Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 14, 1921, Night Extra, Page 26, Image 26

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i TY1 -Tin-Til it i" " r-- - -- -1 -n- - r , , , , - - - in i '
Letters te the Editor
SMITH. In memory of OEOuOE W.
SMITH, SI. 1),, who nanred te the. "Itlirher
Mfe," 12 me. 14th, tOlO, HIS PAMILr.
CAItniCK. In leilmr mfmerj1 of OKOnQK
V. U.i who passed away Dee. 14, 1B1T.
Hew te Make Christinas Werth While
te er.ter inlL any
n mi, un tl-p eu'lif'U minds !n hi
cnre MHS. W T, tll.ADDlVfl
Philadelphia. December 1.', 10J1
' t His Treatment In Camp ' "Ne Santa Clau?"
f W- EdltSr of the Bvrntne Public I.tdgir: Te the Vdtter e ttie A'-vs.Inp Public Ltdett:
'- - t..r.ee.e.t In nelle In t llSU" Of thr- Sir Th West Phllnrfelnlilll arhnnl eerh.,1-
,''Mnmsa FccLld L.metn a very Inttrtnlln. who told Ills or lier charges that thcre was
, TiiiWiyeny by one who eigne hlmttf nrlnten no Santa Claus should nnd hla or her serv-
je. JMts-srils m reference te umn .i. iein. ttt-.s enwnna nun at once This teacher
Mmt Mrresnt of Company it., nun in
WftTrr; nnd -rIt!rt:lnar rad erire.i-l In his
iMllin statement te Senater Walten, of
'WlsjtTts.', In regard te the tyranny and cruel
mitmMt of nrlseners at Camp Hancach or
lh, Utth Infantry rteekade I read with
Interest Mr. nl.v.tls' article "Win- Three
Tr LaterT" or. as I wejld eaS. "'Wli He
fc Hard looter?"
Net, bemir a buddy te Seiresnt I Ire.
alto a former member of "aid llltli In
fntry, but net of the name remr-aii. a, tn
turreant. I wish te relste what he -ays Is
truS, duel te the fact that I also fell a vie--flat
te tint Urrible tpldemlc which spr-nd
"ersr Camp Hancock around the hel'.ilivi of
117 and .ffered a similar fate fa Srirant
Vfe all iiet ei should lne. that a
Wltener mint expert ancd treatment a
'that which mv b Impefd upon him for In
nritr" te run an arm- we must h.i. dls
ttpltn. and te obtain ns-i1i examples must'
liet, but vere there i.ei dlffeient rrethsils
tltt teuld have bee.i deilt out Insteed of
DOBU that were pract'.id? VThr alii v. the
mult te feed the iierai? Are net both ei-
nentlal? Beine i number of the 110th In
fantry! you vlrluallv don't knew what went
en In the lll'h Infantry. I deuht !f you
kheW all that ntppened In your own ri.
I will net e Inte details te evi'Iain ii
a you may net abeeJ I utMte "iviiv W .
bard lear?" se will no; nuV put '". "lit 1
111 te you. Mr F,dv.-erd. If J ou r !'.l c
c9t my cordial attention In thu form of
vrlfld cow and ctchlnj of a etoc'iide an.l
what actutlli did ta: e place Ten, ou. eu. ou.
eutaTOlBR and 'ncemlnr mill Mas censored
e hew could sui'i ftcts be trade I.reun?
Ten claim mictatie, ire in. -sn-e'r
n, reallja th.v but lid !c p t triV
vry trrava mittuke nhti en censure I fei --eant
IJncy'a atMtude twiu cur v onJer enJer
fut former 'mv nu-es ' Il is iiisn of
Wh BtMldlnc. vtr ceiejnial ml nef of tb
type ye.l Imcirn Thr Is ret one ihe
knows hltn who i-cild ht' te j'laci n
excellent 'eliaia'ter' te Tin mme.
Se before yen com-ct mls'e of et'ier
watch reur ein. net an you 3ee areelf
bt ii etheis i-c - en
i rer.MEit m'civ
.101IN" llO.VVIflT
Vhlludc Ihla December S. "9-.M
Women Clerks
ffe the Krfite' e fie Svtm '0 PubUc l.'ati"
Sir In anv.r te "' M II . ' I eheu.d
Ilka te ,k hew he would dJflr.e "eterana
and why he epeaUs sllchtinalv of ve;nen
elarlM, r.eeardlnir thr.i. let m- siy that
many women came I" Waah'.nitnn In 101T
a ad 1819 te work In plavs which could ne:
b filled by men. They worked lone hours
and after a hard da- s we-k tl.e' 'cr
elsht and ten In a sma'l toem. The- s'est
rn armv cote. UJ nj their e.its for fe-.-s.
They ate In dlrtv rentiurar.ts or Vieua-lii
lunche en the sireet cerne-.e. efm "-i"1! f
a half-hour te he inrvxl Te '.iJ in thl
way coat then .75 or mere month wh"
they were pill an aieiaire of 90 a inen!!
Burins' th Inrlu-na ei ldmlc they d!d
by hundreds without dectcrs e- nun-
te attend them Vf Je many a dollar
from our mearr aavlnra te ship th bedla
of the unfortunate enm te their hems. JIv
ckimt died In the service of the United
States, ami no flac draped her ce.tin and
abe, ha no rise en fcr rrave. Pin Is no;
Vnantlened in the Memerial n.-- ar.d July
iSyurth orations and there is re sre.d slat
en th service flee in her home
Seir, Mr ' F M. II. aiv n-.- : out
definition of a .-etran 'Would ou ey ih'.'
the woman who feuslu tie b.itll-f ':re
should be scernedf I am re v married te
an ex-aervlce man -rhe his a portion ith
tbe (Jevernment e find that Waihliur.en
prices are be lilsh thjt I em compelled
eehtjnua In my old oftlce be that e can lu
respectably. I belie- this Adnili.istritlin
-will Boen take c?re of ex. soldiers and pos pes
albly reduce rents, se that women can re.
tire and make 1 enui
MHP V 1. D
Waahlnften D. C December T "O-'l.
of this cltv never fall In Bcelns that some
kind of Chrlstman cher la carried Inte the
homes of the extremal peer, and let me
conclude by .sailnc that there Is tr.ore, Jey
at this helldnv tr'.iel In the a erase home
of the peer than in the average home of HKTIILI.U-Dec. IS, tjwzahijtii K..
.-.. i.i.ii. .i... .. .1.. .i. t. .iv. v- I wife of Mnnsaqulla Hethell (nes fltuber).
ha, ,P,t tl.e reject of the pupils, for It haa u,t a, ll te ,.iy that It la'wremr te , S?fi 50',,I,!Jn:,r1r.,,,rl'c,'.,.,frl- 2 V' M"
up n contrevjrsv ns te t.ie veracity I anv kind of a t'hilstmaa dleula en aa'e. itnr.ii.'rt At Nnrrlnnnn tj .. n.,. 19
nnd the parent f.ir theen .he hae the purchasing lower , JOHN. Hr , husband of ilnry lleUer. Ilela-
anu menus are invueu in nitenu ru-
BA1J. At Erlal, N 1 Dec. 12, 1021,
JOHN A. 11.1.1,1.1. Ilelatives nnd friends are
iiiltd te attend funeral aervlcra. In Ilrlal
M. P. Church Thuri., 2 P. M. Int. HrUI.
N. J.
., .... ...w u.v..fc ,.., u.'.r.I ,,', ItUID II.V VU1 kllll3lll( ..,V , .,'!-, ..
t and from this en i rind much mere unappreclatlen ahewn ainenc , tl e an
l nil. , the iilldren as well aa the trrewn-upa In Jr,1, s,
l" tnuht that thee I tlln tn'ddle and upr-T c'asees, ns far a, qUem m
letireti teaeher and parent
tain retuielly win out
the ten(4ir'-i Instruction
The Mldren should
Is a Santa Ulaus. nnd thm h i. , .r.t. weHlt.i Is c.'iu "ir.nl. than nmenc the peer.
net alone nt this season, but all the year -'vr tn cb'l'l of rich parents presents
nretind nnd no hirm has ever come te a' lnnt "mount Inte the hundreds of dellnre
child win) had absolute faith in thlj patron "iii '' ' will net appreciate the sift" half
ailtit tlneuh tlndlnsr that he does net " murh as the peer ch'ld who nets a I n
en'at In a belns-- but it la cry easily ex-1 'nt tny If xeu h"l,J'rn 1e r" ,n otlend etlend
plalned te .i rhlld as te what he is njm- nnn 'lt enc ' "'" t0T" displays don't leave
tellcal of when the child U-cemea of euffl-1 " ''Ubiut pttrrtaslni semethlnc for some
cle it aire te reason ' little en and watch the beam en his or
i , , ... I her countenance and then contrast the dlf.
..."?".V '" r'.? 3uprise,i te nnd If one, ,... ,nr ti. ehit.tren at the rlrh. lit . Ices. Thurs
w" ".''?.' ellab,e lhe mlr.,., of his.,, m,nr, ,.,. ,h. rhiij . th... ,,. d-nce. 1030
71. "rl .r'v'r inreujin tl.e unmaklna: of an ,,... ., ,. . , ,,., h. ,h rhrls. i Pelvue Cm
e, X;l1L7nl "?V? te "y m tnntemlm means te the children of
..n..,..L vii Kllu im:i it any teacner i v...,-...- .i.. t. i ,u- ....Am i,. ur. ih.m
.!.. 1 . . f.l.MlllllU. .VU-- II 19 IN" IU1IU.II IV ..C II. IT..,
kind of ii dlerussl-m such . , ,t,i. t ..,. ,.,(.!
I'.i ailelplim. Peren-.bnr II. IH'-'I
are Invited tn
em his late rrsldence, 120 K. Mar
inurv . r:ju a. .i, ueiemn re
quiem masa St. I'Jtrlck's Church 10 A. M.
n.t. nt, I'ntricU's.
IiniNOHrnST. Suddenly. Dee. 11.
rilANK PEltRT. son of late Jesse and
fisruh Terry Ilrlnjhurst. Jtelatlvea and
friends inilted te funeral services. Wed., il
P. St., residence, 0323 Ortene at.. Oerman.
lewn Irt at the convenience of family.
daughter of nn and the. late William
Ilrlster. In her 22d year. nelathes nnd
friends are imited te attend funeral een--i ,,'.n-av
(... rri...-- n st H. .-, k k. . ..i- Bnens a
I "
P. M . nt hei niethi!r s real
McCleilan st Int pi-Hate.
Remains may be Iewed Wed..
alter 8 r. m.
lHTROr.KS. Suddenly. Sat , De. 10
ROIICRT S lirnansS, husband of Orace K.
C'hadwlek and father of Chadwlck Ilursress,
aaed 30 Funeral servlcgs will be held at
ma neme mi jresiuent St.. uroeKlvn, Is
qulem mass nt St IlrMiet's Church OiilO A
M. Int. Westminster Ccm.
son of William A. and Marv 15, Meyers (nee
Windlsh), aned 2ft. Relatives and friends
also Northwestern Beys' Club nnd empleyes
of lrclhefer's Rakery, Invited te funeral
service, Frl., at 2 P. M.. at parents' res.
dence, 2448 Turner Ht. Int. West Laurel
Hill Cem. Vlewlne Thurs. eve.
MIM.KTt. Dec. 11, VALKNT1NB. hus.
band of Otllllle Milter fne Krauss). Rela
tives and friends alae William P. Hamilton
I.edite, Ne. 600, P, and A. M i Tristram n
Frceinsn R A. C, Ne, 24H; Penna. Pem-mandn-(
Ne. 70. I. T.i Lu Lti Temple, A.
A. O. N. M H.t mcmlier of Lutheran Church
of the Atonement and all ether aecletlea of
which he waa a member, are In lied te at;
tend funeral services. Wed,, 1:30 P M.. at
late residence, 2102 K. Nerrls st. Int West
Laurel Hill Cem.
MINTZmt. Suddenly. Dec. 13. 1021. at
hnr, b"ther'a residence. Frederick Hermanti,
101 nimwoed ave., Narbertli, Pa.. MARY D.,
daughter of late D.ivld nnd LydK A. Mint
wr, Relatlvea and friends Invited te attend
funeral services, fat.. i;30 P. M., nt the
parlors of C. A. gmnby t Hen, ISIS N.
20th st. Int. Kverffreen Cem.
MORRIN. Dec. 13. 1021. MARCJARKT.
daughter of late Tatrlck and Mary, Merrln.
Relatives and friends, also Nativity R. .
M. Sodality Invited te funeral, Frl., 8:30 A.
M. from her Inte rra'denee. 2H28 13, Alle-
Hniemn requlmi mass at -;nurcn
M. int. at .New ii-
rternlnr )3-eent bottle flaTerllig Kxtrarl
free with eiery W.OO nnrchnse te teepi
itar). We miike this offer In.enler that
reu may try our extra" win"""
re en .reur nurt. ... .. ,. .,.
This offer Is teod Hit "ff. 15' '
Buy the Best
At je Most Reasonable Price
A Week-End Christmas
') ( e r.tHter of tlie Kvnilng PubUe T.tdw
S.r Chi til in as cemlnit en Sunday
ear, fortunately
Peer Children and Stere Displays
Je fc fM.'fei- of the Kirr(-ii ;'t,ric I.nlgt
Sir I qult.j dlsajrree with jour eorre-f-pendent
who sa-.j It la all vienR for the
peer rep;e te tal.-e their chlldien te 'the
C'jirintniLj t' J'spiijs In th. rtefej. for It
er.tei their inteivt In a something- wh.cli
thej i-annut pesvej.) and sends them away
int In heart lncnue they cannot acqulie
cen one of the a..n thlncs shown thure.
If ne weie te Mde from the ch'ldrer
fie Rr.-n-r "teeple ns well ever thing that
may u.i, t.m tr.e 'enplru; fm Iti jn'se. jn'se.
sen. what a dl:n iilrc cendltli.n th t weu.d
brlns i bout It u thf er.h Cf.nstn.js e
that iriin- e' 'hi; children iicqulre, this
r.ilnn aLeut frum s ere t. -:ere win dr.ss
befeie ph-lstnn- te en.-e the sigh's in
tl-w derartmirts. Van', vcr fw parents
bui ir ah!e -. i ,h-e the r cl HJren ere of
tl-.es s.'tt.s and tl.e te- displays r a cnat
In.e'at.fn fur th'-u. ler In :he departn.i-nts
of the ntei.e are some sort of entita!n
mi I preildrd fer Ibcm free of diirze. ml
the derive srest ei.je-went e-il of it.
C5e ..He itiv of the le Jep.irtme-ils of
he lar.e stores nii.l e the men t'irerc
rmreiea incre s-e tin. little ones enjoy i for . -hanrre of . .ne. I hse noticed that
ui ania . nus in nriii;y pievlded. who tlir area P3rtlcul.irl- well-blue 1 let. and
W-, 1 Ph.fe hands with them and cle them . alw j s nit rentlemanlv. and I fee! that it
.i word of encouragement, which tl.e" ac- would b n ery cet.ui.us thing for us te
"i1 for their euthful minds ha'-e abie- de le e'.tend the hand of fellowship te these
Iut faith In him Thn ther are imclian'- mn it t'Us time l-istnd of "pi-.tiniT th-m
t-il te- h of ci"-v sett at some pIsccb chins te .eme here and help them'e'ves at their
a f-e entertainment vh.c.l the ilie'njgh'.r ' own etn-nse ever thle week-end Phr.slma..
It should r.et be hiul matter te eeiiie
tliee eeldlei s, threiiKh the inminai 1 - of
th romp. Mho could pen' i retlcn a'.lng
en- of tl.e men who would ire te spend
then- Phiistmai in Philadelphia In tn's -nv
te Indir-ate It te ) Im and this 1'st eeu'd b
supplied te Phlladelphiine he des'red te
er.terleln them I make this .ui"&et...-i W
raue I hae In lied fuur I'anifj D.x bes.
-lie II 'n th ettme Sau'h an.l h
arnt k horn fe: I'lnletnus. t r-im'- nnd
spnd ilie hellla ith m .'inl'
E M 1
rhi.ilpkl ficember 0, lO'.'l
V.. Tues. Dec 13. 8 P. M. Int. Cedar Hill
fern.. Phils.. Wed.. 1'IB P. M.
CALLAUHAN, late of OlaymenA Del., and
; Trainer, Pa Relatives a"nd friends, also
of this ' I enna. It 11. Relief Assn., invited te fit-
we can make a week-end "ri'V;." ,r".-'.:i, -tflVr ,.';' MVr.X
st. Solemn mass of requiem Rt St. Antheny's
Phurqh 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem
I'lsuae emit flowers.
CARNKY Dec 11. JOHN, husband of
Mirsaret Carney. Relatives and friends,
alie Court Hepe. 110. K. of A , and Hely
Name Society, are invited te funeral, Thurs ,
8-30 A. Mm Ablnrten. Ta. Solemn high re
quiem mass at tlie Immaculate Conception
Church Jcnklntewn. Pa., 0.30 A. M. Int.
New Pnthedral Cem.
I POIIIJRN. Dec 11. MARTHA, wife of the
of the Nativity 10 A
meiirai uem. . .
I NIXON. Dec. 13, AMY, wife of the lare
liphrnlm Niton wnd daughter of William
, and late Martha Vsndegrlft Relatives and
friends, and nil organizations of which ehe
'was member, invited te funeral services,
Hat . 2 P. M.. at residence of her sen-ln-
I law IMwln Llsher 1013 II. Orleans st Int
Fi lends may
celebration of It. Ilcirlnn'nr with Christmas
ee, it can b prolonged '"hrlstmas Day and
.Monday, the irneral hellda-. and consequcnt censequcnt
i 'he celebration will last two full days.
I v.etf.d H!:e te mak n ll'tle sugrrttlen
te theso who may 0 cilia te give the service
men who are fjr from home a Utile taste
of Philadelphia liespltalit- and Chr.stmaj
Wh- T-ou d It nef be a coed Idea for
Philadelphia families, as msnv as possible,
te In lie these service ir.e-i of the First Dl Dl
le!en who are stat'uned a- Pamp Dls te
come te Philadelphia eei the Chrlstmis
lrleil and be entertained here hv plnte
ltlr, us )n their homes, or In be'ng gusts
of the cltv
AH of these men wl be g..en ti belter
part of a wek duiing the liel'da period,
and the treat mslerity of them live tee
for eav from 1h amp te ufferd them
the rppertunlty of going home for Christmas,
The camp la se close le Phl'adelphle, nnd
hundreds of be. a come h'te eery week-end
late Wllllsm A. Peb-.irn. agisd 04. l-'uneral
I'resbjterlnn Church Grounds,
call !.!.. R fn 1(1 P. if.
Hr . son, of late Jehn cud Anna Nugent
Funeral. In -vhleh nla'lves and friends ale
inilted, Tbiirs S A. if., fiem residence of
her son. Charles Nugent, 141 Wilder si,
Kelemn mass of requiem rhurch of the
Sscred Jfeait 0.30 A. M. precisely. Int. Ca
thedrfl Pern.
O'CONNOR. Dec. 12 .TAMI1P, husband
of Ute Anna O Cenner. Relatlics and friends
Invited te funeral. Frl . b:30 A. M., late resi
dence, 2338 N Op.il et. Helemn requiem mass
at Church of Our Ladv of Mercy 10 A. M
Int at Hely Cress Cem.
O f dSNurt. Dec. 12, CATHCRINK At.,
duiighter of ' Inte Je.nes and Catherine
O'Connor (nee Denne'vie). Rclotlves and
Irlends Invited te fttneinl, 1 tl., -ae A. l
' I IMBI 1
' 1 I
' shushes
.-sb B.aei
sBg'j-JgV tl .1 "1j Il2jl&
Net WiVt
2',i Ibl.
0 Cans,
New Oak Weed Barrels
out of
I'ric" town
TOYS Dells, Games
"Everything en Wheels for
Read this ever and knew
why hundreds of people came
te our store last week and
fairly nte up these bargains.
The Famous Medel H 500.
Shet Daisy Air Rifle
Regular S2.7K.
Pest 10c.
Genuine Union Bnll-Benring
neiicr akntia
sirvb-es Tmirs ; r. M.. .'142 8t James I Iste residence. P41 S. l,2d st. Solemn
en toy
Cnntiast -he l.is of Oils pleasuie i,- tl s
pe-i- children heje M. ienl may feel like
iur correspondent, lljt for thee -e J;.
rlays iliey weu'd li i.e. oppertlltlll of
in Christmas Thaeer. It Is the ru'e
jsuil'j for rltu. win are making ap.
le.l" for the peer -hltdien nt Chrlrtmas.
te p'cture ilifes'.rnr nrcumstances In thb
home where S'anta C'aus des let enter ir.
some form I doubt whether ,m could flnl
u re.en fcuch nemes In ths vtst tit of
file i nrliitlaii ami hd.inthrepk pcep'e
requiem mass St. Par'hage's Church 10 A.
M In . Helv Cress Cew.
ininNSKTTUR Dec. 13. 1121. KLLnN
M OMIINMI TTK15. Funeral services J-ri.,
2 P M precise'-, at (11.11 Rldge ave., Em
borough Int Leierlrttten Cem.
I'HK-I)v 11. MARY ANN PARIC flee
rke.I' 1 i.'e nt .! seph Park. R"latlv
and ft ei ds also Ladles' Temperance Se
riot- of St. Joachim's Parish, Invited te at
tend fu-eral. Ilm. R 311 A. M.. from her
ildeme 10'il i nit et . jranKtera.
St. jeacnim a
Church 10 A. M. Int. St. Deminic', cem.
Pease emit flener.s.
PAVONARIfS - Oi 11". 12, 1021, IDA
MAT PAVdN'ARIl'S' Funeinl en Tlvirsdaj
inernlnir. at 7.3(1 n'..leek. from the Oilier
H Hair Rldjr . 13211 Chestnut st. Hqlwnti
high mass at St 1'itrlck's Phutcli at 0
o'clock. Int -rin- nt private. Remains ma
le viewed Wedllela evenlmr.
piirmieK. Dec. i2. f.lizahi:th h.
wife of I'hsrles H. Pc'rlck (nee fiprnttl
Relatives and friends are Invited te attet.d
fur.erul services. Frl 2 P. M., late resi
dence. 4132 IVnn st.. Frankford. Int. Fem Fem
wued Cem Remains may be viewed Thurs
- went.-Twi miles from f.tke
Fil'.i and te irtecn m' -s f-em
I.jke OntaTie.
(lout Isiand contains ki-c-eiu
Kris te tl e i
the FjIIs te
evri s
e find this
secure It.
nnd I am e-y ur.sieu
A. K. K11I.I 1 I!
Decenib"i lj, 1021
The Baltimore Riet
toil. htUte. e thf fcVei'. jiff Public LilOf
.--.r -I am told MJivljrd paid th fini.
of ieId.ers kil'e I In the Kultlyierc r.et
Ii II. V.
row much
"hllid-lphla, I'ecen bet
'I he Mi'-lanl I"C s'e' ne apptnp.leted in
Iler-T.'i'l IStil t'.OU) te be tranem tteil 'e
he GoeTi.e- of .Ia..i.liu.tt- for d'sti.bu d'sti.bu
lien a'nei.lr t'.ie farnlllis of the. of the Mas.
euehuseti" reg'm.tnt -.he we-e killed u"
ve.nded In the lti'.t'mere riot.
Club for Strangeri
Te 1h Editor of tht r.v..i'ma Public Ltdaer-
Sir In reply te the letter piinted In the,
People' Forum signed "V S W I fu'l
understand row you fee; -is e the indif
ference shown netveemtrs In this r.ilnn ed
City of Brotherly Leve XI husb.nd and I
have been her, reme I'tt t time er.d knew
a few wnth hl Ne the P'l Isde'.phii I
cceps canne hmnilisie an one they de net
kaeTr any b- ttei
Jew I Just vtai.t te sa- 1 wi," de a'l I
Mt ' ne.i form an organiratlen for the
itranctr. M- husband Is flfiy-fnui ai I 1
am forty-foul veara eunrf. rd e a-e frnrr
Chicago. HI . and cin che the hl.b.est ref
erences. Kli.d'.y let me knew if seu are ab,
te succeid In cettli'i suff'c'er.t terse-.r in-1
t frosted, te form a s'rinirers' dub. ' II i
leave address with the Feep! -'s Forum d.tei.
MRS T, M B. '
Philadelphia Decemccr U, 1021
Candy for Injured Veterans
Te the Editor of th- K"fii'i7 Public I.cdatr-
Sir On Thinkssrnlng Hit, w.th the jll
of my man frl- nds, I -as enabled te pj--rliase
IBS beies e randy, suff.clent le supp:
all of our Injured eterans of the lnte -ar
who are sill' ernjieselnir t N'e in Heiltn
lfctpltat, Tsent feurtu Ftr-e' and Gia9
retry read, this cltv. We v.ere urel .i
repaid for our endeavors le lighter, the l.-i
of three bejs when -e found Just hew n-j i
.they appreciated this treat which t.tev -a-ceired
en our dav ,et aside for thnkrf-ilii a
I would appreciate It cn- much If '-ou
would kindly publish this letter In veur
column, as I am usirj this as a mesrs or
thanhlrur each and et one of m frlerdj
wfce helped me te can; this threush.
I aji sure this il! er.ceuraie these who
eentrlbuted te the cause, as will as brirg
te light the fait that theje our be. or er
nn, are tiet forselten t- these for iiu.ii
thej se nobly frueht.
yhlladelpliia Decmbe- S 1i2!
Enjoys Miss Lewrie's Talks
Te tha Kd'.ter 0 fte hvtnlre Pub.c Lrdeer
5lr I wish te tell ou huw nucli -ve ar ar
enJeyltlE the Sjturda l'vetilnj Talks e'
Earah D. Le rlj. partku'erh tne one ?
last Satnrdsy urivlrR the upbnnirlni; e Our
Lord In modern theusht as icm'njr f - lu-
.rated reial l'r.es ,s airimHt the peu.''
tnetla-ht of a 'ew.v pr,isj -t
iclia hhipluv aueiiv-
Plillade'phi Dec-mbT 13. IP.'I
If Japan Controls China
Te flii Ed.ttjl O' f,e f.'l e,Mrt Piibli 'UWI
Ir One of ,u- wrltei s. s'lrnins- hliuflf
T. A. Me, lll.e ether shert-s.Ktite 1 pact
fists, cannot te. tin- danaer of pennlttlnn
Japan te control ''Una Ha hji ve shuuld
no (e te wsi fe cetablis'i tlther the open
deer' or the Inteifiltv Jr Chin i If the Fnlted
States peimlts Japan te deminatu ''hlna.
aed control th. msn--nier coal Iren and
ether teaeurces of the Pli nose Empire. 'il.li
-Will lead te her practlcul deinlr,ittnn of Asia,
nema day Japan will Jj te the Pnlted States
what Oerman- did te Ile'ulum. for ehe will
Uave the means tn de 11 Ti. permit fv-an
te dominate Asia and evlule ',r d'scrimnii'e
asMlnat American cjinmern will In cenlnv
years cost this ceuutr; untold I llllen- t
wealth. Ir Uetr't me.k lier nn she i'I
bsceme be powerful she ran't b checked
and will cont-el the Pai flc.
Phlladeiphlj November 30. 1321
"Psychological Moment"
7e '.f i'tf'fer of tit' Ei r.n'iii PiibKr J,0et:
. Whit Is niesi b semeth.rc hat-!
eenlnir at tlie -psicholeslcul moment
It. H !
Philadelphle. IienTrtbei T. 1021
lt is 1 flKUiatl ev;'essien Pstie
Cir'k far the soul e.nd In tn tlioleti was a
le-autiful maiden v. Ith Hie '.-.is of a but
terfl: fe Intlm-ite the Lehtnees (.f the soul.
Hence psytj. Mei In the science of tie soul '
and the pecl.eks!cal moment Is the Ueal
moment. hen, of all ethers an e- nt or.
ac' N ei.recte.1 te hue 'he fii'les or most
etnotlenaj effe-t
Best, Picture of Christ
70 ! hJ (0- of th' 17 e.l 10 PllJll.C l."i'll
i -..rWl.jt Is the bft pkture
Twe Poems Desired
7r ' f-.rfifer of flie Ktrwtttg Pub'i l.mu'.
Sir Pan any ou clv me the rniilndei
ef litt e pe.-ni (f which I reni"iner ui.v
fejl lines"
"Trkl- tlnk'e a bell I h.at
RlnaTl, soft'- ard d.i-.inff l e.ii
'Tts the Kentl ci- rrturnlna horn.
IVem the p.istu-e lall'I Where l.e 1 ,i s m
And nneth i.f v li . Ii I he-.e foicett-n
the rhm-
"Whv can't a s'r) ihr. H sler.- a' ii i-.lt a
barn deer
It has been rnar.;- veJls s.-ve hi- seen
Ither of the- rsiem-i in print
Phrade.phla l)finnlr 12 l'.'l
A Hymn Supplied
lu H r h.dile, i ( r : nil, g ' ,
Sir--I urn .lulesl:--; l.i-. . 'tl
e" 1 e -.,ndi rr. i mti i
Land r.r!iteii b- Sum-j"' f nn
teraee fUTth and Woodland ave.). Int Mt.
1 .ierinn 'em
POI.IJNS. On Dec- 10. 1931, CATH
ARINE. ldew of Miihael Cellins, aced ffl
eis. Relatives and friends are Invited
te the funeral, en Thursday merntni:, at
H-1il o'clock liem hei late residence 209
S 24tli st Kelemn requiem muss at St
Patrick's Phurih i lu o'clock. Interment
at OM Cittiednit Cemeter..
PONLIN. Dei 11. 1021, THOMAS J..
. l.tl.l.q.i.l r.e Ttlukll, t'n.'t P.l.lli'.a nn.1
i .....'.. ........, hui..iii. ...inuin ,.'! 'tale
tii'-iiur. ami :-iIlJliil ra Ul Hie l.llirriiriliD . , " "--., .urim . ui
. sie.. r rt... ln. I..-1 - ...M...i ,ru... SllT-t. reiUiifl TUTS 01
S:!0 A .11. fro n late resident", 2343 N.
Ot'r.nna st. Hele in renulem mass at St.
Heward's Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Sepul
chre Pent.
POIKJAN, Suddenly, en De-. IS 1021.
JOHN, husband of L'mni-i Coecau. Relative I
I nnd friends, also emp'ee of Uestene Tele Tele
pbnfie Ce a-e Invited te the funeral, en
Frldav mernliiir. et S o'clock, from Im late
res!d"ti-e. lllu Jacks n st , Cnmden, N J.
Requiem lileli miss nt Church of the Sacred
JU.irt nt b:30 o'lleck Interment ut Hely
i kiii penieterv.
PRHSSWFLL -Dec. 12.1021 .101 IV. hus
band cf lat D,ana Cress oil. Re'atives and
f I lends Invited te funeral services, Thui.,
1 2 P. M . late residence. 2723 N. 2d st. Int
Oreinmeuut C'em Friend? may call Wed.
liOLAN Dee 11. Michael c. husband
of Itcbeci x 11 Delan ltelatles and friends,
ilse I.edse N 31. L. O. O M : l--remeii s
Relief Axsj . and the Guards of Wnedside
Psrk. are .n.i'el te attend furer.il Thurs.
s-Rf) A. M . from h's late resldmce 2131 N
Natrona l Muss i.t Cliurr h of the Most
Pieceus Ule-Kl In A. Jf. Int. private.
DURN. Dec 11. I.AVINA. lf. of In'e
Theodere II D'rn. fernierlv of Pliila . Pa
Funeral seilreH Thurs . 2 P. M.. at her late
i '"liletirc. Ill K Crvstal Ijike ae. Wet Wet
mer.t. N. .' lit Ilirlelsh Cem. Fili-nds
msv .'.ill Wed . -iffer 7 l. Jf
DiU'OIIKin V. Pec. 11. PATRICK hus
brnd of tati Is.tlella Deuirliertv. Itelatles
, end friend" also T. A. R. Seclet . Hely
Name Fo'Ve- Shark,. Ren .Snrlety gtnl
r. pleyes of P R. T.. Inilted fe attend fu
rial. Tiiur" . S-31 A M.. late fsld-nce.
S71 X 4St i e Sele---!, -.cqu'eti mnss at
he L..it h '! fi-ii Mether of Herrens 10
A. M ' Int P-ithedial Pem.
FA1H1.ANI'-At Miami. I .1 Oe,. n,
JOSlll'll II FAIRLANI). ime of O'er old,.,.
Del. Ce.. Pi Net'ce of tuneral from latu
resldnrce w T. b- t.ven later.
Ul'lli'ICr. --D.K- IK MANDV S.. widow
i.f William ilcnke. I'ai.-ial eivlis Thurs .
2 1 M . a I her late residence 3,-,0.i Pen-.-1
st " Lit. ji'late iKmalns ma- b
.e- - i il e e
(.JLASH. On D'c. 11 102! IlIiIAHllTH
.. 'l.iusnter e: Taiii-s un.l Mai j 1; O'ass. '
ier.l e nn Tliuisila i.tte-imeii. at 2"1u
o'l-'e-k t her Lite resldMue. 1S M. St. i
Tern ud st In'ei -ire-it nt Jlt. Merlah Cent- I
S .K.! Ifir
I.31 1BC
I. .Ill 2."e
2,75 311c
3,011 3.1c
.1.311 40e
3.1R 4.1c
4.00 30c
.1.00 73c
Special Prices en
Charred Kess:
3-sval $2.50; S-gnl, $3.25; 10
fral.$4.25; 15-Sal. $4.50.
23-lb boxes
.'."- I) Hetdless
. Sultaues
r.1-lb. RrlEhf Tellow
Pepches . .
40c "
Pa. le I
I, i
cena.derej b
r.e- ;
of Chr i
these wne aht-'i.d
W. S E.
)ec mber !, 1021
1 Art critics are 'ilineat unar.lmeas in aiie
I ins .nat the h-.id of Chi 1st In the jlctuiu by
I Titian ("Christ with tna 'Irlbute ilenuj").
row In tin Dresden Lialleti. la the best,
'lie f.a-jre and fic of Christ, contra t ,1
iti th t of thi, Pha.ra.HJial ttmpt.-i slits
tie furni' .i sjDiiilt net fe md n in
c'l. r e.-..
vujuben - J Tic -tub'; 7 lli.i
inn it.i.i.uisi:d i.anh
'ii lerdn's storm banks I stari.'
And mat a vlshful ejm
I '"ana-n s fair and happy ler. i
Whein n-v posksslens lie.
1I e er these wide etn l-.l i. ., ! w
Shiits one eternal day.
There iJJed the Sun forever r,n
And scatters nluht .nva.
Ne tlillllrnr -vlnds nc- p. !- e.:s u.i
Pan reach thm healthful sher
- S rkr.ee and Mirrnw, nn hr. 1 i'- i .
i Are fc'.t and fiared no mm.
It hen we've been there tm theusat. I ..
liruht lilninc n the sun
W.'.. n. le.s di's te sins Ced i- .
I'h i ii b-n c first bunuii
et(l.,v of til-
dm-'. ,e i,f I
I.lnt- Fi
til 7 N 4.-0
I'lnirrli in A
Ritities and
URAY (ti-c
On D-e 12 in.'! MA1ILDA
e lale llerna-il Uermle anil
the 'a'c T'.emns and FrMci-t
...I ; T.-j-s :n A. M , r. s
t Iliicli mass St .latn-s'
M Int. Cathedral Cmetery.
fil-nds lnvitd.
irkeil Pec II 1921. ITW-
Europe and the Confederacy
l.j -i,r Fd ler ,.i I. '.' i g ''' c f.'tf''
i'r D.d ac- Kurepe: -i cuntrj dei-ai
tre Se-itlu-r.i I'enfe.lei ic t ".isereni. a .0
If fe, hat i am tries': H S H
Philadelphia, December 7 1921
Oreat Htltiln. Fiance, spa.n ami Peitu
Bal. ill the order nam J. lecefn'i-.l t.i
Southern Cenftderac- ns bell'gertr.t?
l.l I T lll ptuln ,i
hu Hill i.ujne and Xe
I rJan aeks f. i tl .
Ir'i Ta' e Thi. I
"in a r adsr euppl:
"3 L
as'.s for Rcbei' Sen te reem
Ii" '.r"1''? " t0""" will niMieur dallr
hi the l.enlii(f ItjI.JIe I.edir. and also
In the .Suiuliiy PubUe Leslarr. letters
ULscusklne timely topics nlll Jie printed,
ns nell iin reiiueslrd iveenis. and questions
of ireneral lntrrrst nlll be ansurrril.
Q ,1 lh lK.ks ef lt. d -esa
ment stwiypha. feurleen in numb' i he
been Iraii-UteJ 'n'n I.iibI ah .nd a' in.
eluded In some of 'h- editions .,f the R.bl.
Hewanl V.n -x- Fnfirium . e de -.e
haft ' Tn K'd's I-"" F.i.t fei ihj'.'i .
purposes and I ,s te, Unj le prln as Ii
would ceni'Jine imar a cu'uinn of spaC-.
Ki-est Wrmht W de net have a cepj
"Oier the Hill te (he Poe. HuUii' 'e mn
von It v I b found In '1 Car.-.en'i
"Farm Usllads I' is teu Ions le pniii
the People's ?eruin
;,l!ss Knu.v Ilji'.laiid -s vii 1ms
sent in Hie pee- ' Wal' - Teu We", t
, espem te a ieiiu' ir t'ie l'euple s drum
it er'Ktiia.l vat tn-ed in I'ucl. P
's cntlrel- tee 'ere fe- the Fi.um and
e will ma 1 th penvir'ten ,pv sent by
Mies Hack'.aud te t p'.-s .n win made
the er!ln.l l Mueit f a Ktampsd-addiessed
enlope Is fe aid'
Poems and Seng.s Desired
i I.
Queen Victeria Peem
7e r fth'iii n II 1,1 ii .' ''" '
S.v ! wonder whether mi'
me reem about Qiuem
It ...ime out lifter h'M
have been .alb ! "Hir
name like tha'
I'll adi'ph'it Derm be,
Reports Fire in Coatroom and 1200
Quickly March Frem Building
New Voik. Dei. 14.--A lil'lc girl
with an nnxluiiM leek (iptecj up te a
sister in tin rmrerhiiil m-1ieu1 of Ouv
l.sily (if .Miic-, Kurillmm imih nnd
Muriun nvenin'. a feiv iuluut', li fete
neon v.-slci-da.v ami tvliUm toil i. t.ei
that tliTP 'Mis n tin In one of i'u mnt- i'
looms. I
i ,
Tlie alarm muhIi bilns-i ilie i-uihlren 1 1
mil fur ii fii-i ill-ill vvai hei'iitli-it while '
a still nlarm naw -Piit In (he he j(.. '
pailment. The IjOO -'I'lilien In the '
litiildlui; line mil of the building . a 1
! minutes n limit diiM'di!-. '
l lie l-ter ,'e whom the iiifenivitlrni
urn lipeti i iiiiiiiiiinlniti'd went in mue t,
ilii iviinliuln'. whiTf ii hoi's jw-kMt nasi
IeiiimI aiiin. and wllh lier IiiuhIh ami !
feet Mir- In-ill out the hlnc Tlii'ii wns I
rieth j tig I'm- tin liii'iiiiM) te de I
-Nll It wife of Chalies K. Cirs.. P.e'u-
ii' e and frln Is ere ln-'.te.l f sttind fu
eral seriice. nt 1-er late leHlden e, 4'iej
V. ir.th t. W'd, . P. .11 p-eilrly. nt
I'rrr.'nnl Pem 1-Y' -nds ma- pall Tu s . m.
GP.HF.NFinLD IX-c. 11. 1'i-M. ItenKUT
-.. Iiualnil of Late A fl-eeuriaid, JU'a
ilvs and irlends hi Invited 'e utt'-nd fu-ner-1
eervlres, Thurs . 2 P. M, nt bis l.ite
rllei.ee. 1IiJ W .!. ir!., n Int pr'.ite.
I! r.nliniin, 1 -.lowed Wed . alter T p M
IP.mjNlIALP.II I), i. 12. LOI'IHA
IJIIFKNHALOII. ard il7. lurera silcej
I'hurs , 2 P. M . at h i nl ic'k r.di'iue,
Mrs, Albert Jehnsen. 4221 P.emaln st .
Fiankferd. Int prliafe
HAItPllIl. At Philadelphia. De0 1.1.
liAWKI.'N'CC, husband of JUr II irper (nee
Whllmejer). need fin. of Wild weed N. .1.
P.elathes end friends. ,isa police of the
21th District, and all orm.nl7at!ens of which
I r vas i member. Invlti-.l te funeral services
l"ri . S P XI.. at the parlors of Jehn Hese
A- s m. 2fllil llridtre hi . lirldekbun lor ler
netl Sfits Itlihmeid n In pilinte. f.uth
ir,ii i em lteadlnff papejs p aHe oep;
UAnitlS -Dec 13 11)21. .MAP.lv iin.,..., l
f It. t- Harris. R.elatHm nnd irlnids. also
II ir liinal Ledae I O. n. . r Sabaie
Itirais Ledge, N'e. K I u II, s , Invited 'e
funeral, Thurs . 2 P II . fitni h.s Isle rs"l.
dene- 1823 N il.'ld si. In' u' Ad.itli Jeshu
run Cem.
HkltWIG Suddei . liec 1 JiMll.T i
MAIUll da'iirhtir of Leuie nd Umellne
Iterv Ic .".elatlvei and frlei.d. are Invited
le nttend funer.il ecrvle-is Wed.. 7 P 11...
liirentB' rstdence. 2110 X 21st st. Int
.rlv.-ite. Fettsville, Pa . thurs. '
1 HOKCNSACK. Dc. 1.1 : T014 Penn- I
svlvanln, ale. Ilj-.voed, IIF.N'IIY IIAI.Ir
JIAX HODE.WSACK Relntie and fil-nds
'nvlted te attend funeri; rc-ilies. fr.. 2:'i)
P l nt Zlen Lutl ran P i irch, White- ,
.i ersh Int. ndjelr.tnc uruunl
IIUOK -Uie. 11. IleliniT ti. HOOK. In
' 72'1 .-etir It3lat'es aiid friends ars
I - ted e a.e-il func ! se ikes, Thurs.
' P M u.iij.i.ce. llil 1 Jesephine St..
i r !.! rd In . prl .- Pilen.ls ihmv call I
,TrTr,v - l Westllle V .T.. Dc. 11.
fineP.OIAL'VA, widow et I harles c. Puiten.
aced 7.1 ne'.ntics ard frlenJs sre Invited
', attend funeinl Thurs. 2 P. .M . from her
lute r'Sldenre S04 It'vei Prl.' ne, Vest
llle N" J. Int nrlvat Fr'emis mav mil
Wed , T In ' P. M
ltni'lDFII In his S2d year nelatle.s and
friends aic Invited le attend funeral sen
Ires Frl. 2 P. M . late lesldence. 4..0.
Werth t Fiarkferd. Int. private. Ite
nialns mav be viewed Thurs. eve. ,,,
11KI1.LY On Dee. 13. P.I21. CATII
HltlXF wife of the late Owen IlelUj. F1
reral en Seturdey mernlnt: at 8:'.I0 e clock,
from her lite residence. 201.". 8 fllst t.
Solemn reijulcn mass st St. Barnabas
C hureh. tilth and r.ulst ae.. at II) e clock
li,'e",-ent at Helv I toss r-ema'erv.
ntTCHll. Dec. 12. WALTEIl. son of
Arihlbald ind late Amanda P.ltchle. aeed
37 Itelatlv nnd friends, also emitei et
I'e'tklni - MeNee:- Lent her Ce.. Inilted te
r. .-...., ..!. am I'll 'J Zn I' if . nt his
father's re-ldei-re. .11 1.1 N 4th st Int. North. Ciushe
-(ilnl CSin. iveillli i.s .ill, u- -icvvu iiiui-, I
'penitlN. - I)e 13 CI.AP.K It . husband
of VI ruin Ii Ilnbb ns Hie Ilukei ) iikciI (12. j
Relatives filends. alsj Netep Tribe, Ne. I
.114 I O of It. Ontario Hnf. Assn and
Northern Henf. Xssn . Invited te funeral.
i'll.i 2 P. M. 2S10 N. ItmeKeld St. Friends
fill'Tliuis ecnlnif. S te 0. Int. Nortlnveod
P.OIiOIlIlS Cm Dc. 12. JOHN J. hus
band of Hllen l'.eiinu llndaers. Ilelullias
und friends It.iltel le runerai. en inursua
nt 1.10 S. M . from his lute resldtnie, II."
N Wlltun a,1 Snliien mats of requiem et
Clvr-h of nor I.ailj ' VUteiy at 10 A. M
Iiileniun piliat"
It'll. I i;il Sudilc'il bic II HiSI. JOHN
I husband of .lefn ere I'.elin irue Con Cen
rerl IlelatleH and filnds. nlse Tposrapii Tpesrapii
ikI Vt.Ieii h, .'. and all se.-letles of which
lie was u member, .tin Invited le nttend fu
fr.il. Tliui". H 30 V. M. lite rsldence
131" N. 11th ft. Selen.-i lciu'em mets at
St "Malach s Chuich 10 A. M. Int. New
"JSIi'ni"ltA'" Dec 10 l51. PATHAItlNi:
V S11I1I.I1AN. Itelntlt'ft ind frknds are
Imped te attend funer :. T'tirs , S .10 A.
M fiem he- 't residemsi, 2.13." S I'hsA
v ! h. (17-'i and P.ii-i r) IP(1- .' -iim
t aes at ri'e.h of St M jiiIi a 10 A. A I Int.
C.itheiir.il ''er
UTAPKHi't !:. D-. 11. UAi-llr.L P
STAC'KHOI'SF P.il.ithes Htid frknds are
inviteii te I'ttend fuiier-il. Ihirs 2.1."
M residence of i er son. Heward Y. Staek-t-.Iuse,
Drvlsvllle, P. Int. Hntt,o-e Pem
Tinln for Se-ilh imptuti laves Itcartins Tei
tninnl 1 '23 P. M.
STMUKR - On Dec 12. HF.NRli:TT V m '
Se'liusier). lfe of Jehn Staluer. Servkes e-i
Frldav mernlnic at conyenlenin of famll
nemr.li.n mav I' eied at her late rest
iVnce Plot Mr'ne et.. Thuis.lu- va.
ilna ' 7 te (j o'i'lec.;. Interment pi. at,.
Ivli'rt' nnm fleivei".
s-IOltT -Dec 13 ANNA XI ife of
W ll'nin II Slmv. P.eUlljes and 't i id" in
lt,.,l t-i funeral 8-ri-. III. 2 P XI. pre
c 9I f.324 Hnverferd ave In' private
West Laurel Hill Cem P.enulns ma be
-ieed Thurs. evenlnt!. from h te 10,
SPTTi'V. Dec 12. 1P21. s.utAIl P
widow of Su'iipsen Su'ten. used IIS. He'.uthes
end f-lemli are lnvlte.1 te niten , fune'a',
rsi 1 P M.. from resldcii.e, 1102 Gicen
st !.-r.--i H'ek. P.i. In'. Mt M trial. Pen
TMTll -buddenb en Dee 11, 1D21
.y-t't n tfe of Ilenlaniln 11. Talte
t,ert''e in Thursday mernlint, at 10:31)
o'c'.ec'' at the Oliver If. Ilnlr P-ulldinr 1S21 '
Chestnut et Interment private ,
TVTK : WILLIAMSON, D'c. 13 husband
of Kdlth I'Hildce Tate, at Herwjn, Pa. I
TltAIN'l'.I'. Vt Fast Orentre. N J. et
Dec 1" r'.l mi. l.i i. mi' uiAi.vi u. no
IB-lb. bes.s;
email slr.n
?3-lb. be:es:
medium sle ....
:'3-lb. Mies;
pitted (stnnelessl
2.".-'b, bmes.
i'rf.i; iii;i.im:ii i. I'iiii.a
t".1II)I"N. Te nllier tenns add !
extra for pnstiitte.
e hn
'SUGAR J4.65
n ."-Kailen new en' CI J)0
tlelasses ard Kes belli -t'-'v'
Dued Cherries
lleriies ....
lb. 100-lb. Kaz
Whole r.i. 1. S3.75
Ciiish.il P. . 7' SG.75
who.e jiaP :. . . . S6.75
Crushed lla.t. 0. . SBsT."
This week wc nie cle3inp out 25
fleer samples of Bicycles, nil
standnrd. hich-ffrade makes, per
fectly new, but slightly shop
worn, at less man laciery cost.
Seme reduced as much as $15.00.
Ne mail orders, no dealers; one te
n customer. Sec the boy's eyes
shine en Christmas morning.
Famous Ouija
Fortune Beard
Regular $1.25 fifl-
Special C
Pest Sc.
Fine Metal-Bound Kettle
12 In. .wide, ti In liljli.
Regular fl.SO. OQn
Special JOi-
Test Gc.
(ff '
Heavy nleW.I
plated, wllh self
ehlalned ball
$25re"8' R'ul,r
Special .. $1.89
Pest 10c.
a,r;"? ft
Ne. 2161 -Reed
Exactly as cut.
Special at
Ne Parcel Pest.
Ne. 160'Liencl Electric Train
Censirts el
engine, 2
cars, 10 sec
tlens track.
Reg. $10.00
Fresh "Red Seal" Batteries te O-J-operate
these trains .. ..Each, u1'
Pest en trains, 15c; batteries, 5c ra.
C t inches lilnri
Dell Garden
Sllbltantlally built
ei weed. Holds 2
dells. As pictured.
Regular S2.20.
Pett 10c.
A Real Victrela in Cabinet
Plays, real records
Ne. 607-33. GENUINE IM
i J-. 1. in, high, all joints mov mev
') fV able, nnd sleeps; fine wla.
' I Hernial- .t2.0O. rt.1 Of
n Special -P1'0
iV-..nJ Vn in.
li Popular Carteen tJoelts
Each Contains 32 Pages
Brinclne Un Father
Toenervllle Trelley
Mutt and Jeff
Regular Fellers
Special at 25c per copy
A leal laugh producer. Pest
Pest 2ScWrl
. .
325 pages.
Pest 5c.
The Greatest Tey Stere in
Twe floors of Toys and Games
"Everything en Wheels for
3015 F St.
3010 Kensington Ave.
Phene Gai field 0161.
1 CkIIeii Olass li::
llaili. S'l.flS per 1'itrrn Puse
fi- M9 O
-, H gallon " Dl
Jl I 0- 7.4 I I
gallon 'IB
R I 'V Ml k I
gallon a X m a.
VI Oitr tad Ceir. S 1VT
I dea Orders Se- H IN
El llrered FREE
Q Ont ef Town. W p
W tee Extra. P s-
1 lln.t Your Christinas Clears New. We lime u Weiulerfiil srliclleu'
We sell ilmrs for less money tlnui any tencern In the 1 . S, If en nent One
llaiuna or n genj ilemestlc clgur ,ou can sine .lust iilieut linlf.
Here Are Seme of Our Wonderful Cigar Bargains Belew:
lltll.VN.V WlNC.rni.LOWS . . S4..13 SI) NII.TOS LACKAlll
I lid lleiinlirullv made, Altriuthe I'erfecte. Wonderful MueUe, enl)
UK) 1 1 ii ml .Miule. l.'trce Htiiniluril Ilrunil Clgnrs
l.ONlUtK.s ClliAKS 1.1.1 fill ,shl.I'.('TKII IIItliYAM
rsi'AJH'A nireKTi ii rii.ii:it i.iw mimii m.t .!
.-.ij (lOllll CKiAJtr . 1.3.1 30 PINK IIAt N.
. X1.I5
til. 00
i t'lielie lliinil-Miile (Icnn Absolutely Tree In I'jiiIi
Purrhaser Who lirlngs or Sends This Coupon (P. I..)
WALTER M. SMITH, 17 West 42J St., Bet. Sth-Gth Aves., N. Y. City
1 night lp. Open Dully anil Satunlay. Mall Orders Illletl Inen 1teeliU of Price.
I Agencies wanted everywhere. Dealers' opportunity te buy cigars cheap. J
''WO S'l'UP.Ki
.!lie.1 eer li
1217 N, Lawrence St.
'-Veen reurtli nr I t'ifih
Abee Olrsrd A e
17 N. 2d St., Phila.
Vrwlln nnil Ilet.eitA Kn'iw'm I j.
' ..in ..e In
M-. ... ur . jf. i
TPItS'UP. ' i'1''1 '",' 'Ifi'Il'll
Tt'RN'r.P. .B'll '' vesr-t !"'"r''Jr, e1 l"r
tl.-lV t'ft-1 !! t .' .,'f'it '. t llVU C.iSl
nut si ' 1 rgiiiilHtluns inviteii
A.-I-' M Wllllllllllteii. In'.. Ie ;i
I'l l f 1"M:ill VArtlJV Iielr.tls. fn, ids
imi ii.eiu'.e s or sania Ji-iiiu i i.uikh .
t ist 4be M.irUt Mreet
nl Phene Kenslnrtnn 1lln
l.'evstene Pltene Pirl. 14SU
-or-ion orders nil' recehe prnmn
en 'cn sreinpanied by money or
' e r nei
' 'v fun s sml I mil'len Orte s niu
"1C O 11 I HI r DPI IV! P.V
enli for I'rkr-I.U, It Will I'll. mi
$95 f e $135
a Menth
CJQC-rL'L DAM WAY :....--'.
MKN -I10S -OVKH I" tsllOlMI HliM) CIH'l'ON
i-,.mineii-sense t-tlucatlen sumcieni t-imtuui miluence
Ner iti:giiui:ii
rriinlilln lnelltiite (Thet I'lithwnv In Plentj), Dept. W-'.'HI). Iliirhesler, .".. 1.
This ceuiwr, illleil out as directed entitles the rentier te flee specimen
iHS'lens. n free rep or our oeon 'ttiviniiirm i-ttsiiinns unu lint 10 uei uis't
iivl of l!efrnmeiu posmeni new etu.
iie eiiminniieii i.ere ."' ,,.,
itiiii. i. Mull cieik ;iaoe.'!son
HoeUlieeper . ISUlMi-SIKnni
oMefll.e tlerk l?1 1011-MHOiil
iinil te t onsideruiien fm I'ree Ce.itl'ins.
Pcsifilllre Currier
ltiir.il Mull Cnrrlrr
Cuslems I'osllieiis
1 .k3
u Jl
.luNi:.. Dec n .r. r. :.-t .le.vns i,u
mdi'l of Lllllcn i" Ilieiw e' mei) . 1.1th i eti 1 of ' " Inviteii te atteivl the
et Due rtet'i-K "f Ihe fiite-i! .vi'.l e civil neril finiii 1,'h '.st leslilenre. Ill l'.e,liles
"iitl'- IJ- in l&Jl, KI. I. Mil; ill, . . ,. ii.iiii ' Solemn lequlem ir
v.. I e' tl t 'rfte lViii.cl't tiu'-.i. K istles ; . -' l, ti s ''li'liU lit Vt" rdthe
11" fi."is s-e lr.ll-l lu iifsitS funeral, i r I'm i . Pi An e tuie.-j-
'I1-. I, -I-30 A. .M.. fi.- 'le res'donce rf . .,, i-eNfi -Ij.i te WII.1.1 VM l.utb
'1 s,-.-.;a llifis .iinnre.i:li, aai. ,, i. tia iv.Ij Wi.fei Funeisl serMrrs
N Mnt-lne e Se'en n lequ'-m -its st , !ri,.ir, i.ftn P M.. ."sje Mark't st in
4t I, Z B. .e-.ntn 11 M Ii-1 He'- I i-e v oil 'irn I. lends re.i- ta'l WiU
Weel Stockings
i.i.kv ui- :j. n.i, -:k em'
i' Mi"'1' i.. e ''ii M Kwiiil un
e I0in Ke 'e- r.'atl'es and friends.
einlie, Ileal c Pi'Hbj .et .jii fhuieh
i eiiinc nei . i e i" i- e i.
iji'D i tU'las I'ex .
ii"i li. T-rt'M. eon or rw
U u rie V. oed
l.euiel Hill
1.. O. 1. a..l
i ' e.. are ii veil te st
i .ale lesili'.ie. U"( I"
i 'is 1 V. l li. ne ,t
J''l .1. IS M.I i'l" I'.'cd,
etr, I j i
I.JSt Ulile
"I 11,1 I ''
Ki..:'. i i
- 1 i.iU'ii'
Questions Answered
Tem Moere Lines
te - l-.d.l " or ti L ' j I' '!' ' '
st rm run i n." ! eui red
nie in lecatlnu In T'
Length of Niagara River
Xe Ji Ed'ter of 'he V. emiie PubUe Lcden
Hir P.'e-ise te'l me the leiirili of in
VI sears. Hler anil Ihe uiea of 0
KiliaiJetntiia flei tuber :, 10
Th tas:tra P.liei l tli it-sl inl.es 'e.v
set rlbrj
Whl'e '
l,"t us
hrier P
Moele tit fe .i
te I 'rn
e. jiuri - 'ln-ii lll
11 by 'he w.i:
UATTIi: T rit..N-
Lieciniber 1- IUJ1
Japanese Slain at Hoquiam
lleqiiinni. Wasli.. Dei-. ll.-.t)Mi
iTupaiK"!'. bellcvcd te be K Xutsu,
P'irMr en tin steit iii-hip Sliiiieei Aluni.
wai kllle.l en flip watort'i-ent lnri Inst
inslit in n tctiilvi"' ciii-nnnti'r betMci'ti
l'iii'i-iil n-jents inn inin- at
)iiiii'ii - t nti.'i mil into, .ijnaniw
..api'ii. ipHii'iil' tiiiliuri
'r e I i i-li ip-.i
.it u; i of P. P.
r ; . rvlces. a1
r nerl.ini s'
ii-e' Illil i'ei
efi-r T P. SI
l.r.IlHKi. !) lJ 1H-.I e lllefn.l f.ad es
IIOMlt- Wlesln. nu K ll'K Ll'MIle'll. aei
14 l"unera! IVe.l . 10. Ill A Sf 'loin the
he'iie Int. i'l i1 l.tn.l i in
I.T't IS lire 1. I'i21. .Kill:.' T,i:'I
lUHbnn.l uf Ailni'"e l.eiis ii'-e Me' ull'Ucri
nr.u sun uf Ute (leerKe 1'. n-vl llllen
l.c !h P.elaiUerf ai.tl frlr Is In-.ite.l te tl.e
M.rvics We.l , at H P. SI ar'lils late re.
r.ence, 4.1.1S I'aul s- I'r.ililifer.l. lit. private
Me'IJCliVl'I.:,. I)-l 11 .IKAN
cliiutliter of Iieia eru! th lnle Dald l
MacDeueit. I;e.ities ai.fl frleitus lire
vlteil te atteti'l lunr.il serlctfl. Thurs
P. .'I ir.ethe-'s ieslder.ee, 2(v24 Opal st
Int. Mt. Merlali Otm. Krleml" ,ua ca
V,e, I eve
IfcCLAKl'MlTV. Pei 11 p.O
Il N'e .'4
llOberT Hin,
Inteimeni -iihnle. et t
i .-iieter" Pn'IftiiTiiil.
WnOD'VAP.TJ -l1 1'ee. la. 19J1 K tTIT
i I IiPJC A w.'e t,r 1 ,iistn 7 Wec'lwsri
Pineia' cm I r'd -.et'iik at N:3ii o'eleil;
' fl!,l" l.l -'te .esil.u.e 13 N ailth et
er.i-. re'ulem iiai ii Si .la" es' f'hurch
,(,t .0 u'.ec'f In'ei. e-,', .t II-'s Cem-
I t.t rv
' Till N'i i' '-' v'-'' -MVef li I' sb'll'
i if ll-ssle 1 " ' ""'ives ma rr ejtaii
snd all ''.a ."''.' ' ' ' ! le UH .
me'nbe' ivi'id te ' re. ter ., ee Thurs
' I' M HI 3 N 11" ' 'I innate, Weet
lajrel II S ev, ra TVed e- 'nt s te 10
t I. la ml
n x. e
Iattcni te the Udiler sheulil ha as
Urlftf nntl te the point uh possible.
aisjJUIitrt unytliliiff that would open
s-rfenoinliHitlenal or uectnrlan dliv
ffo9nttent!en will be paid te nnony nneny
meua letters. Niuiicm nnd addresses
taMwt be Blirned u.i un evldonue of
41 luiuit tiii'ue,i iiiiw ., ,,. iivi
printed If request Is made tljat
DO Ullllltcu.
. puDllcatieu ei n leurr ia net
talten ns an Indernainciit of I t.i
by uuu lupur.
miCHiluna win nui no rs
HCCCJiiipuiiien uy pet-f
manuscript ba saved.
'Homeward Bound for Thanksgiving'
Tn thr t'.d'.ter et tht .'tn, a Public f.ne'i
plr Who rete the poem called "U-nne-srd
Hound for Thanksu-lilni," benliinlnrf
"Only a earben p'eturi. seen in in pu.i
Hut It bieimht a bit of thrill tu M n ' '
As I bruilutl the tears a.-a.
lleuiei.ard bound for TtianltKi m
The Tttlu seimed te spell
Philadelphia I)eniUr
IJ ln.'l
"Man's Need of a Weman"
7'e thr Knlfer of the .'vciliiff Publle I.rttuf
8 x I nm d"lreu of set urine a poem en
titled "Slan's Need of iv AVgiiiuh It runs
sernelhln lll'e this
"OIe m your hand J ha iittd of i' nor
Need as nqver beforev
Vet tli atrelutli that Svai mine is ulttlj
irent, I
. a cart ut iw Ufc, no mere,'
I I de notKne' th aeUuK-' Jtii or wbeia
Xmas Trees
for your .Christmas Dinner Table
I i - i tir stin.i I - ' i it".
lUfit I 11- gOlMj Sip1 'y t i f,ij7
' ri-ev ' f inr r p hul' J t i . n U
tjl , H 1H llttllrtllt O' 1 It 'lie' . ' Ul A II
.. rt i ,i v,jr . nitrn
Ahp i u tii.iiir 1 with ('hrUtiiiMfi Usrcera-
t.uim the niai ( uu ttttrtcii noel
SINGLE tfjl ff Ech
Twe Tree for .$1.50
Ml iatnicl tn enr rlenr.
Bex L, Moeroitown, New Jersey
wittm Oar Big llluitrattd Frait
t'itt.L, Bnd Sttd Catalog
ml I 'ate .liillll .'IcCMIIerl and M lj.'la
I .ml e.l. . In ntaft 11 SI ...1. Ill,
I'lut.iua i I urcii. jienu'tit. or 'ii. s, tn
I Heart. Altar cid Rt ear fu. I'l I.a.",'s
ulllnr: of the Urotlitrl-eod nf Trainmen
.end Vii-terv I e'lfrt, Xe 440, miteil te fi
1 1101 il luiirs.. s.ae M, fiem residence .,
' 111 r eon I' n Sic 'In Ifeit .'I'il N. -Jfl-i
1.1 Solemn lenul'iii bijh iiiehk St I'u'iumba h
, i.lun-h in . 'I. Int Helv Cieis.
j SleI.AfflHI.IN' Dee. II. IU21, JOHN J
ih4bnd of Slary K. SIcI.auslilln (nee CoeKsi
illela'les and rilendi i.re Invited te uttitnl
ifuii-ial Ihtirs sua A. .M frmi 1st' i.v
i tierce lit? ' Indla.it me Seleir.i. lejie-i
t r'lins ..t St ei 111 i s Chai'-n 10 A M hit
IInl .eiit',.'ire 'em
M'M.Il 1. iJ.r II. MAM Jl .f. 1,'
,lehn I' 'I "-elll ' ri S. ti.tl :'! s .
filell.l' ..r inslle.) In utlir.d fuiiil.1 1" I 1 1 -
e A SI fn..n 11-1 ale resllen. . .11.' I S, tlB
. I,. 1, si I', lis Sehtt Iklll Sn ..run r
( leurert, t'heupest nntl laislest vs- '0
i-e Ish our Hller-are llrass eml ether
ii'eiBls til our liiteet inipniMtl melel pel
.slniiK 'I'lih Ne IIuuIiIh, pastes or powders.
'On.; ti"lli e"ii te 'mart e' liumd iiells'i
50c Prepaid
.iieri 'I Pr'u-e le lllein'.iiiur.
Michelbach Bres. Mfg. Ce.
t miu:v n. .1.
rnts Winitril
,1 e fev.
uf ' wiLsTniuimimw Miiin hmTiWixisiih "" tefXv
A ITdin ! m fr n IfaKr Flu' v "" ' E&iwPlI
Krmrara at jusl
, mMESesaSi. m &mwim)
Delightfully Fragrant k 3 T&wfffff
Perfumes the Air ltt $x&$flljfi
JBi Ksud erlr r i'tns nd e I W WVF&
jt dte.4, sad n mil 'a-sird yen F M fc ysaKk
"W peslpiid si tn 'nucdait en l I I rey J&Unf&Sfe.
VJ eTer ''ill wsrtierfiit Ince-ne 7 I 31 ftfvfi3BV
Jr. het rniiiit. uf of erltnte' A 1 a aVltltuB5vV
h Untitled ln-eise llurner snJ t lYf I X. sFXA tclsH ?myIi
jinn Tee-ou t Aiuh" J rf mHrn-Mir
J INCINSE ll i I tt9WivS'
f III 1 '111 P -edtte 1 6er t.' 1 -C 1 He" I VnJJKvr
tBi qtilrt'tii 11 J e.thln. U ". I .t-nil tVmI
if r.-rm ' Mi !j 1 VU
IS, lnaf 'j.'ij si i u.Ie' '- A ift I Pel a v
-5 TEMPI, K ee M.AU UA 3? '
iV i.sit:v.HK X m 1 ', "" ,r"'
V Illlni eea;i.iit cf ten ' yr "jjwj , , ,
IB u.l ,..r. 1'IU ' I.IIU .11-1 If f 11
M nd rtetii.tiiie cril runt, '1 f -e V"
ft 11 i eiterittttr 1 8(.tet I' l
jf Mesey rilusdiil It sit iitlifn. xtL i. 1
t 1 r -.' 11 . r, , ' axiiSari k
r .unci iruj ,e., ucpi, r.l . imKlKiM ra'
g ait ni.i hi., n. . 1. vfcft$'I, "
WIU2XKX .! i tte X !jf'-jf S -j'de? HI 1
of tli- 11
I .rnl'e'l KUI 1
1 11 del 11 HUr-.li
re Tllt'St 1 e
.taiil .1 v 0' I
tit an.et ' tot n or
, si Htp.-I HI"
male w.th 'rttppeil
.tltclled .r I -
llltli 10 KHi e tt.ne
1 1 1 tftl'teil
eis 11 nil etilee
.lust 'l-e thine for
h 1 and wipiiT
em Warm coin-
' u table ini'l te "
.I Inu Itemeiu
ter eui stei K is
1 ni.t.ni se il. r
us lean pa 1 as
ttU I .10 U'U U la
llUI 11 me cliei r-
j' j returned if
.1 .tied He sii'i
ue s tl slid
1 0 O' SUes 8ij
200 I'i 'O ' pair
d 1 st. se
U."i Se. Dearborn St., C'hlcoge
Keep j our resern
B .1 n I I n e in our
I. r rtitiiter cans.
5-GaI., $4.25
8-Gal., $5.75
10-Gal., $7.25
P.ircel I'net immI
Insurant r. .yii-eitri
end Sleni. Order
Pull line nf Pried
I'riiltM nnd MeUe
Copper Tiililnc.
Ilie ft.
I n ens. I..C
llest llxlrnmelers.
Ml lilnils (liuiirln
etnicts. "3c lieltlt.
Depi I., :i:te; N. Manlier M.. 1'liUa.
Inspected mj
(.1 llMI KD NOT TO
Made anil II11111; (.nniplele
tm ' i H I K JsWHVAtmr m NZs. t?t.
JM n I A til it rJ r ,'I' I I'll XllW
'ssi we ssesi wwiaats. wee
Special! Diamond Riny
i. hi
Mi inllntr
Value fn'
III l s
GEO. II L0HR, 3439 Germtintewn Ave
$9 .00 '"''I ie
I'Olt J llrst. ( lieiipri
1 Int 11 An.
-v 11 1 'Jj ,i ' TnstaliU
in 1 Pistit, inflairti. ,1
1.1 i..is f rilenlt s n.isollnr n.isellnr
fit . 1 nut Inn m 11 ','
le I 11 ti '.,1,. l. h PIIIW 1,
I., 111-ire .mi 1 mi 1 it tlui t iii-
ii tid Itl l.r , Jt 1 iei Still.
aaferTuiirtl In ..ur tut-. Inline
mil' e and mtr.ik'- S ml mnii-
uriler easli ut- i' el, Slt.i t
refmnlj-ti if net as inreseiitnl
West Jersey Cliem. Ce.
113 Arch hi, riiimirii, S. .1,
uimnt miu
IK l.llllipieir
N. IUO. Bit. f'
1. r.i, isi.H.-i. fS
, ttr tii.t I .'n lie I I
11 nie 101 it p 1 e Soniel
U.i ou II l.e ih e ue
Leii'ln'i' euru'jl - antl
lei samples 1.0
01.(1. htlNM'.IIOHN CO., ?B.'I9
l-liuue, leniiiieiiu a
1 IkwMTHSJwmnsWplSik
SflB?Am?i Last
3SWKtsWss9r l"1
ujsjusniirar'-' hei 1
brown, ilu
19T1I jl.
IAL" It.i tl' .it.llH Ui of .I'l IprepitWi
It) UI'.IA '!..''i bun uf SO tpupaltli
s.i I KI. H OI. 1 fl.lU One ul Ii') Ipigliuiu.
SHI I) ll'AA, '3.7.1 uv.1 k. ,. 'j,
111 - ' "" le- - tlUIHirillt;!! H MUUl,e
lenw M'ei.
.Jehn B. Hall, 443 High St.
i.AN04sri;it, pa.
te mi"
oil elds
In. rfltit
Peutli '
.Vi"ru!,ef.. .nIr mebasranV
Bn'ii'J) NO MONEY Slnmlr rm.i slw or U
nunilieu in iliee uiv nurn P pjiliose e
del Terr ,r fml -u ,,ll4 f r pu.ISC
Willi enler. .
mewi'y bXek rnesimy if net basiJ!-9
STntLlVS J.J jibO n.esdwiy llsw Ye'lt
SAVE SSf. en
Thsrraoe-a m.'
tue coal Purr, mt'
er. Olies 1-8 root;
clnaers or c Inksrj
Sent Parcel PeJ'
vrep.ld or, ric. P
of price. 1 1
faction cusrtnteia-
uni-iiur.p".D. s'"
U llOOItd' HEJiU K U en cleantns; or djiiDs
tarui. ins ler Mieurnins.
78 H, nth. Ores-en 6B80.
Brtntel. Fn. Phene Urlatvl US. '
Amrriiuii l'nll-Nnln Hellers. .Mill re uml .
inalem ralit-il "'"I limueil li. Ilie largest
euiur. plum. Ait rlilu. i;,v.' nil, st. '
Oranges and Grapefruit
(ituniiiiil I'iM-r
I'lll If-
ll"lfsi1n A ffi. .11
iiiif miu iunr,4 a
liiiuraulueit ilnest uu.illty
Irun Uln-i-t from ui'ove iu you
rrates Pnckeil Half erm
ii III ei-. .--.,
nnd srspefrull
IZes nil'ie' --,,-,..
It deslreil. pi lee i. crnte, W.1M iui'"'"
II. ft
cr.itr, SI. 110.
Sefl elipr'
i eiersi... .-.,, .
eeilcT tt'ltll HUPP'-e
Pinellas Fruit and Produce Ce.
T. ITTKIIMIl IK., 1'liA.
h'A -