V: : ',i" S V, :lk iv -.. j. 1 M V i m ft I M km m J Htn EW "V J v. T. ?." l"t. , 18 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHIEA'DELPHIA, .TUESDAY, DEOEMBEB 6, 1.921 Babe Ruth's Xmas Present Frem Judge Landis Was Fine of $3362 and a Vacation Without Paj JUDQE LANDIS PLACED GAME ABOVE PLAYER IN BABE RUTH CASE Bambino Better Able te Stand Less of World Series Coin Than Piercy and Beb Mcusel, Who Drew Same Penalty May Revive Draft Rule K.v ROBERT V. MAXWELL Spert Editor Evening Tubtla Ie-ler GEOUUi: HEKMAN RUTH, the eminent actor, was thrown for rt less of $33(12 yesterday by Renew Mountain Landis, known also as the Judge nnd High Commissioner of Baseball. It was a straight line play and the eminent actor was caught befere he had a chance te move in his tracks. I.ntc reports state that Mr. Ruth is recovering, bufthc dent In the bankroll never will be repaired. Mr. Ruth played some exhibition baseball before some enemy dragged him off the diamond nnd shoved him en the stage. He appeared In many buh league centers, knocked home runs, had a iwell time nnd lets of exercise. This, according te Mr. Landis, was n social error or words te that effect. He forget te leek up the rules and regulations en exhibition games or neglected te remember that his team wen a pennant In the American League. There fore, he was socked for the round trip. Knewing that the news of the flunncial less would come as a shock. Mr. Landis allowed Mr. Ruth te take things easy and try te leek the same before May 20, 1022. He doesn't have te de anything until that time but kick in with the aforesaid $3302. He may remain en the stage if he Is able until that time. However, the odds are against him. The Italic, for it Is he and none ether, has been expecting a Christmas present from the Judge for some time. He stepped Inte trouble Immediately after the World Series and gave hir.zenner the giggle when Informed it was against the rules te play In such contests. In ether words, he said: "Who ever heard of that guy?"' and kept en piny lug. New he knows what it Is all about. , Landis' decision is n geed one. He placed the game above the Individual jind meted out the punishment accordingly. Ruth and his two palft Heb Mcusel and Rill Pierej received the same dose, but the ether two will de most of the suffering. The Habe can stand the less, but It Is likely te put the ether pair in the drjdeck. However, it Is net likely that the decision will interfere with the training plans of the Yankees. With Ruth as nn attraction Colonels Ruppert nnd Housten can make n let of money this spring plnylng exhibitions In the Seuth. As Rutb has te get into condition, Itj will be uccessnry for him te go down there for the preliminary work. Rut he will, receive nothing for his services and when the pocketbook receives a wallop It hurts. II S. GOLF MOGULS 10 IETIN WEST! Chicago Picked for Annua! Meeting in January Twe Title Links Still Unchesen THAT GUILTIEST FEELING PENN CANDIDATES SOUGHT A YD in the meantime, tee wonder ichnt trill happen te that fSe.OOii salary demand? Draft Rule IS ceded THE mluer league baeball meeting, which epcued today in Ruffnle. will have au important bearing en the great national pastime as it Is played in major circles next summer. The second-string magnates for the first time in their careers teem te haie the .shelc show in the hollow of their hand". They are hobnobbing with the National and American League mngnatcs this week because the big guys have taken a sudden liking for their company. All of which menns tnmethlug is wonted and that something happens te he the return of the old draft rule. Fer a couple of M-nsens the minera have been going alone, keeping their players at the end of the season and ignoring offers feftheir star players That is. the larger leagues like the International. American Association and the Pacific Coast circuit". Tn the olden days the big leagues could select two or three players from each club at the end of the season and pay the established price. New the miners arc reluctant te part with their stellar performers be cause, they claim, the game Is just an big In their citlen and better ball clubs mean bigger crowds. In a short time, they say, the International and Amer ican Associations will be just as strong in the American nnd National League. Perhaps the are right and perhaps again it might be the old hokum. Jack Dunn held nil of his ISaltimere stars and as u result walked away with the International pennant. The race was a joke, the Orioles outclassed all of the ether clubs and there was no Interest among the fans. Other clubs cannot compete with Dunn nnd the chances are that Baltimore will breeze through again under wraps. Men like Rentley. Deley. Jacobsen and I. awry are geed eneugii for any major league club, but they cannot be purchased. Every ball player is anxious te get into the big show. He wants te le a member of some major league club and the chances are that jeimg plajers will net be se anxious te take up the game if they realize they can get .put se far and no farther in their profession. The present method is the bct thing possible te stifle ambition and this will be proved before many jcars roll by. Anether thing is the false idea of the value of present-day hall players. During the war and the period following when players were scarce big-league magnates were willing te pa huge sums for geed players. However, these days have passed. The money bags are net se larg and tlif price of plajers has returned te normal. Miner league magnates will discover this before the 1022 season starts. r TlfH old draft rule .emci bark trading should be brisk in Buffalo this week. Players arc needed in the majors, but censenatue prices tcill be paid. i Quakers vs. Frankford THE 1022 football season probably will end in Philadelphia next Saturday when the Philadelphia Quakers meet Frankford at the Phils Park. This Is n return engagement te decide the championship of the city. The teams played n 0-te-0 game en November 2S. Frankford has an exceptionally geed team this year. The natives in that section of our city have loyally supported the eleven and the players are as geed as any in the country. The Quakers will have a tough time of It in Saturday's contest. Independent football has taken well here. Last Saturday's game be tween the Quakers and Canten was very exciting and the crowd was well pleased with the performance. Harry Hebb. who scored the winning touch down, pleved such a mnneleiis jjaine that Manager Lee Conway signed liliu te play with his club en Saturday. This gnes the Quakers a backtield consisting of Johnny Scott, Hinkey Ilalnes, Robb and Laird. It's a Teuehhack HERE is a question which came up In n game this season nnd there seems te be some doubt about it. On the opening kick-off the ball rolled en the ground, hit jj player's leg and continued ever the goal line. The man picked it up, but before he reached the field of play he was tackled behind the goal line. "A Render" wants te knew whether It Is a safety or n teuchbnek. It Is n teuehhack. The Impetus which sent the ball ever the line come from the man who kicked it and the fnrt that it hit a player before crossing the line has nethfng te de with it. The mnn tackled behind the line never was in the field of play nnd therefore the ball Is declared dead and ruled a touchback. Penn Should Play State r'.TS said that Penn State wants te play Penn en Franklin Field next year. navlng played all of the leading colleges in the East and Seuth nnd coming through without n defeat, Hezdek's team should be considered. Fer yearR th'e Penn-Penn State game hed been eue of the features of the lecnl season nnd created a let of Interest. Last year the Red nnd Rlue wanted en easier schedule and State was dropped. v Penn should be big enough te plav a team like State. Perhaps a few hard games might help. The easy ones didn't de much geed this year, repinahr. 1921. by Puhtic Liiieer Company Ry SANDY McNIRLICK THE main data anybody hns about the courses en which the natiennl open golf championship or the women's even! I will be played next year lsrumnts. It is sold the first will be played at Ske- , 1 kle. near Chicago, and the ether at I I Allegheny or White Sulphur. 1 1 A committee wits appointed last year te pick the three nnllennl course nt ' I least n year in advance in order that , Iheve clubs would have a chance te pre- ! 'pare for the event. Rroekllnc was1 , picked early enough for the 1022 im- ' i (lennl but the venues for the ether two, , events were net. I 1'crhnpn the renen is that if nil the courses had been picked there would ' I net have been any business for the nn I nunl meeting of the United States Oielf j Association. Anyway, the courses in question will , apparently nor have any mere warn- i ing than heretofore. In nbeut a month i the I. S. (!. A. meeting will take1 plac. the courses ratified, mid two of the three will have no mere chance te prepare than ntlie-s did In the pcit. h condition which made the cenin. liter-, advisable. ' i At Chicago I i Sneaking of the nii.mal meeting.' Tem MeMahen. the demon national ' statistician, announces t lint it will be held en January 1 1. nt the Drake He- i tel, ( liicage. The choice of place is un innovation. Fer years the meeting lia- always been held in New Yerk. ' Rut the idea of coins Inte vcien i I 1 a geed one. Gelf Is booming een mere through the wcvt than it is hereabout, i for the reason Mint much mere territory ' is Involved out there. Fer cais the Westerners hnve been merely reading nbeut what hns been done by the na tional association. Fer I hem It wm wm mere or les of n "mythieal" holy, ex cept tlint It ln'd down a let of laws the dldin'l always like. All of whl'-h'wns one rcnen thej threatened n revolution last vear Thi. te.ir a let of distant clubs will doubtless fTlHIS is a tough easen for basketball, sit in en the proceedings and have n , i. rPTVt f nnv teams ire making chance te actually yucc their evii dens n(,;.r(lin(; te well-definril II - 1 1 h'.'l IIMMl' lUt ill;- -SOIMII III III Mill HGtLe QeeRGeHCLLO "get back "This s ' I Henry ewU! 1 iC. ,7, " 1 'GLAD Te SEC U BlUl. WHCrJ meRsJIiOG HAMK f , , 9 Ey tSd 1 1 SV ( YOU! AGAIN! DID YOU GST gUsUD 5CMT HIS (WHO . ( -Anr-ll ) SSii'S. " " - "' '1 - .. - I "" r L " """"' " ( OH WHAT TrtUH J ' eAfi"l" RffiMeM06R H Te Veu- sa.d Te flVlF'V cm?Mcffl ' cam-t OUT TO HISM I "DO- ) OF PMOTecSPrtPHS Vt ' N" L2 S"KSQ ' PUACS V neu) Yeu bowewcD x tS rJAMS3-y C,.!,lt, N T, T.- 1 GELT FIVE SEEKS Basketball Statistics LEAGUE FRANCHISE UXSTIUN I.nAGl K w. i.. r c. av. i,. I Trenlen 15 I .MS wilKps-lt . a in , Camden IS a ,HHO ''"'feMlllf 7 I) I Srrnntiin. II rt ,n IMtlllle . I 12 I Ktytllntr.. 7 .107 New Acrl.. 1 14 SCHOOLBOY CAGE r.c. i 3JIS , .4117 .3i ' .007 I THIS UKP.K'I HClltl't US - Tomorrow- Trenten at Citniden. . . ,. , , Irldnj ('eitvHtllle lit l'htlulelhln. Keatl- Madisen Square Garden Team IJ'-' ii,uadrinhiB .t New v,k. Wants te Play in New Yerk I &' at "'","":' mn,en '" w,,kM- State League AWAIT SCHEFFER'S WORD J W. I.. V I . W. T 1 r. ri. .; ii, . a n l.oen fir ctcIp. i 2 ' '.'Olh Ctnt. a U I. am l.Ht litn,. 1 2 1 Heb-Name 1 I ..'.00 Mrrilll . 1 2 Mil Iiult't. t ...mi Alulti A. A. O . V.I- .'Ctl .r.3.i , wnt TOURNEYFEB. 18 Penn te Stage Elimination Con tests for Three Weeks at Weightman Hall this meitlng te be of the V. S, ;. A. held in (Jbhnge. Net Much Doing I 'I'e one who has attended mnnr of the meeting, however, it ilec-n t leek ns if there would be ellher much bu ncss te de or much excitement this year. In fact the delegates may get a leek at one of these ultra -snappy meetings such ns was staged by ex-1'rc-ident Walker a couple of years age. U was the shortest nicetin" ever held by any national body. Dvcrv piece of business was printed nnd the pamphlets, platen en the ileb'cnte.' chair. In rapid-fire order each t in-ular we eted en. "ys" or "no." and (he meetms; adjourned. A let of the de'egn'es who had come prepared e mnke n speech and start nn argument found tieirisehrs in the sfreef ngiiln before they knew what It was .:1 about. The, hud te uii1e.nl their itlea-i en the traffic cops. t'onle AVins Penn Tille A cup tarnished with age was gullci, out of the Venn trepky cit-c in Housten Hall the ether d'iv in have the name of T. .T. ('onto engraved en it. This young golfer earned th" honor of ilefeating W. K. Norvell in the final of the upper classmen handicap golf tournament, '.', and I. The mulch was played nt the Philadelphia Cricket Club The "1'sii.T" en the cup stands for the year it was dennr-d, net the medal score of any winner. I'ente played fine golf during tUt tournament nnd bumped tiff Snlada. one of the favorites in (lie spinl-fmaK. While tin tournament was celng forward, ami! her was held for the fiesli. men at Wliltemafsh Valley. This un wen 1 (Jnthrie. formerly a Hnrrfnrd sliident, who defeated (Jritrm in the final reiind. 1 and ."'.. It wan the lic-l f rrh -man tournament at I'enn and a Brent team is expected for nel ear. Heeige Stevens, runner-up nt l.u lii. is a lirst year man nt Penn though he didn't en ter the tourney. He will be a slrnns addition te the team reports it will nel be long before th" nihletes who play the cage game will re- tcive notices e th" effeet that they must tnke n big cut In salaries, saitl te he almost an much as one-half, or that the inn lingers will call it a season anil stew lewnv the playing paraphernalln for the i winter. The highest -priced nnd most exten sively advertised cape athletes in the world are the New; Verk Celtics. They bine already suffered two cuts in their monthly cheeks and It Is said that they have new 1 een offered n preposition te play en a percentage bssi; net se geed. 1 Information fiem the New Yerk State I,engue says that 'c same Celts I have npplietl for ndmissji as, a member of the league. President I. en Stolz. of tliHt body, will ghe no answer te the THIS WKKK'.S S.CHi;iH I.K Wtvliu-iidm Trt-cnUevtlt enturj . Unit Name. Anterinjn liitleinticnts . Alplij A . A . i MAM I'M T1 UKlrt I.ILM.I K vr. i.. I'.c. av. i, r r. nelhfr. a I) 1 .mm rt Leem. 1 2 .1,1.1 Hilln. Trr. :t 1)1.000 Ivrst T. 12 .S33 Monet.tpr.. 2 I .OtW ni.ft.K.. O 3 .1)00 Dobsen 2 1 .007 Int. llnrv.. e .1 .OOJ sniKini.i: von this wkkk Tenlulit Xlnnetjlm . DoIiheh, Aiiirrlrnn llitlluay i:)rc .s, Intrrnatlnn,il Hiir-CBtr. Tluirttlu riill.itlFlelilv Trrmlnnl s Ioem, KrjKlene tn, I'iClxticr. ENTRIES CLOSE JANUARY 1 guarding affair and ended 10 te fl. In the second period th P. (5.,'s slnrtetl their famous pn-sing and peppered the basket with two-pointers. SwiirU wnn the hading shooter nnd landed nine baskets, one nf I lie best perfernnnces of the sen-en. Stn.rnl of tne youngster's baskets were hard shots and were ieceled 1 1 Ii applause. llrnntlway Cycle was nosed out in another extra - pei iml came. The mine team was beaten List ui"'k m an extra tlie I period. The were pnniin.t n tin I A I 1I11TI1 n "rtN I op I ncm.t ,.f Pi-oetilent Sebeffer. of the i in Winning tile Al" I ) 1'nMcrn I.eiigue. n the New Yerk and State betlies have a working agreement. Art Ien Ne Surprise The Celtics' nitien comes ns no sur prise. At the Knst' rn League meeting in i his city lust week one malinger of fered te purchase the icleasc of .evernl of the players and assured the league he would have no difficulty in signing i hem. The fact that Chnrlle Urickley announced the (Hants would play in the (iarden also created some talk, an lie would certainly hnve te negotiate with 'Vnn Pitprr te tilnv there, ns It cost the piometer S10.000 te equip it for i whom hnc yet te xviu a game, conic .'M te .".II. and the senni' it big surprise. Hreadway led at half time. 12-11. and ilie came ended lit) -nil. (iauker's field goal wen for Merrill. Ties te He llrnlte'n A pair of ties will he broken with the playing of this evening's games in thr Philadelphia Manufacturers League nt Ynnnh Hail, U7II7 West Columbia ave nue. , In the first engagement J. and .1. Delison meets Monotype nnd three teams arc tied for second place. In the final combat International I Inn ester and Amerlcnn Railways Express, both of The second annunl iniersehelnstlc basketball tournament of the University of Pennsylvania will be held in Weight -man Hall beginning February 18 and lasting about three weeks. The tournament, ns was the case last "car, will be divided Inte two creups, piep schools nnd public liign schools. rtrt Trophy cups will be nwarded te the winners of tneh of these group chnm- pien.slilps The same rules these of the Inter collegiate liiiskethall I.eegue will again be in force. ANe, any bev who has at tended n retegnled tellege will net be allowed te play. If a boy is net In geed scholastic standing, he will be ineligi ble for the tournament. Heys of the public high school group must be under twenty -one years of age. I'ntry blanks have been sent out te nil schools hn Ing basketball teams in this vicinity. These must he filled in and n turned "te the committee before .Innu-r-. 1. after which date no entries will lie accepted. ZBYSZKO RATED AS STRONGEST IN SPORjl Samsens of Athletics All Award Herculean Honors h wrestling Liiiampien imuhiaiuiuim ai- iiej)pc's Defeat Tribute te Genius of Fermer Champien My GRANTLAND MICE The Lump In the Pudding Masters I've knexen who've taught me much, , IPAtVA Vrt tornettcn all tee seen) The proper stance, the proper clutch POr JiyUVl, OtttOaiC, lltt-rv w aj,v... The method for an up-hill lie, Or hew nrenatcd wrists held sway As plastered pellets ilsc and fly uvcr me jws mm jur ttn,ui. Leng have I sought their sound advice Outlined by lessen or by boek: On "SyUems that Correct a Slice. Or 'Seven Ways te Step a Heek." Perfect my swing, without a flaw. A brave, true blew ter grcin or cup, I fellow out each master's law, And then my bally head comes up! What golden vision haunts my dreamt Of turning in the Perfect Score. Where en my card there never gleams A figarc higher than a .)'. Xe mere te be a shattered wreck, Xe pitching failure te the preen, If I were captain of my neck iccre matter of my bean! "jVTLLK. SUZANNIl LENGTHEN," ' announces n contemporary, "should have profited by the cxomple of Geerges Cnrpcntier." Maybe that's what she did. In the meanwhile, .just what has be come of .less Willnrd's frenzied, un bridled desire te rush back into the ring nnd knock Dempsey through the sky light? The All-Star Parnde (Ne. I The Strongest .Man). WHO is the strongest man in sport? .lack Dempsey is no weakling. Neither is Jess Willnrd. And you may spread the same tidings concerning "Striingler" Lewis. ltut Nat Pendleton, Olympic wres tling champion, nnd a number of ethers who have had the opportunity te enjoy the application of n personal test, all award the chaplet of onion blossoms te Staiiislnus Zbyszko, heavyweight wrcs. tling king. They rate Zbyszko s strength nleve that of any man in any field, with mere sheer physical power than Sondew cvei thought about. "Zbyszko's Ktrengtli is almost beyond b;1icf." says Net Pendleton, who hns trained with the champion. "He is the modern Hertulcs, beyond all QUCI.,. lug stronger than Lewi, H3' Getch or nny one else in a cam iw raw strength plays no smal,"1 This strength covers every T0rlfJPJm his makeup-arms. ld$ 4 hands." Ne wonder at fertv.i. k' that he was able te handle such m.rJ'i' as Steelier nnd Lewis. Jira Jeffrie8,' the strongest of nil boxing chamD!.' but nt his best it is doubtful if T& raw strengtli was up te that of the bh sive Pele's, who seems te be the V.' son or the Hercules of modern sport" HI J. L.-Thcrc Is no wny, J A opinion, where Harvard, Yale . Princeton can be fairly ranked as V. gards one nnethcr. Among themscl... they finished In a triple tie. ffi played the hardest schedule of the thr.. Harvard the next, and Yale the wmV ' est. Haraird. by tying Penn Su'l and beating lale, could certainly nS be ranked below Yale and PrlnceC The three machines met and decidti their own ranking and the answer wn a triple tie. Especially as none of fl! three that tried out n hard schedul nS away with it. " HOW many from the East knew thai California has nbeut as many its. dents te drew from as Harvard, Yt!' and Princeton combined? Or that sw. eral universities from the 'Middle Vtt have from 6000 te 8000 students freij which a machine may be drawn al developed? WE HAVE never leaned te any m. jostle ambition. We would even I content te be ns. down and out in m, profession we might fellow as Will, Heppe Is in billiards. If IIeppc u , has-been, you can count the number successful entrants In this dazed Istence upon the thumbs of your rlgk hand. One of the greatest tributes f Heppe's genius Is the vast astonishment that followed his defeat. TT 1 "I nAS been shown at last Us. Rabe" Ruth was never a (tin golfer nt heart. He has tossed aMtle j gelting winter en tue const, mereir Dt nnnw be could Pick UP $3000 a week h vaudeville, far from the topped brasslj nnd the sliced iron. 1 remWa'it. ISit. AU TUaMs Rtstn'i - i Worsted Sweaters Shaker knit from pure lamb's-wool V-neck pull-ever sweater $8.00 . V-neck coat sweater 8.50 Shawl-cellar coat sweater 12.00 Men's Patrick mackinaw ceat3 $15.00 Beys' ' Patrick mackinaw coats 12.00 arshall E Smith & Bre. Incorporated 724 Chestnut Street Athletic Geed, basketball 'rerge Haggerty, thr Celts center, s-iid he knew nethius of any change and I lint he always found out mere news when he rnme te lhl city than he could learn in New Yerk. He admitted that n well-known fan hud approached him in Heading the ethei tiny and Informed him that he. Hnlinnn ami Keieb 'would een lie in the Ttenilins line-up. If was all news te "Herse," The seii'-en for the cage sport has been a lean one, nnd before the second half begins there will be many chnnges, The freshmen are ale ells'ble te p ' "onditiens have reached such a state in the Intercencgintes. lis sinl. i:n Tie I'm- Penn expects te llgine CiIs ve.ir. gnme teiints as gym creilit nl the ersity. Captain Knlk has issued a call for nil i undulates and Assimant Manager Trimble hopes te make arrangements for them te get a work-out en Ineal links. I Referee Steps Clarke-Tremblay Beut I.Tnn, Mas.. Xf O -T tim Svtrfp nf Betnn. refr puilcd a "urprl tn ih his Tetttt of fan" at tit t'BHUie t . hn h ntcprrtl the ln 'nuriil latt l..tvin J.tekle riark and IIiIk Trmihlav tli- r.i turn heut. In thr fntli iuunl nnd n ' 1. ) It nu contest. Beets ami Saddle haw and th trr downpour madi It wers than tvr With th rln ceme a nudden drop et man dcRrtrn In trmpirature. anil wintry llatn which rtui)d te be tem prd by aunshlns prevailed throuuheut the dajr BASKETBALL AT GAYETY The Claiming Handicap for $1000. lfth en the cnr'l, is the feature et New jn Orleans tednv Bin nicy Stene is the b lias acre, ami will like the route of a "- !;a nna au eigain. i.niupui. iiheiy win rl. te a large following, and showed a S. P. H. A. Five Will Play Printers ,il id effort in his Inst race. Wickford Th, Even. Ull like the going. ' n'8 tvenl"0 U "tterses well placed in the ether races The Seuth Philadelphia Hebrew As are' First raceIameris. MnrJerie oclntien will inaugurate the opening of f Pansy Uloshem. Second Geed ! . new venture nt the Oayety Theiitre TTenrt Llna. Ilaby Vamp. Third , i'"h evening in conjunction Penitent. Stnmp. Ilrush Hey. Fourth Colonel Hlxth c.i Ituckner. Louise Wynne At Havana: First race Luster, Aleoe. Fictile. Seeeml Duke of Shel i rwmvnv. Jehn .1. Casey, a bird Iltlreld K.J the KngliMfnl.-m, SUlpinnte. reurth Cenerni "Menocal. Cromwell, Fiftli - 1 roeper. niazenway. Jee Dundee Wins Decision llalllnmrr. ItI.. Pc I! -,Ie Pune IlBlilmr.rf's flshtlnK Scotch. ltHllaii wen d neil earned Judgfa dcltlen hmt VminB M M henf' In a fast and furious twlvp-r iuni Ue'it held undfr the auaplee .if th,. ;,, tleirtl A i" b' h Fourth IIi-kIi n-nt r mrirT hre Fruzettl Leses te Downs en Feul I WorceMfir, .Miles,, ne (1 .Tnhnn Dewnn of Seuth Hoaten wen en i foul n th.j fourth round of th ten-round mi In heut Hsninst Jlmmle t-'rurettl of Hrp-kten. nt th I,.il I A C In'Me'llAnV Hall Iimna wan rj. , amlni hy the ntlerdlnB donor and h" pre- I nouneed It a foul ( th.Mi immereiis nnyers have expressed an opinion that they would willingly accept u cut rather than see the sport blew up for the season. Coats Win Frem Miners Twe gemes were played in the East ern League last evening. The C'oates C'eates ille five swamped WlU'ea-Itarrc, 43-22, In a gnme featured tv the goal shoot sheet ing of .lliiuuvPirewn. who made seven sensational field goals. The Cents nt one time were lending IS te 3 and the half ended 25-S. Prlur tn the gnme the Committee of Fifteen, which hns taken ever the Ceittesvlllc live, held a parade through i he town and a hand was present nt the game. The music evidently had charm, judging by the form displayed bv the team. In the ether Eastern League fuss of the evening the New Yerk Giants were beaten at Scranton by Francis Bruggy's Miner". It was a close game, the tinnl score being 20 te 20. P. G.'s Win One Mere Tim Passen. Gottlieb & Black five continued Its winning American League and niltv in defentlng W te 1f together. Owing te deflated, bustnescs condi tions, the League hits divided te fall bncl: en a ruling in effevt imrt of lust tcaseii, which permits the plnylng of two linn -empleyes with encli club. Met ter basketball Is bound te result with tlie adoption of tlii nil". Heginning with I his eenmg's mn test.s there will be duuclug Immcd'iitely following the games. President Frank lin announces (lint in order le make (his feature werdi while all the games will start promptly en time and t lub? falling te appear en the Meer at tlie proper hour will be lined Syracuse Cage Squad Is Out fcrrnrtias. Dee, tl. A flna.1 rut hns Ivtn mart, in the muad of Syracuse Lnlprlt hn.l.ftvMll men and Olmond A Del'trd menter for the "t.tnwe h.taKeteerjt will new hKln t i round into form combination whlth h.. thlnUa will l,e the nulnlet te cum P't for Srn'ui this "asen The fl -will net t- 'u UmB In uubatltut.-s this ear whir!) wns iiw uf the drtittltuckH of the lO.'O tram as 'here are many Reed plaers amenw thea present " streak in the had little dlffi- East (iermantewn The first half was a close this evening in conjunction with the regular performance when n basketball nel Tnyler Ablnze, Fert Churchill. ' Ki'e will be played with the Franklin i Ace, Miss Fontaine, OJd Faith- . I.'rlnting Company team. Seventh British Liner, W. II. I Nip addition of Habe Kletr. former center, will reurth- Init'nai Old -Winner, Sixth-Timethy J. Hegan, ""CfcHSty Holters. Stir L'p. Lasiern Leaguer, nt strengthen the Sphns. Ilie line -up ; f. P. If A. Franklin TrlnUnn Ce Pajiaen . , forward . . Pacel Schnelderman forward Sehwarti Kleli . , renter Morten ptt'leh aruard .. . tAmbaju Ulck ... Kuard fmw Asks Waivers Ilaltltnere, Uer en Eight Men H).. ,riii" Jl'Vi'iTaT''rim' i"nfhS?. ' u'Srii.r..Siiifn c-be.tnut fills, by I "'W'"; v fa M..I1 . kaah ffnW. ph.l DT 1IPV tiyvn. -. '-. S fllckZamouae, by I.ad; brown colt by i pitchtra, i?r Plylludet. by I.la.ak. cheatnut colt I Ky celtT W lUllet- Uraula Kinm by Kroemallckl buy colt, by Sweep- Kllrtatleut, B OeMi Oarttr, and cheatnut colt, by ftefuvi Mert Jtar Fancy, b Star Sboet, e Jh'1. rtinti, manait. flaltlmera Intern. lnnl Ub. Iihh aaked walver ta ra Tbe are Leflee alie Heldcn and it nehue out. Knrla'.h. Malthewa ana. Clarke ana i.Mten, utility innereer. . XX...1 nfim will b In order at Naw Or 'L.fM.fariMerAl mero daya at Itaat. due te arr rain Sunday nliht, rne.l already wa 'rha Taffar. tnteyi and Notre Dame-Tech c'qn (la.. Dec. ailtii oe,. nc. Bla-natu-e by fa Tech and Nqlr Dam athletic au- Atli therltlav ei a centraui irevin.v ier xoot xeot xoet ball ramti between the two achoe'a In 1823 and 18" ha been announeed at rjeeraia wiii u. piayea a fame Tech.' Tha itame nejit yr will be October 88 At Atl'intaranfl the 101 at Smith Vr 'JU1. Ten or Black Put your son In a pair of these everlasting Brogues for Christmas. $7.50 ieiqeridatt l420 Che.stnut et. K P 45th & MARKET rreaten (lint; West 1071 The Trust Paid We Could N'et Ilun "i Are nunnlllE Boxing Tonight iiAnnr GREB pepui ar rnirnfi VAT vs. KAYSER fjreh la eadlns light le,i weight Kaaer la conriuerer of rjeh Jrart'n Jimmy elbin m, Goergte WoTner Joe Knrrf n l,enn i Turker Willi Allen ts Henny Ilaaa Johnn Moliennld va Hiiu ptmpua Tickets at lee Palace HH2 H Penn fie, , C'unnlnKhatn's 10 s f.jcl, Cran dair 511 H nth Tendlcr a IIIMInrd, 730 Markrt & Shnlet a. Mi 3 r. Market ICESKATENG BVKBY SlONIIAV. WKDNKSIIAY. TIUHSD.W. rillDAV & HATl'HDAY Competent Inttrtirtura nt All SeHslena thkki: SESSIONS 11II,Y 'aSStfibk. iwlSk ' urn",'"1ffs mss rFfAi-iiii-i-i "JljfflWflrfAjjd mmm myte.mzm U & - rfe i Factory Sale "MEN'S HATS" $2.50 & $3.50 ::: $3.se Seft Hat. Derbies-better Extra Quality Velours 700 N. 12th St.' Open S te 6 Dally ROELOFS . Heller Skating- llnln'a Rink Ilread iind Wharten. Thurlrl.,Sat.K'.e. Mat. en Sat. , . , "'n'aJb OAMniiiA ATniKTie ei.rn tE.etriiiu ntn, Ami KltmAY flnlf lrnfiew WlPTkTtltfn nvfinn.."?i'' 'HACKA'JA'r ImSJWSS UT" j rinjifB ni i trv.n Qenereus in size TmeinjMality (rfedemte in price Henrietta ADMIRALS EISENLOHR'S MASTERPIECE Pcrfccte size 2 for 25 cents OTTO EISENLOHR & BROS., INC. ESTABLISHED 1830 New Headquarters in Philadelphia The many owners of this remark able car will new find the future home of the Gardner car in Phila delphia at 851 N. Bread St. We have examined all the meter cars in this price class for their honest worth for value for clean-cut character clear through -the responsibility and financial strength of the makers behind them- resulting in an unalterable decision te secure, sell and dis tribute the Gardner car in this territory. We are in a position te prove te your entire satisfaction that there is no greater automobile value available today at any price if you will give us the opportunity te show you the Gardner car in detail and demonstrate its per formance. Ifs Value That Counts LEXINGTON MOTOR COMPANY OF PA. AV. A. Kuaer. PrpRlriPnt Lexington Building, 8B1-853 North Uread Stiect Distributors for Penna., New Jersey and Delaware Seme Desirable Territory Still te Be Allotted ' ?V "WT . -M 1 Jl' ! j' I'ttU -JT i