fi&mmt yt'm '- i " r1 k M! i ft K Itt- M t;; if) r TMi ri! is ' '1 h! i i K m t m hTH lit Euenmg public Jfebtjet PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1921' "AM , W " ':.-. ' "& -Viv;:;H SSSSSSSSiSSSSS m.SaJSBa!f 1 CAN YQU recall this bit of old Philadelphia? jj trlKr'gl BjmBWBL iB If I, ili" I1 1 'li " I HI I ' i 1 ' .Ifri&ffS PLAYING 5.N VPPy sO( . Hi IN ENGLAND Headwork seems te predominate nt this uinctur. i ' ti c,i in-, p.ayed at the Stamford Bridge field, near Londen. L'i sui' d' use the aerial attack wa9 world fhote "C 1GARS AND CIGARETTES." Mrs. Heward Reifsnyler, Jr., one of the workers nt the St Stephen's Church bazaar held at the Bellevue-Stratferd SOLD "HOT DOGS." Maurice Mat singer, Jr., (left) and Rebert C. At At niere, nt St. Stephen's Church bazaar PLEADS WJTH STRIKING PACKERS. A scene in Kansas Cit., Kansas, wheie hundreds of meat packing-house workers are en strike. Majer Burten is shown at right addressing the strikers, pleading with them te refrain from violence i i ten v v ' SHI fti?SrJP 1st?.. - v ' l 'feWM w' s x km 1 1 ill ' .7&2?$&8&x - ytna&r b rtbvak ..v " " UUUHinHH . .u fc"" iunriii nmvii , -t jij - ., L1-iVi --.-ii-i M fa ,i(t, ,r r 3 lllllllBiillllllllllllllllHHilallllftf'tVM HIVIlHnu lAffiEi ? 'JwuhHB 9h9I11111b BMHHInlliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBKl VK V-K9'1 r'.iiv i.7''.. -5 mi . ? ' y"t i ' 1 1 M1 ijt 'A irWWG , Ifl)si!Wi)MHiiilllHiaKt,-'; . ! Ft 't iBt' iTTfTHi rrWWWrr ... Et '- AS IT LOOKED IN 1871. Yeu arc looking at the north side of Maikct street, from Twelfth street te Eleventh street. The two laFge buildings were occupied by the Farm ers' Market. On the same site new stands the Philadelphia & Reading Terminal. It wai built in 1889. Nete the horse-car traens en both sides of the street. Have you a photograph of old Philadelphia? Send it te the Evening Public Lkdgeu " SiVX' ' Y' ','? a1j V.s iff 'v f 'v.-";trW, ft, ''ft 'V; , ' ' ' ' " , v ,-wm?7' ;i. ? ww ,";." . lwfaHIV'HBMr1 GOING OFF DUTY. Si of Philadelphia's mounted t rathe patrolmen passing ever Chestnut at root, at Ihead, as they make their way te the Stables at Eleventh and Wharten street- "wwwjwimwm SAMUEL E. TURNER, neusrOuei man, is new Jiead of the Knvanis Club, of Chester IIIIHBv;;;;v.: VISCOUNTESS BOYNE te be sister- ,in-law of Princess Mary. Viscount Lascelles is her brother i-ama.-jiM READY TO PUTT. Colonel Harvey, Ameri can Ambassador te England Photo nins. Ce. THEY MARCHED BEHIND A TURKEY. Americans in Londen, who arc members of the American Gnlfimr Society, went te the Wimbledon Gelf Club te celebrate Thanksgiving Day. This was just bSore caS ww served. There was much turkey and fixings iVtoiuu.ce? mSSlFffi efTc new I'RANKLIN E. MORALES, of Atlan- OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO ----'aaMHMMMUHHjHHIHHHHK STEVE TURNISKI, 1003 Dalkeith street, operating a machine that lorrei flnrifTea nf etnnl milliner iiyih in 4Vn mill tif flin Amnrifnn Pullev FOLEY extiviu xuuwiatt.1, luus uniKeun screei, operating a macnine mat kulkv GOLDBLATT (Captain) SHERR KOCH aim. a ire. Icrcea flunges of steel nulling rims, in the mill of the American Pulley prvrc sprcrcrw srmnm. nnvs ti, ... 1 r 4i. t-...i. i,,.., ... , , . ..... e.t.-i .,...,. . ... aukamsj ASSIS' 7 Company, 4200 Wissahickon aveuu, Schoeltoe seas Vw days thy debated 'S'-pniladSlda!' Te thc H,Ch, with the Ninth National nSeSsSu CT , . ,-, - - -.-w - -..v. ehiK ure ais aeuuics. AShTh?nIK.,A .?.. S'einmrt,.. IM27 North l'r. A -Me ,. W i v i W . - v . r? -