Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1921, Night Extra, Page 20, Image 20

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    f ).'
wwi jfrnnyv t ,
profits of Last Year Being Used by McGraw te Build Up Anether National League Pennanl
. . . . .
7 s
IlfT f ,, ., . ,., ., . , . -. -. I Teny Natale Proves Theory at
tef"1,M iTt'"t'' ect"' '"J'""- "J ,UU,,,,M ""v "", Philmont Pres Rallying te
newspaper Clippings Convince Lnariey t'anuma
Boxer Has Ability te Cepe With Stars
New Association Here
KfxirlM i:.llter KvrnliiB Publle I-tila-cr
JJklNEW piiRtllstic cliampien it in our midst. Nobody eer lia seen him
. ncrfenn. few knew wlint lie loeki like, but lie ih ti ehnnipleti juH the same.
"$ikrley Wlcrmullcr, who once uinunEnl Benny Knufmnn nnil ether fuinens
"IMjther piiHhtTH. Ik pilot of tlie nevv plicnem. Chnrley never 1ms i-een Ills man
JrUftictleii, but thnt linn net l:iuir.cnetl bin cnthtiMnsiu. Benny i-rcennrd, Lew
"ndlcr, Sni'er rrecdmnn and ether tnn-neteliers cannot compare with the
TOcent marvel, ('hurley Men no himself.
tt jjr. WlrrmulliT paid us n inlt thl morning He wax accompanied by n
larce packugp, which was tee lone and tee thin te be sunplcleus. I'laclng the
JJUtadlc tcnderlj en our desk he looked at us detinntl.v and paid:
roil ! getta chauiplen. Cirentest tighter in the world, will lick ever? body,
"hfelds n let of titles, and Bcnnj Leenard ha been nervous ever since he heard
3K&ilm. Up 1b se geed that"
ictf "Ils name." we Intcrmpled. "What Is the name and why?"
it i "Oh, 1 forget. " replied the m.inngpr. "Ills name is Richards. Ever
near of him? Terrible Terry Htrhurdn. In n couple of months every time I
SflV4lk down Chestnut Miect the people will point nt me and say, 'There gees
the mnnnger of Terrible Terry Uleliurde. the champion.' "
tilt AVe tried te appear Interested and nodded ktievlngl. Terrible Terr
'fctfght be all his manner mi.i1 he wa. but we cnuldn't place him
" "New, lisvpti." th'iiianded Wletmu'.ler. an he placed one hand firmly en
tat package. "This guy is se tough that wu had te tie him up te keep htm
&phi hurting the witnesses when he signed the contract. He just HAS te
.p.gjit, and if he isn't In the ring cver.v week we have te take away his raw
..(heat. He has licked se manj gujs and scored se many knockout that ou
,A'm't begin e tell of them. Take- tee long
"Why, de you knew," he continued excitedly, "my new champ is cham cham
afrlen of Central and Seuth America? Ie jeu knew that? Did anbedy ever
tfll you that he held the lightweight ami welterweight titles down there and
''e'fa them by knoikeuts? Nohedj leld jeu. because jeu would act as if jeu
nv,'erc hep. But 1 will tell jeu all about it, and I get the documents te
i?6v itl"
l,a Wlcrmuller opened the package and a cluster of newspaper clippings wcie
yOjcpesed. They were jellew with age and printed down in the Canal .one.
,iW6y te'd of the prowess of Terrible '1'errj Hlch.irds, bow he flattened cer cer
bedy In Panama, and words te that eflect.
I ATI,,'
Jt! hole
,VST. The recipe for making n
e In one gelt streKc. .ianv
CfET the ident" asked the manager pieudly. "Sec ichat thnt guy
VJ has done! It's a cincA for him te trim Leenard, Trndlcr, A'an
sax and Jtickten en the same m;iht. Sever sate such tcrtre-ujii in my
life. He Ml ST be geed."
Established Reputation at Panama
T&ITTLE by little the story enme out. Terrible Terry has been In Panama
-f for five or sW jears and made e.ulte n name for himself. He has been
knocked out, lest decisions, but nfter thee upsets came back strong and tri
umphed. All of thii Is told fluently in the clippings,
"I never saw him in ueth'n," said the manager, "but he is poed. He
dime up here last August and, nfter hanging around a couple of weeks, he
boxed .lehnny Martin in ,Iere, Terry thought he boxed him In Trenten,
but he was mistaken. I knew, lie appenred in Newark and wen casil. He
get the towns mixed because he is u stranger up here.
"Yeu should read of hew he wen the welterweight championship. It was
a grand fight. Knocked out Smiling l'nt Klley in seven rounds. Made him
quit. And this guy Kiley is a wonder. Greatest cer. Why, he licked "
Never heard of him, either, we interposed.
That's your hard luck," responded Wiermuller. sarcastically. "Here's
Wtaeie jour education improves llae u leek at tins sterv of the fight.
e- We looked nnd read as follews:
When tlie gong .sounded for Hie end of the seentli round Itcfcree
Eddie U'lteurkc announced te the audience that Pat Kiley hnd broken
""Beth hands and tnercfore forfeited the battle. Necr did Terry Itlchards
fight such a grand battle.
"Ain't that n grand write-up?" asked the manager preudh . "Made
the ether guy quit after een rounds. Can't beat that."
"Hut hew did Klle break his hands?" we asked indifferently. ' On
Terry's head or fac?"
"Nothing like that," responded Wiermulh-r scornfully. "I didn't see the
light nnd I neer base seen him light, but Terr) Isn't that kind of a battler.
Klley just broke his hands that's all."
The c.ipplngs weie w nipped up quickly and tucked under the isiters
axm. He looked at us reproachfully and sal 1 :
4 w
ffpiIIS guy is all tendy te go became new he acclimated te thr
climate. He is the tensntwn. He's get n record, he has, and
he didn't buy it in u phnnvuraph factory. I'm telling you all about
?iim because he is .111 ' L geed. Just mention it some time, won't
Raivlings Gets Gate Frem McGraw
J AWN JAY MrfjRAW i building up for another National League pennant,
''nnd the profits of la-t jenr are being used for thnt purpose. He kicked
irlv heavily te (lurry Herrmann when lie pun based Ileini.- (Smb. ami this
means a change In his line-up. Heinle will play third base, 1'rNch ill Ku
te second and Johnny It.iwllng . one of the Ih'sI setnnd-sackcrs-in tlie busi
ness last jear ets the a.r
j This ti tough luck for .lehnny Iov jear he tu with the Bosten Urnves.
but nobody ver gave him u tumble. He nc.er was gucn a regular chami"
te phew what he had, and as a result almost wus lest m the shuffle. He ap
peared in the line-up whin a regular was injured.
Last season he plmed renularly with the Phils and made a great record.
He attracted the notice nt Mctiraw and .lawn purchased him from the local
club. He assisted in winning the pennant , and it was Ids brilliant fielding
eYi'Unker's hard greundi r In the last game that, wen the World Series. He
Kft6 acclaimed a here, the greate-i second-sucker n the world, nnd new he
CTs the gate. Such i nw.ird in baseball.
Cr Anether faithful worker steps out of the C.ethnm picture in the Oreh
leL Ueerge Hums, one of the steadiest, most (eniistcnt players in the
League, gees t., Clnennmll next jenr Cleerge neer was a brilliant per
former, but plued 100 per cent baseball and alwaju could be depended upon.
He will be a gnat ,i-itt for the Ite,s.
McfJrnw is h11( nd.ng inutirx for players and he always lias been liberal,
but the pun-has" of 'liaile 1 1 Cenner from the Paeilic Coast League gets
the brown deiln ferdiiu "' reports, .ST.r,0"O was paid ter (lie outfielder
anu nc ueewi t -em i ,n.u unt.i i;'e. Unit u let of monej i., be
up jer u yeai.
I LL ei
nl.ncis, flcurp It's a matter of lurk, this
socking a ball 150-odd yards from the
tee rlcht Inte the hole
I A few think it's a gift. Seme think It
, can be done with just the t I..M mixture
I nt the nineteenth. Others think It's the ,
ein e-ln-a-llfctimc peifect stroke. '
I Net Tem Natale, the sizzling young ,
I pre nt Laiisdewiie. lie has the data,
i It all depends en a luckv ciicumstunce.
He was iilnving in a foursome the ether
i dnv nt Philmont They came te the'
I fourth hole, something like 100 yards.
1 "I've get just the club for this hole,
i Teny," ut) spoke one of the ethers.
1 "Here. Make jour shot with my club.
"Sure will," answered Natale ea- I
getly. His ball sinncked en the green i
url rolled Inte the cup.
All present had a leek and then step
ped back aghast at what the young,
expet t had done.
"Nethini; strnnge, nothing conceal-1
rd." assured Ten v. "Whenever any
body offers te lend you u strange club i
'with which te play a short hole, take
him Ui. The last time seme!sid did that I
te me I made n mie nt the Morien ninth
bole. Here I Inw- done the same thing
I de it every time. I li.ne done it twice.
That pnncs it."
The Plans
The u'tial mob wa gathc-ed open
mouthed in the doorway of SpahlingV i
' Chestnut street store having a leek at '
! the newest golf Kame. Despite its close I
.attention te lie iraine the crown wai
forced te gln way te the shoes of a
pink, sunkissed young man who busted
into tlie stoic nue a corn out ei u uei
wen. - Vel jjectDG
Te Tmimk or asj
FOR. FRterJD wtFe .
' ''JmA
ArsD fJMINt)
ane CesceJTRATlJG
pecipe Te Ge
IT Tiuu TbMORaew-
(0H 0
Football, Track and Baseball Saw Him in Majer Cess,
Elmer Oliphant, of Army, Was His Closest
rPAwn .
n nn nn ennnni e
ft- w u ir y bi k x
OTi: that n Philadelphia Judge
fined a Camden speedster ten
a lei
bucks. These birds getta learn It don't
i nnj te come ever here nnd burn all the
coating off our new pnemcnts.
ICnclmtlinll Itu'iw TftSfJsil.TIpnilllttn
tie. threw his hat and coat en a counter Kiwanis Club Attempting Fer- j Sert of :i court trial.
and, hands en hips, te a small group I
matien of Organization for
All Branches of Spert
of eelfers made n speech. It was a geed
Heb Harnett, for it was indeed he. If
the newh elected president of the Phl'a
ilelphia Professional (Jelftrs' Associa
tion. He Is Idling no crabgrass grew under
his feet, l'rem the moment fie was clod
ill he bus been stepping nut for the new
project, lhs heml Is red, his ngcre-sivc-iii,,
contagieiii-, his ideas exi client.
"In Philadelphia." commenced the
url,!.. of Pneli. "there are at least
seentv-ftvc pros nnd assistant,'. Thej known as the Delaware County Puhlii
are all automatically tnembeis of the High Scheel League.
Philadelphia P Ci A. TIip free mem- According te William A. Yeagcr.
bership lasts till dues become paynble. principal of the Ridley Park High
Anril 1. 111"-. , .Scheel, the Kiwanis Club, of liester.
Transplanting him te the Pole
Greundi may male Heine Oreh better.
Headlines ray. "Shoemaker te meet
Oreciilei'f in rubber match." Suppose
pri'.e will be pair of O'Sullivuns or
lubber plant, according te the winner.
After seeing some of our boxers in
piM.-sh are under way ter me ier- ecin. it ran easily be seen they clen'i
-- matien ei a new seneiasnc lumciic fight for i tiling,
league next tan. ine circuir win ue
TWs Is going te be a progressive.
active club. Our object is ciwe pride in
our professional golf. We want te raisi
the standard of piajing by ineic oin ein oin
petltieu, by eliminating piejudlcc-, bj
better fellowship among ourselves.
"On Mendaj afternoon next the
Ceminlttcc of Peurteen will met at
llelinac's te make definite plans.
"In the meantime we liepe te lime
i cet-tecetlier dinner this winter. We,
want te arrange a team match between wouldn't hn
If you can't raise the price of a share,
raise ii beard.
Fred Stene tcants te buy the lied
Sex. Don't knew whether Stene can.
nvitcd the principals of all tlie public , but ..recka migM
illi;il l.-,UM- ill I i-flt ll I- l,U H,, , II
dinner some time age. The purpe-e of ,Vi.. w.. .. n t- n .
the dinner was te try te form a league mS'i!". " " ' ' 6 M"
cemimsed of the leuntv high sclioeN. ,
"The Kiwanis Club." said Mr. Mea
ger, "was vcrj anxious for u te form
a league. However, this was impess,.
ble. this year at least. Yeu see we had
already lempleted our schedule, for
baseball, basketball and football, mil it
been right for us te enii-
Women bear pain better than men.
The guy nt the box office sajs se.
'I Men plays Jehnsen a tenuis match
in th I'tiin gym tonight, .lie, we knew
Hill's genna win.
ten pros and ten amateurs ai some cct t lie sanies.
.eurse in geed condition. The first "It was decided nt the dinner that
match is practically fixed for next we would get together again for another (
week. Following it we will discuss ether meeting.
matches. "About four weeks age we had nn-
etlier session, lint neiiiim; was dienlcd
.. . ...... inline,--,"
I-or tne r. u. . mie delinitelj. The athletic dirccteis of all
"As It new stands, en May 1 we will 0f the high schools did net attend tl e
start the ball rolling for n better show- meeting, se we leuld accomplish net li
ng by rniiacii ipinn pies in me nin'ii inf.
We tmve nec cempieiPii our scneu- t
ii in ii yi.fi tu prove r.jf baseball u taifc awiMi ler a lean
tX jav I few dn,s after the football traien i nded the knmUts J
the diai"jiul lined up the biaan band and grabbed the entire stiuje.
Te Decide Grid Title Tomorrow
rTTHL final g.ii.ii- of tne t,ln nf for the Cathelu- SrhoeU League
-L chnmpienshlp will l p'eud en I i ttiklin Pie'd tuinurrew tit 1 :.'ln
nern Prep will n,n St Jeseph's Pnp for the tlile
The League this sensen cinled !n 'i three-c ,fn red tie West C.ithol.e
St. JeHetih'H Piep and VI'Iiiiiemi Pn i, wcrt the tennis iliadhv keil. Ob Thank's
lvlng Dnv St JeMph's ditwuxl i itlmlic ai., V.llaueva huh seekid l v'r
Catholic High 7-t! W. st C,th.,. previeiislj hud liraten Catholic' Hlg.i
whlle Vl'lnneia had bcafui St Jes.ph's and Cjtlieln , and St Jesm.Ii'm i,,i,i
socked West Cut lielie and Catholic '
Lnst Krbhn en Stinwbridge . Clothier field, S:tv-tlmd and Walnut
BiTePiH, t iiiiiiieii, en u u'rv niueiiv ueiii, supped a 7-0 win
Cntneiic in tii" tirsi rd.u-eif The .Mum Liners, hj
Tight te pinv St Jesipl.'s, wlilili tMtn Iiad iceehei
for the title
'"tlpf.U, ,.' ; bj Pul' I 1,,'nrrli
events". We will held a eunlifv ing reunil,
the best eight seeiis te quallfv for the
match pla for our P. C A. title. These I
matches will be plajcd en time fellow- I
ng Mendajs. '
"P.y June we will have our champion
and the present p ans are te send him
te I he I lilted St.H's open. Ineldi ntallv
we hope iheie will be n team of about
fifteen te go en the smne liiiin, st,n
, ni the same hotel nnd play as much for
Mie honor of our association and Phila-
lilphin a- for Individual glen
"l'verj Mendaj we hope te have soul,
kind of an event, hnndicues, auiatMii auiatMii
pre, team matches, and every ether va
'rietj. It will set a pre thinking about
1 his game, lie will practice, get experi
ence and lenlideiue. We will chnllcugi
ether districts. On a geed dnv most pies
plaj even, experience, etc., being even,
The Cup
I We plan a cup for the club whose
'pre wins the title and a geld medal for
the pre, bislds the cash pilse.
Thisc aie the main teui miiin nt plans
te he bieiight before the meeting Men-
Anether idea which is one of the best
of" all is semi thing in the line of n
'e'fers' fschnnge nnd town clubhouse.
It is hoped, said President Harnett, te
ariange some kind of cpiaiters in a cen
tral place In town, n clubhouse, club
eraii or net.
Here the various spoiling geed?.
Iirm s (euld have their wan- en exlli exlli
bitieii. golf magazines and ethei r nd
.ng nmtier pievided with billtnnls nnd
caiii t.ihlis. The plans are veiy cm h
just in tin making. An.vwav it would
tie a leiivenlent place fei tlie pi ok te
' drop in ter nn idle hum occnsienallj
i where tin) could see inch ether.
With such plans the association dp.
seivcs nn 'ess and tl i btic.ing of u
who have local golf interests at heart.
uies for neit jear; (n fact, we hive
net ever started them. We arc waiting
te spp just what pregiess will be made,
nnd if evervtlilng weiits out right, Illd
'c Park will be u member of the p;o p;e
posed league."
The league, as planned by tlip Ki
v .nils Club, will iin Hide Hidlej P'lk,
ltndner, Laiisdewne t)i I v. i m
I)arb, Ilavprferd Township, Chester,
Media and Swnithineie It will l one
of tlie biggest sclielastlc athletic league
it the count r.v.
Ne vitipn fl tlnfl Ik1inftnta fvna In ImIfi
Idk It iliM,ii't tiiriin hf'n fllns for semr
fcluvilj work.
Kneeling iti the mud of u seg'v grid
iron has no hoirers for W. and J. utli
Iet s. They nru used te a (lieasy Neal.
Ail -American liirher wlilte mule.
Wc knew a guy who married a mnni
cuie. He's cured.
Vtn theiiRh tlip war Ik ever, flu ball
libeiTH are still tlzhtlnx thn dnift.
Northwestern Seeks Rockne
(liltiiRii. fJcc. S Knute Hecknn, foeil all
eia li .t Nulrt, I) one, vai iiiU) te r, uimUt
oensi ci itien an th auc , per of JJlner Me
I'evlt. inntlmll reuch ,i NorthvMiaiern Uril Uril
erlt U Dnvltt. nccctrillni; t, rciMtrtn, ,s II
nut r, 'urn ivit tr H initncm i,r uluinni
ami un I rwr.cluftlt.h' InKlles- fa rn Oir std'C
t en ,,' ,i ,eich v he v 1)1 he at thy unlvctslty
at le it nm.' lultithH In thw ji-ar
Cliveden Coach Says Lack of
Practice and Less of Tuter
Costly te Archives
"Northeast High's basketball team
will bear watching in Its future games
this season. The team hns had only n
few days' practice, nnd has net been j
able te get Its passing game down te I
perfection ns yet. This stntement was
made by Conch Davisen, of (Jerman
town High Scheel, shortly after the
Cllvedens had defeated Nerthenst, 41
IS, in its opening Interschelnstlc League
basketball game yesterdny afternoon,
"Then, tee," continued tlie Green
and White tutor, "the Archives hnve
been forced te practice without their
coach, Mr. flerncy, who has chnrge of
the lied nnd Ulnek five nnd fins been ill
for some time ; that accounts In n large
way for their peer showing today.
"Mr. Gerney, by the way, will net be
able te tnke ever the affairs of the team
until the end of the week. The doctor
has ordered him te Ftny away from his
nthletcs until thnt time, nnd he didn't
even see the gnme today.
The work of "SI" Lungten, captain
I elect of tire 1022 football team, was the
I feature of the tame, The stocky center
I made six goals from field during the
fuss, nnd completely outplayed Gcrsen,
' Nerthenst's noting enptnin.
dene iinrrctt, enptuin of last year s
baseball team and captain-elect of tlie
nine this season, also plaj'ed u wonder
ful game. Jlnrrctt stuck te his men nil
the time, nnd neither Illnnchi nor Hcl
niich, who took his plnce, wns nble te
register n point. Hnrrett also mnde u
wonderful shot from behind the center
Hurley. Germantown's captain, proved
that lie is one of tlie best forwards in
the league. The jeungster netted four
Held goals, and managed te drop ten
out of eighteen, free tosses into the
A Confession
Can it be that I'm getting old,
Uy Time eutbidt
I de net care new for the cold,
f As I once did.
Fer tchen the irintcr gales sweep by
Or through the nation,
I yearn then for a sunlit sky,
And perspiration.
Tlie All -SlnrParade
Ne. 3. The Greatest AU-Around Ath
lete WITHOUT wasting nny prcllmlnnry
wind-up wc nominate our caudl
dnte for this Important office en tlie
i pet: James Thorpe, of Cnrlible, Copen
hagen nnd nil points East or est.
Thorpe is tlie greatest nll-nreund nth nth
lete that the world has ever known, In
se fnr ns the quivering linger of scien
tific research can locate nil lending can
didates. As a football player he could punt,
drop kick or plnce kick with the best.
He could run nn end or hit a line wltj
the best.
He could forward pass or handle n
fervvnrd pnss with tlie best.
And he wns one of the greatest de
fensive players in the game, n hard,
bure tackier who rarely missed his man.
Add te this the greatest durability in
football history, u man of iron, who
never took out time in Ids college cn
rcer, nnd jeu linvc In Jim Thorpe the
greatest piece of all-round football llesh
ever known. That's merely one station.
As nn Olympic stnr lie came back
with n trunk full of medals. They may
have tnken them away later, but lie wus
the one Hint earned them en the field.
He was n sprinter, u jumper, n weight
thrower, n hurdler the world s nll nll
nreund athletic champion in 1012.
As n buseball player he was geed
enough te reach the big lengue and stay
there for quite n spell.
He wasn't the greatest ball player
that ever lived, but he wns geed. A
line outfielder and btnr base runner, he
hit nbove .300 in mere than one cam
paign. ,
Who is there en the docket te beat
this amazing combination at football,
baseball, field nnd track?
DImer Oliphant. of Purdue nnd West
Point, is his closest rival. Oliphant
possibly may have ndded one or two
additional sports. Hut he wns never nble
te reach the same heights In track. Held
or bnttcball, nor was he ns versatile in
If Jim Thorpe doesn't bend the list
for nll-nreund athletic greatness we
pnubc for it reply.
Football and Luiit
WD SOMETIMES wonder If the gods
of destiny or fate or luck don't
indulge in a winking spell nt times as
mortals attempt te nrrange nnd segre
gate the lntircl for leading teams and
icnuing' siuip.
Fer luck plnys a tremendous part In
foetbn!ln nnnunl drama, well pest the
average Idea along these lines.
There is net only the luck of u16
play Itself, but the luck of injuries and
Princeton, for example, gets !!,
nnd Oarrlty- hurt in the first gam?
nnd with the finest prospects in N'assat!
history a whole year gees upon this
shoals. Fer ns I.ourie and Garrity re.
turn, Keck nnd Wlttmcr fnde out.
Harvard hnd from four te six geed
men constantly en the limping n8t
while both I'cnn State nnd Pittsburxh
were hard lilt. Net te forget Rebert,
eon, of Dnrtmeuth, and French, of
West Point.
Tlie riay Itself
TT MAY be charged that this tnta
X deesi
It docs.
doesn't go for the play itself. Dut
"I recall n certain game," reraatVM
Fielding Yest, "where wc played fine
foetbnll the first two periods, outplay.
Ing our opponents by n wide margin
The rcoje nt the end of the first half
wns 0-0. We were net quite se geed
in the lnst two periods, yet we ran tin
&1 points." '
"In the first half every break was
against us. In the second half CTety
break came etfr way. This difference
was geed for 31 points in two periods.
It is quite possible for a team te be
badly outplayed, out-rushed, out
kicked and out-tackled, yet win."
Nothing could be truer.
Ynlc clearly outplayed Princeton, due
in part nt least te the physical defection
of Keck, Wlttmcr nnd Stinson.
Yet if Gilroy, ns he came within a
flnsh of doing, had gotten nwny tvlth
that last long pass Princeton would
hove wen.
Tilts Is net meant te suggest that
luck rules the sportive destiny of the
race. Hut it plays a btar rele at times,
which means that tee frequently tee
much credit is given the winner awl
tee little credit is given tlie katen.
Often when adulation is heaped upon
one side, with criticism piled upon tie
ether, the laughter of the gods must k
resonant nnd long.
CepvrluM. 1011. All ntehts Ketenri
Killlngcr te Get Ninth Letter
Strife College, rn.. Dec. H. Some celltcti
athlefn havn te Btrlve mighty hard In oreer
te llnnlly win tlie much-coveted virslty lot let
it, nnd when thry llnu ly reclve tlie aivjnl
they nre much elatcil However, varalty lt
tria de net signify se rrui h te Gknn Kllltn
err IV n n Htntc's wonderful iiunrtrrbnrk nd
nll-urnund slur, for vhn hi Is aw.irdcJ Us
football "S" tlili fall It will lw the ninth
lfttcr thnt he hns wen at I'enn Htatf H
has tHen a resular Ter thrre jenrs In foot feot foet
linll, baulictba'l an! haseh.ill, and nevir wn
there a mom faithful worker te ever rep
resent the Hluu anil W't Ue
' II I I " "
2 for 25c, new. . . $6 per 100
10 Straight, new. $5 per 100
8c Cigar, new. . . .$4 per 100
These cinars arc really remarkable values. -Wc invite jour
insriectien. Come in this week.
Wail Orders. Catli, Menty Order or Check
rw.Mi.f..,! tfifin
IJZ2 t'fSi iWKi Kt'E1
.- i.- ;aw,- WJi,- :v Stf? TOK iWk
Bouts and Saddle
Let Fatima smokers
tell you
ever Wet
this vier.it y. earned the
a bjc in tlie drawings
Industrial and Independent Contest
en Tonight's Program
Many Important iinsltctLail giu.ii -. .ire
( hi jier, ter -
w ll.'.O tin- MV
. ' i
rn-th tomorrow evening.
nn Kiinii- in ne pinjed.
auetiicr cage
Will WitllO'
at ft I nemas' nai. ,;j,,lt
nm Morns t-tiei'ts. u linn ..i
iiuili s .. miliar. ..unit iuect Itlllv lets' Ai!.r. Aldttruz. Maize I "tml
, Immaculate Conception live In u return I.bert. Apple .lack. lal'l;lltl'
game Imiiiaeulite
Amiinnu en tl,.. I..-.
.,. . -1.-.1..1.. A.nn.. .... ...n .... . - "
nn wic M.-IH.-IIUII- uiiumib nn- -nun..-. , downtewners hav
leneuea and independent team" tins' the .lcfe.it m
nvtnins. At Yennah Hall, 2V2? Wen , '1'he Central Yeung Men'r- Hebrew-
.. .. .... luLHl ill .. ,1, ....... .....
,r.-.,. nil,",, iin lu.-i-r .IKMler . A n
ICCCIltl lli.flat.Vl
fleer, and the
net recovered from
III'- iiiii,ii;iijiiiu ... .. . . IT .. ..,.. '' lit
,ii i ii r .1 "'K liretheis' Jlnll, '', Seuth Van I'elt
iue will held forth. st ,,,.(, ,, , Rlllw .'Veirard
centet-tH are te be. Avenue Thentie, at Seveiuh street and
American Indciienilenfs
ii.. DhiHieii ie:i
Petnmbln. avenue, the
Manufacturers' Leng
.ml two lmnertant
,i-i.i..i llrliuiil nveniie
m, i'hllndelphin Terminal live, of the "la) ,llL A "
T It. It., inectH Art Leem. Thin is the
. .,..rA.Mi.ini.i.. f il... trnlne.cu bavc . . McLelsh Sprains Ankle
Mpsi. '' ( iimlu lilit.. Vln j,,
mt. und tlie Keenaii rijmm will ie ' ihur Mi't.fiH. t , nn,
. . . .i .i .. T'in i,i in
eelre Its nnnicHt ie-i m ik mnvi
tme KeyHtene Telephone opposes
VleUher. Oaucliir.' will fei ew.
" At the home of tlie Smith I'uill.v
Hebrews the downtewners will engasc
ill the epenlnB centeHt with their ureal
erit rivals. The SpluiK meet Kayeula
Cailielle Club. Tlie lament cievmI of the
Lf ruBHen will be en luuui, uiui .MamiKtrH
' i'ssfcen, of the Nnlinti, anil I'eter Kli
L . . "s ll.
I A purse for nil ues nt mx furleiiKS
Is the tcatuic efferliiK nt Ni vv OileuuH
this nfteriioeii. Valer appeal h best. I
with llebev I5.il.cr and Tedv us- i.
leinierri. Woedtinp is alvvuvt cIiiiiki i - '
mis. bitt the dibtulice sc-Llnn tee heft
for line , , ,
Heif.es well placed in etl.cr r.i, e- nr:
Ftrr-t ia,e Ilullef Ten ti.t i is:.,-
sum Heuse. Sn end Miss , !, l (;.
. .....1... In ...... 'C1.1..1 .. I .
(I, Her, ! .Ulllieruiiuiii.'i-. I" nn .liiiin
rwe i
Sixth ,
fins,, S.'Otrl! el llllt. vv 11. IIUlKlier
Seventh A. O. Htulie, Our lin tliduj , '
At II.i.ma I'lrst race I.iitle Uiuclt
Sli'iep, Cjdiinia, Dalusn. Second
Tiiinnt, Klnc Werth. I'el.cv It. Third
Midiun, Hrviihiinah. Tun Kvis. .
reurth--Peasant, Stuihudi r. I'd (Inrn (Inrn
sen. 1'iftli - l'acficr. Mud Ndl, Oiils.
Sixth- Timethj .1. H"Knn. K inv. nil,
fji eij;e W.
I l,U
I n,
' Hiti"! ila
until I, ft
I'lfH t ITk "
ter ta t rv rl
Jl.iie T f.un. t'li
e,,l i,i sit lun
Hi I l,
I i iii
lli.l i .
- ' liTitltllt I
'Wil lnk. tl,nll
'i a kli II - (.urn..
l. J-I'M til , t,. U11
Mt'.Hl'lll ,..
h rii.i r , ,,, a.
M' '.. Ch'H I, Ml. .1
' i jrnlis ,. 1 ts
n 1 1 , u In
ir, .. 1 I inn
It v .-
will te, K i i .,11,
in U.Un
, Ofl tlHM I
. st .1.1 I
'.iatrlek, of Kayeulu, will trot out tlieir
likMUWt: une-upu. xne sccne kiiiiih ie
h" 3PJti?fy' "all, Twenty-third nnd
Chinese te Play Nativity
The Al.f'hlti"e CelipRlmin luhlipthnll t"n
will tr.ivpl te Flelurnrts xtreet nn.l A'lmh.-ny
avenur. Hittunlny nlicht tu mtn the .Nntluiy
C C en tlm lutttT's flper. The name win
atnrt at 8 o'clock,
Natlv'ty will ue lta remilar line-up acalnit
ttis Orientals. The uptown caemen expect
te annex the same.
I ei.U l'r-ll.lfl 'l' t .mm u lii n
1, r . of s, I, 1(1 I II
pl r,. iwun lli-lm.
ai mill. 'i..l th.it In
, ' M
TIiit." i.ih ten ' r ii... .no J, iK. n'
S ,,i .ii, l.unif ! ' " i. ri?, u tu Hi.,
fmiit ,f Vel rh 1- r il. I ihf i, ill Jt j
ni, lil Hint uft 'In M ,'i.l iv t.llil! Inn
rl ,lpn r.s", r,r m vmip 111 i r,,u 1 In les
Huil in 7i Muilnvllt iiiiit. llrm with I'on I'en
niaii t,si,i.tl
Army Five Trips Columbia
Went Point. N. v.. I)fc 8,Army Iren
Ce.umliln at lin kcilult here 2(1 tu 17 li
one of the tuuum anil hnrdent feuitht wumes
ever etaged at Wc't l'elnt, The cadets led
at half-time. 0 e 7.
AttiSlwS &V.V
S e.j L
IJWfgWg " Nothing else
&$& Mt
but taste the difference
' 1
Lionel Electric Trains
m Ne. 159 '.'$4.75 "B- 56.25 &
g Ne. 160 7.25 S. 9'25 I
$ Ne. 155 8 00 reS- 1 l'Q0 '$
& Ne- 162 12.50 .e- 14-25 A
Ili Semaphores, fitat'ena Tunnel", SwitcLc, Urlilijcs. Kxtr.i Stetinns frf
V of Tracks and Trnnnfermera. Tit,
,fe AfflAa iKLC icemtuu outfit J? A t
ftil Electric tm-M fift f&y V $
$ F.r Bii.ri WMA Women's Skates $0,50 3
w Current ''SrtSa&iAi . ti W
m 0a.fi., WXS& 'and Shoes cy?& $
JJjjJ 8 Lamps Vgly i Outfit ;
All Hquipe,l .h lone illk renll'.,,'"r'' SPATES. $1.50 ,l
igi "nd r.C whlt ami Kre n bulb MI UV.Kh Orvrt. 1 1- V JJJ
Repninted Gelf Balls Srj-75
Union Hardware Ball-BenrinC
Reller Skates SI 7Ci
1.1 J
. Pair
WMMeMH "ras
I'nret'l l'ni,
-ui.' Kitrn
nt.ii i rr,,r s i., Sheets -J
'' l"i.i. ,i , i linn, nfc cartrliluc
High-Pevcr 22-Cnl. SAVAGE RIFLE (Reg. $55) $30
Daisy Pump Gun $4 00
Air Rifle Shet (Tube) .'.'.'.'. ie5
roetbnllo, fine quality
. . 75c up .ji
& Xmas Special Boxing
B Gloves p
it of Jp gP
our g. jR
Punching Baes. $9
Special, $
M SkmL
.75 T
50 yJL
Liggett & Mvers Tobacco Ce.
jkATFI QHADDrwrrA fj.
-ZS.A . . ... - - .w WT-a&,& LULU ?
Ri wool bcarts $1.00 Sliatine- rnn!i 7Sc S
SU Al1 Goods larcel Pett. 25r Pt 'jfl
t "i