Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1921, Night Extra, Page 18, Image 18

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" .V
r -(..
P. & J. Crasi JPre&e
Decision Is Due
CabHnetd from l'aee One
the great less of life. Tmu point cer
tainly h.is benn ctab Uhed beyond
dnibti Hut what's the ui of te king
atitmt woetlen coaches? The mllieidj
hnisthes) coaches, is iislnj them, ind (
wlten theve ifi a wreck of tint lut .1
hc4fy tell of life i. cxnetcd." '
ft I
Victim of wreck
I the elucidation of certain parts of thr RICH MAN FOUND DYING
iiuw jriffii Hgrccincm wis uuv
rfiwiittf i riA, 4 .nt- t Tei-u
. -'". a ua '- '-. llni '
Hnjtah, n victim of the Brjn Athn '
wr5K, wa burleil here tedaj- from t lie
herim of his brother -in-In w. Dr. Mel- 1
InVH. A'lcn. firt vice preMetu of the ,
International Maenic Club D
Hatch erlclnnl'v came freru thl. rlty. :
though mere lately lie Inert in New. '
tewg. Tie win a graduate of the dental
icb'eejl of the I'nlvcMlty of renn'.R
ni&kwlth tin ela of 1W1 njid main
talnejl eflW. in the Penfield Building,
rewdf, of curieu peple who .antd
te eMe the funeral ere disappointed
wneii they learned that the rerilees
werV private and of n ery simple nu
hirei? The bdi a rived here ou the ,
11 IA. M. train today and a imme- mnehe church be put i.ve cennnet
dlatejy taken e the home of Dr AUn 1 ,lW .,.,.1 .,.,,,,. .,, ,u '
A lYnall grnup of re'ati-M wrr the ' "ud V',1J " collfetl.. opr. epr. opr.
enljOnoumerr, ever the indeed e.it-k.i. 1 ion thc ulPa " bumble et the
it .was anneun 1 however, that L'r. tnetie coieay. sue Knew old 1st
Hatch a identification w pesimc , uii. she said, und he wj-c t
iri" HK . OTi. iVtO Mi IT riliUii V t " I 4,
Immediately taken te the Charles l su a 3" ,,. c. ,r, .,
CerR?tcry for interment ,. .1ut, She Tl'"Ph
- Ie-vecuy here." Md ,h 'r., g.
vrrTvnTf m?t ire tin ,lJ w,Ml tllc le;'bd hair, "mi. bc
ir iUJUJV ill-ylH,iJ . I1L' uni til
r ? --i
IB STATION V. wt , L- 1
lini Illil MMMIIMMIl01MIMIhllllyll ""I i ,J,,tS '.f s-v
v - . ,
The illarram evplalns the rtlathe pesltlcn of trains In Monday's ratal rrcrk near Brjn Atliyn. Train Ne. 101,
from riil.ndc1n.ilA, a ;eliduled te meet and pass Train 154, a mllU train, anil Train 150, a cemmntcra'
train, bennil cltnvard. Ne. lel and 151 were both late or they would lune passed at Huntingdon Valley siding.
The conductor of Ne. 11. tlie milk train, raltcd a Brnt Atliyn because he Itncw lie could net Ke further In
afety w Hi Ne. l.M appreaclilux. Tlie milk train waited far mieurIi behind tlie sldirts switch te be "In the
clear." e Ne. t&l could pass the Mtlteli And luck in. ThN na dene and the milk train proceeded. The nils,
talte came m licit Ne. 1.11 did net reiitlnue te al. as ordered, for Ne. 150, but left the sld.njr, only te meet
Ne. 15(1 lie.id'iin In the rock cut a tnlle away
Hollywood Felks .
Champien "Fatty"1
Contluaed from Vittt On
Tokie Tentatively
Accepts Program
Centiiinpil from Tate One
I ranee. tlI be flTier
i rr.eti.tcr
"' tli "-bole business ha? bf.i nnrfp
j'j ''irt hi iuc Mimiej, 10 ueicin n"u.
rbl.. it U
lidiearcd bv the Bntlf.h lll revlinie
th Ansle-Jnpancpc Alliauce. ThlE
"ill b the mlnlmuH aMeaiplitbment
of thrt Ceuferenee
All Evjf'teI te Accept
Freed Prisoners
JAke Peace Treaty
definitely arranged, hut It was censld
ercd quite likely at Ne. 10 Downing
street today that Sir Jamea Craig, the
Premier; Lieutenant Ce encl Spender,
Secretary for the I'lster Cabinet, and
Sir Hrnnt Clark, under' secretary,
would cress from Ireland tonight and
ire Mr. Llevd Gceree tomorrow.
The Prlme Minister gees te Chequers.
Court this afternoon for a tew neurs
relief from his arduous labors of recent
1 wcpiib. no win return 10 i.eimuu te
morrow morning.
Lord Londonderry, the leader In the
TJfcter Senate, Is quoted In a dlspa'fh
te the Dully Mirror from Belfast as
saying regarding the Irish agreement :
"This ia a settlement. Tncre will
of course, have te be adjustments, but
for geed or' 111, 11 settlement will neu
cme en the Hues of the present pro
posal. One may hope for the best with
out being excessively optimistic."
Washington. Dec. $. It is predicted
in Washington the Irish I'rc State
v. Ill Ies! little time in establishing un
nitrite rerdliile with her tMcr home-
' ruled (-tatei In the "Commonwealth 0
British Nations." One point is of par-
I ticulnr interest te the ceuutry. Can-
' ada is ttlll ktruggiin? for separnte and
independent diplomatic re ntlens with
M11- 1,'ultcd States. She want her ewu
MiniMT and legation here. Iu that
ocpiratien fche is certain te find an eager
ally In the IrWi Tree State.
The pre:;pect 1? net remote that be-
I fore many months both the mapleleaf
"f Canada and the shamrock of Ireland
may be fljlng ever diplomatic estab
lishments en the Potomac.
Ireland Is expected te establlsb at
In the
Hareld A. Blair, of Newark, Uncen
acleus at Wheel of Car
New Yerk, Dec. S Hareld A
titnlthr nrriiiii nf the I'ulen Lean
Company of Newark, Is In n precarious , wken te tu
ondltlen In the Orange, IS. .1., J emer- 1 ,wfem
ai Hospital, l'ursiu nns ncneve nc win
Waahlnnten D. Bead Pennsylvania Railroad for flft ,i
Washington D. Bead, wventy-flvc I''rct red iwcent T,, . rer thi (
cars old, of Somers Point, N. J., died lfnatiUhiS
I suddenly lest night at the home or nu r tburg. Mr. Bear was nrnemVt I
Ben-ln-law, Reuben W. Smith, HOI the Pennsylvania Society, Sens $ ti
(White Herse pike, Colllngsnecd. . . Revolution, University Ledge v 'n;5.e
ntnlr I Mr. Reed was stricken with paralysis F. and A. M., this city, and .
1 lenuay wun in tMiiiiiiuc "' "" euiiirei.
nome et nm sen-in-iaw, ne in MirviTPii uy nis wile and n ra
planned te spenu tunerni services win be held at fvj
llHMdlllAA.I V It l (1 V A ! I 1 viri
TJent ring ntrhe bits 't twiiitcil
Jewelry bunches of l.ev au automatic
plsf'i'. coins a'l mute tctl'-ifiii ncu-
Bethayrcs -har! bd.n turriPil eer m
the-IIccrman mrtunrs hi lcnKlllr1ll
ncfare capcted 10 aid In ilt'rm'.iung
the exact nun her of d'iil
Ra'Iread m"n gathered 11 larg bakHt
filled with the artie'e found in the tinal
combine of th roadbed n' the wnxk
scene. In another basket were parts
of mere bodies.
There is a Utr belt bicl'e, .m
tialed "N E It" be! eied te ha
fceen worn I" Netmin F. Rhnd. of
Ohurchvillc. Tt and ane'her nrit
watch that ma have btn tvem I" Mis
,Emma Leedem. of Sourhamuten
A tag isiued b a Plr'adelphla -tore
nad the number ' lSStV engraved en
It. There is a bunch of keys, with an
Identification tag Usued by the Travel
rs' Protective Association, numbered
"131320 '
Toels Aid Identtflc.it toil
Small pieces et C''d. once rm?s or
lockets, will serve no p'jrpcc in work
qf Identification Jb' rnicis,n!l.' tee',
carried by Cisr-nc" 1" Shu'i x''. '!
his home s Phi'adi-ia te taL--' a u.
?ind who perished m the wreck. wri"
jfeund, with bis key. 1 nums tut.
Jden ificatien a peslm-e our
There is an automatic pitd. te, 1 .
heat bad caused dichars of thr cart
ridges. There are also th hand' from
handbags, brigbt-colerl head in; 1
twisted bits of mta! which were once
stickpins or breeches. Iu all. there ar
eight bunches of key
Mr. Hagerman will place the artlc'e
en display at his ether, wbere rclathcs
of the dead may examine them
I The sum of money found after the
Week Is small. Intense hen: destrej,.!
wallets and cknblng, b-jmini in pnper
money or documents. Mar of the cnu
Sound are welded tccbci
Twe mere Identification clashed n
positive wvre made at the M rgi. . u a
&g the total of identified dead 'oeu 'eeu
Itten. J Friends identified a bidr that of
Charles Preus. of Uast C', aientii'
'treet, Philadelphia
Anether Identification made teliy
was that of Geerge 'Send, fertv-r'uee
fears old, 260S West Stilee street, a
'. and R carpenter
A bit of black sateen outer irt and
a small natch of tni nbbei' te, H
lined underweT enbl-d Daniel Winte
ils een-ln-lsw make tLi 'dentin a
1 Corener 0. dc '.;-: t'je r. -al
,3eath Us -ill be evert, i1! ybc-d at
thirty, if M"t even h'gt,r Il '. 'hvet
(cveral bodies were t'init ei'i'jutl.
ic- ure te.. man y.r' arenrd 'te
who cpijM Lave krp! tlu-ir JeNt ,1 the
cafeteriB .. They will never nmeunt te
anything and 'hey arc in ever'lmd: '
vav. They oeu.e looking for romance
and an easy tin -.
' lrd ! Listen. 1 m going 0 e:
new te try te IciA prett.'. and pleas, d in
1 -.-en for a director who hew! eery
u.li'c of the tini" as If s-eine one
wr - ticking 11 111fe mte uie , aud
--terJiy I bad 10 tHiid in .1 fm.p m-n
hewcr Ui.t the water wnse t fil.e.
A'ld I de n" gn piiid nucli Itij, I
hae hop..", und I te willing-te terk
and t-:dr
'There'e. mere te this buf!ne.- t! au
simpering There 1, hard werl And
filling around as Fauv dec a he
ie I te. I mean if hard weit. Whv
unn't they let him alone? the long
ud herr of it tliar Virginia R.ijpe
drink tee much at the party, end she
jad no right te be ih-T-, anjwa.v W !v
ie. n t Brad: gf a ter me of tl.e-'e
rieh flle3 fro-.i cattle that con"
ve.n 1 -J' 11 tli c ,.t ,ith a W of
no ,. id hi"!- the own c ,. tri;
an 1 . vbed.i !.i gfct'
' Milhi l.i.rfa r in tveul !' . ,"'
;hej : And diet, r- and la-i,r i,n,,
plumber avl pip. rhangcrs und '.'.n
ers uikI aer- get 111 messes, but t '
nrrn 1 h'lng for it. nnd nobed. tr'
te ndvertis-t p'limbii.g or the hu, ,ip
"leuiiing and dem?, as a bad mtlti.-uce
in the community, or say tlint ill
1 plumber and doctors and eleauer. aud
iljers ar wicked.
tnsce erc 011 nils lewii
"Wba' have ti" Kile? iieiu I l
tel! ou. Bef-j-e i'i were in ep.,. jeu
ci'.ild buy about fe-i- iu'ig'n t jt-ar in
the :heatr3, n i 1 id. 0. -t j.i nhe;t
J40 I'm alleirr . ' .' r'h i ci-v
en Ne-v erk .'.1 l'i inei- .
.ilens an! tle gnc ne-mt !j 'i.iii-
ff .1 dlli' IC. c "iu- ', ni -iliil . r -
two cents each. nd cer.. t.ic t
highbrow get a chnnce u tnK 11 li. '
at tli movie. tUej nimp , it Tn.-t
te the great iserican public t.i ap
preciate only the thing- that oet -i let
of money Frisce is sere en Mi.s town.
That't all there i te it And Bradv
Cnnllnntd from 1'nce Onr
commercial cemmunitj, which in late
years had hardly been able te 1 keep
going. They expressed the hepe fir au
earlleet persiblc settlement. v
rerled or IYespcrlty Forecast
Officers of ilmllar orcanlzntlen in
There seems te be no doubt about its ether cities expressed similar opinions ence n. high commlsslenership
acceptance b; all four Power.'. Jf ami prophesied a period of prosperity l nited Statci.
110 Bgrecment i- pes4ble en navel re- such an the country has net seen for a
ductinn nnd none Is i.eislb'e retpect- ' leug time, if the eg cement is ratified. flPMY AMH RPQPRVPQ I lWkTPn
China, the four Powers will -ip- 1 hi y beiteve.1. newever. ttiat there must ""' "' .-,, -w -,,.., ww.
agree te cliscii (heir (reu- , e some rcnnjusxmcni m inc phrasing
1 long period before resorting of the economical and financial ar-
rnjiKcmeiuv. .v nu insuince, iney niKen
if Ireland would be empowered te adept
fW trade or protection as It pleased.
Tin pointed out thnt the terms as
published imply full fiscal nutoneniy
widi power te establish tariffs against
England if wished, but this, they said,
I net explicit enough, and needs eltici eltici
c'fitlen. Archbishop Gregg, of Dublin, said he
war, deep j grateful that nn agreement
for n settlement hid been reached. All
pnrties, from whatever point of view
lb'- approached t lie question of the
truei an I oenterence, should new
.1. ..,ll.. m f.., lUr. ..,., l
iirih iv5i i" 1 iwi iiv. - uu,.iii'u ;i7ij,i t r- 1 .1
.nd arive te ,.,k. a iiccess of what iMr'lllr 'lrm T-"Jl tbc ucw erdcra
n , 11 con'tltutienullj nutherlied cs.- 'lie ctilefa -'nc made fqua'.lj recpensib c
Lfriment. for astignraentt. te the merie as te the
"I hope thr.t all eyes will turn te I regular forces, thua creating a cendi-
tbt future, he added, "rather than i tlen by which the various components
1j trying te show love smart b,1 i-'.
There weu'd be mere of t hi tf the i
dir'erer hadn't turned up te j ert'u-n
:b' iri image ccremen; .
T,e- Angeles and Hollywood au 1 tb-ir
p-'epl" ere wrong about l"rtce l"r.ce
hi i ?-eet forferren ihe ArbucI ' i e
It ha . srea'ir '"ilif'rn. a ctrjM ' n
:i 'if- . itei - .pply
d r.-.en-ieii' -n !
sgl.u; lb,u'r. .n.l
Warren V i1
Sled, and a Read rj
Ixaay be anetuer .
According te rp
Tille this morning,
fijrcu .' r,-.r
Bait'iat -lapleje
'!m of the i"fce).
rt treaj Church-
it has r..n Mr-
tuelly determined LVhl mtse4 in carl
train teuth, and was en tin- New tow ii "
local. It Is likely tbu1 he was "up
front" en the englui or tender witn
crew men, nnd that hi bed was In
cinerated Nothing he. be i n vn ,,r
Leard of him sine M-uidij menniii,.
There are twenn four bodies . tuill"
Recounted fur Th. r- ar s ut- n m ii
tificatlen'. and eight tLcrs abwlutr! abwlutr!
Jcnewn dead '1 In name Lf t 'isrU P.i nt
Hebert H Eaie mil rf Wnrr.n k!l
ere mentientd a. "m --mg i iei " ,i', .
whom, it r be 'i, veil r- . e.M
Train 151 or Tram lVj
This mike, n te y, d !' ii f
twenty-eight an-1 lei'? ei.it lorecir
!Neville'' dr larntien
Mrs. Ethel irke- K'ei L ..f C ire',
rllle, Is a pew i,im i '." i 1 1 i -e
list of lnjmed t?b r I er hen, 3.i
ber Injurlf-oen'.s t - r 6-iIJ i
possible inernl I ,t- " it '- je ts' .
home dire r tre.ii t i i -..'
Claim Allowed for Death et Sen
Husband Supports Her New
Lancaster. Pa.. 1' A eSc
cnusual mteres i-r- u ,- ::-
oey by C! ei A ' . . 'v
aan'e remn. n-.'1 ' ' ' Mi 1 ,
CUCC M. Ilersh of i , ' in ' in i i '. :
compensation rim a fe- M'- de'h of h-r
en. Edsar. a ilagr-a i. k.l'-l Aenl -'1
1021. en the neO''lns ltanreSu ej tei
cf n box car r-V is wholly de
pendent, it was allegid upon the son
at the time, as t-hc 'iad ej..irated fren
ter husband in te'M
She returned again te lur hushar.d
In May 1021 A the son had been
her sunnert wl 'i. the a anient eccurre 1
Jiewever. sh' s n -ionic 5 u week
for 300 witk
i Ridley Park Firemen Elect
The Bidlev Park Fire (.mnp''
elected the fo"ewiug etuccr. for th
Tear: P evident. W O W ssnitli
lce president. C A Carlsen : cere
tary U. G .lardine, asitaiil store stere
tary. L. H Fa pan . treasurer. T. K
Pace: trustees. Jehn Derousse. W. T.
Dunn'ng and J. II. Pa sons, thief en--ine'r.
M. I. Freeman; hrst assistant
Snjtlneer, A. F. Cengden. Jr. ; second,
nbslstant eng'neer. K. J. Rogers; dele- ,
Bate te the State Firemen's Acsoeiatlen.
1 Lerey Gl'bert; de'eget-s te the Del
mVare CeunU Flreraerrs Association. T
n Lewis. T. II. Duikm and .1 .
'j.Tu-ey- Chief ngiiicr erne iui c bet j
'- i w. j.jreiiutu
tlra. McCudden Visits Bosten
Bosten, Dec 8 - Mr. ilary L Mi
ri-...l.. 41, n llvlHtl, c?l1l Cur nmrl-A,
-V cne te Bosten from lorento yeterda .
& ! was welcomed ty State and city
'clal8 ana dv American i.e gien repre .
'itSjUiUT-e1- As 6he stepped from the
ifMiM with her daughter Kathleen, she
1 wuTtkrted b? M , Frtderlck II.
' latnm, Masstchuiettta' sold star
mwtiiw, .
l'- 'iirii. n , sij i
i r ii- cf v : "it u:
r;e. in ' cugb ;
.- ; en ui'c-i
lj't ' ' ii. re s.vir.g ;uri :i .'
Fr l'i ' who' " U.
Arbji'ttie. He w-a i. Kr aemeM inj
wasn't te?"
Fr co is ulmeet true te Us mlvrr
tiseuicnts. It v nuts ucilen or netl itig.
t- war Belit-crs in prbltnitlen bold
that war can ordinarily N' prcented
by tins method.
I'liH agreement will probably take the
form of n treaty , as there is no pub
!' objection te treaties of arbitration
in tbi country.
A sfLend agreement will nli relate
te th" Pacific and cover naval reduc
tion, the limitation of naval baseb in
the Far Eastern waters and eme un
(b i-tanding with repect te the safety
of remote possessions of the contracting
Powers, such as the Philippines I ft de
t"s lis. through the rediict.'i of nual
nriiiamcm and the limitation of naal
bne Phi may also take t h tene of
a treHty.
The defiils of this ajreemrat iiresent
ditlicultle" yet te be sehed It 1 a been
ucciptfd in principle bv Japan Great
Britain and the Lnltcd State. It Is
said by the Japanese te be in no way
contingent upon the reaching of tin
ugrcement with rerpect te China
Ne Treaty en China
The third will be some understanding
w.th resnect te China. ThlE is the far- .
'bit off of all. It will pre'ablv net
i!,e thA form of n treaty, bu wi'.i
t'-cp a joint d's laratleu or polk1 pelk1
V ill l g.'ri te China nne r-. ,.i
e w U, b'f'ii' 1 e one i-hii i. n
ll), Cilin- - l'.llttl'11'll will .li-'ejii -I,
.vicious of the internment, whic'.i n
, eing largely geerned b whit J-ipan
i i'lhng te com- ii .
Ajng Beeeivsldercd
It can be tnrd net pes-itm.y :r.
1 ep'le of denials that Mr. Wang, one of
China s three delegitcs here, Veigncd
beeaue of the turn the hantnng nfgo nfge nfgo
ifatlens bae taken, but nftetwnrd ie-cen-idcred
his resignation.
Thee re'gnat!en ma? be mere ge..
turif intended te InCu-'nce 'ie Japamt
mil ihe Ameiinns But China hu :t
' Ml lur pewtl- te tb fe-it th"- e id if t'e
(. i terinee te in- as she is ceiv " d
i refu'in-; te :'.si as h did M Pari
llet"ir. the ether amis of i'h t en
ltrn.ee f-cm te be -aff guarded uy '.vir
-' iiatiei: freiu the Chinc.se quetiin
1'id the r embodiment m trr";, , nr
leint notes already tcntatntly accep-ed
bj Tapan
Mereer County Officers and State
Police Make Round-up
Merrrr, Pa., Dec. S. I By A. P."1
T t '.i.v-'h-.-e perrem. are In the Mercer
("nt jail h.ri te-'aj us thu v..ult of
ri di srfrdn iud lart night bj ceun
i di r- -u-J f-tate tioepcr. ou ab' i
. -i ru'-iec.e.) of b'lng "fpe-Vea-
-in'- 1 lieritles Mlid th" -in l'
i ri" rrs weu'd in all rreVil'ili'y t e.'
feri before nightfall.
1't raider wer a'th. iu fliK i
Farr'll, (i-enville. Greve fSty nndetl er
tewtis. and confiscated a lnrf an-M't
of liquor and a number of stills.
Weeks Makes Chlefe Responsible for
Aaalgnments te Each Branch
Washington, Dec. S. An Important
connecting link between the regular
army and the organized rcsencs was
cen yesterday In the order of Secretary
Weeks charging chleftt of the various
branehes of the regular service with
per.senal responsibility for officers they
assign te duty with rcserre unite.
I'uder former practice chiefs of the
branch!) Lac been concerned only iu
assigning personnel te uuits of the
lie. Mr. Blair was found unconscious
in n Innelv nnt nn Wnlttin read. SOtltll
)runge, in company of u Newark girl
nte Tuesday nlGht. , ,
Physicians ascribe Blair's condition
te high bleed pressure. He is forty
one nud lives in Bloomfield. He p mar
ied nnd has two daughters. One of the
'nughters Is twenty-three cnis e eL
In his dockets were found 5el7t in
tsh, a $500 bend nnd checks, bringing
the total up te $-1000.
A taxlcab driver found Blair acres'
be steering wheel of his machine, tbc
jlrl frantically trying le revive him. The
ar bad been driven Inte the gutter nnd
parked. . ,.,, , ,
His daughter. Miss Lillian Blair,
Insisted the girl In the case merely hap
icncd te puss by and was trying te
-dp B'alr when the taxi man drove up.
The girl In Catherine Bewer, nine
teen, employed In a Newark luuchroeia.
he had
Mr. Read was In the employ of the be In Harlclgh Cemetery, .Camdcn.
II.- A.t U.tlnM ,..! !-i .. "I- S
llllgnnuyi, ..yyttun, uuu llUemiCnt Will
i ne laeai Amas uitt
Diamonds Jewelry
Very newest designs, particularly
desirable for gift purposes, en our
Confidential Credit Plan
extends cash advantages,
convenient payments
and immediate possession.
Leaallty of Return In Case of Blair. A1J,
County Judge Questlenea
Harrlsburg. D"C. e. Fermsl contest ,
of the re-election of Themas J. Bald
rlge. President Judge of the Blair i
Ceuntv Courts, was tiled yesterday at
the office of Atterncv General Geerge b. i
Alter, and as seen n- Mr. Alter returns
from Washington, where he has lx en I
arguing State caes in Uic Lnltcd State ,
Supreme Court, the papers will be con
sidered, along with thee contesting,
election of A. W. Lloyd, Judge-elect
e Vt-,lt,,niUr!t!lil PeiintV.
This la probably the first time since I 3
etnent of the .Tuilici.il s;ettest pw a
of 1S74 that two petitions have been
presented at almost the same tim. 3
Should the Attorney General decide j 3
there are grounds for a contest In cither
cuse the proceedings would be heard by j j
Kjieclal courts cempel of three jueges
each. Such contests aie nlwayt ry
e.-pensive propeitbini.
In ilns! vlMen nnd .-ess. Oirm tl.et will Me upprte nted all the year reunl
Desk & Chair, $35 Lamp. $30 Chair, $12 Jardiniere, 58
3-Piecc Sets, $43 Up
7t'e Tlted ev Willtna We Hale ft
L. C. KIRCHER & CO., 1810 Chestnut St.
Manufacturers and Retailtrt
Rtplrlns nettn'ehlnt- KI(eerstlng irer EMlmittes rnonfrne "!
,. k?) CVKMNS FNTit. cniUBTM.v riiiiiiMiinrrrrnf
te the past
Be'fast, IV. S (B A. P.)--Tbe
riemlKrs of both heu'es of the Ulster
Parliament considered the In-u agree -rient
at a meetlnj this morning After
iwe hour? of private conference it was
announced that hir James Craig, tin
Pitmler. would leae for Londen t-
Then' wcie deniou-trutien-. id rejeie
ins and benhre In the street of the
s tin Fein districts ln--t ldght. There
wa also son e Mkuur, but nobedv was
reported ii jured. At two points the
polio-. vcre attacked b aimed tcin.
and In one instance returned th" lire.
Cardinal 1-ogue, Primate of Ireland,
te'd the correspondent today that he
ilieiigla the Irish piece terms vtr? tat-lacterr-
He added .
"I would like te ce units avl no
diMsien of the country se that all could
i.ull tecether for the geed of Irt'Hiid,
I would like te ,'i the people of Ireland
hiiig in i" aee and charity with cn.h
ll.c ( arum'il cprr-ed 'he feir tint
,. tem.-e of Hi. Nertnern geernin.'i,t
Mould we.ci 'miiii en the pie-ib if
si ceun'.- Jb'p'jlns te a i'ifr u
e whither Ic t'n. ht It wisp ter I Itel
t. r tain li r own Parllaicen. be said
"I think it would be a blessing if
.t teu'd all p,l together nnd ghe up
In old batt'e . re. It is oatisfneterj te
. gen n Pirlianient of our own It
urevents us from being fleeced by Eng
'and and paying te her far beyond our
taxub'e capacity. I think it will be a
blessing and that it will promote trade,
if there is concord."
of the national defense will be elmi
larij administered.
The effect of the erderi was eletcribed
as tar-renchmg and Important with re
lation te the development et the lescrves
as the main dependence of tbe email
regular establishment for re-enferce-mente
and expansion In time of emergency.
Alloeiu, Pa.. Dr. . :. Bebcrt A.
Hendersen. Democrat, defeated cendi
date for PrcJld- nt Judge of Blair
Ceuut. took the steps te contest the
rc-sUctlen of Judse Baldrige. Rfpub- I
'lean, who, accord ng te the official re- ,
turns, wen by 34- Totes.. Violations of I
the election laws are alleged in the j
mode of counting ballets and In net I
providing guard rni's In certain booths.
rlendcisen claims, lie was elected by ,
100O votes
His Been Reported
Dead and Alive
i.j.iirHster, ra., uce. e. nancy .n. i
Iteese, of Mountville, has received word
Trmlty Lutheran te Benefit Frem
Proceeds of Sales
I'll- Christmu bazaar of the Trinity
T.utlitrnn Church opened jctierday at
tin; church build. ng. Eighteenth ir.d
Welt 'treet-, and w.ll continue until.
1 Saturdai night. '
The bn-siar Is open trem e t-leck
i.i the nltprneun until 10 n clet-u ut.
that the body of hla eon. Lieutenant night, with a cafeteria restaurant in I
Earl L. Reese, will arrive in New Yerk 'deratien from 5:30 te 0. i
from Fiance about December 10. The
body will be sent te Mountville for i
military funeral.
The caie of Lieutenant Becse bm
been one of the mysteries of the A en
War. He was a member of the 11 if
Infantry when wounded Oeteln i '
i'JlN iu tbc Argennc. He (.
ported aa having died In a bas. '
, plt.il en October 10. Afterward t -i
news te bis parents from raeie tl,.i
me source that the young man wa
seeu ulive in a hospital after Oetebu
, 10. Colonel E. C. Shannen, of the
111th Regiment, investigated, but
1 teuld learn nothing definite.
Londen. Dec. 6. (Bj A P.)
lntenvv between Prime Minister Ltejd
(forge and reprc:entatlet of lister for
. Feeli Arrives In Houeten
Honen.Tex., Dec. S. Marshal
' yesterday and we welcomed bj a salute
An of nineteen gun He took pirt in a ra- ,
rade end !at night attended a banquet
in bis honor. I
hrisfmss hsshnra
1 . or '
The Billboard
.t. J' -.
mh In MmtinK. tmutltut
mt, a migatliM Inralutbl
UthemaM Inurrtiti In ny
wtj In ht show builntit.
naoeo agy
ber " 2S'
n en ffili
dJoe n MLf
GU " Ml l
1 n M
h loe
xn . l r r. 1 1 e r
HiDeix ivi. vireemiejia & vef
A Complete Real Estate Institution
Making Twe Blades
where one grew before is part of this
institution bueineu. Suppose, for
instance, you have an office build
ing. Is it paying as well as it should'
Could it net be remodeled te better
financial advantage? Is the price,
per square feet in keeping with its
Wc have been in charge of many
office building;, that, through our
management, have yielded far
bigger returns than before wc were
called in consultation.
Perhaps we may be of service te you.
Albert: M. Greenfield & Ce.
15th & Chestnut Streets
Oranch Office: St2 S. Fifth Street
Wlxich Is Your Way?
De you lift and roll and bang heavy ash
cans up steps and ever the sidewalk, cov
ering the walk with dirt and yourself with
dust, or de you wheel your ashes out en a
Ash Barrel Truck
Ne householder would puf up another minute
with ash day burdens if he really knew about
the Little Ash Man. It's a truck made of
welded steel with smooth-running wheels se
cleverly placed it actually gitdas upstairs and
downstairs or across the yard. An adjustable
hook grips the heaviest ash can or barrel
agaiBst spilling.
Lasts ferlife. Soldbydepartment.heuse-furnislv
mg and liardware stores. Order yours today.
Price s5.
National Ditlrpstlert
16th Street md Irrirtir. Place, New Yerk
Iiul't upon rtd and v.Klit label en Ajnrf U
it protect you and ldtntiU$ th pfnuir.e
ZttU jU itan.."
?fm& dread Che Geld
iPwismtes? vSfcwm away
llmil whiter
Ge te wiaterles? Call
&rai&r the Santa Fe v)ay,
Would like te tell you about our four
trains a day te California
hew fine the California Limited Is, with Its through Fred
Harvey dining car.
what u comfortable journey you can have en the Navajo,
the Scout, the Missionary.
.ill about the unexcelled Fred Harvey dollar meals In
dining-rooms at artistic station hotels.
the vcouemy of the tourist sleeper.
thr stopover for Grand Can j em National Park, trails and
hotels open all the year.
rhenc. write or call. It will be lplcaiuee te serves en.
tit? aure and ask for our "California Picture Heek,"
which li lilrd'a-eye map Jf California le color.
It r Sr ith. Gen Ancnt
O C DllUrd. Dlat. Paaa. A.SU
A T & 8. V ny
103 Finance Hid., Philadelphia, Fa Fa
Phene 1 Locust si:t
Rich in flavor,
velvet-smooth !
A BBOTTS' is bulk ice cream,
that's the reason. All the de de
licieusness of ice cream sold in
bulk plus the added cleanliness
insured by the exclusive Abbotts
package filled entirely by machine
sealed light by our zero freezing
process. Yeu are the first te open
it. Buy Abbotts' bulk ice cream
packed this modem, sanitary way!
When friends drop in, remember
there't an Abbotts dealer conreniantly
"etr your dome, with your tavorite
flavors ready packed in pint anil qutti
ce cream
tSSf 9 .: A" tfA.
IV.jtt. .'.-pXilf
s." " :-t55-itvi.'
Alderney Daikies, iNa