i R & ' J M I! i I - n X ' I 'If II, m t. jfef1" tlttS'i I JW ft! m Ml:' (. J , H. , .1. f ,'-' v., Ff"" -.- , - . r 'S rpV ' ' ' JTTTvr EVENING PUBLIC, LLEDGER FHHABELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6,' 1S&1 ,. $" TWS '2''' Disobeyed Order 1 Blamed for Wreck Continued frnm I'licc One I. Delmn j. thief of thp Hurrmi f Ac cident of tin I'liMn Seivii'p l'"iiimis nleil lintli Mi. liiilicincv nml tin' Ii tcrstnti- Ciii.iiiH 'im Ci iniiu-'inii turn i 1 ninkn flu ir i n rrimtli In flii'il r BliCCtiM- rWi-f", although hem lug ii dclice w ili ill r: ilriuul leminltii' Corener Neville, of M'HitK ! in Ciunt. In-- iniii'il hi own in tisn tiejl, wliii'li In1 "111 I'lindiirt in iln-. .e etitrntinn with tin' I )!'! let AH"i'ii of the county "TIUn ti-iiilili' w ' eel: ww ei i i ilcntly i'iui 'i'il liv rnrclt'sne'p. t he Corener siinl. ' I'ruin a.l liifc riniitinn nvnllnhlp. both from rulhvnj elhVi i1 nntl n- tl"1 tpult of my own )u i mil InvcstiRiilien nl tl.e wmr of the n rn k it vec is te mi' the MiKiticinnn of Trn'i Ne. ITil ".lieiilil Iiim wniti'il i. Hi i Atlmi -t tl'in f r the urrial of lli' train fumi Newtown. "Tln inn -ticniinn r,f my (IW .. i" cover evei il'i.ill. niul 1 will tmf fix n date fei helilliiK the UHiui't for i w! or J hi t nl il'is, 'I'lie lTViii"-t will be hflil it Noirl-town " Ti e ('orenir nui'.eU hrii (uestiitie1 man j w m mnl i- r t . t" umk 111 rle-c ;e (lerntlnti l'li ili" Difr!et Attern of tin- I'eM'iti nnil prwi'i. tlent nn i,01',""l 'f 'f ni'i'iir tlin; any one lw I eiilimhle "Pe.itli nrs" ("Ieai-eil Away The ln'iif frnmrs niul clmrivil Ixvu' of tlte old woejiii fen''lu' whli'ii were the blnzlng r tlln- of "lowlv-reiiievl v -tirns psteriliiy, witi i-li-nrpil from tlip ulnRle-trafk line nulv tedny, nnd iia" Fcngcr t'.itlii' ni ruuiril nt 4 30 o'clock this morning. In the inasi of wriknen piled I ft,V the traKx. it Is believed are .timet lncstrlcnbh mired the '.dts of the thre. additional bodle whleh will make up the Rhastly Mini tetul of these killed outright. In" the AMnpten Memnrinl Ileipltal. In the nRenr "t mortal hmt-, one mure victim lies diii(,'. KlRl t m re in th njne hospital, nre hner!n bitwi-H llfe and d'-nth. Punns tin niclit death visited the !npitnl three t mi1", nv r clfully endlni; in each care the terrible imffei itisr- of victims burned ever their whole bodies. 11 Expected te Recover Eleven mete victims, also in the ho he pltnl. are (iiected te recover, though it ma be weeks before they are a'i'e te refirn t1'" tli'dr heme1-. They will bear as ions n" tiny hve the setr1- of the hcarinc Ine through which thev iin-ed in the leiieh reik-cut wheie two trains met bend -en Kro' i the moment the wreckage was SOUTHAMPTON VICTIMS OF P. AND R. WRECK ka&i!ssiaK!teRs8sre& Miss Anna Fltpatrlch, SoulhamptenJ TO SEND BODY TO ILLINOIS internal injuries. l'rem left te tight are .Mae Ii. Wolff, v.lie is nt Iier home recovering from lier in Juries: Kathcrlne Fitpntrlck, who hoarded the train nt Xowtewn, but lias net been seen since the wreck; Anne 1'itzpatriclt, Iter sister, who was injured; Charles Hanklnsen, also injured, nntl ICIiabeth A. Well, injured. All nre from SDiilliauipten Official Crew Resters of Trains in P. and R. Wreck The eicws of the trains which lushed lioMerdav consisted of thee i en, ac erdiiig te the Heading llnil wiiv's eflicial list, gten out tedt : Train Ne. I'll, (southbound I : 1 m.1 neer .la'tes II. Itoek, Tireman Aith'ir Harrington, (,'ondueter W. S.iiith, Il-nkeman .T. Cre'i.T nnd Il tgm.in l". 1'iiln or, all el Ni wttwn. 'Lain Ne. l."l, (northbound) ; rngineer IMward C1. Vogel, T'JSIJ Ihsu,1 Sun lane, Philadelphia , I'lre i. .in Walter Yeakle. 110(1 Kiiinmcr ill" aienue, I'hlladeliihia ; Coiulue-te- Claries lA Kvanu, 1100 Green atr'ut. Xirrintewn; llrakeman 1". I.tbnrte, I.nnsdnle, nnd Flagman Walter Gee Wlstar. nurses and a hnlf-scere of surgeons nnd lihjslcians lnbeimg te nave life. Sur- j goons declare that hud It been neces sary te rcmec these gravely hurl as far as the nearest Philadelphia Institution, the dntli tell would bine been in- 1 creased bv at least ten. i Frem II o'clock esterday morning until 10:.'!0 last night, the operating t.ible wns eceuiilril ciitv minute except ' that leipiired te remove n patient op- I crated upon, nnd te bring in another patient. i 'Four bleed-transfusion operations I were performed, one amputation, three 1 tracheotomy, opciutlens, and an un counted number of miner epetatinns. 'Hie nmputntlen v as performed upon Fdgar llrelim, his leg liaing been crushed; nnd in n desperate effort te i save his life, three bloeil-tiinisfusion operations followed. Severn 1 of the wreck victims, hardly able te breathe 1 bocaii'e of Hcald wound" were sub jected te the operation Imelving tracheotomy, in order te give them re lief. With the number of volunteer ntirsi". ... ,.i.i .who efferl their orlceH at the Insti- cape and with enough eighteenth and tutlen. no fewer than fertv nurses were en duty virtually without relief for hnt of the towns- , t . . Mahe Kenly Portable Beds Within fifteen minutes nfter being Dryn Athyn R. R. Agent Lays Blame en Conductor irlier nineteenth century houses te gm a comfortable ciuaintnehs te its hiead streets poeplc that are net tjunkers by re- igiuu are l,uakers bj phtlopephy. They live and let lie" comfortably und , eiTeet iely i advised of the crash, .Miss Martin, su- Ilusell Clayten, htntien agent nt l!rn AtliMi, who had handed the otiducter of the local northbound train his order te wait for the passing of the express, wns hor her illied te M'e the train pull out with out w lilting. lie ran frantically nfter it, Fheuting and waving his arms, but could net attract the attention of any one. lie ran back te the station nnd wns telephoning for ambulances when the crnnh eccutred in- the cut up the read. A high column of steam showed where the trains had nine together. "I Bae the conductor his written orders telling him te lay ever here." ClaUen nnld. "He wns te wnit until Xe. lfiO had passed him. He receipted for the orders nnd went out. He probably misread them or ehe misunderstood them. It was heiriblc." LES3 SEUIOUSLY- INJURED (At Tlicir Hemes) Charles Hanklnsen, Southampton, cuts nnd bruises. Paul Parker, Southampton, cuts nnd bruises. Miss Mary Gnliw, Newtown, cuts and britlse. ' Miss Catherine Lcedem, Churchvllle, cuta nnd bruises. Miss Mabel Heaten, Newtown, burns. Jehn Saunnan, Southampton, frac ture of lp'. Miss Ktlicl HIcnk, Southampton, culs. . .. , Miss Ellznlietli Well, Southampton, cuIh nnd burns. Miss Mae Wolff. Southampton, cuts. Miss GciiL'vlete Geerge, Southampton, f'l'' .. Ferrest Edelmtn, Southampton, cut en leg. Mlbs IJcrtlia HniTlsen, Churchvllle, cuts. l Total known dead (ten Identified) . . 22 Helleved dead : Injured likely te die 1 Seriously Injured 8 Less Fcrieusly injured 11 List of Dead and Injured in Wreck Continued from Tncc Onf Morgue at .Tenkintewn. Petter died in the hospital last night; the body of Dr. . Hatch has been removed te Newtown. I Hemnnnts of two mere bodies hnvc been found in the wreckage, together with I the body of an Infant, tanking the total of dead nt lenst twenty-five. CKITICAMA' INJl'UEn (In AbliiRten Mcmerlnl Hospital) j Adnlpli Schneerwcls, Southampton, scalded, internal injuries. j Sci Imisly Injured, in Ablngten Hospital WaltiT Yenhle, engineer Train 1"1. Somcrville nvenue, Olney, cuts nnd burns, broken shoulder. . James Hnek, engineer Train l.'O, of Newtown, cuts, burns, injured leg. ' William IJMer, 2021 North Hutch inson street, cuts, burns. i Miss E. M. Hnrtman, Rlchbore, cuts nnd burns. .Miss Helen Heek. Newtown, cuts, ' bums, Internnl Injuries. James 1J. Tmltt, K108 North Sixty- I first street, internal injuries. Mrs. J. Herbert Krustii, Newtown, Total casualties K Q. H. Petter, Wreck Victim, Died In Hospital The body, of Geerge n. retter, tlilrty-one years old, who died in the Abington Hospital nt 10 o'clock last night from Injuries sustained in the wreck nenr Woodmont will be sent te Caire, Ills., tvhere rclntives reside. Ills wife was net at home nt 1708 Prewn street today, having gene te Abington te nrrnnge for the removal of the body. They had no children. Mr. Petter wns n piano tuner nnd was en his way yesterday morning te Churchvllle, where he had arranged te tune n piano. SCOTT STILL MISSING Art Scheel Instructor May Have Been Wreck Victim Chailcs Themas Scott, of Churchvllle, nn instructor nt the Scheel of Indus trial Art, llrend and Pine street. Is among the missing in the Rending Railway wreck near Rryn Athyn. Mr. Scott was thought te be en the train and he failed te appear at the CneU i Ills classes scsterdnV nr ,i M0U At his home ate his wife, Gert,K a son, Alfred, fourteen years i $.1 n ilnntruter. Mnrv. pIbM ... .'. . . ' ;e."- jtuia nirt At the Scheel of IndustrlnlAr ) Scott has been Instructor In mff' ulunte of this school .i"1 nsen Trade Schoe ? M1 his fellow lnstrueier. ?.,8A of the best InCcteJ1 of ornament in the c0,"('' 0 COIInl.. ' tr. "' been ene mounting He is fefty-Hix years nl,i , president of the Alumni Asseclni?, the Scheel of Industrial Art IS0' member of the, Philadelphia sli ? I Club and the Art Alliance. nnU.QtiH MhIUa. 4 It v,u.u-s.. ...Um.B, ie unveil Shad' , ., ,.,.. , Jlr3 . McOndden. n HrlHel, -.. . ' - , .. ,,, ffOid ,1, i , j .v,1M n,i invitation te dedicate a memorial erected in i tlrewfl Sauarc by the Portland HeiT Club in memory of Hareld T. Amu. the first Portland boy killed In thewJSw" War. The dedication Is tcnUUWJIt,lffi Tlerem her Ml or 14 I. ...Tel7 Hl" for December 1J1 or 14. it is 3I that Mrs. McCuddcn will Bah tZi here for England shertlv nftcrwrd, ,i i'lie railroad is ns much n part of the perlntendent. hnd prepared for the re- te Philadelphia hospitals, the death tell i,,lj . ,1,", t,... these people ns tne. sen is 01 cepiien of twenty-four victims. Lines weuiu nave neen in icusi icn nigucr. - Ul's e coo mi ugh ler H'.irciieis te prone its d,,. lues et tne people et tne iirecen ,,f pertnble lieds were stretelied in the black c'i'i'tlis, hundreds of men have const. These who are net railroaders corridors. Then the victims started te been s i r. lung fur tin- peer leniniints of ,,re i iinmuters und these who nre neither arrive brought in by nmhiilimee or h the n ei 'I wen, I'll who w. ru. burned commute! s nor railroaders nre frequent private car. With the half-score of up v tli the Helding's en! wooden t raw or phjslclnns nnd surgeons ready, the long conches. Se th.it je'tedny's tragedy is even line of rod-blnnketed victims, eveiy one The search continued nil during the mere an abstraction for them tlinn if of whom was In medical laneunge n night. w.tli lantirns and electric it I ml net been se desperately intimate, "desperate case," had terche. . ni ! 1 new .mil then bv tne iignt T'inr t s trains mieuki nuvn run ie- teniien. hf n )iae moon, breaknig thieugh i leuds gnl er at a place well known te ewr jf a -vic-t 1m were nble te talk, his or and h -l.iu iid en tli" wreckage, mun, woman and child ou the country-I lcr nnn. NU1M obtained and urittin en a dark arid twM"d bl -t en the snow ,idc andth.it n dozen or mere of one s t n M) j,lnm., tl) ,)1P blmiket tins te of tin- si, umliin bills. neighbor-and frien.ls should be killed or, faciljtntc nptIn wlun thp KtrPlln nf Heme Hinnll ie!ii., of m..rt i' . 'I'he undTtak- Tl e Town Council held n stated meet ing nml tne niemiHTs uiieiiiciiiii in Headquarters for isti jCgftjjgj wim Greens Let us book your order new for delivery prier te Christmas. Palms, Ferns, Rubber Plnnts, Drncncnns, Pan danus, Cyclamen (in bloom). Hyacinth, Tulip, Narcissus nnd ether seasonable bulbs. Jardinieres, Plant Tubs, Flower Pets nnd Saucers. Snewflake Pep Cern Peppers. Cern ICHELL'S 518-516 Market St. The Ablnelen Memerial Hospital was founded nnd endowed by the late (leeige, W. r.lkins, nnd the institution, eclu eclu she of the endowment, new represents an expenditure of mere than one mil- lien dollars. Twe large additions nre. new being constructed. Cicerge W. ' immediate nt- i llUins. Jr.. new in I'urepe, nnd son' of the founder, is the president of the Heard of Managers. Time I ''i's w n tetiiiil in the grue- mnimul .ir a s.nie "imiii', is .i nun i e ,mx,,,ls seekers after information ., i .1 ... .....1. T. li.mnliinlirtnu nrllllkfn.l tn flin . . . ... . , ... ,. .1 , ilniL'1 t semr ieiiiies. junc is miii'ii i"r iiiiiipiiiwii- ...j.i-'.-ii . " started. iciopnene cans were oruereu ), 1. 1 in - -for tl f were but gent'e routine "t jiie in -ew town. , sf,nt; 0 R relatives in every ca-e pos- of in.Tt i '. Lhe umiTtaK i iv -il and sorted tli"se frag- ; v it ta -ts V.'UlK hnind nm- w "Ii them, said ers w lm r mt'iits. .il nnnts of i there wu this 1 1 r i 'I lie semi'l ei- unriglr in n -iiu. 'uvv renresented a mnn und woman n'i .eui'd where tl. . . . i . .. . r .i. ...H....i. .. I cu-sf.ii tne pneii'iiio'iieii 01 iwv icciv i"i .., i, nir mid a 1 .tlf before they could , . t. l-- A lftfttH lltfCjlttitklLt tlljvife two i ion inM n woman in git uevvu iu iivm '" vuv.s i? I mink .tn.l lliihh vt ns. Hut when I'.ursess .lesepn iv. iiump- id tuiind some bones sible. Ifren before all the suffering, moan mean ing victims bad been removed te wards, preliminary te awaiting u "turn" in the eperntlng room, anxious relatives of persons known te have be.nded the train nt suburhnn points. Heek", te the nor was iisKeii it tne i euncu weuiu i10,nitni rer some of these, the knew' - take anv elii.ua netiee et tne disaster, i ., t,mt ,. r,.itive or friend was still 4-tti ii ........... , - . . ... ..... VUKU mill tl iviuutv vi iiiviiu ni nun pat bv the elli-i..!i. ..Ml s iwlv roasted appaiently the iile.i litul net occurred te nUve njtheiigli even grnwly hurt, was el itueiner man my rim nor w iiuj uiuvi uinuun ". n rc(.f. yer these net num"ered with te ib.ith. I! nearby. Corset Steels Ft und Seme eerspt ueels nnd the rim of a handling i -eved taut one of he bodies wns that of a woman, "'here was u set of Lends and tlnrt.v cents in money, with erl " iufs of metal n few odd sus pender liiitteiiK ,.nd ether hnrn 1 be longings vhi i iniliinteJ that two men had met death in this spot. Se frightfully nre 'he bedii s burned nven these which were removed m senc semblnnie of eiitintv from the wieck ge, that identiti 'itlen w.l1 be in manv enses virtuall inipe le Hereawd home in tin towns near tl.e scene of the accident wilf knew that si me dear one the fast trims should be et all-steel n. flu's This i as far as Newtown private'y or officially has gene toward .. ving respensibi Itj . There is a'se the strange tnste of the New town here and herein, in the per per seph of Tem Iiriggs nnd Miss Minnie Stewart. Tem Pri,'gs was the old gen r i-innn who dire, ted the work of res- prebubiv is represented in the g-eup in ,. u,j s,nw Stewart, the youngscheol ..... ... . il VM Ii M 't in'"' ". liiiur i un nun ('euil'll. Such a tiling wns se wholly, -i1(, :!r,l i mpnnt semelhinir else te without ine. edent. . I the Inquirer after information. Ne one Seme one remembered that it was iinPWat that time hew many were dead tin Chamber of ( emmcree that hnd In- jn tj,nt hell of fire nnd twisted metal sidled en the fast train service that was' q(, tip hospital attaches, kimllv. vet I mi en tin first of November. Thtre , flrmlv. told the visitors "Your relative vvji- u little discissien as te whether m')t here. Perhaps you can learn he insistence had net been unwise since something nt the wreck. Or, perhaps. it had net been mude compulsory thnt I thev have escaped nnd have gene te the Mitchell Fletcher Ce Candies for imu-Ih- und trnined nure, who did the the Jenklntewn Morgue though even this is, uruertnin. for the tierce fne which reared through the wooden coaches mav wc'l haw ensumed ke .c bodies entirely. All yesterday afwrnoen. all night, nnd of tb wny ,.,luW lmt wns whnt ncillll IUI1UI, ILMIinn in ui'irv uu nir heiiie of friends." Se it went en nil day. I.ate last night the reception renniH were crowded with relatives of tliose who were lying in the wards nearby. i Statement by Surgeon Te best exemplify the work necem- I pllshed bv the hospital, this is the statement of one surgeon who wns early at the hospital : "In nil mv experience I never saw. $12.50 Chestnut willow calfskin uppers en full double soles. Geed looking for everyday wear, and just what you'll need for bad weather. CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut Established 1868 first-aid bandaging. it Is repented i .. thp rPS11lts of a wreck or ther w l i jiHid deal of naive relish hew I cnlninttv, thirteen mere dospentc v Mr PrUiJ- let the belated railway res- serien 'enses than these rushed t hl' niers who ordered Miss Stfwnrt out hospital within a half hour aftei the trains cntne tegctner. G5c Famous Ben Beris $1 Swiss Chocolates $1.25 M. F. Chocolates Reading Terminal Stere 0)ch Evininys missing linked back and forth tin en 'h the morgue, bteel.ng their nerves te close contact wuh horror in the liepi that they might nud the bedj of u ui.ssiLg relntivp. Twehe I emes nt lenst nre under a double bereavement l hey knew th.it one who b ft jestirday morning wil1 never return, but they U net luiev which of the gun some ehj. et it i'i mergue is the body of a fatlur or mother. Southampton bus i mi Ii families; then- are four in I'hurehni'.... Philnd"'p! in has two. Mis fjtewar s well known, but Mr. 15-iggs we ild appear nn ah of an! uist'TO. .'ndlwdu.tt who gees deer hunt ing eiici a. jenr in the Iiiicklnghnm hills behind Newtown nnd the rest of the time keeps pretty m. eh te h.mself . m1 te his Inmimncu business iu Phlla- delphtl. Tie beilj of Dr. .T. Irvln iratch, thf will-known dentist, is :m yet the enlv i ni. t'Mt has been retuim-d te New town from the si-cue of tin wieck: In one ri's'iect Newtown hu' In sun' tivelv n-i-n te the occasion. It Ins net left the two or tlire" families vhe hiH'.. dead te their grief. "I de net hesitate te declare tl.nt If it had been neeessary te re novo these injured persons by meter te IVt'i avres, nnd then by train op nnibuiii'ice ji 18th & Chestnut St?. 12th & Market Sts. 5000 Germantown Ave. Atlantic City, N. J. NEWTOWN STUNNED BY CATASTROPHE1 ABINGTON HOSPITAL Newtown is tasting .te tin- foil t.ie novelty of di-uHer. Nothing 'ike the effect of whit happened yesf n.uy ii the gui'y a f miles te tin -etitl.wst Is te be inatih"d In h- .perlenie of ven the eldest inhabitant It is s.iie nnd fan- sir that n lundmark of memerv lm- bei n stablishe 1 an 1 that for eius ' ming the p "d pieple of Newtown will te ken dates from tic "year if the wick ' as .tin- P'' c '' Johnstown vi i ken them from tin; year of the tl oil. Fer Ni v town Is plnoe of some pinO healthy uls. It s h If " subuib en half u"prsMieus rurnl until "t I tvveen tic mi hilar "tis of a n-tt lui I- CARED FORM ANY HURT The happenings in the Abington Me mortal Hospital felln"'':.g the fatal wreck en the Philadelphia and Hendlng IJailvvnv ar Wuodmeiit are n itery in tl.emselve It is th" sterv of tile efforts of fertv A Delightful Place Te Dine If yui enjey geed music ard deli cious coekins, you will avail yourself ei the Service de Luxe of This Restaurant Dance mutic from 9 te Mid night. A fascinating orchestra Ne Cever Charge Special Platters Club Breakfasts Music 6 te 9 During Dinner Heur s yaaTOfra..!i-uiuiiii'lt S. E. Cerner 19th and Market SID R T ORT Founded In 1894 1204 Chestnut St. ' 11 Seuth 15th St. 1119-21 Market St. f Jk IMcCLEEG GALLERIES 1S07 WAI.NTT ST. CHRISTMAS GIFTS PAIVTINfiS MI.l)n.TH KTCIIINGS Miiuieus iiKes.i:s L,v.Mrs l'r iralnf u hpecLilty I'liinlliu Uckturrd FRIDAY & SATURDAY December 9th & 10th you -will have the opportunity te purchase any one of 12 US&D CARS which will include Oaklands, Overland, Willys-Knight & Ferd Taxi-Cab CHOICE . ' TL- . - ' JlSr Sewing Made A - sliltJQSH u Hi ' FASCINATION I Philadelphia's Most Moderately Priced jOOQ Overcoat $35 V Months ie Pan These cars have all been reconditioned Open Kveninjji Till 10 1. M. OAKLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY Poplar 407 (JH N. Bread St. Have you ever experuncc the delight of ciTertless sewinjr, and while you pressed your feet lu-htly en the controller, watched the fabric glide- magically beneath the needle'.' Have you known the j , of miuiI st.vine, se innndi'ss thnt one could read aloud te you while you ew'.' Thnt is what the Electric Automatic does for you, and there is no bobbin te run out in tin- nud-t of a seam There is no tension te adjust, for it automatically adjusts itself, while the beam it makes i.s unexcelled in buiuty and btieugth. Yeu can sew upstuira ei down, or en the perch, for it is PORTABLE. It can be carried with one hand. It is the result of sixty yarn' exneriencf, and is the Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Macl me Company's lutst trift te womanhood. i MAi hi: iiimiinstiimi. itin loiiuieMi:.' MA III. I'I IU ll.i: OS (ONM.MI.NT I i:umi Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Ce. 1709 Chestnut Street (Pheno, .Spruce 2192) r-nimTFRY- -tSKRVICE -p Fine Warm Coats Tailored Fer Us By The Kirschbaum Sheps $27 -50 $37 -50 47-50 You'll find them, (all styles from ulsters te scmi-littcd coats) in any of our three convenient stores! USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR MEN A real useful gift what else is there a man likes quite se well? You'll find them here by the hundreds te cheese from all very moderately priced. Imported wool half-hose - $i te $2.50 Silk and wool half-hose - 1 Gloves -..-- $2.50 te $5 Silk Reefers 4 te'12 Silk Neckwear - - - 1 te 4 Sterling Belt Buckles - . 2 te 5 Initialed Handkerchiefs - - 25c te 1 Kirschbaum Tuxedos And Full Dress $50 w THEY are "Built-Like-A-Skyscraper" tee. Girders, sills, and uprights of steel, welded by electricity into one solid piece. Ne nuts no belts no rivets no reds no screws. Built rigid enough te stack te the ceiling. Reller bearing throughout. ..50 per Section Shaw-Walker Weed Transfer Cases at less money. Fer further information write or phone today. "Built Like a Skyscraper fi l mm" m 1010 Chestnut St., Philadelphia p, Steel and Weed Files Card Index Equipment ene 52C7 Ledger Desk Filing Safes ovEiicnewDEDN. iwM LETTER. FILCS Ns IfiSP ! JUMP te I Steel I Transfer Cases m LMEg .