kssssLV. c i. RlvrfvVinn PTr'" snre V i , & r$- ! L 'ir .1 r- IFV r lift , . V 21 'AGUINALDO, OLD FILIPINO REBEL CHIEF. LAUDS U.S. America Eulogized as Champien of Cause of Liberty Manila. 1 1.. De.-. 1'J. llty A. 1.) Amcricn wan ciiIdjIhI Iicic ttmlslit n having come te tlie l'lilllpiilnrs n "n mult of f'liniiiilnnlns t he i-niise of lil trty" In an ail(lrp! by 'triicuil Kmill'i Apuliiftlile, wlm, nfli'i tin- war with Kpnln, toil 1 lie liisurrri'llnn nRiiinst tin Pnltetl ytatrs for l'hlll.ipli.i' imlopi'iiil imlepi'iiil enre. Tlip grnrrnl nml Itilvmner (Si'iKtal 'NVoetl were stit"'ts of linniir nt thr nn Jiual baiiiuct of tlie Philippine War Veteran. "Ainerlea." lie cenrliiilrcl. "i n tin tlnn Imbued with Mirh rti.mlil.ng IdeaN she can lie tnMeil snfi'lv. anil called the friend nnd leinrnde of mnll natien1"." Ueconiinendntien lj Senetar.v Week" that the I'hitiuptue ls'iiml (ieverninent "cheuld "'t out of several lnvetnieiit-. Mich as the Philippine Nntiennl Hank. Manila Unllread ''enipan nml the N'm. tiennl Develepinent t'einpaiij ." haw Ihtii reeeiveil by (ieM'iunr (iineinl Weed, who ent n ceny of the irrnm irrnm niendntien te (lie ..rsMutiiii' aim !' parttiient veeretarie". (!ovrner (ien- ral Weed made similar rei-iii'iiii"tiilii tlens In n brief iiii's.:i:c' te lie l.i'sU Inline. RIGHT TO DISMISS UPHELD Trelley Company Justified in Dis charging Motorman After Wreck Pellsville. Pa., lire 12. Tin- Ka-t-m Pcniiylviiiiia Itntlua.v 'eniinny nti ii notable victory Siituril.iy night, xvlii'ii an Arbitration t'oiiinii-eion handed down n dei'i-ieii tlini tin- om em pany mi justitted in rti'idmritlns .lehn Hernier, n iiiotermnn. who was ili misled from the service of the ceinpauy follewliiR a wreck in wlmh vviMilvi'ti persons were Injured. The AnialROinated Aw latum of Stieet Kallwiy Kmplnvei uKted Dor Der mer should net be b'amrtl and should be re emplevrd. The company, al though claiming the right te discharge any man It saw til ncrecil te an nr nr hltratien. se that the evidence i-nuhl he .heard by an iiunnrtiiil tilbunal. T. 1'. Clark, of Chiiage. represented the em em ldejes as an arbitrater: ('. S Bnrn rarl. of Atlanta, represented the mm pany, nnd I. A. l.eeb, of the Pennsyl vania ICailread. wn the thiid man. The award against Dermer was unntiimeus, and his complaint was dismissed. CANADA OFFICIAL ENDS LIFE Ft. E. Rourke. Comptroller of Cur rency. Found Dead Frem Poison Ottawa. l).(. r K Comptroller of t'lirri'iuv million (ieveriiment, took night by swallowing poison. Fellow ing the discevrrj (ieveriiment eflirinK mnile for several months Mr lien F. Ueuike. in the Do De lus life lust of his bed known that rke had been directing an audit of his depiiitmi-nt through which disci epanrles snid te to tal about ;.".:'., ( Hid had been brought te Jlght. As result of the sheitages, po pe Bice deidured. it n official of the Finance Department was placed under surveil lance. Spokesmen for the Finance liepart nient made plain that the discrepancies Jiad no relation te Mr Ueuike's bram-h of the (levcrnment's business. MEMORIAL F0RDR. HOSKINS Leading Veterinarians Held Memo Meme rial Today for Fermer Philadelphian New Ynrli, Dec. l'J. Memeiial seiv lces for Dr. W. Ilnifu-e llesk lis. ileuu of New Yerk I'lilici-sity Vetcrinaiv Col lege, and at one time I)eiiieeiiitic nomi nee for Mayer of Philadelphia, who died last summer, will he held heie lo le jiight at the Veterinary College, .".:!1 East Twenty sUthvstreet Trhiltes will' be i'ald In Dr Albert T. Klnsely, tirrslijciij. of the American Veterinary Medii al ,Ashe uitien : Dr. Klmer Kllnwerth, llrnwn. chnnM'ller of New Yerl I'niverslty : Dr .lehn P. Muiin, represcntinfl(hlie rniwisit.v fac ulty: Dr. SainfirPA, Itrnwn, dean et New Yerk I'lilviM'-lty Med'cnl Scheel ; Dr. VeraniiH A. Moeie. Cernell Veteri nary Cellege: Dr. (lerahl K (iritlin Dr. I.flnnd D. Ives. Dr l.ester II Heward. Dr. W. Held l.hiir. Dr. I lei bert Lewe, Dr. Itebeit F. Mosedale and Dr. .lehn W Adams, Fniversitj of Pennsjlvania Velerlnar. L'e'lege. D'ANNUNZIO TO VISIT TURKS Peet. Enthusing Over the National ists, te Make Trip in Spring Constantinople. Dec T' Aicetding te Anatolian newspapers in clved here. fiabrlele d'Annunzie. who has ie vealed himself ns nn adiinrer of the Turkish Nationalist movement, is e pei'ted te visit Angera next Mirim.. The Nationalists me wrought up ever the seizure of munitien1) and the mptiirc of a Turkish officer en boa id un Italinn hip off Ceplialenia. and also nvtr Mic nj-snult committed against P.ektr S.itnv Hey, former Nationalist Foreign .Min ister, by a mob of (iieek in 1'ini' n. Te Discuss Symbolic Literature "Fantasy and Svinbellsm in the Modern Short Sterj" will he ihe them of a lecture bv Freilerii-k Paulding, which will be given at S e'i lock to night at the Catholic Cirls' High Si hoot. Nineteenth' and Weed stieets, under the ailKpk'Ps of the Philadelphia Direc torate of the Catholic Summer Scheel Extension. This, the fourth of the lei -tiircn In the series, will deal imrtuu larcly with Theophile limit ier's mas tcrpiece, "The Iummv' Feet." ami Oncar Wlldf'H nllegeiy. "The Yeung King" Beat!) ADEI. Dec 11 1021 l-CI II llll" I RTlAMIILE. wife of Frnm J Abe' as u Tt Helatlvea aid fnenus are lmii.il i, a' e ) funeral acrvlcea. Wed le A M ' pari, re of C, It. Hartranft. 3021 Uennnn'ew n a e Int.1 private Friends may ca'l i lies vv ADAMS. On Die 10. 1021. RAi'HLI D si fe of the lata William P Ad.nn" -e, Ice en Wednesday afternoon at 2 e c rt ai her residence. B00l I'ulaakl uie Uniiiui town. Interment prllate ALI1ANY Dec 0 CAllOLINE Al 1MI Its of Ilirberd F. Allan) Pun ral a. r tcea Tues., 2 I. St . residence Mi Clenaeban s Mill rend Wynnewood Pa. Inl ornate nEIEEL, Dec II E.MILIH I ne, Weber), widow of Jehn tleerge Ileise' u,i notice of funeral, from retddemc uh.ij s flmedley steet ' IiEROE -- Sudd.n, Dec. Is, GEORGE husband of I mma nerge (nee Dletz) aie I 70, llelatliva and friends, also l.ennl l.ennpa Yr.be. Ne. II I O R. .11 . aie Inil ed t. .v tend funeral rilces Sten.. 2 30 M at rrslden s 1318 W Seigefht st Inl pr tale, Northweed Cem DEIUIY On Dee 0. I02t EDWARD S. husband of Nellie Y Hern, of 321) H lTlh at, Iteiatlies and friends uie Inilted te the aervice en Tuesday afletnoen. at 1 30 o'clock. t Hte Second Pr- abyterlan Church Slat and Walnut ata Interment private. Woodlands Cemetery New Yerk (My and tjyracuse. N Y papers please copy c CNHF.BTAKEKH 14 HOURlT SKRVICE en cleanlnr or dyaln .(nawii: mr mourning. 1 '' .' J. G. PATT0N LtERS 8. jtlh... OwtBs.n90 ISflUYLERSl IVI BROAD and IJ DIAMOND I ifimv.a'j , , . ,, ., UK AT IIS BOND. -tvc. 8, neilKnT a.. hubnd of Inte Mnry Ilond Jlflntl unit frlcndi In- i vlted le funfrwl nervlces. Men. a 1".M . i 1 reld"tice, t)'."J Aferri si. Int. prlalt. View- , I in Sun . H le 111 I. M l IIOOZK Of 11S0 Hrrne at., en Dee. te . I ttl'M AIlTlll'tl W. IIOOZK lie Hlle nml frlen'ctii nr- InWte.l te .the wrMce. oil- Tuev , iln mernltiB. hi 11 e'c eck ilt HI Murk I Church. Ullh nnil l.wint u lnlennent nl It Jnin'i" the I.eFd tlenmlns mnv be lecil en' Memlnj eenln nnil uiit I 1U 3D Tueidnj mernlnK at IS-'O Cticnllillt St I neriJni:ii.-uc . iiemkht. .en of ' I elle nml Illneche Ite'HTh"r, aithI a Iloln Ileln tles nml friends nre lnlteit te aitenil fu- , pern I ferilcen Tne , g I' M.. nt llie earei.te' ieldenre. li'JT Mnilhiirniigh el tut prlnt Iteinnlin nm lm leeil Mun "fnflAl)V' "en tec 10, inji, Wtl.T.tAM T. ItllADY funeral un TMemlny iiiernlnK. Ht 1 H no o'clock from the OllNer It. Ilnlr UlilK.. ' 18'Ji) Cheetnnt el Melenni hlKh. mass nt !l i rrnncln ile Sftli111 Church at 10 o'lleik. ln lertnenl t Ilel crenn Cenieterv ' I1I1AID lee. Ill Iti'JI. nl WiifihlnRten I) r. BJIMA I.OI'ISA widow of Andrew llrald HelntUes r.nd friend nr Inxllnl le ntlend funeral erWre, Tile J1 M nt iTIllnw Hre , 41,"3 N llrnad l lni pri- RmlNallfllHT - SudilenH. Dec. 11 t'HANK rr.llltV mil of lule .le. iierl J-nrih l'rr Itr inuhuret. Itelnih and frl.-ndu In Ucl te f'ine'.-ii serlirn Wed a l M . ieIJ.nce n,IL'. l.rnne el (lerninn own In at the convenience of f.'ntlU llltOOMAt.l. -Dee (l IUJ1. IlKullcll: A hulnnil of Annie llmninnll, H"lntl- anl friends lnlied I" funernl rrMre. n . ,1 I1 M Inle reriileniH .Min I'lne i Iiarlu Pa I'rlend m.y a, I 1 m r re Int. oil '"imi'ct: -nn Dei in urn mhy k wife of Divlil V Un ie ltetie aiel fr.ends fire mlted te the Ferle- en rina- i dn iiftermmii, at '.' nce-k. nl her Inle resi lience, lis;, . 3llh ei Intetnient nl Ailing Ien 'cneiei. Viewing MnnilJ' eenini: llltCNnil Die In lil.XHV II lllir.NWt 1 nueil till h. n nice. llelatUe nnd f' end" lam muted In ntlend funeral muxes Tnce . , '.' I1 M iireilseH, at hi" lute r-aidente. L'l i: P ie 1 . Ilermintnwn tnl private m.'ItC.KSH Huddrnlt ! I'"' 1" HOll HHT .x lirllllCSH. husli'.nd er llraee I.. I'hndulrk :.nd fAth. r tf l'hwlnlk HuigeJs asi'd .111 Cliner.il e" ice ill Of helil at hn home, HUT Piealdent t llruekln .V V Tue" Dec 1 s p. M 1'AHItHl.VN. Dee s IP.'I lt(ii: V CllHIOA (ne Diiiiiinmli wife of late Peier I'anmin. llnintces nnd Iilend" are inviied te funeral rue s.:m M. from her Inle r..ldince 20VS II 1'irlh ' Solemn leyulem mass it I'hurrh ef Ihe iiltatlen 1U A M Int. New I'nti'eilml rem ci.VltK Dc Hi Jlli'll KI. Iimlniiil i.f lale lnbe '.i Cull, lteUillws Bed til'llds Ii Mini ie tunvral W.il. S :i" A M . fieei III), r "Id ie cf Ills ni", 1" Mini. Pe in ITill lliihmuid el .s(. emu i,uileni mass ! i i.huili of limnaculitE Cen. puei. ID I Int. IIelv Cres Ctm COLLINS On Hi 1" 1!'-'l ' V I" 1 1 ltINi:. widow of Michael Cull Ti Vim ml nn Tliiirdn mnriMiK. at .1" i I. from h.r resdin 'J(i:i S 'JHh il Solemn n lulem mas in St Pairlck iMiuuh nt in oelerk Iti lllfllt III Hid Cntheillal Ceill- rteri CHNNKI.I.Y Dee 1 .1 MA II V L wifef Flnithoieirnw Ceiiiieli.s and sltr of lir s Pathii .lehn J Walsh Itentit.p und fi i"ini ii" lnll.-d te nitend fime'il i-t ' ;n A M Inle leeldeire. -JUll N Hull el Sel , inn requiem mass at Si. Kdnard's i hu',h H A M lilt. T,iiuhiii.i Pa 'I'.imi'iJJ panel s p e.le 0H , COMJl'KST. On Sll Ulda' Her Inn, I'HAHI.r.S. leunaent eon of the late Milll.un I' and MirKarei Lhwh Condu et .Ser.i." and Inlernuni private IU) LI. V Dec H He, .It, UN T. ' (,JLI.. lei nuilifnl leelet nT Si Telesi s I! i. i'IiukIi and a ni of lale Timntn D ai.d .lane CieU (nee d'll.ra) and nephiw ,.f hue Itl (lev, W'llllaiu ) llarn, laej lllhnp of Srrnnlen. uKed (12 'l'he renend t,eri!, ntlei and fil-nds a'e milled te niiend llllieilii. Tlls II V M . HI SI 1'eleu.l's i hulih llrftnu and Cnllianne nt" Di.ne 1 lift e at '.i ,'ln A M Solemn inai-a and le qulem at III A M lilt Ilii fi I'em DLACHN -VI Ml ltel'l. N .1 Twelfth Menth Hlh MAIIY MUOUK, widow of II Clank Deacon. In her !)0II1 'e.ir ItelntUe" and fi,end" inMlen te funeial from her late i Idem . sll Cn en id . Mi. lleil). N 3 , s,.en, ,i.v a p .M Di:i.ANi:y -Un I" MIi'IIAKL huruiinil n' late Catharine D.dliu ItelativeH and frlende also imiili'a of 'alketie DveltiK i'e nnd Hull Name seclelv of SI Jean of Ais i lunch. Inilled le funeral. Turn . s '.SO M. i'llrn. of auti-lll-law Harry Wiand. L'OHI L. Ituimll n ltenuim ma" Si Jean of .'ii Chuiih 10 A ,l. int. lieli i re Cem. )i lYLL it Cheater Pa former. I of (lleilcatM- .' oil ll '.I KI.LK.V wife id the lale I1 I' i A. He.il lilll"inl 'I'uea s .'10 e lei k finm her ulster's residence. Mrs Piler K I'arlei Ida K. 1'Jlh hi Chester. I'll Mat. Ill e i ,eck St .Mhtiae a church. Int. M .faii s cm (lleuieatir N .1 HOCC.lILItl V Hc 11 PI.TIIH.K hu? h. nd of lati le.iLellu Heurhnli. Iteallle" and fllend" aim 'I A H Mirieli lei Nil ne. 1 all ei Sh rl,, l lien Sel letv at'' i n ploy, " of P. It T united le attend fu ll ral TnuiM s te A -M. late iinulenre ST1 N 4sih st Sele ' u miij'er.i mies al ihe Ciuli'h if Cii. Meth".' jl Seiiuwa lu A M tnl i athedial Cem. LISLNllllew.s. tlc, s, in,'.i.i nu hand of Maiv HltH-nbie'in (nee We hi, at-'.d 7i, llelitlv's anl f i lends, a I no Ape.i.i I edrfe. Ne 3"il. !'. and A -M Cnlumbu IS. A. C Ne MI, liuar.il.m l.edse. Ne. 4HJ I O. O !" Keuilh of July Ledce Ne. Hill K of P . Hen Je'm A. I,ejin Pe"t, S. i 113. -l A It.. I'll U. N'nial elerana' A?". I'.llIHUiit AaJ . N'.ilal Veterans; MiKlnirale" of Phlla , and Apelle Castle Ne 3. K fl f. aie lniitei te iiiene fu let.ll 'IU"S.. " P M . risieenre. 107 f. 3Sih el lnt Arllnsten tin, Krlendi may ca I Men. eie IIVONS D-e !l lnSLPIl L. hunbatnl of Hilen Hiene. l'.ei n and fi..nd. also dir lle i Name Sei ,-t . and empleea et N si , . enbiirn ft C" ln led le ntlend funeial Tliei 8 !10 A M . lain resilience ii lu ,N .Mth hi. UlBh ii ,ish at Chiinh of Oui ij of utnri in V M lnt private. riCHTLI. -H c S. ACCCSTA C. I, rii'HTKL lnM lleMi'nicl. i Idew of t lurle Kichtel. IlelatiieM and friends bio linlled te attend fuie-ril sen lie. Men - P M at hei late i call' no-, .VJ'.I H. 4'Jlh et lni pi 'late r'lSl'IIHK -D-r 7 CATIIKItLSi: P. riSi'HKIt I,aiiia and friends alsn the (irand Temp.e the Orand Castle Oftirers of the L. H K the Caledonia Temple. Ne l3e L O. 11.. nnd emnleies nf Ulmhel Urns are lni lied le airiliea. i'un . 7 P. .I pre lsel. . at the nenrtirents of W lllam II H,iltelb. 3.1111 N. Hrold sr lnt .Men 1 P M . at Pleasantlllte Cem . N J l'LANAOAN Dec n In.. SAiMK danchter of lanns and the lite Anne f'lan nuan (nee Deiimi In he- J."th lear K- In ttlea iiMd friends are iniit'd te ntl.nd f.l lieral. Wed . 11 A. M from the !e,dein, of her ceuallr Jehn I'. MiDlllt L".'(IN (iieen lih at CJ'.M nnd Hicltlnaeii sin i , i emn hiah mnm of reiiui.ni. i Aniliens a i hun n 10 30 A M lnt II" i i men. l'HANKI.IN Dm 10 at his M,d"n e V indrlm and I.linllei i -t.. Hi. JOILN II HU'NIil.IN Ii.isImii.i ..I Man P lirad' Kinnklin aifd Se I',,'l.ile" ,ind friend- a se L. Hem Sta Lndke. Ne 1M1 r. a. id M . and JirusiVm Chapl'i Ne 3 It C ale Inlited le allilid funeial Wd 'J P. M. from 'lie pailira jf Mirtin Lvov A -' n. L' lu Dlinurd l. lni (Hi ale, Mt IVn e c. -i I'ltLNCH Dee !i tti S..uihern Pine, n' f LLIZAHHTII M wif. of- Ltmnet Kriiu n Relnllies i.nd friends Inilled le fun. ral Til. s mernlnir s 30 e Un 1 from the resl di-ni" of h.-i Hl"tei MIh .Marie ON. Ill ..',! st nnd orlreic a Sel' inn reipitein inan at Pt H'lila Churth at 10 M Inl M Denis' c- rn. i, ALI.AUIII.il - rv ID lil'.JlTltl'DI' P l leled nauihlM t llus) I' ind lath eritie H.lUliirr.l (fee M L.i mhhtll Itel.i IMH I lid fi.n.N Jse II V M SedBll i cf rm 1 id i f Ite -t i ulun. Ii Ini't-d te run r.i. pe-.!' Stunning Embroidered Serge Dress Yes tr i SI (IS I, it an send r,r ty one ie a . us us lemer at this npe al nim- lllctil price. Ahsniuie (he blgges bar gain i l lears I'hts ' inning n m Ii i id' i en diewa s made of a fine grade r t'en serce. has beauHfu' w Ii i i e pi'iue ) a i find i u ft Pearl liutinns t u n down front. Pleas ng natch poi k ' In. a . rt e s ihe rharniihg ef frd White l II I I 1 ll ' jieckeis add wenderfuni fe Its beaut Kelt etnbre ti ered In ds IIKhtful eel ,r ed d e a I K n Think of It only l 08, Direct te jeu. Send Ne Miitiev Net a pennv new Just send a postcard or letter. I'ai tne postman pnly 1 US and post pest aue then try the dress en It ieu are net completely sal lulled with the atle, lit, material and workmanship, leturn the dress ut our ex pense, and our money will be aent back te you at enie Celers, blue or lllack. Sizes 10 te 20 for misses and small women. 34 te 30 for women, Extra sizes 48 te 00, Mic extra. Address HI) lit 1L. NILVKIWKKKN CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. 51-98 ,s e IKH e W z. M mm. EVENING PUBLIC HKATHB intend tuneral. Weif., S-30 A. M., renldenci, 321 N lltat st. Solemn requiem mmi nt Our Lndv of He try Ctvirch 10 A. M. lnt St. -Drnls' Cem 011111 On D"C. 10. m21. M.tltOAHKT PI'.LL. widow nf Jehn fllbl). Relative" nl,d friends urn lni lied te the sen Ice, en Tue dnv afletnoen. nt 1! o'clock at her late realdence. 4t)'.'t) llaltlmeru ne. Interment (1LASS. On D'C 11. 11)21. KLIZAHRTH S . dnufthtr of Jutii'n and Mary K Olf.ss, Herilrn en Thuinlny nfternnen. at 2S10 n'cnrk at her lale residence. SIR 5 81 Bernard m. Internrent at Mt. Merlah Cetn eterv (1LSS On Dee 10 1fl2i IimiTIIA (1LASS lne While), wife of Arthur M. (Ilase. of Bfl.'S Helmnr terrare. Helatlvea and friends urn Inilled te Urn service, en Menriai nflernoen. at e'lluik, at the O I ler II Hair llldu . IS20 Chestnut at Inter nerd prlinie (lOOD.MHN Dec 10. KLt,tlBTIt flOOHMANt wife of the Lite Wllllnni II. llnnd man llelatlies ftiul friends are In i lied lu attend flliiernl, Wed , 2 P .M . from her Inle realilenc. 1108 V. palmer el lnt, prlinte. North Ce,lar Hill Citn Viewing Tues . 7 te II P. M. flOHDON. Siiddnif'v, nee 0 I.ONZO OOHDON. Hen ice- nt the home of his i niiKht'T 231 W. Hertter s' , del mantew n. Tik a II A M tnt private OltXY Dei II lil.'l, HANNAH It. (nee Parker), w'f. n' Chnrles K (lrn Iletatlies nnd frl n.t are inlted te nttend funernl ",rili nl bet lnt t""ldence 4002 s ,i,th I . Wed 2 P M nr.il-cl1 Int. lVrmvoed C-ir 1'rlends mnv ,-all Ti'es iv IICYHIL Dec 10 JOSHPII Ill'YIIIl. ion of Mnrmiiet nml the lale Adam tliuer, nurd fiH Ite'ntlies nnd friends, also nil asFei'lntlnns of whp h he wns a nc niher. are lnill.il le attend funernl sTilces. Wed, 2 P. M.. at his hriitl er'a resld. nee William II iluiei 70." 2 Tulip st . Taieni lnt Preshi terinn Church Ornunds Trlends nui cull Tue . IS te ID P M IIMIBH. Dee in IH21. MAIIY -X . widow nf Chniles IlnK i Itelatlies nrd friends are tnillnl te nttend funeral seiices, Men. ,' P. M , residence of her ilainchter. .Mr. Frank A M'elaner, 321 H. Tlllpehecken si , Her Her mnniewn. Inl I'e .! Lauii1 Cem , lluaule, N. Y IM.MMOMi-.ti lis res dence, 31,1 v Pert Jim n I ale IlnxboreiiKh, en Dec U. I1I2L K.MMKT. he rued husband of Hoiethi P Hnmmnnd aned An lears. Ilelatlie aisl friends o'se Mellta Ledce, Ne 2ll."i V and V M . and u II ether ors-anlzntlenn of ivh ch he wns a member are Inilted te the aenice, en Tti"sdjy afternoon at 1 30 o'clock, nt the oilier II. Jl.ilr liiilldihK Is'jn Cheslnut si. Interment nl Hillside Cemeicr.i VlewuiK Mnnrlnv eienlne IMWTHOIINI-: - Dec in I'uM'Mlrt'S It HMVTHOIlNis . K d is lleleilies ind fi.ends me ir Hen le attend funeral s.u , -hes Wed.. 2 ,'le P M insnlni.e I7."2 Pen 1 t . rrnnkrurd lnt pmatc l-'rlends ia:i Tins. cie. lll'stl'n.N" 11 m, .-mown N J . en Dec. (1 11121. Ji SIA1. S hill.an,l of 1 dlt H Dillen. Uehitne anl friend" inilled 10 finernl en 'I'ue'dni, IMIli Inst., at 1 P M., at his lite residence, inceniewn. N J. IIAYWOOU. On Die s nc'i. JuSHPIt II. husband of the nit" K.ile L. Haywood, ilied nil 10-1. Ilailic" ernl fi.ends ara United le the eriKts. en Menda after 1 con nl 2 01I0 k. at his late lesldence. Lei, ne. Mi I mad .'tnl Ledces lans. I'lmija, Pa Iniei men prii.tte Autnii will tm at Cinwjd Smtlen In meil trains leav.mi Hread Strut station 1.10 P M and leiil'iK Ner- 1 stmin, P.i . 111 I.1 is P M. IIHILMINN He s, 1(i-.'L ANNA IIMIHNUICCH Ili:iL.MNN widow of.L'ap ef.L'ap uiln (; A Heilmanti ufrid 2s Putieral aeri uea Men 2 V M at lesldence of tier mother Mrs, Jeasle IIiik, nbuch. DOKI W II lows Hie mt prnnie nOI'Lll (nie Helmii) Dec 7 KITH HYN i: wife nf Charles 1" llefer Itela tliee an 1 friends uie United in at ti nd functal eon Ins. Men, 1 P .".1 r.'s'dince 21114 N Perri st lnt pihale IIOI.LOWAY At llordentewn. N J. Dee. !. -IOSKPH K. HOLLOWAY In his li'Jd ear. Iteiatlies and friends are invited 10 attend funeral Men . nt 2 I' M . frnm his lata residence. 330 Pi lni si llerib mown. N.J. In' lln, dentnwn Ce-i HOOK -n. 11. IlfillLIir O HOOK. In bis 72d e r li'Uilies i-1 1 fi ends aie Iti tnl ie ni'eni fuee "1 fermes, Thurs . 2 I' M iisldel.r, -tr.ll Jesephine St. rrn-ikfut.l in pii R'e. I'i len-l. may call Wed me HOPI'KIt In Atlantic Cil '.' J. en Dc 0 102I. LAVKA A widow of Harry Shelmlie Heppet Heatlic nnd friends are Inilled te th scrilcc en Mendav nflernoen at 2 o'clecl, at lh" Oliin II Hair Dldc , lS2e Ch stnn' al l"ti rment pili"' HOWH M'B O-i Dec f 1021 ISARHLLA PARCEL POST SALE EXTRAORDINARY A. S. GOLDBERG, 708 Market St., Phila. New Gas-Mask Raincoats New Khaki Trousers Hxtra Heavy i.00 New and Perfect j$9 9il lil Army mm rMnV iPtvI Brand-New BSm WfrMK WU W T.. KEsk Brand New A Wy'wK ! I? 1 ,rousers " $i qc MmJX-n ! If 1 $1.65i -- x yr3nvMk ' - ' u s W jX If&fi tQkL,'ffl New Armv Army fS'M'll! J l 7 'firirrrt i I.ff 9 All- i' 1" . V l Ki, MP Officers . r,A"l (l ''V vlk i cu we1 mmUm V Mj 1 I nees Brand- feB.tS V W j f, $2 75 1 New G1 WJ ; (1 ' I 10c I llJ ffi&L I Hafe y-'.''--,v Urn nil N- hiiiI IVrfn t i 1 J it LARGE LOT OF ARMY AND NAVY SHOES AND OXFORDS Brand New; Values $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 Our Price. $1.00 Thousands of Other Articles of Werk Clethes and Army and Kivy Goods at the Same Proportion of Price BUYING. PLEASE MENTION LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', MONDAY, IKATH P.. ivlfrv nt the lata Jehn It. ll-inrate. nela tle nnil friends nra Invited te the serviced, en Tueaday nflernoen, nt 2 o'cleclf, at tier late residence, D448 D.illlmere axe. Inter num prlvnte. Friends m-ty call Monday evening. HUNTBIt (nee Rtackl. Dec. n. BntDOnT H.. wife of Uterire J. Hunter, nelatlvea and frlenda or famllv Inilled te attend funeral. Wed,, .:80 A, At., f.'em her late residence. 233(1 V. 3d at,. Cheater, Helemn mass of requiem Immaculate Heart Church 10 A M. Int. Hely Cress Cere IllKLAND Dec 10. KAMUKL. huaband of Hannah L. Ireland (nee Harbour), In his (leth venr. Jtelallles and friends, also Frsnkferd Council, Ne, 10, H. I', i 'Wash ington Ctnp, Je. 2IIS, I" O, H, of A . Krankfenl Urecers' Aase,, nnd Wlaalnemlnn Yacht Club, me Invlled te attend funeral. Thura at 2 1' St.. from hla late residence, 1704 Foulkrod al.. Krankferd Int. Cedar Hill Cem. Ilernrilna may be lewed Wed., from 8 le It) P. M. KBYS. On Dec. 10, 1021 Ht.I.KN widow of William Keye Kuncrnl en Tuesday morn mern Inir. nt 8.30 o'clock, from the residence of her niece. Mra, Mnry E. Taj ler. 2182 H. Ullh st Solemn hlKh mass at St Clement's Church at 10 o'clock. Interment at Mew r'lilrinilFn I ("aim LINDSAY.- Dec. 10. WILLIAM II. I.IND-J sY. aged 7. Iteiatlies nnd friends. Pest Ne 2, (1. A. II.. and all organizations of which he was n ine.nber. are Inilted te at' lend funeral services, Tues-.. 2 P, M pre tlrelj, at his Inte residence, 3033 Diamond nt Hit prllate. MAAS. -Dec, 10, 1021, JOSEPH MAAS. Sr., of 2 SI 5 Oxford at., husband et lale I'reilerlca Mans (nee Kech), In his 87th ear Ilejatlvea and frlenda Invited te nttend fu neral services. Tiles., 1:30 P. M., nt the funeral home of Jehn C. Klmmerle Sen. 2123-27 N. Hread at. Int. Uernmn Lutheran Cem Viewing- Men.. H te 10 1. M. MaeDOWKLL. Dec. 11. JUAN A diiuahter et Dera nnd the late David M MncHnwell. Helatlvea and friends are In ilted te attend funernl services. Thurs . 2 P. M.. mother's residence. 2024 S. Opal st. Inf. ML Merlah Cern. Ti lends may call Wed eie. MACKAniN At his reslderce 101 Church read, Ardmore, Pa . en Dec. d 1021, Dr. MALCOLM MACKAIU.AN. aned Ml ears. Ilelat les and friends are Inilted te the eenlce en Mendny afternoon at 2 o'clock, nt the Church of the New Jerusalem. 22dand Cheslnut als. Interment prllate. MAHTIN - Dec. It. MAIIY, widow of Chnrl's C Martin, nurd 81 Funeral sen Ices Wed 1 P M . nt Penn Widows' Asi- lum. 14U1 L'. Susquehanna aie. lnt nri- inle I McCAHTHV Dec. II. CORNKLIL'S. bus- land of the Inte Anna .McCnrths (nee 1 FeKariv). Itelatliea r.nd friends of tin I family Inilted le funeral, Wed.. H.30 A M from Ihg parlors of Jnnies J. nnn & Sen ! 2"n4 W. Lehljh me. Solemn hliih mass of requiem nt St. Celumba'a Cliurili 10 A M I Inl lleli Ciess Cem. I McKHNNA.- Dec. i. PATHICK. husband of Inte .Mary Mekenna. of County Armagh. Ireland Itrlntllea and friends, also Hely Name Secl. tv of the Corpus Chrlstl Church, are Inilted te attend funeral, Tues, 8 A M . fiem his late residence. 3100 N. 2IUh si. Solemn requiem mass Church of Corpus Chrlstl II A M Int. Westminster Cem. .MKYNKN-HHHLKIt. Suddenly. In Co logne, (isrmnni, Nev. 21, 1021 IIHTTIH MHYNHN-KHKLKll wife of l.euls Kbeler nnd daughter of AinelU nnd the Inte Klunz Mcj nen JHLI.KP. Dec. B. WALLACE O.. htis band of Virginia Oelss Miller, In nis e.ld i.ce R.nlr.i Mnn 1 1 ir . 1,1. I..A .... . .v. ..,.-- .-,.. . a i ..,., uv Kin , a I 13 r.alrl.nrn I'll Menln ut fllanal. l'u In, Centre Hall Cem . Centre Ce., Pa' MONTIIITH Dee 10. KLIKAMTril MON TIKTH Itelntlvrs and fl lends ara Inilted te i tlend funeral. Tues. 2 1. M., chael of Andrew J. Hair A Sun, Aich and 10. h ils lnt Mt Merlah Cem. MOUTIMEK. Dec. H. MARY, daughter of the late Themas and Jennie Mortimer, aged (l.'i Iteiatlies and friends Invited te fu lcra 1 aenic"s Tues., 8 1. M at the resi dence of her brother. Themas Mortimer (While Oak Kami) Vernen id. east nf Sien Sien ten aie.. Mt. Aln- Int. Ivy HIM Cem. Friends may call Men. eie. Nr.MTON At her lale rcsWcn.e 1029 Sinn n si . Dec. 10, 1021. LOUISA SWIFT NHWTON. Funerul eenlce nnd Interment priiate PARK Djc 11, MARY ANN TARIC (ien fkfli' w dew of Jeseph Park. Jtelntlies and friends, nlse Lr.dlee' Temperance Se cletv nf St Jeschlm'a Parish, Inilted te at ,end funeral. Thins., 8'3e A. M.. from her late reildeme 13(11 Unity et . Frnnkferd Si. I. mn leiui.Ti 'nass at St. Jearhlm's Church in A M. Int. St. Dumlmc s Cem. P case emit flewtrs. PAKCEL POST Rawhide Shee Laces 2c Pair VAI.IK 2Sc e New H 1 is. ' POSITIVELY NONE SENT BY PARCEL POST Sale Starts Monday Morning at 8:30 A. S. GOLDBERG 70S Market Street, Phila. EVHPM DKATIIB. TLATZEn. At Trenten, N. J., en Dec. 0. 1021. LEWIS rLATZElt. nelatlvea and friends, also Court Hamilton, Ne. 00, J. et A, are Invited te the service, en Men. day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his daugh ter's residence, 170(1 N. r2ii at. Interment prrlvate. Friends may tall Sunday evening. PIIKISINO. Dee. 11, 1021. SAItAH (nee Haines), wife of Max II. Prelslng. nelatlies and frlenda Invited te funeral services, Wed.. 1 P. M.. late residence. 010 Lincoln aye., Moere, Pa, Friends may call Tues. eve. Int. "'qULNN. Pec, 0, WILLIAM ,T aen of Farnh V. McLavghlln tid Ijte .lamta J. Quinn. Iteiatlies nd friends r.re Inilted In f,ll"n fnnerlil. Tiles. . 8:30 A M.. TCSl- derre, 420 S. 2rt h at, Belrmn masa of , tequlem at St. ratricka unurcn aw j. lnt Hely Cress Cem. REYNOLDS, Dec. H, MARY A., wife .of Heward A, Reynolds and daughter of Wil liam nnd Isabella Coulter (nee Arthur). Helatlvea and friends are invited te attend funeral aervlcet, Men . 2 I'. M.. at her parents' residence. 43 Laboratory. Hill, I' alls of Sehm'Iklll int. ill. Merlah Cem, neilEnTS. Dec. 11. WILLIAM S .be loved husband of A. Maude and son et Mary A, and the late William H. Roberts. Rela ii,.. and friends, also empleyes et Phlla. fc Reading Ilwy . and all ether organisa erganisa organisa teons of which he wna a member. Invited te sen-Ires, al his late residence, 2020 N. 10th st.. Wed., 2 I M. Remalna may be i lowed n-.,. .',.. ? i1 t. SCIinOETER -Dee 10. EM1L M. SCIIROF.TER. Relatlies nnd friends are In illed te nttend funeral aenlces, Tues., t P, M.. et his sister's residence. Mrs, Har riet K. I'elwell, "0i)7 Callowhill at. lnt, "rscelT. Oec. 10. ANNA M . widow nf Jeseph N. Scott. Relallies nnd friends are Inilted te ntlend funeral servleis, at her Inte resldmc- l'enns Park, l'a , Wed, Die. 14, 2'30 P. M HHL'I.L. Dec e. CLARENCE IJ bus. band of Isabelle II. Shull. nged 40 years. Services Men . t P M . late residence. 4030 Olrnrd ale. Hit private. Mt. Merlah Cem. SMITH. Dec. 8 SAMUEL L., husband nf Emma Pile Smith. Funeral services Mnn P. M.. 1424 N. B2d St. Oriental Led,e. Nn. 3H5 F and A. M. : Protection I ledge. Ne 243 I p. p. F. , Harmony , Ledge. Ne 4S. 1. of t". ivashlngten Camp Ne. 270. P. O. S. of A.. Invited Int. nt Montrese Cem Friends may call Sun. eie. I SMITH, un tne liitn insi., jiaciiel M ' dnughter -f Welter S. and Susnn Smith I Iteiatlies and filenda. a'ae empleyes of the i ' rruneniini inraiu i-e., uiviieu ie services, I Wed . 2 P. M . at residence of parents, 2442 Olenwoed nie. Friends may call Tuea. I rienlnir, 8 te 10, I TA1TH Suddnlv en Dec. 11, 1021 i JULIA II., wife of Itenjamln (I. Talie Sen Ire en Thursday mernlr. at 10:30 o'clock, at the Oilier It. Hair llulldinr 1820 Chestnut st Interment private. i TlMMw.V D c. 8, CORNELIA JAMI- ' SON, datiBhter of late Charles W. nnt Lu. Inda .1 Tlmmens. Rclitlves and friend In iPed te nttend funeral services, Man, 2 P. M.. at residence of her brother, Daild .1 Timinens, Penn ale., Dtexcl Hill. Int. pri vate. VAN NHWKIRK. (nee TInf) Dec 10 1021, ROSE M.. wife of Jehn E. Van New- kirk, aged 3(. Funeral Wed , 3 P M resl- , dence. 2318 W Yerk nt. Int. Herman t.utli eran Cem Remains may b viewed Tues. 8 te 10 P. M WARE. Suddenlv, Dec. 0 W RHEN V WARE, aged AS. Rrlntties and friends, nlse l.nusdenne Ledce, Ne 711, F. nnd A M Cnliersltv R A Chapter Ne 2,"(1, Thlla. Cemmanderv, Ne. 2, K. T. : Phlla Council Ne. 11; Phlla. Consistory and Lu J..U Temple, are Int'led te nttend funeral, Mnn., 2 r M , fiem his late residence, 8 W. Stratford ale Lnnsrtnw-re pn Int. Arlington Cem WHALEN - Dec. 0. SAMUEL WItAI.CN Pelellv s ard f lends Invitee in fun mi Wed S 30 A M , residence cf his brother. Hany Wbnlen, 7110 Pnnchall nie. High mass at St. Clement's Church 10 A. M lnt Hnlv Cress Cem. WEDER. Dec. 10. 1021, EI.tZAHETH I wlf" of la e Henry W.jber (nc Schaefer), , In her S8h sear, Iteiatlies and friends, nlse I memtrrs of the Ladles' Pfaelrer and Cann- flatter. Ne. 2, Yearly. Ileneflclal Society, In. I illed, le funeral. Tues., 1 I. M , from her i Inle residence, 3111 X Darlen st. lnt lit Il'tlsI'le- Cem,, ln funeral car. Remains mnv be ilwed Men. ell-. WL'IHMAN. Drc P ELIZAnETH. )e- Inied wife of Hermnn Wclhman, Sr . aged 01. Retatlna and friends ari Invited te nt tend funernl servlcen. Tues . 2 P M . at her husband's residence, 2004 E, Allegheny nve. lnt priiate. North Cednr ILUI Cem. Re nin in e.v he ilewed Men. ei. WILFONO. Dec. 10. WILLIAM, husband of Eliza Hella WllfOng. I'uneral services, Thurs.. 1 30 P SI.. B820 Slarkel at. Int. PARCEL POST New U.S. Army Rubber Hip Beets Army Web Waist Belts 5c Each U. S. Army Marine Overalls Jumpers Price wt cost f. s. mahim; tpnrs ni.ss PLIC LEDGER" DECEMBER 12, 1921 IIKATIIR Fernwood Cem. Friends may call Wed. evening, from 8 te 10 o'clock. WOLF. Dee. R. CAROLINE WOLF (nee Farrer), aged 0.7. Funeral services Men., 2 P. M residence 118 W Leuden at.. Ol ney. lnt, private. Frlenda may call Sun. WOODRUFF. On Dee, 0, 1021. formerly of 180 E. Lehigh ave JOHN II.. aen of the late J, Ilrlce and Mattl E. Woodruff. Itela tliea and frlenda, also employee of American Stores, are respectfully invited te funeral services, en Monday, at 2 P. M,. at the iarlera of E. Keisler & Ce., undertakers, HI33 W. Dauphin st. Remains may be viewed Sundav, 7 te 0 P. M Int. private, YOCUM, Dec. 10. PAULINE C. wife et William A. Yocum. Relatives and friends are Invited te nttend funeral services Tues.. 2 1", M.. ai ner lain reaieence, m . uainnii at. l!erms.ntewn. Int. Norlhweod Cem. Ho He malna may be viewed Men. eve. PAH0EI. POST Pure White Mild and Big ONE CAKE A WEEK One giant pound bar (16 ezs.) will last you an en tire week for your wash ing and housework. Famous for lit Economy since 1866 Save the wrappers. Visit our Gift Dept. this month. A full line of toys and Xmas merchandise en dis play. Yeu need only 5 NOV ELTY BORAX wrappers te make selection, balance cash at less than the wholesale cost. DAY & FRICK Gift Dept. 17G0 N. Heward St. SO BICYCLES WHOLESALE and RETAIL i h-ce WH CO m KEYSTONE CYCLE CO. 110 N. Fourth St., rhlla, DIAjMONDS bought Cash nnld nt eme. A. MrCI'TCIIKOX. Olllce, 631 Iteiil Kstiitt Trust llldg,. Hread Chestnut Ms, Hours In te 4. r- ; Tncm vn irriTTTkT- i LUbl AND FOUND DOO Lest, black female police deg, 8 irnnlhs' old, 22 Incni s high at shoulders, nt Wyneete, D.e. 10 Ilbcrnl reward. Eil- iMiid Dicksen. llMJal, l'a. Phene Ogontz 7B0. HAT Leat. black satin hat with sellew birds of paradise: blown from ear between Central Hetel, Bethlehem pike, Chestnut Hill I and Germantown nve.t Dec. 8, liberal re- ward P 1107, ledger Of Mr e u package, embriildr-l PACKAGE Lest, lust week, containing Jnpanese silk panel, and Jnpirese luncheon sei Reward If returntd te 5437 Aillngten Overhroek 33(14 at at. Phene PAY ENVELOPE Lest Sal.. 12 15 le 145 unopened p-y envelope; marked with name. number, date; Reute H car, Cramps' shin- liard te Kith st., en 10th at. te Columb a ave. and 15th nt: Perter et. car te Chestnut; liberal reward, f 71)3. Ledger Office PIN Lest, en Roosevelt boulevard a d'a- mend pin consisting of n stones, Saturday afterr.oen, Dec. 10, while walking en the I boulevard Suitable reward If returned te I 1503 N. Bread at, i PERSONALS WILL DUY Interests In unsettled nnd life rstates: leans nn stocks and bends; Lib erty lenda bought and aeld. it. ai FISHER, Idn Pine at. WRINKLE! it: frM'K us removed Madame I. Paulmard, 331 Real Est.Tr.Bldg. Wnl.OlSH HELP WANTED PEMALB ACCOUNTANT wllh exerutlve ability te tnl, a -narre of all accounting nnd te man. age the office of manufacturing plant, one who has had experience In the garment lnt dustry preferred, appelii'menta made bv let ters only te these uns'verlug briefly the fol lowing questiens: When and wrrrn born, married or slng.e, religion, tducatlen, exp. and salary expected. Rusemiu Bies. 25th and Westmoreland sis A PrHtMANNNT POSITION Whete previous experience Is unnecessary IH OPKN POIl YOl' If veu ere a young woman Between 18 and 25 ears nf age It paa you fourteen dollars a wee. At the start and offers unexcelled oppor tunity Fer advancement In responsibilities and salnrv Miss Sluv-ensen. at 1031 Arch st . Will te glad te have ou tome in And git further Infoimutlen. iii:i.i. ti:i.i:i'iienk company 110JKK1:i;';H-H ASSISTANT Thoroughly experienced wllh office details and capable of handling pay roll; only experienced need applv Neuman & Ilnl'ln, 121 N. 7th. 5 lh ft CLERK The arietititlng ilepatlinent nf the Pub Pub lle ledger Company desires the services of a young woman with ut least 2 .ears of hlah school training or Its cqulvulint. Apply lllh und Chestnut sis. Ask for Mr. Wlest ClKIUC hi office; high school educalleiT with working knowledge of stenography and seme bo)kkeeplng; state exp.. If any, age, religion and aalary. O till. Ledger Off. CLLUK Yeung lady te de general cleri cal work; references required. Apply de. partment of accounts. B, K. Dewees, 1122-24 Chestnut st. ENUUAVEIt JEWELUY AND SILVEHWAnE ON Apply Employment Bureau, fourth fleer. (UMBEL DHOTHEIIS ami, wanted, card cutting, with parlance, Apply, A, llartung I Baca atj aiKli, en.. WOMAN for light heili In nartharn section nt VMl. , ... duties I Isiauss. 1-lsirs. 1HCIC d IliC Seap for Yeu : KSTjjXj :j I r4ern-Lavr A;ia l matr suftr n i-i i le 4 -y y Ca. HELP WANTED FEMALE OlflL. housework, wanted, ioed homes no washing-. small family! 0309 H. Frent st. Wyoming psin. IIOimUKEKI'Hll. werklne, wanted te taKe full chara-e In, a small adult tnmy. Chea ter. I'a.J Catholic preferred. F 017, Ledger un ice, MIM'tNUItY DKHIUNKIl Wholeaale millinery house desires woman te take charse of workroom. Hmltli & Hart- nett. 7t Market si. NUllHBWiintnl. a irrnduale nurse te man aire a email prlvate hospital, small town; hospital up te date and fully equipped; treats all cases except contBirleus disease! In answering state bro. aalary expected and time that you ceit'd come. Address nil com munications te Dr. O. It. Lyen. Heliwoed. Indiana t'euntt'. l'a. OI'KllATOItH, KXPEniBNCBD. WANTI3D TO MAK AI.D TAnTH OP BIIIIITS FEW LKAIINE113- TAKEN! STEADY WenK YEAIl AIIOUND IN THE KINK8T Sllinr KACTOIIY IN I'lIIDADELl'IIIA! JUBT RKCENTDY 11UILT! EmilY CON VENIENCE TO MAKE IT COMFOIITAI1I.E FOIl OPEBATOnB! CAFETEllIA ON 1'REM. IBES aiiKENEDAUM DIIOS. & CO.. 88TII AN-'p'MAllKET. r oPEnA-reits 7. nv TOTTON DnCrtSES. WE HAVE nnrNINOS FOR 100 EXPERIENCED UFiUtiimS OP THE ItETTER TYPE WHO Aiv'V-AIlN READ WAOES AND. ENJOY THE PDE A S A NT, Bt Rl OIJNDINO P I1RO 807 AltCH t ! f-Kcesn n.oeR. SALESWOMEN FULL-TIME POSITIONS FOR Apply Employment Bureau, fourth fleer. OIMREL BROTHERS SILK SALESWOMEN tVE REQUIRE EXPERIENCED TVOME.N H-r.tsti.KS ht the YAlin: t:oei. WAGES AND PERMANENT POSITIONS. Al'l'1,1 LIT BROTHERS. BUREAU OF EMPLOYMF.NtlT. 2D FLOOR Till AZiu i-ii,ui(r a is. STENOORAritElt, yeunir. of ability and ex I pcrlenre, for responsible position. Apply Mr, Parker. D. L. Ward Ce , Frent nnd j Federal. UNUSUAL opportunity for women between the ages et 20 and 40, with Bales ability. Mrs, Merrill, 1041 Ileal Estate. Trust Bldg. (ItlUNO WOMAN. competent, edi'catcd. wanted for outdoor, personal service work In community; truarantcid aalary, M 72S, Ledger Olfl-e. fleneral MAKE MONEY AT HDME Teil can earn from 11 te 12 an hour in Neur spare tlme writing show cards; quickly, easily learned bv our new. almple method; no can vassing or soliciting; we teach you hew. guarantee ateadv work at home and pav ensh each week: full particulars booklet free. American Shew Card Scheel, Dept. 'i.lft Rvrlc Bldg,. Terente, Canada YODNQ LADIES, halrg 1 jear of 1-igTi school work or Its equivalent, wanted fe take nurses' training !n registered school; ceurse S years: remuneration given: rext dnss entering February 1, 1P22 Ter fur- H.er inremaiiin apply huperintendent of apply Nurses, N. Y, Memerial Ilespltal, Niagara Kails. WOMEN wanted te learn nursing, demand greater Ihnn supply, pond pav. learn nt home In ap.ire tlme; enrn while learning; ei'tlre tuition can be earned In few weeks; aperlal offer. Including free nurse's equip ment. Write for full particulars, Chicago Scheel of Nursing. Dept. F. 421 S. Ashland boulevard. Chicago. III. SELL US YOUR SPARE TIME We will train you te write show-cards for ua, no eanvaaslng or soliciting; we supply ou with steady work; distance no object; will pav seu from 115 te 1.10 a vieek. Wilsen Methods. Limited. Dept. 24, 04 East Rich men, Terente, Canada. CIVIL SERVICE examinations, Jan! and Feb.: many vacancies: salary tHOO-llHOO: write for aar.lp-e teat. P 1421. Ledger Office HELP WANTED MALE ADVERTISINO WRiTER eung man (25-3." years) who likes te writ? dignified advertising cepv. and who can write It fercilly, will find his opportunity with an old established advertising organ ization In Philadelphia, which Is growing lapldll. lie aheu d bc familiar with direct rrtall copy In Its several forms and with that for newspapers, whether for display purpevrs or otherwise- also preference will be guen Ihe men who expresses himself clearlv le the compositor nnd geia the typographical ' effects he proposes without tee much super- I vlsluii; In answering slata briefly education, experienrc ability te make tpe layouts, age. nallena'ltv. references nnd salary expeted. I replica will be treated confidentially. M 7.1U. I i.en.nr tin ice. ACCOUNTANT wllh exeruthe ability te take j charge of nil accounting and te manage the efflee of manufacturing plant: one who I has 'md experience In the garment Industry preierrea; appointments mnoe ny letters enlv , (e these answering briefly the following i questiens: When and where born, married or single, religion, education, exe. and salary , expected. Riueneau Dres , 25th and West West meielnnd sis. I AIIE YOU HEADED UP OH DOWN? Or are ou trnxellng a dull level course tliat h slew te kindle Interest nnd slew te I reiv honest effort? What does xeiie memerv I I "y you leek back ever 10217 What does the Inventory show? Little enough. In .ill . luuimuimj-, in me ense or marv a mnn wne ' leads this ad; but don't be disceuraged: next iar is Hiieiner :ear: lack or whirlwind suc tiss In the jenr new ending Isn't necessarllv nn uncomplimentary reflecllen en your abll ll It inav, and prebablv does, reflect mirel nbsence of the right opportunity, a fair scale of compensation work of merit, co-operation und bucking that counts; get In touch with us: knew what It means te work for a big ai.d dcp'ind.ihle corporation whose Interest in every Individual empee Is hiarty and ! sincere, whose peller of generous pav helps where help counts most, whose business Ir growing fast enough te make necessary tre quent promotions, a corporation that Is , Planning light new te place seme of the men w,, "P.1?'.'0 tM Invitation In positions of I rt'spenslblllty, where vylthln the next '.'ll,".,2', Hie'll ba earning at the rate of ! 10-"0" a Mr; " you re a Oentlle, ever 2,1. ' w0 urS9 seu te ,ake n running Jump Inte a prosperous new jear by sicing our manager I'vininiiivi i uiire, uetwenn lu anu , t.i.iie nuq, i.i,nu nun mm I rum lllllg A VACANCY new exists In the Philadelphia eitic if i.'i old nnuer-ttldr established In vestment house for im experienced man. Applicant should be nbeut 30 ca s of age, thoroughly f.tmlllar with eidlnary Dookktep Deokktep Doekktep Ing, wrlte a clear hand, quick nnd accurate ut figures and absolutely trustworthy. An energetic, neat-appearing office man with former oxperlunce in bunk or bend house preferred, but net essential: salary commensurate with experlence and ability, und advancement when capabilities proved. Communications should be add. In own handwililng and will he ceislderd strictly cenr , no Inquiries will he mnde without rei mlsalnn nf frppll-ant. C031. Ledger Office. I iiii"-ii-2 1.0.VD HAI.RSMCN AUK I'nCHLIAIlI.V AIJAI'TKD TO OUH BVSINUSS, ON13 ceN'iiivrTiin with madi: 115,000 last YIV.lt; Wll IIAVK 2 OPKNINOS. JONr'l DKNTIAL INIIl.MATION UPON UK- Qi'i:sT. ADuanss m 731. ludeuu ok- I ICt., llOOKKECI'UH wanted, must be well recem- I menaeii, state age und aalary expected. I c tin, ledger Office OIHTniBUTOn. Philadelphia and centrTb". utlng territery: te sell well advertised ap pliance te hotel and restaurant trade en commlaslen; a real opportunity for right man; glvn references nnd full particulars, jlerls .Manufuclurlng Ce.. Davenport, la. UIIIVnil-SALCSMIIN for pnalry routes; geed pay 10 the right men. Oeld .Medal Pastry I Ci'-- 524 Spruce st.. rear. " 1 UYKSTrKP SALESMAN We need a repre" senttttlve who should have (v working , knowledge of pre-war and American-made dyes. He must knew the die users In Phlla delphla and be able t make trips out of levvn occasionally. A jam or mill aupply , sulesman would be considered. The man we 1 employ must be clean-cut. vvell-tdcuated, of geed address, honest te Ihe core, with plenty of energy and the. ability le properly han dle himself In ths presence of ih hi le such a man we can otter an attractive ltttiwaiiiuii, ,IIO IIIO UeiUllB ieu yourself weuin require under the C 711. Ledger Office circumstances. l-XJIlEMAN IOU CI'iKAM FACTOHY Hstab. Ilahed vvbolesele ice creem manufactarer In New Yerk City wants experienced fore man who understands mixing, pasteurizing, treeilng, muit also understend Ices and .ancy f'.rms: permanent position; opportu epportu oppertu nlly for advancement, we want ability and knowledge; no beginners need apply, address stating age itferencea nnd wages dcalnu. Ir. 1 C,, ia.1t) llreadvvav-.N'nw Yerk; INDUST1UAL LIKE AQKNTS OET A VISION AND niSB TO innOEIt IlLTTEIt THINGS, Iini.PINCl ILANli AWAITS THOSE WITH AMBIT. OV AD nilESS M 7t. LEPOElt OPKICU MECHANICAL ENOINEEIl wanted, fully p".r2n,f,C;iier"ef'r:cfeyand b'y cWn.r?. .. ...,.,. ...... .unMun,, mill, Apply I1 Ledger Office " ' Dili. SALESMANAdvertlalng apeclalty or Indoor display salesman te represent n an ifii turers en hlgh-clas, d'gnlne. ns ? te tr? man who tan InieillgHntiy . feir"fuiiJ preseitt a, preposition te buyers of cle" er helps we offer a new end very attractive product, a real opportunity te earn lil! money and a worth-while connection prefer ence will Ii. given tt man who knew, the ether dealer help,', SreVfn'"en abf"y ", prime requisite; commission basis with aat" isfactery n.rrangemvnt en earnlnga ft vi Utr,n.. f'n niwvy M.tne .""' T.tVi , i1' UALt-.ttMAN-l'mHS Kastern clerk..iitrih,.' Inr house desires nrZilAii.. 1V.1;,l"."irlbUt , Ing, house de.lres nriW firi f OTiTmi" i1; Ide-llns salefmuh trt call en hardwarVVii' i a V. v-l I'annsylvan i:ri,i. v..,- ".-."" "f and I'.. .ii.Z. ' ' ?'"" sampii iall sam - tq. 4lL Jf ItAT.ti i'ai HELP WANTED J SALESMAN A tecent expansion of our k-..i with nt least 0 years' TrivVi' sales experience! they must ?. "J" te convincingly present te lmBJ-!bl loncerns a method for dsi-Ml?ni new buelncss and Increaslna iipln accounts; salesmanship S ?tnt order Is essential and la ademi.W1 remunerated; commissions ahauM1'1' ceed I800D the first y"r. ,v ?hM' renewals which make, this a nermi" nent connectien: trips of front ns1?"' fiv iimiLu vnij ii.iiii inn ... . .: " be aalleble within a week "si.'i'i ! experience, ace and gU, pi'" number. m"i j M 7S0, LEDGER OFFtCB SALESMAN, responsible, hv wel.rst,i . 1'ii, nse .t.i.a, h.i-. a.1 ... - ..? tOT iVh i,. rzj ,u;u" .... ,.,vr .'"r.." i .:;-. .1.7. -;:irr"i. : '."?":?."! " - Is nhselutely new and a sensational se'ler .! te sn .tnii ...i.i. -.i....- v v'er ii ...u. .c.u... ,,.. eweinr; Kuninnice te lr. form better than any healer made or sol i ., any price. Write D. W. Uay. stone Jl feelnrlnir f!n . laft'.! a (jl.ki... " Chicago. " " SALLSMAN Leading publishing haussTnr. a salesman (net an order taker) for eVm em territery: collrge or normal school i-r.ii uates willing te take Ihe usual hard knnrv. while becoming familiar with the work' capable of opening territory and deit.eaiat a sales ferce made up In turn of lilgh-trw! I salespeople, getting maximum results frrnil i.tc, va.u, ,n, ,av ,, nn.u.c nn UpKiriUnll, I Just as big as the Indlvldunl, Addreai ' i call Mr. Rogers, 121g Liberty nidg . pjJuV SALESMAN We hae an eD-nliii (r Diuniu uiiu KKXinsB va nniesinnn .a .. our calendars and advertising specialties tw the coming jenr In Philadelphia will ces. elder applications only from men of I ll.ht. ..n.anl.. tml H,.l.iiln.. ..III.- ....' nuuin s.,e,n.. -.,. .,, ,-i.i(,.a nciiiiiR aDlllli, applications must be In writing, no Ini.rvi.J or phene calls entertained Thes, J, n,li II1H II s,w , ,, ... . . ..II i miiiiih I SALESMAN We dcslre m. fercernf"T"7r - ,..- -, - . ,i . .-...-"' Kresni enicB.iiuu in ncil our Jll.'J n .f high-grade calendars and advertising iperfd. ties In Central Pennsylvania, weal of mr. rlsburg; applicant must realde In that im. flnm will renalder enlv men nf rAlliii.u v.r I neler and first-class aelllnir nhllln- ii.' ..I.. It. ,,-rllln.' lMl.r.,1.,., I.,. r.t-,"vvl' n,ii .,. .....-. "'.'- ' ; "i.,- "I'lmininifni Thes. J. nec'tni.in Ce.. BIO N llth st.. Phlli SALESMAN, experlemcd In gas ranges i.i ..rplp.rnli. hnvlni? fnllnn.ln i i.'"' civini. a..:,: and best time for Interview In PhlladeteM. or New Yerk. M 727. Ledger Office. a SALESMAN te carry as a siile linn im,i.r priced guaranteed line of brasslerei Ii connection with ether dry-goods accesserln In the surrounding territory, geed earnlnii i .nnil nrreiintN und geed merchanu ri..i. , only Address, with all Information, Forum! l.Rslere Ce.. Chlcate. Ill ,'J SALESMAN who can sell and organize sub.sim- ) s'll iilcl.ct-nlntcd bronze monogram rm(l te aulomebll" trade, Addrrss care r, 0 Is.t 4SR. Cloveland, O. SALESMAN, experienced bc! Ing shellie ,. lepresent establlshtd eastern mniif.. turlng concern en commission basis S, Fe. gel & Bre , Inc., 18J Wooster sl sN'ts- Yerk rs. SALESMAN, expericnied In line of itttx nri. nnd cotton DOOds. who Is ramtlL. with the trade In Pennsylvania, state HiemI for appointment uuruniein, cenwaru li Neble, m.T wren et, . SALESMAN wanted with inrge acqualntntrt among Industrial trade; a man In habit ( doing business wun uurui-- rnen una cem. mandlng large Income. M 732, Ledger Onlfq SALESMAN French kid glove home W the State et Pennsylvania open for nrst-class salesman w.m mmc ioiiewmi.i M e(Jt. l.eimer v..,.. a .i T-aMrsf Ne nntte- what veir tun " l.rejient occupation thla ad la aillreseJ1 yeu: any man from 25 te 60 .eiri of ml Who ran lOOll am urei ir-n in I ne eye IM tell him the truth without stuttering Ii , salesman In the making: we nre In the pert. Jinn te previ Hint salesmin are nails. M 1 efV I went te rre U. C. T salesmen, m-i"-Ti--i mill, clerks, canvassers, celleilnn' nsiirance solicitors or any tnw v,he U!, gle one-half hcur's tlma te halng a Mi), i ..r.-ide propesmuu .; i i.um v r"...V. tin samples: 80 per cent ( msu ..s. - ,.,, t,,lft ..r--, salesmen m" !... ,.- .. -.. mere and no experience when thty cin; l'h vs. (.HI '10 iiiiu line mag. tn Mr. St"ens. SALESMEN.' experience r5t neies?ary, be-1 iween 25-50: should have executive abllltf, strong personal. ty, a real opportunity (n Ihe light men. Call (112 Wldener Uldg., U- m-een ll-.TI jtnil 12 M. le I r JI SALESMEN" SECURITY Te alert well-poised men end eun men. clean cut and of gentlemanly bearing, an opportunity is efterra by this Institution te become en gaged either Immediately or after thorough training In the prefllibls octuputlen nf selling attractively priced securities. 5 Th wnrlr I. dla-nlfled and of hlfh character, and the positions efferea are permanent, with the usual re wards for conscientious effort. Commissions are liberal, the train Ing Is thorough and sincere, and thi remuneration Is apt te be mere than most men ara accustomed te re ceiving. Call Monday all day. GILLIAM BROS. A CO., investment Benkers Gilliam Building 11)13 Walnut sireet rfAT.THMWV eeurltv. .!. nreferfthlv XBI enced, but energetle men with educatia and address will be considered, aecurltr jB the preferred stock of n leng-establliujH i-niiaaeipnia company wun unoreKen ik. et dividends: book value ever double CM flrnwlni nrennnt. until under own memeDtUIl 'sK( leads furnlahedj opportunity for PerraMBI connectien: references necessary, v. .sm. Ledger Office SALESMEN J50O per month no MltT earned by sales agents In Penniylviw sslllng Wales Adding and noeuKeepini au-j chines: we are aoeui 10 open s ,L .. K. Utntm nn.l .,,1 ..IM UK agencies uii wiw ,... m,, , .. - -, eral counties te guaranteed territories tut u,m nav a iprv liberal remmlsslan te ts- selectedi this la an excellent opportunity fl specialty salesmen. viiie or cuii in . nicr-arianu. iujj ',ire.'"i ... "" SALESMEN We wan, high-grade Mil men te com te Allentown, Pa te m diares In Allentewn'a commercial lisrAHI Institution! 11,000.000 Issue, backed by Ml business and professional iren; highest tji mission paid: this la n first-class lelWI rtcposltlen for right men; reference" bend requireu. juurene i.acweniia.i, - Inc. H. ti II. Bldg.. Allentown Pa , SALESMEN Stock, Insurr.nce arid pl"J salesmen, who nre usei te recelt Mi ijjj Kru.,r,,,llly nnd sr t8r te work with a large, nationally krOTJ, company, selling ft known product deer ij deer Apply Columbia Qrophaphene W.1 ". i. 0th. 0 and 10 A. M. ash ii KurnadJIeff. - a A T.KVIPV 1Ye are looking-for 3 men between tjew of 25 nnd 60 who can give best of ''"' we offer a lifelong connection wllh an e ganlratlen backed by the biggest -nen I n t ceuntry: net books or Insurance, but WJ grnna nusiness. nigniiieu unu i , rj'.'H wiuener ineg, 8ALKSMI5N Junier saleflmtn te call en tall nr learln nn f-nmm Ivfltfln 1)3811. Vv'i Hen worth at least 15000 per year "f vvne win vverg; ii you enn "k. am rVre',-?J-BryH.t.J2,u'.r1Lttl nave vjone; inuae ii. i-wij'i'i'jy' -" ,-nfflC arrange for Interview, M 781, IJI3B. SALESMEN te call upon retail r trade; aalary and commission ai Mr. Baker, Advocate Salea Campaign, nA 1l)ll nSF.t Preutinilt taf H ,- SALKSMK.V wanted, te. hMirtle JIim HAn.n,iD.in n. .1,1 tin nr niherwlie. ' 1 i viiiiiiiinriiiii un givvs titw .-,-- LdKer Office. - STATU DISTBIBUTORS WANTED Ooed salesmen, capable of organ ln .Ire forces; con net 50ne by A urll i '-iiticus ments. ability, clean record and H'wWi, cap na te carry a 'mn.i "'"Vinni lb t sn?clalty supplies (1250 te 1501)1, t",l high class ami only high-class men co ., ered: gv ciualineatlen. first e p,.,, uiieniiun paiii. iiiw i." Saline, Kan, STENOUHAPHEIt experienced "'""A'drts. enee. rererenren unu ,-.- I' Win, I.edaer Office SUPr.niNTLiNPENT WXNTEO. A SlM'KniNTBNI'ESJ TKK lilAHUi; "l';:,,',,rVIS ' PLANT UHINU JAlUl'di'i; .epriY Ti MAKINO HI(IH-tM.AHH()innArf''i5n A BICH. A VINE flPPOKTUNlTY " ,J HiailT MAN WHO UNUKIIHTAI; .j,J MiMlllfAl'TIMMVIl fV THIS l.l)""'-. TBATILKB. ADDJlESS a 4, P. 0'. I10JC 3 HJ HM JsMi fpectltjl lP In or out. C TOO, J r(JtT! com,9 pasi tlenal Clet r,vj-v A'. Jtq. Ill itrl 9na.wfct' Hi " -M- . . ,inBlMallBllBlH