"- rsvj;-v ' :; Tsr1''' V v n ..& & f KM 14 EVENING PUBLIC LED GER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1321 ,V- , - 1 W1, CLOSE-UPS of the MO VIE GAME lly HENRY Fanny 7nrs 7'cs What She Thinks of One Photoplay RIGHT in line with 11 few tinM.v retnnrUs 1 niinle liere the ether day In answer te Incc's questionnaire en the present Mute of the movies, eemes word from New Yerk that Fanny Hurst, nutber of ninny wonderful Merlew, ha much the Mmc opinions nbeut the methods of the modern director in transferrins u Mer.v te the screen. Fanny Hurst wrote "Star Pt:t." The lilm sxrnnrie n miulr by Antheny Paul Kelly. It was directed b Hobart llenlcj ntid slur Hepe Hampton Se, Hew that everybody linn "credit" for the performance, let us get en vvltli the tery from New Yerk. Miss Hurst invited a let of her friends te nitend n prUnle slievvnis of the film which she herself had net then .ecu In the projection room of the din tributlng company. They sat in Mlence and In darkness while the action wept en. en the screen and then, when the lights were turned en, Miss Hurst, with eud the formality of an Introduction, rose and miiil: "I (Kunt te apologize te these of my friends who are here at my invitation te see this se-culled version of my novel. The tnwdry Mery which eti have just 8cen dragged across the motion-picture screen in my name Is net the story of my novel as these of you who hnve read It must realize, but a conglomeration of incredibly cheap and trumped up situations ami titles. "It is incencehablc that, as an author, ) must lip subjected te the humilia tion of having thjypcncrMen of my ide.i go broadcast ever the country as my tery. "What you have just witnessed In nn affront te the taste and intelligence of the beholder, whecur lie may be, and an Insult te the book and the author. Te have it go out te the public under tnj name and title is misleading and duiuug lng and I intend te leave no stone unturned te prevent that huppenlng. "I offered my time and services In the writing and adapting et the vrcen rcrslen. That offer wus ignored and the cheap, tawdry story we have just wit nessed is the result. "I Miall take every step te hne my name and title removed from this se-called Version of my novel. It is neitlur my theme, my story nor my idea." T SEVUffj te me that this contains nn illuminating eiiit'vr te the producers' of ten -asked question, "What si rim te lie the miitir with the mertcsf" Theie tire words, "rhenp -tmrdr'i" about sum it up. The viewpoint nf most dtrctteis is "i henji tairiirp." They think Hint is the viewpoint nf the puUir, lut is if.J I'm net rpuikiiiii of sittinni and costumes, y either tens Miss Hunt. It's the mintnl ntmesphcic that u cheap and iaicdry. The Mevie Fans' Letter-Bex Gertrude. Riverside. N. ,1. --Maurice Costelle has net appeared en the screen for some time, but he hasn't given up his Jove for it. In fact he has etih recently finished work in a Selzwid; picture which you will see some time this winter. Yes, you are right. He was n very competent and attractive here in his early days. Flo-Dec. 1742 Wyllc Mreet, writes "I get much enjoyment from your an swers. Thank you. New please tell me what has become of Edith Story V Is she married? Alse I !ee that they speak of making a picture of 'The Christian' ns if it had never been done ''before. Rut it was some years age, and it was splendid. Earl Williams and Edith Story had the leads. Alse you say that, according te your knowl edge, 3Ime. Bernhardt never appealed in pictures, hut she did In .ver.il. !'' -fore the war she appeared in 'I'amillc.' and during the war she appeared in a picture called. I believe, "Mether- of Men,' but I am net sure as te the title. It was n French war story. She hm also appeared in ethers since. I think, however, I did see her in these two. New please don't tell me that 'Camille' Is Mmc. Bernhardt')) stage day and net a picture. I never saw her en the stage but I did see her in tliat picture. I also saw Clara Kimball Yeunr and I thought that she was even better than Madamc, Of course she was younger and mere slim. New I hope te see Na-sl-meva In 'Camille' and I expect that she will be something different. I thought you might like te knew nbeut Mmc. Bernhardt and hope I have net taken up tee much of your valuable time." The mere of my time you take no. the mere vnluable it is te me. (flood. I calls that eh?) I've already abase, myself te the fan for net remembering Bernhardt1! pictures But your let ter makes me recall seeing one of them I don't knew which but it must have been made nfter she had her leg ampu tated, for I recall that she sat in a chair throughout the story. Dees any body remember whnt thnt filmuas? I haven't the information you want about Edith Story, but I'm en the track of it. Watch this column for it. All Friends. 017 Clinten street. Cam- den I imagine tjie picture m which you saw Jack Helt anil I.ila I.ee was "After the Shew." I don't blame jeu for thinking they were "wonderful." It was. one of the best pictures of thi year. Address them care of Famous- Lasky Studie. Hollywood. Calif. They, will be delighted te hear you liked ttiem. If, you ask for a picture, however, be sure te fellow the cuMetu of Inclosing twenty-five cents. Pictures cost money and while stars are delighted te sr,i, photographs te admirer-, their bills would be enormous. Hopeful, SOUS Venango street Serry ter have kept you waiting se long for your answer. I'm still net absolutely positive which wns Theda Hani's lntet ' picture, but I am fairly sure it was The Lure of Ambition." She was ' married last July te Charles J. r,ra bln. Address her in Ms c.ire at the Fer Studie, Fifty -fifth strCet and Tenth avenue, New Yerk. Tine Ling My records show that Rudelph Valentine and Jean Ai ker lietn i WOAH AND WALLACE BEERY TO PLAY TOGETHER AT LAST Ily CONSTANT!'. PALMER Hollywood. Calif. IN rniSCII.I.A Pr.AN'S newest pic ture, "Wild Heney." Neah and MTellnee lleerv, who are net oelv brothers but equally geed character act ors, 'for the first time In their prefes. fdenal careers played in the snnie pie tore. However, one finished before the ether's part began, se it wasn't as nice as one might think. Fer a long time I've been mildlv wondering who Marshall Nellnn found te play Herman's brother Vernian. in "Penrod." Yeu remember in the book they werp two little hevs of color who assisted Penrod in his schemes. At last incomes out. Sunshine Sammy, the lit tle; coon who plays se often In Hareld 'Weyjl's pictures, was Herman, nnd his later It's the truth, and very cute. tae rdenned pants nnd played her hrether'a brother .Incidentally, Neilnn Is buzzing along happily en the production, and expects te be finished before very long. I'm IwHrdng te be Invited te the pre-vlcvv, and tun I'll ten you nn uenut it k.J met I'nuline Htnrk for the first time tm'.ether day. She Is a nvveet thing, very 9tvt; and recerved. At least she im pmacd me tliat way. She and her MMp2r are constantly together, anil JY6' ben nlwayn. Their affeetinn for m another is a vry beautiful thine te .y Ua 8tArk hns a lovely apartment, unc with draperies the name color IM, n neil, gentle blue, I had known her trumn card wns her tmln( nnd. lmve wondered If i jmy u?l for professional H!E??aatg-i nrtnr inn vmtncmr ...i.i Zi i"rt- " i jjpl WWW 7 T.V."3,;.euitey,rer'it .who ueites." . f' - ... . ',.l.Ji... t.. . . m'.... . cCie, Daily Mevie Magazine 31. NICELY entered miIIv 'When Jean . ker s iut came up in court last month It was re vealcil that Valentine married her under the nan f (Juglielml. and they were known te intimates ns Mr. and Mrs (iiiglielmi. se that is evidently his real name. He wn- born In Castellaneta Italy. Address him care Lnky Studies Hollywood. Calif. Curious. 12-10 Chestnut street He-e's the dope I get from the Ln ' office about your rumor of Hebe DaneN' di vorce. "Nobody here in the office re calls ever having heard that Ilebe un even married, and we have no data in our biographies te show she was. There, fore I think a 'Ne' will be perfectly -afe." What Your Favorite Film Stan Arc Doing Klili.ird ."station, former I'e direc tor, ha formed hi" own company. IVarl White ib lc.ivlus tilst et the, year. Tex after the (ieerge Walsh has isncd vvlih Uni, verbal te tar in a -erial. 'lela D.ina is te be Mnireil In a fertlti e.ning t'hrity oemeily , vviiifii by Km n Is iteluuil CeiiUliu. Jacques Jarcard, Heward .Mltrhell and tn'iirs" "NI :i i -lull I . illri'iler", luivi left tin- Ket Wet Coast organization. William II. ToeUer. noted character had, h'li bs'U i i gnseil 10 direet mid plnv th" prim ip.il charaetev nde in two Menet by l)r. Prank Cr.me. .Madge Kvans, famous' as a child actress who i n ivv hist Muien. o e Wn signed up by IMgnr Seidell te -i.ir Doleres Casslnelli has formed her own piedu'lng oenipanv. with K.nili Ciiiiltiird, (lie vvell-Unnvvn Kreneh ili 11 ter. hundlln,; the megaphone. Dorethy Phillips will shortly start work en lev net featiiie under fl,e ilitectiun of her husband. Allen llilti- , bar. .Mini Kerrest has been engaged te I l.iy th" lead enpnsili .Mmy Allies .Minter In her next Henlart picture, wiiiirn by Il-lcn It. Mait.n. but as yet linn imcd. lOrnest llilliard hn been engaged a the "'mvi" with (iui;c Arils, n, "Idle Hands." Mile. Andiee I'cyre. the Prene'i aviiitilv and x'ipti st.ir ha" been s'i'.-ned te play opposite Ueginnl'l Den Den ev, the slur. In the third i-p seilu of The Leather Puslier"." the H, ('. Wittier vrlest, vvhieft are being pletur i.i"l under the direction of Harry Pel lard. Jereme Slerm, Charles Kay's former (lneeter, has been erifiged te liatulle the megaphone for .In. Uie r'oegan's net tin tin", and Albert Au-t.ln, fei yinrs "gag" man de luve with Chaillc I'hiMilin. h i leen signed te net in a similar enjineit.- with the tiny star by the (Yeg.in etheiaN T. Ii. Barnes in Rele of 1921 "Pied Piper' TN (rtli:r: that fifteen deg. of - various kind, breeds and sizes shall fellow him lalthfully in certain sienes. T. Itev Itarnes. piny ing the leading role In "N Matrimony a rnihne':" has been dcvnllu; several hour each day te feeding the hungry pae'.i of animal" A pound of meat per deg is his ration. Nelxidy but Itarnes in per mitted te feed them. Me snys he feels like the ,,I,ied Piper of Hiimelin." The picture is, being di rected by .Tnmes Cruze. . affect lenntelv ealie,. have h.id a bitter and rei rnt struggle te attain their pies, ent Mieeess. I'erhiips with mnie of them (lie struggle is tee lately passed, nnd tee liable te be repented, for them te leek lit it with the calm philosophy that time alone can give. Hi:ix.n all t UN JEHOMB i:DDY, of whom pe.ired for the last few months, has iust come into view again as leading lady for a new (iehlw.v n picture, called "Alvvajs Warm and (ireen," by (Jou (Jeu venieur Merris. It sounds very placid, and thev tell me Helen will de a eliur aeter study of great heart appeal. Ily the way, she's nn ex -Studie Club girl. I.en f'hancy has reup te New Yerk fnr Ills first visit Altllnneli he linu Knnn en the stage for goodness knevvH hew m many years, he has never set feet In America's capital of learning nnd te. nhixtlcutien. Hareld Lloyd has elmnged the name of bh newest .nntl jiiHt-cempletRd ernwiiv- irnm "!' ivnirn Kent-nUH' 7.v: r."-'v. ?af ....... ,. .-.Mv. FOR YOUR SCRAPBOOK OF STARS - JtwEs. vv'! TVMfe. i L 9ittHiRW$v S'SrlBB;-: ''' '-, '" " 1 ttu.. 'WiSWmX'-'ii '''- i m HtENE POPOCATEPETL IN ERUPTION! i Smoke and Ashes Thrown 2500 Feet Above Summit of Mountain Melce City. Dec. V (By A. I) Popecatepetl, the great volcano south east of thih city, buist into violent erup tion yesterday afternoon, a column et smoke nnd ashes beinj thrown "."00 feet above the summit of the mountain. President Obregon was entertnlning u I party of friends at Chapultepce Castle ' and had strolled with them en the bal- 1 ceny when he observed the eruption. He called for strong field glasses, and after , closely observing the column of smeKc rising forty miles away, directed that two aviators be sent te the mountain te ascertain the seriousness of the out break. The aviators reported upon their re turn that they had heard heavy rumbling in the mountain and that lava was llew . ing down the slopes below the crater. Warnings have been sent te the resi dents of villager near the mountain, but reports indicate that these smnll towns have been deserted for week". : Within the past month Popecatepetl has been reported active and a serious outbreak is forecast. H. CLAY EVANS DEAD Fermer Commissioner of Pensions and Censul General at Londen Chattanooga. Tenn,. Hec. l' i Pr A. P.i II. Clny Kvans, former 1'nited States Commissioner of Pensions, and Censul flcneral at Londen. l'.lO'J l'.HI.I, died suddenly at his home early tedav. He was seventy 'eight years old Mr. Ivans' career began with his en listment in a Wisconsin regiment during the Civil War. at the close of which lie settled in Tennessee as an iron and railwav car manufacturer. After serv ing two terms as Mayer of Chattanooga he was elected te the Pitty -first Con gress as member from the Third Ten nessee district. In l'SO'J he was first Assistant Postmaster General in tin Hairisen Administration. In the State elections of 1S1H he was returned as Governer en the fnce of the returns, but after a recount by the Legislature the icsult wns overturned. In INK! lie was a prominent candidate for the Repub lican nomination for Vice President, and from lS'.l" te 100'J was Commissioner of Pension". I'rem 1M17 te 11HH! lie wus American Censul General nt Londen. Mr. Kvans was delegate-at-large te all Republican National Conventions between lMii! and ltllC. Dies of Overdose of Medicine I'nlontevvn. Pa., Dee. PJ. -( liy A. P. i lien L. Hiiut, u prominent I'av ute County attorney, died In a hotel In re late last night after accidentally taking an overdose of medicine, accord accerd ,lng te the police. Hunt had summoned Ins wife and nephew by telephone, tell ing them of his condition. They ar rived shortly before his death. Hunt Innl been biiffcriig lrein a nervous ail ment. After-Dinner Tricks Ne. ill Which Knd Ilurius Klrst? , Twe matches are wedged between the sides of the druwer and the Inner side . of a match bon. A third mateh Is placed I between them- The third match is lighted in the middle, and nn.veiic is asked te guess which end will burn lirst. Ileferc citlier end in reached, pressure will (be relieved by flip renter of the match being consumed, and thq pieces of the. an at eh vvllb lean into the air.- kivftbvirJ "At,u rutUaJ.edgit poirtpem . Villi' i i1!i-" !jfti CASTLE INDIANS BUY AUTOMOBILES Meney Frem Sale of Tribal Lands Used te Purchase Motorcars Washington. De". V2. (By A. P.i -The automobile seems te rwess the Mine Irresistible fascination for the In dian that it does for mnny of hlsi white bietlucn, says the nnnual report of the Beard of Indian Commissioners, nunli public today. Agents in all part" f (he Indian country, the report said, have stated thnt m many cases the 'irst pin ceeds of the snle of tribal lauds go te purchase a lilgh-pnvveied aulomeU'o and a fill complement of accessories. The lepert iceemniciids thnt citizen ship be cenfiri'd en all nen-citi.en In (linns, but that the (Jevcrnnient continue its "protective suivi'visleii e- er 1 1 1 -i i proper! v affairs." Had your iron today? i Eat rnere raisins Hfe&c. ? mmt&i Largest Assortment - in Phila. Beth Phenes Bank, Office, Library and Scheel Furniture mjmij it..' m JOSEPH L. SHOEMAKER & CO. At 926 ARCH ST., Phila. since 1884 SHOEMAKER BUILDING iJVCL'rnSSSSw VAhk. SCOJ itisl If I ; H "K I - E Platinum Wrist Watches Movements of Recognized Dependability in Chased Platinum Casings Set With Diamonds, Sapphires and Black Onyx $450 te $800 GOLD WRIST WATCHES Plain, Chased and Jeweled Casings $40 te $250 Van Dusen and StokesCe. JEWELERS 1 123 CHESTNUT STREET DREAMLAND ADVENTURES The Slumber Sprites Uy DADDY Jack and Janet, seekinp the sum mer bird that sings spring songs m the autumn xcoedr, arc turned into chipmucks by Dame hislincl'a magic. They go en n trip underground tcifft Chip and Chipper Chipmuck, and find Sleepy Woedehuck taking his leintcr nap. The chipmucks tease Sleepy Woedehuck until he awakens and then he grabs them. CHAPTER 1. Geed by Bodies fClITHEltE de jeu go when you go " nMccp?" That is the onestien Jack and Janet and Chip and Chipper Chipmuck had asked Sleepy Woedehiich. "I'll show you." grunted Sleepy Woedehuck, gathering them te him and snuggling them as a mother eat snuggles baby kittens. At once nil felt themselves falling into n doze. An they dozed Sleepy Woedehuck crooned a dreamy lullaby : "Come, come, come en the wings of sleep j Come, come, come o'er the ocean deep ; Come, come, come where there Is no Mievv : Come, come, come where warm breezes blew!" ' Suddenly Sleepy Woedehuck ceased his crooning nnd gave a sharp bark. "Come!" he ordered. "Shake off 'jour heavy bodies! Leave them (deep 'lug here and ream the world with inc." At that Jack iuiiI Janet and Chip nnd Chipper Chipmuck cave themselves a sharp Jerk. And they seemed te jerk tl emselves right out of their bodies. Their bodies still lay beneath them, snuggling close te Sleepy Woodchuck's body in Sleepy Woodchuck's nest, but they were no longer in the bodies. They Were In new forms forms ns light and I airy as though made of fog or smoke. And Jack and Janet were no longer chipmucks, into which they had been turned bv Dame InstlnctV magic. They weie a boy nnd girl again, though us email as Chip and Chipper Chipmuck. Near by steed Sleepy Woedehuck as shadow-like as themselves. He wns net drowsy new. He wns awake, alert and grinning. That grin made Chip nnd Chipper Chipmuck remember thnt Sleepy Wood Weod Woed ehuck had a score te settle with them. They hud tickled and teased him until he had awakened against his will. New they expected him te go uftcr them, and they get ready te run. "Don't he afraid." chuckled SIcenv I Woedehuck. "I enn't harm you, new, you can't harm me, and nobody can hnrm us." "Why net?" asked Janet, who was wonder-struck by the change which had come ever them. "What lias happened te us?" What is "A Blessing en Your Head" ? ED. PINAUD'S HAIR TONIC of course! Just the Thing for "HIS" PRESENT Think it ever carefully decMn't he need an office chair, a new desk, a sectional book case, a hat tree, a smoking set or a hundred and one ether articles of furniture for the home or effice: Mbi a i 1 1 "mmnimT-I llral If Ml IE t M m in 1 "U' t,n.,n l,ne.tn Hliimhpr Snrltes." was Sicily Woodchuck's astonishing answer. "We are free te ream the worm wniic our bodies sicep i ere. i ...ill nl. ..A.. ...tmn T -n when rnlUR ..m tunc ,uu lu t.iiwv , -"' think I am sneezing in my hole far ucncatn me ice nnu snow. Uh..i..m .1.1. ul..nt. WMTliiielr 1ml Jack and Janet nnd Chip and Chipper Chipmuck through a long tunnel that iiuuiijr uiuuttiJb Hi vi 11 vmi. - clnyHght. They were surprised te find themselves in ft forest beside a breed river. On the opposite side of the river wns n town. At tnc ueckb ei uic wwn btnn.l n kt.nHinlild f(1l bmnlH Timlrltlff from Its funnels. It was ready te Bet sail for foreign lands. Hew Jarli and Janet meet strange com panions will be told tomorrow . NIGHTGOWNS Of fine quality crepe de chine; AQC tailored and lace-trimmed med- J els. Formerly 7.95. PETTICOATS Of silk Jersey with novelty plaited flounces. merly 7.95. HOUSE COATS Medels of corduroy lined silk, Copen, rose, pink orchid. Extraordinary Redactions NEGLIGEES, TEA AND HOSTESS GOWNS 13.75 te 95.00 Formerly I860 te 165.00 Levely negligees of crepe meteor combined with georgette; handsome hostess and tea gowns of silk and velvet, crepe satin and georgette. I'HOTOriAYS All.sU 12h. MnrrU ranayunU Av. BERT LYTELL In "Tlir. MAX Willi" Al I nTUPfvlV I'mnUfenl i AiK-gneav 'LLLvjrlC.INI Mt fi.iliv'.' 1.'.. Kves. 8 GLORIA SWANSON i in "i sunt Tin; i ami ; APOLLO CSD & THOMPSON 8TS. MVI I.NKLi I'MUI PHAR1.F.S RAY in "Nisivrr.KN An 1'iums" TDPAniA CHESTNUT Uel. 10TH Anv-AUIA inA.Mtniiitp.il t 11IUII IT T. x-VIf.AVH "3ITS OF LIFE" ACTAD Kll.VNKI.lN S. OIHAHU AVK. AO 1 vJl MATIN-MR DAILY ANNA 0. NII.SSIIN In "WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME" BALTIMORE .V:!"? CHARLES RAY In "SCHAI' lltOX" QCMM ClTit AND WOODLANU AVK, DCIMn rATIl:fi daily AM-STAtt rT In FIHST NIIOW1NO "Man Weman Marnage" RI.IIP.RIRn ur -eJul &. SuaquBlianna dnntlnunuH S until 11 M'KCIAI CST In (IICO. KI.KINE'S Vt-JV T t-iuiu BROADWAY "nWV'i VVII.MXM I)K MIM.F.'M "AFTER THE SHOW" C A PITOI 1-i MAIIKET ST. l-l 1 1UL. in A M. In tliin P. It VVnltncfi ttrltl unit (llerln Hvnnen An rv' tii v?,,.-,,tu,r. AWII ;ii JLT Ml y 4MI CC OWI AI tiln. i. r.laplewecHl Avei. MARION DAVIES In "KNCIIANTMKNT" DARBY THEATRE MAUSMAI.I. NKIINS "THE RIVER'S END" I71V1PRP MA,N dTi manayum; U.lVlrrI-J- MATIN'KK DAILY VI Ml Unit VI DIVA In "The Weman Untamed" FAIRMOUNT l?ihTABer,ty I JACK HOLT end I.ll. I.l'.n n "AFTER THE SHOW" 17 A. Mil Y THlCATlfC istl Marktt hi tMVIIL.I 8 A M TO MiriVintIT JUSTINE JOHNSTONE In 'SIIKLTKKHll IIAI'dllTKHS" lATW nT '"I1-ATH1-- Ilrlmv Hprucx s . . .vriTiNKi: DAILY AI.USTtll 'ST In "THE WHITE RIDER" PI ORh B1,ul AIAHK --1 hT " , ULUDL, a.ar ,,n,i ar.e i u ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN In ".VI'KAri.K- OF MVH,fM" UKAIN li rNSS"4" " JANE MrtVUir . .1-J'-' -sr" WinVWMO OD-jTHIJ 1 HTII" r. a -Ttu V eauMnv " J Marquetand's Ii rtni-fill THE CANDY DISTINCTIVE 4 Jil if BONWIT TELLER aCO. THIRTEENTKSANSOM ST& ' SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY (gifts; of gpjrarel 3fnttme The Gift Ideally Appropriate for Femininity Is a Gift of Apparel NEGLIGEES Exquisite negligees of crepe meteor combined with Georg ette in Pastel colorings. Special BOUDOIR COATS Radie silk with quilted cellar, cuffs, border, pockets. Blue, rose, peach, navy. EVENING PETTICOATS plain and AQC Fer .. " s J with and 10 7 flesh and white crepe de chine C QC ,W,-' and satin. Lace and chiffon J y J flounces Underihing$ of Crepe de Chine, Satin and .Georgette Gowns " 4.956.957.95 te 59.00 Chemises 2.953.954.95 te 49.50 Beckers 2.953.954.95 te 37.50 Bodices 1.95 2.95-3.95 te 29.50 INDIVIDUAL UNCERIE SHOP SANSOM AT THIRTEENTH STREET a3 PHOTOPLAYS The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. GREAT NORTHERN ??$?? MIRIAM COOPER In "T1IK HKRKNAIIK" IMPFRlAI B0T wal.nl-1 s-ia. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "WHAT NO MAN KNOW'M" KARLTflN WllUTNOT Above IlKOAii ,,,;u?'1y l0 A- te 11:10 V. M. CrCII. II. lilt MllliriM "FOOL'S PARADISE" Lehirrh Palar 0rmnten-n Av. nil ANNA O. Vir.SKnv i "Why Girla Leave Heme" 1 IRFRTY ""OAD A UOLUMDIA AV l-llL.l 1 1 MAT1NKB DAILY BUCK JONES ln"niUIXO WITH DK.VTII" OVERBROOK 0SDiEJ,BRp WALLACE REID In "THK IIEM. DKKiKHS PAI APF 12 MAKKBT SfREKT . . ,. wi 10 Ai M ,0 it ls j, u ANITA STEWART In "rLAYTIIINns OF rillMTINV PRIMPPCC 1018 MAIIKET STREET ANNA Q. NII.SSON In "WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME" RFCFNT MAHKET HT. lielew 1TTH WILLIAM ItU.Sr.LL In "rFwiJT ni rkCcMwc. RIAI TO "HUMAN-TOWN AVENUE " lunuiW AT TULPEHOCICEN ST. ELSIE FERGUSON In "Tin; eexh py HONfIS' RUBY MnKBT 6T UELOW TtW ni.m,,rArifn;i5 '. "LIVE AND LET LIVE" SAVOY " MAItliET BTKBET -.-i v y i 8 A M te Ml.lni POLA NEGRI In "0VKABI1IAN N1IIIIT" SHERWOOD V,hA?. '11 THOMAS MEIGHAN h"IIIK MIRAri.K MAN' STANLEY n"" tJ5"" BETTY COMPSON In "LAIMI'.H MIHT MVI'." STANTON VnKBf-AbeT: wii Tit..-,;...: ..D 'i i 111 l-V i w . . . . 10TII 1 V. M. "THE QUEEN OF SHEBA" 333 MARKETTpnii: 'WJHYGJRLSLEAVE HOME" VICTORIA M(KJfTT?trNb'n0T" nOSIIAItV TIM'vAV nm'e&T I' .. i,, riirr w AErflErilR GI.ORI 1WANS( '. ta'v'Di j"k.'u":' 0 the levers of our famous u utter vjieams, uiti-i'ashieiied Chocolate, Chocelqtc-Covered ' Nuts, etc., etc., we desire tu I say thnt we me making .,.. ' AeeAimnnt a tf rM.l..i.. n v .dies in gift boxes. All ourtenfccMon are made fresh daily by masters of the candy craft. MARQUETAND 3633 Gcrmantewn Ave. 3630 N. Bread St. ' 7e Stores Just Belew Eric Ave, rz& Dainty Inlime 10.75 18.00 PHOTOPLAYS I fTtThc NlXON-NIRDLINGERfA I lU THEATRES U I BFI MOMT 6-D AttOVE MARKET ui-LIViUN 1 m:80 aIld . te u p. ii. DQUGLAS MacLEAN In "THK HO.VIF. bTBETCH" Vs.L.LrtI i-ae nnd 3:7 andttP M. FLORENCE REED In "INDI8C11ETION" COI fSFI IM Marlcet bet. B9th t MU V-VsVL-lOCUlVl i;8e n.I 8; 7 anJ a P. M- ALITAIl CAST In "A WIFE'S AWAKENING" IUMRO rRNT BT. A OIRAnD AV JUIT1UW JUInbe jun irrant,f0r4 "t," AM-STAB CAST In "Don't Neglect Your Wife" LEADFR ilBV IANCASTEIl AV l-U.rtUr.r. MATINEE DAlU ELSIE FERGUSON la "THE SONQ OF BONOS" LOCUST n2D AND LOCUST STHBETS LUI,W1 Man, 1:80, 3:80. Evca. O.SOtelt nUPKRT HUGHES' "Dangerous Curve Ahead" 1 in NIXON MD AND MARKET S18. T.UCY FOX and I1IO CAST In "THE MONEY MANIAC" RIVOI I 62D AND HANSOM STfl. ll V UU MATINEE DAIL SPEClAIi CAST In "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" 69TH STREET Sre.Wi 8PECIAI, CANT In "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" STRAND GERMAN-TOWN AVE. 0 I ItWU AT VENANOO STREST PAULINE FREDERICK le "Tinj LORE OF JAUE" AT OTHFR TWFATRES MEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. AJ C'.nmnnlrmm B310 Oermnten A iermantewn matinee daiia Russell Simpsen in 'Snow Blind IIAIIOIJ) j.uaxn In "NEVI.lt W6IKIP JEFFERSON aelATlNS?J"Si,.i.u' ncTTV r-rkiwDcniM In "AT THE ENI OF THK V.VORM)' PARI' JUDGE AVJ?. A DAVnNiffl THOMAS MEIGA - ! .w l v .vi i i ' 1 'Tr - . : ,. Li ,. . LWf' -- i- - -