Viii i , 0B in nM-tNK..i' iMif t.i pgi3fS$ t . -nnirMirtS, -w ' Kfli dh Si i It n I ' , 2 "NOISELESS" PARK . it I EVENING PUBLIC, LEDGrEp-r PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER C, ' 3.931 PLANNED BY P Mitten Says Music Would Be . Clref Feature of Site .'eyend 63d Street TESTIFIES AT HEARING Thr nnii'scnidil nuik whiih tin I' I! T. plan- tc I uilil wed of Sixt -iliii'l nlltl Muihet -In el- i- te br "ii nel-cle pnik." -aid Thern. i V. Mitten. ptc-1-ilent i.f tli'' l'. It T . In ic-ufiing indn it Media in tin- itiuitn linn -nit bteuzlit again-t ili' 1 1 "i i-ni ti pi ''Mil it f i in bui'dlus the enrV. ( miiKp fin tin n iii'iit nf i'ic -d -llcinnit" hm (if Wei Philadelphia who (neught lie -'lit ii "k ' Mi. .Mnidi If the prepmed uniK would lie Iniiliu tu the olio at Willi Ml Miitin icnli'i! lie 'iinl anipbticd his iincr b -n lug the inut'1'M'il put K null In lilTnciit in I'i'ii " tit domi nating umi.iiiri would In- mii-h "' llll'l the innipiit i we-ibl (diiih ill" world I" Ifexldr t'n lujJl' t I Mir it i-iltdi.lill- incut. Then iiMin-rl fn thr plaintiff- fi-Vied him if i lnt i- n i'il lie .i mi n -g- round. Mr Mittdi - nn-wi i wn- ii"ii ceuitnitul (iiriltin Win- Pniiit Fliinlli he w.i- i-k'il "Will m' premle Hint there will be tin 'anmi'IV' Jtldge IfOl'lnn "1 iiiilll-'i im i In- 1' It. T. eli toil t" t ll l- ilC-tten Illlll ti objection wn mi-IiiIiunI Judge .lelui-mi mci i elcd .uieijci nieie h tlie l I! T Mln- i" -ci in n change "f icintc e' a pn-lpein limit. He ONCril'i'l H'n IrUi'll lllntiiin- M'-fl- day. The I' 1! T ii'iiteim- tli it tu'' 1 feeling -x i -t itij; tn tin 111111111111 ii ngalnM tlie iiuupiu. Iim.hi-i el lie prope-rl nniu-cincnt piik it -ullicitn ground- fur a i Imnge nf enuc Whin tour npdidl iV ihh iihik Judge t'oribei nnnetini e. In i ,nl three urn of iipi-retleti t" ' li -Vi-prctiip Coeit wnnli if in iiRiii'i d h im Media mart Hinilil -t. tin toning "t the ease Judge i'iirden -a'd the writ would -tni tin- t mil imitl Ii - ircu ment fur u liaugc "f wmic (eul In heard b tin Supitnic Court. Judge Owinilcs Writ- W line' i I'tiiiiln Id. "f ninnel t'.r the e(iiiipliitiiiinl- (ontetido'l tint inn-,-Jillleii a- tin hcniuig mi- ahead, in iiregre-- Ik fnrr the nmri tlnie 1'nild e no wiil- nf -tipor-eiloii-Judge .l'iliii-"ii -aid. ' I tun "f tlie view thill when .' mi-' i- '" full in n Common 1'Iih- 'iirt tlie Miproine Court han tin pi wr t" i It Tin Hupreme Court li.i- IiehI tlnit nil e.i-. of this ih.irHiter Mi. ill lit hpunl in Common IMe.i- 'mnt Up tlien nrdded ihe hour us I" ( "ti tinue l'(dlnw ins Mi A Hii Imril-eii ! JC T . t'.ek 1 epe tt ncdict. n mcH4iSP from ltmue te(ln. Mild, pTpri'--e(l (sicat witlsfaotlen ii Ip-imlni; that mi Jisi cpiiu-nt hud l 'ti p.hIihI 1) the Itrlil-li ami Hinn I tin iil"Kiit(- .nfiirdli s h bnl- lei Mttlomeiu of the iri"li iut ptlen. IRISH FREE STATE y&r MAME FOR ERIK FOUR-POWER PACI GAINING IN FAVOR VICTIMS OF FATAL TRAIN CRASH lllnnliislMiit. Kiiqliinil. l)c l!. d'. A I' i ivini,i liprriifler v ill bi kiieiMi eflii'-!illj ,ts "Thp Itlh Cke Slntn. ' uikIpi- tin .lstpenipiit 1'phpIh'iI at ln-t imht , I.otiden ceufpi-ci'i p. II i ii iiitKHiiieid b lipj ('hai'oelioi liiikmliM I in in addrps line tedai . In 'ii 'iniiig tlie tt'ttiii of the ir.rniiit tlie,j Chancellnr -aid : "We premt-,, in tlie tir-t plnie that, x Hliln ln area of Seuthern lieliiml. -Inill mal,i thn-e who li'ijeml ii(v. i "'ti within t.i it area il tli'e moineiil. nre e 1 1 1 1 1 1 -. t t vv f,. ,l(, V(M.. vIipIiiiIiiij iiinj.,ritj f tl0 ,, .pulntl.'ll luiivtei- ,ii tliplr ( mi Inni-p "W it, i mie -inc c Iniii'iitaiil rp-enii " !'' mill I. mil Delegates Discussing Plan te Replace Angle-Japanese Alliance U. S. FIRM ON NAVAL iSSUE WT.. UNN 0 RESIST peniwn at iMniim NEW P. Rl RULES Regulations Proposed in Pitts burgh Will Be Repudiated, Says Antheny Spair NEW AGREEMENT DEMANDED INTO HANLEY mffi& 'i .41 City Officials Among These In terested in Hearing en Kill ing of Park Guard TetheWpnderhHds veiewtheEtptatqt AMtRICAN qPRISSfpr SbUTliSAM'j HASTINGS NAMED SLAYER M t. I I ... .1 I I . ..I I I . - . l I I II 1 .111 II ill'kril I II III I till , Ml l plaie li-luiid-ai'd I -lull ,Hine Ire- " w'liile thoie Ins horn no fecinnl nt-e. t iiinnipiu--pn i'Plj ii. t ! pi- urntatlmi of thr iihin In anv form te Hip enfrrpticp. tliPre nre linllontleas Hj Hie Aset iiitnl Ptcss Uasltliisluii. lloe (i. Tlip pes-llillit of pn'lti ill i-ups lipoetninc iiieip ntnl mere invohed in the tinwil nl'iip of Iho Arms Conferpiipp n dpfinitely coiiiipc ceiiiipc coiiiipc ted In seme iiinrpr- leilni with the in orraved altPtitlun whleli (,inp ,,f ilm ixnMr'j; RESCUERS TELL OF FINDING hi. vim in in ii'pinie i up angie-.iapnu- Knim left tn riqlit arc Waller caklc. of Olnry, ciiRinccr of (rain 150, ln Is In AhliiRten Hespital: Jack Krtiscn, of Newtown. uIiiisp body Ims been Idcnllllcd, and Kllzahrtli Sliclmirr, of Soittlianiplen, a pasM'tiger who lias net been mhmi since the acrldcnl Speir impl in -itleil if ( anaila. n-ti.illn m 7.e.i. kind nid Smth Africa. Ami tluie 1 t.i piwir. ulijei't , ihe ro-enalliii. vlmli I -I, nil indiiatP. Unit I- 'iu'ii te an mi" nt tlioce "-If iiMriiiiu ilmiiinieii- tlnit u,. s, ill "i r.pjii'l.'. il. Pile tlie Statr whi.'h .- In b'p ru Hi I " l."fl lllikenlipad ald the 1'ni liumeiit " he i't up would be -upri im in it. "ii (liniiali! iu iniitifr el tinanie. but nrhitrutnr- would iMoriiiiiie tin linn. nut tn iP tmunieil , lrcliind ,i In r pinpnrtliin of tlie iutieti.ll debt ind win evpi'tid tute. Hcleirlin; te I hi' iipcntituieiie Willi mip Mini 1 pin ropiventatixo and lob.iie iiniiiiis the mull-res epi e. irln r Mritisili propeaN. l.iud l!li lieiiil remai kril: "lllii f t. J ililiE.ttes t'i'- tb' i mill rein e t ible : Smt ut iiii' ' nt. and our lintii lintii enr liit..r in that win. We. nre mi ate'tent pmenl -lute. .1 11 . Iiiim- ilireiigh the (enturli- lluiiq -lis .iml diir -ett'ir- liitn i'pi of the habilnblp 1 lMlii-d "lob the the .( II- -ii'. tee. w, inn tuat tnc .lapHiie-' ilr "2iitP. anil per h.ip tlie Ilrltlsh n- w-ell, may lp llnkinc It up pro-peotio'v with the naval ratio ipiPMlen In (etimlt us en Iho latin wiih thp'ir fiinciniiiPiit. TIip AniPrieau n;pfiiitr. however, aie known te ndliPte te their Pxppitatlen that ihr naal Kiip will lip '-rttlpil Without predlL'.iliun en any pelitiial fenrranRPinPtit- Sub-oetiimlttop (lellboiatiens am! an an ether spsvieu of the Conferon.-p of the .Japanesr and CIiIiipp dolpgatiens en the Shan'titist iiueMieu wero the only &( IipiIiiM ii'tivitlcs en ihe Arms Cmi Cmi Cmi fiTPtioe pregrain for tin final dnj of the fe'tr-daj recess which ends Ii mei Sppe' oiileioil tndn en lli" oii"sen of "Xtenl. If ni all. V lilical cotisiileinliotis nmj ha" eiti,d ltd" tlie ipipsliun ns t'fericl te BURNED BODIES IN WRECK Conductor. Knocked Senseless, Recovers and Aids in Werk. Man JF he Sew Impending Crash Tried te Prevent ft in.iiiitii w 1 h a 1 Miiipii'- K -tuiiem . i. ice pre- di nt el tlie tlie witui-- -tami. Independent Status Conceded Ireland a en the 111 nil- -pj- di-the Cnntlmml from I'.icf llnr Yull pewer of de i-inn witbent liamper- inR her bj 1 oiulitiens. It is also understood tn it an airnuze incut sati-facei' te the Sinn l'i In w.i reached regarding control of ln-li port pert by the iiihn The condition preieu-l. .n-i-ted upon thnl there mu-t be free trade between Knglend ami lielntid 1. -aid te iuue been dropped h the (iinprtiiiiPiit aud Ireland i" gnen freedom lesanling tariffs. The delegates of the I Mil Klieaun. however, pvplniiied that it would be te Iieliiiid's advantiige te haie frre trade bofeeti the two l-bind- and that she would adept tin- nlutitiiril i The agreement w.i- igrn d en belmif of the tiexprnnient bv I'rime Minister I.lejd (ioergo. Auteti Chnniberlain Leril Birkenliend and Win-ten Speneer Churchill, ami en belulf of the Sinn Kein b Arthur titiffith, Miohnel Coir ltns and Hubert C. Itiiiteu. Desmond I n.g"rald .iml l'anien .1 Duggan. niembers of tlu Sum 1'etii peace ilelegntinn I 'ft for Hubh'i tmla. Tt is thought t lnl are ,ining .1 ill 11ft of the agreement All ether Sinn rein delegates lenmined here. The agrretnent. after a ses-inti u tin li lasted mere than three hour. Mime -i-the sudden and unexpected tu-t itn utien of the ferble liepe.- oxpre-ed la! night following .1 da of lonferenee- dtinng which it was at one nine uuder-toed that the negi ' itmns Imd ilctmiteh breiien down, and that enh iiuestujn- of rentlnuiiig the ttueu In Ireland nnwinwl te be considered Belfast, Dei t! 1 Hi A I' News of tlie .igninient li"tnn Britlsli and Sinn I em d h nti -Londen whs piibli-led in tl.p tlens of the llelfn-i inernin ii"n ner. Official ('Miles teillll -ll'iweil noHltien te iesire eniincnt agreement until the ti rm- bei un known. I' leader-. h'iweer. ar said te regard an. oniiirnmise lietwccii the Hriti-h and sum iein (I'leguti- a defeat for I l-ter The mew- nt the parties te the pcie 0 negotiation- t Ii aj . are - iite em ilubb that it 1- dif ficult te lmngiue that wliui will iippcnl te the Sinn I'dii will be regatde.l n n sntisfactei te I l-ter The (piestien akd in I'dt.i-t tln tln Tnerning is "Win re de we eme in''" Particular -isn'tnumc i attm bed te the Htateinent that the ngreemeut 1- te be embodied m lulls tn l snlunttid te the Ilrlti-h I'.n lit uud the Eireann. If I l-nr wislml t tike fhangrs, it 1- iilked hew would 1 tn . be dealt with uinbr tin- plan' The Netiliern Whig -n- editei unl.i that until it 1- known hew the terms erlglliulli I'ji'tid b the Mnn I'cini r liae In en im dilieil -e .1- t'e -pi uru then aceeptaiiK judgnu nt -ImuM In -u-piMid-pd. l'l-ter - per.ll inn li.i- bleu 11 pent edly deliutil and that m all Mnt- 111 net be damaged '1 lie utiiie-l 1011 1011 cesslen ha- bei 11 iiiinb b I l-tei . and vhutPMl the 1 nii-eiii in e- ma In the prevlm e raniiet be 11 piim tn an fin tlicr weakening of th'' unu- thai linnl licr te (iical lit ita 111 "If at lu-t " tji" Neithilll Whig tldds. "1 lie Southern Iri-h arc willing te act a- lewil citi.en- of the uipire I'lster will npi into wlihin tlie llunt ulreiulv (It'll ii (1 but tbeie 'an he im cbifei' a-seciat ion until 1 1 v lune gneu phief that the., imp ipdgii albgiaine te the King. u a- a hiem m a gium . but in spirit and iu tiutli Dublin, li tl -1 1'.i I" '-The Kiceman ' Journal, iiimminting mi t ie "agreement 1 cached in Londen. lni tlitii Ireland lienl- im a urninc that the neace terms are in haimnut with (he nrlmMpleri fet whnh she staiid- Iie ImmI ms nwan fmni tin ln-t. the newepaper -as 1 ! it tlie" priiicipn -centulned no ineiuu'e In the icnl inn 1 -cats of ( 1 rent lit nam and tin- fad a praru ut 111 t t" be cbui In the Hiiti-h (tatcsuien Trelunil bti- then t In -nengi-t el all 1 juoefH of ' 11 will for pi in c it .idd-. nnd llie (uk- In I'lemlir I. Imd tlieige and Ills lelletigup- ti de tin it pail in Insuring that tin "oppe-iuon of 11 fanntlcel minerft" .shall no longer p.reTtnt a pencil with honor, Vhifien, Dec. 0. (15r A V 1 1 lami is tine, thai (I111111 hii' tin "ew wbbb .Kjepteil and b wlncli we -tnnd ' In (ll-cii lug tbc tiiiiinciiil pii.i-e- of the agteement. he -aid: "In mattets of tiiiiitice there again the Parliament te lie -el up stlp,.,,p , ts WI heu-e I tie Irl-h delegates hiiM' recogin.eii that it i tu ip--in te -trike a balance lie twnn tin- iiuintii mil Ireland in iimiinial matter-, (in sucli 11 IhIiiiik Iniiig -truck thc Imll paj u- a due ptopettimi. having icganl ler un set off m (dinner 1 laim tliej nun tninl. prepi r te put forward a due propor tion of inn national debt and 0111 ex ex pemlituri en war The amount of tln wlll be di tei n.lneil b arbll rutin - te In liesi n timn among the eiii7eii- of tln (iiuntij. ind who, I Impe. will lie Iml' a di-tinsul-lied Colonial .ludge. "In tie i.gunien et all 111) colleague celleague colleague tlie intire-t- nf Ireland il-elf ami of the eiiipiic as 11 iilmle will be for warded -llilllld It become possible ill the future for the inhabitant- nf North ern 1 1 eland te adliete te a geneial I'arliaiiienl which, en matters net lij existing lesi-latieti te-ericd for the de-ci-ieii "f the Northern Ireland I'arlia inent alone, -till require deei-ien and ebilmi-lv affect the intete-l- of 1 1 (viand taken as a unit and as a whole. "The representatives from Sum 1'ein are -prepaied te rei iimuiend te the Dail I'lnaun that thcnewlj constituted tri-li free -talc shall net uiereh make a ttetttj of n-sin nitien with the Hritisli I'.mpire. Imt -hall enter into the lint ih lauplre for all purpe-es. The fidel. in of the lii-b free state te be con- Tc kie bj Adniirnl Henui Kat follow ing Prldiy's cetifrretp u of the u' "Hig Three." miiicr I "i estimating timi it might !" a wei rii'it 1 before lie could reeen a full leplj fro 1 , 1 is i.eiei-tinieut, iia'011 Until 'leelnriu e j iu a stetetirnt l.i-t nnjht licit the naval I nut 1 te 1 in'ehul Is-iie- of "fin -it ,n Ii nig effe't upon the uiitu ntil a '! 111 1 national life of .Iiiiiih" which -heuld .' b'iniglil I" the full Knowledge of tin j.liipiiups iiovettiment bcfei e definite ai - t en is '.riken. ' Paris. Dee. . 7h7"a. P. 1 Thesug. gostien at the W'aslilngtmi Cmifireme of a three or four lVur aipeeuii'iit te replnce the Angle-.lapaiiese Alliance is I recelv c d faiei-ablj bj the mew -papers. I although the delalls of the plan ale awaited before an extended 1 oniment Is I iiuliilgrd in. I The 'IV nips; "Se far a- we I Trench are concerned, anj tiling which con-elidnto- pence is ncei ptable and a paellic alllatice will be wecenu I1010." M Saint -Hriee. fuieign editor of l.e Journal. epre -e- the -iime thought, and rptnnrl- that it would net be nn alliance for effen-c or defense, but "for the neutralization of rivalile" " tendon. Dee I. -(Hj A. P ) -Onl.i one Lotideti metning iiowspapei com ment, today en the -uggc-timi of a "tpnidruple enteiili .' as -imken of iu Washington dispatt he-. The Dnil Chreulcle. whieli refers te the proposal as "an alliance' -as: "Thii! would ln a way of -crapping file .lapnne-e treaty er nitieh te our liking, for it would -ebstante for it something bigger ami better, and if it s. true that Prc-idt nt 1 larding hii hii agieed te support it. one gient cau-e fur nnxiet would be Kine.ed." Additional gnipbic neeeunts of the wreck en the Newtown branch of the Heading Hallway were given today by these- who saw it as the trnlns came together or were en the scene several minutes Inter. Only one man saw the two trains as they sped along the tracks, lie was I Vltu out Taliaferro, who works en the' lleninmiii Hnllilis farm. ' 'i'alinferre, when about te walk llireugb the gate te Mr. HelUnf' heuee. until ed the s-eitthbniind train speeding along the track. Knewing that, as n rii'c this train generally waits at the siding nt Wnnd.iieiit until the north - j bound passes, he ptaicd In surprise. I Almest simultaneously, hewewr. he 'noticed the northbound coming along at a rapid rat. W.ielaiming in horror he ran down the long hill toward the railroad, waging his arms te the- engineer- and ibeuting nniulugs 1 When he readied tut toot -oiidge thai cros-eM the creek which runs iween the Hellin- estale and ground immediately adjoining the rail iv id embankment, the cni'li lame. In an instant, he said, the wooden (,irs were telescoped and in llames Mixed wllb the hl-sinc of escaping sieaui and the ten ible ra-ping nel-e iih the engines, their driving wheels still turning, bored deeper and deeper Inte the wreckage, were the shrlekH of women and the gre-ins and appeals of the in , jiircd and the dying "I immediately ran back te Mr. Rol lins' farm hnu-e." said Mr. Taliaferro, "ami phoned for doctors and nm-buliuce- By the limp I returned te the m one- of' the disaster some among the pa-si nger- bad already started work of le-i ue. ' "The dead am , nlmig the lentpalh besi was a pitiful sight en the inb all day. Last "it. sir. I saw the stni"i of wreik written aere-s the sky the (lltislen, was nighl he said "I hnve seen fifteen dead taken out and my men tell nip there were twpn-ly-enc bodies In all leinnved. We will clean It up tonight, bill 1 fear these who remain under the conch will no longer be -epuritle bodies. Hume" no doubt hnve been burned tn cinders. Our men cnnnel approach near enough te tin burning coach 1e get nuy thing out. Tireinan hnve been here all day. but the Cue Is still burning." .1. I',. TiIiiieiiiIm. Southampton, who was sitting In the smoker Willi llaney. was one of the lir-l te engage in rescue work.) "The front math of tin southbound train was jusl catching Hie when I get there." he said.. "The engine had top pled hack eie'r the conch, setting it nlire. Beth doers le the 1 ench were blocked. "The scrtnms of (hesp imprisoned in that lierv furnace were horrible. We be- dried te smash down the doers, but we I'l'.were tee ate. I Me w 10 e t ilinr was 1 um-s of flames in an Instant, and we hud te turn our attention te the seoend e.ieh te get tho-e pnMspngers out be fore it enuglit fire. "It was only a minute before the sec ond and third coaches were n mass of flume. The deaths wete undoubtedly en used by the lire rulher than by the 1 ollisien llartisen Hriggs, a tpinrter mile awn. when lie heard the ctnsh and the instan taneous screaming, arrived en Iho scene within live minutes after the col lision Me told n giaphic .story of tlie shamble-. "Twe girl.s were projecting finm the frntne of the front coach, screaming for dying were lined 1 help." he suit) "It was impossible In side the track. It sae them, and the Humes seen en veleped their bodies. t In t "After the first few seconds it was lirst iinnes-ihlc te iienctiale the burning By tile Associated l'rcss New '.tiili. Dee il. --Antheny Intel-mill urn i em evenlatl.e of 1 Culled Itinihoiheml of Maintenance of Way Lmpleyps 11111I Hallway blien Laborers, nniiouiiced la-t night his or er giinlntlmi wetiTd tepttdlale acceptance bi flip union's Peiiusyluinlu System Division of liiles nrone-od nl n confer- ictiue In August with officials et the Pennsylvania Haiiread. Up asserted three officers of the di tlslnmil union had bten expelled for ac cepting the rules, which tailed te recog nize the union, and lending n secessionist tneienient of the Pennsylvania System Trnierniti. n pitted under the toad's plan for empleyes' mgiiui7atien. Mr. Spair added (lint unless the Penn sylvania Halliead agreed te negotiate a working agi cement with the United Brotherhood, in nccerdnni e with pro. pre. visions made In the I'uitcd Stntes Hnllread Laber Beard, the alleged vio lation immediately would be lnld before the beaid. Mr. Spnir eiplalnrd that last August 1. 00 I. Kennedy , geneial clialiinan of the Pcnii-yliniiln Sy-ipm Division, rep H'scntlng about Pfltlfl men. had been Instructed te go willi ether union nffj- Lci rs licfnrc ellieiills of the lead ami gel 11 ie- 01 no answer le a prope-ed wnrkltig and wage Hgieeiiicnt. In-tcad. Mr. Spair asserted, they eaine out of conference beniltig a set of tulc-. but no legiilnr agioeiiiont. which failed te provide for recognition of (he union. (In .e ember 7. iicterding te Mr. Spair. a clandesllne meeting of broth- rboed members was held in Pittsburgh iwltheul giand ledge etlicers being notl netl lied. The Peunsyliania Haiiread t laiijgeinent. Mr. Spair charged, wns I iu full in cord with that meement. I "een te the extent of being willing te I pay the hall icnt uud ether expenses i Incident le the meeting." Colen niem niem eors i barged that the lead offered te pay I he deli-gales' expenses: and te rout Mini- their salaries while thev were 'at the Pitt -burgh meeting, but that tepie-entntlies nf what the labor lendet tei (1 (lie legitimate union wen (leiiie,l nf Ihelr leaes of ab sence and pa-s privileges. lames Hustings was pe-lliiely Iden tified nt the Coiener'n llutucst tedn as .'the slayer of Park tiiinrd Vincent A. ,U" II....I W...t ..1 ll. !..i,nsl liuinr.l. T(II II II ' - ill. un; taxed the capacity of the cmittroem. The inquest tit no Ifanley's death was rushed tbieiigh, and many of the twcnty-clgnt witnesses pre-eni t-euiii net testifv. because it was nece-siiry te cenclcde the proceedings se the case of the stealing of the car that figined in the murder could be placed before the Grand Jury today. The Grand Jury will consider the sheeting later. Hastings' is thirty years old. nnd came from Rutland. Vt He Iveanleil hoc at 1.110 (Jreen street. Park ftiinitl Ilfinley was ferly xeai- old, ntnl Hied at S'St Windser square. He was shut end killed en the evening of Nei ember JO while talking te Hastings concern ing n breach of tralln lcgttlatiens. Hastings, tegethri with the ie ether (riseners, Wllli-im PrcMiil-. of Bosten, nnd Slnxwcll Bermaii. el JJ I " slrecl, Merc riding In .'in atiloinobilc atileinobilc atiloinebilc slolen ftem Jehn A. Call, of -00 Smith Thirty-nintb street. HnK'angs wan held without bail charged wllb iiiunlei. Picsenls and Bd-rnnn wpip held without bail a- ac i cssorles before the fart. Kddie Kelin ami hi- wife Mathilda. Iriends of Hastings, who also boaided at l.'llO Oreen street, weie Ik Id wlth wlth eul ball ns miitcriul witnesses. Seldom lias the Corener's courtroom been se crowded. High illi efHcinls and member:) of the l-'nii mount Paik guatd steed whereier they could Uud room. Several eye witnesses of the stealing of the tar and of the -booting had told their story (omernitig the maimer iu which the guard had In en shot, while asking for I tasting's diivcr's liietise. at Sixteenth stieet mid tin Puikway. Presents then icpented III statement that Ha-tlngs liad done the slioetitig, Beiman, uieiding the eyes of Hast ings. tried te wriggle out of hfx pi e ions statoment. When the signed paper was eh en him. he read il ami mild, "That's the truth." In it he ditoetly accused Ha-tlngs. He testified he and Hastings wen te go en a joy ride with some rtii'l-." Cuba. Panama, Peru. Chili Andes, Argentina, Uruguay, Drj-n 64 days, from NEW YOUK Feb. i?. 8. l S. S. EURO tPiclficllne) rtctu, tt-resjtr,. I'll lltb rnln,. i. S. AMERICAN LLOION .tunienlJr.,'i AMERICAN EXPRESS Travel Dept. 143-145 Se. Bread St. Phil,, WOMAN DOCTOR'S DEATH ' SHROJJDED IN MYSTERY Police Incline te Belief That pu. elclan Wa3 Murdered Briilgepurl. De. O.-Mme iaTI,, j than ever is the web of mysteri nr,, the dentil of Dr. Hlbnbclh L. 'ltn,T of this city, whose beih was iniunl j the liceub read adjoining tin- cMaitti leimlngs. of Taulii'1,1. M,,: . I he sin, id,, , ' iy the iielii ( . i, ;,i.e " Phi -i.iii nai,. (Jhiifi hill -in t of. !!,; nl the inline f n, P.ied-ky. of I'm I aicnuf, PHILA. WOMAN A SUICIDE 'niimrmi in wnieii the iictuns were hurneil te deuth. Their set cams wen heartrending." STILL FIGHTS DAYLIGHT LAW stltuted will In (lei-lateil in plum, un- " " ... ("inn. -nl Inngti.igp. in the Constitution MILLIONAIRE'S CHAUFFEUR as inatiii in tins insirimienr, te ine niiinietiwi alih of nations and te King HAS AUTO 'VAMPING PARTY' will lit .summoned at and the tmns will be tin-in The terms will tore both h"U-e- of Purlin- neu it ttiey tin net lii m i "'I l.e Dm an cnrli &Jtc plai f( liefni" lie plai ed I nn nt in th a (lit. the pi epe of I'ngland will hnr an i arli oppertunit i of deciding SPIESE'S EXPLANATIONS UNSATISFACTORY TO JUDGE Hearing Continued When Credit Ce Official Gives Vague Answers Ti.iiMwi Jspio'e ice proNnleiit and ;i;ipi,iI lulling"! et the 'lu.i" nntee Credit Cmpoiatlen. failed te gin d liuite information legardins the operation of t lie corporation and tt i.uxilrin concerns when brought be fore Judge linger-, of Common Pleas Court, lesterday. He was -uiniuened te eplniu -ibat lui'l bpi-ome of some (it tlie ses nf W.irtb A. Ce.. -oiling agent for the National Guarantee -tc k Siuo-e v a-t-spirinlh iino-tietiod (enierniiig the v lierenbniit- of S'Jl.'I.Cillt which had lien -Mill in Werth i I'n In i lire' 'I liis ii.i'ii y , ni'sii'ling te iriilveis fet Hit inn. was imt teni d ill tin (mpany's tna-uii Sii"se -.nd he ji nil flit inonex ,i -i.l"-man fm soiling stmk. but bis o, e, p'unatimi was resrarded a Mii-.iti-fni ten In ludge Rttgers. and le-inutiniicd t in ( -( The National Guarantee went tie lui'i'ls of n 1 1 com i (tot eh. i -H miunetlmi tn re-train Werth .. nr Sim-" fiem u-ing or (eiiw ting nt the .ii-i- of the cmperititiii was -.-i. inted ln-t week. c Spit- and Inc ether etlitsi of the Nntien-il tii.iiantte I'te.lit Cm position mi. unii' r oil' nn iiiniuf- m ' 'i-innn .- tn (let l"llii hi-'irillg 1 1 arces l- -' in dub'd te r' into An Cn .mi J. Kearsley Mitchell's Driver SaVs He Had 'One Big Drink' After up-etting a hay wagmi en the .spring Mill Villnnei.i. tedaj,. Kre, Smith, clinufleui- for J. Kun-ley 1 .Mitchell, uilllienniie clubman, i- said , te bine knocked n piii-uing cai out of the mad when It- deher swun te halt him. I Smith is employed at Re I Maner. Mr. Mitchell's j-l.enil.ti - tnte it Villaiieia. With blni in the luunhine were Jehn Miller and A Notion, farm hand- emplejed In Mr. ' Mm lull. l'tilid- say -smith was speeding along, 'te- Spring' Mill ibm In srni'-k land ei -turnisl a leaded lui igen ilriien by Jeseph Feul ut the dni"- vhj' of the farm of .1. Heward Sup i i be. ,i township commissioner jf Lewej Met nm Ferd wn-i thrown te the aim iiut i.ii(l brui-ed. The two ler-' - i in 1 'i ,n Smith slam (1 off. Inhn Supple", a -en of tin imnini sioiiee. pimped into " I's'ln uioten.ii mid cbnit'sl ami oierteok the ntiid n mid tli "i sii'iii'' hi- m.iibi.i' .id' - llf I Smith did net -top and nung -uppbe wa- knocked off the ie.ul. Hi- car wa- (Inuiaged. Smith and hi- (onipaiiien- win' in rested later and bold ter the Grand .le. i hi Maci-trate Stilwagen at nl- mere. 'Smith was charged with an auto while intoxicated i In bad taken "one big in flout Hese thing when I get up this morning. 'inr. We managed te cut the last tw s.ild "I.uke" Wnlsh. fninier. who lhes ,-ars from tlie snuthbeunil train and in a little house "ever the bill" fiem , -ac,l them from the general coiillagra ceiillagra tbe siene of Iho fatal crash, when tils- tien. Ussing the wreck lesterday afternoon, i "The hon'er of the scene can only be "I bad just conic dewn-tairs nnu imagined. 'I lip cut formed a perfect had opened the front shutters. no said, "when 1 tnw a spiral of white smoke pus-lug ever the top of the hill which -tniuls Itetwccn my home and the railroad tracks. This smoke was tinvclln? mirth. " setiuid later I saw another cel I mnn of smoke going entli I knew then there would lw a wreck. In an m-timt there was a terrible crash. I ran out of the heu-e. By the time I reached the .snot the tars were all In llanie-." Fiirre-t IMelman. employed in Phila delphia and en lib. way te work, told n graphic steri of the ctash He said : I "I and mnii ethers weie In the leur car of the Newtown train. When the erasii came we wen- hurled from our s.if-. The conductor was knee'-ted llntl e-i his back, semi -conscious. At tit st we had no. thought of the real -erbuis mitiiie (1 the clash and we aided in bringing him around. Then we heard ciies from up ahead, heard the hl-s of sleiin. and I called t" nil the men upl j hint te porno and -co what we could de, for the injured. "When we get up front and -aw the i pihd-up wreckage and the tire spi catl ing. 1 knew, and se did the ethers, that mam person- were dead or deemed te die in that hell of fire, boiling, hissing i -team anil twi-ted metal. We get scv- f ci nl out, but weie dnidi back from the curs by the lire. On the bank I -nw the body of one dead man. which, 1 believe was that of an engineer. It dcw-hippd wince this body wus that of Dr. Hatch. Kseapeil Willi Cut en Leg ' Before I left the si cue of the w reek I -aw at least four dead in that first kmcIi. pinioned te their seats or burned te ii crisp. And I knew there were many etheis. Personally I escaped with mih' a slight cut nn one leg." W. C. Lekcrt. superintendent of tlie Mrs. Emily Beech Toek Poison In Worcester, Mass., Repert Says Mis Lniiiy Beech, thirty -Ine. wife if All. nl Be'eth. of Ibis city, died (n the w.i te 'be Wiircesttr, Mass., Cit Id laic yc-ld-iluy after boy found her en New Ien Hill, lying en tin- me'iiid urn en-, im, s. Medical I'uiuuncr I ledeii.-k I' Baku- said n w.ts due In piii-mi taken with suicidal intent Tin- body la' in the Mor"iie su hours efiire it ifi- Ii Clitllilieil. .Ml-. I'.enli and hoi diu'tliiiT. aged twtlw PATERNiTY OF TWO BOYS ISSUE IN STILLMAN CASE Evidence Given te Shew Banker Was Father of Beth Children Peugbkrepsle. N. V., Dec. 0.- (By A. P.) Tlie I'.iteriilty of Guy Slillnuin and Jny Waid Leeds, both thicc jur jur eld. was the main s-ue iu tcsli'nieny today nf licaringK In the dhorep -nit of Jiinies A Stllliium tigiiiitst Mrs. Anne C. Stillmtiu. Defending (!u.v Stillman's nntermtv. I,iivt. ' Tiiere was testimony tnnt Air. ami Mrs III ( II In 111',' w un .nr I hc'ler stieet. who has hei-n a n Alii t Bui us, says th- wtiiunn neus breakdown. Grange Meeting at Shere Today te Back Goods Reads Plan 1 Allanllr City. Dee C, Mtiubers of i the New Jersey Stale Grange, opening tin li- annual sessions here tedn v. again will express their opposition le the Daylight Sailtig Law. Imt will ighe strong support te the geed road read road meiement. They will meet iu joint se. sum with the New Jersey State Se- I ciety at the first session of the two or ganizations. LOADING RECORD FOR PORT Nine loenmothos weie luailcl aboard the Ward Line Steamer Ciiutu, nl Fddy Fddy stene. ye&teitlax iiftci neon, settliig a new hlgli lecerd for this pert in stow stew doling Tlie preileus iniud was the binding nf tlie Wind Line kiiiiiii-i Paiiuin m October, wlien elglit loco leco loce niothes weie transfciied ttem the dm k of the Itablwln Werk- tn the i el deek iu three bourn gienti r tune Beth shipments weie for IhcNallenul R.illie.i'l of .Mexico nnd wen hindul li SCI eieland A. eC , nf tin-, cilv. T II Wairen A. Ce inc tin agent- for the Ward Line TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES .Inhn !( '.-in- Dii-klrtben i ikmI (..Ilia anl St -lii-dii. I '.ins nuJ s lllihiir.l I. (ic'iin- iui'jT n IllU.brth ltd'K liiCi IrfiiUkt si .1 1 ,lil 1 llr-nic L.IM'I N -J'l l . mil Isilif.K ( Mi, rt n loin s "eiili si l.r.ilse Willi, r Sill 111 .Il -l.'.l W llrflillil 8I . nil. I lllM I (ilflllr-l l.-T I! IHIIllilll I .tin i'il l'VII '.'."I.' N ii jv h ill si mil I'HUllll. Kllll.ll -Jl.'i Itll'lulB- St NIIII.IIH II U liniiiiii 111- .- I rent -I iiiel !,it 1' iJrnr 1JJ l .tsh iiKt'in it. eri, rtMliei. !.' I'lihtre'l si mei p. Ihri Itlm Ksnii S.iulli I t.iiiinienil l'l lie. I l Iwviiiiiii imlT 'I-i niHlili'W,- .in- .1 'I I. slli i Mllim l .ilmlsn . J .lil.ii I (1 nnu li . M.i i tiM V ,t .ni.l t;iiibi'ii V Ktnn 1 i tit iim N. J Linnl Kii.ii .li I'JT W -i hi 1. 1 M iiiel II ! U lh :i-ll V siti 1 1 II. mum t iilinn M .'"'I s lluili i nn lUv - n ' nil. HI.'.! . '-'I si i liil is 1 1 njlil..ii Viishlillr Tenn . inil I'llllnrc S. U lit t J UllKKllOi"! .N. J I'hii Mill. I I J"i.ll - ltlth el llllj Mil I lilu 1 r-lil .1 II - lliit liliii' n st Ji.r pli Hi He"" N -'S-li st. nivl I i ii net M'llkm .i. Is N .11 (I si I'lHitl. Illl-iin 'l"17 Wrfrien si uml lllnniti ill I ,!7 17 W.irr. n si I'd i J IIh.IIIi Oil lleu.1 st uml .IU t 'litikr .".'-".i Uuii' .itninn me Milter llliliniidil 1 1 Hi I u llinv ut . Hid Mm i J lliittnii, l.'Il l.u.llii.i si Us mils .1 Wliithn 'JUn 1'nniiiiiuiit .uc mill Kin s i: .Si"M M7 N" L'7th t. Jehn 1) JullHim 1 .li. H in .el st ni'l illlilit l Ruin In 1111 H kln-uti it Miner I ni-l l-'l" M lleiii n.ilnii si .ml IHUI XlllilM 11.'.' llllZ4,llll st , Ws'leiH I n HI .'1117 ( e, till hi si .mil dnt Mei' tin I'H 7 I li'i'iii' -ni st (S-nirili 'I! 'Irnlti' i.UI u rt inul Mn .nut l-nl'i- IT1 N -im. - i' ii (i itriti' M 1 ' '.''17 Hhi r (ittliii-i M -It I Ins In . ' Anna B. Saturday morning. lirst udinnccd way In tin- bc'ief that II muiderc( The polite arc trying te Inul llie ,edii liutoinebilc iu wlncli Di It idum ,U Hi'ii wllb Iwo iiiiii nnd I imiiiuh ,i PJl'ID n't lock Friday iiiglu ,i mile frej, the spot wheie her body wa found I.nte ycstcrdai t'linrlr eighteen, of licldj i allot Flll.lUliel S. u friend of Dr. Railmii, ami tnltl ii.' lliedsky an inleie-ting -ten Rr aiJ "I'tidai night about S '..'ID n'tlmlt i was walking from in lieim . near Art Cteek, te Fiiitlicld Cenier te buy am miiiiitimi te go dink linnl nig n , fliltc house near Mis Jennings' f.(j(, 1 saw a light burning I kinked in tit window anil saw a woman --ti ctfbej out en a i ouch. She uppenreil te m un ( ou-cieiis. "There weie Iwo tin ti III Un- loom, one about twenty -Iho ami one about tidily. I saw one of 1 1 i . men j, some blown liipiid mil of ti ipi.ul buttle into u gin nnd give tin dunk 0 n, woman en the tomb Tln-ie nai f -edaii standing iu fietil of the home didn't -lay aieuiid there, but went en te Falrlield and didn't think imi.-h about it until I saw in tin- papet lint tbli dead woman. Dr. Radein suppose le have been -eon in a si dun of the mm make as the one I saw in fient of this lltlllsp." Sergeant Flunk in Hi. of tin Stilt police, was out of leiin w lien Matju iisited Dr. Bied-ki" he i-e inul Mirnf II. H. llutmil, of I ami hi h.t-nnaj looking up atietlier tingle nt the ca, They die cpeet(d le taki In ,i t' th iiiuity nf the belli II I (Mill I ni,. i in u effort te have him pick out. if n ible, 1 the house wheie he miu m -aw tit woman en tin1 teiiin an I th -etJia Utlca Fac Declared Ttieiity.Jn I tin i it he n Stlllmiiii lived together at their esute automebili in the Pecunt ieii Hills during Januari and i'ebrimry. litis, mid at the St.. rTu-D nUCDPflVCO elDic Regis Hetel iu New Yerk during pail of i ETHtR OVERCOiVltS GIRLS the bitter month. ! Attacking the pnleinlly of Jay Waul Leeds. Mary Farley, a trained' nur-e. was called, ii was said, le testify that when the infiiut was burn te Florence II. Leeds, feimei- l!i miilu in show gul Mis- Farley congratulated Mr. Slillmnu a- the falliel. lie was pie-iit, ple tendiiig te be "Franklin Handd Leeds." and inquired a- te the uHl being of nn- who. neemiliiig (,, n licr testimony. Mabel Her.m. forineil.i cinplnied bv Mrs. Leeds, told of Mr. Srillinnri bring at tlie former show K,-M SiMi-iiftb si i ed npurtmeiit posing s (lr hii-band it was s,ii,. I Fumes Spread Through tery Where Gtrllse Is 1 I'Hca. N. V.. Dec I! I girl- weie iiM-iciiine and made ill when fumes nf l her ip. nr- ently nriginaf lug fte.ii eil-snukeil raji tetiinl iu nn asi can spienl threujli ' the workrooms of tin- I tien llejs' icpeit of I'lellilng Company ii-lerdm Ml hut en of the girl- ! cm et ed nil Inn a short time after if thing alientieii, and the condition of tin one i- net r"-i Blllded lit. sci Inns. A strike K en at' the plant, which is updated In Sonm Senm limn Brethers, of N( u erk nipnnrnns. iiesiusfhs m v.xkhks nr wnti.xs .ink aiiLOHKN's Ai'i'unu ni i nr mannsr r iiauactlh lOli ilulll. 77. IN J H K.Vn'-Sf.V l'fi.l.'S Idling He aduniti d drink " i)i:Tiis ni the crlniimil lie licld loliiei - bifere Magistrate Dugan SAVE FISHERMEN IN STORM Twe Forced te Cruise Around Off Atlantic City Awaiting Aid tl.intlc City. Dc 0 Blinded by the In nl I liiw-teim that swept tills i ci mn iif the i east Sunday afti moon, I. inn- T Milln and Geelge Seeds aboard the hm tit- tool Inum li Get's Km. had a le nil off the Inlet lie lore imi-i suntds iMiight their signal ami iieikid our thieusb heaiy sous te the res" uc The men had gene en a lishing trip nil Siind.ii. wmklng areutul the hanks ten miles elT the (oust. When the slat ted te n turn they tan into tin sleim nnd we;t teiccd te cllllsc lirmllld eiitsii the inlet bar, iiiiuble te (flict hii entrunct The'n luiiiilies bdnmc Hkiinnd at nightfall and a-ked tin gunid- te ii'.ike a search. At HI e't bx-k tiny binuglit the b.itlh exliiiu-teil .i-herc and teweil tbeli Inum b te -llfeti SHORE REFORMERS CALLED IN GAMBLING INQUIRY Charges Made by Simen Faber and : Others te Be Probed Ml.intlc C!ty. Her 0 -The Hand i- in session in Mais Landing te. da i. piebilig. it is under-teod, the fiile U'.itien- of Simen Faber. shore refmmei ami (in inve-tigater during the admin-i-tiatiin of Mnyer Ham Baehur.ieh, who nptnely alleged that gambling I. unshed unmolested by the pelh e ,n. tl t.i itli-s in Atlnutii Citi. Faber was .ailed te t"ll the (fraud Jury what fa t In ha- in his pos-essieu te su-inin bis allegations Samuel Comb . Daniel Si nil and J" i pb Man 'I. who appear a- -igner- of the Fnber warning le the citi and count riruials that uce t onditleiis .lie uncontrolled in this (ity, also liaie b i te attend the ituiue-t I'l-osecuter IMiiiund C. Gakill .lr .iml As-istaut Pto-ecilter Ileibdt R. Voeilic's appeared with bulging poit peit poit felio i in the courthouse Frem nil ap piainnifs. it looked as I heugh tin (Idl ing na- te lie deep iintl bmg It is tindei-toeil that Mi G,i-,,il is .nivmus te obtain limn Faber ami elh'i- all tliei knew about alleged pielccted uce. tn . il IIFIT S'tirtJcnh t Han mas N' J ni V m.ivoeii it.MtT iii iit nnth m Itc .nlv-ri anil frl.i.tU a in Ml llells. Letlm -...sis li 1' fi - MilliiKbore lean I s M7 il L' A. M nr.l nil nlhr Imlse i.r uhirll lie iv.m ttituur inr tii'ju'i aittinl fun-ral Tliursl-n 1 A I' M ii. ...Iit.m. Kit tu Ot .1 h . 111. 'I ""r.. - v..' if .li. V.m.ju r,,-. n,.--! trolley in 'i.""'"'r. ..'.-....--.. i.1iifsilai cienliiK Interment ( elein, i ' e'VrilANIi!.i:ss . n- .", ADAM hus' i i r,' lHthi.i Mil .mile is ine- Shcetri nt, I llelltlie" a"1' frit mis ljn Nens'r nt i ,.,iB Ne 211 I" ami A M unii i. i r a i ev P u aid H.-rieililiil uii'l K'llef '-. ivnketiah Tribe I O IS M Kern i ,"u y, li. K O. II. ir Uii'l I i . .) V ine .1 sentci. Thtirsilui I If I M 1.1ft. MirtlinrnuRli ' Int-nneiu emIi ' it It'll l"ilenil mas iall after i I' M WiJ ""'itnjsn rm i-ee ui2i iT.rnrnit i. Inifhand of far-' ? Trl. nd lltUn s ,, friends -tse I'enna ; '"m"! J" .HJ 1'. .ml empei'S "t J ' "r Tall, r.s Mei i i nittpmy ar. Ins It .1 te tin urilre e,u 1 1 r. ,Hl elnlllK S "''"' it' e rirlei Jill r-lrttltll il't "'"?"'' "-,1"' J Interim nt "" Iiln-ii stsci.uTn-, - te i. n I- r i i i Ijtllllliii: ilNllI.CruN. Uur liulli. ' lu ner il lit lie Bin It if thi lale C'enrad -ml Harhara tills In 'm M'.Jmaer). in his 'M r lie atu.s j friends are InUieU te attend fuimnl I'm.I,, GOWNS WRAPS SUITS IURS BLOUSKS LiNcumn kX&& nr . SWEATERS MILLINERY SKIRTS CHILDREN'S APPAREL PETTICOATS Chestnut Cerner Tw cllth Furs Of the Better Kind In selecting for rersenal use or gift giving "HARRIS" Furs are a safe choice. Hudsen Seal Coats . 295.00350.00495.00 s"-. A IiiH iale rcbldelir ne iiiwni mass si M Interment si 10 j in ITC Pit, Overheated Flue Causes Fire All oil rlie.lte, tllle (,illK( II slight llie lit neon letlni ill (hi -(fmni limit' nf the liiiliie nf Fdwaiil Galluiiti. 'I'hil teiiitli and Tiiskcr stii(t. Gallanti was citing lulu li nl the time when In ili-iiiieml the Ine uml turiH'd iu an iiluiin nnd fnuslit the tire while await ing tli, nil of tin lirellldl Mule Toe Tedious for Fech Grand taiiyen. Ari.. i'et (I - i Hi P i Marshal Fet li rude a mule hcie yisierday. but found mule ruling ten ietliens and seen disniminled Laid- he Machine Gun6 Guard Court I Vanillin t. K.. Dec. (!. -i By A P 'I'll i rt Iv'iitileki Nalleiuil Guard- A M . from I a i reni a st (Inirdi 10 A ' iTl'sT Dec -I. "UAUI-US hushaii, A milt- Hunt (nee leefei.l lteati, .nm friends are Inltei te attend fin nnu wn ..s tiiiiVh " I M t tlie reslden. i nf his ,r n in i" William II. Strldtland '3 In 1i, In Inierment prliatc. Oioenvied K of p 'Th'van - Hii'Ui. ui ii -i ntnii:iiT i hubnd of riera M, nuii'.an tl. 'allies nn I fr .iltU. also 37lh Ward I'.iunr I Sirmenn i. 1I imiihlli Inilted 1" nerilfi! en 'I huradm t-'l-.M pjrleis 'la n , ' ,M Hii "v. Hiead st friend". in,ii tall Hi I "wlLroV-e.. Pee ., It.Jl MiMI II M Wtl.CiiX. son of i:.lwar. mul I u w .i aiced IH ic- H-latlve!. and frlcndi , Wnkhinsten uamn. Nn TO . . f imitiii tiitfii'rcii (it 1 i'i li it - - ft . fl.Aral 4J I Int. rill lit . , tiifjlj H"riii "t i ni- ni Plain and fur trimmed models of great beauty; three quarter and full length. Skins faultlessly matched. Muskrat Coats 135.00 models ,lUn a nrund ,tl. piMe's. ritb - imd two .., - srcn -e J.rT'tl chine gtlllK leilal Willi oil ilutv III Bar- 2nd MendB "e lnui I te funeta, n hmil-Mlle te guard the Knox ( itcillt ,, ! hurmlaj af,t"r".e,, ..t J.. 1 1'"-. " ' .. . .,....:.... i-ii.l f intiiil.ei. of il,e lac r.aldente 3IH N. IIum I -I Kit in. (('in 'I'i'ien i N,, Snnt temcieii i.ii . ?.....:!. .... tlir I'lini-'ft. el con.. .....iiV i in n...- .1 liuiiji iiiiu.i. " "."":'..., '...'"'" ',,.i.',;i -KIM, heads l.u ',, fumral will e mini ne'li snliiiiK te inuidtr Bcieiley of 'eiullles. l.lth si 'in i.liiRllle 'U mi La i- r Te Discuss Einstein Theory Dnt ul A Luiidcn will Ic'tun mi F.liisteln'" Theory of Rclatiiit" nt a ,..eHi.r. of the Hebrew Literature . .11.1111 -v- Uttur ... Hull. 4, , 11, e r..nier seMnn of lletlileliein I'rnt lenan iinirih Kunera r- ie-, en uuirsjai itt .!,"' ii.'etlwli ut ArniHireng a KU7 '.' llKiati st Inteillieiil p r Mile ' i.esir a yniMi 11 Made of rich dark skins; 36 inches long exceptional workmanship. French Seal Coats 195.00275.00 Selected peltry; 36 and 40 inches long. exceptional value. Stene Marten Scarfs 35.00 Hudsen Bay Sable Scarfs 45.00 75.00 95.00 1 10.00 Wc Specialize in Apparel That Slenderizes Larger Weman. .evtewed inn Htaff and menibera of the, Society, which w '''''" '".."''".'t eglen puny an incj raniPi nigni in n- , - -- llrrHikTtiUU Hit !H0 Catharine street. Aiiierlcnn Le nOO Leut, irrmll wnlta Ktklniu dug Men rU?T niward. ItMure- te 210 ,S (1st st Pberit rrentei), fiBta J m W f f mi rfy ffi -v Hi- ur i i r ' --s New U P i. e! n-rr ii i ii These also &M CiSsNe. , 5i i-S wt-L Uc T?.S "(C 3WG Kescrsatieub S Jeweled Coiffure Clasps I we circlets of carved green jade, rock crystal ur black en, held by a long platinum clasp with diamond orna mentation. J. ECaldwell & Ce. Jewelry - Silver - Stationery Chestnut and Juniper Stqeets fi i in connection with our regular busi ness, we are showing a limited i number of Rebert Stewart Ready-te- "feW put-en Ulsters and Topcoats, made & from our finest woolens by our own work men. Naturally lower-priced than our made-te-order coats, Business Suits, made te order, $115 up ROBERT STEWART Spertntfj anrf Mufti Tailors : Breeches Makers 501 Walnut Street Yerk Stere. 15 . 47th St. iSeUebuetratfert New Year's Ee Celebration Sal., December 31 si, 10 P. HI. Supper de Luxe, $6.00 made at elTice of Mnitrr. il'f!,.M' or through the Head Waiicr.- ifl. ' S S. V.dil . L