I1II1CIII1 ll lllVeSIIgQtlg- of the Depnrtment of Justice, (je. gieve sa.vs iiiiieeuieui ai-e lias tmuiyj two persons wne ne iieeiures munufac ttirpil the bomb. Llndeiifeld s statt incur, ne says, tens new llie wajei uriver e-capeu just oeiere me explosion occurred and bow ether principals it the alleged plot arranged te be far frea Wall Street en the dav of the explo sion. The Jewish newspapers sav Linden fold's relalfves advance the theory thit the prisoner has u double who hu (Jeinmunist centiectnms. Liiulenfddi relatives are iiieled as saving Hint hh double has been traveling under man; aliases, thai the deiib'e's real mitiie also is Lindenfeld ami that he has spent much time. in America. The relatives are reported hm elalminj that Ihe Liuilciifdd who is in prii here has no connection with the alltfel explosion pint. NOT INCLINED TO STUDY SAYS THE NEW BOY PRODIGY But He "Played Truant" Frem HlgH Scheel te Ge te College "I was never partieulurl.v inclined t stud." said .veiing David K'n'-K), tli liflccii-.veiir-e'd preillg., at Stale Cel lege. He took his exiiiniiiiituuis aci entered Stale ( allege ntier tttii .wan work at.' eiilral High Si Imel. nml wa Intel) sought b.v the truant elhier be cause he was found te be mliug frei school lielme the re mired age liiail He lives ul Mill North Klghleenlli street 'As a unit t r el lint. I hml a lilt.i i mere nine two two and a half hours te -pi ml "n in) 'high -dinnl work beran' after school i he said. 'In-pil I worked until 3,' David -aid lie and hi- hietlicr, ttlc is a "Tiulliute el the Pliarinacists hchoel at leuiple I uitersil). ceiii'liiiled tbl' since their parents were net vtdl-te-d the best tiling would he for tliein both tc i gel llirniich siheul as seen a- possible. I The lad is new tr.vlng te cembhv I the two feiir-.vear courses of civil anil architectural engineering at State into , six years 1 And, he said looking seriously from Mils brown eve-, he didn I pnrticulanj like the girls. CLUB TO GIVE PLAY i "Sylvia Runs Away" te Be Pr' sented by Amateurs Tlie Domine Club of the Ppi-cep-1 Academy will iiresent ili thirteenth an nual phi) ."Sylvia Itun- Avva.v." tenijht night in the ballroom of the ItelloviK-Sh-atfetd. Pollewlng the phi) there will hi dancing. The leading role will he plnjeil bj Itiilph Kinder, pie-ident of (lie dull and ether important roles will he played bv Plevd T. Gibsen, lib Ixnk 1'riw. .Id. Hareld Kinder and William V1L Other- in the cast are Jehn L. VV'erslnj, William Ilardt. Harrj Cliublitirt. Craig Muckle, Jehn P.iitcs and HetvatJ LmiK i Extraordinary ! ! ! I We are lulling pprsnmil .lurriulnj iinlers fruni .tour plate, en nil ' j crated Cijrfctmasf Carbsi AM VVILI. IIO s I XTII, Wll.l. IH.C J.tUI) Delivery Next Day I lifter liihliiK 3 oil r nrilrr. j a i.i. or ei h iiici-Ttiv-: I ( Mill-. (illH.XTI.X. HI. Ill ( I.II BURT & BURT UOOXI 'Jill HIUI (hi'sliiut slr.l ioieiiaiisMiia(woi K ocser: M 30E30I e Turkey Dinner ' 85c This Thursday SOUP TO A . m Shere Dinner a Specialty Steamed Seft Clams Steamed Oyster Steamed Lobsters Steaks, 'Chops and Chicken Boekbinder's 12.-1 WALNUT ST. S IIANQVUT ROOMS Ltidirn' Dinint Ileum Second Fleer e Open Vnlil ! ' " "nn eca m:iiisi I IIIIIUIYMAN' I', i MM I lUff). ttliliitv of Is.l ii Ut l I'll""1 unit trleiiilx me lnvlli I hi HiU i '.,... ..I....U I'l.i.l.V ' I' M 111 I 1' 1, It 'la"1 lUllv,- I,ifl , '.. ..I . 'ii-,? i .i . h k, i,,i, mi, nl einiie ", ir'.,ar inn ...,,,t i. I'iIiiiUh " . - I'lhurmlay.'Mfier 7 ! XI .,., i.vidH , TltViiN (in P.i '-'l xi xiii ''" liiive wlitevv i,f tiiltttti.l Iv lix.ie Ji '.';,,. e inul filcmlH Intlti'il In funeiiu servivn,,-,)! i 1 rlil.iv ut : I' .XI . ut lius ieiurn ice, ' apruiB.Bi. Iiiteriiunt iinyiiif. ,,.., r VANBANT At OiiKfnru, ."-,. DEATH WAGON jnuarv ii ttiiv I convenience ( family 'XM m jlithxm