i. yM in. ", .? '-"' ' T' M-.!fT'J. 5 ..- 3t "H, vii ,,,. , m .. ; 5 ' ', -"v . ? ' r ." EVENING tJBLrdZ-IDBB-PmiLLDEPB, lWSEXY;" DfeOEMtfkti 6, 1021 , le f;r A.W 1 SSIIRJSHraSSISPW'""IW.WIIifleSl"ll! iy W0ESHA ISN'T BEAUTIFUL, ' c If euldrit De in Chestnut Hill, but Is Favorite at the Zoe, If here Winter Is Welcomed .W N - t ihce 'In "1,p" ,llc ,nt11,r?b' . " m liich. niiv eiip In need of n Mass r S i.crmnl.1 should apply nt W "-!.,. her own llSnllM nnrtrrtlrp; for the night. In ?hl mernlnR lin iiHbmi. slinkcu un her h.i l, t he nppiexed maimer of .linm SmaM nml nnlli Hip morning Un- 'T'nnnlrlne. nU for "AyeMia." The Jme ' oil .enembpr. v.s tl.nt of Me. IIMIV fiMeiite wife his second one. h,T mraM "vert beautiful." Amentia Z It b 1 lev" that Mie can live up te the .mi. for when Emersen Hrewn, head Ml,e Zoelofile.il Gardens, draws near 1 rnge and opens the deer, she leeks ,lv out of lu'r deep blown eves nut 21 is her nmis mound Iiih neck. And I ci"e '"' ree I" '' throwing te the back of the rage n bannnn or like ,UVorC"Tfe nnlmnls nt the Zoe ere tre tre tre mendoueb fend of delicacies, though Hi-veecin i te he In almost ns stiff trmn Inean football nlnwrs nt the height of tic scaen Twe fnt little black bear?, The cream from ten i quarts of pure rich milk 1 in every pound! m lately sent te the Zoe, weie uiiil te n daily share of enndy. Hilt when their former fester-parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Klehnrd Reaeten, of Ty Ty eone, I'll., called the ether day with n weekly Hunply, the young cubs were nl nl lewed only one lolly-pep npiece nnd one large red apple. The bt-nrs were no disappointed that thcy'Ehcwccl the lolly-pep sticks Inte splinters. It's funny te watch the reaction of the various nnlmnls te the first snow fall. The gardens nre brilliant In white laee, and the pelnr brar grins appre ciatively. The great buffalo pawed n bole In the ground nnd steed ever her week-old calf while the snow flew In gusts. , The deer, mere provident, led their .voting Inte the protection of the animal house, nnd a chiinpnnzec climbed te the top of her rage nnd hhoek the bnrs till the snow fell in clumps from the reef. After-Dinncf , Triclts 1 TO SUE CHANDLERS Member of Phlla. Orchestra te File Claim for $1300 Tersens in nil walks of llfe liave been hit by the failure of Chandler Urethers & Ce., the Intcst customer of the de funct firm prepared le bring suit ngninst them being Anten Terelle, first contra bass of the Philadelphia Orchestrn. Mr. Torclle'.s claim is for $1,100. He de clares the firm nliewcd him t'e enter into dealings with them Inst May, when they knew their condition was slinky. There will be another hearing before Referee Hill, ie the Seuth Pcnn Squnre Itulldlng, tomorrow mernlnif. At this tlme Karl Mcndcnhnll, bead of tut' firm, is expected te ngnba take the stand and submit te cross-cxainlnntien con cerning the firm's dealings nnd records. The Interrogation will be conducted by J. Heward Iteber, counsel for Willnrd P. Harrews, the trustee. Twe Autes Wrecked Twe automobiles were wrecked in n celllsipn nt Township Line nnd Old Yerk rend, north of Ogontz, yesterday, the drivers escaping with only miner hurts. The enrs nre owned by nnrvey Knox, of Kox Chnsc, and Jeseph Mc Cnnn, of Gcrmantewn. Ne. !ie Pencil Writes All Celers When the performer states, that he can mnke a borrowed pencil write any color the lender cheeses, bis stutpment will net be taken seriously. He merely siiiIIph. however, nnd nsks that a roler be chosen. Suppose red is the desired color. The performer calmly wiltes the word "red" en a slip of paper, nnd thus proves his statement te be correct. Cowrieht, 1321, bv rubHe Ltiatr Company iCTvNftv Make an Unusual E J. csftftlBv XmasGift E DO NOT RACK YOUR BRAIN ever Unit Chrlstmns list this year: end a blc bei of the Rite delicious Salted Nuta, te the family, and n smaller nni" te veur indivldunl friend JUMBO SALTED PECANS, the fin es. grown in Ceergla, tO Cfl SALTED ALMONDS, the pick el the crop from far-off (7 -i Cjfl sunny Spain, lb. . .. wliOU JUMBO SALTED PEANUTS, grown In the sunshine of Vlr- (7r Blnla, lb DC Butter MIXED SALTED NUTS, a selec tion of all the most tasty J f n(J nuts, lb 01,6J RITE CHOCOLATES, n delicious assortment of Chocolate Covered Nuts, Fruits and Creams, fl 1 ff lb U l.UU CLEAR CANDY TOYS, all the old fashioned shapes, made In CA pure clear candy, lb jJG All Chrhtmas bexts taitelally decorated with ribbon and holly WE PAY THE PARCEL POST SEND FOR PRICE LIST 104 S. 13th St 1504 Chestnut St 149 S. Bread St. im. Give the Housewife Something the Whole Family Will Enjoy Such as A White Enamel Cabinet Gas Range An Automatic Gas Water Heater A Gas Reading Lamp A Gas Fleer Standard A Fancy Ceiling Fixture A Gas-Heated Iren , Yeu will find plenty of practical suggestions en our sales-floors and our sales-people will be glad le aid you in making your selection. Bread and Arch and District Offices THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. r i Tomerrotv Wednesday e RIM At ul I our Stores &ICLOI STORES CO. B blU&iHftl .t4 Cut Rates Appeal te Seme People but in coal what you pay is less important than what you get. We de net handle bargain counter coal, but pay a premium at the mines and get the best. 'CELEBRATED spRij?sfmiR W" (V & MED- JZm0SSP .V IS V 5J-V Fl-H jr 'j0i I vM'ttl "-. lec & Ceal ICE CO. Main Office, 600 Arch Street Fer intcstlna! Disturbances "Buffalo Mineral Springs Water can ba rsllsd upon as highly efficacious In all E. C LAIRD, M. D., fermtr Dtiidsnt Physician at tha Springs. Buffalo Mineral Springs Water Is helpful in the treatment of Albuminuria, Bladder and Kid ney Stenes, Bladder Inflamma tion, Enlarged Proitate, Rhou Rheu matltm, Gravel, Gout, Neurltls, Brlght's Dltoase, Dlabetes, Aci dosis, Dyspepsia and Nausea from any cause. It Is an actlve antacid Diuretic. Physicians and ethor Intorestod persons are Invited te wrlte te the Springs for "Fifty Years of Medical Opinions," a tittle book about Buffalo Mlneral Springs Water wrltten by many promi nent physicians In all parts of the country. At all Druggists. BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS VIRGINIA The Comedian who earned a weak laugh by comparing the ocean te the breakfast table (both have rolls, y' knew) should have added something mere substantial te his thought en that occasion! . The ocean does endure and the wholesome quality of Meenehan's Electrically Baked Rolls has never diminished an upkeep of quality secure as long as Meenehan continues te bake. MEENEHAN'S Electric Bakeries 18 Seuth 52d Street 2G04 Gcrmantewn Ave. 1433 Seuth St. 1 1 Seuth GOth St. 400?) Market Street HAVING money is net heard ing it. When you deposit in our Savings Depart ment you get protection; your money is circulated in the building up of industry, and it earns money for you. A number of our best known depositors started with small savings with this bank. Yeu will never re Srel starting an account here. Venday and Friday Six te A'iic o'clock MAKt UJ1 " TIME 'a' I! fl Id IQl RSS R V'IJ$IUJ1 iV uvgMunysW. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY FtORIDA Pinchursl, N.0. Southern Pines, N. C. Camden, S. C. Savannah, Ga. Brunswick, Ga. Je. II Ne. 1 I Ne.TOl I Ne. 3 I Ne. 0 Until IPffectl'rlKnectrrf New lEfTrctiV lf. IQ.IIIre. 11 nc. 11.'EITrU'IJan.S 'VI Newark IMl.lt. W. Philadelphia Ilnltlmnre Wafililnslen WaxhluiEten Klciimenrl i.OSl'.Ml 0 401'Mi 4.1T ' B 30 ' 7 an ' H 00 ' III III1 S 2S tl ' ' 0 IR .'.OftPM IX 30AM t.17 O.IO 1 .'5 ' 7 65 ' 1 17AMI11 .V) ' H JOi'M 8.20 8.7 " fl.OJ " 111 01 " 5 7 10 ' II -J 01AM e 1 "S IflB ' I12 S0PM' UnlrlKli SeuIIhtii tnn 4 JOAMl 7 07 " f I 35AMI 8-17 ,rT I 0:J " I B 01 " I " Pinrhiirt I M 00AM I I H 00 ' B-40 I Ar ,( iimdrn Columbia Savannah in II A Ml it :ie Jii-r, a-SCPMI 4:1 10 sr 'fiOA'aTlll.40 Ot'MI 1125 " 0 12 J5AM' I 4 BO " I f. 40PM. " llninwwlck 7 1.1PMI 7il5I'MI 111 MO " I 0 00 " .lurkenlle 8J0PMI 8.S5PMI I 0.15 " 1 40 g I.r.Jarkiwmtlile te 00 " 110-ou " I, 10:10 10 00 ' Ar.Tnmpa I S 15AMI B BSAMl B 31PMI S SAMJ Ar. Icarwater 7 30 " 7 30AMI I 8:45 710 " a 'Iltllrnlr 7 40" 7 40" 8 54" 7 40 " 5 " Ht. PHernhunc HJQ" 8 .10 " I 0:40 " 8 30 " Ar.llrudrntewn 7 ..'BAM 7 2BAMI 8 M " 75 C Ar.Kraet 8 00 ' h Oil "I 0 08 " h no " Ar.Vmlfa -10 " HMO " I nJ' ' -ji I.v.JucksonTllle I l OOPMi 0 O0PM1 9.80AM 10 0OPM5 Ar St. AuiuMlne l'10 " 10 10 " I 10.40 " 11 no 1 "Ormend 12 40AM 12'40M 1:10PM U4AMa " n-ulena-lenh'ir 124 " 12-54 " I 13 " 1 47 " j; " Weat Palm Dtath H 15 ; 8 15 " J 10 8 15 " " Miami 11 JO " 111 20 " I 11.88 " 11 30 " TIIUDDI.H HI.KKPINO CAB 8ERVICK Write NOW for rettrTatlent and authentic inform inferm inform tien Booklets. "HlnUrlne In the euth." "IHintlnit nnd Ilihhuc in the KMith." "tielt nnd Olhfr Sperta" (dly Inr colt and trnnU tnurnnmrnt datm). J. AISI- JOHN SON, n. p. a. l.ra (hrMnnt St.. Pliiladclphln. Pa. New Yerk Offlca 142 W 4Jrt St VVnshlnxten Offlcn 714 14th Bt . N W. rrj juiilj A Great Pet Stere Filled With Gifts for Beys and Girls, Alse for Grewn-Ups Oh, such living wonders await you today in every department of this marvelous Neah's Ark. Come ec and hear the college-trained sinpinpr canaries with their marvelous melody of sweet songs. The childish prattle of the Talking Parrots. The cute and almost human antics of the Baby Monkeys. The beautiful and playful Angera Kittens. The cute Puppies of all varieties just waiting for some one te hug, squeeze and romp with them. Magnificent Oriental Goldfish of iridescent coleis with bulging eyes and funny tails. Tame Bahy Squirrels that eat nuts from your fingers. Baby White Rabbits with blinking pink eyes. Trained Goats and beautiful Penie3 se tame and gentle that the most timid child can drhc them. The funny Japanese dancing Mice doing their many whirl ing stunts, and many cages full of bright-colored birds from all ever the world. We knew you will like them and want them all Pets Always Make a Happy and Lasting Present Our prices are reasonable and within reach of everybody, se don't hesitate te consider "PETS" as a Xmas Gift either for your friends, your home or the in valid. Never was there a greater selection. BUY TODAY DELIVERY WHEN YOU SAY Suburban Free Delivery Cugley, & Mullen Ce. S,Mpahia! The Largcit Bird Stere in the World 8 ATI PRESS and SONS riij On Our Entire Stock of Diamonds, Pearls, Geld, Silver, Watches, Clocks, Etc. XMAS GIFTS AT HALF PRICE VALUE-GIVING is the watchword of this HALF PRICE SALE! It would be difficult te find a parallel of this event in the history of the business. In everyday language thi3 sale means THAT YOU ARE ABLE TO BUY TWICE AS MANY GIFTS YOU INTENDED TO BUY OR GIFTS OF TWICE THE VALUE YOU ORIGINALLY HAD IN MIND. SOMEjaf the WONDERFUL VALUES in this V-PRICE SALE Kxeulfllta blue wWta (!la mend of splendid brl! llan", set in a. 14-K 10 .1 white sold enzTaed r nc CrfBiEr New f $0050 Come in and make your select ions NOW a small deposit will reserve any article until Xmas. T1autlful Slue W'sssslten diamond of fln quality eel In a he.Tvy 14-IC solid cold man a line NOW iH W $125 Solid Platinum Hand-Engraved "Bridal Ww.r.tW Wedding RING New vr Vtft ffM Very xSbftSi' latest yjC design 8 14-K. ed 14 pierced rlncr nhlte ee'.'l "et with Tpnutirul "-4ia pure white Ar-JCSf3k diamonds n V new W27 w wJ $15.00 Indestructible rcAnu 30 ncurL.AUca 18 tncbfs Ions sold fold flttSP Beautiful color New $ JQS 2e Men's High-Grad ELGIN "Watch, Fine Time piece; Guaranteed GOLD $10 Solid Silver Watch NOW I SK "m? NOW $Q 14K.SelidWhite cold Wrist IVntcb, 1B-JctcI-rd movement, fnncy cnBrned enne, a fJQ; New e - $c ill ' 'N " NKJirf 20 it-SKKT guar in'eerl KOi t-nilsct unU-nrlst "" si, r J1'7 VflH ' """assA 'sJtfP 4Kir SILVERWARE AT i 'z PRICE $10.00 CHEST OF ROGERS SILVERVARE, 26 PIECES NOW y-'ffifciivw-T!' I fl This chest e n ta'iif 28 plirf of gn. uinn neuEna n'vnrwsrn fellows 6 k n I v (i t 'erKs 6 soup spoons I tea. poens l su nar ihe!l and 1 buttsr Unlfa Other chests n' BllverwArn freTl J5 0O e j.wn.oe. NOW t7.e0 te !fi0.00. IflM SlS0 1017 MARKET ST. r em eassv 7nr3B0HH0BHHBHHHH0HMHHsfMM . V ft v. i Eleyen-Ch and Market Streets Jsiiiii&. r. ssssBsWHskAsiiBi jiiiiiW X ,W 1 fT , ssVIK SOmr ' " " v" "V V t- .-- ' v '-WW.'uVwVAW v x -0N " V VVN $ tV V y V . v , v . y gr A timely sale of Salt's Fur Fabric Coats. Included are the most sensational values possible te procure with savings se great that no woman can afford te miss this sale. Every new style is included in famous Salt's Fur Fabric and Plush Coats. & N. W. Cor. 8TH & CHESTNUT AM. TllltUK HTOItnS OIlV UVKVINliS I NTH, rilHISTM S i en s it V V Jr wmfL&M. J & Plush COATS FUR' FABRIC at Actual vsOSt' and Phenomenal values because this sale has been planned without a thought of profit. Net in our entire store history have such alues been offered right before Christmas. Coats of luxurious deep-pile plush cut full flare, richly lined and smartly belted. ran? OJ1JU1 a3 PeceSilk Plushes $15-00 Our Bargain Subway will be overcrowded with women eager te share this Sale. The Coats are marvelous. Sports and full - length models. Seme Plain Trimmed Many Fur Trimmed. Sash Belts & Pockets Up te $50 Salt's Plush COAT Fur Trimmed Wonderful plubh coats enriched with nmssie self -cellars in cape ctTcctb or shawl-cellar effects in black opossum or sable ceney, borne silk lined. Don't fail te attend this extraordinary sale. It means greater bavlnca than any nfter-Christmni. s..in m,.h t..i ..1 ' ",w MIIV1U UU. It t w" - lr ijAK TMMUsf J fifc?r3 K IslH 91 W uk7Vc: &9r,M IH i W 1 flv bUHWAV FRANK & SEDER ELEVENTH AV madit STREETS Ml tm jiit l l -v I X Mi '-id