Wx'"' lr- , JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Sptetks of the Dance te Be Given for Miss Wctherhill Tonight Miss Newbold Introduced at a Tea en Saturday Other Bits of Interest rnltn ilebiltnnH' nffnlr tetiiflht will be I Kit itunre wlilcli Mr-. lenrBp (1. Rretvnliiff aw her wn. Mr. Itliliiuil O. ISremiliis. of Olil Uiir-n-irr mini. v- HI jive lit tlle Morien lur dent- ,' I'it1II. Ol-evjlimu Is tllii' ii.uiiR"l of Mrn. (leerai- Wi'tlicrlirH lttrl,rtvi. ilnughlcri. Kit" Is n Muter d A.la bihI Anne W.-tlicrlll. Ilia for- .,.- f uliruii nmrrlt'tl Knil Knit"-. Mr n,..l Mr-. James T. Wnlll.- will .inriiiln ill illnnr-r before the iliuu-e f0f their dmuhier, Ienlwi WhIMh. u.. Alfred Paul M"r:H will. Rive lli'l Mri. Alfruil i-nui -'"""J-. ," ."'.., ... . fft I T..m..'Li ..III rl.M II tuner for ier 1 nilSIIHT rnmi'ii. nun oher dinner will be srivei,' by II..- itniul TnTluM for Cernelia llnnklii. In'l ihcni are vwnl oilier affairs lilinncJ. riPEAKINO of PrUcllIn Merrln, I Qmv her rwenlly 1eklnie clwrmln 7 lnrli blue froeli. topped with n wide inVef b"av.v Idue mniwinl iiimI an ntw'" tnm et tc,M,tl,t' ,,e,'"r- S1"; lore brown -Ii"-. jlDvrs nnil fur. nmi leskpcl tiin-t attractive. Susie Sfvvnrt ban a vniiirt topi-eut r henvr or nutria wlilcli l very be enmltiB te ber brnm-ltp coloring Her Mt Ik of blaek fplt nn.l rattier Fcveielv trlmnH. TIie Htevvnrt sirls nrn nil mi .Vlmclrvr- I "len't knew vvlileli one I K I like hcrt. I Iwlr-vr- i Ik iLfin ill tbe wup. ShbIp n'"1 Mal,i'' ind MIHc. TUB New bob! tea wok n vpry unnrt affair en Knttinley nf;rlioen. Anna "mitlfully sewncl n Vu-h fre'k wIiIpIi ' set en the ether rtilr ,, Uic wimmer. I support. U was a . iv.lr thine of white tulle embroidered n Sb blue, and nt cither Hid., of the. Mlit tine there were blue slicumcrr.. I ,le think tbe slrln' dresRCH are the wtit things thin season. Did : son notice Alberta Uenth'; frock t tlielbince the Wiileners rove for her en Friday night? It was inriilpiieil of doth of geld nitd l.a.l lace and tulle as t rlmminz. Hhe were geld dippers tmd tSA and was Minply radiant. ..n Inow there was a dinner for n l.ii.i.lrpd clients b"ferp the 'lance lt.elf Hint night, ind then about 800 were asked te tin dtnee. IIICAtt that Vivien Onuld Dceicu has (ifeided te Ktny ever In Xy Yerk with her father. Mr. Keitld. until aHer rhrWrnns. whlrh will be a mil dn for him. T.adv PccIm earn., ever from Enland en the receipt of the cube tellliiK of her mother's death hint month and Ims b'-en stajlng with her father tfnee then. She will je back te b.r fimllv tbe last of tbe month, but Is planning te return In the Inte nprlng llh her husbnnd nnil children, anil they will then spend the tminmcr with H. ('.mill It has been n comfort te have .idj Diciee ever here I am wire, ter sue ami her father nrp devoted and her M-tcr. Mrc. Tenv Drexel. .Ir., and she liave a'.wait b"cn very (dose. That is nn in ternntlnii.il initirlnje wliiih hn proved an extre.iK'b happy nffalt, l.eid uinl I.ndy Deck". SPKAKINO of International mar riages Count Hxechnni Is in this reuntn new. lie came ever Inst mouth te join his wife, who has been stnjltn; with hr mother. Mrf. Vandntbllt, and her t-Wer Mrs. Harry Pujiip Whitney. Anil b the way. did you knew that Flera Pa up Whitney Tower i.ml Rod Red ri(k Tower, who arc llvnc out In t'.r West, have n tinny-.' H nneui uin-c werkn old new, and they are aw full hippy about it. ... Jenn Whitney. Hern sister, is te be introduced nt a dance In New Yerk en the '-'Otli of this month. I lim film ke; .lean seemed such a little Rirl at the Tower wedding wh'eb took place about two jears age, and here she is n debutante. TUB bab is new two and a half jears of nse and as cute and cun ning as slip can bp. Aln slip N very independent. She does net like a help ing hand held out te hpr. sl.p pre'ei--te fall If nppd be. but fall sne will of her own arcerd. TIip ethpr day shp was plavlng ir, Hip nursery and strove te pull out a box filled high with blocks Uncle Jee. who was en the fleer with her. esimed te carrv the box but fixing Mm with a cold and ele.ir gin nee of the eje. the bnby rpinnrked in a well well inediilaled and perfectly correct ten": "Ne. thank ou, I can de it myself. NANCY WYNNH. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mrs UejrKO (3. BrewnlnK. of ne0". will enterlR'n nt a dance this cvenlnp t Hi Marlen Cricket Club In honor of Mlm rrsln.i C Wethirlll d.iupchtcr nf Mrs UoeYro V) Wethcrlll. of Heather iltld, Brju Mawr Mlsi Cernelia P lUnU n, deliut"t' daughter of Mr and Mrs. Jehn Hull Hjnkln, of Deep Ttun Farm, Penllvp will be the nueat of honeT nt n theatl(, party and supper at the nitr-t.'arlte-i this cxan'ng. te he clven h Mr anil Mr IlelHnd I.. TpjIci, rf HOB P T.neey pliun and Willow UroeU Vaini Owjncdd Valley Mr sad Mrs Henjamln llush, of H06 Pine Ureet, vlll cntcit.ilu at din ner thia cenlnt' , Mrs, lbert If Lucas, of '.'t:iD C press 't. et will he at home tomorrow after after neon and the following Tuetiduy after after neens during Pcieinuer after -I o'clock Ne cards have been aent out. The Ps and Phiers r.i one of 'heir Sunda evening mutilculcs last nlKht Til., nrl itu In, il, nit, I M.a .IninAS M Anders, Mist Pully Thaer, Miss J-eretu II Kerk and Mips Aunts Plune slulnlan The committee In charge In-' ilmlcd Mr i William Ttaker Wlielan, Mm jamcs ji Anders, Mis. William II "retne, Mrs. Jehn .1 Jece. Jr, Mrs mufl Woodward, Mr Daniel (' Uono Ueno Uone vHl and Mrs, Jehn Poelcy l.clge. The Yale Club will give Its annual ' concert, w be followed by a dlni.tr and ,;nrf' " Monday evening, December . AIubi" ,he feer of ,ne Acadm' of ' Mlsa Madellne Gllnierc. of Vew Yerk, "rted yesterday and w'll he enter- ' allied hh the (fuest of Miss Usther Jean I "euhinun. daughter of Mr and Mis yirles Krnncla Hechnmn. of 1U5 Seuth k'Sl.tcenth atrcct, for a week. ti ,l!,r,nan Kreiner Orunge and Mr si n . f1""8"?. who are studenta at ' Paul Sjchoel, will icturn lieine next Hi. u A fcPnd the Chrlstmaa vacation I. r",,r I'arenta, Mr. and Mra Wll in "yen urange, at the i Welllng- MlSa M.. liii ...... .- . ...... ii . .' Pli Evans, of Chicago, who Sri,nJtU(,e,'t..at the National Cnthedrul Jiiii,. " l """lilneten, will anlve en 'i.uary .', ,,,,d w7n UQ entertulned n n H I i.;-'81. of MM 'sylln Van Heusselaur h.k.c l,a.VBhter of Mr. and Mis Alan ,u''"v' ..?,r9."B. "f :'03B Ue l.ancey ll.nl . .., "'IOI1B, WHO iu iiiku a siu- ,;ir.'at the. National Cathedral Scheel. lil:. ,no the latter '"rt of Ul1 I flMt? c,11rl,eU6 Ma Graves, daughttr j ". r. and Mrs. km,ii,i.,,i t ii7.v. 1 HimI ,8"blcUgn avenue and Manhelni ? tutSr Wffi. '" yM,erafty ter .it r ll Ir. and Mrs. Leuis Schiller, of M3 Wf.0i)en Av.nii. lO.,H.ln.M .hi.;. last evening In honor of the club's first annlversnry. Cevers were laid for feitv u.'r.?",11 M1" wlllre Kluee of Ment ClHlr, N. J., have lippn cusntt ever Vt, J1'.0.11'1 u,r ,Mr' KIurr parent. Mi. and Mrs. Jehn P. Perry, nt their hem In lilKlns Park. Miss Utith Anne 1 rry took an autlve part In the rain t?Z 3,f.ar.,10,a ".' ,1, OPllavue-Strat-?! ?A 1;.r,,(,ay,ira Saturday, when she Miss Dorethy Painter In piano duets. liXrlc.'i 0f lh?.. downtown Hebrew Uay Nursery will KVe a dun .;.?.",es.a.a.J'..ut He Huetllsh ltftc Hull. Ureiid arid Unco Mrctlw. of 'ivi'nf.l'".! """"bem of the alumnae iiin n.M ? 0' PRS wl" B ft dance In far,,huKb,ir0,2r l,,,,CVU08,,", NORTH PHILADELPHIA "109r,HnHL!P- ,Kun8 M- t"i, of Mr r'.M IC.MarfIs" trf'. entertained thVMkI!5,a?"rk"' f Uam,"ere- stiVe.?. Jr',..,!,5.d.ri..0f rf"i! TWe.f,h ncr card club tomorrow nfir..nn.. VnV.rs'i Al,red W Wiseman, of New ?ff.U!m2.r"W"! te her home after. .Bii te ncr pf K Hal.if. of i ., ner parents. Mr im,l nf. ii.. e Majestic HmH W: .? ""Miner, of jr.S North Ytl m ... .... SOUTH PHILADELPHIA M.r, and Mrs Cliurlrs Pecker merly of 3B09 ;olermlo T-rrace. new In t hair new linm. ,. i.." 1 . ., "" .viiiuur Mrw. I.dward ('eurs.il t nf 17m niinm C'otern.ln'nv.'rr'1 C'"" of 2627 Se,"l, through the Seuth ,0'" "" a DELAWARE COUNTY Mr and Mrs L. Kent Keag, of I.ans- ,i0iV,,?;Mlrr,cellnfi: comgratulatlens en the birth of a son a few dajs age Mr. and, Mrs lMwnrrl Kennv n?' ?,ln.B "'". near Wa? Ki"1 ! at borne te their friends i.?fnr? i eceml,e,1 lrn Crethers was. iih?. ii'"ti ni"?Be .fw weeks a be nnini ' rU",C0 ,.l,Pb'1 '"sugghter of Mr and Mrs J l.OMl ltlgby lnlina ,lU,l' Mc,'JU"S entrrlaliie.l the Junier nieinbern of the Weman's rUb ai-nni1 il1"."""' n llcr 1,0l,le " Hurvard oenue last week NORRISTOWN pnr!,r.n' JVhl,tnrr Kogers. of JJ jjast l'ornance street, entertained nt an after noon tea at her home Mrs Rogers was MirJer Mnicy. of rtlverten. N' .1 tubti La "Vr'er,,1)re,',lde,11 ,lt "'e tea tame, and Mrs Jehn I, I.aryelere and M'ss Helen Palst IiIre assist,! nAn"U',H?nI7,,t..,l?1.,V.e! made of the engagement of Miss Cllrabeth Hejcr of .a-.,'nf,r-jeh" i-f fellow lg j eung peep ' e " ,Ve Ca U srv 13"P 1st Church: MKS Bailnru Ite'f Kthel I iTr? '. M DerlV I ,H,e'n Mr Mlns .. . . ....nitrr i,iemj rr urnf..iP.uu Jr, and Masttr Churleu Snjdei " Montgomery. Pelrsel Wedding An IntercBtltng weddlm- tenl pi.i,.,, en Thursdav In Aln.,ti -n... .".':' l MltS daughter of Mr .and Mrs Whifl Id .Scot, Pelrn. . of 107 south Haten Ueurc v line. Vnlnr,r 1,.,,..... .1... i.,., "'.".V s.ui.ninill-u I.QlinK (Oil I, rul .. - . . ,i... w ii.'i. i . .,: 7 '....ii,- .nr uriue or .Mr. James Stephens Montgomery, son of Mr .inn .Mrs .Mil Hubert Montgenurj. of Trenten i The c.remenv took- place in All .Slims' (hurch. In chelcea. the efflclHtmi! clergyman being the Ittv Jehn W Wll i I nni! The bride, w he w as g ven In niarr age hj her father, was attended by Miss Margaret Montgomery, a Bister i of th brldi groom, as maid of honor I and the following bridesmaids Miss Helen Van Sjcrel. Miss Helen .Velllsen, I .Mrs i-eiciinnmi neeUlliig Ktlrn, Ms. Mar' T Phlps M s.s Helen Shoemaker and Miss Darbaia Hvans M" Mout- J. E Sheppacd -S'Sens Christmas Gifts Uniquely Bexed: Sheet and Pillow Case Sets Percale nnd mujlin $6.35 te $14,80 set. Viyella Flannel The genuine n geed line for wrappers, skirts, pajemas, shirts, and children s dresses. Regulation quality $1.65 ?ard; plaids and high colors, $1.80 ynrd. Kitchen Sets Dusters pet cleaners, pet cloths, dishcloths, paint and polishing cloths, $1.50 te $4.50 set. Btttll Scl8 Mot.tetCels, wash cloths, $3 00 up ward; or towels and wash cloths, only" $1 upward. Women 8 Handkerchiefs All linen; shadow hems, rolled hems, hemstitched, spekings, cords and tapes, one and four-corner embroidery; white and new colors, 25c. te $12 each. Men's Handkerchiefs White and colors, 35c. te $5.00 each. Children's Handkerchiefs AW white or Cith embre dered nursery figures, iSc. te 50c. Women's Neckwear Cellars, 50c up; cellar endcuff sets, $1.00 te $12.50 set; real lace neckwear; scarfs of crepe de chine in black, with Alice, tan gerine, jade, henna, lavender, grey or embroidered in rich colors, $5.75 te $7.50; silk knitted scarfs, $6.50, $7.50; fibre silk jcarfs in brilliant Reman stripes, $5; camel's-hair scarfs with hat te match, $13.50; and-Spanish lace scarfs, $12.50 te $45. Fascinating Ne velties Beaded neckchains, nosegays, tt eilers and girdles. lOOSGhestiuitStueefc ,1 r EVENING- PUBLIC Wed Last Menth MMff Photo tix riillllpn & Phillips MKS. CIIAKLKS II. PEACOCK, JR. Of 8 Chatham read. Stenrburst, who before) licr recent marriage, was Miss Thelma Cook geniery was attencled by Mr. Hlrntn Hellls Hlnuelt, whlle the ut-hers In tluilfd Mr Kerdlnand Iteebllng Stlin. Mr Clarence M (Jiirrlgucs, Mr James Steplu ns. Mr. Heward Deye, Mr. Chand ler Cudllpp, Mr Ph lip 11 Tewnley, Mr lehii P Montgomery and Mr. Win field Scott Pelrnel, Jr Conference for Jewish Relief A number of representa ve Jewish women of Philadelphia will be delegates te the big conference at the Polleuie Pelleuie Polleuie Stratferd en Sunday te organize the zone Including Husteni Pennsylvania, Marjland. Wnshlngten. Hflaware and Western and Southern New Jersey, for the Jl 1.000 000 fund of the Amercnn Jewish Relief ( emmlttee Ft Cyrus Adler has Invited 650 lending Jews from ..inn,..., i.ri.t eltles nnd towns te attend The larce Philadelphia delegation will , 1 nelutle the following women 1 Mrs Cjrus Adler. Mrs. Jeseph M I Ah.r. Mrs Milten Hereld, Mrs. Irving Kehn. Mrs M. S Leepold, Mrs Samuel . D Lit. airs. J""-" '-, ""'""""i ,;" Frnnk A riaeizcr. .tirn. ..i.i.s .,. ..m. ..m. ceI'h Mrs Herace Stern. Mrs Benjamin Wolf and Mrs Merris Wolf. The $14,000,000 fund will be ustd te1 nuccen the hundieds of thousands of destitute and Htnrvlng Jews In TlU'Sla and Kastern Kurepe In this terrlterv thet.. are upwards of 200 000 Jewish ehldrcn. who lest their pirents during, tli war and the subsequent disturb- I imces In the Ukraine nloue nearly 00 000 heads of Jewish families hiive perished, and In wide sections no Jewish child under seven years has been left nllve. FUR COATS Frem $200 Upward iii:mohi:mne and rfimikinu a hit.ciai.tv BROWN & BRAUCHER SS V. CJielten Ave., flfrmintewn Phene: (Jcrmnnfeum tlitO WL..I" WjT' J', i ASt-Stf-SiS y'LA-' .-?'-" " laKiii iittiii ,r t SUUUUUUIIIH Xtm- jm ns inr t- jcr:. -issn t t r ,; -rig '2 . vv('iHJM . ,1 C ' t v itrf'M ' ty A '' WW s ' XW-t .'& x .&, 7Y,v i,Si. . ' ' for- j$&.iw(" - I are aBW2 V u LEDGER - PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK By Lee Pape Pep was reading the speartlng page In the setting room nnd I was looking nil erreund for n checkllt peppermint that I fergdt wnt I did with, saying, Hay pep did you see' enytblng of -i cl.eckllt peppermint? ( A cheikllt ppppertnlnt In sutch nn iiniuiperinnt tiling in my life that I , could prebcrly pns n bole window full without rcmcintiPi Ing it. se jeu rjtn judge wnt impression the site of mcerlv one checl.lit peppermint would lecve en my mind, sed pep, Meening no lip hndpnt saw it, and 1 kipp en bunting, snylng, (J, Hint funny, I knew Its in Ibis room some i warps. Its ccrtpnj ftinn. arp you surp jmi dident see It pep? It was a grntu big lint one nbeut li lntclien whip, I sel. i nyn i-ini i rcisi wiiii you mrewing jnecitiit peppermints nil eer the place, Keep quiet, soil pep, And he kepp en reeding nnd I kepp en hunting, nnd nil of a suddln 1 re membered wnt I did with It. ":a.lng. (1 pep. hae 5011 get your slippers en? ,1 bale. Imvp jeu eny obJecktlenH? sd pep, and I sed, Yes sir but I ge.s lis tee 1'itc new, Wats ten late, wat the dlckins are j 011 taw king about? ed pep. and I sed. Well jeu see I think I put that checkllt peppermint in one of jour slippers, In fact I knew I did because lm sure I did S-iurfering cnts. I bnvent the hart te link, sed 1)01). And he nut mm font nn land siiirinl te feel one slipper with his hand, sajinr. Thorps seiiipthitig In there all rile. I knew I had a funnj si'iisntlen In thill font, confound it. uat de en wiiuf le go Prieuml putting candies In slippprs fei ' Well I bad n geed reason wen I put it in but I forget wnt it was new, 1 sed. leh jest then nep took his slipper off and tin- checkllt peppermint was seua-died down in the bottom of it all out of its original shape and size, nnd pep spiI, Itlast It all. leek nt mv sllpper, nndjoek at my sock. Well (, Kesli. pep, holey smenks, leek at m checkllt peppermint, I ed. llemg the last thing I sed before I get " fearse cracks. -r" "First en Your Shopping List" Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 0. ft Flower Trimmed Turbans ith an air of freshness and charm in keeping with the Holiday Season. Just new, when frve're all a wee bit tired of our winter velvets or duvetyncs, it's quite refreshing te possess a Hat in the delightful combinations of Violets and Circ Ribbon, Bluets and King's liluc Circ Ribbon, or Reses blended with Mack Cire Ribbon or Silver -Cleth. $12.00 te $23.00 382 5 .Y 0. 0. m 0. WHEN CONSIDERING THE GIFT, CONSIDER THE HOBBY If She Dances- IJANDEAUX FOR THE HAIR in flower or metal effects, or made te order from your own design. $1.50 te $7.00. GARLANDS. GRAPES and SPRAYS in colors te match her gown, or geld nnd silver cloth. $1.50 te $5. SILKS FOR A PARTY FROCK. Announcing Holi Heli day specials in SILK CHIFFON VELVETS. TWO TONE TAFFETAS, HEAVY CANTON CREPES, GROS DE LONDRES, CREPE DE CHINES. If She Likes Sports- SWEATERS in slip-ever or Tuxedo style, suitable for Skating. Scheel or mere dressy occasions, from $3.0.") te $3,').00. Weel or Silk. WOOL SCARFS AT $3.30. Warm, long and wide. IMPORTED ENGLISH HOSE in Weel or Silk-and-Weel, Plain, Clocked or Striped. $2.00 te $3.50. GLOVES for Walkinpr or Skatinjr, in Weel, Arabian Mecha or African Capcskin. SPORTS HATS in Velour. Stitched Felt, Velvet, Suede, Uuvetyne, from $2.00 te $8.00. If She's Practical- PETTICOATS from $3.75 te $13.95. BLOUSES from $2.50 te $13.00. SILK UNDERWEAR. PHILIPPINE UNDERWEAR. If She Sews- ENGLISH WICKER SEWING BASKETS, sntine or satin lined, in dainty or serviceable colors. $1.25 te $6.00. ENGLISH NEEDLE BOOKS in imitation or real leather cases. 73c te $1.50. IMPORTED BEST STEEL SCISSORS. 35c te $1.00. ASSORTED SIZES IN LEATHER CASES, ranging from 2 te 5 pairs. $2.30 te $6.00. If She Keeps Heuse- ATTRACTIVE SETS suitable for Desk or Library Table. Consisting of a pair of Scissors, a Paper Cutter and new and then a Penknife. Each set in a stunning leather case. $2.25 te $5.00. BOUDOIR LAMPS. $3.50. HAND-PAINTEI) SCRAP BASKETS of Papier Machc. $2.25. APRONS. 50c te $2.00. Fer Ally Weman. PERFUMES AND POWDERS. HANDKERCHIEFS in Initial, Nevel or Plain De signs. SILK STOCKINGS. HAND UAGS (Beaded, Leather, Velvet, Dmetync, Silk). UNUSUAL NECKLACES in Mosaic Effect in the glorious Paisley and Indian colorings of Turquoise, Verte, Rouge, Blanc nnd Uclgc. $3.00 te $5.00. &wmm'0KW': Engaged fuH'''' v Iff iHp MIHS MAKV Mr.MUIXIN Daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. ilelin It, IMc.Mullln, of 4.111! Lancaster ave nue, whose engagement te Mr. Daniel A. Cenlln, of Orrtnnntewn, Is aniieiiiuert "SAVES WIFE FROM FIRE Druggist Aroused by Aroused by Shouts of Neighbors Shouts of neighbors nt - o'leek tills morning nw-ikened William Onskn, 11 ditiggist, seiilhcist corner nf Sixtli nnd ritxwnter streets, who found that the rpar of his pstablishnipnt was en firp He aroused his wife and led her te the street and then summoned tbp tin- iten. I Demlnick Oznska, a brother of Wll- . Ham, nwakfiird several ether iiieinbcm 1 of the familj and helped them te snfetv. I I)nmlnlck was cut by glass from a sky light and his hi ether William received I slight bums. The blnze did SSOO I dnninge. i I '0 Ne matter what her hobby. (PWimi DECEMBER 12, 1921 WILL BUILD NEW SCHOOL Qlenelden and Norwood te Jein In Erecting Building The school districts nnd the SpIioei Directors of Glcneldcn nnd Norwood linve decided In build for their ex elusive use a high school building. which, according te the agreement,, is te be known as the "fllen-Ner" High Scheel." A site has been selected In Illdley Township, which Is between Norwood nnd (Jlenelden and between itbc Pennsjlvnnla and Italtimnre Hnll Hnll rends nnd close te what Is known ns Trltes nnd I'rbnn nvenueM. The Stale Department has approved of both the plan nnd locating of the new school building. ALDINE tllKSTM'T AT IOTH KT. J)rrrt nn Fred. D. M. I".. Fell Ilfll Phene- Spruce 4200 11A.M. Continuous Showing 11 P.M. PRICES Tax Included te n v, flrr 11 The SIfr. Frnl. I nnil M. K. Felt tnke pleasure In unneiitirhnt (list hi spe rlnl urrsnKemrnt with the I nltril Arlnts' f'orpnrnllen Ihej lire enililril te le te the I'lill idetphln I'lilillc niincr-nrniliirtleni. of this orennlrntjen nt the uheve prlie. Exclusive Showing America's Sweetheart MARY PICKFORD "Little Lord Fauiiflerey" A Million-Dellar Picture Added Attraction J. FRANK MERRICK'S Symphony Concert Orchestra and Swinnen & Maillind at the world's largest theatre organ Mary Pickford's Produc tion will be shown as foleows: . M. r. M. 50c 1 11:05 A.M. ' 1:10 P.M. I 3:20 P. M: 5:15 P. mTJ I 7:20 P. M. 9:35 P. M. ADDED PICTURES 1. Aldine Current Events of the World 2. Colored Scenic Review 3. Aesop's Fables AT THESE PRICES Matinee r.vrnlns 75c 31C Included Evening Prices After 1 P. M. Saturdays and Holidays AMBASSADOR jtmSTvk 'vrnT i mi ir v int?" nen Tnrpln In "Vlli Mm leave llem" THE ACADEMY OF .MUSIC i Mirrr.nriu.iT vn eit.icv i (OVIl'W NKN OKh Tomorrow ' ERNANI n. a no Vlniei. INniM'l e. utliniM, m n.mi MM ( rm ,nsfi ,Mr. done, l'ultrin rrl ( and. 1 I'npl. m.h v-erk svlle OrtfllKsTRX DVVIRONClf. (niuliirter I nt AppeHninrr Till Bensen D'ALVAREZ fONTIlVITO i-IIIOIsT Thiir. VrenlnT Pre IS PHILADELPHIA r ORCHESTRA .. Ioield stoKeM.M, ( end Friday IVIilin flfr . Dfr lfi nt 1 nt 3.00 riu( 1 tr Dim- 17 it I K n Sntiirdny ll(ll llrunilfnlinrr lit 8:IS (nmt-rle Ne 1, In I 1 1IWDN. 8jmpheny Ne 11 t. urn ler KIVImO Rlllf4KI)V srninhonle Milip, "(lirlifrn7Hilr" ' eit riidfmy S. IIphiw h, 1119 ( lirtnut ' (&AirU CARLO E ret'uK si e . ,u i if REPERTOIRE LAST WEEK Tnnlcht "AIiIii." Phteij Pagi,. Tem iimalnl Heir D II ni I'll anj Rn ici Tumor. Kvr. "II Trnviiterr." 'n en I Hlen, TemuiHH nl V nil 1 Hiaii V pd Mat. "Curim-n, ' l'rnn.m ilunn.in lle.cacrl tVrvt L), lliaut S nt (uutrtO Ifll nnil IlKlli-t VVi'd, l"vi "Tesia," PltJlu (KUfstl Kllnewi. Vic. itinl llejpr De HUM Ttnir. "Rarlii-r of Seville." I.urchnee Kllmna 11 . Tu li lrvl De Illusl Teel 1 mil I rl. "1'iimit." Snre 1 1) VI nnilin K!ine,i ABeiillnl Hen mui-n II. ner I) Vm.e Sal, Vint "Mud line llutt Tllv," I'liilu leueHtl PflKill Uoiraet al e I't'rii De lllnsl Sal .e '( iiinllfrln ItilHI i nun." S a r n a 1 ii 'O Vanst ni I) Ainlie followed b "I'iibII icrl. ' Keiil, Tnmmaalnl Ue r D Vtnl e India e rrlrei.! V.r. nnd "( Mill.. .Mli , Sinn hliVTs NOW (IX sl.l. XT ll(l OITU i; nnd VVKVIANN-. 1I0K (IHrIT sr c?n ED.GALLAGHER&AL.SHEAN in" EGYPT" CHAS.OLCOTT& MARYANN WM.&JOEMANDEL THEWRIOHT DANCERS WILLIE SOLAR-BOD&PCCCrVAUNTINE AND OTHER STARS AND "v COURTNEY SISTERS"" WITH THIIR ULTRA JTfllNO OUINTCTTK tKiws Bowery Bumaquen I'HII.A 'K MlHKXr.ml' nii-.Arni.w BROAD LAST 6 NIGHTS 8A,t. POPl I.AH MATS. K1. A H T. HAIIU;H KnOflMAN Present OTIS KINNER In Tem CunhlnK's Plsv BLOOD AND SAND ll VlfBNTIJ Ht.AS( O IIMNKy. NEXT WEEK. SEATS THURS. ET H E L BARRYMORE In lh plsv In vhlrh hr triumph ha been without parallel in th history of the .Vmerlran lft "DECLASSEE" By Zee Akins Pnr nil nirfertniin - frx, pl Heb itny niM Mr te II! "in FORREST Last 2 Weeks ', t'Ort'l.Alt MATS WW) HAT " 'The Broadway Whirl' is one of the greatest antidotes te earthly misery, and seekers after real pleasure will find the Ferrest Theatre their coveted haven." pKfitr Tltll ."' PTAR M "II A' lrn i ,T Blanche Ring Chas. Winningcr Winona Wintsr Jay Gculd and Tin. fa moil vi n ennlr' Chorus llnl8TrAH srvv u:aui wh. THE WANDERING JEW fttw Thurfliv for VII IVrferrrinr.. r K DDTOiy ''AST - vvKEKb LxJLVtVlVIv NJOHTS VI HI", I'OI't I.AK M T. i;i A SAT CAares "DZZncfAerm lercm BULLDOG A PLAY OF AOVtNTURL Jvtk A t MATTHCWS i HltlPTMV- A M- VV YB S KBK. 1IENHY MILLER BLANCHE BATES 'Hf I AM' - rt I' PArfoirnen'' run . i. i:imm, iiirthks IICKf THIN III I Vh .1 .1. Mil HK.tlT IWTHLW0RL05 BEST mmiil VAl DAILY MATS AT 2. E.VE5 AT O Anierl-u'rt I ernnnvt Celer ifuri Seprano BELLE STORY CHARLES T. ALDRICH, MASTERS & KRAFT REVUE, BURT EARLE & HIS GIRLS, WALTER WEEMS, CALLAHAN & BLISS Itr.K.K me. IIAKI'RR A ULAVK" MTV dll.l.KTTK. nnil n Orent Surreiindlnic Kill LYRIC BECNNNC revGfr I-FOR 2. WEEKS ONLY -r MATS WF.D G- SAT F RAY COMSTOCK - MORRIS GEST FIRST APPLARANCL IN PHILA OF ALICE DEL2 fwe mcw retr V rAfArr LCWOON AK0 PAfjjuetfss XrAAC.VZA MMtvTIlL rtmukinn me a i - vviwnnwuwvwwr Tdt ENTIRE. PRODUCTION COSTUMED BY PAUL POIRET S tATCSr AM WSr SSMHr.ViA. S4f,S CiTAWM SAM S. Mrfi-u &J ma rs Wf& 6-SAT SAT BY THE LATEST OPERETTA WgfcW BLAST BARGAIN MAT.WED.-1.508 OPENING XMAS MAT. DfcX.26T-i seats AKiw fcxVAS frticwmw tiTtM'- NtW WRIC WINTER THE (JAVDtNS &tAICl UbiHiNQ H'J OF 19 Zl fr CO or te heJUy citit 5EAfLSAHp 8t- &":v VIT Till Us. A .l I. (MID sl..Ts VI Mil. IIIIV hi k I. nm vi. i ri.iu hum vm i Mls NOW I OR (MIUslMVs MH 1 Mil's MTs t,s (I1U.M.K Vlllll 11(11.11) I'VKTU.S Mill ! I th St. Theatre (liiiiuilir Ii rinlii, I D 11V JO, 7 mid U P. VI VI Ik I7i Mi Nik 'I, .- THE CABINET OF i Caltgart IIIIINI, Till, M1IOI win V. I I'll L lis I'm in II VI I Ii Mi II I h P VI KEREKJARTO, Violin Virtuoso Kuury 'uliu n 1 Vn'i it u m-lingn nan lli'liem 7i ivi ti hi II imp m 1 1 10 Client m DUMONT'S ','" ahui i.i.. e u w ""' " Via n ' i , iVnl Hut J 1,1 EMME1T WELCH Minstrels ijat" r.wu i -. Mnmn f ti'l wKkJ' I m MLyjjW . H AAiS.lK r- 'ONE 1 HT: imamm 1 - FII OPERA ':". ..-l. mouse. IPlWrr m ;fiUi hSiSfflSiEUl fS vSvl I I taMlMU . v3g VL mmpcke ERO jll-UVti UIRMl 9 uniiif TinNHrAM.ibrcti.nii'AMnniQA MARKDT AT MNKTUKNTH II A. M TO ll I'. M. It a a Parameuhl Picture Betty Compseii in nrt Presentation pf "LADIES MUST LIVE" A Until I VST pllOT'iDRAJtA DIRECTED BY Geerge Leanc Tucker Who rreele.l Till. MMl" It- MAN' Special Musical Feature lh Popular ( ompen-r and Director WASSILI LEPS auenl I endurinr Itinlev nrrhtr BUSTER KEATON "THE PLAYHOUSE" DnllT. 3Vr. SOr I'lenln .V)e, ' llnlldniH nnd sntnrdiv MntlnttM KtenlliK I'rlien I'renll .10 WILLIAM FOX- MCrBTEST5PECTAaE' MORLDHASEVERSEEN FIRST TIME AT POPULAR PRICES MAiiM-n 1 1 30 1 0 h Hi., .1 .ic : 1 Wi leTil 30 7 no n se Daily, 35c, 50c Evenings, 50c, 75c Kienlns Prlrei Trernll Snlurdav Aftrrnoenn and IlelldlTM 7tfcMteti tCHSTNUTST"BRaAb it v r i ' in i m Cecil B. De Mille Production rp n f. i vit v s r i-r ii e. i r i Dorethy Dalten, Mildred Har ris, Cenrad Nagel, Theodere Kosloff and 1000 Others. T.'me of Presentation 11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA DmD Mli t iturda unci H iiM ,jm I I' M i - i- Tli PALACE l.II MARKET ST - t I ANITA STEWART IN "Playthings of Destiny" A I Disr -v T'M -I l"(TI llf ARCADIA I s 1 MARSHALL NEILAN'S "BITS OF LIFE" VICTORIAN VMI I ' 'l II' n r - R VI 1 '110 JI I lV si'ttiw "SHAME" CAPITOL ; V r V "Don't Tell Everything" prmei nt imi K in null Wallace Reid, Gleria Swanson and Elliett Dexter REGENT v VHK I- i - i I' nrit Mil I I VM Rl ssr I I. In "iiKt n r mi eks'im.' vi jJL.UJDi, i v m u THE B1GGFST AND' BEST VAUDEVILLE SHOWS a ' '''ill i nil i -i BROADWAY K l v i,,n . . " ' " M "AFTER THE SHOW" I VI l IIOI I Uli m x , ,-,, ALLEGHENY i. i r MID 5 Acts of Vaudeville I NT M) PIl Willi N .( Gleria Swanson ndi:r Kill CROSS KEYS Mini MARKKT ITUC I rrrr KTr.r.-.. J ML. lJ V C INJIOl ' AI HAMBRA ' T BERT LYTELL i ii i MOrtlHS 'i in: VIIO" Cafe Martin 1205 Walnut St. CABARET 4r the Thtctrt DANCING 6 -JO te S; 10 te Cleu WALTER MILLER'S ORCHESTRA spi'.i ii.s nwi v nut i i Nui ,m DINNKII. MODMtWMV PIIK Ml. URPHEUM l,;,1ri1"""i I'lmUen ORPHEUM PLAYERS In" "The Naughty Wife" KEYSTONE ''.'r JJX;J P Acail KeervMljr,-t ' 'V' rYy STANT zfoels Pamdisd t a u'CKick JACOBINOFF MLLEEUGtMUi-lMNIER..Wr..a . ..'-----. it: V -1 "1 1 'J 41 n '!- V Jll a ", iWL OUmux" t their Heme , . Vt- .I'E'j.rTN irt. Tt 1 n-a ny -1 h i I ?' ,K4i MikM ijM.J w ( ntit nt TJ AIT' "'" .. JLLJB, DASUBUU.