ivy' i ? - ' ' fM" f VENIXG KtJBULO LEDOERPHrLABEliPfilA, ' THUKSDAY, frfeflEMBfiR 8) 19&L .teM ffm ONE UNWANTED mp' '' "c- By RUBY AYRES Auther of "A Bacheler Husband," etc. CeptrlcM lu Whst'.tr 8tmdlii. Ire. ". By Sidney Smith r .dK nEGlNS THE STORY Lllv-Sarah Elisabeth Slater tinted her famllv. Thep .iU a boil and the icas emv a eun(. . Lll'. ""'' A irrnl hu minx "!:... at home and dismissal bending tchoelltad te shin f.'- ftr titl te O cvwrt !( off fe e ieven farm n 57 "m "'?? servants. C "" . -.t --J & rfilfi rSl n ffim ieunff man. Jar Ander- 'Jht community farming magnate. JffijjJ li deIfi7Aed . ''r new ur- '... - ri.mflrn Ae inau marru AM "'i. Vine. He saves her when ahe rf fle.r ?t, j"'t:vm;'. Me '" Stark. Her father vsits )S irineing a btg, geed-looking im introduced as Lionel Champien, ..! IfffflJ CUrt Kntn .uuiv a iiuiid Sffl '- "'" te and i'D HEBE IT CONTIMJES rffBNT b"k t0 the fire and hel1 My ...j. a iti warmth, but when I UTew they were tremb lng I dragged 1 V cbilr and, sitting down, folded Wi!t7yeuPi!t down?" I asked pe- I'W?; .- ... 1tn 1ir wmfttnml "leans jvu ""- - Kyj'hsd !Mters this afternoon,' id alter a """"", ... V. Did yu see them.' nf jsj rine of tliem did mc tni lMr e( railing a ' house." I looked up wl'h a dfporate efteit ''OB, JO" nieUH W.UIIJ-. wmu.u,..,.. tateldcie hf Knew jen. J riirufgcd my sheudcrs. 'Ob. ou nred net be. I '.niil. Hi t at a l cemiiiiiHfiiuuj uv-u u have always Ri fcolcet.vou There n?' ""le ''"CC- 'rhen '' !oepl suddenly, putting n band ei tit arm of my chair te that I u upriienfd. "Loek at me. eaiiy. I wanted te refuse I tried ra Kirtet, but for tne me or we i eeun Ct. SDU Our ejee. uui. But I put rny band out and tnci a pu&b him away Immediately. "Wt me go. n ; .;" '"i- trp? Please let me cc.'" said. "In a moment ween you nare an- w cae question "TlicnItiBs me, Bally 1" Dut I liuld back. Tlie tears were wet en my face, but I was se beppy I hardly knew wbnt te de. "Why have you stayed away slnce ever Mnce I fell Inte the river?" "Hfcauac jou're such u child. I thought you did net knew your own mind. It hci'mcd unfair." "I'm only four days elder new than I was then," I told liim. "I knew: but It's different. At leaet isn t it aitiorent, sally?" "Net teinie because I h loved seu." "Kiss me then J" "Waltwait ! There's jour ceuMn I" I fe.t bis arms relax their held a little. "My ceualn Itn't anj thine te me." ' Mr. Alberry nald peepl think you nrc Reirts te flltirry her.'" "1 am net responsible for 'fthat poe. pie think." "But I thought w, tee," I insleted. "Tcu don't think te any mere?" b nsked, but I weu d net answer aud he raid nsnln : "Sally ! De you think ee?" "Then whom dim I seinc te marry?'' he demanded. My eyjs had grown neomemed te the darkness new, and when I looked up I could act his face faintly 1n the light of the stare. He wa'j my first lore niv lnt. as I confidently believed, and with a sudden passionate impultc I put mv arms round his neck. "Me:" I said. He kimed-me then, many times, and kissed liim, and I don't Knew hew mc we mljht h.we Mnyeil out then n the mud and dnrkr.ere but for tli" inking of the cliur.'h clock. thlchi used me from my dreaming with a ! heck. I "Tm o'cleck: Oh, vhat v 11! thy a? ' ' Mrtik Andersen Inughed. "Vw it matter what they -,i. '" Hut 1 thought it dl.l. I muM nt mnsin Iiew I was jeiuK te face Mrs. 11itij .i harp ejes or ssvialn my nb- , mee. We went bad: te the farm hand In I and, and he klwed ma again in the I lttl po.-eh eutndc tha deer. I 'Aru you happy?' lie iiPked. and I, aid, with a sigh of rApturc. that I had ' tver kmwn before what a beautiful I world it was. . ''Y?"'re siih a chi'd!" he answered. I veti vft ,ie,cr sttn the sverd." Me -ir was married when she was as old as me," I said with dignitv. I And new I rcilly ruuet go." i ui even ween we Lad csM mr,i MS. AOftVUMO Mnl . A . . j .f i. a.,1. bak. I it.r-.rTO TiP uuvie V.o"eS V.ViC TC CHRVCYMWt Mv vwe vJsx.v A tot ev Time 6ein6 te school- AU. tweVJ "MOW MV)CVl 1 YX ?" Mlt "CHAWit IT" ME rNlH6 TO str et n l)5.t UKE Ta"VlNQ te ROW A ttOfcf. COME AHOTHCT. CLOV)t Of X8 At 6oei .eve "cwn vrmii- tP3aEicf -rji I iyft, 'xj: tvi t mw - MSST ffiT r0 Mx t' HHsS r(Uk V pi TrTrxS- EVCRN MOHTH 1 THIN NWEUV. THE MEVT 0 ViLU E A 9 OPT OME.- AHt TVtEH TWE" R.Y COMEV AV.OHO ANt HEH Xet THC MAL MAVl SYAOQEfe- OJ Yme "STAX UWE ME WAt A A5FE OM Ml& BACK i STAVT fe Wt.- IB 1 r M t.4 PROM THE ZE OW THE CifcOtCfCf Mih. MPJwf RILL'S PON'T EE rtevj "Wes rmt twe te vjmt em AMVBOpS eiae- -me POKT I SAV TO ME- "AS- HOVM MUCH j CKM NE VEW T MONTH V tMt'S BVUE MMEH THEE AR.E OHV.V i 30 PtrUMMG PAt IN A MONTH " 1 AMt VmEH Wtt COMES AU5N6 I HE 60EV im" nvuwu'iv n. I TWHKS ew' r,r& -"- w THE MW 1 ytiV SOMEBODY'S STENOG Diplomacy Cep-rttht. Dt. by ruh'.i'" Ltittr Cempir.7 "DUCHE.SS' I CANT THlMk' VHAT Te (SNE. MZS S.MITHEJ?S Fer Christmas: Yeu cm always If a:m! but t PLAV 51 LK STOCKIMSS Fd)R -! place. . rrr J I DOMT LIKE. TO GO TO THE STOCKING COUMTE-R r- AILL VU 5E.T - i . . m r- I ME.M TOK c ALLRKSHT CHEER DP, OLD SOQ , I'll get 'em AT LOMCHTIME.! HE. D0CHE51 YOU GOT OVRSZ.Et STOCKIMGi . kH W eF ) " E? -Nt)U MAV BE P0ITL RIGKT- BUT ID SE.T lAi WROA1G.' BETTER TO JVE HER C.v&rs"u. - - TOO SMALL. - THtiAJ SvTCA ECHAAIGE. tuifjj r - f&lreiVATEAX rny 4fni c i A. C'l-'IYUA1a & Tho'Yeung Lady Acress the Way THE ABSENT-MINDED PROFESSOR Bu FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL DAYS I drew back as. fur from him te, pos- light for the last time I went back te iKV. ' sk hlrn Mnftfhr n,,At.iA. 1 , "Hl'l.4 .. -- - p'blt. "I ISSH net answer any iiuKBiieus. j, -nat 0B , ,,, h-erj t .1.1-1. ! I.'e .T.r. li , ,l . " .".. ,iux i iniiiij u e ii. iuv ....... noinpien say about me? rfiu re feminz iieiu mm juu teuum Jfc this," lbiid angrily. He laugnid. tiut n raiseci mniRni ud owed awaj. celng back te his elu Milten en the rug. "Hew lone bac you known Chain - Wen?" It ws en tue tip ei my lonsue ie j that I had never seen him in mj Id until today, but remethlnc made at Msrtate. "I den t tce wiiat it nas te de witu et." I ald celdl. He did net reply te that seemed Ket te have h'ard It for ntme't im ndittch li atKed another 'iuMieu : Arc? en g''.nc te innrr, lum: I said "What! ' In cnpltal. if tiers, ad for a moment I forget tbut we wcri :opposed te b. enemies, and I laughee atmaiimtn ''Miat4'er de e mean'." But de did net .smile. ld, tbut Is all." he told me "Yeui fithcr and Champien both came te mj bestt after they left here." "Lionel Chamnien is a very charm- fitir man," I said. "Oh what are you delas?" He had caucht my bands In his and .wis dragging no te n feet. "Are von relnc te marrv him?" be luW. I tiled te temperise. "It hadn't get anything te (j witt ,veu. I wonder ou dare ipenk te me tsllettci :t vy you liae bcliavcJ." "Shat ie ion rr.'n fiie.-ii! .c- 1 pdiMd yeu''1 He d.-ew ua te l.iiu .'.ii a ctrcp tt3tm'n. awl befery I i-euid puns cis intention he Jnd Kliscd mc Win en ny nuuth. hflT7 eirhant. eii'll .'jiunfr. li. LW, end his ei'e wns cuick nnd tlthleSr ' Aril riti mllne frt trmrpv :bV. ' """' ' li I ttt fle tf nil mr efAnntli hi.l Af.vArl weugh my fingcr-tlp.s. Ne, ' I whispered helplessly. He put hi hand beneath my chin, mting my face up. TI.js ..in . . . -..i. . Vi J marry uicr uc Iieu . I r;,eke the word in n breath w i whisper Jly heart deemed te step wing Then ence again I remem wd the Grange manner In which lie id treated me tincc that day en the . snu 1 mad' a despeiate effort te CHAPTER XX '"Olm."'ui,' i i i. .. IVsIl ustuiiififiU Resin. , -' -- t . I'Vii I . l 1 111 li I 1 llll . . .. :'ou. Lpi m bu! nh idi m.ir.i'i L'ner Mr.-. Albcrrj . m was ueiv date jiiii ' v.itli nnxli'tv nhen I wnlKed ,."' ",f'l t" anna away te niddtnlv . I -llnirist ftll T una ti e Mini. Jlleur, n.l f. i j .K.iiient nplther fit ISDOkL. limn He .1,1 ! ., ... .1. lorLet 'Oiw ' 'Yf.ll .v.. n . .. J.l. ... d u.i "'",'"" Jul' non r iihe me, or, K tl at 1 m net rich tiniiiiirh rtv nr. I ,"PS net Sufficintlv .', rfinllfmnii tn ! Ultjeu?" I Mv heart n.Ui A... . i.s- - .,,,l K" 'I'" denial of his words. He '" "in i !, 1' 4 H- V t I Lionel Win de TOll rnf tr, tft.rtr, Only levant I nm interested. I 'hjuslu n might be senwthinit nice? in tew poeplo 6ay anything nice about me. ' "WcJ'; !t was something nice, and vet I felt as if I could have knocked im down for It," he added jdoemlly. I pulled ut hi hand. "Well tell mc nnjwaj '." H told me reluctantly. "He said that -ou were the most attractive little girl he had ever met." "What! Oh, Mnrk, he didn't, net really!" "He did confound him:" I drew a long breath of delight. "Nobody has ever said a thing like "hat about inc before." He gave a jealous growl. "Yeu seem uncommonly pleased about 'Plcuscd.' Whv. of ceur.se, I'm n'eased." I ald. "Wouldn't you be. If you'd always been looked upon as the ugly duckling of the family? If eu'd never had a single nice thing said about you in your life? Net that le could really and truly have meant It," I added disconsolately. There was a little silence then. "Well. I'll be off," Mark said stiffly. "Geid night." "Ob, geed night." I answered, though hire was a nameless fear in my heart et tomorrow should be a repetition of j tbere ether daj- dur.ug which I had uuited and vu'clu 1 for him In vain , I that the Usco and htppincss of this light had be-Mi iv .-uen tv last; that a voi-ec dlsillusdeumint awaited roe! and In unreasoning fear I caught his arm as he turned nwaj. I "Yeu meant it when you caid jeu, PETEY Thf Hptirtlpii Orrtnnnr- loved me, didn't you?" I asked in rEil&l I lie IJCaruCbb lUipper diamed desperation, "leu went etayl away tomorrow and leave me wondering I hat I have done te make you angry?, leu won't be horrid any mere?" Mark came back. He put his arms round roe. but quite gently this time, and, bending, kissed rae once a long kisj. I I shall love yen all my life There'll I never be another woman I shall leve as I love juu," he said. The young lady across the way says she does a great deal of se rious reading, but ehf deet, lite t' read s pe'li nunreu.- iurk of,'a (lunully. -T-i Ti f00T us $$ -y 'I' r viSzZ- WXftJ,) (.-r&Si' J'it 1 m I Bf-V S rTezn j i1- iSsJftt1 " - - 1 ' "li, ' r-VZWS,; f-T " s&S&l ,cM,XM) "WSaffl r rrr fc i "s, v cj . 7Ak.x. . i--- 1 a.r 1 V7w X' fJ I i7J "Y3rV- H-:-v : i m t W) s - -W T MkLVVJO I - rV12 J-"!lll sgcaifc . " 1 P?Cf'jfefcm Httt t, I .c cur- I tVOM Kir?l' Gt55 ! ms SV In liR.RvT M , r I iuyr-: XTf! Tne TtsiseT 'OUnncri 1, 1,... ,...1 t . . . fWiledd ' U'U U01 'pCaK ."6, WR'tcd Pwlsd un the n the tabic ,'feed mght v.i. arc My R wliltr- , into the Mtr-Iien. Slit had fearched eenwtiere for m" ivlien t e came In from hfr Mt aeiu tlie indds. and had quite made i.p her mind thnf wrac one bad entered the heuhe during l.er absence and carried me away In main force. ' "Oh, Mis? Sally! Where have you, been?" she asked, almost .n tears. I laughed: I was se happy I did net , care what she said or thought Tte been outdoors with Mr. An An deisen." She thre up her bauds in diMuay. 1 moment; then he! "Wuh Mi. Andrisen! At this time, hat he had llung down ,)f n'Klt: Oh. vhnr weu d .our lueihc.1 , . ... I 1VI. ., .illl ll, Ct'" . . . 1 5il ,1 llllL ut ,t '' aid abruptly. , hi, ,i,,a,i mnttpr ihnt sIil nTB: ' 1 .answered. "And It'n i)jltv nl' ilcht, anyway, because were c ngug' d te be ! iniinlcd." . . I Mis. A'berrj tat down heavily in tin ' neaiest chair. Her pluiup f.H'O vi.s crimson M'.th tUetrtnA. SJbc biyXt out 1 agitatedl : "Knsaged te be man led! A child !ike jeu. Miss Sail ! Oh, tUnt will your metlur saj? She'll neer fersivc inc for nut halne looked after jeu bet- fellow L 11 '' J1'!"' bPK"'S "-e l"r! And Mi. rnrk. without .1 penny !A In the ,wi1,('fe,rmI kPe.w ll l Vl,s te hli name! OI. dear, eh deai !" and Moush ,t, 1!.. "'.'V iilfht, running ahr broke Inte noisy weeping. I lefil'1-.l at her angrily. Tlicie did nut teem te me te be anything te cry about "What doth money matter.' ' I asked. "M sters wil both marry dukes e.' raMlieualre or something! And that will mere than make up for anytn.ng r ivrnv An. Oh. for eoednessA' sake. u.et ! step crying! I thought jeu liked Mr. i,i .u" -:"' "" ""' " Am ersen l tlieuKlil you u no inuseu. I'db.aettr L !,' rStrl ,",e av,a7 She sobbed out that he did liLe im. " 0,ni beuse hefere I overtook 1 ..,.' 'V,t that the knew be was net "V... I ,. ' .. -r ....!,.. ...,, 1,1 .,11. ."'II t.O- Vllrln'" T ...1 .. tnO MJri OI UIUII Ul) UIUUICI uu,u innu h j'uii geins;.'" I faluicd OlOP !.,in.il,l In..,. .i.j i.i 1 ,i., . -'.. uuiu turn mill u HI (leal, hnf if 1, ,11.1 l. t.i. . --V ., ,i i,, m; uuu hu lie Strode ocre-m t if, I:ltrhpn. 4w By C. A. Voight Ntice, 1Ptntd W w w V f f V Tme: Trouble. is wiTmNoewc crir?ts wow a dans iThaTTmeyaix Loek alike SHORT HAIR- SMetfT SkiRTs Puk. s.OAT-5-CeWrJecK. VJHEW J y WA"3 AIRLVVL 5M0VEO 50HL IWOWIDUALITV Wf v'a, Mi ip Ci) e NtTAH AMD "That's ailqe LDlD sSHew-' L 1 11 r- ikit i .1,... . . tth a ,;7.r.'., -Tu " B"ln t I 1,....? .""". """ .me. ne)K me- be Vt e 1 pn letrcating across I fi. -''".' mill. . ,e't !. .1 tlr-i. In.itlM,. 1,.,t. .1... Usetmed i- .,.-."'"" V,c,"ui. l""v Jt me hurt . Ti l Ule 0-'ur,'i ""w k 7.u.H'Ik tu him. were nushine me ril. "!!,n6 n'e f'f'er hi,,,, becc.nc me id iktri .. r.V ' "PiJiiilnB my ankles Jinan.; "" "" (-'cl" lliud. -.ailing "ark! Oh, Mark, comeback'." GASOLINE ALLEY Powerful Stuff jLa "x' .Bs CHAPTKR XIX FuLsu Premises belie , 1 , uav hfa bt he itn La rini'i. I.. ,.. FD out did nnd ( LOOK AVERY J I Toek. The Finish At-- ere- this d OLD CHAIR AMD I'M GOMG- TO fmnt rr! fttevi vi ClGX TflE 0I7 .J;0", '-ude!" I panted. "Yeu hi.vv? " r'tuicflw ...,.i..t ' ... le bu, 1 . , "" Ier me:" . "'"iiiii te difgtlBt, I And then. burst into He said i-urt of wan iu v; , . 'Silf.Mi V'01' sapped dead. 1 1. IL a"(l the nett miii,ii.ii 1 r" nrraii "" i',2.vm I..K- n, 'win J,,,I ,J"'" ' L''""' "Aiifi .1 luJ,y wn,-t me. Whit. ..,ma" f,oek mj head. 'H ih-s;',m..!!'J"y uf:t!! - -...B iu muiiy liy Blrllfr, Champien, hi's 1 me te man j. I telt a wave of appiehensien Lionel Clminplen had nid senrthln; Ilk" tbut, (bat Marl: wus net the te t t man I eusht t.i see a great deal of What did they both mean? 1 wan tee proud te !' I I'h U up mj MOullj runt 'Well, I'm Ki-ing te Iml, I -aid. "Geed night, and. for Suedrie-s fuk' de ihct'r up. thtie'.s u dear I I'm aeing te be married, net buried!" Tltit she sobbed en, and at last I wrnt Impatiently uwny uud left her i there, CONTINUElTTOMORnOW ) I poeno a Bettle Tmat 6ad VARNISH peMeVGR CN IT OOW IM THE: GARAqe X J in0 ? JmJJL I JffiA JhJ$ h CT HBHL 1 WTSnTh Vuni: "5H M 'Cuervr Scott, emilv this ISNT VARMlH REMOVER! THIS IS ThiVT MOOMSHINC HOCch J GOT FROM BIU.!, v L:,i Sj, m I POM'T CAQE VmAT IT 15. IT TAKES THE VARNISH OFF JUST FNFl 'IV J .' )i "1 ) f By Hay ward li :i'i 11 I ii Vi mi 1 By DWIG 1 r-'i i: . m m m ' l I By King 1 T' f 1 t,