ffr v "$' I v lTfl . ' s i wijrit EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1921 1307-9-11 MARKET STREET SECOND FLOOR mm $WW wm dvis J I0a rBfciLttai-i 'vM'vAvy&Si V xv' Hi i)i!'s ZKULli vmmmmBHmmmmFTisn n r 1 1 1 1 y r jrrs i. . r . . WM,V - ;Ji 7 : . tf pl&y H. R. SELLNER President, Carlten Clethes Sheps rMhdlph'M Trnlen fwrW ft,w yer, 5- V"- .'ED v W " .-' , -v c I Have Men's and Yeiinsr Men's All -Weel Ml that I am compelled te sell quickly. Net that I want te but because I have te. I'm coming te you in my capacity as a wholesale manufac turer of clothing, using my own retail stores as the outlet for this tremendous stock which I am compelled te sell new. My own stores, as well as ether retailers wh em I sell te throughout the country, have net been able te dispose of their iiaiial quota of suits, and I can't pay my bills for piece goods and labor with made-up suits. I Must Have the Meney! That's why I have disregarded ce.sth entirely, and when I say cost, I mean the cost of making and net the retail cost. My real object new is te get out from under and te distribute these 35,000 SUltS te tne people OI rnuauuipmu ui uuul-cuu-ui iuw pucua. Think of it all-wool, quality tailored, fresh-i'rem-my-fa styles, colors and patterns at 'm . axw-mm.mmL: - f & MK I -Urn I fc$ H- elphia ER 7 sKTii&s ffcW'T Ssj fe EStJ Don't Confuse this Sale of Men's and Yeung Men's Suits with any ether retail SALE OF CLOT! ING. ever held in It's -mere than that it's my entire factory stock of standard CARL TON Suits, the selfsame quality of 'suits I sell te merchants throughout the country te retail at $25 te .$(50, that I'm going te sell te you at prices way and way and way under the cost of bare manufacture. Just think an all-wool quality tailored suit for $10.75. Yeu knew me-HARRY SELLN I'm no stranger who comes te town with a set of false whiskers, a funny story and a fancy vest. Yeu thousands of Philadelphia men who have bought your CARLTON Clethes of me for the last two years you knev I've made geed with you. Yeu knew I've always kept my word. My big business here has already been a phenomenal success because my customers come back for mere. Put Yourself in My Place Suppose you were a manufacturer of clothing. Suppose your fac tory had 35,000 suits en hand and the retailers whom you sold refused te take them because of peer business. What would you de ? Would you take your less new or wait and wait selling your suits for the best price you could get for them until you HAD te get in line? Net en your life! You'd de just what I am doing se -my-factory suits in a tremendous variety of ' Sale Starts Saturday Morning Come in the Morning if Possible Plenty of Extra Salesmen eL lis mk Wk Wm 11 W& $25 & S30 Values Open Evenings Daring This Sale The Regular Carlten Policy in Effect Meney Back if Yeu Want It Fve Taken the Bull by the Herns And I will sell my entire wholesale stock at prices that are unprece dented. I'm net going te wait. The wait stuff doesn't appeal te me. I'm slashing prices new en every suit. I'm net going into details as te the selection Except te say that here and in my 'wholesale warerooms, en instant call, there are 35,000 suits te select from. I want you te come by the thou sands, expecting bargains that you never before anticipated. Yeu will net be disappointed. $45 & $50 Values dlSfr mm f II l I tm m 1307- l&h,,, Over Truly Warner's Hw M - mmmmMwmmammsWMiwwmmmiiTrnrwMmi m mmiimmmmsWmammmmKim mlmF J hhhhhhhi I'm net fjehicj te alter these clothes for you because I can't afford te. Every Suit is hand tailored and very little, if any, alterations will be necessary. 9-11 Market Street 2nd Fleer Economy Shep Opposite Wanamaker's ttfrgMfcyyffiifcw jjl nil Mil Nil , LT r- : " 7'i " I t r .- V I "t u..