lllM.W" ' rw.u i-ir .gp-vvm -'v !.. v - ."-!," t1 i. j u E Ettffi: um If' i A rt 4- tefct" ! : "& t INDORSES r EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, . DECEMBER 7, 1021 1 Victer w Canada It S. RECIPROCITY Elects Favorable Parliament. Meighen and High-Tariff Con servatives Badly Beaten W..L, M. KING NEW PREMIER Ottawa. Dpc. 7. -The Canadian pee pl ycu'lcrdar elected their fourteenth Parliament since the passaRe of the Art et confederation nnd the lirit Parlia ment in ten years with n majority fa voring lcelprecity will) the t'nited States The liberal party obtained lit eat mere than the combined ete of nil the ether parties, according te revised re turns compiled today by the Canadian Press. "The vetcis inflicted upon the Melghen Administration nml the high-tariff Conservative Party jus.t ns dras tic'punlshment ns the American pee- pic. did upon the Democratic Party a year age. Net enlv has Premier Melghen been defeated In his home eon een Jititnency. but at lent seven ether of his ministers have fnllen in the fray. Mr. Melghen admitted defeat jiM be fore midnight, sajing "T accept the verdict of the people." The new Premier will be William Lien Mackenzie King, leader of the Liberal Party The new Progressive Purl v. led li T A Crernr and nle faverins reciprocity and low tariff uilli rank second Tnbulutleii of Vele .Following is a tabl" showing the un official results : emu I HfK I1H FURTHER REVISON OF TAX LI URGED 1 1 tit our jMcin of tnxntlan ntllf re- liiulres careful nnd thoughtful cenlder Inllen.' lb then juoeeedx te siy (lint If the Iecs of revenue rriiltlii? from Hie reilm-tlmm in mirtnx and oilier rate iiiiKKcVed cannot be made ui "b.v ilgld Honemy in r-xprniHtiiiTi" It can be met "cither hj placing n tax en cer- 'tain kj ific aitlclen, or bv a Iniv-r.tte i k iicitil lux en n bread-elanx nf nitl- . n . i a j ties ee tninsaciiens." (Secretary Mellen Alse Advises, n h lU- vital imp-utnnre.' Mr. 90 tn 25 Pnr Out RflHiirtinn ,M'1,1"" derlniTH, "Hint ndjiiNtmcnt be tv te te rer eent Keauctien j1Mllp ln em. w.i,cim. et tnxnl,m wlcre. in Inenmn ?nrtnx ,n ,'1" l,''r,l,' will net full unduly. Ill income surtax itIier directly or Indlrnih. upon any particular clam and nt the name nrnunp eni IPV llimuAUPCn'1111"; wl" m.'t, terleunly interfere with BONUS POLICY UNCHANGED liedurtlvc imluttry and the geneial 'piexperity of the country. ' "If illlld lint vftnm (iflltn.. ..tun .... It tin sseclntrd Pies l..,.r.. tn i...,,n t. -....,. sjUf.ni of tnxniien te new nnd untried plans. Itv tet.ilnlns the income tax nun iciiMinib'e mirtax rates, liich In prare tlmcM ulllmalely kIieuM net line above in per eer.t, (axnayeis euld still be required te contribute In pro portion (e (heir ability te pay; while l placing a (crtaln amount of tax en peine .it tides, or cianM-i of aiticlCH, In the reduction! tnrmiRli nil Iho nerense of per cent In th cornern-brnt-kftH." he fiin, "would mean nn tlen Inceim-tax nnd that (his. yllh the apparent Iesh of about .fl3rt.000.000 in i capital Ntech tax. malic-i the total levy revenue. A 20 per cent maximum rale ,011 corporations approximately 1(5 per en the came banli would Invohe " 't'1'', , ,, . .,, re r line hm of nbiut .0O.(HMI.(l0O. 'When we remember.' he wrltci. Other adjuMtmeiitH which xheuld be I "that the great bulk of the buslncM. of I ...,i.i 1'ii.nrn wan nni miirn num.""; In Iip Inw ! even (heugh ilisinn uiih Jntlrely nrv 1111.I Hip erK.inl l ' " mlnlslerlug It unfamiliar with IM operation of wieh 11 law. , "The (emplexlty of the law. . Jai, 1 ft. Illlil mm uii'nt : ,ir, .ui'iiini i-uiiiiu.""! -. ,.,. .,..1,.. ales would ultimately he productive of illvldendH are then In tiun wiujwt te. largely eiit of (he hah rij en. w ' ' J,,,. Ol perwillH ri'iuiviiiK rvury iiiiini mm. m.. - - , .il,,i. "' ' .... .1... ..u..u. I iii n...n.n.u nf inniiev. nnd Wlitcn tMIMl IIIMIir.llll-Jlir. ttlll.ll r. ........ '" ""' n'" --- .. . made would prebahlv Involve an amount the country, both large and hiiiiih. ii equal te that mnde'ln the sui tax rates, carried en uniler corpernte form and Thlx less of revenue, however, weuiu ' tiint tlic net Income miiHt largely ee uih nut he iierin.atienl. for the reduced trlbtlled ill dividends. Mini Hint Iht'HC intes would ultimately he productive of ' illvldendH are then tii.iMt rnvpiiiii. tl.nn lilcrlinr rates due te Kllrtlix III tlin IiiiiwIh (Ik. ttiprrnsn In liivnliln trnnuii'tlens." , them. II In nt nnee tern that till' result Reiterating arguments that the effect j),g txntlen te pcrfens engaged in pro of high Htiitnx rates Is te keep new 1 dlicllve bunlncHs is rcrj' heavy, ter capital out of productive enterprise mm , ln-iinnce, a HocKliemer huejcci y Kr "grealeel minpUnonllen Hint cnii be made l In (be reducdeu of the ru Uh. He long. an H' rates w re low. W. I,. MACKKNZIK KINtJ leader of the C.inadlmi Liberal Party, which swept the Cnnserva tles out of power by huge majori ties cstcrda. King will succeed Arthur Mclghni as Premier l.lh t ".' "1 .'1 Prec 5h.- Irrt dent .1 I 'J M Prince tdwapl ll"'l Neva Scetu New brunswick QueWc Ontario Manitoba Saikatcheuan Alberta British Columbia Tuken (mlssltiEl Telale Jl '-"I ',0 - Ve return hae been reeeived trem uken Ternterj . whem one member or Parliamenr was te be chestn. nnd none in expected fev several weeks because nf the lack of traniortat!en in snow bound districts. 'Die rentebtants con ducted a deg -sled campaign Mr Melghen was beaten even in his home district. Portage ln Pi.urle. Mani toba. . , In the mneij-feur seats east et Ottawa, enl a meager bnnd of Govern ment Mitiiierters sppm te hae been elected and some reports claim a emu first time the whole adult female pepu latlen of Canada hns been able te eir. Weman Klertcd te Commens Tlicv were an uncrtnln element nnl'""1 " puzzle te the party managers, but tlie.v were exasperated with the failure of the Revernment te clieck prefitnet mi ami evidently the mass of their dtj has been recorded against it Miss Macphail. Progressive. vn elected te Parliament 111 Ontario She will be the first woman lnembei of Common'. The landslide against the Meuhen Revernment, with its high tariff plat form, wbh as spectacular as the defeat of Sir Wilfrid Lnuricr'ti Liberal Ad- n nnnis-trntinii in 11)11 en its peliej of " reciprocity with the United Stntes In i jehterdny'i election, high tariff, a 1 1 cliampleneil b.v Piemier Melghen. lest "'te the reciprocity program of Mr. King. Mr. Melghen who was Minister nf the Interior, was credited with the 1111 thership of the draft legislation, and came te be regarded in Quebec as tin 11 nl author of Laurlei -s pnlitinl ruin Laurier was the ile of his c"inpatnet Ills intiiience among them from the grave t 111 is almost us potent as when lie w.is alive Washington, lei 7 l'liitliei ie- vinn of th 1 x Invvs, with a le.luc 1 inn -f the nvixitiium itieente mi tax 1 nte te 'Jl or 'i" per cent and adjust men' if th-' rates en business profits' ind c nte . Is suggested by Sertetnrj Mellen in hit tirsi anminl leperl. tinns nntt'-d today t ('en','ress. l'lie Si lefiiv .iU niinniiiices ilint the Trcns-uiv's nellev with vepret toler trannni-tl'ini. at -n low a rate that ilefeiment e' the soldiers' bnmin Is tin- I tliev could rtadlly be berne without In (lunge I ind iiibc piempt fiindiiig nfljnr.v. the income tnx could be materi the StO.OOn.OOO.OOO of foreign leans as allv siniplltled. the tax laws could be "one of tin outstanding needs of the I mere veadl'v administered, nnd at. the present economic situation.'" ' nme time tee nwded revenues would 1h- Mr. Mellei. also inrer.ns- C1.nsn-.1I "W ",,1,eu,t1 ,l" "-11 iffoi'te new ie that tl.. nnttirlty within tlnc.t eight- -'lnit ,f,r0,'.,h ' ""?1'Cnl ('xc( rn,,K e.r, months of .?!"i).n0(.000 of tee of taxation, siiert-datcd debt, "makes it imprrative I Krrenue Ilcilurtlen Net Great tiint -or v.evernmenr pursue n pemy Ml. Mp)iell infer,iiN Congress that of tile lit most Hsinemv and avoid UC'V , ,1.., nmnunt. ..f revenue ltivnli-n.1 In fi, undertakings that would threw nddl- kueirested reduction of rates "is net burdens mi the IteaMirv and mearra-sithe funding operations" with u snect M the floating debt ICeieniie Kevlslen Stiissed llevenue revision is the subject upon which tJie Xwiitnn ia.vs the niusi Iresfi. lie av tin i hunges 111 th" in law voted by CengieKs last month "give substantial relief te bushi-Ms nml indiiKtrv and rcstern in 'enie mcisu the freedom of busine-s trnunttiei'i nearly as great as is generally tup jieseii. "Te reduce the urtav rates te a maximum of 2." per cent and graduat- te pievent nerinul biiHlneiet tuinsnrtlena with the result that nnturni lnuusiriai development is letnrded, Mr. Mellen adds: "The idea seem te be picvnlent that in taxing large incomes only the person iceelvlng the Income, nnd who Is te pay the tax. Is really concerned. This is a mistake, for whatever the Revcnuucnt talics ln the way of tnx. out or any in come, which would otherwise be saved and invested, nnd thereby become a part of the capital nnd of the wealth of the Natien. nfTtrtR net se milch the In dividual from whom It Ih taken as It docs the whole people of the country, in the direct less of productive capital. "After all the wealth of the ceuntrj, upon which nil the activities antl the prespeilty of our people depends, Is made up of the pilvate property of the Individual cltlrcns nf all the people and anything thnt unnecessarily takes away from the accumulated property ncccssnrlly injuriously affects the people as a whole." Itusinesi Predis Tax Discussing the proposed adjustment of the tax en business prelits, Mr. Mellen suggests no specific rates, but calls nttentlen that the repeal of the excess piellts tax made necessary an tax at 10 pr cent really pays about 2.. per cent en his dividends, while ft stockholder subject te n ".0 per cent sur tax would be taxed about 05 per cent en such prellls." Eslal Te Hates Toe High, Dcclnrlng that there were two "chief objections," te the present high "estate tax rates, running up te U5 per cent en the total value of estates," Mr. Mellen says much of whnt he has said re spooling thn high surtaxes applies equally te the estate taxes. Anether objection he iets forth Is that In many Instance a forced liquidation of es tates te obtain the necessary money te nnv the taxe results in less te the . estates as well as "te every one else who Is interested In these properties, espcelnlly if at the snnic time, they do de sire te or muHt sell." Referring te the eft-icpcntcd state ment that the tax laws need simpli fying! Mr. Mellen declares that the nmeunlH of money, nnd which s that eitch possible question s stcd by the taxpnyer and b.v t u tint amounts mean ... ...lit. ..rtniilfn ilelav ln tn giiveriiinuiii. win. iv" v. Yi . A...I collection of the revenue, Irritation , niitl annoyance nnd expenfe en the part r e the taxpayer, and costly II Igntlen. th moderate, rates, very much of this dim ciilty would disappear. W. 0. PASS A SUICIDE Brether of Dauphin Prothenotary Shoeta Hlmielf Lebnneii. l'ft., Dec. 7 William O. Pas-i, flftv-flve years old, for ninny venrs mine foreman of the Cornwall Ore IlankH In the employ of the Itel.e- senin iron v.einpiiuj, . """ ill the lavatory of the Klks Heme here today. He shot himself In Ine right tcmple and died iiwtnntly. Pass wns a member or the Masonic Fralcrnltv nnd the EH. He Is a brother of Charles V,. Pass. Prolhono Prelhono Prolheno lary of Dauiihln County, lie had been ln peer Jiculth for some time. REFUSED NAfURALlZATlO Application of Ceateavllle Merehil, Who Avoided War Service RelJettjiT West Chesler, P.n., Dec. 7. Willi, Cehen, Russian, 11 (,'eatesvllle mcrcha for eight years, was refused linn n,i. iirallzatlen papers by the Court lurC u, day en the ground thnt he had tlccllnti mlilliiry service at the thhe of the m live draft. Cehen tedav denle Ii.."?' had made exceptions te service anH .ij Im uiim Inlinrred tnv n1,f.l..i "l.la.M' he n IVAInnt .i... 'n.n f'n.irt nnlleil Atl.,..;"'. ".". bnuni. of Ceatesvllle, en the telenhniV and the latter declared he had flllMi the draft paper for Cehen, who had I rfif tilled the answers nnd thereby rceeit!. exemption. ' ''" 6vyvv?0vvW uii'eriTErts nvHiGNuns .ad uakeiis or wehea s and CMILDKBN'S AVl'AREl. OV THE U1GHESV CIIAItAUTBR FOR itORE THAN JTWIJXTY-MX YEAn William I. en Mnckcnzic King, wne will be tlie next Premier nf the I In minion. i" a (.randsen et William Lven Mackenzie. 11 lender in the struggle f.u responsible gnvcininrnt in Cnnadn. lie is. fertv -.even leais nld. He holds pn t- ie une.. fnr the Liberals, wlie favor graduate degrees from tlie I niversitv turiff for revenue eni.v . In the Indus- I et fliicign and Harvard, trial province of Ontario, where tlie 1- rem U14 te till . he was engaged chief Government strength was supposed in the investigation of industrial rrla rrla te lie. thev have had great difficulty in , tinns under the auspices, of the Ito.ke Ite.ke Ito.ke heldtne their ewd and have lest a nuin- if Her toiindatlen. nnd while en this bcr of teats te the Liberals and the, work acquired an intimate knowledge Pre-rchsivcs I e Conditions in the Lnited States. He The Liberals derived their chief ben"- 1 was Minister of Laber for Canada for fit from the feeling of hostility te the eight .vcars In the Lnurier Government. rUmmnt .previous te which he served a few vears - Ln ents , Halifax and Kur.-s en the staff of the Terente Glebe, lie rVnniv w hirfi Sir Kebert Ilenlen. new Canada's delegation te tlie Washington Conference, icpresented till dissolution have all gene into the Liberal column. It was always expected thnt the Lib erals would develop great strength in these areas, but they have done better in Ontario than was anticipated. The prospects arc that the Melghen Government will resign within a week anil that Mr King will be called upon te form an administration The election has presented some novel features In Hie 1017 election, fought en the cOnscriptipn issue, the fcm.ile relatives of serv i e men were given the etc, but no ethers, and new for tin Is unmarried nnd lives at Ottawa Yeu Have Oil In Your Hair If tee much, it is unpleas ant. If tee little, your hair leeks sick. Keep your hair and scalp normal by faithful use of ED.PINAUD'S HAIR TONIC Refined Fragrance American Impert Office ED. PINAUD Bldg. NEW YORK Cgua&y efZczHc& ruu'Xa'niUsB 6u fanauA j ? rfrftimcAic GOWNS WRAPS SUITS FURS BLOUSES LINGERIE HOSICRY HAp Chebtnul CeniT Twelfth SWEATERS MILLINERY SKIRTS CHILDREN'S APPAREL rtmceATS NEGLIGEES Special (Fer Thursday Only) DRESSES .50 Apartments at the Rittenhouse Newspaper Advertisements Written Circulars rrfrarcd booklets cemplle-l d.13 lettu 8 i-impen"! idvfrt.slnj; of nl' kinds prcpar d h. experts in "ur em. r or In ours MiJmuni rnic Minimum Cost i mm. i.r.m.r.R errit is Renovated, refurnished made spick, span and inviting. Outside rooms, bright, cheerful. Pick from these: Twe Kooms and Bath. Three Reems and Bath, l'eur Itoems and two Baths. Rittenhouse Hetel, 22d and Chestnut A very unusual collection of Dresses of higher type and quality than this low price indicates. Very wonderful materials including Canten Crepe, Reshanara Crepe, Duvetyne, Peiret twill. Veldyne, Tricetine and Chiffen Velvets. Every new feature of the better fashions is shown in these Dresses and the most attractive colors. Sizes and styles for Misses of 14 te 18 and for Women wearing 36 te 46 SECOND FLOOR Yc specialuc iv styles that slcnderuc tlie larger woman TXT 1XT Just What Miss Nowadays Is Leeking; Fer $ All Sizes All Widths A patent-leather strap pump with perfectly ador able lines. Absolutely the newest thing and a very wonderful value. A Trade Accident Brings Yeu What Is Reallt a 14.00 Quality Q GOOD SHOES 921 Market Street West l'hxla. Branches 32d St. corner Spruce !0th SI. corner Chestnut North Phila. Branch 2736 Germantown Ave. O'crmauieiwt Branch e601 Germantown Ave. ill Branch Stores Open '.lClllt, tlVVIMIiye Sfcg re: l ($$tmg I Hijat te (gibe & anb Hehj? ST This Family Clothing Stere P Will SnlVA thn Xtm. rtirt Problem for Yeu The "Churge Account" Idea (gifts for mi Fer Men and Yeung Men O'COATS VJf un te the - minute models. Tfff The prlc. Is one of the biggest wp feature. f $27.50 and $37.50 I Snappy SUITS ST AU-wyel nnd nil geed. All et 2f iiiv m uewii a ui-nv uni:u iiiaie rlnl- I U $?.9.95 and $29.95 K Up f&r Women and Misscs j Street and Sports & COATS Sill, lined nnd warmly Inter lined $19.95 and $29.95 Distinctive Dresses F!v ided or id bi. tided and embreld- $15.95 Up FOR BOYS Wann Winter WearabU;s SUITS, O'COATS & MACKJNAWS $7.95 Up HAPIR0 Downtown I I 17-19 Chestnut bt. Uptown Cor. 6th & Thompson Sts Founded in 1865 C. J Heppe & Sen "The Heuse That Heppe built" President, Florence J. Heppe, Sen of the Founder Inaugurated the One-Price System in 1881 Paderewsii and the Due-Art Reproducing Piane nt vvni id must t.uneuj pianiit as Padcrcwski docs tli.it the Due-Ait L IK 1:2 ? S "l avail myself of this opportunity te congratu late you again, en your oplendid achievement in the production of the Duo Due Art Piane. This t'nstru ment is without question greatly euporier te any ether of ita hind, and I deeply appreciate the op portunity it affords me te have my playing repro duced with such manifest fidelity. I. J. PADERBWSK1 March 18, 1318 (hwnedi V nen v r te Reproducing; F'miie "i without question i-eatlv upfiiiii te anj ether of its kind," and further that u affords an uppui tunitv ' t have tin plating lepieduccd vv itli -uch man1 ini Inlclitv," the Due-Ait is a I one tinir placed above all ether repiedui'ini; pi 1110 uul ( powers aic fully described. I he Due-Art actually plas ter vmi as i ii trelsi siiiRs for von. It i the last w erd in pianodem I he Due-Art i made enlv in i In- Steinway, Weber, Sle.'k, Wheelock a u il Stroud piane1, nil en sale :it I fi"ppe . Prirr.y jtnui $895 up '.a.li ei Kental Payment Settlemeni Acuepted At tlnt time of the year when there is saich a rush te purchase suitable Christmas gifts many people are uiged te buy inferiei miking machines hence this word of wanyng. Buy your Victrela at Heppe s and there will be no disappointment Heppe's sell only genuine Victor-Victielas and uur salesmen cannot urge you te buy imitations. As music experts we knew the Victer te be by tar the best of .ill i.ilking machines, and iut ail vice is te buv A Victor-Victrela or Nene t Heppe's you may secure any style 0f Victoi Victei Victoi Viurela in the mete popular finishes. At present we un guarantee Christmas delivery, but we utge an immediate purchase in order te avoid disappointment. Settlement may be b cash, or chaige account, ei by the Heppe Rental-Payment Plan. Heppe Victrela Outfits THREE DAYS MORE Pre -Inventory Sale of Used Cars Jleppc ,e IV Outfit, $M.I0 with G 10-iiieli deublu-fuee records I'ay only HOc weekly Heppe A'e. 50 Outfit, $50.10 with 0 10-iiieli deublu-fuee reeonl reeenl I'ay only $1 weekly Ihppe Ne. 00 Out Jit, $135 with $10 in records '; vntu vS.?J weekly 11,-ppe A'e. 300 Outfit, JteG with ?15 in reeerdn I'aii only f.'l weekly The Heppe Rental-Payment Plan ou de net wish tu pas by ihh or cluirne uix'eimt, BCltle niPiit nuv be liv our ii'titul pujiiicnt plnii vvliluli allows ou te rent Htiy pliine, placr placr plune ei Victrela and Iwve ill rem applied toward tlm puii'liase price, and jeu .in ,j liberty te return lliu Instru iunt or purclmsd II at any time X Is? Mail I'lns Coupon for Full Information UJ.IIl.l)l,a3UII ( i -piewn Bth & Thoinpbeii Sta 1 ' 1,iu Without uny obligation en my part please bend full information about (murk a below): EH 1'ianeh HI Plnyer-PluneK Vielreluu Many a Cadillac owner, whose car is elder than these resale Cadillacs new en our floors, continues te drive it month after month, for thou sands of miles, with undiminished joy in its constancy, its eager power, and its delightful gliding smoothness. The resale Cadillacs new en our floors are available at very low prices, NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Bread Street Piene Spruce 02 W Open ,Venirig5 c A D I L L A The Standard of the World C -A Hj t IJn in flW1 fan 1 & 1 1! S irk lt , i J I'.ve. UJser 11' 7 11 ' WM "7 '4'' IQFp I .J. V