If?? , ? .'" V.-Vys V, ; , ( & EVENING PUBLIC iEDGER-PBITJABfcLPHIA, PEIDAY, DECEMBER 16, mi ,ffrij$lt TCI ?t Urn if' .t u Bfl yrNANcnr.. ' XOTiriC lV KKIIKMI'TION A f flrartlw Helder of Seven Per Lent Tef raid nai lear trilateral t.eia rentes uateu line, of ti;ntin,v ii,u.- POWRR COMPANY Issued tk.llfvul 'ru.t AarrMtnent HtWMn rl Railway and Power Company nnd arj 'ana uenipany, Trustees, innnni i Data, Itetlaa I hereby given thnt. pursuant te Vn tarma of the Collateral Trust Agreement pviirnn ueerma ltniiwav ana power tern nr and Drexel and Company, Trustees. tad February 1. 1020, Georgia Hal. way a4, rower Company will redeem and pny January a, IviJ. all of us men eutaiana- fiSVSn Pe Pnt Twn Anil lynA.llnlf Vrtilp lateral aeld Nete dated February 1, ana issued under said ueiinterai xrusi mentt that Interest will ci te be I yablalen tha Notes hnrnlw cellnri for rtt- motion from and afte, January a, 1022 t the holder of said Nete, are required January a. 11122, te present thim fe. redemption and payment at the oflle anil mKftv "rrti.,tM."'r,S?er? .isrcxci and tempanv 'true Wt,t Fifth and Chestnut mn ana wnesmui streets, rni.n etnut streets Tisipnia. i'i atlen and Pennsvlvnn a ami I n.t en nrii,n ifttlOn and IUrrni1.r nf HnM Mntna. with the February 1, 1922, ami Aueust 1 1022 coupons attached, at aald efllce aa afore aid, payment will be made ti the holders et aid Neiee at their r". mptlen value. vl. 5p hundred and one-quarter per cent 100H) of their fae va'ue. and accrued nterest. te Januan 3, 1922, amounting te 129,110 upon each ne'r Notehelders ere remlnded that the com cem eany 1 net permitted by ,aw te pa Inter, a ttpan any note preaented for payment unie ira ii Hccomeaniea ev a proper owner I hip certificate aa required by the Federa nceme Tax Law. Dated December 0, 1021 QEOltUIA RAILWAY AND POWEn UUMrANT By P. a. ARKWrnOHT, P'-eJlrtent TO nor DKIIS OF Janaica Water Supply Company Flrat Conaeltdated Mertenice Fire Ter Cent Slnklec Fund Oeld Henda. The Equitable Truat Company of Nen -Tork , a; Truatee under Merigaue dated a of July 1, 1910 made te the Jamaica Watei upplY. Company te aecure an laue of Klret Coneelldated Mertuane Kte l'er Cnt sink In Fund Oeld Henda hereby H notice i the heldare of aald Uendi of Its intent, en ti PPly en the flrat da of January lt:'2 accordance with the nr' lalena of i ild Mert rave, the menea requt cd te he tmM 1m the Slnklnr Fund en or before December 111 J21, and herely Invltea offer nK of thlrt thlrt fwe theuaand rite hundrd dollars ft2af)e' tun value of aald Dentla at n price no' neeed nn hunrtret nod flii. r e nr nn f the par value thereof and accrued interna- Healen nrrra lit t, nn.n.,1 In .1... n-..B epnmeni nt me i 87 Wijlf alrect Ne U) o'clock neon, and aheuld he endei Department nt the efflce of the undera irned ew inrK l Ity n- teeltr . en Dctemlipr 27. 1112' nnrftd ' Offrirff nf nnti. KkTfcaw "irnalca Water Supplv femnan ''InK d. Thn rliyht 1b r,.v.i1 in Ml.r, mar anu nil enera TMB EQUITABLE THUST COSIPANV OF NEW YORK. Truate, JJT LTMAN RHOADES. Vice President. m Bated Kvr Yer N Y Dcmbr n 10 ' IlOTF.L TRAY.MOKR COMPANY FIKST i MORTOAOE SIX PEK CENT SINKINO ' JTCNn GOLD BONDS. DCE JANUARY f.- 1DI7. Purauant te the terms of the Trut Mort Mert are securing- the above bends, notice 1 Hereby riven that the following bends ax , frea-atlns 1115.000. have been drawn for payment for account -of th feinklne- lund as i f January 1st 1H22 Denominations of S10Q0 i Nes 8. 18. 22. 27. 82. 30. 3S. 89. t!2. 83 iik "Sv.78- . 8T. 104. 107 253 2fi2 213 800, 300, 820, 8S8. 41H 437 149 471. 493 1 B04, 600, 619, 634, 070, 07J AMI 723 754 T86. 788. 831. 840. 814, SO1 0V. 992 100O 1038. 104B, 1050. 101b. 107b. 1079, 1009. , 1168. 1311, 12.18. 1272, 12S4, 123. 1307 I 1844, 1378. 18S1. 13sn 1492 1425. 1439 i 1488, 1448, 1434. 143S, 1413. 1504 1507. JMI. 1828. 1828, 1527 1533 1BBS 1593 :!?!. ,fl0S' 1818. 1837 1664, 18-19 1699 I 1T12. 1789. 1784, 1704, 1913 1S20. 1M0. 12 1869, 1841, 1042. l6l7. 1971. 1979. 1989 6S4. 208S. 2030, 2072 2077. 2110. 2110. 120. Denominations of S800 Wea. 3183. 2204 2221 2227. 2231. 2243 Th funds for the pajment of the above I ends are new en dpealt with the Truatee nd the bends will be paid en presentation en and after January 2d. 1022. at 102 and Interest te January 1st. 1922. en which date all Interest en said bends will cease CArlANTrK TUFT COMPANY. Truatee Mr, HERMAN M. SYPHERD Vice Presld-nt 4 aiiantie city, f J December 1st. x-i TAND4RD OAS ND ELECTRIC CO Maklna- rnnd-Furchaae Convertible Six Per Cent Winking- Fund Geld UenUi lirauant te the previsions of the Collat Cellat fral Trust Aareemsnt executed December 1, 1811. by the Standard Oas and E ectrlc Com Cem ny te the underetgned. aa Trustee, te se iure an authorized 'asue of Thirty Mill. en . Dollars Convertible Slnklne Fund Ueld Lienels, j tnaturlnr December 1. 1923 the undrrslKned i hereby clvea notice that It new has en hand I Jt sum of elshty-elcnt thousand nOie hu -erd and seven dollars and th:m-tnree cnts (B88.907.33) In the tilnklnK Fund prei led ly aid Truat Agreement and t. at t la iti In entlen te apply aald sum. under th provi previ sion of aald Trust Acreement te the pur I tase of aald betida Offers of aald bend- I are Invited at a price net te excied par eerued Interest ard it. uer -ent premium. Sealed tenders aheuld be addressed te tie Philadelphia Trust Company Ti ustee Sink Bur Fund. Standard Oas and Ulectrlc coin party, Pread Street Oftlre Hread and Ch-i-f nut atreetn. N. E. Cornet. Pi eVslrnatlnc the denomlmiiien nf area, and will be rerehetl untl Ylrlaay. Januurr 0 1024. X l)tliiuei( ma ueiiuw ten- til 3 1' 31. , attULADELPHIA Tit L ST COMPANY Trur ta. IJyJOlI.SC WAI.afE Treasurer. I Philadelphia, December 0 ID21 I Annual Meeting jsr THE llLOHAMts. 1NSLK.V.NCE , LOMl'AM SOO-502 Hulnut St. , Philadelphia. D... 15. 1021 ! The Annual Meeting of the s'ockhe.derH a thla company for the election uf direc'ure fl for the tranaactlen of auch ether bum , aa may properly come before the mait will be held at the principal ottke of ' company, 60O-SO2 Walnut street t n,a- i phla. Pa. I en Meiid.l, January 10. 19.!.!. 4 U o'clock neon. I JOHN A. KNIDr.rt '-errcta.rv . . . i THE ANNUAL MtXflM. OP llli; etockneldrre et trie I'lillauelulil Lift lararance Comeun will be nt j at 'hu i.-jiih etnee of the company 111 North liieua ft e treet. rmiaueipniK. i a en t-unrbUit) . enuary xe. itr, m i- Ji.. te neur inu re tort et tear of 1821. at for feu rt et tbe ueara et uirvitem ler in iincm OI me company enaiu ue rruir a' and te elect three (3) director te ae.va ter four (41 yean, ana te attend te eiicr ether buelneaa ue may preber come b.fore the meetlni. P G d .MlllCh -ef tHt try COUNTY nnE INSl II NCK COMPANY OP PIIII. VDLI.PHIA I 111 tanin nn si , run i, ' The Annual MeetlnE uf the s'e khe,ler Will b held at thfl tiume cilice .t tie L m Bany en Junuurj 16, 1022, at 12 M , fjr thr lectien of dlrectern and the xranimctlnn uf , uch ether builneer aa may come before the PAMtlnJt. T. E. MART IN Swrn'n'- 1 W UNITED riKLMIN' lNaLH.V.CU i LOMPN 480 Itmniit street i-nuiiuripiiM miL annlltl mRf inc nf I h MlrvtrhnlrT., . . empany wi.l be held at Its emee Ne ?1 EVgYer nut eirtn. i-n innipn a y u January xe, 1UZ7, ut u o'lleck l.u m ..linn nf n I n .. tti rf.. . . ". ... M, ,,W .v.... v. ...nr ,. UIHkUr. .nd for tne transaction of each old, r L.usi mnn rer if . aa mav be breueht refore thm . B Y 1 Ut Becretary THE ANNUAL MKETINO OI Tilt ateckhaldere of the lneuranc cn,. Many of the (State, of PenneTlrunlit wli, bi (d en Holiday, Jnminry 10 1022 hi 12 .M t th elllce of the company 3i)8 S10 W.ilnut treet, for the election of nve (0; illretter it eerve for three (8) yeare ami the trans action of any buelneen nilch may U " JOHN J P nrinnrns Veriary dKIXTU NATION I. lltSli K3P Pilladelnhla Vf . P 1921 Th annual election for dlrwers nf thla lank, will t nein at tri.. ihi-h'uk lieuie Vuiiwitay, Janunry 10. IDS!!. IkUhii tin ftiiura 1 M. and 2 P. M. WILLIAM SALTCn. Ct.M.r Br " ' riNAyriL Illdend IIUnEAU OK Bl'RYKYR Department of Pub le Werke rniiaaeipiia Ewcembr 7 1921. . . . , tit u. . . . ..." in Liiy iu uimi , ,, H juii uii lien- la,'. perb.r IB. 1031 nnd p , Uu, eltvitt In Hnem -10, u.iy nail. ier. -Tt- Contract Ne 108 Ctr.structlnK Bwere radlnr Pavlne. Hcpaln and ulher appur Cnant work fur opening Tulln etrret under keadlnr Hallway b,twV.n L.Errt'WBU. ""'"" . "1' ...... and 8emiii "" Pr'ntln. etc . for the Orad IB, etc the U a-rfliiln bfvlelen of. the Uureau of Surveye urlrur,."ie ,7" iV,-.,v ,.n nul riiANK 'H. CAVFTN. Director, YTV "OK DIIIKCTORS OP THE eh Preductf I'orpurntlen have thu ... . nii.rri.rlv dividend of 2(, nn Sji.tandln preferred fleck of thU coin ed feZya.bte Jan. 15. 10SJ. te the .tock .tock li,Vel t Jracerd Dee. 31 1UJ1, Btoek SSr 1L M. DBLANOIE. xrear yer. KlTlUrt COIU'CV l HIM a. December jjijvil. rector haa .tKTS'Tlay de f (tire per jrenl (8) out payable e( raejard at. uu, IUA&. .5W.aS.2nn",ir t SWknVSn,,.,V,"l...d the ceVtlncau of uch HUn, be mcleVed "' WILSON & CO., INC. t1 rt)m of Dividend en Preferred Stock 3 J52 Iieard of Directors of Wien & Ce e-?1 Va? declared a quiirterly dividend of K l&'mml lfiV'Tttn . per wnt.fmi'l) en PS Kf SVaferrid SJteck. pav ahlg Juiiuury 3. CUPU Ue preferred .tocUhelderi of receri ; SWUf) c5 e' huliiee en December 27. t k& 3?w ferrKSiml-, 14. ai. , tTjVeitOR D HOPKINH Sec etarv k fMflarlOA V Tmtt l H3a . 1BZ1. --My a atvMed ak'AMan. f the company fLJEXaeTALi'lMt. ta toWielderf Bull Market Ahead? XTnj fV rpr, uii ee e4. 1 "dS ine real DUU rlSe Startear Should long Swing Speculators buy new or wait tera reaction ? hutfnnm .-. ...-.:. l . ....- i 1 II I V t I VJ I t !- T J- J c-ri JTIT1 w Mseifs Reports ff Speculatrre Bunrtbi. Just off the press, V r anawera theiu. nii.tMnn. n4 kA. V you iut what's pelnK te happen In the stock market. It is a matter of vital Importance. With this information you can sea what's ahead and govern yourself accordingly. REPORT ON REQUEST CepIm of this bulletin and booklet, "GtttirvtthiMeit from Your Menty". arc nvallaWter distribution, (rratia. Tear out the Meme new -and hand it te your secretary when you dictate the morning's mail Mertly A$k for BalUtin 34MQ Reper VV. Babson's Statistical Organization Wellcslcy Hills, 82, Mas. (Suburb of Deaten) nt Lartut Oreanttatbn tfH, Chxwitr in 1A Il'erU Clip Off Here niiiuiitiiitiiMiniiiiiinitt MIIIIIIIIMHIIilllllUUlUllt Meme SSs Write Reger W. Bausen, founder of The Hnbsen Statistical Organization. Wellesley c iiiii, ei, muss., hi iouews: rieasc send is i r-epy ei -iprciai Bulletin Ne. 34 MQ g and hoeklet,' Gtittng Ih Most front Your MIO,VMiM.n tfP money -Kraua SS-faeiffiAl&KlursmJ luuiTiiuniniurnnniimiiiimiuiiuinniniuininiiiiniiiuiittiiaiuiui An Ideal 8 Investment AMERICAN railroads set thestandard forthewerld, which is one of the reasons the shares of the better systems attract n wide circle of invest ors. Fer the benefit of these interested in the carriers, the December 5th issue of 77rt? "International Invester" contains an Ideal Investment suggestion composed of 5 shares each of the stock of 5 leading railroads. The total purchase priceisareund $1700 and the annual yield, at cur rent dividend rates, is better than 8 per cent. Cell, telephone or tertte for yi tr e cevu et the In crtiatlen (iiiester contaiiiine Ideal law men- l--7ifl Wm. H. McKenna & Ce. 221 S. 15th St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. New Yerk Paterum Ctilcave Pltubursh Utah & Northern 5s, 1926 Rubereid Ce. 8s, 1936 Cuba R.R.Imp. & Eq.5s, '60 N.Y., Pa.&O. 4l2s, 1935 Canton-Akren 5s, 1922 Penna. Utilities 6s, 1922 Leuis. & Jeff. Bridge 4s, '45 Leuis. & Nash., St.L. 3s, '80 Cadde Cent.0.& Ref.6s, '30 Jpr Investment Securitiea t 43 Exchange Place, New Yerk Telephones 8300-16 Hanover YOUR OPPORTUNITY A Philadelphia manufactur ing Tempany new delnff nn nnrunl buiiness of 2 te 2H mllllrns requires the services of a IHp. w Idf-awake Imslness man between 25 and 45 jeara old te nrt a' Si creir and Treasurer anrl te lnest $100. $100. CeO In the Company. Menoy te be used te pur chase ald'tlennl maeb'nery for Increased production In which line there ii a Kreat demand. rTfuent bulldlnt? will permit irstullin? addlt'enal machlnfry uid will reduce presint over evor head expenses. fompensatlen $10,000 te $12 0U0 nc enr In arldit'en te ever 7 return en meney Invested If you have the ubil lt arid the mene, answer and full details will be furnished ou C 808. LKDGEIl OFriCK ProeoHaln hiiij.D I'ltOI'O-AO lelt 13(100 I'KKT r l iimii" i '- " - u.i-jutb hi njn i. Ami i Iraiuliii Aienue and Km k n-(U ilrdje "tr. bi jnirut M m Iranl.ferd Fievuted Iv.iuuj w.u ij iu vu at die Drutera office Desaitmmt of City Trun Jii 1J11 CI ei.mut H'i et Phi adelunla until i; ,,'clmk neon, VI I'dnemlay, Deiemlxr an, i!)I and eiened lmniilUtels theieufter. w .. . . n.l un.plflmflnn. i.in I,.. uuun .. r . f. "... " e.'.r. . .r;.h -.'. "i cod e et Bm" with blank form for propeeale will he eupDlled te Intending biddere upon , aptillratlen A depe.lt of 111) win I- re-I Sii rid for the plan. This depe.lt will Le i refunded epen the return of thu plane uii UflfHiuitk i viiui i4wu( mm n inu u i , "., ,uiiu iitujii iiv A ..A 1.. ... I.B.W J.S"L,tiriIll.ML UI IT1M i: IV ; v zc t t Uiy .the M ',Di. ..i.i AM ,,. m-.. riAn i.. - any or all hide a h may deem beet for the inter, st of the 'Mtv nf Philadelphia WILLIAM H TUININO Director Denurtment of Clt" Tranflt. Pli"delpri'e D-mher 12 1021. SrTu.izD phopeaij reu tub rnt- nithln. erection and completion i f fire eircnpe for the Haddnnfleld High Sc. I Haddnnfleld. N. J . will he recHed bv th Scheel Heard en or before December 22 at H P. M. feriifled check of 10 per cent of bid muat accompany each tld Iieard re airves tha right ta rJu any or nil hide for the work Pntij and peelrVfl,tlen rniiy be eeen upon appllcnlkn te the Sioretary of thi. Heard of Kducailcn. Kaddenfla d f J in, uuai j , ,NTON nSrOIK Chairman of the Heard AnnuaJJCIectene S3T iua 1'HLLADfc.LfiilA NATIONAL UArvjk Philadelphia. December 6, 1921 The Annual Election for Dire h.ld at the Fanklnf Heuae 5l,.mfy 10. W. between the rectors will be en ruesaii). hours et 12 Koen and I I . L O IlfeWARD WOLFK Caehler. jS (JOUTUWABK NATIONAL HANK The Annual Election for Dlreotere of thli .. Tn.".J ii. h.U at the llanklnir lln i. n, x-niiaueipiiia, ('a. en Tudiy. January 10th, Wit. between, the SSKmJV 10 o'clock A. il. anBd J itffafcU. tiashler, S iiANK OK NOllTH AMERICA J I 4t D.fcernei "i'" The Annual Meetln of the Otockheldera .f this Hank for the election Pt Direjie Srtll ba hilfl at the Jtanklna- Heuse en Teea- iaSUBM GOSSIP OF THE STREET "The yenr Is ending with the financial situation much stronger than when 1021 began, for the country has largely de flated Its Ideas, as well as Its prices, during the last twelve months," sayi llllam A. Law, president of the First National Hank, in the monthly review of the business and financial outlook issued by that Institution. , t-enunuing, Mr. Law snya: "Tiiere lias seldom been n mere trying year, no ;"e me dwtnictlve In mental wear ' icur, ier me preDiem ei numeruue . - . enccrus has been bow te keen selng. I Considering tlie intensity of the strain rtnd the sensational declines In raw nin erlal nnd In commodity price, the wonder is that tlie country's fallur fallur recerd Is net mere ndverw) than it Is. 'lut deflation has brought about cxtraor cxtraer Mnnry benefits and, slowly but surely, 'Iving costs nre being reduced and busi ness is being re-established upon a safe basis again. The outlook, In many re Mects, is reassuring nnd, while there ire exceptional problems yet te solve, linerlcnn business men are readjusting their affairs in n manner which will In sure general recovery inter en." Mbrger Talk as Stimulator Discussing the specialized character of the market the Inst few days, a down town broker snld yesterday : "In order te account for the sporadic outbursts of activity in many long neg lected groups en the Stock Exchange, merger Meries are being Invented and nursed along In the hope of attracting outside interests. Enough, nt least, te keep the action from coming te nn un timely end. Several of them are new elng the rounds, tnklng in tire nnd rub ber concerns, meter makers nnd copper companies. There is no doubt but that many mergers will he necessary, sooner or later. In order te preserve some of the lncdlum-nlzed units in the Industries mentioned, ns well as ethers which have let yet been discussed." Critical Credit Period The next few months will be unusu ally important from the standpoint of credit granters was the opinion ex pressed nt n recent round-table discus sion of the Philadelphia Credit Men. L. J. I.antet. credit manager, of Walter M. bteppachcr & Ure., snia there li no iiouet niac eciwcen new ami jiuy J- there will be a creut mennine un. dur ing which many of the weaker concerns will fall by the wayside. A. T. Rickards. president of the local association, told the members that the new nnanciai statements i6Puen alter the first of the year cannot be analyzed en u basis similar te that employed in the past, nnd that the new conditions may upet the generally accepted two te one ratio. He said credit men mere than ever before must knew mere about the normal standing of a credit risk and mere about its ability ns shown by past records and experience. As te the Railroads Hoeker & Ce.. received the following yesterday from their New l'erk cerre- eudents, which should, at least, be a rtimb of comfort te the patient share- mlders of the railroads. "In view of nil the favorable facts tueh as resumption of nnd increases in dividends of many railroads, ns well ns many probable railroad consolidations; the repayment yesterday te the govern ment by the Northern Pacific of six million borrowed a year age te run five ,ears at 0 per cent. It appears teJbe held Saturday nlternoen from the us that nnv held of railroad securl ties it very unwise te part with them at prevailing prices, but en the contrary should buy them for a sure but per haps slew profit." American Brass -Anaconda Merger Following n meeting yesterday ut P.osten of representatives of the larger holders of American Brass Company ..i. ...li. ti... rk TJ-,., !, I ..,,., nf Ull ""',' "A""r",-.'',r." ;.'..; r J tnu uearu : j. i. jciir. nresmeiii u- ,., , rTadnpCl, beard. Jehn A. Cee, president of ' Araeri- !!-: "IJLII'IL-K S'af rempnny. .he opportune te dispene e SSIhTcSSpW for 9 50 nd three s inrei. et Anncenun stecit ngauibi earn share of American Brnss Company A period of time will be allowed feri the deposit of American Brass Company terk prebnbly tlie month of January, James Pcnn MacCnin, clerk of Common 1!)2L and the offer will be conditional Picas Court Ne. 3 mere than twenty upon the deposit within tins time of at j five years, died en Wednesday, aged enst 51 per cent of the $15,000,000 par' seventy -seven ears. She was u sister sister alue of American Brass Company bteck In-law of William J. MacCaln. clerk of ctitstanding. There were present at the Common Pleas Court Ne. 2. meeting representatives directly or in- Funeral services will be conducted directlv of upwards of 40 per cent of tomorrow at her home, at 2012 Colura Celura the outstanding bteck of the American bla avenue. The burial will be In the Brass Company, nnd these represcnta- West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Outlast JJuceeeeuI in- eafloKeris or-e btimif made ti litinil red 0 jactii-3 ever urt. floors, liilheut con cen ustin or in terrupt ine yruductiun Modernize Wrpellta Weed Blocks are aa Ii I XL SlA f - ..$ vBastsKK't'tsvf rlH JsasfffsBsV? iVSmW'm, '' ''ilfafffHRSafirt LufBKffUb A vfflffKfflESflffBrVK H. 1 flfffKSrflH wflHaMflaBflBH WM. rf i MlaifMi ' :;IMifflffiaJ fetf0m IjflffSflffBrafK v Jh VMSlttlJflffflB imBf3fQ&?ifc.l UfasasassRsBB rraK!Htaffafl aSfWm&a affHffTtsslC'wvflHi tAfi'MWrSMM mm '..dMWfEM&im mm jktmmLWmmsm$m MuTaifJfJfJfJr lfSflflflflflflflflflflflflfllBlp proper light and uanitntien. New ia the time te settle your fleer problema permanently with this fleer which outlasts the factory. Let our expert Kreolite Factory Fleer Engineers sive you the benefit of their suggestions, without cost or obligation. Call our Philadelphia Offlce, Lecuat 6469. THE JENNISON-WRIGHT COMPANY 1420 Caeitmit Strt, PhlUd.lphU, Pa. , ' j Phenei Locust 6409 Ib dnniMe-itruw tlvcs unanimously approved of the plan and agreed te deposit their stock subject te tbe working out of the details. A committee hns been appointed of American Brass Company stockholders te carry out the detnlls consisting of Chnrles P. Uroeker. Royal Victer, A. II. Larkln. Harris Whlttcmore and C. S. Ullei. The entire working organiza tion of American Brass will be con tinued. TUB TRADER. MARRYING PARSON QUITS Elkton Officials Ask for Proof of the Rev. Mr. Lockerbie's Status Elkton, Md Dec. 10. The Rev. Daniel P. Lockerbie, the clghty-two-year-eld marrying parson of Elkton, has ceased his activities pending his Inves tigation of his status as a minister. State's Atterney Henry A. Wnrburten has requested the former Philndelphian te file his ordination papers with the Clerk of the Cecil County Court. Lock erbie was first ordained in the Presby terian Church, In 1870. lie withdrew from the Philadelphia Presbytery te engage In evangelistic work. In 1001, he says, he became affiliated with the United Saints Regulars, whose head quarters is In 'Chicago. When he came te Elkton he said he waa a Presbyterian, and when the New Castle Presbytery Investigated his otatcment, he repudiated that Church. William T. Warburton, father of the State's Attorney, is counsel for Lock erbie. GIRL HAD A "WIFE" Ethel Kimball, Accused of Larceny, Duped Girl, Bosten Police Say Bosten, Dec. 10. Ethel Kimball, a young woman who, after her nrrest ns "James W. Hathaway," was discov ered te have masqueraded ns a man for two years, was arraigned yesterday charged with attempted larceny of an automobile. Although It had been announced that the chnnge of clothing would be pro vided for her, she appeared wearing n man's hn and overcoat. Her case was continued nnd she wns held In S100O for a hearing next Monday. Police investigation is alleged te have revealed that en rovember 25, posing as Jnmes W. Hathaway, she married Louise .Margaret Aecbtler nnd that they had since lived in lodgings in Allston. Miss Acchtler. nccerdlng te the police, nsserted that until the arrest she had never suspected her corn- panlen was a woman Deaths of a Day WILLIAM M. GARDEN Hat Dealer Succumbs In Hospital After Illness of Several Weeks William Morten Garden, who for many years conducted a hat business at C00 Market street, died Wednesday In the JcfTcrsen Hospital, following nn ill nesi of five weelss. Mr. Garden wns born near Velley Forge, December .10, 1844. He was associated with his father, C. II. Gar den, in the wholesale hat business and was in charge of the local branch of the New Yerk firm. Mr. Garden retired from business twenty years nge. He wns unmarried nnd n member of the Union fnrue. the Mcrien Gelf Club nnd the Bncheler Bnrge Club. His funeral will with interment in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn. MRS. JULIA M. HARRIMAN Widow of Frederick Harrlman Dies at Yonkers Heme Mrs. Julia Mellen Harrlman, clghty- tnrce jenrn inu, iimiijuiyi .u inu iiiu- X. nt.l Jt -l..- .. l. 1.... Themas Mellen, of this city, nnd widow . ..j.,.,. tt i x- i- i. ei rreaeriCK nurriumu, in nre linn, yesterday ,n her home, 81 Park , ftVnepVal scrvfees will take place nt H'ertibawhe&t lws ""de of tetete b II. Uarrman. -'ekC.Ha.iman, a stock broker of :v ,,,,, ;rn,ji.i vtV. Mrs. "William H. Budd, of lenkcrs. Mrs. Pamella MacCaln I Mrs. Pnmclia MacCnin, widow of the Factory Your Factory neceHsary te the medern factory aa vw" awwue. v GENTLEMAN CAT DEAD Buster Drewn, Famous of HU Kind, Reached Age of Twentyone Doylestown, r Dec. 10. Deylea- town Is In mourning because of the death of Duster Brown I The weeping nnd walline happen te be ever the death of none ether than a pet cat, enld te be the eldest In the world. Buster Brown died at the Vic tery Farms Inte Wednesday night and he will be burled In a beautiful casket in n garden of roses. Buster Brown's owner le Mrs. Clem ent II. Congden, of Doylestown. The cat was born in Philadelphia, May 0, 1000, and under the care of his mistress acquired almost uncanny Intelligence. He was essentially a gentleman. He would net cat unless his feed was nerved upon a plate nnd the plate put upon a table. Buster Brown In his prime was enormous in elr.c. His sleek maltcse coat had a silver sheen and experts pronounced him the most beautiful spec imen of the breed. Age, however, lately had tinged his coat with a red dish hue. Humane societies all ever the world hnve photographs of Buster Brown "ine In their headquarters. I NTERCOASTA SEA CARRIERS, INC. Will Dispatch Frem PHILADELPHIA te LOS ANGELES HARBOR, SAN FRANCISCO and SEATTLE SS "WILLIAM A. McKENNEY" December 27 Frem Philtu & Reading R. R Pier ti, North Wharves LAV1NO SHIPPING CO., AGENTS Bullitt Building Lembard 5600 STEAMSHIPS nKgOKTH t WEST INDIES PanMTOt,Se.Amcrlc&Wlndwivrd Isimc?5PSW THE CANADIAN PACIFIC .4 '?AVS offers two Mmarlcable Cruises deLuxe by the pberAd .yA rAWitjm "EMPRESS OF BRITAIN'r. Yv $ S Frem New Yerk Jan. 21t and Feb. 21t P V zZQ L (Panama). La Giiarra (Veritrueta). Part of and La Brea (.Trinidad), Bridgetown (tlarboJei), Fert de France and St. Pierre Tjlf or (t'niiju), Char Char eotte Amalla (St. Tkemai). San Juan (Perte Rica). Nassau (Bahamas), Hamilton (Dtrmuda.) Each CraUa Appointment rqaal finvt tftet 27 Days Luxurious Suites, Cabins with bath, cabins with -,r.. -, toilet, electric fans in every room, spacious decks, Zlfrin nn swimming peel, verandah cafei. special orchestra. JUU,"U rer rates ami run tntormaiten apply te local R. C. CLAYTON. City Passsnfr 020 Chi-Htnilt St.. I'ruledelphla Tl. limharrt 711H CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TrillH irtsti KO rAssrerrf tlQUIXJU) STEAMSHIP NOTICES I i ' LaLA- " I AfssffKaaTJatssssr Jv 'i jtrMHfmfmfmfmfmBfmfmfmfmfmfmfB V iJ-WXw JwJflfMikm - mi hi aM'fj24piBCVvfKnlA .39jfjffBVfffN BLACK DIAMOND LINES Regular Freight Service Te Rotterdam Antwerp Amsterdam S S "WEST INSKIP" U. S. S. B.) Sailing Dec. 24 SS"NEW BRITAIN" Sailing Jan. 14 Fer Ratat and Particular, Apply Geyelin & Company, Inc. pa. A.,nt, 108 Seuth Fourth Street, Philadelphia Lembard S144 Main 7620 WRITE STAR New Yerk Cherbourg Southampton OIAMl'IC , .....le. 10 Dec. Ul ib. IB New Yerk Llterpoel jiAVKitrenu .lire. 10 I1AI.1M cr.Diue Cia.Tic . .Ilrr. in Jan. 14 Frh. IS . .Ilec. X3 Jan. SS Frb. 2.1 .Dec. 31 lb. 1 Mur. 4 MEDITERRANEAN VOYAGES Te Midelrn, Qlliraltar, Alder.. Me. nam Qenea Naples. Athens. Alexandria for Eevnt nnd the Nile. AHAI1IC (17 824 tens). Jan. 21 March 4 AI)KLTIC (24.341 tena). Jan. 7 Feb. 18 riULADEUiUA-i.ivnnroeL NITONLVN Hec. 20 I MKLTONIAN Jan. 1 LHYLAND LINK rhlliidelplila-Mnnehester NITONIAN . Dec. 20 I MJILTUNIAN Jan. 1 Ve Era Star Link Cnll nt Ilnllfnx remmrnclna Jan, 7. ill nut mil at llnlttnx. Nr Yerk, l'L) mouth, Cherbrmrc, Antwerp KIIOONIAND .. Ilre. 17 Jan. 81 Teb. n 7FK1AM1 .... Ilec. 24 Jan. XS 'Mar. 4 FINLAND .. .. Dm. 31 Feb. 4 Slur. 11 LAl'LVND Jen. 7 Feb. II Mar. 18 riULADEIJ.'IlIA.ANTWF.Itr MIOSOIIU Dee. 20 ilFJ.GIAN Dee. ti Mmwmgah Line NEW YOIIK HAMBUnO DANZIO MINM'KMIDA (Ilumburtf) (3d class) Dec.lO SKINJ.DLIA . . tJun. 12 Feb, 23 tAIse culls nt Ilrunsliuttfl nnd Dnnsla. riULADF.LrilU HAMiiune MlSSOtltl Dee. SO ATLANTIC TnANRI'OllT LINK I'HILADF.Ll'IIIA-LONDON BELGIAN . . . Dec. SI IllllrlTOL CITY LINK IMlILADKLrUlA-IllUSTOL NEW YOIIK CITY Dee. SO HOLLAND-AMKHICA LINK IMIILADELl'IlIA-UUrrKUDAM ltEri(l".LllK Dce.Zt (iOKUKDYK Jan. 14 International Mercantile Marine Ce. 120 STEAMERS. 1 HOO.000 TONH riicnKiT (Mice. 1310 Walnut HI.. Phlla. FrflKlit Offlrr. 41W-H4 Ituume llld.. Phlla. Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester, Glasgow U. S. S. B. SS "0PEL1KA" EXPECTED TO SAIL EARLY JANUARY AT GONFEHENCE RATES Harms, MagUI & Ce., Inc. 425 Lafayette Bldg., Philadelphia Lembard MSO-1 Uaiat 7(SU rWa represent all Cruises, ana every eraamsnip Ltne. IrirOBMATlOH CllMLWUUY rthtMIIIUO tTLETT TOURS CO.. a. 13 J? OTiUiliT, PJC WILL DEBATE ON SCHOOL Publle Meeting In Haddenfleld Will Thresh Out Question Haddenfleld, N. J Dec. 10. The new high-school Issue has beceme se Important here nnd the need of n mod ern high school appears te be' of such vital Interest that the Civic Association will have n public meeting in Artisans' Hall tonight and debate en "Ilcselvcd, That Haddenfleld uheuld construct at once, a modern high-school building, suitable te its needs, and that the neces sary bend issue therefer should be autherised." Twe women nnd two men will be en the debating sides. They nre Miss Vir ginia Whltccnr nnd William O. Mar shall, who will debate the affirmative, and Mrs. Walter 8. Cox nnd James T. Carey, the negative. Bedy of Jeseph Falrlamb Arrives The body of Jeseph Fnlrlarnb. bcv cnty-thrce years old, who died Sunday In Flerida after being knocked down by n bicycle, arrived at his home In Glen olden today. Mr. Falrlamb had gene te Flerida a few weeks age. He al ways spent the winter there. Mr. Fair lamb had been postmaster nnd station agent for the Pennsylvania Rnilread at Glcneldcn for forty years. He retired several years age. Funeral services will take place tomorrow from his home en Chester pike. L BTKAMSHIP1 nrannTS 'Vsfi1 Seiin Stfsmsr ta the Tropics W etftnit tr Agent STEAMSHIP NOTirES ewlfbrk te Seuth America onlLS.QevzrnmentShips Fastest Time te Rie da Janeiro, Montevideo and Daanea Aires. Finest ships- American s ertlce American feed American comforts. Sail Inn from Pier 8, Hoboken. S.S. Huren Dec. 22 S.S. American Legien.. .Jan. S S.S. Southern Croaa Jan. 10 S.S. Aeelua . Feb. 2 Fer descriptive booklet, address Munson SteamshipLines 07 Wall St., New Yerk Clt) Philadelphia, Offlr., Drexrl Dldgr. LU- S. SHIPPING BOARDj KERR LINES Sailings from Philadelphia FOR HAMBURG SS "CORSON" (U.S.S.B.) Leading Sailing Dec 16 Hudsen Shipping Ce., Inc. Agents LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. Bell Telephone . 11) sums Telephone Lembard 02844 Mule 8180 COKVHVIERCIAL' w STEAMSHIP LINES " PHILADELPHIA te CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST LONDONDERRY, SLIGO 8 8 "Eastern Dreeze"...DCc 27 Copenhagen, IlelainKfers, Danzis, Aarhus and Korseer 3 S "Conejoa" Leadln? Moere and McCermaek, Inc. E.W.STRtNGFIELp, ihlla. Mrr. S BOURSE BLDfj-PHlLA. , .Leal, WW. Mala 7513. rxB tfS ifhW TM t)e i in Mill !! r TEAM8llir NOTICES. TrV NEW YORK te EUROPE onlL&QeverttmentSlups Sailings from Piers 1 nnd 4, Hoboken 2 e Plymouth Chtrbearg Dumtn America Jail. 3 Feb. 4 Gte. WsiBjoften Jub. 17 Te Plymcalh Boalegn tendon Panlianille State Dc.27 Jan. 31 Centennial Stale Jan. 17 Fe. 14 Te Brtmin Datulg Potomac Dec. 31 Fab. 11 T Brtmtn HnJien Jn. 14 Fab.25 Princen Mateika ....Jan. 28 Mar. 4 Uniffd States Line Moere & McCermaek Ce., Ine. noesereltSteamihipCo., Inc. United American Lines, Inc. Managing Optratorifer U. S. SHIPPING BOARD Fer Booklet Addrttt U. B, IAntt 48 Broadway, Nfw Tetl; BALTIMORE LINE PHILADELPHIA Direct te GLASGOW S S "HOXIE". . .Sailing Jan. 19 Hudsen Shipping Company, Inc. I.AFAYETTE 11UILDINO rillLADELPUIA, PA. Lembard 0204-8 Main S166 Aganta for BALTIMORE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Inc. 3eatijs BLEND. Suddenly. Dee. 18, 9. A. F.LEND. Friends Invited te funeral services, Sat., 3 P. M.. at 0801 Qermantewn ae BORMUT1L Dpe. 14, 1021. LORErTZ. htsband of lata Louisa Qermuth, aved 03. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend tuneral, 8un.. 1:80 P. M., residence. N. W eer. C9th and Catharine ets. Int. Hillside Cem. Viewing Sat eve. RRENNAN. Dee. 14, BRIDGET, widow of Michael Brennan. Relatives and friends Invited te funeral Sat.. 8:80 A. M.. lata residence, 1187 Moere at. Solemn requiem mass Annunciation Church 10 A. M. Int. Old Cathedral Cem. BREWER. Dee. IS. nuriilenly. at her rest dence, Qermantewn, BERTHA COOPER, wife ei ine iate l'aul c, jrrewer. Funeral serv ices at St. Peter's P. E. Church, Wayne ave. and Harvey at., dermantewn, Frt., 10:30 A. M. Int. private. CALDERONL Dee. 18, MIRIAM, daugh ter of Arthur and Emma Calderenl (nee Lou Leu Lou eon) aired 4. Relatives and friends are In Mted te attend ufneral, Men.. at 0 A. M.. tvirenta' residence, 223S S. Hemberger at. Angel mass at St. Edmend's Church 10 A. M. precisely. Int. Hely Crois Cem. CA1UI. Dec. IS. 1B21. CORNELIA F., wife of Jeseph II. Carr. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend the funeral services. Sat., 2 P. M., at her late resi dence. 2120 N. Lawrence st. Int. Qreen Qreen meunt Cem, Remains may be viewed Frl.. 7 te P. M. CAVANAUOIL Dec. 13. 1921, CATH ARINE a., wife of Terrance P. Cavanautn. Relatives and friends, also Ladles of Mac cabee, are Invited te attend funeral. Hat.. 8.80 A. it., .from her iate residence. 073S Leeds at. Solemn requiem mass at Church of Our Lady of Leurdca 10 A. M. Int. Hely Crexn Cem CHALMERS. Dee. ID, GEORGE, husband of Jennie Chalmers, llilatlvea and frle.ldf, n'ne 87th Ward Republican League. Invited te attend funeral nervlcea, at hit late real dence, 1010 W. Indiana ave.. Men., 2 P. II. Int. NwhweSd Cem. Ftlenda may call Sun. eve. CHAPMAN. Near Newtown, Pa.. Dee. 15. 1021. KATE ONITA CHAPMAN, wife it Edward H. Chapman, aged 88. Relatives raid filfrCd are invited tn attend funeral, from icslilencs of her een-ln-Iaw, Herace R. Lan nlng. BIO Art ur St.. Fer Chase, Sun., 2 P. M. Int. Terest Hill Cem. CI.YMEK. On Dee. 14. 1821. ALICE E lfe of Jehn II. Clymer. Relatives and friends are Invited tn t e services, en flatur- fay otterneon. at 2 e clock, at tne Oliver ii. Pair Bldg., 1820 Chestnut st. Interment Itlvate CRAIO. Dec. 14, 1021. ROBERT CRAIO, aged 67. Funeral eervlres SsL, 2 P. M., undertaker's office, 2880 Mascher st. Int. private. CROSS. On Dm. 14. 1021. JAMES 8., husband of Ettle Cress. Relatives and friends, also Pest Ne. 77. O. A. R.. ara invited te the services, en Saturday after neon, at 2 o'clock, at his late residence. 1230 w. Frazlnr et. inlerment private. CROTHKR3. Dee. IB. WILLIAM H ntOTHKRH. Funeral Mrvlcea Men.. 2 P. M.. 280 N. B8d it. Int. private. . Friends call Sun evening, from 8 te 10 o'clock. I DONAHUE. Dee. 14, SARAH ANN, I daughter of the late Jehn and Rese Dena hue. Relatives and friends, also u, v. M. Beaauty and fiacred Heart anciety. are in lted te attend funeral. Sat., 0 A. M., from the resldenee of William Hlltman. Jr., 2020 Rewan at. Solemn high mast et requiem St. Stephen1 n Church 10 A. M. Int. New Ca thedral Cem DOUOHERTT. Dee 14. JAMES, husband of Katliryn Dougherty (nee Hertenstlne), Relumes nnd friends are Invited te attend funeral. Men., IP, M . Iste residence. 2182 N. 0th et. Int. Riverside Cam , Norrtstewn Pa Friends may call Sun.. 8 te 10 F. M. w DOYLE. Dec. IB. LAWnENCE V.. son of Mary and the late Lawrence V. Deyle, In his 17th venr Relatives nnd friends ere Invited te attend funeral. Men,. 8:80 A. M.. from his mother's residence, 248 W. Coulter st Qermantewn. Solemn requiem mass at St Vincent de Paul's Chureh 10 A. M. Int. New Cathedral IJURWACIITER. Dee. 14, 1021. JACOR DURWACHTER. aged 80. Relative. T and friends also Cannstatter Velitsfest Vereln, hre Invited te attend funeral Sun., I l M. from his late residence. 117 W. Qale at Olney. Int. Ml. Peace Cem ENOLE. At Mentclalr. N. 3.. Dee. 18. CMILY S.. wife of Frederick Engle helii lles i and friends Invited te funeral services, tin Friday, at 2 P. M at the resldenee et her sister. 1810 Sprlrg Garden. Interment prlxats Pieaen emit flowers. ENN1S. Dee. 12. DOROTHY, daughter of the lute Jnn'es and Mitllcla Ennls, aged 14, Siirvlces Frl., 8 P. M., residence, 2008 H. Llpplncett at. Int, Sat., Linden, Rosedale, 'fa'irlAMII. At Miami. Fla.. Dee. 11. I1'e0HHBP?1 " J-AmLAMB.' ntlatlVM and friends Invited te attend rcrvlcee en ?-?!,uy't 2,i' MV. Rt Hi" Congregatiena Uiurch, aianelden. Pa. Remains may be viewed en IYlday etnfng, at his late resi dence, 43S S Chester pike. Int, Olenelden, lZvn l and f ." "'nnery (nee Bcan Cf.'ii .at'"1..a'n,,I,lv.',ni1 "lends are In vlted te attend funeral, Bat.,,2 P. M real ?,.n.15; Jackfenvllla rd. and Monument ave.. Ulrf?.' r ,jnt. Hely Sepulchra Cem. lORD At Hamburg, Pa., Dee 18 1021 iTn..F1,A,NSi' gloved Kjbina of Ann FeVd fH.V.Suer) &l 85' . Relatives snd friends, also members of the Meese Ledge. Ne. 84, and Court Fafrmeunt. Ne. 41 F S,A,i 15 jnv',ed te attend funeral. Hat 8.30 A M . fiem late residence, 2418 Seybert f,,.k.,,9lVld"m nass at 10 A. M. at St Hllta Cem Church. Int. private. Hely Cress OARDBN, On Dee. 14, 1021, WILLIAM MORTON, son of the late ''Christopher Hnry and Hunnah U Garden. Relatives and friends erj Invlted te the services ea Sat urday afternoon, st 2.J0 o'clock.' at th plhar II Balr Bldg . 1820 Che.tmu ft! Inln ment private, GEORGE. Suddenly. Dee. B. LENA. daughter at Charlesand Anna aeergeTFu. v.,,'IfeefroVr?n?d8CthurehI, M" 'lt th9 &&. h,?R.Ae??!sV;.-art Je!' GVa'rnU?:' T,"H?,v',"!!:-U'v.rbrHj. ! Dr. Wlii.am &&?& h.?'8 ?h' STrKl Imral earvlcns at Orace-St. Peter-; .,.? Haltlme-re, Md., Bat., a P. M. Omit new- ""UTKOWBKI -Dec. 14 ANNIE, wife rf the lata Jehn Outkewskl. Relatives and f. lends lnvllt.1 te funeral services. Ba". 1 80 P. M lesldence et son-in-law, August b. herarhlng, 222J K. Cambria it. Int. rl vate. Ftirreat Hills Cem. Viewing Frl HANSON.-,at hr resldene,. llamMten Court, en De. 10, 1021. ANNH JONKH HANSON, daughter of the lats HeiijarrMn F and Mary Adllne Hansen Netice of funerai Ha'rRIBOK. On December 14. inn GEORGE II. HARRISON, husband of Clara F. Harrison Rslatlves and frl.nds are in. vlted te the atrvlce, en Men.. 10 A xT at, hie residence. 8810 Woodland ave In' SewJr':: at PoU"ewn' ' lndiy' emli IIAU'SCHILD Dec. 18. ANNA S . wliJnw of William Hnutchtld, aged 83? Relative end frlends Invited te funeral strvlcis ft.i .,t.,ttS2h07s"T,fl":.r.-:i: VlKwInir Wrl lv.. " "' """ ffir" HEINF.CKB. De, 14, EMMA n. wlf. Orstav Vf. Helnecke (nis Btraub), aaiid ll' lUlatlvM and .friends, alie Nerti P. Council. Nt. 18f, P. el : L," 'i , ,J" t4 luteal, Hat., 2 ?, it, re &i 1 u -"S DKATTlrl tettdenee, B84 W. WeitmereUnd l t- kTi private, Hllle"de Cem. Remains mas- Tl 11 tlewed Frl.. afetr 7 P. M. mkr :d iibmdrii;kjj auadeniy, Dee. 14. iB 1 EMMf L. daughter of the late Oarrett ! and Mary M. Hendrleks. aged 47. llelailvf.'.rl,CT and frtends ara Invited ta eii.nH rV.SY! .....I - a.... . T r .. ... .Uliersl 4.S P-IV.V. 0U. A , tf, i DI, IjUUe'a t- '3 formed Chureh, North Wales, Ta. int iiViT" t side Cem. suu t. HE8BET, At newlandsville, Md.. D. . .1 i SARAH B widow of Henry Haye, uSlll' 'l. Relatives and friends Invlted te r,..!.i: '"T ' Ices, nt St. SUphen'a P. E. Church R.JiI" J vllle, Md.. Frl.f at 1 P. M. Int. t 'V ,t EtephenVa P. E Cem. Remain. m,r "k. vlewed Thurs. Conveyances will meet if. iSJ .; leaving rnua. at iv.vi A, M. .rrlvln ... 'J Mlddletewn, Md.. 11:20 A. M. ar',v'n at' . JZ5S:K- ZZ.ZZ JAJSUPn 1 JIAN HOBENSACK Relatives and f flYafc 1 2 invited t attend funeral services. Frt, WJj J tJ . 1Ann T.HII....K rtCT.'. "j!. SO MAN HOBENSACK Relatives and frltftr P. M.. at Zlen Lutheran Church. Wh.i. marsh. Int. adjoining grounds, wmu ; iirSh. Int. adjoining eund,:"'" Wmu M HOFFNK'R. Dee. 14. WALTEn. hush M t Qertrude Heffner aged 81. Funeral n!?4 1 PunaraTalr. f 3 .f fmm m fnta. rtiManju st..' Camden. N. J. Int. Nerti, lrZjL ".!!.h Cm. Friends mair call Frl. ev r Ul HOOELAND. Suddenly, Dec, B, II. VOOn II HE-ES. husband of Blanche M. ilbgelanT 3t trs.naral rvlre Bl.. n 4r ""Nana, i I Churchvllle Reformed Church." -' ,h . 1 HOWELL. Dec. 14, 1021, WILLtJ ., I HQWELU Funeral Frl.. 2 P. if.. ffemtiS fllA Xtnn'm Haiti.. SlWh nnrf tt.7.J .fm the t HUOHEfl. In We.t Chester. at ! r..t- I dence of nebert C. Hemphill, Maple .JI tl HBNnY D. HUGHES. Sorvlee. and Inul' -1 ;1 ment private at Old St. Davids CwniteSJ" ' l JONES. Dec. lit, J. DAVIS JONES 1006 N. 18th at., husband of tjii.2' 2' Brown. Funeral servlcea Frl., a r f' at Armstrong's. 1027-20 N. BroaeT L' in,' pr.vte. . Inu (nw O'Brlen), widow of Jeseph Judge D,2 .1 net:; of funeral will b given, from he i ion . rl in-law', residence, 718 N. H-inneny.rV en ' 'I KARPF. Dec. 14. REBECCA. il3- .. 'I juinjui. June, iu, AiuiAKET Jtmnn fYTtrliMO. widow of .Tn.nh t.iy" Samuel Karpf. Relatives and frlsnds ..i ll invited te attend .funeral. Frl.. 2 p. m nr.! Sl clsely, from residence of her son. n,.M Karpf, 2308 N. 22d t. Int. private M, CarmAt Cem. triTT.T.T n.A If loe, CHARLES 3. Sr.. beloved hueband of Mar Kelly (nee A M. nrAOlRAlV. int. HOlV HAnii rhna rl KINO.Dec. IB. CATrtEllfNE. wldow'ef Jehn J. ICInff. Funeral kervtces Hat., rip M aflnla raalilani IRQ in nVi1! i.'.l X'm "Airy, int." "prlYrtSr" "' """ u.BWM,-euaaeniy, uea. e EMMA C. daughter of Themas J. and Maria C ieeaem. "unerai services nat.. 2 P. t n, th Churchvllle Reformed Church. l LEWIS. On Dec. 13. 1921. T.fiTrm . widow of William Lewis. Services en Batl urday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at her reil. dence. 20 Church St., Prlmes, Pa. Inter, ment private1. LITCHFIELD. Dec. IS, 1021. HKNnr NATHAN, M. D.. husband nf Bessie Gray, son Litchfield. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend funeral services, Men . 2:80 i'. M., iate residence, soe S. 4th st. Darby, Pa. Int, private. MacCAlN Dee. 14. 1021. PAMRT.TA a widow of James Penn MacCaln. In her 77th w year. Funeral services Sat., 1 P. m at her late residence, 2012 Columbia ave. Int, nrlvate. MacDONALD. On Dee. IB, 1021. SARAH 'l E., wife of DaId u. MacDonald. SerMre, en flinnaav atternnen, at a o'clock, at lier slater's rosldenc. 430S Ludlow st. MAYER. .In Trenten. N. J., nn T)n n Mrs. JIARTHA W. MAYER, aged 81. ftelal lives ana i nanus invitea te services, en Sat urday, at 10:30 A. M., at her late residence. B0 W, Pearl at., Brldgeten. Nt J. Inter, ment private, Bread St. Cemetery. McCLOSKEY. Dec. 18. MARY A., wife of Bernard McCleskey. Relatives ant ' friends Invited te attend the funeral. Sat , 8:30 A. M.. from her late residence. 784 8, 18th et. Solemn mass of requiem at St. Theresa's Church at 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cres Cem. MELLON. Dee. 14, ELIZABETH, widow of Jnmes P. Mellen. Relatives and friend are Invited te attend funeral services. Sat., 8 P. M.. residence et grandson. James A, Mellen, 1223 Fillmore at.. Frankford. Int. private. Friends mav call Frl. eve. MENKEN. Dee. IB. 1021. CORNELIA R., vldew of Jules A. Menken. Viewing at 21 Lenex avs , New Yerk City, MERCER. At Delance. N. J.. Oat. 14, JAMES MERCER. In his 08th ear. Funerai services Sat . 2 P. M., at the resldencs of his cousin, Mrs. A. I. Barries, Union ave., nssr 8d rt.. Delance, N. J. Int. Monument Cera. Beverly. N. J. i METZOER Dec. 18. ANDREW IL, hu. band of Cerdelia A. Metsg.tr. aged 70. Rela tives and frnds are Invited te attend fu . neral services. Men . 2 P. M at his 1st resldenee, 882 N. Frazler at. Int. private. Remains may be viewed Svn. eve. .MILLER, At Mtent Alte. Pa., Dee. It, WILLIAM FRANCIS, eon of Ida L. Knatw and the late William Francis Miller, aged 27. Relatives and friends, also Benjamin Franklin Pest. Ne. 40B. A. L., are tnvlttd te attend funeral services Sat., 1:30 P. Jt.. residence. 212 E. Mt. Pleasant ave.. Ml. Airy, Phlla Interment Ferrest .11111 Ceraei tery. Friends may call Friday evening, MILLER. Dec. 18. SAMUEL C. tiuibsnJ of Bertha U. Miller. In hla 02d year. Rela tives and friends are Invited te funeral services, Sun., 2 P. M., from his late rest, dence, near Jarrettown, Pa. Int. Rese Hill . Cem. Take 1:02 P. M. train from Reading Terminal te Fert Washington. , MI.NTZER. Suddenly. Dec. 13, 1021. at her brother-in-law's residence. Frederlelc Hermann. Ji-0 Elmwood ave.. Narberth, Pa., MARY D daughter et late David and Lydla , A. Mlntzar. Relatives and friends Invlted te attend funeral services, Sat., l.'IO P. M., at the parlors et C. A. Qulnby & Sen, 1148 N. -20th m. Int. Evergreen Cem. MOORE. Killed In nrtlen. Meuse. Ar Ar genne. France. Sept, 28, 1018, Mechanle THOMAS MOORE. Ce. D, 316th Inf.. eon et Edward and Isabella Moero, ferrrerly of 2227 Earp St.. Phlla.. Pa. Relatives and filends, also Tntem Shields Fent, Ne. 17, A. L.i Captain Geerge Butcher. Ne. 703. V. of F. W., nnd .te n P. Onrland Pest, Ne. 100. A. L., nre Invited te funeral eervlres. Bun.. 1 P. M. prc'liely, at his parents" residence 18 W. Stiles nsc, Colllngswecd, N. J. Int, Mt. Peace Cem., Phlla MOYER. Dec. 14. ALDA M.. .laughter of Atraham C, and late Anna W. Meyer, rest dene 2780 N. 20th st. Friends may view remains Frl., 7 te 0 P. M. Int. Bloemlnr Olen. tn. MUT1L Suddenly, Dec. 19, LEROY ED WARD, eon of Charles and Gertrude Mutb. (nee Bethe). aged 0. Relatives and frl'ndi nre invitea te ajtend tuneral service. Fri day, 2 P. M.. at hla parents' residence. 022 N. Sixty-fourth st Interment Mt. Ver Ver eon Cemetery. Friends may cnll Thursday after 8 P. M. NORRIS. Dec. 14. 1021. WILLIAM, tm et late Henry Latimer and Elisabeth Cub ing Nerrli. Funeral services at St. Paul's Church. Chestnut Hill. Sat., 11 A. M. Int. at Baltimore. Md. NORTON. On Dec. 13. 1021, GENE VIEVE D . beloved wife of Jnmes J. Norten nnd daughter of Mary and the late Richard McCleskey. Funeral Sat.. 7:30 A. M.. real dence. 81 N. Dearborn at. 8elemn requiem mass Our Mether of Sorrows Church 0 A, M. Int. Mt. Carmel Cem., Moorestown. N. J. ,, Relatives and friends invited. ., O'DONNELL. Dee. 18, KATHLEEN, daughter of William J, end Ca'hsrlne O'Denn-ll 'nee Dutlll). Relatives snd frler.de, also chlld.-en of Nativity Parochial Scheel, Invited te funeral. Sat.. K 80 A. M from her parents' residence, 8232 Memphis at. Solemn requlem mass at Church of Nativity 10 A. M Int. New Cathedral Cem. O'KANE. Dec. IB. ELLEN, wife of Wil liam O'Kane (no Beland). of Ballyhefef. County Denegnl, Ireland, Funeral Sat , ":S0 A. M. from husband's realdence, 2114 Kin" ball st. Solemn requiem mass at St. Aa- J theny-a Church 10 A. M. Int. nt Hely Creat Cem . OLDKIELD. Dee 18. LAURA HILDA, wife of William J. Oldfleld Jr.. and daurt ter of Ou-tave and Mary Methec. age".?': Funeral services Sat,. 2 P. M. 3478 RMW ave., nlieve Huntingdon et. Int. Northweoa Cem. Frlnrts mav cnll Frl. eve. . ,.., PAHSMOlin Twelfth Menth 18th. lO'I, LYDIA ANNA PABSMORH. Relatives and frlends are Invited te miet at her late horns, 8100 Greene st.. Germantewn, en Sixth ear, 10th. 2-30 P. M. Interment private . PHILLIPS. Suddenly, Dee. 13. 1S'' WILLIAM P.. eon et Mary and the lste Jen Phillips, ared 24 years. Funeral Bat.. ' , A. M . residence, 880 H. 4Tth st, Seltnin te- qulem mas Our Mether of Berrows vnni; ii ai n ..".-. .!; ,. Helfctlvaj and friendi, X. n. R. Haltaf Alie, .u j. u. .1... r.ii.T i.ni.. i.t.i.1 invite te attend rt4rv,--ruuiiPiijr. till aviru nw . W. L. nANKlN. Due notice of th? fun"' will he given, from the residence or mr -ter. Mrs. Margaret W. L. Smith, 727 22d st. ..r REILLT. On Dee. 18. lMl....0!!! ERINB, wife of the late Owen Rellly. w merly of nS8t Warren nt. Funeral en Bat unlay morning, at 8:80 o'elock, from nm late residence 2048 B. fllst st. Pe'eWJ requiem mass at Bt. Barnabas' Churrh. and Bulst nv., at 10 o'clock. InUrment Hely Cress Ceiratery. . T,t.,ftr a ,,w r ,J UfATITlN RKU" KAUF. Relatives and friends, and employ" of H. II. Bnyeraderfer A Ce.. invited te a tend funeral services, Bun.. 2 P. M "" aance neia jm, urnaa at. im. pnm. m RHOADS. Suddenly, Dee. B, NORHMJ E son of J. Maurice and the late Mays F. Rhesds. Funsral servlees Sat., 2 P. at ths Churchvllle Reformed Chureh. .. R.IOHARD3 On Dee 14. 1021. CILMV I.OTTE LA LANDB. widow of Allan Ws' Inaten Rie nrds. Relatives and trirtrta ff Invited te the services, en Saturday alien neon, at 2 o'clock, at her lats realdMi B22 W. Hertter st., asrmantewn. leHf ment private. , .. j RILEY On Dea 14. 1021, EVA.. !'' Frank Riley. Services en Saturday aft!? neon, at 2 o'clock, nt hr late residence, - N. B2d st Interment private. Friends ma, call Friday evening, UNDERTAKERS !4 HOURS' BERVlCtt en cleaning or il garuiwa.4 i or meurnici ter nieurnlDg. . J.G. PATfON f.m D CLsUn VBAVWUM w y.K.i iL.r.i.iian.11 iieiaTivaa nni ,...,. societies of which h wa a member, ara in. vlted te attand funeral, flat,. 8:80 A. M from hi. late residence, 2842 Mutte, .,' Solemn reaulem mass Visitation r-h..L 'A nn user nfim"""",. yi 11 ' ' ' i fl -I I him-. - - .4! jAt X w ffPfJfrVVlTvfPp KIIwB&yfi . , . irt.iv.lr-.' ', t .1 ,., ?..'' .Ltf ,