,w , Wr-r SULLIVAN ADDED TO PENH'S Receives Coveted Insignia 1 . ., . fi r .... if .. m roewaii, easeuau ana Basketball Council Elects Today PEIOC lias the tmme of another uth ti? te plnce en the pnrchment of rft, jimt worn thp Jlc'l and Blue. Geerge ("Danny") Kullivnn. of Cort Cert Iind N. V.. I" the Intent ndditlen te v. it tlml contains tlc fnmeiiH nil round fctnrs of the IVvert-lty in ntli- 'hi's nfternoen thr' Athletic Council m nies en the rccoyimendntlen of thi ration I'eininlltpp Ihnt Hulltwin lie ISrl Mindly "V" for football. This wilt mean that Sullivan will (jet jli third lei ter In in ninny major ,ptr-.I rnnr ni n member of the bafe. I tell mid basketball teams Sullivan re. I Mil u '' i ..1,1. 1, -.-Ml-.,.. ... ilinla he deserves the rljht te mnfc .ith Mieh great nthlctei as Heward nirrr Dannv McNicliel. Mlke Derians ind ethers of bygone days who reaped llcry for Pennsylvania. few athletes In the long history tif thr Unh-emitv of Pennsylvania hare wen four letters in nt many inerts and net manv mere hove u,n honored irith three letter. A member of the Thayer family, long famed in athletic history,, it one of the very few te held the unique distinction nf lewa pro ficient in four sports. Sullivan, the latest addition te the milt of sreat, came te the Univer sity in the fall of 10in nml tried out for the freshman baseball and basket ball teams, which he made. The fellow- In. year, nitllOIIRIl in- ami netcr inujvii the cridiren sport, Sullivan wns nrtcd (e report for the team nnd try for n win? pnt't' He Coined experience rap idlj. nnd. although he Haw action in ,,c,cral Rninv, did net receive his letter. On naskelhall Team Afterthe gridiron Renten Hesed Sully reported for basketball, and made a mat fisht for a place en the varsity 7C. which wen the intercnllpslntr tbampienshlp. lie wis selected us the first suard substitute, nnd as hucIi Dieted in a number of game", RiiuVli'Mt te earn him his letter. In baseball, in thiel he excels, Sullivan plnycd thiid imdtecend base uests, nml distlnguhlu-d Mm6elf In both. A lame back Kept him Inactive a great part of last spring, but when he did play he proved the conten tion of Dr. "Walter f'arie.s, the conch, that he had mere natural nbillty than I tiMi.il among college nhiypi. Sullivan refuses te admit the fact, but It Is stated that lust spring he re ceived several flattering egers from big league teams and from high-class miner league aggregations te report for a try out at the close of the season. A desire te continue his schooling forced him te turn a deaf car te all the proposals. May Be Regular In 10U3 Next fall, with CJrave graduated, Sullivan expects te win the pest as a regular pairing with Carl Ertrcssvang. At present Sullivan is plnylng a fcubtl fcubtl tute guard pest en the varsity quintet. In the spring Iip will again report for bueball, and before he graduatct. next June should ram the distinction of having twice bring awarded letters in three major sports. According te acting graduate man ager of athletics, Uiibhnell, the council ou athletics this afternoon will net act en the question of Ileisman's leaving the University despite reports that the olurent and ether lrnvc been demanding Itlie pcnlp of the coach of the pnst two season. "Se far (ii the Council en Ath- LAST 4 FOR Manufacturer's OUTLET SALE COST and LESS But we have a fine selection for all Come Early!! THE CHOICE OF 2000 Men's COAT UITS $14-75 Ukterettes Plaid Backs $22'75 Every Style all sizes all patterns Remember! Only Four Days Mere 115 All-Weel Suits at $12.7.5 fW AND 516 Qtestnttt S1 OPEN SATimDAY EVENING TILL 9 P. M. lUIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIII HERO LIST h aaaaaawv c&''?ggflBgigggflgH SZr)?& 'DANNX" SULLIVAN" letlci is concerned,1' said 'JJuthncll rn't morning, "Mr, Hclsman has one mere peaf te his contract. Ileyend remarking that hr received a preposition from the I nh'crsitn of Cincinnati, he has neither said nor done anything te suggest that hr contemplates any change in hti iclotiens tcith Pennsylvania." It is known Unit ceveral prominent grnduntes of the University connected emVlnlly with the Alumni Association nru demanding that lleUman be glcn his release Ne mention lins been made of nny ether eench. but thev are -aid ' te be dimmtltdlcd with the showing of t'cnn during the Inst two season and nre demnnditiB that n coach be secured who can turn out n winning team. Ne member of the Athletic Council can spenk for publication, but It Is ru mored thnt several nre of nn epnu mind en the Hclsnuin quetlen and that If any requesl comes front the former Georgia Tech tutor that he be relieved of his contract it will be granted speedily. ' Hclsman te Return Today Hebmnn wns in Pittsburgh Inst night iiiiiiii if tit? in i uteuillll UlfM IHKIIl sinking at nn nlumni gathering nnd Is expected te nrvivc here iconic time thi afternoon in tlme for the meeting of thoAthlctieCouncll. Wliut he will liave te say will probably clear up the sit uation. He has stated mere than once that he i-i net n contract-breaker nnd thnt se far as he Is concerned h" will be nt the University next fall. Hcisinnn has made great plans for spring piactice and for the awakening of the student inter est in the sport and leeks forward te a better tcajn nest fall. This nftemoen's meeting is one of the most Important since Folwell was given his rclense. The schedule, se much u matter of doubt, will probably be nnneunccd. while the question of the coaching staff will probably be talked ever. The baseball schedule, which t expected te include a Western trip, will also probably be Issued for publication. Paul Thompson wns yestcrdnv elected president of the Athletic Association at the first meeting of the new Beard of Directors, lie succeeds II. Luussat Geyelfn, who died en July 4 last. Themas Reuth was elected ice presi dent, Sydney Thayer was re-elected secretary and U. It. Bushnell treasurer. J. M. Slicedy nnd Geergi" Wagener were elected te be the student members of the beard, succeeding Paul Pnttnn nnd Jinnee A. Mucin tesh. II. H. Hovde, editor of the Penns) luuilnu, js the third student member. DAYS $1 7.75 Stere Orders Accepted f'ftwl TslMm I ER Pitt Tuter Has Had Conference With Red and Blue Foot ball Officials NOW TAKING VACATION I'lttshurgh, Dec. 15. In the woke of the rumor that Jeck Sutherland, former I'itt guard, would be' head coach of the Panthers next season comes the renert that Glenn Warner "lay RtlCCP0rI .Tnlin V. TTlon.e.. nn 1,. tutor of football at the University of Pennsylvania. Th pre can be no doubt concerning the truth of the talk that there Is it movement en feet nt Pittsburgh te oust VUrner. It was started during 15 p, gridiron .season after the defeat b ISPbrnska. It jralne.i in impetus with tne mishlngten nnd Jeffersen reersp and increased after Wnrn'cr's tnlk nt the banqu't te the squad, in which be ndmltted that he hed been lax in his training methods this season. Warner's Frlenda Numerous The supporters of the nnti -Warner campniftn are emphatic in their asser tions that the famous coach will be dropped. But the long string of triumphs that he Iihh given Pittsburgh has net gene for naught, and Pep still Imj strong and Influential friends. WnrnerV contract still bns two years te run, nnd pe effort will be made te break It. However, If he consents In lent-, it is wild that tin will be paid in full for; the remaining season. tt In understood that virtually the snnie condition OwlstM nt the University of Pennsylvania. Alumni here have heard that there is an effort nt Pcnn te unseat lielsmnn. who wns here last night speaking te Red nnd Blue grnd- tiate, Heisman's contract calls for one mere year, but he hnn had nn offer of $10,000 te conch the University of Cincinnati squad. PemMVariier Confereneo It is said here that Warner Iuin been in conference with Pcnn official. Warner is spending n vacation new in New Yerk State. The Pitt ceacb is n Cernell graduate and this is one (.tumbling block In th. path which leads toward Pennsyhnntu It is tradltienul nt the niiindeipnin in , -......-. . -- , Jtltutleu te hnve tlie coach of the feet ball team a member of the nlumni. An effort is being made by Penn men it hi snld, te have, n neu-Pcnn conch n tutor of the Red nnd Blue, but whetbe or net this plan will go through Is preb leniatical. One graduate here from Ben Frank Jin's university states that .1 nen-Pcnn sylvnnia conch Is the answer te th football sltuutien in Philadelphia. CIGARS SELLING OUT UNDER COST All Popular Brands Lord Salisbury, 3 pkgs., 32c Turkish Trophies, 200 for $1.50 Bargains in Christmas Gifts BEN FRANKLIN 1024 CHIZSTNUT- RUMORED WARN MAY COACH PENN WILLIAM He WANAMAKER uii&zsa tva?Yi The Aristocrats of Overcoats Are Our Worumbes $65 $75 $85 A lady and gentle man stepped at our East window the ether day and saw these won derful worembo fabrics (with plaid backs) in chinchilla weave en display. "That's the most beautiful overcoat I've ,ever seen," she said. A few minutes later the gentleman was the owner of one. Overcoats like these were selling last Christmas for $115 and $125. $2 te $5 Neckties Reduced for Xmas $1.65 This selves the Christmas problem for these who wish te give a man a fine scarf with out the outlay of a great deal of money. W. PHILA. PLAYS CENTRAL IN LEAGUE GAME TODAY Eleven Other Contests Are en Scho lastic Court Schedule West Philadelphia High Is n slight favorite In the Intcrsehelnstlc Basket ball League game with Central High llgl i It j this afternoon. The Spcedheys' ability te ceme from behind with n whirlwind attack should give them the victory. It is doubtful If many people will be nble te witness teduy w game. The West Philadelphia track above the gym nasium has been condemned, and no ene will be allowed te witiips the game from this point of vantage. It Is rumored that nfter today all of West Phllade'phla'H biiiiips will be played In the West Urnnelf Y. M. C. A. Germnntewn High will meet Its old rival, Prankford High, en the lattei's ! HARTMANN'S SPECIALS 1 BiH. f Ne. 157Lienel Electric Trains, 6M & aemapherea, Stations, Tunnels, 8wHchen, Brldffes. Extm. Sections or lrncnn ana j ranBiermern, XHAS TREE Electric Light $9 Outfits Fer Battiriti Cerrtnt Onlfiti 8 Lamps $2.50 All .quipped with lenr .IIU cord ra. wnii na itrn Dulba jff yfjUgffiVf (HtfjfSr52 Special 75c' Trick Aute Stem winding tlees funny trlekn while running Juct recntv eil dIk let that must tic sacrificed ter Xmas pa unit. POST. IOp extra 30 DAY CLOCK WIND ONCE A MONTH Highly ornamental. A splendid Christmn Gift, at Rtgiiliir Sin.ne hIiip. Mm'lfd umbrr Punching Bags, Special, Repainted Gelf B.IU, $ Uoten .73 22 CALIBER xzzsS&i&vS1"" ParcM Poil, Adjustable rear eluht. Sheets t2 ?5P .ExJr fcbert. Jeng, and long rin cBrtrlden. Daisy Pump Gun Air Rifle Shet (Tube) Foetballa, fine, quality J Skate Grinding AU Goods Parcel Pest, 25c Extra 522 MARKET ST. jWI Onen Evinnva Till Vmni " STORE NEWS 1217-19 Chestnut Street Popularity of Our Hurlingham Pole Club English Style Overcoats Seems Never te Wane sWpL- i Pongee Silk Shirts Popular as Gifts $5 A Helpful List Of Xmas Gifts r&ncy Bondktrehlef , Handkerchief Weel Mulfler Knitted silk Mufdir aievci I.intd Olevea , Weel Qlevaa Bilk Shhta Madras Shirts . . Silk Half Hese Bilk and Weel Kese.. Sweater Goats Xaennrinff Robes flmeklnjr Jackets . . Dress Vests . , . Tuxedo Vests ''Jfwjii Umbrellas . SOe SSe te 33 te 31.60 84 te 313 te 84. BO te 33 te 83 te 311 Si 93 $5 SI S3 81.SO te $4.50 760 te 33.00 11 te 1.20 87 te SIS 5 te 350 7.SO te $2U 87.SO te 315 $0 te 15 83 te 83 01.30 te 810 fleer, while Southern Is being" enter (nlned by Nerthenst. Beth Germnntewn nnd Southern should come through with victories. Penn I resh will mnke n trip te Read- In High! Brown Prep will be enter tained by St. Jeseph's Prep: Palmyra High travels te Moorestown High; Radner High will viblt Catholic High; W. C. I. will be the guest of Dever, Del., High nnd Germanteun Academy! plays Temple Prep In the ether games scheduled. ' Harvard Bulldlnrj Crew Shell Cmnlirldite. Mm. Dec. Jfl. The work of nuking a Harvard Miell hni Blnrled In the untveriliy boatheum and If It rrei W b , fclitt'SliRPP It will b ud In Harvard's bent rnc? next Ml Hill Ia-Ib. the rlgRir Is In charge, and the lda of renntructlng tnt, beat are thee of tlie cenehc. Beb Reper Leses te McCarthy rreTldenw. II. 1., Dec. 111. Pat Mc Carthy, of Lloitenfl wen the decision eer Ueb neser, of CI.Ichse, A. K. If. havy-1 1 m I Skates & Shoes Complete Outfit I $ 6J0 jg Women's Skates $Q.S0 and Shee Comply f Outfit M CT.AMP TOB ANT) IIEEI. SKATES, $1.50 ig 25c & rlOflTH $6.SO is 1'nrccl Vet. iiv Ktru $3.SO if Union Hardware Call-Bearing Reller Slcate. $1 7r Pair 1.1 O m jf RIFLE , $4.00 ,., 05 75c up i MEN et all aRe like them. The btyle is se unusually individual that it gives a man smartness of appear ance and yet sacrifices nothing of comfort. This fashion is exclu sive with us, and each coat has sewn into it the protected Hurling ham label. The popular price at which we have sold these coats all season has proclaimed them the best value in Phila delphia ter the menc . $30 and $35 Yeu cannot find a better gift. Geed Cape Gloves Mighty Fine Gifts $3.50 The kind of gloves that a man wants and will appreciate ter all duty wear. Dansant Tuxedos U Fer Christmas, $40 We doubt if you can match their quality and their fashionable' cut anywhere in the East at their price. 5 K iW s fi PI'S I fi TtK P weight. In twelve-round bout here. K. O, Kwreea of llroikten. and iranKla Me see of this city, lightweight, fought tight reunde te a draw. STERNEITS HOUSE OF PIPES! Frank Sand-blasted Briar Aluminum rirenliuj Tnli In sirni Very J Ifht nnd Sttrrt I'lw Tirgrit "flfftlen niekf"' urllrtr rlftnit. rlcnrrttri nnd letinrcii nt luwct, 1 Vlpfs Itepnlrrd Itrnl IMpf 'frtlrr Sterner's Cigar Stere -20 N. 12th -. Meet Dave Hendersen n boy of the strcctH, who grew3 up te be n creek and serves! live years in prison for the theft of $100,000. This grip ping stery: "FROM NOW ON" hv I-'rHtilc f.. Packard, the au ther of "The Miracle Mnn,"' begins Saturday, December 17, in the evening public ledger A. Over Cigars Give w SS;jijfWimMBjfc il fe 4 De Your Christmas Shopping Early! Wc Have the Most Complete and Convenient Cigar Stores te Shep in Stores Open Every Evening Ufth! w & Italian Briar Pipes In Cases $2.00 and $2.50 Most unusual values nt our special pricus. Made with hard ulcnnite bits or bnkehta stem". French and Italian Briar Pipes in cases $3.00 te $25.00 Kverv st nnd shape. With . ruunc nmbei bak lifi st"ms &' hand cut vulcanit bits ,e!d ei siKcr mounted. Genuine Bakelite Cigar and Cigarette Helders plain ei ni'iuMed $1.25teS2.50 Other Helders T'l M fcihi Pearl Id or 1 in Mv.r $3.00 te $20.00 Imported Cigars at Extreme Cut Prices 33c Coronas 1 ?1 I'erfe(, fbi m i-ee Remee & Juliet iJ' JVrfecu, $7.25 I'eifecte ; M 23c Beck i9nr- sr 25c Remee & Julietl $5.00 S Other Sizes Alte at Cut Price M At ul ill i i .1 . li - - ! 'in uiiii j i in rf. All i').lr.i !-', il -.11111111 I m lg Cor. 13th and Market Sts. $j Cor. 11th and Market Sts. f Cor. 10th and Market Sts. m Cor. 52d and Market Sts. S t.u. x. j.-nre.u.., x .,.. m ' til BANKRUPT SALE Credfters' Committee Forced te Raise Cash Our Entire Stock Is te He Sacriliccd at a Great Less Stere Will Open Saturday Morning ul 8:30 ' m m 10,000 Rexferd m $2.00 Shirts $1.00 m $10.00 Silk Shirts $4.85 fj $18.00 Goodyear Raincoats . . . $6.85 5 $3 and $4 Sample Hats $1.50 1 1 Anw and E" W. m j ljj m Stere Will Be Closed Friday for preparation for this tremendous ale. Goods re served 21 hours if order is phoned in by Sat. neon. I I BEN HIRSH 822 Chestnut St. wni,0 Largest Men's cer Shep in Philadelphia' - ' : JS ? JK vmwmmmmmg-mm&&&:ft&0$im SCHULTE 200 Cigar Stores, and Grewing Pipes Cigarettes "HIM" the Things He Likes in i' ' - ' it i, ' nn Bexes of 25 be hizf Counsellers $1.63 box of 25 fccSi.c 44s $1.55 can of 25 fee Size ROI n -KJitLJ $1.63 can of 25 iecsip 'MANUEL $2.00 box of 25 10c Sire ADLON $2.10 box of 25 10cSie" TOPIC $2:00bex of 25 8;5P " MANUEL $2.50 box of 25 l.'c Sie LlirCA.IU $2.88 box of 25 10k iUc- ADLON lvrfoLieb S5c pkg. of 10 ii .1 hu; 9 Philadelphia Stores : (Open All Night) - Cen Jread.an.d Walnut St., r,gn. iN. a.-uroed A H, h.,(. CIGARS Union Suits. . .$1.00 a Cellars 10c each, $1 per dez. 1 9 $&&&&&) Baltic Meerschaum Pipes, $3.75 rin.-, i- a rpccial. A gift any men would appreciate. The Largest Assortments of Meerschaum Pipes the City 15 p u' i 'i t . i ' i u.nUi .iml't i ' 'ii. The Famous Londen Make Dunhill Pipes V,L' "l"y a comPlcte line m urn u.ititivl shun., nri af..i Gillette Razors At Lewest Prices! S5 Kaers in Ihti nn tal jl3 i.y9 asu v it i 1 ; t-ui b() (leld-I'lated Itaer m Bold Beld nlatcd ca-c with IJ Ce At blades VLAtJ 312 Truu-linj; ( ombiiutieU (,j. Iftte with K,,!,i . p,tu flj rn.ers, and l blade JD Cor. ISth and Chestnut SU. 1 5th, and Seuth Penn Square Cor. 13th and Filbert Str. Cor. 8lh and Chestnut SU. Wllmloiten, D,J, Wilmington, Dtl.-ste & M.rktt VJ 'H 34 t'JJ cb 3 " u'i ft M fi ,fA 2. jI ul U t1 i i' - . n. ' a liar . 4)iu i 1?.lt.etti..r t-t. r . ' - i "i'-S ,Tll " ":