. V V - '" "' ''" ' '' .-J--. - ' ' ' I !- f II " -.. Ill . ' STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTH IE ,t; & X 7 Ciristmas 'Gift Store- n u r . . ' - ,. i ii mi I mi j '' -' "XT I " ' '1 RirH (fl r yf . I I j ' rC- J f ' : ' GIFTS FOR WOMEN Diamond Pendants, Diamond Bracelets, Diamond Rings, Bracelets, Watches, t Bracelet Watches, Vanity Cases, Finger Rings, Breeches, Lingerie Pins, Opera Glasses, Mesh Bags, Pearl Bead Necklaces, Smelling Salts Bettles, Hair Ornaments, Jewel Cases, Puff Jars, Hair Receivers, Satin Mules. Chinese Slippers, Riding Beets, Handkerchiefs, Watch Bracelets, $ Shee Ornaments, Carriage Beets, Felt Comfy Slippers, Puttees, Shirting Silks in boxes, Dress Lengths of Silks, Lace Veils, Fans, Cellar and Cuff Sets, Real Lace Neckwear, Sewing Bags and Bexes, Ribbon Werk Bags, Spangled Robes, Card Cases, Bead Chains, Traveling Slippers, Jewel Bexes, Clocks in Leather Case , Dressing Cases, Portfolios, Writing Cases, Guest Beeks, w Desk Sets, Leather Belts, Photo Frames, Leather Bags, Silk Bags, Scrap Baskets, Calendars, Fountain Pens, Gleve and Handkerchief Bexes, Engraved Calling Cards, Bexes of Writing Paper, Eversharp Pencils, Inkwells, Leather Writing Cases, Brass Desk Sets, Pen Trays, Letter Seals, Boek Racks, Boek Ends, Fur Gloves, French Kid Gloves, Lined Gloves and Gauntlets, Mecha Gloves, Sweaters, Gelf Clubs, Gelf Bags, Thermos Lunch Bexes, Ice Skates, Heckey Shoes, Thermos Bettles, Evening Wraps, Raincoats, Silk Petticoats, Dressing Sacques, Negligees, ?:d &i 803 4 z2XK J Q lM S. !5EqF lW 35, J J5r 3 m w J3$ Cmr .GIFTS FOR MEN R TUT J xsee 6 Silk Hosiery, Umbrellas, Canes, Steamer Rugs, Neckwear, Suspenders, Garters, Rubber Beets, Gelashes, Riding Beets, Smoking Sets, Desks, Easy Chairs, Shaving Stands, Silk Hats, Fur Caps, Aute Rugs, Aute Mirrors, Aute Teel Bexes, Aute Tire Testers, Flash Lights, btreet uiovee, Dress Gloves,. Automobile Gloves, Weel Gloves, Smoking Stands, Framed Pictures, Fountain Pens, Brass Desk Sets, Desk Blotters, n-jess . ne iTijnn j uiuc-h jesns. jksk. veueuuaie. ijc,iiij- jxw, d Merry 'W Scarf Pins, Cuff Links,' Shirt Studs, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Gift List Sweater Coats Bath Robes, Dressing Gowns, Heuse Coats, Shirts, pajamas, JNignt snirts, saremcters, cooks, uremg v,cu j&, Overcoats, Gelf Meters, Raincoats, Evening Dress Vests, Paper Knives, Paper Weights, Inkwells, Boek Consoles, Diaries or Year Beeks, Memorandum Beeks, Exercisers, Fishing Reds, Reels and Lines, Sheepskin Coats, Gelf Bags, Gelf Clubs, Gelf Balls, Wallets, Card Cases, Purses, Bill Iselds, Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, Shaving Mirrors, Triplicate Mirrors, Silve r - plated Shaving Sets, Shaving Mugs and Brushes, Cleth and Hat Brushes, Tobacco Bexes, Boek Racks, Ash Trays, Pocket Knives, Safety Razors, Razor Strops, Pipes, Tobacco Bags, Pipe Racks, Tobacco Jars, Watches, Watch r'- 'ns, Comfy Slippers, Leather Slippers. 9 SfcS& sr Our first thought, in pre paring these suggestions, was te go all ever the Stere and give you a list of favorite gift articles, with the range of prices for the different kinds or grades of each. But we found that things are selling se fast that this would net be practical. Sometimes it is" the lowest-priced article et a certain class that sells out first, and sometimes the highest- priced. We learned also that te quote prices would require additional space or crowd out some of the - suggestions. Even new the list is far from complete but we believe it will be very helpful. Articles named herein will suggest ethers of similar kind that will be found when you come te the Stere. 1SKS Shawls, Boudoir Pillows, Boudoir Slippers, Boudoir Caps, Fancy Garters, Quilted Sacques, Philippine Hand-emb. Underwear, Suit Cases, Quilted Robes, Pin Cushions, Centrepieces, Sewing Stands, Brush and Comb Trays, Traveling Bags, Silver-plated Toilet Sets, Celluloid Clocks, Celluloid Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Celluloid Photo Frames, Extracts and Toilet Waters, Powders, Fur Coats, Fur Neck-pieces, Fur Muffs, Weel Dress Patterns, Side Combs, Barrettes, Back Combs, Needleboeks, Werk Baskets, Fancy Silk Cushions, Hair Pin Cabinets, Ceat Hangers, Silk Petticoats, Aprons. Silk Kimonos. Silk Chemises, Silk Night Gowns,' Flannelette Pajamas, Bath Robes, Corset Cevers, Brushed Weel Scarfs, Under-bodices, Heuse Dresses. brepe Kimonos, Silk Stockings, Silk Underwear, Sweater Coats, Umbrellas, Silk Scarfs, Beeks, Silk Sweaters, Tunic Blouses, Silk Waists. Lamns. Shad as. Levely Lingerie Waists, Pianos, Pocket Beeks, Player - Pianos, Framed Pictures. Atomizers, Victrelas, Columbia Records, Grafonelas, Victer Records, Linen Damask Table Cleths, Hemstitched Linen Towels, Embroidered Towels, Vases, Lace-trimmed Scarfs, Oriental Rugs, Couch Cevers, Urvmg Sets, Nut Crackers, Percolators, Vacuum Cleaners, Electric Irons, Electric Grills, Baking Dishes, Casseroles, Hand - embroidered Centrepieces, Cut Glass Vases, Jardinieres, Madeira Hand - embroidered Scarfs, Lace Curtains, Cut Glass Vases, Draft Screens, Japanese Baskets, Pottery Vases, Cedar Chests, Bronzes. Carpet Sweepers, Sewing Machines, Desks, Bookcases, Hall Seats, Candlesticks, Boek Blocks, Pedestals, Magazine Racks, Mahogany Trays, Dinner Gongs, Console Tables, Card Tables, Telephone Tables, Umbrella Stands, Tabeurets, Steamer Rugs, Tea Wagons, Muflin Stands, Rocking Chairs. Turkish Bath Sets, Turkish Bath Rugs, Bed Blankets, Comfertables, Embroidered Pillow Cases, Bath Rebe Blankets, Dinner Sets, Wall Plaques, Salad Bowls, Chop Plates, Ice Cream Sets. Read this nacre, make ,un your list of persons te be remembered, with names of gifts that might be suitable for each. That's a geed beginning, but no list can be strielly followed. One needs the inspiration of a visit te the Stere te cheese with the wise discrimination that insures all-around joy and satisfaction. We believe we cannot make a b etter suggestion than this: SHOP EARLY early in the day and early in the week. It is our desire te serve you promptly and efficiently every day until Christmas Eve. Whether you come early or late, we shall de our utm est te make your shopping easy and pleasant. There will be crowds, but geed-natured crowds. Please remember that this page is intended only te help you make up your gift lists. Be sure te read our regular announcements in the MONDAY MORNING NEWSPAPERS, giving bailed information e f Gifts and " H Values. rs&? GIFTS && A'" 'i' ''SfSfl- fS"k O'jB' 0siigf FOR BOYS hCjiftsfer GIRLS Dells, Dell Outfits, Dell Houses, Dell Furniture, Tey Pianos, Dells' Coaches, Tey Typewriters, Games of all Kinds, Sets of Dishes, Desk Se ts, Scissors Sets, Sweet Grass Baskets, Fancy Baskets, Silver Thimbles, Scissors, Rings, Sewing Baskets, Needleboeks, Bracelets, Watches. Bracelet Watches, Mesh Bags, Vanity Cases, Necklaces, Toilet Sets, Jewel Cases, Gelashes, Felt Comfy Slippers, Manicure Sets, Lined Gloves, Weel Knit Gloves, Framed Pictures, Reller Skates, Heckey Sticks, Sweaters, Tennis Rackets, Field Heckey Sticks, Heckey Shoes, Bicycles, Pennants, Exercisers, College Pillows, Pajamas, Petticoats, Blanket Bath Robes, Kimonos, Silk Stockings, All Kinds of Beeks, Leather Belts, Fans, Silk Bags, Leather Bags, Bead Bags, Photo Frames, Bead Chains, Music Bags, Jewel Bexes, Sewing Cases, Fur Sets, Watch Bracelets, Traveling Bags, Fur Neck-pieces, Fur Muffs, Silk Scarfs, Weel Scarfs and Caps, Hair Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Rain Capes. in ml MfifenS5?!e n JsetiS&XklSSiSBBere &$m&tem&mMar$vt& -wSraBSW&m If irh VwiffLr SllXOA. i rty-i-sv -v rx r. 'T'P 111 Express Wagons, Hand Cars, Automobiles, Velocipedes, Games, Crokinele Beards, Printing Presses, Construction Toys, Teel Chests, Electrical and Mechanical Trains and Toys, Bey Scout Knives, Bey Scout Hatchets, Handkerchiefs, Clethes Brushes, Military Brushes, Pen Knives, Cuff Buttens, Watches, Pocket Combs, Reller and Ice Skates, Scarf Pins. Watch Chains, Raincoats, Rubber Beets, Heuse Slippers, Bicycles, Mackinaw Coats, Overcoats, Lined Gloves, Weel Knit Gloves, Gauntlet Gloves, Skating Shoes, Sweaters, Toboggans, Exercisers, Tennis Rackets. Set of Dumb Bells, Set of Quoits, Set of Indian Clubs, Skees, Air Rifles, Soccer Balls, Rugby Feet Balls, Gelf Clubs, Basket Balis, Boxing Gloves, Pajamas, Belts, Striking Bags, Blouse Waists, Night Shirts, Sweater Coats. Bath Robes, Neckties, Suspenders, Fur Caps. Suit Cases, All Kinds of Beeks, Card Cases, Wallets. Cleth Caps, Traveling Bags, Necktie Helders, Cellar Bexes, Hair Brushes, Skating Caps. :Ai & y iw-grf. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER yie Qvrisf may Stere feuncfect en GIFTS FOR CHILDREN Gloves and Mittens, Infants' Leng Coats, Rompers, Infants' Bibs, Nurse Baby Coach Robes, Crib Blankets, Silk Caps, Infants' Dresses, Infants' Rattles, Baby Recerd Beeks, Infants' Wash-stands, Baby Ceaclics, Infants' Wardrobes, Rubber Toys and Rattles, Fur Robes, Dells, Babies' Sweaters, Babies' Coats, Bleemer Dresses Pajamas, Children's Leggings, Cap and Scarf Sets, Muff-., Sweater Coats, Sweater Sets, Silk Sweaters, Bath Rebe Fur Sets, Cap and Mittens, Fur Pole Hats Crib Comfertables, Crib Bed Spreads. i If' s. e CertjiclencG I 7KA?& 7 uuwaaaaaHULa a V & :mv 'U V