y ty" ,frT'TiTvi "?' t i-ifl . i ,' W i M IV m I I N JMi IK I 4- A I 1 i- III Ml Aliening public meeaer PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1921 laaaaatSXSiiJferfe HiSBiiwK&iMMnQHB&mBBHslllB PlvtCaZBaaaaaaaaaal BpBse-xa-)aMssAK ,vu,y i:?J'---s:s!iri iBNwSvMaaBaaaaftWraRHBallPiauBfSBaaBBnBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaB ,;:&itiBaaaaaaaaaaaaaa THRILL OF THE OPENING DA t ti.e top of flu- iaA en the Greater Snn I-raneisce Speedway is the wi-ecked racing aule, in which Frank ! meti, net.'d dnv.i, and hi mechanician nnrrewK escaped daHi whin Hr machine cash I info the fence inirni ion MI'S MARY PWkS of the Nntiennl (.' . ' U m 1 ni.W'j-i of Arniamciu, has mailed out ijO.OOO cards and pesters hearing the pledge "Still Less of Arma ment and Nene of war" Harris & k n fcAfl YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? 1 THERE HAS BEEN A MARVELOUS CHANGE IN SCENERY. In 1892 a camera caught th, view of the northwest corner of Sixth and Walnut streets. Werk of razing the four-story buck buildings was started in 1908 te make way for the Curtis Publishing Company's building, which va? begun in 1910. Have you a photograph of old Philadelphia? Send it te the Evening Public Ledger .-, i in 1 1 1, riMT mn mmim aaaaff f ' -' - - " "rl ""1 I ' a , ' Mv- -m v:.zs.,..t::.. E ' ri ' WJm ROY HAUSER BILL WARD BRIGADIER GENERAL HERBERT M PHILADELPHIAN. Beatrice Kendall Eaten, daughter of Mm ' ', V jrv'Wm l'HE SPEEDBOYS GE'l UlS est l'hdudilpma High Scheel athletes start LORD may he the next director of the Arthur B. Eaten, an official of 'the Philadelphia Grand Opera SS X- hi HT'' ''Wmk practice for then ice hecke. schedule Hauscr plays goal; Ward, centei budget -enirai scwi Ph.. ,. Association, is a member of the San Carle Grand Opera Ce. VT THfc HARRIMAN .s-vll -i-mteii ulki.it ..... vu- amti.a of i tie G.Aen.mpr.i-eui .-.i I WO RAILROAD PRESIDENTS. Sam ue. R.'u tlefij of the Pent.3yha1.1a Rail house? Private Grin of th. -ui'e Peluc ix nir.s illage piar i tin- left of the pu.ip mad -iml cncw T Dice, of the Reading, pledge then upperl te the Scnm are Mr and Mr Fhanl P Turner who .. .ir'ir heii -,e .. .est" fe- !t'20'i Centennial Tail of lri"6 . e 5 A XI4 S. WI? E A 1 1 1 Mus GeitiudeDeai., N.MAS PRESENTS ARRIVE EARL. A pipe and lit Last Cambria street, pest"? v-.th her pur- tobacco were among the gifts received by this inmate chase at City Hall f the Heme for Indigent OUR CIIY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO BUSY PHILADELPHIANS IHTB! IPllilll J I St$fcLtWKtUBl cJSBPSK I r BUSY PHILADELPHIANS ll Hk MAKING EYES FOR HEAVY SPRINGS. Jacob Hartbower. 1346 Gillinghum street. VICTOR BERGER, of Wisconsin, twice MISS MILDRED JESTER tying up PRINCE KIMI, of Janan in a RimHiIi ttiirtv vp-aue mt v,m ,., i-J I B: - Frankford, before a small furnace, where the steel heated for bending, in the mill of denied his seat in Congress, leaving packages te be delivered by the Retar pert, where crews 0? JananeM ? CimhS & R?t, WTJl IGHTH NATIONAL BANK. Frarfj ';, H fe Wmm and "BrVOy RWland' Ftankferi- "e mak0S 14 eyea day WMUi Il0U"0 " BW"" Club SnnU C,nu' 'hip'B w.ren"CXr?dJOPOneSe.N.T gj fftf" The taSI? iT&anf ffiiJS 1.