e , ti - '-vV wi?1 "' ! " 'il! pillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll P' i nriT A -VI pGAKKiDi ecv. WIDENER BLDG. MEMBERS -NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE STOCK EXCHANGE SERVICE II c,i tinanciai. Itr .,.. f.m'inn company mJi W pvT..o,nhntefpurh9rsLJs ! Jated I August 1. 1012. proposals revived at the offlceof the Com Cem VA Trust Company. Trustee. City Hall 2rl- Philadelphia, for the sale te the m for Sinking Fund Account en Febru; ",,.! of $122,401) pnr value of said J' : a prlce net te exceed 107VI and d Interest. The rlsht la reserved te jS ny or.ell proposes In vvhole or In t.a proposals eta tinsr numbers of offered and marked "Proposals for J life of Crew Lcvlck Company First lilitt Sinking Fund ilelrl Bends" 7.m h presented te the undersigned be be be Vo'cieck neon. Wednesday. December llMEnCIAL inUST COJirANY, Trustee. I' HENRY C. GIBSON. Treasurer. Ann mil Mrftlngn MANAYVNK NATIONAL HANK , Annual Meeting and election of dl- Quri 01 ms ""i. "V", "'."I btn lieline turimi .nuui tin-, nw -i m 125, Jlanavunk. Philadelphia, en Tiics- it1" " fn nrrt haKOAnn Ytn tiniim nf . iiry i". .--, ""'a"',' :,!,.;:,,.' A. III. aim i . -' "" .iy ' .... '.,.. if nnv ether business that may cenn fart the meeting .ir.nnTa ., iL MI 4 A J U. .UVMillU, VOilXICK I. 'ii vtv vimi iVHi'n.ivri'. COMl'ANV OF l'HILAIYHLriUA 111, .selllll sin ei a iiiiii. ? i Annual .vrecting e siocimeiucrs t held ut the home oilier of the com- Men of diterters and the trnnsartlen of l'w.V. ,.....l.....u !iu rinV frttrt.. liAfnrii lha IJl eirer imams.... ..... w.w.v IPOs I.- r? SfATin-IV? Il Secretary. (llltAUD Tlll'ST COJIPANY rhi.nrleiiil.i. D. comber .1. 11)21. Mtht annual meeting of the stockholders Viali company w'll be held en Memlny, iJlMh day of neerjnber. 1021. at 12 "jVk neon, at the otllce of the company, lf.'. .! Chestnut sts.. riilladelphla. Pa.. '.. .. bh nlnnHnn .utlt h Hntil fr I, managers te serve for a term of four f Vf MOnni.S. Secretary. I'MOX NATIONAL HANK Phllnrtelnhla. December 10. 11121. hint Annual Meeting of the stockholders fl C nClU Hi l"L ixuinnirl i"'iim mi uv- r. JinUKry 10. 1022. between the hour of Jl. and 1 l 51.. for the flectien of dl- On ail U I Or INC iruiirtu i.uii til hulii uiucr imeiB as mn) cimia uniwre urn iii-uiiim. i.euis x. si'iKiAiEnanit. Cashier. T1IK NINTH TITI-n AND TItUST COMPANY IlillifnT' Ate, l'..iHt nf KenHlnetnn r. 1 Phllndelnhla. December 17 KILM. 'he Annual .Meetlnir of the stockholder"! of ft company will le held nt Its elTlce en JJdday. Jnmmry 17, 1022, between the in of 10 nnd u A. m for the election directors te sene rturlne the cnsulnir ear. ii. j. iMiiMGir, wecretnry. THK PKNNSYr.VANIA COMPANY rnr. ixsrnANTKS en mvf.s AND OIlANTINfi ANNI'ITIKS Is Annual Meetlnar of the stockholder of L rnmnan will take nlnce nt Its nfflre. vfhpstnut street, en Meml.i. .tunmirv in. T) at U M.. nt which time nn election will I MM ter miriecn mreeier te writ for itniuinK car. v., e. iNiiwiiAl.I. Seeretnrv 3Ql'AKi:n CITY NATIONAI, I1AN7C 01' PIULADKI.PHIA December 0, ST21 fm Annunl feetlne of the .Stockholders the elrctlnn of Directors nf thli 11ar.k ne eircunn ei j S riM al the H M new a' jne imnKinv nouse en Tue- , Jinimry Ifltli, 1022," between the heurr lt:0O M. and 1:00 P. Jl. WJ! P Rrcif. Canhler. WTinNAi. surriiirv iuv I rtllliuriiii. rivruii'Vl mil, illl, nt Annual Meitlm of the Hte kholders nklli.4.l..hU T.a...! 1... ...... m be he'd it the llanklnir Heue. Tiiendav. mrr 10th. 1022. between the hours of Boen unii - i ..i. ... ii .in;ir.u uasnier. THE SOlTinVK.sTIIltN NAT10NAJ, HANK. Phllr... P,t. ta Annual Meetlnif of the Stoekheldera of sBinl; 'i III le held en Tiirsilny. .Inn. 10. ft- i i2 .l'flOT.!' M" nt thc Dnnkltif: Wit, S. K Cor. Ilrnad nnd Seuth streets. q ncainJi: vai.ti:h. cnshier Dllldcnils E xv. ff.Aiti; a rn iin..i-.... Offltr cf the POUTl.AND UAIIAVAY UUIIT S. I'OWKH COMPANY rlrst Prrfcrred Meck Dltldrnd Ne. 3 It Deard uf Directors of the Pertlnnd .wiv t ith t. rn... - i . . . flrtery dividend of one nnd anr-hnlf ft fit the iTimnii rhll.l. T. .. n r - "". "'l'iw imjniiiv UlUIUlin" . kn.iV... i.,i ': .VA V.V.'" "' l" t'"'" ?n" .Wl!' J"5 "'"'led te holders of trie R)!i hU,',ni and the dividend due October B V,.1 "? '."la. l0 neWers of the old II 1 rftlftrrfi (itrirLr utiltf .. it.. "if if ii. i- ;,.'.... :.'... .u':u". i"? sur- S? u'0.,n.v,.c,:t''Jc""', ' 'he oOlce Ai"; -iiiiv k iy. Transfer Al'ciu. Cheitnut St.. Philadelphia. U. L,. ESTAimOOIC. i ifiinurer 'i... iniiri" in file intAMaeitl) TIll'hT COJIPANY iil?S'lrd of Dlrocter nnve "this day d- iw.. li .;. ; "-""nuiu aiviiiend or .R'.mI",'7"-' 1 the stoekheldera as '"l."1 no mailed ".-. jMiAHMiS It CORNIILL. Seeretary. PropeHuls . , I'LItl.IC SALK Order of the Ilnrbnr Commissioners Ijnr.i.... M ...fM'i ..iuui aireet rier, Ciimden, N. J. w a term of one. three or Vi i..M sTflJinuary 1R. Krj ,0 ears ON riUDAY. JANl AIIY 13. 102'2 . .. nt I . M. Bid?,Ji ! .(Uy ",nl1- f'nmrten. N. j. !MW.Ul J.t.!lcc."Uea. '" "aid lease. Wteba Daid rnmmim i0"' n1'0 annual .?. .r u. Paiu. . Commission mnv r. ..... "f, ?,! r A0"11 with satlefacterV sure ii ru .J,, ,ii!t . ermanee of lease It re. ,c;rtined check for tlOO 'te errtee f ii",BCS?v,'n '" '0 nccempan? eaeh'bld' T," r.E:?P""J te Mr . Oeor.re IV iV.i""'"""i' nI ""ard of Hri: ,-.... .....v.e, 1100m 11. cm, iir;v JPtlid December 10, 1021. IIAU.IIOAD COMPANY IUn0" Ofveland () November n,(k .. SwS'SisV'i ar Street, New Yerk w ,J-mpany. 50 each reipeetlvelv ViLh n0 nnd n?Wye, Jnry 3d, nie"n" "C,J"''I H en that day tl.e HeM0?'"- " no "Ject the bid, lBllt la feseived i-ILHfff; Treasurer. '"pSS! ! r!;'1 cbStUHmTh 0O 00 of PDJ riot Seh? rPurohnse of &.. erient1 aHtChr1mri0,T':: "l". ?! WM'e Scheel Nen TneMl iV VJ.i10 heU " IK' ' ' M utMl'iJi Derember 27, ' tt 'nor cent Serlni n . .. K,."len ' If"") 10 ;c, m1 '" ,ni t'C'D8.',' I'V)',!""'-! le Mr. R T JKi . ui ae "I'renn. 1I0 f.V- i. .'""f""' llEM te reject any and all bids Is r. 15. m?i E- T- 'lAjrrr.Tev wi"'i.ti tieiK. 11n11nl i:ielln. Tin: piiNN ju tial iln b, 'ii'iim I'eteinber 17 lnii ' three y'.aV. T win i,',"ri M,1!10 'n.steeH te M th company in ibi" .'?' the ''""" '''l " l"w. '.', '.Ii"n J.'iial rs et '" A, Jl, nnd 3 P. Jl BYDN13Y A. S.MITir " ElfliiTn.-. . Hacretn'ry "aiu.l-s 11, COOKH, Cashier Li ir t' I1 V' Aeie Yerk Curb INDUBTllIAIiS Hlfth Ixw Last Acme Ceal U'. it; Hi Burns Hr6s n 32H 32H 32. Cl Crushed Fruit 2S )(? Curtis Aero aU a 3 Durnnt Met of Indiana .. 12$ 12U 12Vi Obsen Hewell 10(4 1(1 10 Olen AldciiCeal 42$ 4aW 42J4 Oeddyear Tire 27i 271 274 (loedyear Tire pt 27i 274 27 flrant Jloter Vi 1U Heyden Chcm RR fi 8r, I.ocemnbllo no no no Inter Prep 14 It 14 Mitlenal Leather 2',i 2'J 2H i-iiiHii jvinrris 1 u lladle Cem 2'i a'A Hadle Coin pref 214 214 Fchulte. Stere 3UV4 3t4 30Mi Neutn coal ft Iren 1 1 J4 K sweet, co ajj, a a Tell Pred Exp 4H 4 4V4 II 3 Ste-vm 14 la la United Profit Sharlns ... 2 1ft 2 United llijtall Candy .... n'i r.? f, West End Chem l,v 1, 1,1, STANDARD OILS Anule-Amer Oil 21H 21'i 21; Atlnnt'c Iobes 10 10U 10U Imperial OH Can 110i HeK 110H Oalena Oil 40 40 40 lluckeje P L Rfli', hh'; hai; Htatrd Oil of Ind Ol'.i l)l',i Ol'.i INDL'PENDKNT OILS Arkinsni Nat Oas 11U 10"! lit; Henne Oil 27 !."i 27 Hosten H'yemlnK 80 77 77 Tlraies .Oil 1 1 1 Carlb Synd 4i d'i 4: Cities Servlca (old) 2011 2011 20(1 Cities Servlce "II" ctfa... 23 2.1 2.1 Hlk ll.isln n 11?; ef4 DnB'neers Petrel 0(1 OS 04 Federal Oil 1A li li Fenslimd IMi 0 in; Ollllland Oil 4Vi 4U 41J Cllonreck Oil 1A 1J4 ivi Imperial OH 104 inS liTtJ Int Petrel 17 IT'S 17U Maruay 2'i 'j'l 'M Mexico Oil l,V 1 ijl Omar Oil 71 71 71 Salt Creek Pred 13 13"i l'll Slmmi Pet 114 US 11 ii Skelly Oil .-.a, R4 R Texen OS 07 07 Victeria Oil new 80 se 80 wicex 011 ,i'i au at; Woodburn 7(1 70 70 Y Oil 2(1 20 20 Southern P & S 4T4 4"i 4', JIININO UlB LedRO 20 2S 28 Ifosten t Mentana 87 Ml 80 Cens Cen Mines 1 ) 14 14 Corter. Hller 8R 84 84 t'ressim Oehl 2H 2A 2H Kunkn Croesus 27 27 27 (leldlleld Florerwe 28 27 2S IUrmlll D'vide 1:1 13 1.1 Krrr Luke 3'4 314 3Va Manma Copper 2.1 U 2.1'4 2.1'; Independent Lead (I II 0 Masen Valley 1U 111 Mi Mether Lode new 8!i ni xi Natlennl Tin nil Rs Rs Nevada Ophlr 40 3!) 10 New Cernelia 18'i is 1M Nlplsslnft 7H C.'i 7 New Dominion 2'i 2"i 2' Se Am P i O .IS .1 4 .-, I'nlted E,mlirn 2 2 2n Yuken Geld m I'ii I'k Trinity Copper 3 3 3S IIONDS Allied Pncker fis RO no R0 Amer Tel 0s, 1024 KM) Hli74 tlli'i Armour 7s 102'4 111214 lO'J'n Il.irnsdnll 8s HH'5 fiVi psti Ilcth Steel 7a. 1022 100'S l(Ki5 100H Cent Steel 8s 10u"k len'4 100 Copper Expert 81, 102.1. .1en',i 100', iii)it Heinz Ce 7s 1D3 10.1 103'; Humble Oil 7s 100 10(1 1O0 Kennecett 7s let 101 let N.it Cie-ik 3s Uil'i ',iil; en1; OreKen S L 3s II7 !)7',j IP7'4 Phillips Pet 7'4s 102 102 102 Pub Scrv N J 7s 0MV, ns ns Itebert Galr 7s OT'i H7' H7H Senr-Heebuek 7s, 1022.. Oll't P'it PH Shawshcen 7s 102 102 ln2 Southern Itv (Is fin'; 0l; O'lU Southwest Bell 7s 101 101 101 Stand Oil N Y 7a 1023...104'1 104T4 104' swift 7. 102.1 100H ioe; ien4 Slft 7s. 1031 102 101 102 Tidal Osag-e 7a 100 1004 1004 Wilsen 7s DOT 00 00T4 Philadelphia Markets WIIHAT Receipts, 180,888 buih. Mr ket iulet but steady Car lets In expert ele vator Ne. 2 red winter. 11.1 101. 10f Ne. 2 red winter. Kurllcky, l 001.14. Other Blades quoted at th-j follewlnc schedule of disceunts: Mixed wheat, fls under red winter; Ne 3 vhnt, 3c under Ne. 2. Ni t wheat 7c under Ne 2. Ne. 0 wheat, lie under Ne. 2. Sample .iccnrdlnf? te nuullty. CORN Receipts, 1.1. 873 buih. Stendlly held Car lets In expert elvater Ne. 2. ROta ((TdOis c: Ne. 3, R7'4 SlMHc. Car lets for local trade Ne. 2 llew, old HSty i OliWc: Ne. 2 yellev new (UHOOe'c: Ne. 3 yellow, few, Ol'4 0O2V4c. OATS Receipts, .1070 bujh. Quiet and unehMnBed Car lets dk. te location Ne. 2 white. 45(P4Hc, NO. 3 while, 43t4 il 4 le. FLOUR Receipts. 1000 bbls. and 1,001,. It.1 lbs. In sacks. Quiet and uncrranued The auotatlens: Per 100 lbs , packed In 140-lb. Jute acks Seft winter straight, wi stern, SR 7.1(TlR.h.1. de. de. ntnrliv. SRSSR "a. linrd winter, stralsht. J0.2.iOd .10; de. short pntent tu.eirti; sprinu. nrst, clear. JR low .1.11; de. pntent. $0 fin7; de, short patent, 17 2.1; 7.73; fancy spring and tlty mills pat ent, family brunds, JS.73Ou.20. Rye flour, f.i.nnfrn in PROVISIONS Steady but nulet. Tleef. In pets, smoked and nlr-drled. R2c, beef knuckles, nac, porn ramuy, ac nnms, M. p. cured, loose. 20JT22c de, skinned loose. 18fJ21c; de. de smoked, 20OT2SC, hatm. heilerl, bone bene Uss. 30c; plrnte shoulders. S. P. cured, loose, lilc, de, smoked, 17c, bellies. In plikle, loeso, 17c; breakfast baron, 22c, Inrd, 12c HIITTDR Market nulet nnd unchanged Quolntlenn: Solid-packed creamery, extra, 4Rci jenuinff sales or niun-scerini; boehs 4tir4e extra llrsts 12fi'43e; firsts, 3(l(ff30c; suect crenmerv. choice and fancy. 175I8c: fair te pned 38ldi. fancy brands of prints were iebblnc at R75c fair te choice, 4fJ.10e. EGOS Sold slowly at former rates. The quotations were; Nearby extra firsts, 00c; neirby firsts, 0.1c; W. stern, extra first". .1.1 (f ."lie: firsts. .130i".4c; seconds, 40.iOc: lebbliiB sales of -candled fresh etBS, 710 72c fnlr In ehnlie 0.1K70e. CHEF.SE Stnndlly held but quiet. Quota Queta Quota t'ens New Yerk whole-. nllk Mats, fancy, V2'j(ii:23c; de. fnlr te rroed. 2122e- I.onit I.enit I.onit hern. 22ff2.mc; slnsle Daisies. 21'4T23c LIVE POCLTRY Fowls, net Letrhern, Inncy, fat. yellew-sklnnen. wclprblinr 5 II s each or ever, 21fd2fcc; medium quality, 20il 21c Inferior, lnej lc. fowls, whlte Lenharn. !R((?22c; sprlmr chickens, farcv. yellow yellew itklnncd. Plymouth Rocks, wclKhlnc R lbs inch or ever, 22 T 24c; prlnir clilckens, net Lepherns. medium quality. 10 (JT-lc sprlnir rlilrkens, net I.eKherns. infnrlnr, IRs'ISe, rprinK chickens. Lepherns, lR20r old ioot ieot ioet rrs. 171I8c; turltevs, f.incy. 4SfJS0c; de, fair te noed 40W4Rc; ducks white Pekln. 205f2Sc, de. mixed colors, 21 11 '.'lie, de. JIus-i-ety, 1 II fijl 1 Tc : aeese 232.1c. cumeiu, veunpr, per pair wclKhlns: Mi"f2 b arlece II 20 C7 1.30; welshing- llfflH lbs iipleee, 8O0 (T$1; BUlneas. old, pir pair, 005J70c, pIk 1011s p"r pair. old. aeCT.IRC' vnuna 2.1c, DRESSED POULTRY Sprlr- tuiicrvs fnncy, dry-picked, nearhy. naifTOOe. excep tional lets hUhcr: de. fancy. Wenteni diy packed.ri0tfr.17c, de, fancy, iced, ,10c; averape tecelpts, 4.1 tu lt!e old tern turkeys. 40JJ ISc. fnwln freb-kllled. drv-plcked. In box.'s, welahlnc 0 lbs npli.re, 31c; welKhlnir 1 lbs., ?1 si32c. welBblnir 3' lbs. 23270 wel.-h-Inu 3 lbs 21(ff22e: fev Is fresh killed. In bills., diy-plrked welEhlPR 4V4 (it R lbs. upln e 3n1i31i weluhltiB 4 lbs. 2bC2,ii . weigh Ins 34 lbs. 21'.'4c; welBbliiB 3 lbs., and under, lSsMOe ReustlnK chick ens. Westi rn. dry-pkked In be.es -Welrhlnir 41.1 lbs and ever iipleee, ale welKhlnc 4 lbs apiece. 32c; welRhlnir 3'-j lbs apiece. 205?2sc; welKhlnu 3 lbs. aplee... 2lW20c; bbl vteUlil.iir 4W.1 Ins nnd evir ,'Ploce. 10ff32c roast Ipk chickens Wclern. uelirlilniT 3'1 lbs. apleei, 2lW20c. brelllnu chickens. Itestern. wellrtllnp l'5Tc2 lbs apiece, 32((i3lc, chickens. Western, weluh Inir 2'4ff3 lbs. apleee 20'0'2'lc, rnastlnc ehlckens. nearbv. welirhlnir I OR lbs and our npleen, 31Cr3.1c; reastlmr I'hlcKens, near bv. velirhlmr 3lj lbs apiece 27(Tf2se broil breil Inir chickens nearbv welchlnir H.ff2 lbs nnlee- aifi.lfle. chli kens, nenrby. welRblnK ''42 lbs apiece 23tf?21e old roosters, lrv. picked. Western 21e; de de, Smith, rn l!iftj i'Oe, dueicH 3201 31c Kecsc, fancy. 3132e; flr te Bend, 2.ig2fcc. FINANCIAL Dhlilends QUAKI'Jl CITY' NATIONAL HANK Dividend Ne. 0.1 Phllidelphlv December 10. 1021. At a meeting of th. Heard of Dlreeteru held this ilny the rcBiilar semi annual dM dend "f thren and one-half per cent (3'Cr) and 1111 extra dividend of one iwr (i-ut (I'ii was declared, imynbie .lanunry 1, IK IS, te stockholders of r. erd ftt clese of business December 31, 1021 Checks will be mailed, W. P. HF.C1I Cashier. Special Notices ,K3f errici; or the hi: lenj hook :xy nnd Ee Cainpiiuy. October 28lli. 1021. Sneelal notion te Stockholders "TIL"" i,..-.l f t)lr,,tiirs baa eaII.,1 Bpeclal meetlnir of Its Stockholders, te be held at the itenernl offices pf the I empuny, "lit Arid Clearfield sts, Plilladelph a, en the 30th day of December. 10J1. nt 11 o'clock h 30th day of December. HUl. at 11 o'clock AM .for the purpese of vellnit for or .Bum.l an ""$ STORYr-rViu.y: i.ljnAI, AIVi:KTIsr.JIKNT.S ,f- NOTICE IS HEREIIY IIIVKN THAT nn application will be made te the Onvcrnei of th Ht.itn uf Pennsj Ivanla. en .liimiiiry 0. A. D. 1022, by Waller W. IIeiIk- Hen. JemcpIi II. Hentlj. Tl lore K. Ileatta ai'l James I). lleutlJ. under the A.t of As sembly of the f'uinmenwmllh (if lvnns "1. 1 1. entitled "An Act te preWd. for the In ciirisiriillun and leKULitlnn f cerlaln coi cei coi perillnns " PPI0cd April 211, lh7j. ami the nuppleinenlH th.reie. fr lb., rharlci 1 f an Inieiided corpeiation te be called U.iltrr V. HndEKiiii. Inc., the character and ebj.ct of which Is te manuf.ictuiu Jacquard pattern cards, stnmp'd and num-heil cards of every suit and (b-sciiptlen, and for them. jiurpuseH te have nnd pnsess and enjoy nil I rn. 1 Ithts, beneflls and prl eleics of the said Act of Assembly und Its supplements. Assiininy uim OUTTERSON. Solicitor EVENING PUBLIC LDGlil-PHILABELBHIA, SATURDAY, .LKOAti AnynnytsigiKNTg .. .... . Il55t,,f .THE COfllT 01' COM.MON drlphla. . Charier Ne. 80S0, Piled Jnlr 20, lBefl. In re the petition, of "The Western Arwnri. ntlen of Lndlfs for the Relief nnd Km. plejnifiit of the Peer" for amendments 10 charter Notlce Is hereby (rh-en lhat application will be made In the fibevn court en Friday, Janu ary 13, D22, nt 1 o'clock P. M . under the Corporation Act of 1871 of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania nnd supplements therein. Including especially thc Act of April 17, 1870, P L. 37. for the sllowance nnd npprevnl of certain nmenflments te the charter nf The Western Association of Ladles for the Relief nnd Kmpleymrnt of lha Peer, ns set forth In the rrotltlen for the nllowance of sild amendments, the nnture of which amendments Is briefly as follews: Te amend Aitlcln 2d by strlklnir out the words "West ern portion thereof" nfter the word "In." Te iimeml the present Artlcle 1 2th by ebnns InB Its number te 7th, nnd by substltutlnc the word "President" for "Directress" in two places and striking out the words "en Bround rent, te enter Inte th) usual and proper covenants therefer," In the first parn rrraph nnd by chnnKlnrr the word "five" te "fifty" 1n the second paragraph, Te strike out Articles 3d, 4th, nth. Oth, 7th, 8th, 0th. 10th. lllh. 13th nnd 14th nnd te ndept new Articles, 3d, 4th. nth, Oth nnd 8th, ns fol fel fol eows: Article 3d The business of this asso ciation Is te lie transacted In the Cltv of Phil adelpl In. Article 4th This Ateoelatlen shall exist perpetually. Artlcle nth Active mom mem lers of this Assoclatle 1 shall consist of per sons who hnve paid as dues two (2) dollars or ever per annum for two successive years, and hnrj been then elected te membership by a mnler.ty of the entire Heard of Man agers voting In person or by written prexies: provided lhat any member who shall after such election fall te pay snld dueb for two years In succession shall Ipse facto forfeit said memlwrshlp hut snld former member mnv 1 subsequently reinstated by the Heard of Managers en paying nil arrearages or mtv be re-elected aftr paving dues of two (2) dollars or ever for nnether two successive venrs. If any person has made a contri bution of flft (00) dollars or ever at anv ene time, such person Bhall be exempted from further dues and mjv b-i similarly elected nt any time a IJfe Jtember by th Heard of Managers. Artlcle Oth Th num ber of Directors of this Association shall lxi thirty (30), who shnll be known ns Its Deard of Manngers. and a majority uf whom shnll be residents of Pennsylvania. Thi nemes and residences of thee chosen as Managers for the next year are ns follews: Miss Fanny Resvngnrten, Phlla.. Pa.. Miss Rebecca C Iinimreih. Haverford, Pa. Mrs Emma H. Oasklll, Phlla.. Pa. Miss Helene A. Ilnugh Phlla.. Pa. Mrs. Hunan P Doughten. Phlla , Pa. .Mrs. Mnry Hawley Thompson. Phlla , Pa. Mlsa Prlsellla H llurnell Phlla . Pa. Mrs. Rebecca 11. Riley. Phlla.. T.l. Miss Maty C. Longstreth, Haverford, Pa. Jlis. Ida M. Ilessenliruch, Wnnewoed, Pa. Mrs. Elizabeth R V Muule, Ptlln.. Pa. Jtlss Ann K. Shnllcresn Wet Chester, Pa. Miss Sarah Emlen Conard. Phll.i, , Pa Mlsa Rebecca J. Austin. Rosemont, Pa. Mrs Helm ('. C Diddle Rlverien. N. J. Miss K. R. Hunting. Phlla . Pa. Mlrs Elisabeth Garrett, Chejney, Pa, Mrs. Madge JIattenjslnn. Phlln , Pa. Mrs. Anna T. Hewell. Whltferd. Pn. Mis. Cella II. Nichelson Phlln , Pa. Mrs, Martha Pepper Stengel. PhlU , Pa. Mrs. Ella Y. A. Hurgln, Walllnirferd, Pa Mrs Harriet S Webb, West Chester, Pa. Jlrs. Emllv Pepper Hacker, Phlla., Pa. Artlcle 8th The Heaid of Managers nre empowered te ndept surh bylaws, rules and regulations, net Incen-lstent with the laws of this Commonwealth, as mnv be deemed expedient te the wcll-bijing of the Corpora tion, Including the right te prnvlde for th th membcrs of the Association voting by proxy at any .special or annual meeting The proposed amendments nre new en ille In the Prothenotary's efflce LOUIS JJAHCUOFT RUNK. Solicitor, .708 llalley Hldg LOST ANJ FOUND UAO Lest, fitted bag, brown canvas, nlver- gllt mounting, marked M L. Jl ; $200 reward will be paid upon return; positively no questions asked. Phene Qgentz 02. DAU PIN Lest, diamond nnd jitntlnum bar pin containing 1 row of larRe diamonds, alternating with small diamonds, en JI011 day In Chestnut street shopping district. Reward If returned te J n. Caldwell A Ce. EARRING Lest earring of platinum, with screw back, containing solitaire diamond nf .yd carats, stamped G 337.1. In Chest nut street shopping dlrtrlet Wcdnerday. De cember 14. Reward It returned te J E. Cnldwell & Ce. LOST Wednesday evening, ene Heed cord tire and rim. with weather cover, en N. E. Deulevnrd. llrend st , Spring Garden or 21st te 20th and Pine sts. Reward. Grant 1201 Real Estate Trut Hldg. PACKAGE Lest, last week, a p tckags containing Japanese silk embroidered piinel and Japanese luncheon set. Reward If re turned te 04.17 Arlington St. Pheno Over brook 3104 M. HELP WANTED-FEMALB BOOKKEEPER nnd stenegraph' r, experi enced, cnpable of taking entire charge of office, desires jurmnnent position after January 1. C 813, Ledger Office. GIRL white, te assist wllh general house work in suburbs, geed home; no laundry. Apply 14.1 N Kith st, , , NURSE Wanted, u graduate rursi te man age a small private hospital -mail town; hospital up te date and fully equipped: treats all cases except contagious dlcease. In answering state nue, enlarv expected nnd tlmn that you could come. Address all com munications te Dr. a. It. Len. Hellwoed. Indiana ('euntv Pa OPERATOR cellar setters, sleevcmakcrH nnd frentmnkera en middle blouses and chil dren's dresses, open shop, sanltarv factory, cheerful surieundlngs. Ost Brethers, U31 Jlnrket st. SALESGIRLS wanted ever 10 years of age. flrst-elnsH references required. Applv te V W. Wnnlwnrth corner store. 1001 M s rk't. SECRETARY'S' ST rENlKIRAPHER . Oentlli . well educated, accurate, ambltleuH, re liable, geed appearance nnd nttractlvn per sonality must have Initiative knowledue of bookkeeping desired' net ever 28 yours. If veu can fill every requirement furnish, explicitly veur quallllcatlnns in detail. Mate- salary de sired and phene number. P 100,1 Ledger eif WOJIAN wanted te took nnd de general 1 ousewerk en the farm: will have inllk nnd butter te attend te Inter, will pay SI7 per month and beard: could use in in nnd wife if the man is any account te work. Address S, Jl. Stevens. Ne. 1 Havenscreft read. Ashevlile. N C. fieneml SELL US YOUR SPARE TIJIE We will train you te write shewcards for us: no canvassing or soliciting, we supply ou with steady werk: distance no object, will pay you fnun 11.1 te $.10 u week. Wilsen Jletheds, Limited. Dept. 24, (11 East Rich men. Terente. Cannda. CIVIL SERVICE examinations. Jan. and Teb.: many vacancies: salary I1400-J1800: wrlte for snr.iple test. P 1121, Ledger Officii JLVKE MONEY AT 1IOJIE Yeu 01111", arii from Si te $2 an hour lit your spare time writing shewcards: quickly, insllv learned by our new, slmple method, no cniivasilng or seliciting: we teach seu hew. guarantee steady work at home ami pa cash each week: full particulars, booklet f r. e Ani--rl-enn Shew Civril Scheel, Dept. 230, Ryrle Bldg Terente. Cnnida. CIVIL SERVICE examinations Jan. nnd Feb.: mnny vacancies: snlary 140O-$180O; write for sample test. P 1421. Ledger Off. HELP WANTED MALE ARE YOU HEADED LP OR DOWN? Or are jeu Iravel'ng a dull, level euurse Hint's slew te kindle luterevt and s ew te re.p.iy henett effort? What dues nur nieumi v say ns ou leek bad. ever HUl' What does the inventory show' Llttle enough. In nil probabllle. In the t ise uf many n man who rends this ad. But dun't be discouraged. Next ji-rvr la nnether eit. Lack nf whirl wind success In the enr new endliv Isn't ne(0ssnrlly un uncempllmentarv relbetlen nil your ability. It may, and probably docs, re. fleet merely ubseiu u of the right oppor tunity, a fair scale of compensation, work of merit, eo-ener.itlon and bn( k lllr that oeuifiH. Get 'n touch with u. Kn nv vvhat It means te work for 11 big and ilopendable corporation whose lnlcret In every indi vidual empleye Is hearty and slnture, whose nollev of generuus pay helpi win te heln counts mert. whose business Is growing faJt enough te make necesary frequent piome- llen., 11 uorpernt en mat is piaimuig rUht new te pace sem uf the pven who rv .ty tn this Invitation In poalilens of respen sibility where within the next nine months inevii no earning at 1110 rate or Jin mm a vear. If you're a Gentle, ever 2.1. we idlm you te take a rumrlng Juurp Inte a pros perous new year by seeing ti.,- m.iiiaKer of personnel nt once, between 10 N.;d 1. Sulte Iiu). i,anu .me una jruai iinig. A PRACrii'AL .SAI.I.S.MAN IN INTERIOR DECORATION Is wanted fei a pnuiilncnt house desirable tsisltten for a completely cnmnetmi bin-),. grade mull able Ui fuiuisii with ta.te and skiii any n . in m- nv n urn, iiiusde nullity required, but he must be n thoreuiihgolng III MNESS .MAN tne, wr te us In conn cenn conn denro, wllh puitUu.nis. t. ling what v,.u Irniuv nnd have den In decoration nrwl 1,1, I, ginde home furnishings What ia your record or bucccshiui sining 111 tneae lines (' s22. I-iUer BOYS knowing New eik Meck Exchnnse abbreviations wanieq ier beaid room Call. U te 2. Saiurdas. Harvey A. Willi- & Ce . 2(1 S l.nli Jt BIiiiNZE CHASER. cited perii.iinent pnl- 1.... Ii. , l.lr,..r, ,i r. Ill.lnu .l... llllll III V .lt..r, ,,,, ,,, (,. U llH, ex- ri nce and wagea c:.p. cied, Chicago Art Bronze Works, Me Lvcrianu ave , u S. Y. I -la (. " CANVASSERS The lest soiling nrtrcTe(m lint miirlttit letlllV. Cllll lit (.iMnrv .i i. . t envlnci d 241 S Frent st, CARPENTER- J or num. nuburbnii house work. Jlaln I.lnv. Unit class; cxperlen. e, man eiily P'd app y. P 03 (. 1Qki.i nrfli. rii.M'C VI. 1 1 .( 'WAVIC 1-iti,,, (... a T. . p acn work stale expeiicnce und salary desired P Ji'KI Ledger Office v ",ary rUR FLESH Ells vv anteiir- Address "jf sill" Ledger (iff Ice cfiltK'EltS -Evperliiued frult-basi("et"7ia, l,,.,. for the liiill'luH. Apply te Jlllchel . i-'ict-rher . n'liie lleriniininwnuve SALESMAN-Wanted 'i jnung or middTe. agtd men as silusman for printing nn I Ijlnsitiliig machinery. In the State of Jlary land and District of Ceiu'nblu must under stand the g.ime thoroughly ind b a cumiv tent llnoiype nncrntiir or maehlnUt; salary, commission and traveling expenses, we nia Innkliig fur a hlgh'grnde ri M,i, en living lu Philadelphia or Washington. D. C statu age and experltnce. M blO, LetUtr Office. HEL? .WANTED MAB BOND SALES.MEN WANTED Iliatt - OnA.DE IlONp SALES'JIEN FOR PERMANENT POSI TION WITH. ESTABLISHED .FINAN CIAL ORGANIZATION. OFFICI 3 IN CLEVELAND. BALTIMORE. ,. WASH INOTON, CHARLESTON. WILMINO TON. I'RESENT PROPOSITION IN VOLVES J1AR1CKTINO TEN-JIII.LION-DOLLAR ISSUE OF FIRST JtOIlTUAOH BONDS, TO THE SALESMAN WHO CAN FURNISH SATISFACTORY. REC OUPS OF PAST PERFORMANCES, WITH NECESSARY CREDENTIALS. WE CAN OFFER THE OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN A PERJtANENT OROANI.A TION ON AN ATTRACTIVE BASIS. FOR FULL PARTICULARS ADDRESS SUITE A. 10(12 DU PONT DUILDINH, WILMINOTON. DEL. ALL COM MUNICATIONS WILL RECEIVE PROJIPT ATTENTION. SALHS.MAN A concern manufacturing a diversified line of goods requires the serv ices of a man ns traveling salesrr.nn for the entire State of Pennsylvania, Jlarylnnd, Vlr g'nla nnd North Cnrellna, with headquarters In Philadelphia; preforence will be given te n min familiar with the trade in this terrl tery; nppllcants will please state age, experi ence nnd salary desired. Jl 813, Ledger Office, BALESJIAN. lilgh-grade man thoroughly 1 experienced, for local Jobbing and retail I trade, te represent manufacturer of well established feed product, excellent oppor tunity for mature salesman, capible of pre- I duclng big results, state age, nationality I experience and salary expected; replies con- ' fldentlal. Jl 81.', ledger Office. j SALESMAN wanted, experienced: no ether ' need nppty. paint and varnish salesman I te travel the Philadelphia and Industrial trsde In Pennsylvania, state nge, experience sales, references nnd compensation expected. M8JPJjlKexOfflce . SALESjlAN Experlenced and ncquafntTd with wholes ile and retail grocery trade Philadelphia and Seuth Jersey; established mfgr. . state salary, nge, etc. C 803, I, O. UAI.I S.MAN waii'.d calling en the i J7i trade te carry Jewelry boxes and dfsplnyi Yeung Hi s , 722 IMdv st . Providence It 1 . SAl.ESJtEN IBOO per month new txt'ni earned .'ly sales agents In Pennsjlvanll srnir.g n.un iuuniK nu a.iueKHeeping Ma chines: we are about te open a few new agencies up the State and will assign ssv era! counties te guaranteed territories and tuili nnv ft verv liberal e miniissi.m ,.. ..." SALESJIEN Stock, Insurance an piano salesmen, who are used te recelvmj- BOed pay, possessors of personality and are ready te work with a large, nationally known company, selling a known product deer te deer. Apply Columbia Ornphnphone Ce., 40 yi 0th. 0 nnd 10 A, M. Ask for Itr FurnadJIelf. SOLICITOR JIan of geed appearance, fluent talker, with sales experience Applv In person. Ask for Mr. JInsen. Clrcu'Htlen Dept.. Evening Ledjcr. Oth and Chestnut sts.. second fleer. YOUNO JIAN by large wh.0les.1U lmuse, age between 20 and 22 years, te net as assistant In our s.iles pro motion department: should hnve sell ing experience, be a geed correspon dent, be fnmlllnr with window dress ing nnd stere decerating: also sjme Itnowledge of advertising. Te successful applicant we offer splendid opportunity te develop Inte our s-alea force, neplv giving age. experience, ref erences and saliry desired. C 803, Ledger Office Oenern! YOUNO JIEN ler iintai ninll and flrst-ra!' clerksblpi.. M2.1 tii.n!,ih. , xp, 1 1, -n u ,. neccssnrv i'er ffe p irtlculars of xnnl natlepH write J. lennaid (former Civil -: t Ici exnmlne-i, OOJ Equitable Bldg . i-h-liigtnn 1) c CIVIL SERVICE exnmliMllens. .Inn. and Feb.' many vacarcles; sularv tl4(IQ-ilS0O: wrtte for sBmnl- tc t P 1122. Led office SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE IWOKIvEEPLIl, rxpcri'ncK will keep small y0lL-I' JU.5 niuiU.I rates. Lnmb d .1P37 COOIC Yeung. 1'iei.nant den s pn liien city or HUbuils I e ,t i.ter-.. l.lej 1 li, 1 1 , SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 1UOII SCHOOL giaduate desire, p .s'liua in efflci) or large warehouse, net v i 1, .1,, working experience but willing tu v 01 1, 11 1 Icain, Is lb years of age; n-nt lu ui p .,1 ance. polite and lutelll.ent, born In t'nltt I States, but at present residing In i an . la lias relatives abiding In Phlla. . weul 1 ! ! qulre fair i-alnry. write tatlng full pirticu- lars te Jl ISO", l.cdg. r Office. POSITION wanted w Ik re 11 sears' interne business ti.ilnlig in office, credit, sibs. adveitl.slng and gen. 1.1I man iger's expeib nte nre needed, have valuable expel lento, abllltv and character te elfer C iOl. Ledger Office. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A GOOD business man. with woodworking experlcncu and small cipltal. te associate I with a llke man In manuf icturlng goods 1 for a substantial concern, which gu.irnnt.es sufficient te make steady work with go id profit, plant located In Virginia. Jt b03. Ledger Office. COAL. feed, lumlicr property und bustle ss well cstibllshcd. in Chester County, 011 Pennii HSstem; 2-sterv w in. house, gi.iln bins bellei, engine, feed mill, Iirh.it" riling, elevated coal chutes, lumber sheds, stable, e'c. .n-UlniT S11 neil, inn, te off. r HF.Al.D & SON West Cli. -'or. Pa DELAWARE CHARTERS are best Incorporate under llberil l-iws of Drlnw'ire. low cest: prompt, ofneleni service CORPORATION CHARTER l O.MPANV 40C, Almar Bldg.. 1033 chestnut. Wal. 11240. S Di COR. ITII AND AailDALE STS. (alieve boulevard) Tve-sturv tnedern Ntoie preperty: 4 bedrenni'i. h -w heat, ulee light, sloie vacant, geed ciipeitunlrv fei inlllln ry or dry gneds, etc . price J'liiiu) Applv en premises or te Jehn II. lvane, 3237 N 20th Thm 01 Id OAinill! suburban .i0 ft lllb d v nh .(erige leth of lepalr work, terms, p (133, l.i dv 1' (If lie. DRI'C. MIOl'T llrend st. at Pine. POACH 410 S h're'id st. CITY YARD sld'ng 'ale ult (ontrneter cr metul" In-pili'. 1 t -' 1 " IlerOnl(n. JIODIhTE benutlful slu p en Hrend st. at Pine ROACH 410 S, Bread. BUSINESS PERSONALS A WONDERFUL LINE OF CHRIS'lJIAS CARDS HURT .v. BURT ROOJI 201 HUH CHESTNUT ST. ' "DIAMONDS "BOUGHT AND PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAJIONEB KELLY & CO . 1132 Chestnut St. Bnlt 21-22 fsrced fleer, ever rhllds' Rest. sllOE repairing machinery, with funtltur and fixtures, hav been ield this day at h23 Catharlnu tt All creditors pn sent bills ...I.I.I.. ,1 iluU, in liml. plI ,n..l V... wii.i. ., "", ; 'j e.n,."., I'liuicesea rmirnr'--- DIAMONDS BOUGHT t H UHT1T "sjsr nuin.. uuaiiieri, -..a ' 11 n 1 .1 I'nni . i'u HARRY W SJIITH, 717 SANSOJT ST. STAINED glnss repaired, estimates cheerful ly clven. Pestai. Uhrlc. R28 E. Wlshart DOGS AND BIRDS PUKlNUEhE impplis. ulue ginvvn lines fn"r veur Christmas pres-nt, short, bla, i( ni i- p,i.l bin.' country bred fiem (himnlen stock, no fancy prlcei. -In.! .v. ii.,. ' ," (.mil. n Pheno Camden 2101 .1. ll.N:T,.-.r s.'iglng lanarli.i, iHt Am, rTeTn rah d blida that will liv.. and " ,3 ion enme neur uiem db.'O (llr.trd ave Helm, nt 211 1 .1 DRESSMAKING nnd MILLINER c "' I TAKE l urc''"r'" '0"!;', '' "r incem,., mnk, ciOAR ciinfectuineiv. without dw-ning l0i l0i yeur..0"". R?w!'.' '.''. rt two weeks free s n f n m lllng having. Itv mi :1" MCDOWELL'S, 1020 JIaiket st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS ELEt-TKH A L .MOTORS .MVi'llIM, i. .,,, i POWER ECJUIPJILSr JO0L3 O'HRIEN J1ACHINERY CO., lu N. 3D ST, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANO, Henry F MillurT 1 1 .lu" excellen, (Oinlltlen. wonderful value Wiiiai,n ifni Chestnut tL ' "3 OLD GOLD OLD go id. s iver. P Uiiuuni. plated wiire.Ti.f. nole Jewelry. t..;th pIhus Ii nun for cash rt 1SI7 .1 I. CUrl. relln , sn7 s.,,,.0"..1;" TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES UNDEltWOiilJ tp. vvnteis i U no ",," .iiiju,,.,, rebuilt; exp meebs. low i etliii.itea, weik guar. B. II Semnrs 73.1 Audi jikl djj1.," WANTED UEDDINO, entire household goods wunted Bt-sthwark rum. Ce.. 030 B.lOth. Or.120B USED AUTOMOBILES R0AMER Spert model demonstrator; Dusen bere meter; like tiew. PHILA. R0AMER CO. 842 N. BROAD ST. RI UCK 101 Ceupe' excellent conditien: DUlv.r jjen delvn. bnlnnre terms; open eves, nnd Sunday. 1707 Vina st. UI UCW 1018. coupe; very reasonable. Be Mr. Hunter, Stutz Agency. 603 N. Hrnsd st DI IIP! 101S. tour , summer and winter DU1V1 teD. ,, Mf. Hunter. Btutj Ayencv. 000 N. Hrend st DI IC 23 passenger, geed tires; geed con- DU-) iiltlett, priced fei a quirk Mile. MACK INTERNATIONAL 2300 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED CARS .'Jn ". nnd Sunday. 1707 Vine jst niTrptT little TT b-psss. touring; 1918; DU1L.P- first rriisomble offer takes It Sse Mr. Hunter, Slut Agency 000 N. Bread, irOIsTl "'" ' ur0 hendquarters for I UlxliJ F0(j Per'is, all models, teurings, roadsters, deliveries, $7.1 up, terms ar rnnged Open evenings 131.1 Weed st, I iMfM KINFS Cadillacs. Chandlers. LllVlUUOinL,J Hulrks. Mitchells. Chev .nieis Inte models, sullable for hacking. our own terms, open s'unuiy nnd evenlnfis. lain Weed st Headquarters for Fords, PHANHI RR sedan, late model; practi--nmiLi-ii-iiNeniiv n(,W; email amount cash; bnlanee easy terms. Royal Jloter Ce.. 020 N Bread I'eplni 0010 rUPXRDI FT ''" " -1' thoroughly VriLi V lv-fl-.u.i 0,,h,,j, repainted: sold with guaj rji I3I Walnut. Cnmdcn. rHFVRD! FT ,'"': "lnl" touring; run vncvruL,Li OIllv ,J000 mllBS. A-1 con dltlen. 434 Wnlnut si.. Camden. fHFVRDl FT " 'O"1"": demenstrar. x. .b. . . qsert yet rv little: will he sold nt lib d's, 431 Wiiriut st.. Cnmden. WESTC0TT sedan. In wonderful condi tion, will suerlOee. Ren Mr. Hunter fitutz Agcmy, (ion N.Hread st. FRANKLIN USED CARS All models em ihnuled nnd repainted. Warranted cars that you can depend en, nt reisnnab!, prices. FRANKLIN MOTOR CAR CO. 2314 JLWIKHT ST. J II. DlVI.it, Is 1 On Jlimicer FORD ednn, 1021, b;ie brand new. e.x i wnw tr, j10() Oevvn. terius. eves and Sunday. 1707 Vine st. HTinniM landau 2 pass.. "l021 model! iiuujun very ,ew nrlCH Sc Hunter 000 N. Bread at. I'hen Poplar 3(12. 1 iDnnF -yr end sedan, loje"; iJTi LWLUI. med(!ti ?Jt10 t,n tfirm Jl( Jlctercar Ce., (120 N. Bread. Poplar 0030 Open evenings and Sunday. Ml lnnM COUPE. 11120; benutlful l55: ' . .,' will sacrlltce. Itejal Jlotercir Ce.. Inc.. (120 N. DroadB2.PejiliirJIO.1fl LATL'-MODEL ais. J2 rer hour up. "rut ""s iur (uiieiiii, iieiiunyi ami trips, rnp, 21 I HI PMORII F ren,1"er' wire wheels, nUnVIUDILL Miy painted, first J40O takes It. See Jlr. Hunter, ftutz Agcncv, OdO N. llreadsl; STORAGE BATTERIES ,!! ;'; Jir All batteries nnsltlvelv guaranteed. STAR STflRAOE BATTERY ( O . 2Ull N IRth St. iSTUTZ H touring and ieadster, nil models, thoroughly overhauled ami refln. isiiea: exceptionally low priced, cash or terms. See Jlr Hunter, StuU Ajicncy, 000 N Bread et CTI T7 4 pass ; left for sale by ewn-r; Jluu biggest bargain In Phlla S Jtr Huntr Stut7 Agenrv. 0(10 N Bread st VIM " -ten. pneumatic tlrer express body, ' 1"1 full tepfln. vii lu. . Si'.ki 211 N. 22d. STORAGE BATTERIES Six volt 53 and up Tiega S401 301') N 10th st. DAY-ELDER 'i ten. pinel body, windshield, pnumntle tires. I Inn. 211 N 22d st. LSTERNATIO.V V.I.S nil sizes, reconditioned, g ..id v.ilu... terms, lnl ll.n v ('" 211 N 221 Te Hire GARDENER, head. exp. all branches, de ill s position, u "il'j, l,",iper (iiiire 1 STORAGE AND MOVING ESTABLISHED 1S72 CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING TELETHON. " I '" t -"' ln,0 LONG DISTANCE MOVING THE HOT IS THE CHEAPI'vp The BIG 4 TRANSFER CO., Inc. 37lh and JInrket Phetic l.erlng 3 200 I VICTORY STORAGE ! R200 FILBERT Pheno Belmont 4070 for 1 efllmate. ''c Airw vans I JKiNAIlCH'hl.irt (tE CO JIH70 I.ANOAs". 1 TKR AVE M'TO SERVICE ST'lRAOE. I l',M-M'(l L'.'-'l '1ST v-' MOVINO c"ONTRACT "Tinii'd for 3 '4 -ten Sterling truck. Wilte P 03d Ledger Office. FOR SALE BLANKETS SPECIAL AT $2.65 PAIR BED SPREADS. $1.25 .EACH 10UO LAWN A! RUNS HAI V PRICE ar r BVNi i u i w nn is W. Vi' SMITH1 & SONS DRY (iOi'HS AT V t,v I Vi , 914 Walnut Street, Phila. TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISIBLE 3 JIOS lt .10 AND UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriters "See Our New Machine, the Century" American Writing Machine Ce. , , Mi2 LHEt'INUT ST. Walnut 2410 r a 1 n 429.1 DICTAPHONES TRANSCRll IN(; AVD DICTVTI.VO ,. , JIVi'lllNES t fed very little Lut In awd condition E .., , r.i. i i . ;,,"'. " '." ', "Pieial l'red- I - I I' i-li'll IIM'Ilt I Ml U" j, , eTFIi'Tfl'T'n.NiTl'RE Large let of d;sl(s um tlles cabinets and 'general .iffl. e fiinudir. s". r. flxtuies i W.. Inn sdl and fxihnnun. L ., . ''ATTE.v FURNlTflli: CO . I iirj-il I'l"" .Jj7..AR('ll ST RACE 120X1 I FVfIW,T',,'"''i''; '" '""", e"f late "Emma II l-tirlen Russian mliln nrclipioce and ,'"" 1.'1,,,rl; M"- 'hli-hli;.i set and ether "010 Pirn t,,l"eMI ";,u "1,1 12. Jienduy. HDNPY Delicious extra"cted honey. 3 lb. nunui fl e ibs. i e,i: n it,,,, ,s; Delivered by Parc.'lp..s,"Batisfa,et.e;7"BuJ?: 1 -?TIBi?r nt '!!& k. H09- . T . . ""T7V-" -" .s7 . -- TREE TRIAL Ciis pannents famous OIL i. ru ,,t h , 1 1 ,,rl I, i , 1 ... ..... . I...I.. net second linn 1 cheaper thin renting ment liberal offer nf a I 1 al lirect with ulher i Typewriter Ce. Wnlnut .iid 10th Tikphone Hill. Walnut HH K ' ui Jl (Luck lF.iinlf'1, iiulnnm eh"mlng"ha"l ( 1 .ck wl 1 miike u m 'ei ful Christmas i.ift ure.it bark. ill te qui, k liner un be seen ov.nlnsHei Minli:. Fer apinilntment pliem BR V.SS. Iiren. i.nd wmueht Iren goods, can- ,H..Aln1 , il h.l.ll nLt A .. t-t-ltft.-.. il n l 4V n i nini-iiii'in llii'llMIl IIJH t t tl InnipB, smekin-t wrtlr . nt .'' it'p p. nt hrlew lllntf Jrlrp. 1' ki lldji -'iTi ltd nt SFIT Int. inntl'inal I'.in . eiftllu. if tTitltien mni.lK Inn uf 1 t)ut kn mn - ). n .... i bemtlfully bound, men. nt prlce i.-nn lvii sacrlflce fei SLID Ph Lnnsliun.. lnu i I ir qiUi kHnli Bilnjiint IIM1I4 Ven Sf.i:-illrl'H trlc.vcle heavy rubber til ',. ieleti run lit i. ii .i t ;t fee lu, .Ills Whitby ave. Wjst Philadelphia SVa'.n.'rT.r'Vfp.fK ' tW -Clui i.OTx.'n'.C "s,J E'Teuf";;;::! TVpi;na'"prt AW'u 'F en.- ROOMS FOR RENT Alt( II. 1,113 Reems tt nn ..... i,i T J.ire UP !.-' ...11, mV.Vns ' rul" CHirsTNUT 2(nli l..r.- "riums. tunni,,,, watir ninth. nn iv.isuie "" COLLEilII A E N 2ini- Seuthui n cM10. uie, fuin or unlui'i 3d (le.ir apt f.,J watei in 4 I ins .lichen fe, pi . , ltn "t!c gas. In.it I'mt. in. i num.. ji nt, ,, .-. ( PINE S- 13.10 Luge front ,, Ylti, twin li-ds, giut men pref W ilnut 71,17 PRE.-.'1'ON ST mil Well-heated furnlshed 100ms. leaninnblej "" WALNUT 4044--1IOIU "furn parln. dave". pert. plan... J baths steam ht , meals next doeri wk. fre for monthly rental liar 8830 JDEEMBEB 17, IIOOMS.FOB BENT WALNUT, 003 NI6ely turn. rms.. -xcel. Icard, . terms r-,n.-w.. heat, elee, 10TII. N.. , 180, 1IOTBL HUniCe-Central. near station nnd shopping district! beatitl- f 1 1 furn. roemsi elec.l spetlessi med, rates, OOTH ST., N.. no Furnished! Pght house heuso heuse keeping, near I. station.. Ph. Jjej. n031. HANDSOJrELY furnished room in large mod ern prlvate home; olectrlo lights; 11) mln- utes te City Hall, Phene Baring 415, CTH ST., S., 23R Nicely furnished clean, warm room for gentlemen, reasonable, facing Washington square. . . . FURNISHED ROOJt In Regent Ants.. West Philadelphia. Woodland S210 J. BOARDING lOTII ST , N., 2120. ... , Very nicely furnished room, with or without bnnrd. .-.i.-iVTisstfcur! nin.-. YORK RD. Comferla- i 'bly furnished room with beard. APARTMENTS 1414-1416 Spruce Street Richelieu Apartments FOR RENT Bacheler apartments of one ind two rooms with bath. Housekeeping apart ments with three rooms and bath. Agent en premises. VERY DESIRAHLE HiJUSEKEEPINO APARTJIENT 0 ROOMS AND BATH; UNFURNISHED S rfTHEASTERLY EXPO, SURE. N. E COR. 10TII AND SPRUCE STS. APPLY THE PENNA. CO . 017 CHESTNUTST. BOTH PHONES. APARTMENTS-CENTRAL CITY ARTHUR ARJISTRONQ A CO. 1120 SPRUCE. PHONE WALNUT 3838 SEVENTH-FLOOR apartment In large cen- tral apartment house, containing 0 rooms, lessee has left city and wents te sublet. Ap- plv FERDINAND D. FLEJIINQ, 1331 Wal- nut st. WALNUT 201!) New management, near I Rlttenhouse Fq . slect nelBh'b'd; 2 elegant apts . 2 large rms.. prlv foyer, bath and !i itr h enette, yiOO- 1 without kitchenette , $70. 1UTH ST S.. "43 (cer. Chestnut) D -slrab. seend Meer uniuru. nitpit. apt, 1 room( nnd bath, freshly papered and pnlnlea, Janl- ts Jifll , 40T1I AND PARKSIDE AVE. (Belle Claire Annex) Furnished rooms with service; reasonable rates. THE KNlll.EWOOD, 320 S. Spruie) Jied. R-rm. npt llth st (lith & perfect cend.. muu. 1.. AIaune, Rfnlter. 010 Walnut. APTS 2402-04-0(1 N. Bread st Apply Oreon Oreen rle jt Tnube 1721 JInrket st Lec. 4042. '.'1ST .Vr.. N. 3002 Four rooms lath. apt, fur, or unfur , med's. Tiega (IS24 W. R1ST N.. IS Nicely furn. hskpg apt , 2d front, dec , h -w. ht reas. Pres, mtii) W EST PHILADELPHIA APARTMENT ONE AND 2 ROOJIS. WITH HATH P. J. LAWLER OOlh end JInrket. Phene l,un. 8.10 1141-1143 S. SSTH ST. 1 Twe very '"sirablB apartments, one ft rms. & bath, ene 7 rms & 2 baths steam hent. elec. light, hardwood floors tlle bathrooms can be seen nnv time. ALBERT Jl OREINFIELD I co . N E. cer 11th nnd Chestnut sis. I FIVE-ROOM niMrtment. het-water heat, elec elec trleitv third fleer, $1.1. A Gallagher, 3700 Haveiferd ave. Preston I'm, TWO APARTJ1I--NTS and bnsemenrsterc for rmt. with ill eimvenlences 1RHR N .12(1 st. Inquire Jlr. N. Lltman 11117 N f.2d t. C.r.RS! IXTII1V.V POJIONA ST.. 1 10 W Entire second floer: 3 ' rooms bath, het-water heat, electric light;, Inrge rlesef epm. Oermantewn 43B2 W. TIOOA 1420 ERIE AVE. (near Breid) Third fleer. R rooms, buth. het-water heat, elec trie light: elegant order. Hobsen. S028 N. Bread. I'r.NN.sVLV.wiA si'iinm,y LAN.xDOMNi: VERY dealr. apt. tl large rms.; med ; can be seen by appt W. Scattcrgoed 7.1 Owen av. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 1519 PINE ST. Second Fleer Living room. 1.13U, 2 chambers, bithrenm. breakfast room, kitchen: handsomely fur nished. C. F. SIMON, 112 S. 16TH ST. 127 S. IfiTH ST" (The Oeneva) 1 and 2 room sultea wllh bath, well serviced, la the heart of the. business district HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS HIE CARLISLE. 42.1 S. Carlisle st Small neus, ktep.ng apartment en third fleer. 2 nems Includ.ng b.i'h and kltchn, rent 13.1 i.er month. Whiteside & JL Lnnahnn, 18th and Pine sts. Call Locust (ltl.17. APARTMENTS WANTED Yeung married couple, with ene child nnd nurie. doilies te rent apartment or small' heu i. completely furnished f ,r h Jusekeeping 1 from Jan. 1 for 3 te .1 months, must have I room fit I or 2 nmids nnd have at least : 1 martin' bedrooms and Kith, location desired ' ,n Jla.u I.I'". Pi L rably Ardmore or Haver-1 ford, but uthe.- i.'.ic.a In th... Iicdltlea will1 be considered, highest seii.il und lln.i iicial tcicrtucca miiiiaitisu, v evu, euger (JUIue APARTMENTHOTELS THE GLADSTONE IITH AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF: APART. MLNTS Fl'RNMHLD AND I'Nr'-RMISHED LONQ AND SHOR T TKRJI J.E SES HAMILTON COURT 30TH AND CHESTNIT STS. 2 rooms and bath with ur'vite hslh heu-ekeeplng or unfurnUned: jearly dining room. R 11. THATCHER JInnarer. . non Us: THE DELMAR-M0RRIS W Chelten Avenue OERJIANTOWN 2(1 MINUTES TO HROAD ST STATION Hetel or unfurnished suites, h"nei;mip ,,"rt, RITTENlfeUSr. .HOTEL. 22 1 ...1 ('heeTTuTt hts -ii. uitiiui new apnrtn-nts, rooms ! nnd bath 3 rooms and Lath I rooms ind " baths; all out-lde rooms- b-lght ehcerfuf nu.lv fu'nlshid. a convenient, ideal loca tion, tonus arc most atlra t' ifOTEI. CAJIDEJ-. 2d t.t et lv nn Camden' t N J 5 minutes' walk fmm ferry, fining en Cooper Square, n trulv nrst-, hu. lea. I with 130 rwiins and ill baths, daliv, weeKly an l monthly i.vtes restaui i- with real 1 lie -nuking T- b phone Caiinl. n l.l.ln SPRUCE. 1012 (Helm.'huitv--l an I 2 ri...tns an 1 bath, housekeeping iiuiiiinmt In nu llfullv furnished, nil modem tmpiui cnicnta ph nil s, miild si 1 1 le IliTl'EL HAMILTON 13.11 W . Ir..,t f "(en.t 1 nf BleniH A (lUlet c m-r ,' ie hntc 1 .qutifull fuinlsbeil qr 1 ve nniicie,! '' neVU. APTS "l20s" N.ni. id" si Fur nished nnd unfurnl-he-l suite- netel for Its flne tnble and er tee ref, t nc re-tulrn.1 THE SIIIlV mil) 3klh .ili.iv Chestnut 2 and 3 runm s ilti s nti Path pry bill nisi slnglu nn . Ainern .in pi in Bar 714 I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' CITY " lATl'RACTlVE l'llU'l-.n h.mii h n in sn.iwli. u Jlansbiii ie c n stores n Call II itealtj III uuen I ism sti miiirri JI.u i ,, J -C'i". N 2Hth t 1 17.10 N I'OVIllt'sT" lw.. t,,,v "rTvT..(n vucani nieai iicie netne m i ,, i, s.isii.-, TAUI AMI, tH.I Wi. i nui tt- 174 N is I'll Ideal h I't' I 1'ing in '.'l" " .ind rle. 1., 1110 hi invcstmiiit tails iiip'.v te T.iul.m D bill mm! st. LOT lUxlnn. Int. i,n, 12(-1 JIT VERNn.N r MtTllUR 1 'SWELL .Ml N N 1 ITHST. UEDUCI.D 111 Le fur nuuk 7. is B nt r nt il at 12. Ait'iur N. 13th st s. ist, 11. .'3J .l02J-3n.1J-3l)l.' UIVN Ill.l.dR VI ,; . ,-" " .-p.T.r ,.,h. lent 12 A. 11. Wl l.l.l VM.s"vVi Walnut st. ' 2-31 S L'Mc ST Ibn.r.t , in - .-- I 111 i-linebinc l-t (end. tl, n. r 11' ibinc I DIDDLE. 1.10.' C 32.11 N 2PT11 hi uniiila r.ve M lern. -ten. 4 ie with inn,. , h OIUH Will lll'TZKI. tin. 1 bed- n .mil Seni. 1 .,.- vr." EASY 1'ERJ.S remed loe .monthly "fen,. VillmrlnjyU, ,13 North I3h m mi: you loeiiing r H loeuing u.r a nmn, m HuaiTnr.J"OIjnTOIIY lCTuRY ii.-tluii? S,u Kerns, lull, N. 7 1 ', beat, elec'rlc n.ht , '''' .tinng centr 11 In 1. 1 Tn IMl Ji I 21M I' - Piilf ll fleit 7 ,.-, UijiLI'I'TKll jsth 1 ml Alirns sts '" ' rjrJ.."VyAIi0T7UV1,,1I.. :,''!..v-."'.'" si. me ,,t..t,M. . .. .. ...... ...... ,,. iiniuut St 1S II "! Jill' e. i,.., 1 S4J II . 11 lli'C II 233 N Ith -VI Ini. !' . ellt lei 1 J11 I'lll N e III! Lllh n Kin AlirilUll BOSWKI.l., 23.1 IJ'iu BUV.- piueh fi.int 0 mums ind I... is H1RJClHnc, Ile- tt' .wrier She"'' rl- 801 N TiTll nnd 871 Kan Tulph large fet a" 11 WILLIAMS. B22 Walnut. 4 r ' BEAT. ESTATE FOR SALB CITY "A Real Xmas Gift One of the' best you could buy. Present the wife en Chrstmea Day with n Snlc Arrreemcnt of ene of eur: Greatly Reduced Hemes IN THE HEART OP OVERBROOK Lebanon Avenue Gr,th uidvc6th sts. Only 2 Blocks West of C3d street cars Carrying Charges, $57-00' . i Gives you possession of an up-te-datr stone home with a large private garapre en a wide Boulevard, with center parking. Think this ever then visit our cozy and cheerful sample heuse GG35 Lebanon avenue. Open every evening till 9 p. m. JOHN F. McGINTY & SON C535 Lebanon Avenue TAKE "L" TO 01D AND MARKET PASS NORTH ON NO 41 TO LEBANON ' AK. WALK. TWO AND A HALF SQUARES WEST ; TTrrrrr: . v:l!!!l;i:i!!ffl!!;!;!li!lliili'pi B I NEW HOMES g S g ffl 3 i I gj , E, !? Twe-story, delightful new homes, ready te move into, every thing modern, large rooms, garage. VERY LOW PRICE, $8725 60th and Jeffersen Sts. Wide ilrnpr. hie-h olevnfinti .. , ...0-- .... aireeixe jenersen. eee inc lurnisnea Sample Heuse. J. HARKER CHADWICK IC SALS 1 26 Cuthbert St. 4-story building containing 10,000 square feet of space. Electric elevator; electricity from top fleer te cellar. Suitable for tenants Who Hi will lese their places of busi fj ness by thc building of the if new bridge. JOHN H. SINBERG 1218 Chestnut St. 1 fl I 13 ' M Mil !iraiimiiiraii!iiiir,iii!iiiiiiiri1iimii;!!ii,iiiiwiiim'i:i;iiitiiitif 11TII NEAR CHERRY Let 10x04 through te rear street; suitable for n It-ration into retnll store, eleetrlcal supply or ether lines, will finance. 1218 CHESTNUT BT. . Only $250 Cash te Buy a Heme Anywhere in Philadelphia If you want e buy a home ce-ne and see us; If you have J230 we will make you 1 lesn te Fay the balance en your heuse PHILA ii'JIE BVILDINO AN'D DEVFI.CPJ1ENT COJIPANY, Roem 3n3. Keystone Aid Se clety Hlds;., S. E. cer 10th and Lembard sts.. Phlla. Telephene Oregon 0204. Office hours, 0 A, Jl te 3 P M. 621 VINE STREET s'G APPROACH TO m . nTT a nr-r"-" i n t KiflTf I'AV-UNVj rtrrlUrtLn lU iMCW DELAWARE RIVER BRIDGE JOHN ( will IAJIS B12 LAND T1TI E BI.D't. GIRARD AVENUE 1400 block Ter busm.-is or apartments. 1R1.1 Apurtin nis hug. mt te street. 2001 (cerne: '--U-i .. . lw '.linn A. HEAT0N MINNICK 10J (lirnr.l ive l"m e I', plar ISO. CENTRAL SITES, large and small, suitable - for erection uf buslivs buildings; some i Ith buildings already cr 'c-ted or old struc- ' tuxes that can be altered ARTHUR B0SWELL I 2.13 N 13TI1 ST J320) HOJIES 320(i Six-room heusis for the werluiigman; small amount of inh required, balance as rent Fer particulars nte H E. SJIITH 800 W Erie ave BUY 1018 Seuth 2lBt street, ftet t. .xcellent cmdltljn: pavment Is sufficient Fer irnreN i sijkin n. w. Pasvunk ave Beth phones rooms, perch i Mr i.l cisb . t iiis consult : i- 20th und SACRIFICE 3 sty el-c . mei e slde-jd hnus 20ih st nb Diamerd new papering, J0.100 $1000 cuh. right In Oetr & Sen 1.1th and Yerk 700S N 3fl :,.vtl brleU. ',,J1 c',r,d" SJJJ W. Jja c,,,, electric light, un Marry vj. L. Williams WALNUT 2222 N order. ?jiac -lhree-steiv li v, lr ,n .,. . .I ctrle lights, possession. Harry G. C. Williams r.23 Walnut , VACANT Utrsctive home. 0 rn,,ms bicb, , electric hardwood llnls1': nai Hunting Pull 1 I li- le unviable. Mil EJ1A Kl.U Th mi! Erie ive WE ARE Ifstniiteil te 11 at the uN-nNm,'i li.KI Kit-r st . lent H4 pru-e VLK-O 32s V iMtien ' in" 27 e. $2l(Hl JIYER.-. i 1IARTH. RIDill-j AE. AND KITH Suiiu i'AI1 REQUIRED -Pen h fr.mt -I inula tl I cl i iui tlr-I'ne 1 1 tr.clt. und g-is het itei 1 c "14.' N 11 -h t FrPt!iu ii, a W I un 1 l"l I J APARTMENT HOUSE Peplin ill'. a I 11 c I . f.l IJs ten nni 1 ik. al i'l $1(1(100 Lnrgc 1m lllng f, r binrtment Mi Jtasler si . tlre-oee-i. e 'et 2"ldl fl te st res-l Hi.XI'uN MINMCIv lsjj ijiru nve Pie m. I'. '' i J07J11 It- 11. el f -ii 17.1(0; liu'rhiiisi n n IciOW R.-kli'il s; . nr sll 1 n , n lene. s. Inlivllutl garage. KLINU-.EIt .uent, eni-i.il ii-ee t-ACRlFli't; 'in bnri un, own funds .".'.1 Pin-' 3i v 1 r'eit no- lint: riKins ,in,l ( 1 " Id l'.0.'. prim J 1,1 tn Il.lt u 1'i j,v,r,in 1 iw t. ;in ' "'1 1 n . la 1 1 : 1 U- 'l I .. ,' 1, , ,,! 11 A HE M11.V MIX. . ' e I'h Pep! 1 1,1 se I I 1 , , ins p, II. 1 K il.lg. ii. ill- ' N 1 Ith Pe 1 ir S13.1 I'm Inn j Urn Etc, lln.r COI li.e'e e'et tl Ir it v 1 s- 1 N!lIC. IM'2 'in '"I Kill LI N I II II - rlghi. "!'' - -tlrsi-i-l is . .1 mi. . It R HAOEN 101 IIiiIIiIIiir I -Its L BITES, rhilmsd Penna e DI' I id Rending, 120(10 per nere and ' It' I'l 7 17 lla.iui lltihlness .''"P;'l,i' ""I ste,.,.. COLU.MBIA 3-st steri AVI, nc 11 Hr. ,l -1 1,1 & 1 l I P I Lid I'nrtiirles, iuri'liiiiis. M jnnf m ii m- 1 n r. xK-,1. !(,-, le e'rviih.r mar. 1(uv, I llBHlMSi,,n Ud It W.,l- CM neil AI.Ms nn 1.N1, nui i-.ll I 1 .'.' 929 S. 4TH ST. Jlust b, sold 1 j w , 1 ,, Albeit H. Ladncr, Inc. eNi.-iTTnTT-T" wit. si in, 7 Kenslnaten illstrnt in p r ' II 4.- ill 1 I. ui t uf i.ulck sal J AI.V.V xt rim i-rriM 1''"nASrV.,K,,e' lall?. al,u 1"' eductien Englneer 002 Wldenur Hid-., phlln Sprue ibT2 plllllllllBH J I tt II Eft 1 E fl e LIlealtewILI 2Lt BBAL ESTATIRffOR BAJW, ;, -'i ...., IN OVERBROOK Tl.. t....-.-j r eu ,; ajicvuiuu, iruu pass un u-u y Land Title Bldg. Fn c 1 e rle.. y Trh eiiis, 1 1nnufnc tnrlnr gloei, 1 1 725-27 HOWARD ST. ff TO HOPE ST. H g BRICIC HUILDINO M S 30x110 y L" Suitable for Ilsht manufacturlnr. H HERKNESS & STETSON g LAND TITLE HI. DO. g aawMMwaiiiiiiiiaiirdiiM FACTORIES, warehouses, floors, land f I. STEVENS i.V A SnN, Lund Tl" nM FACTORIES, warehouses, railreads: "TS tlnancc. DIETi:RKH 737 Walnut st. Onruges OARAaU. West Phlln.; 80-car capacity' partly filled beautiful striictur" we'l e,'r.d' k"?,"1 JocaUen: selling en account of "ise W- Information cull H'lesten Meres nnd Dwellings .'(TH AND OK KINS-IN. N K. cer., nle-ei propertv, 3 story. Reletter, ISth & Jlerrls. WF.st PHILATIELPHIA A GOOD CHANCE FOR HOME SEEKERS We offer the following sul- en easy terms. ten (10) houses .'Old S. Dewey 2021 S. 200'J S (l.'d JOH) 3. .'(Ill S Robinson 1008 S, Ji!07 S. O.'d I'OOK S. 2.110 S Pershing .'041 S. Robinson Robinson Robinson (list Bonnafon inese houses are In the Heg Island ee V.'P efh.?.clt.y an -r all in excellent con dition built of the best material, with everv modern it.ipicvcmtnt and convenience. TlKy wcr built by Unde bnm during the war. h-aen heuse has 0 rooms and bath, station ary tubs and eletcrlc lights. We will tlnance the purchase of thesn hTl8..UI?.lA.!!ay.m.enl le u" ' w hundred and fifty (1200) dollars cesh a tih. tiim.. I will te given te th buj er with each deed. jThe Philadelphia Heme Building and Development Company ,n00UjL THIRD i;i,OOR OF THE ICEY- j p. " ,- cevcii X 11UIL.UINH . b- h- Le .eth & Lembkrd Sti., rniiaaelphia, l-'a. Telephone Oregon 0204 Office hours 0 A. Jl te li T. JL kii:!Mlimiimtmm9niiiiii,iiiiii,.,.m,- M....,,i i.ei.iiiii iiiiiiiiii',i;;i I A REAL HOUSE I AT OVERHILL ROAD, I SOUTH OF CHESTNUT ST. jx r i (OOTH ST SECTION) a SEMI-DETACHED. 6 rooms, tiled uiiin wun snower, laundry and large plnstered storeroom In basement; re frigerator room and perch In back M,r,I2a? '.? schools. stores and churches: 20 mlnutss te City nail, ene fare. Price Only $8700 INSPECTION IS tnvt nr S APPLY ON PHEMISES On TO 1 ROBERT KILL0UGH I Wnvne and Duval ats Oermantewn. sinm.ni3i:iraiimi!iiiffliiiMipiinm jpunnina 62d & Ellswerth SEMI-DETACHED 2 AND 3 STORIES 4. B. 7 be-'renms 2 baths, garages, exclusiM features; few left. TERMS TO SUIT "LET. i 1IPIR' HtriLDERS. Wm.H.W.Quick & Bre.Jnc. S S 401 H ST. ; VMI'I E ll(il-E.s lll".' TO U P. II. "-- i i ,. nes ureeK I'urKVTay. 0J21 niswerth St. IS '. '-' cars Beutn en nnth st. te Cobbs pg .-., iiioeiii), mu;k west 2 mocks OTIIMIgMITOlM gvnaiM OVERBROOK 2I N AID ST. OVERI1ROOIC .- le il li,V. hi. me. let 41110 , ' '" h. living n. ,m with ' " '' "I'tl n b.i., lil,rar! with li'Iiu e ,Un n ; in m pantry, break. 1.1". in 111. Iuuinlr l.u.iterj nnd uut--. - kit '-en .list flnur. ser.,,,,1 n,ir Ins 4 l,iig,i chanibeis batli and llbraiy with tin phue third fleer has , "ln.,0"" , "-' 1'itli Piuquetiy " ir. through nit nelnsu.l . r...r ,111 1 tei.ei m . ellnr PUB K Sib neil McDEVITT & MULLIN (.3D i LANCASTER AVE (iVI'RHHiii)K 4S03 BARGAIN NEW HOME 1705 N. 59TH STREET GARAGE ll'irsu epr.x ALLEN & REED eN PREMIM.S up. i.-.n. LOCIsr ST i iffliraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiira .1U3.1 1 HKST.NCT ST Cerner erbl.mirTf.T". lln.L.l bUHln, p. sslMlltluB 1VV,,nlii.; .mjj. mi autu.nnb.lc. lughvvny. clu'o'l'ie"!,' I.l HO WiiRRELI. OiMII JInrket Ht .121 1 BAHINU ST--ihi."e st(,rT"ri75eTnK side u,.l HUitahle for iipnrtmi.nts' m..; pessessmn 30 daa I'iics, "'.'J'-.t-.ti1 C01S a Lllh st. J3 l.lii 11 lu W 1 ItU II,,' -Pnseliin at once, lights. Dutch bull. Jli( ensh. .lu . n-ihuuitny-iiiie- "'".""'! iiiiincinj nni cnri. i.u.,.1.7.. I NKII.i. 17.' I Chclec ,.e. "-"" nve ' 1 ri 1 1 'I'l'iiu ci.' iu.'t c. u..i ,e. in; LVe.v ,, :;, r " .r.r'Ne rooms ...1. .: , . .:..- . ;..;...' "l:ier heut. . .. v 1 , , ... ...... .vii, n.,ii (i(i( RH 1. vim P pi. U LI, I Jllj Jl 1 cash); vh. 'I Keuiliii $55 AND $60 "i? J..M,UI' imriiw.' Jl. Hnkei U Hun. , I ml B11UI111 live. 1.1 in a linn HI 111 ST I l.i Ir.iLn.i ... 1. . r ,1 ' 1 1 . ,1. .i. .' "i 1 iifiii-r MV lllll H PXON HT -tlen.l Inelt m M.fll s "" " v nennine ....' V . 'i lusl 'soe ni.ecir a, ALMBON is .ty.yhr.w.TiV. .1 all medarn. URIUCOJI, moo ethrm" tt ;.; m I; ; for Mig ttl ASH i 30b. )J & f (