Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 17, 1921, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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Clancy Wynne Talks of the Ball Given Last Night at the
RitX'CarltenThe C. H. Cdlkets Will Give a Tea
for Three Brides This Afternoon
THE bnll nt the ItlUs-Carlten Inst
lrht was ft beautiful affair. The
iJiinns were very fine nnd the
S&re t most gloriously
TtS flilncs I Lave seen for n long
'rime The rrtn arc especially lovely
1?. ni even In the deeper shades.
&WT;e?rS( HlMcy shade that is
B wonderful and se artistic.
' T saw one frock of green crepe de
aL fa rcnl crass green It would have
n butler the slatlncss v widen took
.MtMn? "nrlih from It). It Ms
'iln here the neck en n straight
511 .ml held en the Shoulder witn uny
iibd ,!.,..,. nhii at the wnm
SrttnS a black velvet rose. The skirt
i ftnwliig side draperies, nnd I can
St ST Sm hew Perfectly stunning it
. . ...,.
f told and black brocade made en
huisltively plain lines with n winnic
fS at the side. Mrs. Chesten was
trt,n..a:n.. L.1 In n frock of nraV
r. Weed were u iiniiminre "
IS wen, made also en plain lines with
l.rt and gray tulle girdle, while Mrs.
msTlen was charming in a gown 01
mawlne colored velvet, made high nt
SSneck back and front, and with two
ttilns at cither side, lined with black
md geld brocade.
The guests were received by four of
flu Tveungcr matrons, Mrs. Hamilton
K "who is tall and fair; Mrs.
fcihn Dravten, who Is tail ana ubtk ,
Mr" Jee Weed, Jr., who 1? net ?e tali
ind has beautiful brown hair, and Mrs.
Lipplncett, who is quite fair. They
iVde a most attractive line of good geed
looking jeungcr women. There were
MBbcrs of dinners before the daj.ee.
The Jehn Drnytens entertained for Lvc
i. Drayten, who Is the daughter of
Jehn's first cousin, Beb Drayten, and
tfrs Grey Dayton entertained for her
ceailn, Legan Starr; Mrs. Geerge J.
Hirdlng entertained for her Ben and
Saurttcr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Geerge
HiMlng. The William Hepklnses gave
i dinner and Muriel Bishop gave a
theatre party before the ball.
THE Junier Music Club Is te meet
at the Musical Art Club, 1211)
Locust street, en the nftcrnoen of
Jinnary 28. De you knew nil these
rlris and boys "who wcre among the
fkrat members of that club, nre n in
terested new as they were In the be
tinning, nnd even these who have ab
solutely outgrown It ns te age, still go
en as members, some of them playing
Mid ethers always attending the meet
ing. The Music Club wns started about
four years age, if I remember rightly,
by Mrv. Burten Chance, Mrs. Jehn
Thayer, Mm, Rebert Benedict, nnd a
number of ether women for the greater
Interest of their children in music. At
the next meeting the performers will
Include Dorethy Hedge, Helen Val Val
merln Mlchell, Florence Mlchcll, Malslc
Chance, Helen Chnnce, Kleaner Clark,
Regarding a Nccklnce of Pearls and
Certain Plans of Twe Who
Were Meant te Re One
TTIROJI afar, reaching them only faint
ly,, enme the sounds of men's voices
Zeralda's men clamoring above,
mrVllncd and with ample cause.
"It may be our chance Is new, net
tonight," said Kendric. "Although it's
but a little wny from the house beinc
of them, If net all, will have ridden ;
their herfces will be down in the canyon.
If we enn slip out this way nnd come
te the horses while they're looking for
u there "
"This wny?" Betty for an inbtant
wondered If he meant te fellow Zernldu
end Itles.
"There is another wny," he told her.
"Come. Hut first, we'll net go empty
He began n quick rummagiug among
the ancient chests.
"Htirrj," pleaded the girl. "Wlmt
Je c wtint with treasure? They may
nd us nt any second. Oh, hurry!"
"Coming," he answered. "But here
re wings te lly with." She haw him
Putting n number of smnll objects Inte
We pockets. He moved te another
point and she could net nee what he wns
flelnj, could only guess that htlll-. he
stuffing something Inte the previ
. ilen
eus and fuithcr cramming lilt-
lcl(eK Just then there wns in Betty's
eul no thirst for wcnlthf jiiht the
mighty yearning for the open country
Ma flight nnd the pence of safety far.
Here I urn." Jim wns again at her
we. He caught her arm. "Tlilf
He led her te that ether pit giving
HtTjncc te the i-ccend tunnel. At
mother time Betty might hnvc hoM heM
wted te slip down Inte It ; new Jie wns
ier for anything that gave the vaguest
'epe of flight. Fer the taint far veli es
till clamored and she fen red Unit the
Hounds that hunted in Zernida's wnke
nltnt find the t-ecrct of the boulder nnd
foil It back with many hands and rush
n upon them.
Bttt Kendric held her back while he
"nt runt down. He gripped the edgew
of the pit with his handf, ami lowered
J'mself te the length of his nrms nnd
jrenped. It wns but a short fall nnd
landed wifely nnd steadied himself
na managed te snve hlmclf from going
own u,0 BlI((, by ejntchjng nt the rock
H. Betty handed down the rllle and
Mr, then lowered herself nnd he caught
w In his arms. And then. In no little
uncertainty nnd net without grave
"Mil of wlint dangers they might en
Mnter, they went en.
The slide wns steep nnd jet hy going
ff guardedly, lying fnce down nt
Wts nnd Inching down cautiously, they
SJ! it? s,qw lesct;t- The tunnel glow
wauiiy Mnnller ns thev progressed;
'"".be'lles shut off the light. The
wriDle thought presented Itself te Ken
r' that when tliey t-nme te the outlet
M... i bt' ,0 sn"1" for them te pn-sN
"rough; and that te icturn up the tun
"'was a tnsl; tlmt would present its
Jfficulilcs. a0, wllBn i,t.v rnillt. t
'iere Bcttj could cling en nnd
w,? fr."'n slipping, he willed te her tc
i while he went en.
in .If "1 ,""1 ('011,c wll(,' lla rllle wr.s
a eninmibriince ; he needed both hnuds
S ' ., em M'Pl'lng. He hn.l had
fclm rH,,lnilK''t te turn the nuu.lr
wnward, since Betty was nbevc him.
te JJT llP, l'lnm''1 lllM Pck n,l neught
IwnV' d,w'1 a,0"S his both. Far
lltl,' B,,",,l;w.,,re, was a glint of sun
-l ailini! Illlt fill r.f .,,., I.,,
e! iml hc .1,""1 scen ,lcfie, a tuugle
tlumn Vi 'r weniiereil ir It were n
C w hVhft " a "'" nflt? f
le nr i.ub? 0,lnB te Heme steep
ttfitr eu,l1.,,,,p "" ,,avc n'lil
llfeugli ".n."1'1 ,l! Le P'U'Untcil
Ml or recK ? " " "ft5'-foet
awl?ii;,sl'.c,s.0,ieht l0 P the rllle,"
M4,E; , At nny i nte. thn time hns
k let it ,n "C(,(1 mh hind." And
'ne H.,f i U clnt,,,rt,l "lenff the In-
J nai i. n.w "etWuif of it In the
II K it Mimk the fringe
uin. Then It crathed through
Elnlne Hupplce, Margaret Joyce, Irene
Hubbard, Blanche Hubbard. Geerge
Crcssen, Jehn Adams, and Frederick
THE Charles Heward Celketa are
giving ft tea this nftemoen at the
Bcllcvue-Rtrntferd te meet their new
daughter-in-law, Mrs-. TrlRtmra Coffin
Celkct. .2d. Yen knew Trls Colket
married Gertrude Catherine Crawford,
of Pittsburgh, In October, and since
their wedding trip they have been stay
ing with his parents at the Drexel
Apartments In Overbroek.
Mrs. Celkct Is a slim, chnrmlhg girl
with a great quantity of dark hair. She
Is very much liked here already, ami It
is hard te make one's way in this city,
many statements te the contrary hot het
wlthitanding. However, the Celkets
have hosts e! friends, and they had only
te meet the bride te want te entertain
her nnd see her often. This afternoon
the William Jehn Cancrs will also be
(mute e
guests of hiner (Mrs. Cancr, you re
member, was Betty Strebing), and se
will Mr. and Mrsr William I. Cooper,
inc lauer navmg eccn .miss ueikci.
I WAS se glad te hear yestcrdny that
Lieutenant Mclvcr had been given n
ten days leave for Christmas, nnd he
nnd Jnne will come en today or tomor
row te stay with Jane's pnrents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles P. P. Maulc, at their
home, 2217 Klttcnheuse street, until
after Christmas. Mrs. Manic told me
yesterday that they would be nt home
tomorrow nftcrnoen after three, and
she hoped all of Jane's friends would
hear It, as their leave will be short and
Jane will want te see them nil. And
veu knew hew many friendi .Tnne hns.
rhcy have net sent out any cards, of
course, as they only knew yesterday
that Lieutenant Mclver could get the
Jane is be pretty aud has such a
lovely voice. She is a great addition
te nny party, I always think, for die
Is se attractive herself nnd se willing
ha. ? joy !n ,.teelt' There's nothing
I dislike mere than te hear a person
who can alng, an Jnne certainly can.
have te be coaxed. She's altogether
a dear, nnd I'm se glad she's home for
a while again.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. tramtitAi. ri..i
or the Lenex nntrlnln. , ji. ..,
night before f'the &!.' n'n,ncr. W
n?.Carlten. ' Th?,m,mi l00.!",1 he !
n, t - "' -.;".""v" wnvaiun
VJ - iVrTi,. cne'10" Andrews, Mr. nnd
-7i .."7 . miwuucu ,ir,
Mrs. Ecklcy B. Coxe 3d.
Mr. and
Mrs. Austin M. Purves. of S525 Sum
mit avenue. Chestnut Hill, has returned
from Cleveland, O.. where she spent sev
eral weeks as the guest of MIbs Joscph Jescph Joscph
lne Graesslll.
The guests who will attend the dinner
" V VX 1
and was gene without telling him hew
find where! The bag. a knot tied in
it, he sent down nfter the gun.
Ills misgivings veu- censidernble,
but he went en. He railed out te Betty :
.i iimi mi rignt. iieui en tin l call, '
nnd began Inching downward again.
Ith his feet hc neught ie judge the
slope below him. It itemed te be grow
ing steelier. Still he went en nnd down,
lie caught at Hny unevenness In the
rock he could lay hnnd upon, lowering
himself te the length et his arm, grop grep
lug for handheld nnd foothold cverv
wliere. Then a handheld te which he
had Intrusted his weight betrayed him,
the tiny sliver of stone sealed off nnd
he begun te blip. Hc clutched wildly,
but his body gained fresh momentum.
lie hcanl Betty shriek ubeve him. Hc
had n vision of himself plunging down
the cliffs. Then he knew thnt he had
struck the bushes, had broken through.
'Mis rolling down n steep slope, rolling
nnd rellhi?.
The breath jolted out of him, hc wns
brought up with n Jerk In another
clump of bushes, wild sage In n little
level space. He hn-tily Jumped up nnd
began te scramble back up toward the
tunnel's mouth. He could net see it
fiem below, he could sec only the pntch
of bush which, since it wa's directly
above him, must conceal it. Hc saw
his rlfte where It steed en end, the
muzzle jammed btlween two rjeks. He
w tinted te cnll te Betty, but did net
dare, net knowing hew clese some of
Zernldn'3 men might be. Betty could
net held en there forever; sne would
slip ns he hnd done, or, frightened ter
ribly, bv new she might be seeking
frenzicdly te make her wny back te the
treasure chamber.
But aB it happened, Betty wns te
ninlce the descent with lets violence thnn
Kfndric'fl. She hnd thought that surely
Jim had been snatched nwny from her
te a bteken death below; he had gene
dizzy with sick fear; she had struggled
for n securer grip and she. tee. had
slipped. Down the sped, half fainting.
But somewhere her wide fiifh cnuclit
nnd held briefly, letting her -din auain
before he lingers could tlnd a held,
but breaking the momentum of her
piegrej". Se, when she was shot out
Inte the open, it few iuds above Ken
dilc, the brush nil but trimmed her.
And then, ns she was slipping by him,
Kendric caught her nnd held her.
Bftty nt up and stnrcd at him In
credulously. Then there came Inte her
e.es such a light ns Jim Kendric hud
liefer seen In eyes of man or woman.
"I thought you weie dead," sntd
Betty simply. "And I did net w.iut te
He helped her te her feet and they
hurried down the slope. lie caught
up his rifle, merely grunted at the
(ilscecrv of a sight knocked off, found
nrar It the bag of feed nnd trenmue,
and k-i ih: wn down Inte the cnnm.
A glance upward showed Mm no sign
of Zeralda's men.
"There arc the horses," whispered
Down In the hed of the ratine were
n dozen ev mere snddled ponies. They
steed where their riders hnd left them,
their reins ever their heads nnd drag
ging en the ground,
"Bun!" snld Kendric. "If we i-an
get into saddle before they see us, we're
as geed as nt home!"
Hand in hand they ran, "-tumbling
nieng the slope, crashing thteugh the
brush. But ns they diew pent or nnd
the ponies pricked up their car they
feiced themselves te go stew!). KcmMc
cnuglit the nearest horse, tarrjlng for
no picking nnd cheesing, and helped
Betty up Inte the saddle. The nest i
moment lie, tee. wns mnunted. He 'go on en
looked ngnln up the mountainside. Still I "I hnd two words with B.ulew when
no sign of Zernida's men. A bread grin I hIiii left us. He looked ready for mur mur
ef high satisfaction testified that .Ilnider nnd just snapped out that he was
Kendric found this new nrrangement ongoing te stay until he lined his pockets,
mundane affairs highly te his liking. Hluw enme in. He told us )ou were en
"We'll drlc these ether ponies eiiitlm
nhend of
he KiiEcested. "I'ntll
they i e a
oeif five miles off. Aud then
we'll sec he
nv fnst a
eowpeny can run
Se. lierdiuc a let of snddled hordes
ahead of them, reins Hying nnd seen
putting panic into the nnlmals, Jim
aud Bettj rode down into the vnllej.
They looked down te the big adobe
house and saw no one; the place slept
tranquilly In the late afternoon sun,
They passed the eon Ms and still ta,v
Jp'SO( r44!42"'''
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uji KjyjjCTPwmnwjvwinnwtyi.y y..iJiiJi"J, j-.'," .yuiu xxTA i.".
Photo by I'hote Crafters.
Miss Altemus will be ene of the guests nt the dinner Mr. and Mrs.
William E. Geedman, Jr., will give en Tuesday eienlng
te be Riven by Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hart
Well Streng at tliclr home. 2036 De
Lancey place, this evenlnu, te be fol
lowed by a theatne party In honor of
their daughter, Mlfs Sylvia Vnn Rens
selaer Streng, and their Tilece. Miss Cor Cer
nelia IJvlngrstone Van nensaclacr Streng,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Streng, of
New Brunswick, will Include Miss Helen
Klrlcpatrlck Lucas, Miss Helen Warren
Allen. Miss Lily Stewart, Miss Barbara
L Clayten. Miss Florence H. Mlchcll,
.una uiuuiui .uuiirey, .iibh Jiuien
"endewen. Mr. N. Crenshaw McElroy.
Mr. Charles, H. Wharten. Mr. Francis
.-vitas iizaectii MCKirey, Mies Helen
H Tayler, Mr. J. Wilsen Lueas. Mr.
David Stewart Pell:, Mr, J. Lee Patten,
Jr., Mr, Burnett Landretli, Mr. J. Alisen
Scott, Mr. Woodferd Bnnksen, Mr. Paul
Hunter and -Mr. Themas C. Fester.
Mrs. Housten Dunn will entertain nt
a luncheon at her residence, 401 Seuth
Twenty-second street, en Monday next,
at hMf nttcr one.
Mr. Clement Buckley Xewbeld, of
A Tale of Adventure By QWENSABE (Who Knows)
CopvHeht. 1021, by Charles Scribncr's Sens
no one. If any of her men had net
followed JCernlda, they were lounging
under cover. The maids would be about
the evening meal nnd table .setting, in
wic patio or lu the house
Straight across the valley they drove
the ponies and there, in the liist foot
hills scattered nnd left .them. Then
they settled down te hard riding, both
praying mutely thnt when they came te
the gulf nnd the beach the would lind
the Half Moen waiting them.
The stars were out when they came
te the bench where enlj a few dajs age
Kendric and Barlew had landed. And
there, at anchor, rode the Half Moen.
They snw her lights and they made out
the hulk of her. Kendric shouted and
fired his rifle. Almest immcdintelv
came an answering hail, the melodious
voice of Nigger Ben. They saw a
lantern go down ever the side, they
watched it bob and dance nnd mnde out
presently thnt it was coming toward
them. They heard Nigger Ben's voice,
(hnnttng monotonously, ns lie pulled nt
the ours of the small beat.
"Howdy Cnp'n; howdy!" cried Ben
joyously. He tool; in the suiiill ligitie
which had dismounted at Keudrlc's side
nnd ducked his head mid included her
in his greetings with n "Howdy, Miss."
And then, looking in vnin for another
member of the party: "Where's Cap'n
"I.ct'r, get en beard. Ben," an
swered Kendric. "I'll tell you there."
Se they stepped Inte the dingey and
pushed off and lowed back te the Half
"Thcie's a gent here ns he's n
Men' of yeur'n, Cup," snid Ben. "Ah
dunne. Anyhow, lie's been heie nil
ilny nn' we're wutchin' lie don't niuke
no mibchief,"
They went up ever the side nnd
Kendric showed Bettj straightway te
the cabin that wns te be lu-is. Then
be turned wendeiingly te Ben. He
could only think et Bruce, since it
wasn't Barlew
And Bruce it wns. The bev enme
forth from the shndews, stnndlng be
fore Kendric, looking nt ente dejected
tnd defiant nnd shnnic-faced.
"I wus a damn feel, Jim." he said i
bluntly. "Forget it, If you can. and
take a passenger back te the States
with you. Or tell mu te go te hell
and I guess I'll tuck my tuil between
my legs and go."
Kcndrlc's hand went out Impulsively
and he cried with great heartiness:
"Ferget it, boy. Whet nbeut Bar Bar
eow?" "Barlew's like a crazy man," said
Bruce. He spoke quickly as though
eager te get through with what he had
te Mi. "After that cursed game of
cards lie get the same tei't of message
I get; we were te wait, each in his
own room, for for her," He hesi
tated; Kendric understood that it hurt
blm even te refer te Xenildti. "We
waited n 1, ng time. Then something
heppened which I knew little about;
I guess you knew all of It. At any
mte, when she burst In en us we had
get tired of waiting and weie in the
vmtie fche, tee, wns like one gene mad.
We hnd heard the sheeting outside, but
when we started te run out some of her
men threw guns en us and held us
back, She enme running in, terribly
excited. When I- tried te speak she
cursed me, culled me a tool, told me
that she had never leed any but one
man and that that men was wns jeu.
Then she swore that she wns going te
ee jeu dead and Betty Corden dead
with you. 1 guess I cunie te my senses
n little et that."
"And Barlew?" insisted Kendric.
Brute hnd paused, wns staring off into
the night, seemed te have forgotten te
run. trjlng te make it down here.
lie offered te get me nnd Barlew elenr;
he seemed anxious te have us both gene.
lie piiimisen us weil lie ilctul In
twenlj-feur hours if we stayed; he
tipped his hnml enough te say that
there was loot te he hnd and he meant
te hne his half and didn't enre wlint
happened te us us long ns we get out
of the wny. I came, hoping thnt you'd
break through and get here. I told
Bnrlew I was cumins. He just shrug-
Cresswlcks Heuse. Qermantewn, has Is
sued Invitations for a ball te be given
nt the Rltz-Carlten en Monday evening.
January 2, In honor of hla dehutante
daughter, Miss Anna S. Newbold.
Mrs. Albert Hawlcy Lucas, who Is at
home Informally en Tuesday afternoons
In December, after 4 o'clock, at her
residence. 2139 Cypress street, will be
assisted In receiving en next Tuesday
afternoon by Mrs. Jehns Hepkins, of
Wynnewood Ne cards have been Is
sued. Mrs. J Alisen Scott.' of 2204 Pine
street, and Mrs Norten Downs, of
Fordheok Farms Three Tuns, who sailed
for Europe en November 15, and have
been passing several weeks In France,
expect te spend Christmas In Heme, and
will remain for some time In Italy, be
fore returning home early In March.
Mrs. Charles Lesley Ames, who has
been spending eeral w.eeks with her
mother, Mrs Leuh Carter, Jr., at St.
ged his shoulders nt thut and sold he'd
stay; if we could square for the tent
of the Half Moen In San Diege we
could have her. Otherwise, for Cled's
Mike te sink her in the ecenn nnd let
the old iiinn knew. And off he went,
looking for for her."
"You've hnd a hard deal, Bruce."
Kendric put n kindly hand en the boy's
shoulder. "But you'll come alive jet.
I'e made a haul today; just hew big
T won't knew until wc get home. But
enough. I'll gamble te stake jeu te a
new start. New, let's get going. And
geed luck te peer Barlew. It's his
game te play his way."
They slipped eul into the gulf, Nigger
Ben and Filipine Charlie content te
accept the explanation Kendric gnve
them of Barlew's, absence. Bruce, tnci
turn nnd mood), went te the stern and
steed looking hack toward the black
line of. the receding const until long
nfter darkness blotted it out. Kendric
went te Betty's cabin and rapped.
"Will j-eu come for a moment te the
main cabin?" he linked.
When she came lie had a lamp en
the table. He shut the deer and locked
it. Then, without a word between
them, he began emptying his pockets.
She saw him pile up a grcnt number
of little square bars thut clanked musl
cnlly. "Solid geld," he said gravely.
Then he poured forth the pearls.
There wr-e strings ami loops, neck
laces nnd bread bands made of many
strings lured together. They shone
sefllj, glorieuslj there in the swnving
cabin of the Half Moen The fmei't of
them nil fashioned Inte a sunerli neelt.
incc he threw with n sudden gesture
about Betty's tin eat.
"And en top of nil thnt we're hcndnl
for home!" said Kendric.
"Heme!" Bett ejes shone mere
gloriously thnn the pearls.
"And thus ends our little campin"
trip. Tell mc. Bettj. lmven't jeu nnv
desire for a real camping trip in our
own mountains? That plnee that I
knew, where the little hidden vallci Is
"Tell me about it," said Betty.
Tearls and geld heaped en the table
pearls about Bettj "s threat, and they
talked of pack and trail and n little
green ledge te be made of fir boughs
The end.
And New Turn
te the opening installment of n
gripping new story of a line nnd
It Is bu Frank L. Packard
Auther of "The Miracle Man,"
and is entitled
It a en the Mevie Page
Tedaybe sure te
tnste the delicious
Sold only in our Stores
Asaph's read, Bala, will return te her
home in St, Paul, Minn., early in Janu
Miss Margery Nixon, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Herace F. Nixon, of 2203 Wal
nut street, who Is a student at Weatever,
will return te her horn next Friday
te spend the Christmas holidays with
her parents.
Mrs. Helllster Sturges has retumed te
her home In Chestnut Hill after nbenfl
Inif sevcrnl months In Washington.
Mrs. Herman 1'. Kremcr, of 2010 Wal
nut street, will entertain a. large- family
dinner at her home, 2016 Walnut street,
en Christmas Day.
Miss Mary Daluersten Hcsten, daugh
ter of Mrs. Jehn U, Hcsten, 221 Winona
avemib, nan returned from ft visit le
Mr. and Mrs. James Crenshaw, of
Klthmend, Va.
The first anniversary of the- Undine
Sewing Clrcle was celebrated recently
at the home of Miss Lillian Fuhrmah,
1509 North Sixth street. The members
nnu meir guests whrt were present were
Miss Rose P. Cherney, Misa Adele
SlaVln, Miss rtuth A. Kendall, Miss
JWinnc Z. Cherney, Miss Bore ICean,
Miss Cecil Thurman, Miss Helen Cehen,
Mr, Jack I,. Levy. Mr. Samuel W. A.
Sltlar, Mr. Victer K. Cehen, Mr. Frank
Silverman, Mr. Theodere Hartman, Mr.
Mark Mlnics, Mr. Leu O. Burnstlne, of
Columbus, O., and Mr. Harry Lyen
Mrs. Blddle Marsdcn, of Brick Heuse.
Chestnut Hill, will entertain nt luncheon
and bridge today In honor of Miss
Laura B. D. Garrison, debutante daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. V. Lynwood Qar Qar
risen, of J019 Clinten street. Cevers
will be laid for sixteen guests.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Gcorjje Wilcox
Mclver are visiting Mrs, Mclver'n par-cnt?,-.xirv,'lrul
Mrs- Charles P. P. Maule,
at 2217 Blttenhouse street, for the holi
days, and will be nt home Informally
en Sunday afternoon after 3 o'clrfek.
Ne cards will be sent out. Lieutenant
Mclver has a ten days' leave.
Mr. and Mrs, j. Alan Mlddleten. of
Green Spring, Ambler, are receiving
congratulations en the birth of ft
daughter. Eleaner Mlddleten, en De
cember 10.
wIfiI?rry Be,ment barren, of the
TYestmlnster Apartments, nnneunces the
?ii5S?.nwnt of hV "ftURhter, Miss
Gladys Warren, te Mr. William J. Har
vey, of 6820 Windser place.
rm?1!"1, B ,Metman, et 2006 Nertn
Thirty-second street, entertained the
members of the Busy Needles Sewlnir
Clrcle at her home en Tuesday evenlnir.
These Present were Mrs. B. Miller. Mrs
C Ogden. Mrs J. Tulsman. Mrs. &
?J?J10' s??; S-Feldmnn, Mrs. 3. Sacks
and Miss Mildred Sever.
Announcement has been mnde of the
2G19 North Cerlles ntrcet, te Mr. Frnnlc
Schaffer, of this city. mc
X5, ft,nJLM,r?X. MfT!" '? ha?
nnd Mrs. Henrv Mnii,....
nounce the engagement of their daugh
! fce.riL!?JE..MaU!w nnd
-i , " , V , i ',:'UK V"y -layier. The wed
ding will tnke place en December 2R In
the. "Cvepdland Preshytcrlnn Church.
Pine and Fortj'-secend streets.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stevenvm
of 4930 Walten aenue. announce The'
r1P,nWifni Sf lMT ''"Whtcr-. Miss
Elizabeth A Stevenson, te Mr. E. Rey
Test, of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Everett Shere Tr
of 912 Marlyn read, were Uie luests
of honor at a reception and dance at
the Bellevue-Stratford Thursdav eve
ning, plven bv Mrs. Shero's parents
Mr., and Mrs. Frank P. Creft, of Vaiiet'
lonre. Mr. and Sirs. Shere will be at
home nfter January 15. at 912 Marlvn
read. -"wyu
r?'n'Iehl2 I:25?c"l!erKer we a bridge
and S00 .it 572G Themas avenue yes
terday nftcrnoen.
The engagement of Miss Wlnlfrca
J II ll flr
It will be a great edition-Tomorrows Sunday Public Ledger-considered from
every viewpoint-News, Features, Comics, Sports and Advertising.
DECEMBER 17, 1921
Popular Socially
Miss Cassnrd Is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Cassnrd, of
this city
Strauss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sle
mund n. Strauss, et 223 Seuth Forty
ninth street, has been announced te
Mr. Isadore II, Resenberg, of Paterson.
N, J.
Dr. and Mrs. Rebert Klstler, of 4911
Warrlnirten avenue, are receiving con
gratulations upon the birth of a daugh
ter, Ruth Dickinsen Klstler, Dcccmbei
8. Mrs. Klstler will be remembered as
Miss Ruth Vs. Dickinsen, of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. William McCleskey, et
5315 Lnxchwoed avenue, nnnounce the
marrlaee of their daughter. Mint Helen
Apnea McCleskey, nnd Chief Signalman
uey wuiara I'ewen, or league Island
Navy Yard, en Thursday memlnir In
the Church of the Transfiguration,
Flftj'-slxth street and Cedar avenue,
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Blakesley ana
thelr Infant daughter. Judith Aline, or
Little Falls. N. Y will be the guests et
Mrs. Lena Sander, of 4228 Chester ave ave
nue, for the Christmas holidays.
Dr. una Mrs. D. J. Mitchell, of 2030
East Allegheny avenue. will entertain
at their home en Saturday evenlnpr.
when the following guests will be pres
ent: Dr. and Mrs. Oeeri?p Shaffer, Dr.
nnd Mrs. J. A. Breadfleld, Miss Jan
Geef. Miss Freeda Leuthlln. Dr. Jehn
Wagnetz and Dr. Wllllnm Annesly.
Mrs. J. A. Breadfleld, of 3121 FrnnK FrnnK
fenl avenue, will be hostess te the
members of the Delta Kappa Epsllen
Sorority at her home en Saturday
afternoon. January 7 Amentr these
present will be Mrs A. Dlngee. Mrs.
Themas Hyndman. Miss Len Hall Miss
Ethel Metzler, Miss Edna Scellv," Miss
Bess Smith. Miss Bess Street, Mrs
Samuel Tompkins and Mrs. David
Mrs. V. Wnllls Armstrong, of Mea Mea
dewvlew Farm, gave a large luncheon
en Friday, December 9, te meet Mrs
Fennlmore Jehnsen.
Mrs. Mary E. O. Linten hai arrived
In Honolulu, where she Is vlsltlne her
son. Mr. Ralph Linten They will spenu
Christmas In California,
Mr. J. Warner B. Lee. of Oak ave.
Ynrte Cltv" a dftyh '" New
. s,V t, -. ,,.
few "friend?' M n rabbllttr011 a
Tl ursday a? 8 o'clock U '""" "
! ,iHlllK:. .laSSijl-i'-'";5 iHlllllllH
Ask Your Daddy te Be Sure te Get Tomorrow's
PUBLIC LEDGER, December 18
uirectiens careruily, any
make them perform like a real airplane.
And besides :
Gumps," "Hairbreadth
"Beeb McNutt" all in tomorrow's (Sunday's) Public Ledger.
Be sure of netting YOUR cepu of Tomorrow's Sunday Public
Ledger. Tel r Dad te place his order with his newsdealer new!
of Philadelphia
A card parly and reception were given
last night In St Menica's school hall,
Rltner nnd Seventeenth streets. Mm.
Leuis O'Connell was chairman et the
"entertaining committee and she was
assisted by Mrs. Jeseph Roberts, Mrs.
Jeseph Halpln, Miss Margaret Cenner,
Miss Margaret Dougherty and Mrs.
James NOene.
Mr. Frank Manges, of J627 Seuth
Rosewood street, entertained nt a re
cept!6n recently In honor of Mr, Fran
cis Cleary, the president-elect of the
Cerlcy-Eplphnny C. C. His guests In
cluded Mr. Charles Straub. Mr. Jeseph
McCann, Mr, Charles Burke, Mr. Jehn
Cleary. Mr. Jehn Connelly, Mr. Fran
cis Dlnan. Mr. Francis Celeman. Mr,
Eugene Dlllmore and Mr. William
Announcement has beeh made of the
marriage of Miss Alice Sheppard Roth Reth
rock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Weller
Rothreek, of Aiken, da., and Mr. Ray
mond James Simpsen, son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. R. W. Simpsen, of 647 Hamilton
street, Norriatewn, en Wednesday, De
cember 14, at St. Michael's Episcopal
Church, Charleston. S. C. The Rev
Albert S. Thompson officiated at the
ceremony. Mr. Simpsen and his bride
will llve lit B47 Hamilton street. The
bridegroom was In overseas service dur
ing the war.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph Kramer, of 641
ChAln street, celebrated their thirty
eighth wedding anniversary en Decem
ber 13. They have three children, Mr.
H. Ia Kramer, of Norrlstewn. Mrs. C.
D. Weedman, of West Philadelphia,
and Mrs. G. W. Dean, of Celllngdale,
Miss Mallnda Hawlces, of Mcrchant
vllle. N. J., Is vlsltlnir Miss Eleaner
Heftvner, of East Jacoby street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. R S. White, of West
Weed street, have left for New Bruns
wick. Canada, where they will spend
the Christmas holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Qutllman, et
1729 DeKalb street, have Issued Invi
tations te a dinner en Friday evening,
December 30. In honor of Miss Kath
arine A. Scheldt, whose msrriairc te Mr.
Heward Edsen, of Gcrmantewn, will
take place the latter part of the win
ter. The dinner will precede the
Christmas dance at the Erslne club
house. The regular meeting of the Norrls Nerrls Norrls
eown Garden Club was held nt the
Erslne clubhouse. Miss Mary R. Clcavci
was the heBtcss of the day. An ad
dress en "An Aristocratic Plant Fam
ily" was irtven by Dr. S. C. Schmucker,
of the West Chester State Nermal
Mrs. C. F. Ress, of Macen, Ge.. Is the
truest of Dr. and Mrs. C. Hewara
Harry, of 1004 DeKalb street.
A pretty wedding took place Thurs
day evening at 7 o'clock, when Miss
Freda Elizabeth Campbell, of 6308
Ora-pre avenue, became the brlde of Mr.
Reuben V. Mesle', of Llanerch.
The bride, who was given In mar
riage by her father. Mr. Rebert J
Campbell, wns attended by Miss Nellie
Watt and Miss Rheda Roberts os
Mr. Mesley had for his best man Mr.
Rebert J. Campbell. Jr , brother of tht
Mr. and Mrs Mesley left lmmedlateiv
arter the ceremony for n wedding trip
through the Seuth. They will be a
home after January 15, at 6303 Osage
A pretty wedding took place In the
Lutheran Church, Fifty-second and Race
streets, Thursday evening at S o'clock, i
when MIbb Florence May Lipplncett, or
5208 Litchfield street became the bride I
of Mr. Elmer N. Corsen, of 2014 Seuth,
Slxtv-thlrd street, the Rev A. Pehiman, I
D. D officiating. A reception nt the
home of the brlde'f parents followed
Immediately after the ceremenj.
i Hujrh Shreader as matron of honor.
Mr- CerMn ,,ad for hls bt man Mr
Hugh Shreader.
Upen tl,c,r rc,uni fro,n weddlnff
riP- r .?" ?;. ??rsen ,w' a!
home at 5208 Litchfield street
mv "fl
and you'll be certain te have just heaps of
run with the big cut-out page containing
These ARROW PLANF..S will A Qil
the stunts a big airplane will de 1(
come back, spiral n'everything.
ou can nave all kinds of
AKKUW PLANES because you can fly
them indoors and out, and by following the
of "Funnies," including "The
"Mutt and lefT" "FUn-V A
By Lee Pnpe
This aftlrnoen mn sent me te the egg
f.tere for a pound of butter, and 2
ladles was in there and I waited for
them te get threo, wich they did as
slew as possible, nnd jest wlle I was
waiting for the man te ask me wat I
wunted some ether lady that jest came
In sed, Will you wnlt en mc, please?
Ccrttny, sed the man. Mc thinking,
Heck, darn it, I was nhed of ber.
And the lady nfcked for a duiiln
Btrlckly fresh eggs nnd the man gave m
her the fcrat duzzln hc could reetch,
proving she mite as well of jest asked '
for a duzzln eggs, and she went out
with them, being n thin lady with h "
fat peckit; book, and jest then another
lady sed, Kindly wait en mc, please. '
Ccrteny, ecd the man.
Wich he did. Being a long lady with ,
a short nose, me thinking Gesh, holey 5
Btneaks, I aint going te stay heer ail
my life.
Wich jest then another lndy came In, ';,
saying, Would you mind waiting en
hie? Being n middle size lady with
pointy feet, and the man 6cd, Gertcny,
jest a moment, as seen us I give this
lady her cheese, Me thinking, Geed
nlte, wnts hc think I am, a benefit?
Wich jest then another lady enme in,
being a skinnle lady with a ixpresslen
as it she was going te try ie get ahead
of me tee. Mc thinking, Ne sir, darn
if she will. And I quick get rite In
frunt of her nnd she sed, Oct awny
from under my feet, boy, cant you see
ware your going, will you wait en me
Ccrteny, sed the man, nnd I quick
ted. Hay, 1 bin hcer a half hour all i
Well wy dldent you speck up lop
age, wnts yours? mmI the man. tncenlng
wat did I wunt. Wich I told him and .
he gave it te me ad I went out with
it. Proving if you dent speck up for
your rites nobedys libel te knew you
get cny.
Big value!
Smnll Smoked Skin-Back
At all our Moul Markets
fun with
boy or girl
A$ '"