'. AViV. V r i i " -H V w iv; j,(C .'. &" vi H W... . I v 1 m i rciitti K KM ear I ''' ' ' ' 111 , . Ill I, . I BRYN MAWR CASE IN JUDGES HANDS WADES Mill MftYDRl Decision in Mis3 Barker's Dis missal Frem College Prob ably After Christmas ATTORNEYS ARE CAUSTIC 'Whether Miss Marjerle l'nil."r, of Michigan City. 1ml.. will win her peti tion for reinstnCment in llryti Mnwr College s new n matter whirh icsts with Judge- feint art? and Miller et Nocrislewn. Tlte Inst evidence in tin1 rne develepeil through the girl )tiiiliiit 's ilismin1 un der alleged innuendoes i)f neltv thievcrv, was lipanl .testenlev mid e'enm-ed for Miss tlnrket llllil tin- eedlege bulb summed tip fudge Schwartz said thcte would probably be n ilivixlnn made some t inn after Christmas Mr" r.nrtci. attend ing tlip lipininii t-ltb her. daughter, left tlie comtreoiii expressing satisfm tinn nt, the, turns tin; cns0 hud taken She refused te make tiny ether imminent Miss Hnrkrr left Hiyn Muwr College lest Mnrrli. nt the npciiiti; of the Knstei holidays and was inputted "net te re turn." Slip lind esked fur n writ of mandamus reinstating her in the college Dr. SI. Carey Themas, president of the institution, wn.s en tlie witness stand sevpral hours yostenlnv . Her tos tes tos tlmeny showed she ttes absent in l'urepe at the time of the dismissal, but she. li.iil upheld the deelMen made lit llc.iu Hilda S mi tli An at tempi te h.'Ve tlie else ill .miss,'. for lack of sufficient grounds was made b.v N. II. Lneler. tbe college's attor ney. Iu tlie judges adroitly refused tbia motion without committing them selves; as te their stand en tlie suit. "Tills ease lias an eve u greater ! ! nirtcence than the effeer upon one veuiu lite." sulci Oeerge Wharten I'eppii. counsel for Miss tinker, m closing. rt would seem te make n very gnat clit ference In Aim'-irnn education in wlneh this nursery of ten tig life, is geim: te be placed. 'Are out teuih ge'iig i" be educated in institutions in wliieli uutei-rutie pniter ean be placed in eeitaln pcrens who make charges which bl:'r one's name forever, or nie tlie going te lie In tbp ('ategnr.t of lustiiutteu.s i rntmim people for (lemecriii t . where things nre done demecratically''" 'Slnrjerie Haker is nei en m.il here Her friends hnv net lest their muli denee in her Vv'e ask that there bc a reinstarem. nt en the principle that the proceedings against this girl were cred itable neither te fair plat nor boil"-! jti'tice." Mr. Prppers nrgumpiit was that at no tunc had Miss Ilarkcr had an op portunity te be fully beard nor te rall.t tier btmlent filends te her supert. 'Ti is tlip most awful thine I ever heard of. ' he said ".Ve one cimlil have ether than ndmlrntieti for the intelh Crnee and doniinenpe of tbp president of the ceIIpcp. Ilut seuiPtblni; was lack ins there was no justice." Dr. Themas' mnin contention was that Miss linker's case was afforded mere opportunities for investigation than is usually given ant similar affair t IJryn Mawr. tind that her dismissal during the Raster vacation was a mc. -piful practice emple.ted in all such eaes FILIPINO NATIONALIST PARTY SEEKS FULL INDEPENDENCE Platform Favers English as Official Language of the Islands Manila. I. I.. De. 1." nleln.veu . (Ry A. I. i Absolute independence ter thp lliili)iiups through leuiph'te si-v-erahre of political lelatlens witli the United States, is clniiiiiiifli'! in the idiit form of the Nni ieiialista fnrtt mlipied b Its (onvpiitieii here teilai The plntferin faveis Knglisn as Hie efHcial langiinge of the Philippine The indeiipiiilenei- pbir.k was stieugl' upperted bv Manuel Quezon, presideui of tile Philippine Senate, who docl-uei! In a speech Tuesday i hn r the Pliilip plnes de net waul or need Aniern.iii protpetlen ' The tune has einc " h,. ..ml im the Filipine people thieiigli Hie j j clenalista Part.t te ninke a clear, flank nnd uneipiivec.il cprcsen en the iues tien of indppptidence (tunpleii and ab eelute indeeiidenpe. We I net wain e need her protection. There are no en. mien te fear, no ambitious nations w air ing te grab us. Independence of the Philippines will be rece.siil7.eil net enlt by Kurepp but also b the nations of the Orient A plank favoring niiniislinte granting of suffrage te women was tnediiicd te favor the extension "when the nppet tune time cenips ABANDON ROMA FLIGHT Dirigible's Engine Trouble Causes Postponement WiiaIiIurIeii. lie. 17 . i!v P i Plnns te brim Ameriin's largest ,nr. xbip. ihe Iteiiin, from I.nirj'et Kic'd Va , te Wasliiiigten tedii) en In i lirsi cruising flight were uhaiidetic'l . rl to day after receipt lit the Artnt Air Serv ice of word that the engines nf the in' craft bad devtdeped some unnei ii'iuldc that made the Might inndi is.iblc I'arls. Dei 17 -1 P.i A P T.i T.i Ceuncil of Amb'isisaiei luis giniue.l permission te the I nited State-, i , ,iri- tract for tin nstriiciien at Frledrudi- hafen. (ipriiuiiit, of a Xeppelin of the I. 70 t.tpe This (ci i-ion marks the ml of dililematii negotiations wl.iili iiave preeredeil between tlie allied potters and tlie I'uitcd States siiu e .lulj last Tlie iipplicutieii for the const riii'tien of n Zeppelin grew out of tlie ile.fuctten in (Jprmant of live of tile b'g diriglble-i. one of which had bei n allotted te (In lulled Stales iluiiilg (lie Peace Cen- (eicnce WOULD DRAFT UP TO 60 Secretary Weeks Favers General Conscription In Event cf War Witsh.'nsteii. Hn- 17 - ill) A P fspcietnry of War Weeks i. n i'.iv.u i'.iv.u ef the mel'lllziit en et men nieiut and nienufm lern-- iindei ,1 lonscilp lenscilp lonscilp tien law in tlie event of future war Sfich a course, tlie War Sccretaiy de clared In an address hist n gbt nt the second annual reunion of the War In dustries Heard, would preclude pioll piell tcerlug and slacker lists "I would conscript ever) person in tite, I'nited States from c'ghteen te tilxtv veurs of age should a future wur prevail." said Mr Weeks, "nnd would -say: 'Yeu are te de thus and se. be cause you can de t hut better than ail) -thing else. Yeu can light, or .ten can erve In some ether eiipuiity. a capacity ler which you are best suited MAN RUN DOWN BY TRUCK DIES Samuel O'Neill, of -"14 Huiileinl afreet, who " nin down hv a light de livery truck several de.ts age at Twcn tteth nnl IlllliniCllU uriin, m-n '" Blcht In the .Medice -Clilnuglenl Iles- ltal. His skull had been fiactured. tWul Kturlts, of 118 North Twenty- . . .,.... -Illl.. .....! I.na llfllin s.w It'Cei, llVltvr UI Hit: irui"i hme i'"" VON TAGEN fHET UP,7 'Jokes' in Police Department Tread en Auteists' Rights, He Declares ASSAILS TRAFFIC RULES A shower of verbal bilekbuts was threw n ut the police nnd a few back handed compliments were shot tewnril Majer Moere today by Cuiitieilmin Ven Tngeti. who is nil "bet up" iiut police regulation of traffic Mr. Ven Tngeu was the author of a traffic ordinance ippealer which Council tabled, contending Ithclf with askln;. Uichard Wegleln. Ceutii'il president, te speak te Superintendent of Police Mills nbeiii iratlic legulatlen The Ma) or. cenimeiiliii'4 en linn move, -aid Council luid l lie nghi te 1 liss or repeal erdlnalnes. Iiul had oe niithei Ity mer the esei-utite I'utu liens of ill" la.ter ii- ihe ilepni Inienls, He I'l i low I'll llils up teihlt ll) lll-tl llltlllg peliie le i-uruii'i i,ie iirdiniiiices wlinh Cell Ui ll Would like In see inn nfiin ed. In his comment the Wa.we i ritd le Mr ten Tngeu as "thai g"iiinl liatlic expei i." and hinted his belief that Mi ten Tnen's colleagues were joking with inking mood.' if.'' is n )",le'iib't"famll'lar with bis siihjpct. as be --eems te he satis- lied with some of the jokes be has placed in cli'itge of the police department. I't me mention n fv- jokes the Police Uu , fe.iu ! pla.tlng en the citizen. "First Arret and Inciiicrrulien of iIIvpus for the infraction of a poll, e rule that has been plated in opei.itien lllegnllt. nnd In direct violation of the law of Pennsylvania "Second Airest of a ntien fn the mfi action of a traffic rule and aftei the citir.cn was placed In a cell nt 1 il'.ll P. M he was refused the use of a phone until 7 o'clock te column n iciHe. with bis faintlv ei friends. "Third Illegul tmest of n i itleu for the liifiaetiell of a police nile whin i lie citizen wns protected bv the law of the Sinle of Peniistltanla In this c.ie a f.ilse chaige was made ugniiist ihe citi zen and en umt charge he was hum! "Finiiili 1 am Informed bv ii mag istrate that it is no unci minen opcur epcur ieni. for lilm in tind when be airives in the police simiuii I hill a iniiiibei of iineiis have I ecu Incarcerated In cells nil night for the heinous crime et d-iv lag vvlth rear tight our " '.Mat 1 call Mis Houei's attenueii m ihe fai t that these arc occurrences in Phi'ndelphiu ami net in lterliu. aicl ih.it he is the i emmauder-in -chief of this law -dlsiegurdlng force V "(Jives Sheets te l It. T." "I have beard the Majer gliblt piare of und condemn these wiie handed the cltt's streets ever te tlie P. IJ. T. Cum pan), but new His Hener is in favor of enforcing an ordinance passed nt tlie leipiest of the P U. T. Cempaii), the advertising of which was paid ter by the Mud cemiiau.t. which will hand ever the s'leets of the entile central section of the i Ity in ibis corporation and le these wealth) enough te emplev a chauf fem , le the exclusion of the great muss t citizens who. because of the negli gence of the administration In net en en en oe.iverlug te solte the high-speed trims pi nation ipicstlen. aie ceinpelled le use automobiles. "Piebably llils is aiieiher Majer's little jokes. I hope .ens will appreciate it. Wbeie. eh. wheie. Is the doughty champion of the plain pn ;ile new V 1 am serr.v te differ Vith the .Mavm. bin If he siamis for I e I lungs I laniiel be with Inte. His In w -bnakiiu Police Miiiciu imiv have llllil blltTaleed but lliev 1,111 neiiliei si a 1 e nor buffalo me UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEVED Secretary Hoever Reviews Benefits Following Recent Conference Waslinigten. Dec 17 I'nciiiplur - n.eiii tluoiigheiit the leiinlr.t lins been Uieatlt lelti'Vi'd js a icsiill of the Nil t11u.1l Ceiifereiu en I nemplev uu nl lulled bv Piesideut llnriling. anerdius H a leuei of 1 lie lesiilts eblailleil bv tli.it body Issued lust night bv its chair man. Sei ii im') Heeter Ai the time of the cenfeieiice 11 was eMim.'i.'d ."..."itHl.tMKI pei son, weie out of wirk. ihe repeit tiul, while Mr Hoever belii ves tliat l.."jl)0,(l00. ami perhaps as iniiii) us .iiuij.uuu men ami wen. en en- euiple.veil teiluv tvlie would be mil of lobs weie It net fei the work et the centeience. Concrete results abend) appan-tit i'ieiii the lenfcreme. Mr. Hoever said. included tln assumption b) indusli) of 1 share el'Tt. rcspei.sibilit) te the in). mplev ed ASKS GERAN'S RESIGNATION Tnree Mentioned for U. S. District Attorney at Trenten Washington. De. 17 Attorney (iemral Deiigbertv vestcidav alternoeii re llle-tcd the ii'slgn it nil et I'3'llier II. lleran. I nited St. ins Di-tnil Atturnc) at Trenten. The in Hen was taken sole') in ui enl.iine with tlie Department of Jiistl. e's pelicv of permitting Ileino Ileine itnlie otllceheliler. from the Inst Ad ministration te 'I'tve no lengei than eight )"iir (Mliil.il- el ifie lb parunent is.ue I tint denial that the reipu-st for Mr (!cr. in's res.giiiilien wis orensiened b) ceiuplauits of lack of operation in en en leiifiticnr of the reileral proliibilien law- in New Jcrset . They said lie had sei ved e ghi v cars It w.is sn.ni in Washington in least tbi-ie men are being (ensidcri'd for the posltieli. I lie) ,11 e . Ull) foil lliipllllll' . of Tieiileii. prosecutor of Merier Conn iv . .1 lleiiiv Hariiseii. of Newark, presi ci'tin of r.-.i'v Ceuntv, and I In 1 -i iseu P l.iiuiabui) , Assistant I'nited Sinies liisirict Attenu'V under tlie last iti miblli .in legiine Mr l.iinlaliiirv is f- Meri is ( 'eiiiit i HOMES FOR TEACHERS Otficlal Says State Will Establish "Teacherages" In Rural Districts Pillsbiirgh, Dei 17 "Teacher- age" will be provided for school in-stiuctei-s, as parsonages are pievided bv (hurcli coiigrcgatieiiN for, their pas ters, in the fourth -''lass school dlstrlits of Peimst Ivaniu, aeieriling te a state ment .vesterdnv bj Assistant County Supi rinteudent Dlckej . Fourth class, or uiriil, school districts arc autheri.cd te provide 1 1 1 homes te overcome tlie lack of housing for teachers, lie said. Mr. Dickey added that, through that prevlsl ui. It will be possible te furnish with teuchcrs many rural schools which have found dilliculty In getting instiucters for several yeais. These "teacherages" will also be equipped for light housekeeping Ceal Strikers Ven't Return Willies-Uarie. Ph.. Dec 17. -(H) A P.i -Strikers in eight collieries of the I, "high Valley Ceal Company today ie fused te return te work and officio's of District Ne. I. I'nited Mine Workers, I'fhft company offlclel wll net negotiate 'iiniil the men are back at their plnces. am unable te adjust tuclr grievances EVElSteGr PUBLIC - i ' - - -- TRUCK Bfc' Brr JsCletTifr KFTilslltsZ "tvLjtSrMf TfefA O y ty . HiiyjJiMHBMNWfyygHHj3W "BwKfcLMiyHJBHl flMiTM .tii liiiliiiili el a local expifss eempan) whlcli was latien vtnii . iir.stums renieiii ami .Hanei sireeis nit nLILIllulU LAnllllML Lawyers for Weman Who Shet J i Brooklyn PlivRininn Makine Plans for Defense HOTEL ESCORT IDENTIFIED IS) the ss01l.1I1d Pi ess New Veili. Dei I" Cor 1-.! f. ' Mis Lillian Uai'eii. who siuu ami kl'leil Or Abraham liln-k-teln Ien .illegul bnini.ver, in Ins llioekltn ellu e Inst Salurdav ui:;lil. niiifeiiiil ted.i) with four allenisls. w'm have been e : iiiining the vviiiian 11 lb cide iiimn .inn-si. of defense Meanwhile the) have levmlcil ihe uu tit it ) nf the "ui' stencils men" in lli" ui" as Albeit itindlei. n sjiv-teni-idil waltci. ll .a- l'.iadley who met .Mis. Kiii.u ,"t the piir. when sin arrived (nun the Seuth 011 tin- iln lie lie feie Dr Cilickstein was killed '1111 who took bei te the hotel whete -lie spent that nighi Itriulley became acipiainted with Mr-, ftnizcu when slie weiked In a Lewer West Side sbirt fnneiv and I. nil; her meiils lie was enipbiv had befiicndcd sinus He nrddiiieil in a reslinnaiif where ui lie said liint she him 011 t;u ions ec a - tWi b Iters winch she I. ad written him while refeiicd le her being fiein "many troulilo treulilo troulile asked him te meet her in Flerida. They ill and suffering Tlie second one at the pier when bet beet came in. Tallied tin iilictenlly "I met her last Friday morning " he nmnmrc ?a hM ne of iheisald "We slit en the ship and talked the citi- two hours. She talked wlldl.v and in coherent!) She told me that the cause of her long suffering was a man who mail) tenis before had wronged bei She did net name him then She tvns t Ii in and drawn, net like her old sell at all I leek liei te her hotel and then te lunch "She asked me 10 call at the hotel .ig.iiu Sntimlny aftiinoeii, and I did se. We went te lunch and sbc again talked wildlv This time she told me that l)r (ilickstein hnd wren her, but she did net say that she intended te seek ven geance or that she had a U'telver. I tried te persuade in r te go home She said that mat be she would go home that night nnd remised te call me up Tells of Murder Al ."."(I she telepheu'd no', but I iciiild net understand what she was living te sny. A few minutes later she called again and said. 'I have shot him.' Then she bung up. 1 went te Piroeklvn te ninke Inipilties about her. but it was after 11 k' lock when I get held of her father and i elated what slip told me. 1 did net go with her te Ilroeklyn and have net s,.c n hei dm-c ' Satiirdnv uftcrnoen." F.xuiuiucd b) Distrb I Aiteine.v Lewis into yesterday. Mrs. ltnlen declined: "I felt that the man itilhksti im pos sessed mt tery mind and mil nnd I lind an idea that If I get a revolver t would help te drive the-e thoughts out of mv bruin. That's whv I get it ' Weak and depressed beiuu-c of the terrific nervous stiain te which she has i been subjected. Mrs. Itaktn is being I cared for in the K.iymeml street jill ! hv another woman who shot nnd killed en alleged hetriljer Miss Olivia Stene, who took the lif" of Fills Kincald. a law j er. in Pii-oeklv a. -evei.il months Miss Stene, a .iefessi.,nal nu'se, volunteered te i.ne ter Mrs Italvcn, saving that she wnnt'd te help a .i.ter in dlstiess " 1 CONVICT ESCAPES IN BOX Harry Berwln, However. Is Recap tured In Attempting Robbery 1 1 ii ri Ilerwln. who v as un pumle fi un the F.aslei'11 Peniteiitlarv heie and serving a telle in the Chnrlesin, n s, ,tl Prison ter burgmiv. made a sen-iilie inl escape, but was reiapnind within ii benis. lie pick 'd him ell ,ii 'i but. nnd lins case, together with live elheis os l ll peil f i rim the piien ie vaiier- imi rhasers cf the work of tin piis.uii.s 'be cases weie l.iUen en a 1 1 in 1. I i the llestiui and Albanv .v.ikK hi ilh Sin i ion, Ilosten, am! iheie Ihe e it of his case. lie was vi bile breaking into the lne Crane, ut Newton Cent' tunable suburb of Ilosten I OIIVII I get I e lllltllll'll " of l.eilis r, ll In h- Burned When Waterback Explodes Frederick Vegnl a hiully binned nbeut the hands ami liedt hist night when a witcrhink In the kitchen sieve exploded at his home at Mm hie Hull. The woodwork became ignited ami nn alarm was sent in and tlie Conshe- 1,.,, I..,. TMvnieiitb nlul Hull-en Hill I'li-e companies H'spended The Ilic. however, wns extinguished before the companies went into nctlen. l lie lercc of the exnlnslen wrecked the stove and dniii- aged the kitchen. Falrview Postmaster Hurt ' William S. Yeung, Postmaster at i Fnlrvievv. wus injured .tcsterday when the automobile he was ilrivln-; at Park avenue und Kidge pike, was struck bv a large teiirng car. Yeung, who also con ducts a geneial store, was taken in Montgeniert Hospital, where it was found be Is sulferiiig fiem fracture of ibi shoulder, in addition te numerous bruises and cuts about the bed) The Yeung car was hit with such force that u wns driven against a fence. Yeung I was pinned under the wreckage, but wiigrr. Mqn.Jn, Vk$KX neon rescued. pV i vf.w.if'ueday vnnir. IxEDaEl - riHlLABBLPHIAf, . SATURDAY, " I-.. ..,. , , WRECKED BY TROLLEY CAR collision scalteie.l tin; bundles and boxes mi Iteute 111 TRUCK AND TROLLEY CRASH Collision Shatters Windows of Car. Fortieth and Market Streets In n collision that occurred last eve ning en Market street, between Thiit)- nintti and tertictli, n motertruck of a 'local express company, driven by I'd ward Jehnsen, of 1217 Murkee sticet, was wrecked and virtually nil the win dows of a Heute .11 car shattered. The tielley rushed Inte the truck from be .bind. The net ident occurred when Jehnsen who bud been driving in the tielle) tracks, attempted te swerve te one side The cur struck with such force that a lead of Christmas parcels In th'i truik weie watlered far and wide ever the street, while women nnd children in the trellev were thrown le the fleer. lie side receiving n shaking up, however, no one whs injured. HARRIMANVILLAGE AUCTION 320 Houses and Hetel Ge Today. I $1200 te $1500 Expected An ii'iit'eu sale of 'A'lti beuses and ,1 huge be'cl will take place leda) at Hntrimun pear Ilri!el. ln. The bui'd ings were built by the (ieveinment dm -lug the war te accommodate weikers 111 tlie Meuhaut Shipyard, and. as I be )nrd has long been idle, the hotel and most of the houses aie lenantle.ss. Jeseph P. Day, who sold l.TTS houses at Fairvicw. Camden, lest week, will auction off the buildings, nnd believes low pi ices will prevail and that pur- basers will be home -icchers and small lnvcster rather than speculators'. "It is universally conceded that the 1.7TN houses I sold at Fnlrvievv brought bargain prli.es," said Mr. Dnv tester da). ")et I liruilv believe piiees al Hnrriman will be even lower. In fact. 1 auticlpiite that the demand for the beuses will be se light I hat some will sell as low as SllMO or X1.-.00." IMMIGRANT TYPES BETTER Girls Arriving Since War Found Adaptable as Citizens Washington. Dei .17. I llv A Pi I 1 iing 1 loser c i-fint-iiit Inn bv vailou vaileu (live riimcnt iigciicie- in looking after the welfaie of immlginnt". Mis. Oscar Sunns, of New Yerk, wife of the former Ambassador te Turkc), told a Heuse commit fee today that gills new ni riving heie from ICuiepe were better able te take up the responsibilities of citizen- hip than was the case with tin I '"""""g '" '"' ' nited Slates pi ler te I lie war "'We don't lind mam Ilelsheviks among girls le.ichiiig our slieies tedn.v." said Mrs. Straus-, who has endowed a home in New Yerk especially te' help Jewish girls until they are peinuinentlj settled. "Many of them come ever te be married. They burn their bridges in Fin epe. sell evert thing, and when the) ii'iirh lieie the. me net nenniless. Often some of them li'lt.ite nbeut man) lug. largely because they have net seen their liuncis in a lung time in such cases we tell them te wait a while ami think ii ever and they agree TREE PLANTERS NAMED Committee, te Direct Setting Out of 500.000 Seedlings In Berks Heading. Pa... Dec. 17. Community bailers te have ( barge of the ."00.0110 tiee-pliinting c.impuign, te cover all of Iierks Ceuntv. next spring have been se'eitid bv (irniige and county farm officials. In curb district local leaders will enlist the aid of resident'! In the planting of the trees, te be furnished bv the Stale The llt follews: Aunt). II. D. I.ev I.ev I.ev engoeil: P.allev. Harve) Kemp; Olev, William It. Deusler: I.andis' Stoie.AI Steie.AI 1 i Scbell: Toliten. Cletus Deleilg : Fleifwend. Mertis Schaeffer ; Kemptnn. , William Trexler ; Hamburg. Samuel It. I Smith- l.iespert, (ieeige 11. Hibstimaii : Wer.. I'ville. C V. It. Fvans; (imig-lei-svllle, I'.lmer I.eltllligi r : Cielgertuwn William A. lielger; Shartlesville III Ft. I. P.erger; llernvlle. .1. Paul Murk hart : Strausstown. Kiles (Jerhert . IJeihel. (!eer,e F. mind; Mount Aeliin, D (i. Miller: Womel-deif, A. M Mil ler Morgante'tn, H. F. Kurtz TO HONOR DR. TOMKINS Minister Will Be Given Reception I by Biddle Bible Class ipicptlen In honor of the Hev Di I'levd W. Temklns. chairman of tin lte.it (I el Directors nnd inteniiitlminl counselor of the HlblP f'lnss Mnvenieni. will be given Tuesday night nj tin DipncI Hiddle P.ibli Class Movement ni S o'.-leik at the parish beuse of the Chapil et the Medluter. Flftj-lirst am! Sprine streets Invitations have been -eni te l..u clergvuicn. ilicliulins tlie llisneps ei nie dtv and vicinity . -mil nmniig these pres,, cut will be tbe Hev. Dr. Kussell (Jen- w" ' of the Temple Jiuim' niin-ii. nn, l Kniest I.. TiiHtln. Director of the Dipiiitmeut of Public Weltnrc. i DOCTOR MUST PAY $1000 Jeseph TruckseiS, I.nst ( nmdeii, was awaided .''1000 damages by a Jur) In tin Camden Circuit i euit iwmi ""ni William II. O'Ncil. an osteopath. II had sued for .!.", '0, alleging burns b.v a nil rate solution, while undergoes treatment. 1IP.VTIIS SHAW Deer mbir 17, JUtilA. M ihu livie Jnine. 8. Hhuw Jun;,,r"hl TuiHilut, 2 1' M. at tils H 3HI1 , vvlfe of Hnrvlci. et. In lei mi.nl .til .tiiiriiui inrN ' )b,i"!c)NAI.n--On IlfO.J'V 1.M. HAIIAH K wife "f IJicvhl CI. M.clitnnil He'ullv, .ui.l riliniis ni" Invltnil In the "nrvln. uu Mcmiliiy .ifieinuuii ill 'J ; 'cierS, nl hr sis itr'x ieiilen. 4'IM l.uillntv il liU'Tmcni HI l.vnmuiiil CVm'tnry llenmln. inv Im uVs!.11hu";iy 'imtnr BTRWAJIT B. hunbund of MHry I-n (ne HetJtl), .Hiiat.vei ind trier..).' re rnvltwl le lt liruu tVn ira.1 realilenea. ad2Q Cum, Itunalns imcliaiits wiien 1 1 ode. v and shattered (he' windows f a iar 10 TELL I0RNT0N L j Has Full Weight, Reply te Pest master's Demand for Reasons MOVE TO INSTALL -Postmaster Wii.sliinsleii. Thornten. 111 IVc. line with bis assertions! ,1 . 1 1 1 n 1 . . .1 1 , . . Hat he would fltiht le the lu against lemeval. has wiltteu 11 second letter te Fiisl Assistairt Postmaster (ieneial Hubert Weik. iji tvliiidi he savs he "de slies te be .ulvincil by what iiutheiliv" LIS tl.lllliV'.l 111 Plmadelpbt.i was or tiered, nnd 11K0 jinks le ii. tittifln.'iie,l us te tlie service icasenw which preutided the order for Ills dismissal This coniinuitlcntlen reached r Werk terliij Mr. Thornten will lie 111 111 feimed the order for his dinmlssal has the full weight of tlie Posteflire Dcpart inenl nnd executive (minority back of it, and there is no appeal. Meanwhile Federal inuchi.ieiy has been set in motion te nave Celuiucl Kcm,) installed as acting pest master 'December I'.l, and te accomplish bis apiKiliitmenl bj presidential authority for tlie full four-) ear-tei 111 as seen tiierisifter as possible The Posteflice Depmtnient has 10 (liiesled the Civil Service Commission le I'scertnlii whether or net Coleiiu Kemp, bv vlitut of his oxpciiciice as a postal empleye nnd efliclnl, is ipiulifie! under Civil Service legnlatiens and reiiuire imnts for uppeiutmeiit as postmaster without examination. If the eairniils eairniils sieu after examining ills lecerd replies that he is. bin appointment will be tcemuifiidcd te the White Ilnsise and his .nomination will be sent te the Semite by President Hauling as 11 11)11 1 I cr of cunise. Should the io'iiinlsseii ie)J) (hat Colonel Kemp's, experlcme and qualiti 11. liens ui,. net sinpIi us te wiiir.-iut Ills appointment witiie'iil ex.iminutieu. an "Miuiiimtieii will be eideied. In lal.i.i; it, he would hnvc te. il.illtv u.s one et the tlnee highest eligJblcs in order te el tain the appointment . .. --- . - WIDOWS GET PENSIONS Nw Inrseu rn.irt flrrtre Plmnrlal New Jersey Court Orders Financial Aid for Women 'I'lnen widows" nonsiens weie l-i-miiIciI today before, .lu.lge Kates, In Canmen, and line wns held under advisement. Mis. Fraiii iscii Caillne, thirty-eight tieis old, of Third and Spruce streets, ! Camden. who has sax children, was awarded ,11 a month Her husband died last month. .Mrs, Cera Klik. I hli ty -seven .tears old. of lOI'.l Federal -treet. who has eight children, win awarded $1K a mouth. Her husband died November IS. 1!1'0. Mr. Helen Salstick, twenty -eight years old. who n .it iiinri'lnil whim sbc wns thirteen .: ' . .... ... ( J' teal's ni. ins seven c IU Ii rrn. Mi' ii! 1414 Tlennm-il avenue, mil bee husband died rseptemncr -n, mm. sue was awarded $41 a month. The application of Mrs. Mary IHirldi, of 171." Hill en avenue, was luid under advisement. She has six children, it was testllied. one is employed, aiirl she owns n iJ-'OOO equity In her home. Jimmy Doer and Steal Jewels Thieves jimmied the deer nf the apartment of Anna I.eerv in a beu-e nt Feitv-sixlh and Wnlnut streets, tes- teiilav. ami took jewelry valued ut IJIO. III mm I FINAL Fine Stationery in a Chest of American walnut; An-Cral't weed, jade-green finish; pigskin, blue or brown morocco leather. Many chests are silk - lined in delicate color-tones; some have lock and key. It is difficult te find Christinas Gift Of Such Universal Appeal At a Moderate Price Merchandise Purclmacd Up tn Christina.", th'u Delivered en Christmas Day By Special McHienyers of the Hetter In New Yerk; Atlantic City, Wilmington, Baltimore and Annupelia J. ECaldwell & Ce. Jnwiap.Y - Silver - Stationery Chestnut and Junipbt. Streets mf DEOEMp.ER . 17, 192E. . j ,,.,,i , , jJ - ,-i- - SHIP OFF SEA GIRT E Seven Mombers of the Graham's Crew Injured by Big Liner Panama CRASH IN CLEAR WEATHER j 1 New Yerk. llee. 17. Seven seameii.,; J injured in the lolllslen belween the liner Panama ami the Hulled States destroyer (iiahaiii. off Sen -III I. hist night, an I veil here enilv teilnV and weie Inken te the naval liespllal In Hi 00k Ijn. 'I lie men. nil of wheni weie of the irilhiini. weie V. II. Kell, llav d A Smith. !'. W Tlwimnseii. I !' flight, Jlciijainiii Metglsen. F. A. Itei'd and J. Hinjers Kelly was most 'seiieusly injuied. having siiilereil ion 1 ciissien of the brain nnd scalds from, 11 broken steainplpe. The elheis had jecelved seveie bruises mid liiceraliens, nut none of them wns dllllgeieilslv in juied. The men ivrie brought te this i-ilv oil be.lld the P11 mi 1101. u bleb ,.i-.i,.,..., !..',! Hinder hei own steam afler the aecldeut. t wiin tnein weie uiuuglit fifty seamen who I vyeie being taken te Cliarlesleu en beaid the (Irnhatii for distribution muring jarliMis nnval stations in the Southern htntes, 10 Oraham, nttcndeil liv the I'east guard beats Seneca and Creshani and the tender Sandpiper, come Inte 1 ort several hours after the Panama 1 111 rived. 1 .Say Signals Were Mixed Confusion of signals was said bv the (reliam'M crefl- te hnve caiifcd the cel- 'IIhIuii. There appeared te lie inlsnii dcrwtniidlng between the helmsmen of the two craft when they met off Sea (jlrt shortly after dark, and iih a result dAMSD STROYER me uraliam laid her course across the bow of the Pniiaina. winch was en her wn.v te this cit) fiem Cristobal. ir-r The Panama was net seriously datn- KclVlr'nB1'''' u"t the (irahiuu bad a large hole lern in tier pei-t side. Fer a time nfter the crash the vessels clung together, and if "" '" this period Hint the Injured "'..., "I"' '". H,,-",1!..,,,H ",,,p ""!,s- ll"v " ' unci. ine seventt oilier (I1R.n tiK.destre.ver .emaliied with the efficcis and weiked the beat into (lie ' harbor. 1 ' "plain O.ikle.v . Hi,. Panama's m.S. !Pl' -''illiseil tin- l.raham hud been i.iiinv 101 n ami lie Kent III! em of his Vl'rfsi,l in tlie ci acv le had iiinde in Ibe' 1 . ....1. (iriiliatirs side. The clash 1 iried uf ' .":0 P. M. and at ! o'clock tonight the I iwe ships weie repotted locked together,1 the liner virtuull.v neking the loiv-lvle.' waicruft out of the water with her nose. Tbcie was enlj a slight breeze blow ing and erj little sea. It also was clear and the lights of a rescue licet that had answered the SOS calls were Cosing in en the two. 1 Acress Liner's Hews illinium is i.ving easily aeiess our bow." Captain Oakley then wirelessed. Soen afterward came the word that most of the crew of the .1.. sir. ..-,... 1....1 'been taken aboard the Penuti'ia, but .Commander William S. Ainsben, of the; Orahum, was sticking te his ship. A j few of his men remained with him. I "We will lender every assistance.'' .was the assuring word Catitaln Oaklev then sent through tlie air. He followed that with: "Helieie (iriihain will lleal , when wc clear her.'" The liner ('.. W. d'ecth.iN, which left New Yerk In the afternoon for the Canal , Zene, was one of the first vessels te pick up the SOS calls sent out by her, lister ship, and Captain Fester, her' commander, raced te the scene. He put ' Ids surgeon ever the side In a lifeboat and sent him te tlie Panama te aid the I latter's surgeon in caring for the in- ' juied. Then be steed by. I Doctors and Nurses Sent In response te u radio that had come from the (irnbani for the naval hospital In Ilroeklyn that medical assistance was needed, tlie mine sweeper Sandpaper, W,t" IO'lOrH 1111(1 lllirsCS 0110111(1. VVOS mm.ir(, mt t() tlP Iiroekivn N,1Vy Yard. IShe was sent os nn ambulance, as navy . men soy. Twe w i ecking lugs of the Merrill i Chnpnum Company, the I. J. Meriitt and the Willerd, went nut of t lie New I Yerk harbor in the wake of the coe't guard cutters, (iresham nnd Seneca, whlcli get under way from Ihe anchor age at Tnmkinsville. Ilndle reports from a dozen ships nt sea told of their having picked up the distress culls and being headed for the scene. When they1 learned they could retider no assistance' they turned nwuy agnin. The Panama wns coming te New X'..l II. 1A7 ..UDAnnAH, t ion. " " i".em.,Kl-is h.mii 107 passrngprs from the Uaiiill .one ami mc uesire.vei was j bound from New Yeik le Charleston, a. t . Tlie (Irahem conies n complement of five effipers and about sixty-five en listed men. Pocketbook Snatched en Street Twe Negroes snatched a pocket book containing !?1- and a geld watch from Mrs. Mary C. Donetan. Wl Ninth Thirt) -third . strppt, while she wns walking at 'lentil and l.nmb'ird streets jei-terdii) . CAN'T IDENTIFY SUSPECT Continue Case of Man Alleged te Have Robbed We3t Phlla. Stere Nntlinn Kcusler, who Ih sunpected by police of bavins had n part In the hold up of Sehrecder'H jewelry Blore nt Fifty -Bcceiid nnd Chestnut btrcctn, November li.'l. was arraigned before f ni.tcil ft... I .. Il.i.tul.n... tltl tiwiii1iirr Herry A. Morjen, 135 Seuth sixty City Executive Wants Cemiilet f..m.. ..!..., I .,,,1.1 I.,. t.n.l ,. nil. .lit III I'"-'. i tfllmpKO of eik! of the men ulie took n -.ziiii.li riii i ii (tiiiii lie nun m .. n V i trny of rliipt from a window alter an- ' ether had broken It. but he was netj willing te Identify Ivfcsslcr as the m I'eiici! suy tliey have anuuicr wit nciu who huw the man who took the iIiiuh u ml Mai:tstrate ltcnsliaw con tin- ll(1(l ,jU ,,11KU ti nt II "AlemJay le give this "mil a eliaiipc te tesllfy. 1 Jereme Bonaparte Says Only Albanian Government Could Proffer Throne MET CHEKREVI BUT ONCE New eilf. Uec. 17. -ltcpeit.s (hut lu is considering uu invitation te accept the tlneiiu of Albania weie denied last evening by .Icreme. Napeleon Hnnupurte, gniil-grcht giaiidsnn of Jereme Ilonu Ilenu purte. King of Wetplialla. ami the beautiful lletsy Patterson, of Haltitnnri time, and we discussed the future of tlie country. "He specifically stated, that while the Albanians were looking for n ruler, lie was net eliicially aulherl.ed te take nny steps in this direction, nnd dtirin SAYS CROWN OFFER IS NOI SE1US "A .1. Chekrev . Albania, lg ' ,., f thc ", - - (ommssiener. w-be is .eperted te lav.' u u fl t , Council's etTered me the Albanian crown, id I (,emmissl(m ,cstcrdUy ft was renertid linvii iiinf nvn.ill,. i.nj. " lie eiml illtlcll. ....... ' . -. ' ..cpurifq niiiu uuiiv ersui 11111 11 nun viuui lit in 1..1. .1... ii.... nny steps 111 tins direction, nun euiiiih 1 - - i-, - - """""mg in- the course of efir conversation he asked ! terprctatieiis made the initial confer. me hew I would like te .lie n iiaucan ruler. Neither et us took tlie proposi preposi tion seriously. "Any invitation le occupy the thiene of Albania would have te come officially fiem the Albanian (ievertiment and 1 can definitely state that up te the pres ent time I have received no such offer. Aw le whether or net 1 would consider such an offer if made eHlciullj , that is n matter which is tee remote (ft tlie present time for me te discuss. "At picsent mj chief picocciipnlien is te get my uupcsteis properly bestowed te their new iiiarters," lie continued, pointing te a peilrait of his great-grandfather, Jet einc. King of Westphalia, reposing en the Meer against 11 beautiful Pltvit Kmplie console nnd a pictuic of Napeleon III, ulrcady en the wall. 'Ihe room was littered with furnlluie 1 1..1.1. ...! 1...1 ....,.. i.t... ,1-. 8 . -gr, "no he r. v imse" romantic -? Mnr is stored en the fifth ?. :.r. 1 1.1. ,..,...-. ...,. tloer of the I-cdcral Uuiltllnc wnn brektn Viieiiienu s,i nieci, nnn.it line... In the "te '"t night, for the fifth time till apartment curtains were being tiling. cupels being laid and tlieie were no indirutiniM that Mr. and Mrs. Henu- parts were planning a migration te the i Halkmis in the ucut future. Fp te the present Mr. HenaparlP has taken little interest in Kurepeaii affairs, ami until recently he lins made his home in Washington, spending bis summers uL Southampton and part of each win, ter at Palm Heach. lie lias never been in active business, and until bis mar riage in J'.Ul te Mrs, ltlanche Pierce Strebelgli. formerly the wife of the New New Yerk broker, lie was one of the most popular of tlie eligible bachelors in Washington. I Tlie wedding of Mr. Heuapaite and Mis. Strebelgli, which took place ut the City Ilnll in New Ymk. the ceremony being performed by "Iluppy" Jack i Heaiden, n Tammany alderman, a week after Mrs. Strebelgli bad obtained her i divorce from Hareld Stieblclgli. caused a sensation in New Yerk and Washing-' ten seclet). Last January the Hona Hena partes were again in the limelight when Mrs. Henapiirte instituted n suit for 100.000 damages against the editor of Town Topics, who was alleged te have alluded te her as "a vain, foolish woman.". I Mr. Ilenapiute, who has no children, is the last male descendant of the American Hennpui (cs, his uucle, Charles J. Hemipartc, of Hultlmetc, who died a I j cur age, being also childless. lie has one sister, the Countess von Moltke Huitfeldt, of tiej-ninny. I Ends Life by Taking Poison Herry J. Dingier, forty-two .vcais old. Kill) Kidge avenue, committed sui- Leide In n bedroom of his home yester day afternoon bv drinking poison, Ihe police say. Mrs. M. Kemper, a sister-in-law, who discovered bis bedv, found an empty bottle I.ving beside him that hnd contained poison. lie leaves a wife and two children. His family sajs he had been despondent because el Illness. ' iji , g g ! g 'S I H iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!l.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin;iii,i,iiiiiiiiiiiiuii'iiii II slays fresh ever Sunday Victer rea niis Leaf 1 5 Sold enl. in our Stores SLflflWQICJS. S 8TOIICS CO. 8 llllil lillllililili l.liil III ilill!lllilili;ill'lililllll.li'llillBlllliiiil'Hii!Hiiiiiiiii,iii l; REVISED EDITION 1921 MODEL COLLEGE WIDOW ' SI e s get the geed. Slics a Roed-looKei, she Inn a niftv tlguiH, and she's n peach of a dancer THE H. P. Q. (Heuse Party Queen) will lie featured In the Magf-uni Mictien of tomorrow's Sunday Pub lic l.edfiei. Tlie college II I' Q'. nud litel litel Invltritlens be .11 e s .j- Thev .v.un lb. The II I (. . In. if ;. hi,. ( de I lie e r.el i eiirts im t h inuin'i nun s, ,, ltll ., n,.,, (he college c ili ndir Veu II be . ir at tills pre truv i of iiu 11 i' in i piei row's huml.i' PUBLIC LEDGER Lit Jed l.i MAYDRAND1WIN CONFER ON TRANS f Repert en Cost of Power for New 'L' tl DETERMINED TO ACTi Mn.ter Moere moved further tmi. i? 1 Ids plan te operate the lVaukferrf ill.- I voted, even If municipal operation It necesknry. ' ' I lie Instrucled Transit Director Twining te keep in constant ncrsenii 'touch with the clty-i.tillt line and t ; get it In rendincHs for niunlclpal VB. cratien. ' The Director wus told te prepare for the Mayer a complete report, glvhjr the exact statitu of the high-speed line including full estimates about tins co of power te drive the heavy rnrn ..., tlie elsbt miles of roils from I'rldtt 'stieel le Frem nnd Arch streets, II) llils action the Majer lepKM te the assertion yelerdny bv Ilichant Wcglcle. piesldem of Ceuiieii. that ll. P. H. T. Company must operate the line. , A special iianslt commission rreat.il , in- Council Ih new grappling with tht offer made Tuesday by Themas 13. Mit- I ten, president of the company, for P It. T. operation of the I,, which ceii taxpayers nearly $15,000,000. IJiirlng the talk the Mayer hart .1 City Hull today with Director Tivinlnx ll Is uiiderstecd Mr. Menrc Fnid h! Mr. Joyce, ii Is reported, placed t different interpretation en the Mlttn offer than that made by city efficitli who studied the proposals of the P It. 1'. president. The cnnfllctlns In. ence almost a comedy of errors, It mm reperteu. Then- wus much discussion about I City Hull today ever the. fact that .the cenfeieiice was held behind locked I doers. Diierter Twining conferred ted'; with Vice President Richardson, of tit 1. It. T. Company. As u tesult Jefepi 1 Coiuey, engineer for the Transit De- l paitmcnl. and U. II. Horten, tb ' company's irnlllc engineer, will meet' Monday te work out traffic details el the .Mitten formula. U. S. RUM ROOM RAIDED Thieves Get Only Colored Alcohol I Frem Federal Building The prohibition seizure room In whlrn .tear, by thieves who stele several het- l ties of what they thought wns real , whisky. The prohibition officials have beee ei peciing oneincr ruin en tne sciiure loom and iimrsday all the "geed stuff" wns removed te a warehouse vault. LaM night thieves get only "colored alca alca hei bottled nnd lnbclcd as a well known brand of whisky. vfeV J Sweaters and Woolen Vests for Gelfinr, Metering and General Outdoor Use SWEATERS $7.00 M cillum - vv eight wool Jackets In brown ami camel shades Special quality of Kncllsh manufac 7.50- ture ni heather mixtures 1(1 Oil A excellent Gelf u.uu jnceti ,vel Known as "Heath Ceat," le blown, blue and 10.50 and 12.00 Heavy ' .Shaken" i.'eats In plain col ors a n d heather mixtures 1 ll) -Cray Alpaca a "'"" luxuiieus, pleasing sweater coat me dium weight tery sightly 17.00, 22.50, 27.50 Imported Jackets ejf cashmere mohair iilpact, In a variety of colors .ind .striping". WOOLEN VESTS JQ fin Brushed wool In .?O.UU K,.(rll hrewn of ll n ll t ll e i I SO i.imels-hair Veltl al this price these bate four pockets, 12.50 Iirusbed w u e I et extra iiunllty I'laln shnclcs with trim ming of contrasting colors Brown ana tan. Ian and brown, Oxford and gray 3.50" (-.() .Special eiuiilltle-s of ciiinel b-hulr "" "! pac.i In most at lincllte styles PACOB HEED'S SONS IF2Ml'2tiChestnu.Siitcl 1 iim'jiiii in inn 1 in i' rnnifinrii nsmii.i ' ....... ..S. n .... ti... It .... r : ....-...... - -. -.--limit leiemaii .1. .leyce, counsel for Iiul ll.ut was nt Soullinnipten, I-. I.. empany. n.lmltted the new Mitten of I wjiere Mrs. Ileiiiipurte and -were fcr Wiih flraBReil forth bv the Mayer'! r.ll.!j:'" .ll -A,,,B"? .. "r,,""! L1. " ',L' prrprntleW ter ...unlclpnl opera tfen J J ilgOEji!! f j: v t L-