llfnflFp & wiwjy! !yWpfffiv"'WJi&rt'' "" s, ''i ' " ""tUX- ..... " jvis m - ' - ' '"W-j-v f.SO -". jawiS'"" " " " -V'W'4Wlr", 'l""VVg v y i . .. 1 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, MOKDAY, DECEMBER 19,, 1921 . 18 am 1 1'. it ; I THE PEOPLE'S FORUM 1 7 : I'm 'flV !. Letters te the Editor Heiv te Make Christmas Werth While itt!) An Enthusiastic Reader J.? Editor 0 tht Bvtntnp PubUt Ltdeer: )JJr I hv read Mirleus newspapers In th. laat few yearn, but I find the Utee TptlUO Lirxim the bt of all Upen reaillnf lU latter through I m sure that mnny reidtra of your worthy piper will agree wjlW me. After n. hard d.M's work It l In dea a pleasure for me te come home, have sIliJTwr artd knew that I will havn en hour or mera pleaaant readlnr of the Cxiiie I'iuc Xjt)aijt befete I retire (A)1 of your different sections are read thtputh and through The pictorial and "funny" pairrs are pleasant readmit for the y te leek tit. The spertln article of Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Jatte are oed stimulants feri tired nerves after a day i work. The dally movie article of Mr Neely and hie dramatic offering's each Saturday are also feed readlnc ma;ter The. editorial pane deeervee a tot of credit Laat. but net leaet. Ii our People's Forum, wnlih l te me the beet of .ill. Te rd the various theuahta of mn and women In " ira4k of life who dtscuss the modern topics of today Is Indeed refreshing te. the mind 'After readln the Dbmne 1'iM.tc l.Eiir. ttfreuirh I feel 100 per cent Improved In mi sjjlrlts and knew there Ii wme ered In this world after all. (With the best of withes for a rresr-reus mw Tear te you and our nerinv pnp-r 1 rainaln. HEnNARl' ruRTKR ,160 Seuth Fourth street. Philadelphia. Pe- , cembcr 1(1, inn. Needs of Unemployed Tt t tailor et the Evening PuWr Itder. . Sir Many of yur readers hue plven wry geed and sound advice threvch ur People' Forum column as hnn bft te help the unemplnje.l In the precuri ic of work biit there h.-ne lieen few. If any, eumfi'luns tut te hew te savu them from slratiin In mkklrtc them pay out all the meiiy they hsfye saved for necessities. I am one of many thousands of workmen In! this clcy who were able du'lni the war te; accumulate centidciable men through savins: from my war t" "lhl money mf wife and I put In bank and deprived ourselves of many thliuts I teit that this money would help nv tide ever a reueh dace, should 1 be overtaken Fer sem months I have twen unable te itt emp.oy emp.ey mnt, and, through the hlh cost of every thing, my bank account has drifted tv a , tnttn netnlnsr and If I don't seen find em em plefment'lt will tw entirely rene I have been delns everrthlt b possible te rain employment I have followed out every clue te a position that came te m attention Tp doing this I am compelled at the present time te pa ..lmet double the car fare that I was askeil of me U'fere the war. This means considerable te the laboring man. These street car fares wern raised durlnu the war If labor has te take less In wares, why sheull net corporations b. compiled te tske lees' If a man Is cumpelled te trael en the railroads today, net for pleasure, but for fcuslntss, he has te pty twice th fermr fare, Tha taxes of every character In the ' city are almost deub'ed W must haw ; ndr into!'1 I Christmas a Children's Day Te (he TCdfter of III Evcnlne PudIIc Ltdetr: Sir I'm for the kiddles and them alone when It comes te Chrtstmas. Let this celebration of Christ's birth be the bin rellday for tl. little ones. Let the grown up leek upon New Tear aj their d. Chll drin nevir enter Intu the celebration nf this day us de thelr ciders Christmas, with Its tree, presents of toys and Juvenile bunks and llttle personal adornments, should tw the day In whlrh cheer Is brought Inte the hearts of the llttle folks. I New Tear a Day Is for the) exchanirlii of visits amen friends, and geed cheer with which te enter the new ear, and thanks for haUnc pASJed through the old enf un harmed. Kaster Is the day that typifies the rieurrectl.m of Christ which is also a day for the grown. upa. but let's keep Christ mas Dm is the children s festival nf the jmr. In deln this, let im feriret the elders. trinR only of brlngliu- the (rreateet Jey 1 tne brans of the greatest number of "little ones ' Drln gifts for the children into the home, and teai'h jour children te carry any surplus of cheer te the lesk fortunate, and ue should try te see that this ear net ene of Oed a llttle ones Is forgotten I.et us rrmnnyr the words of our Kavleur. "As e did It ur.te the least of these. e have done It unto me " Through your giving of a present te a peer child ou are pleasing Ued. and he will bounteeusl repay jeu for I cur klntnees CV Easter bundaj and In fart at the churrh service any time during the, year, preacher and congregation should eerve Oed in any way they like, but at Christmas the service should be se slmple that every rhlld esn understand It Children should be allow rd te Jein In the service m much as possible Tell them the old. old story, the , story that never grows old. lt them sing enl., ihn songs that their childish lips tnd I threats .-an jtter. and which have .i clear I meaning te them If you cet away from the hlldlshres of Christmas ou make a great mistake, and fall te make the proper Impression en the youthful mind MR.-. O A. F. Philadelphia, December 15, 1(121 The Feast and Famine Christmas Te tan Kliter e thr Even(nr PuMie tedeer: Sir IWs try net te maka this a fejst and famine Chrlstmar a feast for the for fer for tunatee and a famine for the peer If at no ether time of the vear, we should attempt te play Mr. or Mrs. Heuntlful at the Chrtst mas time, for It is the celebration of the greatest event that happened In the world th birth of our Saviour. It Is only the selfish spirit who will sit down te a heavily laden table, containing all the goej thirgs of the season, and gorge himself or herself until It hurts, with no thought as te whether his or her less for tunate neighbor has anything whatever te eat Christ went through His life providing for the needy administering te the sick and constantly doing aemethlng for humanity Wh should net Ills followers ,le the same? gantzed in the wa ther should be no of charity distribution slip-up In the way of thslter. and have te pav almost double th,lh. w... thl, ci,v -nd .k- r,,untrv i nr- rertner amount or rent is mis rair ier eniy the working man te b firced te take less for his labor whlle corporations, taxes and everything els is showing no reduction" There must be an equitable adjustment every where, otherwise labor will net be able te Ilre and will net b willing tn accept rate of pay that will net enable them te make ends mt. It is unfair for th peo ple with money te discriminate ngalnst these who have te earn their living JOHN T. HAINES. FhlIftdclphl-1, December 2. 1021 Christmas cheer te the peer at this period, whether It Is feed, clothing or toys for the children. Iit all these who read this ar ticle see te It that there Is no famine Christ mas In any Philadelphia home this year. MH3. W. L. II. Philadelphia. December 10, 1021. Christmas In Camp Te the Editor et the Evening Public Lrderr; Sir The Evfimxii 1'i'iii.ic Lntsirit Is al ways a welcome visitor at Camp Dlt Tha bes are very eager for Its arrival en u.x-nunt of the many alttactl"e features It contains, IneludliiT Its helpful editorials and Its Interesting People's Forum. Natu rally. In these Iware times, we havn much leisure en our hands, and are especially attracted te the poems thtt nre printed, many of them In tne Forum, which espe cially nenenl te us. ami a short time after 'the arrival of the EvgNiwt Puiu lu LKPOK.n aeh day It la net possible te find a cops' rem which the poem has net bejn clipped. Hut It Is l.et of this that I wunt te write, but te speak briefly of a short letter that recently appeared under the heading "Hew te Make Christmas Werth While," In which It was suggested that Phlladel phlans xheuld take ever the soldiers en vncatlen at Camp Dlx during the holiday season This litter In your paper was widely read, and I am sure It found a re sponsive chord In the minds of many et the boys who bocume tspectally blue at thin period I Uiank the writer of this letter for the Camp I'lx boys for saying that the First Di vision boye are a fine let, and always con duct themselves In a gentlemanly way when vlsltlnj.- Philadelphia This division Is made up of boys frui". all ever the country, many of them coming from the extreme Seuth, and are unable te go home for ChrNtmas 1 am net writing this te secure an Invitation ter any of them, and persenallv I have frlenda In the city who have Invited me te spend the holidays with them. In fict, I spend almost all my week-ends with them, as de many ethers of the First Division men who are loud In their praise us te Philadelphia hospitality. I am sure that the serviej men always appreciate any llttlt courtesy that Is shown tt em, and I nm also' euro many of them, far f r m home at Christmas, Veuld appreciate fullv any little consideration given them Esrvclally is this season of the year trying; te the boys In camp, where the routine work frequently becomes Irksome, und they always gladly accept any Invitation that will brlntr a change Inte their monotonous life I.lfe In camp In never what It la In the home, In splte of the fact thit the Ceernment Iecs ever thing pesslVIe for the ci-mfert of the boys, but these away from home, and who are expected te help them B.1VCS miss. I can ussure you the friendly greeting of the home and fireside at Christ mas, recalling thou celebrattrg the day In far-off cities, vvhore they were, nt one time, prlvlleged te be a part of the rele bratlen If nothing should come out nf ihln letter, at least the bevn who have "eat It are grateful for the writer's consideration end compliment, both nf which art ten t frequentlv extended te the holdler a weli as members In ether parts of the servle 3 A D Camp Dlx JvT. J , December 15, 1021 the City of Ilretherly Leve Instead of con demning It, New you stranger! get around and you will be surprised at, the results. Don't be a crepe-hanger, Come ever te the City et Opportunity, Gloucester, nnd loelt around. Yeu must understand tht ways In anethtr city nre altogether different from theso of your home town. KDOAll LUCAS. Gloucester. N. J.. December IB, 1021. Namee for World's Fair of 1926 Te fne Editor et the Evening PubUe Ledger: Sit" I would llkv te suggest as i name for the Seequl-Centennlal the following! International Industrial Exposition. It strikes me as being a very oppreprlste name for the occasion. MRS, B. IIOI1EHTSON. Neble, Pa.. Dec. C, 1021. Other rnmia augicsttd Bre: Edward L. Mtntxer Cradle of Liberty World Fair Exposition. R. J. Howe The World Pcace Exposi tion. Philadelphia Reman Philadelphia's League of Natle.is Fair. Walter B. Larzelcre Penn Dandy Exposi tion, Dr Jeseph Sllbvreteln Penn-Pur-Ex Penn's Purchase Exposition, Engine Number Necessary Te the Editor of the Evening PubHe Ledger- Sir I read A, B. Tryon's leter In the People's Forum In reference te the wreck ut ISryn Athyn nnd I also think the train order should have contained the engine num ber, I am net a telegrapher, but was a telephone operator en the W. J. and 8. II. II.. and If all train orders were given as theirs are I can't see hew such an accident could happen. The dispatcher gets both operators en the same wlre at the sama lime and all three hear everything each ether says, and both operators must repeat the order te the dis patcher before It Is complete. When the operator repeats the numbers of train and cnalne he also repeats each one separately, vis: Train Ne. 181 (1.0-1), engine Ne, 12(1(1 (1-2-B-0), alee names of places In train order as IJryn Athyn (H-r-y-n A-t-h-y-n). The op erator makes three copies of the order, keeps one himself nnd personally hands one te the conductor nnd engineer. If the conductor gave the engineer the signal te pull off the elding onto the main tinc.lt without knowing his error, why didn't the engineer nee the mistake? They both were supposed te have a copy of the train order It norms almost Impossible that both would make the same mistake nt the same tlm. SECOND TRACK. Philadelphia, December 19, 1021. Questions Answered A Question of Cousins Te the f.diter et the Evrnina Public t.rdti'r: Sir Just a few lines te ask you f my Probably the thought never entered this comrade a hstd. along with thousands nf ether cmrades, net only of the Spanish War. but of all wars, that they should were developing Inte a sort of International pr,ker game with stray tarda up even n'eeve Furthermore, unless (Jermatiy in called In Jein Veteran Organization Te the Editor et the Evening Public Ledger: SirIf the comrade who asserts that he Is a Spanish War Veteran and has lest his discharge would hav Interested himself and become affiliated with some veteran orcanliatlen. Instead of v ltirg twenty-two years till he wanted te apply for a pen pen alen. lie would have been familiar with the legislation which has been passed In the laat several years, ind he would have Vpewn If he waa entitled te a pension and hew te proceed te obtain It, and furthermore lie would have known hew te preceM te get a certificate In lieu of a lest discharge. become affiliated with eeme veteran or-1 the Conference win mean nothing, no mat conizatien and give th comrades a hand I tr what Is agreed te All the world econ who work day after day and night after1 emlate are agreed that Germany In recover recever nlght and spend their time and money In ! iru? from the war faster than any of her order te have lerlelatlen passed In favor ' eprwinents She Is out getting world trade, of the veterans who stand Idly by and when ! and her goods can new be found anywhere.. thr legislation Is passed nnd the work Is If there Is any Mlncerlty left In the world done, then step in and derive the benefit of ai.d If the world has any real statesmen, letters te the Editor should be na brief nnd te the point n possible, avoiding anything that would epn n denominational or sectarian dis cussion. Ne attention will be paid te anony mous letters Names and address must be Hlgned as an evidence of poed filth, although name will net de printed If request li made that they be emitted. The publication of a letter Is net te be taken an an Indersement of Its views by this paper. Communications will net be re turned unless accompanied by post age, nor will manuscript be saved. some ether comrade's labor. Think this i ever comrade, then get in touch with some csmp of United Spanish War Vet. erana or some veteran organization which you are entitled te belong te and Jein tt. and they will give you mere geed, aelid Information In five minutes than you w'lli ' b able te cet otherwise In a wedc for they are posted te the minute en subjects of this kind It Is their business. RORERT R WEAny. Paat Commander General Themna L. Rosier Camp. I'nlted Spanish War Veterans. Philadelphia. Doeember 15, 1021. Wants Ne "Buck-Passing" Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Many may think thnt the Disarma ment Conference will have done greivt things If It Is agreed that navies shall be cur tailed, hut this Is no step at all toward v erld peace. The next war will be fought with submarines airplanes and the dead liest ga. compared with whth the gas used In the World War was perfume The sincere, peace-loving people of the world should Insist that disarmament b ex tended te ras submarines .Hid mammoth battle planes, aa nothing will have- been ac complished until these clvlllzttlen destroy, era are eliminated. It begins te leilt te a man up a tree as If the entire Conference new Is the time for them te show their hand The world Is elck of stalling and buck-passing. DAVID T. EDDY Philadelphia, December 0. 11)21. Finds This Section Friendly Te the Editor et the Evening Public Ledeer: Sir I happened te notlce lately In the Evesimi rrai.ic Lr.pfir.li letters from a few reeple roasting Philadelphia, who claim they are strangers here. New In regnrd te "Mrs. T. M. II " I think she has tha wrong "dope" when hhe sayn that strangers keenly feel the In In dlfTerence shown newcomers in this "mis named" City of Ilretherly Love. Why don't such persons get about the ten nnd come out of their shells Instead of sit ting at home breeding ever what's hap. penlrg In their home towns? It sems te m -julte wrong for these strangers te run down Philadelphia. I was a stranger when I first cam- te Philadelphia and can hemtly say that there in net a finer city in the Union, barring none. I am working with a fellow who claims te be a etrangir. and he Is alwavs harping atxut the way i"eple In Gloucester h ri ai"d In Philadelphia treat him. If such persons will only have patience te wait a few weks and get acquainted thev will find that they will want te be boes'ers of lb m Ter ' 1 WATERFALLS rivers mountains the Pa cific Ocean forests of Riant fir and spruce everything that makes for scenic beauty is in the Pacific Northwest Ne wonder people come te vitit and remain te live here. Yeu see the beauty spots of the Pacific Northwest in cozy comfort from a luxurious observation car via Chicago & North Western Union Pacific Lines te Portland, Seattle, Tacoma the Big 3 of the North Pacific Coast, and Gateway cities te Alaska and the Orient. Gi'eqonshimjteri Limited Observation buffet car, standard and tourist sleepers, chair car and diner, from C. & N. W. Terminal, Chicago (9:30 p. m.) for Portland. W&J se i. Standard and tourist sleepers, chair car and diner, C. & N. W. Terminal, Chicago (10:30 a. m.) for Portland. Direct connection in Portland Union Station with trains for Tacoma and Seattle. V. M. Darls. Oetu Act.. C. ft N. W. By. 844 Wldener Hide, 13SS Chestnut St. Tel, Spruce 0031, Philadelphia, Pa. P. f Fenklns, flen. Act., Union Paclfle System SOX Commercial Trust llldg., leth nnd Market Sts. Tel. Locust 4763, Philadelphia, Pa. Multnimah FaUi CrfumhU Utthwty -t-ffiifcHW isnr32EaH3STJ SWR9 vf r f 5Ettgii Wfimg:' CMagldfc Western Umeit Pacific Sustem father' cousin's children would be second or third cousins te me? WILLIAM II. C. FUI.LBTICK. Camden, N. J., Decrmber 13, 1021. The children of your father's cousin are your second cousins. Te Get Parcel te Russia Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Mr Hew long does It Wke for a pareel te go from Philadelphia te Ituasla In the vicinity of llebrusk? W. W. I Philadelphia, December 13, 1021. , Mall for Russia Is handled through Ice land, and the United States postal authori ties cannot say definitely hew long It would take. They estimate that It would be from six te eight weeks before the pnekuge would reach Its destination, Te Recall a Letter Te the Edltnr of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Can n letter be recalled after It lias jnce been put In tha malls? V. U 8LBAII. Philadelphia, December 18, 11121, 1h. nnllnn In V.a Inlrnn In n Ak nf 4I.Ih kind ktrgely depends en circumstances, After n letter Is mailed the only way the writer can withdraw it 19 by written application te the Postmaster at office of mailing nnd upon satisfactory Identification. Te Get Seng Ceprlghted Te the Editor et the Evening Public Ledger: Sir What must one de In order te obtain r copyright for the words of a sensr7 Te whom and wherjnust I submit my words for a song entitled, "Hreken-Hearted nose"? LOUIS HAULT, Philadelphia, December B, 1021, Write te the Copyright Bureau, Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C, for copy right blanks, Qet the words printed nnd send two copies te the Copyright llureau, filling out the blank, as well as one dollar. Full Instructions are sent you with blank. We could net tell you te whom te send your poem te be set te music. "W, L, D." Spain Is net represented by delegates In the Conference en the Limita tion of Armament. "W. S, C." The pardoning power nf the President lncludea any md ull offense against Unlled ftntes laws, but none what ever ngalnst State laws. "13, D, C." nihlbert Kevin was born at 13dgowerth. Pa., November 25, 1802. He died at New Haven, Conn., February 17, 1001, His works were chiefly songs and piano pl'cs, some of which have had creat popularity. Poems and Songs Desired u Can a Reader Supply It? Te the Editor of the Evening puMle Ledger: NI.VVntiM It tiA nnsslhln fn. ,a. .... u.. .. ....... .. . r ... .... wu ur gemi of your readers te supply the words of tht "Seng of the Velgn Heatman"? This It ene of the new Victer records, sunc by Eml. no ne uogena. v. ai.ivx VVAUNEH Qcrmattlewn, December II, 1021, Wants Old Sailors' Ditty Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir I am anxious te get ah old sailors' ditty which contains these lines, prebablj the start: " 'Twos In the year of 1 B. C, A gallant ship set off for seat Te catch a. whale, te salt his tall. Te salt tne ena ut nis tan." u, h, b, Philadelphia, December ID, 1021. The People's Torum will nnpenr dall. In the iSvenlnc Public ledger, nfl liJ In theSundny, Public LM&rr. iVJJI discussing timely topics will b printed na well ns requested poems, ana questions of general Interest will be answered. Founded in 1865 The Heuse that Beppe built Inaugurated the One-Price System in 1881 C. J. Heppe 6k Sen Downtown 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown N. W. Cor. 6th & Thompson Streets Uff Grand Piane Jy J ri& Christmas r-?53. But a few short days in which te make your selection of a graml piano. Come te Heppe's and cheese your piano from the best pianos in the piano world. Six famous waives of Grand Pianos at Heppe's Our line starts with the Masen & Hamlin which, while it is the highest-priced piano in the world, is net costly when you consider the tone. Side by side with the Ma Ma eon & Hamlin we sell the celebrated Weber, Steck, JHeppe, H. C. Schemacker and Edouard Jules pianos, each with a particular tone quality appealing te various tastes. All carry the regu lar; Heppe guarantee. ( Caltaphene or write at TI,"""""1 mu Masen & Hamlin Weber Steck Heppe H. C. Schemacker Edouard Jules Prices from $745 up. Cash or rental-payment settlement accepted. sence :? The Due-Art Reproducing Piane plays piano music like a Victrela plays Violin music But there is one positive advantage of the Due-Art ever a Victrela. The Due-Art actu ally reproduces the artist's work en a regular piano. The reproduction is mere natural and complete. Every element is present except the person of the artist. The Due-Art is made only in the Stein way, Weber, Steck: Wheelock and Stroud pianos, all en sale at Heppe's. Prices are from $895 up. Cash or rental-payment settlement accepted. Bargain Department Used Pianos and Players We have huiulred.s of rebuilt instruments at bar gain priL.s. Many of these liavc come from excellent homes. They are guaran teed (or five years and are exchangeable at full value i i die year Here are a lew sample values. Heppe $295 hllKhtly used I malieguny. Steinway I'laln dark ciie , $195 Keed tone. Chickering $180 Dark coo , ifoetl tone Schemacker 88-note plHye-r i are ; geed tone. $390 Mnhegany Be sure your talking machine is a genuine Victer- Victrela De net be led into buying an imitation of a genuine Victor-Victrela. Many stores urge you te buy ether instru ments, but at Heppe's you are entirely safe, as we sell Victor Victer Victor Victrelas exclusively. Heppe Outfits are all Victer- Victrelas The Heppe Rental-Payment Plan If it is net convenient for you te make full pay ment at purchase, you may rent any piano, player piano or Victrel.i that we sell and all rent will be applied toward the pur chase price. Yeu arc free te purchase the instrument or return it at any time. Victrela Ne. IV, $30.10 with 6 10-Inch double-face records Pay only 10c weekly Victrela Ne. 80, $110 with 10 worth of records Pay only tl.SO weekly Victrela Ne. 90, $135 with J 10 worth of records Pay only tl Ii weekly Victrela Ne. 300, $265 with $15 worth of records Pay only $3 deekly ,The Heppe Stercn arc open evenings until Chrifatmaa TBSsV H sTVrsr1rs',r'srvsY,VrinriPVs's"vvv tf".ff Mlil TJli Coupon for Full Infermntiw CI Hrnnp H Sirnl 1'ovvntewn 1117-19 Cheniiiut . J. HbpiiG a ami ) rpiewn otii&Theiniiiion .su Without nny obligation en my part pleuse send full information about (mark X below) ; 0 Pianos 0Pl(iyei'-Piunea 0 Victrelns Eye. Ledg.1 L-1D-21 , aim mr tmmm mfm jpm, mcddv ? &rgfM&AjZ& xmas uB 'L S TO RgS G Qyy TO ALL K r X ' e MERR XMAS TO ALL Everything for the Christmas Dinner! STRICTLY FRESH 5b lrVvH A J' I J UADn Trt OCT DIIT tt;r tIAfl7 TUtTRI GUARANTEED FRESH FROM THE NEST s mW mW 00Z, Why use Storage Eggs for Christmas baking when you can get these sMAWUlV X k bOU JJUkUlVO tl. LAA10 t- WX PURE CANE GRANULATED SUGAR 5 lb. ATMORE'S FAMOUS MINCE MEAT 2 1 1) 2Qc FANCY CALIF. ALMONDS QAc JIlPANCY SELECTED WALNUTS Jjik Large Brazil Nuts, 19c lb.; Fey. Selected Filberts, 19c lb.; Mixed Nuts, 25c lb (DEL MONTE PEACHES Luscious ! O J Larere Cans C (WILBUR'S MPjg CHOCOLATE 7c a) ALAR BUTTER Positively the best butter made of pure, rich cream, pasteurized. Wrapped in ty-lb. Prints Atbroek Butter S 478. rr3P23Ss-sp, 2C lb. J 75 Christmas Suggestions Here you will find a list of many geed things you will need for the Christ mas dinner and throughout the holiday season. We suggest that you buy your needs in advance et the rush period. Everything attractively priced. V Red-Ripe Cranberries lb 23c Fine Large Grape Fruit each 9c Flerida Oranges dez 39c & 49c Fancy Eating Apples dez 39c Eating or Cooking Apples 3 lbs 25c Fancy Citren lb 43c Lemen Peel lb 25c Orange Peel lb 25c "Dorethy" Asst'd Chocelates.l-lb box 55c Peanut Brittle lb 21c Hershey Almend Bars nki? 5c h. Almar Ginger Ale bottle 12l2c j Keebler's Spenge Cake I 4 Kinds, Werth 70c, 2 lbs. J' Atmore's Plum Pudding can 33c Asserted Chocolates . .lb 39c, 5 lbs $1.85 Fancy Hard Candy lb 39c Choice Cleaned Currants pkg 16c Calif. Raisins, seeded. . . .pkg 18c & 22c Calif. Raisins, seedless. . .pkg 20c & 25c Gelden Sweet Cider qt 15c, gal 55c Fancy Gelden Dates pkg 19c California Figs pkg 13c XXXX Lez. Sugar lb 9c Powdered Sugar lb 9c Brown Sugar lb 5c 12 '2C Grape Juice bottle 7 'c r 49c K.J' 1 pjffi 1 NATIONAL HISCU1T CO. LEADERS X. Neapolitan Nabisco Wafers, 8c pkg. I ' Spice Dreps, 20?. ,?,' "''-" 27' J v.y GOFFiE FRESH ROASTED Delicious Flaver 1 &AJ zr- TEA ' l'rem Finest Vi lb. Importations India Ceylon Old Country OrnnKe l'ekee, Hluck or Mixed 12c I Visit Our Meat Markets Before Buying Xmas Poultry S J We have a full line of nenrby Turkeys. Milk. f.., I ri.1,.1, r n i . .r. I price. cerU.n interest you The ."'li SwM: fc'nSfll' "' fJisii.si'e n ,-ni n ,...,7 ........ nrrsr-tiriKT , . , ,,0 at.-u,iu-aimn uitiwv Almar Stere near your home ammmmmmuwmm m 75 WttfW jf. jg. Jfe. jVWfa. & ,Jl&f4,tY 'd7Jlr ''dyAy Qtew W sy xr Mmw bW qwf iw uim 75 STORES nnnsxutiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii ! Ill v. A w IN rrsr a 75 v w r A. 7 h i i-r 'tfiiil .,