n-? fiyt ' ' u .JITj , l It " l CM 1.' I EVJBNING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, ;,9 IJECEMBISR 6, 1921 ' . -, fST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE fancy Wynne Tallcs of the Debutantes Who Attended the Bacheler Cotillon in Baltimore Second Opera at Academy te Be Followed by Feyer Supper-Dance AUOOIH'Y number of lMillmlclplilntis ncnt down te HnlUmerc Inst nlslit for the En IMchclep cotillen. Virginia rlrltnn Vent of course, for she is Sin In winter between Ilnlllmere Sd "winrtel.1.ln. Most of her frleml, Iml rrlntlxri live In (be former ,-lty. h,, m nee Iht mother's mnrr n;tc te Mr. J Wlmier HIJ.IIe. I"" home In In IMillu- dc,la'ni,. is lenlly having u wen- V ." . t ..l.n I.. nelflil miiv there In both cltlen. nnd hew nhr can j tike In ns much of the gaiety nH rIic , tine, iur ""u n. "' .....,, dcci am net loelt timi is i'T " ?:....!.. in me. However, wilts is bcii- 5b e about It. and does net trj te se te nil the parties. She la very nttrnc- "Vl!euln Wnllic. another debutante, went ilnxxrn te IL She is the .Tames I'hllndelphla the cotillen, T. Wnllls a couple of going ex cry- daughter, nnd came out mnnths age. She, tee, Is where. mill Mndclrns pait.v in the Nevth 1 Garden of (he llellexuo-Strntferd hut night xxnn n smart affair. Mrs. Mndfirn is stunning and dies-es xvltli rate tnrtr The dance xxns given for Sarah Starr, or Legan. n she Is rnllc.l. and the guests were of the bud set ami the younger men. I.egnn looked rv axxeet In n pink 'ntln frock em em breldered In fIIvci-. The Herace Nitens entertained for Wrv before the dnnre, nnd the Fiancls Ii,. fonts gaxe n beautiful dinner for Hannah Hlliett. xvhe by the xxny. teems te be iih popular ns her s stcr Ilettx. I wonder If Hetty tins Wn catciilng any mere bears In the IteHcj Meitntnlns x en knew she nnd Mr. I'oxx I'exx .irc Kiiending their wedding trip out West, nnd I told ou the ether day they had cnught n large bear. . , , I xviU gixel THC Metropolitan Company i... n,.n,ul nnnrn nf the i-en easen In the ' Academy tonight with Oeraldine I'ttiinr I in "I.euVc " The Opera Supper t lul gtehaxe a meeting aiier up i..-h....... ance in the foyer, but netxxeen tht acts the fecr Is te be open ns a promenade, as It xvns last year. Mrs. Henry H .leanes and Mrs. Charles Randelph Weed, of the Orchestrn Com mittee, xx ill receive the hupper guests. Ther ih no doubt the mpp.-i mv a jreat .uece. . and it is fun te be able te go in nnd dntiee after tlie peiform peiferm ince, xxltheut Having te get into wraps and ride clsexxliere. 'ri, Minei I.lnvds xxlll elitertiun or T'lln In their box thin evcuina and tin' Jmne Stnns xxill lmxe l.eg.xu xxlth I evening, Decemlxr 17, In honor of their them Mi. and Mrs. Jehn Frcilerii k 1 daughter, Miss Sxlxia V it Stieng I.exxls xx ill haxe six guests and Mr. Majer Wllllnm It Itellly will hertl nnd Mm A'e:uider Van Kriinclner lsie liivllatlens for a dinner, te be ful fill als entntnln. Mr. mil Mrs. J. "owed by .1 th;atri.art. In honor of T, ' ,,., i, ,,, ,. mi i..,,. xi,. ,,..,1 his ilebutautn niece, Miss Unlhurgn Kaul Ilirtrai. I.lnpin-ett " " "ine Ml. "",., ()!U1Rllter of Ml ,, M,s. Josei.h Mrw letm Sett as their gucbts. Helllj. of JJ09 St James place Mr and Mrs Itellly xxlll aKi glxe a dlniui, nil) seu l.nexx that the ( Irpheuh Je be follexxed bv a tht aire pirtx. in ', ' ... . , honor of their d.xughtei en Dn inlmr 17 - .Ulxtl X.llliri VI will Kivu u ywiiiiiu nuslmli toinerioxx evening in the Billmii'-Srriilferil fur the Kensington Neighhnilieiid Heuse iintl Si uu KitthtuV Yeu knew tluit tiunitet, gives its sirxire-. for xniieus chni .tie-. M've'Ml times a xenr The iiunrtet includes Edna Ilnrwoeil Iliiusher, Cliira Yoeum .Texee I'lu In U'niicn CoeUc n tic 1 Uiu aid Iti'tMliig" Amen; t'i pntieiK'h-'es for the af fnii ate Mi. It. r.lliMin Tnemix hi. Mis I'liirleinngiU' Texver, Mis Mary K (JIIjm)ii. Mrs. Graham Diughcit, Mrs i:iil-x 11. Coxe. .'Id. Mr-. Jelm (J Clarke, Miss Maty f'. Converse, Mr'. (! i. in incur Cailxxnlnder, Mrs ( A L. fntti-i all, Mr, Nicholas Iiidtl't ,. Mis. I.ixliiK-ten Hitldle and Mis. .1 Wiliner lliddle. JACK had ind one fuis lifter another with the two little bejs xxhe lived dexxn nt i he I'ernei anil oftentimes the fuss hnd giexxu into uu honcst-te-somlnt-- ti-t tight. Tilie ether tlax Mether de l.lttl te gixe Jack n biith- (iej paitj, se she called him into the Imi-e from the garden and sniil : ".IneKie, Methi r xxiintH te knexy xvhat little bej s i.inl girls j en xvnnt her te auk te jour party?" Jackie, Imme diate! interested, ga-i her the names of nbuut ten of his little school friends Hen ild .Mether. "I'd like te Tem nnd Willie, but jeu three asl; I me I alxxajfc iightlng," nnd te her nmnze raent Jack replied : "Oh, bure, let 'cm tome This is a time xvhen they get te fimmu a piesent." NAN'CY W.'i:, 1 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Recelvng at the tea tomerroxv, which Mies M Theodora Hurt and Miss Edith n Burt xvlll give at their home, ij!03 Walnut street, te present te so ciety their niece, Miss Jean lltoek JUley debutante daughter of Mrs A Burt Itilej, of ILiverferd, xvlll bu Mlsri Ulen Den b las Klejd, .Miss Ctentni Hills, Jm Hei.ein.il j D Hexve, Miss Helen V Michell Jlus Peggx Uesengnrten, Miss , nl"B tliange. Miss Alberta P Heath, UlM Kleaner P. Slean, Miss Oeitmde u Qrixlidin, Mlts Hannah Hlllett, Miss r ?,nr I)llnulng and Miss Snlly Hldei. "I Ualtlmore .Mrs. Maxwell Strutheis uurt ana Mis Heracn Ilioeke Hurt xvlll weald,, at the tea tables A small dln- !"!d tlK'atre 1"' xvlll fellow for the "c'Wn? l,urt M's Hllej will be the n,", of h,"",er nt ,l dlnnei and theatie Part en Piiday evenlntr. neeemh.r wri .i, m. ..... ----. -- . I,. . ! """ '11H 1S.UIL H nethlti will give " . Ul nUllIIX ht Of.lr l)n,l.,n. fiiiu .L. ."""ernent. xvlll glxe t the are" r.""',1 M"! Wn Dunean Colheuu hlrtli Ot 11 hint ,,., 1. .. ...i. narnni i. , ; ",';'-iiiee-i , ie ue 'nintu iteiili.ii liiinei. n r'n ,. Mrs rnii....... .-..:,".-""" " bold "" ""- .nss .ximv n Xew Mr a,,a t-"Urenieiu itlens fill Mr Merna K flethici of x il .iiiex.i, lmxe issuetl iml- ft il hinan n ni... . ,'"? Ke..,,.!,,:"'"" ,'' , ' "ia.ni . 1 Oil es I iil,, i '" """" ei MRS Wn,,''iw t:twvUe da,,c" wich Winds it.. "f',lln ?"" of Four 'ei -"in, wu ir vn at the AN IS THE 'i TTV KT f, in Weman Is the home maker, emliellbn Ina the bare structure with the expres sion of her own eharmlne personality. Te the woman of discriminating tusta who seeks te Invest her home with Individual charm, the Heuse of Valiant offers Its long ex perlence, Its artistic achievements, Its compre hensive knowledge of the possibilities. Valiant Furniture, Draperleb, Wall Coverings are Invariably correct. They are lasting things of beauty, of satisfaction and economy. Charming lamps with shades make delightful Christmas girts. "iillmit henlee I Cenllul ullant I'ruei re Mtiiltrutr i i i r hV SZ-HJWtVKT t!M - Merlen Cricket Club In honor of fliilr daughter, Mlsit .Sarah Mmy Harnett Mr. and Mm. Lincoln KeriitiHeti el 8031 .Seminole tivemtf, Chcslnut Hill will enteitalu at a dinner en Tliurduj px-enlnjr. December 20, In honor of their daughter, .Miss Llll'nn H Foreman, he fore the meeting of the Saturday Ee-' nine Dancing Class Mr. nnd Mrs. Graham Deusheit of Cress Ilends, Jenklnteun. xxlll bc tin guistr of Mr. and Mis. Get dun A , fote. IinrdttlcU, of Summit iixpiiiip (Miwtntit lit dinner this rxen'nir. te bn followed by n iwrtv at th eneia In , wiu ve or rtirs tiartixvici; h iMrriiiH, Mr. and Mrs Helund U. Tujler, 1805 De i.anccy street. Mr, nnd Mrs. Jehn Hnynieur Hleren of lljernhem, of Waterloo read nnd Darby creek. Dox-en, linve Isaueit Inxltn Inxltn tlens for a dinner en Thursdiiy excnlng, December 22, nt the Hcllevue-Stratfeiu In honor of Miss Alice llenrdlct, ilelm tante dnughtPi' of Mr, and Mrs Ilebcit Iluvcll Uenedlct, of Tht Ceineifl Hex eh bofevo the tlnnce te he glvui by Mr nnd Mis William Drajten Grunge e" the Wellington, In honor of their debu tante daughter. Miss Uannlng Grange Mrs Henry H. Iluich of 1006 Spruce streil has Issued Imitations fei h chlldrm's paily. In honor of her guind daiiKhtPi. Mlm Dull learning Huiuli, nt' her home en .Saturday aftornoen, December t", from 3 until 5 o'clock. MI'a Jnne tlcll Tentman daughter of Mr. and Mrs, I'eK- Ycatmnn, of 1118 Spruce street, will entertain at luncheon nt her home en Thursday, In honor of Miss Cernelia Otla Skinner daughter of Mr and Mis. (jtls Sltlnnei Ceximh will be laid for twelxe guests Mr and Mrs catman will entertnln In tln-lr box lit th opera tonight Mr and Mrs Donald It.u dvu, Dedge of .Shanghai, China are rec hlr.g con cen con giatulitlens en the birth of a dniightei Mrs Dodse will be leniembeud ,u Miss Gutiude II IIuiij, daughti i of .Mrs Charles Wolrett Hetirv, of Stonehurst. chestnut Hill Mis lleniy, who has b - en xlnltlng her son-in-law and dnugh- I IIT, Will Sll lUI Hie t.iiuiiii,v iiif met ui Janu.xr Mr and Mis Hdwnid II Meigs of Washington, lll tnteit.i1!! Mis Mel,s" slFUt. Mrs Charles Stewart Wurts, in their be at the opera tc n'ght Mr. anil Mrs Aleand' r Van Kmih seiner xxlll entutalu txvtlxe giusts at the Oper.i Supper Club this excnlng Ml .ind Mrs Kd;.ir S MctC.i g X' 111 cn'Tt iln it .i small d n. i mmoriexx night at their home In I'.adner, in honor of Mr and Mrs W.Ut-r Coepii. Mr and Mrt Alan II SlrepK. Of 203 De I-iiincey I'lace xxlll utertnln at a dliinei nni'l thru tic naitv en Saturday The luncheon nntl thtatji partv xxhleh was te hat beta glxen iy Mrs. H II I n.ittl'i, of Nexxtewn iU.iie en Wed nesday afti-ruoen Deiembtr 21, In hoher of Miss Hllzabeth II Hat'ies. dthiit.inte ' daughter of Mr. nntl Mrs Frank Bat tles, of 267 Seuth Nineteenth stiett. ha., been postponed until lab i In Hit sta sta fen Mr and .Mis llellirisluiid N T.iv'nr S101 St Martins Kam. fhesinut Hill. xxlll entertain at n l.uge family dinner en Christmas D.i ) ' Miss Hsthti Jean Hechni.in, daughter of Mr. nntl Mis Chnihs Francis Bech- I man, nf 13ii Seuth I'ightetuih streut, I xxlll entertain at a small (tuition btldgO party at lit" home en Tutil.ix after-, i neon, iKcenibei 13, m honor of Mini M.idnllne (Illiume, of New Yerk, w no will arrlxe next xxeek te spend a fexv days as the guest of MHa Uechrr.an 1 Mr and Mis Hxrrett I" 'iesbj. of Wist Mermaid lane, Chestnut Hill, xxlll tnteilnln at a dlnnei. te be tollewcd b a the.itte pait. en S.itunlay evening, December 31, In honor of their daughter, Miss Milt lei Cresby Miss t'lesby, xxhe is a student at Smith College, Nexv YeiU, will leturn home December -'0 te spend the helidajn xvlth her patents Mr and Mrs H Ashton Kittle, of The Oi chard, Strafford, haxe Issued in vitatiens for a dance at the Merlen i Helf Club en Friday, December 23, In i honor of their daughters Miss Maiy S Kittle? and Miss Anna D Kittle Mis. H t! Williamson announced the engagement of her daughter. Miss Hllen Oaneble Williamson, te Mr I James Cltixxhur.st, of Kt Keuls, Me. at a luncheon en Saturday at the Adclphla Miss Hlcaner I'm x lance, daughter of Mr. I'eiegrlne Wllmer, of .10 JT West Teulter Htrt't't. Germaiitexvu, who Is a Btudent at Farmlngten Scheel, Massa chusetts, xxlll return en December "I for the holidays. Mr J Nelsen I'tir vlance, xvhe is a ptudent lit I'emfiet, Conn., will also icturn the tame da. Mia Itebeit W. Buah, of N'exv Verk, Is visiting her mother, Mrs Jay Coeke, Jr , at lur home, 2104 St. Jatuea pl.iee. Mr and MrH. William K (loedman, RUGS CLEANED lly the New SHAMPOO PROCESS Heautlftilly bright anil cknn your rugs com had: I'ntterna ami col or renterpil te original baut Oreasn spetj and fttalns an4 dirt ntlrely remexd All xvltheut In Jurlnr the flnrat rue or rruut And t a coat no llttln It xxlll trnara you Dyeing te match any color scheme. Anten Derfner & Sens CLEANERS & DYERS Jlllllllll ,111,111, I,,. Ill,, ,,IM, MM, ,,, I 1. ill I lit) 111 rlilSliriiSmWH l'jllflll I Yl H I iiiSi I lis IP vsr SSsS xJ I 11 n y v xitts' I I H fSXLar Like New. Are xasaa f TA j s jt (Jirurd A ve. t Jt ' II writ ler Information 0I1 M ill Iwv Phene AV II ' III rSbv ''"'"'ar X.IHO XflHIU 19 : f 11 -j.i'whr:sL''Kzr a- gValianT rTADLUlirU-llIi - 1822 CHKSTNUT STREET HOUSE BUILDER. M'W'jh&Wr. MRS. DAVID bf Mi v"aw y " "'-. jmmr m '-' v m -- ' vv' '-t , K. A . i , ', . '.'it ''" '" " ' '1- A ', n wfcSE, ' . f ' i ' ' " - - 19k 3 a. "A'i ' y f A "' ' ' x'J', ' ' M - H - h 1 1! ijjL ' ' ' ''"' a" ' " ' HOB --if?t's I'MfP ''."!'., ' ' J33NI if"'"'tiJ" j ' '-'"s1s' -'-,: " "' Ami her little son, ICihxnril I' (ici'iii.intexin. .Mrs. Ir , of fiS60 Gerinantexvn avenue, Chest nut Hill haxt- t etui nod from n visit tu Washington i .Mrs Jehn It Oiibbel, nf"l,',1 .Seuth I i.ignieeiun street mill Chestnut Hilt, xx ill s.ul this xxeek for Honolulu, where sin- xxlll spend sex ei nl xvtcks as the guest of her brether-ln-laxv and sister, Mi. and Mm. Herbert H Weller, at Pa cillc IMghts Mra. Weller was Miss .lull. i i: Hiebnti. daughter of Mrs. Siinuirl X Heibner. Ir ami Mis Uioige 1'pten rnverite, xxhe Irnxe liven spending several months at int'it teuntix place at Doven, will return this week and spend the winter witii i, u I .. ..cit!., ..,,. H u... ... u.nil iiiinin,, i .. r ... ,n ? i,.i .-.v,.., hi. u., IUIIIIIK i stref Mi and Mis J Unwell Cummlnge I Ir, nl ihe Wellington, xxlll occupy their nexx home nt Wxnntwneil the .ailx pirt of next month Mrs Cummlng., win J(. remtmbtied as Miss Isabella Wan.i m list i tl.iughter of Mr antl Mrs Wil liam H. Wanain.iker, Jr.. of Woetlroxd, Merlen. Mi William A hteii. son ..f Di and Mr Thern is (i Ashton. trf Hedlcaf Wxnneix.iiid who N a student at St Pauls s lenl New H.ixtn I'miiii, win BONWIT TELLER &,CQ 7he Specialty xSfixp of QnavaHefiA CHESTNUT A.X 13 STREET Special for Wednesday Drastic Reductions Misses' Apparel Distinctive Misses' Apparel selected from higher-priced stock offer, remarkable values r-MISSEJS' COATS Fur-Trimmed Coats and Wraps 78.00 Formerly te 115.00 YOU ihu ..inning straight line muiU'K (iint'lepfil in pan v flame and l'ellxanna. Seine li.txi- handi)inc col cel l,ntif xx'elf, opeiMiin. beaxi'i or Mjuirrel ; etliei". without tur. EXTRAORDINARY SAVINGS ON MISSES' DAYTIME AND DANCE FROCKS 28,00 - 38.00 - 48.00 - 68.00 Dcliglutullx xeuthliil intcipretatiens ei the season's best mode-, that antiupate the needs ei the debutante and the college girl, for the varied social Junctions' et the fast-approaching helidays: Ciepe satins, crepes de chine, Canten crepes, satins, taffetas, laces, chiffons, Peiret twills, tricetincs and velvets; in all et the shades in xeguc. MISSES' A. BENNlg MMU Photo !v Ilarhrnrh nae Chelteii. nxenue, Helen Ilest . lleiinls. ltd, of Iteniils xxas MNs arrlx-e home December 22 te sppenil the helldaxH with his parents. i Mi lltiux I Ml nnd Mr' I Yerk Heuse Miller Watts Jr son ef1" Mever, , hilrm.in , Mrs Daniel Green " Henry Miller Vx'nttn. of ' ".'""' '""""ui.i. and Miss Vnginla tJgeutz. xxhe Is a student I Mnlet. st.t.t.irx '.It St Paul M St hnnl. W lliieii I'fmn xxlll arilxt' home en December 20 te I spend the holidays xxlth his parents I Miss Hl.ilun Talor Hngllsh, daughter i of Mi and Mrs Fredei Ick W lingllsb. i of Jje West Scboelhouse lane, (ler- m.intuxMi xxhe has been visiting friends .In Washington, has rtturntil te her ' hetiie. M,s ,,,.. Ml M. ri, r'V, V. .iis i lereni e J Walsh, daughter of Huhn Valsli. of 601J J'npi lead OwrbreOk has returned finm a xlslt te Nexv Yerk and xvlll leave en Menilav December "0, for Seuth ('iiieliun where she xxlll be the guest let 'line time of Miss Helle Haruch daughter of Mr and Mrs. Heinnrd Baiuih. of Nexv Yeil.. lit their nliu-e. I 1 f,ttwriiirt . llitlll ' . ivne i, ", Mr IJdward Hullock. nf 'XYiilllngleril Mrs Albert Itous' Iteus' h.is retuinttl from Burnt gat City, where1 M'tdter nntl Mrs It ne xxns in.- guest rer sexeral daxs of bis uncle. Mr James Maxwell HuIIetk of je I.", Kin u"t stieet. Mr anil Mr.s It.ninentl H 1'iarsall if ".IJ'i Wiieillnnil axuiue, Wynnitleld r MISSES ' SUITS these nniii.hr suits f uiunai -- an it'prfM'nt.iiixf nt th anil bhniscd tit tailoring, Mjifd In Henxxit Tcllei A Ce. l. leiH-ii or nuxet Hi laiiu in trinil loud or iiir-trimnu'd model-. Formerly priced 55.00 te 125.00 DEPARTMENT, FOURTH are receiving congrntulntlena en th6 birth of a son. CInrence Illlnswerth l'cartall, nn November 28 Mr, nnd Mrs, D.ixld S I.udlum left today for New X erk, xvherc they will at tend the wedding of Miss Virginia Wil liams, daughter of Mr nnd Mrs. Geerge Henry Williams, and Mr Ilurten Mnl Mnl lery Webb. During their stny they will he guests of Mr. and Mrs. Meri Is K Parker. Mrs I.udlum xvlll net return until seme time next xveck Mr. nnd Mrs Uenjamln Hnrk. of S23t Diamond street, nnneuncn the engage ment of their daughter. Miss Lillian II. Hnrlt, te Mr Samuel l'exman, of Phila delphia. Jlecclvlng day xvlll be an nounced In ter ALONG THE MAIN LINE Mrs KninU Sciitmaii, of the Monte Mente l Xista Apartments, cjxerbroek, xvlll enter tain the bridge club, te which she be longs, at luncheon en Ktlday afternoon. The members lnclude Mrs William llus by, Mas Kthel Chandler. Mrs Harry It Deppeu, Mrs Clarence Fex Mth David linger, Mih Willlnui Housten, Mis. O .1 Oundllllngef Mrs Jeseph Jehnsen, .Mi a HiiriMu Spiicltmnn and Mrs Kiod Kied crlck .Sims. Mrs Geerge ShiaK. of C38 Merlnnd re.'id, Ox'crbroek, will cntrtnln the mem bers of her Five Hundred Club at luncheon this afternoon Her guests xvlll Include Mm Jeseph Roberts. Mrs Gcerg'MInnej, .Mrs Frank Sehell, Mrs Geelge Ufffeits, Mrs Itebert Havllett, Mr.'. Wnltti Herntr Mrs Jeseph Hal p'n. Mrs Geerge Noen Mis Themas Wiule, Mrs I Tayler and Mrs. 13 It Martin WEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs Oeeigc Hughes of !I0 Seu'li Klfty-iexenili street, xxlll entertain her hrldge lunrheeti i lub nt her home to te to merroxv afternoon The members In clude Mrs Frank Kit Meld, Mrs C J Slnglser, Mrs. harles Gerlmni. Mrs II Guy Heebnei, Mrs Marshall II. Stretch, Mrs. Supplee Farquhnr, Mrs. Wcsle.x Wenr. Mrs Jehn McCullough and Mrs Kdxxard Kershaxv. Mr. nnd Mis Franklin V King hav returned from their xxeddlng trip and aru at h"ine at .", IIS rhitnceller street i Mrs King xxlll be. lumumhered ns Mli I litlnu JI Ztglcr, of r 7 .1 7 b'lorence ave nue. Mis I.irl" F Feul, of MJI Cedar nxenue, bus unneuncetl the rngngement of her d.iughti'i Miss Uthel tl'Arrrrs Ferd, and lhislgn Hlniei Ol.-ett Daxis IT H N' , con of Mr and Mrs Oleett Davis, of Pert .Jeffersen. N Y FRANKFORD The Kuiiigincy Aid of Frankford xvlll held Its iiniiuiil meetli'g en Fritlax- aftet aftet aftet noen at the home nt Mrs It.'ixmencl Unult 171.' e Iper street Mis. Hurt In Warburtnn pr 't'tlpnt of tin r.tncrgcticv Aid of pennvlf.inla, xvlll ddlxer an address nn this occasion The elflcers of this ineil liratich ere Mrs Jehn Miss llerthn Pellnrr. of Fiankferd aXt'iiue and oithetlox sircet, l spending n ft-xv xxetkH In t'lexelitiid, O, xxhere she Is xlslllng Ml"s Helen Jlebblms, daugh ter et Mi ami Mrs Paul Itebblii' DELAWARE COUNTY Mi Dixltl Jaxne Hullock. of Wall ng ng feril. wns a gut t last eenlng nt the epra of Culenrl apd Mrs Itebert M Hienktl'-ld, of Jl'ii Perter stret t Mis t'luules Henix xxlll entertain the bridgi i lub te Willi h she belongs it liinih'uii it the Itltteiiheusn en Thurt 'lax if lei loon liettmber 1C xxhte lit i guests will be Mrs Henrv Ileates jir D.ixltl Jnxiie Hullock. Mis t harle " " i i-einu eig, Mrs J 1' Herbert, Mrs Wll- n.... .. i.r..r... i. Jlrs Frank Head II Mrs ('.corgi II Walter Stan Mr and Mrs I' S Cram of Sharen Hill are entertaining Mrs. Craut'n sistei Mr" h H I'eteinim, of Mount Wrnen (i x.he will be xxlth them for sexeral 'Xl ik Tailored and Fur Trimmed 29.00 Formerly te 09.50 distinction it nigh txpe cliaitutfiiing niddt, ,non- t.n- FLOUR NORRI8TOWN Mr. nnd Mrs. Wyetto M Hewdcn. of Chain street, xvhe were recently mar ried, xvere thn guests of honor nt a I surprise miscellaneous shower glx'un by the members of the Sunday school clnss of the First Presbyterian Church I Among these present ivcre Miss Florence- Hlnklcy, .Miss Cera Mny Arneld, i Miss Knthr.xu Crawford. Mlwi Susanna , Cruxvferd, Miss M rl. Atiss (Jarnctte and I Miss Nerma Ailev, Miss Mnxln J aulk iner, Miss Dorethy (Illtnpre, Miss I Kathryn Oxvens. Miss T.Iargarct I.eck- hoof, Miss Kathryn Williamson nnd I Miss Delhi Wcldner. 1 Announcement has been made of the I engnttftnpiit of Miss Frances Wnlters, I of 726 Chain sticet, nnd Mr Charles Hareld Meser, Jr , son of Mr. ami Mrs 1 Charles It Meser. of Philadelphia The 1 formal announcement xxns inade nf a supper at which Miss Walters cntei I tallied txxelxe of her friends. YARDLEY At n meeting nf the Clxlc Club held TbuiMlay afternoon run cut exents xvere given by .Mrs Augustus J Cad xvalladc?. Mrs Jehn Ulackfnn, presldrnt of the Nexv Century (nub, Nexvlexvn, gave a full lepert of the State federation of Women's i lubs Mr and Mrs I: Y Harries lmi r -tut ned fiem h meter trip te Tltuille xxhere thev h.ix.3 been spending he last few1 xvreks PltU.A S KertRMnST TIIKATHKM FORREST pxV ITS AT 8 C I ,r?ie fox twe FIVB STAR. MUSICAL IHTOXKAH iA OIANCUE RIN CUAIWlHMINCtn. WINONA WiHIEU, JAY GOUtO! JOV fMOUIWLllOrllPEj'CHORIJlJ " rjnrv a r mhiits a r h n Dl.JILJrai' v) rnxri'UiMXX IIMIAOI.MKVT TXVO XXUK.s CiNKY ellAItl.U.S rnnUMAN I're'fnts OTIS KINNER n T n iti u m T'li BLOOD AND SAND Ily Mtl'.NTK llfste I11XNK ' cmmtK NU.HT'; XT M-, I't'i'i uu xi xr TtiMrittlp V Cksr'afiiHitiJiam 7W"rnh 1311 bOG mmmv A PLAY OF ADVENTURE Jy 5APPER." u,k "MtlCDItAMA AS IS MCIODSAVA CPANO AND CLORIOU'j tNTtltTAINVLST- crcctf j THEATRE hi" Chestnut at Nineteenth St. m Dim lien I red l X. I.. 1 rll Positively Last 5 Days mmu& FAIRBANKS fe IX TIIK 1 "3 MUSKETEERS" eti Cannet Afford te Miss the Film Sensation of the Year .1. lnnk Xterrlck nml Illn Mrlcited Sjmiilieny (Irtlirxtru Nxxlnnrn unit .XI iltlnntl ill tlir XX erltl's I itrgml Thi-:ilrr Orgnn. c xri i r xv i:h w xNOTHrn Mil li N in t I XII I ItriDtVTtn.N m m MARY PICKF0RD "Little LordNFauntlerey,, AMBASSADOR WAihtt "The Mether and the Law" Km m m OP 15m ifinlln imt4ir 'mil r Ar.xr.xi et xii sic MKTnnreuTAN err.uv rextiiN, . lt TONIGHT AT 8:00 LOUISE XlmrH. 1'iirr.ir. Ilrrnl, Icl iiineln, I'lllii. I'rrlnl MM. I'rrtllf (llri.t Xpix-.iruiicri, Itelhlrr. Xlemlrr. xniiiiiiiii. raiirinirrl. I-hir-iiII, Conil XVtiin. Tutu, rinl A llfiiif'. niu ( lif.it. st. ORPHEUM lj0 i"1 M" x,li',en ORPHEUM PLAYERS in Smeeth as Silk" KEYSTONE il r A DUMONT'S ,Kt -'; -EMMETT WELCH Minstrels' s VIIIU nn nxr sII tins - N-A I I ' Mil I XX , If , II,. ABE REYNOLDS REVUE NUT Aim Casine l-LUi IS "lllXM.I Ol 1)TI. s(IM. KM IT XI Minn Trtfrsen Ittrltul ill llellri m-Srut. furil llullrntiiii. Ilftf nilir Hlh. rh meru In Tliiirinliix Drtrnilwr l.llh. lit Hil.1 I' XI Ii mln xiriiiuriiil IIuiiik for crd llllnil HEMSTITCHING 6 yd. I mi . v i i , I . I -. II 111" i ,. I' i ' llui xi, SARANA HEMSTITCHING SHOP 1120 Chestnut St. XI ill Onler I'luint" XX nl. 4K,-, HATS CLEANED Remodeled III tlir nrncat ehnpea fur fcierli nml uiitlne xxe.ir Our 10 rurm of r. Iirrlrmc U ut sour tirtlir Steinman T)4 N. 7tll St. Nieiici Xturltft 2137 llranch' JrlTrraen Vir XXerks, 107 S. lth Fer Xmas Kxi IunIxi IIi'kIkiin In slk nml XI nlr i- shirts Mutlr I nun Xinir Muter ill WnSfcP J rr O. " '-""kI rcr. i 1'iiuwr Inirni i cr Imai l&Km&ib0 Wffi A m g.i ML HI iniRili seli- KfiiN t fit -Ix XM-slIlllO" The white silk that won't wath yellow HANFF & HANFF I riIIf,A.'H I.KAniNrt TIIKATRKR niRFCTIDN Of I.BK .1, J. HIIUnKHT nht anitXT Act is VAummii jus hdini munti claAk&m;culleuh 'CHUCkllt Of 1421 iuw.fi IMO.Y Mlt J4CR fftwtl faUUft AlOMWN t-lTd Vtllt t t M ft WvlTWf..t t nrrt rfl e q f t Wiy 11CAL SPllLrRS I tABtt RICHARD. OLCAMISHKACO. V; t 1 rAruU0 PUMANtt-SHfllY ) RIAL I- LIHDSTROM WHITt WAY TRIO ART U RO BCttNARDl THf mMMOt!l1 THT j TSUUBIERI MATJ WHO 4- 11 A nnl Rlral te (lie Merry XVIrtew. i:xfnlnc nnllrtlfl rM4irsr ac"ae ctdaiic n"'' "T" . vyjvix jiiuj ctvwttT7 ieip'ir IWSvMii .7 1 'nITJ 'J I. J.,.A.i.TJ.,kJ,VWjBJ.lA' " " Bargain Mat. Tomer. KfV. 5i'S0 Etf Ki TOXIIIIt A -T LAST 5 EVENINGS AT 8:15 mr DiTRicumm is out or thl tinkt ARTI5TJ THC THTATRL Hi? fV KNWN AMD M6'S OOT ANOTHER PLAY" THAT MAKES YOU KNOX? IT NIR. I-E0 I 'cBCE VAL0E HEXTWEEK rWihr t RAr COHSTKIl X xe")? C,r,l rr3rt DA L I C C A v rtf mwftrvef rrr vihxai ceMrrut "A F G A R'' va TIM O'CONNOR "i.'.,s IKT'" 1 niir I i-O'luc n jr I t I j' l'rlrei n His 1 n'fBt Pr in ! MeIHh at H:30 XIMh Tliiir A Pep. Mat. Thurs. $1.50 Seats NOW 8 Weeks Ahead f, Mil M T- A'l 11(1 KHX l)FI . II XI! 1 K7.I 'UMAM E8 si. xt. mixx rim xxi x m M XX 1 Xlfs XIXT-. A. M. OKUXMI 1I It 1IIIIlll'i rum- ndxx ; ' WALNUT xtVrrVM?,!' "Up te Sl.i'ill I sT ", Ml IITs I sT ' X VMM 1 'TheEmperer Jenes" With CHARLES GILPIN OPERS HOUSE. .jiv.i.kf e.ki . a &lk,hi kifr .-e Tiuiklit I ii (iliiiemli " ut H in nliurii . Xi t i I 1 I i i ii I i i T I Inmnr. XI it , in ..IU "Ituns I mil Orrtt'l " I I Vu K i , i ! h It, r H. M In ' ' t thi n , I i a I I rt i : .r t p nn . f xi . 1 t i t.urlv I'l '.V ph Tomer I xc 'I i lUilifiue." s. i',rfn K. i Ak it It M - ti (bu.v.i riitirs "(axiltrlii ItiiMiriinu." - t i XI ! Kiii H ml "'I' mllrrl K i -i m ,i r 1 i I rl 'I nt 1 1 III l.iininrrmnur " I ii ' " .ix A "tu 1, t, l sni xiut. "I otietiKrin ' I ft j iL'lieil) Xl ' M ' r - IPUJ.1 ' i "Othrlle," "i m I e iii i I'rltOM- I.xp nml "-it lt , Iflc klue si x rs nexx en . xi i r neV in i i wni xxr.'xxi xws Hen iiiimm, j I'litreniiRt of tlir I'lillit ! mil llrru xn l I l na St. Theatre" fBffl OiiinitfTiriiiiii.,l . vf ti)ili.x ', :te. ; mil (i l' xi I xiuts. iTr. SSt Njcts . 2Xi .Wt Tntlnx nml Teintirriixx PRISCJLLA DEAN In I lrt Miexxlnu- in XII I'liilu It CONFLICT DXN XIAITIII.XXs llnrltnnr llitirtlix I'rldnx A sninrtl tj OVr. HTR nntl n XVOXIXN" "Jtla)v,tjra,rv4 u"u Itri i ' A Morteniery x nu 1 xii e 1 V XI . i A llAllliKr T1 LXAV. Mxi ) i xi xi uV B, Ilurtti .X CI irk: eluinlil i fe 1 Xltter Uriimilx ,X Ne- ?", Iitiilx. (..trtlriirr'ei XIuhIiin, r nil; shni A Mirr, Itrtlftinl A Uxri 1 1MB XXintlitMrr XII--I ir ( it in ACTS In I II I." r t. TSetmcni . 1 s u T8 I 1 i 10 u. mi ssiiv una nn, ( vr in LViUWrR stbCUAt HAROLD LLOYD in "NEVER WEAKEN" Eliie Ferjuien in "S0NC OF SONGS" ""Rwrcrtt x 1 - j. - - l ll.n "IINUlbCKb 1 ION" CdtUcMn I .i "THE FOOLISH AGE" 0Jr.n "14 H I l lMltXVXxV I xl IN I M I I . K 'THE STING OF THE LASH WhyGirlsLeavsHeme 4ht Strett & S2d Strett lm.aiter Atc b Market Leader Belmont t3 ti leitsy EDDIE LEONARD ' i t Aven Comedy Four x )t .., i i Harriet and Marie McConnell cnrxn or miic BURTON HOLME MTRKHSTEIM AnFLPHB r miw isnixiTii . t t '?li ir. .SAM CARLO yi. & m ficAN 1 1 I I II x. i XX III. , I U I i ,. - III II X II I It. X v, , 1 HI- 7 GOING ABROAD ;5riSSv. AT HOME 73; II II 10 at Ufpiie SQi ut Dger XIAItKn'I AT NINUTBISNTH 11 A.M. te 11 P.M. Slf'fiND AND l'IN'AI. WUKIC A I'AHAMOUNT lUCTLIlB xirn AGNES AYRES AN ll RUDOLPH VALENTINO x: iii ! x i '', Sascha Jacobsen xxn Kit x i i n . , i ns New Teny Sarg Carteen Daily, 35c, 50c. Evenings Satur day Mntinres & Helidnya, 50c,7Sc Here is a woman se superbly beautiful and alluring that every one gasps and thrills with delight at the sight of her. Wm. Fex $1,000,000 Spectacle Ml MXKKET XT ldTII TREIT II II A M. TO 11 I X, JJ v pi i ' n r f . " CECIL B. DE MILLE F'KODl CTION p m Vi DOROTHY DALTOiN MILDRED HARRIS CONRAD NAGEL THEODORE KOSLOFF And 1000 Supernumeraries Time of Presentation 11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 SYMPHONY ORUIKSTR Daily, 50c; Evenings, 75c Saturdays and Holidays, After 1 P. M., Evening Prices PALACE II 'AltwrT ST xl I ! -I NAZIM0VA ..StSJiLLE- in ikii rn x xi i s riNe , xitxixM ARCADIA ,w PAULINE FREDERICK "The Lure' of Jade" i p i in - i ' VICTORIA XI 1 XII N s I X XI 1 I WILLIAM FARNUM "PERJURY" I - XI II XX'V CAPITOL I illkl r STREFT i ri i 1 1 i i M "A CERTAIN RICH MAN" REGENT MU', '-,'se1 "Why Girls Leave Heme" -l; " GLOBE 'N HM'Ot'B II A M, Ii I ! aw .ffip-v P 4r WCHESTNUTST" BROAD ' 1 X v 1 1 XI rirsT u x' n ., wx x H i i TiiWtS ra U jwva Paradise 1 1 i HE BIGGEST AND BEST '' VAUDFVILLF. SHnwu x i i ' ni i itii i m I N ,'IJ 4, nwr i nut a tri 1 iiati .t wtxff,.ll KKUAUYVAI . . t 0 p " MM XILI.E uWhy Girls Leave Heme' VLLCivJiTLili I x 1 1 vi i-'IIIBN 5 ACTS OF VAUDEVILL"" .iv x ) nm n "Why Girls Leave Hern CROSS KEYS "". 'Ani "HAVANA" VI';';VY' L, ALHAMBRA -x'l'; ' ' XIOItltlH 1 1 X II 1 l . vt . TOM MIX l'VA11 NEW YORK . 13 r a 1 SYMPHONY v Alvarez ORCHESTRA I Contrulte, Solei.t Pdinrefrh. (end, . 1 1 IH IIK.TM'T ST c,'n n.oen) . Iat i,".:.,".. ' 1 i,eK,u i n I .JL- .. fcu. il