lis' w I a vr I BR" B tft ft k I ? .'t U. I u I ;' !CUCtltn0 pltbltC mUgt ''"Mnmm'EireBOTA, December -i5,-i9ia- ' '"'x ' & gg?fV - -- I f? vrr v- .' X -X- -. j"m..y.. I L , b?3, n, .nnireg&i NINETY PASSENGERS MONK INJURED. A trellty car, filled wit'i folk neit,K te work in Chicape was derailed en .1 brinjre A panic was averted, Mie passengers walking te safety I ,1 n THE WEATHERMAN TRYS POGOING. Geerge S. Bliss, forecaster ler Eastern Pennsylvania, battling with a pogo stick MISS SRAII C. MAIION, selling Christmas sealsatBroadStrcet'Sta sealsatBreadStrcet'Sta sealsatBroadStrcet'Sta tien. Slu had a busy time yesterday LOOKING TOWARD NEW JERSEY FROM FOOT OF MARKET STREET. Thousands who travel' en the Pennsylvania ferries te and from Camden little realize that an island was removed se that quick trips could be made across the Delaware. It was known as Windmill Island and was. used as a picnic ground, Sheds in the foreground nre en the site new used by the Market street ffcrry house. Have you a photograph of old Philadelphia? Send it te the Eveninq Public Ledger "LISTENING" TO VIOLIN. Htlen Keller, the deaf and blind wonder gn-1, in Denver, DU. A. 0. THOMAS, of Maine place her hand en the violin and "hears" the music played by Jasclia Heifetz through represents National Educatiena ncr linger tips. , , 4 I n f r rt Association at Arms Cenfeience H HER HONOR THE MAYOR. Dr. Amy Kanko Kanke 'ien, recently elected at Fairport, Ohie, en a "dry ticket" U(lirel & I ml. r I BBr , lp y wA-r KH IBiBHflnHHHmBHBaBs!Kwi9HsHK SBBHBiHMiSflBuHIHB IHwK m?r Bv rCL jaB BBBHiiBfflB8BBBWBBEBB&c BHWHBBHHwHBHBBI IBIBBBI ''tlM')' K '' HRjf .,.'' -;'''--'' jR ? B "aP 'IBBiBHRiHr j'sf' ' ' Jti b j"'jv9 BUSnUmeBLmJ ft $f'rfJ" vVJj bh9hHIb5hHu HriKSIttHtJHBl r 5 . A ' (AURTTAT- POPTT vnMiuiii cumr.l fmm Mnnmimil llmvlslfr rLDrescntinfr ihn Vrench Rnriel.v nf Amerirn. Tim FrpJtMv 4ft' warrior sailed for France yesterday MISS ROSE E. CORTELYOU, ha J her Belgian police deg with her as she sold Christmas seals MRS PHILIP K ( TYAtwfeef MRS. E. H RIESSLK. uifc e the Chinese Mmistei te Cuba, new Dr. Reis&cr, head of German I'.m in Washington h bassy, and her baby t v r WOMEN AID IN UFLCOME TO NEW AMERICAN LEGION HEAD. Commander Hanford Muc- ider was met b tlue ludieb and many ethers as he arrived at Bread Stieet Station late yesterday aftf rnoen. He was the chief speaker at a banquet last nignt i Central .V s lhoe "I1 1 MBBf I i l I t i i t i i m ii HPpppppppH jppjk jBpppppppppppH pPPPKr! SilPPKlKV-K9su;?Yi9liiiPK4iiil 't Of t, " AlJI?iCEn-uETEnS-0.N,,sc,c';etary ,AT THE PHILADELPHIA ZOO. One of the numerous polar te Aitnur Balfour, British delegate bears new cinder the care of C. Emersen Brown, superintendent, at Arms Conference c.trm N,a i., Ced Wcather.suits this bear J w I Di tr RICHARD DUFFY, of 102 .Seuth Thirty-third street, operating an emery stone machine te polish auger bits, in the factory of Jeb T. PiiKh, Thirty-first and Ludlow streets RECEIVED 1700 MARRIAGE PROPOSALS. She is Mile. IleDe, considered one of the most beautiful women in France. These offers all came since January lit Kejti t. HerUrt OLD AND NEW. At the left is Rex Wray, the 1921 captain of Penn's football team. Smlline "Pes" Miller (riKht) was yesterday selected asthe 1022 n let of the varaity squad l 3SSSnf niuK.T AND CASHItJR. Jehn G. Sonncbern, of the Ntajh '; ,'J' national Bank, Frent and Norris streets, has been there twenty-" t. years. Hobbies, co f nml Hsblne. ti ! .. ' "1 1"! Ji i"iinin raausi-! , .. e, . , ,uc,ul,4 ei UIO wtitv. ,j h '.' til .s. M :"-! -. ..ij,.