Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1921, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    V h - -f
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T-i"Yf t "'"f?',''Triyni ' y .
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Gel Variety in Winter Meals,
s Mrs. Wilsons Geed Advice
' rjiis Can Be Obtained by the Use of Fresh Salads and Various
F.. .-.,;., D.'c.ne Tff ,.. C. .-.1 TJ..-
iitivi Mimg j-rijinie "mi' iu utiggueiuu. uvrc
fttirlent. ""iait!) rcatrved
flillERE is n real widespread Idea that
J-'l winter season bringaa restricted
ttwd "ft thc lio"cwlfe offers this
m in ndequete excuse for just b meal
-JJ bread, meat arid potatoes.
, "Aid vcnther necessitate a renson rensen
mV nroiiertloiiato iificaife in heat and
Cjiipredticlns feeds; but at thc Munc
tf''the green fruits and vegetables
.'in nearly every c6mmunity the
i,miwlfe can obtain lettuce, cscarele,
S ffw, celery, cabbage, locks,
and radishes.
inw eabbnge made Inte n slaw and
..rred nlth cither a boiled, mayonnaise,
or French dressing in mht te digest and
JLjains valuable vitamines and mln
1 ,3tt, with sufficient bulky matter
tmnk"n icry valuable feed for thc
, "clnl1nevcr can be nerved both nj a
veritable and salad, and when you bc-
i(n te prepare the Ralad, de net threw
Sway thoep coarse leaves tjiat are part
"'Ait or break the flower Inte suitable
v !.. i.m tl.n ftnrKju
tnp pciviiik. tuiii mv .vmc i
up in the cup often weighs from six
te seven ounces Instead of four ounces.
My dear Mrs. Wilsen Will veu,
plcase give a recipe for apple con
serve? Alse tell hew te clean an
asbestos tabic pad.
MP.P. L. R. II.
Apple Conserve
I'lace in the preserving kettle
Three pounds of sugar,
7'toe cups of hetting water.
Stir te dissolve th'c sugar and bring te
a bell j cook for Ave minutes. New add
Venr pounds of apples, pared and cut
in thin slices,
One package of seeded raisins.
One cup of finely chopped preserved
Stir and cook slowly until thick like
jam; then stere In the usual manner
ferjama and jellies.
Yeu will find It easiest te cover the
soiled table pad with a cheesecloth covering.
Dear Mrs. Wllsen-MVIH you glve
n method for preparing a pet roast se
that It will be nice and Juicy nnd
tender? MIIS. K. V. II.
Select n cut e meat nnd If the meat
Is lean nnd does net have n bit of lone
have the butcher tle n piece of unci
and a bone in shape with meat. Wipe
meat with n damp ileth and then pat
In one-fourth cup of Heur; brown meat
quickly in n skillet containing a little
fnt. turning meat frequently. Lift te
deep bnuccpnn nnd add one cup of boil-
Ing water. Cever nnd cook slowly,
allowing about thlrtv-Ilve minutes te
the pound, Veu may mid onienii nnd
some savory herbs and when you have
lifted the meat then mm sumeicnt boil
ing wnier ie mime me neceaury hiiiuuiu
(if irrnvt.
The old-fashioned pet roast Is made,
following tlirw l ule.s, but no flour It-'
need. Just suir the meat in net iron
kettle- before Ntnrtlng te cook, and then
when cooked, mid xulllclcnt water with
ii little flour dissolved In thc water' te
mnke a thickening in the gravy.
The Tea of Teas JS
Deliciously Different te the Ord mary.
Fer 30 Years thc
Standard of Excellence
Preserved and Sold only
in Scaled Metal Packets
I'tLn leaves and cut In pieces about
two inches. Cook with cauliflower bjv.
niacins in saucepan and covering with I
Ullne water cook until tenner; urnin,
ittsei nnd serve het as n vegetable
rlth cither cream sauce or HeUandaise
unce, or cold after marlnnting in wcll wcll
icasencd French dressing.
( Spinach Leaf
Chop fine
One cup of vell-dralntd, cooked
''place in mixing bowl and add :
One cup of very thiek eream sauae,
One and one-half cups oreaderutnoi,
One cup grated ehteie,
Three tablespoons grated onion,
One and one-half teaspoons salt,
One and one-half teaspoons pepper,
Three tablespoon euzicr, I
Twe tablespoons lemon juice.
Mix and turn in leaf shape pan nnd
bake one hour. Scne with HeUandaise (
Celery Chee Pudding i
Mince very fine, using feed chopper I
One and one-half cups green top
Six onions.
Six branches parsley.
New cut bread In tlnv blocks and
place in baking dish, sprinkle libernlly i
lth grated cheese, the prepared season-
inf. Then place lnyer of bread en top. i
New place In mixing bowl i
One and one-half cups milk, I
7Ve eggs,
One leaipoen salt, ' I
One-half teaspoon pepper.
IJeat te mix. Add
One-half cup grated cheese.
Pour ever thc prepared bread, sprinkle
top with tine breadcrumbs, dust with I
papril.a and bake in slew even thirty
fire minutes. I
Casserole of. Vegetable
Pare and dlee i
Three medium-sized potatoes, i
Thrca small turnips,
Tire canets, '
Four nnleni.
i rinee in (.flueepan and cover with
'boiling water, bring te bell and cook
'slowly until vegetables are tendr,
drain, turn in casserole and coyer with
thick cream Mince and hprinklc four '
tablespoons grated cheese ever thc top. ,
liake in moderate even twcnty-live
minutes. i
Hrnn Cookies ,
Plaee in mixing bowl '
One cup icAi'tc flour,
One cup graham flour.
One cup htan, ' '
One cup chopped nuts,
One-half cup seeded raisins.
One cup Ireien myar,
One teaspoon cinnamon.
Four traipoens baking powder.
One-half teaspoon ilevcs, t
One-half teaspoon nutmeg.
Rnb between thc hands te mlr. New
tub In
fffrcn 'ablespoens mrltcd shortening.
Then beat
One enj
liee-thiiis cup milk.
One-half (up syrup.
And nse u form deugk w uh di op
, "cm spoon en well-grensed baking
wet. Hal e iu moderate even fift'cu
Ilian .'Muffins
Place m mixing bowl
7tre cuii flour,
Ohe ami ene'hnlf cups Iran.
One teaspoon tali, ,
Ace Icvrl tablespoons baking now new
w. I
Three tablespoons shortening,
One nip milk,
four tablespoons syrup,,
?ie ene.
r.n; 'mi (i te nut thoroughly, turn
into t ren.cd muffin pans, filling
Jans about two-thirds fulli Hake in
net nveu twenty-tive minutes
Itetl Uuiiny
Split the brnn muffins and toast.
ew piaee in snucepan
Owe and one-half cups milk.
ight tablespoons flour.
Stir te blend flour nnd milk then
mlnut u 1,oil n,uI cook for tcn
New adij
One and e,ic half aips grated cheese,
we tablespoon grated onion,
One teaspoon salt,
"e (i?)een paprika,.
V'lfhalf tup thick tomato pulp,
ft well -beaten eggs,
vnc-fanth teaspoon mustard.
DelmInf !',lhtll( blewly te boiling
reek J cnti,,K hnr'' wllI1 cooking, and
bran J1 'i'"11"- Turn ever the toasted
rn miillins. This amount will serve !
our pusens.
Naked Cliccse Omelet
c m muing bowl
uc ,p bnudcrumbs
and let Ftand until cool.
hrea ;,r, ."'f.0 seaming m K ever
Nq- odd
Tie taJJ..
,.- ;'uh yrnica
parsley, lawns
ne Upnen salt
One. u,l f t.
en let).
finely minced i
On"', ""Ven pepper,
Una. .half eup thick cream iauce.
1: ?.UaH 00t.
"10 Cttn 1,1 nrl..l l
In tha V.i'ni t0,",lx' then cut ftnd teM
' fin1 i bt,lit0" wllitM of for
ni '"":, wH'buttprl vustard
'"Wilis r B .','" c"l,s "00llt tl",,-,
bke In mi I. Vnrp "' b,,k,I,K l,nn n,,tl
moderate nun twenty minutcH.
tnabie'l. Vlm Evidently jour
0iun..0l."'.ite !' ""n,r J" which
?' Int i "'. ."0l,r- mt tll ,l0l,r
al.i ,Y.'10 the mixing bowl ami then nil
Big Reductions
Save 2 cents a cake
Aunt Jemima's
Pancake iWr
m w-u
Buckwheat aic
Flmir 112
Save 4 cents can
Save 6 cents can
- l
Rosemary Sandwich . iu 26c
Spiced Dreps . ... . ib 21c
Sunnyfield Print Mi
Butter 9
Evaporated Apricots .... lb 29c
Encore Pure l2 Pts 29c
Imported Italian Pts 49c
Olive Oil L Qts89c
Arge Gless Starch Pkg 9c
Puffed Wheat Pkg 12c
Puffed Rice Pkg 15c
Grape Nuts Pkg 17c
Wheatena Pkg 22c
Reckitt's Blue Pkg 9c
Walnuts lb 37c
Mixed Nuts lb 25c
Brazil Nuts lb 19c
Almonds lb 37c
Figs, Large, Fancy Smyrna lb 29c
Figs, AH Babtf, Smyrna Mb. pkg 35c
Dates, AH Baba 10-oz pkg 20c
Cranberries, Fancy lb 23c
Citren . . lb. 43c Lemen Peel lb. 25c 1 Orange Peel lb. 25c
A &PMinceMeat'g 12c j& Mince Meat m 15c 1 Atmere'sMmceMeat'" 23c
R & R Plum Pudding
A & I' Sele Distributors
12c 33c a fflOr
1133 TFA
te? JL JJj-1.
WB xl2 1&23
Poplar St.
Sumac St.
105 Alain St.
fiOG S. 52d St.
C135 Market St.
The World's Lamest Grocery Heus.c 4905 Stores In thc U. S.
A Stere Brimful of Christmas
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere
Luggage Is One of the Most Useful
of Christmas Gifts
' H
" " Sj
Special Greup of Overnight
Bags at $7.50
The style i3 sketched. The bag3 nrc of
black cobra-grained leather with meire
linings and nickel-finished trimmings. About
14 inches long, these are especially suitable
for Christmas giving.
As Lew as $5.
nre fabric suitcases in the dull or hhiny
finish. The $5 suitcases are very neat and"
leek very much like leather.
18, 20 and 22 inch at $5 nnd $7.50.
Small Leather Suitcases
with exceptionally pretty linings and shirred
pockets arc 18 and 20 inches at $10 te $24.
Many of these have French edges.
At These Prices
many people will want te satisfy their own
needs, especially if they arc going nway
ever Christmas.
Most people need new lug
gage, tee, for prices have been
high. It is remarkable te note
the decrease in luggage prices
since last Christmas. The ma
terials and workmanship
which enter into this luggage
are of the highest grade pos
sible at the price. It is nice te
give gifts that one would like te
have one's self !
A Splendid Traveling
Bag at $15
A well-made bag, re-enforced with
sewed corners, and the sturdy brown or
black leather proclaims its durability; 18
inch length.
The 20-inch size is $16.50. One can get
a'lqt into these bacrs!
Other traveling bags of geed tan or
black leathers, with riveted frames, nre
$8.50 te $10; with sewed frames, including
bags of stout cowhide, at $12 te $23.50.
Suitcases of Tan Cowhide
$9.50 te $22
Ready for thc rough usage of traveling,
there cases arc strongly made of sound
leather with reliable re-enfercements and
sure catches. Many have straps that go all
around, and thc $22 case is a bellows one
holds almost as much as a trunk!
All are 24 or 2G inch suitcases.
An excellent example of thc geed value
is the $10.50 suitcase that'is sketched.
Warmly Lined Superior
Tan or gray suede Tjlevcs with flccce
linings, $2.25.
Brown or black cnpeBkin gloves, fleece
lined, $2.75.
Gray and tan suede gloves with feamlesa
knit wool linings, $3.
Gray suede gloves with mohair fleece
linings and fur-lined wrists, $3.
Silk-lined mocha gloves, in gray, $3.75
and $5.
Fur-lined suede gloves in gray and brown,
Mecha glove"? with seamless knit wool
linings, one-clasp style, $5.75; strap-wrist
gloves, $6.50. f
Capeskin gloves in brown and black with
seamless knit wool linings arc in one-clasp
style at $4.50; strap-wrist style, $5.50.
Moter Gauntlets
Warmly lined gauntlets in a variety of
practical styles range in price from $3.50
te $10.50.
Gauntlets completely lined with wool are
$8.50; with fur, $10.50.
for Father and the Beya
Beys' rubbers, sizes 11 te ei, are 95c
te $1.20; beets, in sizes 8 te 5li, arc $2.75
te $4.25; arctics, sizes 11 te 5l2, are $3.50
te S4.
Men's rubbers are $1.40; arctics are $2.75
te $5; beets, in sizes 0 te 11, are $4.50 te
Slippers for Dad
or for any man in the family are a thought
ful gift that he will appreciate. Comfortable
tlippers of felt or leather are $1.60 te $4.
(inl!w.v, Mnrltrt)
Beys9 All-Weel Mackinaws
Sizes 8 te 18 Years $12. 75
Warm, as only regular mackinaws can be, with convertible
cellars, mufl patch or plain pockets, belts all around, inverted
pleat in the back of each and double-breasted closing.
Every plaid and color that a boy likes greens, browns,
grays, tans, red, etc.
(Gnllrry. Murkrt)
47 Different Medels in
Women's Dresses at $10
That's choice for you!
They're practical, wearable
dresee, tee, in all sizes and appro
priate styles for women and young
Veleur frocks are embroidered in
silk or piped with contrasting colors.
Tricetines, all navy blue, arc
braid-trimmed, some with satin
girdles some with gray or black silk
embroidery, some in coat effcat or
made en straight lines. Others are
Weel jersey frocks, ve practical
and comfortable, are in navy blue,
brown and henna.
Crepe de chine frocks, mostly in
black with bright touches of color,
nre often trimmed with black braid.
Serge and Velour
Dresses, $5, $6, $7.50
Seme have loose flowing sleeves of
Georgette; the skirts of ethers are
stitched or embroidered in contrast
ing wool or silk. Seme of the velour
dresses have pleated skirts and Peter
Pan cellar.-); ether- show contrasting pipings!
' ji.,ife)l
$ie y $ie
A Trie of Christmas Blouses
One of gleaming pink satin, in a heavy quality, has a Peter Pan
cellar, turn-back cufTs and a center pleat edged with V-inch double
frill. $5.90.
A similar blouse of beautiful white radium is made with tape at
the waist instead of thc band of elastic, $7.90.
A blouse of heay crepe de chine with u 1 oil tuxedo cellar, pleat
and cuffs edged with a frill. F" white and tan. $." 90.
(Central Aisle
Beys' Part-Weel Spert
Hese. 75c
Ne gift will please a boy se
much! Ideal for skating, hiking
and all kinds of Winter sports.
Navy, cordovan and black with
fancy turned-ever tops.
Marmalade Jars, 50c
Clenr. shining glass with silver
plated tops and spoon, a gift te
delight any housewife!
Leather Hand Bags a Third
Under Price, $3.50
Black, navy blue, brown nnd
gray in long gram finish, in en
velope shape with pretty silk lin
ings and metal-finished flaps
Flower-Bordered Rag Rugs
Less Than Half Price, $1.85
Solid colors green, blue, pink
and brown with briirht woven-in
fiewc-r borders. 30xfi0 inches
an extremely practical size.
Men's Neckties, 25c and 85c
25c for silk mixtures in pretty
colors and patterns.
83c for all-ilk tics made from
odd lengths of materials used in
much mere expensie kinds.
Silk Camisoles, $1
Pink satin with pink crepe de
chine tops, finished with s.lk lace
13th Street Aisle
Sterling Silver Bar Pins, 65c
Prettily shaped ones of silver
with rhinestone settings.
Household Scarfs and
Centerpieces, 50c te $1
Plenty te cheese from m these
linenc scarfs and centerpiece s
some trimmed with scalloping
and embroidery and some with
printed designs.
Women's Dainty
35c Each
Fine white linen with hand
embroidered initials in color.
; .I if L)
L r ' ' ' ' '
$4.50 $3.75
Twe Gay Little
have just arrived in the Junier
Stere. Beth arc of fine chambray
m pink, blue or green.
The frock en the right is a de
lyjhtful little pantalet affair
with nckrack edging the ruffles at
the knee and the wee overskirt
On each pocket are gny little
embroidered rosebuds. Size six
years only, at $3.75.
The ether is made with a white
dotted Swiss undcrwaist, while
flat white bandings trim the frock
itself Nete the little lacer of
black velvet ribbon in the front.
Sizes 7 te 10 at $4.50.
Gifts for Heme-Keeping Hearts
Linen Is a Gift Indeed
Dinner cloths of satin-finished linen damask,
fully bleached, are in a large variety of pretty
circular designs. 70x70 inches at $4.50, $e,
$5.50, $G nnd $0.50; 70x88 inches at $7.50.
Pure linen napkins are in 'JO-iiuh sire at
$G.30 a dozen; 22-inch at $7, S7.5t, SS, $8.50 and
s.9; 24-inch nt $8.
Hemstitched Damask
Dinner Sets, $12.50
They consist of n linen tablecloth, 00 inches
square, and a half-dozen 20-inch napkins te match.
Luncheon Sets at $3
Lacli set, of fine white- linen, is finished with white scalloping,
outlined in blue. There are 6 tumbler and C plate doilies and a
3-1-inch centerpiece in each one.
Linen Table Damask, $2.75
and $3 a Yard
Fully bleached, pure linen damask of geed heavy satin-finished
quality is in nn assortment of pretty floral and striped designs.
70 inches wide.
Fine Blankets and Quilts
Ulankcts that qualify for the description
"beautiful" are altogether of pure, softest wool,
72x80 inches. They are in such levaly colors
ns camel's-hair tan with wide band borders of
pink or blue, warm red with black bands., large
red-and-black plaids and block plaids of pink
or blue, $15 a pair.
Down-Filled Quilts,
"Light a a leather"
feathers can be! These
fluffy down and covered
Seme have plain borders.
but, eh, hew warm
are tilled with pure,
with figured sateen.
A r
Levely Velour Portieres,
$14 a Pair
.e J"sa3"4' t?SK fiSKT SV'lS!
faced, with open French sides, in plain rose or blue or color com
binations such as blue-niid-rese, geld-and-blue, green-and-resc blue-and-mulberry,
rose-and-fawn, blue-and-brewn. etc '
JO.inch portierei at $17.50. BO-lnch nerir.
t $23.75.
I rvAzt ww.a.' . j in
,uyic uns ana iunners
$1.90 te $8.50
the values especially geed. Thore are various sizes K
i M
filfe inR Wi,t.H0Ut 8hakl,,K nnd ulnT
. J
lnTUU$&- JAJ