"i v l-f-l " M -it. if Mil LU 4P. 31 R8 t Z'U (I I' it i- M m i L i IP ft I llA3 u Hi ?..:, t T V $0 JINANOlAfc ,. . NOTien or nEnranmeN WMM Helders of Keren I'M- Cent Tun nml Mil Hlf V.nr f'nllnt.ritl flnlil Nates ltltel Fshnwry I, 102n. of (IKOIKIIA KAII--' wAt ami rmvV.it company imui i tniler Collateral Trust Aireement Between I fleerrU Billwnr nml Tener Cempnnr nnd , prexel nnd Cempflnr, Trustees. Hceruii . JJk Date. I tit Urm of thsVe""1"1 Trust Agreement Mtwcen Georgia, rtnllway nnd rower Cem none is nerrny- cnen inut DUrsun.nl te ny and na nretel and remrmv irusieen Fstirusry 1 1020. 0ei)fft HrIIwm i HUM and Power Company will rederm nnd rv , pe.JAnusry 8, tn:2, all of Us then eumanu- In fisren Fnr Cent Twe and One-Half Tear i Collateral Cleld Notes dated Kebitiary J. 1S20. and Issued under eald Collateral Trust , AsrrsfRnent, that Interest will esse, te t ayab!e en the Notes Vierehy call I for re Jfmptlen rem and nftr January 3 1B2S I tM ths holders of ald Nnt nie required en January 3, 1922 te present thm for redemption and naMnent st the efflpe "I Dreiel and Company Trusters ns nfore nfere ald. at Fifth and Chestnut -tresis, Phlla-1 (lelphla, renmylvenln, and thai un irn irn tatten and surrender of saM Vetes wlthi the February 1 192.' anj tr is-. I lf.'2 coupons a.ttaehd at ald i."'re as afore afere ald, payment win be made 1 1 tn holders nf aid Netea at t'lelr redemption nlue, vlr na hundred and one quarter for cent I100M) of the'r fa.ee .vue and accrued Interest, te Jinuarv 3. 1022, amounting te (20,511 upon each net Notehelders are reminded that the com Jny la net p-rmlttsd b law te pay Interest nven any net piesented for raiment un en the tame Is accompanied by a proper ownrr ewnrr hlp eartlflrate us required bv the Federal i Income Tax Law I Dated December ft, 1021 ' OEOltOIA RAIMVAT and rewr:ii COMPANY n r. b AnKwnianT President. flOTEf, TRA MORTHAtiB riiNn geij) LAYMORK COMPsNY KIKRT SIX PER CI'.NT SIVKIMI r.nu) neNiw. dit. .t.vm'ary It 111. 7. Pursuant te the terms of the Trust M"rt rue securlnc the abee bends notice Is herebr len that th following bends i uretatlnc tl 5 000. have been drawn for payment for account of the sinking lunl ee hi juuan let li'.'i.' denominations of J10OO . Nes. 3, 13 22, 27. 32, S, 3S 89 2 "3 84, 6(i. 76 SO, "7 lfJ4. isf, 253. 2J 273 209, 309. 820 ,"HS, 418. 437 449, 471. 4CV BM. bee. me. ai. (trn a?.', r.t. 723 7S4 788. 783 831 840. r.a one snii uuv iiiini 03. 1045 Iir,e. Jl8. 1211 12M. lee. ie7s. ie7P 1099 1307. 1430 1"7. 1.7:. li i", 13SP. 1102 ltJS 1S44. 1371 13S1. 1438. 144.1 14M. 14S. 14"S. 1?04 jdii. ia::H la.'.i l..T 1BKB 1W 1S.17 1SRI tdlll 1M8 1899 lfTO7. 1BDS 11R ills. I7nn i7i trni tis n?n. ti4n. lfl: lie, 1941 1942 1947 1071 1979. 19W 2084. 203 W 2072 2177. 2110, 2118. S130. Denomlnstlens of SHOO, Nes 215 2204 2221. 2227. 223'. 224. , The funds for the payment of the above bend are new en dpelt with the Trute nfl the bends will be raid en preeentatten en and after January d. 1BU. at 102 and Interest te Januin- 1st. 1922. en which ate all intsreit en said bends will reae. ODARANTEn TRt ST COIPANY. TnistM By HK"M N M SYTHERn, Vice Preald'nt Atlai.tle Cltv N J Uecember let. 1921 STAND RI (iX. VSU ni.ECTRIC (O Glnklnt Vund-rurrhase Cenvertlhle 'Is Tcr Tent Inklna Kund Geld lleuds Pursuant te the prolslens of 'he Ceilat- rat Trust Aureem-nt executed Decemb-r 1 1911. by the Standard Qas and E eetrlc i em- fttnv fn ths linnerllensrl as Truaiee. te i cure an autherised sue of Thirty, lltll en i Dollars Cenertlbls Slnltlnif Fund ue:d Bends maturlnr December 1 19.0 the underelgneJ hereby lives notice that it new has en hand te sum of elshly-elrht thousand nine hun dsrd and seven dollars and thirty-three cnts I88. 907.83) In the Slnltlni Fund rmvlded hy aid Trust Agreement nnd hat It Is Its In tention te apply eald sum. under the provi previ sions of said Trust Acreement te ihe pur chase of said bends Offers of said bend re Invited at a price no' te eTceea par aeerued Interest and rive per cent premium Hsalsd tsndsrs should he addrssssd te the Philadelphia Trust Company Trustee SlrH Inr Fund. Standard aaa and Elertrla Cem pany. Bread Street Offlca. Bread and chest nut atreets. N. E. Cerner. Tb ladelphia desljtnstlnic the denomination et bends ten rfered. and will be rrjetved nntll 3 I" SI., rrldar, January 6. 1023. WIILADELPIUA TRUST COMPANT, True- , lee. By JOHH O. WALLACE, Treasurer. ' Philadelphia, Dieainter P. 1921 TO TTTE nei.nEKS or TOE FIUST MOHT OAaC FinrEES-XEAB TIVE PEK cent SINKINO FUND GOLD BONDS OF THE COLONIAl COLUEBY COMl'ANY Nettc Is bereby (Iran by the Colonial Trust Company. Trniua. ender ifertiafe of the Colonial Colliery Company te the Colo nial Trust Company, dated January 1. 101 that, pursuant ta the prevision of the said mertxare. they will roeelve, until 13 o'clock neon. Eastern' Standard Time, en December 14. 1921. tenders tn wrUln at the office et the Colonial Trust Company, altuated at JUT Fourth arenas. In te City of Pltts trarch. State of Pennaylvanla. et bends for purchase and rttlrement out of the meneve et the Slnklns Fund, which new amounts leJS8.877.16. Tne right U resenrefl te rejeet any and nil tenders In whole or In part. Ne Und ers will be received after December 14, 1821 at 13 o'clock. Eastern standard Time All Interest en bends, the tsnder of which 1 aceeptsd. will ceajs en December 14, 1021 THE COLONIAL TRUST COMPANY. Trustee 917 Fourth avenue. Pittsburgh. Pa WE8TEIW STATES OXH AND ETJ3CTIIIC ' COMPANY l'IKHT ANT) KEFfNDlNO , MORTACiR 5 l'EXt CENT GOLD UOMIS. DOK JUNE l.ST. 1041. Pursuant te terms of mortgage dated Juns 1, 1611 the undersigned Invites tenders Qt above bends for sale and delivery as or January ID, Wit, at a piles net exceeilnt par, accrued Interest ana nve per cent pr mlum, te ths extent et 1120.437 84 the sum new available in the Sinking Fund Sealed tenders stating numbers of bends offered, addressed te ULKAUD THUiT CUM PjLNI', Trustee. Sinking Fund. W, stern States Gas and Electric Company First and Ilefundlng Mortgage S Per t-ent Cle.d Henda will be received until IS M., January 0 1032. OIRARD TKCST COMPANY. Trnstee. THOMAS H HOPKINS Treasar. r Philadelphia, Pa., December 1 lasi a A inual .Mretlnts THE ANMAI. .MEKTIM) 1F rJIE stnkhelilMrs of thn I'hll.ldrlullLfc I Ifp Insurance Ceiiipany "l.i be iiu J at the l.jm cmee of ths coreuaai ill Norte U ed dtraet. I'hlLadeiphia Va. en Mrdnesdu). Janesrr 23. 1V22. at 12 M.. 'e near thn : Sert of the Beard of Directors for the ilj. ear ex uie cetnpan eneinv iemner 031. and te elect thre t8 directors te k,-v. 'or four (4 vears. ana tn attend te si i ater bislness as may proper. v come beie-e tn meeting t u Lujiei-ti Secretary KS UNITED FIKLMI-V'S IStIL.NCE "3- t(l.II.. 30 Halnut street rblladelnUln Tha annual m-ettr.e of tl.a MocKhe,d"-e of thf cempanv will se hld at Its once Sri 480 Walnut stre', Fn .ade'phla fa e ?hnrsdaj, .lanuan 20. lt2'J. ut 3 o'clock M.. for th .ecien of r n H) 'rcters BBd for ths tran.attlnn of sui-h e"r trjjl Bss as inav be lireu.ht boferu tn'r 1 B YArnS s'rstarv THE DKOVERs A MEKdlAMS NATION A I. ItANK 301i-ia Market Mrert The annusJ meetinr of tha ste.kt nMn of hsi Drevers 4 Merchants Nat enm 13jnH ft Philadelphia Ta and an ""hn fe- d fanters te sens for th ensnlne ysar ' 1 t held at the ban en Teendaj. J.inuarj 10 Wit. at t o'clock 1 Jl. ER.N'tST R PTTnv ''.s'll-- CTniE ANCAl. MI'.ETlN't. OF 1H1J " stoekho ders of th tt.t IMilttf1ltilit.i Daelc will be held In the Bhi lilr i. Helu en Wednesday. Januarj 11 102J. N-tween the hours of 1 T. M. anil J p, M , fn- the '-' Hen of Dlrc-tris ai d the tranj- ,en of j h etner business as mav come Dfere 'he tneetlnc 1 It n FITS' e rsshl-r I'KSN NATION l. I1ASK Ph ladeleh a Dpl .it i .- i mM The annual metlnc of the stockholders for the eleotlen of directors for tt. ensulne vrar J dn be held at the banklns house, rueidn. anuarr 10. I0M. between n o'clock neon and 1 o'clock I. M. , 3LwRDJaah'e MB" NATIONAL SEC! KIT y RANK rillsdilehla D-cemner 'h. 0." The A'inusi Mentlri: of tv, iern . Ws for the efti n nf rl ter- t ,' . i. Tjflll be he I u tl Hail, t v i , . iu.,,1,, Jannary 10th. 10TJ bet,., .,. i',r ,,r J neon and 1 r M W If r' vr V I ,,h .r OTTHE ANMAI. tArkl) . . MI'.I.TINti or ' l.H I 111 I I . llll niivr ii n hl' I'rmtinni. . i k i.. j " 'Tuesday. December 20lh, 191. m 1l- e clock ILOen. at the office of tli ininptev 517 Chestnut street. I'F'W'S M HVAN3 S.cretarv ' KBS0 SIXTH NATIONAL IMNK - PnllHdelnhl.i I . ;i ie;t Tha annual election for direi is nf tils bank will b held at tn- bant 1 h u-' Tuesday. Jnnunrr 1(1, 10-':. b.i- n, hour tl SI. and 3 V. M. WILT. MM St It H NOIITIIKIIN NAIIIJNM ltNU Phi ale phi l -' ' 1 1 1 The Annual El 1 m fi r i r. , . 1 Sank, will hi- held i" 1 ,," '- Hnu-e Tuesday, iljfniiary Idtli III'!. i.t .11 it, hour of 13 M. nnd 2 I M H a scut'KHi nn r-,,1, r CKNTENNIAL NATI O N Al7 I1AN K W3m Phlladelehla. Ps ni- n nm, Tma Annual Jleetlna- for the election of Alatera i;lll b held at the banklnr hnues KSJsV. January 10. J-MXiLlf, o'eleeU avean. IHW'IN PiHHKn fashler -f- m.imat THE ANNUAL MKL'IIM. OK Tin stST PollOheldrrs of tl e stiuidurd Mtilunl "Tire Insurance I emnn 11 1 c ,, 1 nslr efllce. 915 Cemmei hi Iilh r uiid " January lllti. 1S22, nt 2 u e'l'iudi. P. m. KDWIN I ATI 1 r -,c r. , v ad&TIIi: ANNUAL .MI.LTINf. Or' Till; "" atocyheldsrs of Creft li A ln Company -Wi held at the office of ths company, Canadian Bends . . , . . , jvlun lcmal v Prnvinrial J - VJ.UlliUit'ell iX ITS. UVlHUdl We have an attractive list of Canadian Bends yield ing from 5.60 te 6.209r. These bends, payable in U. S. funds, are direct oblig eblig oblig gatiens of some of the rich est cities and most prosper ous provinces of Canada. Their liberal yield, freedom from fluctuation due te ex change rates, and geed markets in this country, make them attractive te conservative investors. Fer further information, ask for our List Ne. E-6S. Hemphill, Noyes C& Ce. Membat Narr Yerk Stock ic7iane FrenklinBk.Bldg., Philadelphia ' New Yerk Bosten Scranton Buffalo Albany Syracuie BaWmote a miner place, he Fnld. 1 "W are spending mere than $.'100, 000,000 anntinlly in new drilling te i keep jiace with the demand," he con- J. ZTTZZZZZZZT tlnucd. "Hut America must have oil re iiei.pBRs or If she cannot get It from her own fleldi Jamaica Water Supply Company .'.IK 10" edtlf Tlrt Censnlldiited Mrtie i rite Per Cent Muklnr FuimJ tlnld llends. The Teultah.e Trust "empan of New TfT- as Trustee under Mettsrag dated as of Ju.v J 1918 mads hi the Jamal'-a Water S'jpp 'en i)An Xj sectite an iseu of Ftrt Conee.lilatcl VertKaue He Per Cent lnk ' 'nif 1'und ueKl Hnnds hteb p1e netlre te the holders of said Donds of Iti intent en ti ar.nl en trs frst da of Jsrjarv 1022 11 aocerdapoe w'th the proelens of ea'd Mc' aajre Qie rqeneys renulred te r-s jsld Int" ths BlnmnK 1 OfM nnd h r pltflit en or SafntA n.mhf fll hereto InMtes enerlnxs of .mrt;- two tneusana nve nunan-e ae fare value of eald Bends at '"L."".:yi -::.ji"i.;-. -r . ... e meucanci nvr uuiiurr-a aouare iini 01" rnre no eTCed one hundred and five pr cent (in - 1 of the par value thereof and accrued lntrpst 'ssled effere will h opened In the T ji Department at the efnc of the unders snie 57 We street Vew Tork fv a' Xwee 1 1!) o'clock neon, en Derwnber S7, 1971 an 1 ennuifl ns naersa 'mvrjngs et H' n b Jamaica Water Suppb Company !- nlt Fund " The rlcht Is reserved te r. t m nnd al' offers TtK K3ftTA.HT F. TTlt'RT COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Trustee. Pt IYMAV RHOADHS. Vice Presldsn' Dated Nfv TerV. N T . Deosmher 9 IB.' Edward B. Smith & Ce 1411 Chestnut Street M-mbers New Yori. en I Phllad-lphia Sfck Erhanges Investment Securities Philadelphia New Yerk BROOKE, STOKES & CO. Investment Securities Philadelphia Washington Baltimore $30,000 Carthage & Adirondack Ry.Ce. 1st Mtge. 4's, due 1081 Tax Kjrmut In rennsrlTanla fliumintrrd I'rlnclpaj nnd Interrwt br Vrvr erk fentral Hnllreud f e. Samuel K. Phillips & Company Members I'lilledelphla Meck Kxrliaure se7 ciiesAtt Miu;ri l'OSITION HAMED Yeung- mnn, 'jn years old, who has linxl consid erable brokerage experience, desires ltnntlen of en sort. Trefernbly ent of town. Ilerauneriitlen of secondary consideration. Address ( Oil. I.KIM. EH OFFICE jtiii. hub no lutester ever lest tl dellut TV of iTlucliml ur interest en i .i.v hmiclit of S. TV. Mraes A Ce ajar secu. I.? Write for our ueu-iri -u uu icurn me reusoe br' S. W. STR VUS & CO. Bleck Exchange Hld.. I'hlladelphla AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE T.niEUTY MITIAL INPl'ItANCE CO Phejis Locust 6970 '.0-22 Se. m St. WSEGiO.RQCKEY&CO, Certiliecl Public Accountants Drexel Building:, Philadelphia xivrii, Dividends C. Trever Dunham, Inc. 216 N llread st . rhllddrlphli I'l. Th Beard nf D -urte-s ha e ds. ared a ml-annual -as'n dlMlene or live nrr rent frl nr co-rmen s'eck rayabl Drceraber 1, lOtl, in tre.held-s of rer ,rd N'mrnt'er 23 1B'-1 Ch.cl. nl i tin mailed HARIfk W Kt'NI J 'r Sefretary C. Trever Dunham, Inc. 240 S llread xt . Phil ldt-lnhla Pi Th Iteard e' I r t -- ha declared a quarterly (rash) d'Mlend of two per rent (2) i priteireU a' i--.b. Dwrmticr LJ 10-21. te stecn ir-a r rr ire ."iv nicer -J. 10'Jl ClutCks w 11 lii Ir K HAllKt KI-.S2ICJ. Jr . Stcrtary THE NORTH A1II R! S COMPANV rtfi Ifrjelwai N , V rk r:" it e : ns PRTI 1 KRED -TCirK Oa-t,- ' p 1 ,v of I'.'r cnn-tlve rent per h.ire) en the SIX PKT. t'EV i ML V I F PR':i EltRUD - IU K w! ie ra.d in January 3. lBJ" te btocUheldets f r-cei 1 en December 15 DIVIIitCNIi A 1 ''lr 1 of , ON' rr MMON STOrK !' irrnt7-nvr rents . ;M . ST' K 1 I ir li.tr 1 a ru tf " 1 liniiir 3 Vitl (. storKlelrs 1" l.Jl l I t. 1 inr. i.ik ikk -nmvi.i. ii.Mir.if, (OMI'NV A ih' 1 1 I 11'h s'r l'n Mi i 11 e 9' 1 1 y. 1 Th , r.r ' " 11 1 a nl iln 1 m' Tlirfc Dellurs i3 Kn ir sh..r fnm t ie in eumuaei "urj us of "hs -"mi..i 1 et t.e 1 emm )t and rrsferrd t cv s pani . Imiu ar 3 1022. te st tl.e leri. tf in tint ih " . uf uus nesa 01 Dei tufljer 11 lti.1 t nski wl in n d cd ' A1.11.K H" MlU-'iN 1 r 1 -lire Snerljil Mf etlntts r urn' r. n i'"" KiA nN' ' in-,i H' wri ami' ( cim 111.1 or I'tilliiilrlprilis. I M fi I' Tu O 1 'J ill i-in-ni I.I1CI 'I in Urt ic f 1. 1. t ,-, 1 1 si . 1 mi- it t t'( m I riiijini ml et 1 I lrhln.. t .Mill dm "f .iuninr. III.'!. hi 12 '.t- k M.. ' 1 ' c t 11 1 pr m -ai crt 1 cr e a of bjinwus of sail i-emp.iriy, 401 WalnJl street Plilladelphl,i Pa fur tlie Durpese of vetinir for or aitulnet un lnt.r.,i of ths capital stick et the anlil ternpany from 800.000 te fl.OOO.fXKI, by the cieatlan snd Issuance of additional stuck te the irnetint of I80U 000 te oenslst of 12 000 shares of tbs par value et $(0 each D me axuniauES. Se rstttry n111111l I lei Iliiii- .- I III-. rilILIl.ll'HI NMIO'.M -'' llNK J'ht sd Iphli. I'ecc .uei (I, 10.1 The Annual Election for Directors will be held at tha liankliur Heuse An Tuesday, January 10, , bilwMD the hour si U K.m Jlu weuraucaaaur. EVENING PUBLIC SINCLAIR ADVISES OIL PREPAREDNESS Petroleum Plentiful, but Ameri can Refiners Must Invest In Foreign Fields OPPOSE BRITISH CONTROL rirlMfie. Per 0. Tenr of rhnuMen of tlie werlfl'" Miiily of petroleum ft "bugnboe," Harry V. Slnelnlr. clinlr innn of tlie beard of tlie Hlnelnir Con Cen Con "elidntefl OH Corpenition, fleclnrcd yes fi'rdnv before the American Petroleum institute. Jn t.es.ilen here. "There it pienry of petroleum nnd flhras will be." he said. "The (treat question Is this: Is America wllllnc 'e pay tlie price for an adequate share et the world's supply? I "America la the chief producer, bill ! At .! I.. .. I I . fiers who de net fortify themselvn, ' lu foreign fields will be forced te tnke Bends Coming L w If you new held or con template the purchase of bends, by all means read orts if Investment Bulletin, just off the V presi It shows you what a going te happen in the bend market It Is a matter of vital Importance te every investor. REPORT ON REQUEST A limited number of copies are avail. atxe ter mstrimraen te tnterrstra in vestors. Brads. Tear cart the Meme note nnd hand it te your secrrtarr when you dictate the morning's mail. Manly Atk for BalUtln 545U Reger W. Babson's Statistical Organization Wcllcslcy Hilts, 82, Maai. (Sebtxrb of Bosten) m tiu WerUt dip Off Here si uMtmnwnaimareu mmmiuniiuinuitumn Meme Fer Your Secretary a Wrire Reger W. Dabseti. fetmder of The Babson Statistical Organization. Wellesley Hills, 82, Mam., 03 lollewa: Please send a copy ei n-wiai jfgE nuiiexin no e -ai j and boeklet,"o..iin f Most from Your Meney" gratis. Spruce 8200 BOUGHT SOLD QUOTED United States Government Securities SKCDRITEES DEPAnTaOSNT Commercial Trust Company Member Federal Ileserra Brtttm City Hall Square. West Cartbage & Adirondack lit 4'i 1981 Mebawk & Msbne lit 4'i 1991 Union Terminal of Dallai lit 5' 194Z WlOCHl BlOO, PHIlAOUHlA MvnimPUhiUMa and fbioYertStocMExdiHttm -IWTOIK lUI-MTHHJ LA fEl N i ffect of Funding War Bends en Financial Conditions a ..,i ..,iil nn tKis iiTinertsnt 1 ibjtLt bv Governer Jehn PurLe. Treat. uter of ihe United jihm 19U-N2I. ai cl tin s rnemi er -t 1' t rrn ill Le mailed, grutis u theie dctinnn It Kardes &. Burke I424VV.ilnui .1 ,1 niUdklpiiu Phene Sjru &4JO N-w Yerk BroeVIrn Pirubunrh Chicsje Boiteo KalUmets UlrcaPrtoM"irirfiCennconxAUOJiii lff Walter J. Schmidt & Ce. Investments New Yerk ,'. Philadelphia Drep Bahsaft Ree rJk-vtMaaJjl 1 isiunaisijainiBiuunBinnanaaiiaia 1 5iaiiiisiiiiii siauammisisai nsiTrernrtuM Atlantic & Yadkin I lit 4'i 1949 r t " LEDGnG3RPHTCAI)lSLPHIA, FRIDAY, ens she must buy It from foreigners." Mexican production, he predicted, will be as great In ten years ns It' is today. J. C. Dennell, president of the. Ohie Oil Company, said if this country Is te maintain Its present oil production SD-KOOO.000 will have te be expended In il)l:j en producttve oil ncreage and new well operations. Hlr Jehn Catlman, former head of the Petroleum Department of the Hrltlsh Government, said last night at the an nual banquet that he was unnlterably opposed te Government control in busi ness. He denied British Government inter ests In the lleyal Dutch .Shell group, and flatly asserted that the control and management of these properties were held by Dutch interests. He explained that the British Gov. ernment's Meck control Interest In the Angle-Persian Oil Company was ac quired by the British Treasury ns se curity for linniicinl ndvances covering a long-term fuel contract made by the BritlbU Admlraltj. y ASKED FOR STEEL I. C. C. at Chicago Hearing Told of Relief Needed by Industry PRICES REDUCED 60 P. C. Clilcaje. Dee. 0 Chairman Top Tep pltiR. of tlie Hcpublle Iren and Stcnl Company, told the Interstate Commcrce f"V)rainKlen In the Iren ero rate case here jesterday that "steel people would be well satisfied te be able te cam G per cent en their total property values, as thcr bee no escape from continued les(, currently averaging fi per cent te 10 per ct-nt, en Invested capital." He foresaw no early, substantial read- Jtintinent without lower freight rharges. I Steel Is thiv key Industry and needs re lief ns much n ngrlftilture. The pub- le's demand for lower costs has been verv pcneiall met b capital and labor outslde of the transiortntien Held. Iren and steel prices have been re- i dticed about (10 per cent and average less than -0 per rent above (lie ten ten venr pre-war average, with labor costs down 40, whereas freight rates are still ip 00. The Republic's frelgbt bill for lightly mero than 5,000,000 tens wns 7, 010,000 last year, against 54,033.000 in 1918. Increased ero production In the East ind Seuth has made the country mere independent of the I.akc Superior dis trict, which should be restored te Its old competitive status, net merely en Its merits, but also te revive L.nke ship ping. Steel production should he cheap ened also In the interests of expert trade, "whlrh will retjuire fullest re- onerntlen tierween transportation in tprests nnd steel inducers te malntal foreign ttnric cucnectiens establNhed . . . .. i tlie last ten jfars. "In normal times," he adnea. -aDeut 10 per cent of our total capacity has been exported, while today net less than 5 per cent is available above a full home demand. Current experts average jnly around 3 per cent, and current sales abroad arc made at losses far in excess of what the business justifies us in accepting " ADVOCATE LOWER PRICES Chicago Commlsalen Says Baseball and Football Toe Expensive riilwitre. P c 0 Lewer prlcea for baseball nnd football games and wiren thn scnlnera wert- two moves en which he Athletic Commission appointed by Mai or Thempin took a decldtd atand ut their first inn-ting Aldcrmnn Gerniak, father of the ordi nance creating the commission nnd new ene of ltn members, said the State leg islature had given the eeru.niit.-sl en wide t-wer and that It would extend its con cen r"l .iver professional baseball, football, utiHtling nnd bexliiff, and would super vise billiard halls. "I bolieve one of the fit bt tilings the omnilssien (should de is te roduce ad ad miHslen prices te bneeball and football samcfl," Alderman (iermakwild. "Baw bnll prices last enr were fifty-live cents te $1 05, and there peeras Ut bf no limit en football prlcea. If organized baseball can pay Jtidgu Iandls S'li",000 a rear, It can afford te reduce admission PUCVK." EAR GONE, COMPENSATED . , . . , . . Injured Miner Gets First Adjustment for Disfigurement Harrijiburg Dec. 0 (Bv A. V.) Tie first person te icceive" workmen's nnipcii'-atlen ler laciai uiiigiiruin'iu iniler the 1021 act. ami ndlng the Com pensation Act, Is Premn Glevannini, a' fonlpeit miner, according te n report tn the State CempiU'Jitiiin Bureau. An empty mine enr ran eer him. iitring his M'alp and t 'irlug off his ng'it car He will be p.nd S12 n week Tlie report of th" referee talk attention in the fa'-t that the di-finuremcnt "will -il,jf t the claimant te aunpicien nnd euneit while working or looking for work And pailieulnrh si when he de flrcs te be among people, seeking nmuse ment or fellow ing the nrdinar things a pei son In IiIm rat i ri mm nt does after wet king day" nnd idle dn- I U. S. TO AID PHILATELISTS Government te Establish Agency te Assist Collectors .i.liiiistmi I". 1 -fBv A. I. 1 - ,11,1 n'liitui- .iml ili'nlers liercafter Mil he iihli tn bn stninp1) for tln-ir nlli'i'ttdiK diii'ft fmil) tlie I'lr-ttiHiee Departmi'tit In Wn'hlncten. I'n-tinaMer Goneral IIa'. i--iiv.-r! an iirtler tedut fur tli'1 e-.talilp-hmr-nl et a , lilulatdle Mump acencj in tin- depart- 1 1 11 nt te mi'ct the IntiK, unfilli'tl tl'Mnand uf follerinr'? te lie alilf In Inn Mumps urn ilailv M ml iut" frciini nllv 11 'I ulituliialili' In pu-l "IR 1 - diicit 11 in tl 1. ili'inti'tnn nl It .1" iiii'l 11)1 ti 1 -in - ,i will In a iilnMi tlipinrfli tlie aK'iiJ. uliifli, it wn- unl will in.iki' ni'ij effort 1h iiniilx Ilir l'ifTtl pi till oil .ptrniUTiH that (i)l- lerteru want. CHINA SUSPICIOUS OF JAPAN Wants Washington Conference te Decide Shantung Question Washington, U"'. !) - SiMiii-ilitiU iM'Biiliafiini'- bitwi'i'ii tin' I'Iiiik-i' and l'ip,iii ili'liKiitinii, n a n nit nt in rpinnn nl tl Km nl nlllii' nl Sii'idnri I'uh'i- .mil "V 1 1- ISaltuiii , "tu Kim 11 (In ".Iiiinnur ini-tiiin out ut" tlie ( iiiifrr i'ih . ' will he 11 failure, it i predicted in Cliiiifi-e iitiartcrd. The quostlen will, in 11 coiieeqiiPiico, come hefore the full I Conference for fettltiment The Chlnepe jnri! known te prefer u ecttlenient hy the Conference. Thnutiandrt of telegrams, ireni Chlnee In tl is unintrr ns well as fruit China I -hi hi'i'ti r111iM.1l h Ihe Climr .( deli -'nli-. pmli ting iinln-l the N ti'i .lap 1 . - in Mi-aiinii nnd 1I1 iiiaiiilni'.' ihe 1 1 1 li 1 1 ui n I in tin I 'uiifeii hit 11 'f Miiuii; iniiiiialiiiii wn ku 11 tlint the I'liiiii'-e de nut hi'iicMi Japan will absent te the Chinese deinnnd for the handing ever te China of the entire Baa-ten. ItUwgr LOIR FREIGHTS BANK DISASTERS E Big Palatinate Institution Cees Down and Five Others Are Reported en Rocks MENACE G MANY AQtf DIIOI IP TO OP PAI Ml" sadness se unspenkably deep that he Abl rUBLIU IU DC OHLM quickly cmigut ,hc old farmer's bharp Berlin Aec. O.-The failure of the Palatinate Bank--an important Seuth German institution with an extensive network of branches scattered through out Bavaria In consequence of losses of 340.000,000 marks, or about 51,700, 000. in,exchangc transactions is only a cm tain raiser, according te reports m Berlin financial circles of a num ber of ether bank crashes. " A West German institution whose directors re sentlv assumed losses or 120,000,000 marks in exchange dealings nnd new have lest another 10.000.000 mark through the defalcation of a trusted empleye will, it is ptatcd, declare In solvency. Four Berlin banking Institutions of the middle caliber are reported en the rocks and about te susnend payments because of loses due partly te failure te cover engagements In foreign exchange, which had a sudden srnsatlenal re versal In the course of the German mark and partly te commitments in German securities In behalf of them selves and customers which became fatal when this reversal knocked the bottom out of the German stock mar ket and wiped out from a .half te a third of the paper value of even the mebt seasoned securities. ti.. -..j,i c ,i, Ke.,v .n.v, nf lf01, when the failure of a Lelpisig bank the room ever ready for the girl who was followed by a series of ether bank did net come, and he saw meaning In insolvencies, loomed up like the pre- the frequent trlpa ahe made te the Kit phetie writing en the wall In German ' chen window from which one could see financial circles yesterday. A feeling of the long read that wound gently down great nervousness nnd insecurity pre- the valley and up which the girl would vailed. The pewsnaperH in their 11 nan -' come if she came. Three years of con -cinl columns seek te counteract any stunt watching nnd longing --the panic sentiment among the general pub- thought brought Elten under the shadow lie Thcv handle the i'alatlnate failure, ' that Ia upon the home, lie knew that olessal as It is. with an absence of the frail little mother who waited In the iinv sensationalism, but conservative ejcnrc could net wait many yeara mere, and responsible financial organs. Mich f0P thcie 1m a time when the longest as the Tagebiatt. and uecrscn .eitung, along with the Deutsche Tageszcitung, Taeglichc Rundschau and ether news papers prepaic their readers for further collapses The Taeglichc Rundschau warns the public against btarting a run en Berlin banks nn the strength 'of the Seuth Germau failure. It states that the Berlin banks have made preparations for withstanding such n run. rhe ttcmendeus losses et tlie two provincial banks were due te the absence of proper control ever exchange trans- w.tmnn nf oiiherd nnteR hv the tllrccters. An'empleye of the Palatinate Bank, In - 5 uBnT. accepted Cn"'fa m " I excess of the amount of the ultimate less " I without taking the Precaution ie pur- charge of tlie exchange uepartmeni at chae the necessary amount te cover '-,- -,-j - ,, in marks, act ng apparently upon tne cnnlideiit assumption inut ie mu u. i,e murk would net halt at the point of three hundred te thp dollar. I-ven greater losses were avoided by the can cellation of ether transactions at tlie last moment. A catastrophe of far greater propor tions was aeidcd by the action of the Deutsche Bank, one of the four power ful Til,, n rinnks nnd another institution closely allied with the Palatinate Bank. J The two lite-savers, it is nnnouncea, will take ever the business nnd current liabilities te depositors of the Palatlnnte Bank, whose stock and reserve capital. were entirely wiped out by the unier tunnte exchauge operations and which incurs losses of about a Hundred anu forty million marks In addition. The German banking laws de net In clude the double liabilitj of bank stock holders which prevails In America. The Palatinate stockholder therefore escape xv Itli the less of their investment alone. The standing of the bank nnd the unexpectedness of the collapse are ten tlfled b the circumstance that its Bteck in the latest transactions Menda was quoted at 445. Dcsplte the reassurance that the Deutsche Bank and Its wib sidiary would assume liability for de positors, a run started esterilav en the Munich and ether branches of the Pala tinate and business was suspended. THE DAILY NOVELETTE THE ROOM OF SILENCE By A. W. PEACH RONALD ELTON hud net been at the quaint nnd corafertnblo Graves' farmhetise a day before he stumbled en th(J wymr, n0 i,u(j noticed that there was one pleasant room facing the bread meadows that was closed and never r Outlast PRODUCTION Take this opportunity new te PERMANENTLY settle the fleer problem In your factory. Let our expert Kreelite Fac tory Fleer Engineers give you their advice and suggestion, without cost or obligation. Kreelite Blocks are specially treated te prevent decay and THE JENNISON-WRIGHT COMPANY 1420 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Phene Locust 6469 The Jennison-Wright Company, Teledo, Ohie. DEOEMBEB 9, 1921 opened, be far ns he knew, during the daylight hours. He bad pecked into the room once when going around the house. It was a bedroom, spick-and-span, with ene appealing object In It ft small pair of slippers near the feet of the bed. On the bed was a dainty nightgown, laid in neat order, waiting for 6ome ene whom be did net see. Llttle Mrs. Graves, white-headed, serene of face, bald nothing about It, nor did Mr. Graves; but IClten knew that the room held a secret. Se, oue afternoon, he mentioned the room In n casual way, remarking upon its plens nnt vlew. He saw Mrs. Graves fnce etmnfrn n lnnt- nf (.ruin PUN OVCrSnrCad it, signal across tne taeie, ivarnin, mm ; te brteg the subject up !.. Mr.. Grave. In thn .owning, in the barn, air. Graves turned te him and Ileuald was startled at the savage expression en the farmer's face as he salt! frankly : "Never mention that room, Mr. Llten. Mether Graves is foolish about it. He thought a moment. "I might as well tell ye. That was my girl Mercy's room. She was alius klnda headstrong an' high-tempered; nn' three years age she was bound te go vlsltln' te n sum mer resort. She met a city feller there, and fell In leve with him. I didn't want her te go te thnt place, an' when her aunt, who went with her, wrote us about the kind of chap he was I swore ahe wouldn't marry hlm nn' I told her te give him up an' come strnlght home. She wrete she wouldn't de cither. An' she hain't, an' she never will if I have my Bay." , , , The tanned fare was harsh and cold as lie went en "She. writes new and then, but I never open the letters. 1 get 'cm from the bes mother's tee lame te go an' I destroy 'cm. If she's sorry, sue'll come, an' she ain't the Mn,i n hn unrrv for nnvthlnc." Klten next discovered tlint 'under i Mether Graves tercne exterior there were silent corridors of suffering and innHne. He discovered that ehe Kept i waiting ends Tun weeks drew en the length nf time he had been told by his phslcian te rest in the country nway from all work. When he mentioned one evening at supper thnt he must go seen Mr. Graves looked up with sudden regret. "I'm sorry, lad. I've liked te have you around An', say, 1 want te take you tomorrow en a drive with that colt e tnlne -,-,. &-.1 L... l. .na nnf An thF.? Vte' colt was a bit tee .h,usia"tc. Iho cel .as a ft t tee "u -"' "".' ..""" :". --- - , the pd e e f Oraves near . Tomorrow came, as tomorrows have -B- 1 i the northern lead lnc teit was last tat nut teady ad We- "en -shul i i Tl!.. .u.... r ,. nliinitnn miinn t ti ""s- "" i-."e - - i -.. ... ' i! jiii lle saw great headlights glare around a weeded corner and felt himself me in tlie air, sink, and land with a breath-taking bump. He i oiled ever and up te his feet, stagcerel and ran te where two men were bending ever n huddled figure they had drawn from the crumpled wagon. The next events took plncp rapidly. In the last ene, the gray-headed coun try doctor looked down nt the pale, suffering man In the old-fashioned bed. "Jehn, 5.0U are due te stay here a month. Get up beferu that and your walking days are ever." The sick man took the bad news with anger, but he knew the old doctor was te be trusted. lie ficttcd aU it his work, but Elten premised te t-tay and de the work until help could be secured. Graves looked his gratitude. Through the days of fever and de lirium that followed, Mether Graves was patient nnd serene ns ever, but riten could see that she was gently hut suicly failing under the shock. Then enme the evening when the tide turned along the shere of their lives. Elten and Mether Graves were at sup per whan a carriage drove Inte the yard They thought it was the doctor's, se did net go out. When the deer opencd, a slim girl steed before them ; her ! bright hair waving nway from under a I small dark hat. She was smiling. I "Helle, mother dear," she said i gently. Mether Grave? rose, her face touched with the light that must be some sug gestion of the light en the faces of thee 'who meet beyond the doerh of death, then she quietly fulnted in the strong girlish arms that were opened te her. The silent room would be silent no mere, the llttle slipperB se pntlentl waiting would be used. the Factory MAGIC CARPET specially grooved te provide a permanent grip. They are laid with the tough end-grain of the weed uppermost. They can be laid ever old weed or concrete floors without interfering with production. Call our Philadelphia Office, Locust G469. When Mr. Graves lifted his weary esTe tJie face of the girl whose cool I i.' ...i. t....i i,ft unnthlnir tuemerlcH tlur Ing the ha.v bouts of his suffering, and he saw her for the first time with understanding, lie shrank back. Elten., looking en. was fearful, but the old man was conquered lit last. He drew her hand te his cheek. A little later he looked up with a BTrAMemr NQTirr,') CANADIAN PACIFIC Cruises Tel WxSsssssssalw' IHII I WrlsalsssssMsssSsI 1 sfTaf 9ftsatfsR'"S.S A uTJ fl Wn .jUysfcggsfMy fl sssssssssssssssW.lssssMsMssWss.aspsssssWsss.sslssssss1 NAWSCO LINES Sailings out of Philadelphia the Oth and 20th of each month DIRECT, via Panama Canal, te San Diege, Les Angeles, San Francisce, Oakland, Seattle, Portland, Asteria, Tacoma, Vancouver, B. C. S. S. WEST 1SLETA December 20th S. S. COLD HARBOR January 6lh Team frelKht received dally nt Tier 10 North (Feet of Mne St.) Fer Ratca and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Otrnrri and Agents XT. 8 Shipping Beard Sfrnmers 136 S. Fourth St., Phila. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7781-2 ,mi DIAMOND LINES Regular Freight Service Te Rottes-dam Antwerp-Amsterdam SS "VICTORIOUS" (U. S. S. B.) Sailinp; Dec. 12 SS "STORM KING" (U. S. S. B.) Sailing Dec. 24 SS "NEW BRITAIN" Sailing Jan. 14 Fer Rates and Particular, Apply Geye.in tk Company, Inc., w 108 Seuth Fourth Lembard S144 w w arras as w v wmr w sbm h I orill.S.QevznunentShips ihiiiiiuu'''b- l,g bailings from Piers 1 and I, Hobekcn Te Plymouth Cherbourg Bremen America Jan. 3 Feb. 4 Gee. Wmbin.ten . . Jan. 17 Te Plymouth Boalegnt Londen Centennial Stale ..Dee. 14 Jan. 17 Panhandle Slate .. . Dae. 27 Jan. 31 Te Bremen Daaiig Potomac ... . Dec. 31 Feb. 11 Te Bremen lludien Jan. 14 Feb. 25 Pnnc?s Mateika Jan. 28 Mar. 4 United States Lines Moere ti McCermin'k Ce., Inc. Iloetcv clt Steamnhip Ce., Inc. United American Lines, Inc. Managing Operators for U. S. SHIPPING BOARD I'er Ilneklet Artjresi lT S Lines 45 Broadway, New Yerk BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA Direct te GLASGOW S , S "COELLEDA" Dec 15 Hudsen Shipping Ce., inc. LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. I.iniiliiiril Riai-S Main 81(10. Agents far BALTIMORE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Inc. 1ERCIA1 1 STEAMSHIP LINES PHILADELPHIA te CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST LONDONDERRY. SLIGO SS "E.isutii Uri'i'p" Di-c. 27 Ceniih.ien, Hfl.-iiijlt.rs, Daiuig Aarhiia .ind Korsecr SS "Conejos" .Dec. 15 Moere and McCormack, lnc t. W. STRI1.GF1ELD, iiui... .r' 428 BOURSE BLDG., PHILA. ,,Lemb. 0385 Main 751 J -4R Sailings Philadelphia FOR HAMBURG SS "CORSON" (U.S.S.B.) Sailing; Dec. 16 Hudsei. Shipping Ce., Inc. lie I lis LAFAYETTE PUILDING rillL.AUE.L.I'.Mi'V, p Hell leleiiliime lieistsns i'ai.ni.. Lembard 064-5 Muta ewj KERR 1 wee nivij from faint smile. ''Mercy, I don't call .,' you marry or hnvc married, butlfVS M4 She laughed. "Daddy, jeu're tl tim of a plot. Itenaltl Is the n itl. wouldn't marry him unl. "' I mother were Ler ,n,,i . he plannV. come eTur nere anti win you 0r ' . the accident eh, you don't hiu ."i Well, you just watch me kiss &.ll ceme ever HTBAMSnir NOTirtffq de Luxe Te THE WEST INDIES, PANAMA SOUTH AMERICA nnd WINDWARD ISLANps by tha eplendld ell-trurnlng steamship HMfKiiSS Ufr BRITAIN 12,200 tens displacement THE LARGEST STEAMER TO THE TROPTM Ne cinder Ne soot Ne coaling; at perta Leaving New Yerk Jan. 21st, Feb. 21st, 19 27 DAYS - FARES from $300 Havana (Curia). Kingsten (Jamaica). Cot,- (Panama), La t nndLaDrea(T Juayra I Venezuela), Pert efSn.u WncfjQO.DrldKetewn ( BsX. JL'.n incc and. : m."iJ'i3 Rice), Nauau (flanamaa), Hamilton iBemitdl), All the Comforts of the Best HeteU Luxurious suites, Cabins vrlth bath. CaMes with Toilet, Electrle fans In every room. Wide promenade spaces, swtmmlnc Peel Special orchestra carried. NO rABSPOUTS IIEQTJIRED Fer ratea and full information atwlll te local aatnta or n. C. CLAYTON, City Passencer Aicut. 620 Chestnut Street d. Lembard 711R Philadelphia, p. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY-TriBc A Street, Philadelphia Main 7620 P-Wnim star New 1 erk Cherbourg Southampton (ITAMI'ie . IJre.I0Dei.JlFeb.il New lord l.hrrlHiel HWKttler.l) Dec. 10 HAI 1 '( lire. IS Jan. U Tib. IS C'Millir Dec. 23 .Ian. 1 Vtb.tf El.TIl Dec. 31 Teh. 1 Mar. I MEDITERRANEAN VOYAGES "le Miidelrn. Olbraltut. Alilers. Mo Me Mo naeo Uenen Nnple. Athens Alexandria for Kcnt and the Nile. .JltAIllt (If 324 tens), Jan II March 4 ADIUATIC (24. fill tens) Jat 7 Feb. II riiii.Ani:i,riiiA-i.ivr.itienL MTOMAN lec. 20 MKt.TOMAN Jan. 7 I.ini.AM) LINK . riilliiiielDli liln-Manrhestcr Ml(I.Mfl. Dec e " .uisiieman Jan. BedSsarUne Cn nt rijtfii commencing; Jan, 7. Milt net mil nt UnltCix. ew Yerlt, I'ljuieutli. Cherbourg, Anrtrere My'ONIANn nee. 17 .Inn. 21 reb.IJ I.KI,An . Ilec. 21 '.Ian. ! 'Mir. 1 riM. lre. 31 Veil. 4 Mar, 11 ,.LAri,ANI Jen. 7 Ib. It Msr. II i'mi.,riKi.riiiA-ANTvi:ur RI ... n.. te Ml"sO' 1 in. i.e. I IAN Dc.!i Ameslicaw Line MIVMKAIIIA (Ilamhnrr;) (3d class) tDee.1" MOVliOI.M t.Ian. 18 Veb.lS T.Mhe nills nt rtriiinliuttrl nml Dntlilc. 1MIII. Alll'.l l'lll A II am iimn IMIKMOIIII .. . Dee. t ATLANTIC 'IKANSrnrtT MNE I'lIII-MIKI.l'IIIA-T.O.VDON Iir.I,GIAN . Dse.ll IIUISTOI, CITY LIVE lMIILAUKLI'lIIA-llKHTOI, vr.w vniiiv cm Drc 1IOI.I An-MKtlK'A LINK I'llll.AIIKI.I'lIIA-KnTTRnDAM. .. nn in,mi( . .' (i(llti:i;in K Jan. u International Mercantile Marine Ce. no vrr.AMF.ii5. i.soe.onn TON'f , rasirnsrr Onirs. 1310 Wulnttt !!.. Ehlli. rrrlsht Oftle. in.llll Dnursc Hide. Fhils. r.Htx &. J SuthAtaem& Fastest Time te rtledp Janeiro. Mente Idee nnd Bunel Aires. Finest shlpi- American servlce Amcrlnin feed- Amcrlr-incomferti. Mil Ingi from I'lerS, llobeken. S.S. Huren Dc'" S.S. American Legien. . .Jan. jj S.S. Southern Cre Jan- 'J S.S. Aeelu. Feb. 2 Fer description boel.let. ailditss Munson SteamshipLines "7 Mnll ht Nnv Yuri. Tltr riillailrlnhlii eniie. Ilrrxel I"d' JSSHIPPING BOARR Dixie Sfeamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester, , Glasgow U.S.S.B.S S "W00DMANS1E EXPECTED TO SAIL DEC. 12 AT CONFUIIKNCIS BATES Harriss, MaRill & Ce., Inc. 125 Lafayette Uldg., Philadelphia Luuiliurd biiO-l jlttin ! STKAM.SIIII'S nKfiORIA. i III slWi.lsls,M-S ssisMi CWp mnMcusf nil C.riliSeS, and every Steamship Le- INPOnjuvneM riiPBRFinlY runNl"W BARTT.F.TT TOURS CO. I I 2QO fi. 1STH STREBT.PHILA-J' m: r -Bsrrr-" J r; v 'JsUUsJfUht ft. --v. !' 1 LL