Yty "'"i'mHf -- " 12 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1921 I w iu "Qze Daily Mevie Magazine ETHEL CLAYTON HAS LEFT HOLLYWOOD BOUND FOR N. Y. FOll YOUR SCRAPBOOK OF STARS Ity rONSTANCK P.VLMKK Mnllywoeil. Cnlif. ETIIKL CLAYTON left jesterilay (" New YiirU. .ami l'ittx iinI Sylvia Ash Ien were ilewii nt thu train te .-ee her off, nnd Mls C!.i Lin's in.illici-. fntlicr nnd brother weic tlicvt- e" Wlictlier nr net Hip 'nttcr iieeempan (V her, I don't knew. Mitt It Is qi'li likely In' 'lid, for lip nt remix te nil ' ' buslncst di'tniln, nnd n i the trip Im Im nemctliint; te de with ruiilrurth, -.tnne Or nievl . I wetililn t he -in-iini-ccl. It win (iiu-lniillv ttnneiiiii i' i Hint Edith Hl in.- .nn te U- Willi) Uim I lending wuinim fur "Aue-s the I 'cum ncnt," Imt it npiienrs Hint Mli Hub erts will imt lu li:usud Mih n p.. up at the Iiht vtiitlle. lur Mc-I.r.rcn. lin has been Uigur I in lnT ctend. will bi just nbeitt ns hnrinlng. Ilireld Lloyd is m-i'ii In mytt!i nt this st.iLc of filmlnz "I If Who Hi" tntcs." Ne. it s net n sni'ri't--hp ju-i hns n fi-w fl'"tn te dt-nl with, script 1 Cully MH'akinu'. 1 hnve two nvire ml litlens te nn stork lint. Am I net ucttlns te In- the little old iinnntiiii er. IiieiikIi .' Mir '1 "in Mix, who .-. Virtnrl.i Terde. I one. and Nntnl e TnlMndcp, no.. Mi. l.u--tcr Kestnn. Is t'ie etl.p- And tlint' tlint' the llliiln iimeii the 'liil'wi'iKOh N nin, ( ii'i-tniiLV .md M.. !' r.iiiu r.iiiu eut AVe-t. I'm Mil! holding out " ' you, though, but I pruiu.-eil net te tell yet. Wli.l.un D. Tiij'er, ns rrpieentnu the liirei tots' Association, hns come out with n ilu for i-ittiiis !i.i tlientre pi-ngniM In conneotioii with the shcnvlnr- of p ctmes. In etuur winds. fewer vnu-eiU'.e net-, no )i-e.i,.ii'-i- (.for, which l.civen he pnu-i'il ! I . and le-..s muNlc. It's nil a very Reed idea except ' the music. It Is n trent te listen te the renlly qoed erclii' whb h the , lnrger tlii'iitii" nre in-i'mMtii... Whj , don't .en nli e.pies e itnens en wlcit you rcn'jy wnntV After nil. they're your tlienties mid it'i jour entertn.n- i tnent, YESTPl.DAY Hetty fompt-en wa n ' seph.sticnted I'nrUinn dinner in a fluffy bende wis ,md a -.klti-t slit bin lace costume. S!'e said .'ie li.i 1 t" stand for hours this nmr: Iiir while the wnrdr'bc en's n'wl it en hit nnd n for Mtti'ij de mi - ' S' i i i', dus a' scene with n cr i.i e IceUhik man wlinm 1 Imve never m''U lieferp. ue LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK By Lee Pape fEibsiS&x JtiIWM3wPs!fUElwjbaPJ5k!!rwrs mm te, m B& mmmMMg? SMEssBsssaum jm, , J .MAlt HDTL i LITTLE SHUT-INS WRITE XMAS PLEAS TO SANTA Charitable Women Agree te Act as Substitutes for Jelly Old Saint at Philadelphia General Hospital THE MOVIE FAVS LETTER-BOX By 1IKNRY M. NT.KLY C. M. (iuileh-ed (l(:t Cheitnut street I.nshy, Hollvweod. Cnlif.; T'nlvernnl, On fVtehnr '.'0 I jirlnteil, under the I'liivcrsnl Titi, Cnlif.. nnd Goldwyn, t'tle "f'esc.I'pM of the Mevie (iaitie" ' Culver City. Cnlif wns M.ipesi'il te have thrown her-cif ' '"'". c-crimnc u.e ineery ime "" ' ' . nr;li'f li'i n Mi.. "'i,v tiiiiliin iifftitM' ' " l ' - ..--.. ! i en can cet n cenv of this paper in en a pi'.l. s.itm illvnti w,r. ca-v nr i- But (euhi she1 She could int. Sie had te li an a-jnliist r m ich I!m t'.i French dell she i-es-sihle I. nn I then hnve her director heist her feet up. I Mip.'Ose I shouldn't tell nu thec thltiRs. Kxp-rleiuisl 'ind miji iimi.c wrltcrs tell in- it "spoil th- I'luslen." If It does I'm sorry, but I .vue . bei vliPll I'd n-ver -cen p cttircs imide 1 rather i'i: 1 the ha.k-talis se"i. beinj that sort of per-en Lew-life. you see. Mary Lrimmile doesn't like me a bit iny iiierc, I'm sorry te sni Hut I'm iilad she is e perfectly frank about It. St'c hi iti s : "I am u clrl of thirteen years. I nm ii.nie than surprised te read what you .lid about ltudelph Valentine. What de j en mean amwaj? I thought you wimc wendeifiil. but new I den t lik FEWER LOCATIONS, MORE INTERIOR SHOTS IS TENDENCY I our I'lrculaMen deii.-iiticr nt en the sec ond llenr f this bulMins;. Mis. I". T. -I de net knew of any book containing photograph:- of nil the movie stars. There is a trade bon' liublislied carlv called "The Motion 1'ictuif Studie Dltci ter nnd Trade An- I ion for savinc. 'I am nfrnid I cannot mini." 'ii ! contains most of them. I sin re join ndiniiutien for thin hund The nddie.-s js 2'.i Sc ven.h avenue. New ' -": Ita'lan.' Ycirk. It is the only coiupll'itien of "It' a wonder jeu snhl 'hnnclseme.' the kind I am fnmldnr with. , peii'rc 'enleus; tlint's the reason for - -.ii In? that. Jlmmle I'mrell, Slmmeltln Addiess "Last night ion gave nnether fan nr Agnes Ayrcs. en.e of Lns:y Studie, , instilling niwur about Mr. Valentine Hollywood, Cnlif SI e dei s net give lier Ven don't like lil'U because he l age in utr of the -let'hes I haw of Ita inn. ier. Mie was mm i ted, Imt ilnereed r husband a few months age. HILLS AND MOUNTAINS 1 A hill In a small fdzc hump of ground Wieh you could see it fertber If It wtm higher. But If a mountains enywnren In the nnyberhoed, Yeull knew It without stepping te In quire. 2 A hill can get lower anil lower And yet remnln one atlll, But beware if It once gctH high cnuff Its a uieutuln lusted of a hill, 8 Ker wen n crick getH big its a river And n big Miuert of wntttr makes n fountain. Se likewise a hill thatu a mile In hltc Immedltly tcrnx Inte a mountain. 4 A vnlenne a meuntnln Siiuertlng iiHserted Invu and lire, Wlch the foelldh clime up nnd peck Inte But the sensible tuy away nnd ndmlrc. 5 If we dlilent have hill nnd meuntnluf This werld would be all lint, But we have, se the result la, Nobeil) thinks of thnt. EIGHT WILLS ARE PROBATED Personal Property of Sarah Gilpin Inventoried at $225,708 The following wills were probated in.lnv T'.llznhi'th Brenner. 11110 Din- mend trcet. $14..r.OO; William T. ' Brnndreth. 0S1V North Franklin street. STOtM); Berthn C Brewer, 2(11 est tfiMenlinnse street. S-JflOO : IlniTV ''"'' ven. U127 North Cher Htreet, $7000, I'mrlck DeughettN, SV1 North Forty -eighth street. $.1000; Harry N. HelT- i mnn. 4:U(! l'enn street. ."i(IO: Cure. line Ban, Twentv-tirst Meet anil Neith ' College nvenue. Slll.riOD; Minnie M Weiser,' Wilkes-liarrc. I'u.. .$8.-00. MJ 8J Mil IFR-CO.STllMltR nied'arX'feThnvs vMl vm "" 856 Sail St. PUem Wii.1692 Sarah W. liilpln." S'J2.",70H.I1J ; Klls- i : ----- nbeth M. lleffecker. .?20.4ll7.12i Man-I iile L. Hellnnil. $."i2(ID: Mary 1). Buff. I I8i),s.-1 07; Careline A. Bebcrts. .!.".- 0S4.22 nnd Curl C. rickert, .flUOO.IIO. . TO HEAR TALK ON POETRY j i Prof. Schelllng te Address Arts and' Letters Society ' The orie hunilred nnd feuiterntlw meeting of the Society of Arts nnd ( Letters will he liehl tonight nt S:l."i o'clock in the New Century Drawing I Beem, 124 Seuth Twelfth street, where' l'rnf. Felix K. Sclielling will deliver n lecture en "The .Modern Spirit in i Fcetry." Tlieie will nisei he rendlngs hv Mrs. j Iinugeiie Chundler (Ireagery, Miss .les- I Isle M. (ileiin. Ilrnry Cerncuu Dlller nnd William H. Fildishnw. :AB SANTA CLAl'S I am Mttln girl fHe yearn eln. I wish te have name toys. I ntn parnlyied en one hijnil and one feet. Yeu knew what I would llkw. LetH of love frnm fnrv 11." This Ir but ena of many lettctR which h.nve been written by the chlldrrn In the I'hllndplphla General HeMpltal nt Thlr-tv-fniiith Ktrcet and Woodland avenue. TIip bnbles, who cannot wrlte tlicni wives, lint) nn eager dictation te the ami, with tiny flrtu tucked under wnn Utile cheeks, fall te (deep linpplly. cenlldent that Santa will bring the Ihlngs they want. I And Mich n wenlth of things they de ' want. One little boy .ten yearn old. writes for a "nled. bicycle, pnlr f HknteH. a watch ami chain, n net of i enrpenter's toeln, a water plutel, pair of shoes, i violin, horn, a football nnd neme candy." Will Assist Santa At the annual meeting of the Inde pendence Htniare Auxiliary, Ne. .!i0, of American Bed CreHR, nt the Bcpub llcnn Women's clubhouse, 210 Seuth Seventeenth utrect, yesterilay Mr. Ceorge II. Iiriiper dlHtrlburcd the letterw which these children had writ ten In perfect faith te "Dear Santa' i nmeng the members. ( These who can will deliver their bun dles In person Christmas Day, and the, glnd light In the eyes of the Invalid children will pny them mnny-feld for their efforts. Seme members took two letters, ethers as many ns six nnd seven. Mothers, with tenis In their eyes, lis they thought of their own babies, huppy 411(1 secure In homes, held out enger Rnnds for the lend -penciled requests of the unfortunates. The little girls wnnt linir ribbons, Ihe eternal feminine te the front : nn nn other wonted a mirror. Dells, dishes nnd bnby conches' were greatly In de- iiinnd, and nil nges mid betli boys nnd girls wnnt nuts. Most pathetic of nil Is the requeitt of crippled I'evh and girls for nkittes nnd sleds. "Hepe springs eternnl," In deed, In the In-east of these youngsters thnt they will seen be nble te whlx down u hill covered with a crust of line White snow or thn-nd'ii the pence of slow slew moving pedestrians ai they fly nleug the pavements en roller skates. Every Ldltte lilt Will Help Of course, all the tilings they wnnt cannot be sent, bnt any gift from Santa which thev will find piled en the feet of their Immaculate tots en the morning of the Iny of days will be appreciated and loved with nil the fervor of a biff, baby heart. One letter which caused nmueement from .Bnimle K. : "Dear Snntn I nm u sick geed boy. I wnnt some cake and candy nnd two toys as big ns I nm. I will jjtlve mainn nnd papa some candy nnd cake if you give me n let of it. Merry ChrtKtrrir.D. Santa Clntu." Most of the yeunErtcrs have remem bered te extend te the jelly old fellow Ihe compliments of the sensen nnd nfnrly all thank him In ndvnnce. Sirs HiReu of love cleieil n number of the letters, and "X," (he mnrk for kisses, trnlled along the end of some of the re quests. Anlmale Get Geed Care The Benrd of Managers of the Penn sylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty te Anlmnls yesterday racehed the report that In the month of Ne. vember the society prosecuted twenty, six cases, remedied 1(101 enses without prosecution and took care of anlmnls generally throughout the State. n mGS-MsjKSric MILLER-COSTOfMICR 1 I rrfHiTgiTTnrrltii-riTritiTnir'a fr :Q WREATHS Wlinr.F.-i.W.R AM) iu:tii. DALEY, 61 2 Arch St. , ..0iM) 0 A, M, te 6 1' M.- Gifts for Women H-rdf IVefrJir? Ilnniln Pin .PifJfHr C'teips Ilroechas Hrarttrts rcucfniti-ft Oemte Cavit3 !ltng$ Oiea-rft,. IJeUitri liar ntn Lecketii Venrli 'iih-vIj Mtsh Bnpi try a'tictc in the aberr lUf letll b nrerptiM n a frift etul 'itli reltct the thmuifitfutlnen bt the u(vr. Our price) nre e reiurrKJlir thnt we aceeptnhle an ci eltt nnd fultv reflect the thouehtfulneu of the piver. Kennedy & Bre. 102 S. 13th St. y?78 1921 i The MAGIC HEATING tL PHANTOM The Evcr-P resent PHANTOM JANITOR &-W033CIX--:Z3 sentcinls-r 111 i op nt ti 1- c.thce TIIK outstanding art devilepnii nt in motion -pi tore production during 3021 was fpwr outdoor locutions .in! mere ma ie m tin- studio, nccerdliu t 5Inx I'nr'icr and Itebert M. linns, art dlrccteis t'i.r Luky company. Exc'li! t examples of 'his tendency enn be f iu ml In Ceorge 1-Tts.mnurlip's pred'.c'tinn of "Forever." an iidaptntier. of "I'i ter Ibbetson." where nil" of the Fremh exteriors wire built In the Leng lsl-inil studio; In "Miss Lulu nett." n William C. De Mllle prndue prndue tlen. In which the exterior nnd Interior of the Deneen home were built en the , (,lm, j() i continuity form. Stnge nr Uie l.nsisv stucnn in iiciih iiciih iiciih woed; In "The Lest Hemnnee," which hewed a Simnlsh patio and Interle of the home In the same setting; an I In "Is Matrimony a Failure'?" a spe cial .Tnius ('rur.e comedy started at the West coast studio lnte In November In the hitter picture the me lern tendency In c-eutlining exteriors ai-u In teriors prcib-ihjv 'is best Illustrated. A street Inti-'-tlen of a me lern town was built at the Las'.cy ranch, show ing the principal business sprllen of the town. The bank, hole' and butcher shop were te built that when tl e exterior scenes w-e-c "shot" the enm pnny ceul ' lame into the biii' 'Ings and pliotegiaph the Interior scenes In ether words, a rempVte lintel, bank and hut'bei- slinp were bi-l't. Tills i iinbiuatien makes r 1 1.- cfinfinu lty better. It ns expla neil nnd savcw money in ti-nn-pertntln-i . ml l'ghtlng. It glies the (Hi t te- miieli nien latitu !e In fi'mtng his story than when u com pany is transported te a location nm' thi-ii brought back te the studio for in terior work. -( uir Ildh weed cer- Florence I It re-jieMclent. Ceiis-nn.v I1- ier. had n i .,,. ....n ,,, .... nm thins meip nlieiit 1 u'l account of the .studio ( luh en this" .vll,ir.-f11i ,.',.,. xfr Vnlentiiici. I i X ... . - - - -- ....... . . ,f, Spruce "I will net admire you anj mere. 1 3W2.1--. ilwii.-s liked te read about you, but 1 jj tt - ijt 11 n l 11? wiunet forget .. m, Neeiy. a Hew Many We -rermed Women "I iniin iii will "nf inmi(T i 'ntfnrv .V J 1 - - -. .-- ri- T .. m -- . at Middle Age De Yeu bee ? Most of them nre ever-stout and tired-appearing, caused by their sedentary habits. Let us bring the flush of youth te your cheeks Reduce excess fat or build up your health. Trial treatment gratia "ion can i;i't a i, ,,,,,. ,i,,. m ,.c,. . ,,,, ' i,, f ,i,,.i , i! Don't make jour ,!,. l' am veiy aiigi-y." , X s.cnnrles tee lletnl eil. 1 llel slmnl, Hpi S'n tli.i v'nv.. ! inn'r.. r!hl I' written in brief synopsis f,,rm. giving ' Mnrv. Mebbe it Is only jealousy, but1). tlic inenie en tiic story nnu me main in-. uien n man cets eh and iil1v one ci dents, bnt In. ' iding only these thlnjrs R,,u.,y. )fm mustn't blame him' when fl which nre te a c ear under- . k(,, jmlnKer nnd handsomer mnn H "j winning sneli whole-seuled wershi lnisle iden nnd the '(- liiniti . si'irl, wlmli-seiileil wnrshln as M cnaraeters. nic .c- . ,ul s..t., c i.,,..,. bistewed unuii the Minding of t! velepment of th tnilcil way yen suggest in vmir letter u rv fertunute Mr. Vnlentine. I'd alve is the province of tne "centiniuty , n geccl deal te hnve some ne think of writer, and no editor wnnts te see a i . that way. Hut von nre entinhlM He pre- wieiil In thlnkltn? that hiu race hns rers ie nave iiih own . eiuiiiiiuy mane, i nnvt unit te te w th mv nttltnc e tewuri .fi Fer a rive-reel feature picture, the ,, As a matter of fnct. two of the ' fJWs-sgEn.-SssrS'!- v"i'-i- is ii-iiin.. liii.. .. in .1- in mi Mi i,(... iiuijhis i nave nre iinnnns m te .itiuti words long tne snerter tlie criticism or" Valentine Is based entireK I i COLLINS INSTITUTE H T3ll,n,.. r's,,. TI;irllnn. 1.(10 Tl7n1nf Cfrnnt libllUTUi; UUUII. xu,iv..iits, siu IIUIIIU, hJV.S.s.W .4 cot.i-se of ten (10) treatments, $85.00. Lenger ceunett are sold at lean coat per treatment. 9K'iffS6tf9BWsSflilHH tf4 TYI'B mv. "HOT WAVE" Automatic Gns-Fired Beiler Ilnllnr lK!0 Sq. n. The "HOT WAVE" Automatic Gas-Fired Beiler can be cattily con nected ee that you may use, at will, either coal-fired boiler or the "HOT WAVE" beiler, which is designed eolely for gas, therefore twos gas economically waste impossible. A Never-Sleeping Servant in Your Heme Just as -when you lived through the maffic hours of your fairy story days when te wish was te realize your desire hew would you like te live in a home where you had but te wiBh that your heating fires were "built" and lel it wae dene by some unseen attendant? Or wish that never mere would you have te bethex with coal, or flrinp; boilers, or takinnr out ashes, or having the dust and dirt of coal bins and have that unseen attendant grant your wish? Yeu con have this magic heating phantom in your home the day you install a "HOT WAVE" Automatic Gas-Fired Beiler Ne mera cares of worry about keeping th home evenly heated. Ne ashes, no coal, no duut new day of liberation for the women of the home, as the :,H0T WAVE" automatically kenps the home heated te any degree you wish, night or day. Ne waste of fuel. It mnkea the home com pletely modern in its healthful nnd luxurious heating comforts, replacing your present boiler, without disturbing your heating system. Fully guaranteed. Write for boeklot or nek your hoat heat lnsr man. Visit our daily demonstrations. Ne obligation. SOLD DT ALL PLUMBING OR HEATING CONTRACTORS GAS UTILITIES CORPORATION 1200 LOCUST STREET Walnut B708270D WM. AKERS, JIL, CO. lOtk Bd FllWrt 5t. Walnut 33SS E. V. PACKER 21 Setrtl. 514 St Belmont 1040 riI0TOl't,AY3 piioTeri.AVs rilOTOI'LATm letter, prevdiug nothing esh,.ntlnl is en the fnc-f thnt hi knowledge of hU left out. Send i;""', Mrlpt te the' own geed leeks nnd popularity is be- iaMijii-CTiHKnmiimniwjBniiiwniMaiiiii Seennrle I.diter I-our big eempa- mming .se evident en Ihe cercen that lies hi..- Fex. IilU-fiftli M t an I ' the eiilv eliar.u ter lie enn net new is Tenth avenue. New- Wit; Fnmeus- thnt of Kudnlph Vnlentine. We A re Curious te Knew : ey j. p. mcevey t inn- i inn tut :ut i i- :i k b uui nuu e : im ii : i i jumm nil r l i :. n . ri .1 i 1 1 1 1 1 it n rttru j; si m i 11 im i 'ir ruiK nr rKHi .riurru urr nt;t i nuui nrrtiinniiK1 mtt i-i S BJWUVi. 15 WHO picked the tlnver of the muei- , Inge new- used en stumps? ' Whnt Ilnver is it '" Why can't we have chocolate, vunill.i or strnwbriry ? ' Who lieu res out the numbers en del- ! Inr bills'- I And freight ears? Wne first st.irted en 11ns dogs Unver? w, ABSsOLTTK realism in nnether de velopment In motion-picture pet tings. Rebert Finns points eut: the tendency being net toward mere benu tlful but nmre expressive nettings. Settings must live up te the dinma, he Hftld. There Is no excuse fin u mm tlnL' unless it furnishes the proper kind of background for the in the ' W1.jttl,n ijj u jfient hiimi rlst picture. ..CI ti r- j;cMie. j-m- merly n ball 'cmm had te he ornate nnd tlHIO names all the streets thnt have fellow curtain lines uie Mine neiu i y , t ()M thejn ..(d,ir HO Is the unknown genius who composes the sentiments en rubber stamps .' Such ns "Heturn for better add.-iss" ' And "l'nrtv ' nknewr."? "X. J?. Y.'"i 'Kr.igl'e. de pet crush"? "This .si'le up"? "Handle, with iare"? "HllHh?" Is It trie that these liiht two were AVImr is 't made of? ' Who desljin. I lie crackers? Who rii'ulaHh the length of fjm- i ghetti? Why de banks hnve be mnny vice presidents? Why are there se mnny eommeiiorps l re mid the yneht c'tlb? Whnt does the Government de with nil .'nr meuesv? When aie tl ey going te rni.;cr the lnciiiu taxes? LlfaatUSED TRUCKS Macks, all sizes., with bodies rebuilt and guaranteed. BIG USED TRUCK CLEARAISCE SALE STARTING DECEMBER 19, 1921 Hill Dump liuck The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. A.e. &9 AUTOCAR At'TOCAn .. IIUTHI.KHUM DKNUV ri:ni--.HAL. .. O M. C. . . . MACK MACK . ... l'ACKAItD .. PACKAIID .. I' A PA. SAtrnKn fsTKWAJ.T . HTANUAHt) HTUWAJIT ,..'i Ten Kinross liedy ..J Ten with uiifn tjity . . . H'4 Ten Chassis . . , ,aV4 Ten make llculy , 'J Ten UxpriftH llculy ...a Ten llh rxpr.M beiy 3 Ien ChtiieOj . .. TeQrlni, Chiccsijc nnd tCxprnci Iledy ...6 Ten lenir wh'el bane , . T '.en V m He'ly Ti Ten Vkh H)Jy . ,-s Ten f'h.eiuls . . Tem Panel 1U.1 Pncrumatlci .... .SU Tun lenK w iec) tna .MOO. 00 . 4IKI.0O Alknmrtra I2th' "" l'yunk J tinameT& MBt nmiy m j. Km e.45 j SID FRANKLIN 1 In "rtH'KAOK" , I Al I CPUCMV l-"rinkfnrcl & A'.i-.iiv i (, cast m ! "The Cabinet of Dr. Calignri" ADA I r H2D TIIOMI'FON STS. ttrULLU m.tinui i.ii v CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In "rAMIM.K" , AI.I. Till! Alii)C THL'CKH AUF. IN IlCNNINfl CONDITION AND AUK .'.Cltjr.CT TO A UinreNSTlUTION 30.00 5 nnd for the hnmiuet Imll. Ihcj lecetit-en room end the boudoir. "Art dlreeterH for inetures nre net p. .trot..- !.... .. ... " nvn'nlmJ 1r r''m 0 COJIVIMH IIIM lU'iU, ..(- nin- -i ..... Tnrkcr. "They nre deslpuers nnd cre cre ntern new. "Direeters nre remlntt morn nnd mere te see thnt Minnie thlnus nre the merr effective en the sercm Iinekgrcuncls today nre mere unit i nl nnd less ernnle tlinn they mcd te be. ler It loin been found thnt thev Rlvn better eomiieHltion nnd lend theme'ves te mere uitlstic: trcntm'-nt." The work Ir new c'ene &e we'l that it Is often lmpe-:i-lh'e these dnv te tell which nepnc en the s. reen nre natural and which hne bten constructed by the art department. street"? And i-freets that nevir saw nn elm. Wliv de women n'n war out the tees if their shres befeie men de? Why ie people chlsh nernss llic street in front of street '-urs unci then turn around and wnte'i them go l ? Who Invented Huvleli? .IlllIIIIDlllllllllllllllllllllllllllilIlllilillllL'll'illliilllF'lia The finest butter in America! WICKER FOll INHIDI! THR ilOHT. 8 P isflnllr rrlrnl. Th U e e r it ei iwn Chair (llluiclrntedl we are n-.t.lril te oentlnuo tn t f r rnmiili'lr. P12 00i 4 4 plces irli einplit 8AS ind un Rtimlrlns Rellnlnhlnr Ki-nVferatlnu ' ii li fu or union) u' mci ir L. C. KIRCHER & CO. Hanufactiirara and liftailert 1810 CHESTNUT ST. .'t!mnlp rtii-rrfnlly Olvrn. Pprm- 73DO i Mack InternatienrJ Moter Truck Ce. m 2302 Chestnut St. Phene: Locust 7085 Imiiwiiiiw ti tt WMS.Ce. ARCADIA ,a,?v.T fir, ,."? AI.ITAIl CAST In , .. "Bcaide the Bennie Brier BusV A CTAD niANKI.lN A GIHAIlD AVE. AOIVJK vvnvt:i: dail HI'I'.CIAIi CAKT III ! "SNOW BLIND" GREAT NORTHERN SnltVi.f 5! ALICE LAKE In "OVKK TIIK W1RK" IMPPRIAT T-- WALNUT OTS. IIY1I L-r.l-Mi .fBt i in kvk. 7 & U MME. NAZIMOVA , In "rAMIM.K" KARI TON CHESTNUT AtiQY nilOAO lVfULilV7n I)aly 10 a. M. te 11:15 P. M. CKCII. It. DK MIM.K'H "FOOL'S PARADISE" SI The NIXON-NIRDUNCERi THEATRES 0 BFF MONT MD AHOVK MAIUCET OLLIVIUH 1 j. no anil 3:30: 0.J0 te 11 AUVfiTAR CANT In "THE FATAL HOUR" Lehigh Palace 0,rM,lBXhATv."n CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "MAMMA'S A1TAIR" Ingram Likes te Pick Unknowns in Films IN CASTINfl I.eIh Lee iih the CeunteHB Ile'cn in hiH production of -'The I'rl-sener of Zendn," Hex IiiTnm hiiH nsnin lifted nn unknown nctrcHH Inte the llmellpht. Miss Imp heretofore been nn "pttrn." The role of Hupert of Hentznu 1ms been entrusted te Rumnn Hnmnnlesni, n yeunc Spimliird. wlmt-e ticreen career dates bnck hnrdly n year. In hrlnit Inu thepe players te prominence, Mr. InBram fellows the policy of making "type" the nil-Important consider ation, Just as he did when he lifted Alice Terry and Rudelph Valentine from comparative obscurity t6 the leading roles In "The Four Horse men of the Apocalypse." ii'iffi'n ft OJ Sold only in our Stores H IG BARGAINS I! HOSIERY FOR IKE FAMILY We will be able te All your necd3 at a big saving. See our pricea before you de nny mere shopping. All merchandise Btrictly per fect. SHARP MFG. CO. .Valcirecmi, Itoem 0i 27-29-31 Se. 4th St Gift Novelties DORINE BOXES VANITY CASES PENCILS KEY RINGS PEN KNIVES FOUNTAIN PENS MATCH BOXES JEWEL BOXES LOCKETS THIMBLES EYE GLASS CASES CARD CASES KEY CASES DESK SETS SMOKING SETS CIGAR BOXES 7.50 te 60.00 10.00 te 35.00 1.50 te 35.00 2.25 te 10.00 6.50 te 30.00 9.00 te 40.00 8.00 te 60.00 50.00 te 75.00 5.00 te 100.00 1.00 te 12.00 15.00 te 25.00 10.00 te 20.00 6.50 te 12.00 14.00 te 40.00 8.00 te 20.00 16.50 te 25.00 CIGARETTE HOLDERS 6.50 te 15.00 Van Dusen & Stokes Ce. JEWELERS 1 1 23 CHESTNUT STREET mnrnimm frrrKrrrrmfTimvlsxaa rrriAR cen: & ccdah avenub BERT LYTEL In "TUB MIHI.KAIUNO LADY" CO ISFI IM Marktt bt. own A eOth V-ULilOLUlYI I SO And 8 T tnd P. Si. FDArJir MAVfi LIBERTY DnXT.vWiAvAVHltllB HlFABH MAHThr." ANNA J. MI.SHON In I .. . " "WHY GIRI LEAVE HOME" JUMBO SR?,"- fi? BALTIMORE "g.Wt OVERBROOK 03D &,: ' "THE FATAL HOUR" MARY MILES MINTER GLORIA SW ANSON I- In "TIIK I.1TTI.K C'MIWW" In "I'NllKK TIIK I.AMI" FAnFR -1s1' & LANCABTEH AVH. : rrrr. : '.V . .. ". ... . . . rr. i x-.i-viL-ri matinee dailt DCX1M 01TI- Ar-1J wmiuiiAnu Avii.. IJAI Arc 12M MAI.ICUT STREET ELSIE FERGUSON .kehi: MKi.rmtn'H . t ....v., ..... ...virnii "TUP CUCIill iiiwiJt.n..V , "" ,J"'U' I inn 1ST W AND LOCUST HTIIKKTS RI I IFRIRD "r,.a'1. 4 au!,,?u'h';"",; PRIMrr-.C 1010 MAIIKKT BTIXCZT J l """' HIIO. 0.10 Kvbh. l.:S0 te 11 DL.UH.DirL ( . .-j! until U rlMlNtOi) H!uii u,,, ,',. (llt.Ci: uavinen nni! .iri.iA nnnneM In MATINKE DAILT CONWAY TEARLE In "AI-TKIl MinNKIIlT" ELSIE FERGUSON in "Tin; henh uy meniis" Bread & Hnyder Ave. -" i. u'l a. .11,111 i I I il I-, HERBERT RAWLINSON In "Till: MII.I.tONAIUK" 'Leve, Hate and a Weman" 3T3. n3 0 BROADWAY Br?WlTri.M- REGENT l? " laX ' N,XON r'2D AND MAItKS. ? r" nfc,JI ,. ALICE LAKE FRANK MAYO In "ONK AKAIIIAN MdllT In "Till: INFAMO.'H MIHH KKVKI.I." In "00 HTIIAKHIT" CAPITOL "?, TX ,3,T,n pm RIALTO "XIWW RIVOI I and sansem m. it. McKlm H1IITJIAN IIKNNKTl" In ; . . .' "iVJSi, ' "NOT GUILTY" Claire Adams and Robt. In "TIIK MVHTKUHir-i .Kini-ll.'. COLONIAL aMfyST RUBY MAK ""ft. " I n-r,. c-r TI,EaT. T.,m,r.J A I IPC ri Al SBA'lfir " UV 1 n O I . MATINEK DAILY MAY ALLISON In "TIIK IWIST CARD" POLA NEGRI In "(INK ARAIIIAN NUillT" DARBY THEATRE ANNA l. Nll.NMOV In "WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME' CADlC-.s; MAI HT. MA.NAVINIC LMrrc-OC5 mxtiv u umi.v M'U.I.TAM IT. MM.I.K'K I "AFTER THE SHOW" IFAIRMOUNT 2-t,hvar,,.Y t VIOLA DANA In "TIIK MATCH IIKKAI.tCH" ALICE CALHOUN In "ri.WKI IIOORN" -lAVOV yin maukkt stiu:et MIRIAM COOPER In "TIIK HKUKNAIIK" IUUT MATINKK DAILY nOT. MeKIM nnd CLAIRK ADAMS la "A CERTAIN RICH MAN" s-lTRAMH OERMANTOWN AVE. J 1 -TWAIN L AT VKNANUO STKI.1.T . ORKIN JOIINRON A iAiriSK I-AjrMtn SHERWOOD r'nh nft'"" at. "THE THREE MUSKETEERS" Ji ii.i wvsi jlAT .. KVj.j 8:30 mm ELSIE FERGUSON In "MIMI IIP HOMIH" 5TANI FY MARKET AT 10TII HI'KCIAI. CAhT in "A MAN'S HOME" AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. A. 'FAMILY T,IKATA,I5 "t1,! aVefiV STANTON W?:Z ?, .r1 I WANDA HAWLEY "JLMam ix:l' r' "QUEEN OF SHEBA" WANDA HAWLEY In "TIIK NNOII" Doln ei. ,fv i- -I, i i,ui y HI'KCIAI. C'8T In JACK I IIVDON'K "THE STAR ROVER" irT tT3V iJ0- MAIIMIT ST LiLUDt-- .. . I 0 30 te li Ambassador liXTX,nVft.uMi. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "TIIK MARK OF ZOKO" G-ie,.. "BIO Qermantewn Aw. OI.IVB TKI.I. und .MONTAGUK 1AYK lB "THE WRONG WOMAN" in MAY McAVOY 'KVKRVTIIINd roil NAI.K" CDAN1T 2- QtlHrd Ae Mm Out. lUlnl i 1 Violin ami Orim Urltal RICHARD TALMADGE I In "TAKING CIIANCKS" 333 MARKET,1 MAU-IIIM.I, NI'.ir.tS'N 'BITS OF LIFE' VICTORIA VTXT1 'Ti ri'-i.t1 POLA NEGRI . In "INTHKIl K' kial. iu w Lb 1 CJHLS I EK i IRAKIS. ",," ? K. "- " JEFFERSON "lWZiux AI.IHTAH CAST In "The Weman in HU Houw RIDQB AVK. & DAUPHIN T. MILDRED HARRIS MME. NAZIMOVA liHHHffiHKB In "tHK WOMAN IN UK IIOUBE" in "cAint,i.r." p