Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 10, 1921, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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IS, ii I B,u4 '.':
,n -W .a
,.vi, ,..(
, .TOfrgtW,
CtfteirfUtd Products Cprpora'fen
Wflt referred nlTt4nd N. 30
New Yetlc. Dee. . l2t.
Knllee la hithv Bli-an theft the llAAftl
.--l-- .- .,.,.., ,..,.-.. ...... ..--, ...--
ei directors Mu declared tnla day
twentieth quarterly dlWdend of i
thrrr-qnarter ner centum (lH
:a or cert
enf an4
en the
Products Corporation. payable Jan. 1,
lOIJ. te J'lrst Preferred StocKhelderr of
rtral Preferred Bleck
record at the elnsa or business 1)
lam. tnecKs will N mallail.
UOllAnT M. NKI.80N.
Sec retars -Treasurer
Certain-teed, Products Corporation
Second Preferred Dividend Ne. JO
New TerU. Dec. 0. 1051.
Netice la hereby erlcn that the Heard
or Directors have declared this day the
twentieth quarterly dividend of one and
threr-en'rlers per rentiim (BAftl en the
Second Preferred Hteck ei Cartaln-teed
Prnducta Corporation, najahle Jnn, I.
WS2. te Pecend Preferred Stecklinlders of
record at tlie close of liuslntss Dec. St.
1021 Check will he ma'led,
nOllEHT M. NniJtON.
'""' ii. ii i i 'iii'i' ' 'in mi ii ii in ii nil m ma1 'piii " iiiuiiiii-i mm Hi Lfj'J.J -'I't.?---" ''"' iiKi'in ii tui i i ' '" ' ' -' .
'''H' f "i J j III JJIH" II 'Ji ' "U1 m I'li'MWiM'll
Letters te the Editor
Praises Philadelphia Hospitality
Te tha Editor e the Evening Public Ledger!
I Sir Net beln ft native et rtilladltl.
and havln been privileged te yl.lt alt the
.foremost cltlaa of the United Slate. I feel
that I am qualified te reply te J. J. T..
whose letter prrJ In th. Utimjce Pt)LW
LxtxiKR December 7.
I Klrat of all, let ma say I have Ved In
New Yerk, have spent nema time In Bosten.
ami haw had an opportunity te observe con-
dltlena exlatlnr In all h cities mentioned
by "J. J. T." It la meat peculiar hew th.
experience of different people should ary
ae (really. ...
Hut t cannot quite see hew any one could
advance the Idea that Philadelphia la lax
In her duty toward strangers, or that our
I people a u. whole are y lnelnfU
than people of ether cltlcn te leek with sus
picion en r stranger. Without any "J"""
Ite appear conventional or te discredit J. J.
T.'s" titiM of what I. Jtt.l the thin tn de,
I may 1 remind him that It Is net ftnvd form
te approach a per.en without some ir"i
reason and mane an cnert n
te the point of carrying en conversation i ann
... . i .A. I I ,aim nlllllKT
Hew te Maka Christmas Werth Whitq
Character In Qlft Buying
Te fa AMIter ej the Kvenlng rubUe Ltdgerl
Sir Aa the Chrlatmaa period arrive, we
are all In a quandary a. te the character of.
rlft. te buy. and for the next few week, we
will be In auch a .tate of mental direc
tion that we, finally arrive at tha holiday
almeat exhausted from the effort. Thla l
brought about through the nwny change,
that have been gradually growing into the
cuatem of the ob.ervatlen.
Chrlatma. haa coma, te be a commercial
featlval rather than one In which gifts have
been made or purchaaed and rMa.cd out by
loving hand, te tbeae dear te U. nnd thote
te whom we wish te express a llttle Christ
mas Jey. Pity It la that we cannot get
back te the old form. Jfaw many people
fin.t themselves en Chrltm morning, after
a few weeks of etrenueua shopping, entirely
dissatisfied with the gifts they have passed
rut and the gifts they have received! It Is
all due te the misconception we have of lata
acquired as te gift gtvlng,
The average person. In these strenuous
time. Is tee laxy te make glfta worked by
hi own hands, which are always the most
appreciated. I am sure every woman will
imm..il.i.l hruihln aside all formalities
TurtTmj nAn rr-Dvrr ATinw ' net mn ' ,,lr lh. ! .1... fln'1 ,ht "he hM ha1 corresponding sat-
iVlUIUK UAK CUKFOKAlItjN be done. There are unusual circumstances , i.factlen In the gift presented te he? that
' a . ... ... I W. inb.n Inin gA utdArS lleTl. And U0I1 t as, aa ,. hu Ik. !...- 14 ... II
Preferred Dividend A'e. S5
I have neve
Detroit, Michigan, December 5 1021
te be taken Inte consideration, and uen i was mnrt by tn ,i,.er, j. m(,y express tlt-
forget, I said, "without some gnea reason. , or n(,ihlng In value, but we feel that the
r seen a person ran vn - (elI that has been put In Its making la an
Tha Directors hai declared a nuarterlv I civil answer when asking far Information Incentive te preserve It with great mm. and
dividend of l"ie en the 1 rumulaiixe pre. I in Philadelphia, en the ether hand I have ter ear0i Tn, ( B)way. tn Bft me,j ,p.
i i vvi niuvni I'asa.iii eaiiiiuiaa,
s'OCKnemers or record
Checks will be mailed
nI!i",rTLi"iM1r...,.', ' Pl10 " out of lhelr way te try. 1 t,r,,w and should be the one most ac
DecemW .0. lO.'t g(,t a ,tran,rr en the right track, end It ceptable. for the right spirit I attached te
i Is often a thankleea Jen. . .. 11.
A. VON SCtlf.KHBl.T. Treasurer
.... m ,h.n1i1 tnV.
Again, may I remind our friena j. j. in our Christmas shopping w should
that we are passing through a periw j make It a rule te purchase everything that
greateat criminal activity In the history of , useful. Instead of really meant for shqw
our city, and a great many of us have hail ,em cheap tinsel effect of no use and
I may net be able te raake myself dear.
as I am a peer composer of a letter, but I
will try te explain, what I mean. Whn I
was a girl It was th habit f our dunday
school te have a large, Chrlatma t'te m
the ftunday school room with exerclaea ap
preprlate te Christmas. This form of spend
Irg the pleasant event hag ben done away
with, mere or less, through decorating the
church, but without the tree, and ttempt
Ing te sing hymns that the children cannot
Jein In, and which have no meaning ta them,
sung by the well-paid choristers.
I can remember the thrill that went
through ma when I saw tha church well
lighted, a big Christmas tree before the al
tar, also well lighted, and with appropriate
sentences from th lllbt adorning the walls,
either made from evergreen or gill paper.
Then we would sing "It Came Upen the Mid
night Clear." "Jey te the World," "Hely
Allegheny avenue and lGth street
Phlladelehla Dereinhae T mil Ur City, enu a miw -- --- ,- i' enrap iinsei enrci in no use ana.
Th. d'rec.er.hsvePl ?clared"J 'lHHi , our medicine. Can you blame us for belne which I. usually relegated In a abort lime
Three Dollars (M.Ofl) per share from th ae-. a bit skeptical? i te these received In past years, and the
cumulated surplus of the company en both ' I would say te our discontented stranger, donor Is forgotten. Why! Ilecause the giver
"'T T '""," l! i,rwiiMnu.' the nstructer in our saietnaniiu' ."" nas net carried out the proper spirit of the
!les.,,of bus neCSS DeVcnVbe'r'Tt1 'lV'V n"n ,e1'1 u- '"'" 0ur9tl( nd."' , !' 'v aeinethlng useful and It will be
Check, will b? ma'led Be'nrt)er " "-1' g00d portion of the difficulty I. nel the fault a valuable adjunct te the home. The
WAL.TEH Q HENDERSON. i of your manner of approach." character of Christmas giving of late years
TmiaiifAf Tiklk..lln.ln ,inllnM u a manv wneie Tiam u.n ..K.irtl,. Iti.nii.h h
custom that
............. 4 .,,rv-, .,'... v" .. .. ...... ... ..,? ..,,uurt. . vw.iviu niifc . . ... .t l.. . .l ..
COM'MltIA AVBNl'K TRI'lht n.MIMN h artKl, hone-l.te-noodnesa repIe as anj han becn ktrailuftlly i?rQwln Inte the lyatem. aiau peneq w w wi orre, uu irncn wy
Ilrend MiTft utiil Cfilumb.n Arrnire
Phllndelphla, December 8. 101
.l and If T. .T. T." UOCfl at It In UiQ and drnemiM litlrtl en th amnunt .if mnnttf
I right way I am -utc he will learn te knew , represented, either te the person receiving
Hcndrik van Loen Has Writ'
ten a Readable Story
of Mankind
The qualifications of HtmUlck van
Loen te wrlre n "History of Mankind"
(Ilenl & Llvcrlsht) nrc probably as
great na these of II. G. W-lla te write
nn "Outline of History." There are
these who would Fay they are greater.
Mr. vnn Loen Is u college graduate,
a former Associated 1'rw correnpond
cnt, a lecturer en modern history In
Cernell University and new a prfe'
Night. 3lknt NUM." and. hymn, of that "r """' clc"c "XhoVnte j
character In which we all could Jein, aven lege. Mr. Wells tct out te elaberatO &
tneery or Historical aevgiejuucm aim
tvrote his story te buttress tha the
ery. Mr. van Ixon has simply tried
te tell the story of man en earth te a
way te make clear te the simplest un
derstanding what hns haDOcncd. 'and.
where the rcaoens can be ascertained.
why it happened. He haa succcwica
In making a very Interesting book. It
Ifi Intended primarily for young peeple,
but It In written In a way te entertain
and Inform adults ay well.
Mr. vnn lxen covers creat events in
a few pages, but he bclzcs the salient
points, empnasir.es tuose arm men usu
ally tdU the rvader If uu wishes te
knew mere, about the subject dUeuescd
he can find In the libraries many vol
umes devoted te It. He Lift managed
te grasp the significance of men and
events and te t,et It forth graphically.
Take his treatment of Napeleon aa an
example. He tells of his crudity and
cruelty, of his overleaping ambition and
of the lint red that he aroused in nations
outside of France, luen be remarks:
te the smallest children, and be for we left
the church we had the true Chrlatma. spirit,
and the Cay vvms held In fend mtmery for a
long time. New some hlgh-prleed soprano
warbles about the "Shepherd, and Their
Hecks." "The Plains if llethlehcm." with
the tenor, baritone or contralto Joining In
occasionally, and the children ar net, ex
pected te assist, and the whole thing Is
meaningless te thm. I would like te see
some of the churches have the old-tlreo.
Chrlstmases, Add I can aasur them the
announcement would bring' out an overflow
ing congregation. Mr., W, U CON'KLIN.
Philadelphia, December 0. 1921.
Chrlatmaa and Santa Claus
'ri the Editor e the iJvenlne r,itlc Leciecr:
Mr Frequently at this period we find
people who are opposed te associating a tit
tle romance with Christmas, and believe It
Is wrong for parents and ethers te deceive
children Inte believing In a Hanta Claus. In
his reindeers, and the ether myths connected
with the day. I believe no hurm ha ever
come out of auch a deception. It la the
romance of Christmas that makes It such
A, n PBDillnr m.tlnr nt fh llnn-il nt .
VM .. .. ,,..1., KI .,,.... h .-., .., . I .,l.,l ...... ... ...!., If.Mlt,
uiiqviui.i ,,Mvii".a "w. v,..i-uu-, u,.i-I Anyway, wne ieiu you ynu t"uiw ....,..,
den of lire (S) tier cent was declared , M.,i.ih i. ,.n,l ,M n.vvav with HT
te stockholders
f record December 20, 1021. Checks will
W. H. F. D.
Philadelphia, December 7, 1321.
the gift, or the giver.
Philadelphia, December 7, 1021.
The Music at Christmas
Te the Editor of the Rvenlne J'ubllc Ledetr:
Sir I am a peer woman with severat chil
dren, and we have but little Christmas In
the home, owing te the limited means I pos-
ekl' ,h: lTI"VanU",.,?h"..5!.l-''"'.,;u-13'ne time age I netedan article centrlb- ftH,nUn. Knd my chdr,n .,.. m. thB
uted te the People's rerum reiaun ... ,,., u, .-,, M,.. ,, , ,fc.
payable Jnnnnry 1st. 1022
or recera
bu mailed.
WM A Cv.ni,U.K, Tri.aurr.
llll.lll lltl'ST CUMI'ANV AT A
meatlnv nf thn rtn.ird nf ManHtreri. h.M
i . :"- " - ' . - ."...-. .------..-.-. -- ..--
IMS day,
per cent a
per rent
a. ivz?
5. 1021. Checks will be mailed.
rhlladelphla Ta Dec. E. 1021
Claims Philadelphia Inhospitable
a quarterly dividend of nine ft) i T (n, Rdlter 0, the Kventnp J'tiblle trrfcrr:
ind tnd extra dividend of four (4) ' ...... .. i,i..iu n.m, ih following
were declared, payable en Jan. air Will you kindly print the fellow ing
te stockholders of record en the article In your nrrMNO runi.ii. Ljipekst
ness Dec. 13.
Annual Meetlnre
1 heart- ''""day achoel and religious services of the
ruraBniDX ei Birnnscra m jwm. vs.
Ily sympathlxed with the ser tlmenta of the l approach
writer at tht time J '' nve ' " of Christmas, due te the entertainment that
encad the same treatment ""' ,.":n "" , vv as provided, and I have often wondered
I dered If It was my fault or what the matter children a 1 wa.
p c. Ofller of thi
rhtlailclphla. J'a.. Drcemlr 10. 1021
Menda , January -
holiday, the Annual
U.l.t... n t, t.kn
iiuiu.i s u. uis mw,, ... r,r.uii , vnim.iij ,,.... v. . - - - ,
will tie nein nt tne general enim of the uch a barn nme ei u nttr in 7" ' vlnclal and narrow beyond all belief. They
.-u,,,j. ....... ... v ...U .w..,K.M,,r,, vvnyT vvnav men no r u.,v, ... seem te nave geed schools and insitiuiienn
iiiesaay. January 3. 1U. at , 00jecl. et opprobrium and scorn that we , of ,arnlnir Dut what deea It val If they
oeks will be eles.l from De- nre made te icci iike euicua.a ..u ... maintain their really hateful aland toward
.. ... Ti-n... Trvrii of interested, anil I eeiieve tne great trouble is
New in tbe KvEjtMi rcnuc Lr.rr-n of m(jily e q muile
...ii"".' . ": , Liecemeer ,. iui, - ..," -. -. - ,hn. .. .,..
SleetlnV iT'tne-Hk-' ! , bemoaning "rather I muni ..y.
II. Stetson CemDnny lamenting the fact that we outsiders have
Who haa written a "History .of
Mankind" for young people that
will Interest adults
come te learn the truth the day has lest
much significance te them.
In what way has any child ever been
harmed by a deception of thl character?
The mother that tells her children Utile fan
tastic stories, we will say at bedtime, raises
an Imagination In the child which Is bene
ficial In after life. It Is the children them
selves who employ this Imagination te later
ferret out the stories told te them are myths,
and I doubt whether any child has ever
been harmed In the way of disrespect te
their parent when they have learned the
truth, for by that time they are old enough
te realize that the deception wa merely a
pleasant way of entertaining them.
I believe we should keep ur the old Idea
et Santa Claus. of his team of reindeers, of ,
the chimney with Its 'stocking hung with
care," and everything else romantic about
the day, net forgetting, however, te Impress
upon the child the day'a real significance.
K. In C.
Philadelphia, December 8, 1021.
Excellent Cheesing' for Christ
mas in Publishers
Netv Juveniles
Giving te the young folk for Christ
mas becomes easy when books are
chosen. This year the publishers' have
Fer Levers of the Herso.
"Comment-.on'Hack. and Hunters,"
by Llda L. Kleltman (Scrlbner's), Is a
book that will be-greatly relished by tne
heree levers of America. It Is the work
of a famous American horsewoman. whq
has given an American angle te the
Ocwpetnt. Hitherto the hooks en the
subject have been of English produc
tion and dealt with somewhat different
condition from the prevailing en thl'
Mde of the water. The few American
1 books In the field were of n professional
' or technical nature. Sirs. Kleltman,
however, whlle she knows her subject
vtcll from Hi" terhnlcnl Ktnnilnelnt.
writes from n general and popular
Standpoint, nnd givey n wealth of' just
the information that person" tjeslre whu
jvlth ta take charge of their own
horses, hunt them, ride them and show
Among the subjects interestingly dls
cuwd arc buying horses, the model
saddle horse, the, hunter, sidesaddle,
WAMa.ta .i....-. ...l.ltJ 1.1... .. .... 1...M.I..M '
,.-...c vruas saiiuie, niiiin t jiuiiv'iia,
suggestion te horse show management.
Droper dress for horseback and for
driving nnil Vilntu nn climvlnir the
I various classes of hernes. There lire I
many Illustrations, which are clear and
Heeks added te the Free Library.
Thirteenth and Locust streets, during
the week ending December 8:
Tleebe. William "Edge of the Jungle"
necrbehm. Max "And riven New."
Burroughs, Jehn "Under the Jlsples."
Dicksen, ft. n. "Poems of the Dance."
U- ' ! Ktectrlcal Year Heek.
Fabre, Augustln "Life ct Jean Henri
Faunce, C. L. "Airliner and Its In
ventor, a
.. Foakes-Jacksen. F. J. "Introduction te
"e 'iisiery or Christianity.
Fer Every American, fr
By Ida M. Tatbell
With many Illustrations from
new drawings, photographs
Fer bey3 12-15. $2.00,
At all boehntores or from
04-00 rirui Ave. j,-ew T i
.W4a,v, SA AJLa!vi 4
The Old Tobacco Shep
. By Wllllnm. Dewen, in DV
Reginald Ulrch. Ji.75, (S-lj)
The Rainbow String.
By Algernon Taseln. in j,
Amm Brewster. $1.75. (S.fj
New Plays Frem Old Tales.
ay fiarrieu Wrlglit, )n J
Peens at Manv Lnnrla
Twe titles In each vel. Kach '
fully 111. In color. if 50
acna ler musiraica catalec
JIncmlllan Beeks for IJeys and blrli '
, At alt bookstores or from
01-60 l'lftli Ave. New Yerk '
Olbbs. l'hlllr "Mnr, Thit ifusl lie Told."
"Tl V.n.,1,1 I Unni.ii in InnV mil nf I . .... . . ,.. .u. I ''ajeaern. Ilermahn "noesevelt In the
,..,,,....,...... ........... ... .....j. , eeen laviih in new issues, aim i i uinns."
the window down upon Seventh nvcnue I , ., ', ,k '" '"" m '.., . . , , ljuneker. Jam.es "Variations."
(he was wrltlnc in New Yerk) and following notes; there will be teunil i Kalian, if. m. '-Zionism and World roll-
should the endless precession of truck; Bemetii itu te suit twtM' ;. ' "nv-ii. e. ri."Adve.,.. i Sw..i.
aal.Aaal.l W Illlll IlllllUnn rUftlllf I 11111 4. S I M II ......- -.
DUUUill J, ., .-"........ a..,v... .,
a. .1 a.a.. a..A . tnt It 1
hear the sound of the heavy drums and U""1"?, Company), Is a new volume in rrwii, e, o.-"aei.i."
see the little man en his white hore In Russell Carter's cntertelnlnp nnd In- jjfyj- JMj, Ufa and
his c
Letters et Henry
translated by
lid and much.-worn green Uniform, innuuvu ni il stuuiv;....,. -- nealand. Kdmend 'Tlays."
I ilen't knew, but I am nfrald Francis Tolt Wheeler, ever a favorite H. D. Nerman.: 2 volumes.
I would leave my b6eks and the with the heys, haa started a "" S2Jr"Z&ri!. .e ....
and everything else te fellow him History of America" In which tne van- united States."
i ........ t.. ,...-...1 ... ,n.i " An,, i.m i,d nitreinni tin .van a nvn in ii. a nu ev.Hi.iaru. i.ninrnn"v.w Avnriii ' or
concludes the chnptcr with a warning first two are "In the Days Heferc Ce- a.en. M rt.-ruty Tears a Journalist "
naalnst the books about Napeleon, "for lumbua and "The Quest of the est- Webster. Hutten ''Mcdieval and Modern
they arc written by men Who clther ern worm," both pubUNtieu ey sseiirae
her,l him nr lnvM him." "Yeu will II. Domn Oemnnnv. "lllack Hetlldfr Fiction
avenue, en
2:SO 1. Si.
rember SS 1021. te January 3, 1022. both Inals' I have often, wondered where tne eu,,jer.j
dates Inclusive
w-vi 11
."r-HN-niDKR Secretary,
-... i l a -. J I aa 1 a. MAnnswvtlnn
I nretheriy L.eve erisinairu m ..a u......
I with rhlladelphla. II IS mesi reria.11111
P$f Till'. ANNUAL MKKTIMJ OF THK misnomer. I sometimes think the Inhabl-
- at nlr Vinlrle res nf that Inaienns,. fi . ...a.tu V isesei a n
Pn?y ef.t"e Sla,.f of pfl!!IwJl2nl wl" of all Ihe places In the world te t In
feSS.nlii1-- - -ruch-Tthan
te aerve for three (.11 v.in anH tha ,..n. ' romnnnlennhln or help ns u snoveeau uees
action nf any business which may be , In Hades. Kven the children are unchlld-
praaanted. Wle ,n tn. lr cnd, unfriendly behavior, and
JOHN J P nODOnnS Secretary I , way they held you at arm'a length They
jp5" TltAIH-Mi:NS NATIONAI. HANK ' are Kreat for standing en the street and
'-3S Tl.ltf,.ll.,KI.. ,.. .. ,n .fte. 1 . .. J - ll v.. lie'
The Annual Sfretlnir nf the stockholders
will be held at the l.nnklmr rooms, en Tue-
unr. January 111, 11122. nt 12 .11.. for the
Telect'en of Directors and for the. transaction
'or such etne:
the meetlnc.
such ether business as may e.eme before
EDMfND WIM.1AMS. Tashler
when It comes te Invltlne you te their homes
that Is strictly taboo.
I have traveled extensively In my time,
but have never encountered auch offensive.
Ill-bred nroele. I regret te aay. I am ther-
NATIONAI. HANK t euchly aeured with the treatment I have
rnllnilelnhln ra. h.n arr.irded here. I have made every er
and Kine, out u is an
neither visit ou nor
?..-.. .. .a ..lul. . t n- .4 .i.lul, l hava vnu visit them.
i: H. tVnnT.' ' I I hav ae far presumed te call at a nelsh
v falilr. ber's, and found such a frigid reception that
I never made any further attempts te ac-
Philadelphia. December S. 1821.
Llltea Old Philadelphia Picture!
J'e the Editor of the Eventne JueHc Ledger:
Sir Tour views of old Philadelphia are
great. If possible keep It up. I am say
ing them all. WILLIAM A. WEHT.
Philadelphia, December 8. 1021.
Scatter the Wage Cut
w. .-- - - .,., 111... e mc .flimr 0 in. fiVO.mil nmuv l,ni rr,
trying te pump ou dry of all your me a aif u the rttIire,j employers would cut
history and nil your pan-ur -a miwi uu ' the salaries of some of their hundred-thou
y247" sei'TmvAitK
sand-a-yar eftlclals It might help some te
reduce expenses, ana net try 10 ar 11 an
out of the men. If. D. C.
Philadelphia, October 24, 1921,
I The Annual El'ctlnn for Directors of this fnP. le ,. hesDltable 1
jrank wl,l be held at the llanklnt; Heuse, en l"r:"J Th.v will
Tuesday. January 10th. 1022. between thei'n '" TBJ ",,,.'
t.Ulle.l.lnh n n..mlu II .OO,
The annual meeting- of the stockholders for
It5e election of directors for the ensulnir vaar
r-lll he held at the banklnn house. Tuesday,
Lmuary 10. 1022. between 12 o'clock neon
.and 1 o'clock I'. M.
X W n WITH) rashler.
Philadelphia December Sth. 1021
The Annual Me'tlng of the Stockholders
fnr fha alarllnn of Dirartera of thta Tlaiilf
will be held nt tha nanklnr Heus. Tuesday.
,i nuary linn. iu. iiveen tne neurs or
12 neon nnil 2 r. .vi.
tV If MeKRB r..-,ah,r
milra friends here. It aeems te be the same
In every class and among all the people, rich
or peer. It even holds In business. I really
and the Thlladelphlans Inclined te be pre-
Questions Answered
Hl'llt'HHAN ii.S AM) jsj.ki.tkiu v .ii
nl.iiVii emii lilivns. IMdI'P.l) I'Mir.R
iir.u l, iiv
MH-THE H(irTHK.TKN NATIONAI. I XiSf.Al: ii uicnRnr OIVEN' that the
L . .."VJ,'K. .,,h.',a-i r". ' fol'lewlng numbered tnds havfr been drawn
. UVIlua uuia.a.tu.iin,
called for payment
IntrVrf VMinrt at the
t-ha Annua, ,i..nn i ,.r tnm w. nn i.a...
.., i,,,,u.. .. . ...... ... ....- ,'i"innnucij u. .,, ,rt. r-nm in. nier-i.iu
this Hank vt, be held nn Tnrsduy. inn. 10. ", jht the same are
1025. at 12 o'clock M,. at the IlanU'ng "1 iSJ.VnHen1 h the S
Heuse. 8. K. rorlire 'l nS.uth alreets. price of 101 of the
r-' '''"i. " "I'TMt rashler i ,., .m.rf n.nl
-" Phlladlphla Pa ember 10. 1021
he'd at the Hanking Heus.- en Tu
ii irv 10. 1022. tMtWfan th, hmiru nf
Ju'cleck neon nn.l 2 I'. M.
riiAniX" u rneKB ruhi.i
principal amount thereof
thereon, en the 3d day
of January. 1&22, at the office of the Penn-
...ivuni,. r.nmnf.i,v for insurances en Iives
The Annual nieetlnn f.,r Dlr-clers will be , and Orantlng Annuities. Trustee. In the City
esdaj Jan- of Phtlaileipnia. i-a rreji sua ''r ut"
ilnie nieri-si biiuii cirme . .- j,c-.',,
said bends. The berejs drawn for redemp
tion by the Sinking Fund should be pre
sented for payment et the aforesaid office
of the Trustee en or ftr January 3. 11)22.
and are numtierie: as ioiiows ieiiows ioiiews
37 330 5 8J9 lll' 13S4
87a 700 ua ixej iai
n8 741 flne 1209 H2fl
301 840 4 1281 144N
141 047 1025 1235 1452
47S R7!l 1033 1281 14511
470 SOI 10-S 1287 1485
527 80S UrtiR 1317 1472
585 1112 1128 1328 148
347 "118 013 1143 13(11) H
350 (143 Wlf Hfl'l 137!) 1520
m. w stuevd
NNfITIK8. Trustea.
Dt.l November 13. 1021
-" members of the Philadelphia Mnnu
fpetnrers Jlutunl Tire Insurance feinpnnj
v'lll be held at the efnea of th fempenv 011
rnrnmarrHl Trut nelld'nu Friday. January
ISth. 1022. t 4 o'clock.
. iv.r .M ninir i r
tTnrsday. December 20lh. 1021. at 12 o'clock
lnoen. at the office of the cempanj, 517
(Chestnut sin-at ,....
il3C Pel rvheld' rs of the Mand.ird .Mutual
Fire Inatirnnee Cempanr will be held at
1'ielr office. 013 Cemtnerriftl Trust llulldlne,
J.munry 11th. 1022. at 2:30 o'clock. P. jr.
nD'TN T TT rr qrrtary
MRKTIVf, OF tiik.wj
I'f the Sante Demlnirrt ,e.
Cemnany wl'i be held en i 217
Why "E".Net "I"?
Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir Why de we have an '" In liquefy
Instead of "I," since liquid Is spelled with
nn "I" 7 V,. L. O.
Philadelphia. Dectmber 0 1021.
Liquefy Is derived from llqucre and facers,
Latin words meaning te be liquid, .nnd te
make. IJquld la derived from llquldus. a
Latin word meaning te be fluid. Frem these
base words you will see the reason for the
"e" In liquefy and the "l" In liquid.
Women en the Stacje
Te th- Editor et lie Kvealnfi Public Ledger:
Sir I have frequently read that women
were net allowed te appear en the stage In
Englind for many ears after the drama
ha.1 become oeDular In that country, when
were thiy rtrat allowed te appear?
V, L. fl .
Philadelphia. December 0. 1021.
Women flrat appeared en the stage early
lr. the latter half of the seventeenth century.
In 10J9 Mrs. Celman performed the part of
lanthe In Davenant's "Slege of Rhodes"
before a select audience. Mrs. Davenport
ns Ilexalana and Mrs Saundcrsen as lanthe
.ra thn Aral honaflde Kngllsh actresses.
1333 I Th.v m.da their first appearances In 1(101.
1333 riefore this period actrceaes were unknown.
written by lllehard Lovelace, appears thla
verse as one of feur:
"Stene walls de net a prison make.
Ner Iren bars a cage;
Minds Innocent and quiet take
That for an hermitage.
If I have freedom In my love,
And In my soul am free,
Ancels alone, that sear ubeve,
Enjoy such liberty."
Supplies a Peem
Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir In answer te "Mrs. A, L. A.'s" re
quest for the balance of u poem, I send It
as fellows;
Santa Claus came down the chimney.
And I tell you he was block,
Soot was en his hair and whiskers;
Snot was en his precious pack.
Then the fat old fellow muttered:
"Here's a pretty how-d'-de:
I declare these careless people
Quite forget te clean the flue.
Guess I'll have te leave a message.
Place It up ajralnat the wall:
'When jeu're looking for my visits.
Clean your chimneys one and all.' "
Delalr, X. J.. December 4. 1021.
Line en "Jitney"
Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir I note one of your readers asks It
any reader can suggest a perfeet rhyme te
the word "Jltney." I don't believe there Is
a perfect rhyme except It be the proper name
Whitney. Let me contribute the follewing:
"A chauffeur by name Jeseph Whitney,
Was rapidly speeding his Jitney;
Was held up for a ride,
And said, 'Step Inside,'
'Dut you're full, se where will you sit
met' "
"Sit me" Is a bad rhyme, I knew, but I
can only think of Whitney aa an absolute
rhyme. Mrs. W. A. WALLACE.
Philadelphia. December 0. 1021,
J.V! the fe-nale parts In plays nlwas bln
5 ? I taken by men. Charles II Is said te have
nn f.rrt enceuragrd women te appear en the
.-' ntnckheMera nf C'ef A Allen Cempun I
vtll be held nt the nfflc- of the enmprnv. 1
33d and Mark t ts Phltad-lnhbv, Pa
1'uei.day. Jnnnnry 10. 1022, it 10i30 V M,
Netice Is hereby given that pjrsuant te
the hlnklp Fund prevision of the atwve
Mnrtfage ..ated August 1, 1012 proposals
will be received at the office of the Com
mercial Trust Company. Trustee. City Hall
Square Philadelphia, for che eale te the
e.ied proposals will be received at this 1 rusic ier sinning r un. .imran nn r. u
8'?..K ,. ,. rlei-H no,n Tumlinv. 11.. ar 1. 11122 of 1122 400 far value "f said
uevi , ...i, ,.,,., .... , ....... hA.ri, n, .. nrra net III .lr.,,1 10ic and
l..l . .IVl. ,.,mj ,,,,1 . .'UCIIVU - " ' , ' 1 , 1 ..
innwi, - niTruru iii.vicb, . ,,v i.h.i. , .,....-. .
"sTkpautmkn'i of piiii.ic iirvlth
Roem ,-,KI. CltV II. ill
Philadelphia, Neiemler20. 1021
stage In England In 1002.
Army of Occupation
3'0 the Editor et the Evening Public I.tdgtr:
Si, What Is the Insignia of the American
Army of Occupation In OermanyT
W. S. D.
Philadelphia. December 0. 1021.
The Insignia Is a Urge white A sur
rounded by a red circle, mounted en a cir
cular piece of blue
"n. K. L." Myren T HerrlcW is the,
American Ambassador te France.
"U. R. E." The present Government of
England is a coalition represenllnc the
Unionists, Liberals and Labcrltes.
Dr. J. Morten Delce Leaves $14,000
te Mether and Brether
The will of Dr. J. Morten Bolce,
1020 Spruce street, probated today, din
puses of en estate valued at $14,000,
which gees te his mother, Mrs. Mattlc
Ilelcc and a brother, Wilsen S, llelce.
A clanae in the will prevldea that if
hla mother and brother die before him,
$1000 is bequeathed te the 8. P. O. A..
nnd the residue equally divided among
the Aid Society of the Philadelphia
County Medical Association, Beard of
Ministerial Relief and Hustentatlen of
the United Presbyterian Church of
North America, and the Heard for Dis
abled Ministers of the Reformed Preti-
byterian Church.
Other wills probated were: Mtchnel
Silverman, 525 Pine Htreet, $03,000;
learn many facts," he continues. "butiOlalm" (Penn Publlshlnic Company),
it is mere Important te 'feel history by Perry Newberry, la the t-tery of two
than te knew It. Don't read, but wait boy prospectors for fold in California,
until you hove a chance te hear a ceed "The Triumph of Virginia Dale
artist sing the song called 'The Twe (Pnjre Company) la a new "clad book
Grenadiers. The words were written by Jehn Frnncln, Jr., which will appeal
by Heine, the great German poet who te girls In their teens.
lived threuzh the Napoleonic era. The Tn Thn Yellow Ouill Olrl" (Penn
music was composed by Schubert, an Company), Letta Antheny has written1-.
Austrian who saw the Emperor, the en tninreailnr tnrv for nlrls of ten te p-
-,,,----- . - . - , ...... ......p ...-. --- ..--- - , , .
enemy et nis country, wucuevcr ire t-ajuc fourteen, about the ileugntcr ei a ricii
te visit his imperial iamerin-iaw. -mic famij. whn ,Vents te amount te pomc pemc pomc
Feng, therefore, Is the work of two men thinR mnTC tnnn n mcrc social butter
who had cverv reason te hate the ty-, nv "Pcggv in Her llluc Freck"
rapt. Ge and hear it. Then you will (Houghten Mifflin) is by Kllaa Ornc
understand what n thousand volumes white, the noted short-story writer,
could net possibly tell you.' 'nn(1 i(, tj1( ,iPHRhtfiil record of the ad-
It will be seen from these sentences vcnturcs e m, rrrprPf!f.ble Utt.le girl,
that he has net followed the dry-as- , .,,,,, etlwr llttU, grlK w Hke te read,
dust iiicUied of wrftlng history. Ne..A Ynnkee Girl at Hull nun" (Penn
cine with any curiosity about what has , r) , nr,nther of Alice Turner
hnnnened in the cemiiaratlvely short ',..";,., V1....1..S .,.i- f, ll .nn
period of recorded time can rend the , , , , of ihQ rnry ,iays
Boek without regretting every lnterrup- f ,hc CIhv, Wnr n8 vell B9 t0B n B00,i
i.uu t..i c ..e .....e..v ... .tnrw fnr th ktnrv'n snKe. .Mariene h
Heuse Party" (Page Company) Is a
sterv for younger girls, full of lively
Interest and with plenty of humor.
"The Rlue Fairy Reek" (David Mc
Kay) is a new and well-Illustrated edi
tion of Andrew Lang's classic collection
of falrv stories. Fer younger children
is another nf Johanna Snyrl h books,
this time "Maezll" (J. R. I.ipplncett
Company). Her "Heidi" is a classic
for veungsters, and Elizabeth Sterk has
... ah.. ntipnnrivn null luiricsi .
. IllllflU U H-IJ ,.Mvw.... -j
The nlavs of Jehn Drlnkwatcr almost I l.nldlnir translation and there are Reet
Invariably defy ordinary criticism since pictures In color. "Zodiac Town
they arc never built along the lines of , (Houghten Mifflin) Is by Nancy Ryrd t
conventional drama at all, but belong te Turner, who writes charmingly for the
an episodic school of their own, in which Wec ones. It Is a book of prose Inter
dignity and simplicity nre the chief spersed with rhymes, arranged accord
characteristics. ' ing te the months, and taking in ills-
Villi,, n. )
c,n,.r,n & Vnn vilet) is n neiprui
compilation, telling with rules hew te
ploy all ports 01 lniereniuiK i""
IterCOVlcl. Vnn.,,1 Slt.ll'. nnA rilVtA
nnmances of Oypsy llloed."
llurnet, Dsna 'h-he Lark."
Cedy. If. A. "Jvss of the Hebel Trail."
Cumberland, acratd "The Poisener."
Metcher, J. 8. "Herapath Property."
r. .1'. J "."Vindication of Itebert
Mackentle. Cnmpten "Rich nelatlves."
Streeter. Edward "Ileanety. fjanelc
"'."". ..u me 11 p. -
The Life of
James Menree
Auther of "Life of Lafayette"
','I'atrlck Henry," etc.
Thq Centenary Biography of our
Fifth President. A definitive work
of vast historical importance.
Profusely Illustrated. Net $4.00
by Thornten TV. Burgess
World's Heit Pepultr Juvtnlle Auther
Four Volumes fl.78 ench
At All Bookstores
Tie Pena Pabliihlae; Company, Pkili.
Jehn Drinluvater Has Put the
Great Englishman in an
Episodic Play
The only place In the city where they
are obtainable and the largest stock
In the country. .
If you cannot call, send for a new
lllustrnted catalogue. T
The Penn Publishing Company
MS Filbert Htreet Ph-ladriphl
llHt-.H.-inil'. -e IHH III UV IUillMi- " -
"Oliver Cromwell" (Houghten Miff- terle events and ether timely
lln Ce.) ia in thin respect mere like i "Children's Games et All he
'Abraham Lincoln" thnn it is iike
"Mary Stunrt in which the author fol
lowed accptcd Btage traditions In a
mere or less sketchy fashion. In fact,
there Is a close analogy between "Lin
coln" and "Cromwell." There are te
he sure no "Chroniclers" te come before
the curtain and explain the import of
the story, but the life of Knglnnd's
Protector Is followed In much the man
ner that Drlnkwater employed in pre
senting "Ltneelu," presenting only
high lights and using the reactions of
the man with his family te bring about
a vivid contrast with the history-making
affair of state.
Te be sure, "Cromwell" la net a
tragedy, but the similarity between the
two ploys is further berne out in the
close-te-the-battlefleld scenes coming
shortly before the climax. The religious
ntmoHphere and- Influence is quite nat
urally and properly stronger In this
play of the Kngllsh Revolution than it
was In "Abraham Lincoln," In every
act, Drlnkwater hammers home the de
veut personalities or uremweii nnu ins
The Next War
Dr. FRANK CRANE describes
'The Next War" as "The
greatest book of these times."
tl.OO af nny bookshop ar from
E. P. Dutten & Ce., 681 5tlt Ave , N. Y.
Kdaar O. Feltr. 21)04 North Twenty
third Mreet. S.T0O0: Kllzabeth Garber. i n., t., .Umt rv net thfm in n
lfti 1 n MT encmV 3t)'00i he llnal curtain Cromwell Is praying
William 0. Linck. 2003 Ridge avenue. b..Kl(iL, hiH ..w.thcr's bedHldc.
XU.ikki nnu iiaiue r.. negga, inwti ,,.. ,iiftu,RUe of the play Is ini-pir
' 13
' i iehed-.l'il " l"'w
and cn,,'u Ill-Al "F IHISI'lfALS
Unit IHlll ,.llrrnr '.
r-lect any or .11 prepyls In whole or In j.,', h;m )n Omaha June 1 te
P'.ft .... .. . . I , . . icne
.- p& inn ri' a. l.ui ynrKr. ij nina.i, d.iru ,,.wu.,w,a p...,, ,,v
Wisr inrr,'- . r ", t,. . - j .. .. ..j ,,t,,npu,un i. tnr
ul.rf ine.udins ''onstruLiien. in jnii.ni. he-it- "nus ener.u aim nii . "i -"", ".
V,r.'- .lectrl-ul -irk. .the sale of Crew Ivlck Company Tlrst
!' ?.i ?.., i.iu urinis. fnrm, n, .. ! Mnrtae - NlnklnK ruud ti.ld Ilends ,
apeciiii";-"' lnfnrri.,ien , , ,al ,.-. '.V' .hnuld be presented te., the undersized t-
sals w "' .'. ! ,-., .VT. : ...V"T ... v. 'inrl. neon. 1 rdneMlar. Deermeer
un 0" "e l"r' ",. . ""'nejis warU ii ,i,
had upon iiiu-dnen iq r-iuip Ji. -"' .--..
Architect, IT'.! .ian.un, si
III1NKY C. G1IISON'. Treasurer.
. ha
.inhnsen. iSC
"Viids from ethers than Dmfe eimaael or
established In business for whk.h proiesals
'-- nHked win i ue iiiieii.iiici or con
'Vil bids must be accempanUU by a certl
- v .nn. ii., city solicitor th.it sprnri,,
Kv been furnished in accerdante .ell', the I cured b iriertssaiie by that company te the
previsions of the nrdlnaiu of ceu.rn.lis, up. Land Tllle snd Trust Company, Trustee.
of November 1, 1608.
"C. L. C." The rallrcads own the mall
cars and net the Postertlce Department.
'TV. S. A.' Addresses were net de'ivered
nn the occasion of the burial of the un
known French and English soldiers.
I xne (iiniegu
An Inventory of the personal estate - .. HtenMH. bi,nned with Rlhllcnl
"T L. n." wiuiam Heward Taft is a Dliimunil street, jfiietiti. . ' ing in Its sheer simplicity. Straight-
l. - . ivniin ! nn i "nnrrn i , ii iiiviiiuiiri i iiii i rMinH isui ri r n i i
uiriiiucr u. iu wui ..--.
"Minn A. U A." The TranvMHuwiippl
December 3 IOL'1.
Netice Is herehv given te holders of bends
y cf the tiee. . .ewin i ei wmpany, se
rw T,.lit, 4 'lunn a L'n lllwil i. .e n
, Uv... , '--- ,,-,"" i.-." Kmn -tv and beauty, eunance man
tne vane ei mwo.eo. ana reiwni were " th; . e .,, slery of the
iianniiui r iiiiniriiurruru ina nurnru ni ...-- . - . , ,
h,.,...r.. ","""".: "?",?."' of this fanner te a brief ruiersiup n
t.race a. s cijec, in . niru n tie mate rr - , .. no t , the ,,,.,, 1k,
iiesn tei at iorrisiewn. icavmir an
Poems and Songs Desired
Sjnved May '-'5. l"r'" ,N , u dated Decemlr 1,1
The director resenes the rluhi te accept ,nertBe dated Ja
"Toe Uate I 8tayed"
1U13. aa amendd by Te the Editor et the Eeenlng VubHc Ledger,
Sir I am desirous of securlntr a poem
nuary 20. 1VW. te the
urn , -, ...,.,. , .. ' , r: ..,. . --- . , .... - -,i7.-.
.nv Dropesai hi '.""i" r ... ji.n-t or reject Iand Tins anu uu.i gmnx, irusite, i rt-,-ii- .. tinMa
!n the bids as he may deem best for ths that there Is held lr the SlnXInB Kund el cen,''nlnB. thT"e .""J. flv ,he mm.
interest of the cltN. When a l.ld or aszre. ,Sid Ceal empany tha sum- of M2.1n8.si 1 "Toe late I stayed, forgive the crime.
kite of bids excerns me umei sing it will ,nd that
offers of said bends for payment
sate ei uiui, -'--'. -- - - . . v .. win snu inn, ,.. v, -... v..- .... ,,, .,.,
R necessary for the contract i0 be entered ut of Hlnklnu Kund at a price net exceeding
into the cost of which may he obtained 1071 per cent et the par lulue of said
upon Inquiry at the oft, of tt.e city solicitor. I bends, and accrued Intereet w'll be received
hy the umli-rsixneit up te and Including neon,
.,.j --- . ,wrnt v pi-pm-uii .. n
i l j-. v...., ...... .,, .,, u iMeeniiM.r m iu.i.
Yllrecter of the Penartment. T1IK lJND TITl.li AND TIIUST COMPANY
v . r v riuiTiTolfeTAifY fiF-TifJ- rnusT dkpahtment
OEJMtm OK COMVIi N pi.KAH Ivn S W. cer. Ilread and Chestnut streets
OVnWWctfSifi cWi-RT nAii Philadelphia. Pa.
nni Cltv Hall- Philadelphia. Nmember 21.
?e" Pealed proiiesa a for blanks, books,
JeblndlnK be"Ks. stationery etc., for the
x5i- ..f the Prothen.ilary of the Cour
SSffmSn '. a"" Clerk uf the n
Annual Kleetlens
Is nf
" , I'1III-I)K1,I'IIIA
feurt or "" ,;,. 3 ',. " reveneu uecetntier u. ixi.
. T this enlce unri .Mnndnj. December 19. The Annual jre'tlntf of the Stockholders
tell at " o'clock nepn. rudders are In. for the election nf Directors of this llauk
Cued te Inspect samples of supplies and will be held at the Uankln Heuse en Tues
inVi reeulred "t this ntllci.. Ne bids will dsy. Jsnunry 10th. 1B2J, between the heurr
W'.J.i,ird except from these uriuii. 1 , Jtiiui M. and 1:00 P. M.
O. tU ItK.tn... fltlll a CT.tT.na Hi,... ..
"Sftinrnt from the Cltv Solicitor rh.t the
J!fs ens of an er0lp"c of Councils, an.
nved May 23. 'auv- "B n complied
WM. 1. 11KCII Cashier.
estate of $15,700.
Collapses After Cllnelng te Hand
rail en Baltimore Filer
Samuel West arrived In the city last
night from Raltlmere, clinging te the .heugi, they are all of necessity subor suber
handrail of a coach en a fast Penn- , ji,.,i tit that of Cromwell. Ircten.
sjivuniii ei.irt-t.n. Hnmnden and the King, taKcn irem
come stilted or pompously heroic as lu
home historical piays. jnsicau, .ur,
Drlnkwater makes his Chnrles I talk
with as much humanncss and reality us
the farmers In the first act, and the
dramatic scenes In the house are ns
close te actuality as these in the quiet
of Prtynwell's household.
The cnaracicm urc viiiriiiimiy tivuwii,
m... in.-n,nivn" werkt will vary
tlctlen in giftmakln?. "Ch Idren of.
Ancient Rritaln" (Utt c, Rrewn &
Ce.), by Ii. T.amprey. is a geed de
scription In brief of the almost prehis
toric days when what is new fcnIf..
Scotland and a les m iiiu,mi. ,.j
people different from these of today.
The River People, the Pllnt people nnil
ether trlbcH arc described In a way
intelligible te young readers, but In ac
cord with the discoveries of modern
ethnology and archeology.
"Rlble Stories for Children (David
MeKnv) In a retelling of the old scrip
turnl "tnles by Margaret Living-ten
Hill. Abraham. Isaac, Jeseph, Jacob,
Saul. David and ether notable figures
nt tt1p Writ nre the heroes of thebe
slmnlv rfnd charmingly told stories. 1 fAAAjv
There arc a number of excellent colored
"The Ferest Beyond the Woodlands
( V A Knopf) It an elaborate and
graceful fnlry tale by Mllded Kennedy,
who wrlteH her story around a gentle
maiden, a chivalrous youth and an en
Xanted woodland. The silhouettes by
vu.,. i.'nu'Hnti nre very attractive
and are 0 fitting accompaniment for
the fascinating and Imaginative text,
"Rip Van Winkle" (David McKay,
is a line reissue of Irytng's classic tale.
The X. C Wyeth color plates are full
of fantasy and spirit.
A Thrilling Story for Girls
A Tle of the Argeaanli of '49
By Alden A. nnd Emilie B.
Knipe, authors of "Pelly
Tretter, Patriot," etc. 111. by
Mrs. Knipe. $1.75.
Send te us or te your bookseller
for illustrated cataleg:
"Macmillan Beeks for Beys
nnd Girls"
Af all book torts or ftein
New Yerk
01-88 Fifth Ave.
By Rupert Sargent Helland. $2.00
A "Main Line" story of mystery uA
A Dattchter of the Mennenllrs
By Anna Balmer Myers. $2.00
The nualnt "lumer and human appeal of
this story of Pennsylvania life are Irre
sistible. AMANDA touches the htart
strlncs by these uualltlea which make thl
whole world kin.
By Katharine Haviland Tayler.
Suddenly transplanted from old Vlr
Klnln. Natalie raise, yeuntr, pretty anl
unspoiled, fln.ls .the restraint et polite
society unbenrable.
Humorously written, with a dellcsls
romance Interwoven In the plot.
By Shirley Watldns. $1.75
A ulrls' book of unusual Ulstlnctlen el
the type which Is In creat demand by
librarians, as well nn pnrents,
Retold by Sara Hawks Sterling.
(WashlnBtnn Square Classics)
Miss Sterling has tnkn the old allad
nnd legends anil with the true spirit of
appreciation has rewritten the sterlrs In
charmlnnly quaint InnKUiiBe. IJIjht lllui lllui
tratlena In color by newland WheelnrlrM
Geerge W. Jacob$ & Company
Publishers, Philadelphia
"Friends of the League of Nations
or of our entry into any vital association of nations te
prevent war take new hope when they see in this book
the utter and tremendeus rout of the irreconcilable
position that the people's mandate was against any
thing of the kind, 'In his splendidly constructive and
statemanllke final chapter, the author clearly shows
the only possible and the best way by which we may
new join ether nations for that much desired end."'
ssssssH fBlyHsssssssssssssssss!
I'nhi-rdlnit flew the hours
Hew noiseless falls the feet of time,
That only treads en flowers."
It wan In Cleveland's "Khiillsh Llteraturs
of the Nlnteenth Century" about forty years
;. J t x.
Philadelphia, December
II. ,,nl ... ,.n l.h.n Immiul nr t tn
..v ...... ... ... v.. ............... v . i, .ferv. una tne painetic imiru in .
the iiannemnnn Hospital te oe treated rrnnn.V N well as the vividly dep
for severe muscle strain ami eyes eurniHi -- . f th Cromwell household,
hy the wind and cinders, as a result of "em"",7,L rhe nnywrl-ht.
his nlncty-feur-mlle rule. , i, iVimnl tn sav iust hew
West Is. twenty-one years. old and ' . J' l '' L ?hls Uv I h c
Where Lines Oecur
Te the Editor of the Evening rublle I.tdgcr.
Sir Where de these lines eccurl
"Stone walls de net a prison make.
Ner Iren bars a celt." B L. O.
Philadelphia, December 1, 1031.
In, a little poem "Te Althea from Prison,"
Memerial Heselntlnn
Annual Meellnss
rrothenotary, C. C. P..
Clerk M C
aw CIJ'.VKLANII AM) riTTSIIl'nr.ll
,i.ind a November 28th 1021.
tealsd Proposals for the sale of Oeneral
"SKf nf the Hlnklnu Fund, at net te ex
SSf par "' -fcru"J Interest te the amount
i37 Philadelphia, December 10. 1021.
The Annual Meeting of the stockholders
will he held at the banking rooms, en Tues
day, January 10, lOtli, hetwrrn th, hours of
12 M. ana" i I'. M., fur the election of Di
rectors and for the transaction of such ether
business as may come before the ineet'nu.
iS December H. 1021
At a stated meelln of the Heard of Di
rectors of this bank, the pres'dent an
nounced the decease nf our assnclMe. Mr,
Henry 1 1. Darten. whereupon the following
minute was unanimously sdeptedr
WHEnKAS, We are called upon te renurn
the less of our faithful colleague; and
WHKHBAB, , In hlf Jtlndly courtesy
uentleness, upright Christ Un charseter, and
slrcern Interest In the welfare of his fellow
man, he has endeared himself tn a host of
Irlends who will grsatly mlsj his wlke
U......I, mn.l
wiuii.nii ... w..,. . l . , . .
inirariijr ana
f pur-
entral fie-
,hW 'ea'twht the train as it left the have a TteAXniVr
Ilaltlmere station. It did net step until mains, 'J.'!.
It reached here. Although he was has done a remnrKnlile piece of -werlc
numbed b the cold. hi. flniifn and and has Ps;Vlstlc an 1 rea
arms stiff and achlnif and his eyes nf making history both artistic and real
blinded hy tears, wind nnd cinders, he for stage presentation
held last until tne train naitca
t X VTeeVrr V.n.W 'lin .r. . j Cpm.umV: KUl N.t.ee. '"'V"',, nhoBn'e,WKr Sd". ItVel
MJr"wW i7J?XKr:m:
i ,V LMlm mull inaicaie rn w vy".;. n, - .'.if-,,-. eih ism rillenirues. therefore, be It
J mWl.VeZ'Z v.'?,rend T.-S'.52 .Pett-V HA !S !4.'?&j- -Bfl'-KI '.TOW '". A Th'e.e n'ut.
? , K-WPfZlt B?& E ftWtf M K i''lL"cAnp'SNTWn.
Nordheff Has Succumbed
A Papeete news dispatch states that
Charles Nordhelf, co-author with Ner
man Hall of "taery j.anim ni iue oeuui
Letting go would have meant death.
..... ... . lu .it i lTnnem. has net enlv rrmnlncd
French Liner Pulled out et Muaenip"'" but ,," marvM .
Pennsfleld, N. J. hlgh-cabtc native girl of distinguished
The French steamship Olympe was i family and is the father of a two
floated this morning from the point month -old daughter.
In the Delaware Illver near renns
Held, N. J,, where she went aground
late Thursday night. The cargo was
removed te lighter and barges before
the ship could be floated.
When the Olympe grounded five tugs
pulled unsuccessfully for hours In ef
forts te gt her In deep water again.
It was then decliten was made te
remove the cargo,
The shin wan returned te deck here
fnr lnspeclleu as te possible damage
before the cargo Is reloaded and she
resumes her trip for French and Italian
perta by way of Nw YetU,
Dy Arthur O. Frhl
If Vnu I.Ike
a mnn who fichts like an
avengintr fury te defend a
women ,
A quaint old-fashienod Rirl,
sweet as the dainty pansy in
the garden
The wide vistas of the moun
tains, the tang of the pines, the,
summer sun in the orchard, the
white silence of winter in the
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