s i s- ' . V- EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIUADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBEE 19, 1921 15 FROM NOW ON By FRANK L. PACKARD (AUTHOR OF "THE MIRACLE MAN") Covvtteht, lest, by t'ublle Ltdcrr Company TUTS HE0IN8 TUB HTOnY n.ve Htndersen. a child of the streets H h irewn te manhood In nn nt- wi?h.r Sf knavery, confront, the bl y?.h-,H-f hi. life when lloekle Bhnr- y.1".:. h m te Martin T, Tydem.n, 3 kfi ml lenlre bucker. te Bet lino.eoo PK rTceup hoekmkln Inete.. Durlnu '&. inn drives te Hin. Kranclece Dave Slinirri ever t he wheel or tne pce n !?,?nmebll tht i.eelb.lltle of pteallnir fh, IIOOOOB nd he determines te de it. carefully rrnirni for nn alibi nt it. Tnn rr rumiiiim '"""" " - ilvM. even eln e Ur m""!?.. W illumed hldlnc Plce '"" tne ""'' WtCOle. ,v.u CHAITEK II The Theft F1 WAS In front of n nhnbby frame houne In a Hlinbby utreet thnt Dnve Andersen uteppcrt the cur. it wns live Minutes nftcr 0. He lifted up the sent, and, leaning down, surreptitiously con- ..ren te his pocket n com omkei irem I (bi ear's complement of tools. Lacking rinr of the (irccsdries of n professional mfclar. the cutset neuui mnitc n most teliciu Hiiuiuiuiu ii ii " j. i. ....... . 1 ll.n i.nMt-l 1MIM.1 .n fl.l ran nci-u n i"-ii . i" "i "'y r..u 1,1 ,,1 linmllme. itltchted. entered V... house, und from the musty Imllway. i'tffer tinlerklne the deer, stepped threuuh Inte a room en the right. He dnMd the deer behind him. nnd Btoed lurveylng liN surreundtngH In a e-rf of Lilf'grlin. hnlf-quizzlcal contempt. It was possible that old Tooler up lUlrs, en hearing the car. and hearing Mm Dave Hendersen, enter the house, might come down : en the ether hand, it was quite equally possible that old Tler would net. It was, however, TlnH. te wait a few minutes and see. M'i'het wns wirt of the plan. He, Dave ' Hendersen, was supposed te be here in hl room while some ene else made that iJfuitUe raid en .Martin i. xyuemau s 'tJxhrarv! If. therefore, Tooler should 'cone down, and find no one A fB. ... f 1,1c ahnnlrlerH rnmiilctcfl the I'lnhvinus deduction. in. pvps trnvcled around the room. m.1. ..-no hla home thnt lH. if he could 'll.ielm n home anywhere, this was his home. . ... , It was dingy, comtertieBs ana unin viting. There was only the ene window that faced the street, and the window wis inadequate, nnd the light seemed te b' imbued with a niggardly hesitation about coming in at all which was per haps just ns wen. tue lurnisnings weren't out of any prize collection! He dug His nanus lmpuisivciy into i Me neckcts nnd. one hand enceun- ering the chisel, he smiled with n kind , if cool, compespd satisfaction. Between his barren and Ged-forsaken hole and' hi. hit of steel there had been born a , connection that was both intimate and i inirtinent. Fer nine years, ever since ' it Bad run away irem scnoei, iuc kiiiu I existence this place steed for bad ;et hla goat that was the reason why a bad put the cnisei in ins peckci. The room hed served its purpose bet ter than any ether place of like clrcum lUnces nnd surroundings would have lerved him he had, indeed, chosen this pirtlculnr room very carefully but the ilea nan ajwnys get nis gene, lie uau ad te have a room somewhere he had taken it here. There were many rea son! why he had selected this one. It wi cheap : nnd it was among the only clais of people with whom he had ever had a chance te associate the hangers hangers en of the race tracks, the dance-hall crowd of the Hnrbary Const, the night world of Frisce. He knew every one ere he knew the creeks and the lags f the underworld. These latter bad me and again even tried te inveigle lm into nctlvc membership in their aternlty. They wnnted hlin. They id even paid him the compliment of telling him he would make the slickest creek In the United Stntes. He had refused. The game didn't leek geed enough. It was all piker stuff. It wasn't mernllty that had held him back his morality was the morality of his environment nine years of it what was morality any how? as far ns he could make out it was simply a question of what ever you de don't get caught. And he had seen some of the upper cnfst plny ing at morality, tee ! Mure, he knew what mnralltv wns he hnd seen a let of It in his nineteen renrnl V"Aell, whnt de you knew about iflatll' said Dave Hendersen aloud, in a sort of surprised voice. "Sounds like I'm arguing with myself whether nte the shed thnt connected with the house. Here he .pcnt several minutes in n careful examination of the old pigeon cote. He had never been vcrv much Interested In MrH. Toelcr's ubnn' ubnn' tlenctl pigeon cote before he wns verv much Interested in it new I There was a small ide window in the shed, nnd it gave just light enough te enable him te sec. It wan many years flnce Mrs, Tooler had kept any pigeons, or anything- cls, suve the bare threads of her life together; but the old pigeon cote wns hIIU here nt the end of the shed. Just above the deer thnt opened en the lane. It wasn't anything very clab crnte. just n sort of celling platform. Iwnnlcd in, nnd with u little deer In It Standing en the ground, lie could just tench up te the deer, nnd he opened it ttntatlvely. Yes, it would serve ex cellently. It was instantly accessible nt nny time, either from the heuse or from the lane, nnd certainly Mrs. Toelcr's long-forgotten Mielter for her bygone petM was net n thing te exrlte sin- In customary bnnded shcavcH of bank notes, nnd loose, hew else could he enrry It? Net In his pockets and he couldn't very well mnke n parcel of them In Tydcmnn's library I Of course, the bank might have made up a scaled packnge of the whole, but even then n scnlcd package would have te be kept out of sight. The slouch hnt was drawn down still n little lower, nnd by the less fre quented streets Dave Hendersen made his way along. At the expiration of some twenty minutes he had emerged, n block away, en the street upon which the mil lionaire's home fronted. The hurried pace was gene new, nnd lie dropped into n leisurely and nenclinlant saunter. It was a very select neighborhood. There was little or no Unfile, nnd the major ity of the houses possessed, te n greater or less extent, their own grounds. Tydc mun's house, for example, was ap proached by a short driveway that was Hanked en both sides by u -high and thick hedge. Dave Hendersen nodded his hend complacently. He had pictured 'ill I rilii,!' ' ips u iKtHH ili 111; is! r II M ill KikkBHsHiH Jfi.MBEwra&Gfti 'hi i) it II IWiil!J!l 11 inlt lllMBtBSBHmmmm -Z' -. """ ! ilSll liiffl HHIfl i j; f" wfliiiinHi HilHHfflSKiSM ' creurhed, listening intently, beneath the window of the llbrtiry. A minute passed, nnethcr there was no sound. lie raised Mmself guardedly then te nn upright position, pressing close against the wnll, but keeping well back at one side of the window. The window sill was shoulder high, mid new, edging forward Inch by Inch, he obtained a diagonal glance through the pnnc. The room, ns far a he could see, for the portieres within were but par tially drawn, wn unoccupied. It was whnt he hnd counted upon. Tydcmnn, if the millionaire were following his usual custom, was at dinner, nnd the dining room was en the ether side of the house. Xe ene of the household, cither family or Bervnnts, would ordi narily hnvc any occasion te be In the library at this hour. Ordlnnrily! A g.int Came Inte the dark eyes, and the eyes narrowed as In a dogged, uncom promising challenge nnd then the shoulders lifted In n debonair shrug. Well, that was the chance he took t He was gambling anyhow 1 His Angers crept tti the window-sash, and tested It quietly. It would net iiiove. Whether it wat, locked above or net, he did net knew the slight press ure that he was able te exert from the outside wns at least net sufficient te lift it but the Improvised steel jimmy would quickly remedy thnt defect. He worked hurriedly new. The Western summer evenings were long, und It wns still light, nnd every minute he steed there wns courting discovery. The edge of the chisel slipped In be tween the sill und the window-sash, nnd with the leverage the window wns raised an inch or two. His question wns unswercd. It had net been locked at the top. And new his fingers came Inte piny again under the wlndew-sash. There was net a sound. The window went up easily nnd silently, nnd with a lithe, agile spring Duve Hendersen swung himself up ever the sill, dropped with u soft pad te the fleer, nnd steed me tienless, shrouded in ene of the por tieres. . , , The room wns empty. The deer lend ing from the library, he could see as he peered, out, wns closed. ! ram tne ether sldivef the deer, muffled, there enme a lnugh, the murmur of voices, Indeterminate little sounds. JLiie set, straight lips relaxed n little. The way was quite elenr. The clmnces In nis favor were mounting steadily. -tne family was undoubtedly at dinner. He mnde no sound as he stepped quickly new across the room. The rich, heavy pile of the velvet rug beneath his feet deadened his footfalls. And new be reached the massive tint-topped desk Hint steed almost In the center of the room. It was the most likely plncc, the nutural place, for Tydc mnn te lenvc the money. If it was net here again there came that de bonair ehrug well, then, he would leek further upstairs in Tjdcmnn'B bed room, if necessary or anywhere else, If necessary. One thins only wns cer tain, nnd that was that, having started en the job, he would get the money, or they would get him if he couldn't fight his way out. It wns quite natural! Of course, he would de that! Whut cIee would he de? He hnd ulwnys done thnt I He hnd been brought up te it, hadn't he? Win or lese he hnd nl wnys played win or lese. Celd feet and bet hedging wns piker stuff and that was In Uoeklc Skarvan's line, tee, net his I Keen, alert, his ears were bcntinels against the slightest external sound. He wns gnawing new In n sort of grim inipntiencc ut his lower lip, as he pulled open drawer nftcr drawer. Htrnnge hew his mind worked ! The slickest creek in the U. S. A., they hnd said he would make. Well, per haps he would, but even se, it neither allured nor Intel csted him. This wus his first Jeb nnd his last. There was enough In this te see him through for the rest of his life. It wouldn't have 'been worth the risk otherwise, nnd he wouldn't have tnckled it. Once Enst, und lie could pretend te amass money little by little until no one would be surprised that he was worth n hun dred thousand dollars. Thnt was the trouble with the bunch he knew ! Seme of them had brains, but they worked their brains overtime en small stuff and they had te come again te keep the living expenses going and sooner or later they came once tee often nnd then It wns the jug for theirs! He bent down suddenly te u lower drawer that, was locked the only one thnt he hnd found locked und pried it open with the cold chisel. ''Sure I" said Dave Hendersen lm perturably1 under IiIb breath. "I guess this leeks llke It what? And all done up In n nice Ilttle package, tee I Kvpm mere thoughtful of 'cm than I had hoped 1" He took out r parcel from the drawer. It wns securely tied with stout cord, nnd henvlly sealed with grent blebs of red wax thnt bore' u bunk's impression. There could indeed be but little doubt concerning the contents; but Dnve Hendersen, nevertheless, mutle u slight opening In ene end of the wrap ping paper nnd disclosed te view crisp piles of brand-new yvllewbncks. He nodded pleasantly te himself, as he consigned the package te the little black handbag. Th ti-fiu Yfltnf In linil nnir for nnd get one hundred theiisnnd dollars. lle closed the drawer, ana kiicic inr nn Instant te examine It. Closed, It did net show enough of the chhel's work te attract attention ; open. It nt once became very apparent that the drawer had been forced. He smiled in sntisf notion. That was exurtly whnt lie wanted ! When, n little later, he drove up in Hkarvan s car te the front deer nnd requested the money, it wns only then thnt it wns likely te be missed for the first time ; nnd certainly under ouch circumstances the last man en earth ngalnst whom any suspicion could nrise would he himself, lie hnd told himself thnt before. Well, why net re pent it? It was true, wasn't it? He retrented te the window, lowered himself te the ground, nnd rcgnlned the street. The thing wns done. Ile wns in possesien of one hundred thou- slightest dlfllculty or obntncle. He bum med nn nir under nw nreniu went along. It had been very simple- mere ye even than he hnd expected. It hnd been almost, tame I Te be continued tomorrow Xirtas Novelties DESK SETS FANCY ARTICLES Made by Shut'Int 205 Seuth 16th Street PPffSI V Easy te U. MJ lluv even tli.iiir lur the famllv at Any "tort veu yrefer Cloth Cleth Inr. Furniture. Heuxe Furnlehlnie. Jew elry Hnd General Merchnndlae. Pay nt jour convenience, lleen nt It rliht here en Chestnut Street ever 80 years, rnll. Phene or Writ SR. WEAVER 1112 ChBsinut sf Hew 'bout Neckties for Xmas Gifts 1 NECKWEAR A New Arrival in First Quality SUIcs Frem HnKlatid, France, I'.i.v and Switzerland New, neat .tr , ni.d flBUred patterns Ka Ii scurf is care fully tailored te Blve lenjr servlee priced 75c te $2.50 Knch A.R. Underde wn's Sens 202-204 Market SI., Phils. lloem. 21 nnd 23. Take Klevater Dave Hendersen, silent as a cat, mnde Ills way into the hall plcien especially in view of the tiint mere never would be any sus picion excited en nny tcore ns fur n he wns concerned ! He put en ills kIiecm ngain, nnd, open ing the shed deer nt the renr, stepped out into the lane and u moment Inter wns walking qulcltly nleng u .side street away from thi) house. Martin K. Tydunan's house was en the Hill. Dnve HenderMiu smiled u Ilttle grimly nt the niry lightness of the empty black bag in his hand. It would be neither as light ncr its- empty en the way back if he had any luck! He pulled the slouch hat he was weariug a little farther down ever his eyes. A man carrying a bag wasn't anything out of tlu ordinary, or anything te at tract particular attention he was much niore concerned In avoiding the chance of personal recognition. And, nnyway, the bng was a neces sity. If the money, for instance, was fact thnt drivewny n dozen times en the run up from Stockton, nnd pnrticulnrly he hnd pictured that hedge! It wns a most convenient hedge! And It was exceed ingly thoughtful of Martin K. Tydcmnn, Ksqulrc, te hnvc provided It! If ene crouched low enough there was nothing, unless some one were especially en the watch, te prevent ene renching the library windows nt the slde-renr of the house, and of accomplishing this with out the slightest chance of being seen. He was close te the driveway en trance new, und his ejes swept nurrow nurrew ly up nnd down the street. Ker the mo ment there nppenrcd te be no one In sight und, with u quick side-step, he slipped suddenly In from the street under the shelter of the hedge. He meed mvlftly new, running, hnlf bent ever. It wns a matter of but a few seconds and new, darting across the drivewny where it branched off te circle around te the front entrance, he gained the slde wall of the house, and Electric Lamps or Mirrors for Xmas Gifts Electric Lamps Mirrors of All Types Specially selected Gift Lamps Living-Roem, Bridge, Boudoir and Chair Lamps. A superb collection of distinctive models which provides for every color scheme of the modern home. Alse, a notable assortment of Period Mirrors of unusual attractive ness and beauty. But the choice is new! Dougherty's Faultless Bedding Hair Mattresses Bex Springs Bedsteads 1632 Chestnut Street r " I ought te de this or net. Say, wouldn't thlt Stlnz vnn ! fhpre'tj nntlilnt- tn It! Wt's whnt you get for waiting a lone ,-fuu turn cejis me HweepiiuKes, aiiu Ifwyeu up ter keeps HKe a nabob!" ' He went te Hm Vlner. nnennil It li'htly, and listened. Upstairs he could tr Tooler moving about. That was tnether reason why he had, having once wa tne room, remained en ns the sole ledger in this house. Tooler minded his own business and Mrs. Tooler couldn't belp minding hers. Mrs. Tooler wa a PUnlytic. They wcre u couple well be ?i?5. ml(,d'0 ase, and, having been tnrifty in their early days, had pur chased this house here seme fifteen years le. The neighborhood, even if btill & eneap neighborhood at that time, bad wen a little mere refined In these davn. U had changed for the werse since then, out having invested their savings the subsequent chnnges had te be borne, Yly ",s nl1, " "ndn't apparently at- r "i Tooler very much. The man was niturally sour anyhow, and Mrs. Teel- ' - ".,"""" uaanTt changed him Inte nst might be called, by tiny stretch . E5 the maglnatien, genial ! He wns a ' necnanic of some sort; but his work ' "a been spasmodic Mrs. Tooler could net always be left alone. ldently wasn't coming down; but Jwer, for all that, must, if the m- ty arose, bu the means of estab- 1 .?. nn nllbl and thal- required, wmctbing of at least a deflnlte recegni. UPn by Toekr of his. Davn TIn.l.,.,.v Presence. tt uan..j ..i,.....i ,... ' - iiu L i " "i'l'u uuiuimy um into "cu, loeieri" no called. "Tooler:" t.J0P opened somewhere above. Helle!" snanncd a rmiff vnl. 't me. ten. The Perfect Gift A Suitable Boek There's a geed book for every one en your Christmas List. Presbyterian Boek Stere (Second Fleer) Witherspoon Building, Juniper and Walnut Sts. Convenient Location, Attractive Surroundings Widest Variety Beeks, Novelties, Christmas Cards, Calendars, Etc. iiAi wr m IS wl nil tteltt lira till Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens $2.50 te $65 Autopeint and Eversharp Geld and Silver Pencils $1.00 te $35 A splendid selection and Quick Service at Ftemeranfz 152S Chestnut Street I J 1 if fSH&itvafe SWrfw W New and Ready for Christmas ItJEk"- AVINGS And Startling Eeductiens IN PHILADELPHTA, CAMDEN AND VICINITY Fine Cane Granulated Lewest Price Yet 5C lb. "5? " PRINT && Buttci, Fancy Tub Butter . . . 47n,. FANCY JERSEY Pumpkin Can Save 5 cents can CALIFORNIA FANCY Seedless Save 10c Pkf;. announced Dave Hemlcr- I heard you I" crunted Tooler. , .''"Jt cnme ip for " wftNh.un," i plained Dave Ifcndwen. 'Tninp up 111 fcUinS MUCK III' t .1 iSll" wvwVICTOR RECORDS, WM . , ,- e vat s?lt br train." ,,'AH right I" Tooler grunted again. Hew'n the witeV dnif1'8 en''' nnmve"" wn" the closing of n -' uiininirn plea Dnvp TI nndnnnM mtln.1 santlv. and i-i.iii.rii i.iu ....... J!"?' "'''"'n It came te sociability !itii w?.8 " Btnr! AV,11' w ",,,' tlie ! ;"'' !"" lied no complaint te rejjis. i nl.i.cr?Mv'11 ,0 'v,lerp ''' t"ink oed ,7?'nst tlln nl! at tlie leVver end of the trn?' "'V'"0,1 the ,ru"1'- J'l "t the "7, nnd from homewherf In the lower MMu'IH1!,ct,'iC,1 "'-elf of nn auto. ,Zl )i,ltel nd a geiifveiiH uipply f 1& ?mi",",,lti0- With this in hiH lm,;;' , v,he, ,l,c ,n,,ll; ". and. unlnt',,,w," ou ,,,, cdS of the bed, """'iced and removed hU nhecs ,n ","' lhiv" H'MidorHen, silent n SH. Ih "nnvi-mrntH. his sIiecb turlml h. ni?,"" ',rm',,l,l b'""-" humllMir umfcr lill 'nr' mnil 1,ls wy '"t Inte the heL . cnr Ht,,"(,lK In front of the 'tin i !'f lnule ovldtnee that he ns i llrilt 7 rem- lMcr ". wl'i'n he l"eT?.?i ii ln.,thc ceurBO f,f nn h,,,,r' N,,v. .'""l alibll " ' l "" " i,vflKy )tii ?Mr, opened It cautiously --. u i,9unu, an Mepped through CHRISTMAS SALES UPRIGHT PIANOS J (USED) I $65 $85 $125 $145 I $160 $165 $195 $245 Ne Meney Down 5 until after the New Year. Then monthly payments may be aa lrir .it! (IK nnti nmnfli i 'All we ask is thut you pay cash for the Steel nnd Scurf. J I IMMEDIATE FREE DELIVERY , InATLrvmr t? w a ir ivi i jz-i r . jmJLL, I Q. R. S. L ROLLS mm & INC. 2626 Germantown Ave. (Ilelevr I.ehlfh Are.) OPEN EVENINGS VWWVWVVM ' PLAYER-PIANOS WMumuivm rll $45 Suits (with extra trousers, making them $55 Suits) for $35 Suits (with extra trousers, making them $42.50 Suits) for . . . $32.50 $26.50 500 Suits First group all worsteds. Fine! Second group nil wool Fishbenes, herringbones, Cambridge and Oxford grays, browns, greens checks and stripes. We Suggest Them as Geed Christmas Gifts Wflnarnflkpr&Rrmirn mi Market at Sixth for 60 Years --. i , m - Mew Pack Ked Alaska -g i P Save 6 cents can mrnKm 8 Old-Fashion Oven Fresh Fruit caicci w Bread R? 2-Ib decorated tin JL . , . . , Hiflflnil Best Values in City LeaI CANDY SPEriAi.c Worthmere Asserted Chocolates Befh 19C Milk Chocolate Covered Almend Mallow, 2 lei1 5c Hershey's Sweet Chocolate, 2.0, ed. 5C CRACKER SPECIALS Sanla Claus Pack . . lb 21r SI. Nicholas Mixed . . lb 28c Neah's Ark . . . pkg 6c Nabisco, AnelaSngar pkfj 8c Letus, Ramena Wafers Barnum's Animals . pkg 6c ATLANTIC & PACIFIC MBwJ TEA CO. THE GREAT The World's Lareest Grocery Heuse 4926 Stores In the U. S. ,, INew Merea Opened This Week 6617 Woedlnnd Ate, 20Q0 Vn,l,nnt a. , . - . . ( 'd i -'I n i ' . x I"""'" . I f taj unlf I. en. Aw 11 f. ' if . .. t,T V.l'ii -,,- pl .J. ...-. ?, j