C"N 15 EVENING 'PUBLIC LEDaER-PHILSDEIPHIA, FRIDAY, BEOEMBER 01921 .iiiiii Utmm Last Day of the Profit-Sharing Sale! Extraordinary Values for Saturday at FRANK & SEDER 11TH AND MARKET STREETS n . m m v n w mm rv m t? r?f f jvv.vN. rK..'.,-N ItjtCW Itw. JBB. W M M MMMraMM lm m 9k I w3 fMfcWft?tf twp zi i r aw i i ii ii i i vi Mfll 41 J fc1VPWW w Famous Every Shirt absolutely perfect. Guaranteed fast colors; sizes 14 te 17. If you intended buying Shirts for Xmas Gifts, here's your big- opportunity te save a let of money. They're wonders! STREET AND THIRD FLOOR Surplus Stock On Sale at iS v v T '1 rK If VII-aLTi ' J f '. rand jfyJeh i 2000 SILK SHIRTS H YwJl II ii TiiP $8, $10 & $12 Values Only tlie best materials Ne tub silks in the let; every Shirt absolutely perfect. Choice of SATIN STRIPE CKEPE : SATIN STRIPE JERSEY HEAVY SATIN STRIPE EMPIRE AND SILK ENDURE STREET AND THIRD FLOORS i-ciiiBiiaQiiO'inaviB $2-50te$6i0 Values at Shirts-Shirts-Shirts Tables and tables of them! Entire stock of a well-known maker. Every Shirt perfect in every detail ! Eveiy Shirt per fectly tailored materials, de signs and patterns in every color and combination Woven Cord Madras !H II IB ! IB'illfl II IQ .1 IB 'I IB II HSnViS II ID MS II H JM II 1,1 U II 31 IIIHBI.IFBlina Mill II H ,1 IB HID ll,,HTI IBIII iD HO II IB HUB II IB HI lll'Blll IBT IB MB raillWIIIlHIinB 'I 'BIII3H II IB liilB IIIIBT H i Q t B 13 Ii 13! I IB IB . Fibre Silk Stripes Silk Stripe Madras Russian Cords Woven Madras and II IlBM Bm&m B3w ma sx . xce trvm auvfm'm hiiixfuiiu ml NltiSL $ Wm&2dl STRECT FLOOR AND THIRD FLOOR e 4 r-T JM m - gSni ia ii inttma MfflME ismk ist .n iH' a P a b sii mubi hi a1 m i u u a ati hi ta ci ui a ' RiiBiuB'iiBMBiiiBii'B Just Arrived! Big New Purchase of Values te . $40 The luckiest purchase we ever made. Men get in en it. A leading manulacturei. sacrificed his entire stocks, involving thousands of garments for our SPOT CASH offer. Here they are ridiculously low priced. OVERCOATS ,Plaid Backs, Ulsters, Uhterettes, Raglans, Great Coats. Half and full belted. All sizes. SUITS One and two pants. Every new style, color and fabric. Abso lutely all-wool. All sizes Gigantic 'Pus'chase & SaBel 2 W rs- w V & B .. M " H Mi 3 1 V e wdr Bought at 25c te 50c en the Dellar 2 Sale Groups Values te i?j.e0 n& Trousers that will stand haul wvai. Made of extia-luavy fft Aerstcils an ' casimereb in i neat dnrk patteni3. All sizes. is aw $) TIMltl) 1 I. Splcn 'u trousers equally suit ed f v eik or husini Wiar Cass-ir.K es, heavy cheiets and worst er' . All sizes. aITJ . a?R? .r m i ' If I'M 'jJH vi (ten We guarantee these prices te be lowest in the city or we will refund the difference. See win dow display. Take Express Elevator Frem LebBy Direct te Th'rd Fleer ' W s 8lNIffl ,SSS 9 J.? ,ft BKS NMD a JHMff n rj -mr.i. ijfftiy yin ri r"T W 'crnnd )j $300 5a?'c These Profit-Sharing Savings Up te $250 Coats & Wraps Drastic reductions that feature the biggest savings known in Fur Circles. Gorgeous Laskin Seal, Hudsen Bay Seal, Kutua, Marmet and Muskrat. Stunning models with large cellars and cuffs. Belted and uchl lined. Maiveleus values. Up te ! Up te $350 Fur Fur Coats ' Coats & Wraps T.nslcin Ren!. H Rpetch Melr met, rrench Bl e.il an. I M.u p mets Trim. Vli minus of at- ft Hudsen enl ,N,,,.r i ''.vjm-fli il anil Hiul m n 1 1 n v 1 1 s e m f pi i n ffll ; it hef- h a e i N i ' r i 1 SktinK Hi ier SfiJlrnl and Rac- 1 ff it.ll ikunk. It in inn RM.r .inil Ifl eiulnel. i .... . ,..r ,,-.f... cp, Avn t-i nrin 1KA.MV iV SLUUi nrAw.u i i.uun Children's FUR SETS oeo!$i 99 & $8 (Australian Opes. Chokers Smart chokers d QQ& fergifts J)I.l7i7Up Big Sale! Silk Underwear Every woman appieciates Silk Underwear and in this Sale wonderful qual ities are fiatared at practically wholesale price. Decide te give S Ik I'nderwcar and finish Xmas shopping hcie Saturday. You'll save money at these prices. ;l-5 Crepe da Chine Gowns Flesh p l n k, O full-cut gowns J in dainty lace trimmed and tailored s t y 1 c h. Man cleus alucs at this price. $2.50 Jersey Silk Vests for (t? 1 C 7 In tailored tl JL J Q p and bodice styles with nhben heulder. nSrm m Silk Env. Chemise Beautiful styles in gfe m - y d.unt ntw coleis and $Af Ta J flesh pink crepe de chine. jjTO 9 J Lace trimmed and tailored J m v stles. Wonderful gifts S3 sirt an 1 wonderful values. eflBa rioer $1.50 Satin Camisoles ( Washabl" satin camisoles in , Iacey top ei taileied effects. 4c initpn .tn nw It .fn 1 1 IH 1 Bfi .miUPW. m l-i mmv mnii.M mm irv i uitb mmt tni m in i SJ u m n im iiiicn ri ira MPnnim iiint i im . m . "" U b',l,,u '-", bmxi .-. luiiuinrnan'miu iMimUhu . . iji ui -., ,. iU iuh ui na n m i a i, lu i iHnIi'TO G SHE 'DI'IH IPS1! IB1' 13 3 IE 121 TO IE B!"n fl iB iB iEI . iPB !BB ii ES a G 'B liS HlBlliniB Q BIB IB I S II D 'D B a B E Q D Q Q Q 1 D B Q IB B B BilBllfl B.BJ'S JL8 v JW M 1 ute wefiase & $r Oc ent .e ii 3 Ti'HW I tffc w TTv-ei-w y aU&S J A Wonderful Purchase just being unpacked as we write. The most marvelous f Bargains you ever laid eyes en. All-Weel Cheviots, Velours, Peles; many fur Value te $l."e On Sale Saturday OII the Sixth Fleer trimmed or finished with lanre self-cellars. Sizes 7 te 10 and fi te lfi vnnrs. Snth l Iver OT Bi u bi mh lints Ii'ISiIIJH r lEi1, .S i' IB !E u BS , ilK t TH ILH 1','Q . IE3 IB id' IBIIJDI IHII1IE hS l!u U 'H1 B3 11 ID iMES I! IBB 'Ii BEB '. 'SB IMBS 'IB 1 131 lSiiaillSh'CaillflIIIIBlB'inBIIIIBIi'lQI.IIEli'iia 1 IB3.II iEBHl IS'I H31 ., S3I 'T 151 1(3' ,3i 'B1 H ' Bl 3 B 91 a 2 121 IS! GliDi C B SSi Hi 2 S9l n 3 fi Value te $19.98 Sixth Fleer us a Ei q B' u, u a a & a Value te $25 Sixth Fleer Si Q H UI C, Ei El ESI 0 SUBilc" ta N IH H n H -3 H I i m BBW BH vJBBkBflBKvftTMBBL tKJBBBK v M BBflBbBYiflBBBBHBBBBiBBBBBBB'aaBuiBBBBBV i ' BvlVABinSWw iflBflnHvBHBtwB9vSi rJrniwmwSrmB, 9 HIB iiy UH BtttiBPM B 9Hf Vv; KI jBmhBBI Iflv BBBBIBF Ihj BBl BBMBBIBBiBbA7Bh W''llIH wbTi hbt. jmm bbmW IBbTbbbI vi'fl r 111 1 AM mmi VMMHMOilHXMr Vi ibbIm'T. UmLJ' r, ITwffi NV v V..SME5. MB I -i) ''' if I JT.all ' .t BBBBflt mm .' v .,1 JW W UI 99 Tb'n is by far the most sensational of Sales offering the BIGGEST VALUES ever featured. You've seen hundreds of Plush and Fur Fabric Coats worn everywhere but these of genuine jet black, deep fur-like pile are Salt's Plush Coats, known internationally for their superfine quality. Get a Salt's Plush Ceat from this sensationally reduced group. Salt s Behring Seal Plush Ceat Values te $45 Values te $55 Values te $75 FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR Salt's l'cce Plush CeatB rich and beeutifull F'ashiened en the same elegant lines ni real fur coats; all silk lined and warmly intei lined. Seme- with large Opossum and fine French Ceney Fur Cellars. The coats arc unmistakably gorgeous and the biggest values in town. Come see for yourself. Salt's Hehring Seal Plush Coats with immense self cape cellars, seme with fur borders; ethers hae shawl cellars of skunk, opos sum, raccoon and sable ceney. Al-e wonderfully graceful Del mans. Vemen will rave nbeut the rich raen beauty of these coats. "SALTS Hudsen Seal Plush Coats Werth $85 te $115 &CQ.50 wonderful garments that exemplify all the beauty 'Hr J - &l CP Possess. Many richly trimmed with taauiQ fur.ii- ...nr. ,! 1,...,. nuine ur-ellarB, cuffs and borders, i Eleventh and Market Streets l ," : . , . : All Sizes Richly Silk lined; warmly interlined and' belted .PrvSBBBBBMiaMBB. wT S-VVn. v V A . . Run I K i3V"yw. rfltf Kflflflfl ' iHH nflflWflflQiUl ffiSflflflflflBflnT JflBBflvPV!u(lin hImkVBhhJI m m m Mfm WfmwMaM II lylfi wKsSmll $18 ml jF$5 I l ttZtaM &f t I l LESSEES---'' l ..N.IM.NM.I...M.,n,r 7. Baltf-Tr DAY OF THE PROFIT-SHARING SALES-r-AT PRANK & SEDER'S ELEVENTH & MARKET STREETS ( . k.. ..JIh. ...A . -- . . , . jt . L i .Ly) ,. !L4!-mm4ws.;w;irA. ... riri