ryxvi'i 'fi' vTt',,w'vrfl,! 1. 4, JW"fii 'U' - -ia. is fji ftiVApl Vf EVENING PUBLIC LBDGBE- PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1021 WARDING ADDRESSES CONGRESS ON NATION'S POLICIES OABtJntm! from l'me On 1 , .. " ! " ! ! 1 1 have it be. I de net mean Hint nn.riii.an i r,.,,L i tlia,CTment .. . , .T" "'? P' """".v nurt promoting fertti. ' tieti of cases he is both, and when he .development Is tiffernlni? fe reliable a preferences lm.,K "'e'd '" m" a"" remun"v ,n,ple,ment. i. both he 1b the most u,eful cltlj-n. d,.bIb of estimate that the Interior Dc- BWaht lu the performance of n .-en- J ll ,H 7 , -he n V genr-v net K'" 'or the Fanner , feSE?1" uJffii "'"Wf l'"" , ." tj"t ulti- Mentions and patriotic- offlelnl.Juty. ! wlh theVn? nXd Til in , "S. mrt.,l,,B were than tariff pretee- ft WSS tal to'eSS The right lUsUnS Ve saw partisan Unee utterly ebliter- the cMraenlinaiy smiiim nml vvhhh m i Ien N mnilm! by American agrlcul- 0f 'labor te negotiate, te .foal "V th and 1 J i rnlin.nn 1 1 X 4fnel Ated when war Imperiled nml our faith the law today. I cannot tee ntruiicly ! Hire. Te the farmer him come the car- 0lve Its rartlcu ar t reblc ms in m rnninln In, 1 e I h i.l .ntSe In the republic vwin riveted anew. We t.rge ,, early completion of fhN ncei. H-r and the heavier burden of read- gam sl we" I reugl', Its chosen neci ts, SmW l .Umlr, m ' 1 ought net nml the-., pnrtlsen lines ob- xnty leglMatlen. It 1 needed te tn- ' hMment There is actual depression i just a. rWntlaf as i the rlJht of "'S TJm. ' l" ,",'" '. hi! Z,' SSentlT tM,wt,"" s0lutlen et , Wllxe our Industry at home ; it is .... In our ngrirultural Industry. while .r. cai-ltnl ?e organize, te i nahtnl, cer- m? Hr !e C" ' et ' m e afford pTO.bJ' ::::f...!":nr ,..., . '?. ?. v?me": ..ic.fln't r. e . r ::ull.,ira,.l:rc::.!,.?.!lA-j11 sv.: i-onuiens. te limit . liabilities of emrv iH?io7ef awernment n " nithiiik iiiiii. iv in ii inn inn i uiiii t i i -mi iiiiiu n rnuii iiiirii 11 i i viiin rii iiiii mi i ii' vrii' in niuiipr irr (it inn .,initniinaai iiie .i i.n ...... ... .T.ePrC!etatlve popular Government. , the preservation of inun of our own I eetintry. With pelltirnl parties the gevemlni; I industries, which eontribute he netu- "t'eiiRrcss has ("ought very earnestly agencies, I believe the political party In bly te the very Hfebloed of our Natien, te provide relief. It ha promptly power 'should assume responsibility, dc- ' "There In new, and there always will given such temporary relief as lias been termlne upon pH'fs in the conference be a term of conflicting (pinion about possible, but the call is Insistent for the which supplement-, conventions Htid elee- I nuj tariff revision We c.ltmet go far permanent solution. It is Inevitable tlen campaign"-, imd then strive for wrong when we ha.vc nur tarllfs en the that large crops lower the prices and ucnicvpmenr tiinmg'i adherence te the ii'iiicy m reciving me preiuciive ac- snort crops advance them. Ne legis- iivities wnuii enhance employment anu latien can cure that fundamental law. add te our national pre.tpe.lt. V.ut there must be some economic Belu- i ''Again iii's th rcniiml'i t-nt wc ''"ti for the excessive vnrlatlen in re must net be unmindful of world cendi- turns for agricultural production, tieti"-. that peoples are struggling for J "It is rnther shocking te be told, incne wtiere our divip ens nre nlenc ....., .)...,n i.. i.,.i..,it i ....,.,,.,. mmmirinl timt nim, mini,,,. t,ni.n t Lnty iIinH' ,n ,-,he, ,n""1 nml ,of,ier flnl eflulrn njul at the same time de cotton raised .en American plnntAtlone .v..ev, imiiii ,. iihiup geegrnpnienuy or die Just thing In aiding world 11011 1 ' " Riven year will actually he worth accepted policy. Security In Varty DlvUieu "There is attly greater security. Im mensely mere of the national tew point. mucn larger ami prompter accemplisti- ruui-aiiiMiii'iE. Aiiuuuii. u iiavu uouie iu recognize that the limited llnblllty of the citizen as a member of n labor organ ization closely parallels the limitation of liability of the citizen as a stock holder In a corporation for profit. Along this line of reasoning wc shall make the greatest progress toward solution of our problem of capital and labor. Public Has large Rights vanccs in reclamation and irrigation. Swamp Lands Keclaitnable "Contemplating the Inevitable and ileslrtiblu increaw) of population, then) Is another phase of reclamation full worthy of consideration. Thcre nre 70,000,000 acres of sva np nml cut cut ever landn which may be reclaimed and made an valunble as any farm 'nnd Tn !, Mill, r,f fl,e nnt-nnrnflmi nlllnll W'O tH)He8H. TllCW acres ttrO largely i.nnvn the tirlvllepn n( tmtni HnhlHtr ! located ill SeutlKni btfltes. ailll the ...rf...- .-.,... Y. -" . ., ... 1 v.. of stockholders, particularly when en ireced in the nubile service. It Is recee nlzcd that the outside public has a large concern which must be protected nnd se we provide regulations, restrictions greater propeitlon in owned by the States or by private citizens. 0iigtcs has a report of the wirvey of this field for reclamation nnd the feasibility Is established. 1 gladly commend federal e te the producers thnn thirteen ' and in some cases detailed supervision. aid, by way of ndvirnces, where State according t' imrMiit or nersennl fel- .mi..iinn n.i .-..,., 11. ,ii,i vn ,1.. .,f lowing. sr(ll. .. ti.h ;.!r,ft,s mt ,. ,id million bales would have been. i:niiallv . likewise In the caw of labor erganizn- and private participation Id assured. tera cVntnry and a third parties ,,reiU by it weie it possible. We -iiecl.ing is the statement that 700,000,- e". we might well atyily similar and 1 "Hmna-maklng in one of tlu greater have been charged v.lfh responsibility lecenlze the necessitv of buving wher- into bushels of wheat raised by American JUtially wcll-dcfinel principles of rgu- ibcnellts which Oeva-nment can bestow, and Iield te strict accounting. When (.Vcr we will and tlie permanencj of farmers would bring them mere money I latien and supervision In order te con-I Measures nre pending ctnbedjlng this iney iniu tiey are rei'.tveii ..f aut.ierif . trade lies in Us acceptable exchang". thnn u billen bushels. Yet these are i fenr ,tlle Pei c 8 interests ns altcctcd sound iellcy te which we may well ad- biiu me sjnieir tlenal cmlnenc example. "Npce-Fai-ilj ei cotnnremist n brought us te e. nn- In cur pursuit of markets we muit give net exaggerated statements. In a " ,'lQ lr. opcratlena. here. Ii In expected te make permanent n,. l.-ss tl-an a v . rid ns well as nveUe. We cannot sell te world where there are teus of milliens1 .lst as it is net desirable that a 1 home which will provide. In turn, for ethers wi-i) de net produce, nor can wc who need feed and clothing which they 1 or ornnen ., lnu ue n"wcu te impose 1 lospd-etis Amcrlc.T families without Wislat.eji is a m.ttei buv unless we nreduce at home, fcn-nsi Till full inirtl is joldeiTi hl if ,tiprv rtiHifitlnti rtf ItnmnTiltv. attained. In that meeting of minds commerce and tinance. linked as the ecsarv te insure rii't": there must nre in the present world condition, it is and vl 1 be neremtnodnt'ens ami cfim- net te be argued that wc need destroy premises, but in the estimate of con- 1 ourselves te be helpful te ethers. 7,!5,V"!'m'1 nn,Te Iunvw the mi. , ,lettw te ,umaIn 0n Finn Gr0UIi J..V..I.- n--iii ,i-.iLmii.v co nuwe:iui ini'rest ed feed and clothing which they 1 'orperatlon shnll be allowed te impose , iospt-et Amcrlc-r fnm'iliis without set. such a condition Is sure te "nlue ex,n,V m A'P" I L I"lb',,'I RO lnjurieui cicmpctitien with established ninnut net Indict the "social svstem which makes it " Is net desirable that a .labor eKanlsn- ... .--. .- riAii kriii'i nn nfrtntrfAii tt iwnrr unrnii. ( ..v.. U..H-. UU J.. .- , V..l .... terms of employment or subject the must net be lsr. red. The sbi'ld t the high-iulndi-d iv,t'l servant wl e nd nd heres te prrtv je'irv '. manifest, but the higher purpose i t! g.1 et the Beinlblic as a whole. "It would be uniFTeif. ,, nlthhehl acknowledgment (.f t'.ie rea'! large Telume ami i-tcel'nt 'p.a'itj of work accomplish'-! ! tin etiaerdInar:. m m alen of Cener-ss which se recently ad ad jeurnesl. I in net unmindful et the very difhcult '.is',;- with which you were 'With .til my heart I wish restera- pesslble Distribution und Marlittlng "In the main the remedy lies in dla- trlbutien and marketing. Kvcry proper encouragement should be given te the co-operative marketlne nresrams. These tlen te the people" blighted by the have proven very helpful te the co awful World War, but the process of c peratien communities in Europe. In restoration does net lie in mir accept- Iiusshi the co-operative community has am f of like conditions. It were better become the recognized bulwark of law te remain en tlnn ground, strive for and order, und saved Individualism from ample employment and high s'andards engulfment In social paralysis. Ulti of wage at lieme, and point the way irateij they will be accredited with the te balanced hudi;et, rlg'il economics salvation of the Ilussian state. and rev lute, efficient work :is the neces- j "There is high appeal for this experl sary remedies te euro tlls;ister. mrM. Why net try It? Ne one chal- "Ker.vthlne relating te trade, nmeng 1 I'lites tin right of the farmer te a , ...i .,...i.. l,te,ln1 n,i flnen ..i..iti'n. .i..l n,,.nf. .intliinu t. n i. Iman lliri.l. ulinr.k et tr ..ML,,rtnn' c? .nv I . .. .... . ., . . . - "uip'n'e diiu uuiuuf, in, iwunt iiu' w - .. ....(,.. ...... t. v ms- i.uii-'uMiri r. uj leffii cornernf ions as we nave ircnnes Willed te leal, and no one can Itnere rvH, ,1,1 ,.,, tndnte.l. nlinern.l. for Ms imnlnrt. no nne run Jl.miti, tLf ' ' 07!,0.r.n" ' " '."." l ....",; .1. .,. . l.". ' . ' . ' ... ' .. ' ... . . ". ."i.i:il UlUIlimi LS IliUUI-U UllllUlls, ..llivil 'i .rn.c and there ib n mndn"ss 111 linance which i we cannot live without the fnrmer. lie )enj; t0 the r.ettleincnt of differ ences without the necessity 01 cenlllct public te actual distresses in order te enforce Its terms, Condemns Strikes anil Lockouts "Finally, just ns we are earnestly seeking for procedures whereby te ad just and Fettle political differences be tween nations without resort te war, se we may well leek about for means te settle the differences between organ ized capital and organized labor with out resort te these forms of warfare which we recognize under the name of strikes, lockouts, boycotts nnd the like. "Ah we have treat bodies of law carefully regulating the organization I'ctivitles or impositen en wealth al ready acquired. Appeal for Starving Kutsl.ins "While we arc thinking of promoting the fortune? of our own people I am sure there is room in the sympathetic thought of America for fellow human beings who are sufVerlng and dying of starvation in itussin. A severe drought in the alley of the Velgn has plunged 15,000, 0(K people into giieveus famine. Our uluntecr agencies are exerting theinsches te the utmost te save the Natien ever State nnd municipal or the contrary, mey be avoided, dearly tne States would net ratify te their, own apparent disadvantage. , "I suggest the consideration because the drift of wealth Inte non-taxable se curities is hindering tbe flew of large capital te our Industries, manufactur ing, agricultural and carrylngi unJ"1.wu are discouraging the very activities which make our wealth. The Arms Conference "Agrecoble te your expressed de sire und in complete accord with the purpose of the executive branni of the (ievcrnment there Is in Washincten, ns you happily knew, an International conference new most earnestly nt werl: en plans for the limitation of arma ment, 11 naval holiday, and the just settlement of problems which might de velop Inte causes of international dis agreement. ... . "It is easy te'bclievc a world hope is centered en this capital city. A most KratlfyltiR world accomplishment H net improbable." Harding Says U. S. Will Assist World can expert trade, and pronounced ap plause broke out from the Ke.iubllcan side when the I'resltbnt leek up the ipicstlen of tariff revision. DEBT FUNDING BILL HITS SENATE SNAG Washington, Dec. 0; flly A. 1 The Heuse Ferelfrn Debt Kcfundlnis 111" met its lirst obstacle in the Senate The' Finance Committee considering the measure failed te reach an agree ment with respect te adoption of the commission supervision plan, and ntter nearly two hours of discussion, ad journed te continue the consideration "luler today. Urges Europe Act le Assist Itself Centlnufil from Tnce One out bv the nations mere directly con cerned. They must themselves turn te the heroic remedies for the menaehiK conditions under which tlrey arc struggling. Then we can help and we mean te help." Fer Nermal llelntlenships Th Vresident recognizes our Intercut 11 helping, "1'ecause the commerce and international exchanges in trade an possible only when the nations et all continents are restored te st.ieP order and normal relationships . Hie direction In which the Adminls the Insistent ndltie.is w-ul recent yen-, have -ailed ter the con- no Amerlcen policy alone can cure. We i justified in rebelling against the unucd ami a'ines- exclusive nU-ntien Qre a creditor Natien, net by normal transportation cost. Given a fair re- prectssrs. but made se by war. It is "irr ter tils labor, he will have less of your membership te public work. "It iveul 1 svg?"t insincerity if T expressed c.-.tnplp;.,. aec rd wfh e-etN opressien ris-rd in jour nulml. Irttt we are ill ijtmh about the diffi culties and "he Inevitable dhTgpncc uf opinion in "eekinp tve reduction, ame'loratie 1 .in.l readjustment of tV hunlcns of 'av.itkn. Ne Ta Uev'emmeitdatlcns New "Later en. when ether problems nre solved, I shall make st-.p recommen dations about leiiewtsl consideration of our tax problem, but for the ieiin'sjinte time before us . must be inn'enf with tbe billIen-d'''ar r-ilm t'.en ii. r .- r.n- .a...,. .'.. Ill' 11 Wl'l , .i.i.i 11111. iji.itcji. , , " .,,.. Irritations, bnnlshel t.nc-rtalntv and ,tl,an NV0 bave preuded herctolei seek occasion te appeal for financial aid : and in arms, se wc might well have plans of conference of common counsel, of inedi- Centlnnta from I'nse Out also were full and many steed in the halls. . . y a special dispensation, foreign press correspondents attending the Armament Limitation Conference were given seats en the fleer, nt the rear of the Democratic Uepresentatlves. l-..l...... 1Iilrlinu IfllU tflVflTl fl VH Till OUIUIUI ,v ..uii.'a i'..'. n " - -, niv iiii.si.".. ... ..-.-- . .,.. ..! , ,!, l,n nrrlvr.l lit. ten hpml Imllnnli nilml Is u'erkine 1.1 PurteCllJ 1VI.I.1I11UII , Mll l - ------ 1. 1 i. v... 1. ........ - of the Cabinet, which was seated nt plain from the foregoing und from ills- the left of the rostrum, the Heuse mem- cusslens one hears In informed circles. bers and many spectators rising and The position of the President nnd IiIr applauding. I ndvlseis is that 'he European nations . , , i- ,..... I inirt set their own house In order. Applause for l.mejn I m1),( ,,,,.,, tlPr ,,wn hudgets, must There was mere applause when trie rel-rm fxfT own systems of tnxatien r'ntiference delrcales entered. Many, en ' n,i , ,im..n fhnlr own military ex- fimit. wnv in their seats in the front , ,,,ii,,u ,miut tin the lnllatien of rows be'ore the Speaker's dek, shook I tlt,iv rurrencles and legin te deflate, Imriil. tvltli Secretarv Hughe and ether iv,nn, i.inre ibis ceuntrv can de any- ! V:YX ', M .n.l.er of the dele. ,. ,, ,, ,, ,c i,t,l ,,, menv .e. sWirt (lecnneu jhi.-iuUj 10 finer mW a 1 il II ll'l U III! ll'l .m.....v.. -- -- llllll' II 1 1 1 1 11 till. 1-1 .' ........ .- , -.. aiici lives of children- In this arm. but it is gatiens were net grouped by countries. fe)IllM nn0CSKnr. te world recovery are , review of the W)-callet .supreme t)Ui new evident thnt unless relief Is-afferdtsl 1 Senater Schanzer. head of the Itnlian purely de:uestic reforms, which this j icnk eafeC," in which n former secrc the les, of life will extend into manv delegation, sat en Ihe center aisle lje- country cannot suggest. tary of one of the Justices end -;verii millions. America cannot be deaf te I side ltaren Cirtler, of Helgium. I.lihu ,,, ,. ,n T,U(. 7,iml. ' osseciatos, including a former empleT.. such u call as that. ! Itent, of the American delegation, sat vvenu in 1 n na m i uui 0f the Department of .Tutlee, were con- "We de net recognize the Gevenr- between Dr. Koe, the Chinese Minister, i On the ether hand, Lurepe as icpre- vRtC(. .., ,he cr(llrt ()f th(. 1Jistrlct fl, uicni of Ktivshi, nor lelcrate the prep- ! nnd Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs vented at this Centerence is waiting Ceiulnujn 0( cennidracy te defraud tin agandu wiiirli emanates therefrem, hut! Hanihera. of Japan. Admiral Iato for this country te tnlte the initiate c. uttcl fstntcsi. we de net forget the traditions of Itus- ' and Prince Tekugawn sat together, ns Kurepe believe. that the key te iw turn- ,..1) ,,.,P(,n-1(. cnj. v., in (Xmntl(), slan friendship. We may put aside our did Sir Auckland Ceddes and Lord Lee, hies lies in our holdings of hurepcan , , f.p Court. (i(.cihl0 in tjw Seulh consideintleu of nil international poll-1 of OrentP.rltain. , 'I'V'."-,. 1' flV'f , li w,min " Fneific case, which was f-rccn-t tics null lunuumeiwui iiiiiuienre.4 111 gev- iiie.j prcsenr n-e .wen u.e .-.u. ....... -"i' - ' - " in Wall street in ndvnnce of Mellverv I, . , 1 ...ifif.u Tniiii in, a nniiiiT... .h.i . find 11 market for our surplus nWetH Dpiies) hhlpplng KeprUils And in the remarks tijien Miir,rji, the.re is a sense that enlj harm m come In the delicate relations of iS" tcrnatienul trade from Inviting shltin 5 reprisals. ' ml A perception that the or, j, economic whole runs all threucli v paper and If Mr. Harding de( s net Li' or Is net yet prepared te ,mv wk.. te de for economic restoration, he U t, worse off thnn the statesmen of IW,, who teiidi the problem mere Intimnttlt They de nothing but stand in waiting nttitude, touchingly tfturtcen. about breaching the subject of ti,,i! debts te us. lm MRS. OAKLEY AT CAPITAL Supporting Bill te Put Dry Agent, In Civil Service Waalrinsten, Dec. (I. Mrs. ,ntm H. Oakley, of Philadelphia, chairman of the Civil Service Committee of tl (iencral I'Cderatlen of Women's Club Is here in the Interest of placing pre hibitlen enforcing agents under the clrll Rcrvlce laws. A bill te this effect, new sponsored by Sennter Sterling art, Representative Lchlbaeh, Is indorsed fe the National Civil Service Association The purpose Ib te remove prohibition agents from political patrena;e. Jit, Oakley outlined te members of th Women's Joint Cougremlennl (e.iimlt tee, lu session nt the (Vwmes. Club je? terday, the need of this mensuie forth mere effective enforcement of nrehlbl tlen. NO REVIEW OF LEAK CASES ' Supreme Court Uphelde Convietieni for Forecasting Its Decision Washington, Dee. 0. The Sur,rnie I Court declined yesterday te ente'- Inte net en unworthy seltishnes te te save e'-olves. when the processes givui n.surances that his labors shall mlnBt,en in controversies between labor eminent. uie eic in i.g is ine can 01 , arrivui. i ne nemie.-., .-.,- , ...., .- .- " ,, 1" i'BrVert f nelite dead- the Court. It Is the practice of the Court of that sulfatien are net only net le-, net be in vain, we renssure nil the I nnd capital. the Miffenng and the dyins. Unreserr- reetly behind the tenferencc delegates, i Ihu, there is a te t '' Pc ' l0 uml0unce Us opinions en decision nils! te ether-, but commended te them, people of a production sufficient te meet "T,, .. 'dly I recommend the appiopilatieii te Several Senators shook hands with, lock I n the world evei e onemk rece ftnd ,.eveninclIt , ,hfl We seek te undermine for ethers no our national and guard ngalnst Indus- Tribunal U Settle Disputes supply the American llellr Admliilstra- friends among the de'egntes. ery Lurepe niul An. r en nu'"aUln" court, held this was a valuable righi industrv bv whkh thev tubslst: we are try. "Te accomplish this would invelve1 tlen with 11,1100.(1011 bushels of coin and The diplomatic corps, of wlii.m-inere each e th.r and sajln,,, 1 am waltln ( t ,vi, rhtnbHhwl bv obligate.: "te permit the undermining1 "Tlie pyramid of civilization which the necessity te develop n thorough-1 l.tWMi.oet bushels el seed Brains, net than a sr ere were present, weie teatcrt, te jeu. nn,i t)int te announce the decision ii ei none of our own which make for "Hs "Pen the s0il is shrinking through , going cede of practice in dealing with , alone te halt the wave of duuth through behind the ahlnet On the subject of this allied debt, the , nnrp of tIie feurt wnH t0 0ilcut na mp.,.tmeut and maintained activities, the .'rift of population from farm te such affairs. It might be well te starvation, but te enable spring plant- At the right et .Speakev Oillett srt President, In his meFsage. shows that dcfraud the United State-. u. Fer n (feneratien we bnve been fr..ei,u- s.. fnrib tlm minerler interest Ins in ni ens where the seed eral'is have Senater Cummins, president iire tern- his ihins nre net matured, just as he uv Flexibility Highly Necessary expressing mere or le.ss concern about of the cemmunitv as a whole te either' been exhausted temporarily te stem ,ler,. 0f the Semite, Vice President Coel- dec hi bin suggestion Hint "Hwrv contemplation, it l'.ttie iuat- this tendency. Economists have t the labor group 'or the capital group, starvation. . . idge Inning gene te his home In Massa- try enn only heip after Lurei ' in w'hich direction one turns. i,.ig- warned nnd statemen have deplored. With rights, privileges or immunities.1 "The Ai,.rrtcan Hellef Administration rhii'etts te vote in today s municipal the Initiiitlve. 'Ihe Preride r.fri.. tli (lifriiMiltv f.t" jnriff Ui?u:.ii-..ri. Ui tlitincrht for :i tiim thnf mmlrn con - en.1 mmlra nf nrtrnnizntlen thiiK rare- clirc(.Ptl in UusIn by iorwer olUeorH rlertlmm thorp !ut th nce'Ktry of tl roviMen I- IHCK- vrrn no ami the meu- intimate con- ' rullv dpfinml. it sheuhl be lK)s)Ie te of cmr en nrmii", anil JiaB full.v (Umii- Speaker '.illett upiieintwl ltepre-en- ...:.! ..i.U : TL,..K.1... ,.-.. ..r , fiict M-.M-Lt ImiW tlie mnfnmnnf l.-.f It .. .. ti..1l,il.1 i -mn cf . tn1tita1 rllill. OTlMtUUC'tl it- llt)1111 V tO trailSDTt ailU tntfvr.i Metwl.U ('.ITlTllUl. nf IlllTleii: lle.l in seeking a mere flexible polity 1,a S0110 -teadily en. Perhaps only ' nah for the consldcnitlen and deter- distribute rdiet through American hands t'limpbell, of Kansas : f.nrreit. el Ten- . . . .. :... ....... !... ...... .... . .. . .. .. .i ..t.t.i. ii,l..., l.ln.l. .nml fi.i.l Incj I lift thnn ....... ill... -."S....1. .'.....II.. ...i .tumult uiiiiii niii.1. .ni. ivj.-i. j..-. ....... iicssee, and ion, ei .erin v;.i.miiiu, e- eie. I grim n?ceity will correct it. but we I mlnatlen of all disputes which menace hope a way will be found te make for , ought te find n lt-s drastic remedy llexibillty and elasticity, se that rates may be adjusted te meet umi'iiul and tlinng ng conditions, which cannot be ncrurotely anticipated. There nie prob lems incident te I'nfalr practices, and te exchange:, which j.iadness, in money have made almost unse'vable. I knew i Menaces in Concentration "The existing scheme of adjusting freight rates ha- bmi favoring the basic points, until industries are attracted te "eiip tenters nnd repelled from ethers. A great volume of uneconomic nr.J the public welfare. Improved methods .. ee is-.lni. Hy your sustainiiie:-: of t'ie rigi.i iKennmies already inauffurnt''). with hoped for extension of riiew fconemies nnd added th.'i' i.c;b i.i aum. lustratien I be'ieic further re.iut'finns may be ci ucted nnd hindering burdens abolished "In these urgent economies we .shall be Immensely assisted by the budget system for which j ou mad prevision In the estraer.linary session. The first budget Is before you. Its pr. naratien Is a signal nehievemenr. and tne per per fectlen of the system, a thing Impos sible In the few months a- nilab.e for Its Initial rrin'. will mark Its enact- ' Penni uiiniuiueh. iiie -..ii u- wti en agriculture, .uniiiiesiij me ion n- .. , .uaiberatien in t.ie .instruction el --ment as the beginning of the greatest Dy elvl"? ,luttl0l;l,J' ' ,,e "i-'i -x.ecu- t ens anu terms of railway transperta- C0(k. n))ll ft L.)iartc.- et .l.m.--.tl right. reformation In r nn..nt . nract ces i tlv"' w" ceul1 P1-"01"1"1 additional tlen eupht net be permlttcsl te Increase ' ealn wit', t1(. uloiiens of employ, r SZATXpc l1 te " "'"''1 the Ihls undesirable tendency We have a n''cmplee. Tiii. foundation in the 'Tliere is pending a grant of nn- ' "nK" mu-v wlgnat-. just pride ,u our great, cities, but we ; , ,,. vltn Ul, , .,, ..nditi..iis .. ..". . ' ""'"-." "'"'..","".' . .. ,- ... .. 'hall find n greater pride in the nu- , ' ...i .,.i ,,... .,.,;.. lif.. ,.,,!, tnerxty te tne iw.niM at.e ernncn e ist. le enlarge r.xecninc rower , ,., h , - , distribution of ' 'ten the buildinc e' Mi " lr of the Government for the funding and ..At tllls point j mlIst dis.iew any ... Viimlhun into the ceuntn where ''S.1.1...' S ',.,..,. ' . . i ' ' .- . .' ..... IT.OMf'U III IIIIIIIKII I 1. llll I 11 I l-'i.i.ll. u-nra ....i.. . .... f . ..H...n.. . .....!.... i-v..v. " --. lus come te add the (locinmeiu'n sup- I tne Heuse Cunimittee le escort the "In an industrial secietv such us ours pert te the wonderful relief already president te the Heuse. Senater Cum- e strike the lockout and the boycott wrought out of the irencreslty of the In)ns appointed Senators Ledge, of Mas- e as much out of place and ns dlsas- American private purse. isachusrtts; Hltchnck, of Nebraska ; Nel- eus In their results ns Is war or "I '"' net unawnic that we have SOn, Minnesota ; Siiiimens, North Cure- th are irftiiH in ineii ivcuim ii- in .iii . ..." . . .... ..-.., armed revolution in the domain of i.eli- sufiering and privitieris n .home. lien llmlf ,,ml lSmoel tics. The same disposition te reason- ". ,-y ,,,M'S l"' c"i'--i.. .". '"'.'-',; enntc. ablcncss. te conciliation, te lecogiutien wnn.n in.: eum". e""" " "", The nudience iwc an. I ("ppiaudiil .Mrs. L'tah, te net for the 1 . t i n i 19 t 11(1 ' ' 1111 LIUUJWUI llll IW1I 11U1 UllCIIlllll. tl I.n nl Ul.lll II lllillll ilT V fill ' Till' lltll 1 A,llttta x.,,j.. -..,. ..-.... - r -- -- llll'Illl UI V II I'll S II I III II I I'M 111 I I I I l no manner in wnun 10 euwi uus ,.. .,, . (,., . ,,,;. rr.Y, i "l l'"- """.'. ",uv T .''V'"1 ",' :"".'" .... si.M i, i,nff..p..nt (.. ...ir own "... " ". ' -. .' . -..?'. ' V.. . :. . " .", fleilillltv ether than the extension et . . ,,. "v,-u'u" y v i wrac prevision ei nur ana recegniwn - ,;,;; .(ti, ' ,UIIIH kiuici-.v wen ihikieii-j. urami ii.'Meini oilier inaii tin. tMciisniii in ,,..;,. n, ... ,,. meat nnck nir In. '.?:,... ',.. ....i , ..t ,.!, nt .. '.eiirt nrnmntings anil out et accord with . ,,.,.,.- j rPi,K nr... Xt ""ir teTJ!t!k uir 1 nmp,f' "?"". r'i Pibie '.:;;;;; ii;1.;;;:: ti,e . ;uhm m y. ccrei"iVr;hinB-n!,d i.n aid,. a,i and MJ! ! jus t adnffnlstraUoiT'ef b thc :itt,:mll,,e concentration is readily (,llf.Pties a. easilyus the ether. 11- m"',,l"; ' w nfnt .f' v" ' ', " "'" the , Pre-ldenfH secretary, tJ.erge P.. anu wneuj just auminisiraueii ei mi ,,,,,,(, , evc thp Fl)lu ,; p0ssihle. national abundance te 1 ghten this bur- Christian, had seats te the left of the la"' "The mennets in concentration nre I ..mi i.t i j .,,..1. ., ,...!,.., den et wee unuli a people hlilliieless. uud .-1u, ..,,,., sn,,Pi,,n,. i ...,.f .in.iUi ., ,.p,. "I am net unmindful of the const! - net limited te the rctnrdine intluences ,., u,, , '.. , , ...ts,. .,r em'e i heliil."-s in famine's peril. in session niul !! nut niiwul. "i l' 11 III uviin-im s.i- ....-- - .... ........... ............. i tutlenal ditficultics. 'an be met ()n agriculture. Manifestly, the cendl Amendment of Constitution I'iilic ure a full scorn of teliics ren- Cheer? firect 1'n-sldent Promptly at lii :.'!(! the President was -settlement our vast foreign b ..mi , ... ,. .1 . i.. .i.. ... - ' . , .. ...... ,. iicaue ' - ,1 re rn .ni :irire ii.e i.xeeiii i e -, iinvi'rs e.m niir.i tn n i m.i .s.tmeiprir umii i'P ' .. .. , . Brewing out of nur grant of war credits or fl(Jd , the ropenilbilitics et the , mmunltii-s 'may blend agricultural and ' mden aeuiu ui num. AVith the hands of the eieeutive branch nit,,.,.. Thev nre already tee large. If manufacturing interests In harmonious, Aid for Hetumed Soldiers held impotent te deal with these debts th.-re were liny ether plun 1 would pr.;- helpfulness and enhanced geed fortune, ' " fter each war un'il the lust tin- we nre hindering urgent readjustments fer jf. "Mich a movement contemplates no . rnmp,.t has been enabled te give among our dehters and cc-empllshlng , ..-rhP ,,.., nt nutheritv tu proclaim des'ruetlen of thlnej, wreurlit or In- , ..,.,,. tn its returned soldiers' and e ! tip preMcms, the tendency .f wealth nothing for ourselves. ' ueuld nvcessurih bring the Turift Cem- estments made or wealth involved. It , lmrt f our PPttlemerit and dc- , te seek in.n-tnxable liiM-stment nnd the "I think It is fnir ter the Congress , f . pnt,.r2,,,i m.iiki. only leeks te u general policy or trans- ...,.,. has attend! thii g.nere'.in i i .ena mg increnw of put.lic dpit I'd Clll.lllg Which It WOUld lie 1. 'coining te nnnnnnceil. 'I'de nn.lleliee rnu,i nn,l nn .i.ldiess you nnd en which I hope te rlauded for a full minute until Speaker IC'lke leperl !ll II llltei- time. I have id- cilWIlV envel enllisl r.,1- sllenen Tin. hnlc.i te the thing-, n.i'iliing your eiiiliei' President, upon mounting the rostrum,! i. Kiiuen. ii.jwcvir.ic.iiiii.il i mis turned and smile,! nt the gathering and iiniiifii uiiunw v.iiiieni u Migfie-iuu shook lmliils with Sneii :er ( clt nm ired. j that this ceun pe has taken ;nt nuts the Dehr Itefuiidlnir bill first among the measures he advecate0. Fer this bill I e argues : "It will be helpful te ourselves and it will Improve conditions among our debt eis if funding and the settlement of d fau'tid lntci est may he negotiated. N. J. STATE POLICE ON HIKE Troeperc End Three Months' Drill In Sea Girt Training Camp Trenten, N. J., Dec. 0. I!-eakh: camp in Sen (iirt yesterday ntter three months of intensive training, Iew Jersey s htate Constabulary force Ami im nn.i,iiu. Vim' rend "te ndent i began active duty by starting toward no maier nei'ev in dealing with these ' this recently assigned group centers, matters which would conflict with the J The mounted force wns divided Inte purpose of (.Jengress in authorizing these leans, certainly net without usking Congressional approval." There Is net the faintest sign In all il.!.. n !, i.1inf itti liAtifu in Artmtritu. tratien Urcles that Mr. Harding in an step successively In Kingste economic conference has any intention te mervl le and ( hester. 1 hey canrel all or part of the allied leans ns a means of lowering German rep arations or reducing the outstanding paper currencie4 of Kurepenn natienb se ns te promote the economic recovery of Europe and improve our own market there. Flrsl Move Tp te Drliaiii three tdatoens, one assigned te each of the group centers in Ne'ceng, Nen Lgypt and Ilammonten. The plntoen bound for Vetcenr reached Freehold last night and will Kingsten, Sum are pected te arrive in Nctceng Trlih) neon. The ether platoons had net re ported nt headquarters last night, but are encamped somewhere between Sea Girt and their group centers. Muskrat Trapper Injured In Fall Delaware City. Del., Dec. 0. Whll iiinendiiinit te the eigimle 1m.-. "Many of us belong te that "!ion! of thought which i.- h.siriint nln.'.l alter ing the fundamental law. I think our Senater Cummins The President's remarks drew ap plause nt the outset when 1 e etpiess.sl gratification out tl,e imti.m being at pence. Again, from Heuse memliirs nnd ethers came applause when the Ex ecutive iremlsfd help te ether nations , A, , . - .attempting te lift a muskrat out e. A st.-p hke this seems tar oft and en() of his tra Jienr hpre gllml .1... ... I,... l,-i ennms f, 11. Wltll l.'IVir ..,,,.. n. . ' . . ... .. i in. nm.. in us.- 'i.iii- . - v...... vvunam xayier supped, iniiinz nearny ltntaii. the ether Power te whom the 0Kainst the BVLBWae 0f hli beat. II' continent ewes largely, rather than with buffered n broken rib. te assume that the executive brunch , .. because no executive could ilv twirtatien of distributed Industry and of irevlsjOI, 0f land for the Natien's de- oral, State and mumc-ij.nl all Justify jn working out th. ir problem .i. w.. . ...u ....v. ,i,. ,nt. charge such a out tx.epi en int in - ,. , .,. 1,tli, iri nn,I restore the t( " U ' .. ... . i ..:. ... l..u ',.. .,n.i .i... i.u.. ...-,.,... ,,i.i 1 mm the ltepubll. nn side cai.ie c,,n ninjer iiuii" . I" .i'''"ii "" "" ."- ""' ' ferinnti' n aceuireu and retumineneu- , i" ", ' ,' i -- ... i mere is yri. uiu-.-r'-u uini.- -' - ............ ..--, v ..... ... " ,i,ir.,i,in .i,,,.!,,,,.,, ,,i,,, ii,,. tv. swient i.lu .. ...1.1 ....(ll. .,ll, Vin .nir. . ''"""'' ".'.'.,. .... . .... nrniiK' ,n M11IW between cltV anil . ,. n. . ,rJ nnn ... 1., .,. .,.,1.1 . ' 1,,.,..'... V.. .tl,.,, ,.,, eliniife tin ilntlls i blderilOIC lippillllse W ll":l till' I Ti sl.lellt T Tinm nf I v.ncress in autherising inu i ,i, t ;. ,Vntl, e nml tlm iin.iwr fnne- ie,niii.. Innna. certnln'.v net without asking .;(,. ,.f t. lumivl wn.il.l irive us n i'r earnest attention anee between city and .V' r.oeof.flOO acres in the public ' bends. Ne action can change t h. st.mis i Mderable upplnii-e win:, (he 1 r, sl.l.n he problem may well have VnoeO.IK) acres of wliicl. u.e of tli- many billions euntandin,. but ' 1 for P n y wns'h.M i, eg known te le susceptible of reclamation I we can suard against future encourage islatien. Again Iteimblicans apphiude when thc President seke of the "111111011 . . , 1 . .1.... .. aI. . . ... i . . t .. !... t..... .1. n .......Ir.vl' . . .1. 1..... 1..' nm.. lalnli 1 limn, i.f uniillnl l IKIPnll'uld M'tllWlfllllllt congressional appre ai, , ui , v . bett-i- ndmtnlstrntleii et a ueme., , ,r ,s ,,.,, .,,..,,. .. ,. cnu mane in iui- ...- v i. -.- - - Ii: ' ' ";fiVA ' r,;:j;.V;i;:i..:; rtellur r.-iluctleii In the tnx drnft ni.nn III lif klletii " inii'iti. - i'iiit''i i . ,, . ,,, , miner preb'enis incident te prudent lean u,.v thun ever can be mad. possible nl:i. of ur American clvill.:nien that fUP irrigation, transnctleus and the infeguarding "f , by tariff duties prescribed without in dealing with lutmnn relationships it -pjt (j0VCrI1 our interests wincn eannni even u.- flexibility. iei- is.ninntiy mevisi lewnru sucu jun- attempted without this authorization. uu. n distributing the product of hu- "It will be helpful te ourselves and American uluatlen un ,.,...., tlmt It lins improved vn- it will improve .oiidltieiis among our 'There is u manifest dlficrrii''. . 1;,,,., tiie economic status f the debtors if funding and the settlement opinion abtut the merits of American Ii,1Sri 0(" the ieple. Ours has been a of defaulted interest may ou nenuii-1 wiuuuinn. '". uuu. nn n..s- ......jn.-.i OK,iy pniductive sxiciai organizanen nted. ilelUerv vuluutlen a.s the bnsi, feV cel Ifcting Junes, anu irui is, iney ihkc me On the wav up from the elemental 'city we have eliminated 1 I 1 1. . 1.. ...1-..I..I llih.l.nl.i.l.l .... eminent hM asi-t.-sl In the!"""1. ". -"n. m """"v. -"" de'lepmct of Its remaining lands. ! whop. jmci. .,,.,, until the estimated inrrensu in land "Such a .luinge 111 the ( .,mtitnn..n vnlues in tiie irrlgul.il -i-tiem is tull-v must be mtj thoroughly em-i.b'red be-c-.,ui ixi iiiiii 1,11,1 the cum', et P.120 I feri- subtuissler. There e'lght te b" alone en' these lauds ate estimated lell.nuwi. what intbunce it will have en translated, in whlspe exceed SlOO.OtJO.tKM). Fnder the law the Inevitable refunding f mr asi' itagucb. nutheriing these expenditnr. s for de-1 i.utlimu! .1. In, hv It will operate en Tliere was eiu: Ue. thc people." Kepublican members also expressed approval of remarks str. -sing Inipertance of the budget syslcic. The foreign d.degtitm iaid close atteu tien te the President's address. Mnne translated. In whispers, te the'r "1- us. running or tne dents unci long moratoriums for the debtors are prob preb nblv ceiiteinplated, but nothing beyond this. Only long continued and unsuccessful experiments at restoring economic con ditions are likely te lead this country te consider our holding of allied paper as- related te the present depression. In the message Is satisfactory evidence t lint the ceuutry moves toward world wide co-operation, even if it does se slew ly. 1 The plnlge te heip is an advance. I The tariff is no longer considered in I that isolationist spirit in wdiich Cen- I gressinen Ferilney went nt it last I hprlii it is realized in the mewnge , that v e cannot both exclude foreign A&A) !w Office lwA Saunk SnnpTjIues S.ank Soeu& bound oleose leaf 'Printing iara "lajsmiLeri.Banv .329 Mariket Street velepment the iidvniue. nre te be re si 11 ir. s . ' ACInht "eneuncing Leiiuns-ixr .,..- re.st of Uie imports deiivenu at tne peri 0ia,.v ,, ,., nev,. far en the mv turne.1 and It would be geed Imvimw ter "The previous Congress, deeply coii-,et entry n- the ba.iH ' J'"'?. '1": en the elimination of reverty. ' the Government te PreM-le for the cerned in beimir 01 ou. iiertiium. ...- n no jnii... uv:..,. 1.... , .. -' " 1 r.cinmiuien 01 me rniin.ii r ...,,,.,, .. iiiii 1 11 1111 1 rlne, In 1020 enacted the existing ship- vurving conditions and the dl-erdeied K,Uillty of Opportunity n,.rlM in urtditien te expediting the com- j nine lnw, designed ter nn upi ujiuuik muc 01 ..jie ....--., .-- ...... ..! ... ciriliur1 tll(. rrndlcatten or luttcraey ' pi.-tien ei prej.s'is ions un.i. . "".. A M. Anicr.caii men-hunt murine. American valuation, but iheie cannot he , ... ,inTH;,4n of education n.itnkin.1 , ..t,,!... irlini- is known us the coal E Among ether things provided te en- ignored tin danger of ucl. a vi.luatlen, r,..Lr.hed a stage where we may aud gus lease law. applicable also te de- 1 M M SSS& our shipping en the world's brought te the level eoiiren pre, ,,.- ' ' f Jj h . Maf(.i ?"si,of phosphates' !,n,l ether minerals , ( &M Beas, the KxecutHe wns directed te give costs t a king , ur 1 r ffs re h.b V,MM,rtlI11,tj has been nttalnnl en the public domain, lea., s re i.nw be- f f notice of the termination of all exist- 'lye 1 flight de . In 11 uriy list. irees l ' 1)r(.pnwi te embrace g mn,l- en the royalty ba-is and nre 1 A & J& Jn? cemmeri.al tieatles In order te a- ".7 i"i7e iv"ncr oil hi e eli 1' Tben. is. Indeed, n tee great di- pnsluelnu large levu.ue.s te the ..oNern ..eNern nilt of reduced dut.es en mpeits carried ',': .wihMitv f thl enlv unw" lietweeii the economic cendi- ment. Fnder this legislation 10 per in American bottom-. During the life eon ler tlm , 1 '';" ,,h; Z f tVmt and the least favored centum of all royalties Is te be paid dl- i. .. t,n Ktwiit vp has complied premising ajiein.iiie, inmicij, .t iire- ".. i.i.. -,.-!.. r. the Federal treasury, and of .i.u"rler.,Vthe.'engre,s. Wlen vision Mitlier zing prw-alnvd Ame.lcan . 1. -es ,., tne co . ,,, , 1 . . ;..; - )j( Jepublican applanec tl." ne.'ssnrv refunding "f Stat.; and when the Fxecutlve urged comity be munlcifml debi, hew the advantages of tween the nation- in developing Aineit- llllllllilllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll anufaciurer5 s dmintstrutien came into valuation nr mv ri.r m ..,-, ....... ...-... . '-- , 3 - -" - '' ; "- ;, , ; weiX for reclamation of arid lands by 1.a nnmpnt uu I------- --- , . , ., responsibility it eeguu nn "nnj i.... . into thc failure te execute the ixtr.s.d purpose Of t'.e Jenes act "Olll.V OH' 1 e' 1 lus, mi sliet.i 1 be ioK ieK Rlble. Frankly, members .,r ll'U .ind r ..k .1 u I 1111 11, llllll Mill in Til. trmklnc of an American merchant ma- tlen six months from tedav. If ou mnKing ei "ii , ,. ,..ultab(J an, tncrce the deii.iuncement of our com- unnecessarily burden our iimperts and merelnl treaties would Inveli us In a hinder our trade abroad. frn,.t ad- chaos of tnule relationships and add In- justment will be nce-wary for j'ers te descrlbabl)- te the confusion of the al- come. reauy uifreriicrcu leuuucn-.ai niii,. inu-. :u tn i,t u,mh u. n-... any given list of articles Imported. ..' .1.1 . ...I .I...1V.II1... ....l.n. inuiis iniiu-..-.. .,.-...... 1. .nn...,- , ..- -n, ,., .u v.- , iz ng ticreases te !.. t .emiltl'ins . .'ini"-i. . '".""'. ,' 'i L'li, iTkelv te change, there should also be re.U.l te imui-evlnj! the status of heth prevision for decreases. A rule mn be "Wl.iie this set of problems is com- lust today ana fiitir. 1: 01 .r preper- meniy ciniirenenueu innn-r 11. Ken.-nu It our tar- , phriise '. apltiil and lauer, 11,1s reuny wi,er -ve ijraciu-i in- '' 41.. ....... i...- -,-;,-- .., ., ,... -., :u , i. ,. rich tegetner as the least fortunate r. .... ... .... . ',.",','. tien are located, te be used by them for school nnd read purposes. "The resources are se vast and tiie id net vnstlv broader. It is n question or s., 1 ia'l and economic organization. Laber l-'is become n large contrinuter through its savings te the stock of capital: while the people who own the largest individual aggregate of capital ar- tlwencelves often hard anu earnest rlSIl h i-s " wUhout'emit; of ZTZeX if line,' v .meu InvuWn, . 1. Ver, often It l U-eny- JdaUen".IP. -'! - 81- s the y long array of schedules. I think we Jp $" J''p0, Tul panded trade wl.irii m I-sep(,ib!y Ninu go a long way toward stab tza- " buwe .nine 1 F ' Individual linked with 11 great ir,er .am u...r.ne tlen If th-r 's recognition of the uriff mln- wiut ner a 1 ' laborer e- "Mercsn-er. tbe applied reduction of C.,mmr-slen'H fitne-s M recommend ur- I- e. t,t e. - be se t n j" r!epr,; ...1... 1. il... trenfi 1 enniin-'.- - eenr c'.nnses jv !itucia.inuii"n. "" -i-.-" I W M . . . Wi.n.i,Hnr .metis of Hiisluees Itevlval "I air. sure about puhl'e opinion fn- aTWJJWWIlirai Antv tnv jncnts weie necessary, encouraged only Vie carrying of dutiable imports te our 3 . i..i.;i.. tli. tennnirii which en- rls the ting en ihe seas Is both free vering the early determination of our A dutiable and the cargoes wi.'.ch ,lnff policy. There have been rcas- ke nation eminent in trade are , of. sp(,(l)ns f iv msl. going, rather than Incoming. frQm s,ump wh,(li ' iVliR Dehiy In Action . ..,ri,, 1 rt been exncrlenelns. T 1st net my thought te lay the qut uneinpleyineiit, which gave us deep - ... . The iincst butter in Americn! ,n in detail before you tedav. It 1 fimcern enlv a few weeks age, has ired only te say te you that tiie KruwI, encouragingly less, nnd in w iis- ( tivb hriui'-h "f the imvi rnnient un- mrnnces and renewed conlldenc wii tlucncud by th"' P'etest of any nutleti ( attend the congressional de.'liirutiuii thut , nellii Jins Pel'1' iiuiue, it wr.i mi- Am. riciui iuuiistv i" u' it,-,H ..-. -Ui-. 'ced tlint join iiopesal, highly In- --MuUi has been said about ib pre- -ld and heartily supported here, Is tective pelUv for euridvts malting if fnitlklit with iimicultles and se impossible for oil.' debtors te delmrge i..i . i.- leiuicncies 10 iii.ssiiuii.1;.- , tneir oi'.ikuiiehs 10 u. mm is u . m- , - VhkiiisIeii that I Invite your tentlen net new pres-lng ter decision. Ml - -aitcVef neii-umipllanie fur a very If we must cheese between n people n jH T'rFLm. 1 . 1 1i.i until 1 Plan mny be prcHfimd 'dleness pressing for the pay ment of in. SKJi-h ientemplites 1. j grcnter drutf debtedness or a people resuming U.e nor- m ISBT' 1fw,v".i.V" ..1.11,. trensepv nn.l which, nml wavs .f employ 111. nt nnd ennylng H VJ,en ,l'tr.J ..... .mil,, I.. 'eiTei- It t.idnv. the credit, let u. , noes- the lutter. Ivcb such premise of expanding eul '.Sometimes we appraise larg. t the fiierchnnt marine that it will argue is human 111 most vivid lit our minds. We iwii Binireval. 1 have Ikm-ii ijlviiig, wid are glvliig new, 'llV . . ... . .... - . ... ,.- .! 1 ... I..1 .. It Id eneilgll te Say lOiltiy llllll c , OI our iniiiH'iim ami iib.iii 1.1 uiihiiiiim piij ivitHj ...... u, u... ....".- ...- ..,.,.-..... . -. en . BnnesscHsed of ships, and the the likelihood of war anil threw off the H ".'" . '- 1.......H.,,, t esinliPuli 11 met . 1 .inililni' hurileiis UI arilllllllllll. It is 53 l''"i ihant jiwtlnu lu se unalteinble, that a nil very earncbt, with a national soul i Xn e Tulmbumment, at no ether cost mipe.llns. Kut a people uiiemp eyed K I 7. ." 9?r". ...i..t.i 1,, n, ..viufW net. . nt.,1 pnunt with hunger, face n stua-i i ' '" raiU2dMi, te Jhe-nrlila nnd enceiimie tlen quite an disheartening : nH war, and lI I Ji,J,'!f!i M ti Vtu-rlwviV PvOiile. our Rrrater obligation .today la te .de f f I $4 "" - ntfwrd rcuni.'S m At nil our Stereh .Ji'i W,WMCTW fAdm THE GIFT SHOP OF CHESTNUT STREET OfTers gifta for ha home and offlce of prae.ical utility. LEATHER GOODS Boxed Papers and Stationery Electric Lamps Sectional Boek Case. Desks for Heme or Office Security Bexes, Brief Cases, etc. "WATERMAN'S" IDEAL Fountain Pens "Eversharp" Pencils Desk Sets Games DIARIES CALENDARS and CHRISTMAS CARDS 002-904-005 Chestnut Street OUTLET SALE OO Men's Overcoats & SUITS $14-75 EVERY STYLE All Sizes All Patterns Automobile Salesmen New distributors of well-known light six medium-priced car desire two experienced suc cessful men with clean selling record. Philadel phia territory. Drawing account. Communi cations confidential. C 505, Ledger Office. ,t-t,,A muiumi m....... ......... ........in iu . IE WICKER FURNITURE GIFTS '" ft ng G :i!rB kx&lxk. i J 15 AII-Woel Suits at $12.75 Iwvwi V m A.N D WMm iSlbChestautStr Bn, i !" ii. il flffl ww nr g tPi . I D M.m Mlt5l ui.. ( Orders cepted g 1 9 lllllllllllllllll J -tn. '", tn tilt vl'l lie unni- ut".1 n i ll Desk & Chair. $;jr, iiUmp, S30 Chair, Slli Jardiniere, SS : 3-Piecc Sets, $ir Up : ' It's Heetl or Willow VVe Make 1 L. C. KIRCHER & CO., 1810 Chestnut St. Manufacturer! and Retailers ', I'j-'nWIii' l'lli.,.hl.ifr ltrdrraratlnff- tar ltlm,,i,. pi.. (.,,. .'... .iTinniiTuntmi vhs i;u;m(is ijxth. C'illiiST.Vf,'nTiTivrrinriiniTf 1 KMaMninnMnnMnMnHUBuinHMHWPnvHiMaiBUiiMM'1' ftftF P FOB STATIOKERV BUPP Uniuaa CHRISTMAS Gifts UesK Sclt. in Wt.1--. Onj , Jet and (illlsS; Everharp IVncIl mi (.old nml Stiver; I'niJhua! nnd Vrtintic 1'aptr eiijlitv .iiiall Sufes in (nbiuets. Sealing Wav Sets, Waterm..' leimUm I'ens. all !.,, (lid, silver and Rubber; C Ign. and liKarplte Hdm-.s, Tobacco Jurn, In polished vvoe.l nn iiii-tnlj inexpuisively priced. 41 Se. BROAO ST. A FEW FEET AH0V uiibs nut. until ei TTwrw'V