i . .. -i r-3"T .j jpi ww i.!,: s? Vl j " Wft 5, 1 "a. ... . B " J f I ! - -r ... .- ,- --- - ri-y in -J! ,- v V- t t '- jfi&7T-- ". -- - - .sw ' ti:.ii 'nvniiffran r it m my. m .t m . I ,n iS v 8 n Evening public Ule&ger I PUDLIC LEDGER COMPANY cvnrs tt. K. ct.nris, PnfrMniNT Jehn C. Martin, Vic Prield nt ana Treasurers Charles A, Tjler, Secret-), 1'hnr es tt. I.udlnt. ten. riilllp 8. Cellins, Jehn n. Williams Jehn J. ftpurceen, Oeerct V aeldsmlCi, David I;. Smilei, Directors. nAVin r. SMtt.nv riiiKir k.IQllN C. MAIVnN.. -Pener-I Business MHtiaiier Published dally at Pcblie iTcnatt Dulldlng I Indnnendance Uquare Plillndelplun ATLANTIC! ClII PreiifVnUm DullJInr JV" Yebs ... nr.4 Martlum Am DttiteiT TOt Ferd HtilMIn PT. I.en 013 Olebt-Demternt Bulldln Chicaoe 1R02 Trllunt Dulldlnu NKWS ULIir.ALb Waiiiinotes n curie, N. t:. for. reunsy vanU Ave nml I II 1 Hi T.R- Tens HcbEac Tha Sim Hulldlnf t Londen Buhrad Trafaljar Huli'lne ' t SUHSl'ltll'PION TERMS Tha Evening Pcblie Lidem la served te sub scrltxrs In rtilliidelph'a nnd surretindiiij- towns t the rateef twelve (12) cunts par week, pajabla te the carrier. ..By, mull te points outside of "hlladi-lplila In Ml l'nlted Stales, latuda or L mtcJ bi ilea be S,,,1W' P0,IAS frte. flit. 130) cenia per month "MX (10) dellnrs 1 ,.r -ear, r,eabl In Ailvunce re all ferelan munttle one Ut) dollar a tnenlli Netice Subscribers wishing ad tress changed must tin old us well as new uddiess BELL. JOOO TtLMT KMsTOM. MAIN leOI C7tdrfrfss all cummuritcafiu'ts te .ttnnty Publte jn'ipfr, tnd'penttrw -S'niair, "Villnrfi Ip'nii Member of the Associated Press TUB ASSOCIATED r?iS5 t rj-cMiiitfl-; en tiittd te Ine n& for rrpubtuutieu of nil neus dispatches credited 10 i( ur nel cithern us credited (n this paper, anil also thr I001I iieus fiubHthtd therein All rights i" reutlra'(cm 0 Sfdal ditpatehiu hrrtin ere olse resrrie'l riilljflflphu, Muu.ljv, Ur.rniScr I.'. PJI THE READING IS NOT POOR WIICN Agiicw T Due -null Hull It uiill flint .'slT.IMIII.IMIII fr tin- K n.lin !!nil Mny te ri' urn ll mil wundi'ii cir- imiIi Mcel fufx I i'iili'inh iiitpii'lri ( in' il'' in the public tiiuul tin- iiiiiii,-ii,i tlnil tli" -inn wns mim Mint mi 1 iilmuil iiniiiiti HiM be OX Jircleil te -lmnil 11 In iMiiiipiMS It- line Vltb rni will II Miiulil Mil 1 11I1 li tin In nil ncMcnt anil r m-t iIm1 )n--ftiir- i ilrntli It im n 1111n-1rI1-r.il ' ninn 'f in"in-i. but the ltPBilins It.iilwn in nut pe.11 It v ill upend mntn hiindred tlmunnml ll Iiir ii'fiiir nil the clinrj;i' crnlnK mil of tin- Iti-vu Athin nrrldi'iit Iiiim' In en inrl Wipi-kinl cars nnd lncometlvi-n will Iuivp te lie ri-pliii'i'd and lftiwprn' fi'en niul liv.nj dnmnuf mm1 diets will liue te be paid. The jiirlcx will net be liic Unci te be mrn'lfiil te u oorpoiu eorpoiu oerpoiu Unn wliec aefnts wero rlc.irl rr-pnnnjlile fr the (ollln'ien it ml wIiesp inllnmirnble Menden rnrs incrennr-d M10 miniber of fatnli ties. TlicM- ixipiidtiirp ciniii 1 be 1 viipcd Let in leek ;i tnemi'iit nt Mir wi-.i'th of this nil read i-enipiuij w lump rppii"-pntntiM talks of rlip ln'ai.x cent of p.piipplm; 11 with enrs whirl de nut pnd.umer tin1 lupn of tliu trniPlins publtr Jt m pnjing s per rnit (livltlrinle en STO.dOO.OtHl of remmmi nmck and 4 ppr rent en STO OIlll.liOll (tf tir-t and second proferrpd ntei-k niul 4 ppr rpnt In terest en inerp tbnn .').", (Kill. 000 of beinl" It hni nn nrlniitlPd Mirplus of SUii.Onii.nnii. all earned since the rporj::itil7atieii in ivnl and thoe In n pnnitmn le knew lnKt tlmt the uctinil iirplus l nearer SKi.iiOO.IKmi than $''ti.0fin.0en Tins -.urplux Iiiim really been mviunulnteil witlnn tin- lai Itren jenre, for no dUii'eniln wpip paid en the common Mrck until l'.K).". If the Heading does net nturt forthwith te rep'nee its wooden c.irs with i-ar- of stiel it wl'l be for ncime ether leas-en than laek of linanfliil rpuurcpn, A REAL COURT SURVEY NEEDED TUJ?T what uiPthedi the commit tie of the " Iaw Asnoi-iatten m te adept in Im Mirvej of the rrl111in.1l I'eurtn bus net bepn 1111 nryineed. It could well iiiiii.unt itnp'f with what tint been done Id ether lIMps bpfeie it utarls it weik. Slieli a nurip of the rmirt- a l tipeildl cannot be unide in 11 few week- b.x men rnjnRed in ether tusks (If cmirnp. iIipi-p (ire nhtines with which eiery pini'tlciiiK at at ternei Is fiimilinr. but the foundation for concrete reforms ntinet be laid until thete has been a collating nf all the facts 11ml n study of them and of the beft way te cure cxiMing eii'i- In Cleveland n nimilnr nurm vn made by tin endowed organization thrnui;h im partial and dinlntrrented experts. A --pp. eiallnt In Piicli briincn of the iniiiiri w.ie employed, and he sue te the work bl un divided attention until It w.i" lempleted. Tiie remit In likel.i te commend itself te the judgment of all these without special inrreMn te sere Similar methods were adeptcil in f'hicas" nnd Detroit with njitisf.icter resulis. The committee of the Law Association Is made up of ub'e men. They could offhand make recommendations which would Improve tin administration of the criiuinnl la a if tlie.i were acted en Hut tlvie eiulit 10 be 11 mere thorough imiuiiw Minn the membein et this cnminittei' will have time te make un assisted b.v expert specialists 111 siicli work. STOTZ IN THE WRONG SCHOOL OPINION will be dlwdeil en the form of punishment that simtild be nu-i -. mil te Charles M Stetz. of dr.iften St.itien, I'.i . for the practical joke be lias plaed nit the intelllKentpia of t'einell 1'nivprsltj Stntz in a senior 111 the Cern'll .s-clioel of Architecture. lie had it announced that "Dr. Herman Vesberc of Vienna." 11 pupil and Intimate ft lend of I'rujd. would b-i uni on the rreudl.in theerx The ball ns crowded Stet, appearpil dis;iii-ed n lipnrd. lie uns introih-cefl li n im mhi-r nf the ppycholesleal facultj lie spoke in broken KngliMi, with fiequpul (lerninn Idioms, and held bn ainlience sppbeund 11s he told It that ' tne dreamer does knew what lie dreams, but he does net knew what he knows, and therefore belleies what lie docs net knew " The Freudian tli'"i' li.i neier been morn cempnctly stated than this, which indicates that Stetz was familiar enough with it te burlenqiie the whole thins In a most serious and convincing manner '1 hose who were In the secret must have had a delightful hour an they listened 10 the lei tore Then two diiju Inter li was announced that Dr Vesbcrg was Stet.. and lie u a Mudent here. The best thing the fmiiltv can de under the circumstanci s is 10 Invite liim te a feeultj mcetuiK anil c mgniliilati' him en his masurj of an abstiuse subjeit, and BlIEk'est tlint be would de well te transfer himself from the Scheel of Arclute tme le the Scheel of I'sicbolegv A BLOW TO A NEW NATION POLITICAL uphenvii's In Central Amer ica are net nnlinnrilj subjects n' pus. slenate Interest iti the I uited Slnten. but , the latest disturbance 111 (iiiatemala Is of linhapp) signlrtciince In Its 1,i-iii iii upon the formation of 11 new nation whnb the (iov (iev crnment nt Washlngien would uuileubteJI.v )0 pleased te tceugnl.ii' as 1111 established fact. It vn te limit the oppertuuilv for local Terolutlens that the outlined L'nlted States of Central America was, in addition te numerous ether reiisnim, designed A dele Ration from the theoretieull.v federated slates of Guatemala, Honduras and Salvader lw lnAw In V HHhlilRten for the purpose of A ectirln; the eftlcial recognition of this country. Th State Department bus been nulieiis. tjet ffem ailtigenlsm te a pieject which in principle premlsPH well, but rather from ktluctanee te acknowledge an) thing but -n1Utd4 'X1)0 uprlulng In fitintemala la Niicva. the I, TV . l-ulalS .lmilal it l... wt.l.lllln Itnu llll. 1 MtrM;ily, heeu conducted with ecu nt regard jjr tt, 1W1 efnthe pew union. The ruve- ujurpi m mu. """ weru uiauuveiuiifju vi the distresslngt.v protracted buttle of the "Ins" and the "O11K" IMrnila ('nl)rrra. the aged dictator. In- caricrnled since the levelt of 1UU0, which ended his long season of almost nbselutu swaj. bus been released. Mis successor, Cm Ins llerrein, reputed te be 11 ruler of itilel'lgeiicp and capiicit.v, tteps down and 11 lullitnl'V r gillie. Is liistltilted with (letier.il Ore'laiin. the chief of stutT. as "previsional" president. It is regreltnbh eiidcnl that the Central American l'nlen Is net vet niitliclentty firm le nupprcss ihe Ingrained icielutlnnnry hubil. I'ntll nemetbltig like mil iidmiiils Unlive fusion is estubllxhed, lecegnitimi of n new elder In the stntcs between Mexico and I'litiumri would snver of visional v ex ex triiviigaiice. NEW TREATY IS A BULWARK OF PEACE AND GOOD FAITH Pacific Adjustment Combines Idealism With Realities In a Momentous Development of the Arbitra tion Principle "VJtl CAIJCO of genei alines 1-, c.ntricd h.v ' the quadruple agniinenl evolved bv Ihe vv -inliiugtnii Cmifpreiice I'm Mils reason, .inning iiinnv ethirs. the instruinpiit of ac cord Is iipi psn,iril,v fashioned in ireat.v form. 'Ihi four 111 tli Irs ii-ad In Senaler Ledge hefeic 1 he p cnnr.v sessimi en Sal ill dnv detilie for the Hist linn- In hlsinrv an 1 11 1 run I intuit pnliev of stabi it niul ieip e with rcg-ird e Ihe Islands of 1I11 I'acilli Cci'nn. The len-vi-nr coin rnit, for sm-li it . la.vs lei-iprecal dulles ami responsibilities upon four of the major l'ewer el the world the I nited Slate. 1 1 rent Itrll 1I11 1'ri'iie ntul ,lii).in In the si-ii.e familiar le Lurepi-ans tin pact is mil nn allium c. nun e tt is a pledge fin ripi-riitien net te the p-niil of nuns, but te that of parlev As -ue!i 1' Is similar In npirn 1.1 the 1 wi 111 v aibitrnli hi treaties w lib v.iueiis nations negiitiati d bv Mr llrviiu, although differing from lhep iigreeinentH along lilies of spe ml pruieduie Seme rescniblanci also inn be tr.ned te Articles N. XI nod Ml of the ('evcnanl of the League of Natien.. These iiiiich-de-bnted clauses contained p!"!ges bv (lie mem ber nation te respect and preserve the ter ritorial integrity of the member nations. Article 1 of the fnnr-1'ewer trealv imposes the lirs ro'pensibillt v enlv and Its field is le-tricteil te a paiticular section of Jic glele Acinrdlng le the League tonus tliient- of war m- of aggremlmi ilther bv menibeis or tion-meuibers were deemed a fit subject fur discussion bv llie Ceuil'll. nut herizcil te siig. gest remedies In the new (enlract co-eper,ilioii is limited te ten jears with the privilege of lenewnl, and mlsiinderstiindiiigs or ineiiaies of ag-gres-ive action are te be denlt with in joint conference bj tie signaterv Powers when ever the exigencies of nnv new situation 111 the Pacific eem te demand cxpliMt Heat nient. The vallditv of th neuiifl and reassuring arbitration "program Is addltiennllv cnliiuned bv the tnomenletis final uriiile. premising with dramatic celerlt.v the cxtliutlen et the Angle-Jap. inp-e Alliance, hcretolere re gaided lis the chief obstacle in the wa.v of an anilcnbli- and constructive spttlcuient of Pacific affairs . Il is specified that as seen as ratification' of the quadruple iustiimient have been com pleted "the agiei'iucnt between (tent Htitain and -lapan which was ceiKluded at Londen en .Itilv I!!. Pill, nhn'l terminate." Although the status of the se-called man dated Pacific is'iuids held hv Japan is net estahlished in the ticntv, the very existence of the document implies tli.it np in par ticular will 1 ease before the Cenfeienic closes te be a pessj!, source ,,f Amernan or Japanese iiue.isliipss As Senater Ledge explained, the ilguiiu of the 1 1 cat v bj the I nited Stales was enliugent upon the making of a convention legarding the control of .np and the etber Islands f.jriucrlv tier man ninnies nnd new occupied bv Japan With this delicate question tetneicd, with the scrapping of the Angle-Japanese pact nnd wilh Ihe premise of beniuahle 10 10 10 opcratien in the Pacilii fm a decnle. it is net cxtinvngant te ill-i rn in the ne.itj a bulwark of sane vili..itien and a security against war which are little short of opei h.il. Chinese prebh ins are avoided bj the ngtPPiuenl, but tin- adoption of the Heet resolution lavs the foundations for n new pelicv of iJpi ene.v ami fan plaj mh Ii as has been tee indifferently legarded. even in prin ciple. In the t.ingbd histmv of Pur Lantern affairs. The cel np-e of Ihe AngiO- Japanese Trent V and the aoicptariec bv the Japanese dele gales of the four-l'ewer agre'inent unmis takably niiggcstn that the naval ratio ques tion will be solved The 1 ii-t (. ,1 magnificent nug'in of dofi defi nit" progress upon 1 number of detailed matters before llie Cen fere nee. i )m answer le the skipticism whiih is loath 10 admit lli.it idealism and realism can be loin- bined I tot 'i qualities are admirably fused In ,1 new structure of pence, which warrant- the suppeM of the Atneri'im peepb ini-luding the Senn'e and Is without the leist shadow upon their ientri ti.iditiens KULTUR AND PEARLS GLH.MAN tiled t ipe ' In r Ixultur en J tin- wei Id and faihd -Inpan has bei 11 nipi-ung with m jrc -uici, -1 fai m tlu jevielrv market ( ultured peaiK. tireilu'id bv putting a foreign nubstaiice Inte nn mster and letting the e.vsti-r de tin- nt hav" been giving tin rial (or lieculeiiinl 1 peails a 1 tin as 11 were, for their nieiiev Hut here aga.11 1 allure . n-mning 11s limitation". 'Ihe forced jii-erls ithar is pnirls iirediiccd hv forced labor en the part of the bivalves 1 have consul a drop in pric of the genuine ler liaphnaidi punk fash letiahl" w men are turning te etneialds ami ametli.vsls and the ievi-r -lapaii"si gauie t ill ns out te have bin Ien cliver liv half, If vim g t what we iiieun. I'll v l tlnu; v oil knew tin J, 1 pa im -e nvsiir W ill he III tin1 stew CURBING X-RAY USE Till. X-rnv sBei inlisl- of Plii'adelpliiii. who propee te have ihe ue of that usi fill but powerful theiapeiilic ageii" ion tilled te these who an- iliiireushl v fn 'mliiii with Its powers fur geed and III. should have little dltheiiltv hi mukiiij then- point of view ilear tn various Stale Leglsla lines and liaving laws passed le lln end The gicat and increasing number of se ver" bums which have In -n mused ,t 11M skillcd use of the N-tavs in the unir-e for this aetiuli niul It Is one in whhli the puhllc wlll checrfull) acquiesce In the piepit liamlu the X r.v Is a great bli"siii' in the imiiils of the faker or of lcrsniis who. i-n-i. with the best jntciitlens, ttr0 iitiMklllcd In Its line. It'-1!' n ttent fncter for evil. The bums tupcJ by the X-ray are usuuJH' of EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEK IIssiip which cannot he teplaced nnd the Injury done b.v It s therefore Irremediable. The icsiiiithuis whiih the specialists would Impose have leuj been contemplated by them, but thev have feared that the pub lic mlslit think that the) were propesiti with the view of a mouepolj of the field This feeling is perhaps natural, but It Is prebiibl.v ullcrl.v jiiifetiiulcd. There nie laws te pre vent persons untrained In man) fields, oh eh oh peeiall.v that of medicine, from practicing In lliesp lines, and there Is no conceivable 1 canon wli.v these should mil lie extended In 11 in'. tbed dcimiiiillug niich high training and n iniii h experience as the X ra.. The average mail would net risk bis life bj tilling 011 ,a 1 1 11 i 11 which was being run b.v 11 man who bad net qualified us nn engi neer, nnd there Is no nunc reason wh. he should ilsk suffcrinj. If net actual maiming, al the hands if a poison net qualified te administer the X-rajs. Net mil) lire llie fours of (he ktii-i-iiillHtn ntiffreiiuded. but b the legislative notion which the.v centrni- J ..!... .1 .. ,t, t 1 . .... .........1 u.-i 1 li,., 1 piuie iiiev win uc 1101113 an nciiiin -i-iw te the public. DANGEROUS DELAY IT IS M'vunl imiiitim sinu- the clt.v olfi elfi ciallj decided te an.nu'e for 11 fair In cc'cbratlen of the l.'inli annlvci'siiry of the adoption of Ihe Declaration of Independence, bi'l nothing lias been done bejetnl the ap pointment of committees. Thete is a Committee of One Hundred, with an Lxeciitlve Ceiumittce. a Committee en I'lnance aml a Publlcilv C iminlttee And new the Lxeiuilve Committee bits ap pointed a sub-cemmltlce. consisting of the Philadelplila Chapter of the Ainciieim In slitule of Archilei-ls, the Heal Lst.lte Heard and the Lnglnoers' Club, le suggest a site. These oiganlatletis will doubtless appoint committees of their own before the.v de nnv tblng. and these iiiinmilties will appoint sub-cetuniittees nnd lake- their lime about teaching nnv 1 onc'imieiis. The citv is going iibeul the weik as though II had unlimited tune at lis disposal. As a matter of lait. It has enlj about four vrais This s short eneuh in all 0 in' science If the city were read) today te com mission architects le draw plans for the buildings le he creeled en a site nlreidy chic-en If we are le wait six months or mere before nny definite decision Is made en se fundamental a thing nn 11 site It will he nocesMirv le icsnit le extraordinary means te induce the cnntrni ters te rush the work en the ntructuies If lliev are te be ready bv the spring of IH'JU. Tims far the Committee en Kinnnce has raised no huge sums, for thoie is no tangible plan te submit tn prospective suhsciibers or te Congress, and the Publlcilv Committee has been inactive because nothing has been done in jusiif.v nnv puhllciij. It would lu ll waste of time and nieni.v te advcitlse that Phi'iide'pbiii Is thinking almul beginning le get read.v te oenimeiiie te Mail plans for 11 world fair In H'Uif There must be some thing ciiiiciele te talk about. If a director geneial were appointed, and if he were a man of comparative .veuth ami cneigv such as nii.v one of half a deen who have been mentioned, ihlngs would begin te happen. The committees me till at loee ends new. with no one icspensible for action. It is just as impossible te ntgnuie 11 great fair hv coniin'tte- as it Is tn command an nt in hv committee. Tneic must be one lenpminib'e dircfting head with whom the decinien rents and en whom lias Mcn 1011 feiied all the ailthelitj tiei p. ,u,v ( 1 enleice his dc l-Ullls. Win the delav in ap'iein"iig ihe din 1 ler geneial.' "TOO (VIANY GLOOMY ASSES' DH. IAMAN PISK. of the Life Lxten s;nn Institute, dei lares that the chief ehntai le te the piolengatioti of life s the fint that llicic an- "ten main gloemv annpn" m the wiuhl And ihc.doiter was sieaking ni Atlantic Citv. which is con-slden-d bv the aviage person familiar with that i hei-rful icsert il exi i-ciliuglv tin healthful ground for the "g! ij ass." Dr Pisk is mPielj following out the 1111 1 ient t rui-tn that "vvnnv kills nieie people Ihan disease." a r,nh that gains slr'iigth fiein the fait that most of the things which people weir.v about never h ippi n Hut the "gloemv ass" is nlwavs with lis, and the worst feuture about him is ihat he is nel only 2I00111V himself, but th.-i ihe enlv thing vvhnli will lighten his t,iinm is 10 make every one about linn gloemv 11K0 One n-ititi n-r si ntem e inclined near the close of Dr. Flsk's poeoh, in vvhnh he said that "theie is no use m piolengnig life be vend that period vvh'ii life would be en en jeved." Is Dr. Ps. hi re -ei king le extend the famous dutinii of ihe late Dr. Osier, who. in the public understanding at least, no matter what he actuallv siul, held Ihat persons should be chloieforin d when thev had passed the pound of qm fulness' If mi he is laising a lemplcaied qu'sUnn in seek ing le ib ti 1 iiiiue whin a pMsnii is happv, 11 question whiih tin wei d sm, (. n, found. I t ion has In en Irving te an-wer. Had Dr. Pisk advinati-l tin- 1 him gfm til ing of the "gloemv asses," v I10111 he holds In siii li evident detestation a- tlip ehnf eh staeles tu the ends whnh In- institute is tr.villg te in Ineve, In- would ilniibtlcss have Ihe 1 ntliusiasiii appieval of the public And pre! tv iiearlv eveiv one would have one or 11101 e 1 nnilidiiti's for the b thai 1 haiiibi 1 hen the mailer of a (J I-.. I). uopesii 111I in wages of lailmad i-mplevcs comes liefnie the I nited States Hailreinl Laber Heaid a few wieks fnmi new it mav be lenlidentlv peitn 1 lint 11111011 labor efllclals will fieelj quote r 1 nt 11 minks of P.llsliJ Lee. nt tin- P. I! I! If lenewed hu.sllies-, makes fiiighl tales uigligible 111111 pared te fn-igbt 1 oiigentien, then a ii-dm-tien of rates and a i-iuisequeui ridutien of wages, tln.v mav 1 I, ma. be map vvheil,v uu tiPiesMirv Dp ah rn is an 1 11 ne-i Time New nnd miiicie mnii who for Siiber has never liaini-d in sjcientl 'Iheught ninpi nuns,- iiH tnl- bivvi 1 s xv en III lather light than eat '1 unlit inn has given viilue le Imlli characteristics, vet tnithei Is wbellv vlitu- eiis. Cnliiplninlsc is neicsai) li piegrc.s. Tliere is no pistilii at inn fm lighting altei vb teri is wen. ( in quintain cs iiuispiii- (,, ki ep Judge Lllll'lls in the llevv We have a vllell of "Itahc" Itulli le-iifullv prelesling agaiiisi ihi premised nit of Cmigiens which would have the 1 lid I et oil-ling the pirisl I10111 one el his Jobs Me nivvhih , the big job fac lig lln- l'cleial Judge is 10 di 1 idi tin the I nited Mans Itm i n.ni Laber llmiid whelhir il Is a lei oiiieti e m a labuesc It has nieip ihan eiu p been ii-seiicd h.v e.xiertn that oil mav In pmlitabl.v taken fietn the surfaie of huiher wateis and useil illlier as fin I 01 111 imid 1 ensti uciien. When Muue (urpuratleii or inunicipalll.v develops inteiiuise (iieugh te demons! rate hc. , t one of tils seilices of livei pollution will ills- uppear. Will Iieluiul H'Ject Ihe ln-at.v ' Net bv a plebiscite' LiIii'h attitude of mind l's iindergeliiR 11 chuiige. Though she will nut r.inret her L'lorleiiH past, her enenzles will lie tllreqtuil toward the uiakltii; of u slorieim future. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, AS ONE WOMAN SEES IT Amateur Beggars Hampered by Sen sitiveness May Sometimes For Fer get Pride In the Sympathy , Engendered by Dire Distress hAHAll I). I.0WIUI5 0NI2 of the most insolently proud en ) have ever met belonged te n family thnt for four gpiieintliuis hud been beggars. Needless te snj. Ibe.v wcie net Americans, and although he tried te lie, he fulled some seme wlint lamentably ami was put In jail tar wife-beating. lie had attempted te get money from her bj force, and falling that had "bcttien her up." whereupon he had met (i fate te which Ills ancestors had been strangers in their native laud; he was ar rested ! Think of n land where jnu could beg for a century anil a hnlf and net once' feel the detaining hand of the law ! In this ceuntrv, .without the protection of a bunch of pen cils, or a package of Iren holders, or a white cotton heaid and Santa Clans suit, or a poke bonnet and Salvation outfit, or a bun dle of old newspapers or a leg sewed te a Hump, or a tin nip for pennies and eves that proclaimed total blindness and a sing ing voice that hinted nt ether lest senses, no tine could beg for half an hour without some, busy soul icpeillng the fact te the nearby policeman and goading him en te de bin hit. We de protect and even encourage beg gars In this ceuntrv. except when they have protected themselves b.v a garb of tie tie nevelcucc, or b.v 11 wine that at lens! leeks salable. That is. the.v must either leek us though the.v were collecting for ethers than their own bleed and kin, or as though. If .v "il insisted, ,ou could get the worth of .veur iilone.v out of them in pencils, etc.. or as though tlu-v had 1 usually wandered forth for 11 sunning and ailing fiein some luuue for itu-uinbles. IP ItKAL iljed-iii-tlic-vvnel beggars felt ii iiiicoinfei table niul apologetic and mad clear through and discomfited as the team members of a We-Tnie Drive ringing strange doorbells nnd getting familiar turn-downs they would take tn bard labor as 1111 easy substitute, bin a real beggar, like a real thief, does It half the time for the excite ment of the gamble. Shame does net enter into It, neither does embarrassment. It is something like pln.vlng golf; there is nlwayH a next time, and there Is alwu.vs the certain clement of skill jour skill and the uncertain element of luck. TIILHL are ntlll ceuntiles where te beg for one's own living is net a sbanie; it Is n poiquislte for certain families. These who posses (he perquisite de net big well. I 0.. skillfullv or Ingi.itiatinglv ; i.ither de they big hiiiightilv and persistently with giave dlspleasitie and even curses for tlie-fe that resiht their demands The.v are. In fact, licensed rebheis who. Instead of pointing a pistol, call down bad luck And In a conn cenn tr.v whole bad link 11 ml the evil eje and ciiinen nie ceiisidcied mere dangerous than leaded clubs the established beggar can afford te be luselenl as well an persistent. Onlv the man whom he is pestering and importuning has a weapon that is pretty re lialile bv vvn.x of defense, lie can curse back. The curse need enl.v tetislst of one until in Italy te be effective. It is a Fert of pocket book wind -"iHoideiiti" which contains much In little. A11111701I at Its re sults nine en ti ver.v eliniiximis beggar that had followed us for an hour, and who en the word in ceinpanied with 11 little gesture of lie hand niiildcnly vanished, I demanded its hidden meaning. "Well," Mid the I'nglinhmnu, who hail 1 nine te our test no, "It iiieans. nunc or less, Mnv jen meet with a sudden nci blent down a (hnl; and miiievv sti t whcie thete is no one te (emc te jour aid." BI T in Ibis (eunti.v, whom we pride our selves upon net countenancing vagrants 01 professional beggars, we de pride our selves 011 our benevolence te vveithj objects, and us out benevoleine is generall.v inspired, net se much bv the need as by tin- eloquence of the wei thy object, some one hits te beg and beg well. It Is n gift net possessed b.v many and net le lie despised bv the possessors or by these who It-Ill te tin Ir plcnding. I lead a litter the ether da.v from a haril haril weiking Italian parish priest giving a plc luie of hi-- village nud pleading for its chil then. I mulct sinnd that the Sun Carle Opera Cenipiin.v is giving a b netit for these chil dicn and ethers like them this Saliirdii.v . and I innfpss If lliev have ie.nl this letter I de net wonder. Tin- man knows hew te ask from llie beai I : "Hi who write-, this has henn a soldier tlumigh the war, and as militaij chaplain has si en nl close range everj honor; nnd 1 oil ix is settled as v icii 1 of the patlsh in the Vallej of Nervesa, net te suder the discom forts of the trenches, but the sight of misery which poisons the lieiut. of sufferings which tear the heait of the pi lest, lie caine te tills ullage sbeitly after llie aiuiintlee, together vvilli the first icfiigees lie saw 111 rive olheis, one b.v one. A little nucleus of lefil gees in huts, in slicltirs abandoned bj th1 tioep, then after snuggles of every kind pass into bat nn ks often incapable of hold ing a nuiiieieiis familv of children and grandchildren. Hen- lliev sla.ved children and old people a month, two months. 11 .vear, two joins, their own homes ulwajs 11 heap of ruins. Twe-thirds of the popula tion still live exist In these bin rucks. Ni rvesii wits always the object of the enemj'a firing, situated us it Is en the angle between ihe Plnvc and Monielle. Per this reason Hue might su.v no village was desiieved like Nmvis.i, no village saoriliecd Itself bv Its sous for the leuulr.v mid liiiiuuuitv like Ni 1 vesa. "This, uflliiied and glorious little town has meie than IUI) nielheis ami widows without belli, without wavs te 1,1111 help, abandoned nnd in squalid ini-i-i v . Pnun tin Ir barrack lulls the cliildien tome out a Inns ftnm a ehlijicn beuse When- de llie.v go' What de thev 1I0V Piuiiisliei. In 1 ags, half naked, wild and neglected, lliev ream the streets exhorting all tin v pass for whatever has the aspect of being edible. uedlspe-eil te piM)ii nnd dishonor b.v the wt etched fate that has thrust them fort li like vagi ant dogs "Tin- leinedv for this would be the AmIe (orphans' as.vluin). Our salvation we ewe te America. The writer takes courage as (he hemt de lutes and liii 111 111 j asks help fur llie 1 bildien "At this Chiisimas season, in the nalne nf Chr'-t tin- Merciful, the Compassionate. "I.CKil COHHADINI. "Vicar of Neivesa, Itulj." The awful hut of war is that it geis en killing Utile cliildien mouths uinl jems after peine Is signed, and net unlj their bodies lint their ininils ini'l ' Today's Anniversaries 1 77s Vilginla iieated the iiiiintv of llll llll neis out of the Illinois ititiutij, and made Jehn Tedd Ceiintv Lu uli mint 1SU7- Smith ('milium l.egisliltuie de nounced the I ntlcd Slates tariff as en ci 1 lung en Slalc lights. sli I niliil Stales signed a tieat.v with Colombia guaimiieeing te American citl.ens ngbi of fiei- liaiisjt in less tin- lithium (,f Pamiuia. IhliS Pour i.ii'iead express lubbers were laliii fieiu Jail 111 New Albaiij, I ml , and I X in lied ls,7-L ' lliiipir. Ciiuliinatl bank ,u-i siileul . was, seiiteiKcd te ten jeais' iui in imminent im i-usappioptintien of bank lump Today's Birthdays Pi 1111 pes Maria ChiNtlna. setend daughter of the King and Ijim-n of Spain, het 11 111 Madrid ten joins age Plunk White, 'licaniucr of the l'nlted States, born at Stll.iniiii Vallej, III , slxtj live j cur uge. W'lUltim P. Dillingham, l'nlted States Kimutec from Vermont, born ut Wnterlmry, Vtn Bevcuty-clht jeura uge, y 1 n. . .S tut I' 71 IM .Jl?r1 im.. svsfcBm, MJM1 BI.WPT - - a, fl 1.7 " Mgm AT SV - V..leH' O I fcTu-lS ,.- 7Vt-ViV-H L 111 Xsil' li !! Ill -f- L5 V ,fl 1 1 fi Vl J I a-fVTT A "SV - SI I VTlkW.. A,il- r-i' s , iTsuhamfsvr, , WlVU' .yn tJtlJWTW)fld fr - . jsTriV-IHVi V I JfJ1Jr irL s jl..,.j f., . -fssf- v ira' "Hr-U' .giw.iii sxanri .1 . eajai i. j - x" s-v ti-r- 'f rj v- .. r en xijh i ir' ww nA ..1.3 sjttj WK'JW VNV-J-i't M x 1 a. rr i A m , K? r --! - viv i rs x, -.- . , . y , v -rv -i i j jr jJ.tfS-- ?rwm)- vN iM -xw, Si -s. NO W MY IDEA IS THIS I Daily Talks Wilh Thinking Philadclphians en Subjects They Knew Best HENRY W. BRAUDE On Sidelights In Federal Prosecutions WIIILr" prohibition uiideulitedlj has conic tn stay, se has boetlogglii" at least en Its present scale. This is the opinion of llenrj W. Hrniide. feimcr Assistant I'nited States Dlstilct Atternev here. "There nie two reasons for this," snvs Mr. Hrniide. "Plrsf. bootlegging alwajs ex isted among a ceitain lawless e'enient even hefeie prohibition. Second, bemuse the average Individual .tedav finds It liard te consider It a moral wtenz when n prevision of the Velstead act is violated, is readv te condone it ami. with some incentive, is leadily Induced te participate in the viola tion "H.v teasen of this nttltude en the part of se manv of our cltiens of the second classi fication it is quite evident thnt il is eimj for these In the first classification te carry en their Illicit business. Hard te (ict Ceiivktiiins "This attituile'alse was. in mj expeiinnc. ieapenlble for tiie failure of llu- (iovern (ievern (iovern ment te convict offenders against whom it liad ninde out elean-ciit cases. There are nlwajs one or two persons In a jurv box who cannot. In a liquor case, be guided b.v the facts without injecting their personal con victions into a (onsideratlen of the case. Menibers of iuries, in mv cxpeilence. have nt times nctuallj conjured up reasons se that the.v might return verdicts of acquittal. "One woman juror, after she had helped le return such a vordle.t In a llagiant case, declared that her reason In the main was that the (ieveiiiinent agent ut the time be purchased the drink In evidence had net sei.eil the bottle from which it had been poured This unlinpeutnnt point was i-lev--erlv injected Inte the eiisp by the defendant's counsel, although II had been answered with the explanation that the (ievei ninenl de sired te sele the huge sleck of liquor ille gally pessessi i by tin- defendant. "In order te de n() It wen necessarv for the ngent. after be had ninde the pnichase. te present the fuels te a l'nlted Stales Com missioner In the form of an affidavit upon which the searih vvariant might be predi cated, and then, in keeping with the law. te sean.li the preml-es in question" for the liquor Illegally stored there. Would Have lit-en Waiiiittg "Te have scleil the bottle from whbh the drink hnd been poured would have been n warning te tin violator that u laid was about te fellow "Anether lenpectable and ostensibly In telligent Jtirni gave as his leasen for te turning nil aeqiiiltal in number convincing case that he had been in court dining a pre vious liquor tilal. and as llu- iurv In that disc had leliirned a net-gulltv verdict, he saw no reason whv he shouldn't 'hi like wise, lie said It had si eineil te him that tiie evidence in lie fust case was much stronger than the evidence in bis (use, and he was net going te put hlm-elf In the posi tion wheie he would have te 'make fish of one and flesh of another.' "Liquor case defendants at limes offer the most ridiculous excuses te esi nep punish ment, jet these excuses have been incepted bv jurors. One defendant who bad Ikcii arrested for illegal tianspei tatlen of a large number of inns of nhohel lu his aiilomebiie said he had come home late one evening 11 nil p.iiked his iar In fient of his beuse. "When he went outside te take bis ma i him- le his gniiige, he discovered Ihat It was missing "He thereupon inn toward the station house te Tcpert the theft, nnd en his wav, within two blocks from his home, he saw ids machine apparentlj ilesetted. As he was iiiieut te diive homeward he was anented by the police. Although t lie automobile was jammed full of alcohol cans, nn the fient and bail: seats mid in all available space In the machine, he Insisted that he did net notice mi) thing In his uir ami he was bo be bo lieviil. l'"xcuse "Wculi as Vinegar" "Anether noteiious bootlegger, who was In lug tried for tinnspeiting three barrels of nhohei In his tnnk. told the Ceuit ami juiy that he thought the barielb contained vine gar which explanation was leadlh accepted. "Mer- cases icsnit In acquittal verdlils because of the sjinpallij for the defendant or tie members of his family than hv leasnu of urn substantial merit In the defendant's story, and these siiess the human luellmi. lien en the pari of jurors Per Instance. In a case lecently tiled In which the defendant was charged with the illegal iiiaiiufaeluri anil sale of a still, the defendant explained that he was induced te commit the act bv Cievernnient tigenls, that ceiumeneliig with the visit of the (im eminent agents lie hail had nothing but trouble ; that within a few (laya after the raid his wife gave birth te tvylnH. "Tlilu fact, of ceur.se. he mentioned Inci 1921 THAT'LL HOLD HIM ti" " '.a i ... ". r ' - AJiA ' I a , w i i a i v - fv Uj 4y 1 dentally (and perhaps en the advice of conn cenn sell, mid though It was suggested te the jury that although the Government had been blamed in the prist for many things, this was the first time the lospenslbllity for twins was attempted te be fixed en I'licle Sam, the Hjmpnthj of the jury was for the twins and tin; defendant was acquitted. "Anether defendant explained that he was keeping a stoic of liquor, consisting of sev eral ban els, a number nf quarts and tin asserted quantity nf asserted drinks, for his wife and children. When lemlndeil by Ihe Dlstrbt Attorney that in his knowledge cliil dien were fed from milk bottles nnd net whiskj Masks, members of the jury smiled, but nevertheless voted for an acquittal. "Kverybedj's Doing It" "An outstanding fact in the observation of all who participate In the investigation of liquor violations Is that u great number of defendants are family men of geed stand ing hi the cnmmunltj . "One saloonkeeper who was convicted and sentenced te a term nf Imprisonment (ame In te paj his tme befete he left for jail, and explained that he had been treated fairly and that he had no complaints te make about his punishment. Of course, this was a displaj of sportsmanship which was some what unusual, bill nevertheless geed in leek upon. "Though tlieie have been a great many Imputations cast upon piohlbitlen enforce' mint ofhceis thete cannot be a word of sus picion against the men in the manv ether tederal departments. The agents of the Se-ret Sen lee, the postal inspocleis. tin toxemic and customs olhcers, the agents nf Ihe Department of Justice and iminlgiatles Huieau, the miicetic agents are all men of e.cellent reputation and trained in their lospectlve lines te an extraordinary degree of efliclencv . "One vMindcis hew such faithful servants can be scouted bv the iev eminent for the loiiipcnsMilen it has te offer te them. Thev are subject tu the call of dutv at everv hour of the daj and night, some of Hum being in constant danger et bodily barm. One who has leprcsented the Government must leek bnik with great satisfaction at having served in co-e'ieratlon with such faithful nnd clll (lent m mints of the public." Story of a Returned Kansan 1 aiiiei i t ii pMiri(l"iit Ten. kit I'Hpltnl A light In tv eon a hve-peiiml callish and a huge bald eagle en Ihe suifiue of a Pleilda lake was witnessed rcuutly bv .1. D. Lnstm leimei S.inta Pe ageiii at Lmpeiia. The Lastins were passings the shore of a lake when I hi v saw (he bird tijing i lift the fish fiein the water. The eagle lest It light mid Ihe fish, badly lujuied, escnu-u hum i'.ie Id'd'h claws. What De Yeu Knew? QUIZ 1 W'Iihi Is the eilgln of tin. expression 'I-iite. cannot harm nie. , I hva dined : Who wiete the muiile of the opera "The Mehcmlan fllrl"? 1. Who was Madame d Malntenen and when did she l,e I What is a (iiiiian- '" Wend''1U1 the MU1U1 A(5ts bcl" a,lU rt. What Is the capital of Alaska i he were the. mlnueslnger? 'unienr' mW'i "' '" ,hu New Tcs .' ,'thcre, i""1 ,vllHl ls Sarawak' P). Wh.it Is nepenthe'' Answers te Saturday's Quiz 1 Th dying wei ,1s ,,f Jehn Qulncv Adams wThNWtheluKefcu.Uiilam : William l.jen Maclienzle Kinir is in i. , the. new Premier of Caim a J. lhe Menreo Deetrlna was femmlly me- mulgated by j.lmcH Me, re" I n 'hhV P.esldentlal i,ieH.n. of December s, I Twe Indcpcndent republics absorbed -it theli own miBBCbllen by be United . .... HuleH wcru 'w.ill and Texas lhe name Jonquil Is derived fcim n . 'rem h .'Ju.iqullle," f r,,,,," tlii ' Utll? "JumutV meaning n rush lln fi An emeiile Is a popular rlsinir 7 The battle of lhe Holfeilne, feusht ner u vll u? of tlmt name m the lrev"ncS of Mantua, Net (hern llalv r, i.v -M. is!), resulted In a vcter? of" "Ml French and Hardlnlan ArmlVs unde? Napeleon HI and Victer Emmanuel i Four e'clnrck lu the afternoon la siia . be the rainiest lieur of the dSy4 t0 9. Au energne, Is a center ornament isr,. ie-u ti,r.!ud''u,nrarr;nrt:' "kFa a" iir A F . SHORT CUTS China mav new proceed te Presperlt; uj .ue uircci jvoet. Municipal reactionaries might adept III n biegau : lave viiven. An open-arms pelic.v may be consider.! as a welcome le prospective peace. Tiie ghost of the covenant appears te uc wanting in tne raeine peace pact. It would appear that the skj's the limit wnen -vicliraw gees after baseball stars. Theie are mere thnu thlrkcn tlieumnd licensed dogs In Hciks County. The happj J, mm 01 i -aiiine. The narcotic ring needs a keeper, pieferably one with a big bunch of kcjs tot tug iron doers. The mind of Secretary Weeks Is net apparently going along with the peace plant or -secretary Hughes, We suspect that P. U. T. shadow mil liens are being piejected for the purpose el maxing the ghost walk. New Jersey, according te the cinem incut station nt New Hi-nnsvvick. bus llilrtr- six vailetics of inesquftuci. The Imperfect taiiiy-six. A Londen linulti-v shnw Is nrniiillv II- hibltllig a Huff Orpington rooster tlmt I-iJi eggs, iiiisii t this feminist movement foul tar enough? If Illiteracy Is greater In Aniei'it-i than Japan (and the allegation has been niaile), perhaps the fault Is less with our n'liw sj.stem than with nqr humlgratlea laud. The Plj mouth Heck hen in Hehidere, N. J., that has been Injlng two eggs a ill' slme hefeie Tlianksglving, lias new dropped te one ft daj. That chicken lun, (lesirtcd vaudoville ter the legit. Heciiuse Santa Clans Is no devotee e! the Muift idea the tej steus an- all deliea up for Chtlstimis. As un uddlltemil note el the hi nuni li I,,,,,- I,., ut-iiml iluii llm I 'lirlst mas spirit mnj legally have mine than ball ei i per ient kick. The advantage that the single-lraik mind bus ever the single-track railroad that the single-track mind runs eulj In one directum. The public will have no sj input-1; for the single-track mind that erduliu flit wooden cms sluill endure until illsaaU' straps them. Mnlti.li flittf-t iltlvnnci nlw-li.il uu Ufl'tS .-..-... , ........ i.v,.lfl3 vi's-s-- ' ' -i ser a man who had died two dajs before m election; did It knewjngij, at that, rntlie' tlinii split the Democratic ticket. It Is tail last fact which makes the case pecuiur Dead ones are frequently elected, but M vuteis den t Knew it. It mnv tin tlnil Vtn X'iiIepi, Is lint linl leus te provoke the "violent conflict" J" sees in (he treaty; that bis pretest "'; tjj taken in a Pickwickian sense, and thnt -" gesture is merely one of seeming rehicta"1 te nicept the liievltublc, lest the Urltl" slieuld think tliu Irish tee eager for peace. The public has wrestled long with jli problem of the P. It. T. and its umlerlxHi companies; but if t'he Public Service Cew mission puts a low valuation en stn-et rail road property that corporation will ''"vfi', wiestfe with the question all by its lV' loiiesemo. Great Is the satisfaction In P""' lug the buck. That Jehn Hull is an old iamp.ilJr was shown bj his tcieasc of Sinn Peia Pri' eners. Hj pieinpt acceptance of the pact " i) iihdge the Inter pretest of De Vnlcrii M discounted. Pnlcss the Irish leader I" -" enough te accept the inevitable his !"''' shin must pass, mid rlglitly. The ""' et Ireland is bigger than hi" pilde. Nothing that savers of a disarmaret conference appeals te Dc Vuleru. "V',c0i, even agree te peace "In principle, M statesman ha continues te be a geed ma'", , miitlclan. .Meanwhile it is pleasing te new tlmt Arthur Griffith, founder of the W Pein and one of the Hgncrii of the pact, ' standing h.v it niul living up te bis -- name, which means "great faith. When bhe learned from Dr. Wil'V ! the Laboratory of Hygiene, tlut A. BJ?' ceultl Uve eighty dara en n cent, but w seventy-one en a nickel, the YeuW '' v-MU, in ii.. s. ...i .,!. ntinnnfiea ! 41VAL AUUl A1UV uuc paiu nnv BMI iLlnl bought bread with the penny, but wMvift Indigestible with the jitrit-j'i and, Wf.Mft (he wh quite conyluced there WOU eht' wrpiip with cither ItU nrltliuietlt! or JiU fn ,wi- lummy, v ufcw, - .j..,.d. ir s f , ''