Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 13, 1921, Night Extra, Image 26

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I EuCnittg UbltC ffiedgt . Philadelphia, Tuesday, December 13, 11m J
H,' , 2
K' ' ::?::,, - :J ' . , - - " - 7:; . - ; 15?Kv 1 can you recall this bit of old Philadelphia? -j
ijljt' I13J(SBHBH1m:HWR'IBH Armande Diaz, Italy's here, takes a parting manuel of Italv for many months, leaves America
STRANDED DESTROYER. The I S. S. De Leng, ashore near Hair
moon Bay, San Francisce, where the waves are playing havoc with the
craft. There is little hope of pulling the ship oft the sand bai
BOTH VLR HAPPY. Jeb Hedges, rece.Mr of the New Yerk Rail
ways Company, congratulating Secretary of Wai eeks en his plan te
break up the "bloc system" in Congress i i r 0.i . i'na r. ..
ff4 Lfe-?rfJ '-
ipM wirViV i ' h
kM iLrA Mfkl nUKiilS
0& 3MCdtf!HH. ffl li
-- tmm'BmmMm imm mm
YOU GET A FAR DIFFERENT VIEW TODAY. Imagine yourself standing en the steps of the Metropolitan
Opera Heuse and looking across the intersection of Bread and Poplar streets. The photograph, made in 1892
was sent te us by Charles E. Keyset', of Glcnside. The bus is bouncing ever the Belgian blocks, as three herp!
pull it toward Legan. Have you a photograph of old Philadelphia ? Send it te the Evening Pibmc Ledcer.
IN PRISON I-OR LIFE. Mis. Leuis Peete,
found guilty of murdering Jacob Dunten, going
te San Quentin international
MISS CLARE RENDERS, of New Yerk City, at ON WAY TO EUROPE. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
mm.rnm:.mmmmmf.j.asj,Mmmm mz
wniwiiiiniiiii i iii ..JmmMMmzmKwm
the Parrot Ball, given in aid of St. Luke's
iiOSpitlU in that City I'mlrmned H I'n-lTuued
A. Munn, of Radner, verc passengers en the
sieamsnip uiympic k.m.i.,hh u .-
"HURRY UP, 'DOUG' ' Maiy I'icUeiil i, VCA , ui' nsj at
"Deug" FairlmnU.' coat, as she hurries te gtt .. Ik-ic fiem
the steamship Paris, en hi rival in Ntvv erk
h i''U " lM
,- ,4" flH
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s soieWwiNJiirr.'jry.Br 7'.'- ; . vMjnt'iT9Wt.xiv mv.iw jthib . vh.wNv .jbihbc "mjmhf aww v a . lBaanut. .
'.T'. " . : mv. ,v ,vB, ii-jj!- '.j , :-jf rt'j"i ,:--9 mil i i i i i i i iiii ii 1 1 1 im i i i . . im.j -. buu-" . i i bi mi i .vclbbul .. k. " ihbl abhf v v ,.t . miu . b i w
'. y''i; rv ". iirvJra.'aA.iA:r".(K:Ai. ?eTraJZTr,tyr!wrPTv','NSvivT'? ntxrffftbHi t in mi iinwi
sLawKTOESN jitwJWwJaijSfi - V rvA l ' '-.9" w '-' vj p
ftFw?f )
pear in Bal Boheme, te be held tomor
row night by the Three Ar's Club
( hirtsr hi neflt given in Nc
1 f'TK , ,. i
War veteran, Assemblyman-elect
from Burlington C eun'v, J.
AN OVERSEAS BATTLE. The American soldiery new looking after the inteiests of this country en the Rhine de a let of athletic- vw.rl t
keep fit. I-oetball is holding the stage of sports activity The camera clicked as the Fifth Infant. y was making g ins agamst tie s oil
line of the Eighth Infantry, near Coblenz, a few weeks age. afc.misi nit stieng
HVRRI.OV K s'M-A, naunKcr
Uilnam- College Mu-ua1 Clubs,
plan- dance for PhiLi klplua
R INSPECTING SPRINGS. Ilnn-y Stott, 'Ml Cedar street, Frankferil, at MADAME M. U. INOUYE, dean in srAUT HIKE TO SAN FRANCISCO. Malcolm Drendfeld, Hnriv SAILING TO Fiinnnr n . .,..
mg&n , jrerkjathe assembling department el tU IVi've-, am! Hurvey Rowland domestic science department, Japan Dcriund Harry C. Woodington, all Philadelplmns, left yesterday Celby! former Se fwnJ-r,',BC R' MP? WHITE, assistant cashier of the Union National,
ME' : - actoryrankferd. He hps been emrte.,. lcve since 1870, Weman's College central n.w. Pbeu merninjj y the olymeTa f y f Stnte en ian,J ih,.rd an'1 A,,d streets. He ivm at Drexel I III Hebble1
BBI -1 - r' ' ' .Jrt A "ouiympie to,v,wCe. tenniH and golf. Mr. White is a member "of A??Slmink Gelf 01
BBBjBSKiMkjtAjjKM' w" . , -J, i -. . ..' -i .J. - - ,d . j'iiijMJiBfcki, , l X . ' f rf lll