. Vr " m r .,J.O & f jtVW,, .JJi&Mfflr-rc- ee iv t lf - 1.J , ' " ' " . -, At' f' y ' . tT" J'f :',' " ", ' f, ' f ' WEN NEW BQORS ARE WBLISHfrb if IS eASYITO CHOfiSELA GO&tt.QNE. n i A JOURNAL FULL OF UXl 1MA.1 'E . GOSSIP UTibtlcr ami "Is l'" ienils puii Tin, nnie of wh8fIcr ,, net permanent, it win net be for Inck of the effort of Mr. nncl Mrs. Pcnncll te prove that he was one of the most ntrlklng pcr wttn)ltl"? nntl the most illiitlnEiilshcil nrtlNt of his time. Tlietr Hfc of winst cr. puu lihed n few "years ns?e, has reup hremth nix rdltlenH, wliieh would wesn X justify their belief Hint there U con cen ftffl Interest in the man. In Snrntien for writing the life they Q n journal in which they recorded S time te time all the Information hey could snthcr both from him and t,nm his friends and aBserlatcs. TIiIh (mirnnl. which hna juHt been miblWhwl hv the LI m filled with intl- plppincnitK, hut about innumerable rontemperajles, DUV uv" .. . ,ii, . iitl ,1. ... t mite-kemIp. net en,y nbeut Whistler, liiab n (..HtuHAHnhln mint Afi.linfni lti TlrndillZ It IS IlKC miiiiii; mimi nun te Informed person who chat about !, nilistif and literary life of Londen if the 80s nml 0s of the last century ind of the first decade of the present ''Fer'example, in the early pages we ate told of the dlnncrn of the staff of ihe National Observer, prettied ever I, V. K. Henley and attended by Jejcph I'cnndl. Arthur Morrison. which is reprinted In "Selected English Letters" (K. V. Dutten c Ce.), a volume in the series of "The Klnjr's Treaimrles of Literature." edited by Sir A. T. Qulllcr Couch. MIks Osberne, who was i bnrn In 1C.27. did net marry Sir William till MU bccaune there were various ebstactrn te be overcome. She concludes the letter reprinted with theBc werds: "Yeu arc enough In mv heart te knew all my thought, and If se you knew better tlirtn I can tell you hew much 1 am, Yelirit." The" volume contains letters by ether men and women, beglnnlnc with Acnes 1'aHten, the writer of flip enillent tmrvlvlrtR Hpecimcns of familiar correspondence, wiie lived in thp middle of the fifteenth century and. ending with Stevenson at the end of the nineteenth. They give one nn Insight Inte the spirit of the centuries sncli an 'can he get In no ether way se easily. wlT Mfai ' "mm IKf I Wit -mr:imJ fA mm Ljm 7ra w SS : ''DOROTHY'OSBe'ftNtyi M J DOYLE'S PILGRIMAGE Recerd of a Journey te Exploit His Belief in Spiritualism se centered en this tiny mud patch tlint we nre deaf and blind te all that impinges en its from bejend." ' DOKOTHY OSHORNE I hp frdntlspipte In ft'iollcctlen of "Selected English Letters" comparison i of. the 'English of Chancer with that of Milten does net show RO graphically the development of the Ian iruiiBP iih tlii'"niie(nlIrtnn tttm tlie Bible as It was nut into English at different , en I periods. Ills prDse extracts inelude hlhtnrv, seimens, lrtteia ,nnd ecsnyB. nnd after the novel was Invented significant pa-siigi-H ftem famous books of ficjien nre included, besrnnine with Defeo nnd end- ing with Henry .Tunics. In between are iRJJ An American Classic ' When Jehn HnbWten wrote "Helen's Hnblcs" for the nmuw-lr.ent of his nick vlfe he did mere than lie ct out te de. He wrote n classic which has been rend en both sides of the ocean nnd has been pi luted In .nnumernble editions. The lntcfcf ceiiiph from the picss of the Stew art -Kid I Company, of Cincinnati, and It is Issued in memory of the author, , wild flicil ' In fJlnn IlliliTO '. .1. mi , VYbrunrv 2fi.. It l Ulimtrnleil In ml. Hluellf-tt. H-ett. .Tane Austen, Haw ors and in black and white, and con- thorne. iMcrciTJth nnd many ethers, talnn a facsimile reproduction of the I Curiously enough, Charles T.ninli Is iep iep eriginal dedication. "Te tlie parents et.ietented by some letters. In poetry he I lie best chllilrrn In the w.irlil." 'I lie ' kl cs thre oplcctlens from Walt U hit- book has .retained its popularity he- , ninn and etily one from Longfellow. Al cnusc there shlnen through It from the most ns iilnch sprcd In jiven te Iteber,t beginning te the end that line spit It llrldgcH, thj .preM-nt poet laureate, as that imrki4 the world go leund. Mr. ' te Keats oil Sliflle.V. It would m cn-y Habberton grasped It without really ' te nsk why this or that luil net been knowing what lie was doing. He was Included, but' Sir IlcnryV nnswer would unable te de It again, and nltheugh hoi be that. aH already indicated, he wis wietc five etiier novels and a play, net uuiuiiig an anthology for the pur Jlelcn Habits" Is the only book of his te survhe. In that respect his ex ex peilenep Is like tlint of Mrs. Stewo. whose "I'nele Tem's Cabin" is till lend, wlill" everything elsc that she wiote Is forgotten. These who held 11. (it thc'i is Mich n thing as litrrniy ln ln spiiatien may usp thes" instances te Mippeit thelr fn!iii. , Sir Arthur Cenan Deyle went te Australia a little mere than a car age. te tell the antlnedean spiritualists why I no nnu become 'a convert te tncir ueuei. He has written a record of what he did dnd saw for the information of these Interested. The, book. "The yandcr ihgs of n Splrttttnllst" (I)ernn), is a dlsctlrslve narrative in which bin travel experiences, his reflections nbeut the War, and his spiritualistic beliefs arc mingled with the Account of tlie meet ings he addressed "and the spiritualistic ravclatlens he received. His conversion from matcrlnliitm is comparatively recent, but he Is,. (se Widely known tlint the spiritualists have made much of him. And, he lfns shown nil the enthusiasm of a hew cbn vert in what he has said in id done Mnce lie embraced his new belief. Indeed, he accents as evidence of the soundness of Ills faith Incidents which if he did no bcllcve in the communication of the dead with the living, would be uncon vincing. Fer example, he met u man shipboard who told Him tlint ill Hendersen's "Paris" Miss Helen W. Hendcrs-en hns done for 1'nrl what she has done for Isew Yerk and Wnshlnjten. Her books en the two Americnn cities set n new mnnu ard for Hitch things. "A Loiterer in 1'nrls" (Ocergc II. Doren Company) gives te the reader the same kind of Il luminating and informed comment en tire art, architecture and hbter.v of the ;,VnMi pnnltnl tlinf In rnlltnllied In the ether books nbeut the American cities., The book Is full of delnllcd Inferma tien, with dates nnd names filling the pages. Ilut MI.-.s Hendersen handles them in wicli a wnv as te meuc a ins clnntlng story where n less skillful w'rlttr would have been meshed In n muss of tlrqsame details. She has net pretended te write n guide te I'arls. but no stranger in the city could ,?ct n mere satisfactory guide book from which te breath the spirit of the place nnd the ronl.inee of its long nnd f,cnuiii hlftery. i i serially last yeur.nncLwas .published In Uoek form In May of this year ns Lc Xeuvcl Hemnlc." Thd Phillips Waster piece. "Susan Lcn6x--'IIer Fall ami Rise," published in Jliln country by the Applctens, Is new being translated Inte Fiench. Throughout the world thcre Is widening appreciation of the American novelist. Due' te Its great success In England "Huiein Lcr.ax" has gene into Its second edition. Rebert Freit at Michigan Rebert Frest, recently of Vermont, has established his residence at Ann Arber, having accepted a fellowship In poetry at the University of Michigan. .-vvvvvtvtvvvvvvvvvvvvi. NEW BOOKS FOR GIRLS: ll-li THE OLD MINE'S SECRET By nlna Turpln. adliier of "Heney Uwerl," ite. 111. 11.78. , Glrln and bejn In a Southern village. JA.1IES McXEIL WHISTLER t'rem the rtchlng made by I'ant llrllcit whlle Whistler was pos- In? te Ileldlni lore ( Including 'ns many flue things nw possible, but for n very different rea son, lie has ddne what He 'set out te de. nnd lie hns done it in n most satis satis fiicteiy manner. . O.W.I). dead son had advised him te go te Cey lon. The' man accepted the ndvlec, and prospered in Colombe. In r6cetinlfng the Incident Sir Arthur remarks: "Hew much people may miss by cutting 'thimt reives off from these ministers of grncu ! In all opposition te spiritualism tlie punishment fits the crime.'' -.Again he tells of his inability te sleep after a lecture. He was tossing restlessly In bed when he begnn te detect the pungent smell of ether coming In wave's through ail opcniwlndew. In n few minutes he was In a deep sleep. When he awoke he looked out of the window' te fcee where the ether .came from. "ThcnI returned thanks for one ihore benefit re ceived." "I de net suppose that 1 am alone In such Interpositions," he cons tituted, "but I think that our minds are THE WINDY HILL. Dv Cernelia Mellta. ft Peel et atari. '. etc 'Posthumous Fame of Phillips Recognition of the work 6f ' David Ornhnm Phillips in Frnnac hns entered upon i new phase. His striking story, "The Master Rogue." is appeuring In "L'lnforniatlen" under tlfc title of "Le Mnltre Cetiquin." "The Fashionable Adventures of )ekl?ila Craig" appeared READY JANUARY NUMBER ANTIQUES Mvntery and written etery. author of "The 111 11.70 hteteri' In a well- MIDSUMMER. By Katharine Adm, Mehltable." 111. l t t,0 author of in a caatli A new monthly niiucnrlnr for rotlerlers nnd iitnnlriim. Ilanrienielr llluMratrd. wrllclfn. N fenturea. clrlirliiK lieuae, deDartnirnti. $4.00 tier Tear, hlnitlr rbnlea. 00 centn nt newadenlera or direct from ANTIQUES (jR3 'Atlnnlle Avenue. .lluKten, Miim, A vacation In Sweden i by the aea. 1 MARYINNEWMEXICO: 5 Adventurea of an American Fain- lly ltoblnaen. ny Constance John Jehn 's eon III. tl SO. S Send for Illustrated cata j leg: Macmlllan Boek for S Beys and Girls. J t all boefwlore or trmn $ THE MACMILLAN COMPANY J 04-00 Fifth Ave. New Yerk Svwwwwvvvwvwwww MEXICO ON THE VERGE By Dr. E. J. Dillen Auther efThtEtUpstefRutsUr "Tht InsihSltry of Iht Ptact Cenftttnct.' tk. That the statesmen of the -world must leek toward Mexico te see the next step in the political develop ment of states is the challenging thesis of Dr. Dillen, expert in international affairs. A resume and an an alysis of the Mexican situation that should disperse the cloud of false reports. L Octave, $3.00 Geerge Stccn. .1. M. Name. Hareld Frederic nnd occasionally hj Cenan Dejle. Tlie journal tells us tlint at a certain stage in the dinner the diners Aeuld l.i bets ns te which was Frederic and whlih u.is Dejlc. A'snin we are told of a luncheon attended by Lewell at which ('dirge Meredith was pi cent. Meredith tu ked in n loud, vibrant voice nil through the luncheon. lenvinc Lewell riiiinrkeil NYwbelt's (iicat Anlholegj TT WOULD he nlmeU as enny for the la.Mnan te construct n social, religious nnd !)litical hlnmj of the J'nglish-r-pcnklng race from Sir Henry New New belt's " Vn JCnglisb Anthology of Prese nnd Poetry" (I. P. Dutten : Ce.). as it is for n paleontologist te construct tlie skekten of nn extinct megatherium fiein a single hone. . , The purpose of Kir Henrj . however, Ah he was i was only te show the presress of the te n trlenil Fnglish language and literature from American Literary Taste The announcement by Little llrewn & Ce. tlint A. S. M. Hutchinsen'B "If Winter Cemes" is umi in n l '-1 thousand will gratify every one win- lias confidence In Americnn literary taste. The book Is one of the best novels of the enr, judged by the highest standards. that he hud been thinking ei tlie muie tlie fourteenth te the nineteenth een- all the time . Itnics Inclusive. Although there nrp "Ilut why?" he was "asked ninny ""leg.mt extracts" In the vel- "IlecniiM'." was tin- icplj. "in the nine of 1000 pages, it was net his pur- Blbkwc ic.ul of the still spmll wnee '' , pee te preduee such n tollectien. In- Ged." , died, he has included nothing increh And in nntitlur place it is rceerdeil bicnuse it was fine llterntuic. His that lluriH-.Iciiies and a fricnil we-it wcctells arp ,nade te illustrate tlie into a side Mew nt u nntry cltcus e vlll,ms inflrllc0H that have wi.rkH en Me n tattooed lady who had the Anicrl- (,C m,M( of th( K ,, ,, felu , n eagle .in one knee nwl the I men , , lltcl.ntnrc IIe ,,, "117,!.. "I,.". 7,";.. 'L'eivn tl. development of the language1 .., . . " ., ,.M 1.7 bv nuetin? the seme n.ibs.ices mini the lish-spenking ualluus. while en her batk was tntoeed Leniiaidu's "Last Suppir." Five ,enrs Inter Huine-.Ienes nulled Inte his l'tiend's house and told liini the tattooed lady was en exhibition nt the Aquiiiium in Lendmi and the must see her again. 'I hey went anil found Hint In the intetwil she had grown fat and that nil the apostles in the "Last Supper" weie em-cipientl stretched out till they weie went lug ill brnml giin I Tluse things, jem inav s.i. hn-'e nothing t de with Whistler or art. Of (eurse tliej haven't. I luive mentioned them le InilKiite the nutuie of the field covered b the join mil. Of ienise It is Mini with Whistler line, with stones of lus models and of his cliildieu, with an nnniuit of the Li , hind ntt.iir and with I ilitails et the ltn-kin suit And it eerj oppeituuit the leader is told et Ibe guMtness of the ait of Whistler nml K tieated te mi exhibition of the1 contempt of Jeseph lVniiill ter thou ttlie de net agree with hini. j Indeed, it is net dillicult le decide ulint pints of tin; book an written bj the husband ami what hv the wife. The lurfjee is undoubtedly the (ompesition . of Hie husband. lie speaks of the ex- I Libit of the (ollectien of Wlilstlerinnii In the Cengie.sitmal Libra iy in Wash Wash injten and ssii h that it "has proved te us Dii( lnsive'j that if theie ever was mi unless -igui nnd an nith'ss ntie It is tins " Net a thousand pel sons visited it in the lli-t weeks and ill the utimhci , llieie was net u single member of Cr- j Rie nei s( tin- as Js known the dliectei nf a single ait inuseiiin in Washington. The journal Is without doubt one et I the gieat books of the enr. Its gicat- liess lies in its intimacy. Tlieie is no attempt te cover up nuthin or te gloss nn) thing ever. It is iilinet ns te- ' ealliiK of the peisennlities with which i it deals ns Pipys' dlnn. We de net' often get this frankness and honest). It should he piied when it nppe.iis. I..Alt .l. -.... .1nl ...! ,!. T."I..H n J llli L1IU 1 utriuiur mill nil- llllK. .Tames visions of tlie Bible. Of course he hns selections from Chnucer. but the YVsrir,W,V1rry Famous ninths retold for children The GOLDEN FLEECE: And the Heroes Who Lived Deferc Achilles By Padraic Celum, author of "The Children's Hemer," "The Children of Odin," etc. With pictuies in line and color by Willy PeRany. Fer fjirls nnd boys. (8-11.) $2.00. At nil bookstores or from THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 01-00 1 Iftli Ae. New Yerk NEW BOOKS FOR BOYS: U-14 GREY WOLF: .Indian Mystery Stories of Coyote, 'Anlmnls and Meh. By Ilernnrd Sexten. Fully 111. toy Gwenyth Wnugh. $1.76. TEAM PLAY.' By O. O. I-lvermere. Auther of "Take It Frem Dad." $1.75. Humorous chapters of school life. t THE CASTAWAYS OF ' BAN0ASEA. - Dv Wnrren H. Miller, author et "Sea Fighters," etc. til. 11.75. Adventures in the Seuth Seas. MITCH MILLER. ' Bv Edpnr Ie Masters. New edition for boys. 111. $2,00. A I all bookstores or from THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 01-00 Fifth Ave. New Yerk piAAAMAA The Sert of "Nevels that Vigorous Felk Like te Read ' f tf flAMiNft Ferest By James Oliver Curtroed Auihore"Ti Rmr'i End." "Tht V!Ie eSlknl Mm" EVER feel mentally fagged? Then adventure with Cunvoed into the wild North Weeds the last outpost of romance"1 where men andwemen still live rugged lives and die with the grandeur of pioneer ' days. ' Hit Unit and ftcdttii tieul if. The Flaming Ferest r SeU i $2.60 Theie brain fr XX who .can put ether things aside for brief daily i aeatiqns uith great present- Ty aay ncnen sucn as una ie 'pRIDEy'pALOMAR By Peter B. Kyne Auihore "Kindred eiht Duji" A MIGHTY drama of the New r West, se "alive" that you'll Icel tempted te cheer aloud for its characters when the surpris ing climax catches you off your guard. r 'lluicratfenj Include tue fulUeo'er tdf i. Wherever Beeks are Setdt.00 (oTmepolitan Boek oration Publishers l M-llM9tkSvtet.Nevttril The GAY COCKADE By, Temple Bailey Auther of "The Tin Soldier." Altogether delightful stories which represent Miss iialley's best work. An Ideal gift beck. Jacket and trentlnpleca In brilliant color. At All Bookstores, $2.00 The Penn Publishing: Company Philadelphia BUFFh collie Albert Payson Terhune "'Speaking of dogs, don't miisBuff." $2.00 mm ---,..,... H. G. Wells -American Plan i - . . .,, "And the talc tells hew after a while various whisper' ings came te King Ferdinand of his queen's curious en thusiasm for study." A PARODY OUTLINE OF HISTORY By Donald O'gden Stewart The gentle art of poking fun is carried te its height in these flashing take-effa of our modern American authors. James Branch Cabell, Sinclair Lewis, H. L. Mencken. F. Scott Fitz gerald, Hareld Bell Wright, all of our best and brightest are represented a3 telling the history of America in their own words with brilliant effect. Net the least of it are the illus illus tratiens by Herb Reth. At All Booksellers $1.50 Hj jUyWiUUiAgU And Even New By Max Beerbehin The .V Y Evening Pest says: 'Jinx Ih ii ilnal test et KiiBliah civilization . His liUnier la far bejend anything se simple as a nu'ie flnBei of scorn nt obvious pruOltlec b( hns Knlnccl bis elect olleu Ine because bis wit Is n. dov dev astntinR form of criticism " Tlr-iei witty esia will milks n rnpllnl hell.lav Elft. t2 00 at any bookshop or fem E. P. Dutten & Ce., 681 5th Ae, N. Y. K. By Christopher Merley CHIMNEYSM0KE y Lyrics for Households of Twe or Mere Ne book of the year se perfectly expresses the sentiment and spirit of the Holiday aemen as this volume of Christopher Merley's selected poems. Here are nil the old favorites together with n group of unpublished lyrics of genuine beauty. Thern as Fogarty has made the color drawings and black and white sketches, of which there nre forty. -Happily named. CHIMNEYSMOKE bears with it the nrema of the Christ mas woedfire. It is the gift a friend. At All Bookseller, . Octave, $2.50 Stbe for Cfjritftmas ne or SU of tfje Jebels of A. S. M. HUTCHINSON "Hutchinson has written four novels and I heartily recommend them all." William Lyen Phelps, in the New Yerk Times. 1 IP WINTPR COMES Klehteenth rrtntlni lOJnil Thousand The great novel of the year. "Ne review, no amount of comment or praise can reveal the warm humanity of this $tery." Edivin Francis Edgett in The Bosten Transcript. 2. ONCE ABOARD THE LUGGER. x1""' rrl"'lnB One of the merriest books ever written." Heywood Brown in The New Yerk World. 3. THE HAPPY, WARRIOR. i mvSEX- Tlie Art of Letter Wilting "Hir.W loe lettcra would bear publish- ' L Ing se well as tlioe of Dimitliy Os- unriie In Sir William Temple, one of 3. "Shows the touch of a master hand. Times. THE CLEAN HEART. 1T fifth Print Inn -The Nav Yerk Third I'rlntlni; A Story Boek Stories for Mlilren by LUCY SPRAGUE MITCHELL Illustrated by Hcndrlk an Ieen Y Corsen fijau, Jr , calls It "A geld mlne et lltetature fei young children . ameiiR tha most genulne thlnBH tlint have eer been written."- " 00 nt any bookshop or fiem E. P. Dullen & Ce., C81 Sib Ave., N. Y. PTOMAINE STREET A Rollicking Parody I n a Famous Boek by CAROLYN WELLS 51.25 at All Bookstores J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. ""tasHSMSavaWMHMMMMIMPJI BOOK OF PHILADELPHIA By Rebert Shackleton At all Boekstore: $3.80 Tb Ptnn Publishing Cempsnj, Phil. A Nevel by CHARLES G. NORRIS THOUSANDS of readers, many specialists, and most of the critics say that here is one of the very biggest novels ever written in America. Twenty-four (24) editions have been printed and sold te the public in a few months. BRASS premises te be the biggest sell ing novel of this year's holiday season. "Power and strength and humor and human nature are here." The New Yerk Evening Sun. . Whoever reads one wants te read all. Uniform Edition. $2.00 each at all Booksellers LITTLE, BROWN & CO., Publishers, BOSTON THE AMERICANIZATION OF EDWARD B0K The Autobiography of a Dutch Bey 50 Years After 6 "The best auto biography of our time." Lord Northcliffe. Editions .Sept., 1920 gev., 1920 ec., 1920 .Dec., 1920 .Mar., 1921 .Mar., 1921 .June, 1921 .Aug., 1921 .Aug., 1921 .Sept., 1921 .Oct., 1921 .Nev., 1921 1st.. 2d.. 3d.. 4th.. ! 5th.. , 6th. . ! 7th.. I 8th. . I 9th . . 10th.. 11th. . 12th. . A book which is achieving a substantial and lasting sue cess far outranking that of a Action "best seller." An ideal gift-book infinitely human, lovable and inspiring. "His book makes me feel at fiftv like fifteen, makes wish te begin oil ever again and come from Helland. It beats the Dutch by its Americanism, I suppose, this book of Bele's." D. L S. In the Atlantic .Uenflily 1 Y iJM I s "" it with autebi- "l rank Franklin's egraphy." Wm. Lyen rneips Profusely Illustrated Charles Scribner's Sens, Fifth Avenue, New Yerk GERTRUDE nraises it high order. . . net think there is of the enormous of the book." ATHERTON as "of a very I de a doubt success FANNY HURST writes: "I think it rides Norris into the rank of foremost American novelists. His convictions ring and his characters live." $2.00. It can be bought witerever oeoks are seia. E. P. DUTTON & CO., Publishers, 681 5th Ave., N. Y. H. G. WELLS is probably the greatest romancer among modern writers. He conceived the idea of a great his torical romance which tens of thousands of the best Am erican people have read. HENRY ARTHUR JONES believes that what Wells writes is undermining the thought of the whole strata of English speaking folk. His recent book, 'My Dear Wells" is of great im portance te the few thoughtful minds that disagree with the whole Wells system of ideas. Price $8.00 Your local bookshop can supply it; if net, it can be had fiem E. P. DUTTON & CO., 681 5th Ave., New Yerk WITH ever 100 black-and-white line illustrations, 8 four-color pages and numerous animated maps and full page halftones, all done by the author in the inimitable style which has made him famous. THE STORY OF MANKIND By HENDRIK VAN LOON The First Three Public Comments On Tlie Volume Destined Te Be The Most Talkcd-ef 'Boek 0 The Seasen: Carl Becker (in The New Yerk Evening Pest) Says: F. P. A. says: A CHRISTMAS GIFT BOOK SYPHERD'S THE ENGLISH BIBLE The Masterpieces of the King Janies Version Presented in Beautiful Boek of Poetry and Prese. At all Booksellers. Price $3.00. KELLS, NEWARK, DELAWAHE Famous Colonial Houses By PAUL HOLLISTER TWELVE PAINTINGS IN COLOR BY JAMES PRESTON BOXED $7.50 VOU'LL walk and talk and, laugh wth x heroes in this charmingly written and illustrated story of the romantic career of twelve famous American hearthstones. The work of three artists and a master book designer, it is hy all odds 'THE gift book of the year and VERY human. Introduction by JULIAN STREET DAVID McIAY CO., P11II4aDE.LPIIIA ..The Gift for ari American Christmas " Heywood Breun says: 'The biggest gift book of the year ttt A erally a big book ih size and gorgeous splendor of text and illustrations and binding and cover and big in its signifi cance and in the place it will fill in our reading and conversation. Send it as a gift' te everyone you' care for from the "Children will revel in tlie author's innumerable and inimitable illustrations the people of the dead past are real human beings te him and by virtue of being an artist he contrives te swake rhe reader see them thus." "We never did get around te cThe Outline of History,' but if it is half as interesting aS Hendrik Van Loen's 'Story of Mankind, of which we have read only ten pages, we'll read Mr. Wells's book, tee." "Among the most fascinating books which we have received recently is 'The Story of Mankind' by Hendrik Van Loen." child of 10 te tlie youth of '10nr.d don't forget te make a present of it te yourself! $5.00 a. copy (worth ten!) At your boekseHcr'a, and get it new if ycu don't want te be kept waiting for your copy. UMUKfj If' 1 i 41 Jfl i7l t Ar .,-fi f-i 'iM u i't'i . '-v tf Iff i , Kv'" ,.-fin