WZ'ivWH''' - EVKSOTG PtfBLIO LEDGlEtr-tHIEABELPHIA, 0?UESDAY, DEtiEMBEtt 6, 1921 i, It' t ,-." rv 4 Jv !i I v.; M ffi.1 '-'J Mb If 8 Hi i ' t m -t i' r- ?: fifi? m I l. F 1 4! f 8- W' mm " -- ll I, - jTS lftP TO KEEP Hew I Became A Mevie Star As Told te INEZ KLVMPll What Has Alreadj Happened Dorethy I anr, u ini-iei' n ;irf. ambitious te hrcemr a irrt'm utm, ichile nn a trip te Xrir Ynrh, tinrti Lawrence Frrin'h. n prrsi mn'iit, tche Ittcunyt intm itrd in her ntnl seevrti for lu nn i.i;iofen( jmrt playing oppesiti -Jehn .fnrj, i jameus tnr. inad inks hernthv te marry htm, hut "he rrjuf . irnl isinff that the cnui 1tr l.iwrrncf French. Dorethy nor te Jthara tu play a part i a jiiclinc, I.mrrcmc French aski hi r te muri him. but they postpone tin u ilillnq until th' picture i ttniilul. H htn (ryxtal May, tht IvntUna lady. ni' fe take a dnnyeteui Imp nrci thi fnlh the dircctei i;irc tin rnr te Iioio Iieio Iioie thy, premntixj te rvlnrnr hri pnrt. Crystal May irwj. te oe wi vllh the picture unlcti tin dim 'or uln down Dorethy k pn t ind 'fi tii big scene 111 1 t'lystnl hed mode the leap. Doiethy 11 pniuerted te eon een tinue With the pUtuie in sptti e the fact that Crytel in!! t nedit . the bl'j i rn' inf 1W11W. iJenitliti riiiked htr life. And Here It Ceiiliniifs TTOW about hinuij; uppui . m- ulifrc. 1 lnlil ' Y"'l HiU'it Ik' ittirved," l.nrr akMl a- vr li-n th minister's. I looked down nt ui In u 'int. tlu'-lj-frem that Inns tiip in tin- tr.iln. thnusht of hew bedrusuliMl 1 lek-il. unl hur-t Inte lauchter. I'd ulwaj-' thenciir I'd liave n wedrlinc in tin- chnr.-li at home, with six brtdfMiiiudx and .1 dnm'i' aftff ward, and in-tend f tl'iit 1 " I been mar ried in a dusty suit and hadn't even had tl chance te x.i.h m tare- before the ceremony '. "They'd threw iui uit of anv hi-.-restaurant, looking : I de," I trt'l him. "I'd much rather S te that won derful fruit t-tirr" en Fifth nveu-ie where they hn'' the ninrtelein ln' cream sedu''. and limr nt hast tliree t them: lt'H se het tonight that nothing else would be as gnnd." Larry pruteMdl. but S via reiild see my point of i And l.en Iie'd had one Mila which he -wure mis the niext inuocueui drink in tne world and I'd hud two hu npred itli nn that ilwn.i nt least a imbrue weddims supper. evn though it wn'l mt tilluij. "We'll hint- n nijiilir en" tomor row," he ilednted "Wi 11111 m'I Jehn Scwurd. where'd you drop from?" My he,art sunk -t i-jiilir te m he.-u, and I choked ever the last of i.i soda. I'd been se hanpv. a 'id new hrr was the worst part" ut iuj lite bobbin,; up te meet in.'. Wlinr if .lehn Seward lield home siud8 .iKaiii-i n.e t. r tu1i 1115 away after I'd told t'.e. reporters that I wns enpaseii te iiim'1 And then suddenlv I r allied that rny burdens weie en l.urrv's jheulderx new; he'd take ai of 111c no matter what happened. And two necen Is later I r-nlizcd tnut, if Jehn Seward ,hud eer hacl nnv KmdKC againt iue. In 'd furceti-n uil about it. "Come or- with me. 'ten kids." he exclaimed, (lut''hni I.urr ami me bv . the arms. ' We i stinwint; 'Unjliehi' n!i! the projection room in half an hour for a bundi t the bissf-t inhibitors in the country, and 1 Mem that it'll make Dorethy a star. I'e Imcu se excited ever the thing that I'w b'-n walhinn the aTcnut. tryini; te net settled down. Come en hurrj I" lie bundled ui into a tn.. m'ii SJ- FOR YOl Ii SCHAPUOOK OF STLRS iHiBRflrASiLv.'Ui-. ., -- . - - ,-'A .m... MLk'.' - r v Zie Daily Mevie Magazine 4 FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD BOY ' WORKING WITH 1I1 1 4irr and I sitting oil the hi,' -'it. while lie perched en one of the little folding ones in front of us. It kept collapsing with him. and he'd care fully prep it up and try te sit en it a;raiii perfect lj seriously. It was nwtully funny, jet he was se en edge that he didn't seem te realize that. I iMi-n't the least bit excited, thnuifli. I.nrrj was holding one nf my hands the one with the dear little wedding r.ng en it light in both of hi. And 1 told my-elf thnt hnthlus thu could ever Imp pen te me new threiiKh the moviei could make nnj difteivuee. Net Men it Jehn Si ward's prephei.k umc true mid I did hf conic a star would I be e happy a I uns 01 vr be'ni; l.arrj'a wife We (hove ewr 10 one of the elfice buililings en Kurty-second -tre. t, and witit up te the projection loom where the p.eture win te 1J(. shown I'd iii-.it been th betere, but iarr told tue th.it there was n company "which made a speelaltv of renting projection rooms te dlffeient companies. There were several men theie that iilitlit. even though it was rather lute. There wns a man who wanted te run oil tun reels of an industrial film for sunn- man who owned a facterj , the tirt man wunted te get the second one f" hire him te m.ike some industrial dims for him 1 identlj , hecuuse he kept tulkliiR nlieu' what a wonderful thing the were and hew before long the motion-picture theatres of the country would be renting their screens just the wu the maga.iiies bull their back pnges te udverti'-er". Then there was another nmn who kept raving around ami saying. I getta have u loom 10 show 'lirced' In! tiimine a sheet and a machine, nnd 1 can -ell '!reed' for Oklahoma. Arizona and ' N"w Meice before midnight." The man in charge told him that their operators had all gene home except the ones who'd been engaged in advance, but that the "d get another one there a- seen as peHhible. but he raved around' just the same. , "He's get ii bum picture and hu wants ( te dispose of the States' rights before the censers get nttcr him," I.nrry whis pered te me as we went out of the main. '1 tfice und into a stuffy place that wau lighted just enough se that vve could find our way te -eme leather chair at 'he bad; of thu loom. I recognized several people among the dozen or mere that were gathered there the man who wrote the Mery from which Jehn Seward had made bin pit tue. and the director and one or two ethers. The camera man was huddled i.p 111 .1 turner, looking as weiried h if the whole picture depended en him he came ever and sat with uh, and l.e -aid thai afternoon he'd been efferuu $s') a week te "turn the crank" en n picture that a woman who'd ju-t been iiiiiiutti In a sen-anenr.! munh"- 'rm. was going te make She had c ts of tnetiev behind her, but he had reii sen 1 have nnv thing te de v 1th It I (eiildn't help wishing that mere people who are concerned in the making of pic ti.rcb felt as he did about em h things When thev turned out Iue lights I.uir.v rendu d ever and took 1 v liana nnd I slumped down in inj chair en tditedly. I had begun te rtullze r au I was prett tired, af'tei the long triln journey and the e-cirement et getting married nnd all thnt. Hut just the r h hzutien thnt I had Lurry te Ink tare of me made me feel mere rested a t I'd dumped the weight of all mv f.i' g 1. r n his should r-. And then, as I '.it there 'li.nkiiii. ,! him and the h.ure we'd have and a '"t of things like that, something happen. d thnt made mv jeart leunee up into mj 1 threat, and het and cold shivers run till ever me. 1 wanted te jump from my chnlr and nhriek, an ' I wanted te ernwl under ir and hide tit the same moment. Fer there I is en the scie'i. ' Te he (eiiHiuirtl tomorrow J22?l :3$Jisi?raHWftiSiaO&sKi While "Wesley Murr was making '!' nmd," .1 musiial comedy came t 1 town. Marshall Ncilnn, Wcslej s d reetei wns invited but work pr vented his t;eing, se the musical imnedv came te the studio and per formed there. De jeu wonder from the left-hand picture why "W'es" Harry hated te wcrk"' On the right nn assistant director is forcibly bringing him hack te work FILM COMPANY HAS SUBWAY SYSTEM FOR SALE CHEAP I F MOIIAMMFI) cant 8' te the mountain t lir bring the mountain te Mohammed. That's the blejaii uhlh runs motion metion motien plcluro studies and drives production directors, art directors, technical dl dl ucters. etc., ti in unlimdy grave. Jack Conway wanted a subway. Jnel: Conway is directing Herbert Ilaullntnn in "The Millionaire" at Fnlversal I'ity, . 'r,-nP1, mc v..w v..,i- st... i. I -------- .--. . ,t, .. v 1, West Coast studio when the picture was started out tneie is new. And whnt'n mere, there is a real sub way train that runs en trucks, vvhi-h defies the closest -crutl'iy te differentiate LUNCH TIME rrTrTwirrnT'T-rT W iiufred Dun' wl n ide tl 1 ner, 1 ,, tatleii of "Mtm 1 die ,Te,' and I "ji J. (jan'ir t ,e it.rei'ei -, a vvn'eruielen at high neon while en location In the high Sierras L iv one had te wear old clothes, and te igh ones at that, en this tr p as tue sites belecte I for phoiegraphing were north of former Luke md evr wtnt.v miles from the neniesi milread Eu-rj thing hnd te In- j ack. d 111, except the watermelons, and .1 big field 01 them ad 10 ned the company camp Answers te Questions by Mevie Fans ' KENDALL Send jour si,jiv te the' producer, in the form of ;i 'juep-is. jJaek Helt nnd 1,11a I.ee plej tin. lemlln j roles in "After the "Shew." I'htirle- I Ogle nlse ha" nn Important 1 nrt OLOHA Unpen Hlls'lieb tm s- vvr.t "ii another -.terj ler I'elleen Moere It .H te b. culled "Sent for Out." This epreHien is nn Irish idiom u-ed h tin; relatives lelt in Iielund when the fnndiy in Anierlea sends for them. Ne, Colleen isn't married jit, hut there art ran,, rn that simile blessedness will nt 0. ni'in f..r lenir. Colleen Is a fih-ndlv ft.c s. ul uml l inn certain sue wmim sen I you her picture if jeu uclte.l hi 1 ni 'e' TI'li -"The Iren 'irull" is n pietur pietur .znnen of the novel of the -.itim inline 1 It. v. Hindi. It is directed hv Wil- ini N -il Your friend de.- reii s, , n, t i be icn'ieinid 111 the ee-. .ST lJi;-Yeu ash uheiit tne atun 1 cl,v Dainncc " Itluht here I nniy s vv. 11 tell jeu that it bus been r. - im.ed "Skin Deep." 'file oust Im hides km Sdls und I'leieiice Vider In the 'ends Murcla Motion, Charles CIiiij Tee Singleton nnd Walter Mull I.Il.f.DX K. -- Yef. indeiii, the 1 Prisoner of Zeuda" is te'be filmed and directed hy Hex Itieralii. Alicu Terry wPI ldny the role of the levelj l'du cess riavln. HKTTY Mno Murrnv hns her own eempuny, cnlled the Tiffany l'rodue l'redue l'rodue tietiH, Inc. Her husband, Hubert Leon Leen ard, is her director NKI'IXY-- Alice Terrv plnjn the part .f I.ugenje (Jrandet In ''The Ceiiquer- uiK Power" She has hlue jes nnd , dnrk red-brown hair. It is true, that Ii wns horn in Vinccnuts. hid., In I IJUllI III . ...ss..-: , metle la correct. V n. . -t.i i. ...A.,te ir mv np ... THIS DISTRACTION if in any way from tiie. Metropolitan -.' -t'MIl. Fer a month previous te the filming of the scene Archie Hall, chief of the ftudin technical department, and III mer Shedy. t. t dlni'ter, were in con cen ferem u ilmnsi daily. Injing plans fei the building of this unique end expen sive set. 1 TI1K sub v ii.v and its iniin is declaied by the-v nciiitainted with New i"e.-i I te be an eatt leplica of the famous underground whi.zcrs that burrow un der (I'ethtitu fiem the Hattery te A an Cortland 1'nrk. An enormeu- 'imeunt of detail wa wa iiivelvd in the building of the Fnh-r-sal Mihwa.v, ruiuirin;, the epei.(liture m it mi go amejiin 01 nniu.v. "W'c'te just linishitig the pirtmc, an 1 if the City of Les Angeles neisln a geed -ireiid-h'uid -ubway. I knew where the can secure one fairly leasoiiuble." ie farkfil ltawlii-en te Majer tJceige 'r; er 0 LOCATION ANN" CAHHOM". As far ns I knew, i Iluster Kenten hns n. treuhlea. The seri.iiir. lenk en his face does net neees snrilj surest treuhh . With sllrU n nice wife an Nnt.ilie Tnlinadite is. hew itiuld he have nnv weiries? IIi:UVi:Y Charles Miller wns en the liKitiu.iite stntte for sixteen jeurs. Me 1 1111 be 1 cached ut the I.nmbs' Club, New Ynik City. Write him there nnd I nin eeituln vim will receive the lnfonnntien vuu wish. . .., ()( Man 98 Will Make His Dehut in Films TIHi.SK who may have Imagined they were tee old te act for the'"iiuivles" might lensider tint case of Simuel itltr. -i til 1 j -eit:ht, lale of Caitlu.ge, Jli Mr Y'lier net only Is tp.irate.l fi. .111 iii f in 111 j mark hj only two hrief j.arH, l.ut he also ha hnd te usi crutch's since he suffered a frnetiirt of tin hli 'we jeni-s age. Hut neithi 1 v.'u-s nor iniuiies diiiimi-l ins glevvng iimhliiin te he a movie nemr. Se he left Carthage, white he zmm&xzsm&mmtMm&jmsmi I ml lived 'joiiiluueusly for elght.v fmir years, und dropped in en his griuul-en, itujiiiend McKee, at theGeldvvjn Slu Slu dies, (Silver City, Cullf., tl couple of vvte'fs nge. ' Werd ban Just come that Mr. Tetter hnu been given a re'e In u I'evv Irish drnmn by Hupert Hughes, " Sent for 1 hit," which Is about te go Inte pin pin ducilen. Chances are then are few, if .my, n.er tl oreuj-hjoinir eptlinlsts than this umi.'i' novice, Snjshc: "1 "Mie"t te stmt my 100th jenr op mv own two feet ugtiin." Mr. Yet'i in exlicmely nvjlle, deRpite his Ian. 1. ns L"p te the I line hi hip. - -.-A . . -. , , . rn.iiviH iriirriireu iiu jiuu uvt-ii iiuiivu ut liifi n'ofesBlen of breuhinsf horses. DAUGHTER T1II3 I1K0INS Tim STOUY Jim Kentlrlc, a davll.mny-eitre, whole whele lieiirted Ainerlcnn. In n Stexlcan Bum bllnB Joint me t null Wen. nn elil rival ntui enemy, with his companion, ft hnml hnml seme woman In mnn's nttlre, who wlni a Km at high Atakn rrem him. Ken Ken ilrie has made n pact with his old chum, llnrlew, te ke en u veng. for neme mys terious Mexican treasure. At the llc llc turtsriue m-ene of their exploit in the McTlcnn mountain. iiKnln In mal nttlre, 10 tneir umnzement. uriDeivrs zeraiun.. It Appears the trensure-huntlnif p-irtv Is in me cower or inn mrnnee woman nnu h.sr coterie.. In u utnrtTln Intorvlew the discloses that rhe is the Inst nf the Aztee princesses, unit lns claim te the treasure of iha Jtetitczumis. which Kon Ken Kon tlrle Is scckliiK, Shs proffers him her love nnd Is Mttcr when he says he hau no tlme for leve. Meanwhile he hns sluht pf an Amerlenn girl, Hetty Uerdnn, who Is iK'ltnj held for ransom. Kentlrlc'H friend, West, hns n. ranch nenrhy. .n ralda, permits him te visit West, en con cen con Citlen In) returns te her headquarters, wcit proffers held Zeruldn eliews her t)wcr by hnvlnir tiarlevv. who has cemu under her spell, Imdly phet and lmrnlnir down West's ranch. Kendrle, Keepliuf I1I1 word, returns te Zernld.i's pliiee, hut she Is avvnv, nnd he ilei Ides te malM a getnvvaj He finds Hettv tinrilen anil liremlsen te nld her. nies Is ulter treas ure Suddenly Zeralda returni. hrlnnliut West. whom sh'V has .lueeessfally viirnred " Ite tells Kendrln that JWty Is tcally n, notorious ilnnnr, which Ken drle denies. ZnrMil.i develops 11 new plot with nies te win K-ndrlc's love, nnd hy n rovelutlon te cstnbllsh a stnte with herself n. uuenn. Kendrle Is confined nt the r.tneh. Zernldn Invites him te n din ner, nt which both West nnd iinrlnw ivre suests. 8he ures the three men and liles te iilav n war.ie of rnrds for large siakcs of keIiI, whhh she provides, AMI HKIti: UMOXTIM i:s TTAD net Hetty chosen te leek nt him then Kcndrlc'a nnswer would liave lieen a blunt, "Ne." Hut Hetty did leek, nnd the glance wns n eloquent ns n 1 gush of stinging words. Without n clue te the girl's thoughts, he merely set her down as Iho most Illogical, imperti nent nnd irritating creature it had ever been his bad let te encounter. Fer her eyes told him that lie wns an ani mal of some sort of a crawling speclen wliuli she abhorred. This nfter he hnd put in long, troubled hours seeking the vvaj te be of service te her! "Hah." he said in his heart, btnrlng ce'dtj at her until she nvertcd her eyes, "they're nil the same." And te Zo Ze 1 lidit, "I'll play, but I play with my ( wn mono .' Zmnida only laughed. His open rudc-iie-s seemed unmarked. "Itnrlr.'v,"' snld Kendrle, "I want .1 word with you first." Harlow did net tuin or lift his eyes. "Talk fa-t then," he retorted. "The game s waiting." ,, "In private, if you den t mind, 111 god Kendrle. New Burlew looked ut him Kiillenly. "After what happened lust night, Kendile," he said heavily, "you and me have get no private utlMliCKJ to te getlur. Am 1 the tiinn te tnke n bul let from another and then go chlrv with ' "Seu blame me for that?" Kendrle was incredulous. Harlow snorted. "Well." continued Kendrle stiffly, ut least we've unfinished business between us. m haven't forgotten what brought us down heie, have JeuV" "Treasuie. von menu:" Harlow spat out the word- defiantly. "I'ut.thc name te t. man wen. wiiai 01 11.. Th.. understanding was that we stand together. I hnt nt we split want W - find lilt.v-fiftj- Kees that stin go. Harlow pulled nervously at his tore- lock, his ejes wandering, ler an 11- stunt the.v weie lixed oil the sinning face of Zeralda. 'I hen grown dogged thev came back te Kendiic. "Hell take the umlerslandlng. " blurted out savagely. ' W e -laii'i even tonight, one ns ele-e te the loot as the ether." It's everv man mr - whole hog or none, and the devil take the hindmost. That s what it H- "Ceed." snapped Keiuirn 1 " -ult me." He (.lammed 11 " iiu.u . .. of banknotes down en the taliln nnu I'OK is chair. "What s tne game, i,"inv drlc, was in a mood ter uu.v ining m hided it raced, neuy mm ".. ". tv's leek, hnd -tirrcd him nfter a strange I liew fashion which in- did net iiiial.ve. Harlow's unreasonable unfriend!lnc-s hurt and angered; the Jut In Hies hard black ejes milled hi- bleed. And even young Hruce looked nt him with a, I defiance which Kendiic had no steuindi , for. Fiem the first ( nrd plnjed. .Inn Kendrle, like a pacemaker in n nice, stamped his spirit upon the struggle. Hettv. seeing-that she was net te be allowed te go. sat down, nnd for a space ninde 11 piotcnse of igiieilng what 1 went feiward before her. Hut prcentlj 1 an the atme-pheie grew -i lined nn. I, intense, she forget her pntni-0 nnd leaned ietward and wnldied engeilv I Zoraida had a couch diawn up b.r her, rii hlv t ..lured ilken cu-hleUh placed te her teste, and stl etched out lu.-urieui-h, hrr chin in her two hands T.ieie ure isolated games wlieieln elm nee enters which make one wonder what i- this tiling named chance, and from which one rises nt last teudu d , by the supct-titlen Which holds mi firm a place in the hearts of all gimi- i Ii er--. Frem the Ughming 11 was .Inn Ketidri. 's game. When a j. id. -put was I open-d h" wi tit into ii with an aee 1 high, though It cost him a bundled 'dollars te cull fur (iird-, which a -, , 1 net plnjhig poker, but ih-fjing math.-, 1 unities and challenging his link. And I the four cards given him bv I'ru. e, 'whose blue iws nami'd him feel, wiie 1 two mere aces and two (ii(.ii-. ud I the net thill was dose te nn liun.lii d ' ! dollars before the sweeleiiiu wns (in mjiiu. im-"i - 'in- e- n was hi". h,i.,w. who had h.-t most glued at him and mutteidl under his brenlh: veiing lliuie inerelj starei in- ere.lllluuslv llll. 1 loekl (1 ilL'lllll lit the cinis le niii'.e sun : Hlo who hnd kept clear, smil.,1 nnd murmured : "hill kv III ill ds, utilud.j in hue, selier." 1 "I prtfir tl.. .aids, thnnks," said 'seiuhic. etui kini; In winnings. And there was enough of the het left 111 him te hiei; lirlellv ler tne nr-t time ut 1 Hetty Zeiiiid'i saw nnd hit her Up. Hut though it was borne in upon these who 1. laved and these who vvnt died that 11 win .Inn Keiidrn 's game there were tV in. vitiilde tense uienietits vvhi-n each 111M11 in turn hnd liis own e.iger hnpi . Itrm.. 110 cool I .....I ,, . ..... itltl ll.f. .liilt. .,1 l.i .tVKllll. Hi. llll lit h,.... ......, r... ,.,.... liient ill his shining blue tjt-i Mlirlevv nuitteied te himself- Kin,; s.it forward In his chnir end left etf p.. luting the lips of his mustiiilKs At the end of I the Hist half hour, though Kendrie s heup of winnings was hv far the gi cut est, no mnn of them wus down te bed rock And by new Kendrie lest nntlenee. '"Mnku it r .i.iek Pt for tnhle stnkes," he Invited "One hand f..r the whole thine:" "Whnt h the hurry'' demnnded llrtifc. "You're doing will ( neugh ns It is, iiren't .mu Y" t "A quick killing i1- better than slew . 11 ,.! 1,,.. II, .1,(1, (IV,I Illlliue. let.iii.'i. ...it. iiipii,.,. ...ii. veu'll note thnt I mu elfer ,p,l!ff !'- fin.niisi- tnf Itetter than two te one a? '" "" '" (lushest et you. "Huene, senor," huld Hies. "It units me " "It's a feel thing te de," growled liarlnvv. A feel thing for Kendrie, but net for him. since his were the biggest losses. He had nlwn.vw loved money, hnd TwMy Harlow, und could never understand Headlong Kendrie'ti con tempt ter It and new looked at hlin as though at one gene mud Then he HlmiirKfil. "SuItM 1110," he snld. Wait:" Zeralda suddenly leaped te , - , -"-.--, "... ,.. - ... ...,., I stature, her eyes unfnthomtible nnd 1 nee leer inNNeu iiul iiur unnu 111 u wiiiu 1 1 1 h men.' , , ,, nun iiecn swayed Dy emotion, net tnrry- They nnmeil it ptiker nnd plnjeti iinrti. t ,,,K f()p cn(1 j0(,1(, ,mrlnB nn 0.)Ke(c Heekless men Willi ment w.-iu ..... 1 vv lun time 1 need. He had heptd te win. all, men iiccusiemed te big, fu-t games, j- lSj Hjm,0 l(, im discovered that Wns, Tl,. 1 niesi reCkle-'t et tlieill. .11111 1x1 11 ,,, .. ,,q ..nninereil of l.iu Inn.,. sr.,1 A Tale of Adventure BY QUIEN SABE Who Knows?) Cepvrlaht. Hit. lu CharttM Scrilmer's Bena fihinlng with the mystery of a hidden") thought. "I am glnil te nave 111 my house men like ou four! ieu are men! "Were it life or death, love or wnr or wealth, you would play the game the same. Men like you make the bleed run het In the heart of Zernida who also grips life by the naked threat. Wait. And leek." She whirled and in nnethcr moment. ns lithe ns a cat, had sprung te the top of n serving tnlde half across the room. And there shi dlsplejed herself in all her barbaric splendor, posing like 11 model in nn artist's studio, turning slejvly, standing ut Inst confronting them, nthrill with her own daring. "Would jeu play for such a Htuke ns never men pln.ved for before? Fer such n stake as king'' would risk tlicir crowns for? As such Zeralda offers herself, pledging her word te niiike the rich gift of herself te the man who wins!" Fer n moment nil four nnd Hetty with them and the serving men nt the doers slnred nt her and the room wns dend still. Through the deep silence cut Zernlda'a laugh, clear and sweet as n silver hell. Fndcr their bewildered gaze she preened herself like a peacock, proud of her beauty se boldly displnjed before tlicir ejes. Zeralda mulled slowly. "Is the stnke high enough for your play?" she a-ked gently, in mock humility. Hruce surged up from his chnir only toiilieti back into it without having said a word. Kles' eyes caught fi'ij and 1 for the first time Kendrle guessed that I lie, tee, was In heart bend-servant te his amazing cousin. llnrlew tugged nt his forelock and muttered. "Heap nil the geld together," cried Zoraida. "I'lav for it and each mnn of j-eu pray his favorite god for suc cess. Fer with it gees Zeralda!" 1 Sett j, looking nt her out of round eyes, seemed once mere the little girl Kendrie had first taken her te be. "Will you play?" said Zeralda (.eftly. ")es: Uy Ged, yes!" cried Harlow. Hies merely nodded and shoved his menej te the middle of the table. Hrme .started like a mini from a dream nnd with hands that shook visibly thrust ferwaid his own geld. Then all looked te Kendrle. Impnl-e decided for him nnd his an swer came with no mensurable time of hesitation. If uL. plnjed and lest, as he looked nt it, there wn- nothing te regnt. If he played nnd wen" per haps it would have btcn Zoraida V own nll-haznrding hands which had shown the way te lueak the chains that bound his two lilcnds te her. It would need something likt this te bring both Hiuce and Hatlew te their senses. It was inestlj of Hruce that 1 then "One htiiul of cards?" said Harlow.' "Itnther one cnid, my friend," said Kendrie drilj. "We are keeping n ladj 1 waiting. ! "Oh! "gasped Hettv a siiniiiiS iivranud w made of the K0ld ldeces. Then the cards were lmf 1Ip,i ,, UI(1 (lf t(l1 h)ll.WllK I11L1 as ,,ullc(, fenvllul llt! (,,,nt ,, cai.j , (.!K., t . f,lr ,m.1( fa(,c (,0VU)j nml 1 Htepped bad.. Then the cauls were tinned ever. ,l ,,,.,. 1,1,51, r,irds, net one lower than 11 ten. jet wiih no two alike. The , ,, , hl, m,(, ()f .llrtb ily , freIlt 0,- iljm k,1(,jCi ('eneernlii! CIIAI'TICH XIV a Diiiicuit Situation, HciU- levsly hulled ( vr a ,nel(.n, , ,(. hl,nvy hience j)m Kendrie sat appalled by what he , lcl ,!,.. j ,1,,. ..rj,, of t. ame ll0 cousin, he would t"a-e an old enemy, mher Hi lice, jolt Harlow and vev. Hetty. He had net thought of himself n r of Zoraida. Ne one spoke The first sound wns l'UOTOl'UVYM ticTepuvr Wzzet thru utp COMPAN OfAlRIC Alhambra i',?-1:,. 4 Pnsivurk ve. 1 vgs il 1.. K u TOM MIX Tiir mu en iHiMONir ALLEGHENY " Ull ' ,1 ' i Mil lieny 'l'l .I'v .' 1.",, K". 0 ANNA ( Nll.sstlN. ill I "WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME" "WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME" , "WHY GIRLs'l favf uemp APnfl O ''-" TIll,Vs,.J,.!I-.s,TvlrvARITnM '"K"'M-'t a0 imeAnr - - Ji-LAVtHUMt At ULLU ai vrtNi'i: daily' rvWLIUlN umiv n m t 11 15 p m PPHAD uenr , ". Al.rM'Ml NT In "THE SON OF WALLINGFORD" ARCADIA ?Y PITH p yt. PAULINE FREDERICK in run 1.1 in; i I A I) 1-' a e-rriD"niANKi.TN & eihaud'avk" A5 1 UK 11 v vi- nvii - ;ii.iim 11. im uii.i.ii's "AFTER THE SHOW" BALTIMORE r1 Z:i l&Vtf Euenc O'Brien, 4The Last Doer' 1 ""J- " ' ., , ..T)1K ,.,,,U1.. m-MN.1 mill AMI Willi .(LAND AVL. BENN MATIN-rs- T1AU.Y mi-MIT iiiHHBs. "Dangerous Curve Ahead milCninn UrmJ i husUntutnnn BLULBIKU . .mil. .. J ur.,1 11 WILLIAM S. HART . ..- ,,....,-.. .....Ml IIIIANIl" BROADVAY1,r;-Sn.5rr,.:n.: ,NN (J. Ml.s.se in "WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME" rAPITTll ""- maukct st. CAl 1 1UL in a M n 11 1'. I M ClAlltl. MIWls A. KOIU'ltT MtKIM In "A CERTAIN RICH MAN" ,-rti,,,, ,,, . M enJ Aim 1 I (JlvJlMMl-, "in 7 m.l 0 V V ,NN II. MI,SS(I III "WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME" DARBY THEATRE " ....... itmp nn.tinniiMmm iUfVl MIA, int. IvUUvjU uinmuiNu iAitei.i 1 rmii in "M:K't i:.MUi.v EMPRESS r?s,:?!A.?AA.lu ANN l, MIsStlN ill j "WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME" FA1RM0UNT -TvrV.'ri1. ,III1INN CMOIll ll") HIVIW III "BURN-'EM-UP BARNES" i I FAMILY 'j 111. -i in: s M llll JVUrkct Ht T.i MIONIUHT nw VT - mm . M - K . 3HlKLt.Y IYIASiUIN In 'Hi i.i:nii;e KATIJ CT Tlirv 'Itr -Unlr.w sTrfuea jO In ui. rv rii k daily "IT'S A GREAT LIFE" .nm.n. 11 Mini 11 1,1 ev 11 -i rRI7 Sl,l .m'im.t r ULUDLi . id nllll 0 30 t0 u VIOLA DANA 111 "I 11 ll'S lUN I' NN" PRANT'11'"11!,1" J Ul M Up,t vjIel' l Vi nn mu urv..ir, lie n ,j Lucy Dorrninein "Geed & Evil" UAmtf.n ivu . "niiw or nkvkk" OF THE SUN n long shuddering breath from young Hruce; his face wils n sick white save for a spot of red In ench cheek ; his ejes looked like these, et n man jvun a high fever. , iCcndrlc sat staring in perplexity nt the geld he had wen, au tomatically gathering it toward him, Zernldu steed motionless, displaying herself, awaiting his ejes. And nb ruptly, when he lifled his head, his eyes went net te her but te Hetty. The gill appeared fascinated and hor rified. Jim's eyes pleaded with her. Hetty began te twist her hands ln nn rgeny of bewildered emotions. Zo raida, waiting for Jim's fnre te lie lifted te her and net one accustomed te waiting en a man, frowned. Hut swiftly nnd before any one but the nl wnva watchful Hint saw. she broke the silence with her mtin cooing inuguier litln cooing laughter She put nut her wnrd the men drift Iv "Will you help me down, Scner Jim?" Hefore Kendrie could n swer Hruce was en his feet. The bleed charged te his face se thnt the red sisetn were merged in the crimson Heed. The boy looked ready for murder. "Step this. Zeraldn!" he snld ex- V Middeir hcav e and a mighty jerk, enme close te breaking his anil dtedly. "Step it! "Ven are mad. Have jeu forgotten? Geed (ied !" "Hetty " snld Kendrie. hnrdly knowing what he would say. lie wanted her te understand "Don't speak te me!" Hetty flung il . .. , . .. t l.t... ! ,..,. 1,- 1 mi1! m nk 'II ' Wti warn Is fti VAwl HBKf 1 wMMfflm!!mmnma 1 ,l,i,. :,,,. iue werus nr 111111 pu-siuiiiuvi . 1011 tneugnt justarri nn unthlM,.ubl0 llP!mtt- Hnice heard nethins thnt was said. s'iw nothing but Zoraida. He came two steps toward her and then stepped, staring it her, "Zeinida," he commanded, as one who spciks with levr's authority, "jeu don't realize what you are doing, ll is that cursed wine jeu have drunk or (hue Is just despt ration in the air nnd It hns g"t into jeu. This hideous jest lias gen- far enough tee far. Tell them, tell Kendrle, thnt it was nil n jest. Nothing mere." "Hnd jeu wen," said Zoraida sweet ly, "whit then. Sener Hruce? Would jeu have been jesting?" Hruce's lips moved but no words came. .Suddenly he whirled from her upon Kendrie, Ids face distorted with nige. "Damn jeu !" he burst out. Ne longer wns it merely a cam of minder In his leek. The urge te kill hnd svvent into his heart, 111-hed hotly rleng his pniindlng arteries. Hefere new hnd Kendrie seen men freiizy lnshcd, like Hruce, briefly insane with the bleed impulse nnd ns' Hi lire cur-eti 1 iui he knew that he meint te kill him. There were half a d zen paces between the two men and already was Hruce's bund lest under the skill of his con'. rnoiei'i.AVs The follewing1 theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Com pany of America. GREAT NORTHERN .V ANN O. MFsic r M St Rt i:rle I ti i II 1 N.N (. MIMI III "WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME II IMPERIAL I'.eni .V. VVAI.NI T M ' " 1 Vif . STS A. 'i NN . MI.SMIV In i: 11. 11. 111: mii,i.i:' "A FOOL'S PARADISE" Lehigh Pal J.,-. s.- till,,,, ,,.. I, Ate rihI li Ave' i.e DAVID POWELL III "llXNtJIUHs '''SL I IRFRTY "iieau . I'er.vMiiiA. av JUNE ELVIDGE In "I'INK I I MIIIKs- OVERBROOK"a" V V1v1-' ' ..etli::..?: , . 1111 lit mi . .! .... ' ' I'uuir ; llll Hareld Lloyd, 'Among Theie Present'. BURN-'EM-UP RARrJFC'i I.ll si.u In "Till: lll'.l.i, imp" I - Ur BA"" KAI Al ' '1' "fAltlvl.l STIIUKT ! ' 1-V-1- 10 A M ... 11 15 p. M MME NAZIMOVA m t'vui,m:" I PRINCFS '"' MAIIKI. I vim I IMV-UJ sill) M ,u ,1 l.,,., VIOLA DANA 1.1 "iieMi: sit 11 , REGENT MA0H4 U; ,!i",7p"! ' Ha-0,d Uyd "NEVER WEAKEN -..-..- .,. .iii,iiiv I w vrvi 01,,j VN.. 'WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME' ' 1N,AUIN ANU ' RIAI TH siuiM.sr(jvN Avr.vii: , IMU-IV- A I' Tl I ll'lt. ,1'KKN hT. DAVFD PfiWPT T ""." - min KIJRY M """'' ' nrii.u 7th JXV-',J II VI t 11 ', l Jf CORINNE GRIFFITH in "MflltM, rillKI." SAVOY 1-n ia"m r s-ifiia-f"-" U VUI H A It Ti. ..ll.. i.i.i.,. ("V ........ T.l 1 hit 1.. .. - , ' ' .nil' .lull 1 v.w idimauge, YYeutlinij Uells nnni i i.iimi in "m.vi.ii vviMiiiN'' SHERWOOD llll A l'altlmnre Av MU' 1 v 1 11 . Bebe Daniels, 'One Wild Week' m mi 11 ivMun. "it Ni.f STANLEY ,VAv'11;!-1.. 'Y. "T". . 11 V M ,rt I , iii-.niK.i: mi 1 1 nulls, "THE SHEIK" 1'. .M STANTON Wll.l -lAltui 1 Aljuv., . 1 , 1 it , 1 , , . 11,111 r f 11. 1. 1 1 11 j UA'S ..... ....-'.' '.., "THE QUEEN OF SHEBA 333 MARKETA'nfl:lT i1',"-""' ",n I MARION DAVIES ' ' " ! in :'i--NiiiMMir iprrriTDcrNM WILLIAM FARNUM I" "PI. Ml KV RIALTO, WEST CHESTER 1 PARK Mr Xr MARION DAVIES iu -javii.vniMKT" Kendrle sprang te his feet and ? did se Hruce. whipped ul M, 5!,ty 'J here seemed no less of in J'1"1!. the action and the discharge n", ?. 1 drlc had 1011 nulidr no. I ...... . . "ll "-(a. iicss saved the life it, hi,;, 'f As he vvent te his feet he swentft1 his hand n henp 01 the slih, ,."p " pieces nnd flung them sirniei 'g. Ml' hey's purpling face. The bullet ww.1 Kendric's head, doing no 1 nr, 1 51' spllnterl.15 the wall behind hL W fere Hrtuv could sfinke his i,ni Be' lire ngnlu Kendrle was up" n ? lying him as a de? worries n V V even In the desperation .1i- ' . ."'. Iiev'h mtrtillnr, fn.. u'i. 1 ... ,n" with n gun in his hnml, was litti?Ltl linn n- stripling i tllc lllrV 'f JWi Mm, , . - . - . T ' -".- HIIU ins wrist mid titmif. v ...i.i . ".u' l 1. - r i nnd mighty jerk mine clce te h V' lug his arm mid freed the ntltei ?k' ...in vm iv m mat jiritce st iggered i. across the room nnd crash,, T V' fleer. Hcfore he could ee,nc , , ,. W lie pUtel hnd bee,, dropped , te U"1 drlc h cent pocket. IV!H' : two white arms te- Duriii" the w'lmin !, m . at the table, suylng,,' " ,,'f intm0 Tw lt,v n innn bereft of tlei. his face puckered ?. ' mouth a little open. lle i0e.,i V geld en the. table t,,p and0 , 'J when Kendi drlc had hurled the enVn. 1 .' nee he looked nt T' '& t. .. t ei.su r, iiw.-l lie inn foil , ., --"v rolling newss the fleer nnd Vii i?0' te Zeraldn. Kles. hnvln La3n steed with one hand en the l. j.e; ste,,,,,,,- uc ins ceubln. Kven vrin Kendrle nnd Ilruce battled IlZ' heir, scant attention. IIe wi, n-f? iug ZernTda as though hi, f??,. nil steadily at his ceubln. landed en his reading her .iu aright Hlo " "n Hlew -v- " "'eusli he hnd hoe 1.,. stunneti. Ilruce suinneu. Jiruce rose fr, .i.."-u" ?,n.i.,,n.?rr " fcc. was 4ldV"5 innueil tttnb tr i.,..i ... k. md l;;;"i '-"".". """ ,n '"t eves tit., awakened from ptofe,,,,, sluXr I In ! 1L,1 .lit. .1 . ' He walked with ileni ... I the room nnd dropped wear - M ciiHir. lie put has elbows nn id, u.' and his head lntr, 1,1. 1 ".. ?. . "" kai ,JT.!llin st,.ei,,B tllnt K'ndric wen,. ,n" ieiiiu te ner, cnuglit nn he. . she pleased, n ennf..i,. f ....'" "Ml HUoeniiiR passion, maidenly & "ess, a jev that seenie.I te ecn n ( Hhjly. On tiptoes, ns il,. W IWM I "et break the hush of the ;,' "T 1 Avent te th hull deer, smiling n 'littj in her b-iekwnrd leek.' whisc,....i .'.:"."" " moment 1 deer 1 1 .."" """'"?.. " . .11, I'eard only tie' iu;,lnr ."?'' t te , pers. r ' " " ""siife nelVIZ0!"?".. . ..,..... ... ,, iiiiucrieic te Mi ., t.e- eiiicis tnrew wide the three ,lrwi and then ,-n tl...i-.i ,..," ue?1 " - "I' iue in en ceM It was replaced j lts ,ex and Kr.,T I resented te Ken.lri.. n. ' ." rrrai the lid. thrust i,,t , Zk itZ eei.ntmg what he deemed eal t" th "mount he had played and te Ja lie back f. !. . ..- !" i. me Mirvaiu. .vniu wun j-eur friends." he mMI shertlv nn.l ., ,-.,.,. 1 . . : . . " MHI ." .V' ' V'".""' .l)'"ru jietty. B: ".1.1.V, wun tne doers open. .!,. ui sought escape. He saw the vvlilsk el her skirt and rmfn ..I' 1,.... 1 1 .. . " l W llltirKL'O I HO .nnl .... -...- . "IT lll.u, , nrew "ii hair ail sue went out. mu nei nine steed looking about hia mid curse.1 himself for feel. M "ng ne nnd always been, plunging em into ..I,..- 1 , . . "" f.ui .s. ,f ".lias unit were net , vriir. ui c no could net recall the time! he had been n greater blunderer. Hl md no mere than decided that the eni thing for him te de was te Mmpltfr mutters ttinn here he went already In. tcrfering in ether oeeplc's business nnd making n mess of the whl,. thine, Hetty "(.judged him being desirous el becoming Zeruida'.s lever; Jtiuce sought his (lentil ; Hies' eyes were like knives; Harlow .still sent his sullen glance from he uiw of geld in u servants htniJi te the den.' through which Zernidn bn passed. Kendrie went te where Hruet Dim stir ami jitit inn imnd gently en mu eiucik siiuuitier. Te Ik. continued loinermw riKmii'LAiH PHOTOPUyJ L.AJZ2L, Knajca, COMPAwy r . erAHHiCA tfThs NIXON-NIRDLlNGERWt BELMONT r,ili ' .' ."0 Alluvia vlAUKCI 0 'I 'il MPS! vJLDAR ue (t tl.DVf vv EMI PAULINE FREDERICK .0 .1 U P. It '" l,,l: sT'n. nr thi isii" COLISEUM MftrvCt '"" " n 1 30 nn.t ,1 j am 'ip k DORIS MAY I.. . t ! ,.. t-jr. iwn.isii (,r JUAIBO rnex t illMiD AVI i r i.lcrerd 1 1 JIIM"s i-CftUtK '" i-AMvsitn avx . J'ATIM I I VII T ,WHYGIRli,,irAV;;.. 1,1 - , ' ns.0 v c nuitu m 1 I rvr"i tfT .,1. l.Uv,Wl '"" " I-Ud.l MIIEEII I'.ISII' ,:JT.J '"i) " ' sh ,, I, ten 1. .. --- ... in ".sum, 111 son' JI.lhM I sl8 1 nr.i 1 1 Ai.r,srK v,f . "LIFE" RIVOLI f,-1) AN vNst, ST8. D.MLt FLORENCE REED - - '" "lslIM'lli:iON 69TH STREET '" -" rralMl I RISCILLA DEAN ' until ... hi "C()M',., STRAND ,J'J,nrAN'rwN Afuve, sillEr MARION DA VIES hi "I..N(ll..nil M- R AT OTHER THEATRES MLMBERS OF M. P. T. O. A I ,pemnf... 0SIO (, niMiit in Art! v II I 1 PAILT (.(lis vv -.tti:its "WUAT- r nyir.., iifwM it Am uj ivini'4 Wrtllll nth a n , 1 hln Ml MVTlN'i 1 DAltf ELSIE FERGUSON In 'nifn'IK.IITs" x u vi 1 lll.N Itl l vi. n 1 j (0 11 DAVID POWELL hi "DANUEKOIS I.IKS"