Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 12, 1921, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Sale of Government Hemes Has
Se Far Netted $917,700
for 302 Properties
Snip of the ftovrrnnifnt-ewnr.J Ijitive
In Fairview. Ouniilcii, wn resumed till"
afternoon in the thentrc mi 'tilling
rnnd. The first .lnv nf tin- no netted
R017.70U for .'10' nrnertlr" sold
Twenty of Hint ninnhvr wet" hiislnt-s '
or apartment house and the remainder
Arrangements have been mad" bv
nbetit thirty tenant te purelinie the
houses that thej new- eeeupv M mv el
these temuits were at the rffiee "f .lo .le
fceph I. Duj. mictien. 'or. M'terdny.
Meanwhile, there vvn mi inriinnntien
meeting ut the (.'eIIIiiks Theatre bv
tenants who are dln!ensed with the
Government terms. There were about
200 persons present, ineludin
twenty of Mr Din's accnt.
about '.,
Charles W. Yeung, of "1U Walnut
street, the chief speaker nt the mee iny i
Saturday, -tated that he would read :i
letter received by Wujiie Crawford.
2SGS Constitu'ieii'rond. Knirvieu, from
President Harding' -err.-tiii.v in re-
DPUUt LM II IT HUM -i-iii "il 1 lllii-'liai
Z .k- n ui-. ......, .k .t r
l nursduv l
w tut i. ii;piui ui ;nMi-Mii)k i in- uiin-i s7 , , r , ,t . .
the sale and eentainins 1137 signatures ''"' P','" elli'Mnl Harper had m m
ef tenants. The letter was net read, as Pressed ill feeling frr the warlen bf
Mr. Yeunz stated that there were tee leau In privileges had been rexeKed
many of Mr. Day's agents present who
would like te knew the contents of the
Blames Meney Interest
Seme of the statement. made h. Mr.
Yeung in his talk lading about an hour
were the following :
"Fairview l.s 'crurified en n cress of
fold.' The Government sas te the
tenants. 'Get te hell out of here'.'' Hu
manity? It's buslneh.x. Multi-millionaires
hare put this ever en the people
of Fairview. Other Government
owned villages are te share the same
fate of Fairview.
"Yeu would be surprised if you knew
that presidents of banks and trust com
panies in Philadelphia are opposed te
this sale. They don't say e. but I
knew it lb se. as I nm in eonultatien
with them dailj. .Telegrams are te be
sent te persons of prominence who have
access te Harding, t'ntil the title :ne
actually passed the I'reident can re re
Teke all that has been done.
'The tenants here den t knew en
what day their homes are te be sold. '" the Transportation Act was Govern
They can't take a week oft' te attend ment jwnernhlp. The pending bills, he
the Rale se thev can bid en their houses, i added, would prevent tin- railroads from
It should be se arranged that they
knew definitely when their heue is te
be put up se they can get off work thnt
day. It's difficult te find dwelling
houses new. When the tenants here
are turned out they can probably find
cellars somewhere te live in.
Mr. Yeunc stnted severnl times in '
, ennrsn nf his talk thnt the "Dav
1. -!..! A- ha.a am Viarib ... t V. n
People iritll tU IHV.nii ... uirun ., ....
meeting- anu nisi pee(ie wen- uuiuu r iransperuuum iii'i was nei uu- twe-liunilredtliH et u pound is tnc iasi 1 jfr Hachrach while working for ' leiiriit of the movement urge il us a
te come In en account of the mob out- reasonable. Mr. Wlllard declared, inas- 'unJertnken t tll0 i-tej states Bureau i Harpers' Weekly In the Civil War , M'P vital te the commercial and indus
Bld?' .......... a., r-...u , '"".r'i "L,.!i::, " r.;rl Jt"ZVL .1 .of Mines sta.i,- here, according te A. Period Photpgraehed Abraham Lincoln , trial relations of all nations at the prcs-
mum, .- . - ,
Mr Yeung requested that funds be
raised te send men from Fairview te
u tha President In recaid te the terms ,
of the sale. These men he said could
net afford te pay their expenses. "Only
WO men 01 rairvitw. lie liuum. i"
helped me. If It had been 100 or .".00
we could hnvc done something." ,
. T.I. 1 , 1.- ...1.1...1 l,n....
At the close of his talk Mr. Xeiing
invited any one tn question him. One
of the first questions aked was. "Why
wasn't opposition started earner?" In
reply, Mr. Yeung related at length his
efforts as the representative of a syndi
cate te purchase Fulrview from the
"Is this sale without reserve?" wa,
another question.
"Mr. Dav bus refu-ed te answer
that." renl-ed Mr. Yeung. "I am net
going te ten you worn i mum nnuui
that reserve, for I have been told It in
confidence. IJu I nm net salng there
Is any reserve." ,
A man arose and staled that the auc-
tleneer refused SI W for the house he
bid en. accepting the previous bid, I
$10."0, en the ground of net .-wephng
$2." Increase in bids.
Opinion is divided ns te the price nt
Tar n'yTanr.hef were rXnEK'
bargain sales. Others, who thought thnt
they would bring much less, see in the
prices paid a bright future In FalrWew
Member of Evening Public
Staff Victim of Elevator Accldent
Miss Abhie Van l'elt, daughter of
Mr. nnd Sirs Charles Udward Vtii
Pelt, 20S." De I.nneev street. wn fntHl.v
injured at fli.Ti A. SI. teda.v when she
was accidentally wedged in an elevator
shaft of the Washington lluilding
Chestnut street near Sixth.
SliRs Van Pel was caught between
the shnft and n moving elevator when
she attempted te leave tlie car. She
died in an ambu'nriee n the way te the
Pennsylvania Hospital.
Miss Van Pelt was a u. ember of the
BVFSINO 1'riU.H! LKlK.t'll editnrial
staff, which she joined two .veurs age.
She was gifted with rare tact nnd
charm nnd her persenalis and nbilit.v
endeured her te her ussecintes
SIlss Vnn Pell's patent, are new
living near New Orleans fur the win
ter. She is also survived bv three sis
ters nnd six brothers. She bad been
living recently with her sister- in an
npnrtment uu Locust street near Sev
Chauffeur Jailed for Reckless Driv
ing In Employer's Car
Declaring that "11 step must be run te
tills sort of thing," Judge Reger-, 111
Qunrter Sessions Court te.liiv, -enterice I
Karl Hut ler. 11 Negro, te lne vem In
the County Prl-nn. liutler. a rhnuffeur,
had taken a joy ride without pcrinlsMeu
and had smnshed his emple.ver's unto
mobile in 11 collision vvith aneiher mr.
Testimony showed thnt Rutler wn:
employed by Jehn Ha.vs, of IHiil Ches
ter avenue, and thnt Sir. Ila.vs r.
quired him after each da.v's work te
return te him the kc.vs. te the garugi
Butler, however, luid duplicate Kevs ,ind
en December " made use of ihnn.
Shortly after - o'c'eck of ihe net
morning he drove Inte another automo
bile nt Twent.v -first and Seuth stieets.
'i'ha policeman who nrrested him de
clared that lie wns chunk.
Three years age. Rutler served n t, nn
of four months for a like nffeu-t'
Delaware Convicts Make Recerd
Wilmington. Del.. De P.'- While
mere than -lOOO unemrileyed persons
have registered for jobs here, the pris
oners at the Nvv Castle fount Work
house established n record for work
done during November The
Knnvmt k
i,rnrl nut elntlilnc 7ni- n lnr.re man...
ilMturer, turning the lergest nmeiint
r credited te the Inmate of the In-
,ihifwi. OWeluls of th Central Laber
fnlmi .Ue!rilT..ler.l,i. .... ti.., ,.e
ft Vraiild W,ilif te turn nil (hojerk anilw'"1 e( ,l,e 1rhulY& ys'."9 tcH?Ote the
IWnticls wuire jr "v-nej
Ringleaders In Marquette Prison
Riots Ordered Flogged
MarntietlP. Midi.. Dei-. 12. (Hy A.
I' . - Mlchtgnn State imttceinen ww
gunrdltig Marquette prison today, fnl
rwlnsr n riot nmenj tlie prisoners os- '
terdny morning that resulted in the
vh'Ieiis MntiWns of Warden T. B. Cut -lin.
the bent tuft of Deputy Warden '
Krnd Monheniilt, ami the fK,rlinpt fatal ,
wounding of the lntter's son Arthur. i
Three Inmates of the prison who are
rliargrtl with leading the riot were t'
he llejged today, the punishment hav
ins been ordered by fharle r.inne of
Kalamazoo, ehnlrninn of the Mii'dlgim
State 1'i-is'iii Comnii'iMleii.
Warden Citlin. v.he received iu'"i
Inlfe vveiiihK is ald te lie In a ser
mis eonditlen. Yeiilie Menlirtinlt V.1
nibbed in the luiis. Kadi is in u local
'he outbreak eHine in the tint-en
ih.piel whl'e a l.irje number of the pris
rpcr wen witnessins a moving jildiire
i"T,'.rnmnee. Rebert Harrier. .Im-iier
I 'err j and Char'es Rebert, all ef I'e
iri'it. are alleged te have rushed upon
Warden Cnflin in the darkened reiu.i
and in have lnshed him with knives
lelen fnun the pi!en Uitehcn Arthur
Menli'Miiilt. who wns istlnj his father
tit flic. liHin lntnrvf.ne.1 utiil rlveiiei!
Mif ihnist. A prison cuard, wini-
meneil by one of the prisoners, held the
revolting inmates at ba with his rifle,
and smveeded in tiiitrehlng them te their
The three men charged with being
riugli'iider in the msiirrei tleu w ere
ill. If d h -evernl ether Inmate, while
I . , l. t
.enrther creiii enine te the defense of
... . ,... ,.,., .
Daniel Wlllard Says It May Force
Government Ownership
Washington. Iipc. r (Hy A. V 1
Daniel Wilhird, president of the I'.altl I'.altl
mere and Ohie Railroad, and Alfred 1'.
Thern, counsel for the National Ae-
elation of Hatlway Incentives, appeared
teda before the Senate Interstate Cem-
merce Committee In opposition te pend-
leg legislation designed te lepenl pre.
visions of the Transportation Act which
are nid te curtail rnte-making author-
it of State commissions.
The pn peed leg'latien. Mr. Wll-
lard ald, would lead te "absolute fail-
nre of the Transportation Act." which
he commended ns important centrui
lle legislation which has net et been
cnen a fair trial.
Mr. Wlllard ,ald the enh alternative
securing siiuitieni iuikis te prniiin in
(ilitie nf transportation demauiled b
the public.
'The result would be that the Gov
eminent would be forced Ie take eer
the railroads," said Mr. Wlllard.
"lengicM, by (Hissing the 1 ruusperta
tien Act. mnde peible the future suc-
cess of nrlvate ewnershin."
'CI.. ur.-rtutl.i.l It .n in iwnnfitt ,nn
aim- r-i.mi ., jit. vv-in , in. . .1 . .
i'"j . .v. . i..vui. ...M.umu ..,..,..., .."'
pnwite sources and 0 per cest en Gov
eminent leans.
nnari,re -,..l Will, r rr,
Departures of Vessels With Cargoes
Shew Increase
Eighteen stenmshins nre scheduled te
sail with general cargo this week
Last week there were but thirteen and
the week before twelve en the list of
future sailings. Nineteen have been
scheduled for next week.
In the next six davs there will sail
from the pert of Philadelphia three ves,
seK for llremen ami Hamburg, three
for Scandinavian nnd Unltic ports, two
for the West Coast, two for French
Atlantic ports and two for United
Kingdom ports. There will be one
sailing each for Londen. Liverpool,
Seuth America. Antwerp, Rotterdam.
Amsterdam nnd Havana.
,. -
Youths Who Get Away Frem Re-
formatery Are Caught
''"" "f " "" te' "
,of fourteen and seventeen who escaped
ln-,t night from the Reformatory .it
,;i,, Mills wtre rniiturcl nt Cliften
thl, morning by Chief ,,f police Me-
Verdict of Murder
Asked for Drennan
Continued from Vngn line
list and choked mr. nnd .hmr, me
back. Ml the lime I wn- -miggling
vilh him te get. nunv I luoke fr. .
nnd run h'-tne I ileiln'i knew that
Pat-v' Jewe n- shot until tome one
i nine and told me."
"llnd v. .1 -1 . 11 Ji,vm tint da V" In
w:i- n-keil.
"Ne. h wii-u't wi'h 11s and I hiidi.'t
.n him that ,i-i , at all. Tin lii-t I
knew nliein 11 wn- when I hcn-l . was
het ami silled. '
The wltnis- .,ii,i that Inter he hml
been arrested nnd taken te the siniien
heiisf, cluirgi'd with assiiull nnd hatieiv
en the iiiitreliniiii. but never had be. 1.
I tried.
Mrs .Mnignret Slnkewskl. L!i) Al
1 111. 111. 1 street, testifieil she s.iw the 1 luise
( go bv when she brought, her si. k bub
I out in the deer step for air.
"I saw Ju.vce trying te pull Drennnii
.iiwiiv." -he mid. "As the hejh run.
1 I 'nil ll.l M Ihiew his 1 lull ill nis. Klens.
I .Hid I saw him tear his lacket open uud
In, ml bun miv : 'von 1 il
-he.ii ' He iiil.id mil Ills gun."
1 milig leliell . Ilientlened bv Mr
I Govern us one of the ether ball plnci,
tc. titled .le.vie lun net been nlailuc
but bud drugged Dreiiiiini avv.ij from
"I -aw Drennen running after
Jejce," hi il Dennelly. "I miw him
pull out his gun. and 1 yelled, Wl,
Ged, leek out, he's going te sheet.'
"After that the bevs split, Jevce
Miming te the left. I saw Drennen
-tun. ling nt the entrance te nn allc.v
Int.. which Jmie lui I run, nnd heurd 11
shot 1 run nreund th( eth'r wny aiie
saw Puts, Iving half inside the gate
li ailing te the nrd belonging te Mrs.
Kinmn Feley, at UO.'ll Almend stieet.
"I knelt down beside Pat-y and lore
away the clothes from his threat
Drennen -aid : '(ie get the wagon." I
nld Weu're 11 cop, get it .vuursclf. ' '
Sirs SInrv Carr. 'Je." I Ann street,
and Sirs Mary Dcviw. Ii510 Ann
trcet. testified the hud seen Slctinv
.111 and Dennelly plu.ving with tlie
two veiinger bevs and thut there had
been no general game This 'was in
ccntrndictlen te testimony of Georce T.
I Il'liclinill
1U7 l-ast Clcartleld street.
I who was, at the church, uiuj Mild he
ww Mtevn t;i twenty beyn en the let
1 butting out .the hall; and Henry AV.
I Illndiinnn. LlKiO llultraile street, wnr.
LHOine cnevti nnt am ue ueu joins ler
1 !.... r. ,. 'CI,. I........ ..,. I f ,. ..... M'... ..... In,n. I,,nnd V!" ( .teftn -treet tint vnli.mn fiiwl sen fur tnemhnr of the tlrlll I vi'ni. n fnst inn 1 1 enrrler tiliinr.n.1 llir,mt. e.i- nrut .....!.. ...... . t... 111 . i
.;..: .. .,...........,...; i -... m..:. t-,.i... -r t i. ..i..... H....1,... i.i.t,l.,.i- .II...I i u.:.i- .. i.ii. .... n i 1....1 .,."" I-. 1 ""V '.. "V. "" " "'" 1 ""-- "epuruiiu 01 1 rcmier lirilllli , nun
Reiiiamlii Mills. They were werninc Central Station tedav. charged with -iiddenlv Saturday at his home at .uU.i.nged. Samuel Ileleuuin, mnll clerk, nnd the seventeen venrs be served In ikti I.,,',., ,u t.e..,.i.i., 1...-.. V. ... '
lethlng net ivuefl at the Glen SHIN robbing the cn-li register ,.t tne cider Diamond sireei. ne was seveniv -cigut i.enrge irvin, iiremaii, are believed te capacity te net less man ?1 ,500,000, It ' with .Mine Vivlnnt and never, l .0
Ledaer Scheel, which It 1- thought Uwv s,(. -, f Paul Clifferd, -Id Gr.cn veurs old. He Is survived by his wife, have been drowned. is said. , members of the Frin i iXcni. ,. ,
L-eager v h i f.r.ni.1, n,,t.i,, -.-...f Kridnv. The funeral wl take n ace tomorrow 1 I .niemuersettlierrtiK.il lelegatlen. 1
" . " . . . ..t . i .. .!.. t . ... -----Mbiuii'iiiiii nil iiiiieiuii i in i ifii'nTiiitt
I41'- - .. y uv :xS ,'0mmmmmaMmmmmm t 'nr
'fiwftttirnnMfiiiir-n1" .... ...- iinnriMtminHiiiiimiiniiiMiaiiiefitr 7iiyTOiniTffh)(,i'tiiittTaiil-r"r"fr !.. ...MM.M....Mtl
nt ioiiiivclleii with their w (fit's tvlcbuitlitn u parade wit lifid en .nturlay,
was exhibited
H. Bart McHunh Says New Yeari
Display Will Be Best In Years
The 1022 New Year's parade will he I
the best seen for the last tive earf. ae- I
i " . , , , ' .", "'' ". I
,'"""' l" " I'"' ;, " h 'M'"-- i
I "IK me Leuneii r ceieoraiieu ' e"11"'1 '
rn TATT..I. tnr1A l.la t.rA.lll'Hnil '
csterdnv. nffer n tnnr of the clubs with !
.'l. ..l.tilill IllUUf I. in I'lini- .,
Jehn If. Ilalle. former Councilman
and grand marshal of the last ten .New Hern In rhltndelphin, Mr. TrinRhtirt
Year parades. I received his early education in local
Hecniise of the enthusiasm shown by schools ami then entered the niuniifac
the clubs Mr. McHugh estimates that turing business with his fnther. .Tcte
between 10.000 and 1-.0OI) mummers llrlnghurst. Fer many yenrn he inanii
will be in line. i facttired surgical appliances at Sixth
Hie taney costumes b-ii tair ie ne uic
i feature of the parade, according te Me-
Hugh, wbe ascribes the increased inter-
, ,.t 0f t10 meilibcrs of the fancy -dress
c,b, te tnc fuct tlnt t1P Ceuncilmanlc
remmlttee Is offering mere prizes for
'tMe most beautiful Individual costumes
'than ever before.
n,lt t, interest dlsplaeil by the
fnl)(.j ,lres clubs is being closely
' rivaled b the preparations under way
among the comic associations, and the
competition seems exceptionally keen,
Half n dozen dubs, three from New
' Jersey and three from the downtown
. section, are threatening te take first
prize In the comic club division
I Effect of Humidity en Miners De
I termlned by Experiments
Pittsburgh. Dec. 12. -Weighing the
sweat of man's brew with scales se
delicately adjusted that their accurac:
approximately one
tins hee,l (eutn.l (A
- " ",', .-
- -
C. Hcldner. station superintendent and ;cttjsburg address In lSlVt. At one The General Committee en the Llml
supervising chemist time Mr. Unehrach was official jihe- tatlen of Armament is a citizens' body.
.uen inung wimbhis hi nn ini-iuwu
chamber, the temperiiture, humidity snd
air movement therein being exactly con-
trolled by scientific devices, will be
I under observation of phhlcinns. In
cluding a member of the University of
Pittsburgh medical stair. Dr. E. V.
Adelph. The weight of the workmen,
telling under varying conditions, will
be leeerded.
The project is Intended te accomplish
n practical purpose. In the copper
mines of Mentana high temperatures are
encountered. The mine owners asked
the Government te nseertain just what
effect conditions of humidity, air move meve
ment nnd temperature had upon work
men. In order that the temperature nt '
which men could work with safety might
be definitely established. ,
Part of Dr. Adelph's work is te study
the water balance of the huinnn body I
under iirylng conditions of air and
temperature. The scales te be used must
register weights te nn accuracy of ten '
grams. ,
James Jenes
One Case,
Held Without Bail
Youth Discharged
rtlv iillcr tlie mngi-trate Imd held
Junes without bail for court Jenes six-ei.ii.,ear-eld
son. Geerge, was ar
raigned en a chnige of being the lender
of a band f be.vs who have been iob ieb
bine homes and 'rolling drunks "
Sllchael Coach, ten years old, 010
Weed street, who wns nrre-tei with
.veung Jenes last Fridnv, te-titie.l thnt
lie had seen Jenes mid 11 number of
ether bevs rob a drunken ninti of ss:',, H
watch and a ling at Seventh nn. Cal
low hill street- about two weeks age.
Couil-el fur .veung Jenes showed thut
lit the time of the all.ged iiibberv he
wii- 111 the Hen-.' of Correction, fimn
where he wu- recentl ieleaed. He
wns dlsehnrgi (1.
Yeung Couch wa- taken luck le the
Heu-e of Detention te nwim 11 fiirthei
hen ring.
Fire at First Regiment Armery
Fault wiring Is believed le li.ne be n
the cause of 11 small tlie disieverid ill
11! : I." o'clock Ibis uiein'.ng in tic I'lrt
Regtmeiit Armer, Hin.nl and Cnllnu hill
street-. Smoke issuing fnun the Imilil
nig attracted Ihe attention of the uiuht
vvatchuiHii. who seal In an alarm te ft
Fifteenth nnd Vine street.- engine heu-e
liniiiiige te wans nun pin 1111. in
tiiiinled at S 1 00
Diamonds and Black Onyx
most attractively
combined in
Bar Pins, Breeches, Finger Rings, Ear
rings, Bracelets, Pendants, Sauteirs, Wrist
Watches, Scarf Pins, Cuff Links, Pendant
Hat Pins, Cigarette Cases and Tubes, ami
Vanity Cases.
J. EGaldwell & Ce.
jEWELrrv - Silver - Statienehy
Chestnut w Juniper Streets
Deaths of a Day
' Imi,n i.umnununei
Famy Was Among First Settlers'
- G.rmsninuiii I
,. , siermaniewn !
! rnnk rt'rly "rlnshurst. the last rep. i
rescntafve of the historic Ilrlnshurst
t ve et tlie historic llrlnghurst
of rSermantewn ilied M.si.r.ln .
I ie- V. strda..
home. OTJe Greene Mrtct, Gcr-
nt "'
inanlewn. of heart disease.
and Arch streets.
Mr. llrlnghurst s nncesters were
among the first settlers of Germantown.
His great-great-grandfather was a per
sonal friend of Geerge Washington nnd
his great-grandfather gave the ground
for the erection of the Germantown
Academy. IJeth were prominent and
revered citizen of Germantown.
Mr. llrlnghurst Is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Ullii llrlnghurst. Funeral
services will be conducted from his home
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. In
terment will be In 'Westminister Ceme
Inventor Who Photographed Lincoln
at Gettysburg Is Dead
Ttultlmnrn lien 1 rtnvl.1 T)iV,.
T " V. . . "' -
rncn, n wuieiy Known pnoiegrapncr.
"'"'. . l'""l0.?"'Pn c "'P'rQ us n(1
nir iiiiuu juiirn iu"im 01 muuius ill cw
I Uuchrncli became head of the Bacliracb
, corDeratioll
wine tlie I'resuient was delivering nis
tegnipner ter tnc tinted tstntes .Mivnl
i Acndcn.x. He wns one of the first
patentees of photo
Themas W. Crethers
Ottawa. Dec. PJ. Sennter Themas
W. Crethers, Minister of Laber during
Sir Rebert Renlcn's Administration,
died sudtlenlj here Snturdii. He was,
seveul -one jcars old and a Conserva
tive. ,
Mrs. Kate Helnlng
Funeral services will be held this
afternoon for Mrs. Kate Heiiilng, widow
of ,1. W. Heiniug. former tax collector
of Collingdale. She was sixty-one
ears old, end is survived by nine chil
dren. Rurlal will be in Mount .Ien
c. .,,! f u., a r-,,.-
Funeral, of Henry B. Bruner
The funeral of Henry H. Iiruner. the
"Grand Old Man of Germantown,"
ninct -nine years nnd nine months old,
wlin died nt his home, Ul Eawt Price
street, Snturday evening, will be held
tomorrow afternoon. 'I he funeral win
'" ' .:. "
iiui v.ninui,.
William H
i. Linasay
dsev. a Uvil Mar
William II. Liu
afternoon nt '' o'clock. Interment will
be in Central Laurel Hill Cemetery.
Rev. Dr. Woolston Advises Minis
ters te Encourage Attendance
"Hring the child te church early In
life," said the Rev. Dr. C. H. Weel--ton,
of the Fust Huptlst Church, In
addressing a meeting of Presbyterian
ministers nt Witherspoon Hall this
"If they nre restless, cress their
feet nnd draw in the hymnals, it ic
enl bemuhe Ged is working in them,"
he said. "At any rate, I'd rnther have
in 111 congregation a restless child
than i sleeping saint."
Hr oel-ton explained the, necessity
of bringing the church service down te
the understanding of the child, of uisng
visual Illustrations Instead of enl.v oral
ones, lie wns. he said, sorry that the
language of the pulpit was ever insti
tuted, for it was neither the language
of children or the common folk.
"Watch the children at play nnd
learn their language," was Dr. Weel
sten's advice, "and speak te them
through their eyes us the me ins pu
turcs de."
Yerk, Ualtlnierc and ether cities, died I l,.llelil' Proposal that the Adininlstra Adininlstra
here yesterday. Seven years age he I """ call nn international economic con cen
rtlrm'l nnil Ills nm. Wnlini- Knvnunr ' fcrciice te reluevp "economic harriers
mmmm: .rrr.
in which must of their equipment
Mary Moere, With Broken Spine,
May Return te Stage
v,'cw Vel It, Dee. 12. f-'urReens
throughout the country are watchlnR
with intense Interest the results, of the
' re surgical operation pcriermeu re-
"'en" "n0" Miss Mary Moere, ajctress.
by M,rgPOn, ftt Bren(, strwt Hesplta),
aftcr consulting with Dr. Adelph Le-
' '"are surgical operation performed re
renif. .Miss Moere is the daughter of
.Tames Moere, restaurateur.
Three weeks age yesterdny Miss
Moere was believed te have been fatally
Injured in the overturning of her auto
mobile, near lla!)len, 1. I. She suf
fered a broken spine and u fracture of
Yesterday Miss Moere had made such
recovery, following a delicutc operation
by Dr. Rebert T. "Merris nnd the staff
of the hespitnl, that she was able te
shake hajids with these who visited her.
She can recognize her visitors.
She tries te speak, but, because of the
strain this effort entails, the young
woman Is helm? illssnmle.l frnin tulL-lni-
Doctors de net believe thut her power
of speech hns been nffctcd.
Dr. Merris and the staff of the hes-
pltnl are certain that Miss Moere will
recover entirely, and probably may be
''" v ". """ J" ""!; mil, J,
able te rrsuini vr vocation en tlu ttngc.
Governing Beard of Arms Committee
Petitions Harding ,
. W.,- f.. 1.1 .nl !..
Wa.sliliiKten. Dec. 12.,
. , :,r. "V,"". '..'T: :...?: .'."'
, i Vi"r '": " '.""l";::'" .
------- ............ ..v ,. ... ....... ... ..-
, '"' consequent mlsundeistnndlngs such
I as in the past have led te war." 1'ro - 1're -
cut .rnis ienterence.
wltn Minnie! (Jumpers nnd Oscar .
htrntis as honorary chairmen. Among
its geernlng beard of thirty members,
representatives of everv nhase of na
tienal life, nre, Geerge W. N'erris, Mer
ris L. Coeke, Otte T. Mullery and Dr. ' cal Jehn Uull, bhert and stout. His
SI. Curcy Themas, of Philadelphia, mill speech, though convincing, wns net par
Sirs, (iifferd Plnchet. ticiilnrly eloquent and his manners net
i Censtantlne Government Will Net
Recognize Metaxakls' Election
! Londen. Dec. i'2. The Greek Gov
ernment announces Its lntentle net te
recognize the Most Rev. SIclcte1, Me
axnkls. the newly elected I'ntriaifh of MgnwI lnnnfcste j,, iflltl opposing ne
the Orthodox (hurch in ( enstmit In.,- , KOtintiens te settle the Irish problem.
pie, says n Renter dispatch from
.Athens. It also annniinces'the break-
,n(? off of j.,,,,,!,,, lth ,hn pntrinr.h-
te. in the belief thnt the Patriarchs
of Jerusalem. Alexandria and Antleeh
nnd the Metropolitans in the newly nn-
nexed territory will de likewise,
, Tran plunges Through Brldee
! Everetl. Wa.sh.. D.
ec. FJ. Twe men
are believed t. have been killed mid
several suffered ininrle- in a wreck et
, Great Northern tmln Ne. 1!7 forty miles
east of here .vesterdny. 'J he train, which
Biggest Bowl yifjM-Bl
rv -Me Heat gmMmrdtfKi V
$1 150
DECEMBER 12, 1921
Famous British Lawyer and
Lord Chancellor Was Leader
of Tery "Die-Hards"
By the Associated Tress
Londen, Dec. 12. The Karl of Halr
bury. former Lord High Chancellor of
England, died here yesterday.
Lord Halsbury, who celebrated his
ninety-eighth birthday last September,
was the nc.ster of Ilrltlfh politics. Ills
longevity justified physically the title
of "Lord Die-Hard, " which he wen
politically through the stubbornness and
Indignation with which he led the fight
in England for hereditary prlvlbge,
particularly against the Vete Bill,
whereby the Heuse of Commens suc
ceeded In curbing largely the power of
the Heuse of Lords. While his Identifi
cation with it losing cause !n the last
years of h's public life did much te
ebfcure his record of achievement, he
was really one of the greatest English
legal authorities of the lat century. Aw
Lord Chancellor of England he served
in four Conservative Cabinets, occupy
ing the famous "woolsack" for seven
teen ears In all. from ISSe le 1802 and
from 1S03 te 100S.
Ixr Blrhcidiead's Tribute
Twe pnrs age, when he celebrated
fne seventieth anniversary of Ins call
te the bar. the present Lord Chancellor,
Lord Birkenhead, in a tribute te him
en behalf of the British bench and bar,
said :
"It is amazing te centempjate the
long historical perspective. Yeu were
born during the lord chancellership of
Lord Eldou. Yeu were called te the
bar in the chancellership of Cotten
ham. Yeu took silk when V'"stbury
was Chancellor; your Immediate prede
cesser en the woolsack was Melbourne,
"Success in the profession of the law
and thnt vitality which nreduces length
of days must have some intimate con-
ncetieti if vv0 may judge by the span of i
I life allotted te the Chancellors of the!
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Yet
te none of them was it given te leek
back en se prolonged a professional ex
perience ns te etirseif. ;r. i.eonares
at the age of nlnet-feur looked back
fti MlTlv.elf-ht venrs Hrmtfrlifim nt
ninety te sixty "years, Chelmsford nt
eighty-two le sixty .ears, Lyndliurst nt
ninety one te fifty-nine enrs. Selbourne j
at eighty-three te fifty-eight yenre.
Uatlierlev nt eighty te fifty-four years. I
Eldou nt eighty-seven te
hfty-twe ,
Jcars. These records see,,, te shrink
,., ,nt.
when compared with your
own ever-
green and lgoreus life."
Of middle. '-.-.s !i
Lord Hals-
. "r.v (Hardlnge Stanley Glffnrd) was
1 1 the son of Stanley Lees Glffnrd. the first
euiter et tlie Londen Mtntiiinru nnu n
writer en political and literary topics. I
He was the first of his family te gain a
peerage and after entering the nrls-1
tecrncy be wnsecend te none in showing
deference te his ussecintes whose titles,
happened te be mere ancient than his
Resides his longevity. Lord Helsbur.v
was possessed of few of nature's
merely physical gifts. He was a t.vnir
always pleasing, lie was nothing if net
pugnacious, the bulldog In his appear
ance asserting itself in his actions. This
he attributed te the Irish bleed in Ills
Foe of Irish Negotiations
Naturally Lord Halsbury had de
cidedly reacliennry views en the Irish
question. He was one of these who
Speaking in the Heuse of Lords in May
HUH. then in his ninety-sixth venr. he
attacked the Government in a rlm-lnc
denunciation which asteuislicd the ceun-
Reth inside and outside of the Gov
ernment Lord Ilalsbury's career proved
that the law was the finest profession
in I he world from n menev.ninklnfr
vtnmlnninf for tlinse whn pef'lnt.. ilm
front places. Fer his legal services he
. received from the stnte mere than
' '(i,en(i, nominally 81,007.0(10, net
Including the grant of approximately
Your Gift
A Simplex Sunbewl
rOOD cheer and personal comfort go
with your gift of a Simplex Sunbewl
Radiator. The glowing copper bowl, at
tached te any electric light socket, pours
sunny warmth into any corner of any room.
The Simplex Sunbewl chases chill from bath
room, den or living room; it takes no mere cur
rent than a Simplex electric iron or toaster it is
economical, safe and conveniently portable. The
wmiFiVA ouneowi is a thoughtful gift.
At your dealer's
Cambridge, Mass,
Self-Defense Plea of Detective Ac
cused of Firing Fatal Shet
Welch, W. Vn.. Dec. 12.-(By A.
I'.) An adjourned sewden of Criminal
Court met here today for the tilnl of
C. E. Lively, Georje l'cnee nnd AMI
Hem Salters, who were Indicted in con
nection with the.klllins of Hid Hatfield
and Ed Chnmbcre en the courthouse
steps here Augutt 1 Inst. Hatfield,
iKCempanlcd by hi? wife, Ed Chambers,
one of his witnesses, nnd Mrs. f ham
hers, met death while en his way te
court te answer te charges growing out
of a sheeting at the mining village of
Mohawk about a year age.
Lively, a private detective, was nn
outstanding figure in the Matewan bat
Me case, in which both Hatfield and
Chambers were defendants. Seven prl
vute detectives, Mayer C. C. Tester
man and two residents of Mntewan were
killed, and nt the trial it was brought
out thnt Lively, posing as n storekeeper,
went te the little vlllage en the Tug
Hlver and trailed with the men who hud
been indicted in connection with the
killing of the detectives. At the trial
he testified against llr.tfleld nnd the
ether defendants, who were acquitted.
After the sheeting here Lively claimed
that he fired In self-defense, alleging
that Hatfield and Chambers started the
sheeting. Mrs. Hatfield said her hus
band was net armed, but had left his
pistols at a hotel, from which place they
iiad been stolen.
President Accepts Chairmanship of
Memerial Foundation
New Yerlt, Dec. 12. Trcsident
Harding has accepted honorary chair
manship of the Caruso American Me Me
eorial Foundation, which is planning
annual music scholarships nnd awards
te deserving students In memory of the
great Italian tenor. This was nnneunced
Inst night by Paul D. Cravath. president
of the Permanent National Committee
of the Foundation.
The President. In n letter te Mr.
Cravath. wrete: "I cannot but feel thnt
such a foundation would be the most
practical and effective method of testi
flng u nntiennl interest, net only In
the great Caruso, but In the perpetua
tion of the best forms of nrt.
"Yeu will realize, of course, thnt my
contributions te your efforts will neces
sarily be of n very nominal character
en account of complete aborplleii In
public business here, but It Is u pleas-
hit te give this much testimen of m
approval of what you are doing.
, Weeks May Succeed llellen Dcnby
, Head of Army and Navy
Washington, Dee. l'J. The first ("'ah- ,
inet cliangc te occur in 1'resldent Ilnrd
ing's Administration is reported but a
few weeks off.
The changes expected nre the retire
ment from the Treasury Department of
Seeretnrv Alellnn ntnl dm fintiriSntment
hlu successor, of Secrelnrv Weeks.
IUIW nt th 1C(lj of tue Wu ij,ar .
; nlf.nri
The In itlul condition thnr will urecede
tuew, (.imgcs wm be the creation ef1
ti1P DPpartmcnt of Nntlenal Defense,
combining th-i present War nnd Navy1
Departments. Secretary Denbv. of the I
v...... neTmrtment. is sul.l i,. l slme.l
as the new head. I
It is explained the prime purpose in
such a radical rearrangement of the
military departments of the Government
Is te co-erdlnato uud strengthen the
military establishment, and after that,
te reduce expenditures. I
Companion of Convicted Slayer te
Meet Murder Charge Today
A petition was tiled in Quurter Ses Ses
siens Court today asking an extension of
time for motion for a new trial for
Harry Leaner, ceuvlcted Friday of i
lirst-degrec murder. '
Lessner nnd Geerge Jnckel, who gees
en trinl today, attempted te held up the
Jewelry store of Samuel Uugiiy, Sev-
cnth street near Rltner. In an at
tempt te escape. Lessner fatally wound- '
ed Abraham Kabinewitz, of Eighth
street below Ritner, who was passing.
Judge Rogers allowed counsel until
Washington, Dec. 1L fBy A. P).
Rene Yiviniil, former Premier of
France and head of his nation's deleen.
t ion at the Armament Conference since
Aims te Promote Better Under
standing Between United
States and Britain
Organization of n Philadelphia n. .
of the English-speaking UneftX
perfected, accord ng te an an,.?i
tnent made by Charlton arnSll T
chalnnnn. Many of the cltW
prominent citizens arc officers kU 2?
rectors in this association, the m Jl
of which is "te draw teiethWif
bend of comradeship tlie Eil 5'
speaking-peoples of the world '
In announcing its aims, the Vu
dolphin branch issued the follewi'2,
statement : 0WUl1
"The EnglUh-Speaking Union almit
no alliances and has nothing te de wii
Governments, but it does seek te urJ
meto n geed understanding ameneMk
United States, Great Britain aSI I
self-governing dominions of the Brill!
Empire. It seeks te offer mutual itr?
Ice te these of the Enullsb-spcrth
peoples who believe in the great pr ii
clple of free government en which thVi
institutions rest jointly, te thnt the'
peoples may gain n fuller knowledge c
ene n net her nnd thereby perpetuate,
lasting peace.
"The practical objects ere te mil
the English-speaking peoples betli
known te ench ether by :
"Intcrchnpge of representative tpeil
crs lecturers, professors, preachers an
students in universities, colleges m
"Reception, entertn'nment and pa
crnl assistance of visitors, properly c
credited, whether in the United 8UI
for business, travel or any ether pat
"Establishment of centers In Ear
lish-speaklng countries with the vlewt
promoting locally every movement w
makes for the greater friendship of tk
peoples of these countries."
Special Train for 850 Clients
I'ettsvllle. Tn.. Dec. VJ. The Telia
.sylvnnia Itailread was notified CGterda
that one lawyer alone,9!, A. N'emiVi
of Shenandoah, will have 'JeO client
te bring here te court teduy. TS
clients of ether lawyers will swell if
total te Sel), requiring the ruiinlni r
mi ej(trn section of the regular com
train. All the men are miners an
arc coming here te be sworn In as ne
citizens If they pass the cvainlnatlea,
Mens Hosiery
for Usual Wear
and Golfing
Mercerized Half Hese.
Plain Celers 50c, 85c,
$1.00, $1.25.
Lisle Thread. Imported,
$1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $3.50,
An exceptional line el
vertical stripes at $1.50.
English heather effects
with clocks of contrast
ing color $3.50.
Silk Half Hese. Plain
colors 60c, $1.00, $1.75,
$2.50, $3.00.
With Clocks $1.50,
$2.00, $3.50.
Accordion - weave Silks
$2.75, $4.00.
Extra Quality French
Silk (black only) $5.00.
We are satisfactorily
meeting a Gplendid de
mand for Men's Woolen
Half Hese. Our assort
ments are large and well
chosen and evidently ap
peal te purchasers. An
exceedingly attractive
variety in plain, clocked
and fancy styles 75c,
$1.50, $2.00. $2.50, $3.50.
Silk - and - Weel Half
Hese. Heather effects
and stripes with clocks
$1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.25.
GOLF HOSE. Particu
larly strong in our va
riety and quality. Scotch
and English makes at
$3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00,
An attractive style at
$3.50 is one made in a
Camel's-Hair-and - Weel
combination, which is
particularly geed value.
Scotch brushed wool in
brown heather effects
with fancy tops at $5.50.
Business Hours
, 8:30 A. M. te 6 P. M.
nv 1L 10111. MABV
1 nA vitrn.n -
'In.iehler of ilm lute Mary Collin n-l !
.I.-,..... i,n..i.....ii Vr..rpjl trvlrt On
Ft en "eA
I'.'u.ntj .,u..i'jt,j .141-.. "- -,..--
m .' r. M . ai ner inie 'J" ,;,7.rmir
ilirnair. Haptirl Cetneiery.
I uinl of Ottllltn Miller ne, KrUM';
or ettlllln .Millar in. r"1',.miitc
lv unrl fi-lfii.lH. ttlxe William '.,';;. I
.rtL'. Ne SUU. 1'
l'r"iuun n A. L'
mumlfrv Ne 7
'.. fhiu
ai Thfodero II. Dern. fernitriy ;. .
S5S""!f P- M,.
I'm t.'mif.iiii HilieH Thurs . J -.
r . - 71 - - . -.- - '.;:.
i Miviffn Tniirn . ,':v,
ilJenfK. tU IJ. Cry-lnl .-"' (V
N. J. Internum! "V'.'J't p,
nd muy cull Wd.. WfW' J
ner line rem
WfiHtinent. t
etry. Krlcitda
t .".!:..
fAVAIlTl-WV. Jr.,
n.vf. "'":, Si.
'uAr rvlce. W3.. 1 r. '',,
arnl' r'Mncfi 18 Fern, V',.VS
'pit... a. Huinnn
HlfPll U 1TI -.
A O. N M H . ineiilbr .if l.ilinfr. ; ,
of tl.a AKii'iuciil cml all eili'i "V7Miiin
lir) li wim it nifmlitr et" li,lt'lJ l0M,',
rf,teiir 'JIO'J ii NeiriBPl Intrnieni "
,-. , ..- - . , ,,Ul
,auril fl ill. .. 1
uuii. Lie. 1 1