V-r' h ''&. i EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER ,20, 1921 2ff M j it .i I! 'i u is-' El r! i! i 1 If" It THE PEOPLE'S FORUM I tetters te the Editor The Church and the Lonesome 3"e the Kdlt tr et the Hienina Public Ledger 81tv I hove re.td with Interest u. number of Utters In your Teuple'g Forum en the queallen of the loneeemeness of the trnn Brln our midst, nnd the efforts that sheulil K made te mnke them fe-sl at home and happy. It Is mv opinion that the church lathe only real source O be employed In reCichlntr thesu pee.ile, and theso who arc Jiet willing te no tn church It inuk s no dlrterene the denomination niust work out thalr own destiny. It Is true that many of the churches, probably thrnUKh tlieuuhtleasnuin. fall te re spond te their Christian duty of tnnklne welcome into the church home the atrnnicer Every newcomer who settles 'n any part of this city will find n. church within a short distance of his home. The first thins a newcomer, should de would be f ir him r her. or both, If married, te find lh denom ination of h.s choice h.nd In hi ' letters ' If he Is m member of the d n minallen, an1 If a non-church member, at least attend the church, and If he will de his part. 1 am tare the minister and the cma-regauen will een recognize that he I a stranicer and Blve him the proper welcome. The unfortunnte part Is that only tee many people who be te church think that It Is net a duty they ewe te Ond, but bs a tneana of becemtnu acnualnted with people and opening te them a certain social circle. Church members hae had e many unpleas ant experiences In this respect that ttu-y aie net apt te extend the hand of friendship ti-e far befere they hae msule Inquiries ei te the te whom It Is te be extendcJ, for the have found In the past that i-nly tee many people use the church as a cietk t carry cut their ends, often most despicable ones Any stranger honestly deslrliiB te form ac quaintances nmeng the rlcht kind of people Will find that his desires will be met lit Wet half waj If Ind cit d In the prnpir plrtt te church attendants, but the unfor tunate part of se rrnny Mrnn.-ern Is that they expect entirely tee much from both minister and conreatlen who hac liad their life's work set out for them, usually filling; up most of their linn, and It Is net always easy te fit m faces Inte the trap. and for some people wh'j are rescued In their manner It is net a ery easy t.nk Hut 1 have nlwai found belh minister and church people wllllnic te respond when .hey felt that their response w.n nd it.b!e i: i. i.arkl: Fhiladelph'n. December 13 10i!l. The Automobile Menace Te the Editor nt the Kv'n'ne I'ublxr Ledger- air Wc hear Intermittent walls from "various seu-res of th in rfldy et l'u t " Termlt mc te call te the ntuntlen of tliee critics the fuel that the pre at the pres ent time Is sllentl but persistently irr Inn en a rimiuU'n whu'i will ntmll n eult In direct action en the part of the pub lic. I refer te the Increase of the iiutmno iiutmne blie accidents. Your l-tt.-i s in th I'eenle'a Forum hie inspired me t write th s. Could an thine I" mere pathetic than the announcement In the pmts win re n scheid teacher lest her lit threuirh be'nit hit by an uutem bile, which Is rfirnd t In the papers as an ncclJent "? Is ".iccllenl" the pre r word' .Th.s ii-cliti-nt Is a polK pelK nant reminder of the fact that all of us. male or f emtie. I J net make cmmietrnt drhera under the nrtr nt nv iheils t,f learn Ins:. The urantlnit of a license ders m.t wave a maulc v nd mer the neinien . eon ferrlnc upon him or her these nullities which only rlcld Instrua'en and lone ex perience can Blve. The fact cann it tee sfennly be drlen home that the midern au. Is ret a toy We de net Bet then for Chrlstnus presents from our husbands' we win them f-c lalon lalen ally In le'ter.is and wc fin 1 a certain t.pe occasionally stra leil en our frmt riwn. Dut Is It realised that the p-rsen bihlnd the wheel of an aut itk.uiI.- la In the position of a potential murderer? A rcene in the Picture "J'Accuse" has prompted me te draw a similar one. V could summon all the liUli dlunltarl-s at the Disarmament Conference te a reviewing stand In W.ishli'Clen 'f witness a in rue The victims of automobiles have suddi nly come te life H plead their c.tii'e We see little (hlldren with arms, lens and hands mlsslnB: old men and old women hebbllnn en crutches. There dees net si em te be an end te the precession. Thi. war Is ever, but Mars' asint en curth Is reaping l-is daily hare.t. W. I.. HAI'.CLAY. Philadelphia. Decmlwr 13. 1321. Problem of War Gas Is Hard One Te tht Editor e) the Evnina I'vhHc I.rdatr: Sir I s-e t !.ejr p.tpr that the mttti-r of uslnit poisonous nas und ether new de vices la up for discussion by the Dlsnrniu- ment Cenferenee. It leeks te me like a hard matter te rrnulate such things by Itw. Potsen Bas could probably Is u?ed under certain conditions te destroy rodents and Insects. This would furnish any itoern iteern ment with a tolerable excuse for research en that line by Its Axrlcu tural Department If the War Department were forbidden te de co. A Bas that ulll kill mammals vill Bcnerally kill men. The effvet en man might easily be tried out en the criminals of some nations. In tlnery. It would be te find the bist was for the rodent killers Je protect thcmselMs but flndlns out what won't kill und what will kill a man arc about the s.ime thine. I hope Secretary Iluuhes will stand firm en the R-3-3 basis, anil I would net Brieve1 much If that Conference struck a sn.iB. However. If lhe cannot come te terms en a tennage bas.s It might be possible tu agree en a limitation based en a number of enlisted men. That is. there would be a cut of some per cent In the number of officers , and men, but the nations would build as they saw fit te provide lii up-te-date arma ment. The United States has no battle cruisers and It si ems a pity te scrap the enea we hae partly made and have a navy of only out-of-date slew tubs of battleships A small navy In men. but provided with better tools of the trade, would be mere In line with United States policies In ether things. C. Ii. E Philadelphia. Dcccmtier 12. 11121. Sees Kind Act Te the Editor of the Evening Public LeSwr' Blr l!wr once In a while ns . go through this old wi rid, If we keep our eyes open, we Und that ell net selfishness ir.d greed. livery Mttie whlie ' t m te ,t warm, sunny spot which cheers us and re news our faith In our fellow humans Hew te Malta Christmas Werth While Sending Cards at Christmas Te' Editor of tht Evenlra 7'uMfe l.rrfecr; air The sendlnu of Christmas cards Is .. .m?" bpu'lful custom and. If followed judlc eusly, it brlnm a great deal of ple.is . ? . frl(,ni1' and signifies that they are net forgotten. Hut It Is also one of our most abused customs a.nls should be sent only te these whom wc knew quite wel ntid who have no reajen te be Included in our Hit of gifts. They should never In sent te persons whom we knew but stlRlitlj and whom we have no rmsen te show thi thev hate net been fonretten Probably every revd.r of this letter e ICCall heH. nhmit ft, r-t..i-.. ,11'ey have recviv .1 cards with names ei t cm thit are unnmlilnr te them. 1 he nve spent n consul, r tble time In ferrrtlfK i.i'it the Identity of the sender, a cise whirl, I shows that the card should never hive Is e '''.n,j. '' c'ni,iuence the recipient Invarln IV. At the vi nth hour, has te ruh eui I ind .id.l another or ether cards te his or he 'r-nly lentf list, nnd berates th- fact thai e cutem was ever brought Inte such gen i pratlre '-is an Ir.vatlahle rule in the purchasing of Christmas cards te bu n cert tin num ber, and when it cornea te the addressing of them th purchaser finds thnt he has pine boend theullinlt nnd that he has over ever i PJrchaae.1 at lenst te Iho evti nt of half a I dozen. Te k,.. n.i n( theB h(1 H1,r,H,n, them te p. rens he known only slight . and III c instn.iince hP VMn thl, reei iters In the position of trlng te recall the sender nnd the further expenditure of money fur cards. De nei neglect te And cards te all these Jeu wish te rtmeinbcr In this way. hut If Seu hate mere than enough ti tre nreu.nl h.-er. the nmilrdcr In the wnrte basket, but te net burden slight aco.utlntr.iHes with 11 " w.in:u t. CMineM,. I'lilladelt.hla, Deci mher 111, 11121. Proper Christmas Spirit In Heme Te th- Editor of the Evtvlng PuhUr I.r,fr- Sir I have rend every letter In nur In teresting People's Kerum that has ben written abiut Thr'stmas. and If our read ers don't knew hew properly te calibrate his is ,rleus da nw ;hev are certnl"lv t.treful readers of your p.tpr. Hut there Is en' thing that I feel our correnpendents hate negleelnl nn.J ihnt Is th- re ti Mdrlt ,n th) ceietiivtlen of the day Almest all of thin hate hi eri ltj lag entirely te i much stress us te L'lft-glvlnrf, or the Chrlslmus feed. The tru" Christmas, in my mind. Is net sp-nt in this way (lifts only make us tern tern perarllj happy or comfort tblc: nnd the Chris mas dinner Is seen digested. My Idea .n adopted in my home I think Is very much bitter, and It can be Indulged in by every lamll. no mutter hew peer they maj be It Is th r I urn a pe-ir widow with five Kmall chll drin. thrte girls and ttte bes I mn able te supply mv little, ones with sufficient feed te neu-ti-h them I um alwajs able te glte aeh en" of them a little piesent. a book or tev for the younger ones, and seme little article of wearing npiurcl te the ciders. I have always taught them economy nnd that a gift should nut be valued by the mncy ex pended. They receive these gifts and en joy them, I am sure, mere than thu great maji rlly of the children of wealthy or even medriately wpillhy parents, who leek at all the presirts that are given te them and then pans tlicin up btcause they have been polled, and when Christmas Day Is ever .ney are locking for it something that they tie te reditu next. In fact, they leek forth e Christmas Ct mlntj evers "next da." My pun Is this. On Christmas cve I .ther all my cMldren abeu! me and I read then .he imimi " Ttv ten .NUrn. He He ere t'hrlstnim." Then we have it little parts" sll by uurseltes, and I get eatli ne of them te hang up h.s stock. n.. Then I tuck .hem HWa In bed, and they have t , oil, wholesome eltep, and the next morn mern tu they g, t up tally te see what is In tmlr st ckiiigs. They den t leek for expensive ,or I iiatL itf.ays tauxnt te' . t ir Hi st duty Is te love their inother und bo be lt vc what she says. I provide it few little dainties en tht. table for them In the way ei CMinly and fruit, wh ill Is an uncommon .real for ihem, and thes r.muse tnemsclves all day with the little gifts they have re telved nnd I usually make these glf's se that one cm enjoy the ether's gift and I um iteter tee tiled te Jein them in all t.ielr games ant plensurts. I am sure thtre Is no happier home In Philadelphia thun Is mill" en Christmas Pay, mil at u cost that tlrtually every f vml s could provide. Chrlnt mis In the home Is In the Individual mak ing, and I ,tni tur If ixeple, in mt'ter hew peer they are. v, nuld go about It In the r'ltht wav thi re would be a happy Ch-'st-mas in etert heme in the city, without depending en eu:lde help. (Mrs ) W I. O. Philadelphia. December IS. 1021. Christmas nnd III Ex-Service Men I Te th Editor of the Evening PnWfc Ledger! I Sir I have rad from time te time let 'trs In sour People's Porum regarding the tvay pterle were helping the ex-servlee men i In hospitals and homes In this city who litre eental isclng. I have efti n wendcre l I hew I cejld b" of assistance In the saint vtvty. Heteral tl.it s ue one et sour readers wrote te the People's Porum and asked the vers questie i tit.it I would like answered, .and this are v her then,, boys .fe located, l.tpprex.mately hew many there are. hew they can be reachrd, the hours for visitors, etc., and I hate looked evtry dy for un unswer. s vet no answer has been printed. I am sure there are mtny persona lntererted nnd thev should reply te this letter nnd give these who would like te Interest themselves the opportunity of knowing hjw thcs9 boys can lj reaehed. I am sure there Is no vterth'er set O be loekid after at this pe riod than these sick ex-service or still In the service men. It Is a duty we ewe them for what thev htve done for us. I an sun there are thousands In this city who feel im I de. anil all th'-y want Is te knew hew go ubeut It. (Mrs. I W. I.. D. Phlltdelphla. December IS, 1II21. covering acres and acres, with Ha large boulders, hills and water! also the transpor tation facilities. It's the only place te held the exhibition and will mnke n benutlful place for all times, r. e. V. Philadelphia, December 12, 1021, Questions Aiisivcred Senators and Leviathan Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Blr Where can I get a list of the nnmci of our flennters, se I can tell which btates thry represent? Is the ship levlathnn being remodeled and at v.htt shipyard? It. KKALINO. Phtltiddivhla, December 14, 1021. If seu will leek In the World Almatinc In any public library, you will be able te find a list of nil the United Plates Kinaters und the Wtntcs they reprt-scnt. The Ilkt l tee long for us te print. Tl'e liPvlathun Ir nt present 'decked In New Yerk, lllds for her rep ilr have been asked for nnd will be opened en Decemtr 21). Under plans new pie.mnd for Hie bid ders shi a 111 be entirely resided ns befitting l'tr size. Referred te Readers 7e the Editor of the I.rrnliig Public J ethirr: Sir As a reader of jour P siple's Kerum. I wish In knew If you cuuld mine the dif ferent Chrl tlan rtllglets that be lev- In the Ifelv Crest. Alse what's a belter title for "Nen-Chrlstlans7" P. A. T. , Philadelphia, Drrmber 14, 1021, Peets and Hawthorne's Funeral Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger; SirWhat w -re the names of the ulx poets who steed three en each slde of Hawthorne's grave when he was burled? W. T. P Philadelphia. Dicembcr 14. 1021. At the gates of the cnet-ry. en either slde of the path, as the carriage cnntulnlng Mrs Hawthorne left the grounds nfter the burial of her huiband. steed , I-nngfellew. Helmes, Whlttler, Iiwell, Umersen end ex Prtslde'it Pierce. Derivation of Werd "Canada" Te the Ed'toret the Evening Public Lideer: Sir Will ou pie se edtl3u me th. derlvn- about a year. He engaged In farming and vine growing after leaving the nrk, and died at the age of 0.10 years. Dlbllcul au thorities sny the nume mem "rest." though they are net clearly nVrced as te the par ticular fltness or application et the name. Auther of Famous Lines Te the Editor et the Evening Public Ledger: Blr Who wrote the follewlnc'. "I shall pssa through the world but encei thcreft.re. any geed thlnir that I can de or any human klndnss that I can show te any humnn being let me de It new. Let me net defer It or neglect It, ter I shall net pass this was ernln"? MHK. W. It. L. Philadelphia, December 10, 1021. There has been much contention ns te the authorship of this beautiful sentiment. Dut the unusual number of authors te whom It has been nt-crlbed consigns It te eafe ob eb tcurlls. Some of the namei most frequently attached te the quotation nre Stephen Cirri let. Mir Tie'and Hill, lid ward Courtney. Jo Je scph Terres'. William Penn and Jehn Town-stud. Poems and Songs Desired n. 1021. r. v The ether day I was riding en a Thlr le.nth street i ti It was iTevttlnl te over flowing The aisles were flllid, iih w ts the back plttfrm. At the height of this eon. gi gte 1 condition a woman, with a vers small child afoot hnd a bubs In her arri.. Iw.trdtd the car She tedleuMv worked her vtas i In and st-ied close te the conlucter. 1 An agd Idv sat en th vtrs end of one i of the lengthwise v ats near the ,ier,r. Ah I Finn as she saw the wnmtn with th- btlv I sh get up and Insisted upon the burdened en- taking the seat. Several men who were seite.1 had let stlrr'd. I rath r think th 'V f-dt femev.hat funn nnd unct-v en ebHirtlng the kind, motherly act of the old luly Mill. W. L. M. Philadelphia. December T. 1021. About Rubber Plants ' Te the Editor of the Evntng Public Ledger: Sir I note what sour mrresiendi nt a.va about his rubber pli.nts being unheallhy Probably his room is ten dry for a rublsir plant. This Is bad for the foliage -ind Ix sld's. en eurages 'the red spider vhlih, If prsent. can le. se n en the und.r sid of he leives, appearing like sm ill en-eks. II flourishes In a drv atmosphere, ''ui king the sap from the leaves and killing them. Wash the leavis frequentlv with wrm water, stenging the undi rIde esprclall), und spr.tj lng. If possible. Wutir ttu plant frtspjciitls and keep a bowl of v.ater near. De net le i the rr.ss of the sun strike th pltnt through ! the window, at they burn the leaves. C. I. D. I Philadelphia, December 14. 1021 I Bet3y Ress and the Flag Te th I'dter of th' Evening PuMie ledger1 Fir I hnve read, net without n que llnnlnc Interest, tl e cottrlbunen of Mr. Wllllsm A. Ctrr en the house of Il.-ts Iless Ir. the IIvcmmi rtu.te 1. 1. until of this dtte. Te stt'sfy n deuht which nl nyt obsesses ire wv.rn this pnrtlculnr topic Is discussed or wrl (en about, may I nsk a few qucs qucs tient from 'our leaders who have ex tm Ined li.tr the subject, which may seem senievhat Ite'inclnstlc, considering hew strong y this historic myth ebtnlns with the ' m..n In th. street "" Did Itetsy rtess really mnke the first Arrirlcan ting .u ve new possess and cher ish It? If se. who authorized her thread-itml-netd e m rvt e1 D'.. W.tihlnginii and I,.fas'ette. as It Is alleged, ever visit her home i.gardlng thla nrv. . and. If se. In whit sear? Is It net u fact thnl for sears after the lepuinl making of the llrut tin; ! the lady intntlened i.s its we-vvi.m.'iu no allusion by Lny cenierrpertrs' uuthetule ttiltr wus m-vie begird nc Its rr.unufaeture' In the l letntlme ha net .list: nee and time lent u tort of truih-enc'iantmcnt te whit Id In the main no better IL , ' '!! m" ADHI-INi: PISH. Phl'addphla. Pa.. December 0, 1UJ1. Site for Sesqul-Ccntennlal Te the i diter e' the Evening Public Ledger: S.r -Ter a site te l.e. I tl esqut-Cen-tennltl I would advire ou te leek from th "I." station nt Mlllhourne (Slx'y-slxlh atrtet) and ste the beautiful piece of ground. tlen of the name Canada? Philadelphia. December 13, The conjectures ta te the origin of the nnnie Ctnntia hate been many, and some of them are Imprebible. Some are: (1) I'retn Sptnlh "Cape de Nadu," meaning "Cape of Nethlnr." earl vesars being convinced of tht Innd's werlhesness: (21 from a Stnn leh word tutnlng "passage." that Is te India through Canada. corresponding te "I.n Chln" rnplds In the St. I.iwrrnec; (.1) from "Acn Nada." said te n.can "nothing her." (4) from "Kannatha": (3) from KptnlHh Tlirrt Canndit" or "Tlcrra de lit Can tdi," meaning "land which Is Bullied": (C) rrem "ICaiifta " meaning it collection of heusts, or vlllige, It being a natural mistake U give the name for this Instead of the coun try In genertl. This latter explanation of the or gin Is the mere llkels-. and Is the one which was convincing te the late On tario a'cheoleglst, David Ileyle. About Neah Te the Editor of tin Evrning Public Ledger: Sir Kindly tell in.- hew ninny generations Neah was In direct ib scent from Adam, also his age at detth. 11ns the name any par ticular m:anl:ig or significance? W. I,. KKU.cn. Philadelphia. December 13, 1021. Neah wes n nth In descent from Adam tie wit" about .'en vi ars old when his three sons, ahem Hithi and Japheih. were born. A Input HM e.irs later he eegan te build the ark, and en tl. tenth diy of the seeind month of the I'Onth veir of his llf he and his family entered the ark. He was In the ark Want Old Hymn Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir I will uppreclate It very much If veu will ark If nny tf your leaders can supply the hymn containing these lines: "The Christian pllgtlin .slpgsi 'Heaven Is my home. Though dJll pne-ertv 1 mv let, An I my fg tren blossenn net, Henvcn Is mv home' " MHH. 13. 1 I.ARKIS. Philadelphia, Detimber 11, 1021. "Says Aaren te Moses" Te th' rd'tnr nf the Evening Public Ledger- Sir I am trying te locate n poem, the first stanm of which begins "Sass Aaren te Moses, talklntr of the times. On the vtns's of thla wicked world let us make teme rhymes, Although no better than It ought te be. It's net a ccd of loses, 'lllght you arc,' says Moses " MAIIY T. PAC-C. Philadelphia. December 12, 1021. Wants Name of Auther Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: ' Sir Can any readers of sour Pceph's Porum give mc the author of the following "When Cled made the shad the devil wax 1 m til And lie usej u the be.icM that he had. When Ced mvle the etrtw berry tlu devil wus mad, Fer he used all the bones In the shad." It Is possible that the lines urn Incorrectly quoted, und I should ba triad te have the correct version, ns well ns the mmn nf the author, from ene of sour reiders. F. U P. Philadelphia. December 10. 1021. "The Little Cares" i Te flic JMIIer et the Evening Public Ledarr: I Sir I will appreciate It very much If seu i cm print for me a short poem which con- tnlns the lints: "The llttle cares thtt fretted me, I lest them yesterday." It. W. W. Philadelphia, December Id, 1021. The little cares thtt fretted me, I lest them yestiiday; Among the fields above the sea. Among tin v.indtt nt Play; Among the lowing of the herds. The rustling of the tries: (jiiiiiiiiiiiiciimiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiKiiiiriiiiinminiiiiiiiiiiiitJiinnnin Letters te the Editor frheuld be as brief and te the point na possible, ;ieldlntr nnythlnir that would open .i denoinlnatlen.il or sectarian dis cussion. Ne nttentleti will be paid te anony mous letters Names and addresses niust be sinned iih an evidence of eoed fulth. altlieuRh immen will net be printed If request Is made that they bj emitted. The publication of a letter Is net te be taken as an Indersement of ltu views by thlt pnper. CoinmunlcatlenM will net be re turned unl33 accompanied bv nnst. i use, nor will manuscript be saved. This Company n Invites the banking business a of Individuals, Merchants, I Manufacturers and Cor- H poratiens. 1 Throughout its various lc- partments it offers a service g which will meet the most I ' exnetinff requirements. S Our Officers of either up- town or downtown eflke n will deem it a pleasure te further explain our service. The Real Estate Title Insurance I and Trust Ce. of Philadelphia , 523 Chestnut Street g Acress from ludrpendrnce Hall I 45 S. Bread St g Lincoln Ilulldlng S Oldest Title ttuarance Company in the World niiinrmtiiiiniRiiiiniiiiiiiiiintiniiiiuiniainiiiinintiiiinni: inn Gifts Have you thought of privin?; your friends a Gift Subscrip tion one that will be wel comed throughout the New Year? What mere appropriate re . membranee thun a year's sub scription te Sunday Public Ledger Morning Public Ledger Evening Public Ledger This splendid publication supplies all the news of the world and, in addition, the best features that money can buy. We will be pleased te send Cflch one whom you elect te receive a Gift Subscription a card of greeting announcing the donor. Subscription terms by carrier: Per Year Public Ledger (Sunday), $5.20 Public Ledger (Morning), 6.24 Public Ledger (Evening), 6.24 Circulation Department PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY Independence Square Philadelphia National Business Review of 1921 Start the New Year right with vital business facts. The Business and Financial Section of the Public Ledger is preparing a National Business Review of 1921, cevering: Finance Construction Agriculture Merchandising Transportation General Production This valuable data is being compiled under the direction of Mr. Richard Spillane, Business Editor of the Business Section of the Public Ledger. It will be authoritative and of great national interest. Bankers, brokers, manufacturers, merchants, exporters, importers and business executives in gen eral will find this financial and commercial analysis of first importance valuable information they will want te read, capitalize and preserve for future ref erence. Make a note en your desk calendar teday: NATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW OF 1921 January 1, 1922 SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER of Philadelphia lie sure te order from uui' newsdealer in advance PURE FRESH PAINT Sell eve Me The Laird-Schober Bldy. This large factory and ware house at 22d and Market streets is new protected against wintry weather by an exterior coat of Kuehnlc Paint. Big buyers al ways buy where they get great est value for their money I "Save the Surface" Kuehnle PAlNfERS Vine & 17th. Sts. spnucE ffli RAce 7749 THE Greatest Among the alnelnir of the birds, The humming of the bees. The foolish fenra of what might pass, I cast them all uwny; Amnnir the clever-scented crass. Among the new-mown hayi Amenv the hushtnit of the corn. 'hre drowsy pepn'cs nedi Where III theuthts tile and Geed ure born, Out In the fields with Qed. Supplies Requested Peem Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: SlrCemplylnir with th" n.iuet of VIC- .ter Jerdan, ,) tnkj nleasure In inclosing herewith a coey of the words tf thu sunt! "Take This Letttr te My Mether." H. 11. YOUNG, rhllndeluhla, December 14, lOSl. TAKE THIS LUTTHn TO MY MOTHElt Titke this letter te my metlnr. I'ur across the deep blue iifit, It will nil her heart with nleasure: Hha'll be sled te hear from tnc. Ilnw she wit wncn Inst tv) parted. Hew her heitrt was filled with pain, Whn Mia sHldi "doed-b. Oed blesa ou; We tiiay never mict ttB.iln." CHOllUfl ThI.e thin letter te mv mother. Fnr ncress tli detp Mue sea: It will fill her heart with pleasures She'll b, triad te hear from me. Take thle letter te my mother! It will fill her licirt with Jey. Tell her that her pravers ire answered: Cled preltctt her absent boy. Tell her te be glad nnd cheerful! T'ny fei no where'er I renm. And iTulemc I'll turn my footsteps Iliclt toward in) dear old home. Take thli letttr te my mother; It Is filled with words of love. If en earth I'll ntter meet her. Tell hsr thnt w'II meet nbete. Whre there la no hour of parting: All Is peace r.nd lete nnd Jey. Oed will bl.'st my dear old inother And protect her only boy. Alse sent In by Ildward Cnrrlgati, Wil mington, Del. Spanish Take Moorish Village Tetunn, Morocco, Dec. 20. (By A. P.) Tliu rlllnsc of 'Anl!a linn been captured by the SpanlMi forces, operat ing in the legion inhabited by the Hcnl Antw trlbe of Meers. The onerntlen proved tllfJlcult, the place being defended bv n otreiiRly entrenched enemy force which fought with great obstinacy. The Meera milfcrcd heavy louses, nnd In their retreat abandoned many of their dead. The People' l'nrttm will nppenr dnlly In the 1'tcnlnff I'uhlln Iflcrr, mid nlsn In the Sunday I'uhlle l.edcer. fillers ilNct sstnt' tlmetr le'drs ulll be printed its vrll n.i requested poems, nnd ques tions of Ktn.r.tl lutrrett will Ira uniwrrrd. P1PLES ON PACE M NECK Itched and Burned. Could Net Sleep, Cutfcura Heals. "My face nnd neck broke out In a rsh which left my skin awful rough. Suddenly pimples and blackheads appeared. The pimples were hard nnd red and were in blotches. They Itched and burned ee that I had te tan my self, and some nights I could net sleep. " I could net get anything te help me. I began uslnr; Cutlcura Seap and Ointment and found a great change, and after using them for six months my face was completely healed." (8lgned) Miss Daisy Mur phy, 353 Myers St., Steelton, Pa. Aprils, 1921. Dally use of Cutlcura Seap, Oint ment and Talcum usually prevents skin troubles. Bimpl.SubrmtiTUlfl. AtWrcsi"CttleirlV AtWrcsi"CttleirlV AtWrcsi"CttleirlV ottletlii, Dirt. H, MtMti 4 !,llui," He'.dsr.rj. whrrsi Betp.Se. Olnteniat ti and GOc. Tftlewn 2&. fani "Cutlcura Seap shaves without mui. viNTi:rt it r.f ekth 1'i.nniiiA SiTBASIMIII'S- KKSOKTS Write te rhumlier of Cenwnerre MIAMI. l'LA. for fxve lloeldrt. Mahogany HALL CLOCK WitJv Westminster Chime AT A Prc-Wnr Price Hlihlr flnlthed hn rah hsd et. dependsble werlti, dellrhtfel chime. ,,T.rT IS mlnitt... b.antlfql hour strike, ornamental hra.i wslahts aad nlck.l Mb... Special Factory Price $150 Werth 6(7 Meri Other etvlet P U ttesn at vroBertHnatt tavtna BREITINGKR Mnnufncttireri for Nearly se v ss. 39 N. 9th St. -J V I NTEB UKSORTH I JFK wr&frJtS iQ icr .Jree I Directly cm. lve Ocwuflmt lARAiicinPiMllekiafDistmctbv csiRscrnr wee , . m Hetel Raven Revd Chelea Ae. & Ilnnrdwnik. Sunny, wsll. heuled rooms. Winter rates, $3 te U with bath, Je. Amer. plan only. .Special weekly rates. ISAAC! newisV 'laAYMOkh "..' Worlds Greatest ffetvl Succttt Hetel Boscebcl 5?",!Jr Zi,DT- bjJ 'JtPGllpnt tablfl. Med. ftiii A ni A Ku plan. rh.U7. n.EMAniOrf 7,V iJ ' I.AKI.UOOD. N. J. -i,' r AT UI41TP f7lf,PXJtr "OOKiei OI 1 J.UIIIWA i;.V5i tUASl GREAT WHIlfc. 1' L t t T Ur-or write 3IH .. .e. -New .irk. i United Fruit Company Mi. i if m 17 llutterv I'mce. N. HTKAMIIIII'g mOHTH b .zismimw qA Winter Cruise te iMiimmm mi itmmi where it's Summer always " Lakewood's Largest, foreniesf Uel.l LAKEWOOD HOTEL Lnkeuned, New Jerney S3S.ne UKKHLVi K0.OO Vf DAILY Fer ltCRerv.ttlens phone. I.tvkewoed B01 or N. v. lloeklnc Office Parclnv 7O40 W-lte for Wuntrated l'htmplet. SikrJ L Sacrifice Sale of Used Cars Ever Known Nationals and ether make3 from $200 te $1250.00. All in geed mechanical condition. Convenient Terms National Moter Car & Vehicle Corporation Philadelphia Branch 675 N. Bread Street I'enlur 1301 TO r IIS TOl'HS (COOKS) i ! i Winter & Spring Programs THE CAR0NIA WONDER CRUISE te the Mediterranean Sailing January 28th The Number of Passengers is strictly limited te 350. Ne mere than two passengers will be allotted te any one stateroom, thus insuring the greatest privacy and com fort en decks and throughout the public rooms. The Cuisine will be the noted tabic of the Cunard Line, long recognized by Atlantic travelers as unexcelled. The Service will be the well-known Cunard Service, supple mented at all times by our experienced, competent repre sentatives. The Itinerary includes visits te MADEIRA, SPAIN (Cadiz-Seville-Granada), GIBRALTAR (Tangier), ALGIERS, MONACO (Nice and Mente Carle), NAPLES (and environs. ALEXANDRIA (Caire and Nile). PALES TINE (Jerusalem, Bethlehem, etc.), CONSTANTI NOPLE, ATHENS, ITALY (Naples and Reme). Stop over privileges in Europe with return passage by Aquitania, Mauretania, Bcrengaria or ether Cunardcrs. Only a limited number of berths remain available; immediate application necessary. SOUTH AMERICA A miine-teur nmiiWt nconery iinpxcrlleil for Ki'fin tleur nml benuty, by (Ir.ice Liner "H.tnta lilide," hulling from New Yerk I'Vb. J. WEST INDIES PANAMA CENTRAL AMERICA Cruises of emllemi interest nnd entertainment tit frequent intervals throughout the peusen. BERMUDA Inclusive Hate tours; frequent departures. An exquisite holiday at moderate cost. CALIFORNIA HONOLULU I.nrge variety of special California Honolulu teura choice of route by nea fl'nnnmn Canal) or land. Departure!: Dec. 21); Jan. 811); Teh. 1027. EGYPT THE NILE PALESTINE Te knew the Nile Ik te knew Kgypt. The best wny te truvel in by a Coek'it Steamer or Dahabeali. Large selection of ltinerarieK for Lscerted or Individual Travel. JAPAN CHINA Spring Tours, x optionally well planned, unliable for Individual!), Families or Groups, Departures from Pacific Coast Jan. 24 ; Feb. 221 ; March 425. EUROPE Seuth of Fiance Italy Escorted or Individual travel cover ing ull routes, Reservations for the I'asilen 1'lny nt Oberammcigau. Full Information and Literature en Request THOS. COOK & SON 22S Seuth Bread St. (below Walnut St.), Philadelphia Telephone Walnut 0300 and 2632 N"W YOltIC BOSTON' SAN FRANVISC'O CHICAGO LOS ANGKLCS MONTliKAL TOHONTO VANCOUVKll ISO Offlcen Throughout the World Coek'e Tiavclera Cheques Geed klvcrywhcre A COMPirrr. winter cruise tn Cahfernu and Hawaii via Havana, Panama Canal, Le Angela, San Francisce and Honolulu. Numerous shore trips with excellent hotel accommodations included. A restful winter vacation through seml'trepical xas en the luxurious and comrnedious American steamer Buckeye State which provides the com fort and conveniences of a first-class heteL This cruise will be underthe direction of the Tour, ist Department of the AmericanExprtM Company where inquiries may be sent. MATSON NAVIGATION CO. tU mwx !'. V. J. Stlffi'i 'BatrJ 26 SOUTH GAY STREET. BALTIMORE, MD. CX THT, AMERICAN EXfUSS CO, C AN STEAMSHIP AGENT OKEKN COVEjRrjUNOS. FLA THE Q9I-SI-SANA GKFP.N COVE SPRINGS, IHJL. ThBI-galecgw.rywfttitl,. rlnncllk. Northenieecklar. I)mI nrmnlliici for th Mfklns cannltt rat or i(lil dirt. In FlerW-nKh IMmU nd Tirt Pe. (MM tHan beUinc flew per mhiirU). Itecrcitieni: Hu Immlne. Gelf, Trnat. HunUnc. FUIiInx nnndnir. fpelr nUt, "i-ptr ROSCOB A MAUVE, 8umnreMn Vk Diiw llett). tit Duiim, Tt. Rr.ATmnE7.E. rr,A. "Hetel Clarenden wsxctly e eeeK SEABREEZE flerip4 MBwyeaK erricE. nae reapway ' Hl'.IIRINn. HA. B BUCKEYE STATE will sail from Baltimore te Hawaii January 7 KfeNILWORTH LODGE. ON LAKE JACKSON. SEDRING, RA. FLOTmAS MOST EXCEPTIONAL HOTEL,. INVIGORATTNG CLUteTE.WJBKEtlED Cat. HUGH JAY rVMt. MANAGER. BOOKING OFFICE. TOSCCKWrW OW3T4O5ST.UY.TmONGACRE8310( NT. riSTKHHllPrtO. FIA. H X. 1 K '1 U U 6 u u it a "The BunsJiine CUf Fer Doekltls cr Information Writ Chamber of Cemmtrc. Best. P Ht. Ptiriiburir. Klfc. nr.RMCDA ' ' ' ' M M emmdd OTOR BOATING en a tarqaeUt ICH amencr rnral lilr. ftnvrrm. palmt. Luxuneui. exotic life only 43 hours from winter's ic7 (trip I Wrtlily Servlce TlirouKlieut Winter. S. S. "Araguaya," 17,500 tern ditpl. 1'Irnt Knlllnsr Jiinunry 4. Weelly SaturJiy Sailing Tliereafttr Ihii lirgtit iteamer ever in the Bermuda terUce eilers all tha distinc tive eruliinit appeintmentt. Single Berth Cabins Roeau with Bath Luxurious Suites. The ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO. 26 Broadway New Yerk or local agents ICeuncl-Trln Kutr S70 op 12-nuv Tour, 8120 up 10-Uuy Tour. J171 up The Ideal Winter Retort PRINCESS HOTEL j BERMUDA I Directly en tha Harber, Accnmmedatst 404, , Open Dec. 12 (e ify 1. DoeklDC Offlcen. Keater'a Aeenclsi L. A. TWOnOQEE. Manaisr RsACbed by ateamera lirnasa liermuda LIU and Royal Mall Btaam PacKst Ca TOUB8 f5TPT Set endtht Bcle CUBA PANAMA PIRU CHIU -Acm 1 64Drji s:vj .i S1 ffiHB Lenca Lerlands ter"" NAXIL ' URUOVAY J-AMtHTIMt S1 FURNESS- LINE Under Contract With Bermuda Government JLxtra Chri3tmas Ship wilIW S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" '"in KT. Dee. K rttnrBn Vei. tt 7-Day Tour, $97-50 and up Alse Special Christmas Sailings Dec. 21 and 28 8-DAY HSM, $103 FURNESS BERMUDA ' n 34 WhuXll Sl N v i, ..m. ltny C... Ltd.. n.rT',.M, !leh.B " 3 Yerk .. .ii.i.. or ,iny Taurtit Arrnt HHHK85i&' $$Tna:z?k- " mmammm&,zLi mm WL 1&'MJEh'W8 PfflW W -t . -"-VfflT 2aSr j--ri-lr-2iiW If1 - 'IJJXtO.Q 1 3J!ziL "" r xins-i1" cnief 25 Daps Each v .,: :.. RT ST. GEORGE " f.V0?0 Ten" .! Ilnr Fnini i . . - ''I'liUeemrnt. Msw dm. January 4 February 4 March 4 Idfnl Viicatieni AtiienB EnchsnJetl ItUn.I. rMVn We,, ,, ,)Mn. isa. KT'ij.s..C.W hhtfW'ffiptti si. nasi s-t r Sv,c;lae.,.,.,,,r izir. c'-w si'.r Sary Inu-, und omifert 7,? ney !?.' '.".V,':..1'!1 " -Ul. biiU .ifftra lurmsifti rtatemei-R ir -iv h.n. :..', ' . , V"1."11. '' feixt luxuriously m .... .---.'' "" ri. Mn'n.iile dcl lllluln ...... .. , . i . . ni v l' lltW Hi.1 nrK ieii.t mitl ii).iclnj WCA and co d ri.nr.lnu water nril th lea for C n-r S5 Oil un te IWBO.dil, lnrliiilliie IR rnn Ne pa.mrt, ruir,l ler th..- . . hL". ,,r J" rn?m,.."l,h "'" l"i- . . . ". " e.-nu icr lltB.utura te rUKNLbi) btKr.lUUA LINK, 34 Whitehall Slret Nl'W YOR" fa 8. 8. EBRO PaclficLlne) Remratrf 6. 8. AMERICAN 1EGION (Munson lias) , A most enjoyable Winter Cruise and I Tour assured Write for boeh AMERICAN EXPRESS Travel Dept. I 143-145 Se. Bread St. Phils. 61 Dav - '- X MedJterrinein Crtilie Vi(fA S.S.CttrmanUfCiniHLliii) T G&lUnMNsitwYerlf.Ieb. lltU VlM icierlcan K.Tprcsa Ce etter-M i two muntha' ('riil.i . t I I " 'JHCII Ulll'HU UTH1 lllt j.f ril g"! ant, limited te ISO cueatn - ill! 1 .1 finn. mr -,- !-. I um I f M.(se ui yviiK m J I -k Ml UirXNKM'KI.SSt ' C1I VZJ 1I3-I1A H. llreml M. mTH T a .I..M. ..,,. ,..II1I-' M M K ..X. -lU'JI V- JC TRAVEL 5000 MILES IN TROPICS $350 and up Vllt 0 principal Inlands Shere e..cur e..cur Kleni Ineluileil. Clet ratts J.rei t or rrem HiiNmonrt-Whltcemli Ce.. On; I. Ar'' ,' 133S Walnut atrewt, 1'lilInJelphla. Hoehlet T-5 GATES TOURS Founded 1892 225 a-" fill .eime Ne' VurK COOK'S TRAVEL SERVICE Over 10 r.fllccs threiiKhuut trio eria Tliei. Coelt K Sen, '-'2."l . llruiil M- IN .MKMOllIXM RcnnAssiEn-ArrBNzi:! .m -In levlJJ Memery nf our Uiar LOUISU, le deP'" this llfe Dee. an. 1U2I). Uecembi-r ence mere la her.-. Te un the anilileat day of the ' Ker her memory la us leur today Ah thi, hour alie riN''l U,B,,, nnfH. Hally inlNn-U hy MOTHIIU, C H1LDHK-1- tJI4)iijiii JIIM HIVWlllfMW i nn MAIITIN In levln metnerv of nlCK. J AI.UIIN MARTIN who illed at Ju. ItaentH i.u., ike, iu, lUUb. Bentlis ARNOLD. Dec IS HDWA11P. Jj''! 'iii nf Jehn mui Ad. -II Arinil"! nnd "",,i of Mr nn.l Mm Kilwn'd Upcura "f,?v,j, mui frli-mlH linlifd In fun -ml " lee, y , i I'. M . iiiireiita' imMcihi. K1H3 Il.n rwr nil .Ariinilinn t;-m vicmiiik i -- - it, , ARTIIl'It -t () i .n nt- V J I' . '( f.n in. i Iv i.f l'lill.ulilphli l.VD '. . ""'M liitf Hi t .M Aitl.ur '" , l.W i mils in. .'nl'nl in s ivl.. "'"L ,,, , I M Nt p-nlnr .flJ.Udll J -n ' ,. tilli mill i n..ir in- nt . I'r ia III" ' I Mm l. .i . .. ,. i,u- I A . Ti . Ill H'II.I.I.M ' -I ...:.i.. t : ii.. n" 'i. : n.. n'ir 111 U UI 1.1 Ll UI II IIillilP. "'".. m M fili-nds are Invltid te ervtr-H. 'n.jjt 1' M at hla late residence 13-3.N l1 Int. private, North Jaurel illil w,u i