i, EVKNIN-G 3P&BLId fcJEDGElPSl iDEGBMBfctt 14, ' -1021 . I.A 22 NEW YOR& STOCk EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS New Yerk Curb 1NDUSTK1.VLS it.,,i.T..l.Jjn i...ui-mWyiiM.iiini.i i 1 1 I MMMI ' "WrT1ir I IHmifc j PRICE M0VEMEN1 i t 4&vyyeSP Philippine Government Public Improvement 5Vz8 Dua August 1, 1041 Exempt from Fed eral Income Taxes and free from Penn sylvania State Tax. Price te yield about 5 Circular upon r?uet for FE-AOJ e National City Company Philadelphia 1421 Chestnut St. Atlantic City Chalfonte Bleck 122S Boardwalk rfssarrms:::::; il. n3R:iii:a::::n:ns::i:: 1922 Bull I n Market? All signs point te an increasingly active stock market and much higher prices for stocks of invest ment calibre. We have prepared a review of the present market situ ation, dwelling particularly en the outlook for the com ing year. Copy will be sent graf upon request for Bulle tin PL-82. CHflRLE5-HClflRK5DNfi!& 66 BROADWAY NEWVORK J Canadian Bends Municipal & Provincial We have an attractive list of Canadian Bends yield ing from 5.60 te 6.20. These bends, payable in U. S. funds, are direct oblig eblig oblig gatiens of some of the rich est cities and most prosper ous provinces of Canada. Their liberal yield, freedom from fluctuation due te ex change rates, and geed markets in this country, make them attractive te conservative investors. Fer further information, ask for our List Ne. E-65. Hemphill, Noyes CS, Ce. Member New Yerk Stock Eichange Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New Yerk Boeten Scranton DuXIale Albany Syraeue Baltimore E. H. Rollins & Sens Founded 1870 Investment Bends 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia . I'liene Spruce 64GO Uosten Xexe Yerk Wilkes-Barre Baltimore Chicago San Francisce m Canadian Bends Provincial and Municipal issues at price te yield from 5y4 te 6 BenA for list of offerings L-SOC f ullf ernln & Arliena lt 4V4" IMS Cent. rnrilte lnt ref. la 1049 Joint Fleck Land Hank S 1030 op. 1021 .lulnt Stock Land Hunk 5 1031 op. 1031 lulnt Stock Land Hunk c. ion op. mat Widcner Bi.dc, Philadelphia tow Yvrk Stock txd-ufr mwveik HUAmi.M-i. m ill L-w 1 1 k - jforaceitaavls a.. n(vinn ni experienced tn nln.trlnil and Management Spe cialist In Publle Utility end Industrial Business. Mil CHEST NUT STREET fHlUAUU.t't1IA .TJJhenei Spruce '6081 fit sm rrannncn TfKillnf VERYJRREGULAR Industrials Continued te Com mand Foremost Attention, With Oils Leading Sales 1UU 100 7600 000 100 10800 100 ISOO 300 J0 400 100 1700 100 101) tee 800 100 3300 1509 300 3001) 300 100 1100 100 1100 300 100 300 3000 700 A700 0300 80S 1000 100 100 eoeo uOO zee 103 3309 300 801) 300 3(100 300 400 100 300 S900 100 1400 00 100 4300 100 100 300 300 100 1800 00 500 New Yerk. Dec. 14. Except n groat great tv degree of irregularity nnd possibly mere definite reactionary symptoms te- I uaj a sieck maricec tna net umer o e Kentlally from the performances of tin? i recent sessions. There was a repeti tion of widely distributed peel netiv- Hies seme desultory covering of the belated short interest and quite u geed deal of profit-taking. The list as a wiele, however, conspicuously lucked n lefinlte tendency. Professionalism of li ,tlcnnB8 w"s Quite pronounced, vnlch in a measure accounts for the 'ftggcd price movement. While this was Hie condition of the stock division, fresh strength and activity cropped up in the bend market with several of the Liberty t Issues repeating their record quotations of the year, supplemented by renewed strength in several of the fe-eign issues. Little of anything was te be found In the overnight developments r morn mern iug news which could be accepted of in 1 lnng character. Thp reported clos ing down of tbe Baltimore and Ohie . shops vi,h counterbalanced by the new working agreement given b the Laber lienrd for the shepmen, winch, it was figured, would mean a saving of several million dollars n y.enr fcr the carriers. .V great deal of interest, however, cen tered in the Chandler dividend meeting today. There was about an equal di vision of opinion ns te whether the divi dend would be maintained or passed. Ily seme, the falling off in specula Jive activity was ntlilbuted te the reparations for the subscription te the New Yerk City 4is ikt cent bends te be 'tiered at par tomorrow. The bend were traded in en the 'when-Issued" bais en the curb as high as 101, and It was predicted the issue is likely te be many times oversubscribed. Cevering of shorts and peel activities en.tituted a geed part of the buying ,iewer, and when these operations were completed the market gave way under its own weight. Despite the tired ap ap ap i'oarunce of the market there were the isual number of selected strong spots, and while these failed te infuse enthu asm elsewhere they nevertheless served .e stabilize the general list und keep the market for the best part of the day en .1 fairly even keel. Oils gave premise at the opening of Mending their mnny advances of the I'tr-iieuM day. Independent steels, also equipment ami utilities, were active and lilglier. Knils and coppers eased slightly. Standard Oil of New Jersey a.ifernia Petroleum and I'an-Amerlcan "15" were I te li'-j. points iiigm... Other domestic nnil foreign iues. Jtably the California group, were in- .Uded in the further advance of oils tiring the morning. Oils became some- vvliat unsett.i'd ut liuen, lui.eici, uii 100 700 3300 10400 100 1100 700 3 ' 1400 400 500 1"8)0 300 300 310 100 300 3100 800 1000 3J0 1.1 1 1 400 9000 1700 700 100 2310 GOO 3000 10C0 100 1500 100 300 800 100 191)0 4000 110100 200' 000 2700 1300 2500 100 100 1400 500 1500 100 8700 1700 1000 D200 S00 4Q0 8100 400 ir.ne 300 soe 3100 301 300 700 ISOII 200 301) 1400 2A0O 40) 700 800 300 200 300 3S00 31)0 100 300 3300 300 200 300 2700 100 100 200 501) 400 3000 3000 0)0 3200 100 1100 inu 300 100 4100 2800 J jj a sharp reaction in Mexican Petroleum, that isu t.ilng li points iimicr y terda's chi.se. Coppers and affiliated shares, en tin ether hand, were in further demand, also Indenendent steels. equipments, chemicals, textiles and leatuers. Lack of public interest in the mere important rails nnd indus trials provoked short selliug in United ritates Steel and secondary ralh, notably St. Paul preferred and Erie common nnd preferred. SLOWING DOWN IN LOCAL TRADING Profit-Taking Sales Readily Absorbed and Prices Well Sustained There -was a marked falling off in "peculutite ncthity in the local market. This was particularly noticeable in tev-, eral of the recent leaders in which the dealings fell off materially. Sonic profit taking was in evidence, but these offer ings were readily absorbed. Klectric Steiage Battery selling ex-dividend of $.'$ had a range of fluctuation . of a point between 1-2 and 123. Cash sales were made at 12.VJ.. With dividend included the quotation in the regular way was equal te 120, or only a point under the year's top price made yes terday. A geed demand continued for the American Stores issue, although the common, after opening nearlv a point higher at S5, yielded a point. The first preferred was up a point from yes terday's lat sale at 113. Coincident with the movement, reports were aealn i made of the cempnny having under con sideratien plans for retiring the pre ferred stock Issues. ThU could net be cenfirnud. On the, ether hand, It is known ths businets of the stores is run ning well ahead cf n year age and with a larger mancin of prellts. Only nominal transactions were reg- i istered in the utility group, with the 'exception et 1. G. I. Beth the om em om raen and preferred were falrlj active und fiactienally higher, nrepably in !- I spouse te expected action of the beard this afternoon en calling for redemption ' part of the outstanding S per cent ! notes. C0TT0NSPINDL.ES BUSY November Consumption 47,000 Bales Ahead of Preceding Menth i Washington, Dec. 14. Cotten mnnu- facturing showed Increased activity in November. The monthly report of the (Vnsus Bureau issued tedjij showed 1 47, W0 mere bales of cotton were con sumed in November tliun in October, while cun-umptien was If) J. 000 bulus I larger than In November a year age. , itiu cotton spindle showed an In- crease of 2, OS", 000 eer November lout cnr, and (510,000 ever October this ear. Cotten en bund November 30 in con cen iimlng establishments amounted te (HS.lUO bales of lint and liVJ.MO of Inters, compared with 1.11 n- t ' md 223.013 of linters n jear age, and i i in public storage und ut com ircse .",271,451 bales of lint and 17(1, 0S9 of niters, compared with 5,100,07h of lint ind 340,137 of linters a year age. Imports during November amounted te ."1.440 bales, compared with 2'J,,"il3 , in November last eur. Kxiierts in November were 01S.I!l." bales, includ- 8S," ISO l nig J's..ieri pales et linters, compared with (1S3.323 bales, including 2.101 bales of linters in November lait yeur. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS I l' hi euro. Dec 14 CATTLE rtoelntii. 30 8000 lie&d. IKct itcerB Blimily te L'Sc hlgher Tep yearllnm, early, 111) SO; bulk lieef tepr. lUHOtfS, he Bleck Bteivdy te 15c hlKher; bull Bleck' r nnd feederis 1&&L'3i ainhar. vnl calves, 2Afni)a hlsher HOCJ3 R cclptB, 'M oeo head Fnlrly nc live, lOCl.V liluher thiui enterday' aver- Tep. 17 HO for ISO pound average; bulk 1110-pound Iiekb und up, lO.OAQT.liS, plan .neitly 10a hither; bulk desirable I7.C0) em at 17 0. 8HU12J' llecelptn. 10.000 bead. Oen urnlly iteady Uoed fat Umbs, mostly around 111: lOmc hald htaher: chnIrA kin.i extremely acur.e, ahe.p alew, no early aaieai .n v4 a.Viu rr AAdlai Ira frviliai dhlip ItA fiR I.UUlO'WMVn DVMV I'HIIXBl CHl( VU(J Eeat Ilunle, Dec. 14. CATTLI n ..Ipla, 1RU hiad. Bteady Calvea, receipts. 200, HfXia Ilecelptn. Sl'OO hciwl. 8t ndy te trmn. IlYV:u.l 'nixed. 17 73W8.2.1! yerkera. IS.V58.0Oi llxbt yerkara. ta.S0O B.7r pl. ID.TS( reuxba, 0118.0; aUfi, DlrA mi 1:30 1'. M. 60ft Net nish iMVt 80 ft 44 ft 17 n fie ft 102 w 38 ft 30 28 32 H 54 a 33 90ft 148 ft 12 ft 5 131 13 K 68 ?i 74ft 41ft 314 50 08U 4ft 41 ft 80 113 I3 53 ft 82 ft 28ft HOft 133ft 139 ft 90J4 10 83 ?4 13 30ft 20 484 101?i 00 ft 80 32 M 23 ft 22 H 113 13ft 98 104 35 ft 62 ft 53 58 ft 7 65 7 70 2H 118 0 18 ft 31 li4 69ft 48 8G H 12 1 12 fa 31ft 03 ft 3U 48 ft 65 10ft 3t-ft 0J. 7ft 18 30 07 OJft 31ft 71 15 28 ? 51ft 4i 41ft 41 G.-. 3'4 Kft 51 ft ' 15 035 14 71 03 ft 34 ft 67 ft 80ft 13H 7 14H 62 ft 02 106 ft Hlft 18 ft SO 100ft 10 1 ft 10 7R 80 ft 11 40ft 10 ft 144 ft 54 07 ft 105 CO 110ft 11 71ft 83 37 ft 8tft 10ft 75 31J4 28 ft Oft 47 1 81 1 65 S3 lift 90ft 4ft 40 ft 27ft 1ft 3ft 35 ft 15 04 ft 13 53 ft 13 31 3ft "ft 35ft 51 Oft 43 ft .. Adam tSxprsss 50(4 4 Air Reduction ....... 44 J4 . . AJax "Rubber 20 .. Alaska Geld Mines... X .. Alaska Juneau O M.. i Allied Chem & Dye... 594 7 Allied Chem & Dye pfl03?i 4 AlllsChnlmTn 39 .. Am Agrle Chem 30 .. Am Beet Sugnr 289 .. Am Desch Magneto... 3JV& 4 Am U Shoe Fdy new.. 44 .. Am Can 33 .. Am Can pf tV 12 Am Car & Vay 14b .. Am Chlcle 12& .. Am Drus Syndicate... 5 8 Am Ex pre is 131 . . Am Hide & Leather.. 15 . . Am Hide & Leather pf 00 7 Am Ice 75U .. Am Internat Cerp... 41W . . Am Linseed Sl4 7 Am Linseed pf tit 0 Am Locomotive oft .. Am Safety Kaaer.... 414 .. Am Smelt 47H 7 Am Smalt pt 89 1 Am Snuff 113 3 Am Steel Foundries.. 34 U . . Am Sugar 54H 7 Am Sugar Kef pf 84 . . Am Sumatra '" B Am Tel & Tel m 13 Am Tobacco ......... 134 'j 12 Am Tobacco B 130 J4 Am Tobacco pf new.. Oeji 0 Am Waterwks 6 pf. 10 7 Am Woolen 8314 .. Am Zinc Lead Hmlt 13'A .. Am Zinc Lead & 3 pf 30H . . Am Writing Paper pf 30 . . Anaconda Copper .... 40 0 Asse Oil 103 0 Atch Tep A Sante Fe. 00 0 Atch Tep & S F pf. .. M0'i .. Atl Gulf ft W I S 8.. 33 .. Atl Gulf & IV I S S pf 233 .. Atllntie Pet 23 7 Atl Refining pf 113 8 Aute Sales Cerp pf... 13J 7 Baldwin locomotive. . OJyi 7 Baldwin Loce pf 104 .. Baltimore & Ohie.... 35!4 4 Baltimore & Ohie pf . . 53H B Bethlehem Steel 55 0 Bethlehem Steel B 80yi .. Beeth Fisheries 7 7 British Krnp St 1st pf US . . Brklyn Rapid Transit 7 .. Brklyn Union Gas.... 70 .. Bruns Term 2?i 10 Burns Bres 1101,4 . . Butte Copper & Zinc. 014 .. Butte & Superior Cep. 1!6 .. Butterlck 31 . Cadde Central O & R. 12 8 California Packing .. 70 J, . . Callfern a Petroleum . 475 7 California Petrel pf . . . 88 2 Ca Zinc & Lead 0? 10 Canadian Pacific ....121H . .. Carsen Hill Mining.. 12J4 .. Central Leather 31 .. Central Leather pf... 04 .. Cerre-de-Pasco 30'J 6 Chandler Meters 52 4 Chesapeake & Ohie... 55 .. Chi &E III (WD lOH .. Chi KUlWIpf 3(U .. Chicago & Gt West.. Oft .. Chicago & Alten pf. . . 7J4 .. Chi M lwaukee & St P HHi .. Chi Mil & St P pf 31H C Chi ft Northwestern.. 07 yi 4 Chi Pneumatic Teel.. C24 .. Chi R I A Pac 33J4 0 Chi R I &. Pac 6 Pf. 'Hi .. Clille Ceppr 187i .. Chlne Copper 20 .. Clev Cln Chi & St L.. S2J,; . . Cluett Pcabedy 44 4 Coca-Cela 42 .. Colerado & Southern. 41V5 6 Celum Gas & Elcc ... G5?a .. Celum Graphophene. . 3; .. Cel Graphophene pf.. 13J4 4 Cemput Tab Records. &!' .. Consolidated Cigar .. 15 7 Consolidated Gas 03 .. Conellrlated Textiles. 14'j 7 Continental Insurance 71 5 Cern Products Ref . . . 03 .50 Cosden & Ce 34ft 4 Crucible Steel 69 7 Croclble Steel pf 80 .. Cuban-Am Sugar .... 14 .. Cuban Cane Sugar... 74 .. Cuban Cane Sugar pf. 15H 4 Davisen Chem'cal ... 53ft 7 Deere & Ce pf 62 0 Delaware & Hudben. .lOC 0 Del Lack & Western. 113 'A 1 Deme Mines 18 5 Endlcott-Jehnson .... 81 7 Endlcott-Jehnson pf..l0'4 .. Et!e 104 .. Erle 1st pf 10 .. Erie 2d pf 10J.4 8 Famous Plnyers L.... 70ft 8 Famous Players L pf. 00 .. Federal Mln & Smelt. 13 4 Federal Mln & Smlt pf 42 .. Flslc Rubber 10 .. Freeport Texas 115 s . . Gasten WmH & WIr. . ft i Gen Am Tanlc Car.... 55 . . General Asp.ialt ' '4 r. General Asphalt pt. . . 10.i 44 ft 17 - H y 50ft 4 102 ft -'r -28ft 4 33 ft 54ft 33 - 00ft4- 14SJ4 4- 12ft- 5 131 15 -)- 00 74J4 - 41ft- 31ft-f 60 4- 09 4ft- 47ft 89 -113 3 - 53 ft- 83ft- 39ft- 117 ft 4- 134 ft 4- 129J4 4- 90 ft 10 - 83ft 4- 13 ft ft 39H4" in 20 48ft- 101ft 4. 91 ft 4 80 -33ft-23 ft 23 113 13ft 4 96 104 35 ft 4-59J44-7 -65 7 4 70 3?44- llOft-f 014 4- 18 H f 31 -11ft-70ft 4 47 ft 4 80 12ft 31ft 4 30 - 50ft 4-55ft- 10ft 4- 30 ft oft- 7ft ft 67 ft 4- . . 2, . 1 62ft 4- 6ft 31J4 71 - 15ft 28 ft 62 ft 4 44 -42 41 -05 ft 4 3ft 13 ft -50ft 4 15 4 03ft lift 4. 71 -93 ft 34ft 08 ft 9ft 4- "ft- 7 - 15 - 53 63 - 10C ft- 113 4- I8ft4- 81 4- 100ft 10ft- 16 ft- 10 ft- 78ft 4 80 ft- 12ft 4- 41 4- 10ft- 18ft 4- ft- 65 4- 67 ft 4 105 en 4- 141ft-11ft-71ft . 83 - 37ft 85 -10 ft 4. 75 ft . ft . 8ft 47 - 1 4 81 15 65 82 ft-Uft4-90ft 4ft . 40J4 4 27 ft , 1ft 4. 15 -04ft-12ft -(-53 ft 4 13 -31 4- 2 ft "ft eO 4 64 7ft 43ft General Cigar fl General Electric .. ..142 General Meters llu Gen Meters deb Cr.. 713J Gen Meters deb ".. S3 Goedrich IJ F 3S 7 Goedrich (B F) pf S5i4 .. Gray Davis 10?i 7 Great Northern pf... 75ft 4 Great North Ore ctfs. 31ft .. Greene Cartanca Cep. 20 .. Guantanamo Sugar .. Oft .. Gulf State Stwl 48?i BO Hablrshaw El Cable.. 1ft 4 Haskell & Barker Car 81ft .. Hendce Mfff Ce 15 .. Hern stake Mln ng .. 55 .. Housten OH 83ft 1 Hupp Motorcar 1194 7 Illinois Central 00 ft .. Indlahema Ref 4 "4 ., inspiration Cen Cep.. 41H .. international Cement. 37 j .. Interb Cen Cerp 1ft .. Interb Cen Cerp pf . . . 3ft . . Int Agrlcul Cerp pf . . . 37 .. Int Mct Mai.ne 15 ft 0 Int Mer Marine pf . . . . CO .. Internat enal N'lckel.. 12ft . . international Paper . . 54 .. invincible Oil Cerp... 13ft .. Iren Products 31 .. island Oil 3J. .. Jewol Tea 11 W .. Jenes Bres Tea 30 1 Kansas City Se pf..,. 54 Kansas & uuu 4 ICelly-Sprlngtleld Tire 43H PHILADELPHIA STOCK MARKET inn Lew I. II. Net chce. 1)5 Philn Klcc 101) de prcf. . 50 Philn R T 10 Plilla Trac 20fPrc Ar prf lOtltyl Dutch 20tSlnelnlr. . 75tTex Glf S OStTex Pnc C & O.. lOOfUnlen Oil 25 Tn True. 310 U G I.... 441 de pref.. 200ti: S Steel. 20tU S I Ale UlBh Am Stores 85 de lstpf.113 8-1 84 -f 1121a 113 1 50tAm H&Ii. 13 03 Am Hys pf 17 IWiAtlau Gulf 33 Va 13 ia 17 17 .. M 33Vs lOtHetli Steel S i) c lif.lOO'A 100 i ieU ',4 KiOtCnllf Pet. -li'.fe -J -li',w SOOtChlle Cep. 1594 'JOtCrucible... 08 JOTChan Mtrs 50 15 Cen Tr NJ 30d 15 h 80 15 k 082Vi; 502Vi 80.. Kx dividend tNet change rneila b- comparison with laet sala en New yerlt Stock Kxchanue. iiuinia.riri.v iiendh 3000 Liberty 2d 48 '42 07.01 1000 Liberty 3d 4s '28 08.12 5500 Liberty 3d 4,h '28 08.11 500 Liberty 4th 4h '38.... 1)7.10 5000 Liberty 4th 4s '38.... 1)7.20 3000 Liberty 4lli 4,u '38.... 1)7.10 18500 Victory 4s '23. . . .lets.100,02 2000 Victory 8h '23 100.00 5000 Atlantic Frit 7a 25 1500 Klectric & Pee 4s. .. .lets 02 1)000 Electric & Pce 4b. . . .letB 02 7.'i2Elec Ster..l-M lOO J.4srf 12 1 ,1V cnHh..l25 123 125 r.mtr.ftn 10 10 iu '? 45tFtim Play 78 50 Gnlcne Oil 40. 120 Gen -ABpli. 08 20tGt Ner pf 7518 76 40 07 75 41 13 13 07 08 14 78 10 11774 4- r, 17 ' 75 411 lOOTluspir uep -tiya lOtlnt N'lekel 13 20tKey Tire. 13 T 1 I 13 A 7 .. 07 1 08 100 Lake Sup 10 Lell Nnv. 10 Leh Vnl. . 120tM S Oil. 25 Ner Cent 7 08 58 14 2 72i, 72 00 (S Norf & W 00 1000 Philn 25tP Am Pet 50 50 50 1 235Pennn H It 33-5 33 33 Vi lOOtPcnn Beab 10(10 l'hild lr.llllO I'liUu VtetltHe'-Vm ! 1W JK Dlv in I 3 Salea 4701 S709 400 100 200 700 200 ' 000 600 100 300 J00 100 1000 400 1400 100 100 100 409 32500 1600 3600 2599 309 1100 800 1000 00 1000 1009 100 eoe 100 00 309 299 ' 400 100 1100 800 3100 100 600 200 1200 200 4500 100 2800 100 100 2309 109 350 600 (4000 7500 1500 4800 1500 4000 2500 700 180 400 400 700 1700 000 100 200 100 100 2000 100 400 300 5000 200 2100 3S00 300 500 2000 2000 400 4800 100 100 300 400 600 200 3000 1400 700 7000 100 2300 . 100 1500 1500 2300 2500 803 100 100 5800 500 200 3)0 400 0300 HlKh Kennecett Copper ... 37ft Keystone TAR 18ft Lew 37ft 12 ft 174ft 47ft ICft 68 ft 21) 94ft 14 10 133ft 108ft 28J4 31 . 34ft 35 20 Oft lift 102 ft 119 27ft 14 ft 28 ft 00ft Ift ft 8ft 2ft 17 ft 45 100 12 ft "ft 120 Z7ft 1ft 40 101ft 16 73 ft 13 21ft 13 90ft 44 ft 39ft 78 ft 10 ft 3 4ft ! 119ft. 27 65 46ft 6ft 51ft 33 10ft 68 ft 21 64 ft 33 14 ft 33 ft 13 ft 70 ft 65 25 15ft e 02ft 32 ft 40 107 29 9ft 93 ft 15ft 71ft 43 ft 2Jft 27ft 53 Oft 62 ft 21ft 21ft 32 2ft 3 ft 65 'i CI sft 22 ft 07 ft 70 30 ft 18ft 45 ft OH', 187 113 23 ft 33 ft 80 4ft 7ft 2ft 10ft 47 31 23 ft 2Sft 50ft rat "ft 32 75 71 10ft 12Gft 71ft 25 ft 103ft .00 4 4 ie 120 ft 7ft in 62 17ft 10ft 39 01ft 65 90 39ft H3ft 112ft 61ft 10 31ft 29 72 ft 7ft Oft 20 ft 14 17ft 03 61ft 7 12 10 ft tl 20ft 28 65 ft "5'4 41ft 84 CO ft 2ft 0 Kressrc S S ,..175 .. Lnclede Gaa of St L.. 47ft .. Lackawanna Steel ... 4Cft 60 Lehigh Valley 58 ft 2 Lee Rubber Tire 20 .. Lima Locomotive .... 03ft ft 1 ft ! "ft ft ft ft ft i.eewe 1.0 n u Left Candy 10 Lerlllard Tobacco ....183J4 Louisville & NashvlllelOSft 1 13 7. Mapatl Sugar 28ft 7 Manhattan Kiev .... as ft .75 Manhattan Shirt .... 35, . . Market St Rwy pr pf , 30 .. Marlln Oil 20 .. Mnrl'n Rockwell ft .. Max Moter Class B.. 14ft 8 May Dcpt Stores 103ft 12 Mexican Petroleum . . 123 2 M uml Cepper 27ft .20 Middle Stater Cerp... 14ft .. Mldvale Steel 28 ft 7' Minn St P & 3 St Me. 60ft .. Me Kansas ft Texas.. Ift .. Me Kan & Tex pf.... 2ft . . Me Kan & Texas wl. 8ft .. Me Kan & Tex pf wl. 24ft .. Wsseurl Pacific 17 ft .. Missouri Pacific pf. .. 45ft 7 Mentana Power pf...l00 . . Montgomery Ward . . 13 .. National Acme lift 7 National Biscuit 13 .. Nat Cleak & Suit.... 27ft .. National Cen & Cable 1ft 0 Nat Enam & Stamp.. 4fft 7 National Lead pf 107ft .. Nev Cen Copper 15 ft 5 New Yerk Central... 73ft .. New Yerk N II & II.. 13ft 2 New Yerk Ont & W.. 21ft 4 N Y Shipbuilding 13ft ,1 Norfolk & Western... 96ft .. North American ctfs. 44ft .. Ne American pf ctfs.. 39J4 7 Northern Pacific .... 70ft . . Nunally Ce 10 ft .. Okln Pred & Ref 8ft .. Ontario Silver Mining 4ft 2 Orpheum Circuit .... 14ft 8 Ota Elevator 123 3 Owens Bottling 27 . . Paclfle Devel Cerp. . . 5 .. Pacific Gas & Elcc. .. . 05ft .. Pacific OH 47ft 0 Pan-Amer Petrel .... 57ft 0 Pan-Amer B 52''". 2 Pennsylvania R R.... 33ft .. Penn Seaboard Steel.. 10ft .. Peeples Gas Chicago.. 69ft . Pere Marquette 2lft . . Pere Marquette pf . . . . 65 .. Phillips Pet 33 .. PIcrco-Arrew Moter.. 14ft .. Plerce-Arrew Met pf. 34 ft .. Pierce Oil 13ft 8 Pierce Oil pf 72ft 6 Pitts Ceal 65ft .. Pitts & West Va 25 .. Pend Creek Ceal 15 ft . . Pressed Steel Car. ... 60 7 Pressed Steel Car pf . . 92ft .. Producers Refiners 34ft . . Perducers Reflnera pf 40 8 Pullman 107ft .. Punta Alegre Sugar.. 20ft 2 Pure Oil 39ft 8 Railway Steel Spring. 03ft .. Ray Cen Copper 15ft 4 Reading 73 2 Reading 2d pf 43ft .. Rem ngten Typewriter 38ft .. Replogle Steel 27 ft .. Republic Iren ft Steel. 53ft ft 1ft 1H it 14 14 ft ft " ift 1 ft 1 ft ft i 1 ft ft ift ft "ft "ft ft ft ft ft ft ift 3ft ft ft ft ft ft "ft ift ft .. Republic Meters ... .20 Royal Dutch N Y.. .. St Leuis San Fran. 'ft 53 21ft 21ft ft 3ft 2 ft ft ft 'ft ft 1ft ft ft 1ft ft St Leuis S W St Leuis Seuthewest pf 32ft Saxen Moter 2", 3ft ft . Seaboard Air Line.... . Seaboard A Line tr ct . Sears-Roebuck . . Seneca Cep Cerp 56 23 ft 8ft . Shattuck Arizona Cerp . s nciair en . Hless-Sheffleld 0 Southern Pacific . Se Perte Rice Sugar. . . Southern Rail . Southern Railway pf. 4 Standard Oil of Calif. 23 ft 37ft 80 30 ft lft 40 92 ft 3ft 6 Standard Oil of N J-.tS'Sft 7 Stand OH of N J nf. . 113ft 2 Stewart Warner Speed 23ft . Stromberg Carb 33ft 7 Studebakcr 81ft 1 Submarlne Beat Cerp. 4ft . Superior Oil Cerp.... 7ft 1ft ft ft ft ft 1 ft 1 Temter Cern ft F "A". 3ft Tenn Cep & Chem.... 10ft Texas Ce 47ft U n ft ft 54 9 ft K 7100 2.50 Texas G Sul 35 ft 400 2500 1 Texas ft Pacific 23;-i Texas Pac C & O. . 20ft Tobacco Preducta .... 00 2000 100 1100 100 100 100 0200 300 100 200 100 200 100 700 100 200 3500 400 1300 1200 800 2200 100 100 6300 309 2800 401) 0700 200 200 109 100 100 100 100 100 soe (100 100 seu 300 300 300 100 100 13U0 0 . . Tel St L & W ctfs pf . 25 .. Transeen Oil lift 4 Transue Wm Steel... 32 .. Twin C.ty R T pf 75 8 Union Bag ft Paper.. 71 .. Union Oil 21 10 Union Pacific 120ft 4 Union Pacific pf 71ft .. United Alley Steel.... 25ft 7 United Cigar Stores pflOUft .. United Drug 60ft 3.50 Unkcd Drug 1st pf... 44ft 8 United Fruit 127 ,. United Rwy Invest... 7ft .. United Rwy Inves pf. 19 n United Retail Stores.. 62ft 5 U S C I P & Fdy 17 ft ..US Feed Products... lift .. U S ind Alcohol 40ft ..US Realty & Imp... 02 ..Us Rubbar 60 BUS Rubber 1st pf... 98 ..US Smelt & Rcf....v 39J4 BUS Steel 84.8 7 U S Steel pf 113 2 Utah Copper 63ft .. Utah Sec 10 .. Vanadium Cerp 32ft .. Va-C.ir Chem.eal 20 ,. Va-Car Chemical pf . . 73 2ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 14 ' 'ft ?4 ft VUadeu Inc 7ft Wabash Wab.ish Uft pf A. 20 ft Wabash pf B 14 WtBtern Pacific 17 ft Western Un.en Tel.., Westlnghouse 13 ft M, Wheeling & L IS White Oil Cerp 02 31ft 7ft 12 1ft ft l'i ft ft V. 6ft Wick Sprue Steel Cerp 10 ft W lUM.inerl.ind 11 Willys-Overland pf .. 30 ft W11-011 & Ce 2S Wilsen & Ce pf 05 ft Woelvyorth F W pf. ..115 ft Wor'luiiKleii I '"lip . , 40 Werth Pump pf A.... 84 Wertli Pump pf ii.... CO 200 200 Kx-dlvldmd. FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerlt Dec. 14. After yester day's recessions from the new high lev els of the prcvleiiH da. the foreign ex change market again displayed a Ktreng tone at the beginning of business today. There were advances in sterling, francs und lire. The market continued strong around midday, although the volume of busi ness vai only moderate. A feature was an advance in f runes te 8.11 for tables and S.10 for cheeks. Sterling i nbles were 4.18 nnd demnnd 4.18; lire cables were 4.00, checks 4.05; marks .57. The Central Lurepenn exchanges were quoted nominally tedav ns fol fel lows; Uumnninn. .S7; itulgurinn, .80; Sciblun, 1.00; Cicclio-Slevaklan, 1.22; Juge-Slavlan, .40; Greek, 4.25; Polish, .03; Finnish. 1.03; Austrian, .04; Hungarinn, .15, The Seuth American exchanges were: Urnzll, 18.07; Argentine. 33.08. The premium en New Yerk funds In 24 27 17 59 33 52 52 34 28 10 34 40 5(i 84 40 21 27 17 51) 83 B2J5 52 34 2.8"', 111 31'i 411 50 84 40 24 27- 17 51) .. 33- 52 1 52 1 34 28 10 34 40 50 81 40 Montreal today was 8 per cent. The discount en Canndlnn funds lit New erk was 7 9-10 per cent. YKyTJJRDATJS TINAl, QUOTATIONS Sterling- Francs Ure Guilders Demand -18,, 8.0UV4 4.00 ao.ee Cables 4.1BS4 8.07 4.05H U0.4() TODAT'B OPtJNINO QUOTATIONS Bterlltur Francs I.'ra Ouliders Demand ...... !'( H.02V, Klectric lt en 1)2 Cablei . . 4.17!; .. N.DHU Klcrtrlc 0 100 i Klectric l.....leU 100 ' l , BAR 8ILVPR ioeouXdr,iw'6;u::: w kmr-"" 1 :S0 Net P. Mi C"e 27ft- ft 13 ft 174 ft- ft 47ft- ft 46 ft 4- ft 5Sft4- ft 29 95ft 4- 1W 14 - ft 10 4- ft 133ft 4- 1ft 108 ft ft 28J4 4- 33ft- 1 31ft- ft 35ft- ft 20 0ft 14ft .. 102ft 120 - 1ft 27ft- ft 14 ft . 28ft 4- ft 60ft- ft Ift- ft 2ft 84- ft 24ft4- H 17 .. 45ft .. 100 4- l 12ft ... "ft 4- ft 120 - m 37ft .. 1ft ,. 40ft- ft 107 ft- ft 16 - ft 73 ft .. 13ft- ft 21ft- ft 13ft .. oft- 9s 4ft .. 39ft- ft 78ft- ft 10ft- ft 3ft .. 4ft .. 14ft . . 123 5 27 jf ft 4ft4- ft 65ft 4- V. 46ft 4- ft 60ft- 1ft 51ft .. 33ft . . 10ft 4. ft 08ft4- 1 21 04ft- ft 33 4- ft 14ft- ft 33ft - ft 1 ft 71ft 4- ft 65ft4- 1ft 25 4- ft lft- ft 00 - ft 92ft 4- ft 32ft- 1ft 40 4- 1 107ft .. 29ft 4. ft 39ft- ft 93 ft 4- ft 15ft- ft 71 ft 4- " 43 ft 4. ft "7ft- 1ft ft - ft 63 4 4- ft ft 4- ft 62ft 4- ft 21ft t- ft 21ft4- ft 33 2ft .. 3 ft 4- ft ft "ft- ft 23 . 814 4-' ft 23ft4- ft 7-4- ft ' s- ft 3 -- 14 M - ft 5ft 4- ft 91ft 4. ft 187ft 4- 1ft fir 4. jit 23ft- ft 3Jft- if, 80ft- ft 4ft .. 7 ft 4- ft 3ft 4- 1ft 10544. ft 47 ft 34ft 4- ft 23ft- 28ft - ft 59 ft 4- z 25 - J4 11'4- ft 32 75 4- ft 71 4- ft 20ft 4- 1ft 126ft .. 71ft 4- ft 23 ft 4- ft 103 ft- 2 03 - ft 44ft t- ft 127 i ft 7ft 19-1 52 ft ft 17ft - ft 10ft- ft 3ft- ft lft- ft 55ft- J 90 4. V4 30 J4 J4 83ft y3 113 4. Jj 5 -f ft 10 4. 31ft- 1 20 - Ji 73 7ft- ft 6 ft 4- ft 20ft .. 14 4. ft "ft- ft 02 - H 51ft 4- ft TA ft 13 4- i4 lW 4- ft 0 30ft 4. VA 65ft 4. "ft 115ft 4- 1ft 40 4. 154 81 60 - 71 1:30 "'?! & r,iH it. "K On On High T. M, Aeme Cenl , Irltlnh Anrr Tnh nntin .'nllfernla Cruahd Fruit ar Lieut no 01 01 Celluloid .102 .10s ..100 . H . 25 n . 13'4 . 4i!' . 12U 102 108 (Ui 102 108 en mi cei.uieid Ce Columbia Kmcrald .. Continental Moter .... Uurant. Molera 2.1 3 Durant Metera Indiana aien Alden Ceal Cloedycar Tire OeMwvn rMMnrfin ..... ait J 12 12' TA I '4, iieycien utiem " 80 80 r,5 124 ! 88H 3 It 12 ' 1 7 Ubby.Mc.Vflll ' 6'i' li Lincoln Metera A p & It Q prei .... Inter Preo Mpfcer Meters , . . National Leather . N J Zlne Nerltl Amr Pfinrr OS 124' 2t 2Va 4 , 8R4 a OS w 1 2H n 3SV5 3 11 12 1 a 7 Itadle Cem lt&dle Cem pref . . Ileckaway Mills . ncmiite .stores ... Sweets, Ce U a HhlD CerD .. 11 It a Rtpftm J 12 United Profit Shar'nir ... lfi United net Cnndy f.4 Willys Cerp 1st cref .... 7$i , 8TANDAHU OILS Annle-Amer Oil' '..., 2tK Atlantic Lobes 10 Imperial Oil 110 lluckeye P U 83 Stand Oil 61 Ind' SDH 21H 10 108 63 80S 21 W 10 loe 4 83 80i iNOUrENDKNT OILS Amer Fuel . . . Allied nil haw 35 CO 25 28 80,. 114 111 23 084 l4 B 7H 47 12 Oloene Oil 2S 21) 80 4tt 211 23H B8il 47 12 uosten wyemlnsr se.. Cftrlb Rynd 4? Cities Pen Ice (etd) 213 Cltlej SenJca "B" ctla.. 23il Cltlca Servlce prct' Cetitlnenittl lief ... wreuie fynu 1, Cushlne n.t s r.7i 12 i,T. Elk Iftisln Pet Cnnlneera Petrel'... l.'rtel Oil Kedcral Oil ........ Kensland Gllllland Oil ....... Oler.veck Oil Imperial Oil Pel ... Int Potrel SB 8'4 8H 814 Hi 4H t4 if' lit 1H 8 8fc. .4t 0 11 lttU 1H 75 42 25 MH Ift 18 18 72 ! ll2? 4 3ft 00 70 24 V4 70 20 km 75 r.2 18 20 72 r.H "git 4 mi 70 sm 70 20 Keystone Hanker , 7C i.yens i't 04 Maracalbe O'l 2." .Merrllt Oil 10 Mexico Oil Hi Neble j 8 Nerthwert OU as Oraa Oil 74 Pcnnek Oil r,s I'ure Oil iirtf 100V4 Hyan Cens f, , rfapulua Iter ;C rfmuns Pet nZ Southern P & It . .' ft ' dkelly Oil flit icxen 70' X!CS?'1. en new TO Wiitte Eagle S4H Woodburn V Oil 30 MINING lielcher I3xtonsIen a 111 I.CdCO ) ,;et & .Ment ku 3 28 87 37 23 sa 8 28 20 .'I 30 10 .21 18 13 24H !? 8 no 30 t-'4 2S 3 28 H7 37 24 83 ?A OVi 8 28 20 3 3D 17 ii 18 3 13 2.V1 3lJ IS BO 3ft 17.i 2H 854 07 4 id Canada Cep . 411 Landelarl i! 4 v'0Dlr Canven lit Cens Ced M 111 t'ert Sllvei- :.. fc.v (.reason oeld 2 Crescent McNemara .... 7' E,ftl Daly Cepper U Kl Salvader 11 t-uruka Croesus 2d erenre Silver . . 0 3 .te 17 2i IS ;i 13 8h (111 30 17Ji liVi 211 ii 117 3 old Cens elcUleld Flerenco ilarmlll Dlvlde . . Hotte Sound .... iron B.osriem Jumbo Extension .ucitin Oar uasma Copper . . Jeremo Verde ... .Masen VnlKy ... Methor lAde clt . ..ut.,er Leiia neur National Tin .... .eaua epnir ... New Cernelia. . . . .Vljilssinu" .'.tts Mt Shasta . Se Am P & (1 . . . Steward Mln ronepan Dlvlde . Tonopah Mln .... Unity Oeld ...... nlted Kastern . Yuken Geld it 110NUS All'ed Packer 0s 18 Aluminum 7a 11)33 1024 Amer Teb 7a l'uu let Amer Tel fls 1024 09H Anaconda 0s 07U Anscenda 7a 1020 102 Armour 7s lui'i .larnsdall 8s us Iieaer Heard fa eu'A iletli Steel 7 1U22 1001 Jair Nut Ily 7s 107 Can Pac Oh 100 Cent Sieel fcn 10HU Ce Graph Ss .15 Cens Tmtl e 83 01H4 Copper Expert 8s 1023. ..let Copper Expert 8s 1024... 103U 48 102 '4 101 00 Ti f)7' 101'. 102'4 os IIIIT4 lnei 107 loe.i 10ui4 4.-1 U'4 iei5 103U 104 lU2i PS"-', HIJ 102i 100', 71 IPX. 119 OS till f!7',4 Oil 48 1U2Tb Kit 0DT4 17V4 102 lOJ'.i OS tll"4 ldO'i 107 lOO'.i 100'j 4.', 0Va 101H ie:i',i 104 102 os. 10.' 102T4 lOu'4 74 tlSS ll' 08 W 00 07 4 wwin.ui jjApen ea av.j.,.104 Cuban Tel 7V4s ..lnnij . . IihH ..102 . .102 ..lll0'4 .. 7t . . U8H .. lIHTi . . li . . IKI . . 07'4 .. 0i uoearicn 7a Urand Trunk V4s . (iulf Oil 7s Humble Oil 7a ...., Interbore Ht lclcdn Oas 7s ... I.lbly-JIcNelll 7s . Nat Acme 7'4s ... Nat Leather Ha ... N Y N Htllta., Oreuen H L ."s . . Ohie Cities 7u 102S llll'4 00'4 Otlii l-llllll 1.0 US nsl! i: e'l Phlla K.ee d, . .. : ioeVloo't loe I Philips Pet 7 u )0Hl 10P1 mi bliawsneun 7a 102"4 1021 inei. riuia 10 (is Southern Ity fls 00 4 Southwest Uell 7s Stand Oil N y 7 1U2.1.. stand en n y 7s lean. Stand O'l N y 7a lean. Stand Oil N Y 7s 1031. Stand Oil N Y (His Kun Oil 7s ; Swift & Ce "m 102.'.. .. . Swift & Ce 7b 1031 Texas Ce 7 Tub Prods 7h Tel Edisen 7h Vacuum Oil 7s Warner Sucar 7s Western Elce 7a Wilsen 7'.a llll't lid'. .101 .101 .lfHIH .107 .10814 . ier. . dflij .KKIJs 101. . 1 0HT4 .101)1, .1(14 .107 . nn .lt)3i . en'; 100 10 IS ioeh 107 IOS'1 le.-.s 100't mi i, 100', inn'4 104 107 ln:i 0(14 101 104J lOO'i 107 10H1 10,12 neij loot, 101, 10(1'. lne" 104 107 0HH 103 00 Commodity Markets GRAIN MARKET Chicago. Dec. 14. Wheat stnrtcd te higher for December; higher te lower for Slay, and te higher for July. Trade was light, with the market running into selling imme diately ufter the stnrt and suffered a setback. The cash market wna rela tively steady, with trade limited. Cern started unchanged te lower with a limited trade. December was sold by ail Eastern house and mct with little support. Oats started unchanged te lower. Trade was light and support weak. COTTON MARKET New Jt'erlt, Dee. 14. The biff con sumption tigures had much te de with an epeuliig advance of 10 te 83 points in the cotton market tills morning. Foreign houses were buyers of Inie months. Trede interests also bought and local operators took the bull side for a turn. New Orleans and the Seuth were the chief sellers. After the start, the innrket acted steady at about inl tlnl levels. Receipts at the ports for the dny arc estimated nt 25,000 bales, against 20, 400 bales n week age, 28,843 bales n year age anu u.uuu bales two jeaw age l'rovleua j 00 Cleso Open V. M . 17. 3S 17.110 . . . 17. UO 17.10 17. 1:7 . 17. 21 17.40 17.28 . 17 05 17.11) 17.12 . Id, 7r. lfl.dB I0.7D . 10.08 18.24 December January . March . . . May Ju.y Ooteber NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerlt, Dec. 14. The lecnl celTee futures market opened unchanged te tl points higher thin morning. Uuylng sentiment wiin encouraged by special cableB from Kiintei nnd H0 reporting rallies there, ufter (Uxuppeinlng early official repertN. Around midday (he market was hold held ing very Hteady nt Mlghtly above initial IIkuich, although the recent rapid lluctuatiens in the Ilrujiiliiins have brought in liquidation from Heme of the mere timid longs heic. There wus nuf iiclent dcmiiiid for the dlstunt months Iiowevcr, te held in cherlt any declining tendency here nnd Berne .strong outlde interests were dlspeu'd te pick up con tracts en the soft upetw. , . Prev, Cloue December 8.00 March R,B4fe8ri Kay H,7!(fl73 Jul H.70W71 Opn fi 80W00 8.82 M hi 8.7HW77 8.70(e)7T 4,0aV4 3ll,"li A HA Uft,, 4.01 BUli'O BANK CLEARINGS Bank olearlnea today ctmuared with rpendliw day laut two yearn 1821. 1(1 in 1, FllllO. ..170,000,0! 1010 upmiaawfcia uoareiw eb.vviu, Trraiurj DuiUing, Wfljhfnften t NEW ISSUES United States Treasury Six-Menth Certificates 4 dated December 15th, 1921 due June 15th, 1922 One Year Certificates 4Vz dated Dec 15th, 1921 due Dec 15th, 1922 WE INVITE SUBSCRIPTIONS TO BOTH ISSUES SUBJECT TO AtLOTMENT Price 100 and accrued interest Commercial Trust Company Member Federal Reserve System City Hall Square SPRUCE 8200 S. S. Kresge Company Percentage Earned en Common Stock Year Before War Taxei After War Taxei 1909 1.71 Ne War Taxes 1910 2.69 " 1911 3.31 " 1912 5.29 " 1913 7.29 " 1914 10.10 " 1915 11.53 " 1916 20.32 19 89 1917 22.21 17.21 1918 28.11 " 15.61 1919 33.65 21.40 1920 35.38 26.13 I As a result of this remarkable growth in earning power, the investor who purchased Kresge Common at its issu ance in 1912, and took advantage of all his subscription rights, has seen the market value of his investment increase approximately 450. JThe 54 Stock Dividend and 3 Cash Dividend, payable te Common Stockholders of record December 16, 1921, is an indication of what is in store fpr investors who purchase Kresge Common te-day. J Kresge Common is listed en the New Yerk Stock Exchange. Ask your own broker about litis Stock, or write Geerge H. Burr 6c Company 421 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Uosten Chicago New Yerk Sen Trancisce Gt. Louts Tertland, Ore. 1.03 Anseles Hartferd Seattle Tax Free in Pennsylvania Exempt from Federal Income Tax ' $115,000.00 City of Allentown, Pa. 5 Improvement Bends Dated October 1, 1921 Denomination $1000 Coupon Assessed Valuation $67,653,185 Net Debt 972,000 Net Debt less than U2 Maturities 1920, 1931, 193G, 1941 Prices te Return 4.30 LEWIS & SNYDER 1524 Walnut Street Philadelphia Telephone t Spruce 6884 fr i..i Mm ,m . ..- We Offer $100,000 BURUNGTON, CEDAR RAPIDS & NORTHERN RY. CO. ' Consolidated First 5s Due April 1, 1934 A firat lien en 1291 miles of read. Guaranteed by Chicago, Reck Island 6t Pacific Railway Company, Price 96V2 and Interest te Yield 5.40 Same, Wthbtv & Ce. Established 1880 1422 Seuth Penn Square PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO Ifemeer 0 New Yerk Stock Exohenga ... it" n. "Kiet, ivm ...F.tnifci'. -.- V kSf,Vil4 , V t r II