Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 06, 1921, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Ihy educator
yilmer C. Burne, Gloucester,
Wastes Time en Street
Corners, Is Charge
TcafinR. Mvellty nnd Inefficiency were
rtSjd ngnlnst Wllmcr 0. Burn.. u-
. .nrfimt nf Olouceiter public
?" .terfcr ncettnK of the
,Cneui.. TMnrnUnn which
Slmfcd until nn early hour (1,1b
?Tl5rnw who" Jcranndcil the oust-J-
r" .". Tinmq. who lms been in
charge of Glouccnter's schools for ten
7e!U?: i.i .1pp!c1p1 te bold n public
taring December 21. when about ene
Bennu . u.inp,SM. tne till ns
IS 1 Vac erV. will be btard.
ertrnl mbc' i. , . .. nrn.
1efs In stores nnd en Ptrcet corner '
ehoel duties. It mieses he in frivolous
ICnoeiuui .ur. thnt lm In-
flmldntcd teacher nnd thnt he inflated
henvernscs of pupils in order te hnvu
1 better showing for the schools.
Anethor clinrRe hnrlw back te Inst
ar when the superintendent was nt
lendlnic afternoon classes nt the Urflvcr
ItT of Pennsylvania. It is alleged he
had tfachcrs prepare sonic pnpers which
tffre required of him in the special
course he was taking.
Still another clinxfte is that Mr.
Bums tried te force nn illegal order,
frhe chaw refers te tiie occasion when
Ml8 Helen Checsninn refused te ncrcpt
g transfer from the high school te the
Cumberland street grnmmar school.
MIm Chcesman snid the transfer, or
dered by the beard of education, was
a demotion nnd thnt she would net obey
It Mr. Burns is said te have threat
ened te hnve police expel her from the
bljh school. The teacher new hns nn
appeal before the State Beard of Educn-
At the session last night, which
began at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Kusiui Nor Ner Nor
cress, principal of the Hunter btrcct
school, presented a petition signed by
all the teachers' in the Gloucester
schools. It stated that the nehoeN nre
.! TipnnArlr ntirl ihnt Mp. Tlnrnn
Is tt capable administrator. The peti
tien was prepared, it stnieu, wuueut
lequcst or holicltatlen."
tm llnrnu tmlnv wnnlrl mnlrn Tin rnm-
ment'en the charges ether thnn tliut
they ncre inspired ey niaucc. tie snui
he Trill be represented at the public
Progressive League Starts Cam
paign te Advertise Resort
Cape Slay, Dec. C. The Progressive
Jcngue of Cape May last night open
ed its new headquarters and social
center en Ocean street with nn over
flowing attendance. Addresses were
made by Luther 0. Ogden, retiring
president of thn Chamber of Commerce
ef Cape May County nnd State Sena Sena
eor William C. Bright. The former
spoke of the many opportunities nnd
possibilities in Cape May County nnd
especially in Cape May proper, nnd
urged citizens te put rerth every on en on
deaver te bring its advantages before
the general public, notably through ex
tenslvwadvcrtlRlng campaigns.
Senater Bright ppeke upon citizen
ship the great benefits te be derived
from exercising rights of franchise, nnd
laid particular emphasis upon what
he had done, ns a member of the Senate,
toward establishing n ferry hen-Ire be
tween Cape .May nnd Lewes, Delaware.
Abe Cehn Is Accused of Falsifying
Account of Assets
Abe Celin, a. Jobber in woolens at
Fifth nnd Spruce streets, who was
adjudged n bankrupt several months nge,
wiis hctd in .$500 bail for the Orand
Jury, en n chnrgc of perjury, but United
Stntcs Commissioner Mnnlcy today,
James Mellers, referee, testified Cehn
had given him n stntcment te the effect
Hint he had 518,000, ever his liabilities,
but when an accountant went ever
Cehn's books it was found he had a
deficit of $.1000. Asslstnnt United
Stntcs Attorney Kun declared he was
going te conduct nn investigation and
prosecute every bankrupt who gave
fnlse statements regarding OBsets and
Camp Dlx Man Had Shown Meney
Before He Disappeared
Robbery was the motive for the alay
ing of Michael Greger, supply sergeant
in Company D, Sixteenth Infantry,
whose body was found in the "Laurels"
near Camp Dlx Saturday nfternoen.
Just before Greger disappeared he had
shown soine friends $275 nnd when the
body was found thcre was no money
nbeut it.
The records give n brother, J. Greger,
of St. Leuis, ns next of kin. He has
been notified. Bccause of the puzzling
tiituntien slew progress is being made
by the forces of County Dctcctlre
Barker and Majer 'Warren at Camp
Dlx. '
Policeman Opens Fire, but Beth
Thugs Escape
Twe Negroes attacked Mrs. William
Kennedy, of OrenU, Saturday night
and escaped with her pmsc and n geld
watch. Chew, nn Ogontz pollcemnn,
henrd the woman's crien and fired sev
eral shots at the fleeing men, but failed
te hit them.
Chief Hallewell says the men made
their CKcape by trolley ever the Old
Yerk read into the city shortly after
thn nt-tnrk.
Mm, Kennedy returned te ElkinB
Park en nn early evening train, nnd
started te walk ever High Scheel read
t her home. She noticed two men ap
proaching her from different directions,
but paid no attention until they were
nt her uide. With a warning net te
cry out for help, ene of the men tore
ter pockctbeok nnd wntch from her.
Will of Mrs. El B. Qallandet Names
Husband and Sen Beneficiaries
Among the wills admitted te prebate
today was that of Emma Beury Gal
landet, who died Jn New Yerk No
vember 25. She bequeathed $230,000
te her husband, Jehn C. Uallandct, nnd
her son, Jehn D. Gallandct.
Other wills probated were: Sallie S.
Allen, who died in the Heme for In
curables, $10,270. Of this $200 each
geci te the Western Temporary Heme,
nntl thn Women's Blble Leaders Society
of Philadelphia. The balance gees te I
nieces. . . . . ; fl
Jnne Llndley, 5122 wnkctieia nvenue,
$."000 te relatives. Emily S. Petter,
of Bryn Mnwr, $25,000.
Inventories filed wcre in the estates
Charles II. Smith,
. ..- in r.i..i eann. tn
ui ueurKO ' veiicih jeuwrnu, u-
tharlneLce, $4(008.02 Mary L. Doud,
$4825.74, and i)t
Police Asked te Search for Anna
Fortune, Twelve Years Old
The Camden pollce have been ap
pealed te by the parents -of Anna For
tune, twelve years old, who disap
peared from her home, 1011 Sycamore
street, Onmdcn, Sunday.
The child went te visit a girl friend
in the neighborhood. She never arrived
at the friend's heuse nnd nothing has
been heard or seen of her by friends or
relatives since.
Sale of Lehigh and Wllkes-Barre
Net te Highest Bidder, Claim
Leirnl notion in the sale of the Lehigh
nnd Wilkcs-Bnrre coal stock by the
Central Itnilread of New Jersey te the
Reynolds Syndicate of New Yerk is con
templated by certain of the railroad's
Plans seeking te upset the sale en the
ground that the highest bid was net ac
cepted nre being considered today by the
attorneys in the ense. The sale has
already been completed, according te
papers filed in Court yesterday.
When the papers wcre presented te
the United States District Court by the
Jersey Central thn Court 'ordered the
papers te be flled for such further ac
tion as the Cqurt deems proper. This
clears the field for a legal battle If. mi
nority stockholders go through with it.
Suit it is understood would be brought
in the name of Iwinc T. Starr, owner
of 200 stiarce' of Jeriwy Central twu
Henry Evans, of New Yerk, inMiraftt
company prcsidcnt, Is te lntcrruuc '
holder of 8000 shares of railroad steeV.
Soefhina AndHe&Hnq
Household Ointment
Fer Every Night New!
Bed Spreads
The best the softest, fleeciest and
warmest. All sizes, for single and
double beds, extra large beds and
cribs. As befits Philadelphia's largest
and only cxclusive Bedding Stere,
our assortment is very great. Any
of them will make most appropriate
and acceptable gifts for your intimate
friends nnd members of your family.
Dougherty's Faultless Bedding
Hair Mattresses
Bex Springs
1632 Chestnut Street
Paint That Reef New
Plants roses in I W B W HV nJHIiiRfffMVJHKfl
j checks I H I HH MUmJkH
I Victer y "h1
1 52 OME genius will send you OKch Records $j2
! j M" T ii fit fc for Christmas nnd all your parties will be Sgfa
! f rl d 1 merry and joyous for many weeks te come. TW
JLFA CVJl If? -Ne. 4470 I'll Ferget Yeu (Tener SoIe Si2V
g f&i 85c 10 in. Down in Happy Valley (Tener & Seprano Duet) iPK?
. g P I f& ylsfc Your Dealer for Sj5wl
1 P BlP U Va New Yerk '?' f-SfcvP
l At all our Stores JDK C JV- JfW -IjBBs & IPy
Original Offering $2,000,000
Special Invitation te all
YOU are cordially invited te attend the first public
demonstration of the NEW COMMERCIAL
KEYBOARD of the Oliver Typewriter te be held
.Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
December 7, 8, 9 nnd 10
At Northeast Cerner Walnut and Tenth Streets
Frem 10 A. M. te 9 P. M. Each Day
Stenographers and Typists
YOU can perform a real and valuable service for the bene
fit of your employers at this time by bringing te their
attention the NEW COMMERCIAL KEYBOARD that will
make your work easier and lighter and enable your
employers te effect decided economies in their typewriter
investment and saving in upkeep.
Thia invitation te see and operate the new Oliver Keyboard ia
cxprcB8ly extended te all operators, regardless of what make machine
they are new using.
The Oliver Typewriter Ce.
Walnut and Tenth Streets, Philadelphia
The best paint for
metal reefs
One coat is mere effective than
FIVE CQATS of cheap reefing
Because, the minute fibres of
asbestos fill the holes and crevices
as non-fibrous paints will never
AMINCO FIBROUS PAINT bends perfectly te old reefing,
whether tin, felt, composition or rubber.
One Application Makes the Reef as Geed as New
Bright Red and Maroen OGa'lleKre8
Fliene: Tlejra 8700 Roeflnc Dept.
Roberts Ave. and Stokley St.
Pre -Inventory Sate
of Used Cars
We have had a phenomenal sale the past week because the
public has appreciated the fact that the prices are excep
tionally low values.
New is the time te take advantage of. an opportunity te
purchase a Cadillac Car which will continue te give thousands
of miles of geed service and riding comfort for month after
It is net tee much te say of the Cadillac, in this connection,
that its dependability is life-long.
We have Cadillac cars of all models and cars of ether makes.
142 North Bread Street
Open Evenings
Phene Spruce 0210
C A D . I L L A C
Seiberling Rubber Company
Akren, Ohie
Organized under the laws of the State of Delaware and incorporated for 50,000
shares of 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $100, and 500,000-Shares
Ne-Par-Value Common Stock. Of which total authorized Capital the Company
is offering at the present time $2,000,000 in Preferred and Common Stock.
I With Privilege of Original Subscription as follews:
1. Preferred Stock only, at $ree per sharet fully paid, non-assessable, and
convertible until January 1, 1923, or
2. Purchase in Blocks of seven shares; two shares of Preferred Stock at $100
a shar,e, and five shares of Common Stock at $10 a share. Total purchase
price per block $250.
Transfer Agents: The Central Savings and Trust Company, Akren, Ohie.
Registrars: Fer the Common Stock, The National City Bank, Akren, Ohie. Fer
the Preferred Stock, The Peeples Saving and Trust Company, Akren, Ohie.
' Terms of Sale: Twenty per cent (20) of purchase price
te accompany subscription; balance te be paid upon call of
the Treasurer of the Company, but net later than February
1st, 1922. Stock te be issued when full payment is made.
Subscriptions may be paid in full and temporary cer
tificates will be issued at once, with dividends cumulative
en Preferred Stock from date of issue.
Subscriptions accepted subject te prier sale.
Preferred Stock Cenvertible: Helders of the original issue
have the right te convert shares of Preferred Stock at any
time prier te January 1st, 1923, and receive in lieu and in
conversion fifty per cent (50) thereof in Common Stock,
en the basis of five shares of Common Stock for each one
half share of Preferred Stock, and fifty per cent (50)
thereof in a like amount of Preferred Stock withoutj-cen-version
Seme Facts 'Relating te this Offering
The Men Bach of It :
Mr. F. A. Seiberling, President, nas been identified with
the rubber industry for ever twenty years, and is known as
the man who created the greatest tire producing and selling
company in the world. Sir. C. V. Seiberling, Vice Presi
dent in charge of Purchases, shares with Mr. F. A. Seiberling
the distinction of building Goodyear success. Mr. I. R.
Bailey, Vice President in charge of Sales, served at Good
year for many years, and developed their great annual
business in mechanical rubber goods. Mr. Vm. S. Wolfe,
Vice President in charge of Production, also an old Good
year man, is one of the foremost in the industry in his
knowledge of production methods. Mr. Wm. A. M.
Vaughan, Treasurer, has had 17 years of experience in bank
ing and finance, and has also an intimate acquaintance with
the automobile tire business.
The Assets Back of It:
The Seiberling Rubber Company owns all the equity in
the Lehigh Plant at New Castle, Pa., and the Portage Plant
at Barberton, Ohie. These plants en actual appraisal are
valued at $2,300,000.00, arc in geed condition, well equipped
and ready te go ahead with immediate production. They
were purchased at about two-thirds their actual value and
the Seiberling Company purchased only actual physical
" assets no inflated inventories or commitments, n6 unpaid
obligations or liabilities, and no bended indebtedness. The
total equity of these plants is owned by the Seiberling Com
pany free of all liabilities and prier liens with the single ex
ception of $800,000 of preferred stock of the Portage Com
pany issued te former owners in lieu of cash for purchase of
the property.
Plant Investment Lew:
Plant investment is lower !n proportion te capacity for out
put than that of any ether large tire company and is already
financed, this offering being for the purpose of securing
funds for liquid working capital. These facts in conjunc
tion with the ability and experience of the management
imply in the judgment of men experienced in the tire
industry maximum earning capacity for every dollar of
invested capital.
Plant Capacity Large:
The New Castle and Barberton Factories can produce
5000 tires and 6000 tubes daily, which puts the Seiberling
Company among the large tire producers of the country at
the outset. Besides Lehigh and Portage products the com
pany will manufacture and sell Seiberling Cord Tires and
Tubes, which will be of the highest quality and supported
by consistent and continuous national advertising.
Values Back of Preferred Steck:
On the basis of appraised value of plants and sale of this
offering in blocks of seven shares (as described above) the
total assets will be 218 and net current assets 125, of
the Par Value of Preferred Stock outstanding.
Earning Prospects of Common Steck:
The Common Stock represents all the equity in a going
concern of conservative capitalization, and a product of
assured market. The automobile industry is en a sound
and permanent basis. There is no danger of ever-production
of high-grade tires and the development of the use of
rubber for countless purposes is still in its infancy. The
combination of experienced management, conservative
plant investment, large capacity for production, small non
productive labor cost, and no financial burdens, inflated
inventories or ether handicaps give the Seiberling Company
a marked advantage ever most ether tire companies.
Ne Common Stock will be sold at less than $10 a share,
and there arc no bonus features of any sort.
Fer complete information in detail apply te Seiberling Rubber Company,
Akren, Ohie, Subscriptieyis may be made through your own broker, or
te The Central Savings 6? Trust Company , Ah en, Ohie, or direct te
The Standard of the World