IfrewTp T3. B1 'WJ r ; Jl .'.iitnv.VWf TM&Dft':v v y M2& BIS SXUJtl !W 0 yi71 GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Telh of the Happenings in the Secial World Yesterday, Today 'and Tomorrow. Various Bits of interest THE third epcrn of the Metropolitan Cempnny's boehou nt the Acntlcmy will nttrnct Roclety'n attention tenlcht. Mr. nnd Mrs. .7. Bcrtrnm Llpplncett will rntertnln In their box, nnd no will the Jehn Frederick Lewises, (lent-Re Chlhls Drexels, Stacy Lleydn, Jnmca Creinwe'ls, Geerge Fnlcs linkers, T. De Witt CujierH nnd iittnipreui ethers. After the epcrn there will he the mip-ner-dnnce In the foyer, nt which Mrs. Wlllinm Ii.vttclten Itnrclny nnd Mrs. Oeerpe II. Ixtrlmcr will lid the host Pe, rpprpicntliijr, the Germnntewn nnd Chestnut IIlll nuxlllnry of the Philadelphia Orchestrn for the heneflt of which the mipper-dnnces nre given. The renntesH Snntn Kulnlln, Mrs. Al cinnder Vnn Rcnnselncr, Mrs. Chnrlo Chnrle inngnc Tower, Mrs. .tnmes Krnncls fiiilllvnn, Mrs. Geerge II. Htrnwhrldire, Mr' Clnronce Ilnrtlett, Mrs. K. W. tlnrk, 3d, Mrs. Themns (t. Ashton, Mr". Jehn 15. Thnyer, Mrs. Perclvnl Xeall, Mi?. Chnrles Mnule, Mr. nnd Mrs Sew ell Clnrk will nil entertain guests, nnd Mrs. Wlllinm Hnrelny will rntcrtnln for her daughter, Mltm Cnro Cnre Cnro line Uniclny, nnd her ilnncc, Mr. Mus grove Garnet. TIIH dnnce given Inst night for Miss Geerglnnn Wetherjll by Mrs. Geerge Hreunlng nnd her en, Itlchnrdsen Tlrewnlne. of Deven, wns a verv beau tiful nfTnlr. Several dinners preceded flic event, whirl) vns held in the Merlen Gelf Club. The Samuel Price AVetlieillls, of .Hnverferd, entertained out there In the nfternoen nt n rhl1 (Iren's party for their Biunll daughter, IMIth Wetherlll. ALBERT HAWLEY LUCAS is at home ter tee nrst time In her new home. 2130 C. cress street. eiterdnv afternoon. Mrs. Lucns wns Swiss I'rnneeM Seett. She mnrrled the Hev, Albert Lucas Inst June nnd they line bought this home just off Twen-tv-FOCend street, which Is nn nttrnetive little place, cstcrday Miss Mary Hew land nnd MNs Mnrlnn Grant us fluted In receiving the guests. HS. CIIAIILES IJ. IIAHT will give TWTRS. i-ix was Mfi, Opera Supper Club nfter tin- thentre for her grandduughter, Mi irgmln lleekseher. this evening, and the first inectlng of the 'unler danres will be held in the Cellevue-Stratferd. The imtreiicsses of the dances, which will be three In number, include Mts. Henry Itrintnn Cere, Mrs. Itnbcrt Kelse C'as witt, Mrs. (Jeerge Dallas Dixen, Mrs. T Clinrlteii Henry, Mrs. Dnniel I,. Hutchinson, Jr., Mrs. Rebert Learning Montgomery, Mrs. Rebert II, Large, Mrs. Kdunrd T. Stett'sbury nnd .Mrs. A. J Dicxel Illddle. Mrs. Geerge Dal las Dixen will entertain nt dinner for Miss Margaret Lnrge nnd Miss Dorethy Itedgers. A NOTIIER interesting event tomer i- row will wliMi Mr. be the musicale nnd Mrs. Dnniel and tea Mereau artl Butcher, Mr. Jeseph Chapman, Mr. Bertram J, Bright, Mr. Frederick M, Dunn, Mr 8tephen Green, Mr. J. An drews Harris 3d, Mr. Hareld Jennings, Mr. Geerge Robins, Mr. Edward Iteblns, Mr, William H, Parker, Mr. Lawrence W. Smith. Mr. Francis Tayler, Mr. Philip Wallls, Mr Hareld "W'r ght, Mr. Alfred Hunter, Mr. Paul Hunter, Mr. H 'Wirren DewnH. Mr. Rebert N. Downs, 8c1. Mr. James It. W. Downs. Mr. and Mrs. James Starr will enter tain In their box this evening at the enern. nt the Academy of Music nnd later nt the Supper Club. In honor of Mls Margaret Havca Hamilton, debu tante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn M. Hamilton. The guests will Include Miss Sarah Legan Starr. Mr William Henry Parker. Mr. S. Warren McKenn Downs. The guests who will nttend the dinner te he given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Jeseph Itellly, of 2209 St James place, In honor 0f their debutante daughter, Miss Wnl burga Kaul Rellly, te be given en Sat urday evening next, will Inrlude Miss Virginia de Morat Smith, Miss Ger Ger trude A. II. Graham, Miss Gertrude D. Dougherty. Miss Man' H. Miller. Miss Rosemary Howe, Mlsi Evelyn R. Dray Dray eon, Miss Rlcaner P. Slean. Miss Kath Kath nrlne Perter, Miss Sarah Legan Btarr, Miss Virginia Heckscher, Miss Alberta P. Reath, Mls- Amelle Sclxas, Miss El len McMlchael, Miss Margaret L. Large. Miss Hannah M. Elliett. Mr. Edward C. Cnssard, Mr. W. Reynolds Wilsen, Jr., Mr James C. Wilsen, 2d, Mr, Oeorge A Armstead, Mr. Rey Stewart, Mr. Phlllppus Miller, Mr. Daniel Dough erty, Mr. A. Webster Dougherty, Mr. Mahlen Hutchinson, Mr, Benjamin Rush, Jr., Mr. Phlllcr Lee, Mr. Lawrence C. Murdoch. Mr. Edward Mitchell Ed wards. Mr A. Tucker Murdoch. Mr. Lawrence Brown, Mr. Slean, Mr. J. Andrew Harris. 3d. Mr. William E. Rlegel, Mr. Jehn W. It. Hllllard nnd Mr. L. Scott Lundreth, Jr. Mrs, C. Heward Clark, Jr., Mrs. Wil liam Hayne, Jr., and Mrs. Henry R. Cartwrlght will assist In receiving at the dansante te be given by Mr. O. Lee Knight, of the Wellington, en Thurs day afternoon, December 29, nt the Acorn Club, te present his niece. Miss Katharine Knight Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mm. G. Francis Smith, of 4021 Pine street. Among the guests from out of town who will attend the tea te be given at the Bellevue-Stratferd en Saturday afternoon, December 17, from 4 until 6 o'clock, te be given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hewnrd Celkct, of 2008 D Lancey place, te meet their son nnd dughtcr-ln-law, Mr and Mrs. Tristram Collin Colket, 2d, of the Drexel Apart ments, Overbroek, will be Mr. Gcerge (.niwiuni, .uihs ftiizauetli Craw ford, Mrs. A. Woodferd and Mr. Rich ard Crawford, all of Pittsburgh. Mrs. Colket, befere her recent wedding, was Mlis Gertrude Catharine Crawford, of Pittsburgh Miss Martha I?odgsen Baker, daugh ter of Mrs. Leuis C. Baiter. Jr., of St. Asaph's read, Bala, will leave next week for a visit te St Paul, Minn., where she will be entertained for several weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs Chauneey Milten Griggs The engagement of Miss Baker and Mr Benjam n Glyde Griggs has been repently announced. TO LIVE IN TOWN i ,,-ct i . .v. rTaaaW l'hllllps & Phillips MRS. JAMES II. It. CROMWELL. Mr. and Mrs. Cromwell, who have been visiting Mr. nntl Mrs. Edward T. Stetcsbtiry at Wliltcmnrsli Hall, linve taken an apartment at the Wellington Sen give of Dr. nnd Mrs Jeseph Sailor, of 1718 ruce street, before the dance te be en by Mr. nnd Mrs. William Dray ten Grnnere. at Ihn nltz-Cnrlten. In honor of their debutante daughter, Miss Banning Grange. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bertram Llpplncett, of 1712 Spruce streiet, will entertain at a Chrlstmaa Eve party at their home en Saturday evening, December 24. They will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Earl Putnam In their box tomorrow night Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Painter, of Ardmore, are receiving congratulations en the birth of a son. Mrs. Painter was Miss Careline H. Lee. The guests at the luncheon te ba r.mrinrrnr will rlv .it n,ni, i., irin K,ve" "Y '" manna t wiuimer, lain gcr will gn eat their home 210(1 daughter of Mr Rebert Fester Wlilt- Wllltlllf Htrt'Ot. ATISU Slnrtll, Tlnrrlnnn,, I their daughter, will partlcpntc in the (Mitcitnlnment, ns will Miss Watsen, Mies Leve nnd Mr. Otte Meyer. mer, or 4703 Klngscsslng nvenue, at the Bcllevuo'StratfeTd en Monday, De cember 26, In honor of her debutante sister, MIbs Ellen I Whltmer. will In- clude Miss Elizabeth Austin. Miss Ell TITR OIlPHRTTq MivT.',n rTTiTTi.-"iv anetn B Patties, Miss Emllle Bedford, 111 UlU 111,1 S M1XLI) CJUARlhT Miss Margaret Butcher. Mlrs Helen C. "Ill give nn evening of music in the I Hendersen, Miss Dorethy B. Lee. Miss I'llhoem of the Ilellevue-Strntferd te- I Eleaner Lucas, Miss Martha Newklrk, night. The affair is te be given for the M1F9 .Margaret E. Phelps. Miss Mar l ni'iit or the Kensington TSeighborhned IfniM' nnd Soup Kitchen, nnd hns mnny pntienessps of Importance. The quartet lueiudes Miss Ednn llnrwoed Raugher, Miss Clnrn Yectun. Mr. Philip Coeke nnd Mr. Donald Redding. NANCY WYNNE NORTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Ruth Mercland, of 1D22 North Camae street, and Miss Evelyn Gillie have returned home after spending a few days as the guests of Miss Eliza beth Meyer, of Souderton, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tayler Stokes, of Colllngsweod, N. J have returned home after n trip te Miami, Fla. Mrs. Stokes will be rcmombered befere her recent marriage as Miss Edna Stohl of Wll Wll Uamspert, Pa. LOGAN Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Busslngcr have returned te their home, 4508 North Eighth street, after a. trip te Switzer land. Mrs. Busslnger will be romem remem bercd befere her recent marriage as Miss Allce H.. McC'auley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. McCnuley. Miss Eleaner Smith, of 4619 North Carlisle street, will entertain for a few days, as her guest. Miss Marie Due Due quene, of Ventner, N. J. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Among thu guests who will attend the lum heeu te he followed bv dancing, win h .Mr and Mrs OIKer Beycc Jud mn of ches,tnut Hill, will gi(l en Mon Men iU January 2, In honor of thelr n.ece, JIiss Sarah I.egan .Starr, debutante .tighter of Mr and Mrs, James Starr, till, be MIH Louise D1en, Miss An i ett- W Wilght, Miss Mmgnrct Haes Hamilton, Miss i;ie,iner Austin, Miss Alice Benedict, Mlts Klennur II.it t. Miss Virginia de Mer.it Smith, M hs Uernlce vlclihenny M hm Mary Mlllir, Miss Anna .fubeltl. Mlfs Mnrgaiet Phelps, Miss Alliv Sailor Miss Pelly 1VT .Saage. Mips Leu sa M. Wallls, Ml.s.s Nancy 11 'onghten. Miss Marian Watts. .Miss lusiphinu r'nHtipM, Miss Martha Jen tings, Miss Georgian. i Wetheilll, JIIhs Mnigarct Hutclier. Miss Betty I'm vinnre. Mi Htynelils II Blown, Jr. Mi Hew- WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. GUI, of 6427 onerweoQ reaa, nave announced the engagement or men; daughter. Constance Parrlsh Gill, nnd Mr Rebert Parker Wethcrald, son of Mr. and Mrs Samuel B. Wctherald, of Sandy Springs. Mrs. Wendell Swlfe Tredlck enter tained her bridge lunchecm club nt her home, 610B Christian street, yesterday ?,M?ir,100nV,. T,le "ambers Include Mrs. William Bland, Mrs. Wlllinm Krugcr Miss Lillian Krugcr. Mrs. Francis Ashl garet Plummcr, Miss LeIh Samuel, Miss I ' whtAU, lji nf ",?,"? IteeB0' Mrp- ! Harry .iiitiiu ij. eamuci, .iii,s Kntnarlne ' . ...mhmu jonnsen. Knight Smith, Miss Snrah Legan Starr, Mrs. Frank Smith entertained a num Mlss Louisa M. Wallls, Miss Geerglana I ber of friends nt her home. 910 smith Wetherlll, Miss Evelyn Dravten. Conestoga street, last evening tj,- Banning Grange. Miss Elenner i guests Include Mrs. Henry Prothermv ySmnce V,ln,M', IlAnna Leceh, .....Mini i-. urunH. Mm. llnrru . IeiiIh T.IIHr,li iir.., t-i.,i,1 Spooner and Mrs. Jehn Mu'ckler.' DELAWARE COUNTY Mrs. J. E. S. Blshpp will entertain the Fortnightly Club at her home In Swarthmere this afternoon, when Mrs. Laws, Mrs. Perter nnd herself will re view "The three Kings." Mrs. Leuis W. Whceleck will give n card party en Thursday afternoon nt Strathaven Inn, Swarthmere, for the beneflt of a fund te buy toys for 2ff0 children. Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Felix, of Lans Lans dewne. nre receiving congratulations en the birth of a daughter a few days age. The Quaker City Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, of which Mrs. Jeseph M. Calcy Is regent, will glve their twenty-fourth birthday anniversary party en Fridny nfternoen. December 16. at thn Plnntin rih .f. Miss ' A"n Ntcese Rlchnrdsen and Judg'e Jehn abert i M Patterson will deliver addresses. C Miss uunnlng, Miss E Mnrtvn Geerge. Miss Mary Dobsen Nerrls, Miss Mary Lewe Nixon, Miss Elenner Gummey, Miss Knthnrine Hutchinson, Miss Ellse Mlr kll. JIIss Nancj Little and Miss Alice c sh Sailer. Miss Whltmer has Issued Invitations for a card partv te be given In honor of her sister en Tuesdy, Janu uy 3, at their home. Mrs. Mrs. Lewis, MOORESTOWN Mr. Elwood Helllngshead. of Chcst L," .' ' V'5,"" Hev' 1 In Washington, D. C, rJff'iIiS.i i M.ra .JeHl"h B Porton, of in itiCMn,U?.trect' nre "Penaing a week Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand J. Grave!, of Mnnhelm street and Wlssahicken ave- ""- """""". mil enteitam nt a n Atlantic ritv In honor of Miss Judell MacOreger . M". Marian E. Hellman has returned Husten, debutante daughter of Mr. and I I? "Pr nome. In Lognnspert, Intl., nfter n Mrs. Jeseph M Husten, befere the ball hree weeks visit as a guest of Mr and Mr. and Mrs Qeorge B Evans of JIrs' Themas JJ- Evans. iiuneinuiii, win kive at tne Uellflue. NORRISTOWN .Mr- and Mrs. Harry Mecser. of 130 vvest Marshall street, entertained at a dinner at their home. The event cele brated Mr. Meeser's slxty-Blxth birthday annlversarj'. Among the guests were .!. mm jurs. irvin Meeser, Mr. and Mrs. arry uartholemew, Mr. and Mrs. Herace Klnirklnirer ATlnu ttaAn i7-tn. klnger, Mr. and Mrs. FJmer Mecser, Master Clare Me-ser, Miss Dorethy Mecser, nnd Mr. Harry Mecser, Jr. MIbh Mildred Danehower, of 1103 West Airy street, and Miss Margaret Cassell, of 619 West Marshall street, have gene te Mlddletewn, Conn., where they will be guests nt a heuBO party given at Wesleyan University. LANIER CAMERON Dlshep Rhlnelander Offlelate'a at Weddlrifl of Nlece In New Yerk Bishop Rhlnelander officiated at the wedding ceremony of his niece, Miss Helen Cameren, of New Yerk, whose marriage te Reginald Bishop Lnnlcf took place nt neon yesterday In the Huntingdon Chapel of the Cathedral of St. Jehn the Divine, New Yerk. Bishop Rhlnelruider wan assisted In the ceremony by the Rev. Heward C. Bob bins, dean of the Cathedral. Only a few relatives attended the wedding. There wns n reception and wedding breakfast for about 1C0 guests at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Lc Rey King, of 20 East Eighty-fourth street) New Yerk. The bride who is the daughter of the late Archdeacon Lewis Cameren, of New Jersey, nnd a granddaughter of the late Frederick W. Rhlnelander, wns given in mnrringe by her cousin, Le Rey King. Her only attendant wns Miss Ethel King. Mr. Lanier, who in the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. James F. D. Lanier, of New Yerk, was nttended by Francis Burke Burke Reche as best man. Mr. Lanier is a grnndsen of Charles Lanier, of New Yerk, nnd of the Inte Mr. nnd Mrs. Hcber R. Bishop. He graduated from Harvard In 1010, nnd is a member of the Knickerbocker, Tuxedo nnd ether clubs. He served overseas. Redhor8t-8mythe MarrUge A pretty wedding took place Satur day evening at 7 o'clock In the West Hepe Presbyterian Church. Preston and Aspen streets, when Miss Miriam B. Smythe, of 732 North Forty-first street, become the bride of Mr. Herman H. Redherst, of Cincinnati, Ohie The cere mony was performed by the Rev. Charles A. Bronsen, D. D and was followed by a reception at the home of the bride's mother. The bride, who was given In mnrrlage by her mother, Mrs. Estelta B. Bmythe, wero a traveling suit of blue, gray and blue hat, and a corsage of orchids and heather. She was attended by her sister, Miss Virginia C. Smythe, ns maid of honor. Her gown was of brown chiffon velvet, and she carried yellow chrysan themums and heather. Mr. Theodere F. Smythe, brother of the bride, acted as best man for Mr. Redherst. Upen their return fnyn a wedding trip, Mr nnd Mrs Redherst will re re slde At 1310 West Master street, where they will be at home nfter Februarty 1st. GOTTLIEB-HORWITZ A nrettv weddlnir tnnlr ntM lu n...t... .1 "SI "- "" )r evening, jjecemDer 6, when HEMSTITCHING 6d. tAm.niTirMJL n1u S'Blt nl" CleM and Silver Ilemntltchlnir. ripatlnic and nuttenn rnv.r.rt SARANA HEMSTITCHING SHOPl IU.V Chestnut St. Miss LeaK H. Herwlts, of Uit NOrth Bread street, became the bride of Mr. Harry Daniel Gottlieb, of 2310 East Allegheny avenue. The ceremony was performed by Rabbi Mortimer J, Cehen at the Beth Sholam Synagogue. The brlde was given In marriage by her father, Mr. B. Herwltx, Miss Rae Herwltz ncted ns maid et honor nnd the bridesmaids were Miss Augusta Cehen, Miss Margaret Hnac. Miss Hattle R. Gottlieb, Miss Resu Seleman and Miss Henrietta Cehen. Miss Elma Welnrach nnd Miss Bernlce Lush were flower-girls. The best man was Mr. Aaren Herwltz and the ushers were Mr. Jeseph Blben, Mr. Russell Schaffer, Mr. Merris Herwltz, Mr. Mat Slavln and Dr. Ettlcnn. 'istasi - v 'WM" vT . '.r . . ' . -f .... ...j,u ' J ------ - - - 1 ,; , liMMumi - - - ' - r - "IH! BIB III- WIIBI A Miss Carrl PentiOus, Mr. Charles WIN coxsen, Mrs. W. Bureau, Mrs. Jehn Dill, Mrs. Hnrry Crary, Mr. B. Bruener and Mrs. Fred Sykcs. 1 niHEr:yjOKgrAt.tevc!n.eyXiaiicu nmrrnnN or rrr J, a. FRANKFORD Mr. and Mrs. Rebert H. Remmey, Jr., of 931 Herbert street, Are recelvlng congratulations upon the birth of a son Mr, and Mrs. Bert Conn, of 2022 East Stella avenue, entertained en Friday evening at a dinner and card party In honor of Lieutenant and Mrs. Clinten Burgy, m S. N. Lieutenant Burgy left en Saturday for New Londen, Conn., te be joined there later by Mrs. Burgy. An Interesting lecture en "Modern Japan" will be given en Tuesdry eve ning In the Friends' Meeting Heuse at Orthodox and Penn streets by Mr i Liieya uaiaersten, who recently returned from an extended stay In Sappera, Japan, where he was engaged In educa tional work. Dr. and Mrs. Geerge E, Levis, of 4523 Frankford avenue, have returned from a hunting trip through Pike County, Pennsylvania. The sewing circle of which Mrs. Charles Conn, 1637 Dyre street, Is a. member will be entertained en Tuesday nt the home of Miss Stella Helm, 1728 North Slxty-necend street. Theso pres ent will be Mrs. Charles Welnlng. Mrs Edith Btekley, Mrs. P Welncoep, Mls- Bertha Habcck, Miss Ann Pnllatt, Miss Ann Fergusen, Miss Marien Hothersell, .7T 7 fwi its PAU.T WWMt -' " Amerliu , . oreinent Celnrjtur Hepran BELLE STORY CHARLES T. ALDRICH, MASTERS A KRAFT REVUE, BURT EARLE A HIS GIRLS, WALTER WEEMS, CALLAHAN & BLISS BTXflB nce. HAnrsn a nrAVKe, ifj UILIXTTIS, and n Orent Rnrrennaii nt, Dtll lfnif MOUTH AT 8HS llllMAT, TOMOR. AT 2HS Tr FOR 2. WEtKS ONLY -fr F Ilay Comnteck It Merris Unt Irent ALICE A DelysiA "rtc tins tacen I'hiui. ej storm " .V"r"v LH MTUU ZrtWfCAM. Atj success . y xrA uiOAAXA THt INTIdl. PsOOUCTION COJTUMtO 8 PAUL POIPET mt 4 a resr m Atsr xrMurmvu mn$ emzert siM SHUBERT MAW 5 NIGHTS MtM Sff Mats wax 3Ar OSCAP STI2AUS Txtamr enemm sunt' Mall Onl.,. Thene Will. 4831 mm. miKn Dell I'bene Bpruee 4200 11A.M. Continuous Showing 11P.M. PRICES Tax Included te 6 r. M. Aftr 6 P. M. "Bcaded-Loather-Oeld and bilver Mesh Baes S3 Un .C."e" 'Tnrs' Headed Dae. Peekrt. i !...? "Kr".'fu or. reunen Pfarls re- rilU K. linUI Hill U !,, 'W 1 t,. l-nulr.rf .., ..IIBII J1I1KS , IMP0YflIlJRJfN;C,, "nr.n neck i - !"Fi I.J I'P TO MOO MAKCEL BEAD SHOP i ism i-nrstnut Ht. Spruce 7000 J CLEANED OR DYED LIKE NEW Men's and wom en's apparel; fnbrlcs; curtains gloves; blankets feathers, etc. We call anywhere Plienr. Teulnr B380 ANTON DORFNER &SONS Cleaners & Dyers 1324 GIRARD AVENUE Y A 1 1 50c-75c Th Mrnr. Frtd. I). and 51. E. Frit take plenum In luineundna; thnt br spr elal urranrement with the United Artlntu" Corperntlon ther are enabled te kIt te the Philadelphia Public iiper-productlemt of this onnnlmtlen nt the nbeve p'rlces. EXCLUSIVE SHOWING AMERICA'S SWEETHEART MARY PICKFORD magma Last Pep. Mat. Tomer. ;, Ibl.SU OPENING XMA5 MAT. DEC.26t WATS HOW PCX XMAl vrrKtKWYTMJHWttfH KIW WRIt WINTtg THt OAKCIKl GKLA1C3I lAUOKINQ I P 1KM4 HJL. ,& U S $HflW tuctNf tvnait newtn it Ce or ns.Mciur imi ADELPHI 'WWA NIhU t 8i30 Mnts. Thur. A St. t 2i20 I Pep. Mat. fhurs. ";"' $1.50 IN "Little Lord Fauntleroy" A Million-Dellar Picture Stratford. In honor of M ss Marearet A Phelp. debutante daughter of Mrs Charles M Phelps. Mr and Mrs 'Albln Pennlnirten. of 2039 Spruce street, have Isiucd lnl lnl lnl lotiens for u dinner. en Tuesday m-enlnir nercmbr 22 In honor of their niece! Miss Alice Hnller, debutante daughter HATS CLEANED Remodeled nipenrnns, PESiaxnnn axd makers of ire.ifK.v'.s and CHILDREN'S AVVAUEL OF TUE HIGHEST CHARACTER FOR MORE THAN TWENTY-SIX YEARS DOWNS whaps SUITS runs BLOUSES LiNGEiiin HOSIERY Chestnut Cerner Twelfth SWEATERS MILLINEBY SKIRTS CHILDREN'S AFPAREI, PETTICOATS NEQLIQEE Dainty Gifts of Service Truly has it been said "The gift without the giver is hare." In these selections of "Harris", there is evi dent such thought of quality, -that a gift may be chosen that will convey the personality of giver and recipient. Blouses, 3.95 te 50.00 Silk Petticoats, 2.75 te 8.95 Breakfast Coats, 5.95 te 45.00 Sweaters In the nenest ehnpet ter sports untl eutlnc wear. Our 40 ytajn of ex. Iierlfttfe Is at your rrvlce. Silk 22.50 te 49.50 Weel 5.00 te 16.50 Fibre Scarfs 3.9S Weel Scarfs 3.50 te 9.95 Camisoles 95c te 4.95 Silk Vests 1.85 te 3 95 Silk Hosiery 1.95 te 4.95 Envelope Chemise, 3.95 te 8.95 Pantalettes 3.95 and 6.95 slk Bleemers.... 3.75 te 3.95 Corduroy Robes, 5.95 Boudoir Caps, . .. 95c te 3.50 Steiiiman 54 N. 7th St. I'lienei Market 24S7 nrnnrln Jefferaen Die Works, 107 S. 12th RUGS Your Opportunity FACTORY TO YOU If you want te huy ru, direct from the In retnirrn. -. '"'VV'V "" '"""y !"''! niimci. Nil ten j, yMZ& r TIIK ONLY MI LI, IN 1 COUNTRY ACTVALI. SKI, I.I NO MILL TO YOU ren wring- Minn renin In n rrtull Axmtnaten, VelretH and rirnmieU. Rinse. Ilunnem, 32' 9 Corpe tn by the- Ynril i - - i -ndr m. 'r. i,..iiunirn, ...irrrn nnn i.xtnierdliiurv dunllty nnd Iclrn MOO 0enJi'lS,T SIM's' WILTONS H.". UXIX .... SiVeeiiil 40.00. . . SmhSi 30.00,7.0.0 ... , ,K5',i?1i C2.S0, II. 3x12 ..Hnerlftl laiiekst' HTeric 'isTiiy $23.60 2i.ne 10. (10 14. no 37.30 TO KKLECT FItOM .IltltMr Alwilf 4 '; itilit-l i Ui Tkn llnute 3, 4 or te CambrU St. Open Men.. Wed., Krl. 1'ntll 10 P. Jl! ODfn Nntimlny t'ntll 0 P. M. uenverv Mull Ordem Filled. MMM?VMMMWWWWWM,MM,,,,,,. I " Mi iiMiwinrT,l ymtmSSSmm i ft((ft W'S YSSSSsWS,ss7S,rSS7SfSs)ssSSSSS??') ifH 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 r If".' I Added Attraction J. FRANK MERRICK'S Symphony Concert Orchestra nnd Swinnen & MtitUnd at the world Iirjeit theatre organ Mary PJckferd's Produc tion will be shown as foleows: 1 11:05 A.M. UOP. 3:20 P.M. i 5;15P. M. 7:20 P. M. ' 9:35 P. M. I Weel Hosiery, 1.95 te 4.95 Sets Icv ancl Smart. 1 lie bets con sist of Vest and Step-ins or Nigl pewiis with Chemises te match Sold together or separately. it" 4-95 Be sure of getting our genuine Zarita superior quality by buy ing direct from its. Mail orders receive immediate attention. Save time, trouble and vexation by dealing clircct with us. Call or write at once. Our present stock is fast diminishing. ZAR IT J IVaming! Te Ladies of Philadelphia: REPORTS have been received by us that unscrupulous people hove endeavored te pnlm Inferior pearl bcad3 in substitution for our genuine Zarita Superfine Indestructible Pearls. We heieby notify you that Zarita Pearl Necklaces are imported by ourselves and sold direct by us te users net through stores. AH Zarita necklaces are sold under absolute gunrnntee entire satisfaction or money refunded in full. Net a single defective pearl is allowed te be assembled in any Zarita necklace sold by us. This is very important nnd a fact that every necklace buyer should knew. Nete our remarkable Christmas prices, rendered possible by eliminating middlemen's and retailers' profits and over head expenses. $ 8.18 12.27 . 18.36 ADDED PICTURES 1. Aldine Current Events of the World 2. Colored Scenic Review 3. Aesop's Fables AT THESE PRICES Matinees KTenlnc, bllC Included 75C Evening Prices After 1 P. M. Saturdays and Holidays Seats NOW 8 Weeks Ahead anon si:ath at the hex OrrifP FOP. AM, PERFOIIMANVEH KA NOW mil XMAH ANI , NMV lKAK'S MVTS. A KVI1S. OROANIZK 101 n HOLIDAY l'AHTIES NOW t I I METROPOLITAN hop reTLM REPERTOIRE LAST 5 DAYS Tenlcht "H Trovntere," Sareyn Eaten, TemmiuMn' R,le, De lllael Med. Mai. Carmen." Francanl Gulman. Ilewaccl. Ceryi D Illa.l Scott (itueBt); Tell and Unlet Med. Ke. 'Tera.'' ritzlu (Kueet), Kllnea ABOtlnl, Hever, De Hlant TJiui-h. "llarlier of seillle." L.uechep, Kllneva UebphccI Tu'llece. Cervl I niaul Cond Perenl Kri.-l 'Fllt." gareva. D'Alesianrtre Kllneva. AEetlnl Scott (ifueet) n0er O'Am.cn Sat. Mut. "Mudiime Jluttrrlli." ritzlu (euent). I'nrirl HnicnM. Va'le rervl DBla.?'- .SHt" Ke. "CnTllerln RuxtU rann. S a r e v a, Eaten. Aweetlnl. D Am rn followed bv "Pnrllnerl." Keltle Temmaelni. Hever, D'Amlcu, Tudisce. ' Irlrr! Kve. nnd Set. Ml S0c. 3 nn P,7..'.'.VJ, sai.k at rtux nFFirn nnd M'KYMANN'M. 1108 CHKSTNCT ST. wxu MAIIKET AT NINBTHF.NT 4. 11 A. M. TO 11 P. M, t Betty CempstfnT In a New rarnmeuijt ricture "Ladies Must Live" Directed by Geerge I.eane Tucker Special Musical Feature The Popular Compeeer and Director WASSILI LEPS Oueat Conductor Stanley Orchestra BUSTER KEATON In THE PI.AYHOt'HB" WILLIAM FOX preienti THE GREATEST SPECTACLE THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN STANTON MAIIKET ST AIIV IflTH 11 80. l.ari. 3 30. S 80. 7:80. 0:80 Daily, 35c, 50c Evenings, 50c, 75c Erenlnr Price Prernll fiattirdnr Aftrrnoenx nnd Helldara 11 A it TO 11 30 P M. Cecil B. De MUIc Production 9hel's 1'HII s -(.UKr-r HIKAIKKf. BROAD LAST 5 NIGHTS SA reprin mt thmorrem' CHAHIJ:s FItOHMAN Presents SKINNER In Tim Cuehlne's Play BLOOD AND SAND m r tnte ni Axre ihanez NEXT WEEK. SEATS THURS. ETHEL BARRYMO RE In the p'n t whli h h,r triumph hai Icen n -b u' raral,' in the history of thu American e'a "DECLASSEE" By Zee Akins Prlcen all rrf. nnu , e (eicnt irnii. Ihtu) flfi ti JJ -M) Paradisd IT H A PARAMOUNT P1CTUIIE WITH Dorethy Dalten, Mildred Har ris, Cenrad Nagel, Theodora Kosloff and Others At 11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30. 7:30, 9:30 SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Dallv flOe Evenlnue 71ic FMur(!an and Ilelldavn. After PALACE Anita Stewart ARCADIA MAll8ItAL.Ii 114 MAHKKT ST. 10 A M tn II. jr. T.M. IM.ATTII1NQ or nrai'iNY" day ntih IE3 'Popular" Zarita Necklace, 18 inches "Opera" Zarita Necklace, 24 inches j $ i V s J S S "Grand Opera' Zarita Necklace, 32 inches $25 te $500 for special ropes, bracelets and cornbtnatlens Eaeh neeklaee is carefully graduated, with geld clap. FRANCIS M. BOTELHO CO. (Impert Dept ) Brown Bres. Bank Bldg., 328 Chestnut Street Phenes, Lembard 0742 nnd 6441 Phllndelnhln iVrrYrWnM. M,ww..llj)jiW.jj,jjwJ in ED.GALLAGHER&AL.SHEAN in" EGYPT" CHAS. OLCOTT & M ARYAN N WM.&JOEMANDEL THEWRIOHT DANCERS W1UIE JOlAR-BOB&PICCYWVmrnHt ANP OTHER STARS AND "COURTNEY SISTERS'"- WITH THAR UlTRA 5TRINC (MJINTCTrK EIT" n Cafe Martin 1205 Walnut St. CABARET Alter the Theatre DMiCmC-6,30 te 8; 10 te Cle,e WALTER MILLER'S ORCHESTRA (rHiiiJi umi nm i.i Mn .... MOIIKB VTK.I.V I'lticKiT" D1NNKK. CASINO &"- Te,Ia ,, Bowery Burleseuer. rurvIL0l -aai & weeks I'OI'I I-ll M T TOMOHIteU " The Broadway Whirl' is one of the greatest antidotes te earthly misery, and seekers after real pleasure will find the rorreet Theatre their coveted enn HI. Al TNT i' 'ANT Blanche Ring Chas. Winningrr Winona Winter Jay Gould and The rameui VICTORIAnTM' I'HC-TNI'T 8T. Bel 10th 10 A. M. "BITS OF LIFE" j pT St nh Oth (r it -' r WILLIAM FOX "SHAME" maukpt smnRT A M te 11 in p M. fAPITOL; "Don't Tell Everythinfr" PA1W"'"'VT rF "it t v p 'T'TtKi'lth Wallace Reid. Gleria Swanson and Elliett Dexter M lllkKT ST Up 17T1I II.I.IM KfSSRI.T. l" REGENT naven." . nr run Tn m ffii&U7r 1jl3lI3iS nnisTfH n H:ma vifks THE- WANDERING JEW '""" T" 'T't' f"r All IV I fv, , . GARRICK vT. kr 2 vi:ek -. i ,. , run i u mt TOMoituew GLOBE KTW MAKKHT AT THE BIGGFST AND BEST VAUDEVILLE SHOWS AT I ITT' 1- PHIi vn BROADWAY '""'''t"?" ARNOLD JOHNSON'S ' ORCHESTRA & "AFTER THE SHOW" 1 ( 1 II WD r it v j i-j.. ALLEGHENY . N-n",vw.',vv 5 Acts of Vaudeville AMI I'MI MOI NT Gleria Swanoen imcti nn t'VDnn CROSS KEYS "0T" -mhkbt "THF LOVF NST" 'HAW"RA UTII b I MOIIIUH npr,m w .Mnf . " .... r' " OLI i L. I 1 CL.L. "THK M VN HO" M Sl'lIB2 PtNT, BULL DOC MMMMOMD l-LAY OF Inn. .. .rr Mtk a r :. ri'j.,:C,.rs'c. MATTHLW.S HH 4 SI i 1IHI IILNKY MILLER lr ! mi- r i li r VI All h U I RL d BLANCHE BATES ' H Mllx I-vi II IVrf rinati rn -THE ACADEMY OF Ml'SIC Melrt.pnilinn i prra 'e T ,T-:V i ERNANI t Wl Mm.. P,i,. i- ,.,.i .... .,,,,. i. ii. inlKP Munlunnii pi. Ipi Mmi. "rini i inn Hrl i i'l N I . V Thurn P 1 '. itl( V!I II "!' Ill - H V I'AMII '-' H I.ttHf A t 1 im f 'NV i'ler D'ALVAREZ IN TH MM, I.i HT PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA .. . b 1 w. I 1 Mm lr H m Si , 4.,it Vrulflin A lleiipr'k. 1 1 1 O JUjer 10 ( lienlnut (fiCANji 69 th St. Theatre iv ..""R0?" Trriiiliinl ...l.J . dll, I (UlU U l. "" ' SI. THE CABINET OF SiiIiiUI IC it I It Iiixl Krnnr rARARPX MH rmiu W rMr"J.r CHARCE CONTINUOUS DANCING Temght-Onginal Dixieland Jazz Band-Tonight DANCE DE DANCELANn N Wl. e.. .. . A1 ' " or- ' & Montgomery Ave P'aying Alse Playing Alse PALAIS D'AMOUR B. E. Cor 11th i. Cbrttnut ritn. en WKDNKHDAY NIOIIT I Uelh Halls Can lie i I IUntf.1 j mt iSilMH-a- WLmmmJm palais Jc5? -iB'' " K X l.. " -M v y tt- r w m A( ,VIrM 01 Ml SIC BURTON HOLMES FRIDAY K K Hi I It SAT'DAY rr in 7tf II II HO a AROUND THE WORLD A ll I It fti "0e at Doer D'AMOUR Cor. 181h 4 Chr.ieut Nta. KIIII1AV CAIIAHKT Ninny M'erlil1. Fnmniu Jnti i.na7. ! '' ! ORPHEUM ''e"ndiitew t Uhtltta ORPHEUM PLAYERS 'u "The Naughty Wife" KEYSTONE ," i.iii' iU t n VamUvil Plrtur',,' DUMONT'S "? Aiicii-itv,.. tift the iiAT . r" viinirei vris Leave Hemt" "THE HAT ana "VUX v f ' ! A . m 1 WW u.' -. .".... .' .J . - ,".,. , i . ' U ' K h