EVENING BUBUO LEDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, . , DEOEA1KUK .20,- M 5 BRIDGE FETE PLANS GET 0. IUNCAMDEN Civic Creups Meet and Arrange te Co-eporato in Janu ary 6 Event A henrty spirit of co-operation bv of ef fielnl, business men nntl civic bodies of Camden toward makliip the colcbrntlen marking the ctnrt of ptiyslcnl construc tion of the Delawnre Illycr Hri.lKe, .Tnn. imrv 0, n sticcpst, was shown at n incet Inc of the Orjrnnlzntlen last night nt the Camden City Hall. It was announced today that Cam den would have at least ft dozen floats in the parade w h eh will precede the Sremenlw en 1'Ier It. Philadelphia side, where the work will start. The floats will practically tell the story of Camden's prejress Industrially ntid educationally. Among orgnnlmtieiiH te be represented will be the Chamber of Commerce, Civic Federation. Itetnry Club Liens Club, Real Estate Beard rnd 'several suburbs, Including Audu . ix)n. N. J. Xhe parade In Camden will precede the one te be held In Philadelphia. Mayer Kilts nnd ether officials of Camden will irrcct Mayer Moere and officials of Philadelphia and Pennsyl vania en the New Jersey side of the rlTcr at 0:30 o'clock. The Philadel phia officials will have precedence in the line of march In Camden, after which the parade will move through tin principal central business sections of Philadelphia. There will be a luncheon nt the Hcllc-vuo-Stratferd for members of the Bridge Commission, te be followed by cere cere menies en the pier. Full dctnlls of the day's event will be decided en thin week at n joint meeting of officials of both dtles. WILL FULFILL TUSTIN WISH Christmas Celebratlone te Be Car ried Out aa He Planned Preparations for the Christmas eclc eclc bartien in the Heme for the Indigent and the Heuse of Correction, the Inpt of office details arranged before his death bv Ernest L. Tustin, Director of the Department of Public Welfare, will be carried out faithfully. Mayer Moero announced yesterday Colonel Themas Riddle Ellis, new not ing director of the department, would carry out the program as Director Tus tin had arrnnged It. Funeral -hcrviccs for Mr. Tustin will be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday after noon In the First Baptist Church. Sev enteenth nnd Sansom streets. Inter ment will be In "West Laurel Hill Cemetery. REVIVE OLD-TIME YULE Bryn Mawr Students te Celebrate Christmas Season Today Christmas will be celebrated late this afternoon nt Rryn Mawr, when the en tire student body, the faculty nnd all empleyes of tire college will gather around n community Christmas tree be hind Radner for the Hinging of Christ man carols. Thin evening there will be a number et pnrtles in the halls nnd residences nnd the most interesting feature will be the revival of old English Christmas rccls in Radner. In the dining room n Mile leg will bln7c In the fireplace nnd amid appropriate ceremonies a bear's head en a huge platter will be brought In. In Denbigh there will be n DIrkens Christmas party, where the lady of the mnner with her attending jester in cap mm nciiB, win ener om-inwnencu r;ng Hsh Christmas hospitality. The day's celebration will end with n fancy dress ball in Pembreke Hall tonight. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE ON Phlla. Chapter of Hadassah le Seek ing 1000 Initiates The drive of the Philadelphia Chap ter of Hadassah for 1000 new mem bers Is showing much success, accord- , lug te Mrs. William M. Lewis, chair man of the drlve committee, who says she expects morn than 1000 members will be nilued by December 20 when the drive ends. The team captains working under Mrs. Lewis' direction Include: Mrs. Nnt Geldman, Legan J Mrs. J. Bchnch mnn, West Philadelphia j Mrs. J. Hib ernian, Ucrmnntewn Mrs, Rese Brown and Mrs. R. Shless, Seuth Philadel phia; Mrs. M. Scldeman, Northwest nuiaiicipnia s Mrs. ree WcIrs, Tiega nnd Mrs. Leuis Moskewltz, North Philadelphia. HEADQUARTERS FOR WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS AND "EVERSHARP" PENCILS 904-906 Chestnut Street Open till 6 P. M. I 9th Large Printing The new novel by the author of Petterism 11 L SaftBMRTUsVlKavyHl " 1 (CELEBRATED, iHIHtSAI 538S ,-. .i. Fiuv-' tt Efcg 233hJttLr!- ffWLw FOR NAUSEA (ANY CAUSE) HUNTEn MeGUIRC, M.D.. LL.O Rlchmand, Va., formerly Kmldmvt nnd Profeuor of Surgery In tha Un ""ttr Clla- of MtdteliM, Cx-Pml-Unt of the Southern EunHcal rid Gyneoeloalcsl Aaaoelatlen, Ei-Pmr-aent American Medical Anoclalleni "I Of Buffalo Mineral Serine Water Wry freely In my hospital. Attar wy aa of Laparotemy I gire this voter for Ha diuretic proper preper tlM, and Iweauaa the ntemach beara It a wall, often retaining It whan every thing elae la rejected. Indeed I use It fcealy after nearly all my nrglcal pirattent," Buffalo Mineral Sprlnga Water ! helpful In the troatment of Albuminuria, Bladder and Kid nty Stence, Bladder Inflamma tion, Enlarged Prostate, Rheu mrtlsm, Gravel, Gout, Neurltls, Bright' Disease, Diabetes, Acl Acl Acl oeili, Dyspepsia nnd Nausea from any cause. It le an active antacid Diuretic, rhytlelnna and ether Interested persons are Invlted te wrlte te the Springs for "Fifty Yenra of Medical Opinions," a little book bout Buffalo Mlneral Springe Wnter written by many promi nent physicians In all parts of the country. At all Druggists. Alse an excellent table water. BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS VIRGINIA ., IMMrlhntem for rhllii. SMITH, KLINE & FRENCH CO. RUBY AYRES' LOVE STORIES Yeu will be delighted te knew that another grunt leve story hy Ruby Ayres, the writer of "A Bacheler Husband" and "The Unwanted One" necls J'uu have enjoyed no much in the Ecntng Public Ledger entitled: "THE FORTUNE HUNTER" An interesting love theme woven with n mybtery of mis taken identity Begins FRIDAY, December 23 in the (fcbcm'nff public Icrjrjci- Order from your imrmlcalcr new te be sure of getting this unusual dory of love and mystery. l-.i- 'jUt ,iillA,t n 'ylj, , ,,!,,. Complete January List NOW ON SALE Columbia Records Dance Records Wabash Blues. Fos-Tret Tke Columbians . -. Tuck Me Te Sleep (In My Old Kentucky f or" Heme). Fox-Tret The Columbians) c Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Tees (Down In Tennessee). Fos-Tret Ted Lewis and His Band Everybody Step. Frem The Muaie Bex Rente. Fox-Tret Ted Lewis and His Band A-3499 85c Kentucky Heme. Fox-Tret It'a Yeu. Fox-Tret Sal-O-May. Fox-Tret, Cataline. For.-Tret The Happy Six) A-3498 The Happy Six j 85c Paul Bieee Trie 1A-3494 Paul Biete Trie) 85c Seng of Leve. Walts Prince's Dance Orchestra) . -ant rmniauen iiUimey. ivieaiey waitz i Prince's Dance Orchestra ) 85c Na-Je. Fox-Tret Jabberwocky. Fox-Tret The Happy Six A-3S03 The Happy Six 85c Seng Hits Al Jolsen 1A-S500 Vernen Dalkartj 85c Delly Kay) A-3502 Delly Kay 85c WIie'b Been Around? Van end Schenck 1 .3490 O'Reilly (I'm Ashamed Of Yeu). Frem f , VananaiichtncK) April Showers. Frem Boir.be Weep Ne Mere (My Mammy). Cry Baby Blues. Ne One's Foel. Ziegfeld Follies of 1SS1 A Dream of Your Smile. EdvinDale 3490 .Leve win Jfina a way. I'Tcm aiuxr.e ueng t ec. Edwin Dale) OSiC Mezeie Majfutre. Edivin Deli & William Morgan A-3501 Mary O'Brien. Edwin Dale 85c I'll Be Geed But I'll Be Lonesome. Southern Quartet He Toek It Away Frem Me Blues. Southern Quartet) A-S489 85c Opera and Concert Ssxtette from Lucia di Lammermoer "Chil raftrena il mie furors" (Why De I My Arm I 497CS Restrain). Barrltnlea, Hackatt, Slrccciari, $3,50 Mardones, Nee and Mender J Lc Coe d'Or "Salut a tei aelcll" (Hail Te Thee, Sun). Maria Barrienios Leng, Leng Age. Hulda Lashanska Shipmates O' Mine. Lvis Graceurt) Five and Twenty Sailermen. Leuie Gravture) 11 n Sleep, Baby, Sleep. Zimmerman and Grandnllt 1 . 3462 Homeland Switzerland. f ec 40386 $1.50 49063 r$i.se A-340S $1.00 a Zimmerman and Grandrille) Instrumental Music Traumerel. Pable CasalsX 7g Spring Seng (Songs Without Words). Saecna Jaeebsen Sascha Jaeebsen a Serenade. r Rocked In The Cradle of The Deep 349B 00 Jeunwme. Clyde Deerr Clyde Deerri A-3491 85c Ntu Columbia Rtcttdt en Sal at all Columbia Dialtre the 10th and 30th of Beety Menth THE LURE OF MUSIC TcTukt r7Ii)ic rtterdt, tathlni tXe istrinf , iti gtvn rcn MMfMte "wist trj typnei rionali)nbtreria WJ nn plcnjtt el ih I TfcLref Uuile Btnttit compeNr). jun wKtt rcu nnd w g the full crjew COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, New Yere STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER- TOYS Fer Beys Fer Girls Fer Babies Toys that instruct, Toys that educate Toys like the ones that you and I used te play with, Toys as modern as the year 1922. In fact, right here in this prreat Tey Stere, waiting te be released, are millions of smiles, millions of laughs, millions of chuckles all presided ever by that jelly old friend Santa Claus Who holds court daily gravely discussing matters just new of greatest moment te little folks. Of immediate im portance is the fact that we new have Many Toys at Reduced Prices Remainders of lines in unexpected special purchases. Fer instance, outstanding items are Dells' Strollers 5.00. Dells' High Chairs 75c. Dells' Tea Sets $1.50. Electric Train Sets $6.90. Dells close te half price $1.50 and $5.00. Mechanical Train Sets $2.00. Airplanes at half price. VZr-y Stmwbrldce & Clethlf r Fourth Fleer Women's Seft Felt Boudoir Slippers Much Under Price at $1.75 and $2.00 SIX HUNDRED PAIRS of the well-known and always-liked "Cozy-Tees," with their soft pndded insoles and flexible oezc-calf outer soles. Seme embroidered in silk, ethers trimmed with ribbon and pompons. A very attractive variety of styles. Si:: hundred pairs at these prices, se near te Christmas, will net last long. 5Jr-- StrwbrWne Clethlr Elchth and Filbert Struts Negligees and Breakfast Coats Head Many Gift Lists Probably because there are few things dearer te the heart of woman, than these robes intitnc with their soft draperies nnd frills and few that are mere be coming. Satin Breakfast Coats Special at $5.95 Oie of changeable satin, shown at the right in sketch, special at $5.95. Others of satin and taffeta in dainty colorings, and all softly frilled 57.50 te ?18.75. Crepe de Chine Negligees Special at $10.00 Full draped model shown at the left in sketch, special at $10.00. Anether draped model nt $0.95, and a slip-ever model at $7.50. Others tasseled and ribbon-trimmed, $10.95. Alse hand-embroidered, ribbon-trimmed Negligees with long flowing sleeves, $15.00. Pink, blue, or chid, peach, coral, turquoise, Copenhagen blue and wistaria. 3-- Btrawbrldie & Clothier Third l'loer. Filbert Street. West Small Beys' Chinchilla Cleth Overcoats at $10.00 Really remarkable value are these handsome Overcoats for boys of 3 te 8 years. They arc of all-wool chinchilla cloth in navy blue, brown and gray and are worth many dollars mere than this selling price $10.00. Blanket Cleth Mackinaws, 8 te 16 years $8.75 Cheviot Suits, with two pairs of Knickerbockers; sizes 7 te 18 years $12.75 (-- StrawbrWre & Clothier Second Fleer, Tllbert Street. Kaat Practical, Artistic Gifir in the Upholstery Stere TAPESTRY TABLE RUN-1 COUCH COVERS handjeme NERS handsome .nllever yerdure tapestry, in verdure and allover "T"0'.:L.'.r.:,' "'"""V conventional patterns and rich iuiui;i uuuuj.iui uaaui uncut in u wide range of patterns $3.00 te $10.00. TAPESTRY PIANO SCARFS scores of styles and patterns in rich colorings $3.50 te $13.50. CHAIR CUSHIONS chintz covered, button-tufted, fceft cotton tilled, box edge, rounded backs. A wide assortment of patterns and colorings $1.25. Persian designs. A wonderful assortment of colorings and weaves $3.50 te $25.00. FOLDING SCREENS panels of plain burlap, in blue, brown and green, or of pretty cretonne or chintz; oak, mahegnny and white enamel frames. Three-fold and four-fold $9.00 up te $30.00. 'By Strawbrld&e & Clothier Third Fleer. Centre Men's and Women's I-T n A c&XfW infer a AUiiUAVVl llllO J 3 for $1.00 Right in the nick e' time two remarkably geed values in this uuivuibui bui, unicie ei unquestionable suitability. 35c MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS of fine Irish linen with neat hem stitched hems. WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS or Imported linen in beautiful colerincs and desiims. y-)- StrnbrldKa ft Clothier AUe 5. Centre, and Aisle l. Market Street Gift Stationery, 50c te $17.00 A remarkable variety of social Stationery. incluiHmr nv ?. Kl u .i n ..... , . . . '. " -" ""n ...unit. 1,1111, uiiu JIUulbV UUUCU. naCKPfl in mnKnmn gift boxes 50c te $17.00. cabinets and marked nt attractive low pi ices Other Attractive Gift Suggestions Fountain Pens $2,50 te $11,00. Eversharp Pencils 50e te $10. Boxed Pen and Pencil Sets $5.00 te $15.00. Children's Scheel Bags $1.00 te $8.00. -. Pencil Sets 40c te $3.60. Geographical Glebes 75c each. Leather-covered Autograph Albums, Address Beeks, Diaries and Date Pads for 1922, at Various Prices " fcy-- Strawbrldse & Cletliler Alile 10, Centre 1. 2. 3. 4. Hear the Chorus Te-morrow at 9:30 PROGRAM Tableau The Prophets O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Candlyn Tableau The Annunciation " Chrl.itmas Night Trunk Tableau The Shepherds The .Shepherds' Story Dickinsen Tableau The Wise Men Hely Art Theu (Large from Xerxes) Handel Tableau The Nativity Hallelujah Chorus (Messiah) Handel Tableau Christmas Mern Quick Service for Men Who Want a Suit or Overcoat Fer Christmas Our collection of Men's Clothing is of matchless extent the best selected in this city. Assembled in groups according te sizes nnd prices are the finest products from such famous houses as the Stein-Blech Company, Hart, Schnffner & Marx, the "Alce" shops, the "Wickham" shops and many ether dependable suppliers. A wealth of styles and fabrics sufficient te satisfy the most fastidious dresser. Suits arc $30.00 te $05.00. Overcoats, $30.00 te $85.00 prices of appreciable moderation. In addition, many interesting groups axe marked at less than prevailing retail levels namely Fur-lined Overcoats Reduced te $75, $135, $175 and $235- . Gabardine Tep Coats, Special Value at $25.00, $29M and $39.50 Tuxedo Suits, Smart New Styles, Unusual Value at $40.00 Our salesmen knew Clothing thoroughly. They are efficient and fully qualified te give you quick, satisfactory service. Lv-- Ktravbrldce & Clothier Secer.1 lOoer, Eairt w8w -? n'mi Wk 1 W 1 Kb llmivmmm A " wBBtW9eWjmmMtmmmm Mufflers from England, $6.00 r Just in, another shipment of five hundred of these fine Artifi cial Silk Scarfs in a close, firm weave and with n beautiful silky sheen. In a delightful variety of stripes and plain effects, includ ing the greatly desired regi mental colorings. Wern by men and women. Btrawbrl(le & Clothier Market Utret Cre All. Silk Stockings Always Please And from our vast and com plete assortments you can select just what you want in a twin kling. At 75c With seamed backs, cotton tep3 nnd soles. In black, nnvy blue, Russia calf and gray. At $1.00 Black silk, with mercerized tops and soles. At $1.35 Seamed-back, 16 strand Silk Stockings, with nar rowed ankles. In black, white and cordovan, $1.35; 3 pairs, $4. At $3.50 Full-fashioned in grain silk, silk from "top te tee." In black, white, tan and cordo van. Heather-mixed Ribbed Weel Sports Stechina $2.50 RtrawurldKe & Clothier A'sle 3, Marl.et Street nnd Aisle 4. Centra Three Hundred Corsets in Small Sizes at 65c Of pink and white plain and brocaded materials, low and me dium bust, some with elastic top; long or medium skirt, well boned or lightly boned, free hip space. Twe Medels in S. & C. Special Corsets at $2.00 and $3.00 Beth with low bust, long ever the hips, well-boned, free hip space. Pink ceutil, $2.00 and $3.00. Brassieres, 38c and 50c Bandeau Brassieres of pink brocade with elastic section in the back, 38c. Heek-front Bras sieres of white cambric, trimmed with laces and insertion, 60c. HtrawhrMne &Cetlilr Third noer. Mirket Stree. Wst HOLIDAY CANDIES PURE MIXTURES 50c a pound, also 70c a pound, or 5 pounds for $3 00. FINE CHOCOLATES AND BONBONS j pounds in a gift box for $2.95. CLEAR CANDY TOYS 35c a pound. SATIN - FINISH HARD CANDY 50c a pound. KEWPIE CANDIES tiny hard enndy Kevpic3 te delight kiddies 25c a box. GARAGES filled with Choco late automobiles 12c each. Tens of ether geed Candies, in cluding many filled Fancy Bexes. Strawbrldte & Clothier Ilaement und Alsjei 7, Centre Fine Colored Silk ) AA Taffeta Umbrellas ) PO.ll An Extraordinary Gift Value Everybody contemplating the gift of an Umbrella should see these: Fine Umbrellas, geed silk coverings in smart shades, bake lite handles in an excellent assortment of styles, some finished with rings, ethers with leather loops the kind of Umbrella you would like te get yourself. Men's Union Taffeta Umbrellas at $3.50 Sturdy paragon frames, Union taffeta (silk-and-cotton) cov ering; handles in hook and creek styles. rr-- Straw brldce & Clothier Aisle 7. Market Street Late Gift Seekers Should Visit The Leather Goods Stere Fer the gift for Her or for Him, for the gift for the debutante, the traveler, the business man; grandma, whose tastes run te dainty sewing boxes; the friend who spends much time giving her desk a businesslike appearance, and the wee sister who feels all "dwessed up" I when she carries a Bag of her very own. SOMETHING FOR EVERY- f BODY IN THE LEATHER GOODS STORE. Velvet Hand B.ags $5.00 te $85.00 Duvetine Hand Bags $5.00 te $40 Silk Purses and Bags $5.00 te ?35 Headed Bags 54.50 te $165.00 Spangled Fans $1.95 te $17.50 Beaded Silk Bags $11.50 te $25.00 Feather Fans $2.65 te $5)0.00 Feather Bags $6.75 te $40.00 Black and Colored Leather Bags and Strap Beeks $3.75 te $125.00 AV'emcn'b I'ocketheoks and Card Cases from $1.85 te $9.50 Men's Wallets, Bill Felds, Bill Beeks, Pur.ses, etc 73c te $21.00 Picture Frames $1.25 te $8.50. Tra cling Slippers $2.95 te $5.50 Men's and Women's Smart Fitted Cases from $7.50 te $67.50 Leather Cigar, Cigarette and Match Cases $1.25 te $12.75 Bosten Bags $1.50 te $16.50 'Desk Sets $1.50 le $32.50 Shopping Bags $2.93 and $3.75 '-,.,. D , . , , . -. Writing CaseF-S1.23 te $11.00 Telephone Registers $1 te $1.75 Engagement Calendars,75c te $1.23 ' Cellar Bags $1.35 te $6.50 A Splendid Assortment of Leather, )Ji2 Qi Velvet and Duvetine Hand Bags ISr-h Strm. bridge & Clothier Allies 8 and 9. Centra Special 300 New Filet Lace -Trimmed Linen Scarfs 18x36 inches 18x45 inches 18x54 inche3 $3.00 $3.25 $3.50 One-third Less Than the Regular Prices Just received this purchase, from a New Yerk manufacturer, of beautiful Scarfs of the kind you can take pride in giving. Only three hundred select yours eaily if possible. A--btran bridge & Cletliler Alale 11, Centre Give Him the Best Bicycle "Mead Ranger" Heretofero you could buy a Mead Ranger Bicycle only from the factory selecting the model you desired from the Mead Cem- Royal Wilten Rugs 9x12 Feet, $63.50 One of these handsome Rugs will make a most acceptable gift for the home. An extensive array of desirable patterns te cheese from all 0x12 feet at the attractively low price of $03.50. SMALLER RUGS FOR INEXPENSIVE GIFTS Axminster, 27x54 inches, $4.50; 36x70, $7.50 Wilten Kurs, 27x54 inches $5.75 te $11.50 Wilten Rugs, 36x63 inches $13.75 te $18.25 Imported French Uujjs, 27x54 inches $7.00 Imported French Rugs, 3x6 feet $9.85 IN THE LOWER-PRICED RUG SECTION Gifts for $1.00 fc te- Y: .w ..ube, HAiH IIICIIL'S' pany's catalogue. Nev.- you can see the entire line of Mead Bicycles themselves at this Stere, and buy directly :rem us at the same low factory-te-rider price as heretofore. Same guarantee same pre mium outfits, same prices 350.00 te $60.00 with the extra ad- vuimige ev. our convenient ment plan. Mrnwbrldiru A Clothier Fourth Fleer pay- Women s Shetland Spencers at $2.00 Seft, warm Shetland wool, fn plnin shades; made te button down the front. Just a handful of material, hut wonderfully warm and snug under a coat, or, i t.he , two-dollar gift, you couldn't de better. (Jtrawhrldire A Clothier Alile 0, Market Stmt Cocea Doer Matt- $1.00. $1.00. 51-00- Rubber Doer Mats $1.00. S, -St.w brldre & CletMer Fourth Fluer. Welt Strawbridge & Clothier MARKET STREET EIGHTH STREET FILBERT STREET f JH, ,, ' u," f'.fctty,f H t-Hl . 1 A Superb Gift Women's Fitted Over-Night Bags Handriome Black Cowhlde Bags, cobra-grain, 16-inch fire. made w th crush bottom, lined In jne're silk and fitted with elffht toilet articles in shell effect. A Bag that loeka much mere than its price. BtrwbrlJ. A Cletl.J.r AUI. 8, Ciptr 'I .!, j . -..,. . vg t--rft "1 m.ews i f.t tAi