' vt ,,,, 'v , ,-. I -l ' EVBNIKG PUBLIC LEDGEI-HILADELPHlA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, ll&l rr"chrlstmaa Music by the Organ WANAMAKER'S Stere Opens at 9 WANAMAKER'S Sterfi Closes at 5:30 WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Fair "' CarelsatOndCaS 7ee (rraif Holiday Crowds Find Comfert and Safety Here i ." r It Is Strange, But True, That Seme Persons de net like progress. New and then there are old ..ln tuhn fell US jjeui"v " of the "geed old times" pleasingly; that when they were children they played 'shinny" en part of the Arsenal let where this new building stands. Alse, quite a number still live-who saw the old Freight Depot, with its car tracks and dirty, splintered, shivered platforms, stained with tar which dripped and oozed through the thick paper and gravel reef! Hew curiously, in 1875, they watched its reconstruction and transformation te the "Grand Depot," with an entrance from Chestnut Street. There were few days when General Grant lived en Chestnut Street west of 20th, that he did net step, morning or evening, for a handshake and a quarter of an hour stand upon an elevated platform te muse and leek us ever and talk with the writer, sometimes accompanied by Geerge W. Childs or Antheny J. Drexel. Who would like te go back te that time and old, rickety building? Really, is it net wonderful te exchange the old sheds of buildings and old-time three-story dwelling houses for this great four-square structure of granite and iron pillars and iron fleer girders from bottom te top! ninnun iinfeM i, of. in everv uart of its construction. I during a course of three years, from below water level te root, everyining inai auuea suciiym, suicty, ventilation and healthfulness was engrafted into the plans, and that after the lapse of sixteen years from the completion of the first section we can thankfully and truthfully say that net a crack of a wall or the sinking of an inch of a fleer is known te have taken place. Please be at home with us Philadelphians and Pennsylvanians and visitors from elsewherc and enjoy the Christmas sights and the majestic organ, the picture galleries and public comforts, such as waiting rooms. The 7235) empleyes, here from 9 te 5:30, will de all they can te serve you well. nvtcembtr , luzi. Signed 2 hmfa rith a Handsome Velvet Dress a Weman Is Well Equipped She can leek with equanimity en invitations te lunch eons, matinee or theatre parties, teas, receptions or calls iterward and knew that she will be suitably gowned for the casien. .That is why se many women are investing in at least one geed-looking chiffon velvet gown this Winter. It is one of the most useful in the entire wardrobe. There are any number of styles te cheese from, but Me principally black or a rich brown in color. All are verv Simple in both line and trimming, but you can be assured pi their becomingness and the newness of the features. Ihe wide Chinese mandarin sleeve is much in evidence: n one case there is an undersleeve of vivid color with a ight velvet cuff. One model shows the new loose cape back, werner pipings et a bright color. In prices starting at $50 nd going un te $67.50. and this is very moderate indeed pr these beautiful chiffon velvet gowns. (First Fleer) The Younger Set Will Certainly Prefer Muskrat Coats And theic is such a striking difference between a poed musk rat coat and a peer one that if you give them their choice they twII be almost certain te cheese it at Wanamaker's. ihcie never was a season when the natural muskrat skins "ere be beautifully worked up as. they are in these coats of ours. ieu may have them in long satiny stripes, or in mosaic-like pat terns, worked into horizontally striped borders, or with the dark wipes mitred into points. . A CT favored model is a 36-inch coat with loose ripple back nu gicat Miawl cellar, the deep border of horizontally worked wins also forming the pockets. Beautifully lined and finished, wis coat is $200. A striking coat of the natural black muskrat trimmed with Hudsen seal (dyed muskrat) is 5325. i "unusually becoming model with wide wrap sleeves and a Peat choker cellar of beaver is $-100. v.r, i?118. vary from 3G t0 45 inches. Yeu way cheese the ery rtark 'black" muskrat, the mere reddish northern muskrat, becemin brown etriped skin, which is most universally rAf cuutifl'1 effective and entirely satisfactory natural musk rat i-eat may be chosen here for from $175 up. (second Fleer) 1400 Yards Glace Taffeta Special at $2.25 a Yard for vn.ml? eXfuisi,te evening tints which arc se very fashionable r.unS women's evening dresses, a smalli?.. v! ?" unu,9unI nnd geed opportunity te buy this silk at inirnf .ff.icP' nnd lt.wi11 "PPeal te many people who are think- 14 86 inches! pattern as n Christmas present. The width is (Kt Alule) Clocked Silk Stockings very Special at $2 cMfronen?mJUbt Tec,eW,eA sne Women's imported full-fashioned brown. opcnwerk cled silk stockings in white, navy and African and a .Vh lit ame.nF the. ,T108t desirable stockings of the time, nikh as cTfu ,0 pnce 0I ?s a Palr thy wi S i out with a (Wit Alile) Charming Handbags of Beaded Duvetyn One of the newest and most fashionable styles in handbags and just the thing for the woman who likes te keep pace with the modes. Small and large bags with covered or shell-finish cellu loid frames and self or silk cord handles. Of fine silk duvetyn in taupe, fawn, navy and brick, ornamented with designs in cut-steel and col ored beads. Prices, $16.50 te $25. (Main Fleer) French Colored Handkerchiefs We have a larger assort ment of French colored handkerchiefs this Christ mas than we ever had be fore. Men's handkerchiefs in color, $1 te $3 each. Women's handkerchiefs in color, 50c te $2.25 each. (Main Fleer) Gifts Frem the Oriental Cerner Jnpancse cloisenne bronze vases are priced $17.50 te 535. They may be transformed into unusual lamps. A few, already made finte lamps, complete with silk shades, are $25. Japanese lacquered and dec orated glove boxes, handker chief boxes and candy boxes are $1.15 te $1.75. Sweetmeat sets of china in decorated lacquered boxes arc $3 and $5. Chinese mandarin bags en gay-colored bracelet lings are $5.50 and $7.50. Oriental bronze Inccnse burners begin at 75c nnd go te $10. Chinese porcelains arc won derful sweetmeat conveyers tint make lasting decorations afterward. The lovely blue hawtherne iars are $G te $25, and the "five-colored" porce lain jars, $(? te $45. (Mnln Fleer) Just the Right Cleck for the Right Persen The Wanamaker Cleck Stere is where you will find it, for there is here every kind of geed dependable timepiece that anybody could ask for and there is the widest possible range of prices.. Fer example Hall clocks in mahogany cases, $230 te $960. Mantel clocks, $15 te $125. Desk clocks, $5 te $25. Mirror clocks, $65 te $110. Traveling clocks in fold ing leather cases, $18 te $40. Alarm clocks, $1.50 te $15. (Melu rioer) Frem a Practical Santa te Tinted Glass Jars for bath salts are as orna mental as they are useful. Priced Se te $11.50. (Main rioer) a MDV Lets of babies will get creepers and rompers from a practical Santa Claus, who will de well te cheese them here. Wonderfully pretty styles in madras, gingham, cham bray or poplin, priced $1.75 te $3.50. (Third Fleer) "It Must Be Something That Will Make an Impression' Say Many People, and the Answer Is Wanamaker Furniture Wanamaker furniture will make an impression that the years cannot efface. Wanamaker furniture is an unforgettable gift. Wanamaker furniture is the gift of these who feel that they nrast give something that carries a message. Wanamaker furniture is a favorite gift with fathers and mothers cheesing things for their married sons and daughters. The next best thing that can be said of it is that it is a favorite giffc with married sons and daughters cheesing things for their fathers and mothers. In this connection think of the acreage of upholstered easy chairs and rocking-chairs te be found here at all prices from $45 upward. In one section of this Fifth Fleer there must be 200 or mere different types of writing desks. And as for bookcases, tea wagons, boekholders, spinet desks, sewing tables, chifforebes, they are shown in an assortment unrivaled and irre sistible. (rlfth Fleer " ' - " immmmmmmmmimgmmmmmmm Outfitting Her Dressing Table in Her Favorite Celer Many women new prefer the beautiful transparent amber effects in toilet articles. In the plain or decorated imitation amber they are as effective as any thing that could be used. The plain amber sets are very reasonably priced from $1.75 for the comb te $6.50 for brush or mirror, with the ether accessories priced between. They may be matched up at any time. Decorated amber costs a little mere and is extremely effective. Imitation tortoise shell is another favored choice this year. French ivory is always geed. And te match bedroom color schemes there are attractive sets in azure and white, coral and white, black and geld and ether color combi nations. In all these, either sepa rate pieces or an entire set of toilet articles may be chosen, including brushes, comb, mirror, boxes, trays and smaller articles. (Miln Fleer) Fer a Business Man's Desk Inkstands Telephone indices Desk lampi Letter trmjs Diaries Letter openers Ink pencils Scrap books I'cpcr weights Calendars Werk organizers All of which, together with manv ether useful things-, may be had in the Commercial Stnt-ene'v Stere. (Tlllnl Fleer) Pen trays Meme, books Fountain pens Hlettcr pads Stationery holders Never Such Giving of Decorative Glassware It would be hard te find things in which prettiness and utility are se happily combined as they aie in-the tinted and geld-decorated glassware that we are showing in such delightful choice. Tomorrow will find a new set-out of the charmingly tinted ware with wide geld-encrusted border decorations, the variety comprising these pieces: Cracker-and-chcese d 1 s h c h, $7.50 te $10. Handled sandwich trays, $6 and $10. Fruit bowls, $4 te $12. Mayonnaise dish and ladle, $1 te $7.50. Competes, $3, $5 up te $10. (Fourth Hoerj Candy jars, $(3 te $9. Salad bowls, $4 te $12. Candlesticks, $12 and $12.75 a pair. Flower vases, $7.30 te $10.75. Salad bets with large plate, mayonnaise dish and ladle, $15. Encrutcd geld crystal in rich assortment at $2.50 te $12. Levely Bits of Outdoors have been captured by the camera of an English artist and delightfully hand col ored, as you may see in a corner of the Picture Stere where these Murray photo graphs are new shown for the first time in Philadel phia. A snowy fence-corner footprints ever sand dunes a sheep meadow at evening fishing beats at anchor New England asters by the roadside these and ether subjects arc captured and painted by an artist's eye and hand through the me dium of his camera and brush. They are priced from $1.75 for a tiny framed one te $15 for the largest size unframed. (rtfth Uoer Men's Silk Gift Shirts in Captivating Array The beautiful colored-stripe shirts range in price from $7.50 te $10 each and are chiefly of a splendid, heavy broad cloth silk. The selection at $7.50 is especially geed, having just been enlarged by a fresh shipment. Fine white silk shirts are $8.50 for plain-besom style and $10 for pleated besoms. Few gifts will give a man as much pleasure as silk shirts. 'Mnln Fleer) A Great Rough Weather Shee for Men Fer any man te walk rainy, slushy pavements in, or for everyday wear for pelice'men, postmen and ethers much out doors. An unusually heavy broad-tee blucher, of black box calf skin, with thick triple sole and inverted welt, which makes it damp-proof. A splendid shoe for $9. (Main Tloer) I Splendid New Rugs from China Gifts for the Years Te these who are looking for gifts of a really splendid char acter there is scarcely any need te point out the suitability of Chinese rugs, especially such Chinese rugs as we have just opened up. They aie gifts of beauty and fine home-enriching character, and they aie gifts for the ears. All the pieces in this new shipment arc in large carpet alzes, specifically from 10.2x10 ft. te 16x10 ft. There are many approximately 12x9 ft. Prices are from $265 te .'495. Pieces approximately 12.9 ft. are marked $315, $3S5, $885, $37e, $3t'J and se or Size 13x12 ft. ia $535, 14.2x9.4 ft., $495; 13x10.3 ft, $486: 1 (.2x11.3 ft., $oSe. (Seventh lloer) Women's IligliLaced Beets for Stormy Days High-laced beets of Nor wegian grained calf or stout leather, in dark or light tan or chestnut brown, with mili tary or low bread heels, heavy extension welted soles, bread or medium tees, straight or wing tips, blind or brass eyelets. Variously priced at $9, $10 and $15. The $9 and $15 models are especially treated te resist dampness. (Hrst rioer) This Is the Weather for Warm Lined Gloves Frem new en the favorite gloves for men, women ana children who nre much in the open sjl he the warm woolen and lined varieties. Women's woolen gloves go from 85c for a geed knitted Weel glove up te $10 for a fancy alpaca gauntlet. Women's lined gloves of cape, mocha or Miede, with fleece, wool or fur lining are y.i.eO te $13.50. Men's woolen gloves go fiem $1 for knitted wool up te SH.dO for line camels-hair or cashmere. Men's lined gloves, of cape, -uedc or mocha, variously lined with wool, silk or fur, are $4.50 te $13.50. Lined gauntlets-, Se te 14 Children's wool gloves arc 7ec te $1.75. ricece-and-woel-lincd glecs and gauntlets, from 51.25 te $3.60. ("Mnln rioer) Small Demestic Ruds for Gifts Handy te threw in a doorway or a bare spot in the room. Special Scissor Sets at M te $5 a Set They couldn't have come at a better time for Christ mas gifts, and they are cer tainly surprisingly low in price. Every set contains three pair of scissors, one pair being buttonhole scissors. They are a geed quality steel and have gilt handles. All are in real leather cases ex cept these at $4, which are imitation leather. (Main TTIe Wilten Ruirs 36x63 in., $14.50 and $19.50. 27x54 in., $9 and $112.50. 22i2x36 in., $5.50 and $8.25. Axminstcr Rugs ."36x70 in., $7 and $8.75. 2212x36 in., $2.75. (Seventh rioer) 27x5-1 in., $ 1 and $5. Velvet Rugs 27x54 in., $0.25. Mohair Rugs 21x36 in., $7.50. 24x48 in., $11.50. 30x60 in., $18.50. 36x63 in., $23.50. Any of These Bicycles Is a Splerdid Gift The Columbia, a make that has been standard for years, in models for men, women and children, $40 te $75. The Continental, for men, women and children, $35 te 545.50. The America, ale in mod med mod elsfer everyone, $37.50 te $45. All equipped with heay read tires, coaster brake, mud guards, rear stands and tools, and all beautifully finished. (The (.itllrrO Any One Who Writes Much Would Like a Desk Set And this means either a man or woman, the debutante daughter or the son in college. Yeu will find the best kind of desk set for every member of the family in this terse and carefully chosen collection. Bronze- finished seta, $18.50 te $52. Sterling silver sets, $125 te $300. Dainty silk-covered sets are $6.50. Leather sets, $10.50. Brass-finished sets, $12 te S52. fUln rioer) Fer a Bright Christmas- Lamp Stere Specials iLgular prices, some close- Ail the following aie nun h l U te half: U'O - inch glace lamp h,i. in a dozen different designs and suitable ter floei lamp., i-a.eu euh. IOuO highly peluhed naheganj-finished candlesticks. 9 inches high, 70c each. Buddha lamps in polrhrem flni-h and in four sues $2. $3 and M .0 for one-light t!e and c,-M for large two-light model. V cll?1 ,an!ps w,th wetal-trirnmed shades and amber glass paneh, fin e0 eich. 1 1 eurtli I loon Bedside Drinking Glasses vwth cover and tra of silver deposit en china come in several pretty color- at $2.50. (Mell, lour) Mahogany Chests Cedar-Lined Fine Heme Gifts These are real'y tine pieces of furniture, made of solid mahogany, in a rich handsome linish and lined with sweetly odorous cedar. J Such things help te furnish a home while solving a . ,..v . i,lllv, mm-. i i irijs. D..n Tfi :iii I , r. . Y, . A Dezen of Geed Linen Towels for a Heme Gift Geed towels are safe, practical household gifts, especially such geed hucka back and damask towels as we are new showing, all of pure flax, neat'y hemstitched and moderately priced at $1 in size 20x36, $1.75 in size 24x38 and $2 each in size 20x38 inches. Oil-it Tlenrt Utner chests in ariet at $7.50 te $31. (1 Kill 1 lour) Gift Bed Muslins Come in Attractive Bexes Twe pillowcases in a box at $2.50 a box. Twe pillowcases and a sheet in a box for $7 and $7.25. Muslin pillowcases, hem stitched and embroidered, $1,85 and $3 for a box of two. YiTH VlenM rr our Fine Makes of Phonographs generally recognized as the world's loarWe e-a here in the widest variety of models displayed in any one retail store. They are nrunswicu Cheney Senera Convenient terms of payment. Victrela L J I'f v V i 1M r t 1 ft tU (Sccent Iloef) i -iSm . .