"W7 II . II 1,1 I I Pi ' J I ! 'T , '!'; rui - yyvt .'' Mn 'l. '" EVENING PUBLIC CEDaEIPHirADEEPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2l 192T IT ! SCORES IMPORTLRS FOR TARIFF FIGHT Fortlney Charges Misleading Propaganda Is Designed te ' Prevent Legislation DEFENDS VALUATION PLAN By the Associated Pres Washington, Dee. 21. Charges Hint importers, through mlilet-dlng propa ganda, were nttemptlng te "delay or defeat" tariff legislation, and te ac complish this end were centering tin at tack en the American valuation plan, were made- today In the Heuse by Chairman Fordney, of the Wnjs and Means Committee, who declared that American valuation was the "logical solution of the present-day economic conditions." "Opposition te the pending tariff mcasure Is readily traced." asserted Mr. Fordney, "net te the American producer, net te the man who deals chiefly In American-made products but te the man who produce' abroad and the man whose chief interest is In bringing the product of cheap foreign labor te the American merket. "These Interested in Importing cjntcr cjntcr prlces nre well erganlrrd nnd spending large sums of money in an effort te make ou and me bcllcve that what they seek Is for the country's general welfare. Defends American Valuation "The Importer Is working te dcley or defeat tariff legislation, and te accom plish his end be Is centering his criti cism en the American valuation plan, without which, en account of picf.eut chaotic world conditions, it will be me'ft difficult te write a tailff measure at this time that will afford the slightest degree of protection against countries where protection Is most needed." Doctoring that he had examined the propaganda in opposition te American valuation, Mr. Ferdnev contended that a "mallei argument against the principle invehed Is lacking;" "The whole opposition is. founded en the question of lates and en nileged in creases of prices te the consumers tliev predict will result from the new rates," the Heuse was told. Mr. Fordney declared be had "dis covered" that the depirtment store that is leading the fight ngninst Ameri can valuation, nnd Is "one of America's largest importing establishments, re tailed at S3 each, knives bought in fler many at nine cents. Tiemendeus profits Ten minutes after using Danderine Wu cannot find a single trace of aandruff or fallinK hair and your "alp will net itch, but what will P'easeyeu most will be, after a few fin. J8?' when yu bee new hair, nne and downy at first yes but se,iy nAw Ijair growing all ever the friP" Panderinc is te the hair what 'cn showers of rain and sunshine e te vegetation. It gees right te en. '?et8 invigorates und slrength i" ,ncm helping the hair te grew Xg.'.iStrenB and luxuriant. One ap Efll.i0" f Da"dine makes thin, fun u'iY"eness nmr l00k youth-, ii il. iBht lustrous and just twice 1- ainnwiiijmnrmD'iimHninnn'iiiHinraiiiriimiiHiiiiiiuiiiiiiiinraiiin'ifiiiiuiiiTuiiitRiP NO COOKING 1 1 H7 8 The "Feed-Drink" for All Acres, i . H3 tT&f&tf a Quick Lunch at Heme, Office, ' b Mmit&I?Z Act B - - and Fountains. Aik hr HORLICK'S. QaPJ g (g3 Avoid Imitations & Substitutes i giiinmimnii " 'r. jfj C'cU'lOn Hw v9 9 jj Seu It With Music" jlS f tWC,Ve OaJ 1 I S MuelcU Instrument of the ! I fi ia H better kind Our (10 enr" I H . , . 0. H !l ! ev-rlnce nuallrle uj te S Sold Ollly 111 OUT Std'CS gf 11 HiPv l"",lst' ou Violin out- J H S3 J ( B nil! of our en linportntlen , la m i ft E J ALBERT i 1 wcmm?H I V 1 124 s 9ih" SI I Siladelahla ' ' ' "ll' '"l'""""11"""11"" """'"''""'"'"iii'i'iwi'ii'iii'M imimi nm I l'lieiiut for Molln Itcimlrlnc Wlvff.KWBWS-ilik!lllM?Cfff 3 .VlPWRMCTB I Kxwllrnt Collection Old Molln'. ' M iihiiichctv rr untiYWltv .ntwamr.tfjt numiiiiiaii mrm iniiuiTii ijy Urn TflfS H TS" OS ? " "BMQERINE" I ln'"Si. I, 1 ,H Veu cannot buy n enr of 4 i , . , .. Rjj li'ulii'r quality titan a a Grews Thick, Heavy Hair tjj nA'rr Yet in price it n g w lur loner than any ether Bn s car el quality, nnd qual- Nj 3S-cent Bettle Ends all Dandruff, M ' antl stti- W Steps Hair Coming Out rSSiMMMWMWEm w liil hm m ffsMUW... Yf.Vli.i ita v&lvwl UMl rnn lPJ Htt9 W B m Hffi 19 II m MM W "" &ZM IriBEri il nllifWlMH i' WBk IMPORTED FROM ITALY i i& ' Sfk Wr elU-r u luiiitiletf serif e W V1V' aSfa 'il rliii-'lt meuiiteil nltli Impnrteil m Iff' ' 3$3aS$2aSfS d c'"1 iloinentle rintteni-bullt clen) w !" SJ'MvmUit IxulJrH it tirken lower Hum itr M '' S&mlikkmKm i lefnie Nete fellow Inc prleea M ,7 .EKrei ti 'limn itumliril mntlrlit k v 'SUl W Sedan' 501 Medel S3575 I $' V. WmasWiRm S ,TeT i .l505Medl,$S200 G J r? .w'iM W fuhurban S 1 0 Medel. $7 1 85 B , ,wy, ' Wmm Sedan ' n IOl' "' " ' J HPi fi POTTER.MESINGER MOTOR CO. U $?'''-&' 'mM$m!wk m chestnut st at 2zd B Vii WsmHKm - M V 7. 5X ' .53SS&iJCS.Kr.? I I i &&m&m,,... " 'mmmmm hMl WmSMMmm I n interesUnjc love steiy with HfiWcrA f nR-m-FV(bl 1 - m uuant. navt. . I Court Shields Petitioner Frem Slur "Bootlegger" Atlanta, Dec. 21. (Ily A. I) J. N. Webb, of Knet Point, a sub urb, went into Superior Court licrc jestcrday and obtained an injunction temporarily restraining It. W. God frey, a fellow townsman, from call ing him a "bootlegger." FIe times, Webb's petition, de clared, Godfrey bad told Knst Point police he was a bootlegger and five times the police had scorched bis premises, Judge Pendleton set a hearing for January 1 1 te determine whether te make the injunction permanent. also nre made en a variety of ether ui tides Imported from countries wb"ie production costs are low. mi Id Mr. Fordney. who pleaded with members of the Heuse "net te be led astray b the Importers' propegonda." Says Importer Ineles Itctnljcr "It Is true." the committee chairman continued, "that the Importer Is exerting n tremendous influence en the retailer through mlsrepicsentatlens nnd other wise, and the retnller is exerting n tre mendous Inlluence en the prcs of the country. "Congress is endeavoring te write n tariff Inw, and the declnred object is te protect American industries, und our iffeits are being opposed clilcflj by im porters whose Interest Is net In the fur nishing of employment te Inber in Ametlcnn manufacturing cstabiHiments but in unloading upon the American market nt tremendous profits the product of iKierly paid labor of foreign ceuntrlcH." Advocating bfistc in the passage of llie Tailff Hill, new pending in the Senate, Mr. Ferdncj declared he witthcri "te uweit ery vigoreuslj" that tlie unsettled condition of the world to te duj is net n icusen for delujing tariff action, but a eiy urgent fenen for hastening action. NEWEST INVENTION FOR GAS RANGES .Acme Filtering Flue Keeps Walls Clean & Saves Gas Price $2.00 Parcel Tail Prepaid , WM. AKERS, JR., CO. 10th A riltHTt Htrrrt Htrrrt rnclery IleprfBiintAtlM of th Hump!iriy Raillnntflre CIrs Heat.M Full ln of Oaa Ilnnsen, Onn-Heutinn and Het-Water Appliances Guaranteed Asbestos Hese, Ge per ft. Yeu Will Want te Read "THE FORTUNE HUNTER" Vn intereslinjr love steiy all the mj story of mistaken identit), by Ruby Ay res that prrcat popular wiiter of Iee sterit'S, whose ethor nov ella, "A Bacheler Husbund" and "Thi' Unwunted One," have made hei a faveute of 1K ning I'uuuc Ledueii readcis. This New Leve Story Begins Friday, December 23 in the (Euenms public 3Ubrcr JfJM i POLICE SAY MOTHER ED Bey, 11, Pulled Inte Aute Way te Scheel and Sped Away en BOY WAS WITH HER PARENTS Special Dhvatch te Vvenlne TuMle Ledger iAiirasler, Dec. 21. Frem a descrip tion of n woman given by the driver of the nutomebllc which was used In kidnapping nlne-j ear-old James Alweln at Meuntvlllc jestcrday, Htnte police here ate sure the bev was taken by his mother, Mrs. Irene Schultr.. Motorcycle State police traced the automobile te Baltimore jestcrdav, where (he driver was discharged. He returned te Lancaster, and police be lieve the woman Is new en her way te her home in Detroit with the child. A man, who was a companion of the woman en the kidnapping tilp, called at the Wallace Oarage. Lancaster, jester clny morning, and offered te pay $40 te be driven te Lancaster. When questioned bv State police after his return last evening, he gave n complete description of the well-dressed woman, about forty five j cars old, which tallied in every rcspert with that of the bej 's mother. He said he did net knew he wns driv ing en n kidnapping tour, and refused te tell run thing nbeut the trip. Mrs Schult7. was formerly Mrs. James Alweln, was divorced nnd gave the child te her parents, Sir. nnd Mrs. Welden Fctiey, when she mnrrled Sehults! and went te Detroit te live. Since she had made several attempts te get her son STEAMSHIP NOTICKS KIDNAPP CHILD NTERCOASTA SEA CARRIERS, INC. Will Dispatch Frem PHILADELPHIA te LOS ANGELES HARBOR, SAN FRANCISCO and SEATTLE SS "WILLIAM A. McKENNEY" December 27 Frem I'Irila. & Reading R. R., Pier 21, North Wharves LAVfiNO SLHIBPPBNG CO., AGENTS Bullitt Building Lembard 5600 r BLAfK DIAMOND LINE Regular Freight Service Te RetterdamAntwerp Amsterdam S S "WEST INSKII'" (U. S. S. R) Sailing Dec. 24 SS "NEW BRITAIN" Sailing Jan. 14 Fer Rates and Particulars, Apply Geyelin & Company. Inc.f n" 108 Seuth Fourth Lembard 5144 miim TRANSPORT LINES, Inc. Regular Freight Service Te GENOA. NAPLES. BARCELONA, MARSEILLES SS "WESTLAKE" (U. S. S. B.) Jan. 6 SS "PITY OF ST. JOSEPH" (U. S. S. B.) Jan. 10 SS "CARENCO" (U. S. S. B.) Last Half Jan. (Barcelena only Pert pf CalL) Fer Rates and Particulars, Apply Geyelin & Company, inc., phila- " 108 Seuth Fourth Street, Philadelphia Lembard 5144 Main 7620 NAWSCO LINES Sailings out of Philadelphia the J5th and 20th of each month DIRECT, via Panama Canal, te Uiecje, Let Angclei San Francisce, Oakland, Seattle, Abulia, Taceina, Vuncouver, II C. S. S. COLD HARBOR January 6th S. S. SPRINGFIELD January 20th Team I'relislit received dilly nt Her 10 North (loot of Mne St ) Fer Rates and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Ownm and Agents U. S Shipping Heard Steamers lati S. Fourth SU Phila. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7781-2 'ftOMMERCIABl PHILADELPHIA te CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY SS "Eastern Tempest".. Leading S ' S "Eastern Belle" Last Half Jan. Moere and McCormack, Inc. E.W.STRINGFIELD, r-hiu. mt. 428 DOURSE BLDO., PHILA. Lemh. 0585 Main 7513. YORK HAVRE PARIS I v SOIK . I A KlltStUMf . TOl HUMS iteniAJiinuu Dec. 23 lh. 11 Mur. It Dei. 31 .Ian. 'J 8 Mur. 4 Jrtn. 7 Feb, -l . .Inn. 17 I I11S Jun. ih rte, -I Mur. it ItANC li. 1 Mar. 23 ir. II NEW YORK-VIGO (Sp.in)-HAVRE . IIOI UIMINN VIS Jan. ft TOURS IN ALGERIA & MOROCCO SnllliiR from llnrilf iux or Murtlllr llirre nnd I "our WerU Moter ITIui U'rlli' fur InterfNtlne ilexr rlptlvn lltrrutnre 133.1-37 Wiilnat St.. I'tillndeliiblit Phene. Wnlnnt 0231 Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester, Glasgow U. S. S. B. SS "0PELIKA" EXPECTED TO SAIL JANUARY 14 AT CONXT.HK.NCK KATISS Harriss, Magill & Ce., Inc. 425 Lafayette Uldij., Philadelphia tmbara 6320-1 Mala 7520 mm back, although denied the right ,by the court. Once flhe tried, te drag ulm from the school room at Mauntvlllc, but the boy seems te prefer te llve with his grandparents. The boy was lifted Inte an automo bile while en his way te school yes terday mbrnlng. BTKAatmni'NQTiciia NEW YORK te EUROPE onlLS.QevmimenlShifis Sailings from Piers 1 and, Hoboken Te Plymouth -Cherbourg Ufmun America Jan. 3 Feb. 4 Gee. Washington Jan. 17 Te Jun.tleun Plymouth fteufegn-- Londen Panhandle Stale. .. .Dee. 27 Jan. 31 Centennial State. .. .Jan. 17 Feb. 14 Te Quttntteten Drmen Dmntlg Potomac Dec. 31 Teb. 11 Te Drtmtn HutUen Jan. 14 Feb. as Princes Matolka ..Jan. 28 March 4 United States Lines Moere & McCermsck Ce .Inc. KoeieveltSteamihlpCo., Inc. United American Llnei, Inc. Managing Operators for rWe represent all Cruises. ana every ereamsmp Line. IHrORMATIOM CHMUUtOLY fURNlSHE! BARTLETT TOURS CO. 200 S. 13 th STREET. PHTLA. Street, Philadelphia Main 7620 Portland, fewlfbrk- SeiitfeAmesica en US.QevemmentSfups Fastest Time te Itle de Janeiro. Monterldee and Daene Alre. Flnctt ihlpt-American aarrlea American feed American comfort. Sail Ingi from Piers, ilobeken. American Legien ....Jan. 5 Mar. 2 Southern Cren . . Jan. 19 Mar. 16 Aeelm . ... FK. 3 M.r in """ Feb. 16 Apr. 13 Fer descriptive booklet, address Munson Stsamstip Lines 67 Wall St., . New Yerk City miuucipnia uratt, urexei lliar S. SHIPPING BOARDS BALTIMORE LINE PHILADELPHIA Direct te GLASGOW SS "IIOX1E"... Sailing Jan. 19 Hudsen Shipping Company, Inc. J.AFAVBTTB IIUILHINO I'HILADISLFIIIA, PA. LembarU 0S6-s Meln 8106 Agents for BALTIMORE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Inc. CARDIFF IIUITAIN'S COJUNO 1'IIUIT MilllfBT. Her8 ten million cenaumara at fruit. Alwava a soed market. Excellent dech and rail facllttle;. Apply nerland. U H. 40th I U. S. SHIPPING BOARD I y Fer Booklet Address U. S. Lines J W 45 Bread war. New Yerlc A Dainty Blouse Is a Gift Every Weman Appreciates And These Arc Exceptionally Attractive and Lew Priced At $2.95 One Voile Blouse Pictured $2.95 Embroidered, and with an or er jrandie cellar edged with Vunlse lace. Pretty tucked vcitee-frent. Pongee Blouse Shown $2.95 A Bremley cellnr model, edged with narrow pleating at collar cellar edgo nnd clown the front. Leng sleeves finished with plcating edged cuffs. Other Fine Lingerie $2 Blouses Voiles and dimities em broidered, lace trimmed, tucked or tailored. Vestee models, and Bramley cellnr styles; ethers with square or V-shnpcd necks. bNELI FNBIJRCS Second Fleer Attractive Gifts Boxed Ready te Give Envelope Pillow Cases At $3.00 Pair Seme are embroidered with scalloped edge ethers initialed or daintily lace trimmed. Size 45x 36 inches. Pillow Cases, Embroidered in Celer and Hem stitched at, Pair. . $3.00 Seme in envelope styles, with scalloped edges. Sizes 45x36 inches. Eyelet Embroidered GJQ f Pillow Cases at, Pr. tijfjjf Finished with scalloped Size 45x30 inches. edge. 5nElTenbUrgS First Fleer Excellent Christmas Suggestions Geed Leeking and Useful Beys' $18.00 "Right-Posture" Norfolk Suits With Twe Pairs of Knickers Full Lined $11.95 Each Of all - wool fancy cheviets and cassimercs. Big assortments of styles te select from. All coats lined with mohair. Best kind of tailor ing. Sizes 6 te 18 years. Beys' $20.00 Winter Over- Lined. Wa,y $14.50 Of all-wool chinchilla, best grade, in blue, gray, daik brown and sand. All-wool lining. Belted all round medeh, some buttoned te the neck. Sizes 1H1- te 12 years. Beys' $22.50 fljl C. njr Winter Overcoats XU Of all-wool fancy overceatings. Big assortment of styles te select from. Sizes 12 te 18 years Beys' $12.00 OO Aft Mackinaws.. . . WVV Of all-wool heavyw eight blan kets in splendid assortments. Sizes 8 te 18 years Beys' $7.50 Novelty Suits $5.75 Of all-wool knit cloth. Alse all-wool blue nerge Oliver Twit nnd Middy Suits in white with blnck nnd geld trimming. Sizes 3 te 10 years. Jv.r ' i rNDURflS Third Fleer Just 460 Pairs of Slightly Soiled $10 te $15 Blankets Seme 50t arid Others 100(c Pure Weel at $6.74 P Perfectly splendid blankets warm, fleecy, closely woven, nil heavy winter weight nnd large double-bed size. In white, with pink or blue borders or lnrge block plaid pat terns in desirnble shades. SnellenbUrcS First Fleer STORE OPENS 9 A. M. CLOSES AT C P. M. SWCTNKSDAV, KKCKMIIBB 21, 10JI ff W NELLENBURGN ENTIRE BLOCK- NtRKET It 12 STREETS JL f hm mm - i m i - m-mmmmmmmmsm m --- - - "-' Moved Forward One Menth Te Give Men the Benefit of January1 Savings at ' Holiday Time And New inFull, Splendid Progress Our Great Annual Reduction Sale of Our Entire Stocks of Men's and Yeung Men's $37.50 te $65.00 Overcoats and Suits At $30.00 Each Marvelous assortments of didly serviceable, well-styled suits and overcoats, in all wanted col ors and patterns. Tremendous Clearance Sale of Our Entire Stock of Men' 8 Fur-Cellar Over coats at Drastic Price Reductions S2atFm:.CeI,arsS13.50 Of Hudsen seal and nutria. $40 Fur Cen. $19.50 at. Of unplucked, plucked and seal $50 Fur-Cellar Overcoats at. $25.00 Cellars of natural 01 seal nutria Hudsen seal. $100 Fur-Cellar Overcoats at. $50.00 Cellars of unplucked, plucked $175.00 te $250.00 at, Each FUR LININGS Of muskrat, Marmet and nutria. FUR COLLARS Of unplucked otter, beaver und nutria Men's $15.00 and $1S.50 Raincoats at Men's $27.50 Deuble-Texture Raincoats fljIO PA Men's Genuine Gabardine Raincoats at $37.50 Men's and Yeung Men's $7.50 te $10.00 QK AA Fancy Trousers at, Pair PO.UU SncITrTbRgS Third Fleer IN THE ECONOMY BASEMENT Big, Sweeping Clearance Sale of Men's & Yeung Men's Fancy Suits At Sharply Cut Prices Men's $19.75 and $25.75 Men's $23.75 and $25.75 Sy... $12.50 fc.. $14.50 Men's $27.75 and Fancy Suits Men's $25.00 and $30.00 Winter df Q rrr Overcoats tPXO.O Men's $4.35 Trousers, $2.25 A Beautiful, Serviceable Gift in The Neme Circlet A Delightful Gift Frem One Weman te Anether Special at. . . $2.50 w8 Designed te equalize the flesh ever shoulders and bust, produc ing the fashionable rlnt lines. A gift that ilieus geed taste and discrimination that is sure te be appreciated SNELLEN B 'cS Second Fleer Biff Holiday Savings en Men's Velour Hats In Our Men's flat Department Third Fleer $4 Genuine Velour Hats at $2.65 $6 Genuine Merfelt S3.95 Velour Hats at $7.50 Genuine Velour Hats at $10 Genuine Velour Hats at $4.65 $7.50 Our Entire Stock of Men's $4 te $20 Fur Caps Reduced Today te $2.65 te $10.75 Each Splendid Assortments of Men's and Beys' Caps at 95c te $2.50 Each SNELLENBURCS Third Fleer JT C5S& , TMffl splen - r-UJL otter, and and seal otter or beaver. Fur-Lined Overcoats $100 Rubberized $9.50 $29.75 (PI 7 (TA vil .Dv Men's $5.85 Trousers, $3.25 bNELI f-R "RCS Economy Basement Continuing Our Tremendous Half-Price Clearance Sale of Men's Highest Grade $12.50 Pennsylvania Knit Sweaters Including Shaker Knit Jumbo Stitch and Plain-Ribbed Sweater Coats. All With the Famous ie Tair Buttonholes At $6.25 Each lhiij Jumbo Wcae Sweaters with Large Shawl Cellar V-NecU Shaker Knit V-Neck Shaker Knit Butten Fronts. Shaw 1 Cellar Shaker Knit And Fine Ribhed Coats In All Geed Celers White, Navy, Brown, Heather, Oxford and Dark Oxford Wonderful opportunities te get Men Gifts they really want in Qualities that nre sure te win ap preciation nnd give permanent satisfaction. SnellenbUrcS Third Fleer JmwK ill i '"Ay These Smart New $12.50 Sports Skirts for Women Are Tremendously Popular With Gift-Seekers At $5.95 Each Strikingly smart new sports skirts of prunella cloth and wor steds, developed in box and knife pleated models, and featuring the fashionable new two-tone striped effects. Shown m stunning combina tions of plain color stripes with broken plaids in a variety of new designs the pleats showing cither the plain color or the plaid en top. In all color combinations brown, tan, blue, green, navy and plenty of black and white. Band sizes from 25 te 32 inches. Twe sketched. SneTTfnbURgS Second Fleer LACES Te Add a Pretty Finishing Touch te the Gift Priced for Tomorrow at Savings Averaging One-Half Our Regular 10c te 75c Pure Linen Cluny Cotten Filet and Linen Finish Laces in White, Ecru and Linen Celers. at 5c t0 49 c Yard Practically all widths and weights and a host of lovely pat terns te cheese from, some in the popular ecru and natural linen color. Laces for which hundreds of uses will readily suggest them selves te the Christmas gift maker. 50c te $1.50 Camisole Yokes Copies of Uand-Crechelcd Laces 39c, 50c, 69c and 98c nrihtin,ii,ini.i Seme white mercerized thread in very attractive patterns and fin'shed with ribbons as shown. Choice of several widths and patterns. Sizes 36 te 44. Mail orders filled. b'.ELi-ENBJRGS First Fleer MM Thursday Silk Specials $2.00 Plain White M Kfl Skirting Silk, Yard 0i'JU 36 inches wide. Geed, heavy quality of jersey weave silk, which will launder perfectly and wear very well. $3.00 Striped Silk Shirtings, Yard. $2.00 32 and 36 inches wide. Extra heavy silk broadcloth in very beautiful colored stripes. War ranted te wear nnd wash. S2.25 Printed $1.59 Foulard Silk, Yard 35 and 36 inches wide Very fine quality of this most practical and fashionable dresB silk, in very attractive new designs. $4.00 Brocade Radium Taffeta Silk, Yard $2.25 40 inches wide. All silk, in solid color designs of navy blue, Copenhagen, gray, tan, medium and dark brown r I FNB'jrqS First Fleer l m m m i Dependable Gift Socks for Men Much Underpriced for Quick Selling Tomorrow 50c Socks, Pair. 29c Fine mercerized socks. with double soles nnd extra re enforced heels nnd tees. 75c "Onyx" Socks, Pr. C Zn Heavy quality pure 00 thread silk, with double soles and high spliced heels. Men's 65c Heather enn Weel Socks, Pair. . 0Ul Men's $2.25 Imported Clocked Weel fl-i rn Socks, Pair.. . D-Ltv English pure-wool socks with hand-embreidered silk clocks In various heather colorings. Men's $1.50 Imported Socks, Pair $1 Finest mercerized lisle, full, fashioned, with hnnd-ombreldored silk clocks In self and contrasting SNELLENBURCS First Fleer ffff II MirM bMwt la atrt-afl'"' Mf" ' sN. SNELLENBURG & CO: N. SNELLENBURG & CO.- , ff' L 1-V sffl -