fc -S5P. ' AV ' rfV A- ;?'-, if M ; , ' i' htt. . .. i w Mr fi"".-- d87ai 3 af-v 4 Jv A .-' KBt JJt MmJ. ianii -fc TTf a DAUGHTER OF THE SUN nvritNu viik nxnnv ,jiii" "" ----- ' HTirniirTi"r hui ixpe et Am.ri- ! an Afat WV.'li1 hn.r.i In Meilce. HI. mirty :Um Inte th pewir of a myitfrteu. JSSimi. Zerilil-, wle rail hfMf h -)fn.iertini. outdoor fl?!itn .erne frlenAi Hit prince of the MnntMUma. Zo Ze Kii. fall " "V" w '" Jlm' ''"t..10 Kiv with Hetty Uorden. nn American JM who Id held t ZeraldR'R meun; Kin hiur,er" for ransom. Hetty and rl? eicpe"frnm a threatened horrible JiTth and make their way through the Crii. of the mountain, but are watched I. Itlee. ene of Zeralda'a band. They Jfmi te a place which ieemn n theuih jl Md t" made le cencent the tread- "' AND HEnE IT CONTINUES B UT from thin they went te ether matters. ICcndrlc merely decided jj'at while they spent a Ions tomorrow f Inaction he would leek Inte the mat ter. There was no grcnt temptation te tirf. fflP treasure and the Incentive te Wen the way, traveling URiit. was bui bui Jcfeatly emphasized. Rut tnere wan a unlet d'ny te be put In tomorrow, If all vent right, and he was net the man te ferjet what had brought him southward. "Wc'll both be te Bleep," he said (.jtrtntly, "and net de any worrying .bout what the ether fellow may be deing1. With our fire out nni a let of itti limbs scattered about the entrance te track under a rnnn'n feet, they'll net lerprlne ub tonight, even If they should inew where we are. Tomorrow we'll .p a watch ever the ravine. And to morrow night I hope we'll be en the trail toward the gulfv New de you want ii slip out with me for a geed-night .tlnk of water? Or would you rather yj.it here for me?" Betty was en her feet in a flash. ' "I've dene enough waiting today te hit me the rest of my life!" she cried impnlttlcftlly. "I'll go with you." Se again, and an cautieuB as they had pn last night, they made their way dena the steep slope and drank In the lUrligbt. They tarried a little by the tilckle of water, heeding the alienee, bmthlng deep of the geft night, lifting their eyes te the stars. The world seemed young and aweet about them, clean and tender, a place of Infinite peace and ilndneis rather than of e pursuing hate. ' "They Btoed close together j their .bouldere brushed companionably. To gether they hearkened te a tiny voice thrilling through the emptiness, the monotonous vibrating cadence of Reme haner insect. The heat of the day had pissed with the day, the perfect hour (id come. It was one of these mo ments which Jim Kcndric found te his liklnr. Many .such "till hours had he known under many skies and out of the night had .always come something vague and mighty te tipenl: te some thing no lets mighty which lay within bis soul. Hut nlwnys before, when he drank the fill of n time like this, he hid been alone. He had thought that a man mtiKt be nlene te knew the in effable content of the solitudes. Te- mjni lie wan mil. aieuc. nnu jet, mere perfect than these ether hours in ether land-, uas this hour slipping by new as the tiny voice out yonder slipped through the ellence without shattering it. Certain words of his own little tong crept into his mind. "Where it's only you And the mountainside." That "you" had nlwnys been just Jim Kendric. After this, If ever again be sang it, the "you" would be Hetty. "Shall we go back?" he nsked "quietly. He saw Hetty start. Her eyes came back from the stars and sought his. He timid see them only dimly In the Window of her hnlr, but he knew they were chlnlnjr with the gush of her own night thoughts. They scooped up their 'water then and went back up the mountain. Their fire was almost down and they did net replenish It. They went te their beds of boughs nid lay dettn In silence. Presently Jim said "Geed -night." And Hetty, the hush of the outside in her voice as she an swered, said iieftly, "Geed-night." They were asllr beferp dawn. Fresh water must be brought before daylight brightened In the canyons. This time Jim went alone te the creek and when he get back Hetty had their fire blazing. Dttty made the breakfast, insisting en having her free unhampered way with it. "There are .eme things I cau de," Mid Hetty, "and a great many I can't. Ifc.hapieni that I knqw what things are beyond me and these that are within the (epe of my powers. One thing that I can de is cook. And I have camped before new. If you please." Se, when .71m had brought her fire weed and had placed the various articles of their lardr handy for hr and had offered his servicer with Jack-knife te open a can, or hack through a bit of beef, he Btoed hack and fullv in1nM tlin Klght of Hetty making breakfast. He enjeyea tne prettineH et her in her odd costume of blouse, scarlet sash and knickerbockers, silk stocking nhd high heeled slippers: the ntmesphere of in t jnacy which hovered ever them, dis tilled In a measure from the magic of n camp fire, certainly aided and abetted by the hemy arrangement of Hetty 'b brown hair; the aroma of coffee beginning te bubble In n milk tin; the fragrance of an Inviting stew In the ether tih wherein were mingled frljelcs and "Jerky." Hulz Illes might lurk around the next spur of the meuntain: ernlda. might be inciting her hirelings te fresh endeavor; much danger might be watchlhg by the trail which in time they would hnve te fellow but here and new, for the few minutes at leeBt, there wan mbre of tpilpt enjoyment In their retreat than of discomfort or of fear of the future. "Let's go camping some time," Ba.ld Jim abruptly. "Just you and me. We'll take a pack horse; we'll lead him te the guards with the proper sort A Tale of Adventure BY QUIEN SABE (Who Knew,) dowrieht. tttt, In Charlti BarHnti't Bmt mrM i r f " - "the It's moving," cried netty; recii is turning" could slip down the gulf in It and either take shin nt La Vat. sending it back I up the gulf then, or steer en te Han (J lege. Of court he would seen te get In touch with Harlow ; he could send a menAgc of some sort. Hut after all, Hnrlew had taken the game Inte his own hands and had said that it was new each man for himself. "Wc can make the trip during the night, if we can make the get-away," he told her. "We'll have te take a roundnbeut wav at first, cdglnr the val ley along the foothills en this side until we're well past the ranch heiiac. then cut ncress the shortest way and pick up the trail en the ether slde. Wc ?nn take enough water ineur milk tins te lest us, especially lncc we're traveling In the cool." "And If," suggested Betty, "the Half Moen isn't there? Or If Zetalda has set some of her men te watch for ua there?" Naturally he had thought of that. It they enme te the gulf and a new problem of this sort offered Itself, then It would be time te consider It. "We'll Just hope for the best." Sh answered, "and try te be ready for what comes." Carefully" they conserved each tiny fragment of feed, using the flour sack for cupboard. They went cautiously te the entrance of their hiding place nnd for a long time crouched behind the bushes, watelilnp; tne canyon , seeking for n sign of llles as they fancied Ilies was seeking them. Anil during the quiet hours they explored the place In which they were. I First they considered the XM neie m 1 the big boulder, seeking te find some le-lrnl renaen for its' being, USRing themselves If it could have any connec tion whntevcr with the ancient hldden treasurc. Clearly It was the result or human labor. Therefore It appearert te have Its relatieri te an elder order of civilisatien, since It wan net con ceivable that a modern man had taken such a task upon himself. Hut meaning baffled. . . "It could be a sign, like a bl"l tree or a cresa scratched en a block or. stone," eald Kcndric. "But It could mean anything Or nothing," he was forced te admit. It was only In the later afternoon, after a long period of Inactivity and silence, that an Inspiration came te Kcndric. Meantime they had poked Inte hantMtole? That you cah turn the rock ever?" "It doee move -Just a Htti6," he said. He put all of his strength Inte a fresh t attack. Thb boulder trembled slightly that was all. "I'll bet you my half of the loot that I've get the hahg of It, Miss Hetty," he announced triumphantly. "Walt and sec." He began looking about him for something. "U I only dated slip outside for a minute," Ji said. Then his eye fell en the rifle. "We'll have te make this de. I run a risk of Jamming the front sight, but i jruesn we can nx mat. He protected the alght an well as he could by wrapping hln handkerchief about it. The rnuzsle of the gun he thrust down into the hole in the rock. "Get It new?" he asked. "If that hole wasn't made te allow a lever te be inserted, then tell me what It was made for. And hre'a even the place te stand while a man uses it I I'll double the bet I" That excitement which nlwara gets Inte any man's bleed when he believes that ha is en the threshold of h golden discovery already ehene In his eyes. He 'stepped te, a sort of shelf In the cavern wall close te the boulder, se that new his feet were en a level with the top of the rock he meant te move. He li! could Just reach out and grasp the butt of the rifle. Hetty steed by, watch ing with an caj;ernesB no less than his own. Gradually he set hla force at work en his lever, frying this way and that. And then "It's inevlntf 1" cried netty. "The rock is turnlwrl" And new it turned readily, his lever age being ample te the task. "Loek tinder the rock as it tfps back," he told Hetty, "flee If there Isn't & hole under It. Hlg enough for n man te go through I" "Yesl" answered Hetty after n breathless fashion. "Yea. A little mere. Oh, come see. It leeks almost like steps going down I" "I'll have te force it back a little farther," he returned. "Maybe It will balance there. If net we'll have te get Ioerp stones and wedge under It." He pried It further nnd further until nt Inst it would net budge another Inch. He loosened his grip n trifle en the rifle lever and the rock began te settle DacK into its former place. Hut Detty had seen nnd already was bringing fragments of stone te block under the euges. "New." ahe called "Come ece." He Jumped down; the boulder, dgM securely, lay en Its Mi. He went te Hetty and from what they saw before them they looked Inte each ether's yw wenderihgly. "The lal was trile," he said with cenvldlldn. "Yeu and I have found the way te the treasure." In the fleer was an opening a couple of feet iKjuarc. Very rude, unven steps led down, vanishing in a forbidding; black dark. Kendrle lay fiat dnd looked down. Little by little he could penetrate a bit further, but in the end there lay a region of impenetrable darkness Inte which the bIcps merged. "You're going down there I" gasped Betty. "Am I?" he, laughed. "Yeu wouldn't want Ua te skip out terilght without even having looked into It, would you? ' "N-e." Hut she hesitated nnd evert shuddered d she tee lay down and peered Inte the forbidding place. "We'll net take any chances we uen t have te." He get up nnd began Im mediately te make his few preparation. "Hcre'n the rifle; I'll leave It handy for fiu In cese our friend Hles flheult surprise us. I'll take a handful of stuff With me te burn for n torch. And we'll have another leek out Inte the canyon te begin with." lie drew out the rifle nnd gave It te Betty. He placed ether Stones with the ones She had slipped tinder the edges of the boulders. And finally he went te leek out into the canyon. "Ne one In sight," he reported. I "And new, here gees." , He. sat down nt the edge of the open-1 Ing (b the fleer, net n match te hi.- etude torch, grinned comfortingly up at I Betty nnd Wriggled ever and set his feet , The author of "TJlk titlACLI3 MAN" uirttet Anelhcr gripping terhl of a eteiih'i re'prJirretert. "Frem New On" idlt appear dafty en this page beginning SATUHDAY 'every crack and cranny, they had gene ana up aim uuwu ; of the place re nt (nfinnei nn'M ..!H. . . . .-".V.. "".""."" ,uc ,nt0.tncibsck and forth .tun. w me vumermn sierra wnerc1 ; tnih J,;:JP'f"i"""d"",e !?ke.n.n.' Ipeatedly? And Kendrle thought that he .-..v., i.....n nun in-uw uvtr an ei u. Betty looked at him curiously, then away swiftly. Breakfast is ready," fihe announced. He sipped nt his coffee absently ; hlB eyes, looking past Hetty, saw Inte a hidden, cliff. rimmed valley in these ether, fresher mountains further north, glimpsed vistas down narrow trolls be tween tall pines and cedars nnd firs, fancied n ledge made of boughs en the shore of a llttle blue lake. He'd like te show Hetty this camping spot; he'd like te bring in for her n string of gleaming trout; he'd like te Up en tils Mile tinder the cliffs and Just watch her. He had whittled two sticks for spoons ; he nte his stew with his and forget te talk. And Hettv. wnfrlilnc him Mn..ti "wondered astutely If ever the rirnt meal sue nau coaxed for him Jim Knn.lrir. w,nsn.t readjusting his ancient ideas of Mi'nmnn Vnp enmA t.lH ...... J' ........ . ... t.w...c it.uwcii ri'UBuu, or for no reason at all, her silence was as deep as his. ' After breakfast, however, It was Hetty who started talk. They sought te plan definitely for tonight. Kendrle Kendrle teld her of the way he and Barlew had come, of the Half Moen awaiting his and Bnrlew's return, of his determina tion te make use of the schooner if they could come te it. Barlew's plans were net at Kcndrlc's disposal; the sailor might be counting en the vessel and he might net. At nny rate he and Hetty pcatediy. And ivenunc uuunu .uv had given up when the last idea came te him. He went quickly back te the boulder. Betty watched him in tcreatedly. , . ... "I thought we'd given that up," sue He had both hands en the boulder, his fingers gripping the cd&e of the baffling hole, and was seeking te shake the big block of rock. Betty came te his side. "Yeu think that it was made as a te the flrst step. All he did no there enme te him Mtl unpleasant memory of the fashion in which Zerndln hAd guarded her own secret places With rat tlesnakes; no womierod u any ei uir ugly brutes lived down here? As It hap pened the thought had Its Influence In saving him from mishap Inter. Fer. theiieh he came Unon no snakes, he went warily nnd thus avoided another dbngf r. His torch burnt vilely and smoked copiously. But what faint light it nf fdrded was sufficient. Htcp by step he went down until feet nnd legs and then entire body wnn lest te Betty above; she had set the rifle aside and was kneeling, her hands Clasnetl In her ex- clteraertt. New she Could sCe only hln Menu ana tne torch hem high ; he looked up and smiled nt her and waved the faggot. Then she saw only the dimly burning fire and the hand ciulchfnr it. And dimmer niid dimmer grew his light until she Htfnlned her eyes te catch n glint of It nnd could net tell If it were being extinguished for Went of clean air or if he were very, ver far befew her. Te be continued tomorrow Cards te Finance Town Nume In order te further the plans for n Community Nurse In Cliften Heights nhd obtain funds for carrying en the weVk, a dance nnd card party wha given lest evening at Hhee's Hull. The affair was in charge of a committee headed by Mrs. W. W. Httwke, Mrs. O. McCatlce, Mrs. E. B. Hcvell ahd Mrs. Oeertfc Vf. Wincn. McCLEES GALLERIES ISO WAWTOT 8T. CHRISTMAS GIFTS rAINTINOH Hinnens UEX20T1MTS BRONZES Framing a tiprtlaltr ralaUnra riciterM inlcniNat LAMTfl Announcement scxn"mm n rA; r Reduced te 70c a Pound 223 S. Bread Street A Real Serviceable XMAS GIFT Genuine Leather Belt With Silver Plated Buckle Black or brown. Ab- m sorted bucklte designs. Iafear Neatly boxed. 9jJt W. T. GRANT CO. 920 Market Street Hexl te l'osternr IN THE RESTAURANT Lea & Perrins Sance enables you te make the flavor of your dishes conform te yeur.tflstc. Tell the waiter te brine a bot tle of Lea & Fcrrins' with your order. Wonderful with oys ters and clnms. Ac cept nothing clec but FvfanuWipt Mtiile Society MtMlM'.Vi The Manuscript .music necieiy p, Philadelphia held n meeting nt I'renfe Hall, in the Presser Hulltling. last et-, nlng. There was u goed-sljeil nudlencV brescnt, and some new nnu lnipresiinr- n..n..i.alttnnu VIhl llCrfflf IT1 Ml . Among thMt! were n gYetip of hengs by Atfneti, Cllirie Qlilnlari, several w6ll-wrUtf pieces for the plnne by Mnitrlcc . Weyl nnd some compositions by A ntenu, transcribed by ClmrlWn Ij. MMf phy and performed by membets of the Philadelphia Orchestra. These latter numbers hare been performed before tne Manuscript Society before nnd were repeated by request. Jfer ma (gtuing NOTHING is mere opt te remind a man te be careful around the house ith his Bineking than one et our good geed looking cigar stands of Swedish iron and Etruscan finish, with the copper metal trays finished in Japanese bronze. Lighting Fixtures BIDDLE-GAUMER CO. 3846-56 Lancaster Ave. I N. 07A0 BITE WITH FALSE TEETH? SURE! Dr. Wernet's Powder KEEPS THEM TIGHT Relieves sere gums, sweetens the breath. A white powder. At best Drug or Department Stores, 90a, 60a, $1.00 or write direct te VtrattDwUlMi(.U.IlSB4HtBSt.lf.T. I) TELEPHONE! SPRUCE ZSSa; Fur. Storage and Remodeling at Extremelu Lew Rates L UIGI RIENZI CORRECT APPAREL FOR WOMEN 1714 Walnut Street REDUCTIONS . DRESSES TRICOTINE PIQUETINr CANTON CREPE DANCE, DINNER AND EVENING ONE LOT 29.50-ONE LOT 49.50 COATS MARVELLO (Value 160.00) 115.00 DUVETYN (Value 179.50) 120.00 ONELOT (Value 79.50) 39.50 RELIABLE FUR COATS 36 Inch Hudsen Seal, 298.00 Squirrel Trim., 350.00 Nat'I Muskrat, 135.00 Dark Raccoon, 225.00 Taupe Squirrel, 475.00 Nutrial 295.00 ;YOU NEVER PAY MORE AT hirmtm-' r fc KSssMWBSrf m BIG SAVINGS And Startling Reductions IN PHILADELPHIA, CAMDEN AND VICINITY Fine Cane Granulated SUGAR Lewest Price Yet pre MIHWII1StXI One-Day Outings from Philadelphia New Yerk $3.00 Every Other Sunday fxt Kxcumlen. Dfttmbcr 25 Special truln lravjMi He. clinic Terminal 8.00 A. M atepplrllr et Ulumbla At... Huntingdon Bt., n Junction. Legan. an4 Jrnklrtewn. Wilkes-Barre ) . ,, $3.75 ocranten Alse Mmifh Chunk. White Haven and A.hlrr " hnnday, Drrrxnber 1ft Special train lm0 Ildlii T-mlnijl lsoe ,. M.. fltrnplm at umimhla Ae , Hunlnden 8t.. WTi8 Junction. Lenn and Jenklntewn COAL REGION TAMAQUA me ec M AHANOY CITY t P5. GILDEUTON 1 MAHANOY PLANE SHENANDOAH ' GIRAKDVILLE i0 cn ASHLAND ,f$O.50 UUKDON MT. CAltMEL and SHAMOKIK J Sunday, Drermber 1ft fpelal train lea It.ndlnc Terminal IrOO A. JI .tepp'n, t Columbia Ave.. Huntlnieti Ht.. SEASHORE $1.50 r.rrnsieN8 r.VKitv hvxnw ATLANTIC CITY OCEAN CITY STONE HARBOR WILDWOOD and CAPE MAY Via Atlantic City Rallreu. La CXieitflut and Ueuth bt. frrla Ter Atlantle Clly TiSO A. JX. WuSL9Sean ltX B,ene Harher, ne.tnut Ht. Ferry 7:'J0 A t peuth Ht. Ferry 7jl0 AM Jiii tumm, frore all pelnti BiJB'p.'lt War Twe, AiiUUml te Abec Fant Fer DctalLd Inrormatien, Cemult Agent., See Flyeri toT!:i-e?cS?.P0u,?.h,l-edr'or Phaadelphia &,Redln nauwmy Lewis 1519 WALNUT ST. SPECIAL SALE 29.50 45 Dresses Medels from our regular stock et extraordinary low clearance price. Were $45 te (95 DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON ALL COATS JserGtllman 1522 CHESTNUT ST. EdaUhkid 1871 We Knew Haw Useful Articles Make Acceptable Gifts IMPORTED JAPANESE LACQUER CIGARETTE BOX Direct hnportatien, jut received. The little ailrer aterlc iteepa down, pick up a cigarette and hand it te you in hit bill. SPECIAL 3.00 PRINT &UM06L B.cr fancy Tub Butter . 47L FANCY JERSEY Pumpkin Can Save 5 cents can fC 1 1 Sheppacd & Sens Dainty Christmas Gifts That Yeu Will Be Willing te Give and That Cost Little DraJser Vanity Sets, ribten-trimmed, $7.50. Fancy Sachets, many styles, 25c te $2.ed. Sachets In fancy boxes, $1.15 te $2.00. Ribbon Camisole Strap;, 65c. Pin Sets for 50c. Fancy4 Derine Bexes and Puff Bags, 50c te $2.00. Utility Bags, 85c each. Fancy Talcum Bexes, $2.50 each. Week-end Vanity Cases in attractive cretonnes and satin filled with the necessaries $3.50 te $5.00. Fancy Trimmed Bags, $1.75 te $5.00. Bouquets for the guest room, $2.50. j Telephone Pads, 75c te $4.00 each. 100$ GhestnutStireet A CHARMING GIFT Handdecerated parchment shade light electric lamp complete. SPECIAL 6.00 and QUALITY LAMP AND SHADE Chair lamp of hand-wrought iron, Aniihcd iti poly, chrome and geld. lbMnch hand-decorated parch ment ihnde or exquldte' etllc cuatem-made ihade. COMPLETE, SPECIAL 27.50 BOOK ENDS, 3.80 up In llrenie, Mahnfaivr, Carrrd Weed., Melal. rte. SUGGESTIONS TabUi End, Con.ele, Darenpert, Gateleg, Netted, Smoking. Card, Library, Sewing, etc. Superb Upholstered Furniture (made in our ihepa). Mirror Unutual glaiiwara. Porcelain, PeUery, Brente Decorative Painting, exquitite Lamp and Shade, Bench' Steel, Tabprett, Smoking Set, Cabinet, Humidor, Dek! Highboy Lewliey.i Dlnlng.Rbem, Ultif.Roerh. Bedroom Furnltutei Embreiderie, Filet and Brocade Table Coert Boek End, Aquarium, etc. ' Philadelphia's Gift Shep CALIFORNIA FANCY Raisins 19 c Save 10c Pkg. Save 6c Pkg. Raisins fi New Pack Red Alaska Salmen Save 6 cents can Old-Fashion Fruit Cakei 2-lb decorated tin JL .4$ Oven Fresh Bread fi Best Values in City W0 c a Leaf 1 . .. , mV -- CANDY SPECIALS Worthmere Asserted Chocolates ,?b 19C Milk Chocolate Covered Almend Mallow. 2 for 5c Hershey's Sweet Chocolate, 20 sc CRACKER HSpSI Santa Clans Pack . St. Nicholas Mixed . Neah's Ark . . lb 21r lb 28c Iikjj 6c SPECIALS Nabisco, Anela) Sugar Letus, Ramenai Wafers I,kfl8c Barnum's Animals . pUg 6c SLt ATLANTIC & PACIFIC B The World's Larfleat Grocery Ileuse-492G Stores In the U. S. iNew Merca Opened This Weelc qC47 Woodland Are. 2000 Fair mount Ave. 783 Oak Lane Art. i ., M 1 -1 J 1 f S. VI 1 :- .&