mwmi-mm i r'- .,? ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIIJADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1921 09 r LI" """ !"' Spruce 8200 BOUGHT SOLD QUOTED U, S. Treasury Certificates SIXllllTIES nni'AIUMtNT Commercial Trust Company Member federal Ilenrrte Ssatem City Hall Square, West m I We Offer 5UO0O Spring allev Utilities Ce. fiN 1043 en ii liimls tu j if Id mer 8.21'e lv?l WlDlrllR BLBC. PHIlAOttWlA ' NwYar Stock Exthat wtw ret ititABm OREGON SHORT LINE CONSOLIDATED First 5s, 19-16 EDWARD LOWBER STOKES 20 Seuth 15th Street PHILADELPHIA Locust 0343 Race J530 lffiPl e BIIPQ 1'ennn.Tlranla II. It. f'e. t:iulp. fl 1028-103.1 I'.rle Knllreml Ce. Kqiiln, U' rrlnl Carthage A Adirondack Railroad Ce.Va 1981 Ihlgh Vnllej l(. It. Connel iWu & 0' 1023 IlufTnle & Mlili"lliirMm Itnllrniiri le.4' 19:t Onion, Akren Ri'llxvny t'emtmnv ft 1023 MUIkhIimiI Vnllry On A Klec. Ce. V 102 MetreiKUltnn Kd eon Cempiii'V .IN 1022 Ontrnl ti'te Klectrlc Cempiny 3' 1022 Katmulm Viillrr Trurtlen Cempiny ,Y 10411 I'Ulillc SfMlw Cerp. of N. .1. . 7't 1011 Tnyler IVlinrten Iren & Meel Ce.. 6'h 1942 Consolidated Trnrtlnn of N .1. .Vi 1033 ' NjrTcise J.lrht & Tnrr Ce. Cell. 3". 1034 ' Ccnnectlrut K.v. & l.tchtlns Ce. 4V.' 1031 Penn-fcenbeiird Meel Ceinpunr . I'm 1023 Jersey C'ltr. Iloheken A I'-ler-en Ity.4-i 1940 Nsshii A Suffolk I.lcht'ng Ce. .Vh 03 Vnltfd Iii A Tlfctrlr Cern. Cell. loin Kentucky A 11. 1 1riclnl.i Tenrr Ce. Cum. Mk. . Isertn Indiana dim A r.lee. Ce. I'fd. stk. SAMUEL K. PHILLIPS & CO. Member, rhllndrlnhln Mnek Kxrhunse B07 cimsTNrr .stkki:t ;'5 Zlerbell Srns. & Ea. lublir Utility &rrurUica Stack Exrfjnnrir Suililnrj, ptjlla. Northern States Power Comhien & Warrants Wisconsin River Power 1st 5s, 1941 Phene: Locust 0220.1-2-3-1 Private Phenes te New Yerk & Hosten We wish te buy Counties C. & Elec. ... 5'i 1962 Northern Ind. C. & Elec. . 5'i 1929 Charleston Cen. Ry. C. & E..5's 1993 Phili. Sub. C. & Elec S't 1960 Georgia Ry. & Power 7's 1941 Offerings Wanted Reed A. Morgan & Ce. West End Trust ISldg , 1'hila Members of th.i 1'tul.i. ,strn.k !;, h r Pennsylvania R. R. Equipment Trust 6s Due 1928-1935 Dividends payable Jan. 15 and July 15 Issued under Philadelphia Plan Price en Application Elkins, Merris & Ce. Land Title Bldjr., Philsi. Mrnl-r New Yerk A Phi a si.- i: har-n r ' laiin nrauii.iiw i 1 1 u Penna. Ce. 4s 1931 P. C. C. & St. L. 4s 1945 Georgia Rwy. & Pr. 7s 1941 Public Service N. J. 7s 1941 Arthur C. Richards & Ce. i Private Telephone te .Vete l'erfc Drexel liuildin? Bell. Lern. 703U KcjMeur, Muln 0711 BjauuniaiiitinTiiitniu .u u... i " a Walter J. Schmidt & Ce. Investments New Yerk .'. Philadelphia ff BfVRSLYBROS. & CO. Investment ' Securities 44 ' tnut St, Philadelphia MARKETMOVEMENT SaIh A00 .110 300 200 1000 eOO 100 200 200 300 .'00 tee 200 1000 non 300 3.10, 300 200 200 2000 200 3100 300 AOO 4000 400 tee 100 A000 0200 200 2t00 100 100 000 100 3000 1100 010 400 1000 200 flfO I 00 40110 17.10 200 100 100 ire 200 200 .100 .1 0 100 A10 2000 .110 tee inie .1100 200 1.100 tee 200 2100 fiOO 2000 7000 1000 3000 4000 4000 400 100 100 2.1100 4.10O 2001) tee 2100 200 700 300 000 f200 100 400 100 100 .100 1300 300 300 300 1000 F300 I 100 300 4700 100 200 200 100 1700 400 100 201)0 100 500 200 100 100 e.i no 1200 .11100 100 300 100 2701) 100 100 101 200 400 100 1110 2.100 401 101) 100 .100 2000 0111) 200 100 100 210(1 300 300 400 1.10(1 201 100 SOO 100 100 . 300 noe 21100 4.100 700 100 Further Advance in Sterling te Highest Quotation Reached in Twe Years New Yerk, Dee. 12. The new week "Inrleil with mi irregular nml sort 'of rugged sleck market today. Increasing iineveiineiM In priee nievement fellow eil n Mreng nml generally higher opening 'n which the coppers enee mere held hti'iiie"! n 'Pillion. ' oniiietwg our- lent", however, developed quickly with quite n geed denl of procure apparent in different qtinrtcrs, mere notably in the riillronde. This was attributed te ales for Income tnx statement purpose, which was proposed because of the pre vailing belief that the present period ' the Inst time In which Miles nf sceuri ties mny he made an offsetting factor in income tax return. In view of the highlj constructive news development dip performance of the market was disappointing It has lieen many moons since the street has been favored with such trniu nilmisly favorable developments exer the week end ns wns the cusp this morning The prnpevcl Keur Tower Trcntv. which Is llkelj In be ipilcklv ratilicd In the Sen ate, and the prnpcwl funding of the Allied debt were the bit: events that were almost certain te hi inc far reach Inc iutluoiiee in shaping both Investment and speculative sentiment. This found direct retlectlen in the further advance in sterling te 4 IS',., the highest quotation touched since Oc tober, 10111. There was n correspond ing strengthening of the ether remit tnnees and indirectly reflected in the pronounced strength of seeral "f the foreign bend issues, mere net.ibh l'tilied Kingdom of Oreut nritaln '-. and uNe in the .Inpnnesp 1ssup. The only appreciable Influence en the sleck trading wns that shown in the strength and broadening dealings and higher prices fur the copper group. Thc oils, equipments and shipping sh'nres were nln given n geed share of atten tion, but nowhere was much headway made On the contrary, the forward movement was rather labored, indicat ing every advantage was being taken te facilitate profit -taking. Yet the metal -hares, as well as the oils and the equip ments, netablv l'ederal Mining and Smelting preferred. (Jeneral Kleetric. Wostingheiise and Standard Oil of New lersev. tnndi' further substantial ad vances during the morning. Shippings, utilities and specialtie vvhMi are deriving benefits from lio'l lie'l daj business, such an the merchandising and i luiin store groups, also citcndcd earl.v gains. Trading slackened before neon en resumption of pressure ngaiusl rails Chicago nnd Northwestern com mon and preferred fell three points each and St. I'aul, "Soe" nnd St. I.etils and Southwestern were heavy. Meters and tohnecoH also yielded te further pres sure. SZ3! II "' fl. LOCAL MARKET ACTIVE IN SPOTS Electric Storage Battery Made !'ew TejyP. R. T. Was Heavy Trading in the local market wa. quite active in spots. The dealings, however, showed a broadening tendency, nnd while the net changes were mixed, most of the representative shares scored substantial gains. l'lectrlc Storage Hatterv continued the feature of strength, attaining n new high price for the j ear nt lliri:,1 . On the ether hand. Philadelphia Itanid Transit was notice ably lienvj , suffering af urthcr decline te 17li, or ever 'J points from the top price made a little ever n Veek age 1'nlnn Traction also gave ground, yield ing n half point te HI. There wai also better absorption of Pennsvlvnnea Railroad, witli the stock having range of fluctuations between i-" J nnd H-Tji. It was learned this morning from a usually well-informed source of information that the s'lllng, of the holdings of an Important interest was completed Inst week. On the ether some of the stock sold for ineinne tax losses was being tnken buck again. In the miscellaneous list Lake Superior Corporation came in for at tention bv reason of the broader dealings with me'U of the stock taken nt flTs, although during the session some offer- ' lugs were taken nt 7. Dealings in the U. !. I. Issues remained quiet. Th common being unchanged nt 10, while I the preferred surrendeied nt i nt 50. I The dins ters at their meeiii,? this week ' are expected te tnke action looking te ' (ailing for redemption all or part of the ( outstanding iJ7.500,yJU S per cent note issue. EXCHANGE RATES HIGHER Buoyant Opening. With Entire Eu ropean List Scoring Gains New V)rk, I'ec !' -Tnc f (l mar ket for foreign exchange .cened buov buev .int today, the prini ipnl Kurnpenn c changes all scoring advances ever Sut urdav's i lese. The European exchnngi s were strung (Quotation vr-re: Itiiinaninn, .00; Iiulgarlnn, .s0. Serbian, 1 O'J ; C.eelio C.eelie C.eelio Slevakiau. l.-l: .ruge-Slavian. .11; Krcek, 4.0; Polish. e:ti,; KinnMi. i l.!0; Austrian, .ill : Ilugarian. .1(1. Shortly before midilev sterling' r'"-e i. I li't for i able,. Und l.i"J'j for di - i.iiind Tniiics were quoted at 10 and clucks at "1S: lire cables vvejp 170. cheil,. 1 '.!)'.., marks 01. The!f W.IS .Villi. The premi'im en New Y .rk finds' in Montreal today wns M per ceni. 'I lie ili'ieunt mi CniiHilluu fundi. In V. w crk wiw 7 l.'!-10 iwr cent. The Seuth i Aiwi'i'ieiiii exi'linnges vvej'i : Hrail, ' i:'c. Argentine JI.'J.OS. bATI'KDAV'd FINAL QLCiTA'I le.Vfl j Slerllnir Francs Lire Gulldrri i Demnnd .. 1 13S 7 S2 1.I1H 31011 CulilfH ... . 4 11'. 7 WW 1.44 3D01 TODAYS OPBNINfl QL'OTATIONH Slerllnu Trancs Lire Guilder Iiemand I 18 S III 4 MK rill .1.1 Hi). 175 5 JIM Cables 4 1S4 8.05 I M 31) (O 17'',", LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS I'lttsliiirKh, P11 , Dee. 12 rATTLi; lie celns. 20(S henil Higher hteer Jsr.eflu. helfern. Ill 50 7 2"'. enwa, $4S01')0. ( iilvee. r celpts 700 hern! Sieaily. Tep, S12 3V HOrtH rieeelpts. WO heart Lewer lev. I. h, 17 K.1?7.50 hmv verlers, H lOijs 1', I iiht vnrkurn IS.2.1WN.10. pln !S 10 HIIKUP AND LAMHH Iteielpln. 0'toe , head. Lewer Tep heavy. Tup sheep. 10 50 I top lambs. 112 DIVIDENDS DECLARED SullUan Machinery Company nuarterly 76 cents, payable January 10 le .lock of Tec , errt January 2. Franklin Peeurltle. Corporation, a per cent, payable December 81 te stock of record I December 24. Hchultu lletn.ll Stere. Corperat'on. atnrk 170 dlvldenil of 15 per cent en common, payable December 30 te .took of record December SO, Northern Securltle. Company, extra 0 per cerrt In addition te quarterly 4 per cent. MsCrery 8ter. 11.73 en.preferred. paya ble January 1 $a fteck of .record Pereni- 2WU hie s. v U . ... K"rWr-rStm 11 fPt W&sprj NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS niv. " limn .. Adam Express 814 3 Atlvnnce Uumely pf . . . 38 4 Air Ileductlen K . . Ajnx nubber 28 .. Alneka Juneau O M.. W 4 Allied Chem & Dye... 7y4 4 Allls-ChalmeTt) 37 J, .. Am Agrle Chem 3t .. Am Aprrle Chem pf . . . MyS .. Am Bank Nete Sig .. Am Reet Sugar 2 . . Am Can 32H . . Am Cnn pf V4 . . Am Chicle. 12J, .. Am Cotten Oil 21 .. Am Cotten Oil pf . . . . 40'j Am Drup Syndicate . . .1 Am HxpreFs 131 .. Am Hide & Leather.. 3'4 . . Am Hide & Leather pf 37 V4 . Am tnternat Cerp... 41' Am Linseed . . i 30 0 Am Locomotive 101 Am Safety Jlazer.... 4 V .. Am Sh'p & Cem 'i . Am Smelt 47',J 7 Am Smelt pf 90 3 Am Steel Foundries.. 341,4 7 Am Steel Fdys pf. ... 8.1 . . Am Stnrar 3SJ.j .. Am Sumatra 31 14 7 Am Sutnntrn Teb pf . . 6RH I Am Tel & Tel 1I8J.J fl Am Tobacco pf new.. 0t 12 Am Tobnece B I29yj 7 Am Woolen R2 . Am 7. 1 no rad & Smlt 13 .. Anncenda Cepper .... 48 H 0 Atch Tep & Sante Fe. 90H . Atlanta Illr Atlantic 114 7 Atlnntlc roast Line.. M . . Atl Gulf SWISS., 32 Va .. Atl Oulf & W I S S pf 23(4 .. Atlmtlc Pet 22',$ . Austin Nicholas 8H 1:80 Net P. M. ChK 51K 2 2 . 2 1 1.0 w ! 30 20 8Ji 37 V, 3014 8 Va 581g 28 32 K HYi 12 21 4ft .1 130 "I4 57 m 3i 100V4 84 891 .14 1 '4 9,1 53H 28J4 8R iisr, fl8J's 1281,4 8M4 1.1 4R te I, ns SK14 31(4 23 22 H rt 8jt4 3.1S 531j 21 sty 58 J4 5'4 43 88 an 18 30 ? 0014 35i H 8914 13 3 30(4 m 38 48 Vi 58 l4 32 3H 31 Vn 72 83?4 14K, 2S14 4 m 28 H C.I 3'j 13H 4 14 55 02 1414 48 U 91H Tfi Hi?; 14 IV 15(4 52 111 1S?4 19 11 10 Vt Hit 715j HS 10 34 81 10H 141', V 54 86H 140 11 1 33 1,4 3H 4J'i 31 Vz 28', 0?4 17'4 8 SO .1.1 791,2 ii' r, 4'.s 38 39 '4 8 14 1". 732 15(4 88 12 52 " 12 44 H 38 23H 54 ' 42 '-'84 Ha 175 48 38 44) 20 7 4- 3JJ.-I- 30J4 - 8ftyS B- 28 33M 94 "J 21 f 48(4 3 130 -13 87 - 40- nr - 1 10 m - 4 8 V 48(4 90 34 93 833; 29 -88 - 118 P8- 120(4 -1(4 13 484 f. te 1(4 - B8W 3 7 Knlclu-ln Locomotive. . fm$, . . Baltimore & Ohie. . . 4 Baltimore & Ohie pf. Barnsd.vle Class A.. .. Barnsdaln Class B.. 3 Bethlehem Steel . . . . 3 Bethlehem Steel B. . . 30 21 2014 3V4 21 - 20(, - Vt 34 1 58 . . Brklvn Rapid Transit Brklvn B T ctfs of dep 7 S'A 44-t 88f .13, 18 31 - e- 4(4 1 Ti -4- . . Brown Shee 7 Bush Term Hide ""r . . Butte Copper d Zinc. , HXi Butte & Superior Cep. 1BX . Butterlek 31 0 California Packing . . 8U .. Callfern'a Petroleum . Hi 2 Cnl 7,lnc & Lead Ji 2 Calumet & Arizona. , . 40J4 10 Canadian Pad Ce 121 . . C.usen Hill Mining. . 13 Case .II 3H .. Central Leather ... 31 .. Central leather pfi.. 04 Jt Cerro-rie-l'iiseo 3(IVi fi Chandler Meters ... TH 4 Chesapeake A Ohie... .18H .. r-h M'lwnukee & St 1' ?"H .. Chi Mil & St P pf. .. 33H 0 Chi & Northwestern.. B7J's . CI 1 U I A Pac 32 0 Chl P. I & l'ne fi'; pf 72 7 Chl It I & Pac :;. pf R3H . Chile Copper l1 . Ch'.no Copper 2s jj 4 Coca-Cela 42 .Colerado Fuel & Iren. 28 i 0 I'elum Has & i:iec ... "fi'i .. Celum (Jraphophene. . 314 . . 'el riraphephnnn pf . . 13JJ 4 I'emput Tnh Keeerds. SO .. CetiFOlldated Oirnr ' 7 f onselldated Cigar pf 81 '4 . Consolidated r-la Ins. s,i 7 Consolidated Oas .... B23 .. Consolidated Textiles. HI 7 c-ent.nentnl Can 4RU Cern Products Itef... 83'4 SO Cosden & Ce 34 1 Crucible Steel ft Cuhnn-Am Sugar .... l4,'i .. Cuban Cane Sugar... l'A .. Cuban Cane Sugar pf. 1fli 1 Pavisen Chem'cal ... a2'-4 0 Pel Lack & Western. 1IIW 1 Pome Mines 10 .1 Vndleott-Jehnson .... H0'4 7 Pndlcott-Jehnson pf.. 10 Cm ll'd . . Urle 1st pf 18J4 . . Krle 2. pf 11 H .1 Famous Players L . . 7.14 H Famous Players L pf. f-'z Federal Mln & Smelt. 10 1 Federal Mln & Smlt pf 39 H Fisher Bmlv of O pf . SI Fisk Pubber 10H .. I'rccpert Texas ... 14". (Inston Wms & Wg.. 'i i Cm Am Tank '"ar 54 iifneral Asiihnlt .. 07i.j H Klectrlc . 11 I flenernl Meters .. 1 1 ' 9 0 Cen Meters deb 6rr.. "ii . . Cloedrlch B F 334 CJranby Consel M & M 20?, 7 CJrent Northern pf . . . 70 4 Great North Ore ctfa. 3114 .. Greene Catianea Cep. 28' . . Guantanamo Sugnr . . 0s . Gulf Mobile & Ner pf 17 '2 .10 Hablrshavv Kl Cable.. B 1 Ilnskell & Barker Car 0 . . Hemcstake . . 3' Housten Oil SI I Hupp Motorcar 11 i Hdrnullc Steel . . .. Indlahema Bef . 4!j . . Int Agrlcul Cerp pf . . 3S .. Inspiration Cen Cep.. 40 . nltemat Agrlcul .. . 8;2 . . Interb Cen Cerp. ... li 7 Int Motertruck 1st pf 731 . IntI Murine ... 1.1 H Int Mer Marine pf . . . C0H .. International Nickel.. 12'4 International Paper . . 3SH (I Inter Paper pf stpd. . . 72's .. Invincible Oil Cerp. . 12', . Island Oil .. . . 2J . Jewel Tea pf 44 H . Jenes Bres Tea . 38 4$ Kansas City Southern 2.1 H 4 Kansas City Se pf . 54 Kansas & Gulf . 7 5, 1 Kelly-Sprlngfleld Tlra 42 U a Kennecett Copper ... 27 Keystone T & It 12 H .1 Kresge S S 170 Lackawanna Steel . . . 40J4 1 51 1 120 - H, 13 H- 3t 84- 38 4- 1 1 58 -10(4 -33 - 81 51 -72 ! 28 41 1, 28 05 - 13 80 14 - 4 55 - 2 4 923( r -81 14 1 HI 14 l mix 19 11 10 111,- 74- 10 j- 37M 4 81 10(4- (j 14' . 54 - 1 68 3J- 5b 141 ! 3 II t- 35 U 1 20 5a 73 -31 . 28 0?4 "- 80 -55 - 7', 11- fi - 4- 38 3914-8-1H 7.1 . 15H- 80 12 r 521, 2 44M- 6S 23 54 -42 f 27 11-i 178 ; 46 . PHILADELPHIA STOCK MARKET 1 Nt 300 U G I..,. 10 10 -10 .. 2(5 de pref.. .Wli 30 ."(I '', tNet chance made by comparison with last sale en New Yerk Htecli nxchange. rillUDKLI'lIIA PONDS HlK-h Lew V M time. Am Loe.. 100 100 100 -r I Am Stores 80 7i'j 1111;... de 1st pf. 10S 108 10S -2 Jilt.Vm Smlig -KPt Wi L'Hi.Am Sum.. UIG ti0.. -liiTllald I !)."TA 0"';li Hitllutle & S 18'it 18 incniif ivt. -ir,T -iin;, TetChile Cep. 1 ll,s H'i net Cel Fuel., lid's W 2:r, Kler- Ster llMi 1-3 lOt Fain I'lay. 71 71Ta llOtden Mtr. Uli 11 10 94 1J , fJ1)ij a; !l.")T8- 4 181ft f ij, 13 ii 11VB ni' L'OVft liftl i'j: 74 . . 11 ifti 75 ' 100 Liberty 100 Liberty 700 Liberty 100 Liberty 500 Liberty 000 Liberty COOO Victory 448 '2:! 2000 Victory 4-V.h '2.'i 400OO Victory 4-'s '23 200 City 4 1043.... 200 Klectric & People's 4n O(M10 Plilln tV.I.lip. 1st .1u t'OtfJt N pref ieV f lOtlit N Or 31 'i 311,4 31li.. 31 a... 12 .. 500 Phlla Electric 1st 5s 01 Ce X A. 31 Vj 31' 20000 Phlla Electric 0s lets 100 BANK CLEARINGS Hank clearings today, compared with cor responding day last two sears- ltm me nun Phlla .. IM, 0011,000 70,flHn.02,1 $R:,.731.1.1 iiosten .. 3n.oeo.oni) a. non. Rie an.a'ji.niA N. V . 3DS.000.OUO 303.2(17.030 0118.1 18.301 RAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN PACIFIC 11)21 Inerease First week December IS. 403.000 ll.K12.0O0 Jan. 1 (e Dec, 7. . ..177.171.000 20.808,000 Decrease .-.litlnt Nickel VJ 12 7'L (5 5SVj . Key Tel. :u I, Slip Crjl I tlT's 'ft 5S i,..- r.H 14'. 'ft ,iS L'di Vnl I'-a lotl.eevvs.... 14'i 14" I'et .110 110 11(5 Minehlll .. 48 48 -18 25t.M Stn Oil. 14'i 14 14V. U 130tMidvale.... 2'Vi -Jrvvj -e ,H 'JOtl'aeOil.. 40'1 4!V4 4i', Tft 100tInn-A l'et B2,i 5'2'i 52'iflVi 30 I'enna Cent Light pf. 50 40 50 .. .Til i Penna It H 33 33 tf .'13!ft . . 22 I'enna Hnlt 0!)!,li W'i 0f'j.. 70 Phlla Ce pf 30 30 30 3 U. S. Certificates Int. Maturing I'lilltt Klee. 24's 14 --va Hate uate 251 de pref.. 27 27 850 Phlla It T 18 18'4 lOtl'ierce Oil 13 13 27 'ft 18V4- at tfH4 Fel)., 1023 n niar., jv...,Miuu.'in juu n..i. .i.nn fti Mar,. 1022.... 100 7-3'J 100 B-Kl n 88 B Mar, 1022.... 100H lOd l(i-32 3.A3 4V1 April. 1022. ...100 lOOi-lfl 4 00 fitt June. 1023.... 10O 21-32 100 23.32 4.00 J.4 aetllcadlr.; iHt pf . . . 42 42 42 20tRcarB.Hbk n0 C0 50 35 Texan Ce. 47 47 47 t'BVi Aug.. 1(122.... 100 23-32 100 27-32 4.1B 4H Sept., 1022.... 100 1-83 100U 4,80 !IVL 8ept 1022....100 21-32 100 23-32 4.23 3 June, 1024. ...102H' 102 4.10 lit Rent.. IBM 101 fi 102 4.T1 Texas l'ac O & O.. "8ni "H ''... . -isxempi ire irem Dlv. (tales ini Iltph 200 2 Loe nubber Tire 29 100 .. Loewe'Hlnc 14H 100O 3.6O LehlBh Valley 89 200 7 Ufrgett & Myers pf...H0 20) .. Lima Locomotive .... 02 200 1 Left Candy 10 MO 7 Louisville A Noahvlllel09 100 .. Mftnatl Sugar 28 400 7 Manhattan Kiev ffuar. 35 4500 1.75 Manhattan Shirt .... 38 100 .. Market St Ilwy pr pf. 35 100 .. Marlln Oil 26 29 1454 88 110 9! 10 108 28 34 .14 38 K 28 6 100 13 1144 27 14 54 28 1 2 54 8 23 71 . 1754 43 100 1254 22 "54 154 39 8834 34 13 00 7334 87 61 13 21 9694 48 41) 79 .1 65 12 46 82 47 78 33(4 1034 36 21 65 6434 3234 73 32 13 12 69 65 02 12S 23 J6 32 39 107 2H 38 20 18 7094 42 '4 C43i 27 27 82 s 8 30 21 3.1 21 31 8334 874 23 8 38 2194 3734 74 7094 18 43 9034 180 112 7034 4 7?4 29 1034 47 32 23'4 2834 1.1 3)3 89 1094 11 1994 127 1(3 (JO'i 44 12(1 62 0 38 63 63 1.8 3(1 44 8394 113 64 8 32 29 87 74 6 20 54 131j 14 1)2 4954 7 39 1154 18 28 67 6 43 H 1 Hi H Vl 300 1090 290 18000 1790 .. Mnrlln Beck well 8 May Pept Stores 100H . . Max Moter Class B.. 13 12 Mexican Petreleum ..118 2 Miami Copper 27H 3 0800 1.20 Middle States Cerp 14M zaoe 4800 290 300 2Q0 1)0 2800 1800 100 200 100 100 100 800 100 100 2100 390 200 100 100 1700 1000 1200 800 200 2600 2300 200 200 500 0.100 2100 300 100 3800 1400 100 noe 300 300 100 290 2100 300 3800 20) 8300 100 80 100 200 8000 100 1000 600 4000 100 3.1 ,1790 3C00 200 100 2000 2700 1200 600 Mldvale Steel 28 , . Me Kansfts & Texas.. l)i . Me Kan A Tex pf.... 2K , . Me Kan & Texas wl. 8 . . Me Kan & Tex pf wl. 23 7 Minn St P A B St Me. 71 . M'sseurl Pacific 18 . Missouri Pacific pf... 43 7 Mdntnna Power pf..,100 . Montgomery Ward . . 13 . Mulllns Bedy 22 . National Acme 11 H . National Cen & Cable 1 8 Nat Knnm ft Stamp.. IU a National Lend 88K . Nat It It of Mex 2d pf 3M . Nev Cen Copper 18(4 . N V Air Brake 01 3 New Yerk Central... 73? . New Yerk C & St L... 57 8 N Y Chl & St L 2d pf. 01 . New Yerk N H ft 11.. 11 2 New Yerk Out ft W.. 22 7 Norfolk & Western... 97 . North American ctfs. 48 . Ne American pf ctfs.. 40 7 Northern Pacific. .... 809S 14 w 1 u 1? 2 a 2 5s ( ' !'s i', (4 . Okht Pred ft Kef 3 H 2 Otis Steel 9?S . Pacific Gas & Elec... . Pacific Mall . Pacific Oil 6 Pan-Amer Petrel . . . 6 Pnn-Amcr B . Pnnhandle pf 2 Pennsylvania H It. . . . Pcnn Seaboard Steel. . Peeples ( ins of Chl. .. . . 7'ere Marquette ..... . Pere Marqtiett pf. ... 8 Pere Marrj prier pf . . 3 Philadelphia Ce . Phllllps-Jenes . Phillips Pet . Plerce-Arrew Moter. . Plerce Oil 8 Pierre Oil pf 3 Pills Ceal 6 Pitts Ceal pf 7 PFTWftCnf . Pitts ft AVest Va . Pend Creek Ceal, ... 03 1.1 4 H 8254 479, 78 331,4 1"54 ,1ft 22 65 "5 3254 73 I 32 11 13 en 54 re 92 128 28 16 K! ',4 H Producers Refiners 33 1 2 Perducers Refiners pf 33 8 Pullman IO894 . Punta Alegre Sugar S Pure Oil 1 Band Mines 2014 39 20 13H 71 H V 1 . . Bay Cen Copper. . . 1 Beading 2 Beading 1st nf 42 2 Bending 2d pf 43 . . Tlem'ngten Typewriter 29 .. nepleglc Steel 27?4 .. Republic Iren ft Steel. 3354 .. Republic Meters 054 20 Royal Dutch N Y.... 3194 .. St Leuis Hen Fran... 21 . St Leu's San Fran pf. 38 . . St Leuis ft S W It R. . 21 . St Leuis Seuthewcst pf 32(4 . Sears-Roebuck 68 7 Scars-Roebuck pf .... 879$ .. Seneca Cep Cerp 23 4700 400 noe tee tuoe 3200 100 800 1300 600 .1100 100 100 1000 1700 20) 1500 1100 100 8000 400 noe 300 1800 10200 3300 1700 2000 030 110 230 11300 100 1.100 , 'JU 400 ion Si ' IS I (4 1 (s I l l (4 ' 1(4 I ' 1 .'si hhattuck Arizona Cerp 894 74 Shell Transport 39 22 3754 74 80 18 J4 45 .. S nclalr Oil . . Sless-Sheffleld 7 Sless-Sheffleld pf . . . 0 Southern Pacific .... . . Southern Rail . . Southern Railway pf 4 Standard Oil of Calif 01 a standard Oil of N J.. 180 7 Stand Oil of N J pf...H2 7 Studebaker 80 I Submarine Beat Cerp. 4 .. superior Oil Cerp... . . Superior Steel .. Tenn Cep & Chem... S Texas Ce SO Texas G Sul . . Texas & Pacific 1 Texas & Pac C & O. . . Third Avenue 0 Tobacco Products . . . 7 Tobacco Products pf . . Transcen Oil 8 Union Bag ft Paper. . . Union Oil 10 Union Pacific V, 29 11 45s 33 2.1 y, 29J4 14 8u5b 00 11 34 71 20 w 128 .. Union Tank Car nf...le.1 United Drug OO'.J 200 3. SO United Drug 1st pf... 2100 8 United Fruit 44 12 82 10 3896 03 34 08 37 44 83 11.1 03 094 32 H 23 87 ' 0?; 20 131A 100 a United Retail Stores. 800 . . US Feed Products. . 1200 . . V s Ind Alcohol 100 .. US Realty & Imp.. 1000 U s Rubber 100 8 U S Rubber 1st pf. 33.) . . V S Smelt ft Ref 110 3 50 U S Smelt & Ref pf. i 1 .'.HI .103 4200 200 200 .100 100 .100 100 300 100 1700 100 3100 100 300 700 2.100 400 100 500 100 200 8 U S Steel. 7 L S Steel pf S Utah Copper . . Utah Sec . . Vanadium Cerp . . . . . . Va-Car Chemical 0 Va Iren ft Coke. . . . Vivndeu Inc . . Wabash . . Wabash pf A . . Wabash pf B . . West Maryland 2d nf "8 !a Ca 54 u H !s 13 7 Westing-heuse A Brake 02 , 4 Westlngheuse l: & M, se . . Whecllni; & L 1; 7 1 Whlte Moter 40 . . White Oil Cern 12 , . Wick Spenc Steel Cerp 10 .1 Wilsen ft Ce. 28 07 8 43 8f4 7 Wilsen ft Ce pf Willys-Overland ... 4 Worthlngten Pump. .1 Wright Aeie I!, 854 A Kx-dlvldenU. Commodity Markets GRAIN MARKET Chicace, Dec. 12. Wheat started 'e te 'u.c lower for December, Vftc te V lower for May nnd '(,: hlsher te K- lower for July. Trade wns bIevv with Kcnttcred eonunlMien house fielllnc Minimis into buying by an Eastern muse. The (tcIi mnrhet wns relatively I rni witli limited offerings und a fair (k'luiind. Cern stnrted c te nsC off fet. )e. eember and 'h'' te i2e levvir for Mny find July. Trade was Jljrht nnd fca turelesH. Outs opened 'ftp te 'Je lower, with u kninll l.mln 'rkn.n ...... .. 2d -1Vh '42 3d 4'4h '28 3d 4Vs '28 . 1)15.01 . 117.11 . H7.410 . !I7..-(! . Il0.!l(5 . 1(7.20 .100.01 .100.00 .100.02 . . 1)5 . 02 3d 4b '2N 4th 4 Vis '38 4th 4V,h '38 113 v, V '"""" Mime 4000 Phlla Klertcic 1st 5s.. lets X 'K between December und difference. COTTON MARKET New Yerli, Dee. 12. The cotton market this mernU? wns Influenced largely by strength in foreign cxuhmiet, mi Jiupreveincnt ia the news from Wabhlnxten and in the foreign political nnd financial outlook. First prices were were up 14 te 45 points nnd there w,u active buying, participated In by the trade, Vvnll street, Liverpool, nnd local hherts. After the stnrt, the list con tinued te advance nnd wns about 38 te 40 points higher en the active posl pesl posl tiens. Receipts nt the ports for the day arc estimated nt 15,000 bnle, ngnlnst 14 003 hnlcs last week. 32,005 bales Inst yenr, and 31,502 bales two yenrs age. Rat. Tnrtnv'u and Treasury Notes nid Asked yield . ..100 3-lfl 101)9-32 3 7r, December 17. lit January 17.70 March 17.70 May 17.30 I.... 17.011 July . . October 10.42 reatirat nerni incein, BAR 8ILVER raafiStry film?. -""v"ver w'- W4 1" ' NEW YORK BONOS 1 :30 Net P. M. Chga. 29 1 88- 110 2 10 108-28-34-36 -33 14 " " 1 2 H Issue te Be Subscribed for en Thursday Dealt In at 10312 28 6 - 1 New Yerk. Dec. 12.-TI.0 striking feature e nthe Curb today wan Initial dealing in New Yerk City 4'i lj" cent benilH which nre te be subscribed for or, Thursday nt par. These bends were In urgent deinnnd nml were dealt In at 103Vj. or 8M1 per cent above the sub scription price. .... 1 1 ..., Tlie market in the industrial isiucs wns narrow nnd without pronounced feature. The coal stocks held clese te prevailing prices and deal lifts were ni ni mest wholly of a professional charae. ter. lliirim Urethers 11 was trnded in nt from 3UMi te .T2 ntnl FarreU Ceal ranged from 10 te 1S. (len Aide., Ceal was steady nt '11 and beuthcrn Ceal and Iren sold nt -. t, Moter stocks showed little change. Lincoln Meters Feld down te 1. . I01 bncce stocks were irrORtilar. P ill p .Merrli nsdd at .tf ami 1 r f Ame can Tobacco at 12. OlHci 0 Safety Master, ex dividend, was trnded in at lOtHt- te 107. , c,L . , rtll . In the oil stocks Standard Oil or Indiana wns nctive, but It lind only n narrow range from 8U te 8S-. . 1m- 1.1 111 . f'unnilii was nctive nnd 100 13 115 - 27 14 28- I- 25- 8 t- 23 .. ,71 1-3 li-- 54 45 - 1 100 1234- 22 11J4- 154- 39 - 8854 114 18 60- "54- 8 01 -13-21- 0094 T 43 40 70 - 3 054 68 13 40 82 4794 strong and moved up from 105 te 107 'A 1M1LSTRIAI.S IflO r. m. IN 10 44 70 12 '4 32 v, VA 1 (1V4 8 2.1'i l.l'l 18V4 43 ItlRh li'i . in . 4(4 'h . 32H . II " . VA 1 . n'4 . 8 . 'Je". . 13S . I1' . 43 . lS .117 . It . 10 . 7 11 Lew Hi in '4 70 1214 32 Ct 11 1 ' 4 8 2.1'i I3'i 18U 43 Acme Ceal . , 1 .. inn . w. s '-- Amr WrltlnB Toper . . lirailley r r Ilrlt Amer Teh ieup Callfnrnln Crushed trim. 78- 1 A3 1054- 30 21(4- 68 68 3254 75 3 32 I'nrllele Tire Columbia Unmrnld Cuntliltnini lire I) IV (Vlffllh Duriint Meters Dnriint Meters of Ind. . Cnrrell Coul filet- Alden Ceal (JoerleHr Tire (llllelte )t It (leemes Cleth Iinpfrlnl Tobnece Inter Ituhner r.'liliv-MeNelll I.liiuiln Meters A National Leather N J Zinc Pnrsens Aute IVrfectlnn Tire l'J'f, 1294 lftil4 17 ii 14 1'4 7 II IS 7 a IS 124V 40 20 4'i "it e Is IS 43' 714 13 1.1 69 -60 92 r 128 23 16 33 30 107 - 20 94 39 -1 29 27 5254- fi!4 81 21 - 1H "' 24 MS. 124' 124 J a 10 "0 4i 2' av lU'i 2a t'l 2'i 2V4 lii'l 22 2i IS 4Stj 7 '4 Philip Merris Kmlle v-iim Itsclln Cem prcf Ree Mntura Heuthern C & I Swlfi Inienmtlenal .... Sweets Ce United I'reOt Shurlng . . rnphllA ... "i 14 2 1 'Va 1 7's Wlllya Cerp 1st pref STAM)AKI OILS Anple-Amer Oil -l' At'nntlc Lobea " CI1I0 Oil 263 Prnlrls PI ;'!,, ImperlHl Oil Cr.n (' Starfl Oil of Ind i Hiiind Oil of N Y 3,0 21 II 20.1 2404 10.1 375 21 '. 1' 20.1 241 107 SN?4 373 INIIKI'KXIIHNT OILS Peene Oil 27 ; ltosten Wjemlng ',, ' Curlb P)nil ... .J'' . Cities ricrvlie (old) -L',, -' Klk IlHs'n I'e( j1 Knglneers Petrel "J l Kedrtral OH J J Ollllliiml Oil 4S (llenrerk Oil ) (IrunHilii .3l , Mudrun Oil 1J . ' liniier ill Oil ,? , Int Teirel 1JS 1 Keystenn Itnnuer se J Lyens Pet J ' f Mnrnciilbe Oil 23 Merrltt Oil JL,''s 1 Merldan 1'et 17 1 Mnrcny Oil 31, Mexico Ol . A , Meunlnlif I'reilurts 11 1 Niitlenal Oil N J 2 . Nnble 13 1 New .Vlexlte ArU 1(4 Ohie HiinKer JJ Omar Oil ' Pennek Oil 1ji Pniduei-r & lteflners S Suit Cieek I'red 14H 1 31- 1J4 55 94- 1 7 94 23 .. 3054 2154- 37J4- 71 .. 70 18- H 45 - H 01 180 .. 112 7ft .. 4 7 20 - 1054 47 -f 3.1 (4 1 (4 Vt nunniH jti . "-a hkelly Oil 5i4 Southern I" & H "S Ten j- 7 Wilcox OH .tS Y Oil 37 2 .MINING niB I.eiUe 28 'J Ilosten & Ment Si7 S Copper Canven IS Cnn Cupper Mlnen IS Crescen (leld 2S VA Salvader 1 llureka Creeaus IN 2 BurekH Heliv ss K Held Zene 12 1 Hsrmlll Divide 1 1 llewn Sound 234 Jumbo Kxlensleif . ... 7 MncNamarii ... 11 1 MuKin.i Cupper 234 - Jereme Verde 3 Mether I-ode Clt .1' Mether Lede old R2 f National Tin .10 .1 Nevada Ophlr 4.1 New Cernelia 17 1 NIp'.KHlnK "S New Dominion 2'i OHe Copper .... . . 111 1 Pitts -Mt Hhiimil 31 1 Pay Hnrculen HI 1 Silver Hills uf Nevadu . II 1 Se Am 1" 4j I! di St-uird Minlnir '-' T.ineiiiih Dlvid Oil 1 Unit Ueld IS Cnlteil i: intern '-"1 Yukua Geld IS nnviiQ -..',- 5,4 2834 . 13 - 134 8J . 90 J- 1IJ4 1 71- 1054 127 103 G)i2 41 l.'C 32-0- 38 34 63 -1 3.1 3 ; is j ;- :n. - 44 8394 11.1 4 0 32 , 29 ; 87 7 ' 6 2034 . 1334 I43i- 02 50 r 7(j 1 40 1 18 28 -67 - 6 H ?'i Allied Packer rtf Aluminum 7a 102.1 Amer Tel (la IH22 Amer Tel Us 1021 7m . . 43'i 43', ..III0V, 100 Vi ..lOOti 100 ..101) llll'4 ..102'i lOl'I I-...,.. Tl..a,!l' 'b. Ilelh Steel 7n 1033. Can Pae tie Cnt Steel ft Cel Graph ha Conn Ouh 7h ... Cens Gas llalte "s . i . .- r-vtlt.. B. .'.'lOO'i 100'i 100". ..10011 lOO'k 1(I0 loe 'a loe . '1 1 54 14 34 I si 41 ii t HHIT4 1007 le.i inn 10(1' inn 100 ou ion Copper l:pert 8s 1H2'.' loei inim i ix, v. .epir i.i'iiri. nn ii..i ll'-'t . . . . V . . IUIT1I i.ll'H 1021 lO.'Va l"2ij in.-' 1923 HU'i 104'i 1 m ' f 102. 10J, 102l4 C7'i 117', 07 . . nsu (i4ii nbi. hi: .... K ..... i eppt r r.xpuri ni in., i epix.r r.xperi eh CLban Tel 7'ia Peere Ce 7Wa aoedrleh Tire 7fl Oulf Oil 7n Humble Oil 7s . Inlerbore 7s ... Interbore "s ... Konnecett 7h . . Ltcled Givs 7s . 102' lilj'n in.: 'I ....100H lOOi, loots ....73 71'j 7.1 . ..101 101 101 ....101 101 lilt .... US'4 IHlj OS'l 43 834- I. limy .iL.seill in . . N Y Cliy -I'm 1071 "".. 1'U 4 ivu Ta nu t 'rt 7 u ,n, ,n.fl ..- 1liln 1 .l I uah ..lllt'i 104'i 04', .. 10 07t 118 United oil Pred 8 Vacuum Oil "s . . Warner Husnr 7b Western lilec 7h 11llu,.n Hi. m .107 iui 1117 en; fies; lint. 101 'v 80 Va 0(1',, 100 100 . . 0111: . .103'! .. eit'5 ..loevj Wlni.he.ttr ,7''js' ! NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET I New Yerlt, Dec. 12. Promoted bv the continued liniiness in Hrnzll, there ni'nu tnmr. frehli ikiivlr... t. I,A !,..) . e I cxciieiik ...... .-....." ..-.-.. ...,j.,,b ,,, lUi; lutilj rei- ft'e futures market this morning which hi ought about an opening advance of 4 te 15 points. On the advance, there was mere or lcs profit-taking, but the demand was sufficiently active te held the market linn. Special cables reported a further ndvanoe at Itln of 350 te 575 reiH andiin Santes of 475 te 025 reis The early ndvance wns holding vvcll toward midday; in fact, neine of the (irtive positions had made further slight gains, with the market continuing te show Mgns of broadening. Snnie of the tarly firm offers in the cost and freight market again wrre en ,i higher ImMs and Jobbing houses repeited a meie nc tive demand for the spot articles. May at Uc rial cioee tip.-n 8.0.1 n 07 u.05 JJliflue NUKim Decemher March . . May . . . July ... New erli, Dec. VJ.-The New Yerk ceITci! and sugar exchanges teduy voted te close en the Saturdays preceding Christmas and New Year's. ,,rece",ni' . Paris Bourse Heavy I'arla. tlfe. 12. Price, were heavy en the' neur.e today. , Thre. pr cent Tm An? IBe, Exchaiirrf pn Unden. JKrte' teWf open 11 A.M 17.0B 18,00 17.80 17 8( 18.00 17.S3 17.05 17.73 17,3.1 10.73 'eday per cent nan. MOt "Or. The ii,,il. . !.. QUOtsd at 12f- ioVie. VV rna u"r BID UP ON CURB N Y Cliy -I'm 1071 KM'-i HH4 103", Nat Cleak Ss nrtji us', ns't iireseri Hhert I.lne Bs ... liO'i 00 0(1 ', Phlla l'r (la ini (i0i mn, Phlla Klec 0 IOOVj 100 Va 10OU Philippine 3', a 10.1 105 103 Public Herv of N J 7a... (I81i 08 IH'i Hears-ltejliui-k 7s 1022.... tl(iJ 91 ni Hears-Ueeliui It 7. 1023 HO',4 0ri'.J nu Southern Ilwy Oh OUH flll'i 091, Heuthwekt 11-11 7 101', 10114 101'! Htand Oil - Y 7s 1U27. . . .I0M4 n;i i",-X Swift 7h 1031 102 10J 102 Protection and Profit Yeu want your savings deposits te be absolutely safe A National Bank with a Savings Department guarantees this. t Yeu want the highest rate of interest consistent with safety IVc allow 4 interest en savings deposits net subject te check. 3 interest allowed en savings deposits with checking privilege. National Bank of Commerce 713 Chestnut St Nathen T. Felwcll. President ' National Dank with a Savings Department y HIGH-GRADE PENNSYLVANIA TAX FREE MUNICIPALS EXEMPT FROM ALL FEDERAL INCOME TAX LEGAL INVESTMENTS IN PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW YORK $500,000 County of Allegheny, Penna. ty2 Tunnel Bends Dated December 1, 1919. Denomination $1000 Coupon form, registration privilege Assessed Valuation $1,700,849,795.00 Net Indebtedness 31,720,725.08 Population, 1,185,808 Maturities December 1, 1926 te 1948, Inclusive Prices te return 4.25 $500,000 City of Allentown, Penna. 5 Scheel Bends Dated October .1," 1921. Assessed Valuation Net Debt Coupon form Population, 73,502 Maturities 326, 1931, 1936 & 1941 Prices te return 4.30 m. BVH. FREEMAN & CO. 421 Chestnut St. Telephone Lembard 0710 Philadelphia WE OWN AND OFFER: 500 SHARES Penn Central Light & Power Ce. Cumulative Preference Stock Free of Penna. Stale Tax and all Federal Income Tax, except surtaxes Dividend $4 per nnnum, payable quarterly Jan. 1, Apr. 1, July 1, Oct. 1 There arc eutstanding: 01,110 shares Common stock, 42,097 ahares Preference uteck of no pnr value. On January 1, 1922, Common stock dividends will be advanced te $1.50 per share annually. Any additional distributions shall be at the same rate per share for both classes of ateck Earnings since incorporation in 1910 have never failed te nhew, from year te year, material increases, both in gross and net; and present earnings and business, conditions are especially satisfactory. This property is essentially n producer and distributor of elec tricity for light, heat and power. Territory covered by trans, mission and distributing systems through Mifflin. Huntingdon, Illair and Cambria Counties, uieng the Main Line of Penna. Ii. It., has an aggregate population of ever 300,000. Price te Net About 8 ROBT. GLENDINNING & CO. 400 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Constantin Refining Company 8 First Closed Mortgage Sinking Fund Geld Bends Due June 1, 1023 and 1925 dJht'eV'n?00 bnd3 ren8titl'tlng the only funded W00,f000hO Cmpnny ar 8Ccured by assets of AtenIhlvBSinkln j T8 h6 inl,eretl '1 " princJnl. g Und Prevhle8 for interest nnd The Company has the highest commercial rating. Price te return 8 Free of 2 Income T. Ienna. T refunded. Edward V. Kane & Ce. Morns Building Established If years. Denomination $1000 $67,217,750.00 1,821,910.00 - -J ' T'rf tT"-T a--'taj7iyil'-1-J- -'" j '-' -. ... . "V!