Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1921, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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Ars. Wilsen Gives Mere Sweets
for the Christmas Holiday Time
ffith Cliantilly Crcme, an Uricoekcd Fondant, the Weman
Who Fellows These Recipes Can Make Several
Kinds of Candy
FEW short days until the yenr's
hiest fcntlve ncnsen will be here.
Mnklnff enndies in tnc nemp ter xiiib
gensen need net be nu experiment nor
need they leek amateurish, If you will
but tnkc the time ami trouble te lmre
them looking nice.
Much depends upon the qunllty of
guitar, flavoring nnd coloring used, no
for this rensen be particular te obtain
best quality. ,,.,,
Fer years every one believed that It
wns very necesary te use a cooked fon fen
dnnt for making the bonbons, cream
centers, etc. Fer the pnst four years I
bave used n fecial chnntllly creme
for this work with remarkable success.
Every onevhe cats these candle de
clares them far superior te old cooked
First Prepare the Suffar
Use confectioners' XXXX sugar, and
If there arc any lumps In it turn en
large clean sheet of paper nnd use roll
ing pin nnd crush fine, sift. This sugar
must be absolutely free from lihnps.
Chnntllly Crcmc
Place in large bowl
White of one large cpa, '
Four "tablespoons of melted butter,
Four tablespoons of cold water.
neat with n fork until blended, then
tdd , , ,..
One-half cup confectioners A.TXT
sugar and beat apain.
New add slowly nnd beat in sufficient
XXXX sugar until the mixture can be
kneaded like bread dough.
New knead well fer"flve minutes 11
tide Inte three parts nnd color and fla
vor each part ns desired. It Is nlways
be't te keep In mind the fact that deli
cate tinted candles arc mere dainty than
the strong, highly colored ones, se add
coloring very slowly and knead well ;,the
candy Is then ready te form Inte pieces
as desired
Neapolitans '
Prepare some chnntllly creme as di
rected; new divide into three pieces.
Return one part te the bowl and add
One tablespoon cold water and suffi
cient powdered cocoa te knead smooth
tgain. This usually takes about one
half cup. '
New sift very lightly some of the con cen con
fecUeneru' sugnr ever a plcce of wax
paper; place en the chocolate chantllly
crcmc and roll out with rolling pin te
about one-fourth incli thick. Use, try
ing te keep edges boxed or square.
New prepare a piece of the crcmc,
colored pink, and lay en top, then n
piece of white; press firmly; trim edges
and then cut In pieces size of a caramel.
Knead trimmings together; form In
small balls, slze of marble; roll in
powdered cocoa.
Nut Conter Bonbons
Celer and flavor the cliantilly creme
then take small plccq nnd work out be
tween the fingers; w'rnp nut in center,
then roll between palms of hands te
shape; pieces of candled plnapple, can
dled cherry, etc., mny be used.
Te one part of the prepared chnntllly
creme add
One-half cup finely chopped nuts.
One-half cup finely chopped citron.
One-half cup finely chopped raisins,
One tablespoon henxey.
Werk into- n smooth mass ; form into
balls and roll en plate lightly coated
with honey nnd then roll In finely
chopped nuts.
Cocennt Creams
Te one portion of the chantllly creme
One , "If ciip finely chopped coconut,
Knead until Hinoeth, then form In cyl-
md s about the size of little finger.
Fancy Slices
Tnl " -"'(out one -half of the chocolate
tean. u- prepared for the Neapolitan
fd roll out en the wax paper as di
rected, hnvlng nbeut ene-qunrter inch
thick. New spreud with layer of white
creme nnd begin and roll like jelly roll ;
let stand for ten minutes, then cut in
slices with sharp knife. Usi prunes
nnd dates nnd stuff with the creme, col
oring the cream u dainty pink, yellow
and white. Almend, pecan nnd walnut
eremw may be made 'US fellows ;
Walnut Cronies
Take pieces of creme about the size of
a walnut, round up well between the
hands, then place a nut en each side.
Pineapple Slices
Cever pieces of linger strips of (he
candied pineapple liberally with the
creme, nnd thai cut In Inch pieces with
harp knife.
Oriental Fruit Slices
Place through n feed chopper
Four eunca piunes,
fice ounces dried apricots,
Tvu ounces candied pineapple,
Four ounces nuts,
One-half cup coconut.
Add one-third of the batch of the
chantllly creme nnd knend until very
aumeth ; new line a leaf-shape pan with
heavy wax paper, packing In firmly,
patting down tightly in morning; cnt
In slices and cut each slice In half.
Vnj of these camlles may be dipped in
Te Dip in Chocolate.
Use a small double buller te melt the
chocolate. Place boiling water In the
lower compartment and cut chocelnto In
Hniall bits; let melt very. slowly by plac
ing the boiler Just where it Will keep
warm, stirring frequently, and add at
the hume time with the chocolate a piece
of punilliu the size of a small walnut
te ever.v half pound. Make n fbrk for
dipping bj taking a piece of wire suf
ficiently stiff te held bonbons nnd bend
In shape 6f loop, then shape for a handle.
'?.". "sembling butterscotch, then
rolled in pecnit nuts. It Is sliced for
serving. MRS. W. B.
The center of this roll is made of
fendnnt nnd nuts mny be added or net,
Ju"t ob wished. Place in n Rauccpan
Tnrce cups of hroien sugar,
Ont-half cup of evaporated milk,
One-half cup of white corn tirttp,
Bell slowly until it spins heavy thrend
from fork or SMJ5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Then beftt until' It begins te cream and
spread quickly en n specially prepared
wax paper. Place the roll of paper
fondant in center and roll quickly, then
roll in pelcan nuts.
Te prepare wax paper, brush liberally
with melted and strained butter.
Dear Mrs. Wilsen I am a dallv
reader of your column nnd have
looked for a mint Jelly, but hnve
failed te find it. I have quite a let
of mint growing In my garden. Will
you be se kind as te print a recipe?
MRH. B. .T. 0.
Mint Jelly
Sunt jelly is usually made with an
apple basis.
iVash, twelve medium-sized tnrt cook
' Aftcr-Dinncr Tricks f
I ZEH&fftil
34 I
Ne. 34 Mysterious Sounding Meney
A geed little trick te work en n
wooden or stone table. HelJ a coin In
the left hand, but reach forward with
the right, as though it held the coin.
As the right hand sets ltd Imaginary
coin en the table, the left hand lets
the real coin down with n sharp click.
Kvcry one will suppose that the sound
came from the right hand and will be
astonished when it is lifted, showing
nothing there.
CopyrteM, 19tt, ly Puhlle Leieir Cempdnv
One-half teaspoon of nutmeg,
One teaspoon of ginger,
7'tre tablespoons of paprika.
One-half cup of salt.
Tie loosely, yet securely, and
add three cups of cider vlnegnr;
, rnnlillv. Htlrrlntr rnnntantlv until nulte
lng nplcs nnd cut without paring In-1 thick, then fill Inte sterilized one-half
10 small pieces, l'jeee in the preserv- I pi
lng kettle and Just bnrelv mvi. win.
cold water. New odd one quart of mint
leaves picked from the stems, nnd filled
in Je the measure by slightly packing ;
cook s ewly until the apples are very
7t tln turn ,n n JelLv bnK "id I'
iY, -H0 net squeeze; if you de this
Jelly 'will be cloudy.
Measure the juice nnd return te the
kettle nnd boil rapidly for twelve min
utes. New add seven-eighths of a cup
. 8UR?,V. for every cun th? iu,cc
Stir with a wooden spoon te dissolve
the sugar, and bring quickly te a bell.
Bell for fifteen minutes, then turn Inte
sterilized glasses (glasses must be se
het that you can hardly handle them),
let cool and then cover with melted
paraffin. Stere In the usual manner.
Dear Mra. Wilsen Will you print
a recipe for making chill sauce,
pickled onions nnd tomato preserve
and pickled peaches?
Mns. O. IRON.
Chili Sauce
My Improved Method for Making a
Bright Red Chill Sauce
Wash and cut In pieces one-half bas
ket of fully ripe tomatoes; place In the
preserving kettle nnd cook until soft.
Turn in the jelly bag and let drnln ;
rub the pulp left In the jelly bag through
the sieve and return this pulp te the
preserving kettle. New tie in n piece
of cheesecloth the follewing:
One quart of finely chopped onions,
Ten green peppers, chopped fine,
Nine sweet red peppers, chopped fine,
Twe cups of brown supar,
Twe tablespoons of cinnamon.
Twe teaspoons of allspice,
Twe teaspoons of cloves,
nt nll-elass Jars and seal while scald
ine het: when cool dip the tops of the
Jars In melted paraffin. Use the rcrlpe
printcil August U7, for tomato jeny, DUt
de net rub it through the sieve for to
mato preserve.
Te prcpnrc pickled peaches, place In
the preserving kettle
Four pounds of sugar,
Tice cups of water,
One cup of vinegar,
Twe sticks of cinnamon, broken m
Fifteen icAele cloves.
Twelve allspice.
Bring te a boil and cook five minutes ;
new fill sterilized all-glass jars with
peaches either cut in half or whole and
cover te overflowing with the prepnred
spiced sirup. Adjust the rubber and
the lid nnd partly seal. Place in a hot het
water bath and process forty-five min
utes after the water starts te bell In
the bath. When time limit expires re
move at once and seal.
Dear Mrs. Wilsen Kindly print
the recipe for onion seun. H. K. It.
Brown Onion Soup
Place in a frying pan
Onv-AnM run nf hnr.nn fai.
One pint of sliced onions. '
Cook until very brown. Add
Twe thirds cup of flour,
and then brown well, then ndd
Four pints of soup stock
nnd stir; bring te a boil and add
One carrot diced.
Soup herbs.
Simmer for three-quartets of an hour
nnd then season and serve. Remove the
soup herbs.
Fur Coats
Spert Medels, $49.50
Knee Length, $67.50
COATS Trimmed with Skunk, Beaver,
Squirrel, $110 Up
uell- jy
sacri- Kf
iry. 2f
LHerman-900WaInutSt. ft S
fgjg Small Dcpeiit Heldi Any Carnunt Until Wanted 3fojjfe3fc2fc3ah33 '
Biggest Fur value ever offered. Yeu must
these beautiful garments te appreciate them. This
known Fur Manufacturer is selling these Furs at sacri-
ncc prices in order te keep ftis stejj of workers busy.
i229falnut si J
or jji strW ojjjjeslio ilxQ ShJvrnas Hoial
Millinery and Furs
Fashionable women assui'e themselves, of
superiority in style and quality with
Chertak Hata and Merris Wenger Furs.
Distinctive Bags and Fans
for Christmas Gifts.
Vp DHAR Mrs. Wilsen! Please tell
"" me hew I could sweeten some
t'utter that has become strong. I get
it from the country und it wus almost
melted when I get It nnd I've se much
" It, it seems u pity te wnste it. I paid
sixty cents u pound for It. R. I). P.
M the butter In small pieces and
tce In clean prsenlng kettle nnd
vuier witn cold water. Heat verj slew- '
I) te the boiling point and strain
tnreugh a slie which has been lined
with cheesecloth. Let the mixture cool '
and then chill. Remove the butter from i
"in iep or tne water and turn into a
J leun wooden howl, scalding und rins
ing the howl with told water; ndd:
One pint of mtlk.
One tablesgoen of salt.
and with e wooden spoon work the
butter until smooth. New ndd suffl
Merit lee water te cover the butter and
work ugn In. Drnln off the milk and Ice
nter und cover with ice cold wnter und
work te remee the milk. Wuter must
Pe clear before packing the butter In
ft crock or pall nnd chill.
i, !M, ,nenr Mr, Wilsen Your pub
tisjied Instructions anil recipes are most
helpful nnd 1 consider it n valuable and
inusiia collection. Will you kindly
,1'rint instructions for the confection
dually rnlled peena tell or pecan leaf?
The centcf In a kind1 of nougat cenfec-
I I if
r ?i
The Best
Gifts of All
Ayers' Furs
NOT before in our history has Mrs. Ayers pre
sented such wonderful furs at such low
prices. The models are in the very newest effects
created this season exclusive, truly beautiful
in every line, and made with that care for every
little detail that one would leek for in Ayers'
Furs, Many are handsomely lined with im
ported silks ALL are offered at substantial
i i-
Adjoining RUa-Cariten
"ft 'rl
A Christmas Stere With Moderate Prices te
Wanamaker's Down Stairs
the Fere
New Bag Tops of
Celluloid or Metal
Start at 25c
and go up te $3.50 for some of the
new decorated celluloid frames
for elaborate bags.
Silver-finished metal frames
have chains attached. Celluloid
frames arc in the shell or lighter
(Art Needlework, Central)
Rhinestone Bar Pins
$1 te $6
Lovelier, most pcople think,
than any previous years! There
is a greater use of smarller stones,
finer engraving nnd filigree work
that give the pins mere grace,
delicacy and lightness.
The settings arc all sterling sil
ver. Seme of the pins have gal
lery mountings nnd many have
safety catches.
"What Wonderful Handbags
at $5!"
Mere than one wemnn has exclaimed at the extraordinary assort
ment duvetyn, velvet, shiny and dull leather handbags in all the
various colors and many different shapes. Net only are they soundly
geed, but they are interesting bags, such as every woman likes te carry.
Their linings afe pretty, their inner fittings in keeping, the catches
really catch and held securely. There is a satisfaction In giving such
Small Furs
of Nearseal, Mele or Skunk Make
Delightful Gifts
There is such a satisfaction, tee,
in giving Wanamaker furs, for you
may be perfectly certain that they
are of the best quality, Their style,
their workmanship and their quality
are of the highest type.
neckpieces, quite new
Dear little
in cut, are $25 te $55.
sketched is $2e.
Near Seal
(Dyed Musical)
A wonderful variety herel Every
thing from a small slip-through
neckpiece at $8 te a big muffler cellar at $37.50.
A pretty little piece with fur balls is $15.
Leng scarfs and deep cape cellars of full-furred glistening skins
are $80 te $56. And you knew skunk is a very serviceable fur.
" Oh, Pearl
is quite often the reply te
"Which would you rather
Beautiful necklaces of grad
uated indestructible peail
beads are ih white or cream.
Their deep richness is due te
the fact that they arc made of
mother-of-pearl with a fish
spale coating which also ac
counts for their geed weight.
There ere lengths from 18 te
24 inches, with geld clasps.
Gleaming Mesh
Bags te Hang en
the Tree
It'.s un old custom and a de
lightful one te hang presents
en the tree and have a cere
mony of gift giving en Christ
mas morning. The eyes of
the feminine members of the
family will turn with eager ex
pectation toward a pretty mesh
bag. In silver finish, they are
in sizes from the cunning little
one at $1 te a large bag at $10.
Women's Blanket Bathrobes
in Seft Tan at $3.85
Hew oft and warm they are the em
bodiment of comfort! The blanketing is
thick and in a most agreeable, restful
shade of tan. Cellars, cuffs and pockets
are of figured blanketing in tones of res,c
or blue and the waistcerds harmonize.
Few gifts give such solid comfort as
Hand-Quilted Silk
Robes at $10.50
Full-length padded rebe.s from Japan
are in rose, dark purple or black silk, hand
quilted and finished with frogs.
Nightgowns, $1 te $2
Excellent cheesing among soft white
muslin nightgowns with long sleeveg and
high or V necks! Seme women wear no
ether kind. The yokes are tucked and
some are trimmed with embroidery and all
are finished with ruffles.
High-neck nightgowns in extra sizes
arc $2.
AW jk
A Pillow Is a Comfy All Sorts of Pretty
Gift Costing Little
Round pillowy square ones and
cylindrical pillows are here with
coverings of cretonne, velour und
tapestry-and-velour combinations.
Prices start as low as $1 and go
te $5.75.
Plain white pillows, te be cov
ered, are 65c, 75e and 85c.
I (Upholstery .store, Chestnut)
Table Runners
Seme nre of tapestry with geld
galleen edging, some combine tap
estry and velour and ethers show
most interesting Japanese designs
in blue with a glint of geld.
Prices start $1.50 and go te
$15 for n very handsome scarf 7S
inches long.
(Upholstery Hiere, Chestnut)
Seft White Blankets
$6 and $8.50 Pair
Snug, warm, wool-mixed blnnkets with pink or blue borders.
They measure 70x80 inches and are excellent value.
All-Weel Scotch Plaid Blrnkcts, $12
There's warmth and cheer in the voryTcelor of these prettv
blankets with red bindings. 72x84 inches nnd pure wool.
All-Weel Plaid Blankets, $8.50
Pink, blue, tan or gray block plaids, size 68x80 inches
can you think of a gift mere welceme te u newly staited house
hold? Weel-Filled Quilts, $6.50 and $10
Beth are covered with printed cotton material and filled with
soft, light lamb's-wool.
$0.50 quilts have plain sateen berders; $10 ones have nlain
sateen borders and backs.
The Gallery Stere for Men Is
Brimming Over With Pleasant
Solutions te the Gift Problem
It's a man's store full of men's gifts and this Christmas it is better
prepared than ever te help the womenfolk of the family make it a happy
Christmas for the men.
Any number of helpful things are arranged where a puzzled
feminine mind may see and greet them as a solution of the gift problem.
Prices in every instance are amazingly low for goods of unquestioned
All Kinds of Neckties
There are neckties and neckties, of course, and many women feel
wary of them because of the old jokes about Christmas neckties. These,
however, are neckties that men themselves approve. Open-end four-in-hands
and knitted ties are 25c te $1.15.
Big Blanket Bathrobes
in the color combinations that men like are $5
te $10.
College men like the blazer stripes at $10.
Suspenders, Belts and Buckles
Suspenders in boxes are 50c and $1.
Sets of suspenders and garters are $1 and
fcoed belts are 50c nnd 75c.
Sets of belts and garters are $1 and $1.50.
Sterling silver belt buckles are $1 tp $3.50.
Snap button belts te go with them are 50c
te $1.50. . , .
A special belt with a sterling silver buckle,
in a box, is $3 and another is $3.75.
Percale shirts in clear Btripes are $1.30 and
Woven madras shirts arc excellent value at
$1.85. .
Silk-striped madras shirts are $2.05.
Other shirts of artificial silk-and-cotton are
$3.50, and of silk-and-cotton, $6.
White shirts with neckbands or attached
cellars are $1.50, $2.50 and $2.75.
of light-weight soft cotton in plain colors tan,
blue, pink, laverider, etc., are $1.50.
At $2.50 they are of woven-stripe madraB or
plain white mercerized cotton.
Flannelet pajamas are $2 and flannelet
nightshirts are $1.45.
(Gallery. Market)
Gloves te Give a Man
Deuble gloves of closely knitted Scotch wool
with leather binding at wrists, $2.
Brown or black capeskin gloves, fleece lined,
Gray and tan suede gloves with seamless
knit wool linings, $3.
Gray suede gloves with mohair fleece linings
and fur-lined wrists, $3.
Silk-lined mocha gloves, in gray and brown,
$3.75 and $5.
Mecha gloves with seamless knit wool linings,
one-clasp style, $5.75; strap-wrist gloves, $6.50.
Capeskin gloves in brown and black with
seamless knit wool linings arc in one-clasp style
at $4.50; strap-wrist style, $5.50.
Moter Gauntlets
Warmly lined gauntlets in a variety of prac
tical styles range in price from $3.50 te $10.60.
Gauntlets lined with lambs' wool are $8.60.
Men's Handkerchiefs
for the Gift List
Goed-sizo plain, white linen
handkerchiefs are 25c, '35c and
75c each.
Extra-size plain white linen
handkerchiefs, 76c.
Initialed handkerchiefs, all
iinen, 35c, 60c and with hand
embroidered initials, 76c.
Colored border white silk hand
kerchiefs, 50c; in boys' sizes, 20c
New Pongee Blouses
in Five Smart Styles
Welcome, because se many women are asking for them for gifts.
Remarkable, because they are of such geed pongee, made se
prettily. Splendid waists for all-around wear as well as for sports,
school and business the sort that will give no end of sen-ice and
Five styles in all regular sizes:
two youthful Peter Pan models are sketched; one fatten3 in
the ether one pictured has a vest front and roll cellar.
two styles have roll cellars, ene with tucked front, the ether
with a pleated frill edging the cellar and center pleat.
Here's a Traveling Bag Werth
Having and It's Only $15
One of the strongest, most substantial bags we have ever
been at the price!
Of thick, surface cowhide, in black or dark brown, it is a
3-picce bag with a sewed frame and geed henw catches and
lock. Corners are strongly reinforced, the handle is soundly
built and the lining is of leather. Altogether a bag that will
stand a great amount of knocking about.
18-inch size, suitable for men or women, 815.
A Dress Length?
of new voile in suitable patterns
for next Spring would be inex
pensive, yet very acceptable
Pretty checks and small designs
are in browns, pink, yellow, green,
blue, lavender, etc.; sheer and
delightful. 38 inches wide and
only 28c n yard.
. Or a dreBH length of flowered
dimity, 36 inches wide, 60c a yard.
Becoming Wash Suits
for Little Chaps
$1.65 te $3.25
Middy and button-en styles for
boys of 2 te 8.
An unusually geed variety of
sturdy cotton materials in blues,
brown, tans and a few m white.
The Lassie Skirt Is as Scotch
as Heather
It is of rough woolen plaid in blue,
brown nnd giay tones with a brighter
stripehere and there and is pleated like a
little kilt. The suspender top gives it a
real little-girl air. Sizes 10 te 14 years.
$3.85. It is sketched.
Crisp white lawn waists te go with it
are $1.75 te $8.50.
A practical combination for school.
. Bleemer Dresses
for Miss 7 te 12
Special at $2.25
Pretty wash fiecks, nicely made and all
with geed, full-cut bloomers of the same
material. In cheery plaids, or plain blue,
brown or tan chahibrny. Seme of the
plnin colors are trimmed with plaids und
checks, ethers with snowy rickrack. AH
hnve been quite a bit mere, but siiea are
somewhat broken.
Men's Silk
Knitted Tie
New let just
received! Made in
the new graduat
ed shape that is
wider at the ends.
Dark colors with
woven stripes or patterns alto
gether the smartest of th
season 1 (
Linen Tablecloths Straight
Frem Ireland, $6
Smeeth, lustrous linen dnmask
with woven floral patterns in cir
cular effects that are suitable for
either round or square tables.
Size 70x70 inches. Napkina te
match are $7 dozen.
Beaded Bags, $1.25, $2, $3
New ones at the season's low
est prices. Dark colors with gay
floral patterns, made with bead
tassels and te draw up en silken
cords. Priced according te slse.
Women's Gloves
$1 and $1.25
$1 for strap-wrist style chamois
lisle gloves with spear-point backs
in white, covert and biscuit.
$1.25 for 16-button length in
white and 12-button in whiU,
mode nnd brown.
Silk Jersey and Mestalintt
Petticoats, $3.85
New ones arriving fresh every
day! Messalines in solid or
changeable colors with shirred
flounces; jerseys in many colors
with two-toned flounces or, what
many women prefer, a combina
tion of measaline flounces nnd jer jer
sey tops. What welceme gifts,
put up in pretty holiday boxes!
13th Street Aisle
Celluloid Toilet Articles
18c te $3.50
AH kinds of pretty toilet acces
sories in creaky whlte celluloid
thnt be closely resembles ivory.
All white or with a tiny touch of
color. Seme are slightly lw lw
perfect. Christmas Ribbons and
Seals, 10c te $1.60
Christmas seals are 10c and 16
yKft0i,daZ,ribben ,s 'row US
te f 1.60 ter f3 of 10 yirft.
" imiimamammmmmmmmmtmtmmik
A ,,
7- it
i..y. M . ,, "..Wir., .. 1RWJI
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