'V, r.i 1 "s ' . 'tJ ESVBNI0 &TJBLIO ?M0t as;- " .JNJ 'j 1 mVA J i s TZ jmiiiiiiiiUi';jfflniiiiirMiiiiiniiiiiiiihiiiiiiiHiiiui MiiiltliiiitiiiiilllnillMMnilliiiiiiiiiiiiltlHitiiii t A v ""iiijif llllllllllll'i '"l . J..f , ".,! i t I .4 ! .11 I . .lt ... .."T' GUARDING THE INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMERS' ACCOUNTS AT THE CORN EXCHANGE Our modern system of bank administra tion provides two separate forces of book keepers. One at day that pests- en card ledgers and a second force that comes at night, handling the work in a separate department, posting from original checks -deposit slips, etc., en statements that are mailed monthly te our customers. These statements are compared each day with the ledger cards, se all transac tions are thus double checked. Such systems may be of interest te only a few, but they, give some general idea of the careful work at the Cern Exchange National Bank Chestnut St. at Second Philadelphia igimj 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ijii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 n i n n ii 1 1 1 1 imiiiiiii7 GOSSIP OF THE STREET NEW YORK CURB MARKET r U A tremendous and genuine service' What great economic needs does the New Yerk Curb Market meet? It provides : A market ter securities of such industrial, metal, oil, public utility or ether cor porations as arc eligible for listing under the strict requirements of the Exchange. A temporary market fer'thc preliminary issue of securities of well-known, estab lished companies which are being re organized or are issuing additional stock. A market for issues in the formative period of their corporate existence. And Jenes &. Baker, nearly 4Qce of whose new cmtemeis arc introduced by old customers, are one of the leading factors in this great market. They have developed service facilities which make them the natural" information headquarters" for the tocks traded en the New Yerk Curb Market. An interesting booklet en this market and its develop ment wMl be sent en request r Philadelphia Office Widcncr Muildlni T(jphen B?)l . . LecuiMrii 'itenc Rice 5Jtl Baltimore Office 4.13 Equitable Buildlni Telrptanr St Ptul8lM Jenes & Baker Membtrt XewYerk Cuib hiarke t Direct Private Wire" SU 1. On 'r.e Boiten rbniie'.ph.i r utuivcfl Drtreit lilt. mere Cleveland PHILADELPHIA'S ' HISTORIC IHL'ST COMPANY invites you ti become one of its DEPOSITORS The Pennsylvania Company Ver Insurances en Lilts and Granting Annuities Trtlst and Safe Deposit Company BROAD STREET OFFICE Chestnut and Juniper Street 51 "Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Chartered 1 a i e N ' " - J& Wlint many nrc plcnhcd te call n "cold wntcr banquet," It appear, was ulvcn n few1 nlfrlitu nge at one of the prominent clubs by tbe bend of a big bUNincHS concern. According te the n(ery, btiHlncSN nKseclnlcs of the concern while gathered nreuml the festive beard, ene after another eulogized Ihe firm for their rcmnrknbly niiccchsuiI buslncb!" eareer, nnd in flowing terms, as every grateful guest should de, told of their great esteem nnd affection business wie , nnd socially for the head of 11,0 enter prise. The Jiest in (rcsienM! te .their unstinted prnise said he with highly fluttered by such complimentary re nnrks, that it made him feel he had net lived In vain, neither bnd his buslnc: efforts been In vain. He fold them lie was proud of such Staunch friend- 1 ship and confidence and then In con clusion suid : "Gentlemen, 1 will new tell you the reason you nrc brought together here tonight and why this dinner wnw given. Yeu are our principal creditors, con ditions ever which we positively had no control ; make it compulsory for us te , come te you tonight nnd requesl you ! grant us a three years' extension." He i then proceeded te make a clean breast of the affairs 'of the company, conceal ing net the slightest dctnil. While the totally unexpected announcement of the financial distress of the concern wnH lllte throwing a bucket of cold water ever the assemblage, the frankness of the statements wen the dny, and before the little party broke up the majority of the largest creditors, had signid papers nink- , Ing the requested extension n scaled ' desument. Alleged V. It. T. Peel i Street gossip has it that the alleged recently formed peel in P. U. T. is grently disgruntled in the failure of : the carefully worked out campaign te I curry rhreugh. It is understood they ran against an unlooked-for snug a fortnight age when the stock was rahed ' above 10, in liberal offerings of the stock by brokers who nre supposed te act directly or indirectly for certain ! banking interests. This source of sup 1 ply was either overlooked or wus net taken into consideration. The peel, it I is stated, . managed te accumulate ap I proximately -10,000 shnres of stock cov cev I erlng a long period between 14 and 10 n share. It was believed this had prac ! ticully cleaned up all the floating sup ply of stock, und it was figured the quo tation ceuM safely be carried te 2." without danger of releasing uny consul- erablc amount of stock. Te make the situation mere discen- certing, members of the peel have been unable te ascertain the Identity of the sellers or the real source of the sup ply, as It wits known the personal held- j lugs of the banking interests were liquidated when the stock wns selling nt much higher figures. In all events, it has meant a postponement of further peel demonstrations, and in the mean time some of the tnll-enders have been letting go. nnd the stock yesterday vas ever 2 points under the recent top. Nete Supply Running Short Fer some time past, there lins been tt disposition te purchnse short-term . securities, pnrtlculnrly en the pnrl of institutions, insurance companion, etc., ' and nt tmes there have net been enough of this class of ivsues te go around. I'tlci't have advanced sharply and the manner in which the gains hnve been maintained has been the subject of faveruble comment In the trade. There has been both an absence of pressure nnd a demnnd for notes which in its entirety has brought about considerable beiiyancy in the trade. This has applied net only te certain Issues or groups of notes but has beet) quite general throughout the entire list. With the easier money rate killing there naturally has developed n IWter demand for short-term pnper than could have been Axpected or hoped for during the last year or se when both call and time funds held at unusually high interest rnte. Recently thete has' been a mere urgent demand for accept -unce bills, with the result that the dis count rate has been brought down from around tt per cent te 4s (fj t'i per cent. There have been rumbling. In the air for several dnys past that the Federal i Reserve discount rate will again be re- i dticcd w ithin a week or se and this In ' turn will mean a further revision of . lutes for acceptance Mils. a toen Chile Cep'r (In CO M 6H . 08V4 ft V fd . 7B1 . 70 . 7BT4 tP4i .. 711 '4 B0 79 ! N TV Cent' I 0d tSAI.Krf IN $10001 1 'e e ' Arse nee'e tislteeub of Uru-lChl rtsllw's B i . ' V'' !!. . Trt I euiV Urn 1. . flflVl N X O cTl ... 70 I 10 102 ' 1! Cunadl'n NthtijSe 1'orle Illcn i 1 OH rets Ct " wl C ft t 0 .. 108 I 6... . b; I il ft . . 107'a'3tt nf Hae I 13. S .IDS l'aule S 1 . , . 5.... 107!ti 1.. . 101ilC II 1 Canadian N 7a 1 101 U I 10.. 1.... 100i8nitz'd Cen 8 13 Ore-W It 11 Ce. 1 . 87 tt N Ce 4a ISo.Pre Term'l 4. . 77il 3V. "IK rae U E mi 8(aal) HIS 5. . SU ' K .... 81U Paek'd Moter Sn Kallwy 4 Car Ce 8i IS .02' 4 108 I B .02 n'.t 1 m'ilChlcaire Union 1 ... 113 '.41 Hta ct 0V,a 5 , ft.. 113t4 2 111U HS 1 113i,i C N r 4,4,n7 8511 U K Or't Iiril Sft'i &, I'd 1022 S.- , 'J DO. II sr, . 23 ea.ii SB'. 8 110 8SUI H 0U H5t.il 0 . 00'i Chile Cep'r 7 t? IC Ui't llrll 8 (HI I '.I Id 11120 1. I i t.. 1 . 0 1 1. 1. fan A Patr'tn 1 i. n, . - 1 K2 uremwr 01. , . -v '" '' -.. . AmAln.r, 1,n,ia. a nil t.lirhl rl ""- r... An nn n.affr.nil HVithiM J Meck of record December IB ... United Fruit, qunrterly 2. payable .tan uary 14 te ateek of record December 20. Chine-is Oee't 100. IMC niy B 40. 40 ' 45 4n , I5W, I... 14?.. 1 45 ' B0 .1 ... 45 1 1 75 8... 454 I" 10.. . . 40 I R B... . 46U 2"' 1 . tfli,! no..., 10 40il 20 1 ... 40K,i City IJerne 8f 10 1 . 108.l 10 . 0 .. 108'A! 1 City Uerd'x 6n 31 18 . h0i.i, 1 10 . SOli B 10 . 801.4' a 0 .. SOW 4 . Cltv of Cetien.;U X Gi hag-en t', 7. . 87W B 87j 4 . 87 tt 4 . . 87'i, " City Ljena 0i 10 2ft. . fcOHi 1 5. KtJi, 10 . Kfli,.1 10. 80j Cltv Mara'a (In 4. . . S(I1 Ct Kin de Ja neile 8i 7 . . let 100 '4 . 101 100T4 ToVIe r,t ' 05', 00 . : . . int. . Oft eny 09 'i M l'U Wa 1184 HO'i 09H m vt P0'4 00 i 110 III) no 8T4 00 00 i 00 00 1... 1024 Cl'd Uln Chi ft t I, 4i" 1.. .80 Cl'd Cin Cht L 8t I.eula Of 1. .. 08 Cole It H 4ia 8.. . 83'i Cem d Uaa "a n 103 H f, 103i IB. . t03i Del & Ilud ev 1 . . .00 Del Hud 7 a , 5 1051,, J Den A n0 4a 1 72.i 8. .. 721, I Den Melnea i Ft I) 4 a 1 41 i Det Kdl Ca '40 , i oevi I I Det Kdl Ce 0 i l. . . . I00 I 08 H B -. HSU 2.. w 08li 2 . 08M 3 . 88 Vt i enu 4 en l 2 . . 084 ra II 4a of '48' 4 N T Cenfl 7 10. Mi 86U,3 Hallway Be 1 . 105.,ra 11 Kin IW" 2... 88'.4 N T Gennec'B1 10 "... 80i 10. .. 80 It II 4Ua 0. SOIBtBnad Oil of 2... 83 il'enna It It fi. Calif 78 Ne- Yk Dk H 2 .. 04i 3. . 10B",i J . . 74J 1 (ile) 04i 2. IOB14 1 74?; Penna II OViaiThlrd A J N T Kdlaen Ci 10. . 104 I 8. ,. . 40W ',4a wl I 1 101 iThlrd'Ave 4s 0(aale) 103 2. 104 I 8 B8 Uaale) 108 Penna 11 II 7a f Hag- P 6a Kaale) lODli 1 . . 100H 8.-- S0'4 1 lOBWi 4 100H .Union 1'ae cv 105U Pel e .Ma rat Br I DIVIDENDS DKCUARED Reierve e lank' 1 llrlllah-Amerlcan Oil Company, Ltd. .quar terly 2 percent para bio January 1 te ateck Kf rrnr,1 Y)f.ember 38. naniter llaliway and Electrle Company , nuatterlv 1 Pr cent en preferred, paynble illoaten January 1 te atocuneiaera of record uecem-..sew iber 20, ,. liner inn eti v.wiifc,iix. iuiinu, i.u An tirrjtnii. rtavAble January 2 te ateck of 'record December 20. uonireieum vuiiiimn, u'""'j w ui,r ui,r men. payable January IB, as rciclalered De cember 81. . , Detroit Edlaen Company, quarterly 3 per cent, payable January 10 te tteck of record ctfa, Verl . Philadelphia Cleveland . Plchmend Atlanta Chicago ft. Leuie Mlnneapella Kanaaa City Dalian bends. J (V DfseOUnt rfitP ertlclAt redlaceunt rte t the twlrVAf(, .r.i .rv0 --.. f-,v,e,assi-Vk;.. aqeeM, B1 B 3 it uarterly 1 Vt anuary i: te i San Kranclacei ft nt. B ft r'i B n r, r-H r. B Bi n Bl 5 paper. a'' B B'4 !U 8 Northern Securities Extra sew 80 V, 80 1,, 80 V! 25 ... DOW 1. BO Union Pac fd 1 . 84 3. . 83U Union Pae 4a 2 87 8 . 87U 8 87 I'd 1037 10 10 25 "O'.i Det Tun' I 4H ' 12.. 88 ""' Det I' U iKl , . Ill I u'i, 1 . (MU I "8 4 D de Nemours !'54 Iwdr 7i I "' 2 . 103 I "ij'-il I . 103H I J,J 1. . 103H " Dun f.iirht fl 10BU 1. 103 1 108 M, 2 J05V41 32. 108 14 Pub Merv Cerp 105141 N Jay Si 106, 2 .... 701,4 10R1 8... . 70 1054 iltfadlnc Ce 4a I05?li 1 sis union l'ac ns N Ik N It 4,Ille O It W 4a! 0... 102 It cv ,1M , 4 . . 0214 U Tank C 7s 8 .. aSi,,nle Ore i Ul 0 . 103V New T M II . elt in U S It t I Ba II 4 '57 I 1 . 02W' 2. . 02H I. . . 30Vi St L I Mt 8 U S Ilubb'r BS Net T S II , niy 4a B . . 80 Hert'd c IB... 0H4 IB 11 .. BOttiHt I. I Mt 4S M 1" 57 1 II A O dlv 4a 0 I.. . r.7 1 77ii 4 ' Nf vt Yerk, Dee 13. The Northern Se rar'ties Company has declared an extra dividend of O per cent. In addition te the reuex semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent. Ueth are pajuble Jaruary 10 te holders of record December 27. This Is the result of the larire Uurltiifttrm disbursement a short time age The Northern Securities ewna 23.003 shales of llurllnxten. wh'ch Is Its chief Asset ve '' 1 stock of the nurllnsten thla year and also Smaller Anthracite Shipment- The shipments of anthracite for November, I as reported te the Anthraeltillureau of In 1 foimatlen, ninennted te 8,311.014 urees ten against B,872,7K3 tens the precedlns; month, I and with B, 708,347 tens In November, 1020. 1 The decrease last month, ns compared with the ether two periecis, 's uccnumea ter e.t the fewer rwmber of werklne davs In No vember as compared with October, of thla year, end by a decided falling- erf In the washery tonnage from November 1020, with, an additional holiday en Armistice Day last month t. German Bank Statement Ilrrlln, Dee IS. - The statement of thu te ahsre en 14.003 shares, owned nreMeUn te the sleck dividend, making- the total re- I relpts $000,801 or equivalent te mere than MB a share oil the 30.640 shares of North- I ern securities Company stock outstanding ' Including the current disbursement the company has pa d 114 In dividends this jer. I The Securities Cempany'a heldlnrs Include $100,000 of. B'4 per cent Government cer- tlficatea of Indebtedn-ss. and 27.882 shsres of Crew's Nest Tass Ceal Cempanv, i,td as or uecetnMr im Tmnerlal Dank of Germany. 7. fellows. Total coin and bullion decrtas Bi.l.nne marks: geld decreased 1000 Iruiurr notes decreased 050,370,000; note of ether banks Increased I.BI8.00O b'lls discounted decreased, 8,085,120,000 advance Increased 7.440.0OO: Investments decreased 17,080,000: ether securities decreased 201. 200. 000. note It circulation IncreaKed 1.M0 002,000; de. posits decreased 7.037.357 000 ether lia bilities decreased 77.186.000 total cold holdings. U93.0B7.0U0 N lerk Bute St L Ic B V aj 4' Ils '4s 02 15 08' .4 1 100V4 U H li.azll ,n.In';nl I.len iui-t' 4. 104, , 10t'i! 4 10m ., 104 r. 8 10 2 City 11 10 1 , 2. 1 City Zurich 8 I 3 8 1 I U H .Mexico 4 3 ..4014 2 . 41 I' S .Mexico B 2 . fit 12V 12 124 421 42 N V 'lele 4s St L is 8 1" In 3 . 88 , 1 ... 53 N V Tele'e '41 1 10 C3 ' IOO141 1 83 1 102 IP.. .. 53 B. 100'St I, t, S 1'ran 1 . I00V4I Series A 10 100. 2 08k 10014J 10 . . . 08 7214 U H Hub 80 8 80 80 B0'4 80 Mi" 1.... 104 1 103 U'd S Steel 5s 2 . . OO14 1. 00 Va-C Ch 714 2 . 05 3 05 1 05 1 Cuban 1.. 1. 1. Cuban 10. C'n C H 10714 "J ', Erie 11 It cv II '"H 1 .. . 37 " iKrle 11 II rv D I..'1' 0... . 30 1 '"'"iKrle It (.0 4s 3... 58 ' 10. . 5S rie a 11 CuHxt ! my 4s an ? Gene'l Klec 0s A H Ns ' 01 c j,jT 103 'Adams Kxp 4s ,' ()1, 103 1 . 730oe,,)ear T & 10-1,, Am n Agr'c :' Rub .31 103 ' 7i,;s 3S . 09t. 1: a c - i"e, s. 1M) - "" , 10... nni. ,,.111. . J "V 1 1 I 2. 57 AS Cuba Itnlliead' ' Ce 71,18 w 1 10... 101 1 IOUj I- IV if Bs 87 87 S7 tioedjear Hub 5 & 1 41 llOVi 2 110 1 nni. Mil '1 1 T rlt I , .. Denmark Cen ' " '. 'O Nlhn ltd 7s et A bs ai n in 1. 1 1 IO714 cl '''J" 2. 107 "' !' Denmarl. Cen Ann 'li T 8 ct 11 8s I 1 . . . 107 , -D Canadd '20, n--3. . . ne1; I 10 00 Amu D Canada. '20 J... . 97, (lee't Trench It 7ijs rets 12 3 3 I I I; 1 70 8 1 1 1 ID I 04-1 04 05 05 01 04 0.1 i.l 05 051 1 03 05 unit cv 4s . 01 01 . 01 . 01 li T 0 107 107 I OH UlS 108 10 13 1 3 10.. r.e :i 10 3 107 107 107N, 107 107Vi 107 107 107 107 I 107 IIhv'j Illee "s 1 4 ... 70 i Hud 4. iln.li fd I,iIPm Ain'n W I" 0s. , :.; l.lDei.v 2 . . M I ft' ij Liberty Armour Is nUl, t Mati , I.ibcit.V 10 8" 2 .. 4.1 Tllm.lv ' hit . . . .'" " A U S Te lei ., ' ' 40i n k'-'jilnt'l Agr C fts ' hS . 5 .. 77 ; 85 in central fd I He',' ' s.. Atih 'f X- S t- ,,1 ,..,., ,,7:. 1. . 08 8. 100, 23 .. 08 Wabash n let " I00 5 .... 08 2.. . 02 1 . 100 8.. 08 Wabaih II 2nd I 100 SI H S Frnri, 4 83 I I 100, Series 11 1 . 83 3 100' 1.. . 82 1. 83 1 100' 0... . 82 West n Md 4s 1 10 100 St Ij Sen'n en 1 50 0 . 100i 1 .... 71 Wen Pac lsts 1 1 100,St L. Sew'n :., ! . S3 ' t 100 1 71 2. . 83 N y Tele'e MR Seab'd A I, a' 1 85 2 102 ' 10. 15 W Lnlen 4s North Weste'n'sSenb d A U fd, 1 ... 00 Hell T 7s I 2 .. 33 W Union 0s 2 107 8 A I, -Is eta 1 107 1071,4 1 3 50 1 2 . . 107 1 107 'SeabdAI, fl 1. :. 107 1 . 107 I 3 42 1 3 107 3 . 100 8 . . 42 Westinshe'e IS N Pacific It ns, 1 12 .. Mfe 7s 2 107 .Sinclair C ull 1. 15i-j Oie 4- Calif Bs! Cerp 7s , 2 105 60 ... . 00 1 3 09 1 105 Oregon 3 I, 4s1 1 . 00 1 . 105 8814 O (10, Wicks e Bpncr I. Bs1 10 00 Steel 7a 00' I 00! 1 00 00' 1. !)!) Wilsen Ce rv 00;Sen Hud T Bs 11. 8S 00 1. .. 03 10 S84 00IS'n Paelflc fd Wilsen Ce 1st 0fl4 2 S3 I 2 00 'S'n Pc cv 4s 2 90 2 '87 ... Oregon R Today's Range in Liberty Bends "" 1 ..10 Itlch I.niv P M .'!... . !l.".ti0 !Ci.() C..f.ll l't Pi".. t7.:!r. i)7.:w ttT.ed M4',.. SI7.00 .S1 !7.(KI Id 4i. . i".M !)".14 !7.S4 ltli4',4H.. !7.:!1 !7.1 4 t7.;U SiH.llh W.jis 'ill. IIS Flerida! Easy payments ever a period of years will secure a completely developed, commercial bearing, big profit yielding grove in the World's largest and highest class "Temple" Orange development. Yeu have heard of Temple Terrace Oiange Gievu, 4000 acies of the highest approved citrus soil, formerly part of the estate of Mrs. Petter Palmer, located about six miles north of Tanipn, en the Hillsboro River, and close te Tampa Bay and thu winter resorts of the Flerida west coast. If ou lntnul Kilns' 10 ! lotion i his int.;i i i ,i " '."il n ms e le own an ernupe prnve let ns tell jeu ulmiK llus wonderful opportune- . The Temple eranKe ansteerat of n.l oranges the S10 oe a box fiuit 1a destined te revolutionize the Flerida, etange industry It Is net een necessnr.v tu lite en tile prepertj, or hate nn.t evperl enre In eranc a-rnnlng;, te secure full benefit nf venr Inrestmenl. Th llueUeye .Nurseries, srllli forty years' stirreteful experience In Flerida citrus fruit production, hns complete supervision f the plimtlnir nnd care of the irrines. men r.f the highest standinff and Vic Nole.. :vn. 'i. Notes 4:,ts. 100.00 IUO.00 J 00 00 '0.1 M . 20 l Ge e i 1 05 ' "' , 3 08 aS IAU-1. Tft s !., (.,M ev 05 " dlv Is , 10(,,4 "3 , '' ; 'K) HI Cenfl St 05 ,A" u " ' 4,t Blv 3iis 05 1 8" , 2 .. 70 . 05 ". l-'iu't ""Inte Met tijs I' P. Re, 3 . . 25 ., 00 A Pew.Vt 7s j,, 100 ' 2... 104 irj . 0 in,i urfii c u. c int M ,. .,., I 10 1 1 1 In .. 70 Halt r OJile Is 0 . 77 00 '1 00', Ien 00 ', 11)0 ', ,,,7, illalt 4-ulile 5 r d 'liunk of 1 7S Can tis lets I 771 20. 4 10. It We offer a Selected list of Municipal, Railroad and Corporation Bends re Dealers We can offer block of Investment Bends en wholesale terms We are prepared te purchase teund issues of Corporation Bends which have an established record of earnings STROUD & CO. 14KD Walnut St., Philadelphia 43 Exchange Place, New Yerk Correspondent Offices 24 Milk Street, Bosten 211 Colerado BldR.,Waihinjrt'n Trafllc Meu-nient Snetly Itppeits of nfliclnlh of rnilieuii. op- 7, ciMtlng "list from Chicago ami St. Leuis i r; hitllciite a spotty traffic situation. In fj the case .of gcnernl nu'rchunillae. effi. 1 . i lulj- rjviicr.illt lopert fViitfii' keeping up i well, ceiminrpil with n veur nirn. On the lOr'd ether hand, tenniiKc of coal is much unnller, with the lempuriiun still acuinst a period of dullness u cur nsn. The ceinpanitivel.v small tonnage of coal n-tl) 0", n n H T ?1 r,'i - 2 52 1 .M Ma.ll,-Gs I J I) . . 00 1 se llltb'. 5 I :i oe ' te oe . ' 1 100 ,' i is oe Udil & tJlll" os miii "- iew csjnt'l .hi . 1. a u- v- . ""' c ' ' s i Sllter Kins y ion 4WHls Memi) 'Sutherland Hill ' i2i i -( I Tonopah Dltlrte loe & 72 3C.in.L' S 3j Tonopah Ilnsbreuck . 00 "alt l,ll'u s ! .01 'I'ruriU of W'a 3s 'Knn u .t 5 LOCAL MININGSTOCKS TOXOPAH STOCKS Bid CbiIi Rev . e:i Jim Hutlei l M.icNainar.i ... . ti Crescent 05 Midway , .n; Mlzpah Kxi il.'. .Mentar.M n North St.tr .... n.l Rescue UuIh. lii Tonepuli Kxr 1 1, West Knd se West Tenniiah ml IIVI1jK STOCK'S Allied Iilude . m Alte Dltlile mi Uelcher . . ... nj Helcher f.Ki n lien Ilur llruuifh Dlv de . nt Pit Pie Kt ..'ii Iiltlde Cen ej Dividend . . ' .h; diet Divide in Hn-mlll ... tu Hnsbruuck Ui de . . ej HlBh Dhldj Kne'; . . .. ,,', Itevert lilv de .in Itene Divide n Hesetii 1,1 s D5 07 13 n7 tu ml us If veu t.ec',me n owner of a irrote under our p!an, the crop a, lies .should return tne bulk of your purchase itfre 'oefero flnul piiymcnti are made Bankets lidsiniHS tu. n and jlti us xpits hac lliuruuchlv mteii Rater Temple Terniceu and Invested htnvllt Full., il.3o0,eoo wui tli of llicse Krove hate been sold during the iast ;cai, The dlreiMets of Temple Terrace." . intecrltv arfl I), (. (illlett, lampii. President Hucke.te .Nurseries t ., ami Hr( Vice-President Flerida Citrus Kxrhnnce, II I,. Iliimmer, Tntnpa. tile lars;est Imllt Idilnl nranse and crape- trult irreve ett ner In the tnte. Mrs. M. C. Kowler, Tampa, r large operator of erane;e (trutes anil realty In Flerida. . A . Helm, of Allnmi, President, l.ierKlnle suitnr ,t I, and Ce. . I. Miller, Tampa, rieneral Msnaurr, Kxrlianice Suppl.t Ce. nnd Vli'e-I'reslileiit, Tampa llenrd of Trade. full nfern dftes enaln'crt' pte.T plioieoirp;, Wei ,, n iragr3 dec , Iiehh or gnr also plain of m r-ecr rstute.. rf'r efl; en nni beuleuar,! (,,(, Ier' am l'CIa Heme S,'t IS Jwjle gel' cevriv, oe'o preuvds and rrnntt court met If lad at our efflirs ft ihj cai no' calt trtf, fev dp ct.ptiie bee! c' k TEMPLE TERRACES, Inc. Philadelphia Office, 1420 Chestnut Street Ilell Telephone, I.erust 1.17 8 men keeps down the cress teiiiinu'e of most ' i st-; of ra toads below the level of the same period l s 1 of in'Jft. 'Jap (iete t 2nd. 1 1Jm t. i c;yaaRasfear-fte5 Straus Bends te Net 7 An exceptional opper tunity is offered investors in new issues of first mort mert Gage bends, surrounded byallthesafeguardsefthe Straus Plan, and backed by our record of 39 years without less te any inves tor, te net full 7. 9ur Hst of current offer effer ngs sent en request, de scribes safe Straus Bends te net 6 and 7. Write today and ask for BOOKLET 7:$7-q AV.STIMIiSvCO. iKr.nB bam .. 'NCORrORVTBlt December Bend List We have just prepared a list giving1 particulars of a number of Cana dian Provincial and Municipal Bends new obtainable at prices te yield 5.5(FC All these principal te V S'ocWlixchanBeDldg., l'hlla. It Tilibiir.iitf.cet shit ' . , .....j ii 39 year without less - I B te any Invester i Y ( issues have and interest payable in New Yerk. The prices quoted are for payment in Ameri can funds. llVWe or Ciicxilai 'IP-1 in Weed,1 Gundy & Ce. Yerk 1nc(irt)er&tel 14 Wall Street, New Terente l-tiiiuen, Knr. Winnipeg; Montreal L..'CVVVLV1.V.LWlL'Lr A.D.C0NVERSE&C0. Cemmerclcl Trust Rldp;.. Pltile. Nrii VrU ll.illlmere je.llUHs.-ts.t.tWlLtm Hie dc Janeiro Tram. Lt. & l'r. 58, 1935 Cedar Rapids Mlr. & Pr. ."is, 193U Laurentide Fr.. Ltd., 1st Ss, 194G Electrical Devel. Ce. 1st 3s, 193:1 Manitoba Pr., Ltd., 1st 7s, 1041 Dominion Ceal Ce. l.st eh, 1940 Inquiries solicited in Canadian Government. Provincial, Public: Utilities und Industrial Securi ties Samuel McCreery & Ce. Membei.1 Phila Stock Kxciiantii: Franklin Hani; HulIditiK s$- McGLINN & CO. SR- Member .. 1". Stock Exchange Widener Bldg., PhiUdelphin United Gil Improvement, 8' , Netei 1923 Amtricsn Ice It. E. . . 6' 1942 Charcoal Iren Ce. 8', 1931 Phils. Electric . 6rr Netti 1922 Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 18B0 ItKAI, EblATE I'Bt'HT ULIXI. lnti.kiUe. aiM .uju.. wuiiiuialiuii und partnership ccouets anil ureuste lucems is 1 Ilsturns. 4 c. s. PA'rreN & co. 1U 4 CIIKVTNUT NTH. BANKERS Successors In SAILKR STEVKNRO.S llnnils iind stnrlis heuclit nnil selil Meml.r l'lit. Steele Vteh'mse Sterl tuiinuB ! 1 ennmring f.iifly well with IhmI year nnil nUe shows wimp im im Iireveinent the pu-t few wt'fks, but is still far below normal , affi'rting the Kress lenmiKt' figures in the same wny ns coal. There is no lack of equip ment fur any Kind of tr.iflie. I'aekinif I'aekinif I'aekinif house products arc being shipped in about the normal volume, but may be kept down by the strike vltuntieu. With the closed navigation en the Lukes, there Is some evidence of an increawd epert rail nieveiiient of corn. KerelKn Creillls Walter t.uhiOl, preeldeut nt ihc Northern Central Tuist t'liiupiiny, in the current issue of the "Northern Cen tral Advocate." issued by that Institu tion and devoted te the business infer ests of North Philadelphia, says: "Frezen f'redlls" nnd "Liquidity" nil' somewhat unusual terms in the inliid of the layman. They are wuids however, which mean much te the bunker. The ability of a bank te liquidate its as sets without lns -ir delay is of pi line important e, nnd during the troublous jeius just passed, bunkers have prob ably given mere thought te what thesp wetds represent than te any ether one factor eiitei Ing into their business. When the wvathei Is extremely cold and things .lie bndly fuien, nature does net move veiy freely, but when spiing comes and the earth seftcuK, nil llf. tingles wllh activity. Apply the similie te banking and it heiemes very im-pic-slvu." I'(irel;ners .seek Crude Oil IS.Kish. Dutch and French oil men have uppreached several of the larger independent oil nreducers rcccntlv seek ing large quantities of crudt oil". Due, company was usked'te take an order te' deliver 1.000,000 banels of crude ut an attractive price, but ns il Is stricth a producing cempnnj. without et'ean transportation faellities. It could net nuil itself of the business. This unusual situation is taken by the oil trade te mean that some fmelgh refiners nre short of crude oil upplv. Very little crude oil is exported front this country for use in foreign plants American companies in the expert eii business ate larfu tefineis who soil re fined products abroad. Foreign lefln- ' er!c are usually supplied with crude from fields such as Mexico, Dutch Fast Indies, Persia, Russia. Hunmnia mid ether countries. HeverM of the leading Kuiepenn countries hav 1 had their Mex ican production considerably reduced insult-water Intrusion. Production In the Dutch Fast Indies is ulse en the de dine, due te virtual hteppage of new I work en the rteyal Dutch Interests be caune of alleged excessive taxes. TUB THADBlt. ( atintl.i 7h -- s.u j sl4 2.. 10ni4. s U Tel "Knllv Sprlim'd 1 10S';! ' Tli., s. Jap iiei, t 1st1 ... 01 luUj S7';lue u-lepnene ,,, Bteel '.'.u ' 1 S3'-. V,s'j I.R'se Mm:-,. M ins4 s 4 'SI Victory Divide venie Ulvlile iene no full. "I .1- 11 J ,1 Hd.h u,...i ... '"" " '"' S . S, r,,M ,-, ?n Lehlm Val 0s Hkn Kilt f'e Ds , 1fl , 10" !. 11,1 11 .-. sr r. st, 1 sr .Is It lime f 4s S TV 1 ... 1 ;;,,i ,! ,, B4i''Mi.lJt st m, . ;m "i ieiIk m ,..,.,lri ,,t r, 714! t ss, 1 sn, ; 7 j le of l,a 5i p- 1 T'1V' , '.. s- , '"' V1' 's'-' 'i's I. 71 '4 ' u N Js-V Sv .', s.ti. 1 TUi 8 t'JI Jl st t s Site I'.eljiutil fls,veirti u i-as 11 AI illB rets 0.1 11.1 .11 n.l n.l n. IS 0 1 ! 11 03 111 01 II 114 n:i n't hi ar. en of Li ij in ii :n mi -"'' 1 ss 1 101, 1 :.', :' nt. j ,(l II 0.14 ' llll- I 101', f 11.11,1 f' U l 1 101,4 11,1't , '14 Me K .1 T M K Held in 7'jH f' IN1, J4 74 .1 101 1" HI". i T, 1 in:;'. : " .m Mm wi 1 I0 . - 1114 12 4,-, 1041. ' 1MV 10 411, 1 101 l 11(1 'J,, 4t I 1(1.1 , " 1"" uJf LM 4". IC Hem ni rets ' 11..1U11 sr,' - ,(,t 1 . 101, ' S.1 10 44 ia 101 " 'J e- 3j in 44Tt I 1011. S s.iij () n lu.1 5 '"'i 1 it, K'lnitituiii Den- 11 s,', ,h1 l!t marl: ut S. flu & A. tun :i 100 (fl 1 107', ' .11. In is 2 H'7. 1 ',4 r, Si, 1 H'N ' -It's .1 4.H, -' lOSI-i "' BS 40 4, IK K lti..y ils f H . Q II 4s, (! A. 1 IIJ - MP j 3 t.Hf, I . H1 ' ! i 'J H'js r. 4,1: ns , " ion' 30. 4S, 1 irp, 1 10'P ,1 4(1 af Kmsiieiu N'ur- - IiiiP.4 2 ln, ct Ss 1 lell4 in hi, 111 jesij ''IKIii 4s ,14 41L, 1 ion 34'.. ..? 1 lOlt P i h I Bs wl Jff. U A T ,, 10 lOlli, I 71 ij IS 41)7, K Swollen fls , s "1't JI11 h 4 T li 1 (HI , ft 71 , -,, 4 til) 1U 714 -,, 1 OiP. " 7li, s , 1 II1H4 IB. 71 1, , -31 1 flP, -I 7H, Jl l, i 1 u , Qui"ii. J i:xt 'J1H.SI.0 Mil AS nj - I cm ct 7s , Ht I is .-, .. ' 3 107'. ' 7 J M K t T ('i.N 1 107M -' 7.'S.' 10 , B1V B l"7. 1 721,, Me K-eri t r I ifi 72 ct 4Us I 107, ) 7'J 1 1 :s '.' IO7I4 fhU'HBi) Mil M K t 1' b Wl H (lule ct "JO Stlcv4',s 1 jn -e I . I'll) B (it , ' 1. . 1001, 7 ,11 H ,7, n Chile ct '11 I 111 7K 1 102 I" Uli, 1 i-, I . Irtjl, .1 t,i 1, 77 10.", Chlr.nii, Mil I 1 77J 1 102S, 3tP M4i, I.M !,', ri ll Chi.e '4(1 wi 4 . stu is. 10a ' Mi,' it 14i si iej 1 ai ' '. :1S " 4 10B Chkagu Mil M K i T tls',,1 1 10214 st ri cv Bs I 1 Vm " l"2 2 . HI 2,1 ', 3 10J 1 ill 1 . 031, 3 t2 1 01 t Me I'sclflp 4s 102H P!i' Nw'n 7s I... nt b 10214 1 iiM , ;,. B HID', UdI.IJKlKU.1 s-liih.s. Iloeth Ceinb Ki.ictlun PrackerlHcL- WiimntiilflelJ lllu L,c . Plurence . . , OeldfleRl fun . i.l Uetclfldi l)ev tieliini'lrt Deeo 1,1 (SreHt lUi.-l ,, Jumbo i:t . (,.. KewariHs (. I.ene Stei ,, Ore ... Utl Hills . . .SliMr I'cli (,-, Spearhead ,,; misei:i i..m:di Ampaie , Arlseiw rtnteit ' ,, f aloilenln ,, . Kilen Kniin.i ,1'-l-uri'U.i i'uicw, Kurelta Helly Hecla Mether !,aile Nnvuilii Illl.s Nevuil.i Wen.ln Suite, n-enpa Mlntrife . , ,.- hlte Cans ,. , Will,, it ,,r Liverpool Cotten lAirrpoel, !c l.t i.r ,,,,.,., today im pric. vB1;.r",,:,."iLu' ,v: ,',?' ; centre of .1. points for ,, 1,1 iliK at 10117,1 The Kales vie .moo ta piu ..-,., 4 ere 2 000 l.a'es. U11 lu-Ilrnr Jun iMli-H'AinerV can t Mines Here ma.h , ih earh ,1, ,, ,ip"t,.,",l,'r " Mi-ilenn. mil 011111- far IIMil R.it.i m.),liin 1 47,1 tully rnlililllnij. U.U7.1 mud.'riK m U7.1 1.1 ordinal, 7,17,1 liiiyiiiifcj -T ilSE jB5gjgKCaa,ll7rBlh Tube Kl RepuMIc !iet I Steel Ce cntteTiQ Jtl 'J'f -u.f-f la,, w .r, m, ,4, a Where methods and machinery are best, efficiency is greatest. Our seven large shops are equipped with the most modern machinery for the manufacture of steel structures. McClintic-.Marshall Company t.eiieral llffle. I'lttsliureh I I'hlluilelphlii: Merris Hide 1 ., -h JK M McQintic-Marshall Steel Bridges Is Buildings n I j1 no" 4 11,1 II ill I I II, O.I 11IL1 & r'lR.sT .MIIHT(I.(.I. IKiMis .ire Krttlnic mune M'e cm n fctui etf.r 11 Itn" -a , , 1 letiir-term Plrst .Menu-ase .-,' i.,d- , prusjM'reus PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANY lla!n.t a lrte divers t ..1 ,, it TO VIKI.I Altei 1 ; .tu., Interest lanird 24, time. Il'r,ie ur 1 , , n , Henry L. Doherty & Ce. 601 Murrls lllils., l'hlla FIRST MORTGAGE 8'c l( Insrril Sinking Fund Geld Bends at 95 and Interest TO YIELD 8.94', Personnel and Security Exceptional hformatien en Request C. O. FOUNTAIN 1201-2-3 West End Trust BldK Philadelphia CAPrrALSsoaeoaoou ff SURPLUS (EARNED) l i $2t000;d00.00 M POWER PLANT Save Ceal REIMS by havinir reur steam cylinder rebered and new piston and rings installed. iniie 111. HI4 and Usui ln I I-! tn4mmmrLMAMsAmmm XI2-25E3 S.DARIKN T. Dealers in Investment Securitiet fimbffrs .Nru. leifc eiiU I'MIul.s Stock Bschangss 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA'S most famous merchant says: "The first part of money making is money saving." Then live en less than you earn and save the rest regularly, and as the habit grows, it will be easier te save mere. Think of the future, but don't worry about it. Begin right by opening a Savings Account with NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY I'er your convenience we keep open Mondays until 7 o'clock, and you may withdraw up te $100 WITHOUT NOTICE CITY OF SEATTLE, WMamiNGiTON Municipal Light and Power 6c Geld,. Bends Due Ne. 1. 19,'ts Kxvmpt from all I cdernl Income 7.v k Price 103.75 Yielding about 5.65A EDWARD L0WBER STOKES 20 Seuth I5thSt.f Phila. Ill(s n:i IIM I V.U Safe ISends for Investment HALSEY, STUART & CO. Inc. 4S.U Ths I of this A1nm.1l Menu,,. HAMi OP NORTH AMKItlt AiuSf.1 fM".1!".?' .!h" oclieWers ... ; " .' :L '.'y 5-iri.-(,i ui uire. te y 1 Tiies Tiies eurs of n?" I'!'"' h," hrld lL,h, "irWinc He lie en (li I it o'elerk M xml I u'elerk ! ,M K S KneuKn Chlsr, Carbe-Oxygen Ce. 8' Cumulative Preferred Stock with Common Stock Privilege fern) for (Irriilnr Ni,. i; W. D. BURCH- & CO. 604-S LIIIKIITV HI.IK,. - Phene .Ofisr (ej IV have active orders in Georgia Ry. & Power Ce. Preferred & Common Stocks Reed A. Morgan & Ce. 11 e f.J.W ,!, HI,,, ,.hlla I 1." - f -lie l-l.l s,,. 1. IASSATT &' f.'O. Inventment Hankers lllilJIIIIUIAl , TKINT Ill.lJIi I'lilludelplila "" , Nsw lerk naititrwri. HcrMiittm I'lu.h...... i' i ' V .' ' ? ', r- Wfljmiini, br 8. w. 8tt.ni ft Ce. ' "f .